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home  /  Business/ Participants in the “Leaders of Russia” competition will be tested on their knowledge of history, culture and geography. “It turns out that governors can be living people, and not “a man in a case”

Participants in the Leaders of Russia competition will be tested on their knowledge of history, culture and geography. “It turns out that governors can be living people, and not “a man in a case”

After graduating from the university with honors, Evgeny Lupinos immediately headed the HR segment of a large company. It turned out that practice and theory differ markedly from each other. The young specialist faced a generally trivial choice: change the world or adapt to it. Zhenya chose the first one - he left his job and organized a company, within which he began to teach and train managers. As a result, today Evgeniy is close to winning the all-Union management competition “Leaders of Russia”.

To each his own

Evgeniy’s company MOST Consulting, in addition to education and training, is engaged in expert assessment of personnel and the creation of a personnel reserve. Please explain to a non-specialist what this is and how it happens. After two seconds of thought, Zhenya gives the example of hospitals. “How do they usually select the head of the department or the chief physician? The best doctor is invited to this position. But the best doctors in most cases want to treat and do not want to manage. They are persuaded, their salary is doubled, and they agree. As a result, the clinic loses a good surgeon or oncologist, and in return gets a bad manager. Treating and managing are different competencies. In our Omsk region, Medical Unit No. 9 was the first to understand the trend and invited us. We conducted extensive research, trainings, tests, including using our own method of observing the gaming behavior of staff, conducted management trainings and as a result created the very personnel reserve- a group of doctors capable of becoming effective managers. And also those who saw their purpose only in directly saving lives and health,” he says.

The work turned out to be so effective that the administration of Medical Unit No. 9 itself repeatedly requested their services and brought most of the large clinics in the region to them.

Don't get stuck in Amur

Having seen astronauts on TV, children become astronauts. To save lives, they become doctors. They want to build houses - by architects. But how does the desire to teach others how to manage people arise? It is unknown, because our hero did not have such a desire as a child.

“My high school years were at the end of the 90s,” recalls Evgeniy. - Everyone around wanted to study to become economists, bankers and lawyers, but only those whose parents were able to pay for such an education could. And I grew up with my mother and grandmother, on a pension and the salary of a salesman in a bakery. In addition, he grew up in a residential criminal area of ​​Omsk, nicknamed “Cupid,” which by no means promised its inhabitants a guaranteed bright future. Therefore, my childhood dreams were aimed at one thing - to get out of “Amur”, to become one of the people, and for this to get a good higher education.”

Having realized all this, Zhenya began to study excellently. I loved mathematics more than other subjects. From the sixth grade I took part in all city mathematical Olympiads and emerged, if not a winner, then certainly a prize-winner. In the ninth grade, he successfully passed the exams at the fashionable lyceum, but did not study there. Having graduated from school with a gold medal, I saw myself in a technical university, but providence intervened - friends invited me to go to an open day at the university (Omsk State University named after Dostoevsky). There, having heard the speech of the head of the Department of Economics and Sociology of Labor, Vladimir Polovinko (who later became a mentor), he unexpectedly and finally chose his life’s work - HR.

Tough Conversation

The discipline “personnel management” turned out to be at the intersection of his favorite mathematics and fashionable economics, so, as Evgeniy says, it hit the target. From his third year, as the best student in the expert group, he was already involved in freelance projects in real business. At the age of 22, he graduated from the university with honors, but even before receiving the diploma he received an offer to take the position of head of personnel services at the Kolos sanatorium with a staff of 450 people.

“What was the hardest thing about my first full-time job? - he asks again. - The most difficult was the crisis of 2008. In order for the sanatorium to survive, a decision had to be made to temporarily transfer all staff to half-time and half-pay. I had to announce this to the entire team from the stage of the assembly hall. Before this, I did not sleep all night - I was nervous and thought about how to properly convey the news to people about such an unpopular decision. I came out and said that if everything is left as it is, then in a couple of months we will go down the drain and they will have nothing to feed the children. And if we delay for a few months, then later we will restore full working hours and salaries. No, they were not happy, and it was the most difficult performance of my life. But in the end, people understood me, agreed, and after five months we were able to restore salaries.”

Hungry Science

Zhenya worked at Kolos until he was 24 years old. On weekends, I found the strength to give lectures to Omsk State University students and attend professional forums. The university management invited me to teach on a permanent basis. After leaving the sanatorium, he became a university teacher. But it quickly became clear that you couldn’t make a living by teaching. I had to earn extra money through freelance consulting projects in an existing business.

And then everything went as if by itself. Specialists whose competencies Evgeniy tried to improve during consulting events began to come to his lectures and master classes at the university. It turned out that these same specialists are able to learn much more from his classes, ask interesting, correct questions and leave grateful for the knowledge they received.

At some point, Lupinos decided to work more with specialists than with students, and accepted an offer from one large plant where he headed the personnel department. But at the plant, his innovative ideas met resistance from the board of directors, accustomed to living by tradition. Thus, it turned out that the university gave him the opportunity to create, develop and realize himself, but did not generate income, and the plant did not generate income. From this understanding, the idea was born to teach HR science, not to students, but to existing managers on a commercial basis. And Evgeniy founded MOST Consulting.

And after some time, the company formed its own pool of regular customers and the business became successful.

What are you giving?

Evgeniy founded MOST Consulting in 2012, when he was 25 years old. And he immediately became the head coach of his team. That is, he had to train both forty- and fifty-year-old managers whose work experience exceeded Zhenya’s age at birth. How did he manage to get grown people to listen?

“Yes, there is such a problem,” our speaker laughs. - But it’s there for the first five to ten minutes. As soon as people realize that I have something important and interesting to tell them, skepticism disappears. I'll tell you the most difficult case: I had to teach at the department of government and municipal government university. I walked in, and three quarters of the audience were men in uniform, over the age of forty. There was naked doubt in their eyes that I could teach them anything. But ten minutes later no one remembered my age.”

At the very beginning of his career, Evgeniy sometimes tried to artificially give himself maturity and seriousness, but he quickly realized that in his business, the more natural the behavior, the more adequate the perception. Age is not important, it is important to be prepared on all issues.

The consulting company's greatest competence, most complex and most expensive product is conducting strategic planning sessions. All top managers of the enterprise gather in a meeting room and, for example, within two days they decide how to live further. The moderator of such a session, that is, the person who organizes a civilized discussion, asks the right questions and ensures the progress of negotiations, is precisely an expert from a consulting company. Lupinos personally conducts 7-8 such sessions a year.

Live easy

It must be said that Evgeniy invented one of the unique tools that the company uses today under the pressure of the last crisis - 2014-2015.

“At the beginning of 2015, the business began to sharply cut costs, primarily abandoning luxury services,” he says. - And consulting is just a service in this spectrum. Many went bankrupt. We quickly restructured, starting to focus on training. Moreover, they invented a new training model, which they called the “business gym”. The point is that instead of long classes, we began to conduct short but frequent ones. People began to come to us as a training session - say, twice a week for two hours. The method turned out to be effective."

Thanks to the MOST Consulting “gym,” the crisis passed without losses. Today the company has 18 employees and a beautiful office in the center of Omsk, and has more than 20 training programs in practice. Evgeniy personally developed a whole series of proprietary teaching methods, conducted more than 2.5 thousand training hours, continues to teach at Omsk State University as a hobby, and organized regional project The “HR brand workshop in Omsk” is collaborating with the regional administration and is planning to take my mother out of “Amur” in the near future.

Summing up the story about himself, Zhenya says that his main task is to teach and train people to manage and communicate with subordinates so that they feel a thrill from it, and the main marker of the company’s effectiveness is that people and companies come back again and again.

One of the best

Zhenya came to participate in the “Leaders of Russia” competition by accident. A friend advocated, they say, “very large-scale and interesting.” At first Evgeniy was skeptical about the idea, but he went to the competition page.

“I teach people leadership, the ability to motivate, management techniques, negotiation skills, and teamwork,” says Evgeniy. - And the “Leaders of Russia” competition is just about this. And I wanted to test myself. Understand how much I have the right to teach others. And I managed to register.”

According to the results of the first stage, Zhenya entered the top hundred, although 20 thousand people participated from the Siberian Federal District. According to the results of the second stage, he took 52nd place. According to the results of the semi-final - one of the two first places (more precisely, it is not reported). He says that the level of qualifying tests at the competition is very high. Personally, getting to the semi-finals, regardless of winning the competition, brought a lot of satisfaction to Evgeniy Lupinos - he talked to very interesting people and speakers, completed the minimum personal task. He says that the level of qualifying tests at the competition is very high. The questions did not force one to demonstrate precise knowledge, but rather revealed the ability to think quickly and critically.

Today he is one step away from first place in the “Leaders of Russia”. What to do with the prize - a year of mentoring from the most famous businessman or manager in Russia - who to choose? Evgeniy says that he thought a lot about this and can name Gref, Kiriyenko and Potanin as his favorites.

Evgeniy does not yet know where to spend the second prize - a million rubles on training. Everything will depend on the range of possibilities and limitations. What he knows for sure is what he would like to develop further in himself - leadership, negotiations and management. There is no such thing as too much intelligence, as they say.

In an era of rapidly developing progress, our great country, more than ever, needs young and talented leaders who are able to form and lead entire teams of followers working in different fields of science, economics and business. They must be purposeful, honest and willing to work for the good of their country. It's time to set it for yourself high goals and strive for them with all your might. This is a time not only of new technologies, but also of new tasks, at first glance difficult and unattainable. But with hard work and faith in victory, any task can be solved. Know that nothing is impossible. So, dreams come true! And this is not just a pretentious phrase calling for something unknown. Because it appeared today real opportunity to realize the wildest aspirations of those who want to use their talents for the good of the country.

The cry is thrown

Just recently the first news broke about the All-Russian competition “Leaders of Russia”, which officially started on October 11 of this year (2017). On the initiative of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation And High school government controlled RANEPA issued a call to all corners of Russia for ambitious and purposeful people with experience in leadership work.

Among them, it is planned to find the most competent and promising managers, real leaders capable of promoting and developing our country in most key areas in the near future. In other words, identifying the best of the best leaders is the main objective competition "Leaders of Russia". This unprecedented event is happening for the first time in the history of our country, and therefore deserves to be called historical.

"Leaders of Russia". The essence of the competition

As First Deputy Sergei Kiriyenko said, the launch of such a project is the implementation of a direct recommendation from the head of state.

The main goal of the “Leaders of Russia” competition is not only to select winners who are able to further participate in the governance of the country, but also to support, develop and train new personnel, in this case in the field of leadership, who are already directly related to management. But the main quality of the participants is their readiness and desire for higher achievements, their willingness to do more than they have done up to this point. After all, even participation in an event of this magnitude will require each competitor to concentrate on winning and make every effort for healthy competition.

What is the reward for the winners

Any competition, including the 2017 Leaders of Russia competition, implies not only the goals of the organizers, but also a reward for those who perform so well that they stand out from the huge crowd of talented competitors. What privileges does victory mean for participants? Is it really necessary to register for the “Leaders of Russia” competition? It must be said right away that three hundred finalists will receive grants worth one million rubles each to undergo training in a personally chosen program. And that in itself is already great! But the most delicious part of the pie awaits the winners. They will have a unique opportunity to learn from significant persons of the state such as the head of the presidential administration Anton Vaino, his first assistant Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Shoigu, Anton Siluanov and others famous personalities states. Subsequently, those who have completed the training will have prestigious jobs in the presidential administration and major state corporations.

Who can participate in the competition

The idea for the project was conceived at the end of last year. And now, almost twelve months later, it has become a reality for many thousands of participants in the “Leaders of Russia” 2017 competition. Any citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of their field of activity, can apply for participation. He must be no older than 50 years. The main conditions for candidates are to have at least five years of experience in management positions, if the participant falls within the age range of 35 to 50 years. For young people who have not yet reached 35, there are some easier criteria. Two years of management experience is enough for them.

On this moment Of the nearly two hundred thousand who dared to submit an application, the “Leaders of Russia” competition has already eliminated most of those interested in the first stages of online testing. Thirteen thousand worthy people remained. Nevertheless, even from among them, only a few will be among the winners.

Main stages of selection of winners

Let's try to figure out on what principle the winners will be selected from thousands of ordinary participants who dream of climbing the career ladder. The entire competition is divided into several stages.

The first stage of the “Leaders of Russia” competition is the registration of participants, which involves indicating personal data and describing their leadership experience in any guide. At the moment, the first stage has already been completed, because it was scheduled for the period from October 11 to November 6.

The next stage is remote selection. Persons who have registered for the “Leaders of Russia” competition on time are allowed to attend. until November 22, online testing is taking place to identify the intellectual data and potential management abilities of the contestants. After processing all the tests and making decisions, each participant will be sent personal comments based on the test results of the Leaders of Russia competition.

Some statistics

For lovers of the purely mathematical aspect of the event, we consider it our duty to acquaint readers with somewhat boring figures, which express the percentage ratio by region of the country of the number of those brave people who decided to apply for the “Leaders of Russia” competition. In the North-West region it ranks first - 53.6% of registrations. Leningrad region takes 13.6%, and the Kaliningrad region - 6.3%. The Novosibirsk region won - 22%. And in Southern District the championship is shared Krasnodar region and Rostov region. In the Urals the leaders are Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk region. And in the North Caucasus, the Stavropol region takes the lead, gaining as much as 45.9%. Such unexpected activity of future managers could not but please the current government officials, who give the opportunity to almost anyone who wishes to take part in the “Leaders of Russia” competition.

Some online testing details

According to the latest data, after the first qualifying round, out of more than one hundred and eighty thousand participants, just under thirteen thousand remained. And such strict screening is an absolute law. This is exactly what one of the online testing participants, Alexandra Shigapova, thought. In her reviews of the “Leaders of Russia” competition, she reports that the questions were so difficult that they were too difficult for the majority of registered participants.

To confirm her words, project press secretary Maria Blokhina reports that the questions for the tests were compiled by the best experts in the country. The contestants were tested on their knowledge in the fields of economics, culture, the Constitution, as well as Russian history, literature and geography. And, I must admit, this was only the first stage of tests of the Leaders of Russia competition. At the second stage, participants were tested for advanced arithmetic and cognitive abilities. In other words, future managers were tested to quickly identify the essence of the issue.

And the third stage of testing will determine how skillfully the contestants behave in management, and with what effectiveness their leadership qualities are manifested. For the greatest fairness and complete exclusion of results manipulation, all tests are checked by machines.

Mentors' opinion

Upon completion of the last stage of testing of the All-Russian competition "Leaders of Russia", the results of which can be found out on November 22 after their official publication, all participants will receive letters with comments directly on the results of the exam. In this regard, the Vzglyad newspaper asked several questions to Sergei Nedoroslev, co-chairman of Business Russia, who is also one of the mentors of the Leaders of Russia competition. Nedoroslev’s comments about the complexity of the tests coincided with the opinions of many project participants. He emphasized that the competition turned out to be much more than its organizers expected. After all, at first it was calculated that there would be no more than 15 thousand people willing to try their hand at management. Other mentors and colleagues of Sergei Nedoroslev thought the same thing. But in fact, there were tens of times more participants, and this only fueled the interest of the press and public in the project and emphasized the need for it.

What awaits those who pass the tests?

According to official data, about 2,400 contestants will be admitted to the semi-finals, who will be selected directly based on the results of online testing. Each federal district will have 300 people. It is planned to hold face-to-face meetings with them in all eight federal districts. And to prevent deception, some elements of the tests of the Leaders of Russia competition will be included in face-to-face interviews. In other words, contestants will have to re-answer some of the test questions to prove that they solved them online without outside help. The semi-final is scheduled for December this year.

From the region to the capital

So, online testing is not yet completed. It will last until November 22. But most of the participants who have passed two rounds of the test survey are probably already dreaming of being among the three hundred finalist winners. However, even three hundred champions is not the end of the competition. After all, the only thing that will determine the best of them is the final meeting in Moscow, which will take place around February 2018. There, in the capital, it will take place last test for real leaders, and only one third of the finalists will ascend to the top of Olympus.

Competition "Leaders of Russia". Reviews

During the competition, the participants formed their own purely narrow opinion about the project. And everyone’s opinion was based on personal impressions from the past stages of testing. Based on the example of several reviews of the “Leaders of Russia” competition, this is quite clearly visible. One of the test takers says that anyone who wants to test their knowledge and abilities should definitely take part in the project. Another contestant simply hopes to make a major change in his life and deeply believes that he will succeed. There are also those who openly express dissatisfaction and call the statement about the possibility of anyone wanting to participate in the “Leaders of Russia” being an outright lie. And since they themselves took part in the competition, they provide a number of compelling arguments to support their words. But as you know, as many people as there are, so many opinions. Therefore, you should never trust the words of those who are too joyful and too offended people. After all, some of their speeches may turn out to be far-fetched, but the truth, most likely, lies somewhere in the middle. Therefore, we look forward to the continuation of the competition and especially its completion.

We talked in detail about this competition, which took place from November 2017 to February 2018. By general recognition, the Leaders of Russia competition is the best social elevator currently available in Russia.

In this article we will tell you about the main innovations, testing stages and ways to prepare for successfully passing the tests of the Leaders of Russia 2018-2019 competition.

In 2018, the all-Russian competition Leaders of Russia began on October 10 and lasted until March 17, 2019. In 2017, let us remind you that about 200 thousand people registered to participate in the competition. And this year, as of October 25, 2018, the number of applications submitted was 227,193.

In the 2018-2019 competition, the stakes are even higher. 20 largest Russian corporations (Rosatom, RAO UES, Roscosmos, Rusal, Rosseti, RT, Severstal, Sibur, Rosneft, Gazpromneft, RusHydro, Rostec, Norilsk Nickel, Lukoil, NLMK, Sberbank, Russian Railways, Rostelecom, Aeroflot, Sirius) announced that they are opening for finalists and winners of Leaders of Russia, separate places for training at corporate universities, for internships, and, what is especially attractive, preferences for hiring for management positions in these companies. That is, for the finalists and winners of the Leaders of Russia 2018-2019 competition, doors will be open not only to the government of the Russian Federation, but also to the largest companies with billions in revenue. Agree: this is something that is really worth fighting for.

To select the winners of the competition, a longer and more complex stage of remote selection is being introduced - testing of the Leaders of Russia competition.

The test stage of Leaders of Russia 2018-2019 is scheduled for the period from 8.00 am on November 5 to December 27, 2018, that is, testing will take almost 2 months. According to the conditions of 2018, the Leaders of Russia tests will be carried out in 3 stages and will be the same as last year. Types of tests, their number and timing of testing Leaders of Russia:

  • numerical, verbal, abstract thinking test- from November 5 to November 7 (in the numerical test in 2018 there were 20 questions, 20 minutes were given to pass, in the verbal test - 20 questions, 22 minutes were given to it, the test for abstract logical thinking consists of 25 questions, to pass it 20 minutes were allotted)
  • erudition testing (test of general knowledge about Russia)- in 2018 it is carried out from November 19 to 21 (in the 2017 test there were 60 questions, 60 minutes were given to complete them, in 2018, this test had 50 questions - 40 minutes were given to complete them). The 2018 test includes a test of knowledge of the Russian language.
  • testing for management potential- from December 2 to December 4 (in the 2017 test there were 120 questions from four separate blocks of 30 questions, 3.5 hours were given to complete, in the 2018 tests 100 questions are planned for 120 minutes)

There were no logic tests in 2017, but abstract thinking tests were announced in the 2018-2019 Leaders of Russia competition. This is an innovation in 2018 and it has significantly added complexity to the testing phase.

Attention: only 2 days are allotted to complete each stage of testing! Plan your schedule for these days in advance. Be sure to check out an example of each test on the official website of the Leaders of Russia competition and carefully read the testing regulations.

A reasonable question arises: how can you prepare to improve your chances of passing the main stage of selection - remote online testing. Indeed, according to the experience of 2017, after this stage, out of 78,170 competition participants admitted to the test stage, 97% dropped out - only 2,600 of the best passed (about 3% of all participants). This year, there are even more test participants in the Leaders of Russia competition - 91,445, and, in addition, this time they are more prepared people who know what to expect from the tests. Many participants have been preparing all year to guarantee their place in the full-time semi-finals.

According to the organizers of the 2018 competition, ALL participants who passed the in-person stage will once again be tested in person under supervision. According to the organizers of the Leaders of Russia competition, this will be a shortened test, but it will be just as difficult.

Only they know what specific questions the organizers will use in the official competition in 2018. We are monitoring the information and will update it regularly. At the moment, it is known for sure that in general the format of the tests has been preserved. After all, the technologies for selecting applicants used in the competition are widespread in the world and very effective. They are used by many international companies when selecting and assessing the personal abilities of candidates. Therefore, without wasting time, let’s look in detail at what tests were in the Leaders of Russia 2017 competition and will be in the 2018-2019 competition.

Testing for general knowledge (eruditeness) of the “Leaders of Russia” competition

The test of general knowledge about Russia of the Leaders of Russia competition covers a huge layer of information on the history, geography, culture and socio-economic structure of our country.

For the 2018 competition, the organizers said that the general knowledge test will be easier compared to the 2017 competition. Half as many questions are planned for ranking - arranging, for example, rivers by length or historical events in chronological order. But a complication will be that some questions that the competition organizers consider easy will be given only 20 seconds. For example, the question is in what century did Ivan the Terrible live? The time limit is very strict.

According to the results of the 2017 competition, it was revealed that the participants had enough time to find the correct answer in Yandex; in 2018, the organizers want the contestants to use only their knowledge.

Let us remind you that sample test tasks for the general knowledge test are available from 8.00 on November 18, 2018, and the test itself must be completed before 8.00 on November 21. Be sure to read the test tasks in advance.

Questions on Russian history

It was required to arrange in chronological order:

  • famous historical events from the emergence of Rus' to the present day;
  • years of activity of historical figures (from Rurik to the present day).

Questions on the geography of Russia

Required to rank:

  • subjects of the Russian Federation by population (in one question there were up to 15 objects for ranking);
  • in a certain geographical order (for example, from west to east) the islands of the Russian Federation (peninsulas, mountain ranges, lakes and other geographical objects).

Questions on literature and poetry of Russia

It was necessary to quote from the work:

  • identify the hero of this work (mostly these were classical works of the Golden and Silver Age);
  • define this work.

Questions about Russian architecture

It was necessary to identify the architect of a particular famous monument or building.

Knowledge of the Constitution and the basic socio-economic foundations of our country

The correct answer had to be given:

  • questions about knowledge of the Russian Constitution;
  • to questions on taxation and finance of the Russian Federation.

Free examples of erudition tests for the Leaders of Russia competition with answers can be found at the link at the end of the article.

Testing for numerical abilities of the competition Leaders of Russia

The tests used by the organizers are similar to the numerical (mathematical) tests of well-known test developers SHL, KENEXA and Saville. The tasks contained graphs, tables and diagrams. Solving them required a calculator, paper for notes and a monitor with a diagonal of at least 17 inches. The test contained 25 tasks and 25 minutes were allotted to complete it - 60 seconds per test task.

Free examples of numerical tests of the Leaders of Russia competition with answers can be found at the link at the end of the article.

When preparing for the numerical tests of the Leaders of Russia competition on our website, focus on tests from the SHL company.

Testing for verbal abilities of the competition Leaders of Russia

The 2018 competition test consists of text fragments, each of which is accompanied by 5-6 statements. Based on the information provided in the passage, you will be required to choose one answer. Questions might sound like this:

  • choose the statement that best conveys general meaning excerpt;
  • What conclusion can be drawn based on information from the text?
  • choose a synonym for the definition given in the text.

It was necessary to choose the most correct option, suitable for the context, among the listed words that have approximately the same semantic meaning. The 2018 competition test consists of 20 tasks and 22 minutes were allotted to complete it - an average of 60 seconds per question; switching between questions is prohibited.

Free examples of verbal tests of the Leaders of Russia competition with answers can be found at the link below.

Testing for abstract-logical abilities of the competition Leaders of Russia

An innovation of the 2018 competition was the use of tests for abstract logical thinking in the first stage of testing. Logic tests are designed to assess your ability to understand abstract forms and the rules for forming groups of them. It's pretty complex tests for those who have not seen them before.

In the test of the 2018 Leaders of Russia competition, 25 logic tasks are given, 20 minutes are allotted for their completion, that is, about 45 seconds per question. After practicing on HRLider, you will be able to solve such tasks in 20-30 seconds.

Testing for managerial potential of the Leaders of Russia competition

Tests for managerial potential and leadership abilities represented the last fourth stage of correspondence distance testing Leaders of Russia. This test consisted of 120 questions and was the most voluminous and longest. It took 3.5 hours to complete.

Each test task consisted of a description of a specific or general work situation and from the proposed options. The tasks were presented in various question formats:

  • choose one answer option that represents the best or worst or first response to the situation;
  • mark 2 answers - the best and worst answers;
  • rank the answers in order from worst to best;
  • rate the answers on the effectiveness scale.

Questions and tasks of the Leaders of Russia competition will be changed in 2018. They will become more complex and more diverse. To feel more confident during testing, you need to try to make the most of all the opportunities provided and the information available for preliminary preparation.

  • Prepare in advance for the remote selection stage for all known categories of tests: general erudition, numerical, verbal, logical and managerial and leadership skills.
  • Pay special attention to preparing tests for managerial potential - this is the most difficult stage of testing. After this, the largest number of participants were eliminated. The tests in this block were prepared to select the best candidates for management positions. With their help, you can evaluate yourself on the following competencies: leadership qualities, communication skills, management potential, personal characteristics and your leadership experience.

If you have already passed the full-time stage of the competition and you are interested in information on the semi-finals and finals, we recommend that you read our special article:

From our community members

The editors of the youth portal “Education in Russia” met a participant in the open competition for leaders of the new generation - “Leaders of Russia”. Alexander Kulemin went through many difficult stages all-Russian competition and made it to the semi-finals. In the interview, he talked about how the selections went, right up to the semi-finals, and also about which test turned out to be the most difficult.

— Alexander, good afternoon! Tell us how you learned about the Leaders of Russia project and why you decided to take part?

— I learned about this project from my brother. We decided to try our hand. At the beginning, it was interesting to take tests and assignments. The further you go, the more interesting it becomes.

— What is the purpose of your participation?

There was only one goal - to test my abilities, test myself, find out how far I could go. After each stage, a report came about the tasks completed: this way you could understand how your strengths and skills were revealed through these tests. weak sides, recommendations were given for the development of weak competencies.

— Which mentor would you like to have more contact with? Why?

- This complex issue. I can say that these are very well-known and respected politicians, managers and entrepreneurs of Russia. I have never communicated with any of those who are mentors for this competition. Before this competition, I only saw them on TV, so it would be great if there was an opportunity to communicate with each of them, then the process of choosing a mentor would be more balanced both in terms of motivation and in terms of human relationships.

— You entered the semi-finals of the competition, which took place quite recently. Tell us how this stage went?

— The semi-final itself lasted 3 days, from January 13 to 15. But you had to come and register on January 12 from 16:00 to 20:00. The semi-finals of the Central Federal District (Central Federal District) took place in the Moscow region, at the Sberbank Corporate University. For convenience, it was possible to stay in a hotel there, which I did.

Some who showed atypical results on correspondence testing were asked to take an “atypical” test: those who did not pass them were disqualified. Consequently, they could no longer participate in the semi-final testing. All other participants were required to take an individual computer-based assessment test. Lucky were those who arrived early, managed to sign up and take this test on January 12, because the number of places was limited, and this was the best time. The rest chose to take the test during the main stage, either in the morning from 8:00, or in the evening from 20:30.

The main stage consisted of working in a team to solve creative, engineering, organizational, logical problems, as well as business cases. A professional psychologist was assigned to each table, who assessed teamwork and assigned points to each participant who demonstrated the necessary competencies. During these three days, each participant worked in 4 different teams, so not everyone was able to demonstrate their leadership qualities in each team.

It was a very interesting experience. With each new team you open up differently. In such a situation, you clearly begin to feel your strengths and weaknesses in comparison with your new teammates, especially when something goes wrong and you realize that you cannot complete the task. But, despite this, all competitions and tasks took place in a very open and emotionally positive atmosphere, because everyone tried to be useful to the team and be able to find mutual language with others. Although, this is often difficult to do with strangers.

At the end of each day there were master classes from well-known and experienced people in management or developing leadership potential. These were also very informative and interesting events, where everyone could ask a question that interested them. In the end, everyone won: I didn’t meet a single person who didn’t like participating in such an event, because the semi-finals were really very active, smart and advanced guys who care about the fate of their country.

— Which stage of the competition was more difficult for you?

— Perhaps the semi-final, it was the most vivid and memorable, but at the same time difficult both emotionally and psychologically.

— What do you think a real (ideal) “Leader of Russia” should be like?

— There are no “ideal” people, just like leaders, you have to be yourself, we are all different and each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. You need to develop your potential, and the recognition of others is a “profitable” thing, especially when people around you see you as a person who knows and understands how to solve a problem effective way.

— In your opinion, what kind of work experience and knowledge do you need to have in order to still pass all the competitive rounds to the end?

Of course, you need extensive experience working with people and management experience. You need to have knowledge in different areas, and the more and deeper it is, the better.

After assessing the likelihood of your victory at the Leaders of Russia competition and looking at the lists of winners in 2017, you probably want to give up and give up on this idea. But in vain! After all, this is exactly the type of competition in which participation is much more important, and not the victory itself.

If you are now thinking about the question for the video: “What is the purpose of your participation in the Leaders of Russia competition?”, then in our article you will find the answers. Hurry up, the recording of the interview is only available until 18.00 on October 27!

Below we have listed the main advantages of the Leaders of Russia competition, what it can give you and what can prevent you from winning it.

What will participation in the competition give you?

An opportunity to assess your readiness for change and new challenges

IN modern world It is very important not to stand still and constantly develop. That's why we spend money on participating in motivational trainings. For example, we attend lectures by Gandapas, Batyrev, Khakamada with one goal - to get a “magic kick-off”. And here is the same result, only for free!

It will allow you to get out of your comfort zone, look at yourself from the outside and test your knowledge in parallel with tens of thousands of other people.

It's rare to have people around you who can give you an honest assessment of your leadership abilities. Your subordinates and colleagues are accustomed to seeing you as you are. And any changes in you mean stress for them and uncertainty about their future. Such a competition separates you from your current work life and allows you to look at yourself from the outside (which can be almost impossible to do on your own).

Additional internal incentive for personal growth

No amount of books will help you become a leader. After all, this requires a lot of internal work on oneself, daily practice in making decisions and every second responsibility for them. A personal growth plan is the most important business project in your life, in which you are both boss and subordinate. And if there is no result, there is no one to blame but yourself.

Meeting new people and ideas

The Leaders of Russia competition was originally conceived as a platform for leaders at all levels to meet and exchange ideas. And admit it, deep down you would like to communicate with Lavrov, Kiriyenko, and maybe with someone even higher.

Serious career prospects

A new feature of the 2018 competition was the participation of 20 largest Russian companies as partners of the Leaders of Russia competition. These are Rostelecom, Russian Railways, Rosatom, Sberbank, RAO UES, Roscosmos, Rusal, Rosseti, RT, Severstal, Sibur, Rosneft, Gazpromneft, RusHydro, Rostec, Norilsk Nickel, Lukoil, NLMK, Aeroflot, Sirius. All these corporations announced that, as part of the partnership, they will give the finalists and winners of the competition the opportunity to undergo training at corporate universities, internships and, what is especially attractive, an advantage for the competition participants as applicants for managerial positions in these companies.

That is, for the best participants in the competition Leaders of Russia 2018-2019, potential career opportunities open up not only in the Russian government, but also in the largest companies with billions of dollars in revenue.

What can stop you from gaining this invaluable experience?

“Smart” advice from friends, acquaintances, colleagues, negative reviews from participants in the 2017 competition

Make the decision to participate or not on your own, taking full responsibility for this step upon yourself, so as not to regret your decision later. You shouldn’t assume that your friends think and care about you first.

Most likely, your friends will not want to lose such a good companion for a joint holiday. Colleagues will envy your unexpected career growth in absentia. And the boss is interested in 100% involvement in the work process and will not want you to be distracted by anything else.

Life circumstances

There were, are and will always be problems and unsolved tasks at work and at home. Don't wait for the most convenient moment. No one will adjust the competition to fit your life schedule. Kiriyenko said that in the 2017 competition there were such heroic women who managed to give birth to children during the competition.

The decision to be “out of politics”

You may not support certain political leaders or the current government in general; this is not important for the decision to participate in the competition. After all, no one will force you to work in state companies or structures.

Reluctance to spend time and money on preparation

If you think of preparation as the nightmare process of searching for nuggets of information online with examples from last year, then it can hardly be called preparation. Use online resources that have already done this work for you and offer for preparation all types of tests that candidates for the leadership of Russia took. They include tests used by companies to select personnel and special tests for erudition.

Lack of confidence in yourself and your capabilities

Think less about the end result and more about the process. If you don't make it to the list of finalists of the competition, no one will laugh at you or write it on the doors of your apartment. You do this to gain experience, to develop your potential, and not to be judged by your neighbors or colleagues.

In general, don’t be afraid, this is not a visit to the dentist.

All facts about the competition Leaders of Russia 2017


Search for promising leaders of the new generation and additional support in their professional growth.

Criteria for selecting participants

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 50 with managerial experience in any field.
  • Manager experience of at least 5 years. For participants under 35 - at least 2 years of experience.

What did the winners of the Leaders of Russia competition receive?

  • The finalists of the competition were included in a certain circle of the personnel reserve for management positions in the public service.
  • A grant of 1 million rubles to continue his own training or training of a person chosen by him.
  • Personal consultations from a mentor on further career development.


Free. Travel and accommodation during the in-person tours were paid for by the participants themselves.

Stages of the competition Leaders of Russia 2017

Submission of applications until November 8, 2017

A total of 199,076 applications were received - this is about 0.3% of all Russian citizens in the age category from 20 to 50 years.

Done everything the necessary conditions There are about 89,094 people to participate in the competition - this is 45% of all applications.

Remote selection from November 10 to 22

  • November 10 online testing for general knowledge: erudition, knowledge of history, geography, culture of Russia.
  • November 12 online testing for verbal and numerical abilities: verbal and mathematical tests.
  • November 16-17 testing for managerial potential: tests for situational behavior and leadership qualities.

89,094 people took part. 2,691 people moved on to the next stage for the in-person semi-finals - this is 3% of the number who participated in the remote selection.

Full-time federal semi-finals from December 2017 to January 2018

In eight federal districts, as part of business games, competitors were assessed on eight competencies: leadership qualities, focus on results, strategic thinking, ability to work in a team, communication and influence, implementation of changes, innovation.

2691 people took part. 300 people moved on to the next stage - the final - this is 11% of those who participated in the semi-finals.

Final in February in Sochi from February 6 to 11, 2018

Business games for assessing professional and personal qualities. 300 people took part.

The winners of the competition were 103 people, which is 34% of those who took part in the finals.

Who became the winners of the competition Leaders of Russia

Everyone who participated in the competition gained invaluable experience.

But seriously, the names of 103 people who became winners of the “Leaders of Russia” competition in 2018 have been announced. Among them are many employees of the banking sector, consulting and government employees. In addition to the winners, the 300 finalists of the Leaders of Russia competition received proposals from government agencies and private companies for new appointments.

Stages of the competition Leaders of Russia 2018-2019

In 2018, registration is open until 23.59 on October 24, 2018. As of October 27, the number of registrations was 227,193. Executives under 55 years of age, including citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad, can take part.

The correspondence test selection for the Leaders of Russia competition is scheduled for the period from November 4 to December 27, 2018 - this stage will take almost 2 months. According to the conditions of 2018, the correspondence selection will be carried out in 3 stages and the tests will be as follows:

  • numerical, logical and verbal tests- from November 5 to November 7 (in the numerical test last year there were 25 questions, 25 minutes were given for it, in the verbal test - 30 questions, 30 minutes were given for it - these both tests will have to be taken on the same day, in the logical one, most likely , there will also be 20-25 questions)
  • erudition testing- from November 19 to November 21 (in the 2017 test there were 60 questions, 60 minutes were given to complete them, in 2018 40 questions are planned - 40 minutes to complete them)
  • testing for management potential- from December 2 to December 4 (the test had 120 questions from four separate blocks of 30 questions, 3.5 hours were given to complete; in the 2018 tests, 100 questions are planned for 120 minutes)

There were no logic tests in 2017, but they were announced in the Leaders of Russia 2018-2019 competition. This is an innovation for 2018 and will significantly add complexity to the testing phase.

Attention: only 2 days are allotted to complete each stage of testing! Plan your schedule for these days in advance. Be sure to check out an example of each test on the official website of the Leaders of Russia competition and carefully read the testing regulations.

The in-person semi-finals will begin on December 27, 2018 and will last until the beginning of March 2019, when the exact dates for the final of the Leaders of Russia competition will be announced. It is expected that the competition of the 2018-2019 competition will be much fiercer and more interesting. We recommend that you thoroughly prepare for the correspondence qualifying stage of the Leaders of Russia competition in advance - only thorough preparation will give you an advantage over other competitors.

And if you've already decided to participate and are looking for ways to increase your chances of winning, we recommend reading our complete guide to the Leaders of Russia tests and preparation for them

As of 2018, the site is the only Russian-language resource on which you can practice all types of tests to prepare for the “Leaders of Russia” competition - erudition, numerical, verbal, logical and psychological tests for managers (they include a large section of tests for management abilities ).

We invite you to take free sample tests or start full preparation right now - there is less and less time left before the start of the testing stage on November 5, 2018!