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Sumy State University. Sumy State University, SSU

original name Sumy State University
Year of foundation 1948
Type classical
Rector Anatoly Vasilievich Vasiliev
Students ~25 000
The doctors 50
Legal address st. Rimsky-Korsakov, 2

Sumsky State University - higher educational institution in the city of Sumy, Ukraine.


The history of the university began in 1948, when the educational and consulting center of the correspondence polytechnic institute was created.

  • Since 1966, it became a branch of the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute.
  • Since 1990 - Institute of Physics and Technology. By Decree of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine No. 318 of August 26, 1993, Sumy State University was created on the basis of the institute. The university is formed according to the classical type and has the fourth level of accreditation.

As of August 1, 2002, the university had 48 departments in eight faculties, training specialists at four educational and qualification levels, in 26 areas:

  • engineering mechanics
  • computer science
  • energy
  • ecology
  • right
  • philology
  • economics and entrepreneurship
  • management
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Mechanics
  • electronics
  • computerized systems, automation and control
  • medicine
  • electrical engineering
  • automation and computer-integrated technologies
  • chemical technology and engineering
  • trade
  • construction
  • computer engineering
  • engineering materials science
  • military sciences
  • metallurgy
  • specific categories
  • energy management
  • economy
  • protection of natural resources
  • quality, standardization and certification

which cover 55 specialties.

To this day, training is provided at four educational and qualification levels:

  • Junior Specialist
  • bachelor
  • specialist
  • master


As of the beginning of 2010, the university has 6 faculties:

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies
  • Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology
  • Faculty of Economics and Management
  • Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education medical institute Sumy State University
  • Faculty of Advanced Training and Pedagogical Innovation

Faculty of Humanities

  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of History
  • Department of Journalism and Philology
  • Department of Theory and Practice of Translation
  • Department of Germanic Philology
  • Department of Law
  • Department of Political Science, Sociology and Psychology
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Department of Philosophy
  • Department of Language Training for Foreign Students

Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies

  • General chemistry
  • Technologies of mechanical engineering and metal-cutting machines and tools
  • Applied materials science and technology of structural materials
  • Processes and equipment of chemical and oil refining industries
  • Applied hydro-aeromechanics
  • Applied ecology
  • Technical thermophysics
  • General mechanics and dynamics of machines
  • Mathematical analysis and optimization methods
  • Strength of Materials and Engineering Science

Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology

Faculty departments:

  • Department of Computer Science
  • Department of Applied Physics
  • Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
  • Department of Nanoelectronics
  • Department of Computerized Control Systems
  • Department of Electric Power Engineering
  • Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics
  • Department of Complex Systems Modeling
  • Department of General and Theoretical Physics


  • Computer science
  • Electronic instruments and devices
  • Electronic systems
  • Physical and biomedical electronics
  • Information technology design
  • Control and automation systems
  • Electrical power consumption systems
  • Applied Mathematics

Faculty of Economics and Management

  • economics;
  • management;
  • marketing;
  • finance;
  • economic theory.

Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education of the Medical Institute of Sumy State University

Faculty of Advanced Training and Pedagogical Innovation


The university includes: Shostka and Konotop Institutes, Sumy Mechanical Engineering and Shostka Chemical Technology Colleges, Konotop Polytechnic College, educational and consulting centers in Sumy, Poltava, Chernigov and Vinnitsa regions. More than 20 branches of university departments have been opened at industrial enterprises, organizations, and banks.

On the basis of the Military Institute of Artillery it was carried out military training reserve officers from among students. Level of informatization: 20 computer classes, 600 computers.

At the university various forms 10,000 people were trained. Educational process provide more than 2,000 employees, including 500 teachers, of which 250 candidates of science, associate professors, 50 professors, doctors of science.

The university has 10 world-class scientific schools. SSU has close scientific and educational ties with dozens of universities around the world. Prominent scientists of the university are full members of international academies, Soros professors and associate professors, awarded international grants. Young scientists and talented students receive scholarships from the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and local authorities.

There are three specialized scientific councils at SSU: one doctoral and two candidate. In 2000-2001, 4 doctoral and 32 candidate dissertations were defended.

The high level of education at the university is confirmed by the results of student participation in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads. In 2000-2001, in Olympiads at various levels, SSU students took 27 prizes, which is one of the highest figures among all universities in Ukraine.

Sumy State University
original name
Motto Qualitative education secures future
Year of foundation 1948
Type classical
Rector Anatoly Vasilievich Vasiliev
Students 16 363
The doctors 77
Professors 68
Location Sumy, Konotop, Shostka
Legal address Sumy, st. Rimsky-Korsakov, 2
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Sumy State University(ukr. Sumy State University listen)) is a higher education institution in the city of Sumy, Ukraine.

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The history of the university began in 1948, when the educational and consulting center of the correspondence polytechnic institute was created.

As of August 1, 2002, the university had 48 departments in eight faculties, training specialists at four educational and qualification levels, in 26 areas:

  • engineering mechanics
  • mechanical engineering
  • computer science
  • energy
  • ecology
  • right
  • philology
  • economics and entrepreneurship
  • management
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Mechanics
  • electronics
  • computerized systems, automation and control
  • medicine
  • electrical engineering
  • automation and computer-integrated technologies
  • chemical technology and engineering
  • trade
  • construction
  • computer engineering
  • engineering materials science
  • military sciences
  • metallurgy
  • specific categories
  • energy management
  • economy
  • protection of natural resources
  • quality, standardization and certification

which cover 55 specialties.

To this day, training is provided at four educational and qualification levels:

  • Junior Specialist
  • bachelor
  • specialist
  • master


The university includes: Shostka and Konotop Institutes, Sumy Mechanical Engineering and Shostka Chemical Technology Colleges, Konotop Polytechnic College, educational and consulting centers in Sumy, Poltava, Chernigov and Vinnitsa regions. More than 20 branches of university departments have been opened at industrial enterprises, organizations, and banks.

Military training of reserve officers from among students was carried out on the basis of the Military Institute of Artillery. Level of informatization: 20 computer classes, 600 computers.

The university trained 10,000 people in various forms of education. The educational process is provided by more than 2,000 employees, including 500 teachers, of which 250 are candidates of science, associate professors, 50 professors, doctors of science.

The university has 10 scientific schools. SSU has close scientific and educational ties with dozens of universities around the world. Prominent scientists of the university are full members of international academies, Soros professors and associate professors, awarded international grants. Young scientists and talented students receive scholarships from the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and local authorities.

There are four specialized scientific councils at SSU: one doctoral and two candidate. In 2000-2001, 4 doctoral and 32 candidate dissertations were defended.

The decent level of education at the university is confirmed by the results of student participation in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads. In 2000-2001, in Olympiads at various levels, SSU students took 27 prizes, which is one of the highest figures among all universities in Ukraine.

Medical Institute

Accredited to the highest level in Ukraine, IV. Provides training for specialists in the specialties “General Medicine”, “Medical and Preventive Care” and “Dentistry”.

Campuses and buildings

The university has 46 buildings, including:

  • 21 scientific and laboratory buildings with a total area of ​​more than 180,000 m2 (most of the buildings in the adjacent territory are planned to be connected to the Internet using Wi-Fi technology); 151 computer classes with Internet access, virtual simulators and license packages are equipped for teaching students software(2210 educational computers), 48 multimedia lecture halls, laboratories with more than 3,500 units of technical teaching aids;
  • 11 own dormitories;
  • 1 dining room in a separate building; in addition, most buildings have cafeterias and buffets;
  • 1 separate building library and information center with reading rooms (including electronic ones with access to paid databases of electronic documents Liga-Zakon, Dissertations of Russia, Leonorm-Inform, EBSCOhost, CUL Online, HINARI, Grebennikon, Eastview, etc.), a museum, publishing house and printing house .
  • 4 separate sports complexes (including a swimming pool, rowing base, ski base). In addition, separate sports and gyms, a shooting range operate at the educational and laboratory buildings; sports grounds, stadiums and a court are equipped on the territory of the university;
  • 8 workshop buildings;
  • in 2015 [ When?] the university opened its own country sports and recreation camp.

Rating and reputation

Areas of training

Sumy State University (SSU) trains bachelors in the following areas:

  • Automation and control;
  • Humanitarian sciences;
  • Natural Sciences;
  • Journalism and information;
  • Informatics and Computer Science;
  • Mechanical engineering and materials processing;
  • Management and administration;
  • Metallurgy and materials science;
  • Right;
  • Systems Science and cybernetics;
  • Physical and mathematical sciences;
  • Economics and Entrepreneurship;
  • Electronics;
  • Electrical engineering and electromechanics;
  • Energy and power engineering.


  • Systems Engineering


  • Philology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language or Russian language (according to profile). 3. History of Ukraine*.


  • Ecology, protection environment and balanced environmental management
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Chemistry or geography*.


  • Journalism
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Foreign language or Russian language. 3. Creative competition*;
  • Advertising and public relations (by type of activity)
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Foreign language or geography*.


  • Computer science
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or foreign language*.



  • Management
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Geography or foreign language*.


  • Engineering materials science
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or chemistry*.


  • Jurisprudence
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. History of Ukraine. 3. Foreign language or mathematics*.


  • Computer science
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or foreign language*;
  • Applied Mathematics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or foreign language*.


  • Mechanics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or foreign language*.


  • Marketing
  • Finance and credit
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. History of Ukraine or geography*;
  • Enterprise economy
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. History of Ukraine or geography*.


  • Micro- and nanoelectronics
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Physics. 3. Mathematics or chemistry*;
  • Electronic devices and systems
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Physics. 3. Mathematics or chemistry*.


  • Electrical engineering and electrical technology
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or chemistry*.


  • Thermal power engineering
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or chemistry*;
  • Power engineering
    Competitive subjects: 1. Ukrainian language and literature. 2. Mathematics. 3. Physics or chemistry*.

Sumy State University(ukr. Sumy State University listen)) is a higher education institution in the city of Sumy, Ukraine.

The history of the university began in 1948, when the educational and consulting center of the correspondence polytechnic institute was created.

As of August 1, 2002, the university had 48 departments in eight faculties, training specialists at four educational and qualification levels, in 26 areas:

To this day, training is provided at four educational and qualification levels:

The university includes: Shostka and Konotop Institutes, Sumy Mechanical Engineering and Shostka Chemical Technology Colleges, Konotop Polytechnic College, educational and consulting centers in Sumy, Poltava, Chernigov and Vinnitsa regions. More than 20 branches of university departments have been opened at industrial enterprises, organizations, and banks.

Military training of reserve officers from among students was carried out on the basis of the Military Institute of Artillery. Level of informatization: 20 computer classes, 600 computers.

The university trained 10,000 people in various forms of education. The educational process is provided by more than 2,000 employees, including 500 teachers, of which 250 are candidates of science, associate professors, 50 professors, doctors of science.

The university has 10 scientific schools. SSU has close scientific and educational ties with dozens of universities around the world. Prominent scientists of the university are full members of international academies, Soros professors and associate professors, awarded international grants. Young scientists and talented students receive scholarships from the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and local authorities.

There are four specialized scientific councils at SSU: one doctoral and two candidate. In 2000-2001, 4 doctoral and 32 candidate dissertations were defended.

The decent level of education at the university is confirmed by the results of student participation in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads. In 2000-2001, in Olympiads at various levels, SSU students took 27 prizes, which is one of the highest figures among all universities in Ukraine.

Accredited to the highest level in Ukraine, IV. Provides training for specialists in the specialties “General Medicine”, “Medical and Preventive Care” and “Dentistry”.

Has been an associated member of the Eurasian Association of Universities since 2009
(XI Congress of the EAU, 03/10/2009, Astana)

The university began its history in 1948. July 30 at the machine-building plant named after. Frunze created a training and consulting center for the Moscow Correspondence Institute of Metal Industry.

1958 The UCP was transferred to the established Ukrainian Correspondence Polytechnic Institute (Kharkov).

1960 In May, by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, the educational and consulting center was reorganized into the Sumy General Technical Faculty of the Ural Polytechnic Institute.

1965 Ministry of Higher and secondary education The Ukrainian SSR, in execution of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, issued order No. 728 of November 11 on the transfer of the general technical faculty to the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute.

1966 On March 9, order No. 117 was signed on the reorganization of the general technical faculty into the Sumy branch of KhPI. Two faculties have been formed: general technical and mechanical engineering. A day department is open.

1990 By resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, the Sumy branch of the KhPI was transformed into the Sumy Institute of Physics and Technology.

1993 By Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 646 of August 13, Sumy State University was created on the basis of SFTI.

Sumy State University, a classical type university, which today is the most powerful university in the Sumy region.

Studying at different forms training and educational qualification levels of about 22 thousand persons. Of these, about 850 foreign students from almost 60 countries (including from the USA, Western Europe, Australia, all regions of Africa and Asia).

The university is a member of the International Association of Universities, the European Association of Universities, the Eurasian Association of Universities, the World Health Organization, and other international organizations.

SSU has about 50 foreign partners, among which - scientifically educational organizations Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Belgium, Belarus and other countries. University students take part in various programs of foreign practice, academic and cultural exchanges in countries such as Germany, the USA, Turkey, Poland and others.

The University actively participates in international scientific and educational grant projects, in particular the European Framework Program, NATO, INTAS grants, the Marie Curie Program, grants from the National Academies of Sciences European countries, European Commission projects TEMPUS/TACIS. In 2009, Sumy State University, along with leading universities in Germany, Spain, Slovakia, Poland, Russia, Moldova and Armenia, became a coordinator from Ukraine in the consortium of the European Commission TEMPUS project, which aims to create a network educational centers using modern technologies.

By the number of prize places in All-Ukrainian student competitions scientific works SSU occupies leading places among universities in Ukraine (2007-08, current, 2008-09, current ─ 1st position).

According to the number of prize places occupied by university students in All-Ukrainian Olympiads in academic disciplines, areas of training, specialties, the university also occupies leading places among universities in Ukraine.

Well-known scientific schools, recognized at the international level, are fruitfully working at the university, which is confirmed by the ISO 9001:2000 certificate for certain scientific direction. Over the past 4 years, the volume of scientific work on self-supporting topics and international grants has increased almost 20 times.

Developed high-tech library and information system, which includes about 3 million copies on paper, powerful electronic library, has access to the most famous electronic information databases of the world information space. The university library is a diploma winner (II degree diploma) of the All-Ukrainian competition "Library of the Year - 2009".

The university has a powerful computer and telecommunications system, which includes 2.5 thousand computers, a computing cluster, and about 90 computer classes. On the basis of the university there is a branch of the UNESCO Department for information technology, resource and training centers MICROSOFT, CISCO, DELCAM, NETCRACKER, IC, SIEMENS, SUNELECTRONICS and others.

The university has a regional center distance education with corresponding local centers in different regions of Ukraine.

On the basis of SSU, reserve officers are trained for students of universities in Sumy and other regions of Ukraine.

The university has a developed material base, which is being intensively updated, including museums of local history and scientific research, powerful research and educational laboratories, dormitories, sports complexes and the like. There is a student club (amateur artistic activities), a sports club in which 27 sports are cultivated, 37 sports sections, and major league sports teams. Among the student-athletes there are record holders and prize-winners of the World, European, and Ukrainian championships. In July 2009, the university's futsal team won the silver medal at the European Student Championship.

The university is a laureate of the Rating of Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine "Sofia of Kiev", the International Academic Rating of Popularity and Quality "Golden Fortune", and is recognized by the London International Society of Education as a "Higher Education Institution with International Qualifications" in economics majors.