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Kuzmina Tatyana Mikhailovna Gazprombank year of birth. III annual conference “Institute of Bankruptcy in Russia

Kuzmina Tatyana Mikhailovna was born in Kaliningrad.

Graduated from Kaliningrad State University.

In 2001-2004, she worked in the legal service of OJSC Bank Petrocommerce, first as deputy head of the department, then as head of the department - deputy director of the legal department).

In 2004, she became deputy head of the legal department of JSCB Eurofinance Mosnarbank (OJSC).

Since 2005, she has managed the legal department of Promsvyazbank OJSC.

In 2006, she was appointed vice president - director of the legal department, and since 2008 she has been a member of the board of OJSC Promsvyazbank.

She headed the legal department of Promsvyazbank for 10 years, and on January 27, 2016 she was appointed vice president, head of the legal department of Gazprombank. Now she reports to the first vice-president of the bank, Elena Borisenko, who until May 2014 held the position of Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation.

On December 11, 2014, she received a prize in the “Development of the Profession” category at the OKUR “Success. Best Corporate Lawyer of the Year. On November 27, 2015, at the award ceremony for the winners of the “Best Legal Departments” competition, being deputy chairman of the board - head of the “Legal” block of Promsvyazbank OJSC, she received a prize for first place in the “Commercial Banks” category.


Chuychenko Konstantin Anatolyevich - Assistant to the President Russian Federation– Head of the Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation.


Nowadays, risk management has become the main task of the first person of the company's legal function. The head of the legal department is concerned about how to make the risk management process in the company end-to-end. Are there systems in place to manage litigation risks and government audits? Is it possible to plan litigation and set KPIs based on litigation planning? How to correctly evaluate and plan the outcome of a judicial perspective and set goals for lawyers of subsidiaries? And finally, how to build functional risk management for a group of companies while overcoming conflicts of interest? By what criteria does a business determine deviation from its goal?

In addition to risk management, the head of the company’s legal department manages people, the budget, consultants, his own time and the time of his team, sets goals for his subordinates and controls execution. If the legal department is small and concentrated in one place, it is easier to prioritize. And if the company is a holding with many legal entities that are in different cities, or even different countries? What are the principles of managing a team of lawyers?

SESSION 1. “Legal risk management in a vertically integrated company using the example of litigation risks”

Moderator – Alexandra Nesterenko, President, OKUR

“Trends in the development of the legal profession”

“Planning, budgeting and control of litigation risks”

Roman Kvitko, Director of Legal Affairs, Gazprom Neft

“Measurability of the effectiveness of the legal department. Formation of a unified approach as the basis for improving the culture of legal risk management"

Representative of the IT company Corus Consulting

Discussion with participants. “Unified legal policy vs individuality and professional creativity.” Tatyana Kuzmina, Deputy Chairman of the Board - Head of the Legal Block, Promsvyazbank

"Effective management of the company's budget and management of consultants"

Alexey Nikiforov, Director of the Legal Department, SIBUR HOLDING

SESSION 2. “Time to change stereotypes: Best practices for interaction between lawyers and business”

"A fresh look"

Elena Borisenko, First Vice President, Gazprombank

"A View from the Inside"

Ruslan Ibragimov, Vice President for Corporate and Legal Affairs, MTS

“Time for a change: the legal function is moving beyond the cost center model.

Yana Zoloeva, partner, PWC

Victoria Harutyunyan, Senior Associate, Corporate and M&A Practice, PwC

Discussion “Once again about the client focus of corporate lawyers: does it need to be measured and, if so, how?”

Alexander Smirnov, Director of the Legal Department, Moscow Exchange Valery Sidnev, Director of the Legal Department, Eurochem

The reform of Russian civil legislation on financial transactions was discussed by experts on the second day of the VII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum, the Forum’s press service reports.

The discussion was attended by a judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Sergey Astashov, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and National Process research university « graduate School economics" Vsevolod Baybak, Director of the Legal Department of the Bank of Russia Alexey Guznov, Vice President - Director of the Legal Department of Sberbank PJSC Igor Kondrashov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on State Building and Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov, Vice President, Head of the Legal Department of Gazprombank Tatiana Kuzmina and Chairman of the Court for Intellectual Rights of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Novoselova. The session was moderated by a member of the board - first vice-president of Gazprombank JSC Elena Borisenko.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation on State Building and Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov spoke about the work on modernizing the Civil Code, namely on amendments to part two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on financial transactions. “Today we have meetings on more than a hundred amendments to financial transactions. working group. After the elections took place, we agreed on almost the entire text with both the Bank of Russia and Sberbank. It was very difficult to come to an agreement with both of them, because everyone has their own interests. The issue has stalled: the bill is now being approved by the Presidential Administration, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry economic development. But, nevertheless, work is underway. I will not take it upon myself to say that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will accept the text of the document,” he noted.

According to session moderator Elena Borisenko, proper regulation of financial transactions is the key to developing the Russian economy and attracting investment. “The significance of this chapter is extremely important so that Russian law was increasingly applicable to companies. There is an escrow institution, but it needs to be brought to high-quality regulation,” explained the first vice-president of Gazprombank.

Director of the Legal Department of Sberbank PJSC Igor Kondrashov drew the attention of his colleagues to the fact that Russian legislation contains such institutions that require improvement. “In particular, a painful topic for us is resorting to extrajudicial enforcement of collateral. This institute is not working very well for us yet. The State Duma must give us the most transparent rules,” he said.

According to Alexey Guznov, Director of the Legal Department of the Bank of Russia, there is no need to overuse the space of the Civil Code. “It is now proposed in the Civil Code to preserve the minimum standards that are necessary for the development of the institution of certified lending. Everything else is in the relevant laws,” said the Central Bank representative.

Elena Borisenko, in turn, noted that the changes that are proposed to be made are not a revolution. “This is what the whole world has been working with for many, many years, and what our companies have been working with. There are probably conceptually revolutionary things that I would like to do, but they are not in the bill that is on the table,” she explained.

Concluding the discussion, the moderator emphasized that the problem of regulating financial transactions is not obvious: the fact that the professional community is suffocating without amendments is not widely discussed. According to Elena Borisenko, for 10 years lawyers have been living by inventing different ways solving a business problem, while such norms could be prescribed in the Civil Code, which would greatly simplify the work.

On behalf of the business newspaper Vedomosti, we invite you to take part in the III annual conference " Institute of bankruptcy in Russia. Bankruptcy practices and technologies", which will take place on September 15, 2017 in Moscow at the Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel.

The institution of bankruptcy is considered one of the main regulators of economic processes in society, ensuring the stability and sustainability of economic turnover. In conditions modern world Development continues in all areas of the economy, which, in turn, gives impetus to the constant change of all institutions, including bankruptcy.

Today in Russia, relations in the field of bankruptcy are regulated by a law dated 2002, to which a myriad of amendments are constantly being made. But do they increase the effectiveness of the institution?

At an already proven platform, recognized experts will talk about directions for changing legislation, consider the emerging practice of bankruptcy, including for individuals, the concept of a “corporate veil”, and conduct comparative analysis"high-profile bankruptcies" times Russian Empire And modern Russia and find answers to industry problems.

Key topics of the conference

  • Bankruptcy legislation in Russia and the world: about the practice of application, effectiveness and development trends.
  • Bankruptcy of financial organizations: historical retrospective and comparative analysis of “high-profile bankruptcies” from the times of the Russian Empire and modern Russia.
  • Bankruptcy of individuals and guarantors for corporate loans.
  • Technologies for conducting bankruptcies (using the example of the bankruptcy of the Transaero and SU-155 companies).
  • Two sides of the same “corporate veil”.

Among the speakers:

Evgeniy Akimov, Managing Director, Head of the Compulsory Collection and Bankruptcy Department of the Troubled Assets Department, Sberbank

Leonid Afendikov, Managing Director, Alvarez&Marsal CIS LLP

Eduard Bekeschenko, partner, law firm Baker McKenzie

Vladimir Bublikov, partner, law firm RKT

Pavel Bulatov, Counsel, White&Case Law Firm

Inna Vavilova, Managing Partner, Prime Advice

Larisa Valueva, Head of Legal Block, Promsvyazbank

Dmitry Vodchits, Head of Tax Practice, KSK Group

Alexey Dudko, Partner, Head of Litigation and Investigations, Hogan Lovells (CIS)

Oleg Zaitsev, consultant, Research Center for Private Law named after. S. S. Alekseeva under the President of the Russian Federation

Mark Karetin, Partner, Yukov and Partners

Alexey Karpenko, senior partner, law firm Forward Legal

Andrey Kovalev, chief accountant, Transaero

Igor Kopenkin, lawyer, partner, office of jurors and attorneys "Freytak and Sons"

Mikhail Krapivin, Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal CIS LLP

Pavel Kuzmin, founder of ILB practice, Investment & Legal Solutions; Director of Legal Services, Tsargrad Group of Companies

Tatiana Kuzmina, Vice President, Head of Legal Department, Gazprombank

Yulia Litovtseva, Head of Bankruptcy and Anti-Crisis Business Protection Practice, Pepeliaev Group

Sergey Massarsky, Managing Director for Legal Affairs, Otkritie Bank

Yulia Medvedeva, Director of the Expert Analytical Department, Deposit Insurance Agency

Rustem Miftakhutdinov, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business and Corporate Law, Moscow State Law Academy named after. O.E. Kutafina; judge (retired), Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation

Alexey Moiseev, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Nazarenko, Director of the Legal Protection Department, VEB

Natalia Okuneva, Director of Legal Department, UniCredit Bank

Eduard Olevinsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Law Bureau "Olevinsky, Buyukyan and Partners"

Denis Panchenko, General Director, SU-155

Sergey Petrachkov, Senior Consultant, Dispute Resolution Practice, Restructuring and Bankruptcy Practice, Alrud Law Firm

According to her horoscope, she is Leo. Leo is a kind of iron lady. 230 subordinates is a whole legal army! And everyone needs to be managed without room for error. Give everyone a task that corresponds to their knowledge and experience, control all decisions, put them into a system so that it works to their advantage common cause. Oh, this is not a woman’s job...

Law is a complex system

I never had a goal to succeed. On the other hand, I always want to be the best in everything. But not just to say: “I am the best!” - namely, to achieve the highest results. It is very important for me that knowledge has an applied nature. For example, as a child I really loved mathematics. I didn’t sleep at night, tried to find a difficult problem, and could solve it all night long. To do something that no one could do before, to find a way out of a difficult situation that no one had thought of - this brings me pleasure.

In general, I have been a leader since childhood. Also in kindergarten I asked myself the question: “Why is everyone listening to me?” It was easy to set up friends, for example, to run away into the forest. And late in the evening you are greeted by your parents with a belt...

As I got older, I began to think about who I could be, what benefit I could bring with my knowledge? Of course, I found out that there is applied mathematics and cybernetics, but, unfortunately, in Kaliningrad, where I grew up, there was no such department. There was a physics and mathematics department where I was accepted without exams for my success at the Olympiads, but I thought it was too easy.

Having seen the Faculty of Economics and Law, I decided that since the word “economics” was there, then there should also be mathematics. And I entered the Faculty of Economics and Law. From economics, it turned out that everyone else at the law faculty had the same: accounting, political economy... The first two courses were very difficult to study because they were not interesting. They taught one story in its different forms. It felt like my brain was frozen. I never prepared for exams, I went solely from memory. A teacher once caught me solving logarithmic equations during a lecture. I was very offended and suggested moving to another department.

The discovery came during a civil law exam in the third year. It suddenly dawned on me that law is also a system, everything is divided into certain structures. Depending on how I can connect them with each other, I can come to very interesting solutions. As soon as this was revealed to me, I became a better student, everything became interesting to me. I realized how I could put my knowledge into practice.

The conductor of orchestra

I worked for eleven years in the Promsvyazbank team. They were very interesting years. The bank gradually grew, and so did I. The shareholders gave me complete freedom of action, and there was recognition of what I did. And my greatest achievement is the team of lawyers that remained after I left.

I believe that pulling all tasks onto yourself is a trap. Then you must be at work 24 hours and always know everything. It’s much more interesting for me to “invest” in people, discover their capabilities, build bridges from their knowledge to the use of their skills for the benefit of the company.

I can be called a systems person; I like to structure everything. Working in complete chaos with constant changes in the functionality of the same person is simply unrealistic for me. However, there should still be a little room for chaos. I can't imagine creativity within strict limits. And creativity is very important to me. Therefore, on the one hand, I create systemic structures, and on the other, I have areas in which I act absolutely relaxed, without strict rules.

My team is a large orchestra, where everyone plays their part. All I have to do is wave my baton and I can feel everyone at my fingertips. It is important to me that everyone receives a task that they can perform better than others. Very often, talented lawyers have everything in their heads, and there is no bridge through which all their ideas are transmitted.

Tatiana Kuzmina. Photo: Roman Konovalov

What are we needed for? So that the entire organization works with profit and maximum effect. And the maximum effect is deals, specific business, new products, competent positioning of the company.

And when lawyers with excellent experience and good knowledge cannot contribute to achieving a result, these are formalist lawyers (“as asked, so answered,” “I did everything I could, and you decide”). As a rule, they have a lot of narcissism, they like to talk about lofty things, but in reality they are nothing.

A person like a peacock shows that he has finally figured out the problem and discovered sacred knowledge. At the same time, the answer to the question: what does all this mean? - No. As a result, customers (those who ask questions) become confused and annoyed. That is why it is important for a lawyer to learn to answer the question: what does this mean?

Hard style

At Gazprombank, where I now work under the leadership of First Vice President Elena Borisenko, a talented lawyer and modern manager, we are already finishing the process of fine-tuning our relationships with the team. Every person is a unique personality. We need to give him the opportunity to grow and open up. We conducted individual assessments of team members. Now every lawyer has the opportunity to reach their potential.

Thanks to Elena Adolfovna, the bank now has its own unique orchestra. We are learning to interact with each other and with business, building a task management system. The team is large: there are 80 people in the legal department at the head office and 150 lawyers in the branches.

Lawyers in Vladivostok and Moscow must clearly and predictably assess the same risk. A situation in which everyone invents their own approach is, from a business point of view, unpredictable and opaque. And there should be predictability in our behavior. Plus - in this case, people will spend less time on the same tasks, which is more efficient.

It is important that lawyers deal with the most complex and interesting projects. When a highly professional specialist spends his time on routine, we, having bought him expensively on the market, will simply waste our money.

I can say: in some ways I have a tough leadership style. If, for example, we fail to meet deadlines or answer questions poorly, this can lead to the destruction of the deal. Or to serious claims that are tangible for the company. Here I am strict in ensuring that deadlines are met and the quality of work is at the same level. Otherwise, why are we present in the company? Just because we can draw a beautiful visa or create obstacles for transactions? The most convenient option is to always be against... Development professional qualities, meeting deadlines, fulfilling schedules - I am quite strict about this.

But in some ways I am softer. For example, I realized that an employee should be given the right to make mistakes. Even your exactingness can be shown in different ways. If an employee comes to you and you talk to him too harshly, he will simply freeze, and this will completely block all his possibilities. He is no longer able to come up with ideas, because he is afraid to express any thought.

I'm constantly looking for balance. Of course, it is important to clearly tell the person where he is wrong. But you also need to leave room for creativity. Not only point out mistakes, but also encourage them. And celebrate where it’s really done with talent. When a lawyer is given a task, his job is to clarify it in detail, and then no one touches him. It took me quite a few years to get to this point. I realized that we need to give people the opportunity to achieve something on their own. When we start setting tasks and at the same time telling how to do it, we are putting our head into someone else's. Or maybe this should be done in another, shorter way? And someone will find a more interesting solution.

Tatiana Kuzmina. Photo: Roman Konovalov

But if it is important for a lawyer to work exactly from nine to six, to have only his own narrow specificity, we have routine tasks for him. They need to be isolated so that those who are interested in developing have more time for it. It turns out that we satisfy the needs of people with different needs.

Sometimes all lawyers need to do technical work. It's not a problem for me. If the task is to urgently register a transaction, and I am left alone with the documents, it is not difficult for me to take them and flash them. But I met lawyers who said: “this is not the king’s business,” “I didn’t come to work for you for this.” It turns out that this is not a team member, but some kind of narcissistic citizen.

Wedge with wedge

There was a time when I could only support a professional discussion, because I spent 14 hours at work. And in free time– studying new regulations and reading professional journals. I suddenly realized that from a sociable lady I had turned into a person who could only talk about problems of law and management of the legal function.

But what about cinema, theater, books, films? I realized this about five years ago. I myself noticed that in discussions that do not concern law, I always remain silent. Moreover, there is not even a single idea! But I was once fond of music and went to the theater. I have read a lot of books, but a long time ago. When it comes to books, I have always been an omnivore, reading everything I could get my hands on. And only later I began to choose.

And suddenly there was a feeling that there was emptiness around. The first thing I did was start listening to music. It turned out that for the last 10 years I haven’t turned on music at home at all. Then I remembered that I love ballet. I started going to it, to classical music concerts.

Now I still listen to music often. There is such a group - Parov Stelar. She is very optimistic: funny, amusing and even adventurous. I listen to them often. I love the organ. But this is when there is a certain touch of sadness. Wedge wedge, as they say. Then, as a rule, a good mood comes.

I like to walk in parks. At one time, for a very short time, I was jogging. And I came to the conclusion that I prefer to just walk. It is impossible to walk with me: I walk very quickly, it can be difficult to keep up with me.

Family is an important part of my life. The most dear and close people. I am proud of my son Dmitry and rejoice at his successes. I love my friends. It just so happens that many of them are lawyers.

It is important for me to do what I like. If there is a drive to complete some project instead of going to the theater, that is my own choice. Who said there has to be a clear balance in life? Why am I obliged to live within certain limits? While I'm passionate about the work. And if I want to travel, I will travel. The main thing is to be happy.§

The editors would like to thank the World of Music music salon for their help in organizing the shooting.