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Who wrote it? I remember something wonderful. “I remember a wonderful moment”: the story of the creation of the poem

K Kern*

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the worries of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And I dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice,
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

Analysis of the poem “I remember a wonderful moment” by Pushkin

The first lines of the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” are known to almost everyone. This is one of Pushkin's most famous lyrical works. The poet was a very amorous person, and dedicated many of his poems to women. In 1819 he met A.P. Kern, who for a long time captured his imagination. In 1825, during the poet’s exile in Mikhailovskoye, the poet’s second meeting with Kern took place. Under the influence of this unexpected meeting, Pushkin wrote the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.”

The short work is an example of a poetic declaration of love. In just a few stanzas, Pushkin unfolds before the reader long history relationship with Kern. The expression “genius of pure beauty” very succinctly characterizes enthusiastic admiration for a woman. The poet fell in love at first sight, but Kern was married at the time of the first meeting and could not respond to the poet’s advances. The image of a beautiful woman haunts the author. But fate separates Pushkin from Kern for several years. These turbulent years erase the “nice features” from the poet’s memory.

In the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” Pushkin shows himself to be a great master of words. He had amazing ability to say an infinite amount in just a few lines. In a short verse, a period of several years appears before us. Despite the conciseness and simplicity of the syllable, the author conveys to the reader changes in his emotional mood, allowing him to experience joy and sadness with him.

The poem is written in the pure genre love lyrics. Emotional impact intensified lexical repetitions several phrases. Their precise arrangement gives the work its uniqueness and grace.

The creative legacy of the great Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is enormous. “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is one of the most precious pearls of this treasure.

Pushkin was a passionate, enthusiastic person. He was attracted not only by revolutionary romance, but also female beauty. Reading the poem “I remember a wonderful moment” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin means experiencing the excitement of beautiful romantic love with him.

Regarding the history of the creation of the poem, written in 1825, the opinions of researchers of the work of the great Russian poet were divided. Official version says that the “genius of pure beauty” was A.P. Kern. But some literary scholars believe that the work was dedicated to the wife of Emperor Alexander I, Elizaveta Alekseevna, and is of a chamber nature.

Pushkin met Anna Petrovna Kern in 1819. He instantly fell in love with her and for many years kept the image that struck him in his heart. Six years later, while serving his sentence in Mikhailovskoye, Alexander Sergeevich met with Kern again. She was already divorced and led a fairly free lifestyle for the 19th century. But for Pushkin, Anna Petrovna continued to remain a kind of ideal, a model of piety. Unfortunately, for Kern, Alexander Sergeevich was only a fashionable poet. After a fleeting romance, she did not behave properly and, according to Pushkin scholars, forced the poet to dedicate the poem to himself.

The text of Pushkin’s poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is conventionally divided into 3 parts. In the title stanza, the author enthusiastically talks about his first meeting with an amazing woman. Delighted, in love at first sight, the author is perplexed, is this a girl, or a “fleeting vision” that is about to disappear? The main theme of the work is romantic love. Strong, deep, it absorbs Pushkin completely.

The next three stanzas tell the story of the author's exile. This is a difficult time of “languishing hopeless sadness,” parting with former ideals, and confronting the harsh truth of life. Pushkin of the 20s was a passionate fighter who sympathized with revolutionary ideals and wrote anti-government poetry. After the death of the Decembrists, his life seemed to freeze and lose its meaning.

But then Pushkin again meets his former love, which seems to him a gift of fate. Youthful feelings flare up with new strength, lyrical hero It’s as if he’s awakening from hibernation, feeling the desire to live and create.

The poem is taught in a literature lesson in 8th grade. It is quite easy to learn, since at this age many experience first love and the poet’s words resonate in the heart. You can read the poem online or download it on our website.

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness
In the worries of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And I dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice,
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

TO ***
I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the worries of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And I dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice,
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

The history of the creation of the poem, to whom it is dedicated.

Anna Kern drawing by A.S. Pushkina 1829

The poem was written no later than July 19, 1825. At this time, Pushkin was forced to stay on the territory of the Mikhailovskoye family estate. The poem “K***” was first published in the famous almanac “Northern Flowers,” the publisher of which was Pushkin’s lyceum friend Anton Antonovich Delvig, in 1827. Pushkin saw Kern for the first time long before his forced seclusion; the meeting took place in St. Petersburg in 1819, Anna Kern made an indelible impression on the poet.

The next time Pushkin and Kern saw each other was only in 1825, when Kern was visiting the estate of her aunt Praskovya Osipova on the Trigorskoye estate; Osipova was Pushkin’s neighbor and a good friend of his. It is believed that the new meeting, which took place after such a long break, inspired Pushkin to create an epoch-making poem.

It is known that A. S. Pushkin personally presented the autograph of the work to Anna Kern before her departure from Trigorskoye to Riga, which took place on July 19, 1825, but the autograph, according to her memoirs, was in the manuscript of the second chapter of “Eugene Onegin”, which A. P. Kern should have been taken with her before leaving. Pushkin unexpectedly took away the autograph and only after requests returned it again (Guber P. Don Juan list of A.S. Pushkin. Kharkov, 1993). Among other things, this exclusive white version was irretrievably lost - apparently, in Riga, in the commandant’s house.

On May 20 (June 1), 1804, the founder of Russian classical music, who created the first national opera, was born - Mikhail Glinka. One of his most famous works, in addition to operas and symphonic plays, is romance “I remember a wonderful moment”, based on poems by A. Pushkin. And the most amazing thing is that both the poet and the composer were inspired at different times by women who had much more in common than just one last name between them.

The fact that Glinka wrote a romance based on Pushkin’s poems is actually very symbolic. Critic V. Stasov wrote: “Glinka has the same significance in Russian music as Pushkin in Russian poetry. Both are great talents, both are the founders of the new Russian artistic creativity, both deeply national and drawing their great strength directly from the indigenous elements of their people, both created a new Russian language - one in poetry, the other in music.” Glinka wrote 10 romances based on Pushkin's poems. Many researchers explain this not only by personal acquaintance and passion for the poet’s work, but also by the similar worldview of the two geniuses.

Pushkin dedicated the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” to Anna Petrovna Kern, whose first meeting took place in 1819, and in 1825 the acquaintance was renewed. Years later, feelings for the girl flared up with renewed vigor. This is how the famous lines appeared: “I remember a wonderful moment: You appeared before me, Like a fleeting vision, Like a genius of pure beauty.”

Almost 15 years later, another significant meeting took place: composer Mikhail Glinka met Anna Kern’s daughter, Ekaterina. Later in a letter he said: “She was not good, even something painful was expressed on her pale face, her clear expressive eyes, unusually slender figure and a special kind of charm and dignity... attracted me more and more... I found a way to talk with this sweet girl... Soon my feelings were completely shared by dear E.K., and meetings with her became more enjoyable. I felt disgusted at home, but there was so much life and pleasure on the other side: fiery poetic feelings for E.K., which she fully understood and shared.”

Subsequently, Anna Petrovna Kern wrote memoirs about this time: “Glinka was unhappy. He soon became tired of family life; Sadder than ever, he sought consolation in music and its wondrous inspirations. The difficult time of suffering gave way to a time of love for one person close to me, and Glinka came to life again. He visited me again almost every day; He put a piano in my place and immediately composed music for 12 romances by the Puppeteer, his friend.”

Glinka intended to divorce his wife, convicted of treason, and go abroad with Ekaterina Kern in a secret marriage, but these plans were not destined to come true. The girl was sick with consumption, and she and her mother decided to move south, to a Ukrainian estate. Glinka's mother was strongly opposed to him accompanying them and throwing in his lot with Catherine, so she did everything possible to ensure that the composer said goodbye to her.

Glinka lived the rest of his days as a bachelor. For a long time, Ekaterina Kern did not lose hope of a new meeting, but Glinka never came to Ukraine. At the age of 36, she got married and gave birth to a son, who later wrote: “She remembered Mikhail Ivanovich constantly and always with a deep sorrowful feeling. She obviously loved him for the rest of her life.” And the romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” went down in the history of Russian music, like other works by Glinka:

The poem by K*** “I remember a wonderful moment...” by A.S. Pushkin dates back to 1825. The poet and friend of Pushkin A.A. Delvig published it in “Northern Flowers” ​​in 1827. This is a poem on the theme of love. A.S. Pushkin had a special attitude towards everything related to love in this world. For him, love in life and work was a passion that gave a feeling of harmony.

For the full text of the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment...” by A.S. Pushkin, see the end of the article.

The poem is addressed to Anna Petrovna Kern, a young attractive woman whom the twenty-year-old poet first saw at a ball in St. Petersburg in the Olenin house in 1819. It was a fleeting meeting, and Pushkin compared it with the vision of the divine beauty from Zhukovsky’s beautiful work “Lalla Ruk”.

When analyzing “I Remember a Wonderful Moment...” you should pay attention to the fact that the language of this work is unusual. It has been cleared of all specifics. You can notice five words repeated twice - deity, inspiration, tears, life, love. Such a roll call " forms a semantic complex related to the field of artistic creativity.”

The time when the poet was in southern exile (1823-1824), and then in Mikhailovskoye (“in the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment”) was a crisis and difficult time for him. But by the beginning of 1825, Alexander Sergeevich had come to grips with himself, with his gloomy thoughts, and “an awakening came in his soul.” During this period, he saw A.P. Kern for the second time, who came to visit Praskovya Aleksandrovna Osipova, who lived next door to Pushkin, in Trigorskoye.

The poem begins with a review of past events, the time spent

“In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of the noisy bustle..."

But the years passed, and a period of exile began.

“In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment,
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love."

The depression did not last long. And to new meeting Alexander Sergeevich comes with a feeling of joy of life.

“The soul has awakened
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty."

What was the driving force with the help of which the poet’s life regained its bright colors? This is creativity. From the poem “Once again I visited...” (in another edition) you can read:

"But here I am with a mysterious shield
Holy Providence has dawned,
Poetry as a comforting angel
She saved me, and I was resurrected in soul."

Concerning themes of the poem “I remember a wonderful moment...”, then, according to a number of literary experts, the love theme here is subordinate to another, philosophical and psychological theme. Observation of “the different states of the poet’s inner world in relation to this world with reality” is the main thing we are talking about.

But no one canceled love. It is presented in the poem on a large scale. It was love that added much-needed strength to Pushkin and brightened his life. But the source of the author’s awakening was poetry.

The poetic meter of the work is iambic. Pentameter, with cross rhyme. Compositionally, the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” is divided into three parts. Two stanzas each. The work is written in a major key. It clearly contains the motive of awakening to a new life.

“I remember a wonderful moment...” A.S. Pushkina belongs to the galaxy of the poet’s most popular works. The famous romance by M.I. Glinka, set to the text “I Remember a Wonderful Moment,” contributed to the even greater popularization of this creation.


I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.
In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the worries of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time,
And I dreamed of cute features.
Years passed. The storm is a rebellious gust
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice,
Your heavenly features.
In the wilderness, in the darkness of imprisonment
My days passed quietly
Without a deity, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.
The soul has awakened:
And then you appeared again,
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.
And the heart beats in ecstasy,
And for him they rose again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.