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Pedagogical techniques in computer science lessons. Methodological techniques used at various stages of a computer science lesson

Relevance of the topic.

In our time, the ubiquitous distribution of electronic computers (computers), human knowledge about the nature of information acquires a general cultural value. This explains the interest of researchers and practitioners around the world in the relatively young and rapidly developing scientific discipline- computer science.

To date, computer science has emerged as a fundamental science of information-logical models, and it cannot be reduced to other sciences, even to mathematics, which is very close in terms of the issues under study. The object of studying computer science is the structure of information and methods of its processing. Differences appeared between informatics as a science with its own subject area and information technology.

Computer science is one of those subjects in which the differentiation of learning is realized in the most natural way. This is facilitated by the very nature of informatics as a science and a set of information technologies, the story of its appearance in school in those years when external conditions contributed to the diversity in school education. So, the relevance of the topic of the course work lies in the fact that, despite the fact that the discipline "Informatics" has been introduced into the curriculum of a general education school, at the moment, the teaching methodology is not clearly and inadequately covered.

Research object is the teaching method of informatics.

The subject of research is a methodology for teaching the topic "ELEMENTS OF THE ALGEBRA OF LOGIC" in grade 9 using a differentiated teaching method.

Target this course work is to develop a methodology for teaching the topic "ELEMENTS OF THE ALGEBRA OF LOGIC" in grade 9 using a differentiated teaching method.

Tasks set to achieve the goal:

· To analyze educational and methodological literature;

· Study the principles of a differentiated teaching method;

· Draw up plans-outlines of lessons on the topic "ELEMENTS OF THE ALGEBRA OF LOGIC" for 9 grades general education schools;

· Develop homework on the topic "ELEMENTS OF THE ALGEBRA OF LOGIC" for 9 classes of secondary schools.

Course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.


Methods and techniques of teaching computer science

Informatics and ICT ”is one of the“ young ”subjects in the school course. But due to the rapid development and prospects of this direction, the requirements for the purpose, content and approaches to teaching it also changed rapidly.

The goal of a computer science and ICT teacher is to contribute to the formation of a personality capable of living in an information society.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Creation of conditions for the formation of elements of information culture of students;

2. Creation of conditions for mastering the skills of self-education and self-development;

3. Integration of informatics and ICT teaching with other subject areas;

4. Creation of conditions for identifying the giftedness of students.

Every year the education system provides more and more opportunities for building a personal learning path for each student. In the classroom-lesson system, there are opportunities for the application of individual forms and methods.

General forms of education are divided into frontal, collective, group, paired, individual, as well as with a changeable composition of students. The basis of separation general forms teaching put the characteristics of the characteristics of the communicative interaction between the teacher and the students, between the students themselves.

Teaching is a purposeful pedagogical process of organizing and stimulating active educational and cognitive activities of students in mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, developing creative abilities and moral ethical views.

The form of training organization is a time-limited construction of a separate link in the training process.

Method (from gr. Methodos - "research") is a technique, method or mode of action; a way to achieve a goal, a certain way of ordered activity; a set of techniques or operations of practical or theoretical mastering of reality, subordinate to the solution of a specific problem.

In the literature there are different approaches to the definition of the concept of a teaching method:

1. Method of activity of teachers and students;

2. A set of methods of work;

3. The path along which the teacher leads students from ignorance to knowledge;

4. The system of actions of the teacher and students.

The teaching method is a system of regulatory principles and rules for organizing pedagogically expedient interaction between a teacher and students, used for a certain range of tasks of teaching, development and education.

Classification of teaching methods according to the source of knowledge. In this classification, five methods are distinguished.

1. The practical method is based on gaining knowledge through laboratory experimental activities. The tasks of the teacher include setting a task and providing assistance in carrying out practical activities by students. An important stage of such training is the systematization and analysis of information obtained in the course of classes.

2. Visual method. The main role in the application of this method is assigned to the teacher. Its tasks include explaining the material using illustrations, diagrams, tables, experiments, experiments and various visual aids. Pupils in this method are assigned the passive role of perceiving and recording the information received.

3. The verbal method also involves active teaching. The functions of the teacher include the oral presentation of the material, according to a previously thought out scheme, in which must be present: posing a question, researching and analyzing the content of this question, summing up and conclusions.

4. Working with a book reflects the method of independent work of students, including reading, viewing, taking notes, analyzing, organizing and other types of educational activities that are possible when working with educational literature.

5. Video method - innovative method teaching using video material and e-teacher, is used mainly as a complementary method to strengthen knowledge or expand it. This method requires the student to have a high level of ability and motivation for self-study.

When choosing and combining teaching methods, it is necessary to be guided by the following criteria:

1. Compliance with the goals and objectives of training, education and development;

2. Compliance with the content of the studied material (complexity, novelty, character, the possibility of visual presentation of the material, etc.);

3. Compliance with the real learning capabilities of class students: age (physical, mental), level of preparedness (training, development, education, degree of knowledge of information and communication technologies), class characteristics;

4. Compliance with the existing conditions (equipment of the office with appropriate teaching aids, availability of electronic and printed teaching materials) and the allotted time for training;

5. Ergonomic conditions (time of the lesson on schedule, class size, duration of work at the computer, etc.);

6. Compliance with the individual characteristics and capabilities of the teachers themselves (character traits, level of mastery of this or that method, relationship with the class, previous experience, level of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and information technology training).

The purpose of the lesson is always consistent with the possibilities of the means to achieve it, and these include the content and methods of teaching. But with different content, the methods can be different, therefore, when choosing them, all the named criteria are taken into account at once. This requires complex analysis content teaching material and identifying its availability for students.

The teacher can choose the form of the lesson at his discretion: either group, or in pairs, or frontal. Let's just note that the organization of group work that gives good results requires the formation of appropriate skills in students.

When choosing a frontal form of teaching, a condition for the productive activity of a class is to take into account that the lesson is not a teacher's monologue and not traditional explanations and polls, but conversations, discussions of new concepts, joint search and analysis.

Informatics as the science of various ways of receiving, storing, transmitting and processing information provides the teacher with many opportunities for developing students' thinking. In particular, in my lessons I use some techniques technologies for the development of critical thinking (TRKM). I got acquainted with the possibilities of this technology at the advanced training courses "Interactive information tools in educational process"In April 2012.

The purpose of this technology- development of students' thinking skills, which are necessary not only in study, but also in everyday life (the ability to make informed decisions, work with information, analyze various aspects of phenomena, etc.).

Through the TRKM in informatics lessons, the following are formed:

  • educational motivation - active perception of educational material;
  • key competence - the formation of communication skills;
  • information literacy - the development of the ability for independent analytical and evaluative work with information.

The basic TRKM model includes the following stages (stages):

  • challenge - updating existing knowledge; awakening interest in obtaining new information; setting the student's own learning goals.
  • comprehending - receiving new information; students relate old knowledge to new ones.
  • reflection - the birth of new knowledge; setting new learning goals by the student.

There are many techniques for developing critical thinking technology, but not all of them are suitable for computer science lessons. Currently, I use the following techniques at various stages of the lesson:

I. Classification... Some objects are demonstrated in front of the class, students are encouraged to divide them into groups, taking into account the significant similarities and differences between these objects. After hearing different opinions and coming to a more or less unified decision, the teacher invites the students to get acquainted with the model and determine whether their assumptions were correct. This technique promotes the development of attention and logical thinking, has a cognitive value.

II. Confused logical chains. Events (objects) are shown in front of the class in a deliberately broken sequence. Students are encouraged to restore the correct order of the chronological or causal chain. After hearing different opinions and coming to a more or less unified decision, the teacher invites the students to get acquainted with the model and determine whether their assumptions were correct. This technique contributes to the development of attention and logical thinking.

III. Cluster. Allocation of semantic units of the text and their graphic design in a certain order in the form of a "bunch". Clusters can become both a leading technique at the stage of challenge, reflection, and a lesson strategy as a whole. The most important thing is to highlight the center - most often this is the name of the topic, rays - large semantic units depart from it, and corresponding terms and concepts can depart from them. Thanks to the cluster, a large amount of information can be captured. This technique allows you to visualize those thought processes that occur when immersed in a particular topic.

In this article, I want to consider (with specific examples) some of the methodological features of using the above-mentioned TRKM techniques at various stages of an informatics lesson. In addition, in my article I will focus on the capabilities of such a tool that supports the dynamic interaction of teacher and students in the lesson, which is currently an electronic interactive whiteboard.

I. Classification... This technique can be used at all stages (challenge, comprehension and reflection). For example, in grade 2, when studying the topic "Identical and different chains" (EMC Semenova A.L., Rudchenko T.A.), at the stage of challenge, students are offered the following task (see screen shot of the blackboard screen in Fig. 1). Students put forward their hypotheses about the features that are essential for the objects depicted on the board. After all opinions have been heard, the teacher invites the students to complete the task on the blackboard (two students have time to work at the blackboard, the rest prompt the workers at the blackboard, correct their mistakes). After completing the assignment (see the screen shot of the blackboard screen in Fig. 2), the students independently formulate the topic (see above) and the objectives of the lesson (compare chains, find identical and different chains in the set).

II. Confused logical chain. This technique can be used at the stage of calling and comprehending new material. For example, in the 6th grade, when studying the topic "Algorithm" (TMC Bosova L.L.) at the stage of comprehension, students are invited to restore the correct sequence of tea brewing (see screen shot of the blackboard screen in Fig. 3). When completing a task, several people can work at the board, building various correct (in their opinion) algorithms for brewing tea (see screen shot of the board screen in Fig. 4). After discussing each of the algorithms, the teacher displays a flipchart page with the correct solution (see screen shot of the blackboard screen in Figure 5), and students can compare their algorithms with a sample (reference). The use of an interactive whiteboard in this case provides a more effective development of new concepts due to clarity, by involving children in active cognitive activity, which leads to a better understanding and memorization of new material.

III. Cluster. This technique can be used at all stages (challenge, comprehension and reflection). For example, in the 8th grade, when studying the topic "Basic components of a computer" (EMC Bosovoy L.L.) at the stage of reflection, students are invited to make a cluster that helps to understand the hierarchical structure of groups of computer devices (see screen shot of the blackboard screen in Fig. 6). This task allows at least five students to work at the blackboard, the rest give tips to those working at the blackboard, and if necessary, they can go to the blackboard and correct the shortcomings of their classmates. After building the correct (in the eyes of the students) diagram and discussing it (see the screen shot of the blackboard screen in Fig. 7), the teacher opens the flipchart page with the correct diagram, and the students can compare their cluster with the reference (see the screen shot of the chalkboard screen on fig. 8). Tasks of this kind help students in the future to carry out tasks for the systematization of information not only in computer science lessons, but also in other school subjects.

It can be concluded that the use of the above techniques in informatics lessons helps to systematize the studied information, i.e. information is brought to a certain form, displayed in a certain complete form, which fills it with a certain sense and meaning. This helps students to more clearly perceive the educational material, interpret educational information, reduce it to simplified synthesized images and categories.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following advantages of using an interactive whiteboard within the framework of the TRKM application:

1) the acquisition of new skills by students to work with interactive equipment;
2) active involvement of students in cognitive activities;
3) improving the pace and flow of the lesson (it takes less time to complete tasks);
4) increasing the motivation, interest of students due to the novelty of the way of presenting the material.

Of course, using an interactive whiteboard in the educational process, you need to keep in mind the disadvantages of this technical tool:

1) great time spent by the teacher in preparing for the lesson (searching the Internet for suitable presentations, Flash videos, programs, tests, developing your own presentations and flipcharts);
2) sometimes a lesson turns into a game (for grades 5-6 this is still permissible, but for grades 7-9, and even more so for 10-11 grades, it is undesirable and even unacceptable);
3) deterioration of pupils' eyesight (it is necessary to comply with the SANPIN norms when working with a board - no more than 20 minutes);
4) technical malfunctions in the equipment are possible (the calibration of the board may be violated, the batteries in the pointer may be "empty", etc.).

Resources used:

1. Semenov A.L., Rudchenko T.A. Computer science. Grade 2. Textbook for educational institutions. - M .: Education: Institute of New Technologies, 2012.
2. Bosova L.L. Informatics and ICT. Textbook for grade 6. - M .: BINOM, Knowledge Laboratory, 2010.
3. Bosova L.L. Informatics and ICT. Textbook for grade 8. - M .: BINOM, Knowledge Laboratory, 2011.
4. The use of modern information and communication technologies in educational process: study guide / Compiled by: D.P. Tevs, V.N. Podkovyrova, E.I.. Apolskikh, M.V. Afonina... - Barnaul: BSPU, 2006.
5. Volkova I.A. N.V. ShparutaModern lesson with an interactive whiteboard ActiveBoard. - Yekaterinburg: IRO, 2012.
6. TRKM - technology for the development of critical thinking. //
7. TRKM - pedagogical technologies. //
8. Techniques and strategies of TRKM //
9. Interactive boards Hitachi // Infologics.

The reform of the national school, which has been going on for more than a decade, has entered a new round. Today we can say that the reality of the transformations outlined in the school largely depends on the reality of the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT). However, the process of informatization is not only the provision of schools with computer technology, but also the solution of content problems, the introduction of new pedagogical technologies, new methods and organizational forms of educational work.

The federal component of the state standard, developed taking into account the main directions of modernization of education, is focused "not only on knowledge, but primarily on the activity component of education, which makes it possible to increase the motivation of learning, to the greatest extent to realize the abilities, capabilities, needs and interests of the child" (1 ). Therefore, it is no coincidence that one of the main goals of studying the subject "Informatics and ICT" at the level of general education is the development of the cognitive activity of students.

In our work, we, teachers, pay special attention to the problem of creating and increasing motivation to study computer science at school.

In practice, in the study of any school discipline, words can be used, such as:

“In modern society, one cannot live without knowledge of physics (computer science, chemistry, biology, history, ... - you can substitute any subject from the school schedule here)”. But in reality, children see that many poorly educated people live much better than teachers and university professors. So this technique of creating motivation is ineffective.

But kids have an intrinsic motivation to learn computer science. Though occasionally, but from the students sometimes you can hear the phrase “Why do I need computer science? "I'm not going to be this and that." This usually happens when it is necessary to study the mathematical aspects of computer science (theory of algorithms, mathematical logic, computational methods, etc.).

The motive for studying computer science, of course, is primarily an interest in a computer. He bewitches children with the secret of his power and demonstration of all the new possibilities. He is ready to be a friend and helper, he is able to entertain and connect with the whole world.

However, every day, for most children, the computer becomes a virtual household appliance and loses its mysterious halo, and with it its motivational power.

We noticed that, despite the declarations of some students “I will not teach this because it will never be needed”, they sound much more often than “I will not teach because it is not interesting”. Thus, we have adopted the fact that in creating motivation, interest always takes precedence over pragmatics.

Development of cognitive activity of students in computer science lessons.

The factors shaping the cognitive activity of students can be built in the following chain:

Motives determine the cognitive interests of students and their selectivity, independence of teaching, ensure its activity at all stages.

Over the past few years, the motives for studying the subject have changed. The presence of a large number of interesting ready-made software products reduced the students' desire for theoretical computer science (information theory, the foundations of logic, computer hardware, programming). Independent development of game programs, the ability to perform some technological operations creates for many students the illusion that they know everything and they have nothing to learn in the lesson. On the other hand, the need to study computer science after graduation from high school while further education is a positive internal motive.

Taking into account that the motives of students are formed through their needs and interests (Need ® Interest ® Motive), the teacher should direct all efforts to the development of the cognitive interests of students. Interest is the only motive that supports daily work in a normal way, it is necessary for creativity, no skill is formed without sustained cognitive interest. Developing a stable cognitive interest is a long and complex process. What is needed is a system of strictly thought-out methods leading from curiosity to interest, from an unstable interest to an increasingly stable, deep cognitive interest, which is characterized by a tension of thought, an effort of will, a manifestation of feelings, an active search, aimed at solving cognitive tasks, that is, to such interest that becomes a property of the person.

I ensure the development of cognitive interests in informatics and ICT lessons by setting myself and trying to complete the following tasks every hour:

    types and forms of teaching a lesson, control of knowledge (excluding the effect of "addiction", template);

    active use of forms of students' independent work, self-control, mutual control;

    the art of a teacher, as a lecturer, orator;

    the art of the teacher in communicating with students (using different styles, positions, roles);

    creating a favorable psychological climate

Consider some of the techniques that allow you to enhance the cognitive activity of students in computer science and ICT lessons.

The first method: an appeal to the life experience of children.

The technique consists in the fact that the teacher discusses with the students well-known situations, the understanding of the essence of which is possible only when studying the proposed material. It is only necessary that the situation is really vital, and not far-fetched.

So, when studying topics on Databases, the following situation can be cited as a vivid example - the purchase of a product. First, together with the children, you need to decide on the type of purchased product. For example, it will be a monitor. Then the question of his technical characteristics(Note one more advantage of such a conversation - the children, imperceptibly for themselves, simultaneously repeat the previously studied material from the topic "PC hardware"). Next, you need to consider all the possibilities of purchasing a monitor with the characteristics named by the children. The options offered by children are very diverse, but such a method will certainly sound like finding a company specializing in the sale of office equipment via the Internet. Thus, it is possible to search for specific information in databases, which, by the way, is the main topic of the lesson.

I would like to note that the appeal to the life experience of children is always accompanied by an analysis of their own actions, their own state, sensations (reflection). And since these emotions should only be positive, then it is necessary to impose restrictions on the choice of what can be used to create motivation. Allowing children to be carried away by reasoning about an idea that has arisen can easily lose focus.

In addition, referring to children's experiences is not only a technique for creating motivation. More importantly, students see the applicability of the knowledge they acquire in practice... After all, it is no secret that for many school disciplines, students have no idea how they can apply the knowledge they receive.

Method two: creating a problem situation or resolving paradoxes

Undoubtedly, for many of us this technique is regarded as universal. It consists in the fact that a certain problem is posed to the students, overcoming which, the student masters the knowledge, abilities and skills that he needs to learn according to the program. We think that the creation of a problem situation does not always guarantee interest in the problem. And here you can use some paradoxical moments in the described situation.

Example 1:

Lesson topic:Computer simulation of physical processes (grade 8)

Target: introduce the concepts of a computer model and a computer experiment. ...

Short story of the teacher:

Each of you more than once fell under the warm cheerful summer rain. Or under the autumn drizzle. Let's estimate the speed of a drop near the surface of the Earth that fell from a height of 8 km. In physics lessons, you learned the formula for the speed of a body when it moves in a gravity field, if the initial speed was zero: V = root (2gh), that is: speed = root (2 * acceleration * height)

Students count and get speed = 400 m / s

But a drop flying at such a speed is like a bullet, its impact would pierce through the window glass. And this does not happen. What's the matter?

The paradox is obvious. How to solve it is usually interesting to everyone.

As a paradoxical situation, we also use sophisms.

You, of course, know that sophisms are deliberate errors in reasoning in order to confuse the interlocutor.


2 x 2 = 5.


We have a numerical identity 4: 4 = 5: 5

Factor out the common factor 4 (1: 1) = 5 (1: 1)

The numbers in brackets are equal, they can be abbreviated,

We get: 4 = 5 (!?)


The deliberate creation of a problem situation in the title of the topic of the lesson also works very effectively. “How to measure the amount of information”, in our opinion, is much more interesting than the dull “Units of information measurement”. "How computations are implemented in a computer" - instead of: "The logical principles of a computer." “What is an algorithm” - instead of the usual “Concept of an algorithm”, etc.

The third method: a role-based approach and, as a consequence, a business game.

In this case, the student (or a group of students) is invited to play the role of one or another actor, for example, the formal executor of the algorithm. The performance of the role makes you focus on those conditions, the assimilation of which is the educational goal.

The use of this form of lesson as a business game can be viewed as a development of a role-based approach. In a business game, each student has a very specific role. The preparation and organization of a business game requires many-sided and thorough preparation, which in turn guarantees the success of such a lesson among students.

Playing is always more interesting for everyone than learning. After all, even adults, playing with pleasure, as a rule, do not notice the learning process. Usually, business games are convenient for solving economic problems. This is what we do when conducting integrated lessons of ICT + Economics.

Fourth trick: solution non-standard tasks for ingenuity and logic.

In other words, we call this type of work "Breaking your head"

Problems of this nature are offered to students either as a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, or for relaxation, changing the type of work during the lesson, and sometimes for additional solutions at home. In addition, such tasks make it possible to identify gifted children.

Some of these tasks are:

Example 1. Caesar's cipher

This encryption method is based on replacing each letter of the text with another by shifting the alphabet from the original letter by a fixed number of characters, and the alphabet is read in a circle. For example, the word byte when shifted two characters to the right, encoded with a word gvlt.

Decipher the word NULTHSYOUGCHLV, encoded with the Caesar cipher. It is known that each letter of the source text is replaced by the third letter after it. (Answer: Cryptography- the science of the principles, means and methods of transforming information to protect it from unauthorized access and distortion.)

Example 2.

When studying programming, we offer a poem written in the 60s by the programmer S.A. Markov, in which it is necessary to count the number of words associated with the syntax of the programming language (reserved words, operator names, types of values, etc.)

Start light of spring

The forests are greenarrays

Blooming.AND linden,and aspen

AND ate thoughts are clear.

To myselfappropriated this may

Rights to dress with foliagebranches ,

AND whole month in the showertags

He casually arranges ...

AND easy to writeline ,

AND brushes are torn to the sketchbook,

Is leavingLying in disguisetruths ,

And I tell her:while !

Example 3. Classic problem: "tea - coffee"

The values ​​of two quantities a and b are given. Exchange their values.

A head-on decision a = b, b = a will not give any result. How to be?

And since the contents of two cups are exchanged, one of which contains coffee, and the other contains tea. Need a third cup! That is, a third auxiliary variable is required. Then: c = a, a = b, b = c.

But it turns out that the third variable can be omitted. Usually children say: “It can't be!” But it turns out, maybe, and even in several ways, for example: a = a + b, b = a-b, a = a-b.

Beautiful, is not it?! There are still at least 7 ways that we invite children to find on their own. And at the same time solve the following problem: given the values ​​of three variables a, b, c. Write a program after which the value b will have the value a, c = b, a = c. Do not apply additional variables. How many ways will children find ?!

Fifth trick: games and contests

We all know how difficult it is to keep a child's attention during a lesson or a couple. To solve this problem, we offer game and competitive situations of the following nature:

Example 1: The game “Believe it, you don’t believe”

Do you believe that ...

    Microsoft founder and CEO Bill Gates did not receive higher education(Yes)

    There were the first versions of personal computers that did not have a hard magnetic disk (yes)

    England has Winchester cities, Adapter and Digitizer (none)

    In addition to 3.5 '' and 5.25 '' floppy disks, 8 '' floppy disks were previously used

Example 2. Competition "Look for answers in the given text"

Children are given texts in which some consecutive letters of several words form terms related to informatics and computers. For example,

    "This process op nitologists call migration "

    “This old co mod em I inherited from my grandmother "

    “He always had for pass kal cheaters "

As a reward for the best results of students' work in the classroom, we offer surprises - secret games built into office programs. The process of launching such games also helps students master the skills of working with any office program more deeply.

Sixth method: crosswords, scanwords, rebuses, creative compositions, etc.

Familiar for children (and many teachers!) Such methods of control of knowledge as control, independent work, dictations, etc., cause them discomfort, excitement, which affects the results.

You can check the knowledge of students by offering them work both on guessing crosswords and on their own development. For example, having studied the section "Test editor", as a final work, students need to create a crossword puzzle on one of the topics in this section using the table. A similar kind of work can be done with spreadsheets.

Also very effective in the junior and middle management is such a type of work as writing a fairy tale., a fantastic story or story, the main characters of which may be the computer devices, programs, etc. studied in the lessons.

Types and forms of the lesson also play an important role. Once, with the help of a simple ten-minute game, I managed to wake up the real in my students, and at the same time achieve the didactic goals of self-control and self-esteem. Learning about operations with files and folders is considered an easy topic for teachers and students. But further practice shows that students absolutely cannot use the "Find files" operation in real life. It was necessary for this operation and a smallto state the theory in the problematic version “Have you lost the file ?!”, and to come up with a small game - “Secret”. Each student at his computer in a text editor writes a message, and then hides it in any folder (as in a child's game hiding "Secret"). The path to the file (here's the actualization, which is also not very common in the computer science course) is written down in a notebook. On a separate sheet of paper they write a note in which they indicate the attributes of the file search, i.e. what is known about him. After that, the students change places, move in a circle. They read the left notes and use the search engine to search for the file. Those who found it, write down the path of the found file, read the message. It turned out that finding the file was a matter of honor for everyone. And how much joy it was when the file was found, and fun when it was read. But there were also "wrong" notes. Then the student could not find the file and often "in his own way" expressed to the previous friend what he thought of him. But there was no offense, since everyone was already wondering "How to find such a file?" And this has already been solved together, because finding a file about which almost nothing is known is also a solvable task.

Project work allows students to acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complicated practical tasks of the project. When organizing project work, I try to subordinate the maximum number of stages and tasks of the project to the didactic goals of educational work. Those. I try to ensure that project work does not distract students from passing the program material, solving the necessary range of practical problems, and also does not lead to a significant increase in the teaching load.

Pupils perform the following design work: "Review of the statement" (text editorMSWORD), "Nature has no bad hikes" (spreadsheetMSExcel), "My database" (DBMSMSAccess), "They are met by clothes" (comparative analysis of operating systems)

The development of students' creative abilities and the impact on the process of creative self-development should take place in an atmosphere of psychological comfort, trust in the teacher, with whom you can discuss your problems and difficulties, and identify real opportunities for spiritual and intellectual growth. Showing a kind, respectful attitude towards students, I form their desire for self-education, self-education, self-determination through self-knowledge.

The analysis of this problem allows us to draw generalizing conclusions and practical recommendations:

    Success in the development of cognitive activity largely depends on the nature of the relationship between teacher and students. A positive result will be achieved only if these relations bear a positive character of mutual understanding and respect.

    In his activities, the teacher must take into account the contradictory nature of the cognitive process. A constantly encountered contradiction in the process of cognition is the contradiction between the individual experience of students and the acquired knowledge. This contradiction creates good prerequisites for creating problem situations as a pedagogical condition for the development of cognitive activity.

    The teacher must be able to highlight the dominant motives. Having realized them, he can have a significant impact on the motivational sphere of students.

    Working on the development of the cognitive activity of students, the teacher should pay a lot of attention to the problem of cognitive interest. Acting as an external stimulus for learning, cognitive interest is the most powerful means of developing cognitive activity. The art of the teacher is to make the cognitive interest for students personally meaningful and sustainable.

    An important pedagogical condition for the development of cognitive activity is the introduction of students to independent work. When teaching to study independently, the teacher should strive to ensure that the self-educational work of students is characterized by purposefulness and consistency.

    To solve the problem of developing the cognitive activity of students, it is important that they not so much receive ready-made knowledge as rediscover it. In this case, the task of the teacher is to arouse the attention of students, their interest in study topic, to strengthen cognitive activity on this basis. It is desirable that, through the widespread use of independent work, the teacher strives to ensure that the problem is posed by the students themselves. It is also important that the teacher is able to determine and implement the optimal degree of difficulty of the problem situation (its difficulty and, at the same time, its feasibility).

    In complex pedagogical conditions and the means of developing the cognitive activity of students, the content of the studied material is decisive. It is the content of the subject that is one of the leading motives for the development of cognitive interest in schoolchildren. The selection of the content of the educational material should be made taking into account the interests of the students. When selecting the content of the material, it is necessary to take into account its prospects, practical and personal significance for students, relevance.

    To solve the problem of developing the cognitive activity of students, it is important to use active teaching methods that are adequate to the content of the material. In this case, it is possible to teach students to apply their knowledge in new and unusual situations, i.e. develop elements of creative thinking.

    Emphasizing the advantages of our proposed conditions for the development of students' cognitive activity, one should pay attention to the fact that such training cannot completely supplant the traditional information and communication. Much of the knowledge, especially when the teaching material is complex enough, can and should be acquired by students using traditional methods. Our research has shown that success in solving the problem of developing students' cognitive activity lies in the optimal combination of innovative and traditional teaching methods.

2014-2015 academic year

The reform of the national school, which has been going on for more than a decade, has entered a new round. Today we can say that the reality of the transformations outlined in the school largely depends on the reality of the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT). However, the process of informatization is not only the provision of schools with computer technology, but also the solution of content problems, the introduction of new pedagogical technologies, new methods, forms and techniques of educational work.

The federal component of the state standard, developed taking into account the main directions of modernization of education, is focused "not only on knowledge, but primarily on the activity component of education, which allows increasing the motivation of learning, to the greatest extent to realize the abilities, capabilities, needs and interests of the child." Therefore, it is no coincidence that one of the main goals of studying the subject "Informatics and ICT" at the level general education is the development of cognitive activity of students.

The goal of a computer science and ICT teacher is to contribute to the formation of a personality capable of living in an information society.

Method - a way of joint activity of a teacher and a student in order to solve certain problems.

Classification of teaching methods.

One of the acute problems of modern didactics is the problem of classifying teaching methods. There is currently no single point of view on this issue. Due to the fact that different authors base the division of teaching methods into groups and subgroups different signs, there are a number of classifications.

The earliest classification is the division of teaching methods into methods of work of the teacher (story, explanation, conversation) and methods of work of students (exercises, independent work).

Classification of teaching methods according to the source of knowledge is widespread. In accordance with this approach, the following are distinguished:

a) verbal methods (the source of knowledge is the spoken or printed word);

b) visual methods (observable objects, phenomena, visual aids are the source of knowledge);

c) practical methods (students gain knowledge and develop skills by performing practical actions).

Let's take a closer look at this classification.

VERBAL METHODS. Verbal methods occupy a leading place in the system of teaching methods. Verbal methods are divided into the following types: story, explanation, conversation, discussion, lecture, work with a book.

Working with textbook and book - the most important teaching method. There are a number of techniques for independent work with printed sources. The main ones are:

- Design

- Drawing up a text plan

- Testifying

- Citations


- Reviewing

-Creation of a formal-logical model

-Creating a thematic thesaurus

The second group according to this classification is made up of visual teaching methods.

VISUAL METHODS. Visual teaching methods are understood as those methods in which the assimilation of educational material is significantly dependent on the visual aids and technical aids used in the learning process. Visual methods are used in conjunction with verbal and practical teaching methods.

Visual teaching methods can be conditionally divided into two large groups: the method of illustrations and the method of demonstrations.

M illustration method involves showing students illustrative aids: posters, tables, pictures, maps, sketches on the board, etc.

Demonstration method usually associated with the demonstration of films, filmstrips, etc.

PRACTICAL METHODS. Practical teaching methods are based on the practical activities of the students. Practical skills and abilities are formed by these methods. Practical methods include exercises, laboratory work, and hands-on work.

Currently, the following active teaching methods are the most common:

    practical experiment ;

    method of projects - a form of organization of the educational process, focused on the creative self-realization of the student's personality, the development of his intellectual and physical capabilities, volitional qualities and creative abilities in the process of creating new products that have objective or subjective novelty and have practical significance;

    group discussions - group discussions on a specific issue in relatively small groups of students (from 6 to 15 people);

    brainstorm - a specialized method of group work aimed at generating new ideas, stimulating creative thinking each participant;

    business games - the method of organizing the active work of students, aimed at developing certain recipes for effective educational and professional activities;

    role-playing games - a method used to assimilate new knowledge and practice certain skills in the field of communication. Role-playing game assumes the participation of at least two "players", each of whom is invited to conduct targeted communication with each other in accordance with a given role;

    basketball method - teaching method based on simulation of situations. For example, the trainee is offered to act as a tour guide in a museum of computer technology. In the materials for preparation, he receives all the necessary information about the exhibits presented in the hall;

    trainings - training, in which, in the course of living or modeling specially assigned situations, students have the opportunity to develop and consolidate the necessary knowledge and skills, to change their attitude to their own experience and the approaches used in work;

    training using computer training programs ;

Consider some of the techniques that allow you to enhance the cognitive activity of students in computer science and ICT lessons.

The first method: an appeal to the life experience of children.

The technique consists in the fact that the teacher discusses with the students well-known situations, the understanding of the essence of which is possible only when studying the proposed material. It is only necessary that the situation is really vital, and not far-fetched.

So, when studying topics on Databases, the following situation can be cited as a vivid example - the purchase of a product. First, together with the children, you need to decide on the type of purchased product. For example, it will be a monitor. Then the question of its technical characteristics is resolved (we note another advantage of such a conversation - the children, imperceptibly for themselves, simultaneously repeat the previously studied material from the topic “PC hardware”). Next, you need to consider all the possibilities of purchasing a monitor with the characteristics named by the children. The options offered by children are very diverse, but such a method will certainly sound like finding a company specializing in the sale of office equipment via the Internet. Thus, it is possible to search for specific information in databases, which, by the way, is the main topic of the lesson.

I would like to note that the appeal to the life experience of children is always accompanied by an analysis of their own actions, their own state, sensations (reflection). And since these emotions should only be positive, then it is necessary to impose restrictions on the choice of what can be used to create motivation. Allowing children to be carried away by reasoning about an idea that has arisen can easily lose focus.

Method two: creating a problem situation or resolving paradoxes

Undoubtedly, for many of us this technique is regarded as universal. It consists in the fact that a certain problem is posed to the students, overcoming which, the student masters the knowledge, abilities and skills that he needs to learn according to the program. We think that the creation of a problem situation does not always guarantee interest in the problem. And here you can use some paradoxical moments in the described situation.

The deliberate creation of a problem situation in the title of the topic of the lesson also works very effectively. “How to measure the amount of information”, in our opinion, is much more interesting than the dull “Units of information measurement”. "How computations are implemented in a computer" - instead of: "The logical principles of a computer." “What is an algorithm” - instead of the usual “Concept of an algorithm”, etc.

The third method: a role-based approach and, as a consequence, a business game.

The use of this form of lesson as a business game can be viewed as a development of a role-based approach. In a business game, each student has a very specific role. The preparation and organization of a business game requires many-sided and thorough preparation, which in turn guarantees the success of such a lesson among students.

Playing is always more interesting for everyone than learning. After all, even adults, playing with pleasure, as a rule, do not notice the learning process. Usually, it is convenient to conduct business games as a repetition of material.

The fourth method: solving non-standard problems with ingenuity and logic.

In other words, we call this type of work"Breaking your head"

Problems of this nature are offered to students either as a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, or for relaxation, changing the type of work during the lesson, and sometimes for additional solutions at home. In addition, such tasks make it possible to identifygifted children.

Some of these tasks are:

Example 1. Caesar's cipher

This encryption method is based on replacing each letter of the text with another by shifting the alphabet from the original letter by a fixed number of characters, and the alphabet is read in a circle. For example, the wordbyte when shifted two characters to the right, encoded with a wordgvlt.

Decipher the wordNULTHSYOUGCHLV , encoded with the Caesar cipher. It is known that each letter of the source text is replaced by the third letter after it. (Answer:Cryptography - the science of the principles, means and methods of transforming information to protect it from unauthorized access and distortion.)

Example 2.

When studying programming, we offer a poem written in the 60s by the programmer S.A. Markov, in which it is necessary to count the number of words associated with the syntax of the programming language (reserved words, operator names, types of values, etc.)

Start light of spring

The forests are green arrays

Blooming. AND linden, and aspen

AND ate thoughts are clear.

To myself appropriated this may

Rights to dress with foliage branches ,

AND whole month in the shower tags

He casually arranges ...

AND easy to write line ,

AND brushes are torn to the sketchbook,

Is leaving Lying in disguise truths ,

And I tell her: while !

Example 3. Classic problem: "tea - coffee"

The values ​​of two quantities a and b are given. Exchange their values.

Solution: a = b, b = a will not give any result. How to be?

And since the contents of two cups are exchanged, one of which contains coffee, and the other contains tea. Need a third cup! That is, a third auxiliary variable is required. Then: c = a, a = b, b = c.

But it turns out that the third variable can be omitted. Usually children say: “It can't be!”. It turns out that it can, and even in several ways, for example: a = a + b, b = a-b, a = a-b.

Fifth trick: games and contests

We all know how difficult it is to keep a child's attention during a lesson or a couple. To solve this problem, we offer game and competitive situations of the following nature:

Example 1: The game “Believe it, you don’t believe”

Do you believe that ...

    Microsoft founder and CEO Bill Gates never graduated (yes)

    There were the first versions of personal computers that did not have a hard magnetic disk (yes)

    If the contents of two files are combined in one file, then the size of the new file may be less than the sum of the sizes of the two original files (yes)

    England has Winchester cities, Adapter and Digitizer (none)

Example 2. Competition "Look for answers in the given text"

Children are given texts in which some consecutive letters of several words form terms related to informatics and computers. For example,

    Thisprocess op nitologists call migration "

    This old komod em I inherited from my grandmother "

    He always had forpass kal cheaters "

Sixth method: crosswords, scanwords, rebuses, creative compositions, etc.

Such methods of knowledge control, familiar to children (and many teachers!), Such as control, independent work, dictations, etc., cause discomfort and excitement in them, which affects the results.

You can check the knowledge of students by offering them work both on guessing crosswords and on their own development. For example, having studied the section "Test editor", as a final work, students need to create a crossword puzzle on one of the topics in this section using the table. A similar kind of work can be done with spreadsheets.

Also very effective in the junior and middle management is such a type of work as writing a fairy tale. , a fantastic story or story, the main characters of which may be the computer devices, programs, etc. studied in the lessons.

Project work allows studentsto acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complicated practical tasks of the project. When organizing project work, I try to subordinate the maximum number of stages and tasks of the project to the didactic goals of educational work. Those. I try to ensure that project work does not distract students from passing the program material, solving the necessary range of practical problems, and also does not lead to a significant increase in the teaching load.

Students perform the following design work: "My portfolio" (editorMSPowerPoint), "Using tabular methods in various fields of knowledge" (tabular processorMSExcel), "My database" (DBMSMSAccess), "They are greeted by their clothes" ( comparative analysis operating systems and antivirus programs)

Essay Writing Technique

"Internet. Friend or foe? "

You can endlessly answer this difficult question. And argue to the point of hoarseness who is right.

An example of a task for universal logical actions.

Five athletes took part in the running competition. Victor failed to take first place. Grigory was overtaken not only by Dmitry, but by another athlete who lagged behind Dmitry. Andrey reached the finish line not the first, but not the last either. Boris finished immediately after Victor.

Who took what place in the competition?

The main hallmark rational interactive teaching methods is the initiative of students in the educational process, which is stimulated by the teacher from the position of a partner-assistant. The course and result of learning takes on personal significance for all participants in the process and allows students to develop the ability to independent decision assigned tasks.

"Pedagogical methods of UUD formation at informatics lessons"


computer science teachers

MBOU "Podoinitsynskaya secondary school"

Cherentsova Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Hello, dear colleagues!

I am glad to welcome you to my master class.

Show your mood with a matching card.

(I also show).

The topic of my Master class "Learn learns."

The purpose of the master class: Introduce colleagues to the flipped classroom blended learning model and how it can be applied in teaching computer science.

Tasks of the master:

Summarizing the work experience of a computer science teacher,

The teacher's transfer of his experience through direct and commented demonstration of the sequence of actions, methods, techniques and forms of pedagogical activity.

Joint development methodological approaches teachers and methods of solving the problem posed in the master class program.

Why I named my master class "Teach to learn" because the development of the foundations of the ability to learn (the formation of universal educational actions) is defined by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of the second generation as one of the most important tasks of education. New requests define the following goals of education: general cultural, personal and cognitive development students, the decision is key pedagogical task"Teach to learn".

How to do it? Modern teachers are looking for various methods and means to stimulate students to study subjects. Well, once again, wandering around the Internet in search of something interesting and original. I drew attention to such a form of teaching as "flipped lesson" or "flipped class" as a form of blended learning. What is "mixing" here? Blended learning refers to the traditional classroom system and learning using distance forms... Those. pupils are given access to home electronic resources(video tutorials, presentations and not only video reports "from the scene", excerpts from TV programs, interviews, slide shows, interactive material, etc.) on the topic that will be dealt with in the next lesson.

That is, acquaintance with new topic children should do it at home, and in the classroom, together with the teacher and classmates, study and research it, find out the questions that they could not answer on their own. Thus, when constructing teaching according to the “inverted classroom” model, the teacher becomes not a source of knowledge, but a consultant and organizer of educational activities.

I will acquaint you with a fragment of a lesson conducted on this model.

: frontal, steam room, individual.

Assessment sheets are distributed to children before the lesson begins.

Preparing students for the lesson

In the previous lesson, students were given an assignment.

2. Continue the phrase:

1. Information is………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (this is knowledge and information about the world around us, obtained from various sources).


Therefore, we begin the lesson with a discussion of the completed assignment, which the students sent for verification, and it was checked by the teacher. The task of the current stage of the lesson is to check the degree of comprehension of the material by the students.

What are the types of information according to the form of perception? Give examples.

(human senses)

What are the types of information in the form of presentation? Give examples.

(numerical, textual, graphic, sound, video information)

Complete tasks in RT: No. 2, No. 3

I propose to complete creative tasks number 4

Students can perform tasks independently or in pairs (at choice).

(the formation of communicative UUD, and we offer the right to choose)

We check the assignments, and invite the children to evaluate each other's creativity (on a 5-point scale).

So, with the help of our senses, we receive signals from outside world and get to know him.

Then I propose to answer the questions within 3 minutes:


How do you rate your work in the lesson?

What tasks were easy and interesting for you to complete? Why?

What tasks do not you understand, did you find it difficult to complete them at the beginning of the lesson?

What kind UUD formed during the lesson and preparation for it?


Conditions for acquiring knowledge and skills, conditions for creativity and self-realization, mastering new types of independent activities.


Ability to set personal goals and define learning goals

Ability to make a decision

Implementation of individual educational activities


Search for information, fixation (recording), structuring, presentation of information

Creation of a holistic picture of the world based on our own experience.


Ability to express your thoughts

Digital communication

Ability to work in pairs.

Is it possible and necessary to turn everything over at once? Of course not. Students should also be ready to learn from this model. Therefore, the transition must be gradual. And, in my opinion, starting from grades 5-6 no more than 10% of lessons on those topics that will be available to students for independent study, where they have some knowledge or have life experience. The homework assignment should not be limited only to viewing the resources, it is imperative to give an assignment to comprehend the material viewed: make a synopsis, prepare questions for discussion in the classroom, find answers to the teacher's questions, complete the assignment, etc. That is, study work at home should imply the analysis and synthesis of educational material.

What resources can a teacher use in preparing a lesson?

1. Your own recordings of video lessons, presentations.

2. Use ready-made (for example, on the sites,,, videos, documentaries, etc. All this, if desired, can be found in The Internet.

Problems and difficulties that arise or may arise.

1. At the first stages, about 10% of students will conscientiously treat the thoughtful completion of the assignment (and this is good). Therefore, the teacher needs to come up with some kind of powerful incentive so that the child, having reached the computer, does not get carried away with playing or communicating on the network, but watching educational material.

2. Technical difficulties (lack of Internet access at home) may arise, especially in rural areas. In this case, the teacher must organize a viewing at school or dump the information on drives.

3. The teacher will need 2 times more time to prepare the lesson.

Sources used:

1. Bosova LL, Bosova A. Yu. Control and measuring materials in computer science for grades V-VII. // Computer science at school: Supplement to the journal “Informatics and education”, No. - M .: Education and Informatics, 2007.-104 p.

2. Bosova LL Modern lesson of informatics in basic school, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

5. Bogdanova Diana. Inverted lesson. [Electronic resource] URL: http: //

6. Kharitonova Maria Vladimirovna. [Electronic resource] URL: http: //



Master class for teachers of informatics "Teach to learn"

"Pedagogical methods of UUD formation at informatics lessons"


computer science teachers

MBOU "Podoinitsynskaya secondary school"

Cherentsova Nadezhda Alexandrovna


Hello, dear colleagues!

I am glad to welcome you to my master class.

Show your mood with a matching card.

(I also show).

The topic of my Master class"Learn learns."

The purpose of the master class: to acquaint colleagues with the flipped classroom blended learning model and the possibility of its application in teaching computer science.

Tasks of the master:

Summarizing the work experience of a computer science teacher,

The teacher's transfer of his experience through direct and commented demonstration of the sequence of actions, methods, techniques and forms of pedagogical activity.

Joint development of the teacher's methodological approaches and methods for solving the problem posed in the master class program.

Why I named my master class "Teach to learn" because the development of the foundations of the ability to learn (the formation of universal educational actions) is defined by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of the second generation as one of the most important tasks of education. New requests determine the following goals of education: general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, the solution of the key pedagogical task “to teach to learn”.

How to do it? Modern teachers are looking for various methods and means to stimulate students to study subjects. Well, once again, wandering around the Internet in search of something interesting and original. I drew attention to such a form of teaching as "flipped lesson" or "flipped class" as a form of blended learning. What is "mixing" here? Blended learning refers to the traditional classroom system and distance learning. Those. pupils are given home access to electronic resources (video lessons, presentations and not only video reports "from the scene", excerpts from TV programs, interviews, slideshows, interactive material, etc.) on a topic that will be dealt with in the next lesson.

That is, the children should get acquainted with the new topic at home, and in the classroom, together with the teacher and classmates, study and research it, find out the questions that they could not answer on their own. Thus, when constructing teaching according to the “inverted classroom” model, the teacher becomes not a source of knowledge, but a consultant and organizer of educational activities.

I will acquaint you with a fragment of a lesson conducted on this model.

Fragment training session in the 5th grade on the topic "Information around us" (EMC L. L. Bosovoy)

Forms of organizing educational activities: frontal, steam room, individual.

Assessment sheets are distributed to children before the lesson begins.

  1. Continue the phrase:
  1. Information is………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (this is knowledge and information about the world around us, obtained from various sources).
  1. Information actions are actions related to ……………………………………………… ..

Therefore, we begin the lesson with a discussion of the completed assignment, which the students sent for verification, and it was checked by the teacher. The task of the current stage of the lesson is to check the degree of comprehension of the material by the students.

What are the types of information according to the form of perception? Give examples.

(human senses)

What are the types of information in the form of presentation? Give examples.

(numerical, textual, graphic, sound, video information)

Complete tasks in RT: No. 2, No. 3

I propose to complete creative tasks number 4

Students can perform tasks independently or in pairs (at choice).

(the formation of communicative UUD, and we offer the right to choose)

We check the assignments, and invite the children to evaluate each other's creativity (on a 5-point scale).

So, with the help of our senses, we receive signals from the external world and cognize it.

Then I propose to answer the questions within 3 minutes:

http: // metodist


How do you rate your work in the lesson?

What tasks were easy and interesting for you to complete? Why?

What tasks do not you understand, did you find it difficult to complete them at the beginning of the lesson?

What UUD were formed in the lesson and preparation for it?


Conditions for acquiring knowledge and skills, conditions for creativity and self-realization, mastering new types of independent activities.


Ability to set personal goals and define learning goals

Ability to make a decision

Implementation of individual educational activities


Search for information, fixation (recording), structuring, presentation of information

Creation of a holistic picture of the world based on our own experience.


Ability to express your thoughts

Digital communication

Ability to work in pairs.

Is it possible and necessary to turn everything over at once? Of course not. Students should also be ready to learn from this model. Therefore, the transition must be gradual. And, in my opinion, starting from grades 5-6 no more than 10% of lessons on those topics that will be available to students for independent study, where they have some knowledge or have life experience. The homework assignment should not be limited only to viewing the resources, it is imperative to give an assignment to comprehend the material viewed: make a synopsis, prepare questions for discussion in the classroom, find answers to the teacher's questions, complete the assignment, etc. That is, study work at home should imply the analysis and synthesis of educational material.