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Personal efficiency. What it is? Rules for assessing the state of affairs in various spheres of life

One of the most important indicators in modern personnel management is personal effectiveness. Personal effectiveness is a fairly broad definition of a whole range of qualities inherent in the representatives of the staff of the organization. At the same time, the personal effectiveness of a manager and a simple employee has different evaluation criteria and methods of improvement, which should also be known to both the HR specialist and the employees and employers themselves.

Personal Efficiency - What is it?

Now, when various personal trainings and self-education programs are extremely common, the concept of personal effectiveness is heard by both many ordinary workers and employers. At the same time, not everyone understands what this definition is. Personal effectiveness is a set of qualities and skills that allow you to productively solve specific tasks facing the employee and manager. In many ways, this definition may seem similar to the concept of productivity or overall labor efficiency, but it has certain differences. So, the key features of personal effectiveness include:

  • Lack of procedural requirements and criteria. Personal effectiveness is in no way connected with the documentary evidence of the employee's qualifications, education or work experience that the employee has or does not have. It is evaluated purely in relation to his work activity.
  • Possibility of change. Personal effectiveness can only be evaluated in cases where the specific productivity of an employee can change depending on his actions. So, for example, if an employee's tasks include tasks, the quality and time of which he cannot influence, these tasks should be excluded from the criteria for evaluating his personal effectiveness.
  • Individuality. The concept of personal effectiveness cannot be assessed in the context of the entire team and those actions that depend not only on the employee himself. So, if the activity of an employee in some aspect depends directly on the performance of his colleague, one should be extremely careful in assessing his personal effectiveness according to this criterion.

Thus, personal effectiveness is a set of qualities inherent in a particular employee in specific and strictly defined aspects of his activities. Modern methods for evaluating personal effectiveness involve an individual approach and the identification of not only overall indicator, but also performance indicators in certain areas of activity, because some actions may be better for a particular employee than others, while for another employee the situation may be exactly the opposite.

It is necessary to distinguish the concept of personal effectiveness from the personal qualities of an employee. Qualities reflect only the employee's "baggage" of knowledge and features of his character, while personal effectiveness directly evaluates the benefits this employee for the organization as a whole.

Personal effectiveness of an employee - methods of improvement and evaluation

Improving the personal effectiveness of employees is one of the main tasks of HR department specialists, or their immediate supervisors. In the context of work, personal efficiency affects the purely labor qualities of employees, and with the improvement of direct economic indicators, one can also note an improvement in personal efficiency, unless, of course, this increase was associated with external factors.

You can evaluate personal effectiveness in various ways, and the most effective in this case will be A complex approach, which includes some or all of the following elements:

Properly conducted assessment of the personal effectiveness of each employee will allow the employer to immediately take certain measures to optimize the staff. For example, to make decisions on the transfer of employees to other departments or to other positions where they strengths will be the most relevant.

There are a huge number of methods for improving the personal effectiveness of an employee, but the basic principles in this case are the same. So, almost always, to increase personal efficiency, the following measures will be relevant:

  • And . This is one of the simplest personnel motivation systems, which, nevertheless, in most cases demonstrates high efficiency in almost all aspects of activity.
  • Leader involvement. Each manager should always be aware of possible problems in the work activities of individual employees, as well as their promising sides and shortcomings. At the same time, the employee must also see that the manager perceives him not only as a tool, but also as a person - each refusal from the employer or remark must be accompanied by certain explanations for the reasons for such actions and not be purely ultimatum.
  • Proper goal setting. Each employee must have clearly defined goals, and the employee must see the way to achieve them, and most importantly, the subsequent remuneration or a certain assessment. The fact that an employee has development prospects, even if they are distant, can significantly increase his personal effectiveness.

Often, not only employers, but also employees themselves are interested in increasing personal efficiency. If necessary, self-development, the best recommendations there will be proper time planning, the development of concentration and the rejection of distractions during working hours.

Leader's personal effectiveness

Despite the fact that most managers also actually belong to the staff of the enterprise and are its employees, the concept of personal effectiveness in this case has different evaluation criteria and methods of improvement. Thus, the personal effectiveness of managers should be assessed primarily by the dynamics of available indicators, and not by static values. This is due to the main criterion for evaluating personal effectiveness, as an indicator that depends only on the person himself. So, two managers with the same level of motivation, work experience and other qualities, when evaluating the effectiveness of their department, may have a completely different result, which will depend on the qualities of their employees.

An effective leader must always strive for development. Therefore, the assessment of the personal effectiveness of the leader should be carried out precisely by assessing not just the results of the activities of their subordinates, but by assessing the change in this performance. Thus, a leader who initially received inexperienced and inefficient employees as subordinates, but within a short period of time raised their performance to the average for the organization, is effective. And the one that consistently maintains at the same level the above-average indicators that took place before his appointment, without their growth, does not demonstrate the same level of his personal effectiveness.

Accordingly, the methods of increasing the personal effectiveness of the leader are, first of all, in improving his quality and in his desire to develop and improve the situation. The ability to correctly delegate authority and allocate responsibilities are the main aspects that should be paid attention to both by the leader himself and by his superiors.

Today we are going to learn what personal effectiveness is. In general, already by the name of the term you can tell what it is about. But not everyone is given to understand what it really is. If you thoroughly understand our today's topic, you can always strain as little as possible, but at the same time get the maximum return from your own studies. It doesn't require anything special from you. The psychology of personal effectiveness is based only on inner conviction and motivation. So don't worry. You can always master the moment on your own. But what is it about?

What is this

To begin with: what exactly is the concept to be discussed? What is personal effectiveness? This expression seems to be understandable and at the same time seems somewhat general. It should be noted right away that our today's feature takes place in the life of every person. It does not happen that someone has come across this concept, and someone has not. We are all familiar with efficiency to some extent.

So what are we talking about? Personal effectiveness is a kind of effectiveness in achieving certain goals that a person sets for himself. That is the effectiveness of our activities. It can be said that it is an integral part of human life.

Some compare this concept with such a term as success in life. To some extent, it is. Personal efficiency is the result of our plans and actions. The better it is, the happier and more successful a person becomes.

The basis

True, like any moment in psychology, our today's concept has its own basis, its own attitudes. The basis here is only three small "elephants". And they just influence the development of personal effectiveness.

The first is the intentions and goals that a person sets for himself. Without this, there can be no personal effectiveness, no motivation, no performance.

The second - the order and resources. An extremely important ingredient. It is with its help that you can achieve success in life and some specific deeds.

The third is communication skills and being in the right environment to implement your own plans. It is also an equally important component, but it is not as significant as the second point. It usually adjusts easily and without any problems.

Start of development

Personal effectiveness of a person appears in everyone directly from birth. And it develops constantly, especially in childhood and adolescence. For this reason, it is necessary to pay special attention to this area. After all, it is the effectiveness of the individual that is the key to success in the future.

We can say that the first rudiments of the concept under consideration arise when the child begins to understand what is happening around him. Already by 6 months, efficiency makes itself felt at an unconscious level. But with age, you have to improve it, as well as realize the full significance of it.

By itself, the effectiveness of the individual will not develop. Every time we have a goal or desire, we have to turn to this "mind cell". If you organize this or that process correctly, you will be able to achieve maximum results, this has long been an obvious fact. So our today's term is really the key to success in this or that business.


Of course, you need to constantly develop and improve in order to achieve your goal. But there are various approaches to solving the problem in the world. What are the ways to increase personal effectiveness? What can help you achieve your goal always or in most cases?

First you must find harmony. That is, always remain balanced and calm. Inner peace is not just a guarantee, it is the basis of success in most cases. After all, in this scenario, you can soberly assess any situation, think through all the possible scenarios for the development of events, and then find the best solution.

A hobby usually helps to find harmony. Do what you love. Sometimes psychologists recommend meditation. Even if it seems like you don't have much time, still try to set aside a few minutes or hours for personal activities that bring pleasure.

Personal goals

Increasing personal effectiveness will be particularly successful if we focus on the components of this concept that we already know. It was said that personal goals play a huge role in our today's question. And just they are the main direction in which it is necessary to work.

To achieve success in your affairs, learn to set and define personal goals in all areas of your activity: both at home and at work. This also includes scheduling and planning. Chaos and devastation adversely affect efficiency. Therefore, you will have to try and learn not only to find out why you are doing this or that business, but also to plan your actions, to think through them.


Go ahead. Now it is worth paying attention to another important point, which lies in personal effectiveness. Its increase occurs not only due to systematization and harmony, but also due to the setting of personal goals. In addition, such a concept as priorities plays a huge role here.

Learn to arrange them in any business. At the very beginning, you need to do only what is necessary and meaningful. But less important things should be postponed. Even at school, children are taught to solve difficult problems first, then take on easy ones. The same principle applies to life as well. When you prioritize correctly, life becomes easier and easier.

And in general, think about it - if a difficult task is done, a simple one will be completed even faster! And this is a significant increase in efficiency. Just what many need! Admittedly, it is not an easy task. If you are having difficulty, just do only the most important and difficult in a particular case to begin with.


This development of efficiency does not end there. After you have more or less planned this or that action, set priorities and were able to somehow mentally tune in to the implementation of the task, you will have to work on concentration. Every time you start something, pay attention only to this activity, do not be distracted.

There are many temptations and distractions in the world. All this adversely affects the final result and efficiency. Therefore, it is desirable to concentrate on only one lesson at a time. Do not try to keep up with two birds with one stone, thereby trying to save time. This approach will only complicate implementation.

It is for this reason that it is important to create a suitable and favorable environment for yourself during the implementation of the task. It will help your concentration. And, of course, it will affect efficiency.

Gadgets - no

A little advice to help you succeed. True, it is more suitable for modern users who are forced to work and concentrate in an atmosphere of constant temptations in the form of technology and information technologies. What is it about?

If you want to achieve maximum success in this or that business, but this requires concentration, put all the gadgets away. Turn off your phones so that no one is distracting, do not approach the computer, do not pick up tablets and game consoles. If you really need to, use technology only when it is necessary for the implementation of your task. And that is only in this direction. Entertainment and relaxation are good, but gadgets and technology are usually just a distraction.


The personal effectiveness of a leader, and indeed of any person in general, among other things, also depends on motivation. If it is not, then there will be no performance. This is a well-known and obvious fact. Any book on psychology will be able to popularly explain the importance of motivation in the performance of a particular task.

You can compare the moment with the goal and priorities. In general, before starting a business, think carefully about why you will do it. And then sum up. And keep repeating it. For example, "I will stay for a part-time job - I will go on vacation abroad in the summer" or "I go in for sports - I will lose weight, I will fit into a new dress" and so on. There can be many reasons for motivation, each person has his own views on this matter.


Now it’s clear how important personal effectiveness really is. Psychology books often focus on it when it comes to achieving goals. And here they often single out such a moment as well-being. He plays far from the last role.

Why? You need to take on any business when you feel good. Yes, sometimes you have to work through force, but if you initially feel unwell, you should not get down to business. All this will negatively affect the final result.

Try to relax before starting work. For example, again meditation helps well, as well as a hot bath. If you are very ill, put aside your business to improve your health. Do not force the body to complete the task. Otherwise, you will simply mess up, get a minimum, not a maximum. It is very important. Yes, you should not be lazy either, sometimes you need to give yourself a push. But you shouldn't be too zealous. The worse you feel, the lower your personal effectiveness will be.


Are there any other techniques that can help us achieve our goals, as well as our overall success? Of course, not everyone knows about them. The path to success is the constant development of the individual. No wonder they say "live and learn". It is this rule that you will have to use in life in order to always achieve the maximum return from your activities.

It is not necessary to sit behind books, go to universities and courses. Quite often you can do self-education. What interests you brings you pleasure. Just develop as a person and a person as a whole. This technique is great for improving personal efficiency.

This is especially noticeable in those who have an iron endurance, an inner core. People who are able to motivate themselves to this or that action without any problems. And if you look at practice, people are not always educated (with higher education meaning) achieve success in life. Recently, there are many more examples when people without a diploma quickly and without the help of outsiders achieve great results and success. All this is due to personal effectiveness, self-education. So remember: you need to constantly improve and develop.

trial and error

The path to success is not only ups, but also downs. So, to be honest, failures also affect the development of the so-called personal effectiveness. And not in the worst way. Why?

The thing is, learning from the mistakes of others is a good thing. But personal failures are somehow better deposited in the mind of a person. It is life that teaches and guides us. So don't be afraid to make mistakes. They will soon teach you how to achieve maximum results in your activities, as well as avoid failures.

In general, life is a combination of dark and white stripes. If only the second takes place, you will never be able to adapt to the situation, get out and make non-standard decisions. So mistakes and attempts play an important role in shaping personal effectiveness. Remember: failure is always followed by joy and success to some extent. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, but try to make it as little as possible. You can also learn from the mistakes of others, take them into account.

That's all. We now know the secrets to personal performance improvement. Try to follow the above tips, they will definitely help! Success in life depends only on you!

... this is the highest degree of mastery
- this is the impression of lightness and obviousness,
which in fact, as we know, is achieved by centuries of experience,
steel will and monastic discipline.

Muriel Barbery

The word “efficiency” has already set us on edge, but coming up with a replacement for it is an almost impossible task. Efficient production, efficient sales, efficient company… and efficient personality as required condition all of the above. Why is it so important to be efficient? How to start your own path to personal effectiveness? We will talk about this in this article.

First, let's define the concept of personal effectiveness. In the classical sense, this is the optimal ratio of results and costs. The lower the costs and the better the result, the higher the efficiency. Personal effectiveness - as a special case of efficiency - is the ability to achieve results, that is, the goals set, with minimal expenditure of resources available to a person. When we talk about highly effective person, we are talking, first of all, about a master of his craft - a person who is able to do something faster and better than others.

Of course, this definition is rather abstract in itself. Each person has his own understanding of what it is, and what a truly effective person should be like. However, there is a paradox: despite the differences, really effective people very rarely consider themselves as such - more often this is the opinion (or assessment) of outside observers - and if they do, they still strive for even more high level, unconsciously following the covenant expressed yet Abraham Lincoln: "Whoever you are, be better."

You can often hear criticism of such people: they are constantly striving for something, they just can’t stop, you can’t earn all the money, they always need something, etc. However, in my opinion, the constant desire to become stronger, better and faster is completely natural and completely in line with human nature. We would never have become human if the principle of evolution had not been laid down in us at the gene level. Stopping rather than constant movement is destructive. From all this, we can conclude that personal effectiveness is not a goal, but an endless path of self-improvement. That is why “increasing personal effectiveness” and “self-improvement”, in my opinion, are synonymous.

Ways to improve personal effectiveness

By and large, there are three options for the path of self-improvement.

  • First option assumes that you choose a narrow sphere of life and begin to act actively, increasing the level of personal effectiveness in it. It can be both the scope of your professional activity and a hobby.
  • Second option involves gradual self-improvement in all areas of life: a person strives to be better at once and in everything.
  • Third option, being integrative, allows you to increase personal efficiency in all areas of life through targeted self-improvement in a number of key areas. At the same time, there is a qualitative improvement in the state of affairs in the relevant areas.

To understand how this works, you have to dive into the theory a bit. Human life can be very conditionally divided into a number of relatively independent areas:

1. Health: everything related to the spiritual, psychological and physical well-being of a person. To what extent do you have an inner understanding that you live correctly? How satisfied are you with your mental state and attitude? How do you feel physically? Do you have any diseases, and how much do they interfere with your life?

2. Relationships: scope social communication(with other people and groups of people), including relationships with your near and far circle of people.

3. Intimate sphere: everything related to love and sex.

4. Professional activity: everything related to your work; the degree of your subjective satisfaction with your professional activities.

5. Growth: how satisfied you are with your overall progress, how much you actually improved. Your subjective satisfaction with what is happening is important.

6. Rest and everything related to it: how often do you relax, how much do you really get to relax, do you go on vacation, etc.

7. Income: How satisfied you are with your active and passive income.

8. Hobbies: do you have hobbies and hobbies, and how do you manage to devote to them the amount of time that you consider important and necessary.

9. Style and appearance: your assessment of how you look, how satisfied you are with your style and appearance.

10. House, housing, place of residence: how much do you like that country, that area, that house and that apartment where you live.

Each person can assess his level of satisfaction within each of these areas of life by being alone and asking himself a simple question: “How much do I like the state of my affairs in such and such an area?”. And then just put yourself a conditional score from 0 (“everything is terrible, this is a disaster”) to 10 points (“everything is great, and it simply cannot be better”) for each area of ​​life.

After such an initial survey has been carried out, a person has a fairly clear idea of ​​​​what his state of affairs is in all spheres of life at a given life stage. As a rule, if subjective satisfaction with the state of affairs in a particular area of ​​life is 6 points or more, then this level is perceived by a person as more or less acceptable. If the level is below this value, it unconsciously attracts the attention of a person, devouring a large amount of his energy and strength, and, as a result, does not allow him to allocate enough resources to begin to seriously engage in self-improvement. I paid attention to the description of these areas for a reason. They are directly related to the development of personal effectiveness.

Rules for assessing the state of affairs in various spheres of life

When reviewing the information obtained from the self-survey, the following should be kept in mind:

A. There is a basic sphere - the sphere of health, which radically affects the level of all other spheres. Poor performance in this area means almost guaranteed low performance (or rapid decline) in other areas. However, a higher level of health compared to all other areas does not at all guarantee a mandatory increase in the level in other areas, although it creates the most favorable opportunities for this. Self-improvement, it is imperative to constantly monitor the state of affairs in the field of health, raising its level and taking immediate measures when it is reduced.

b. If in all ten areas the indicators are approximately the same (there are no differences of more than 2 points), and the values ​​obtained as a result of the initial analysis are above 6 points, we can say that you are a harmonious person. Therefore, to start effective work for self-improvement, first of all, it is worth pulling up all areas to at least 6 points.

V. If one (or more) spheres strongly “sinks” in relation to others, there is a high probability that it will soon “pull” other spheres with it. The correct reaction in this case is to urgently begin to pull up the sagging sphere. Otherwise, you, most likely, will not be up to self-development.

d. If one of the spheres strongly "rise" above the others, this does not mean at all that it is in without fail will pull other spheres along with it - for this, a conscious effort is needed. At some point, movement in such a sphere will either slow down sharply (some call it the glass ceiling effect), or there will be a sharp bounce down. Therefore, it is worth evenly raising the level of the state of affairs in each of the areas, or at least not allowing serious “gaps” between the values.

e. There are key areas of life, intensive self-improvement in which (at least simultaneously in two) with a high degree of probability can increase the level of satisfaction in all other areas of life. These are the areas of relationships, professional activities, income and hobbies. Improvement in these areas leads to an increase in the level of personal effectiveness in other areas of life.

Based on the above ideas and returning to the considered ways of developing personal effectiveness, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • the first option is good, but there is a risk of a sudden stop and rollback;
  • the second option is very effective, but it will take a lot of time, since the gradual simultaneous development in ten directions is, to put it mildly, not an easy task;
  • the third option is optimal: when, maintaining and improving health, a person increases the level of personal effectiveness in two selected key areas. In this case, firstly, the acquired skill of personal effectiveness extends to other areas of life; and secondly, the state of affairs in all spheres of life is gradually improving.

Universal Skills for Developing Personal Effectiveness

There are skills that can greatly speed up the process of self-improvement, regardless of the field you choose. There are five of them:

1. The skill of setting and achieving goals. To effectively achieve goals, you first need to set them correctly, develop an adapted algorithm for achieving them, and work out a program to overcome potential obstacles. There are a large number of methods for achieving goals, each of which has both pros and cons. Most likely, in the end, you will not choose a ready-made technique, but will form your own, complex one that is right for you. The process of adapting existing techniques and studying them will take time, which then is guaranteed to pay off.

2. The skill of managing stress. Stress is a huge problem modern society. Studies show that only 10% of the population the globe is not under chronic stress. Staying in a stressful state has a destructive effect on behavior, mental and physical health. The result is mental and somatic diseases, as well as alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. To combat stress and its consequences, the body takes a huge amount of energy and resources. By mastering and constantly developing your own skills for effective work with stress, you, on the one hand, will preserve your health (both yours and those of your loved ones), and on the other hand, significantly speed up the process of self-improvement in selected areas.

3. Skill in negotiation and conflict management. Eat good phrase: "We do not live on a cloud - we live with people." In whatever areas you choose to develop personal effectiveness, you will constantly interact with other people. The formed skill of negotiation and conflict management will provide you with invaluable assistance in the process of this interaction.

4. Decision making skill. No matter what you do, you make thousands of decisions every day. The degree of your personal effectiveness directly depends on the correctness and thoughtfulness of these decisions. Therefore, mastering the methods of decision-making is very important.

5. Time management. Unlike Venus, where there are 243 hours in a day, there are only 24 hours on our planet. The average man in the Russian Federation lives 59 years, and a woman - 72 years. Therefore, you see, it makes sense to use the time at your disposal as efficiently as possible. Therefore, mastering time-management techniques will pay off with interest.

To what level should you develop?

After some time, having achieved significant success in the process of self-improvement, many are wondering: is it time to stop, and is it necessary to move on in principle? The main reason why such thoughts arise is the fact that a person is recognized by other people as an accomplished master. Indeed, if in the eyes of others a person has already reached this level, why go further? I am sure that someday you will have similar thoughts.

When making a decision, keep the following in mind. Indeed, according to the Pareto law, mastering only 20% of knowledge and acquiring 20% ​​of effective skills in your chosen field will allow you to solve 80% of the problems that arise in it. And the further you progress, the more effort you will need to put in to advance to the next level. Probably just thinking about it. Mikhail Veller when he wrote that: “Mastership is a path of 100 ri, where the first half is 99 ri, and the second is only one ri.”

Moreover, the further you progress, the fewer and fewer people will be able to really appreciate the difference between your level of skill and the level of masters who are on the previous steps of the ladder of self-improvement. Very often, in order to show the real usefulness of what he is doing, the master is forced to "adapt" his work to the expectation and level of the customer. “We perform miracles, but we are paid for tricks” - they say about such cases. Therefore, the decision to continue along the path must necessarily be accompanied by a transition from a broad outward orientation (based on the opinions of those around you) to an inward orientation (based on your understanding of personal progress and growth rate), as well as an orientation towards people walking a similar path as you.

There is no clear answer to the question of whether to stop or not. After all, these are two completely different approaches to the idea of ​​self-improvement. The first idea (more common to Europeans and Americans) is when each goal should have clear criteria. The achievement of these criteria automatically entails the conclusion that the goal has been achieved. This is followed by setting new goals. I prefer the second model. It can be called the Eastern model of goal setting, when goals are perceived as continuous processes. Processes that do not have clear criteria by which it can be concluded that the goal has been achieved. Processes whose purpose is self-improvement in a chosen area for the rest of one's life. It is not for nothing that the word “way” is used so often in Eastern philosophy. In this case, the path of self-improvement in selected areas of life. Probably, only by choosing this model you can become a real master, polishing and honing your skills in such nuances that are completely invisible, and sometimes incomprehensible to very many, with the exception of masters like you. A vivid example is the real masters of martial arts, for whom commercial success is not the goal - gradually, day by day, polishing their skills, they become better, moving along their path, which is endless and limited by the time of their life ... Although, sometimes, it extends beyond its limits when the work of the master is continued by the students.

Summing up

Before you seriously move on to increasing the level of personal effectiveness, bring the state of affairs in your life areas to at least a level of 6 points. The qualitative development of personal effectiveness is always self-improvement in the field of health, as well as in two of the key areas of life - relationships, professional activities, income or hobbies. By choosing this model, after some time you will be convinced that you automatically become more effective in the remaining areas of life. Your level of satisfaction with the state of affairs in these areas will also grow. In addition, the rule of transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones works here. If usually the process of self-improvement is a gradual process, the art of small steps, based on the principle of "kaizen", then, accumulating, small changes lead to revolutionary leaps upward, dramatically increasing the level of personal effectiveness.

A significant contribution to increasing the level of personal effectiveness is made by the development and improvement of the five universal skills. Mastering their theoretical base will not take much time, and you can train in the process of self-improvement - believe me, there will be plenty of material for practice.

In the process of increasing personal effectiveness, introduce the rule of the so-called feedback- evaluate the increase in your effectiveness in a particular area based on the criteria you have formed. This will allow, on the one hand, to understand that there is progress, and on the other hand, to avoid unnecessary stops.

Personal Efficiency- Under personal efficiency you can understand the whole complex strategy that will allow you to achieve success in network marketing, as well as become more successful in business and direct sales.

Why do some people reach the top in MLM, while others leave? network business after a couple of months of constant failure? One of the key success factors is personal (personal) effectiveness - daily work on improving their own performance, which allows not only to correctly set business goals, but also to achieve them.

What's happened personal efficiency?

Although there is no single scientific definition personal effectiveness does not exist, it can be briefly characterized by three main concepts.

1. Awareness in everything is perhaps the most important rule that will help you become more efficient in business. Obviously, real success in network marketing achieved by people who think through each step and are clearly aware of its significance. At the same time, businessmen mindlessly following other people's templates and business plans rarely achieve impressive financial results.

2. Management of personal resources. We can say that this point follows from the previous one. A conscious person appreciates not only the amount of money invested and earned. Among other things, we are talking about such invaluable resources as time (both work and personal) or health.

3. . Successful networkers are well aware that the main component of business and trade is people. The ability to surround yourself with the “right” people is another component personal effectiveness. However, we will talk about this in more detail.

5 rules to become more efficient in business

Personal Efficiency- a completely measurable quality, which means that it is very important to constantly work on improving this indicator. Do you want to "pump" your own business talents? Professionals who have achieved real success in network marketing unanimously advise you to follow a few simple rules.

1. Learn to prioritize

The ability to separate the main goals from the secondary ones largely determines the personal effectiveness of a person both taking the first steps in network marketing and having already achieved some success. Here we can recall the famous Pareto law, or the “20/80 Principle”, according to which only 20% of all efforts guarantee 80% of the result, while the remaining 80% give only 20% of the result. It remains to learn by experience how to determine the very cherished 20%, which will allow you to become more efficient in business.

2. Plan

The previous principle is inextricably linked with another important point - competent business planning. Working in chaos and uncertainty is the main enemy of personal effectiveness, and for this reason, we advise you to learn how to make lists of tasks (To-Do-List) at the very beginning of building a successful sales career.

The golden rules of time management say that large tasks should be “split” into small ones as much as possible, and infinitely long lists should be replaced with as concise as possible (remember the Pareto principle!). We also recommend that you stop multitasking, since the desire to do everything at once (one of the common mistakes of beginners) most often leads to a lack of results and only contributes to the accumulation of fatigue.

Learn to make not only short-term to-do lists (for a day or a week), but also to think on a larger scale - in the arsenal of an experienced businessman there is always a clear plan of action in the long term (at least for the next year).

3. Learn!

Personal Efficiency impossible without self-education and self-development. Successful people never stop learning and improving their own knowledge and practical skills - and not only in the field of business and direct sales. Do not neglect the opportunity to visit the next training or seminar, opening up new horizons for yourself.

Remember: in the 21st century, life is changing at a cosmic speed, and only people who can learn, relearn and adapt flexibly to changing circumstances remain afloat.

4. Read as much good business literature as possible.

As virtually all world-famous business leaders admit, reading is one of the main places in their work schedule. So, the multibillionaire and founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg reads one business book a week, and Elon Musk, who has already become a legend, calls reading the fastest way to learn new and become more efficient in business.

5. Reach for the best

As we already wrote, the desire to surround yourself with successful people is one of effective ways improve personal performance. It is known that a person is largely "made" by his environment, and this is the main reason why you need to take care today to get rid of the negative influence as quickly as possible and start communicating with successful and passionate colleagues.

Don't be afraid to make new acquaintances: very often new people bring with them new opportunities that you didn't know about before.

And a few more secrets

Finally, I would like to give a couple more recommendations that will best affect personal effectiveness.

Try to leave your comfort zone whenever possible.
Say "No" once and for all! laziness and procrastination.
Learn to rest.
Develop public speaking and communication skills.
Go in for sports.

Why do people start learning methods to improve personal effectiveness? Everyone wants to live well. But in this rather common phrase, everyone puts their own individual meaning, because goals and aspirations, ideas about success and dreams are not the same. For some, “living well” means having a lot of money, for others it means achieving fame, becoming famous and recognizable. But it’s not often that you meet those who consider the “good life” to be the ability to win victories over themselves.

If people knew how much work my skill cost me, it would not seem like a miracle to them at all.


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What is called personal effectiveness

Until a person learns to be the real master of his own destiny, he will not achieve obvious success, but will speak with envy about the achievements of others with the only word "Lucky ...". Personal effectiveness is nothing more than a set of actions aimed at a victorious struggle with oneself and the ability to achieve goals.

It's not only career and achievements at work. Personal efficiency is self-improvement associated with the continuous setting and implementation of goals. The road from an idea to its implementation is a trial period for a person, it is he who will determine whether the one who is walking is able to find the strength in himself to move along this path without relaxing and without making mistakes.

In order for all the ideas of a person to become a reality, a whole lot of successful and accomplished personalities outline their methods for increasing personal effectiveness, sharing their experiences that led them to success. There are many of them, they differ in approaches and techniques, but they also have common ideas.

Methods for improving personal effectiveness require the presence and understanding of one's goals and objectives, the ability to reasonably assess the available forces and resources, as well as draw conclusions and draw one's own conclusions. Many are interested in how exactly to measure such an important indicator for each person, and how to predict their future life based on these data.

The answer is unequivocal - only the gradual fulfillment of the set goals and a critical analysis of the results will express personal effectiveness, because the more ideas cease to be such, and turn into an objective reality, the more capable a person is of self-realization. Methods for improving personal effectiveness are tips, a guide to action, but not a guarantee of the fulfillment of plans and goals. A person plans and organizes work on himself, and only then achieves success.

Activity planning is not things that are written on a calendar

Do not confuse planning your personal performance activities with making a to-do list on your calendar. This is not the same thing at all, because an ordinary diary is just a list of meetings and actions, and nothing more.

There are no plans in it that require self-discipline and work on eliminating your own bad habits. The diary does not provide for a struggle with oneself, without which raising efficiency is impossible.

For some people, creativity helps a lot. Thanks to the ability to act outside the box and successfully, they can do without the daily planning of their improvement activities. Here, everything depends on the ability to correctly assess your strengths and abilities, and find a balanced decision.

The balance between rigorous planning and impromptu is a game of chance. Some can count on a long-term improvement in their skills, while others can rely on inspiration that can come to them at a certain moment and radically change their lives.

In one story about the life of a famous composer, a case was described when a young man came to him and asked him to teach him how to compose symphonies. “You are so young, wouldn't it be better for you to start with etudes?” replied the maestro. “But you started writing symphonies at the age of five!” exclaimed the young man. “That's true, but I didn't ask anyone how to do it,” the composer said. From the above example, it can be seen that some plan to learn something by resorting to outside help, while others have a talent from birth and do not need anyone's advice.

Methods for improving personal effectiveness include the ability and desire to communicate with others. Without their help, it is very difficult to expand one's horizons and realize the intended goals. A trusting and friendly relationship is a very effective tool for working on oneself.

21 Methods for Improving Personal Efficiency

Change your mind and you will change your life

Brian Tracy

A successful manager, author of many motivational books, Brian Tracy started his life path from the position of an unskilled worker, since he was born and raised in a rather poor family, and he had to achieve success, relying only on his own strength and will.

Techniques to improve personal effectiveness allowed him to become a junior manager at the age of twenty-five. Brian Tracy did not stop there, and continued to work on himself, having defended his diploma, having learned several foreign languages, creating many companies and becoming a consultant, whose services were used by a total of more than a thousand different organizations.

Sharing in his book with the reader the 21st method of increasing personal effectiveness, the author notes that they should be applied depending on the circumstances, abilities of a person, skillfully combine them, and never stop there.

Methods for improving personal effectiveness involve developing a person's habit of success. It creates a positive emotional background, and everyone who has completed at least the smallest goal receives a surge of vitality that inspires them to take further action.

One must firmly develop habits

  • bring to a victorious end every business started;
  • work out your actions to achieve goals to perfection;
  • work hard without doing yourself any favors.

According to the method of Brian Tracy, a person is called upon to turn a list of goals into a plan of action, thereby determining not only what he wants, but also how to achieve it. The plan can be in the form geometric figures-tasks, between which to outline the order of priority of execution, following and interaction with arrows. Then it will be much easier for a person to think about how to coordinate all the tasks set among themselves.

Brian Tracy's Personal Effectiveness Techniques, of which there are 21 in total, are listed in the following list.

  1. Making a list of goals, with a mandatory prioritization.
  2. Daily, weekly and monthly planning.
  3. Definition of primary tasks.
  4. Focus on results.
  5. Postponement of unimportant tasks.
  6. Dividing everything planned into categories: important, necessary, desirable and not necessary.
  7. Analysis of what has already been achieved, and its objective assessment.
  8. The division of life into spheres, and the definition of the three most important tasks in each of them.
  9. Careful preparation of directed activities.
  10. Gradual passage of all planned stages.
  11. Self-improvement classes.
  12. Use of your personal abilities.
  13. An objective definition of one's own shortcomings, and a constant struggle with them.
  14. Developing self-discipline.
  15. Organization of internal forces.
  16. Stimulate your activities.
  17. Refusal to use the computer at least one day a week.
  18. Breaking down a complex task into parts.
  19. Saving time.
  20. Promptness in completing assigned tasks.
  21. Working on a single task.

Brian Tracy's hard work on himself brought him to the pinnacle of fame and success, and now he can claim that his life was a success. The desire to teach millions of other people how to achieve their goals, believe in themselves and enjoy the results of their development prompted him to write many books in which the author shared his experience and gave a number of practical advice. Listening to his lectures and speeches, a person understands that in his life he can achieve much more than he thinks, and begins to realize his goals and plans.

How to write your personal effectiveness methods

It would be very naive to believe that applying all the advice famous people in practice, a person will repeat their life path, and achieve the same success as they do. This is a myth that many cherish in the hope of becoming famous and rich.

Applying the methods offered by established personalities is like eating in a smorgasbord format. There are many dishes, and all of them are both tasty and healthy, but you need to choose exactly those that a person will be satisfied with, while enjoying it.

There are no, and cannot be, generally accepted preferences in the choice of methods for improving personal effectiveness. Some people are more capable, but less assiduous and collected, others are purposeful, but have chosen their priorities without considering all the circumstances. It also happens that the achievement of a certain goal may turn out to be incomparable with the accompanying negative phenomena and consequences, and will not bring any benefit.

To effectively increase your own self-esteem, you should confidently follow the intended path, but do not set too ambitious goals at the same time. It is unlikely that anyone will succeed Pele in football, Michael Jackson in music or Tom Cruise in acting. Here we are talking about the fact that in any case, moving towards his goal, a person will become better, while changing the world around him. Life practice shows that a person needs to believe in himself, and only then will he succeed.

Once in the USA there was such a case when a businessman, desperate from failure, accidentally met a crazy man who pretended to be a millionaire, and accepted a check for a million dollars from him. At first, he was distraught with happiness, but when he returned to the office, he decided to leave this money as a last resort. He optimized his activities, established useful contacts, reorganized the company, and soon became a millionaire himself. And the fake, as it turned out later, the check was kept in the safe all this time, and was never useful. Confidence in resources helped the man achieve success, and he won a huge victory over himself, demonstrating both willpower and determination.

It is not necessary to write everything down, it is enough to imagine the goal and strive for it.

You can think about how to change your life for the better, yourself. Having become acquainted with different approaches and methods, it is not at all necessary to apply them “under the blueprint”. There is no desire to write down goals on a sheet of paper - no need, you can imagine them, or enter them into a computer. It is difficult to outline a task for a year - excellent, we will outline for a month. It’s hard to complete the program for a week - so let’s ease the conditions and simplify the requirements for ourselves a little, and there will still be progress.

Flexibility and a combination of exactingness and indulgence are the key points in working on yourself. No matter how hard you try, the fish will not climb trees, and the cat will not swim. There is no need to wear yourself out with useless and unworkable programs just because you want to surpass someone, and at any cost.

A meaningful lifestyle plays a huge role in increasing personal effectiveness. Even if the results are not as impressive as we would like, positive dynamics will still appear, and will bring indisputable benefits. Comparison and summing up the results of the efforts made will stimulate a person to move forward, because standing still is the path to gradual degradation.

A person who works on himself, increases his efficiency, benefiting himself, involuntarily becomes an excellent example for others. Often, those who decide to take care of their own growth have achieved much greater success than the one from whom they took an example. This is also a positive result, because it leads to the fact that the lives of other people become better and more meaningful.

Summing up the article, it can be noted that it is very desirable for each person to get acquainted with the developed methods for improving efficiency, carefully analyze the approaches and directions, and, based on them, develop their own concept based on personal data, beliefs and aspirations. In this case, he will follow his own path consciously, and not just thoughtlessly imitate those who have achieved impressive results in life, including thanks to unique abilities.