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N. Karamzin “Poor Liza

And a gentle smile ran
Beauties on fiery lips,
And here she is with longing in her eyes
I fell into the arms of a kind man...
"Be happy!" - Eros to her
What is reason? Reason already
was silent.
A. S. Pushkin “Reason and Love”

Theoretical aspect

Type of literature
*Ring Road, “story within a story”
- In what works did you meet it?
* Presence of a narrator. For what?


Love of Lisa and Erast.
Tell the content briefly, condense
text up to several sentences.
- Which hero is the main one?
- Prove that this is a work


main idea
Striving to present human personality
movements of the soul
Main topics
Heroes and characters
Refusal of straightforwardness
ordinary people
in character assessment, attention to
The role of landscape
Means psychological characteristics heroes
Main genres
A story, a journey, a novel in letters, a diary, an elegy, a message,

Problems of the story

The problem of love
The problem of rock and
The problem of nature and

The significance of the Simonov Monastery in
story "Poor Lisa"
The author emphasizes that the action takes place precisely in Moscow and its
surroundings, describes, for example, the Simonov Monastery, creating the illusion
reliability. This was an innovation for Russian literature of that time:
usually the action of the works took place “in one city.” First
readers of the story perceived Lisa's story as a real tragedy
contemporaries - it is no coincidence that the pond under the walls of the Simonov Monastery received
the name of Lizin's pond, and the fate of Karamzin's heroine - a lot of imitations.
The oak trees growing around the pond were covered with touching inscriptions (“In
in these streams poor Liza passed away her days; If you are sensitive, passer-by,
“….here the image of the Mother of God puts his enemies to flight…..but most often
draws me to the walls of the Simonov Monastery, the memory of the deplorable
the fate of Lisa, poor Lisa. Oh!..."

Heroes of the story
Lisa's mother
rich widow

Who is the main character of the story? What characteristics do other heroes give him?

old age

What characterization does the author give to the hero?

joyful soul

What is Erast like? How does the author characterize him?

Life from
Weak and
Looking for
happiness in

First meeting

…. Lisa came to Moscow with
lilies of the valley Young,
well dressed man
nice looking, met you
her on the street. She showed
flowers for him - and
blushed. "You
Are you selling them, girl? –
he asked with a smile. –
“I’m selling,” she answered.
- “What do you need?” –
“Five kopecks.” - “This is
too cheap…..”

The author observes the change in Lisa’s feelings

Crazy Joy
Sad reflection
Greatest Concern


Love is the moral test of heroes

Strength of character
ability to
deep feeling
dedication, BUT
Duality of nature
harmfulness of the environment,
frivolity, selfishness.
It seems to him that he
risen for new
feelings, but their depths
No. Victory is won
not high, but low,
familiar feelings.
The soul has not been cleared of
evil, deceives Lisa.


1. Karamzin shows that love
plays big role V
human life.
2. But he warns that
fulfillment of all desires is
the most dangerous temptation in love,
since this leads, if not to death,
then to the most fatal changes.
3. In his opinion, it is necessary

Theme of reason

Doesn't think about anything, goes with the flow, builds
idyllic plans for life with Lisa as
Thinks about her fate, but her mind is not
given to triumph.
Constantly in suspense, he is next to the heroes,
but can do nothing to help them.
“A unreasonable person, is sanity always
is there a king of your feelings?

Theme of reason, reason.

What prevails in the relationship between Lisa and
Feelings, not reason, this is the reason for them
troubles If people are ruled by passions, then
happiness, pleasure will follow
retribution is punishment.
“Oh, Lisa, Lisa! Where is the guardian angel
Conclusion: A moment of love when you give yourself completely

The problem of fate and circumstance

Circumstances -
Sum real reasons, they don't have that one
hopelessness, like rock.
Erast is forced to join the army; marry
rich widow to improve her
financial situation.
ROCK - ?
BUT, according to Karamzin, there are higher ones,
fatal forces that endure
a man has his own sentence.

The result of thoughtlessness

LISA doomed herself for thoughtlessly
loved recklessly, to death
ERAST for not keeping his vow to be
always with Lisa, doomed himself to death
MORAL: “he was until the end of his
life is miserable."
THE AUTHOR does not blame the heroes, but explains
the reasons for their troubles, warns the reader about
possible troubles if they forget about

The problem of man and nature

Higher powers are represented in the image of nature:
SHE 1. The embodiment of beauty.
2. Feeling mind (sympathizes,
approves, condemns, warns, becomes
CONCLUSION: a person can be in harmony with
nature, and it can turn into a toy
terrible fatal forces.

Image of nature

1. First meeting with Erast – Liza holds in her hands
lilies of the valley
2. Then she will throw the lilies of the valley into the river.
3. Nature warns: Lisa did not sleep all the time
night at the very beginning of the emergence of love.
In the morning, fog is a symbol of uncertainty. (prophetic fog
– L. does not see his future, it is closed to
4. During Lisa’s delusion, nature
raging: “the storm made a menacing noise, rain poured from
black clouds...nature lamented about the lost
Lisa's innocence" Find a description in the text

Image of nature

5. Nature takes pity on Lisa when Erast leaves
to the army. Lisa retires to the forest. "Dove
connected her plaintive voice with hers
6. In the work, nature sympathizes
Liza, feels sorry for her, but does not curse her, does not
7. Lisa is accompanied by light, the sun.
8. Erast always appears in the evening, even
the moonlight illuminates Lisa's hair, but not
concerns Erast. Everything it touches
this hero dies both morally and spiritually.


1. A moment of love when you give yourself completely
feeling, beautiful, but long life and
MIND gives strength to feelings.
2. There are higher, fatal
forces that endure a person's
3. A person can be in harmony
with nature, and he can turn
into a toy of terrible fatal forces.
4. Nature is endowed with intelligence, and not
It is unreasonable to take her assessments into account.
What conclusions did you draw for yourself?


1. Orally – a) Theme of love;
b) The theme of reason, reason;
c) The problem of fate and
d) Man and nature.
*Theory of literature based on the story.
*Did Lisa pass the test?

The topic of the lesson is “Generalization and systematization of material based on N.M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza.” Teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School, Krasnaya Kudryavka N.V. Chernositova Objectives of the lesson: Summarize students’ knowledge on content, topics, characteristics of characters, moral issues, position of the author of the story “Poor Liza” by N.M. Karamzin; to develop the ability to see the distinctive features of sentimentalism in works of art; train the skills of selective reading, cultivate in children the harmony of reason and feelings in love; humane treatment of people; . Updating knowledge 1.What is sentimentalism? 2.What are the distinctive features of sentimentalism? 3.Name the representatives of sentimentalism in literature? Sentimentalism - literary movement in literature and art of the 2nd half of the 18th century. Distinctive Features sentimentalism. 1.Interest in human feelings. 2.Emotional perception of the surrounding world. 3. The hero is a simple, humble person. 4. Landscape is not a background, but a piece of living nature, perceived not by the mind, but by the heart. 5. Literary language is moving closer to spoken language. A prominent representative of sentimentalism in literature is N.M. Karamzin N.M. Karamzin (1766 - 1826)

  • "Moscow Magazine"
  • "Letters from a Russian Traveler"
  • "Natalia, the boyar's daughter"
  • "Poor Lisa"
  • "History of the Russian State"
Organization research activities on the issues, characterization of the characters in the story, identification of the author’s position. Tasks for group 1 Love story
  • What is the name of the story by N.M. Karamzin?
  • What is the basis of N.M. Karamzin’s story “Poor Liza”?
  • Name the heroes of the story.
  • What does the author say about Lisa and her family?
  • How do the heroes of the story meet?
  • What can we say about Lisa’s love for Erast?
Orest Kiprensky Orest Kiprensky Russian painter and draftsman. The content of Kiprensky’s portraits is spirituality, the complex inner life of a person, creative individuality Orest Kiprensky The illegitimate son of the landowner A. S. Dyakonov, registered in the family of his serf A. K. Shvalbe. Having received his freedom, he studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1788-1803) with G. I. Ugryumov and G.-F. Doyena. He lived and worked in Moscow (1809), Tver (1811), St. Petersburg (from 1812), in 1816-22 and from 1828 in Rome and Naples. O.A. Kiprensky "Poor Liza" 1827 Of all the portraits painted by Orest Adamovich Kiprensky, this one is perhaps the most interesting for its backstory. Because it is connected not only with N. Karamzin’s famous story “Poor Liza,” but also with the biography of the artist himself. The artist painted his “Poor Liza” in 1827. Many noted that in this work he surpassed N.M. in his mercy. Karamzin. Looking at the picture, we can see in it a reflection of the typical features of sentimentalism: interest in a simple, humble person, manifestation human feelings love, anxiety, sadness. While working on the portrait, he most likely remembered his mother, whose love was broken and whose life was distorted. The artist painted his “Poor Liza” in 1827. Many noted that in this work he surpassed N.M. in his mercy. Karamzin. Looking at the picture, we can see in it a reflection of the typical features of sentimentalism: interest in a simple, humble person, the manifestation of human feelings of love, anxiety, sadness. While working on the portrait, he most likely remembered his mother, whose love was broken and whose life was distorted. Kiprensky, who himself had experienced a lot, could not help but see the real reasons that killed the girl. After all, his own mother was a victim of serfdom. It is no coincidence that he drew attention to Lisa’s words: “If the one who now occupies my thoughts was born a simple peasant...” The girl’s premonitions did not deceive her: her lover left her and married a noblewoman, “an elderly rich widow.” Kiprensky, who himself had experienced a lot, could not help but see the real reasons that killed the girl. After all, his own mother was a victim of serfdom. It is no coincidence that he drew attention to Lisa’s words: “If the one who now occupies my thoughts was born a simple peasant...” The girl’s premonitions did not deceive her: her lover left her and married a noblewoman, “an elderly rich widow.” The painting was based on the story by N.M. Karamzin’s “Poor Liza” (1792), which was enthusiastically received by the public. The story is based on a theme that is extremely popular in the literature of sentimentalism: the touching and tragic story of a young, pure-hearted girl from the village, seduced by a young nobleman. Karamzin’s words “even peasant women know how to love” became the motto of an entire generation of enlightened noble youth. The story was perceived as true. The surroundings of the Moscow Simonov Monastery and the place of death of the heroine, “Lizin Pond,” became a place of pilgrimage for the educated public for a long time. Kiprensky seems to return to the imagery of the era of sentimentalism. Artistic language simple, but symbolically rich. Kiprensky portrayed Lisa in melancholy and sadness. A young pretty girl looks pleadingly at the one with whom she must part. The combination of pink and white in the heroine’s clothes means the purity and freshness of youth, the carnation in her trembling hand means tender, sincere love.
  • Could Kiprensky have written differently a peasant woman whose feelings no one would ever take into account? After all, her love has no future. And social inequality is to blame for this. The artist understood perfectly well that, by recreating a well-known literary image on canvas, he was trying, if not to reproach society for the injustice of its laws, then at least to evoke tears of compassion in sensitive souls.
Love story
  • What does the author say about Erast’s life? Select quotes from the text.
  • Why did the meeting with Lisa force the hero to abandon the world and secular entertainment?
  • What is Lisa's love for Erast?
  • What's the result?
  • How does the narrator feel about Erast’s love?? Find the words in the text.
  • But how does Erast behave after Lisa’s death?
  • What does this indicate?
  • What do the words at the end of the story reveal to us: “Now, perhaps, they have already been reconciled”?
  • So, the soul was reborn and was forgiven? Under what conditions could reconciliation occur?
Conclusions on the research activities of group 1
  • Karamzin managed to show the richness of Lisa’s soul, the depth of her feelings.
  • There is a certain duality in Erast's love relationships. This is a consequence of a “good heart” and a harmful environment.
  • Karamzin, using the example of Erast’s life, convincingly shows what a big role the feeling of love plays in the formation of human personality.
Now, using the story as an example, let’s try to explore the “anatomy” of love. Task 2 group Problem. Karamzin raises the question of the possibility and impossibility of happiness in love. 1. What do you think love is?(Student statements) 2. What is happiness? 3. Is it controllable? 4. What kind of happiness is complete - thoughtless or reasonable? 1) Let us remember the scene of happiness. A passionate friendship where there is no past or future. Love lives in the present. 2) Let us remember the life of Erast. Karamzin says that “the fulfillment of all desires is the most dangerous temptation of love.” How do you understand this? Lexical meaning words Love - 1. Feeling of selfless, heartfelt affection. 2. Inclination, addiction to something. Happiness - 1. Feeling and state of complete satisfaction. 2. Success, luck From the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov Conclusions of research activities of group 2
  • Lisa and Erast were destined to experience a moment of happiness when they were not afraid of anything, did not think about anything, completely surrendering to the flow of feelings. And this is the almighty power of love!
  • But using the example of Erast’s life, Karamzin warns us about the need for reason.
Theme of reason. Problem. Is reason needed in love?
  • The theme of reason begins to appear in the story almost immediately. Where?
  • 2) Did Erast and Lisa live in love with reason or feelings?
Conclusions The moment of love, when a person gives himself entirely to a feeling, is beautiful, it is a happy moment, but it is the reason, the mind, that gives long life and strength to the feeling. Gymnastics for the eyes according to the Bazarny system Image of Nature. Task 3 group Problem. But, according to Karamzin, there are higher powers that pronounce their sentence on a person: Lisa, for loving thoughtlessly and recklessly, doomed herself to physical death. Erast, for not keeping his vow to always be with Lisa, doomed himself to moral death.
  • In what form are higher powers represented?
  • What do the lilies of the valley in Lisa’s hands mean?
  • Why does Lisa throw lilies of the valley into the Moscow River?
  • Sometimes Nature definitely carefully “warns” her.. When?
  • But Lisa’s feelings are so pure and beautiful that Nature “cannot help but share” her joy: after all, Lisa loves and is loved. Support with quotes.
  • Nature is “fastened” to Lisa and in the moment of her misfortune - in the moment of her “delusion”. Where?
  • 6) Is Nature connected with Erast? Support your answer with quotes.
Conclusions We can say that nature in the story is always next to Lisa. Spring, morning, sun, lilies of the valley, dawn, birds, quiet moon, thunderstorm, lightning, rain - everything takes part in her joys and sorrows, everything speaks of the harmonious relationship established between Lisa and Nature. In Nature's behavior there is sympathy, pity for poor Lisa, but there is no curse, condemnation... We see: Nature is included in all the main events of the story, so she is next to the heroes, sees them and evaluates them fully, quite emotionally and at the same time fair. Karamzin affirms the idea that Nature is endowed with reason and it is impossible not to take into account its assessments. The image of the narrator. Task 4 group Problem. What is his soul like? 1) Analysis of the description.“On the other side of the river one can see an oak grove, near which numerous herds graze... Further away, in the dense greenery of ancient elms, the golden-domed Danilov Monastery shines; even further, almost at the edge of the horizon, the Sparrow Hills are blue. I often come to this place and almost always meet spring there, and I also come there on the dark days of autumn to grieve with nature.” What can we say about the author? How does he relate to his heroes? What is his position? Conclusions The author is a person who has a keen sense of nature, loves nature, is able to see the beauty of nature, and feel harmony with nature. The author does not blame his characters, he explains their behavior, sympathizes with Lisa, and regrets her death. His position expresses a humane attitude towards people. What moral lessons from Karamzin are worthy of your attention? All the characters and the style of the story help us understand the author’s position as humanistic. When creating his story, Karamzin combined the categories “good” and “beautiful” - moral and aesthetic. In a short work, Karamzin sang love as a feeling that can enrich human soul, experience and revive it; he advocated the harmony of reason and feelings in love; he promoted a humane attitude towards man, condemning him for deviations from moral laws. Karamzin’s moral lessons are worthy of attention even in today’s difficult days, especially since these are the lessons of a man whose “firm mind,” according to V. A. Zhukovsky, “was always softened by the most tender feeling.” Summary What moral lessons do works of art teach us? Reflection What did we do in class? What conclusions did we come to after reading Karamzin’s story? What have we learned new about works of art? What moral lessons have you learned? Who had a hard time in the lesson? Why? What do you need to make it easy to work in class?

The material for this presentation is designed for 2 hours and involves a conversation with the class based on the material on the proposed slides. Some slides are in the form of clusters, others are bullet points to facilitate conversation with the class. Animations help students see the correct answer after they answer.



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N, M, Karamzin “Poor Liza” O. Kiprensky. Poor Lisa. (2 hours) “Solid mind” and “tenderest feelings”

And a tender smile ran across the Beauty’s fiery lips, And so she, with longing in her eyes, fell into the arms of her beloved... “Be happy!” - Eros whispered to her, Reason? The mind was already silent. A. S. Pushkin “Reason and Love”

Theoretical aspect Genre of literature Genre Composition *Ring, “story within a story” - In what works have you seen it? * Presence of a narrator. For what?

PLOT The love of Lisa and Erast. Tell the content briefly, compress the text to a few sentences. Which hero is the main one? Why? Prove that this is a work of sentimentalism.

Sentimentalism Main idea The desire to represent the human personality through the movements of the soul Main theme Love Heroes and characters Refusal of straightforwardness in assessing characters, attention to ordinary people The role of landscape A means of psychological characterization of heroes Main genres Story, journey, novel in letters, diary, elegy, message, idyll

Problems of the story Problem of love Problem of fate and circumstances Problem of nature and man

The author emphasizes that the action takes place in Moscow and its environs, describes, for example, the Simonov Monastery, creating the illusion of authenticity. This was an innovation for Russian literature of that time: usually the action of works took place “in one city.” The first readers of the story perceived Liza's story as a real tragedy of a contemporary - it is no coincidence that the pond under the walls of the Simonov Monastery was named Liza's Pond, and the fate of Karamzin's heroine received a lot of imitations. The oak trees growing around the pond were dotted with touching inscriptions (“In these streams, poor Lisa ended her days; If you are sensitive, passer-by, sigh!”). “….here the image of the Mother of God puts my friends to flight…..but most often what attracts me to the walls of the Simonov Monastery is the memory of the deplorable fate of Lisa, poor Lisa. Ah!..." The meaning of the Simonov Monastery in the story "Poor Liza"

Who main character stories? What characteristics do other heroes give him? LISA hardworking nurse Divine mercy the joy of old age dear kind gentle

First meeting... Lisa came to Moscow with lilies of the valley. A young, well-dressed, pleasant-looking man met her on the street. She showed him the flowers and blushed. “Are you selling them, girl?” – he asked with a smile. “I’m selling,” she answered. - “What do you need?” - “Five kopecks.” - “It’s too cheap.......”

Love is the moral test of heroes Liza Erast

Love is the moral test of heroes Lisa Erast Strength of character, the ability to deeply feel, Tenderness, selflessness, BUT RELIANCE Duality of nature, harmful environment, frivolity, selfishness. It seems to him that he has been resurrected for new feelings, but there is no depth. It is not the high, but the low, habitual feelings that win. The soul has not been cleansed of evil, it deceives Lisa.

Conclusions: Karamzin shows that love plays a big role in human life. But he warns that the fulfillment of all desires is the most dangerous temptation in love, since this leads, if not to death, then to the most fatal changes. In his opinion, reason is necessary

Theme of reason, reason ERAST. She doesn’t think about anything, goes with the flow, makes idyllic plans for life with Lisa as her sister. LISA thinks about her fate, but her mind is not allowed to triumph. NARRATOR Constantly in tension, he is next to the heroes, but cannot help them in any way. “Reasonable man, is reason always the king of your feelings?”

Theme of reason, reason. What prevails in the relationship between Lisa and Erast? Feelings, not reason, are the cause of their troubles. If people are controlled by passions, then happiness and pleasure will be followed by retribution - punishment. “Oh, Lisa, Lisa! Where is your guardian angel? Conclusion: The moment of love, when you give yourself entirely to a feeling, is beautiful, but it is the MIND that gives long life and strength to feelings.

The problem of fate and circumstances Circumstances are the sum of real reasons; they do not have the same hopelessness as fate. Erast is forced to join the army; marry a rich widow to improve his financial situation. ROCK - ? BUT, according to Karamzin, there are higher, fatal forces that pronounce their sentence on a person.

The result of thoughtlessness LISA doomed herself for the fact that she thoughtlessly, recklessly loved, to PHYSICAL death. ERAST, for not keeping his vow to always be with Lisa, doomed himself to MORAL death: “he was unhappy until the end of his life.” The AUTHOR does not blame the heroes, but explains the reasons for their troubles, warns the reader about possible troubles if they forget about reason.

The problem of man and nature Higher powers are represented in the image of nature: SHE 1. The embodiment of beauty. 2. The feeling mind (sympathizes, approves, condemns, warns, becomes an enemy). CONCLUSION: a person can be in harmony with nature, and he can also turn into a toy of terrible fatal forces.

Image of nature First meeting with Erast - Lisa holds lilies of the valley in her hands. Then she will throw the lilies of the valley into the river. Nature warns: Lisa did not sleep all night at the very beginning of love. In the morning, fog is a symbol of uncertainty. (prophetic fog - L. does not see her future, it is closed to her). During Lisa’s delusion, nature is raging: “the storm roared menacingly, rain poured from black clouds... nature lamented about Lisa’s lost innocence” Find a description of nature in the text.

Image of nature 5. Nature takes pity on Lisa when Erast leaves for the army. Lisa retires to the forest. “The turtle dove joined his plaintive voice to her lamentations.” 6. In the work, nature sympathizes with Lisa, pities her, but does not curse or condemn her. 7. Lisa is accompanied by light, the sun. 8. Erast always appears in the evening, even the light of the moon illuminates Lisa’s hair, but does not touch Erast. Everything this hero touches dies both morally and spiritually.

Conclusions The moment of love, when you give yourself entirely to a feeling, is beautiful, but it is the MIND that gives long life and strength to feelings. There are higher, fatal forces that pronounce their sentence on a person. 3. A person can be in harmony with nature, and he can also turn into a toy of terrible fatal forces. 4. Nature is endowed with intelligence, and it is unreasonable to ignore its assessments. What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

AT HOME 1. Orally – a) Theme of love; b) The theme of reason, reason; c) The problem of fate and circumstances; d) Man and nature. 2.Cards: *Sentimentalism. *Theory of literature based on the story. *Did Lisa pass the test of love?

It was invented by Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin and first used by him in 1797 in the second almanac of poems “Aonida”. This is the youngest vowel in the Russian language. Previously, the digraph io, introduced in 1735, was used to indicate the stressed “o” after soft consonants.

The outstanding literary critic Belinsky said: “Karamzin was the first in Rus' to begin writing stories that interested society... stories in which people acted, the life of the heart and passions was depicted in the midst of ordinary everyday life,” stories in which “like in a mirror, truly reflected the life of the heart... as it existed for the people of that time.” “The pure, high glory of Karamzin belongs to Russia, and not a single writer with true talent, not a single learned man, even those who were his opponents, did not refuse him a tribute of deep respect and gratitude,” wrote A.S. Pushkin.

This is what Karamzin saw as the secret of literary creativity: “They say that the author needs talent and knowledge: a sharp, insightful mind, a vivid imagination, and so on. Fair, but not enough. He needs to have a kind, gentle heart if he wants to be a friend and favorite of our souls..."

“Perhaps no one living in Moscow knows the outskirts of this city as well as I do, because no one wanders on foot more often than I do, without a plan, without a goal - wherever the eyes look - through meadows and groves, over hills and plains. Every summer I find new pleasant places or new beauty in old ones...”

Lisa Erast The name Elizabeth means “who worships God.” Beautiful in soul and body, of rare beauty, she worked day and night, a kind...peasant woman. The name Erast means “beloved.” Quite a rich nobleman, with a fair mind and a kind heart... but weak and flighty. He led an absent-minded life, thinking only about his own pleasure... The heroes are separated not only by social, but also by moral barriers.

Artist Kiprensky On the day of her first meeting with Erast, she appears in Moscow with lilies of the valley in her hands; when Erast first appears under the windows of Lisa’s hut, she gives him milk, pouring it from a “clean jar covered with a clean wooden mug” into a glass wiped with a white towel; on the morning of Erast’s arrival for their first date, Lisa, “distressed, looked at the white mists that were agitated in the air.”

When he first meets Lisa, he wants to pay her a ruble for the lilies of the valley instead of five kopecks; when buying Liza’s work, he wants to “always pay ten times the price she sets”; before leaving for the war, “he forced her to take some money from him”; in the army, “instead of fighting the enemy, he played cards and lost almost all his estate,” which is why he was forced to marry “an elderly rich widow.”

Lisa sobbed, Erast cried, left her, she fell on her knees, raised her hands to the sky and looked at Erast, who moved further away and finally disappeared, the sun rose, and Lisa, abandoned, poor, lost her feelings and memory. Explain the placement of the dash.

N.M. Karamzin Secular education Moscow boarding school Military service, Preobrazhensky Regiment I.P. Turgenev - freemason, writer and translator Simbirsk province, 1766 A noble but poor noble family Travel through Europe.

N. M. Karamzin - journalist, writer, historian "Moscow Magazine" "Moscow Magazine" "History of the Russian State" "History of the Russian State" "Letters of a Russian Traveler" "Letters of a Russian Traveler" "Natalia, Boyar's Daughter" "Natalia, Boyar's Daughter » “Poor Lisa” “Poor Lisa” N.M. Karamzin. Hood. A.G. Venetsianov. 1828

O. Kiprensky. Poor Lisa. The poetic image of Lisa is drawn as the embodiment of hard work, modesty, selfless, simple-minded gullibility and dedication. She is a devoted daughter, lovingly caring for her mother. This is the first heroine in Russian literature who, forgetting about duty and reason, went towards her feelings.

Sentimentalism Art direction(current) in art and literature of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. An artistic movement (current) in art and literature of the late 18th – early 19th centuries. Direction From the French. SENTIMENTAL - sensitive. From French SENTIMENTAL - sensitive. “An elegant image of the basic and everyday” (P.A. Vyazemsky.) “An elegant image of the basic and everyday” (P. A. Vyazemsky.)

Classicism Classicism Line of comparison Sentimentalism Sentimentalism Education of a person in the spirit of loyalty to the state, cult of reason Main idea The desire to represent the human personality in the movements of the soul Civil, social Main theme Love Strict division into positive and negative, one-linearity Heroes and characters Refusal of straightforwardness in assessing characters, attention to to ordinary people Tragedy, ode, epic; comedy, fable, satire Main genres Tale, journey, novel in letters, diary, elegy, message, idyll