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"The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Start in Science Melchizedek Ancient Mystery

Drunvalo Melchizedek

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.


One Spirit

Long before the existence of Sumeria, before the construction of Saqqara by Egypt, before the heyday of the Indus Valley, the Spirit already lived in the human body, expressing Itself in the dance of high culture. Sphinxes know the truth. We are something much greater than we ourselves know. We forgot.

The Flower of Life was and is known to all living things. All living things in general, not only here, but everywhere, knew that he was obviously a model of creation - an entrance, an exit. The Spirit created us in this image. You know it's true; it is written in your body, in all your bodies.

We fell from a very high state of consciousness a long time ago, and only now are the memories beginning to surface again. This birth of our new/old consciousness here on Earth will change us forever and bring us back to the realization that there truly is only one unified Spirit.

You will soon read about the journey of my life through this reality, about how I learned about the Great Spirit and about the relationships that each of us has throughout life and everywhere. I see the Great Spirit in everyone's eyes and I know He/She resides within you. You already contain within your deepest essence all the information that I will share with you. When you read it for the first time, it may seem like you've never heard of it before, but that's not true. This is ancient information. You can remember what is hidden deep within you and my hope is that this book will set those things into motion so that you can remember who you are, why you came here and what your purpose is for being here on Earth.

My prayer is that this book will be a blessing in your life and that it will give you a new awareness of yourself and something about yourself that is very, very ancient. Thank you for sharing this journey with me. I love you deeply, for in Truth we are old friends. We are One.



In presenting this work, part of my goal is to help people become aware of certain events that have occurred on this planet, are currently occurring, or events that we are on the verge of that are fundamentally affecting our consciousness and way of life today. By understanding our present situation, we can open ourselves to the possibility of a new consciousness, a new humanity, appearing on Earth. In addition to this, perhaps my deepest goal is to encourage you to remember who you truly are and give you the courage to bring your gift to this world. After all, the Lord gave each of us a unique talent, which, when truly lived, changes the physical world into a world of pure light.

I will also give mathematical and scientific evidence to show how we as spiritual beings came to be here in physical world, in order to convince our analytical left hemisphere of the brain that there is only one single consciousness and one God, and that we are all part of this Unity. This is important because it brings both hemispheres of the brain into balance. This balance, in turn, allows the pineal gland to open and allows prana, the life-giving energy, to penetrate into the deeper part of our physical being. Then, and only then, is it possible to manifest the body of light called the Mer-Ka-Ba.

However, I ask you to understand that the testimony from which I originally gleaned this information has no meaning in itself. In most cases, this information could be completely replaced with other information, which would not change the result. On top of that, I've made a lot of mistakes because I'm human now. What is most interesting to me is that every time I made a mistake, it led me to an even deeper understanding of this Reality and the highest truth. So, I warn you: if you happen to find a mistake, look deeper. If you cling to information, revising its value, then you will completely miss the essence of this work. What I have said now is of paramount importance for understanding this work.

change from 07/31/2017 ()

Indian Sanskrit literature tells us how, as we approach in precession to the point closest to the center of the galaxy, we begin to become aware of electrical energies. We can soar through the skies. We can do a lot of unusual things. The world becomes extremely unstable and one day we get rid of the old idea of ​​​​the world and go through a huge transformation in consciousness. But at the moment of approaching this transformation, given the certain level of consciousness at which society is located, it is prone to the destruction of everything it touches. It's a natural part of who we are. We don't do anything wrong, that's just who we are. We destroy everything, we bring everything to disharmony, to the point of instability of forces.

On Earth, according to the Egyptian Thoth, there are five completely different stages or levels of life through which each person will pass. When we reach the fifth level, we will go through a transformation that transforms life itself as we know it. This is a normal course of events. Each of these levels of consciousness has many aspects that are different from other levels. First, they have different chromosomal levels. The first level of human consciousness has 42+2 chromosomes; the second level has 44+2 chromosomes; the third has 46+2; the fourth - 48+2 and finally, the fifth - 50+2. Each level of human consciousness corresponds to a height of the body that is unique to it.

The first level at 42+2 has a body that is somewhere between four and perhaps six feet tall. People who fall under this category are mainly Aboriginal people in Australia and certain tribes in Africa and South America.

The second level of consciousness in the presence of 44+2 chromosomes is us. Our height range is from 1.5 to 2.1 meters. We are slightly higher than the first group. The growth of the third group is much higher. The level of 46+2 chromosomes refracts this reality through what can be called unity consciousness or Christ consciousness. Fluctuations in growth - from 3 to 4.8 m in height.

Then - the following limits for the fourth level of consciousness - 48+2 - height about 9 - 10.5 m. And the last band, the ideal person, will be about 15 - 18 m tall. He has 52 chromosomes.

There are stages in between levels of consciousness, similar to Down syndrome. Down syndrome occurs during the transition from this second level of consciousness, in which we are, to the third level, but in the case when the transition is not completed. This person did not perceive all the instructions correctly, and generally failed on the left-hemisphere, instruction-containing aspect of the chromosomes. A person with Down syndrome has a chromosome number of 45+2 - he has mastered only one aspect. He or she has mastered the emotional, heart aspect perfectly. If you know any child with Down syndrome, then you know that they are pure love, but they do not understand how to make the transition to the third level of human consciousness. They're still learning.

The second and fourth levels of consciousness are disharmonious, and the first, third and fifth levels are harmonious. You will understand this better if you consider their sacred geometry. When you look at human consciousness from a geometric point of view, you see harmonious levels and you see that disharmonious levels are simply out of balance. This is where we are now - out of balance. These disharmonious levels are absolutely necessary. There is no way to go from the first level to the third level without going through the second level. But the second is a completely disharmonious consciousness.

Whenever consciousness reaches the second or fourth level, it knows that it can only be here short time. These levels are used as transitions - like a stone in the middle of a river; you jump on it and jump off again as quickly as possible to reach the other shore. You don't stop there because if you do, you'll fall into the water. If you had stayed on this Earth even a little longer, you would have inevitably destroyed this planet. You would destroy it simply by being there as you are. And yet it is a sacred and necessary step in evolution. You are a bridge to another world.

If we were not multidimensional beings, if we were only physical beings connected to the Earth and we had nowhere to go, we would be in a very serious situation. But because of who we are, what happens on Earth can be a vehicle for incredible growth. Remember that life is a school. Maya is Maya! But still, if we understand this incredibly dangerous situation that we are in now, then we can awaken to what we are.


The situation in which we find ourselves in this world did not develop by chance. Events happened that we need to remember. Many of us were here in past lives and retained the memory of this within ourselves. To understand what led to the current situation, we need to understand what happened. You won't find these events in history books, of course, because books on the history of human "civilization" only track a period of six thousand years ago. For starters, we need to go back about 450 thousand years.

You don't have to immediately accept the point of view below, you can simply read it as a legend, think about it and see if it is acceptable to you. If something doesn't seem right to you, then of course don't accept it.

First of all, you must understand something about recorded history. Someone has to pick up a pen and write everything down, so the story that is written down is always the point of view of the person or people who wrote it down. Recorded history only began 6,000 years ago, but would history have been the same if other people had written it down? Keep in mind that in most cases, history books were written by the victors of wars. Whoever won the war wrote “what happened.” The loser could not insert his five lines there. Take a look at any of the major wars, especially the Second World War, which was a very emotional war. If Hitler had won World War II, our history books would be completely different. So let's continue with that in mind.

Sitchin and Sumeria

First of all, let's start with the work of Zecharia Sitchin. If you haven't read his books yet, and if you want to find out about it first-hand, then great pleasure awaits you. His main book is called The Twelfth Planet, although two others, Lost Realms and Revisiting Genesis, are also worth reading. He writes about many cities that are described in the Christian Bible, such as Babylon, Akkad and Eresh, which for a long time were considered simply myths because no one could prove their existence. There was not the slightest sign of their existence anywhere. Finally, one city was found, it led to another, and this one led to yet another. Eventually, all the cities mentioned in the Bible were found.

Don't forget that all of these ancient cities were discovered in the last 120 years or so, most of them more or less recently. As archaeologists dug into the depths of these cities, they brought to the surface thousands of cylindrical clay tablets that recorded the history of Sumer and the history of the Earth in great detail. It has been traced back hundreds of thousands of years. Their writing is called cuneiform.

The Sumerian records are officially considered the oldest recorded data on this planet, 5800 years old, but they describe events that happened billions of years ago, and in great detail events that happened about 450 thousand years ago. Sitchin writes that we are 300 thousand years old or so, but long before the beginning of this cycle and long before the Nephilim, there were civilizations on Earth more advanced than the Nephilim or any others we have seen since then. They left, leaving almost no trace. This is the past of our planet. It's part of who we are, in a way. We have access to all this information. Each of us has a composite particle within which all this information is recorded. It is easily accessible, but most of us are simply not aware of its existence.

Before NASA sent a research rocket from our planet into outer space past the outer planets, Sitchin sent them a Sumerian description of the appearance of all the planets from space. And when the satellite approached them, one after another, it actually turned out that the Sumerian descriptions were absolutely true. Another example: they knew about equatorial precession from the very beginning of their existence as a culture. They knew that the Earth's axis of rotation is tilted relative to the plane of its orbit around the Sun by 23 degrees, and that in an even larger orbit it makes a complete revolution in exactly 25,920 years. It is difficult for a traditional historian to accept this, especially with a scientific mindset, who knows that just to come to knowledge about the Earth’s vibrations in general, it is necessary to conduct constant observations of the night sky for 2,160 years in a row. The minimum time to come to this conclusion is 2,160 years, and yet, the Sumerians knew this from the very first day of their civilization.


The Sumerian tablets tell of times going back far into the past. The story begins from a time several billion years ago, when the Earth was still very young. Then there was big planet, called Tiamat, and it revolved around the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. The ancient Earth had a large moon, which, according to their records, was destined to become a planet itself sometime in the future.

According to the records, there was another planet in our solar system, the existence of which we are only vaguely aware of in modern times. The Babylonians called this planet Marduk, and this name somehow stuck, but the Sumerian name for it was Nibiru. It was a huge planet that rotated in the opposite direction relative to other planets. The other planets orbit in more or less the same plane, all in the same direction, but Nibiru moves in the opposite direction, and as it approaches the other planets, it intersects the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

They say it comes through our solar system every 3600 years, and when it came, it was usually for our solar system big event. Then, it passed by the outer planets and disappeared from view. By the way, NASA has probably discovered this planet. In any case, it is very likely. Two satellites were used, installed at a great distance from the Sun. It's definitely there, but the Sumerians knew about it thousands of years ago! Then, according to their records, by the will of fate it happened that during one of the orbital intersections, Nibiru came so close that one of its moons collided with Tiamat (our Earth) and cut off about half of its mass - simply cutting this planet in two. According to Sumerian records, this large piece of Tiamat, along with her main Moon, lost its course, entered orbit between Venus and Mars and became the Earth we know. Another piece broke into millions of pieces and became what Sumerian records call a “forged bracelet” and what we call the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. This is another point that amazes astronomers. How did they know about the asteroid belt - after all, it is not visible to the naked eye?

Nibiru was inhabited by conscious beings called nephilim. Nephilim are very tall: women are about 3 - 3.6 m tall and men are about 4.2 - 4.8 m tall. They are not immortal, but their life span is about 360 thousand earthly years- according to the records of the Sumerians. Then they die.

According to Sumerian records, approximately 430 thousand - maybe even 450 thousand - years ago, the Nephilim began to have problems with their planet. It was a problem with the atmosphere, very similar to the ozone problem that is being so persistently imposed on us now. Their scientists found a solution to the problem similar to what our scientists were considering. Our scientists decided to spray dust particles into the ozone layer, thus creating a filter to retain the harmful rays of the Sun. Nibiru's orbit takes it so far from the Sun that they needed to conserve heat, so they decided to spray particles of gold into the upper layers of their atmosphere that would reflect light and heat back like a mirror. They planned to mine a large amount of gold, crush it and disperse it in space above their planet.

The Nephilim were capable of space travel, but it appears that their capabilities at that time were not much greater than our capabilities today. The records of the Sumerians contain images of them in spaceships, from the back of which flames erupt, these are rocket ships. This is the beginning of space travel, not very developed. In fact, they were so primitive that they had to wait until Nibiru was close enough to Earth to make even this trip between the two planets. They couldn't just take off at any time, but had to wait until the distance was very short. So, about 400 thousand years ago, they sent a team here with the sole purpose of mining gold. The Nephilim who arrived on Earth were led by twelve crew members. They were, as it were, bosses over 600 workers who were supposed to mine gold and another three hundred people who remained in orbit in their “mother” ship. First they went to the region of what is now Iraq and began to settle there and build their cities, but they did not mine gold there. For gold they went to a valley in southeast Africa.

One of those twelve, named Enlil, was the chief of the gold miners. They penetrated far into the bowels of the Earth and mined large quantities of gold. Then, every 3600 years, as Nibiru/Marduk approached, they transported the gold to their home planet. And then they continued their development again, and Nibiru continued to move in its orbit. According to the records of the Sumerians, they dug very long time, from 100 thousand to 150 thousand years, after which the Nephilim revolt occurred.

Somewhere between 300 thousand and 200 thousand years ago, the Nephilim workers rebelled. The Sumerian records describe this revolt in great detail. The workers rebelled against their bosses; they no longer wanted to continue working in the mines.

The rebellion presented challenges to the leadership, and twelve leaders came together to make a decision. They decided to involve in the work a certain life form that already exists on this planet, one of the species of primates. They took the blood of these primates, mixed it with clay, then took the seed of one of their young Nephilim and mixed all these elements. On one of the signs they are literally depicted with something that looks like chemical test tubes: to create a new life form, they pour something from one test tube into another.

They planned to use the DNA of the primates and their own DNA to create a race more advanced than what existed at that time on Earth, so that the Nephilim could control this new race while using it solely for gold mining.

According to Sumerian records, humans were created to become gold miners, or simply slaves in the gold mines. This was their only purpose. And after they had mined the amount of gold they needed to save their planet, before leaving, they intended to destroy this race. Of course, most people, hearing this, will think - this cannot be about us; we are too noble for something like this to happen to us. But this is the truth presented to us by the oldest records on Earth. The Sumerian language is the oldest known language in the world, much older than works such as the Bible and the Koran. Moreover, it turns out that The Bible was born from the ashes of the Sumerians.

Science has discovered something no less interesting. Archaeologists have discovered gold mines at the exact location where Sumerian records record gold mining.. These ancient gold mines date back 100 thousand years ago. What is truly incredible is that Homo Sapiens worked in these mines. Their bones were found there. These gold mines were mined at least 100 thousand years ago, and people from these mines lived about 20 thousand years ago. Now think about why people needed it - to mine gold 100 thousand years ago? Why did they need gold? It is a soft metal and nothing like something that could be used like some other metals. It was not used very often in ancient jewelry. So why did they do this and where did the gold go?

Then there is the so-called Eve theory, which people have been trying to disprove for a long time.

By superimposing individual sections of DNA, scientists determined which of its components appeared first. Thus, they calculated that the first human being lived somewhere between 150 and 250 thousand years ago. And this first creature, which they called Eve, as it turned out, came precisely from the very valley in which, according to the Sumerians, they mined gold! Since then, more than one scientist has abandoned this theory, because there are many other ways to study the origin of DNA. But we still find it worthy of attention that this theory pointed precisely to this very valley, where, according to the Sumerian chronicles, it all began.

According to the Melchizedek tradition, our current race began to exist not 350 thousand years ago, as Sitchin says, but 200 thousand years ago. The original people of this race were located on an island off the coast of southern Africa called Gondwanaland.

When they developed to the point of benefiting the Nephilim, they were moved to the gold mines of Africa and various other places where they were used for gold mining and other service work. So, this original race appeared and developed here, on the island of Gondwana, for about 50-70 thousand years.

Sumerian records describe human beings as being about one-third the height of the Nephilim. The Nephilim were undoubtedly giants in comparison.

The part of the Bible where giants are mentioned has been interpreted in many different ways. But if you consider it in the light of what the Sumerian records tell us, then it takes on a completely different meaning, especially if you read the older editions of the Bible, which tell us exactly what these giants were called. They were called “nephilim” - in the Christian Bible exactly as this word sounded in the records of the Sumerians. There are more than 900 versions of the Bible in the world and almost all of them talk about giants, a large percentage of them refer to the giants with the word Nephilim.


It is further stated that when this race was created, the giants became their mother. Seven of them gathered; they shed their bodies by consciously dying and formed a pattern of seven interconnected spheres of consciousness. This fusion gave birth to a blue-white flame, which the ancients called the Flower of Life, and this flame they placed in the very womb of the Earth.

The Egyptians call this womb the Halls of Amenti; it represents fourth dimensional space and is located in the third dimension approximately a thousand miles below the surface of the Earth and is connected to the Great Pyramid through a fourth dimensional passage. One of the main purposes of the Halls of Amenti is to create new races or species. Inside there is a room based on the Fibonacci proportions and created from what appears to be stone. There is a cube in the middle of the room, and on the surface of the cube is stored the flame created by the Nephilim. This flame, about 1.2 or 1.5 m high, and about 1 m in diameter, emits a blue-white glow. This light is pure prana, pure consciousness, which is a planetary “egg” created to begin the evolutionary path of a new race, which usually called human.

Since there is a mother, there must be a father somewhere. And the paternal nature—the paternal seed—must have its origin from outside this system or body. So, as the Nephilim set up their test tubes and prepared to conceive this new race, another race of beings from a distant star on the third planet from Sirius B were preparing to travel to Earth. There were 32 representatives of this race, 16 male and 16 female, united into one single family. They too were giants, as tall as the Nephilim. While the Nephilim were primarily third-dimensional beings, the inhabitants of Sirius were primarily fourth-dimensional beings.

Thirty-two people making up one family - this may sound strange to us. On Earth, a family is created by one man and one woman because we reflect the light of our sun. Our sun is a hydrogen sun, containing one proton and one electron. We reproduce this hydrogen process, and therefore we make up a family in this way, one by one. If you were to visit planets that have helium suns containing two protons, two electrons, and two neutrons, you would find that two men and two women come together to conceive children. If you get to an old sun like Sirius B, which is a white dwarf and very advanced, you find that it has a system composed of thirty-two (germanium).

So, the creatures from Sirius arrived here and they knew exactly what they needed to do. They entered directly into the womb of the Halls of Amenti, straight into the pyramid, and faced the flames. These beings had the understanding that all things and phenomena are light. They understood this connection between thought and feeling. So, they simply created 32 rose quartz tiles that were about 30 inches tall, 3 or 4 feet wide, and exactly 18 to 20 feet long. They created them out of nothing - out of absolutely nothing - around a flame. Then they lay down on these plates, one by one a man, then a woman, and so on, face up and with their heads towards the middle, around the flame. Creatures from Sirius conceived, or merged with a flame, or a Nephilim egg. At the level of the third dimension, Nephilim scientists placed laboratory-created eggs of human beings in the wombs of seven women of the Nephilim race, from which human beings were born. Conception in human terms occurs in less than 24 hours - the initial division to the first eight cells. But conception on a planetary level is very different from human conception. According to Thoth, they lay there motionless for exactly 2 thousand years, thus begetting this new race with the Earth. Finally, after 2 thousand years, the first human beings were born on the land of Gondwana, near western shores South Africa.

As a summary and to be clear, after the rebellion, when it was decided to create a new race here on Earth, it was the Nephilim who became the mother aspect. The records of the Sumerians say that seven individuals of the female essence participated in this. Then, the Nephilim took clay from the earth, blood from the primates, and the seed of a young Nephilim youth, they mixed all this and placed it in the wombs of young Nephilim girls who were chosen for this. They gave birth to human babies. So, according to Sumerian stories, seven of them were born at the same time - and they were sterile. They couldn't reproduce. The Nephilim continued to give birth to little people, creating an army of little creatures, populating the island of Gondwana with them. If we believe this story, which comes partly from the records of the Sumerians, and partly from Thoth, then the mother of this race is Nephilim, and the father is from Sirius. There is an incredible amount of scientific evidence that this is true, if only you read the archaeological reports - not about the Sirian father, but definitely about the Nephilim mother.

Science doesn't understand how they got here. They are sure that between the last primates and them there is " missing link" It seems like they came out of nowhere. Scientists know they are between 150,000 and 250,000 years old, but they have no idea where they came from or how they evolved. These people simply stepped over some mystical threshold and arrived.


Another interesting part of the Sumerian records tells that after they worked for some time in gold mines in Africa, the cities in the north, near modern Iraq, became quite elaborate and very beautiful. They were located in the jungle and had huge gardens around them. Finally, it was decided, as the Sumerian records say, to bring slaves from the southern mines to the cities to work in the gardens.

One day Enlil's brother, Enki (whose name means snake), went to Eve - the records mention this name - and told her that the reason why his brother did not want people to eat from that tree in the middle of the garden was because that it would make people like the Nephilim. Enki wanted to take revenge on his brother because of a dispute that occurred between them. There is a lot of background to the quarrel, so we will skip it here. So Enki convinced Eve to eat the fruit of the apple tree, tree of knowledge of good and evil, which, according to the records, contained more than just a dualistic point of view. This gave her the power to multiply, give birth.

So Eve found Adam and they ate from this tree and had children; each of them is listed by name on the Sumerian tablets. Now, think about the story of Adam and Eve from this point forward - according to two sources: the Sumerian records and the Bible. God is walking in the garden - he is walking, he is in the body, in the flesh, as suggested in the Book of Genesis. He walks through the garden and calls Adam and Eve. He doesn't know where they are. He is God, but he doesn't know where Adam and Eve are. He calls them and they come. He is unaware that they have eaten from the tree until he notices that they are hiding because they are feeling ashamed. Then he realized what they had done.

One more point: The word for God, Elohim, in the original Bible - in fact, in all Bibles - was not the only one, but plural. Perhaps God, who created humanity, is an entire race of creatures? When Enlil learned that Adam and Eve had done this, he became angry. He especially didn't want them to eat from another tree, tree of life, because then they would not only be able to reproduce, but they would become immortal. It's hard to tell if these are actually trees or not. This could be a symbol of something related to consciousness. Thus, at this point, Enlil expelled Adam and Eve from his garden. He placed them somewhere else and put them under surveillance. He must have had supervision over them, for he wrote down the names of all the sons and daughters; he knew everything that was happening in their entire family. All this was written down about 2 thousand years before the Bible was written..

Since the time of Adam and Eve, this race developed along two branches: one could give birth and was free (though observable), and the other could not have children and was enslaved. According to the research of modern scientists, this last branch continued gold mining until at least 20 thousand years ago. The bones of representatives of this second branch, found in the mines, were identical to ours; the only difference was that they could not have children. This branch was completely destroyed during the Great Flood, roughly 12,500 years ago.

In this work we will talk about four shifts of the Earth's poles - when Gondwana sank, when Lemuria sank, when Atlantis sank (which is called the Great Flood) and about another one that is now about to happen. This side note is important to understand: according to Thoth, the degree of tilt of the Earth's axis and the degree of shifting of the poles - which, according to science, occurs on a fairly regular basis - has a direct relationship to changes in consciousness on the planet. For example, in last time when the pole shifted during the Great Flood, North Pole was in the area of ​​​​Hawaii (I understand that this is a controversial statement) - at least there was a magnetic pole there - and now it is almost at an angle of 90 ° relative to the previous one. This is a big change. It wasn’t a positive change, it was a negative one – we went down in consciousness, not up.


According to Thoth (an Egyptian deity), after Adam and Eve, a major axis shift occurred that swallowed up the Earth of Gondwana. He says that when the Land of Gondwana sank, then Pacific Ocean another mass of earth rose up, which he calls Lemuria, and the descendants of Adam and Eve were taken from their native lands and transferred to Lemuria. (without getting attached to the name, just remember that we are talking about land in the Pacific or Indian Ocean; approx. alexfl).

Adam's race was transferred and allowed to develop on its own without the interference of the Nephilim. They remained there for 65 to 70 thousand years. Adam's race performed many experiments on themselves and made many physical changes in the body. They changed the structure of the skeleton; They worked hard to improve their spine and the size and shape of their skull. They were mainly focused on the nature of the feminine. The evolutionary cycle must make a choice whether to be feminine or masculine oriented.

This new civilization in Lemuria developed quite successfully; everything was going just great. But most of Lemuria eventually sank. About a thousand years before the sinking, there were two people there named Ai and Tiya. This pair did something that no one had ever done before, at least not in this evolutionary cycle. They discovered that if you make love in a certain way and at the same time breathe in a certain way, then when a child is born, completely different results are obtained. Through this different kind of conception, all three of them - mother, father and child - gained immortality. In other words, by conceiving a child in a certain way, the experience changes you forever.

Apparently Ai and Tiya suspected that their experience had made them immortal. As time passed and everyone else began to die while they lived, people began to realize that they actually owned something. So, in the end, they founded a school. It was called the Naakal Mystical School, where they simply tried to teach the phenomenon that we call resurrection or ascension through Tantra. Tantra is the Indian word for yoga and means union with God through sexual exercise.

Before the flooding of Lemuria, they managed to train about a thousand people and this means that about 333 families, three people each, could understand what they were doing and show it to others. They could make love in this unusual way. They weren't actually touching each other. In fact, they didn't even need to be in the same room together. It was interdimensional lovemaking. They taught others how to do this, and it all went to the point that over the next thousand years they would probably have brought the entire race into a new consciousness.

But obviously the Lord said “no”, the time was not yet ripe. They had just begun when Lemuria sank. Long before the event, they knew that Lemuria would sink. They got ready. They moved all of their art to Lake Titicaca, Mount Shasta, and other places. Even the large golden disk of Lemuria was transferred. They moved everything valuable from the country and prepared for the end. Before Lemuria finally sank, they all abandoned the islands completely. They settled lands from Lake Titicaca, through Central America and Mexico north to Mount Shasta.

According to Thoth, the sinking of Lemuria and the rise of Atlantis occurred simultaneously during the next axis shift. Lemuria sank and what became known as Atlantis rose up.

The immortal creatures of Lemuria “flew” from their homeland to a small island located in the north of the newly risen continent of Atlantis. For a long time they waited on the island, which they gave the name Udal; then they began to recreate their spiritual science. Watching them, you wouldn't understand what they were doing there; you'd think they'd gone crazy.

When the time was right, the settlers from Lemuria created a spiritual correspondence human brain on the surface of its Atlantic island. Their goal was the birth of a new consciousness based on what they learned during Lemuria. They believed that the brain had to arise before the body of the new consciousness of Atlantis appeared on the surface.


As we wrote above, even before Egypt, during the time of Atlantis, there was a Mystical School of Naakal. It was led by Ai and Tiya and a thousand members of the School from Lemuria. It was located on the island of Udal, north of the mainland. They tried to teach the Atlanteans immortality. However, either they weren't then good teachers, or people simply could not master it, but it took them 20-30 thousand years for one single person to finally achieve the immortal state of being. The first to reach it was Osiris, and he was not an Egyptian, but an Atlantean. The story of Osiris did not take place in Egypt, but in Atlantis, although the Nile River is mentioned there.

There lived two brothers and two sisters - from the same family. Their names were Isis, Osiris, Nephthys (or Nephus) and Set. Isis married Osiris and Nephthys married Set. At the beginning of this story, Set killed Osiris. He put the body of Osiris in a box and sent it down the Nile, but in fact it was another river - in Atlantis. This murder greatly upset Isis, and she and her sister, Set's wife, went in search of Osiris. They found his body and brought it back, intending to bring Osiris back to life. Set, having learned about this, cut the body of Osiris into fourteen parts and scattered them all over the world - so that his sisters could not bring Osiris back to life. Then Isis and Nephthys went in search of pieces to put them together. They found thirteen of the fourteen pieces and put them all together, but they could not find the phallus, the fourteenth piece. The fourteenth part was restored with the help of magic by Thoth (who was also in Atlantis, not only in Egypt). This recreated the creative flow of energy that brought Osiris back to life and, in addition, endowed him with immortality.

From the Egyptian point of view, immortality was achieved precisely through sexual energy. Osiris was the first living person walking around in a body on the first level of consciousness. Then he was killed and his body was cut into pieces. He was separated from himself- this was the second level of consciousness, our level. Then, the parts were put back together, his integrity was restored, and this brought him to the third level of consciousness, which is immortality.

He went through three levels of consciousness. The first was integrity, the second was separation from oneself, and at the third level all the components were brought together again. This restored his integrity and thus led him to immortality; he didn't die anymore. Having finally gone through all this, Osiris returned back as an immortal being, as the first reborn Master of Atlantis. Thus, Osiris's idea of ​​how he became immortal was used as a matrix so that other people could achieve the same state of consciousness. This became the basis of the religion of Atlantis and later the religion of Egypt.


Thanks to the special way their brains functioned, Atlanteans had complete memory. They remembered everything that had ever happened to them. Their memory was transpersonal - this means that if one person remembered something, then all the other representatives of the same race remembered the same thing. Nowadays the aborigines of Australia have such a memory. If something happens to one native, then anyone else can recreate this event at any time, if he or she just wants it.

The fact is that they are at the first level of consciousness, where they are not separated from themselves. We are on the second level and very separated from ourselves. Like the Atlanteans, the natives do not have a memory like our vague recollection of images; they possess full-scale three-dimensional holographic memory. They might mentally approach your desk and look you in the eyes. It wouldn't be real time; this is what they call time, it is like a dream, but it is a perfect recreation of Reality. Their memory is perfect; they make no mistakes and miss nothing. Obviously, with a culture like the Atlanteans, there is no reason to write anything down. Why try to describe something in words if you can see the real thing itself?


The Forty-Two Books of Thoth note that after the Fall, when the Atlanteans came to Egypt and no longer had full memory, writing was introduced. In fact, it is written right in the Egyptian chronicles that it was He who gave the world writing. This one action alone completed the “fall”, threw him out of the first level of consciousness and completely transferred him to the second, because it changed the way he accessed memory.

Learning to write led to the development of the upper lobe of the skull in people - up from the eyebrows. The mere introduction of writing has changed many factors in the way we perceive Reality. To now access our memory, we need to go inside and extract the required information using code. To restore a memory of anything, we enter with a word, symbol or concept. In fact, we cannot remember anything without making certain eye movements. Our eyes must move in a certain way for memories to emerge. The Egyptian memory system was significantly different from how it was before the Fall. Comparing these changes in the memory system with the Osiris saga, it can be said that the Egyptians entered a state of dismemberment into pieces, where they were inside their bodies, thinking that they were actually separate from the rest of Reality. This sense of separateness, of course, led to changes in many aspects of people's lives.


Now the plot thickens. According to the plan of stepwise evolution, everything went well. After some time, Upper and Lower Egypt united into one country under the leadership of King Menes, and the era of the First Dynasty began. But over time, a serious problem arose, which, if not resolved, would have led to global catastrophes in the twentieth century - we, as a planet, would not have survived. We wouldn't have a chance. This may not seem like a big deal, but to those observing this planet it turned out to be very important. The matter concerned the religious beliefs of the Egyptians.

The Egyptians no longer had complete holographic (interpersonal) memory, so they were forced to write down everything about their religion. This scripture is called The Forty-Two Books of Thoth. Donald Beman, who lives in Boston, recreated this book. There were 42 books, and two more, separate from the main scripture. Forty-two plus two reflects the number of chromosomes of the first level of consciousness. Our chromosomes, in fact, are geometric images and models that give a description of the entire Reality - not only your body, but everything in this reality, from distant planet down to the smallest plant and every single atom.

In this picture you will see what is called netera. Neters are gods, with a small "b". Here is one of the netera - Anubis.

They are mythical human beings with animal heads, and each of them represents a different chromosome, a different aspect and characteristic of life. Neters represent the path of passage from the first level of consciousness to the second. The ascended masters used certain genetic coding of Osiris to help other people learn to ascend. Osiris lived the experience of ascension, and now this path was encoded in his DNA, namely in his chromosomes. At that time, the genetic keys were revealed to initiates through the netera, representing the chromosomes of Osiris. But this way of presenting religion created a problem, especially as Upper and Lower Egypt became more divided. Both Upper and Lower Egypt both had 42+2 gods, or neters, representing the stages of ascension. But the images of Upper Egypt were slightly different from those of Lower Egypt; Over time, with the separation of countries, the images also underwent changes. When Menes reunited the two countries into one, called Egypt, he recognized all these images for diplomatic reasons. So now there are 84+4 deities representing all the same religious ideas. This turned out to be a really big mistake, because everything got mixed up. For example, in one area they accepted one of the netera as Anubis and said, “This is God,” with a capital “B.” Another region proclaimed Sekhmet as its God.

Thus, 88 different ideas about God appeared in the country. They said: “My God is still God, and your gods are nothing.” Everything became very divided and unclear, and after a while no one had any idea at all that there was really only one God. They did not understand what the Tat Brotherhood was trying to tell them. From our point of view, it looked like chromosome destruction; it was a mutation and it wasn't right. Even with all the help coming from the Tat Brotherhood, they just couldn't get it right, and things got worse and worse.

All the evidence now available points to the fact that the Christian religion was derived directly from the Egyptian religion. If you study them both, you will notice that they are parallel everywhere and in everything except for the Egyptian understanding of God. Later, the Christian religion completely negated the significance of the Egyptian religion, and this despite the fact that Egypt is the undisputed source of the foundations of Christianity. Christians considered the Egyptians occultists. So it was, but it was because they religious belief was distorted, with the obvious exception of seventeen and a half years - the time of the Eighteenth Dynasty.


For a very short period of seventeen and a half years, a brilliant flash of light appeared, then it disappeared again. And that brilliant flash of white light was what saved our spiritual lives. It started around 1500 BC. when worship and controversy around such things prevailed large quantity deities The Ascended Masters finally decided that something needed to be done. They chose a course of action.

As a first step, they decided to bring in a genuine Christ conscious being so that it would be possible to put back into the akashic records the memory of what Christ consciousness really is. This understanding was lost during the Fall. This body of Christ consciousness would be much taller than the bodies of people on the planet at that time. This would be an example that the people of Earth could see. This was the first part of the plan. It was a very bold step, and they took it.

The Ascended Masters decided that a man of Christ consciousness should become the king of Egypt. To put this plan into action, they had to break all the rules, literally everything. They made it so that they appeared before the king of the time, Amenhotep II, and asked him for a favor. He just physically came to his room, walked right up to him and said: “Look, I am That One.” It was hard to believe. By that time, the Egyptians most likely decided that all these neters in their stories were mythical creatures. However, here stands a real person who is one of the netera. He said: “We have a serious problem here in Egypt, and I need your help.”

He somehow convinced Amenhotep II to do something that no one else would ever do Egyptian king. Amenhotep's son was about to become king, but Amenhotep said: “I want your son not to become king; I want to place a representative of a family from outside on the Egyptian throne.” Amenhotep II agreed to this. Obviously it was quite a profound experience. Having thus received the king's permission, they had to literally create a living body, which was not easy.

How did they do it? They went to Ai and Tiya, who were already very, very old—no matter how you look at it—and they said, “We need you to have a baby.” They had to turn to someone immortal to get immortal genes because they contain a different number of chromosomes - 46+2 instead of 44+2. Ai and Tiya agreed and they received the baby. The baby was handed over to Amenhotep II so that the baby would become the next King.

So, the baby grew up and became a King. He became Amenhotep III and he came into contact with a woman. Whether it happened physically or interdimensionally, he certainly had to get a child with someone who also had higher levels of chromosomes. In any case, their son became known as Amenhotep IV, and it was for him that the Masters had special plans. This child, Amenhotep IV, has another, more famous name - Akhenaten.

Meanwhile, Ai and Tiya waited out this generation and then had another child. This child is a little girl whose name was Nefertiti. Nefertiti and Akhenaten grew up and got married. They were actually brother and sister because they belonged to the same blood family.

The story of Osiris is similar to this - brother and sister get married and become a new opportunity in life. So, these two grew up and became the King and Queen of Egypt.


For some time, Amenhotep III and his son Akhenaten ruled the country together - two kings at the same time, again against the rules. Meanwhile, they completely rebuilt new town, called Tel el-Amarna, in the very center of Egypt. Akhenaten installed a stone there with the inscription: “This is the center of the country.” Today we could not identify this place better, even from satellite. It makes you wonder who these people were who were able to determine, down to the square inch, the center of a country hundreds of miles long. This is truly amazing. They built the entire city from white stone. It was beautiful - it was the age of space.

Akhenaten and his father ruled the state for some time from two places - from Thebes (Thebes) and from Tel el-Amarna. During his lifetime, his father abdicated the throne - which again was contrary to the rules - and handed over the country to Akhenaten, who later became the first pharaoh of Egypt. Before him there were no pharaohs, there were only kings. Pharaoh means - who you will become. In other words, they showed people what they would literally become in the future.

Akhenaten's main task was to deprive the occult religions of power and return the country back to a single religion, in which there would be a belief that there is simply one single God. In those days, all people worshiped statues, and so they got used to believing in obvious things. Akhenaten had to give them something obvious that they could believe in, and he gave them the Sun as an image of God, because it was an image that they could not raise again on their altars.

There was another reason that he gave them the image of the Sun. He told them that the breath of life, the field of prana, comes from the Sun. In a three-dimensional way of thinking this is true, although in reality prana is everywhere - there is an infinite amount of it at any point.

On the frescoes you can see the lotus, the national flower of Atlantis. Representatives of the Naakal school brought the lotus to India. There are records about Naakal in Indian Sanskrit chronicles, and they are also spoken about at the present time. They came long before the appearance of the Buddha and were there during the time of Buddhism. In Egypt, the lotus flower represented Atlantis, and in this painting you see the flowers being taken out of a vase. Everyone knew that Atlantis had died, but they still paid tribute to it by placing lotuses next to vases. This is an authentic wall carving.

Note that Akhenaten, the main figure, has a long thin neck, long arms and a high waist, wide hips and long legs. The usual Egyptian explanation is that he was sick and therefore the body was deformed - of course, so did Nefertiti and all their daughters. Apparently they all had the same disease. I think that this was not the case at all.


You may ask: if Akhenaten and the others were immortal, why did they die? We will give you a definition of immortality from the point of view of Melchizedek, which, perhaps, will help you. Someone else may give different definitions, but this is how we feel it. Immortality has nothing to do with living forever in the same body. You will live forever anyway; you have always been and will be alive, but during all this time you may not be conscious. This definition, from our point of view, has to do with memory. When you become immortal, you reach a point at which your memory is intact.. In other words, from now on you are conscious all the time, without any intrusion of unconsciousness. This means that you stay in this body as long as you want, and when you want to leave it, you leave it. Having to remain in a single body forever would become a prison, or a trap, because it means that you cannot leave it. There may be a reason for leaving this body, and you end up finding that you want to go beyond anything. Here is the definition of eternal life: simply put, you have permanent, continuous memory.

Now - back to what happened after Akhenaten was debunked. In order to allow things to return to normal, which is what they wanted to do, the country entered a state of transition. The people who became king and queen immediately after him are almost comical - they allowed Ai and Tiya to take over the government of the country. Here we have a long delay in time, and then they became king and queen. This is written right in the chronicle. They ruled for about thirty years, then transferred power to Seti the First, who became the first king of the Nineteenth Dynasty. He immediately returned everything to its original places, crossed out everything and called Akhenaten by the same name that Jesus was called - “criminal.” He called him the worst king who ever lived and all this was because of his teaching about one God.


One fact is important here: Akhenaten founded a mystical school. This school was called the Egyptian Mystical School of Akhenaten, the Law of One. As it turned out, he only had 17 and a half years to achieve results. He recruited students from the graduates of the Mystic School of the Left Eye of Horus (Female Side) to study at the Mystic School of the Right Eye of Horus. This right eye information has never been taught before in Egypt. He trained them for twelve years, after which he only had five and a half years left to see if he could give them immortality. And he did it! He led about 300 people to immortality. All of them, or almost all, were women.

You may ask why Akhenaten did not work with the population so as not to end up in such a dangerous situation? But can you think of a way to change an entire population in such a short time without causing discontent? Moreover, the only thing he really what you had to do was just live your life. This would be recorded in the akashic records and would remain in the memory that we all carry in our DNA. Just one day of his life would have preserved this code; after that you could do whatever you wanted with him. It really didn't bother him that much. He knew that the country, society and customs would all return to their previous places. But he really brought to immortality these 300 people who would have outlived him and Egypt.

After Akhenaten's departure, 300 immortal Egyptians joined the Brotherhood of Tat and remained in wait from about 1350 BC. before 500 BC - about 850 years or so. Then they moved to Israel, to an area called Masada and formed the Essene Brotherhood. Even today Masada is known as the capital of the Essene Brotherhood. These 300 people became the inner circle, and the outer circle, which became very large, was mainly formed by ordinary people.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was one of the members of the inner circle of the Essene Brotherhood. She was immortal even before Jesus became immortal. Joseph came from the outer circle. This is according to Thoth; this is not indicated in the chronicles. Part of the Egyptian plan was that the next step would be to introduce someone who would demonstrate exactly how to become immortal by starting with common man, then capture this experience in the akashic records and implement it. Someone had to do it. According to Thoth, Mary and Joseph met and conceived interdimensionally to create a body for Jesus that would allow his consciousness to descend and enter here with a very, very high level. When Jesus first entered, he began life here as a man like each of us. He was completely human. And by his own labor he transformed himself into an immortal state, not through ascension, but through resurrection, and laid down in the akashic chronicles the entire path he had traveled. This is according to Thoth, and it was planned long before everything happened.


The story of Osiris shows how thirteen pieces were found and put together, but the phallus was missing. Then Thoth used magic, the phallus came to life, and creative energy flowed through the body of Osiris. It also says that Isis becomes a Falcon, flies through the air, descends and covers her husband’s penis with her wings. Then she flies away, pregnant. She gives birth to a child with a falcon's head, Horus, but in reality he does not have a falcon's head - it is only a hieroglyph for his name. Then Horus takes revenge for the death of his father and the pain inflicted on Osiris by Set.

He claims that what is shown here is virgin birth or virgin birth. Since in this case the woman does not have to be a virgin, he called it the virgin birth. Thoth describes such a birth as interdimensional. It was not physical intercourse that took place here; Isis flew interdimensionally to Osiris.

Most people believe that the story of Mary and Joseph is simply a fiction, and the virgin birth was only possible for Jesus, not for the average person. We know strong evidence that the virgin birth is an absolute fact that is part of everyday life.

Many religious leaders and founders of world religions, such as Krishna or Jesus, are spoken of as being born virginally, that is, their fathers and mothers did not engage in physical intercourse. We think of this as something impossible in everyday life. At other levels of life on Earth than the human one, virgin birth occurs around us at every moment of the day, all over the world and always. Insects, plants, trees, almost every level of life uses the virgin birth as a method of reproduction. Let's give an example.

The picture shows the family tree of a drone bee. A female bee can give birth to a drone any time she wants.. She does not need the permission of the drone, nor the drone itself, to create another drone. She just might do it. However, to obtain a female, she must mate with a drone. In such a family tree, the drone needs one mother, and the bee needs both parents, father and mother. Any father bee needs only a mother, and many generations of bees continue in this special way. The column of numbers on the left side of the figure shows the number of members at any level of this family tree. Looking at these numbers, you will see the sequence 1,1,2,3,5,8, 13 - the unfolding Fibonacci series.

Therefore, the Immaculate Conception, at least this one, is based on the Fibonacci series. And what kind of series is obtained when people enter into intercourse in the usual way? First comes the child, then the two parents; four grandparents; eight great-grandparents - 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 - binary series. These two birth processes imitate the two main sequences of life: the Fibonacci sequence - feminine and the binary series - masculine. So, according to this theory, virgin birth is female, and physical mating is male.


The photo shows a gecko, a small lizard-like creature. Geckos live on the Pacific islands, and this species is called the crying gecko. This reptile is about three inches (7.5 cm) long, and Everywhere on the planet there are only females. There are no males at all. The entire species of crying geckos is exclusively female, while females continue to reproduce without having a single male individual. And the most interesting thing: geckos do not reproduce sexually, but by laying and incubating eggs without the help of males. How is this possible?

In 1977, Peter S. Hopp and Karl Illmenser announced the successful birth of seven single-parent mice at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine. This process was called parthenogenesis, or virgin birth. However, "immaculate conception" is a more accurate term, since the female does not need to be a virgin. In other words, scientists were able to take mice and stimulate conception without a male. How did they do it?

According to the doctor who conducted parthenogenesis studies and completed them on human beings, all the scientist needs to do is pierce the zona pellucida with the tip of a needle. Once this happens, mitosis begins and soon the baby is born. Can you imagine? You just need to pierce the egg shell!

Moreover, a male does not necessarily contribute 50 percent of the chromosomes at conception, as has always been thought. A female can produce between 50 and 100 percent of the chromosomes. This is accurate scientific fact. Something new about genes has also been discovered. Scientists have always believed that the function of each gene is fixed, that is, such and such a gene performs such and such a function. And now they have discovered that this is not true either. Depending on whether a certain gene is received from the mother or from the father, it will perform completely different functions. This threw another curveball into the understanding of biology.

Since 1977, researchers have been trying to puncture the membranes of eggs of all types of life forms. When this is done to women, they give birth to girls - at least until now they have always been girls - and without male sperm. It has now been absolutely established that this is possible.

Two more points:

Girls born through parthenogenesis are completely identical to their mothers;
- in all cases they were sterile.

Apparently this topic touches on something much more significant than we imagine. However, the same can be said about many topics about which we thought we knew a lot about them.

The question arises: when scientists stimulate parthenogenesis, is it possible to get a child based on other principles? Is it realistic that the girl would not be sterile and belong not to the binary series, but to the Fibonacci series? Can she conceive, but only interdimensionally? The scientists didn't think about it because they were interested in whether she could physically conceive. Interdimensional means that you don't have to be on the same side of the planet, or even on that planet itself, to conceive. You are connecting on another level of existence. With this type of conception, sexual energy and orgasm are still used, but physical intimacy is not required.

There is one more thing: when conception is carried out artificially through parthenogenesis, using a sharp object that pierces the membrane of the egg, the result is always a girl. Apparently when intercourse occurs interdimensionally, a boy should be born. Of course, the fact that Mary and Joseph had a boy, Jesus, that Krishna was a boy, and so on, is not enough to say that the appearance of a boy is a pattern. But that seems to be the case. At least there were no known exceptions until now.

The experience of sacred marriage and birth that Ai and Tiya had in Lemuria now becomes clear. Perhaps, indeed, life is much more complex than we imagine.

used material from Drunvalo Melchizedek's book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life"

The Flower of Life is a simple geometric pattern that contains all the secrets of the universe. Drunvalo is a physicist by training, a member of the esoteric Melchizedek order, who has been trained by 70 spiritual teachers from various traditions. In this richly illustrated book, he records for the first time in writing the materials of his Flower of Life seminars. The reader awaits an amazing journey through the worlds of sacred geometry, ancient history, natural sciences, Egyptian magic and modern environmental problems, leading to an understanding of why the world is the way it is, and what we must do to ourselves to preserve and improve it.

The second volume will continue the conversation about the secrets of nature. The human body will be shown as "the measure and holographic image of the Universe." Drunvalo will talk in detail about the Mer-Ka-Ba energy fields around the human body and how they can be used for Awakening


One Spirit

Long before the existence of Sumeria, before the construction of Saqqara by Egypt, before the heyday of the Indus Valley, the Spirit already lived in the human body, expressing Itself in the dance of high culture. Sphinxes know the truth. We are something much greater than we ourselves know. We forgot.

The Flower of Life was and is known to all living things. All living things in general, not only here, but everywhere, knew that he was obviously a model of creation - an entrance, an exit. The Spirit created us in this image. You know it's true; it is written in your body, in all your bodies.

We fell from a very high state of consciousness a long time ago, and only now are the memories beginning to surface again. This birth of our new/old consciousness here on Earth will change us forever and bring us back to the realization that there truly is only one unified Spirit.

You will soon read about the journey of my life through this reality, about how I learned about the Great Spirit and about the relationships that each of us has throughout life and everywhere. I see the Great Spirit in everyone's eyes and I know He/She resides within you. You already contain within your deepest essence all the information that I will share with you. When you read it for the first time, it may seem like you've never heard of it before, but that's not true. This is ancient information. You can remember what is hidden deep within you and my hope is that this book will set those things into motion so that you can remember who you are, why you came here and what your purpose is for being here on Earth.

My prayer is that this book will be a blessing in your life and that it will give you a new awareness of yourself and something about yourself that is very, very ancient. Thank you for sharing this journey with me. I love you deeply, for in Truth we are old friends. We are One.


Melchizedek Drunvalo - The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Volume 2 - read book online for free


Drunvalo is a physicist by training, a member of the esoteric Order of Melchizedek, who has been trained by 70 spiritual teachers from various traditions.

In this volume—the second half of the famous Flower of Life seminar—Drunvalo further explores the sacred design of the Flower of Life, the primary geometric source of all physical forms. He shows that the proportions of the human body, the characteristics of human consciousness, the size and distance of stars, planets and satellites, and even what is created by humanity - everything originates in this beautiful Divine image.

This volume, for the first time in general print, openly conveys instructions for Mer-Ka-Ba meditation - step-by-step techniques for recreating the energy field of an advanced person and awakening the memory of who we are and where we are going.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.
Volume 2

Edited and expanded text of the video recording of the Flower of Life seminar, which was held as a living offering to Mother Earth from 1985 to 1994


This book, volume two, is dedicated to your Inner Child and all New Children as they come to Earth to lead us Home to the Higher Light


We meet again, exploring together the vastness of who we are, and again dreaming of the same ancient truth, which is that life is a beautiful mystery that leads us wherever we dream.

The second volume contains the exact meditation instructions that were originally given to me by the angels to enter the state of consciousness called the Mer-Ka-Ba - on modern language it is called the human Light body. Our body of Light contains the potential to undergo the New Ascension of the Universe, which is so familiar to us. In a special state of consciousness, everything can begin to be renewed, and life will change in the most miraculous way.

These words are more for awakening memory than for learning or teaching. You already know what I'm talking about. This knowledge is written in every cell of your body, it is hidden deep inside your heart and your consciousness, and to remember everything, you only need a slight push.

Because of the love I have for you and for all life everywhere, I offer you these images and this vision to serve you, to bring you closer to the realization of yourself and to the realization that the Great Spirit is connected with your whole being by bonds of deep intimacy and love. I pray that these words will help you open the way to Higher Worlds.

You and I are living at a turning point in the history of the Earth. The world is undergoing dramatic changes as humans and computers enter into a symbiotic relationship, providing Mother Earth with two ways of conducting and understanding events in the world. She uses this new vision to change and open paths to the Higher Worlds of Light so that even a child understands everything. Our Mother loves us infinitely.