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The game “Finest Hour” based on the story by V.P. Astafiev "Vasyutkino Lake"

HIS OWN GAME A writer like Astafiev, with his Russian sensitivity and curiosity for the new, with his knowledge of life, understanding of what is good in life and what is not so good, is needed, oh, how we need it today.

A. Makarov Milestones of Fate1020304050 Astafiev's World1020304050 Works1020304050 Point of View1020304050 Tsar Fish1020304050 Awards1020304050 Biography Pages 10 pointsWhat's in the photo? Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (May 1, 1924, p.

Ovsyanka, Yenisei province - November 29, 2001, Krasnoyarsk, buried in Ovsyanka) - Soviet and Russian writer.

20 points In 1942, the writer volunteered for the front.

He studied military affairs at the infantry school in Novosibirsk.

In the spring of 1943 he was sent to the active army. In what rank did V.P.A. Stafiev finish the war? At the front, Astafiev was a driver, artillery reconnaissance officer, and signalman.

Until the end of the war, Viktor Petrovich remained a simple soldier.

30 points What professions did the writer try at the dawn of his youth? In Chusovoy, Astafiev worked as a mechanic, an auxiliary worker, a teacher, a station attendant, a storekeeper, and a journalist in the Chusovsky Rabochiy newspaper.

40 points.

Round "Pig in a poke".

Monument to V.

Astafiev in Krasnoyarsk Sculptor Igor Linevich-Yavorsky 50 points Which locality and why they call it a kind of “cultural Mecca” Krasnoyarsk Territory? After long wanderings around the country, the writer settled in his native Ovsyanka, which became a kind of “cultural Mecca” of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Here he was visited by prominent writers, cultural figures, politicians and simply grateful readers.

This is where he is buried - Viktor Astafiev died in 2001 Literature 10 points Works by V.

Astafiev's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Name the most famous ones.

“Starodub” (1960), “Theft” (1968), “Last Bow” (1968), “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess” (1971), “The King Fish” (1977), “The Sad Detective” (1986), “The Sighted staff" (1991), "Cursed and Killed" (1994), etc.

20 points In which work by V.P.

Astafiev tells about the hopeless love of two young people, brought together for a brief moment and separated forever by the war? In the story “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess” (1971), the genre of which was designated by the author as “modern pastoral”.

Where do these lines come from? “The music flows quieter, more transparent, I hear, and my heart lets go.

And this is not music, but a spring flowing from under the mountain.

Someone put his lips to the water, drinks, drinks and cannot get drunk - his mouth and inside are so dry.

For some reason one sees the Yenisei, quiet in the night, with a raft with a light on it...” “A distant and near fairy tale” from the narrative in the stories “The Last Bow” (1968) Main character, Vitya Potylitsin listens to “Aginsky’s Polonaise” performed by the village Vasya the violinist, who is sick.

A lonely Pole... Astafiev and Music 40 points “Without delving into the life of our neighbor, will we forget how to feel someone else’s joy, someone else’s grief, pain...

And will we not lose forever what is called the ancient good word - compassion?" From which work of Astafiev are these lines? From the story of Viktor Astafiev “Living Life" 50 points Why did I start writing? How did V. Astafiev answer this question? “Why I started writing? Because I didn’t know how to do anything else, crippled in the war.

I decided to earn my living this way.

And this work, writing, was carried out in Russian conscientiously.”

Works 10 points In 1951, Astafiev’s first story was published in the Chusovskoy Rabochiy newspaper.

Name it.

Since 1951, Astafiev worked in the Urals, in the city of Chusovoy, in the editorial office of this newspaper.

20 points His first book was published in Perm in 1953.

Name it.

“Until next spring” 30 points Which work by Astafiev was “born” from school essay future writer? One of his first works was an essay written at school, which was later turned by the writer into the story “Vasyutkino Lake.”

40 points.

Why is “The Last Bow” not a collection of stories, but a single work? “The Last Bow” is not a collection of stories, but a single work, since all its elements are united by one theme, and the story is told from the perspective of the boy Vitya Potylitsin, an orphan living with his grandmother.

50 points.

"My own game".

Name the work: “Before people were about to cover Vasya with a lid, I squeezed forward and, without saying a word, put the violin and bow on his chest, and threw several live coltsfoot flowers onto the violin, which I picked at the span bridge.” The story “Far and Near Fairy Tale” From the autobiographical story “The Last Bow” Point of view 10 points What, according to the writer, can cleanse the soul? “She is being cleansed, the soul, and it seems to me that the whole world is holding its breath.

Thoughtful... ready to fall on his knees with me, to repent..." "Music! ...You are still trembling under the arches, you are still washing your soul...” (“Dome Cathedral”) Point of view 20 points “Perhaps this is the most serious crime of the communists...” Continue the writer’s thought.

Perhaps this is the most serious crime of the communists, that they made people atheists and deprived them of faith in the heavenly future.

That there is light, there is God, there is the Mother of God.

30 points “Russia cannot survive without...” What, according to V. Astafiev, cannot Russia survive? Russia cannot survive without its Agriculture, without a village.

“My dear village, how are you there... uprooted, with a chopped trunk?” (“Earrings”) 40 points What, according to the writer, is the greatest joy on earth? Our land is fair to everyone, it will endow every living soul with at least a little joy... and the most priceless, selflessly given joy is life itself!” (“The Fall of a Leaf”) 50 points Guess what the writer answered the question: “What would you wish for our people?” in an interview with Literaturnaya Gazeta? (1995.

From the dialogue between Irina Rishina and Viktor Astafiev) “Resurrection, resurrection, resurrection.

There are forces capable of doing this... ...God, whom we anger and anger, would help, but sometimes he turns his merciful face to us, forgives us our grave sins, saves and heals us...” King Fish 10 points What is the main the reason for the destruction of nature by man? (Based on the story “The King Fish”) The prose writer bitterly names the main reason for this phenomenon: the spiritual impoverishment of man. “They imperceptibly cross that fatal line beyond which man ends, and a low-browed mug of a primitive savage is exposed.” IN.

Astafyev 20 points To whom does the author address these lines? The life of such people is spiritually light, ... the life of such people is free, ... towards everyone with their souls wide open, ... with a feeling of causeless happiness and love for everything.

The beauty of the human soul “shines through and secretly shines.”

People who are able to live in wise harmony with themselves, their own kind and the natural world.

30 points “King Fish” Formulate the main idea of ​​the work.

The main idea of ​​the work is the idea of ​​​​the inseparability of Man and Nature 40 points Which ideological and artistic Does the location of “The King of Fish” take place? The location of the "Tsar Fish" is Siberia.

Vast undeveloped spaces are both a treasure and a pain for Russia.

The riches of Siberia are being developed extensively, without thinking about tomorrow.

50 points Which symbolic meaning does the struggle between man and the king fish have? “Furious, seriously wounded, but not tamed, she (the king fish) crashed somewhere in invisibility...” A man fights with the king fish: this is a symbol of the development and taming of nature by man, who is connected with Nature the closest connection, but forgot about it and ruins himself and her.

Writer's awards 10 points A real event in life and literature was the work of V.P.

Astafiev, awarded the USSR State Prize in 1978.

Name it? The story “The Fish King” 1976 20 points What prize was awarded to V.P.

Astafiev in 1997? In 1997, V.P. Astafiev received the Pushkin Prize of the Alfred Tepfer Foundation (Germany) 30 points In what year and what prize Russian Federation received V.P.

Astafiev? Twice Astafiev was awarded the State Prize of Russia: in 1996 and in 2003 (posthumously) 40 points.

Round "Own game".

For what work did V.P.

Astafiev was awarded the Triumph Prize, awarded for outstanding achievements in literature and art.

After the publication of the novel “Cursed and Killed” (1995), Astafiev was awarded the Triumph Prize, awarded for outstanding achievements in literature and art.

50 points What rewards for your creative activity was awarded V.P.

Astafiev? Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR named after.

Gorky (1975), Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1978, 1991), Triumph Prize (1995), State Prize of Russia (1996 and 2003 - posthumously), Pushkin Prize

In our now distant and truly barefoot childhood, we played a lot. I look at kids today, especially teenagers, and I’m amazed - they don’t know what to do with themselves. But we didn’t have enough days to play, and we were driven home late in the evening almost by force. There were a lot of them, these games, the most diverse. And they all required dexterity, strength, and patience. But there were harsh games, as if testing the strength of a future person. Among them, perhaps the most merciless and gloomy game is stake, which must have been invented by cave children.

A tree as thick as your hand was taken, preferably stronger, larch, for example, and trimmed at the end. They used a wooden mallet or a sledgehammer, and if neither one nor the other was available, an iron cleaver. A clearing or quiet alley was chosen, nearby which there were barns, flocks, sheds, piles of logs and other objects behind which and under which one could hide.

The stake was stuck into the ground with hands, and the mallet was leaning against it.

The tense Samyn was approaching, the most crucial moment in life - the choice of the naked one. Here childish invention knew no bounds. The ritual of choosing the naked one was either simplified to the point of primitiveness, or was furnished with such ceremonies that even in childhood one could turn gray from worry.

“Let’s run to the Mitryakhinsky Gate. The last one to come running is the one who goes,” suggested one of the smartest guys and was the first to rush to the Mitryakhinsky Gate. Sometimes to the same or to another gate they galloped on one leg, crawled on their haunches - and then who would deceive whom, that’s why it was almost always the most honest, quietest person who walked.

There was another way to choose the winner: some girl or boy took a white glass in one hand, a black one in the other, and set a condition: whoever guesses the hand with the white glass moves aside, and those who were unlucky suddenly line up in a row.

Sometimes up to twenty children took part in the game, and they approached the hands, firmly and mysteriously clenched, many times. It happened with fear that there were fewer and fewer people left in the ranks. And finally, the last two trudged towards their cherished goal - two broken, half-dead people. They tried to smile, look ingratiatingly at the elected official, so that he would give a hint, shake his hand with a white piece of glass, blink an eye on this side, or at least move his little finger...

These two painfully remembered what annoyance they had caused to the elected one, what damage they had caused him, they fought, maybe they teased him, they didn’t share toys?.. Past life During these few steps towards a fatal fate, it would sometimes flash before the mind's eye, and it would turn out that it was a complete mistake.

Before guessing, you used to say a prayer in front of your inexorably outstretched hands: “God, help me guess the white glass.” And all around the public is gloating and hurrying, having already survived their fears and wanting to receive a reward for it.

And then a black piece of glass opened to one of the two. A cry of joy and triumph was uttered by the lucky man walking in a pair; he tumbled over his head, walked on the grass on his hands and teased the naked man, who was already killed and unhappy.

The game began.

Each of those who are lucky in life, who opened their palm with a white piece of glass, took a mallet and hit the stake once, beat it, spitting on their palms and gasping deeply. The stake was sometimes driven into the ground by several inches at once, sometimes just a little - this was from the blows of your bosom friends, who secretly sympathized with you.

The stake is almost entirely in the ground, but the most important and terrible thing is ahead: the slaughtering queen. As a rule, the strongest, most evil and malicious person was chosen for this role. He hit the stake as many times as there were souls in the game. He applied them thoughtfully, with sayings and jokes: “And we will stroke the peg, we will feed the fools with earth...”

There is only one fool here - naked. He counted the blows and was horrified to see that the stake had already disappeared from sight, and the miner was still hammering, driving it further and further into the depths.

Rule: while the naked one pulls out the stake, everyone must hide. The one who is naked sticks a stake to the ground, places a mallet on it and sets off to look for the destroyers. If you find it, quickly go to the stake, hit it with a mallet and shout victoriously: “Vaska the killer is behind the log! Vaska the killer is behind the log!”

But how far, how far from it and how almost impossible.

The stake is so clogged that there is no sign of it. You have to pull it out with your hands and teeth - there were no tools. For any slackness, that is, if you become a coward and run home or defiantly refuse to pull out the stake, the punishment is provided - riding on a stake and a mallet. They will take you, my dear, by your legs and arms, put you on your back on a stake and a mallet, and begin to roll you around. And they get so worked up that they can’t sit down or lie down - all their bones hurt, and their back is full of splinters.

Tearing off your nails, cursing fate, tearfully begging God for help, you dig up the stake, shake it, pull it, straining with all your might, and from the lodge, from the roofs of the barns, from under the flocks and sheds, shouts of encouragement, ridicule, and hooting come.

But then everything fell silent. The stake is pulled out. Alert. Now any of the hidden lumps can be near the stake - you just need to be extremely vigilant and vigilant. As soon as the naked one moves away, a clever and cunning enemy breaks out of ambush, grabs a mallet and hammers the stake until you return and catch him. But this succeeds very rarely. Most often, when you return, the stake has already been hammered in and there is no trace of what was hammered in.

In 1935, exhausted by illness and fever, I hit the stake for three days in a row, could not recover and fell ill again. The kids visited me, brought me gifts, wanted me to get better quickly and kept reminding me to take a break when I get better...


Grandmother returned from the neighbors and told me that the Levontiev children were going to the strawberry harvest, and told me to go with them.

You'll get some trouble. I will take my berries to the city, I will also sell yours and buy you gingerbread.

A horse, grandma?

Horse, horse.

Gingerbread horse! This is the dream of all village kids. He is white, white, this horse. And his mane is pink, his tail is pink, his eyes are pink, his hooves are also pink. Grandmother never allowed us to carry around with pieces of bread. Eat at the table, otherwise it will be bad. But gingerbread is a completely different matter. You can stick the gingerbread under your shirt, run around and hear the horse kicking its hooves on its bare belly. Cold with horror - lost, - grab your shirt and be convinced with happiness - here he is, here is the horse-fire!

With such a horse, I immediately appreciate how much attention! The Levontief guys fawn over you this way and that, and let you hit the first one in the siskin, and shoot with a slingshot, so that only they are then allowed to bite off the horse or lick it. When you give Levontyev’s Sanka or Tanka a bite, you must hold with your fingers the place where you are supposed to bite, and hold it tightly, otherwise Tanka or Sanka will bite so hard that the horse’s tail and mane will remain.

Levontiy, our neighbor, worked on the badogs together with Mishka Korshukov. Levontii harvested timber for badogi, sawed it, chopped it and delivered it to the lime plant, which was opposite the village, on the other side of the Yenisei. Once every ten days, or maybe fifteen - I don’t remember exactly - Levontius received money, and then in the next house, where there were only children and nothing else, a feast began. Some kind of restlessness, a fever, or something, gripped not only the Levontiev house, but also all the neighbors. Early in the morning, Aunt Vasenya, Uncle Levontiy’s wife, ran into grandma’s, out of breath, exhausted, with rubles clutched in her fist.

Stop, you freak! - her grandmother called out to her. - You have to count.

Aunt Vasenya obediently returned, and while grandma was counting the money, she sorted bare feet, an exactly hot horse, ready to take off as soon as the reins are let go.

Grandmother counted carefully and for a long time, smoothing out each ruble. As far as I remember, my grandmother never gave Levontikha more than seven or ten rubles from her “reserve” for a rainy day, because this entire “reserve” consisted, it seems, of ten. But even with such a small amount, the alarmed Vasenya managed to shortchange by a ruble, sometimes even by a whole triple.

How do you handle money, you eyeless scarecrow! - the grandmother attacked the neighbor. - A ruble for me, a ruble for another! What will happen? But Vasenya again threw up a whirlwind with her skirt and rolled away.

She did!

For a long time my grandmother reviled Levontiikha, Levontii himself, who, in her opinion, was not worth bread, but ate wine, beat herself on the thighs with her hands, spat, I sat down by the window and looked longingly at the neighbor’s house.

He stood by himself, in the open space, and nothing prevented him from looking at the white light through the somehow glazed windows - no fence, no gate, no architraves, no shutters. Uncle Levontius didn’t even have a bathhouse, and they, the Levont’evites, washed in their neighbors, most often with us, after fetching water and ferrying firewood from the lime factory.

One good day, perhaps evening, Uncle Levontius rocked a ripple and, having forgotten himself, began to sing the song of sea wanderers, heard on voyages - he was once a sailor.

Sailed along the Akiyan

Sailor from Africa

Little licker

He brought it in a box...

"The word is ours..."


Kosova Julia

MBOU Gymnasium No. 96, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Russian Federation


Shchurskaya Tatyana Vyacheslavovna





Material overview

IN Lately Adults are increasingly worried about the fact that children and teenagers prefer to stay at home instead of playing in the yard. And we ourselves have noticed that we communicate more often with friends and classmates on the Internet, and we rarely and rarely go out for walks. We confirmed our observations with a survey: we conducted a questionnaire in grades 4-6 and interviewed 114 people. It turned out that as children grow older, they walk less and less often and play outdoor games less often.V.P. Astafiev in the story “Burn, Burn Clearly” calls games a serious matter, during which many skills are honed, the child grows up, and adapts to life in society and adult life. This idea was confirmed in scientific literature. Thus, we decided to turn to problem the disappearance of live communication, yard play as a way for a child to grow up. We assume that we can draw attention to the problem by developing a class hour about the games of our great-grandfathers, telling how interesting it is to spend time together, what you can learn by playing outdoor games. We took the story “Burn, Burn Clear” from V. P. Astafiev’s story “The Last Bow” as the basis for our work.

Problem: The disappearance of yard play as a way of growing upTarget: Development class hour“Games of our yard” for grades 4-6

1. Find out the benefits of outdoor games

2. Study the outdoor games described in V. P. Astafiev’s story “Burn, Burn Clearly”

3. Describe the games studied using non-literary sources

An object Research: Children's yard outdoor games
Item research: Children's games in the story “Burn, Burn Clear” from the story

V. P. Astafieva “Last bow”

Methods: analysis, synthesis, compilation

conclusions: Outdoor games develop the child physically, form skills necessary for the future labor activity, prepare mentally for adult life: they form endurance, resilience, ingenuity, responsibility, and other necessary qualities. Outdoor games teach you to live in a team, take into account the opinions and roles, interests of other people, and build relationships. Games allow you to “try on” the functions of a manager, subordinate, etc.

The games of our great-grandfathers are quite suitable for today's conditions, some need to be adapted to modern conditions.

The class hour “Games in our yard” will draw attention to the problem of the disappearance of live communication and arouse interest in new or forgotten games.


The role of outdoor games in child development

Play is the first activity that plays a particularly significant role in the development of personality, in the formation of properties and enrichment of its internal content.

L. S. Vygotsky gives the following definition of game: “A game is an activity in which social relationships between people are recreated outside the conditions of directly utilitarian activity.”

The most common and favorite children's games without a computer are outdoor games. After all, children simply cannot live without movement: running, jumping, climbing, searching.

Outdoor play is a conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks based on different types of movements and associated with rules that are mandatory for all players. The exciting content and emotional richness of the game encourage the child to make certain mental and physical efforts. The peculiarity of outdoor play is the child’s lightning-fast, instant response to a signal, etc. Outdoor games are, first of all, a means physical education. [ 2 ]

Outdoor games provide an opportunity to:

    develop and improve movements

    practice walking, running, jumping, climbing, crawling, throwing, catching, etc.

Various movements require active activity of large and small muscles, promote better metabolism, blood circulation, breathing, i.e. increasing the activity of the body. [ 2 ]

Outdoor play is an indispensable means of replenishing a child’s knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. Children still have freedom of action preschool age implements in outdoor games, which are the leading method of developing physical culture.

IN pedagogical science outdoor games are considered as the most important means comprehensive development of the child. The deep meaning of outdoor games lies in their full role in physical and spiritual life, existing in the history and culture of every nation.

Outdoor play can be called the most important educational institution, promoting both the development of physical and mental abilities, and the development of moral norms, rules of behavior, and ethical values ​​of society.

In play, a child’s imagination is formed, which includes both a departure from reality and penetration into it. The abilities to transform reality in an image and transform it in action, to change it, are laid down and prepared in play action, and in play the path is paved from feeling to organized action and from action to feeling. In a word, in the game, as in a focus, all aspects of the mental life of the individual are collected, manifested in it and through it are formed in the roles that the child, while playing, assumes; the child’s personality itself expands, enriches and deepens.
In the game, to one degree or another, the properties necessary for studying at school are formed, which determine readiness for learning.

At different stages of development, children are characterized by different games in natural accordance with the general nature of this stage.

By participating in the development of the child, the game itself develops.

Play is not just a favorite activity for children, it is the leading activity of preschoolers. It is here that the main neoplasms are formed, preparing the child’s transition to primary school age.

Creating a theory of children's play on the basis of available scientific and psychological data, K. D. Ushinsky showed its educational significance. He believed that in the psychological life of a child big role imagination plays, which is most fully realized in the game. “In a game, a child,” wrote K. D. Ushinsky, “an already maturing person, tries his strength and independently manages his own creations.” He showed how the social environment and age of children influence the nature and content of games, how the basics are learned in games public relations. Special meaning he gave folk games, seeing in them an excellent and powerful educational tool. The thoughts expressed by K. D. Ushinsky about children's play were an important contribution to Russian and world preschool pedagogy.

So, outdoor games develop dexterity, strength, and endurance. They develop communication skills with people, teamwork, and communication with each other. They develop fortitude, character, will, and determination. During the game, thinking, logic, ingenuity and ingenuity develop.

Thus, outdoor games contribute to the intellectual, physical and social development of the child.

Analysis of questionnaires

Pupils in grades 4-6 were surveyed, a total of 114 people.

First question: How often do you win in outdoor games?

We see that children always play outdoor games on the street, but some of them rarely play games, and in general rarely go for walks.

Second question: What games do you play, do you know how to play? 114 people responded.

We see that children’s games are monotonous, the choice of games is poor, and it would be important to offer them other games.

To the question: Do you know what games your grandparents played, name them? 113 people responded.

Most children know what games their ancestors played, but for some reason they do not name them, so there is doubt that they really know about the games of their ancestors. Perhaps some of the respondents are mistaken, mistaking one for the other: most likely, they mean that hide and seek and tag have been played at all times. Therefore, a more detailed and informed story about the games of the past is relevant. In our opinion, this will draw attention to outdoor yard games and expand the arsenal of games for those who play in the yard.

Fourth question: Would you like to know about games of the past? 113 people answered.

We can conclude that many children would like to learn more about the games of the past.

Fifth question: Would you start playing in the yard if the conditions were created (taught you, assembled teams, organized games)? Answered by 113 people

Since the majority want to learn how to play games of the past, and some doubt it, we regard this as “not against it.” We think that it is worth teaching children new games, which will be facilitated by the class hour we have created, the basis of which is the childhood games of V.P. Astafiev, lovingly described by him in the story “Burn-Burn Clear” in the first book of the story “The Last Bow”.


2.1. Games in the story by V.P. Astafiev “Burn, burn clearly.”

In Astafiev's story it is very Interesting games, these are “grandmothers”, “chizh”, “lapta”, “svayka” and “stake”. It should be noted that the rules of the game “stake” are only in Astafiev’s story “Burn, Burn Clear.” Victor Astafiev's story “Burn, Burn Clearly” tells about large quantities games, those distant village games, and they all required strength, dexterity, and patience.

It is no coincidence that V.P. Astafiev talks in detail about childhood games, devoting a separate story to this in the story “The Last Bow.” And it’s not just about nostalgia for a bygone childhood, a time of carefree and happiness. In the story “Burn, Burn Clearly,” Viktor Petrovich analyzes the process of growing up of a child, a teenager, the mechanism of socialization, those laws, techniques, methods that unobtrusively teach children everything that will be useful in adult life. “There were games that were very harsh, as if testing a person entering life for strength, stamina, and perseverance; literary speaking, the games were the preface to future life, a cast from it, albeit unburnt in the crucible of being, but in some way already preceding it.”

“...a gloomy, gloomy, merciless game, probably invented by cavemen. A fist-thick tree, most often a larch tree, was cut down one and a half to two logs long and hemmed in at the end to form a stake. It comes with a mallet, or a heavy cleaver, or better yet a sledgehammer - that’s the whole device for playing. The game itself is simpler than a steamed turnip - one of the types of hide and seek. But whoever didn’t play these “hide-and-seek” games never saw grief!” - we read in the story.

It would seem, what can such a game teach? Why play it? Viktor Petrovich Astafiev, who went through life in an orphanage, the Great Patriotic War, hunger, deprivation, hard physical labor railway and much more, evaluates the benefits of playing “Kol” as follows: “And when things have become and become unbearable in my life, I remember the game of “Kol” and, gritting my teeth, overcome a misfortune or an obstacle, but still I finish the story about this game with relief - very similar to the old fun with modern life", in which you are naked, you are naked until you die, apparently, and you will not get rid of it." )