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Methodological recommendations for registering children in a microdistrict. Methodological recommendations for working with students who miss or systematically do not attend classes

to the letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
dated February 25, 2014 N 01-25/1139

I. General provisions

1. These methodological recommendations on the registration of children and the procedure for recruiting educational organizations implementing the basic educational program preschool education on the territory of the Udmurt Republic, developed in order to implement the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation"and order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 N 1014 "On approval of the procedure for organizing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education."

Guidelines propose a unified approach to accounting for children declared by their parents (legal representatives) for a place in educational organization implementing preschool education programs, and also determine uniform deadlines for the formation of a register of applications for a place in a preschool educational organization.

In order to obtain objective information on the number of children registered for enrollment in an educational organization, as well as on the number of children in need of a place in an educational organization, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic is creating a single information resource (hereinafter referred to as EIR), accumulating data on the number of children registered in all municipal districts and urban districts located on the territory of the Udmurt Republic.

When establishing the procedure for staffing an educational organization, the rights of citizens in the field of education established by the legislation of the Russian Federation are ensured. Educational organizations implementing the main educational program of preschool education on the territory of the Udmurt Republic are staffed with children registered to provide a place in the educational organization.

1) registration of children declared by parents (legal representatives) for a place in an educational organization implementing the basic educational program of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as registration, educational organization) - a state (municipal) service for registering children who need a place in an educational organization, on the regional portal of state and municipal services of the Udmurt Republic (hereinafter referred to as RPGU UR), specially created on the Internet, recording the date of registration of the child, the desired date of granting the child a place in an educational organization, the age of the child. The result of registering children is the formation of an “electronic queue” - a list of names of children declared by parents (legal representatives) to receive preschool education and supervision and care in an educational organization and (or) other forms;

2) priority in an educational organization - a list of children registered for a place in an educational organization in the current academic year, but not provided with such a place at the start of the school year (September 1 of the current academic year);

3) priority indicator - the number of children registered for provision of a place in an educational organization;

4) current demand - the number of children applied by parents (legal representatives) for a place in an educational organization in the current academic year;

5) deferred demand - the number of children applied by parents (legal representatives) for a place in an educational organization in subsequent years;

6) the procedure for staffing an educational organization - the sequence of actions of the education management body and the educational organization when forming the contingent of students (pupils) of the educational organization, carried out, among other things, through the EIR.

3. Ministry of Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic in order to ensure the implementation of a regional information resource that ensures the acceptance of applications, registration of children in the queue (electronic queue), registration and enrollment of children in educational organizations implementing the basic educational program of preschool education in the territory of the Udmurt Republic Republic, additionally ensures the development of user instructions for maintaining EIR.

4. When registering children who need a place in an educational organization implementing preschool education programs, in accordance with federal legislation, lists of children of citizens who have benefits (the right to extraordinary or priority enrollment of a child in an educational organization) are formed:

1) the following categories of children have the right to priority enrollment of a child in an educational organization:

children of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster Chernobyl nuclear power plant(Law of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 1991 N 1244-1 “On social protection citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant");

children of citizens from special risk units, as well as families who have lost their breadwinner from among these citizens (Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 N 2123-1);

children of prosecutors (Federal Law of January 17, 1992 N 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”);

children of judges (Law of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1992 N 3132-1 “On the status of judges in the Russian Federation”);

children of employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of December 28, 2010 N 403-FZ “On the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation”).

2) the following categories of children have the right to priority enrollment of a child in an educational organization:

children from large families(Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 1992 N 431 “On measures to social support families");

disabled children and children one of whose parents is disabled (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 2, 1992 N 1157 “On additional measures of state support for disabled people”);

children of military personnel performing military service under a contract, discharged from military service when they reach age limit stay on military service, health status or in connection with organizational and staffing measures (Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel”);

children of police officers (Federal Law

children of a police officer who died as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties (Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police”); children of a police officer who died as a result of an illness acquired during his service in the police (Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police”);

children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who was dismissed from police service due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and which excluded the possibility of further service in the police (Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police”) ;

children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who died within one year after dismissal from police service as a result of injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during the period of service in the police, which excluded the possibility of further service in the police (Federal Law of February 7, 2011 N 3-FZ “On the Police”);

children of employees of internal affairs bodies who are not police officers (Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police”);

children of employees who have special ranks and serve in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State fire service, authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation (Federal Law

children of an employee who had a special rank and served in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation, who died due to injury or other damage health received in connection with the performance of official duties (Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 283-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of certain federal executive bodies and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”);

children of an employee who had a special rank and served in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation, who died due to a disease acquired during the period of service in institutions and bodies (Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 283-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of certain federal executive authorities and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”);

children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who had a special rank and served in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation, dismissed from service in institutions and authorities due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties and excluding the possibility of further service in institutions and bodies (Federal Law of December 30, 2012 N 283-FZ "On social guarantees for employees of certain federal executive bodies and amendments in certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation");

children of a citizen of the Russian Federation who had a special rank and served in institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation, who died within one year after dismissal from service in institutions and bodies due to injury or other damage to health received in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness received during service in institutions and bodies, which excluded the possibility of further service in institutions and bodies (Federal Law of December 30 2012 N 283-FZ "On social guarantees for employees of certain federal executive authorities and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation").

5. Within one preferential category (the right to extraordinary or priority enrollment of a child in an educational organization), applications are arranged according to the date of application.

II. Recommendations for the registration of children declared by parents (legal representatives) for a place in an educational organization implementing the basic educational program of preschool education in the territory of the Udmurt Republic

6. Registration of children is carried out in order to ensure “transparency” of the procedure for admitting children to an educational organization and to avoid violations of the rights of the child during admission to an educational organization, planning to ensure the necessary and sufficient number of places in an educational organization on a specific date to meet the needs of citizens in preschool education, as well as child care and supervision preschool age.

7. Registration of children is carried out in a unified manner established by local government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts of the Udmurt Republic in accordance with these methodological recommendations. Accounting is carried out by the education management body(s). Registration can be carried out on electronic and (or) paper media indicating the child’s last and first name, his age (date of birth), date of registration and the desired date of provision of a place in the educational organization. The form of the accounting document is approved by the relevant local government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts of the Udmurt Republic.

8. Child registration includes:

compiling a name list (register) of children in need of a place in an educational organization, in accordance with the date of registration and the existence of the right to provide a place in an educational organization in a priority or extraordinary manner (if any). Depending on the date from which the child is planned to attend an educational organization, the register is differentiated into lists of annual registration of children in need of a place in an educational organization in the current academic year (from September 1 of the current calendar year) (current demand) and in subsequent years (deferred demand);

monthly updating of the register taking into account the provision of places for children in an educational organization;

formation of a “waiting list” of children who need a place in an educational organization in the current academic year, but who are not provided with such a place at the start of the school year (September 1 of the current academic year).

9. The registration of children is organized through the EIR, to which all municipal districts and urban districts of the Udmurt Republic are connected. Registration is carried out by filling out interactive form applications for RPGU UR by parents (legal representatives), or specialists of the education management body on the basis of a personal appeal from parents (legal representatives), or upon their written application to the education management body. A written application can be sent by post or to the email address of the education authority.

10. In the application for registration of children in mandatory the date of birth of the child, the date from which the child plans to begin attending the educational organization, the address of the child’s actual residence, and the desired educational organization(s) are indicated. When registering children in person, parents (legal representatives) present a passport or other document certifying the identity of the parents (legal representatives), the child’s birth certificate, documents certifying the right to be provided with a place in an educational organization on an extraordinary or priority basis (if any available).

When filling out the interactive application form, the EIR generates a list of institutions from which parents (legal representatives) can choose no more than seven educational organizations: the first educational organization chosen by parents (legal representatives) is a priority, the others are additional.

11. RPGU UR provides the possibility of separate registration of children with disabilities health to provide a place in an educational organization in a group of compensatory, combined or health-improving orientations for the timely correction of deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development.

After registering an application at the RPGU UR, a child with disabilities is sent for examination to the Republican Medical-Psychological-Pedagogical Commission (hereinafter referred to as PMPC) at the State Government Educational Institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance "Republican Center for Diagnostics and counseling", which decides on the need to provide a child with a place in an educational organization in a group of compensatory, combined or health-improving areas.

After providing all necessary documents to the educational authorities and based on the decision of the PMPC, the child is included in the list of children with disabilities who must be provided with a place in an educational organization in a group of compensatory, combined or health-improving areas.

12. The education management body issues a notification to the parent (legal representative) who has submitted documents on the registration of the child (children), upon personal application; when submitting documents through the EIR, it is sent electronic version notifications by email or Personal Area RPGU UR.

The notification contains information:

about the registration number of the application for registration of children;

about the contact numbers or website of the education authority, where (on which) parents (legal representatives) can find out about the progress of the queue;

about variable forms of preschool education that can be provided to a child temporarily starting from the desired start date of visiting an educational organization for a set time (but not longer than a calendar year from the desired date) if it is impossible to provide a place in an educational organization (short-term groups, non-state educational organizations, preschool education in the form of psychological pedagogical support keeping a child in the family).

13. The education management body, through the EIR, compiles lists of children registered for provision of a place in an educational organization in the current academic year and in subsequent years, in accordance with the date of registration and taking into account the right to provide a place in an educational organization in an extraordinary or priority manner ok.

14. The list of children for provision of a place in an educational organization from September 1 of the current calendar year is formed on a certain date (no later than the start date of recruitment of educational organizations) established by the founder (for example, on June 1 of the calendar year, but no later than August 1, for provision place for the child from September 1 of the calendar year). After the established date, only children who have the right of priority or priority admission to the educational organization can be additionally included in the list of children for provision of a place in an educational organization from September 1 of the current calendar year.

Children whose parents filled out an application for registration after the established date are included in the list of children who must be provided with a place in an educational organization from September 1 of the next calendar year.

After the established date, changes may also be made to the list of children regarding the postponement of the date of admission to the educational organization for subsequent periods and changes in the child’s data.

15. Parents (legal representatives) have the right, before the date established by the education management body, to make the following changes to the application while maintaining the date of registration of the child:

change the previously selected year of admission of the child to the educational organization;

change previously selected educational organizations;

in case of moving from one urban district or municipal district Udmurt Republic to another, change the previously selected educational organizations at the place of relocation;

if you wish to change the educational organization that the child is already attending to another one located on the territory of a city district or municipal district of the Udmurt Republic if there are free places in it;

change information about the benefit;

change data about the child (change of last name, first name, patronymic, address).

Parents (legal representatives) can make changes to the application by personally contacting the educational authority or educational organization.

16. Recruitment into educational organizations is carried out annually within a specified period of time, distributing among educational organizations children registered for a place in an educational organization and included in the list of children who need a place in an educational organization from September 1 of the current year.

17. The rest of the time, the educational organization is recruited for free (vacated, newly created) places.

18. If, during the recruitment process, places in an educational organization are not provided to all children registered for a place from September 1 of the current year, these children become “on the waiting list.” They are provided with places in an educational organization for free (vacant, newly created) places during the academic year or are taken into account in the list of children who will be provided with a place in an educational organization from September 1 of the next calendar year.

19. The education management body systematically (at least once a month) during the calendar year summarizes and analyzes through the EIR information on the availability of free places in the educational organization (vacant places and newly created places), providing free places to children registered for provision places in the current academic year.

20. If there are no free places in the selected educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) are offered free places in other educational organizations in accessible proximity to the child’s place of residence. Information is sent to parents (legal representatives) in the personal account of the RPGU UR or by email. Parents (legal representatives) are invited to choose an educational organization from those offered within 14 calendar days.

21. If parents (legal representatives) refuse or in the absence of their consent/refusal from the proposed (proposed) educational organizations, the desired date of admission to the next academic year maintaining the date of registration.

22. To make changes to the desired date of admission of the child to the educational organization, the parent (legal representative) contacts the education management body.

23. If educational authorities do not provide a place in an educational organization to a child from the list registered from September 1 of the current year, education authorities, before providing such a child with a place in an educational organization, provide the opportunity to receive preschool education in one of the variable forms, including : in preschool groups created in educational organizations of other types and types; in the form of family education through the provision of methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance in educational organizations; in a non-state educational institution; in family preschool groups; in short-stay groups; in other forms and organizations.

In this case, the child is included in the list of children in need of a place in an educational organization and is not deregistered in order to be provided with a place. He must be provided with a free (vacated or newly created place) in the current academic year or a place in an educational organization from September 1 next year.

24. If, during the recruitment process, places are provided to all children from the name list of children in need of a place in an educational organization in the current academic year, free places can be provided to children included in the name list of children registered for a place next year.

25. The education management body notifies parents (legal representatives) of children:

about the time of granting a child a place in an educational organization;

about the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the rules of admission to an educational organization, approved by the head of the educational organization, in particular, about the documents that must be submitted to the head of the educational organization for admitting a child to the educational organization, and about the deadlines for the head of the educational organization to accept these documents.

Information is sent to parents (legal representatives) in the personal account of the RPGU UR or by email.





In order to improve the quality in the provision of municipal services "Acceptance of applications, registration of children and enrollment of children in educational institutions that implement the basic general education program preschool education (kindergartens)", based on the experience of district education departments on the organization of registration of children subject to training in educational programs of preschool education and on the results of scheduled inspections of district education departments and municipal preschool educational organizations on the organization of registration and enrollment of children in kindergartens gardens:

1. Approve methodological recommendations for organizing the registration of children subject to education in educational programs of preschool education in the territory municipality"city of Yekaterinburg", and enrollment of children in municipal preschool educational organizations (application).

2. The heads of district education departments should ensure the implementation of methodological recommendations when organizing the registration of children who are subject to education in educational programs of preschool education in the district, and enrolling children in municipal preschool educational organizations.

3. Chief specialist of the Department of Education Vladimirova E.Yu. ensure that the Order is posted on the website of the Education Department in the “Documents” section.

4. Entrust control over the execution of the Order to the Deputy Head of the Education Department N.E. Mezentseva.

Head of Department


to the Order
Department of Education
Administration of the city of Yekaterinburg
dated April 30, 2015 N 785/46/36


Methodological recommendations for organizing the registration of children subject to training in educational programs of preschool education in the territory of the municipal formation "city of Yekaterinburg" and the enrollment of children in municipal preschool educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as methodological recommendations) were developed by specialists of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration based on the experience of district departments education on the organization of registration of children subject to training in educational programs of preschool education, and based on the results of scheduled inspections of district education departments and municipal preschool educational organizations on the organization of registration and enrollment of children in kindergartens.

1. Explanatory note

Methodological recommendations have been developed with the aim of improving the quality of the provision of municipal services “Accepting applications, registering children and enrolling children in educational institutions that implement the basic general education program of preschool education (kindergartens).”

1) Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 25, Article 30, paragraph 2, Article 55, paragraph 2);

2) Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”;

3) Federal Law of February 19, 1993 N 4528-1 “On Refugees”;

4) Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”;

5) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2014 N 8 “On approval of the approximate form of an education agreement for educational programs of preschool education”;

6) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 04/08/2014 N 293 “On approval of the Procedure for admission to training in educational programs of preschool education”;

7) Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”;

8) State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation”;

9) Resolution of the Yekaterinburg City Administration dated June 29, 2012 N 2807 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of municipal services “Acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational institutions that implement the basic general education program of preschool education (kindergartens)”;

10) Resolution of the Yekaterinburg City Administration dated March 18, 2015 N 689 “On assigning the territories of the municipal formation “Ekaterinburg City” to municipal preschool educational organizations”;

11) Order of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration dated August 18, 2014 N 1753/46/36 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for registering children subject to education in preschool educational programs in the municipal formation “Ekaterinburg City”;

12) Order of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration dated 09/05/2014 N 1833/46/36 “On approval of the Regulations on the commissions for reviewing and approving the list of registered children subject to training in educational programs of preschool education in the municipal formation “Ekaterinburg City”.

District departments of education when organizing registration of children who are subject to education in preschool educational programs in the territory of the municipal formation "city of Yekaterinburg";

Heads of municipal preschool educational organizations when enrolling preschool children included in the list of children by name, approved by the head of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration, for sending to kindergarten.

The implementation of methodological recommendations will ensure the creation of uniform conditions for organizing the registration of children subject to education in preschool education programs in the district education departments of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration, and the enrollment of children in municipal preschool educational organizations.

2.1. Forms of documents filled out during individual reception of parents (legal representatives) of children during registration, subject to training in educational programs of preschool education

By order of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration dated 08/18/2014 N 1753/46/36 approved required forms documents for organizing the registration of children: “Children’s Registration Book”, “Registration Book of Children in Need of Compensatory or Health-Related Groups”, application form from parents (legal representatives) of preschool children for registration.

In order to structure the documents provided by parents (legal representatives) of children when registering, it is possible to use additional forms of documents to organize the registration of children:

- “The book of registration of documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary or priority right of citizens of the Russian Federation to include a child in the list of children subject to education in educational programs for referral to a preschool organization” (Appendix No. 1);

- “Book of registration of applications of parents (legal representatives) for a place in a short-term stay group” (Appendix No. 2);

- "Book of registration of applications of parents (legal representatives) for the restoration of data about a child in an automated information system“Electronic queue at preschool educational institutions” (Appendix No. 3);

- “Book of registration of applications of parents (legal representatives) to transfer a child to an age group one year older when creating lists of names” (Appendix No. 4);

- “Book of registration of applications of parents (legal representatives) for transfer to another municipal preschool educational organization” (Appendix No. 5);

- “Book of registration of applications of parents (legal representatives) to make changes to the child’s personal data in the “Electronic Queue” accounting system (Appendix No. 6).

All requests from parents (legal representatives) are of a declarative nature. The application is written in any form at the district education department (at the applicant’s place of residence) addressed to the head of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration. Applications are stored in the district education department, the storage period is until the child turns 8 years old. The application is written in 2 copies, 1 copy remains in the district education department, 2 copies remain in the hands of the applicant, on which the registration number and date of registration of the application are written, coinciding with the number and date entered in the corresponding registration book.

Applications of parents (legal representatives) for the transfer of a child to another municipal preschool educational organization (hereinafter - MDOO) in another district of the city of Yekaterinburg are registered in the "Book of registration of applications of parents (legal representatives) for transfer to another municipal preschool educational organization" (Appendix No. 5) and are considered at a meeting of the district commission. At a meeting of the city commission, a decision is made on the possibility of transferring a child from a preschool educational institution in one district to a preschool educational institution in another district, if there are free places.

Applications of parents (legal representatives) for the transfer of data about a child in the "Electronic Queue" accounting system from one district of the city of Yekaterinburg to another are registered in the "Book of registration of applications of parents (legal representatives) for making changes to the child's personal data in the "Electronic Queue" accounting system" (Appendix No. 6) After registering the application from the applicant, the district operator transfers the child’s data to the AIS “Electronic queue at the preschool educational institution.”

2.2. Requirements for drawing up the minutes of the meeting of the commission for reviewing lists of registered children in need of training in educational programs of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the district commission)

The form of minutes of a meeting of the district commission can be of 2 types:

A short form with the attachment of materials considered at the meeting of the district commission (Appendix No. 7);

Expanded form of the protocol.

The structure of the minutes of a meeting of the district commission.

Short form

Expanded form

1. Title part of the protocol:
- protocol number;
- date of the protocol;

2. Agenda for the meeting of the district commission (the agenda approved by the chairman of the district commission is included in the attached materials).
3. Decisions of the district commission.
4. Signatures of the chairman and secretary of the district commission

1. Title part of the protocol:
- protocol number;
- date of the protocol;
- place and time of the meeting of the district commission;
- list of those present (compliance with the quorum of the meeting of the district commission).
2. Agenda for the meeting of the district commission.
3. The content of the issues being considered at the meeting of the district commission with recording of the statements of the members of the district commission.
4. Decision of the district commission.
5. Signatures of all members of the district commission

In any of the protocol forms, information about the child is recorded indicating the child’s full surname, the first letter of the child’s name and his date of birth.

Information about the member of the district commission, whose opinion is recorded in the protocol, is written down indicating the last name, initials, first name and patronymic.

During the main recruitment period, at a meeting of the district commission, a consolidated recruitment plan for the next academic year is approved, which indicates the number of places for each age in the context of each preschool organization district. In accordance with the number of places, lists of children for each age are formed.

During the period of additional recruitment, at each meeting of the district commission, the first question is the number of free places in the preschool educational institution (indicating the number of preschool educational institutions and the age group), which are considered for distribution.

Lists of children generated and considered at a meeting of the district commission are sent to the commission for approval of lists of registered children in need of training in educational programs of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the city commission), with information on the dates of registration (Appendix No. 8) in the context of each MDOO. In the column "Grounds for inclusion in the list of names" the following is indicated:

V/p - extraordinary right with the name of the right indicated in brackets;

P/n - primary right with the name of the right indicated in brackets;

Priority - the child is included in the name list according to the date of registration;

Transfer to s/m - transfer of a child to an empty place during the period of additional staffing, indicating in brackets the number of the child's departure preschool educational institution and the child's arrival preschool educational institution number;

Application for GKP - when a child is included in the list of names for a place in a short-stay group, indicating the mode of stay (3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours);

Application for a year older - when a child is included in the list of names to be provided with a place in a group with children one year older.

Information on registration dates is submitted separately and contains information for each age group and registration dates up to which children are included in the name lists.

If there are applications from parents (legal representatives) for a place in another district of the city of Yekaterinburg, the secretary of the district commission submits to the city commission the following copies of documents certified by the chairman of the district commission:

1) application;

2) a document confirming the need to provide an adapted (compensatory) educational program (if any) to the child;

3) information from the AIS "Electronic queue at preschool educational institutions" (screenshot).

When considering at a meeting of the district commission a list of children whose parents (legal representatives) have expressed their desire to attend a preschool educational institution in another district of the city of Yekaterinburg, the decision of the district commission is: “Transfer the list of children (indicate the surname, the first letter of the name and the date of birth of the child) and the corresponding copies of documents for consideration at a meeting of the city commission."

A short form of the protocol can be kept in electronic form with the output of the protocol in paper form and signed by the chairman and secretary of the district commission with all the materials under consideration attached, the expanded form of the protocol is kept in a separate book (magazine), the lists under consideration are also attached as appendices to the protocol.

2.3. Requirements for the document flow of preschool educational institutions when enrolling children from the list of names approved by order of the head of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration

The procedure and conditions for the admission of children to the MDOO must be enshrined in the constituent documents of the MDOO and local acts of the MDOO, which are posted on the MDOO website.

A copy of the order of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration, certified by the signature of the head of the district education department, with the approved name lists of children, is registered in the incoming documentation book of the MDOO or in a separate registration book, depending on what is provided for in the instructions for office management of the MDOO, approved by order of the head.

Every month (before the first day) the head of the preschool education institution provides information to the district education department about the availability of free places in the preschool education institution (for each age), which is registered in the outgoing documentation book of the preschool education institution or in a separate registration book, depending on what is provided for in the instructions for the records management of the preschool education institution. , approved by order of the head.

An order to enroll a child in a preschool educational institution is issued by the head if the following documents are available: an application for admission to a preschool educational institution, a child’s medical record with the conclusion of a medical (“nursery”) commission on the possibility of attending a preschool educational institution, an educational agreement between the preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives), a certificate of birth of a child (copy), application for processing of personal data. The register of orders for the enrollment of children in MDOO is posted on the MDOO website within the time limits established by regulatory documents.

In order to structure the documents of the preschool educational institution when organizing the enrollment of children from the lists of names, it is possible to use the following forms of documents:

- “Book (magazine) for notifying parents (legal representatives) of future pupils about the inclusion of children in the list of names” (Appendix No. 9);

- “Book (journal) of registration of applications of parents (legal representatives) for admission to MDOO” (Appendix No. 10);

- “Children’s Movement Book” (Appendix No. 11);

Register of orders for the enrollment of children in MDOO for posting on the MDOO website (Appendix No. 12);

Notification for parents (legal representatives) about the inclusion of a child in the list of names for receiving education under preschool education programs in the pre-school educational institution (Appendix No. 13).

2.4. The procedure for exchanging places between MDOOs based on an application from the parents (legal representatives) of the child

The exchange of places provided during the main recruitment period (from May 1 to July 1 of the current year) can be carried out during the additional recruitment period (from July 1 of the current year to May 1 of the next year) at the request of parents (legal representatives) if there are free places.

Swapping places can be done in 2 ways.

1st method: parents (legal representatives) of the child independently seek an exchange through advertisements in the media, communication with other parents (legal representatives) of children of the same age who have been given a place in the preschool education, or other available legal means.

2nd method: the parents (legal representatives) of the child submit an application to the district education department and await the decision of the city commission.

If a family moves to another district of the city of Yekaterinburg, provided that the child is already attending preschool education, the parents (legal representatives) of the child must apply to the head of the kindergarten to expel the child from the preschool education. In this case, if the parents have chosen the 1st method of exchange, they contact the head of the MDOO only after they have found an exchange in another kindergarten with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) of the child whose place they are applying for. The exchange can be made subject to the approval of the application by the heads of the preschool educational institution that the child attended and which the child is going to attend, as well as the approval of the heads of the education departments of the districts where the preschool educational institution is located.

If the parents (legal representatives) of the child have chosen the 2nd exchange method, then the procedure for their actions is as follows:

1) submitting an application to the head of the preschool educational institution for the expulsion of the child from the pupils of the preschool educational institution;

2) restoration to the AIS “Electronic queue at preschool educational institutions” in the district education department (where a place in the preschool educational institution was provided);

3) transfer of data about the child to the AIS "Electronic queue at preschool educational institutions" of the district where the family moved with documents confirming the location of the child (family) in the territory of this district through a personal reception at the education department or using remote access systems (public services portal , multifunctional center, post office) with supporting documents;

4) waiting for the decision of the city commission to include the child in the name list of the preschool educational institution of the area where the child’s family plans to live.


Appendix No. 1

Form "Book of registration of documents confirming the existence of an extraordinary or priority right of citizens of the Russian Federation to include a child in the name of children subject to training in educational programs for referral to a preschool organization"

Date of document submission

Child details

Benefit note (v/p or p/p)

Signature of the child’s parent (legal representative)

N file (list of files) where the document is stored (copy)

Date of Birth


Appendix No. 2

Application registration date

Information about the application and the applicant

Child details

FULL NAME. applicant

short stay mode (3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours)

Date of Birth


Appendix No. 3

Application registration date

FULL NAME. applicant

Child details

Date of Birth


Appendix No. 4

Application registration date

FULL NAME. applicant

Child details

Date of Birth


Appendix No. 5

Application registration date

FULL NAME. applicant

Child details

Information about MDOO

Date of Birth

visited MDOO

desired MDOO


Appendix No. 6

Application registration date

FULL NAME. applicant

Entered data

Child details

Date of Birth


Appendix No. 7



name of the district

The date of the: ________________________

Location: ________________________

________ people took part in the meeting of the district commission (sheet

registration is attached). The quorum for decision-making has been met.

Meeting agenda:

1. On the first question, we listened to ________________________________, who

FULL NAME. speaker

reported about..... ( summary speeches).

Speakers: (speakers are listed indicating their full name and brief

statement of the speech, for example: “Ivanova M.P. offered to support

inclusion in the name list of children of MDOO N 200 children whose parents have

extraordinary right to place children in kindergarten").

Decided: To send the generated list of names of children subject to

training in educational programs of preschool education, for

approval by the city commission within ___________ in the amount of ________

children aged ________ years to _______ years. Voting results:

“for” - ______ people, “against” - ______ people, “abstained” - people

(if there are members of the commission who voted “against”

decision, you must indicate their full name).

So for every issue on the meeting agenda.

At the end of the protocol, signatures with a transcript of the chairman and secretary



Appendix No. 8

Child's date of birth

Date of registration

Grounds for inclusion in the name list

age group from 2 to 3 years

age group from 3 to 4 years

age group from 4 to 5 years

age group from 5 to 6 years

age group from 6 to 7 years


Appendix No. 9

N items available

Information about the child

Information about notifying parents (legal representatives)

Alert Result

F.I. baby

Date of Birth

notification date

notification method

date of delivery of the notice of inclusion of the child in the name list

FULL NAME. and the signature of the person responsible for the notification

Familiarization with the date of admission of the child to the preschool educational institution

Parent's signature

Order of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration dated ______ N ____

Order of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg City Administration dated _______ N ____


Appendix No. 10

Registration number and date of application

Information about the child

Information about the applicant

List of documents provided

Signature of the applicant in receipt of a receipt for the documents provided

FULL NAME. and the signature of the person responsible for accepting documents

Date of Birth

contact number


Appendix No. 11

Information about the child

N and date of the Order of the Education Department of the Yekaterinburg Administration

Date and order number

Grounds for issuing an order to expel a child from preschool education

Signature of the child’s parent (legal representative) when receiving documents upon the child’s departure from the preschool institution

FULL NAME. and the signature of the person responsible for maintaining the book (if the child leaves the preschool)

Date of Birth

About enrolling a child in preschool education

On the expulsion of a child from preschool education


Appendix No. 12

Last name and first letter of the child's first name

Order to enroll a child in preschool education

order number

date of issue of the order

Appendix No. 13. NOTICE

Appendix No. 13



Dear parents (legal representatives) ________________________________

F.I. and date of birth of the child

Your son (daughter) is included in the list of children for education

on educational programs of preschool education in


full name of the MDOO in accordance with the Charter of the MDOO

at the address: Ekaterinburg, street ________________, building N _____, contact

MDOO phone number: 8 (343) _____________.

To conclude an education agreement between you and MDOO, you need

within the period of _______, provide it to the head of the MDOO __________________________


or the responsible person of the MDOO _____________________________________ for admission

FULL NAME. responsible person

documents the following documents:

1) application for admission to the MDOO (the application form is posted on the MDOO website)

by the address: ______________________________;

2) the child’s medical record with the conclusion of the nursery commission on

opportunities to visit MDOO;

3) child’s birth certificate (copy);

4) a document confirming the identity of the applicant.

If the above documents are not provided by you in

deadline, place provided by ________________________________,

will be considered free to be provided to the following

priority (date of registration) for the child.

If you refuse the allocated place, you must contact

to the head of the MDOO with an application within _________________.

Days and hours of reception of parents (legal representatives): ___________________.

Sincerely, Head of MDOO: __________________ /______________________/

signature full name head

head of MDOO


Document Number: 785/46/36
Status: Active
Acceptance date: April 30, 2015

Added to the site:

1. General Provisions

1.1. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law dated June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency ", Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation", the Family Code, as well as the Charter of [name of educational organization] and regulates the procedure for internal registration of students of an educational organization who are in a socially dangerous situation and those in need of individual preventive work (hereinafter referred to as accounting).

2. Goals and objectives of recording students and their families

2.1. Educational organization for the purpose of preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency:

Identifies and keeps records of minors who are in a socially dangerous situation, as well as those who do not attend or systematically miss classes for unexcused reasons, takes measures for their upbringing and their receipt of secondary (complete) general education;

Identifies and keeps records of families in a socially dangerous situation and provides them with assistance in training and raising children.

2.2. The main objectives of activities to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency are:

Prevention of neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, identification and elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to this;

Ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;

Social and pedagogical rehabilitation of minors in a socially dangerous situation;

Identification and suppression of cases of involvement of minors in the commission of crimes and antisocial actions.

3. Organization of work on registering children in an educational organization

3.1. Educational organization:

Identifies minors who do not attend or systematically miss classes for unexcused reasons, takes measures for their upbringing and their receipt of secondary (complete) general education;

Keeps records of children who do not attend or systematically miss classes for unjustified reasons;

Identifies the reasons and conditions that contribute to absenteeism for unexcused reasons;

Maintains documentation on the registration and movement of students and promptly informs [name of the local authority in the field of education] and the Commission for Minors and the Protection of Their Rights about children who have stopped or are evading education.

3.2. Daily monitoring of class attendance is carried out by the class teacher. In case of missing 1 day of classes, and/or individual lessons, the total number of which is equal to the specified values, the class teacher finds out the reasons for the absence of the student, his parents (legal representatives). If classes were missed without a good reason and the parents did not know about it, they should be warned in writing (notification, diary entry) about the need to strengthen control over the child’s behavior and school attendance.

3.3. In addition to the conversation with the class teacher, an individual consultation is held with an educational psychologist, and together with parents, all appropriate measures are taken to eliminate the identified causes of absenteeism.

3.4. If parents (legal representatives) do not properly respond to information about a child’s absence from school for unexcused reasons, and the student continues to miss training sessions, it is necessary to visit such a student at home together with representatives of the public commission for minors and the protection of their rights (hereinafter referred to as the CDN and ZP), an employee - the local police commissioner. A home visit should be documented with a housing inspection report.

If it is established that parents are abusing alcoholic beverages, drugs, or have a tendency to engage in antisocial behavior, an employee of the Department of Traffic Safety and Internal Affairs or an inspector of the Police Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate should be invited to visit such a family.

If it was not possible to establish contact with the parents, and the housemates (schoolmates) do not know anything about the location of the family, you should contact the juvenile affairs unit (PDN of the Internal Affairs Directorate at the student’s place of residence) to establish the location of the student and his parents.

3.5. If parents do not take appropriate measures to return the child to school, they should be warned in writing about administrative liability for evading their main responsibilities for raising and obtaining basic general education for their children.

3.6. In the event that work with the child and parents did not produce the desired results, and the minor continues to not attend classes without good reason, the student should be registered with the school for individual preventive work and implementing stricter controls.

3.7. In relation to parents (legal representatives) who do not pay due attention to the upbringing of children and their education, it is necessary to inform in detail, in writing, the KDN and ZP and PDN of the Internal Affairs Directorate in order to bring parents to administrative responsibility for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of their responsibilities for maintenance and upbringing , education, protection of the rights and interests of minors (Article 5.35 of the Administrative Code).

If parents (legal representatives) do not fulfill their responsibilities for the upbringing, education and (or) maintenance of minors and (or) negatively influence their behavior or abuse them, it is necessary to inform the police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate in writing.

3.8. In order to ensure the realization of the right of citizens to receive general education, the educational organization maintains documentation on the registration and movement of students.

4. Grounds for in-school registration

4.1. Students are subject to internal school registration for repeated, systematic absences from school, as well as for long-term absence from school without a good reason at the request of the class teacher.

4.2. For every minor who systematically misses or long time who does not attend classes in an educational institution, the class teacher (social teacher) creates a card for recording non-attendance of classes.

4.3. The registration card contains information about the minor and his living conditions, about individual preventive work with the minor, and about the measures taken by the educational institution.

4.4. The record card is submitted monthly to [name of local education authority].

From the moment of submitting this form, information about the minor is entered into the data bank of [name of the local authority in the field of education], which indicates that the student is registered with [name of the local authority in the field of education].

4.5. Information on the registration of children, information about which is included in the data bank, is subject to storage and use in a manner that ensures its confidentiality.

5. Procedure for deregistration

5.1. If within six months the student does not miss school without a good reason, then the class teacher provides school board prevention the following documents:

Petition to remove a student from registration;

Characteristics of the student;

An extract from the class register containing information about attendance at classes and current academic performance (certified by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs) educational work);

Certificates on individual work with a student and his parents (legal representatives), etc.

5.2. Based on these documents and oral explanations from the class teacher, at a meeting of the Prevention Council, a decision is made to remove the minor from the school register.

5.3. An extract from the minutes of the decision of the Prevention Council “On deregistration” is sent to [name of the local authority in the field of education].

5.4. In addition, students who have completed their studies or changed educational organizations are removed from the register.

6. Functional responsibilities of employees of educational organizations for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency

6.1. Deputy Director for Educational Work:

Provides organizational and methodological assistance to social educators and class teachers in maintaining internal school records;

Analyzes the conditions and causes of negative manifestations among students and determines measures to eliminate them;

Consults students and their parents on current issues of education, takes part in resolving conflict situations;

Prepares relevant information on the activities of the educational organization to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors;

Provides information on the state of work in an educational organization with students and families who find themselves in a socially dangerous situation, in the event of consideration of materials at a meeting of the Committee for Educational Supervision and the ZP;

Responsible for organizing the maintenance and execution of documentation of internal school records, for interaction with other bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

6.2. Social teacher:

Forms a social and pedagogical database of an educational organization;

Takes part in the preparation of information on the activities of educational organizations to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors;

Takes part in the development of an individual program of social and pedagogical assistance and support, psychological support for a student in a socially dangerous situation;

Consults class teachers on issues of social and pedagogical assistance and support for students and families who find themselves in socially dangerous situations;

Consults students and their parents on issues of education, social and pedagogical assistance and support, as well as issues within his competence;

Informs about services provided by bodies and institutions of social protection of the population, bodies and health care institutions;

Takes part in resolving situations and disputes regarding the protection and protection of the rights of minors;

Analyzes the conditions and causes of negative manifestations among students and determines measures for social and pedagogical assistance and support for children and families in a socially dangerous situation;

Analyzes the conditions and causes of the socially dangerous situation of families and determines measures for social and pedagogical assistance and support for families in this category;

Provides information on the state of work of the educational organization with students and families who find themselves in a socially dangerous situation, in the event of consideration of materials at a meeting of the Committee for Educational Supervision and ZP;

6.3. Classroom teacher:

Provides communication between the educational organization and the student’s family;

Establishes contacts with parents (other legal representatives) of students;

Consults parents (other legal representatives) on issues of raising and educating children, both personally and through specialists from an educational organization;

Organizes an educational and upbringing space in the classroom that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of each student;

Studies the individual characteristics of students and the dynamics of their development;

Studies and analyzes the degree of satisfaction of participants educational process the life activity of the class team, educational organization;

Monitors the attendance of classes and the progress of each student;

Analyzes the conditions and causes of negative manifestations among class students and determines measures for pedagogical assistance and support for children;

Analyzes the conditions and causes of the socially dangerous situation of families and determines measures for pedagogical assistance and support for families in this category;

Responsible for maintaining internal school records.

6.4. Educational psychologist:

Conducts diagnostics of students at the request of parents (other legal representatives), the administration of the educational organization, and students who have reached the age of fourteen - upon personal request;

Conducts individual and group consultations with children, parents (other legal representatives), teachers on issues within the scope of his professional competence;

Conducts individual and group correctional work with children, parents (other legal representatives), teachers;

Provides psychological support to students, parents (other legal representatives), teachers;

Takes part in the development and preparation of an individual program of social and pedagogical assistance and support, psychological support for a student in a socially dangerous situation;

Develops psychological and pedagogical recommendations for the interaction of teaching staff with minors and families in a socially dangerous situation.

7. Responsibility for maintaining school records of students

7.1. Responsibility for organizing the maintenance of in-school records, preparation of relevant documentation, individual preventive activities in relation to each student placed on in-school records, as well as for interaction with other bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency is assigned by order of the head of the educational organization to the deputy director for educational work. , social teacher, educational psychologist and class teacher.

7.2. Control over the quality of work on registering students who are in a socially dangerous situation and in need of individual preventive work is assigned to the deputy director of the school for educational work.



On keeping records of children subject to education in educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education in the territory of the Grachevsky municipal district Stavropol Territory

In order to carry out annual personal registration of children entitled to receive general education at each level and living in the territory of Grachevskymunicipal district of the Stavropol Territory, and forms of education determined by the parents (legal representatives) of children, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 63 Federal Law dated 12/29/2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation” and the resolution of the administration of the Grachevsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory dated 04/09/2015 No. 207 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for registering children subject to education in educational programs of preschool, primary general , basic general, secondary general education on the territory of the Grachevsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory"


1. Create a municipal information database about children from 0 to 18 years old living (permanently or temporarily) or staying in the territory of Grachevskymunicipal district of the Stavropol Territory, regardless of the presence (absence) of registration at the place of residence (stay).

2. Appoint Filatova G.N., Deputy Head of the Education Department of the Grachevsky Administrationmunicipal district of the Stavropol Territory, responsible for maintaining a municipal information database about children entitled to receive general education at each level and living in the territory of the Grachevsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory, and the forms of education determined by the parents (legal representatives) of the children.

3. To the heads of municipal government educational institutions of the district:

3.1. Organize the primary registration of children from 0 to 18 years old, at the place of their residence (stay) in the assigned territories through an annual two-time visit to the assigned territories (from March 1 to March 31 and from August 5 to September 5).

3.2. Be guided when organizing the registration of children from 0 to 18 years old by the Regulations on the procedure for registering children who have the right to receive general education at each level and living in the territory of Grachevskymunicipal district of the Stavropol Territory, and the forms of education determined by the parents (legal representatives) of children, approved by the resolution of the administration of the Grachevsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory dated 04/09/2015 No. 207 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for registering children subject to education in educational programs of preschool, primary general , basic general, secondary general education on the territory of the Grachevsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory."

3.3. Pin to teaching staff educational institutions by order of streets, houses located on a designated territory.

3.4. Provide processed children's census data by category in accordance with Annexes 1 - 3 toRegulations on the procedure for registering children subject to education in educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education in the territory of the Grachevsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory", approved by the resolution of the administration of the Grachevsky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory dated 04/09/2015 No. 207, to specialists of the education department of the administration Grachevsky municipal district:

3.4.1. Monogarova T.V., specialist Category I - p about educational programs of preschool education.

3.4.2. Guseva N.A., specialist Category I - according to educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education.

3.4.3. Shirinyan N.V., specialist Category I - for educational

additional education programs.

3.4.4. Khachaturyan S.Kh., chief specialist for registration of orphans and children left without parental care.

3.4.5. Kvashina I.V., specialist Category I - to record students with problems in behavior, learning and social adaptation.

3.5. Exercise control in subordinate institutions over the organization of children's education and maintaining documentation on the registration and movement of pupils and students.

3.6. Take measures to preserve the number of pupils and students in subordinate institutions.

3.7. Keep records and analyze data on non-studying and non-attending minors, as well as systematically missing classes for unjustified reasons.

3.8. Ensure interaction with the commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights.

4. Entrust control over the execution of this order to G.N. Filatova. Deputy Head of the Education Department of the Administration

Grachevsky municipal district.

Head of Education Department

Grachevsky administration

municipal district

Stavropol Territory E.V. Orekhovskaya


Specialist category I

Education Department

Administration of Grachevsky

Municipal district

N.A. Guseva

on working with students who miss or

systematically not attending training sessions.

The problem of helping children and adolescents who miss or systematically do not attend school is acute. Particular attention is drawn to the growing number of students with pathologies of the reproductive system who need psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance. Factors that negatively affect the development and behavior of children and adolescents are: processes occurring in society, the state of the family and its atmosphere, risk factors coming from the organization within school life, internal factors child's personality.

What is the reason for children and adolescents to lose interest in learning and refuse to attend school?

The main reasons underlying this form of desocialization:

Influence of the social environment:

    deprivation of parental rights or removal of children by court;

    chronic alcoholism of parents;

    mental illness of parents;

    stay of parents in places of deprivation of liberty;

    parents' reluctance to raise their children;

    influence of bad company, environment.

Learning difficulties of various etiologies:

    insufficient stimulation mental development a child due to low social and material status and family dysfunction;

    deficiencies in the development of the cognitive sphere due to defects in mental development;

Violation of parent-child relationships:

    the child does not attend school, thus trying to attract the attention of too busy parents or using such actions as blackmail;

    parents’ excessive demands regarding the academic performance of a child with a disability leads to the child beginning to hate school and then stop attending it;

Unfavorable personal relationships with peers and teachers.

In the educational institution, the number of students who miss or systematically do not attend classes remains stable - 1 - 2 students. These students require special control from class teachers, social educators, educational psychologists, and school administration.

These students require special control from class teachers, social educators, educational psychologists, and school administration.

One of the main areas of work of educational authorities and institutions is the identification and registration of children who do not attend or systematically miss school classes for unjustified reasons. The task of each educational institution is to ensure the rights of all citizens to receive secondary (complete) general education, to maintain the number of students until they graduate from the educational institution.

Timely identification of the causes of “truancy”, patient, persistent work with “difficult children”, the ability to find an individual pedagogical approach to them, to prevent their rejection from school, to resolve problems of conflicts with classmates is a great contribution to the prevention of delinquency and juvenile crimes and the key to the effectiveness of legal education of students.

Algorithm of work of specialists

Classroom teacher: Conducts daily monitoring of students' attendance at lessons and provides a report on missed lessons indicating the reasons for absence, involves them in club activities, visits the student at home and provides an examination report, conducts weekly conversations with parents on the student's academic performance, attendance and behavior in any form (by phone , in a face-to-face conversation). Provides characteristics for the student, a summary statement for quarters, and raid reports. If necessary, invites the student and his parents to the prevention council. Involves students in the work of children's and youth organizations, conducts educational activities with difficult students, helps to choose a club or section based on their interests.

Subject teachers : Work individually with students during the lesson and after the lesson. Invite parents to school, perform at parent meetings with information on the student’s performance and behavior in his lesson, they give recommendations on preparing for their subject. In cases of unsatisfactory performance of students, they submit a report on the individual work carried out with them.

Social teacher: Organizes raids to visit students at home, participates in raids. Conducts individual conversations with students and their parents, takes part in the work of the Prevention Council. Registers children with behavioral or learning disabilities and systematic absences from school for in-school preventive registration. Involving the necessary specialists (medical workers, social workers, lawyers, etc.) to conduct consultations with children and parents and provide them with targeted assistance. Carrying out constant pedagogical observation (control) over the behavior of students in this category, attending classes, mastering educational programs and regulation of the situation in favor of the student.

Educational psychologist : Conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of these children to identify the causes of absences and poor performance. Development individual routes(plans, programs) for the correction of minors, their further development. Carrying out constant pedagogical observation (control) over the behavior of students in this category, attending classes, mastering educational programs and regulating the situation in favor of the student.

School administration: The school administration organizes the work of the teachers' council on the issue of academic failure and missed lessons. Controls the activities of all units educational process on working with low-achieving, skipping students. Makes up analytical report at the end of the year about the work of the teaching staff with low-achieving students who are missing out.

Parents: Parents must come to school at the request of the teacher or class teacher. Parents are required to monitor the student’s performance homework and his visit to the OU. If a child is absent from classes due to illness or other valid reasons, parents help the child catch up on what he missed. educational material through independent study or consultation with a subject teacher. Parents have the right to seek help from the class teacher, psychologist, social teacher, and the administration of the educational institution. In case of parental evasion of their responsibilities, the student and his parents submit materials to the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Children's Rights for the purpose of taking administrative measures.

Organization of work on registering children in educational institutions:

1. Daily monitoring of attendance at classes is carried out by the class teacher (teacher). In case of missing from 1 to 3 days of classes and/or individual lessons, the total number of which is equal to the specified values, the class teacher finds out the reasons for the absence of the student and his parents (legal representatives). If classes were missed without a good reason and parents did not know about it, they should be warned about the need to strengthen control over the child’s behavior and school attendance.

In addition to the conversation with the class teacher, it is recommended to conduct an individual consultation with an educational psychologist and take all appropriate measures to eliminate the cause of absenteeism. In this case, it is necessary to interact with parents for joint efforts to eliminate the identified causes.

2. If the parents did not properly respond to information about truancy, and the student continues to skip classes, it is necessary to visit such a student at home together with representatives of the KDN and ZP of the district. The visit will help to find out the living conditions of his family, the attitude of his parents (legal representatives) towards him and the reason for his absence from school, as well as determine whether the child (his family) is in a socially dangerous situation and what measures should be taken. A home visit should be documented with a housing inspection report.

If it is known that parents abuse alcoholic beverages, drugs, or are prone to antisocial behavior, you should invite a KDN and ZP employee or an inspector from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Internal Affairs Directorate to visit such a family.

If it was not possible to establish contact with the parents, and the housemates (schoolmates) do not know anything about the location of the family, you should contact the juvenile affairs unit (ODN ATC at the student’s place of residence) to establish the location of the student and his parents .

3. If parents do not take appropriate measures to return the child to school, they should be warned in writing about administrative liability for evading their main responsibilities for raising and obtaining basic general education for their children (Part 2 of Article 63 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Part. 2 Article 52 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

4. In the event that work with the child and parents did not produce the desired results, and the minor continues to not attend classes without good reason, the teacher should be registered with the school in order to carry out individual preventive work with him and implement stricter control.

5. In relation to parents (legal representatives) who do not pay due attention to the upbringing and education of such a student, the KDN and ZP should be informed in detail in writing.

If parents (legal representatives) do not fulfill their responsibilities for the upbringing, education and (or) maintenance of minors and (or) negatively influence their behavior or abuse them, it is necessary to inform the Juvenile Affairs Division of the internal affairs bodies in writing (Clause 1, Article 21 of the Federal Law “On the Basics of Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”).

6. In order to ensure the realization of the right of citizens to receive secondary (complete) general education, increasing the responsibility of state educational institutions in Moscow for the full coverage of children and adolescents with general education and maintaining the student population, the State educational institution is obliged to maintain documentation on the registration and movement of students (Articles 16, 17 of the Moscow Law “On general education in Moscow").

It is very important that the child does not get “lost” between two schools, leaving one and never getting to the other. When transferring a child from one school to another, the receiving school must confirm in writing its consent to his enrollment. In this case, control over the continuation of the minor’s education rests with the administration of the receiving educational institution.

Organization of work to identify and record minors who do not attend or systematically miss classes for unexcused reasons:

1. Technology of educational institutions’ work to identify non-educational children:

    Collection and processing of information on the attendance of students at the educational institution;

    Preventive work with “at-risk” children at all levels: class teacher => psychologist => social teacher=> school administration => further out-of-school prevention organizations;

    Keeping attendance diaries by class;

    Monthly report from class teachers on the attendance and progress of children at risk;

    Working with the data bank of children 6–18 years old attending educational institutions: data correction.

2. Directions and forms of preventive work with identified children and children at risk:

    Class teacher (daily attendance monitoring, cool watch, individual conversations with students and parents)

    Social teacher, educational psychologist (individual conversations with students and parents, conducting diagnostic examinations, preventive measures);

    Administration (in case the situation worsens);

    Prevention Council (development of a pedagogical strategy to eliminate the causes of non-learning);

    Individual counseling of parents by various specialists from the educational institution (as necessary);

    Identified families are sent to the Center for Support of Children and Adolescents, and are also placed under patronage in the family department.

3. Technology of the educational institution for prevention:

    Identification of reasons for non-training;

    Organizing joint work with the ODN to provide assistance to the identified family;

    Compilation and implementation individual programs training;

    Organizing free time for “at-risk” students, involving all school children in active school life and extracurricular activities.

The main thing is the organization of comprehensive psychological, social and pedagogical support for students prone to vagrancy and absenteeism without good reason, establishing close interaction with parents or their legal representatives.

Measures to prevent unexcused absences from classes

1. Timely response to school truancy is a necessary condition for successful work to implement the legislation on compulsory secondary (complete) general education for minors.

Not a single case of missing individual subjects or one day of class without a good reason should be ignored. Students who commit truancy should be treated with increased attention, not limited to just monitoring their progress; it is necessary to eliminate in every possible way the conditions and causes of disruptions in their behavior and stop truancy.

It must be taken into account that a student who has skipped at least one day of classes, if timely measures are not taken against him, will develop a feeling of impunity, which will push him to repeat absenteeism and ultimately turn him into a malicious truant. He will spend time in game libraries, markets, and train stations. In pursuit of easy money, he may become involved in vagrancy and begging and become prey to crime.

2. Closing gaps in student knowledge is an important component in the system of early prevention of truancy. If for some reason a student has not mastered part of the curriculum, he experiences psychological discomfort because he does not master the program of further material and feels unnecessary in the lesson.

3. Organization of leisure time for students, wide involvement of students in sports, artistic creativity, circle work, - are the most important areas of educational activity, promoting interest in attending school and the formation of law-abiding behavior.

4. When identifying conflicts between parents and children, problems in family education, it is recommended to carry out work simultaneously with parents and children. A school psychologist and social protection specialist should be involved in such work, and the experience of psychological and pedagogical centers should be used to normalize relationships in conflict families.

5. Work with families in a socially dangerous situation must be carried out in close contact with specialists from the Department of Children's Affairs and Labor Protection, inspectors of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Internal Affairs Directorate, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, psychologists from the Central Children's Social Security Center, the parent community, etc.

However, even the most conscientious work in advanced cases is not always successful. This is why a timely response to unexcused absences and other preventative measures for absenteeism will be much more effective.

Individual preventive work is carried out with all students in the school data bank aimed at preventing or reducing the overall likelihood of missing lessons:

    constant, daily monitoring and recording of student attendance;

    organization by the school’s psychological and social service of individual and group work with students and their parents to overcome the reasons for absenteeism;

    organization individual work with students who have difficulty learning curricula; eliminating gaps in students’ knowledge;

    timely and immediate notification of institutions and bodies of the prevention system about minors who are maliciously evading education, not attending classes, as well as parents who are interfering with education or evading the upbringing and education of their children (Article 9 of the Federal Law "On the Basics of Prevention of Neglect and Crimes" minors").

Material prepared


for children in need of psychological and pedagogical

and medical and social assistance -


M.V. Malkova

2012-2013 academic year