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St. George Ribbon Day. St. George's ribbon: what does it symbolize and how to wear it correctly? Medal "For Bravery" for the Border Guard

05/06/2017 05/08/2017 by Mnogoto4ka

Since 1965, May 9 is celebrated in Russia as the Day of Great Victory. From April 24 to May 12, as part of a campaign called “St. George’s Ribbon,” symbols of Victory—St. George’s ribbons—are distributed free of charge to everyone. The meaning of the action itself is simple: in honor of the holiday, the issued ribbons must be hung on bags, on sleeves, on car windshields... Alas, many do this without understanding the meaning and without knowing the history of the St. George ribbon.

St. George Ribbon- this is an attribute of many military awards Russian Empire, Soviet Union And modern Russia, characterized as special sign differences.

The St. George Ribbon originally appeared with the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, the highest military award of the Russian Empire. This order was established by Empress Catherine II in 1769 to honor officers for their services on the battlefield. He had four degrees of distinction.

It is interesting that the color scheme of the insignia we are considering has given rise to a lot of controversy. According to the RIA Novosti project “OUR VICTORY” (, Count Litta wrote in 1833: “the immortal legislator who founded this order believed that its ribbon connects the color of gunpowder and the color of fire...”. According to the same website, Serge Andolenko, a Russian officer, did not agree with this explanation: “In reality, the colors of the order have been the state colors since the time when the double-headed eagle on a golden background became the Russian national emblem...” According to other publicly available information, the black-orange color scheme should be understood as the color of smoke and fire. In any case, the symbol, which appeared in Tsarist Russia, has become firmly entrenched in history and has now become the traditional color of the May 9 holiday.

Two historical anecdotes are associated with the introduction of the Order of St. George: the first case of self-awarding occurred literally immediately after the creation of the insignia. Catherine II awarded herself the Order of the 1st degree for introducing the Order of St. George. Alexander II went even further and awarded himself it on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Order. But if we return to symbolism, the Order of St. George was given for specific feats on the battlefield or for serving the right advice, useful for military service.

IN Soviet time The St. George Ribbon did not fall into oblivion, but took an honorable place among military insignia. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 8, 1943, she became part of the Order of Glory of three degrees. It was thanks to this event that it became possible to use it as a sign of respect to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

There is an exact list of feats for which the Order of Glory was given. Among others, in the list you can find such items as “In a moment of danger, he saved the banner of his unit from being captured by the enemy”, “Despising danger, he was the first to break into the enemy bunker (pillbox, trench or dugout), and with decisive actions destroyed his garrison”, “Disregarding personal danger, captured the enemy’s banner in battle,” “Risking his life, under enemy fire, he provided assistance to the wounded during a number of battles,” and so on. Of course, heroes who received the Order of Glory were promoted.

The St. George ribbon adorns the blocks of the “Order of Glory” - a military order of the USSR, established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1943.

  • The Order of Glory has three degrees, of which the highest I degree is gold, and II and III are silver.
  • These orders were issued behind personal feat on the battlefield, were issued in strict order - from lowest to highest degree.

The St. George ribbon adorns the blocks of the medal “For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War” Patriotic War 1941-1945", established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 9, 1945. The medal was awarded to military personnel who took direct participation on the war fronts.
The St. George Ribbon is part of the “Order of St. George” - the highest military award Russian Federation, which awarded to senior and senior officers for conducting combat operations during an attack by an external enemy.

In addition, the St. George Ribbon is also present on other military orders, medals, standards and banners.

The colors of the ribbon - black and orange - mean “smoke and flame” and are a sign of the soldier’s personal valor shown in battle.

“St. George’s Ribbon” is one of the most interesting projects for creating symbols in our country. Having appeared in the year of the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory (2005), it managed to become a tradition in 4 years. The action is recognized as the largest patriotic event in Russia. Well, this is a good result. St. George's Ribbon has glorious history and deserves that its colors symbolize the Great Victory.

Today, many people take part in the action, happily attaching ribbons to bags and clothes. Despite the fact that the organizers of the action and government officials approve of the appearance of a new patriotic symbol, many Russian residents, on the contrary, are protesting against the action. Their protest has a logical basis: the Order of St. George is an important award given for heroic actions during hostilities. The participants of the action, most likely, did not perform any feats, and therefore cannot have the right to wear a ribbon. The moral aspect of this dilemma is extremely complex, and each person decides for himself: either the ribbon is a tribute of respect, the personification of our gratitude, or the unlawful use of part of a military award.

They foretell the holiday of the Great Victory. But what do the colors black and orange symbolize? What is the history of the St. George ribbon? Historian Mikhail Morukov told our correspondent about this.

news: Mikhail Yurievich, the St. George ribbon is an integral part of the Order of St. George...

Mikhail Morukov: Yes, it all started with him. This order was established by Catherine the Second in 1769. Its full name is the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. This was the most honorable order for the military. Initially it was intended only for officers and generals. Soldiers in the Russian army were awarded medals. But later they decided that soldiers should be rewarded more seriously for special merits. For example, for saving the commander, the banner, or for an action that decided the outcome of the battle. To do this in early XIX century, the “Insignia of the Military Order” was established. It was called the St. George's Cross. This sign was the same cross as on the order, only not enameled. (Officer's crosses were covered with white enamel.) The cross was worn on the same two-color ribbon. The cross had four degrees, like the order. Initially, St. George's crosses were worn according to the principle from lowest to highest degree. That is, if a military man has a high degree of this sign, he cannot wear a lower one. But then it was decided that all St. George’s crosses could be worn at the same time. Hence the title - full Knight of St. George. Our St. George's ribbon is connected directly to the St. George's cross, of course.

and: What do the colors of the ribbon mean?

Morukov: There are different opinions about the symbolism of the tape. The most common expression is that black and orange represent smoke and flame. The second option is heraldic. The coat of arms of Russia depicts a black eagle on a golden background. But the thing is that the eagle on the coat of arms of the Russian Empire was most often depicted as black, but the background was not always orange or gold.

and: Which of our famous military leaders had St. George's awards?

Morukov: In imperial Russia, the Order of St. George was the highest award. And not everyone, even our outstanding military leaders, had the Order of St. George. Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kutuzov had St. George's crosses. First world war It was allowed to award the Cross of St. George to soldiers and officers. Especially during the period of the Provisional Government from February to October 1917, they liked to do this. Of the Soviet full knights of St. George, the most famous is Marshal of the Soviet Union Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny. By the way, he was twice deprived of St. George's crosses for misconduct, so in total he received St. George's cross six times.

and: How were the St. George awards awarded during the Great Patriotic War?

Morukov: Until 1941, the only color of our orders was red. And they didn’t wear any awards on the St. George’s ribbon. But with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Insignia of the Military Order was restored. The Order of Glory was introduced, which was intended to be awarded only to privates and sergeants. He had three degrees and was worn on a St. George ribbon. This award was returned in order to emphasize the continuity of the traditions of the Russian army. Now they have begun to award the Order of St. George again. But he is no longer the same. The Order of George of that time cannot be returned - it is an imperial order. Now it’s more of a tribute to tradition.

Today, the St. George's Ribbon is perceived more as a modern fashion accessory on certain May days, which does not stand up to criticism. But few people know the history of the symbol of Victory and courage, courage and perseverance. The history of the origin of the color of the ribbon is even less familiar. And why is the ribbon called St. George's?

What you need to know about the St. George's Ribbon - we offer you a selection of 10 most important facts.

No. 1. Slogan

About the St. George's Ribbon as a symbol of Victory Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, they started talking in the mid-2000s.

In 2005, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Victory, a non-political action began under the well-known slogans:

“Grandfather’s Victory is my Victory”, “Tie it up. If you remember!”, “I remember! I’m proud!”, “We are the heirs of the Great Victory!”, “Thank you grandfather for the victory!”

No. 2. Author of the idea

The idea of ​​the action came from a group of journalists from the Russian International Information Agency RIA Novosti.

No. 3. Code of the St. George's Ribbon promotion

The St. George Ribbon Code consists of 10 points:

  1. Promotion "St. George's Ribbon" - not commercial and not political.
  2. The purpose of the action is creation of a holiday symbol - Victory Day .
  3. This symbol is an expression of our respect for veterans, a tribute to the memory of those who fell on the battlefield, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front. To all those thanks to whom we won in 1945.
  4. "George Ribbon" is not a heraldic symbol . This is a symbolic ribbon, a replica of the traditional bicolor St. George ribbon.
  5. The use of original St. George's or Guards ribbons in the promotion is not allowed. "St. George's Ribbon" is a symbol, not a reward.
  6. "George Ribbon" cannot be the object of purchase and sale .
  7. "George Ribbon" cannot serve to promote goods and services. The use of tape as an accompanying product or element of product packaging is not allowed.
  8. "George Ribbon" distributed free of charge. It is not permitted to issue a ribbon to a visitor to a retail establishment in exchange for a purchase.
  9. Not allowed usage"St. George's Ribbon" V political purposes any parties or movements.
  10. The “St. George Ribbon” has one or two inscriptions: the name of the city/state where the ribbon was produced. Other inscriptions on the ribbon are not allowed.
  11. This is a symbol of the unbroken spirit of the people who fought and defeated Nazism in the Great Patriotic War.

Naturally, like any code in the Russian Federation, it is also not observed by every citizen. From 2005 to 2017, paragraph 7 of the code is considered the most violated. On the eve of the holiday, enterprising businessmen do whatever they can with impunity: manicures, vodka, beer, dogs, wet wipes, ice cream, mayonnaise, and even toilets- madness at its finest:

This is such speculation on the topic of war and victory... Petty, low, mean, disgusting...

No. 4. On banknotes

The St. George's ribbon is depicted on the commemorative banknotes of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic issued by the Central Bank of Transnistria to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

No. 5. Correspondence

The St. George ribbon in appearance and color combination corresponds to the ribbon that covers the order block for the medal “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"

Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" became the most popular medal. As of January 1, 1995, approximately 14,933,000 people have been awarded the medal.

Among the recipients are 120 thousand soldiers of the Bulgarian army who took part in hostilities against the German army and its allies.

No. 6. "Georgievskaya" or "Gvardeyskaya"

The ribbons distributed as part of this event are called St. George's ribbons, although critics argue that in fact they correspond to the Guards, since they mean a symbol of victory in the Great Patriotic War and have orange stripes, not yellow. The fact is that since the fall of 1941, units, formations and ships, for the courage and heroism of their personnel, which they showed in defending the Fatherland, were awarded the honorary title “Gvardeyskaya”, “Gvardeysky”, and not “Georgievsky” or “Georgievskaya”.

In fact, everything is simple - the guards ribbon is characteristic of the Soviet era of rule, while the St. George ribbon is characteristic of the Tsarist era. And they differed slightly - in color and width of the stripes. The Bolsheviks, who abolished the award system in 1917, only copied the tsar's award in 1941, changing the color slightly.

Guards ribbon in the USSR. Postcard.

By the way, according to a common version, the term “guard” appeared in Italy in the 12th century and designated a selected detachment for guarding the state banner. In Russia, the first guard detachments were created in 1565 by decree of Ivan the Terrible - they were all part of his personal guard. Today they are called bodyguards, and in the times of Ivan the Terrible - guardsmen. The basis of the tsar’s personal guard were the “best” representatives of the most noble families and descendants of appanage princes... The guardsmen had to stand out from the crowd, and like monks, who were easy to distinguish by their black robes, special black clothes were invented for the tsar’s guard. This fact, by the way, explains the color of the clothes of modern bodyguards...

Paradoxically, the Bolsheviks, hating everything tsarist, overthrew the term “Georgievsky”, returned in 1941 another tsarist term “Guards”, but called it their own, Soviet...

No. 7. When first appeared

The St. George Ribbon appeared on November 26 (December 7) 1769. under Catherine II, along with the Order of St. George - the highest military award of the Russian Empire. The motto of the order was: “For service and bravery.”

Catherine II with the Order of St. George, 1st degree. F. Rokotov, 1770

The first holder of the order was the Empress herself - on the occasion of its establishment... And “For service and courage” - Fyodor Ivanovich Fabritsian - Russian general, hero of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774.

Under his command, a special detachment of Jaeger battalions and part of the 1st Grenadier Regiment, numbering 1,600 people, completely defeated a Turkish detachment of 7,000 people and occupied the city of Galati. For this feat, on December 8, 1769, Fabritian was the first in history to be awarded the Order of St. George, 3rd degree.

And the first full holder of the Order of St. George was the outstanding Russian commander, commander-in-chief of the Russian army during the Patriotic War of 1812, student and comrade-in-arms of A.V. Suvorov - Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov.

The last lifetime portrait of M. I. Kutuzov, R. M. Volkov, 1813. In the portrait, the Badge of the Order of St. George, 1st degree (cross) on the St. George ribbon (behind the hilt of the sword) and its quadrangular star (2nd from the top) .

No. 8. Ribbon color

The ribbon was worn depending on the class of the gentleman: either in the buttonhole, or around the neck, or over the right shoulder. The ribbon came with a lifelong salary. After the death of the owner, it was inherited, but due to the commission of a shameful offense it could be confiscated from the owner. The Order Statute of 1769 contained the following description of the ribbon: “Silk ribbon with three black and two yellow stripes.”

However, as the images show, in practice, not so much yellow as orange was initially used in practice (from a heraldic point of view, both orange and yellow are just variants of displaying gold).

The traditional interpretation of the colors of the St. George's ribbon states that black means smoke, orange means flame . Chief Chamberlain Count Litta wrote in 1833: “the immortal legislator who founded this order believed that the ribbon connects it color of gunpowder and color of fire ».

However, a prominent specialist in Russian faleristics, Serge Andolenko, points out that black and yellow colors, in fact, only reproduce the colors of the state emblem: black double headed eagle on a golden background.

Image of George as in state emblem, and on the cross itself (award) they had the same colors: on a white horse, white George in a yellow cloak killing a black serpent with a spear, respectively, a white cross with a yellow-black ribbon.

“The Miracle of George on the Dragon” (icon, late 14th century)

No. 9. Why is it named after St. George the Victorious?

This saint has become extremely popular since early Christianity. In the Roman Empire, starting from the 4th century, churches dedicated to George began to appear, first in Syria and Palestine, then throughout the East. In the West of the empire, Saint George was considered the patron saint of chivalry, participants crusades; he is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. In Rus' since ancient times, St. George was revered under the name Yuri or Yegory.

According to one version, the cult of St. George, as often happened with Christian saints, was put forward as opposed to the pagan cult of Dionysus , temples were built on the site of the former sanctuaries of Dionysus, and holidays were celebrated in his honor on the days of Dionysius.

The name George comes from the Greek. γεωργός - farmer. In the popular consciousness they coexist two images of the saint: one of them is close to the church cult of St. George - a serpent fighter and a Christ-loving warrior, another, very different from the first, to the cult of the cattle breeder and tiller, the owner of the land, the patron of livestock, who opens the spring field work

Saint George, together with the Mother of God, is considered the heavenly patron of Georgia and is the most revered saint among Georgians. According to local legends, George was a relative of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, the enlightener of Georgia. And the Cross of St. George is present on the flag of the Georgian church. It first appeared on Georgian banners under Queen Tamara.

This is interesting:

It is well known that the St. George Ribbon appeared along with the Order of St. George. So, since St. George was considered a Christian saint, how should Muslim defenders be rewarded? Thus, for non-believers, a version of the order was provided, in which, instead of St. George, the coat of arms of Russia, a double-headed eagle, was depicted. The model of the order with an eagle was approved by Nicholas I on August 29, 1844 during Caucasian War, and the first to receive the new badge was Major Dzhamov-bek Kaitagsky. In this regard, in the memoirs and fiction There are moments when officers, immigrants from the Caucasus, are perplexed:

“Why did they give me a cross with a bird, and not with a horseman?”

Badge of the Order of the 3rd class. for officers of non-Christian faith, since 1844

No. 10. Restoration of the Order of St. George

Once abolished by the Bolsheviks, the Order of St. George has today been restored, and by Decree of the President of Russia No. 1463 of August 8, 2000, it serves as the highest military award in Russia. The restored Order of St. George has the same external signs, as in tsarist times. Unlike the previous order, the order of awarding has been slightly changed: not only the 3rd and 4th degrees, but all degrees are given sequentially. An annual pension is not provided for holders of the order, whereas under Catherine II a pension was provided - it was received throughout life. After the death of the gentleman, his widow received a pension for him for another year.

On the day of the Victory Day celebration throughout the Russian Federation, citizens tie certain symbols to their outfits. Very often you can see the St. George's ribbon proudly developing on people's chests. Most young people know that such a ribbon is a symbol of the holiday, but few know what is hidden behind the symbolism. Let's figure out what the St. George's ribbon means.

Colors of St. George's ribbon

The St. George Ribbon has always been associated with Victory and here's why. The colors of this ribbon, orange and black, represent the following:

  • orange – symbolizes the eternal flame of fire;
  • black is the smoke of burnt Russian cities.

Orders bearing such colors were considered exclusively a military award.

History of the St. George Ribbon

In the 18th century, Catherine II, by her order of November 26, 1769, founded the Order of St. George the Victorious, which was awarded to distinguished soldiers. A ribbon of the same color was attached to this order and because of this it was called St. George’s.
Most likely based on the above, historically it so happened that in the USSR they began to award the military with the “Guards Ribbon”, which was like two peas in a pod similar to the ribbon of the Order of St. George the Victorious. True, the then government of the USSR made its own minor additions.
Such a ribbon was awarded to soldiers who had special distinctions before their homeland.

What does the St. George ribbon mean today?

Today, the St. George ribbon is a sign of memory about the feat accomplished by our people. Walking down the street with such a ribbon means expressing your respect and solidarity to the soldiers who laid down their lives for the possibility of ours being born. Before May 9, young people tie such ribbons on items of clothing and hand them out to passers-by on the street.

How the St. George Ribbon became a symbol of victory

In 2005, employees of the Ria Novosti news agency held the St. George's Ribbon campaign. It was then that the newspapers renamed it from “Guards” to “Georgievskaya”. As the workers themselves say, the original purpose of this action was to pay tribute to the veterans who survived the battles, and not to forget about those who died on the battlefield. The brilliant idea was to create symbols that would emphasize the depth of the legacy of the Second World War. The scale of the action has been gaining momentum every year, and the number of ribbons distributed on the eve of the holiday is growing from year to year.
Today the St. George ribbon is distributed to everyone and it means “I remember and I am proud.”

A completely insignificant element like a ribbon can become a symbol of Victory, but the strength, depth and spiritual energy that it carries can become an asset, and not just an attribute of the holiday.
Every resident of our country should know the meaning of the St. George ribbon. home country, who is proud of the exploits of his ancestors.

Today, young people perceive the St. George's Ribbon as a fashionable accessory, which on the eve of Great Victory Day must certainly be attached so that it is clearly visible. Here, not everyone knows the limit - they attach it wherever they can and where they can’t. Few people think about why this is done, and only a few know what it actually symbolizes. Unfortunately, not many older people can answer these questions. But this “ribbon” has rich history, which dates back to the 18th century.

The history of the St. George ribbon

The Russian Empress Catherine II approved the Order of St. George in 1769. It was awarded to officers who most distinguished themselves on the fields of the Russian-Turkish war. According to etiquette, it was worn on a silk ribbon with stripes of the state colors of the Russian Empire: three black, two yellow. By the name of the order, it went down in history as St. George’s.

The first holder of this order was Count Alexey Grigorievich Orlov-Chesmensky, under whose command the Russian squadron defeated a Turkish force more than twice as strong on the night of June 26 (July 7) in Chesme Bay. Historians will call this battle one of the largest naval battles of the era of the sailing fleet.

The medal “For Distinction in the Battle of Kinburn” on a ribbon was awarded to the most distinguished soldiers who, under the command of Chief General Suvorov, on October 1 (12), 1787, were able to withstand the onslaught of superior forces of the Turkish landing and defend the Kinburn fortress. This was the first major victory of Russian weapons in this war. For the first time and, probably, the only time in history, those worthy of the award were chosen by the soldiers themselves, who had just, hand in hand, repelled enemy attacks.

Ribbons in the color of the national flag of the Empire were also used for other awards, which were awarded to those who stormed the Turkish fortress of Ochakov, who showed valor during the siege and capture of Izmail.

These awards were worn on the St. George Ribbon, which was equal in value to the award received. Until the cavalier was awarded an order, cross or medal, it was an official replacement.

Due to special veneration, entire military formations are awarded the ribbon of the Order of St. George. At the beginning of the 19th century, the St. George Banners were introduced as such a reward. A white order cross was attached to the top, and a ribbon was placed below. For the bravery shown in the battle on November 4, 1805, by a 5,000-strong corps with a French 30,000-strong army near the village of Schöngraben (Austria), such a banner was awarded to the Chernigov, Dragoon, two Don Cossack, Pavlovsk Hussar, and Kyiv Grenadier regiments.

At that time, not all military units had banners (for example, sapper units), but a necessary accessory for each was pipes and horns for signaling. This is how the tradition arose of rewarding units with silver trumpets for special merits, which were later called St. George’s trumpets. The St. George Cross was stamped on the body, short description feat, and the ribbon in the colors of the imperial flag served as his lanyard. Several varieties were produced - curved - for infantry units, straight - for cavalry.

This ritual existed until the Bolsheviks finally abolished the previously existing royal awards. The revival of the film comes at a time of severe trials of the Great Patriotic War.

Guards ribbon

Especially in the first months of terrible battles with the Nazi troops and their allies, a symbol was needed that could raise the morale of the soldiers, lead them into attack and win. There were few awards, they had not yet had time to earn due respect, so they remembered the St. George Ribbon, which for many years was the personification of Victory, courage and heroism of the Russian warrior. Although for ideological reasons in appearance Some adjustments were made: the name was changed to “Guards”, but the essence remained unchanged.

Today, opinions about the St. George Ribbon are divided. In the press and on TV, liberal-minded citizens deny its involvement in the Great Patriotic War, Soviet army, they call it “Colorado” (after the color of the American beetle).

It is pointless to argue with them: they either do not know how to think and compare facts, or are thoroughly infected with the virus of Russophobia. Let us give examples that will be sufficient for thinking people.

Let's start with the question of why the Guards, in fact, St. George's ribbon is a symbol of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

On the Day of signing the surrender of Nazi Germany, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree approving the medal “For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” It was awarded to everyone who took part in hostilities: soldiers, officers, who were transferred to another job due to injury or demobilization, or who were previously dismissed from military service. Let's look at the colors framing the block.

From approval to the present time, an orange and black ribbon, the ribbon of the Order of St. George, framed the blocks of various orders of the Empire, and then the Soviet, Russian army. They marked military personnel for their courage, heroism, and loyalty to the Fatherland. In addition, the ribbon decorated the lanyards of award weapons, insignia, officer gold crosses, and framed the collective awards of military units - silver trumpets, banners, and standards. Thus, it is a connecting link, a symbol military glory and the valor of Russian weapons and warriors.

All data taken from open sources, therefore, if you have other, confirmed information, you do not agree with the facts presented here, you want to challenge or supplement them, then write about it in the comments. We are grateful.

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