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The procedure for restoring disturbed lands during construction. Global problems of the environment and natural resource management - land restoration after man-made disturbances

  • 3.2. Impact of well construction work on the environment
  • 3.3. Environmental requirements for drilling operations
  • 3.4. Stages of investment design for the construction of drilling facilities
  • 4. Environmental requirements for the construction of wells, their overhaul, conservation and abandonment
  • 4.1. Preparing the site for construction
  • 4.2. Construction of utility networks
  • 4.3. Well construction
  • 4.4. Well overhaul
  • 4.5. Emergency measures
  • 4.6. Equipment dismantling
  • 4.7. Well conservation
  • 4.8. Well abandonment
  • 5. Industrial environmental control
  • 6. Environmental measures during well construction
  • 6.1. Air protection measures
  • 6.2. Measures for the protection of water resources and their rational use
  • Indicators of the quality of water used for technological drilling needs
  • Quality indicators for wastewater treatment used in circulating water supply systems
  • 6.3. Environmental measures during waste collection, storage, cleaning and disposal
  • 6.4. Measures for the protection and restoration of land
  • 7. Use of vehicles in the northern regions
  • 8. Prevention of environmental damage, payment for environmental pollution and use of natural resources
  • 9. Responsibility for violations of environmental legislation
  • 10. Environmental education and training of personnel
  • 11. List of used normative and methodological materials
  • Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in atmospheric air
  • Maximum permissible concentrations (maximum permissible concentrations) of materials and chemicals in water of water bodies for fishery, household, drinking and cultural purposes
  • Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of chemicals in soil
  • Sanitary and toxicological characteristics of domestic reagents used in drilling fluids (III-IV toxicity classes), and calculation of waste toxicity class
  • Quantitative characteristics of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere during the operation of construction and road machines
  • New technological developments for well repair (using the example of the Urengoy field)
  • Calculation of the degree of risk and damage from emergency situations
  • Ecological and economic assessment of the recycling water supply system during well construction
  • Initial parameters for calculating the volume of drilled rock
  • Initial data for calculating the volume of the circulation system
  • Biotechnological waste treatment
  • Destruction of substances included in drilling fluids (exposure 60 days)
  • Biological soil remediation
  • 1. Loosening the contaminated area
  • Basic standards of payment for the discharge of pollutants into surface and underground water bodies, thousand rubles/t* (in 1990 prices)
  • Basic standards of payment for waste disposal within established limits (in 1990 prices)
  • Coefficients of the ecological situation and ecological significance of the state of atmospheric air and soil in the territories of economic regions of the Russian Federation
  • Coefficients of the ecological situation and ecological significance of the state of water bodies in the basins of seas and main rivers
  • Procedure for calculating fees for unorganized discharge of pollutants into water bodies
  • Approximate list of environmental measures
  • 1. Protection and rational use of water resources
  • 2. Air protection
  • 3. Use of production and consumption waste
  • 4. Environmental education, personnel training
  • 5. Research work
  • Issues considered during an environmental audit at an enterprise
  • 1. General questions
  • 2. Issues regarding atmospheric protection
  • 2.1. Questions about training at the branch
  • 2.2. Issues of training at the enterprise
  • 3. Issues regarding the protection of water bodies
  • 3.1. Questions about training at the branch
  • 3.2. Issues of training at the enterprise
  • 4. Issues regarding the protection of land resources
  • 4.1. Questions about training at the branch
  • 4.2. Issues of training at the enterprise
  • 6.4. Measures for the protection and restoration of land

    6.4.1. All lands allocated to the nature user for temporary use for the implementation of well construction programs must be returned to the landowner in a condition suitable for further land use and reproduction of biological resources.

    Work to restore the land plot must be carried out continuously until completion. The return of the land must be made before the expiration of the period for which the plot was handed over. If climatic conditions do not allow these works to be completed on time, the period of their implementation can be extended by special agreement, but not more than one year from the date of completion of drilling and dismantling of equipment at the well.

    6.4.2. Upon completion of drilling and development of the well, the following work must be carried out:

    Dismantling of equipment in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;

    Destruction of waterproofing coatings of sites, concrete foundations;

    Cleaning the drilling site from scrap metal and construction waste;

    Removal of contaminated soil;

    Restoration of landscapes at the well site and surrounding areas.

    6.4.3. When constructing wells on fertile lands and lands of active agricultural use, in the process of carrying out preparatory work for the installation of drilling equipment, it is necessary to remove and separately store the fertile layer for subsequent reclamation.

    6.4.4. Reclamation of temporary allotment lands is carried out in accordance with the project for the reclamation of disturbed lands, which contains the selected method of reclamation (technical, biological, mixed technobiological, reseeding of grasses on self-growing lands), as well as an estimate for carrying out reclamation work. The priority work is: filling holes, trenches, eliminating temporary embankments, shafts, clearing communication corridors from logging residues, eliminating damage to the upper thermal insulating layer of the earth.

    The project for reclamation of disturbed lands must be carried out by an industry design institute or a specialized organization that has the right to carry out such work.

    In permafrost zones, the main types of construction work should be carried out in the autumn-winter period after the soil has frozen to a depth of at least 20 cm.

    6.4.5. Calculations of compensation payments to landowners, land users, tenants and other persons whose interests are directly or indirectly affected by the construction of wells on a land plot are made at the feasibility study (project) stage.

    6.4.6. The main goal reclamation is bringing the territory to a given state depending on its intended further use. The question of the preferred and practicable use of the territory returned to the main land user should be resolved through agreements with environmental authorities and the local population when approving the project.

    The reclamation program can be developed based on the following options:

    Bringing the territory to its original state;

    Partial restoration of the territory to its original state;

    Bringing the territory to an acceptable alternative state;

    Refusal of reclamation.

    When choosing a remediation option, the following factors are taken into account:

    The needs of local authorities and the population;

    Planned use of the territory;

    State of existing flora and fauna;

    Nature and volume of pollution;

    Practical feasibility of reclamation;

    Timing of reclamation;

    Cost of reclamation work.

    6.4.7. The return of reclaimed and restored lands to the original owners is carried out by decision of a special commission that evaluates the quality of the work performed. The commission includes representatives of the customer, land owner, local environmental authorities, Roskomzem committees and other interested organizations, as well as the production environmental control service.

    6.4.8. Technical reclamation consists of removing and burying construction waste, additional leveling of the area, repairing and strengthening embankments, filling in excavations and cuttings, and installing an organized drainage system. After completion of construction work it is necessary:

    The clay solution remaining in the barns after the completion of well drilling can be reused for drilling subsequent wells in the pad, as well as for testing wells;

    Eliminate earthen pits with drilling waste, having previously neutralized the drilling waste contained in them;

    When dismantling fuel and lubricants warehouses, remove oil contamination;

    After completion of drilling and testing of wells, the entire site should be leveled and covered with a fertile layer of soil removed before the start of construction;

    Carry out biological remediation. Elimination of sludge pits at a drilling rig should be carried out in the autumn-winter period, when the moisture content of the waste is minimal; The barns are backfilled with mineral soils removed when digging barns, or with imported sand.

    6.4.9. Biological reclamation is carried out after completion of technical reclamation and consists of the artificial creation of vegetation cover of various types, purposes and productivity. Biological remediation is carried out for the following purposes:

    Prevention or elimination of the development of cryogenic processes;

    Consolidation of surface sandy soils and embankments from wind and water erosion;

    Restoration of natural landscapes. Biological reclamation is carried out by reseeding perennial grasses.

    The most suitable for reclamation in the northern regions are forest grasses (alnigenic bluegrass, Haupt's grass, Lapland reed grass, northern pike, etc.), which are characterized by high resistance to sudden changes in temperature and soil humidity. In the absence of commercial production of local grass seeds, the use of the following types of grasses is allowed: awnless brome, red and sheep fescue, meadow bluegrass, variable wheatgrass, meadow foxtail, Siberian hair grass, etc. To carry out biological reclamation of land, humic-mineral concentrates (HMC) can be used.

    MMCs are a product of processing cheap brown coals. The use of hydrocarbons restores the properties of the soil cover and cleanses it of ecotoxicants of various origins.

    The use of humic acids for the biological detoxification of formation water sediment in the form of sand containing inorganic and organic ecotoxicants allows, after detoxification of the sand, to carry out its phytoremediation. In addition, the aggregating and structure-forming effect of humic acids on sand prevents the possibility of wind and water erosion. Some biological soil remediation methods are given in Appendix 11.

    6.4.10. For successful reclamation of damaged and contaminated lands, the industrial environmental control service must identify the causes and nature of the violations of the natural environment that have occurred, the spatiotemporal patterns of development of their negative consequences, and select ways and means of stopping, mitigating and eliminating these consequences. Such work should be financed from the core activities of the enterprises that committed violations, using a special capital investment reserve.

    The natural process of technogenic-anthropogenic changes in the industrial ecosystem during its operation determines the objective

    Rice. 10.3. Structures of ecological restoration of natural-technical geosystem

    the need to restore the lost properties of natural landscapes in accordance with the nature of the changes that have occurred.
    The point of restoring the industrial ecosystem is to, through targeted organizational and technical influences, prevent the occurrence of dangerous violations of the stability of the system and ensure the preservation of its environmental safety.
    Since the nature of the restoration of natural objects is determined by the real process of development of anthropogenic changes, the organizational and technical principles of the restoration of PTG must be justified from the point of view of ensuring and maintaining environmental safety at the required level (Fig. 10.3, a).
    Logically, this task is implemented by moving from the required level of environmental safety of PTG /^[e(/)] through single parameters - 247
    t p
    ry anthropogenic changes 12gt;, natural objects to characteristics »=1
    ke restoration of ecosystem ej (Fig. 10.3, b).
    The general state of the PTH according to the totality of its technogenic-anthropogenic indicators hypothetically leads to an arbitrary pattern of alternation of the necessary types of Q - non-restorations.
    Current planned preventive restorations are, as a rule, local in nature and characterized by work not related to environmentally extreme situations ( preventive work within environmental tolerances е ^ [Desh], с* lt; . – Access mode:

    6. Official website of the Perm city administration [ electronic resource]. – Access mode:

    7. Regional report on the status and use of land in Perm region as of January 1, 2014. – Perm: Office of Rosreestr for the Perm Territory, 2014.

    Use, distribution, redistribution of land resources in conditions large city has significant specificity. Urban land use is multifunctional. Here, the land and property interests of various sectors of the economy, the urban economy itself, individual land owners, landowners, land users, and land tenants collide. On the territory of the city, there are simultaneously regulations for the use of land for various functions, with urban planning regulations taking precedence. The practice of using land resources in a large city and the dynamics of land use arouse active public interest; Any radical changes in land use are met with a reaction from the urban population. In a large city, a balance is necessary between the population’s need for comfortable conditions residence and life and conservation of natural resources. Therefore in modern conditions is of particular relevance high level environmental, ecological regulation of all processes of economic activity on urban lands settlements. In this context, the author considers the problem of restoring disturbed lands.

    The purpose of the study is to substantiate measures to improve the practice of restoring disturbed lands in a large city (with an illustration based on materials from the city of Perm).

    Materials and research methods

    Statistical, abstract-logical, monographic, logical modeling.

    Research results and discussion

    Research shows that urban management is a complex and diverse mechanism. The multi-purpose nature of the urban economy determines the need to organize the rational use of urban land for various functional purposes. Modern land legislation on the territory of urban settlements distinguishes territorial zones for various purposes: residential, public and business, industrial, engineering and transport infrastructure, recreational, agricultural, special purpose, military facilities and others.

    Despite this multifunctionality, the main purpose of the lands of urban settlements should be recognized as meeting the city’s needs for land resources for the construction, operation and development of urban services. It should be noted that civil and industrial construction, mining, repair and survey work in urban settlements are accompanied by large-scale disturbances of soil cover. Every year, significant areas of land are subject to destruction of the surface layer. To organize the rational use of these territories, it is necessary to bring the disturbed lands into a state suitable for further use in various sectors of the economy. Therefore, the restoration of disturbed lands in modern conditions is of particular relevance. In accordance with land legislation, the reclamation of disturbed lands, their restoration and timely involvement in circulation constitute the content of land protection, the goals of which are the prevention and elimination of pollution, depletion, degradation, damage, destruction of lands and soils and other negative impacts on lands and soils, as well as ensuring rational use of land, including restoring soil fertility on agricultural lands and improving land.

    Land reclamation as component environmental management consists in restoring the properties of the components of nature and the components themselves, disturbed by humans in the process of environmental management, the functioning of techno-natural systems and other anthropogenic activities for their subsequent use and improvement of the ecological state environment.

    Land reclamation is carried out sequentially in two stages: technical and biological. At the first stage, disturbed lands are prepared to eliminate the consequences of anthropogenic activities, the creation of favorable soil, landscape, hydrological, and planning conditions for the subsequent development of disturbed lands and solving problems of biological reclamation. At the second stage, the following is carried out: restoration of the fertile soil layer, landscaping, reclamation work, biological soil purification, phytoreclamation work.

    The effectiveness of work on the reclamation of disturbed lands depends on the nature of the functional development of the sites and the choice of direction for their further use. The latter, in turn, depends on the suitability of the disturbed territory for use in certain areas of economic activity. The following areas of restoration of disturbed lands are possible: agricultural, forestry, water management and fisheries, recreational, sanitary and hygienic, environmental protection, construction.

    In the process of reclamation of disturbed lands on the territory of urban settlements, the goal is usually to preserve and restore land as a natural component to ensure the environmental safety of the urban population. The development of built-up urban areas is also pursued. Here, restoration of soil fertility is not as important as in cases of reclamation on agricultural lands. In urban conditions, the agricultural value of land during its restoration is not of decisive importance.

    At the same time, the area of ​​agricultural land in cities is quite significant. According to the Rosreestr Office for the Perm Territory, the area of ​​such land in the cities of the region is 32.3 thousand hectares, which is 13.2% of the land in urban settlements. Recreational lands make up 77.3 thousand hectares (31.5%), residential lands - 22.8 thousand hectares (9.3%), transport and industrial lands - 30.9 thousand hectares (12.6%). ), public lands - 19 thousand hectares (7.7%), lands not involved in urban planning activities - 22.8 thousand hectares (9.3%). The presence of significant areas of agricultural land in cities determines the need for increased attention to the corresponding direction of restoration of disturbed lands.

    At the same time, practice shows that usually when carrying out reclamation of disturbed lands in cities, recreational, sanitary and hygienic, environmental, and construction areas of restoration are selected.

    The main sources of disturbed lands on the territory of Perm are industrial and residential construction, road construction, construction and operation of linear engineering infrastructure facilities. In particular, pipeline transport is a significant potential source of disturbed lands. Facilities of organizations and enterprises operating main pipelines are located on the territory of the city. The Perm regional oil pipeline departments of Permtransgaz LLC and LUKOIL-Permnefteprodukt LLC operate a total of 9,346 km of pipelines for various purposes, of which 1,272.8 km are oil pipelines, 7,635 km are gas pipelines, 332.7 km are product pipelines.

    Such objects pose a serious danger to the environment in the event of pipeline breaks, which are associated with worn-out equipment and cases of unauthorized tapping. When oil pipelines break, soil and water bodies are contaminated with oil and oil products, including sources of drinking water supply. In our case, for the conditions of the city of Perm, the gas pipelines of Permtransgaz LLC and GAZPROM OJSC also pose a danger to the natural environment: during normal operation, during planned repairs, and in emergency situations.

    In accordance with the master plan, it is planned to build 27.1 km of new gas pipelines on the territory of Perm in 2016, and another 4.7 km by 2022, which requires special attention to the conditions of construction and operation of these facilities.

    According to Federal service according to supervision in the field of environmental management in the Perm Territory, the area of ​​disturbed lands in the city of Perm is 7701.91 hectares, of which 1015.64 hectares are reclaimed lands. Compared to 2012, the area of ​​disturbed land in the city increased by 24%.

    The supervisory authority notes that about 30% of the city’s disturbed lands are problematic in terms of potential reclamation, and we are talking here about official statistics, and the actual area of ​​disturbed lands that require restoration may be much larger.

    An analysis of the practice of reclamation of disturbed lands on the territory of the city of Perm allows us to note that the main attention here is directed to the protection and restoration of lands disturbed as a result of the construction and operation of oil pipelines and highways. There is insufficient data on the reclamation of lands disturbed during the construction and operation of gas pipelines. At the same time, intensive development of a network of gas supply facilities is planned in the city in the near future, which determines the need to establish the main problems in this area, justify practical recommendations for the reclamation of lands disturbed during the construction of gas pipelines, taking into account the specifics of carrying out restoration work in a large city.

    Let's consider a typical example of land acquisition for the construction of a gas supply facility in the city of Perm. For the construction of a steel underground high-pressure gas pipeline of the first category "CHP 9 - TS Kondratovo", with a length of 1650 m, a diameter of 426 mm, land area: for permanent use - 0.1 hectares, for temporary use - 3.3 hectares. The total area of ​​land requiring restoration after completion of construction is 3.4 hectares, the land area is 4.2 hectares, with a volume of removed fertile layer of 16592 m3. The cost of the technical stage of reclamation is 757,306 rubles, the biological stage - 169,706 rubles. The payment for land is 31,760 rubles, the savings in fees for emissions of pollutants after the construction of the gas pipeline is 2,354 thousand rubles per year.

    According to our estimates, the cost of reclamation of lands disturbed during the construction of gas pipelines in the city of Perm averages about 273 thousand rubles. per hectare of restored area, which is more than twice the cost of reclamation of plots of agricultural land in the Perm Territory. This value can be used as an average standard in the process of forecasting, planning and organizing new construction in urban areas. It should be taken into account that in the total cost of costs, the cost of the technical stage is 82%, and the biological stage is 18% of the cost of restoration.

    It is planned to build 31.8 km of new gas pipelines in the city by 2022, which, according to our calculations, will require at least 63.6 hectares of land. The cost of restoring land disturbed during the construction of gas supply facilities will amount to 17.4 million rubles. These funds must be taken into account when establishing the cost of construction and installation work.

    The results of our research allow us to identify the following specific characteristics of the process of reclamation of disturbed lands in a large city:

    1. Large-scale disturbances of the surface layer of the earth, due to significant volumes and dynamics of construction, installation, survey, and repair work in the territory of a large city.

    2. Orientation towards recreational, sanitary and hygienic, environmental, construction areas of reclamation, taking into account the main purpose of lands in populated areas. The secondary nature of agricultural land restoration, despite the high proportion of agricultural land in the city.

    3. Expressed emphasis on the work that makes up the content of the technical stage of reclamation of disturbed lands, and the simplified nature of the biological restoration stage. In some cases, the biological stage of reclamation is absent, for example, in the construction direction of restoration.

    4. The higher cost of restoration of disturbed lands in a large city compared to the cost of restoration on agricultural lands and other categories of land fund.

    5. Significant negative impact of disturbed lands on Natural resources cities and the environment in general. Deterioration of the conditions for the use of the city's land resources, disruption of the existing organization of the territory.

    6. Carrying out restoration work in a large city as quickly as possible. This is due to the need to create favorable living conditions for the urban population, the normal functioning and development of the urban economy. The consequence of this is the inclusion of work on the reclamation of disturbed lands as part of the main complex of construction and installation works.


    These features should be taken into account when carrying out work to restore disturbed lands.

    Improving the practice of urban planning forecasting, planning, design, zoning of the city territory with the establishment of conditions and procedures for the use of especially valuable lands;

    Improving the management of land resources in a large city, including integrated land management, real estate cadastre, control over the use and protection of land, and other management functions;

    Organization of rational use of lands after their restoration and involvement in economic circulation, optimization of urban land use;

    Development of practice, improvement of technology for performing construction and installation work for the reclamation of disturbed lands in a large city, timely restoration of disturbed lands;

    Economic stimulation of rational urban land use and land ownership, improvement of market mechanisms in the field of land use;

    Methodological and regulatory support for improving the practice of restoring disturbed lands in a large city.

    The implementation of these activities is designed to contribute to the improvement of urban management and land use, and the rational use of the city’s land resources.

    Bibliographic link

    Bryzhko V.G. RESTORATION OF DISTURBED LAND IN THE CONDITIONS OF A LARGE CITY // Basic Research. – 2016. – No. 6-1. – pp. 134-138;
    URL: (date of access: November 26, 2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

    Many types of management - construction, mining, repair or survey work - significantly destroy the soil cover, therefore, to restore it, reclamation of disturbed lands is carried out. To put it into circulation, a huge amount of fertile soil layer is restored through special measures, which will be discussed in this article.


    What are disturbed lands? These are those that have lost their economic value or, moreover, negatively affect the environment due to disturbed soil cover or when technogenic relief is formed after certain production activities.

    What is land reclamation? This is a whole set of actions that are aimed at restoring the national economic value of devastated soils, restoring their productivity, and improving the conditions of the entire environment. Technical and biological reclamation of disturbed lands is being carried out. To do this, they first need to be inventoried - identified, recorded and mapped, areas determined and the quality level established.

    The directions of reclamation of disturbed lands are their restoration for one or another intended use. For example, the agricultural direction involves the creation of new agricultural land on disturbed soils.

    Work on removing the fertile layer, transporting it and applying a new one - earthing. It can significantly improve even unproductive lands and potentially fertile rocks. The object of reclamation is a land plot with a disturbed fertile layer that is subject to restoration. The upper part of the soil cover, humified and equipped with all physical, chemical and agrochemical properties favorable for plants, is called the fertile layer.


    Actions to organize agricultural work and restore all disturbed lands are very relevant in modern conditions. Territories where reclamation of such lands has already occurred should be under special control.

    The 1994 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation defines the general requirements for carrying out work on the reclamation of damaged soil cover. They are mandatory for all legal entities, officials and individuals. Reclamation of disturbed lands brings recreational, forestry and agricultural lands back into operation for further use for their intended purpose. There are two stages to restore soils - biological and technical.

    When does reclamation of disturbed lands take place? technical stage, planning is carried out, slopes are formed, the fertile layer of soil is removed and applied, reclamation and hydraulic structures are installed, toxic rocks removed by opening are buried, various works are organized to create conditions for the second stage of activities.

    Biological intervention restores soil fertility: agrotechnical, phytomeliorative measures that improve agrochemical, agrophysical, biochemical properties, as well as other indicators of fertility.

    Types of reclamation

    There are an incredible amount of disturbed lands on the planet. Reclamation is necessary in many cases. So, it is necessary to eliminate the consequences:

    • open-pit or underground mining;
    • laying pipelines, carrying out reclamation, construction, logging and some other work that is associated with damage to the soil cover;
    • liquidation of military, industrial, and any other structures and facilities;
    • storage or burial of household, industrial or other waste;
    • eliminating the consequences of soil pollution, when the condition for restoration is the removal of the fertile top layer.

    The norms for such removal are established by the project for the reclamation of disturbed lands, depending on how much the level of fertility of a given area has fallen. The removed layer of soil usually also goes into use - it is reclaimed, after which it improves unproductive land.

    Goals not related to agriculture or forestry are usually not pursued because they are not economically viable. The exception is cases when there is no possibility of using the removed soil layer for the forest fund or improving the land for agriculture. On the territory of each region there are organizations for the transfer or acceptance of reclaimed land. It also discusses other issues related to soil disturbance and restoration.

    The Standing Commissions include land management, environmental protection, water management, forestry, agricultural, architectural and construction, sanitary, financial and credit and many other bodies, under whose supervision all stages of reclamation of disturbed lands take place.


    Acceptance (transfer) of all reclaimed lands must be carried out within one month after submission of notification of completed soil restoration actions to the Standing Commission. Carrying out reclamation of disturbed lands requires the following materials to be attached to the documents:

    • Permission to carry out such work (copies), that is, a document certifying the right to use subsoil and land.
    • A copy of the land use plan showing the boundaries of all restored areas.
    • Disturbed land reclamation project.
    • Data from surveys - soil and others, which are necessary for carrying out such work related to both the violation of the fertile layer and the elimination of the consequences of this.
    • Working drawings - design documentation for anti-erosion, reclamation, hydraulic and other facilities, agrotechnical, forest reclamation and other measures that were provided for by the project.
    • Inspection materials reflecting the implementation of soil restoration work, information on measures taken to eliminate identified violations.
    • Information on the procedure for removing, storing, using, transferring the fertile layer, relevant documents confirming this.

    This list of papers is supplemented and clarified in each case by the Standing Commission. Changes and additions are dictated by the nature of the land disturbance and its future use.


    Reclaimed areas are accepted by a special commission with a mandatory on-site visit. It is approved by the chairman or deputy of the Standing Commission within ten days after the application is submitted by legal entities or individuals leasing land.

    Typically, the working commission consists of representatives of municipal and state bodies interested in land use, as well as members of the Standing Committee itself. Persons handing over and accepting reclaimed areas, representatives of design and contracting organizations, specialists and experts also take part in the acceptance of reclaimed areas. The procedure for reclamation of disturbed lands is checked after reviewing all required documents.

    Pesticide pollution

    Pesticides are inorganic and organic compounds, which are used in the fight against plant diseases and pests, against weeds, as well as to accelerate the ripening of a number of crops subjected to machine harvesting. Despite the fact that only about three hundred grams of such substances are applied per hectare, the soils become significantly clogged over time, so sooner or later they are subject to mandatory reclamation. The main task is to activate the processes of decomposition of residual forms of harmful substances. Directions for reclamation of disturbed lands can be very different according to the project, which provides percentage data on the composition of soil contamination.

    Biodestructors are used to decompose certain compounds, soils are irradiated with ultraviolet light, fertilizers are applied - mineral and organic, and agro-reclamation and agrotechnical measures are carried out. To reduce the decomposition time of pesticides, chemical ameliorants are used that form non-toxic compounds; artificial or natural sorbents and lime are added to the soil. Then those crops that are able to absorb harmful compounds and process them are introduced into the crop rotation: corn, lupine, rapeseed. In this way, the soils are cleared of atrazine and linuron, as well as many other compounds.

    Oil pollution

    Taking into account the criteria for assessing the state of the environmental situation, appropriate measures are carried out, first of all, technical reclamation of disturbed lands, after which biological reclamation. There are three defined levels of soil pollution: background, increased and high pollution. The first is up to fifty milligrams of petroleum products per kilogram of dry soil. The second - up to a thousand milligrams, the third - up to five thousand. It is the third level that involves the purpose of reclamation of both soil and groundwater. The second level should alert those responsible who are obliged to carry out monitoring.

    The development of a project for the reclamation of disturbed lands contaminated with oil and its products is being organized according to an equalized scheme. Initial actions are aimed at activating microorganisms in the soil so that they destroy hydrocarbons. The soil is also loosened, lime, gypsum, and high doses of mineral and organic organisms are added to it, then all this is plowed. A mulched surface consisting of nutrient mixtures is created, and increased rates of oil-tolerant crops are sown. White bentgrass, timothy grass, red fescue, awnless brome, perennial lupine, eastern beckmania, canarygrass, horned butterfly, alfalfa and clover are grown. Plants that grow on contaminated soil are fed to animals under strict control, since carcinogens and aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons accumulate in them.

    Ecological system

    Land restoration depends on how the disturbed land reclamation project is designed, as well as in accordance with the emergency level of the environmental disaster situation. This is a whole series of environmental engineering system activities. Petroleum products are extremely mobile in the components of the geosystem. If the soils have been contaminated for a long time and large areas of bound and free petroleum products have formed in the zones of aeration and groundwater, then the fight against them will be serious. This usually happens near oil depots, fuel warehouses and oil refineries.

    The engineering-ecological system must implement the tasks of removing mobile oil products, protecting rivers, water intakes, as well as reclamation of all damaged soils. Sources of contamination must be localized. The basis of the environmental engineering system is made up of structures: embankment dams, walls in the ground, vertical and horizontal drainage, injection and production wells. Many other measures that provide for the technical reclamation of disturbed lands are also good.

    Quarry dumps

    Twenty percent of the total area of ​​the territory of mining enterprises is allocated to quarry dumps, 13% to waste storage facilities from processing plants, 5% to dumps and mine waste, and 3% to completely unsuitable land due to subsidence and surface failures. The volume of mining work increases every year, and now approximately ten to fifteen hectares are used as dumps every year. Landscape complexes and soil cover are being disturbed. Engineering communications and their construction also require significant space. Reclamation of lands disturbed by mining operations in our country has been carried out systematically since 1959.

    Comprehensive remediation schemes may include a wide range of activities depending on the degree of contamination and its chemical composition. For example, these:

    • First year- loosening to degas the soil and stimulate all biochemical processes.
    • Second year- regulation of water and nutrient regimes of the soil with biodestructors.
    • Third year and all subsequent years- growing sustainable crops until quality products grow.

    High levels of pollution can force a complete replacement of the fertile topsoil, which is removed and sent for recycling. Overburden rocks stored in the form of an embankment (external dumps) are used only if they are radioactive and non-toxic.

    Excavations and artificially created cavities are reclaimed mainly using consumer and industrial waste, that is, they are, in fact, their disposal, and this is a licensed type of activity. Quarry excavations and various types of dumps are used in the extraction of minerals and building materials in an open way.

    Reclamation stages

    This is a very complex multi-component system of activities, closely interconnected, structured by the level of tasks to be solved and technological execution. Preparatory stage- justification of measures from the investment side and development of working documentation. The technical stage is the implementation of the project in its engineering part.

    Biological - the final stage, including landscaping, biological soil purification, forestry construction, phytorecultivation and agro-reclamation measures, which are aimed at the complete restoration of soil-forming processes. The first two stages can take place over a long period of time - up to several decades, when complex environmental problems are solved.

    Read also:
    1. Automation of large-scale mapping of built-up areas.
    2. Improvement of urban areas. Regulatory regulation of the creation of green spaces.
    3. Wind mode. Wind roses. Choosing the direction of wind protection and wind protection of residential areas.
    4. Foreign policy of Ivan IV: annexation and development of new lands
    5. Question 41. Accounting for costs of preparation and development of production
    6. Question No. 10. Reduction of metal oxides using CO and H2.
    7. Question. 3.24 The essence and composition of regional finance, their role in the economic and social development of territories.
    8. Restoration of parts using high-temperature spraying.
    9. Restoration of machine parts by plasma methods and its scope.

    “Inconvenient” lands include territories where economic activity is difficult or impossible due to natural reasons (swamps, mountains, slopes).

    “Disturbed” lands include lands that have lost their original natural and economic value as a result of anthropogenic impact, erosion, deflation, etc. processes.

    “Disturbed” territories are divided into:

    · lands damaged by bulk soil - dumps, waste heaps, cavaliers and landfills

    · territories damaged by excavation - open-pit mines, failures and deflections at the site of underground mining, reserves and trenches during the construction of linear structures (product pipelines).

    For cities located in areas of mining industry, the restoration and development of disturbed landscapes is a priority problem. This is determined by the need for land resources, which is especially great in areas of such intensive industrial development, as well as by the active destruction of the landscape, which sometimes in such conditions takes on the character of an “epidemic”, caused mainly by the processes of water and wind erosion.

    The main form of combating these phenomena is the restoration of disturbed areas.

    Disturbed lands of all categories, as well as adjacent land plots that have completely or partially lost productivity as a result of negative impacts on them, are subject to restoration.

    Reclamation is a set of works for the environmental and economic restoration of lands and reservoirs, the fertility of which is a result of human activity decreased significantly.

    Reclamation of disturbed lands is carried out to restore them for agricultural, forestry, water management, construction, recreational, environmental and sanitary purposes.

    Reclamation of lands disturbed by industrial activities is carried out, as a rule, in three stages.

    The first stage is preparatory: examination of disturbed areas, determination of the direction of reclamation, feasibility study and drawing up a reclamation project.

    The second stage is technical reclamation, which, depending on regional conditions, may include an intermediate stage - chemical reclamation. Technical reclamation is usually provided by enterprises that develop mineral resources.

    The technical reclamation stage must take place during the operation of the quarry.

    The third stage of restoration of disturbed lands is the biological stage of reclamation, which is carried out after the complete completion of the mining and technical stage. The biological stage of reclamation consists of restoring the soil cover. During biological reclamation, they ensure the formation of a soil layer, soil structuring, accumulation of humus and nutrients, and bringing the properties of the soil cover to a state that meets the requirements of the crops planned for cultivation.

    Vegetation is one of the main tools for restoring inconvenient and disturbed areas, without which it is impossible to create an ecologically complete environment.

    The ideal solution to the problem would be the complete restoration of disturbed areas immediately following development. However, in practice this is not yet possible. However, any prolonged existence of disturbed areas in the immediate vicinity of the city is an extremely undesirable phenomenon, since their adverse impact on the environment extends to the city, sometimes creating unbearable living conditions for the population. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to carry out work to identify disturbed areas, stabilize the processes developing in them, and stop further destruction of the landscape within this and adjacent areas.

    Relationship various types environmental activities in the process of development, justification, assessment, adoption and implementation of decisions related to significant human impact on the environment.

    Two concepts are becoming relevant today: environmental assessment and environmental control.

    Environmental control- a system of measures aimed at preventing, identifying and suppressing violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection, ensuring compliance by economic and other entities with requirements, including standards and regulatory documents, in the field of environmental protection.

    This system includes government control bodies.

    As a rule, the main authority civil service is so called environmental monitoring- a comprehensive system for monitoring the state of the environment, assessing and forecasting changes in the state of the environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. Monitoring tasks:

    1. Observation of the general state of the environment, as well as the individual processes occurring in it and their impact on humans, as well as the human impact on them.

    2.Assessment of the entire set of information in its interaction.

    3. Making forecasts regarding the state of the environment in order to avoid negative impacts on the environment.