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What does formaldehyde affect? The effect of formaldehyde on the human body

Formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a rather pungent odor. This substance is present in many manufacturing processes, putting workers in such industries at risk of exposure to formaldehyde. But people can feel the toxic effect of this substance even in everyday life, because formaldehyde surrounds us everywhere.

Where does formaldehyde come from?

Formaldehyde is formed as a result of the vital activity of animals, some plants, and is a by-product of forest fires and volcanic gases. Thus, formaldehyde is constantly in the air in a certain concentration. But human activity can significantly increase this concentration. Formaldehyde is released into atmospheric air with exhaust gases from vehicles, as well as as a result of the activities of enterprises engaged in wood processing, oil production and transportation, furniture production, leather goods, etc.

Water solution formaldehyde - formalin - used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, paint and varnish industries. Formalin is known for its antiseptic properties and is therefore used in the production of medicines, for example, Teymurov's paste. It is also known that clothes called “second-hand” are also treated with formalin-containing products, which is why they acquire a specific smell. Formaldehyde is used as a preservative, which helps extend the shelf life of the product. Hairdressers also expose themselves to formaldehyde, because this component is included in the composition used in keratin hair straightening.

Formaldehyde is also found in wood boards, plywood, parquet and linoleum. This means that even your own home can be a source of toxic substances. The danger is that the evaporation of formaldehyde from the material and, accordingly, an increase in its concentration in the air is observed with increasing temperature. But don’t panic, reputable material manufacturers mandatory carry out studies of their own products for the content of toxic substances, in particular formaldehyde. This is the case when, when choosing parquet or wood boards, it is better to overpay than to save money and not know about the content of hazardous substances in them.

Toxic effects of formaldehyde

According to sanitary standards, the use of up to 0.1% formaldehyde in oral hygiene products and up to 0.2% in other cosmetics is allowed. In pharmacy, drugs containing this substance in a concentration of less than 0.5% can be used without restrictions, and only drugs containing formaldehyde in a concentration of more than 5% are not recommended for use on the face. The use of formaldehyde in aerosols and sprays is prohibited.

The effect of formaldehyde was studied on experimental animals. The rabbit's ear was placed in formaldehyde (37% formaldehyde solution) for half an hour, after which redness and peeling of the skin were observed. However, after some time, the skin was completely restored.

Formaldehyde is often used in cosmetics that do not require prolonged exposure to the skin. Basically, the substance is added in a concentration of less than 0.1% as a preservative in shampoos and bath foam. The results of a study using shampoo with a 0.1% concentration of formaldehyde indicate that an adverse skin reaction occurred in one person in 75 thousand people. However, it is not known for certain which component of the shampoo could provoke such a reaction.

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To summarize, we can say that formaldehyde poisoning when using cosmetics containing this preservative is unlikely, because its concentration is negligible and is not capable of causing the development of a pathological condition.

However, formaldehyde is still not so harmless. This substance is probably carcinogenic to humans. Moreover, its carcinogenicity for animals has been reliably proven. There is evidence that formaldehyde, used as an antiseptic and preservative, is associated with an increased risk of nasopharyngeal cancer.

Symptoms of poisoning

Formaldehyde is a toxic substance that irritates the respiratory tract, skin, eyes, and central nervous system. The lethal dose of formaldehyde (40% formaldehyde solution) is only 10-50 grams. The lethal dose of pure formaldehyde is 10-90 ml. The formaldehyde content in the air is lethal for laboratory rats - 578 mg/m³ for four hours.

People who work in industries that use or produce formaldehyde are most susceptible to poisoning. The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of formaldehyde in the air of the working area is 0.5 mg/m³.

Symptoms of chronic formaldehyde poisoning are:

  • Weakness;
  • Fast;
  • Weight loss;
  • Depressed mood/euphoria;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Seizures;
  • Night;
  • Paleness of the skin.

Acute inhalation poisoning with formaldehyde is indicated by difficulty breathing and possible development. As toxic fumes are inhaled, the central nervous system is affected: anxiety, a feeling of fear, incoordination, and convulsions appear.

In case of formaldehyde poisoning through the mouth, the victim experiences pain, burning in the throat, along the esophagus, in the stomach, and blood. Such serious complications as laryngeal edema, respiratory arrest, hemorrhagic nephritis, and anuria are also possible.

In workers who come into contact with formaldehyde and its vapors, the hands, faces,... Development is also possible. Gradually, sensitivity to formaldehyde increases.

Urgent Care

In case of acute poisoning with formaldehyde vapor, a person must be taken outside and allowed to breathe by inhalation with water and adding a couple of drops of ammonia - this substance eliminates excess formaldehyde by forming urotropine. In case of laryngeal edema, tracheal intubation or tracheostomy is performed.

If formaldehyde and its derivatives come into contact with the eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water, then drip a couple of drops of a 0.5% novocaine solution with the addition of eight to ten drops of adrenaline (1:1000) per 10 ml of solution.

If the poisoning is caused by ingestion of formaldehyde through the mouth, the victim is given atropine (1 ml of a 0.1% solution subcutaneously), promedol (1 ml of a 2% solution subcutaneously) and aminazine (1 ml of a 2.5% solution intramuscularly). The stomach should be rinsed abundantly with a 2-3% solution of ammonium carbonate, acetate or chloride through a probe (these substances bind formaldehyde in the form of methenamine). The victim is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, as well as a 2% solution of ammonium salts with 10-20% urea, ammonia-anise drops inside. To prevent hepatic-renal failure, a glucose-novocaine mixture is prescribed.

If formaldehyde gets on your skin, you should immediately rinse the affected surface thoroughly with water and then with a 5% ammonia solution.

Depending on the clinical picture of poisoning, the victim may be prescribed oxygen inhalation, cardiac medications for impaired cardiovascular activity, and respiratory stimulants (cytiton, lobe6line) for respiratory impairment or mental agitation.

How to minimize the impact of formaldehyde?

Formaldehyde surrounds us everywhere, at work, on the street, and at home. It is impossible to completely eliminate it, but it is possible to reduce the concentration. What do you need to do for this?

Many chemicals are particularly toxic to humans. The effect of formaldehyde on the human body can become dangerous and cause intense intoxication of internal organs.

What is formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is a chemical compound that has a pungent odor, can dissolve in liquids and ignite. Formalin is a 40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde.

The chemical characteristics of the poison pose a threat to human health and life. If you drink formaldehyde in an amount of 35 to 90 mg, you can die.

The substance is produced industrially by the oxidation of methanol. Formalin belongs to the first class of danger, as it can affect the cellular level. The poison can penetrate internal organs as a result of chemical interactions that have occurred, and also formed in living organisms from other substances. Methanol is found in many household chemicals.

A person is regularly exposed to negative fumes, but a single inhalation of formaldehyde, as a rule, does not provoke serious consequences.

The smell of formaldehyde is extremely pungent and unpleasant. However, detecting poison on your own is almost impossible: this requires special instruments and reagents.

The smell of formaldehyde can be described as specific. On this moment Pharmacy chains sell the antiseptic Formidron, which contains formaldehyde. Use the product carefully, avoiding inhalation of vapors.

The permissible dose of the substance is up to 0.2% in cosmetics and up to 0.1% in mouth rinses. In medicines its content should not exceed 0.5%. Funds including 5% of this connection, can also be used, but are contraindicated for application to the face area.

The maximum permissible concentration in cosmetics, in particular shampoos and bathing foams, is 0.1%, with only 1 person out of 75,000 experiencing a negative skin reaction.

As follows from the description, formaldehyde is one of the dangerous poisons that can disrupt the functioning of internal organs and cause human death.

Scope of application

The substance is used primarily in medicine and industry. This compound is included in nail polishes and hair care products. A small dose of it is included in some cosmetic preparations as a disinfectant and preservatives, and is included in creams, deodorants, shampoos, and mouth rinses.

Sources of poisoning by chemical compounds are divided into several hazard classes based on their properties. Formaldehyde is a strong toxin, has the ability to explode, and has a negative effect on humans upon internal penetration.

There are a large number of sources of intoxication. These include:

  • gas stoves;
  • vehicle exhaust gases;
  • glue;
  • medicines;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetics;
  • carpets;
  • smoke from tobacco and electronic cigarettes;
  • fertilizers and others.

The maximum concentration is observed at high humidity and high temperatures.

The properties of formaldehyde are used to disinfect medical equipment and devices, to sterilize objects, treat diaper rash and skin lesions, and reduce sweating.

The use of formaldehyde is exclusively external: inhaling and drinking the solution is extremely dangerous for life.. It is used for local disinfection, as a deodorizing and astringent. In addition, a diluted solution is used for douching.

The substance is most often found in the chemical industry, in the production of paints, paper products, resins, textiles and plastics. The compound has also found its use in the wood processing industry, in the manufacture of floor coverings, in the processing of animal skins, as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, and in the production of yeast.

Impact on humans

The effect of the compound on the human body is extremely unfavorable: it can cause severe poisoning and is equivalent to arsenic intoxication. Under the influence of vapors, the brain, respiratory system, and mucous surfaces suffer. The harm of formaldehyde to humans is severe intoxication of internal organs. The most severe consequences include:

  • swelling of the pulmonary system and larynx, causing difficulty breathing, respiratory failure, which often causes death;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • menstruation and endocrine disorders leading to the inability to conceive in women;
  • difficulty urinating, leading to coma;
  • death of the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus;
  • internal hemorrhage.

Is formaldehyde harmful to humans? This question can definitely be answered positively.

With regular inhalation of vapors, a person may become more sensitive to the poison, which ultimately leads to more serious complications.

In addition, the poison negatively affects internal organs: liver, kidneys, respiratory and visual systems, and is also a powerful allergen. Formalin has a carcinogenic effect on the fetus, leading to cell mutation, destroying nerve tissue and optic canals. Having penetrated the bloodstream, it reacts with blood proteins and is synthesized into formic acid, which is difficult to remove from internal organs.

What is the effect of formaldehyde on children? Babies are the most sensitive to the world around them, which is why a carcinogen can have a significant impact on their body. With continuous interaction with dangerous objects, even a small concentration of it can provoke serious complications. The substance may be contained in children's toys, teethers, pacifiers, stickers, and plastic baby dolls.

Consequences of poisoning

A carcinogen can enter the human body in the following ways:

  • by inhalation;
  • orally;
  • by direct interaction with the skin.

It is worth noting that the distribution of this compound throughout the body is uneven. It deposits most intensively in the following internal organs:

  • pancreas;
  • mucous surfaces of the intestinal system;
  • lymph;
  • salivary glands;
  • bone marrow.

If accidentally or intentionally ingested, people may develop:

  • severe renal failure;
  • liver pathology, characterized by the destruction of its cells;
  • bleeding of the mucous surfaces of the stomach;
  • necrosis of the esophagus.

Formaldehyde can be a respiratory irritant and lead to these pathologies:

  • bronchitis;
  • pulmonary obstruction;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma.

When interacting with the skin, the compound can provoke:

  • dermatitis, which often becomes chronic;
  • hives, rash;
  • destruction of nails;
  • redness and burning;
  • weeping eczema.

The substance can destroy the immune system, provoke changes in blood composition, reduce the levels of lymphocytes and immunoglobulin A, so the dangers of formaldehyde should be known to anyone who wants to protect themselves from the effects of poison.

Symptoms of intoxication

Formaldehyde poisoning may have some characteristics, mainly from the brain and respiratory organs. These include:

  • attack of suffocation;
  • coughing;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • itching and burning of the mucous surfaces of the esophagus and larynx;
  • diarrhea and vomiting with blood streaks;
  • intense thirst;
  • pale skin;
  • mood swings;
  • prostration;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • coordination disorder;
  • headache;
  • weight loss.

In people who frequently come into contact with poison, signs may manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, hives, and brittle nails. In women there is a disruption in menstruation, in men there is a decrease in libido.

High concentrations can lead to toxic shock, coma, and death.

Who's at risk

The following categories of the population are most susceptible to the effects of the carcinogen:

  • people involved in the chemical industry;
  • living near chemical plants;
  • workers in workshops for the production of furniture, paper, sewing accessories, food additives;
  • medical laboratory technicians;
  • morgue workers;
  • people whose activities involve embalming corpses and funeral services.

In addition, a connection has been established between formaldehyde and cancer: it is considered a strong carcinogen.

Studies on formalin have found that workers involved in embalming corpses and making furniture are more prone to skin cancer, tumors respiratory system, neoplasms in the stomach, lungs, prostate, intestines.

People engaged in potentially hazardous production for more than 10 years are at increased risk for the following malignant diseases:

  • Hodgkin's lymphoma;
  • myeloma;
  • myeloid leukemia.

Determined that the substance acts directly on cells, which provokes gene mutation.

First aid and treatment

In case of food poisoning that contains formaldehyde, the victim must be taken to the hospital by calling medical professionals. If necessary, if the patient requires immediate assistance, emergency measures will help:

  • remove remaining poison from the stomach by lavage or inducing artificial vomiting;
  • the patient needs to take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, having previously dissolved it in water. The stomach should be emptied within 2 hours;
  • in case of intoxication, it is necessary to provide the person with a flow of fresh air by opening windows and doors wide or take the victim outside;
  • will help neutralize the effect of inhalation poison with water and ammonia, which can remove an excess of the compound;
  • if the carcinogen penetrates the skin and mucous membranes, they should be washed abundantly with water and wiped with ammonia;
  • in case of contact with the organs of vision, the eyes are instilled with drops of the following composition: 8 drops of adrenaline and 2 drops of novocaine, which can neutralize the poison;
  • when swallowing the solution, chloride or ammonium carbonate will help, which prevent the compound from being absorbed into the circulatory system;
  • if the patient has lost consciousness, he is placed on his left side to avoid penetration of vomit into the respiratory system and suffocation.

Treatment methods for formaldehyde intoxication depend on the characteristics of the clinical picture, the mechanism by which the poison enters the internal organs, as well as the symptoms that appear.

In some cases, medications are used that stabilize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, sedatives, and respiratory analeptics.

In a hospital setting, the victim can undergo hemodialysis, in which blood is passed through membranes, which is an effective measure to eliminate toxins.

Injected into the patient's veins isotonic solution or glucose together with a diuretic. In addition, specialists need to monitor the functioning of the central nervous system and heart. To prevent liver disorders, vitamin complexes and hepatoprotectors are used.


A person engaged in hazardous production should limit the time of interaction with toxic compounds, systematically undergo medical examinations, and include lactic acid products and milk in the diet.

With prolonged exposure to low concentrations of poison personal protective equipment is used: respirators, masks, special protective clothing, gloves.

In order to prevent liver damage, it is necessary to periodically take hepatoprotectors, for example, Karsil, Hepabene, and visit medical sanatoriums and resorts.

People who are not directly involved in hazardous production are also susceptible to the influence of poisons and experience deterioration in their health, often without realizing it.

For the purpose of prevention, as well as to remove carcinogens from your home, you should resort to the following methods:

  • After purchasing new furniture, regularly ventilate the room;
  • When cleaning, use rubber or latex gloves to reduce contact with detergents;
  • maintain optimal humidity and temperature in the home.

Besides, Plants will help reduce and neutralize the impact of dangerous fumes: ficus, chamedorea, ivy, fern.

The poison is especially dangerous for young children and the elderly. However, it is impossible to completely limit yourself and loved ones from its effects, since the compound can be found in small quantities almost everywhere. You can reduce its negative impact by carefully studying the composition of the purchased goods and products. Many manufacturers use formaldehyde in the production of household items and food to extend shelf life and give the purchase a marketable appearance.

Formaldehyde is a chemical with a strong odor that has a toxic effect on the human body.

Often, toxic gas releases vapors that, with prolonged exposure, cause irreversible reactions in the respiratory and central nervous systems.

Formaldehyde has a toxic effect on the body

In this article we will look at what formaldehyde is and what its effect on the human body is.

Formaldehyde: what is it?

The process of producing formaldehyde occurs due to the oxidation of methanol at a temperature of several hundred degrees.

The technological process occurs with the help of a silver catalyst, resulting in a highly soluble substance with high chemical activity.

What does formaldehyde smell like? Formaldehyde vapor has a pungent odor and a rather unpleasant odor, which in the shortest period of time causes irritation of the mucous membranes and can impair the sense of smell.

Formalin and formaldehyde: what is the difference? Formalin is a derivative compound of formaldehyde and water in a percentage ratio, marketed in a 40% solution.

Formalin is formaldehyde in lower concentrations

Where is formaldehyde used?

Due to its wide range of properties, formaldehyde is used in many areas of human life:

  • Medicine. The use of farmaldehyde in pharmaceuticals is due to its antiseptic and tanning properties, therefore this solution is used for the manufacture of a number of medications, as well as for the storage of biological materials;
  • Technical industry. Formaldehyde-based solution is widely used in the woodworking, leather and cosmetics industries. In the chemical industry, it is an indispensable component in the plastic production process;
  • Food industry. In food production, formaldehyde is a “preservative”, and its presence in a particular product is indicated by the presence of code E240 on the packaging.

It is also used as a preservative. This additive not only allows you to increase the shelf life of the product, but also affects the taste and aroma of the dish.

Where is formaldehyde found?

Formaldehyde is one of the common toxic substances due to its widespread use in various fields:

  • The use of formaldehyde in the chemical industry contributes to its high concentration in environment large industrial places;
  • Harmful emissions into the atmosphere containing formaldehyde are typical for chemical plants, waste incineration plants, and thermal power plants;
  • The harmfulness of phenol-formaldehyde resin has been proven, which is used for the production of furniture from chipboard and fiberboard, as well as being part of finishing and building materials– laminate, decorative coating, varnishes, paints;
  • To learn how to choose safe materials for your home, watch the video:

  • Toxic fumes are part of cigarette smoke and combustion products that are released as a result of the use of stoves and stoves;
  • The quality and cost of furniture directly depends on the amount of formaldehyde included in the raw material - the less it is in chipboard, the higher the cost of the product;
  • A small amount of formaldehyde can be found in cosmetics - ointments, shampoos, creams.

Why is formaldehyde dangerous for humans?

Being one of the most toxic substances, formaldehyde has a negative effect on the human body. The main feature of this carcinogen is its solubility in water and alcohol, despite the fact that the substance itself is a gas.
Formaldehyde belongs to the second hazard class, which indicates strong toxicity and harmful effects on human health:

  • causes allergic reactions of the skin and mucous membrane;
  • toxic fumes of formaldehyde impede the functions of the respiratory and nervous systems;
  • the carcinogenic effect of the gas manifests itself in headaches, lethargy and drowsiness;
  • a harmful compound increases the risk of cancer;
  • It is used as a prophylactic against cancer. Chaga mushroom helps treat cancer because... its systematic use suppresses the growth of malignant tumor cells.

  • prolonged inhalation of toxic fumes can lead to kidney or liver failure;
  • the harm of formaldehyde to humans can manifest itself in the appearance of cough, shortness of breath, blurred vision;
  • Due to the harmful effects on the central nervous system, depression and mental imbalance are possible.

You will learn more about the dangers of formaldehyde from the video:

How to remove formaldehyde from the body

Due to its high toxicity, a small amount of formaldehyde solution (about 50 ml) can be fatal. At the first signs of carcinogen poisoning, emergency care must be performed. If vapors of a toxic substance enter the body, the victim must be provided with access to fresh air and use oxygen inhalation with a small amount of ammonia. The mucous membrane of the eyes must be washed with a solution of sodium bicarbonate.

Is it possible to drink formaldehyde? Absolutely not. If poison gets inside, it is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach and give the victim milk and saline solution.

Formaldehyde - what is it? Everyone must have heard this word at least once in their life, but not everyone knows what it means. What associations arise when you mention this substance? Find it difficult to answer? Meanwhile, formaldehyde surrounds us everywhere.

What is formaldehyde?

First of all, formaldehyde is a gas. It is formed naturally not only in the environment, but also in our body. In addition, it is obtained through production. Few people know, but we come into contact with this substance all the time. It enters our body when we inhale. In addition, people daily use products containing formaldehyde in small quantities (for example, bubble bath and shampoo).

Obtaining formaldehyde

The main method for producing industrial formaldehyde is the oxidation process of methanol. It is carried out using a silver catalyst. This process occurs when atmospheric pressure and temperature 650 degrees. Methanol oxidation is well established, and approximately 80 percent of formaldehyde is produced by this method. But in Lately Active development of a new promising method is underway, which uses an iron-molybdenum catalyst. The reaction takes place at a temperature of 300 degrees. Moreover, in both methods the degree of conversion has a very high percentage (almost 99%).

Formaldehyde can also be produced through the dehydrogenation of methanol. It is carried out with the participation of zinc and copper catalysts. The required temperature is 600 degrees. Although this method has not yet found widespread use. However, it is considered very promising. It allows you to obtain formaldehyde without water content.

Application of formaldehyde

When receiving this substance, there is only one side effect - formaldehyde. This releases toxic substances. Unfortunately, this process actively occurs at room temperature.

Despite this, formaldehyde has found wide use in many areas of industrial production. An aqueous solution - methanediol - causes denaturation of proteins. This feature of formaldehyde allows the substance to be used in leather production. It also has excellent tanning properties, which is very useful in medicine. Formaldehyde is recognized as a strong antiseptic, as well as an excellent preservative for biological materials. But that's not all. The substance in question is used in furniture and, in particular, it is necessary for the manufacture of plywood. Finally, formaldehyde is used in the production of film.


Sometimes shampoos and some bath products contain a substance that is dangerous to humans, such as formaldehyde. There is no doubt that this is dangerous. After all, it is a very strong and very effective preservative. But it is never found in its pure form in shampoos. Especially in baby care products. Formaldehyde enters their composition as a result of the breakdown of other chemical substances- releasers.

Many bubble baths are stored for a long time thanks to these components. Releasers release small amounts of formaldehyde slowly. This helps prevent fungi and bacteria from growing in shampoos.

Why is formaldehyde dangerous?

Based on the above information, it becomes unclear what formaldehyde is. What is it - a dangerous poison or a harmless component of soap and detergents? Of course, in large doses it poses a threat to human health. But formaldehyde can enter our body not only through contact with cosmetics. The fact is that it penetrates the lungs and blood through the air. Here are just a few sources of the toxin:

  • tobacco smoke;
  • traffic fumes;
  • open flame;
  • gas stoves;
  • glue;
  • disinfectants;
  • nail polish;
  • new carpets and rugs;
  • carpet cleaning shampoos;
  • new pressed wood furniture.

What happens when you inhale formaldehyde? In humans, this causes irritation of the nasopharynx and eyes. The lungs are affected. Many scientists seriously believe that a number of cases of asthma in children are associated with this gas. There are concerns that prolonged contact with formaldehyde in high concentrations may lead to the formation of cancerous tumors. Studies have shown that this substance is a fairly strong carcinogen, and experiments on laboratory animals confirmed this assumption. However, it has not been proven that upon contact with the skin, formaldehyde contributes to the development of a malignant tumor.

What is known about formaldehyde?

So, one of the dangerous carcinogens that surround us every day is formaldehyde. What this is for a person has already been proven. But what else do we know about it, except that the gas enters the lungs when inhaled and is not capable of affecting the skin? Penetrating into the body, formaldehyde very quickly disintegrates and is excreted in the urine and when exhaled (with carbon dioxide).

People who constantly live in large industrial cities, in large areas built up with high-rise buildings, are exposed to formaldehyde in higher concentrations than those who live in villages and towns. The likelihood of exposure to this harmful substance is greater indoors than outdoors.

What is not known about formaldehyde?

In fact, despite the fact that formaldehyde has been studied quite well, there are still controversial issues about the effects of this gas on the body. For example, it is not known for certain whether adults are less sensitive to this substance than children. Scientists and doctors have differing opinions on this issue. But if we consider that when a child inhales, the volume of air per kilogram of weight is greater than that of adults, then the assumption about their higher sensitivity to formaldehyde is quite justified.

Threat to human health

The effect of formaldehyde on humans is very harmful and dangerous. This gas has pronounced mutagenic properties. It also acts as an irritant and a serious allergen. Prolonged human contact with the environment in which this gas is dispersed can provoke the development of cancer. The most commonly diagnosed cancer is the respiratory tract. It is possible that other severe forms, including leukemia, may also develop.

Symptoms of formaldehyde poisoning of the body are as follows: migraine, difficulty breathing, depressed psychological state. If the gas concentration reaches a critical level for human health, it can cause paralysis of the respiratory tract, which leads to death. The presence of formaldehyde in the environment can also be indicated by conjunctivitis and pulmonary edema.

What other pathologies can formaldehyde cause? Its decomposition reactions in the body cause significant harm to health. Penetrating into the digestive system, the gas can cause a chemical burn, cause numerous swelling and even respiratory arrest. Like a solution of formaldehyde, formalin can also harm our body. People who, due to their professional duties, are sometimes forced to deal with this substance, experience all the manifestations of poisoning: symptoms of asthma, severe headaches, conjunctivitis, damage to the nervous system.

How is formaldehyde content in products regulated?

Many countries provide state control over the content of formaldehyde, such as For example, in the UK, the permissible concentration of this gas in air and water is regulated by law. Exceeding it is unacceptable; it always entails responsibility. Such a serious attitude towards this dangerous toxin is observed in almost all developed countries. There are also certain restrictions in workplaces where formaldehyde is produced or used. The European Union stipulates the use of this substance in cosmetic products, including shampoos, bath bubbles, and nail polish. Formaldehyde releasers must be present in minimal concentrations in these products. If their content exceeds the established standards, this must be indicated on the label. And in some countries, formalin is generally banned. Thus, in Japan and Sweden, any content of this substance in cosmetic products is unacceptable.

How to be and what to do?

Should we be afraid of such a substance as formaldehyde? The health formula, of course, does not include exposure to this gas. Meanwhile, it is impossible to completely avoid contact with the mentioned irritant. Formaldehyde is included in some bath products; it is even present in some. However, manufacturers claim that it is unlikely that the baby will be irritated by such an insignificant concentration. So such contact is quite safe. But if a child has an individual intolerance, then irritation may appear even with such tiny amounts. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the label before purchasing cosmetics for their baby.

How to minimize the harmful effect?

Phenol formaldehyde is a highly toxic substance. It is quite difficult to reduce its effect. Once the gas enters the body, it changes greatly. When broken down, it transforms into or Of course, the best protection against this carcinogen is to avoid places and areas where it can be found in high concentrations. These are, first of all, traffic jams, industrial areas, furniture factories. It is also recommended not to linger in rooms that are not ventilated. In addition, you should know that many indoor plants are able to absorb formaldehyde from the air (for example, chlorophytum, ivy, ficus).

I decided to try to tackle the question “How dangerous are phenol and formaldehyde to human health.”
It all started with watching a program on Channel One called “Fashionable Sentence” and it was about the fact that such brands as Zara, C&A, H&M, which I knew, violated sanitary standards in the production of their products, as well as their storage. As a result, signs of such harmful substances like phenol and formaldehyde (and also chromium in shoes). The undisputed leader was Zara.
some footnote regarding chromium. It was found on shoes. And he got it from the box. Remember those little rustling bags to keep your shoes better? This substance has the property of killing fungus, which is so necessary, especially for leather shoes. So, in countries like China, these bags contain a substance (I don’t remember exactly, a certain chromium compound), which is prohibited in the European Union, as it is considered dangerous to humans.
I won’t retell the show for you, here’s the link -
But I will say that in the end you will not see solutions to the problems that were raised in this film. Therefore, I was left with the question of how to identify these substances or how to deal with them.
Here's the information I found about each of them:
Phenol - (or monohydroxybenzene, or hydroxybenzene) is a colorless organic matter consisting of needle-shaped crystals. In the open air, during the process of oxidation, these crystals acquire a pinkish color. Phenol smells like gouache.(but unfortunately, I practically don’t remember this smell)

May dissolve in:

  • water (in the ratio: 100 g of water / 6 g of substance);
  • alkalis;
  • benzene;
  • acetone;
  • alcohol
(Here I conclude that if you simply wash clothes, you will render them harmless. I’ll say right away that these are just my rather simple logical conclusions; if there are knowledgeable people in this area, I would be very grateful for any information).

Formaldehyde is a gaseous, colorless substance with an acute smell (this is what interested me, as a consumer). Further on Wikipedia there is a lot of chemistry, which in general I won’t say that I didn’t understand at all, but still I didn’t find anything specific there for my purposes.
Wikpedia also says:

Possesses toxicity and has a negative effect on genetic material, reproductive organs, Airways, eyes, skin. Has a strong effect on central nervous system.

Maximum permissible concentrations(maximum concentration) of formaldehyde:

  • MPCr.z. = 0.5 mg/m³
  • MPCm.r. = 0.035 mg/m³
  • MPCs.s. = 0.003 mg/m³
  • MPCv. = 0.05 mg/l
Maximum Permissible Concentrations, of course, will not help you (like me) much if you do not know the measured concentration of formaldehyde in your space. The main part of formaldehyde goes into manufacturing particle board materials, where it is used to get urea resin. It is also used in medicine, cosmetology, the production of plastics (such as phenoplast and aminoplasts) and slightly in some other areas.

Since I have not found how to deactivate it, you can at least know the symptoms, Wikipedia reports the following symptoms:

Paleness, loss of strength, unconsciousness, depression, difficulty breathing, headache, often cramps at night.

In case of acute inhalation poisoning: conjunctivitis, acute bronchitis, up to pulmonary edema. Signs of damage to the central nervous system gradually increase (dizziness, fear, unsteady gait, convulsions).

In case of poisoning through the mouth: burn of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract (burning, pain in the throat, along the esophagus, in the stomach, vomiting of blood, diarrhea), hemorrhagic nephritis, anuria. Possible swelling of the larynx and reflex cessation of breathing.

Chronic poisoning in workers with technical formalin is manifested by weight loss, dyspeptic symptoms, damage to the central nervous system (mental agitation, tremors, ataxia, visual disturbances, persistent headaches, poor sleep). Organic diseases of the nervous system (thalamic syndrome), sweating disorders, and temperature asymmetry are described. Cases of bronchial asthma have been reported.

Under conditions of exposure to formaldehyde vapors (for example, among workers engaged in the production of artificial resins), as well as in direct contact with formaldehyde or its solutions, severe dermatitis of the face, forearms and hands, nail damage (their fragility, softening). Dermatitis and eczema of an allergic nature are possible. After poisoning, sensitivity to formaldehyde increases. There is information about adverse effects on specific functions of the female body.

All this cannot but upset us, but what do we need the instinct of self-preservation and intelligence. From everything I heard and read, I came to the following conclusions:
- the thing you buy (be it clothes, shoes, toys, etc.) should not smell strongly, preferably should not smell at all. Of course, it is not at all necessary that this smell signals the content of phenol or formaldehyde, but still, if the purchase of this item is not important, then it is better to bypass it.
- if you have already purchased the item, try washing it, the smell should disappear, since the phenol compounds should dissolve. It's more difficult with shoes. But in any case, immediately after purchase, get rid of these rustling miracle bags.
- Since most of the furniture in average apartments is not made of solid wood (and even if it is solid wood, it is treated with paints and varnishes), then, firstly: at first, try to ventilate the room in the new furniture more (it is believed that most of the phenol comes out at the beginning ), secondly: regularly ventilate the room (because if the furniture initially contains phenol, then in the future it will still emit it, the concentration will simply decrease compared to the beginning of use)
- I would like to highlight a separate point - furniture for children's rooms needs to be chosen especially carefully.

This is what I found on this issue, if anyone has any other information, I would be glad to hear it)