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Great reference book for radio amateurs. Large amateur radio reference book Modern landline communications

Specialized software for electronics engineers allows you to organize work with maximum efficiency, since it makes it possible to automate all processes of creating electronic circuits, as well as to facilitate their calculations. There are quite a few similar programs:

Compilers and programmers for full-featured programming;

Simulators, which are a software package that allows you to accurately debug and simulate complex devices where there may be several microcontrollers at once;

Drawing printed circuit boards - a set of programs that are designed for the design of printed multilayer circuit boards, electronic and computing devices;

The calculation program is a multifunctional calculator that contains as many as three independent calculators;

Programs for working with computer ports, terminals. Allows you to build logical levels for each register;

Programs for reading most documents and book formats;

Measuring instruments on PC.

A microcontroller is a circuit used to control electronic devices. The microcontrollers presented in this section are divided into several main types:

1. Eight-bit embedded microcontrollers.

2. Thirty-two and sixteen-bit microcontrollers.

3. Modern digital signal processors (DSP)

All microcontrollers are specialized professional chips that are designed to accurately and efficiently control the most different types electrical appliances.

Modern circuit design is a scientific and technical direction that covers design problems in general and the study of all circuits of various electronic communication devices and radio engineering, automation, computer technology and many other fields of technology. Circuit engineering can be used to efficiently and accurately design and analyze real electronic devices. At the same time, the circuitry presented in this section really operates with a “scheme”, that is, an abstract representation of the device itself in the form of symbols.

Our online portal offers you an extensive reference material on the main issues of circuit design, engineering electronics, radio electronics and electrical engineering. This section was created to help all novice electricians, technicians and others, so that the search for the necessary information becomes as simple and convenient as possible: you no longer have to look for the necessary information on the Internet and waste your time on it - the most popular reference books are collected in one place!

In order to cover the issues of interest in more detail, it is recommended to use the textbooks on electronics, which are collected in this section of our catalog. Here you will find educational materials in main areas:



Engineering electronics.

Our website presents a wide list of literature for creating various devices, starting from their electronic part, that is, hardware, and ending with the creation of specialized drivers and professional control programs, circuits and circuits.

This section of our Internet portal describes various information and communication networks of recent times, the features of their creation and functioning, and offers you the widest possible list of textbooks and reference books.

The reference materials presented include both studies that are directly or indirectly related to aspects of technical operation, as well as theoretical research approaches to information communications, technology, mobile communications, sensor networks and molecular nano-networks.

Modern radio electronics covers large-scale areas of human knowledge: it provides all kinds of methods for converting and transmitting information. Today, information is most effectively transmitted over long distances using electromagnetic waves, which is why scientific and reference literature related to this topic is in great demand among specialists in the field of electrical engineering.

In this section you will find the most complete list of books covering the most important issues in the theory and practice of creating radio-electronic circuits and devices.

A wide range of microcircuits used in the design and creation of electrical, radio devices and microelectronics includes both domestic and foreign analogues. Our online portal will help you select the necessary elements from foreign analogues of the most commonly used microcircuits.

In this section of the catalog you can select analogues of microcircuits, which will greatly facilitate the search for the necessary parts and speed up the process of creating electrical appliances. Please note that all analogs are distributed depending on the type of series and are listed in alphabetical order.

This section of our catalog contains the best reviews and theoretical information regarding electronics, microelectronics and radio engineering, which we offer to download completely free of charge and without registration. Thanks to the collected collection of thematic magazines, you can read useful articles that describe in detail the models and circuits of various electronics, as well as learn about the features of various devices, circuits, electronic circuits and the features of their construction.

If you are looking for informative, useful articles and other information about electronics, microelectronics, radio engineering and more, you can use this section, which contains materials that cannot be found in popular reference books and textbooks.

Theoretical and practical information, as well as educational texts on a variety of topics affecting the features of creating devices, constructing circuits and the capabilities of various equipment - you can read this and much more on one site, saving your time and learning something new!

302 new professional schemes 2009

The book contains diagrams of ready-made functional blocks or devices: transceivers, temperature measurement and control devices, timers, VCOs, measuring devices, touch switches, test circuits, etc. Each diagram is accompanied by a brief description, is simple, easy to read and does not require much time to create working sample. For professional electronics engineers and radio amateurs Year of release: 2009 Author: Genre: Electronics Publisher: St. Petersburg: BHV-Petsrburg Format: DjVu Size: 12.3 MB Quality: Scanned pages Number of pages: -480 with ill.

This book is devoted to power supplies - both low-frequency and high-frequency. The author did not try to reproduce all versions of existing devices, but gave preference to those that are universal in nature, most clearly represent equipment of this kind and can be made with other parameters and requirements. Each diagram is accompanied by a brief explanation, as well as bibliographic data, allowing additional information to be obtained if necessary. For the convenience of the reader, the book includes: an alphabetical index;

Directory. Memory chips. volume 1. Tech. documentation in PDF for more than 3500 ms memory types

The reference book contains technical documentation in .PDF format for more than 3,500 types of memory chips. All technical documentation for memory chips is sorted by memory chip manufacturer. Each file can be downloaded separately. Download the file of contents of all archives 86 KB, format.xls Manufacturers: ALLIANCE - file size 16 MB. AMD - file size 15 MB. ATMEL - file size 30 MB. CATALYST - file size 2.8 MB. CROSSLINK - file size 5.3 MB. CYPRESS - file size 44 MB.

Electrician's Handbook. V. I. Grigoriev. 2004

Given specifications existing and new electrical equipment: transformers, electric motors, switching devices, cable and overhead lines, etc. Information on electrical measurements, electrical materials, neutral modes, power quality standards, lighting devices, etc. The book is intended for engineers, technicians and craftsmen working on the operation of power supply systems in both industry and agriculture.

Tutorial on programming PIC microcontrollers. Korabelnikov E.A. 2008 + software

The principle of presenting information is the maximum degree of “chewing”, since the “Self-Teacher...” is intended specifically for beginners. So, information will be provided in a certain sequence and according to the principle “from simple to complex.” Please adhere to this sequence and do not move on to the next sections without understanding the previous ones. This is a leisurely affair and does not require fuss. I won’t “lump everything into a heap”; I’ll also try not to create “overexertion”. "Tutorial..." is designed for beginners, but it is assumed that they at least know the basics of digital technology.

Microchip microcontrollers with USB hardware support. Yatsenkop V. S. 2008

Currently, using the USB bus is the most popular method for connecting peripheral devices to a computer. Microchip microcontrollers of the PIC18F2455/2550/4455/4550 series include not only hardware support for the USB bus, but also other popular data exchange protocols, as well as functional modules for timers, ADC, DAC and PWM, which allows you to create a wide variety of terminal devices based on these microcontrollers devices that interact with a personal computer.

Encyclopedia of telephone electronics. Bigelow SD, Winder S, Carr JD 2007

The book describes everything related to such a comprehensive concept as “telephony” - from the design and operation of the simplest disk telephone to the use of fiber optic cables in communication systems, high-definition television and cable modems. The book also provides schemes for coordinating telephone sets with a subscriber line, explains the basic principles of using digital signals to transmit information, and discusses commercial communications systems, voice mail, improving the quality of reception and transmission, satellite and mobile communications.

Satellite antennas, TV, RV, SI-BI, KB, VHF

The designs of satellite, TV, radio, CB, KB, VHF antennas, requirements for antenna systems and feeders are described, methods of calculation, configuration and optimal application are given, technical data, external views and purposes of decimeter, meter and all-wave TV antennas, antennas for receiving television programs via satellites, basic, car mobile CB antennas, KB and VHF antennas for professional and amateur communications. An illustrated review of antenna descriptions based on the book by K. is published.

Revich Yu. V. Entertaining electronics. 2005

Practical examples show how to design, debug and manufacture electronic devices at home. From the physical foundations of electronics, descriptions of the design and operating principles of various radio-electronic components, tips on equipping a home laboratory, the author moves on to specific analog and digital circuits, including devices based on microcontrollers. Basic information on metrology and theoretical foundations of electronics is provided. Many practical recommendations are given: from the principles of proper organization of power supply to obtaining information about devices and purchasing components in relation to Russian conditions.

Chernykh I. V. Modeling of electrical devices in MATLAB, SimPowerSystems and Simulink 2008

The book contains a description of the Simulink application program and the SimPowerSystems block library, designed for modeling electrical devices and systems. The methodology for creating models using the program's graphical interface is discussed, methods for calculating models are described, and the methodology for creating user electrical units is covered in detail. The basic commands for controlling the model from the core of the MATLAB package are given, the mechanism for performing model calculations is considered, and the author’s advice on using the program is given.

USB in electronics: Hulzebosch J. 2009 + CD

The book shows how to create various control systems and devices using custom USB chips without an integrated microcontroller. The basics of USB, hardware (chips, flash modules, etc.), installing drivers and developing programs in Visual Basic are covered. Practical examples of various devices are given, from simple ones (traffic lights, hazard alarms, a device for monitoring the water level in an aquarium, etc.) to more complex ones (remote control tester, EEProm memory recorder, analog-to-digital converter, etc.

Basic information about secondary power sources for radio-electronic equipment, the principles of their operation and construction methods is presented in a popular form. A large number of practical power supply circuits are presented. This book contains information about secondary power sources (SPS) of radio-electronic equipment, the principles of their operation and construction, and also provides a large number of practical diagrams. The material in the book is presented in a form accessible to beginning radio amateurs and does not require any significant preliminary preparation for understanding.

Proteus 7.6 SP0 Rus. Circuit modeling system

Proteus Professional is a circuit modeling system based on models of electronic components adopted in PSpice. A distinctive feature of the Proteus Professional package is the ability to simulate the operation of programmable devices: microcontrollers, microprocessors, DSPs, etc. Additionally, the Proteus Professional package includes a PCB design system. Proteus Professional can simulate the operation of the following microcontrollers: 8051, ARM7, AVR, Motorola, PIC, Basic Stamp.

Electronic Lab v2.2 (Three Phase Chains) Program for calculating three-phase electrical circuits

Electronic Lab (Three phase chains) - A program for calculating three-phase electrical circuits using the symbolic method, has a convenient, intuitive interface. Calculates a three-phase electrical circuit, both with normal and emergency operating modes: when connecting the load with a star - a phase short circuit (short circuit), a line wire break; when connecting the load with a triangle, there is a break in the load phase, a break in the line wire. Electronic Lab (Three phase chains) -

Magazine "Radio Amateur" No. 5 2009 download

CONTENTS TECHNOLOGY HORIZONS 2 News from C-NEWS 3 News from Cisco Systems FLIPING PAGES 4 EL. Yakovlev. Power supply for amateur radio devices from PC 4 Stanislav Levchenko. The soldering iron will not overheat 5 EL. Yakovlev. 448 V source on voltage stabilizer chip 5 Stanislav Levchenko. Electrically conductive adhesive AUTOMATIC 6 Igor Yakovtsov. Multiplex communication system 9 Leonid Ridiko Transistor switch with current protection 10 Alexander Oznobikhin. Personal device 14 Alexander Mankovsky.

Download - Magazine "Radio Amateur" No. 12 2008

CONTENTS HORIZONS OF TECHNOLOGY 2 News from C-NEWS 3 News from Cisco Systems FLIPING THE PAGES 4 E. L. Yakovlev. Leafing through the pages of foreign magazines INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 5 Rinat Myazitoa. Nice things 6 Elena Badlo, Sergey Badlo. Mobile directory of telephone codes AUTOMATIC 10 Alexander Oznobikhin. Network switch with indicator 12 Vladimir Konovalov. Light and music fountain 15 Mikhail Miloslavsky. Two-channel stabilized dimmer 19 Stanislav Levchenko. The lamp lasts longer - Returning to the printed 19 Alexander Oznobikhin.

Type / Series 100xx - 109xx. Analogues of domestic microcircuits.

List of used abbreviations in the microcircuit catalogue. Domestic manufacturers of electronics and microelectronics. - Identification of the manufacturer by the logo on the MS. List of foreign chip manufacturers. National Standards Centers and Independent Testing Organizations Compliance Symbols These symbols are often found on electrical appliances sold throughout the world. Their presence means that the organization that established the standard system has certified the compliance of this product with the requirements of the standard, and (or) an independent testing organization confirms the compliance of the product with the requirements of the standard.

Type / Series 110xx - 119xx. Analogues of domestic microcircuits.

Chip types/series are sorted in alphabetical order. List of domestic microcircuits and their analogues Type/Series Analogue Manufacturer of analogue Purpose 110IL1 SN51515A TI Half adder. 110LB1 SN51512 TI Logic element 6AND-NOT (OR-NOT). 110LB2 SN51512(3/6) TI Logic element 3AND-NOT (OR-NOT). 110LB3 SN51512(4/6) TI Logic element 4I-NOT (OR-NOT). 110LB4 SN51512(5/6) TI Logic element 5AND-NOT (OR-NOT). 110LB5 SN51513 TI Logic element 6AND-NOT (OR-NOT) with emitter follower at output 9.

Analogues of imported microcircuits. Type/Series 1xxxx, 6xxxx

List of used abbreviations in the microcircuit catalogue. Domestic manufacturers of electronics and microelectronics. - Identification of the manufacturer by the logo on the MS. List of foreign chip manufacturers. Symbols of compliance with the standards of National Centers for Standardization and independent testing organizations Types / series of microcircuits are sorted in alphabetical order. List of foreign microcircuits and their domestic analogues Type/Series Manufacturer Domestic analogue Purpose 10G011B GIGABIT 6500LI1 Logic element 2I with output expansion.

Analogues of foreign microcircuits. Type/Series 7xxx

List of used abbreviations in the microcircuit catalogue. Domestic manufacturers of electronics and microelectronics. - Identification of the manufacturer by the logo on the MS. List of foreign chip manufacturers. Symbols of compliance with the standards of National Centers for Standardization and independent testing organizations Types / series of microcircuits are sorted in alphabetical order. List of foreign microcircuits and their domestic analogues Type/Series Manufacturer Domestic analogue Purpose 7250 INTEL 1142AP1 Current shaper for CMD.

Modern landline communications

What is a radiotelephone? This is a bright device with which everyone can easily and conveniently make calls around the city. In particular, it will be an excellent option for an office where it is impossible to imagine a day without calls. Today, cordless phones are excellent devices, with unique technologies that can expand your capabilities.

Radio measuring instruments: voltmeter

This article is devoted to the description of such radios measuring instruments like voltmeters. The article describes the principle of operation, design, purpose, classification of devices. The term “voltmeter” comes from two words: “volt” and Greek. “μ ε τ ρ ε ω”, which means “I measure.” Voltmeters are representatives of a large group of radio measuring instruments, which also includes pulse generators, frequency response meters, spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, immittance meters-RLC, quality factor meters, nonlinear distortion meters, frequency meters, attenuators and many other devices.


E. D. GATES. Introduction to Electronics. Practical approach. 1995 638 pp. DJVU. 4.7 MB.


I. Got it. Operational amplifiers. 1982 513 pp. DJVU. 4.2 MB.
Methods for constructing and using operational amplifiers are considered in exhaustive detail. The author from Czechoslovakia managed, without resorting to complex mathematical apparatus, to highlight all the essential issues of the theory and give a very complete overview of the circuitry of operational amplifiers and the principles of their use. big number circuits of modern amplifiers. Separate sections are devoted to practical issues of determining parameters and test methods.

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M.H. Jones. Electronics, practical course. 1999 528 pp. DJVU. 4.8 MB.
The book examines the principles of constructing basic circuits of modern electronics, a wide range of both analog and digital devices. This is a textbook for middle and high school students educational institutions radio engineering and electronic specialties will certainly be useful to a wide range of radio amateurs. During the translation, terminology symbols that differ from those accepted in domestic literature have been preserved, which may be useful to readers for further study. technical literature Western countries.
For the elements used in the examples under consideration, domestic analogues are indicated.
The translation was carried out by associate professors of the Department of Radio Engineering at MIPT.

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I.P. Efimov Power supplies for REA: Textbook. 2nd ed. corr. 2002..136 pp. PDF. 1.2 MB.
Considered: parameters and circuit design of linear and switching power supplies based on semiconductor elements; functional units of secondary power supplies (transformers, controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers, smoothing filters, voltage stabilizers on discrete elements and integrated circuits, overcurrent and overvoltage protection units); chemical current sources of the most common systems (carbon-zinc and zinc chloride, alkali-manganese, mercury-zinc, silver-zinc and lithium systems). The technical and economic issues of using various chemical current sources in modern equipment are touched upon.
The manual is compiled in accordance with the curriculum and work program in the discipline “Electronics in Instrument Engineering” for students of direction 551500.

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Zabrodin. Industrial electronics. Textbook. 1982 500 pp. djvu. Size 11.20 MB.
Contents: 1. Semiconductor devices. 2. Amplifier 3. Pulse and digital technology. 4. Indicating devices and their application. 5. Low-power single-phase rectifiers, etc. There are 8 chapters in total.

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Zinoviev G.S. Fundamentals of power electronics. Textbook. year 2001. pdf. 4.7 MB.
This textbook is intended (with two levels of depth of presentation of the material) for students of the faculties of FES, EMF, who are not “specialists” in power electronics, but are studying courses of various titles on the use of power electronics devices in electrical power, electromechanical, and electrical systems. Sections of the textbook, highlighted in block font, are intended (also at two levels of depth of presentation) for additional, deeper study of the course, which allows it to be used as a textbook for students of the specialty “Promelelectronics” REF, who are preparing “as specialists” in power electronics. Thus, the proposed edition implements the “four in one” principle. Reviews of scientific and technical literature on the relevant sections of the course added to individual sections make it possible to recommend the manual as an informational publication for both undergraduates and graduate students.

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Izyurova et al. Calculation of electronic circuits. Examples and tasks, textbook. 335 pp. djvu. 2.9 MB.

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Ibrahim. Fundamentals of electronic technology. Elements, diagrams, systems. 2nd ed. year 2001. 400 pp. djvu. Two PDF file in RAR archive. Size 2.5 MB. This textbook on electronics by an English author is at the same time a small encyclopedia: it says a little about everything, but in such a way that the essence becomes clear even to a person completely ignorant of electronics. The book covers the widest range: from elementary concepts to the functioning of complex electronic circuits and systems, including radio and television, digital and microprocessor systems, amplifiers, generators and meters. Numerous exercises and tasks contribute to reliable mastery of the material. For students of technical schools and universities, as well as their teachers, as the basis for a course of lectures on electronics. In addition, this book will serve good help for those who want to get acquainted with electronics without spending a lot of time.

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Kazennov G.G. Fundamentals of integrated circuits and systems design. 2005 year. 295 pp. djvu. 3.6 MB.
The book discusses issues related to the design methodology of integrated circuits and systems, including VLSI and systems on a chip (SoC). Attention is focused on the main stages of the design process (system, microcircuit, register, logical, circuit, topological, component). Information is provided on computer-aided design tools, as well as on the use of artificial intelligence systems for these purposes.
For university students specializing in the field of electronics and studying disciplines related to the design of integrated circuits and systems. The book may also be useful to developers of microelectronic equipment.

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Kotyuk A.F. Sensors in modern measurements. 2006 96 pp. djvu. 920 KB.
The main types of sensors used in various measuring systems are described in a popular form: contact, optical-electric, optical, fiber-optic. The metrological characteristics of measuring transducers and their typical structural diagrams are given.
For a wide range of readers involved in the development of measuring systems for various purposes, the book can be useful for high school students, university and college students.

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Kardashev G.A. Digital electronics on a personal computer. 2003 djvu. 2.3 MB.
An introduction to circuit modeling of digital electronic devices on a computer is given. Simulation is performed using the most simple and popular Electronics Workbench and Micro-Cap programs. The methodology for computer modeling of digital devices from the simplest logical elements to the microprocessor is described in detail. Consistently with the consideration of the operation of the models, the necessary information about the programs and advice on their specific application are provided. The book can be used to study and practical application digital electronics and methods of circuit modeling of electronic devices on computers. For a wide range of readers. Submitted by the author.

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Koledov L.A. Technology and designs of microcircuits, microprocessors and microassemblies. Educational materials for colleges. 1989 400 pp. djvu. 5.0 MB.

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Kraus L.A. et al. Design of stabilized power supplies for radio-electronic equipment. 1980 288 pp. djvu. 3.0 MB.
The book discusses the design and provides calculations of stabilized secondary power sources. Electrical diagrams are provided, given short description the principle of their operation, the choice of circuits that meet the specified technical requirements is justified. Each chapter provides methods and examples of circuit calculations. The book is intended for engineering and technical workers involved in the development of power supply sources, and students of radio engineering specialties at universities as a design aid.

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W. Kester, editor. Analog-to-digital conversion. 2007 1019 pp. djvu. 26.8 MB.
The book is written for design engineers who use data converters and associated supporting circuits. Therefore, in the text there are many practical advice. Much of the material has been taken - with necessary updates - from previous popular editions of Analog Devices seminar books. Many sections have been revised to ensure that the material is presented more accurately and clearly. Various Analog Devices technicians contributed to the book and their names are mentioned at the beginning of each major section.

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Krasko. Circuitry of analog electronic devices. Tutorial. 2005 year.
The tutorial covers theoretical basis and principles of operation of analog devices based on bipolar and field-effect transistors. The basic circuits used in analogue paths of standard radio-electronic equipment are analyzed, and calculation formulas are given that make it possible to determine the elements of the circuit diagrams of these devices according to the required type of frequency, phase and transient characteristics. The basics of constructing various functional devices based on operational amplifiers are outlined. A number of special issues that developers of analog electronic devices have to face are also considered - assessment of nonlinear distortions, analysis of stability, sensitivity, etc.
Doc in RAR archive, size 1.1 MB.

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46. ​​Walt Koester, editor. Analog-to-digital conversion. 2007 1016 pp. djvu. 26.1 MB.
The book is written for design engineers who use data converters and associated supporting circuits. Therefore, there is a lot of practical advice in the text. Much of the material has been taken - with necessary updates - from previous popular editions of Analog Devices seminar books. Many sections have been revised to ensure that the material is presented more accurately and clearly. Various Analog Devices technicians contributed to the book and their names are mentioned at the beginning of each major section.

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B. Carter, R. Mancini. Op amps for everyone. 2011. 530 pp. djvu. 11.5 MB.
The book includes both the basics of electrical engineering and introductory concepts about op-amps, as well as consideration of various areas of application of op-amps, ranging from elementary circuits of inverting and non-inverting amplifiers and adders to various generators, active filters (including simple practical methods their calculations), interfaces for ADCs and DACs, etc. The book uses a minimum of mathematics, but a lot of attention is paid to the practical aspects of using op-amps, including methods for compensating the frequency response to ensure op-amp stability, op-amp noise, features of using op-amps in single-supply and low-voltage circuits circuits, design of printed circuit boards with op-amps and the most common errors in using op-amps.

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Kostikov, Parfenov, Power sources for electronic devices. Circuit design and design. Textbook. 2nd edition year 2001. 344 pp. djvu. 3.1 MB.
Circuit design and design solutions are considered in the development of low-voltage and high-voltage power supplies for electronic devices. Features determined by the characteristics of autonomous power supply systems, the nature of the load, operating conditions and circuit design are noted. Methods for constructing parametric series of power supply modules and methods for ensuring specified temperature conditions are presented. Calculations and theoretical concepts are supported by examples of circuit and design design of power supplies and their components.
For university students majoring in “Design and technology of electronic computing equipment” and “Design and technology of radio-electronic equipment”.

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Kuchumov A.I. Electronics and circuitry. 2nd ed. reworked add. .2004 336 pp. djvu. 2.0 MB.
The textbook is written in accordance with the State Standard of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the disciplines "Electronics and Circuit Engineering" and "Fundamentals of Radio Electronics", which are studied in higher educational institutions at faculties information security. The manual includes modeling tasks using the Electronics Workbench program and a description of a laboratory workshop.
For students and teachers of information security departments, as well as for all computer users who want to gain knowledge of the basics of computer radio electronics.

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Kaufman, Sidman. A practical guide to circuit calculations in electronics. In 2 volumes. djvu. 1993
Volume 1. 365 pp. 5.7 MB. The first volume provides the basics of electrical circuit analysis, characteristics of elements, and rules for choosing semiconductor devices. Includes chapters on audio amplifiers, resonant amplifiers, feedback circuits, signal generators, power supplies. Information on operational amplifiers is given. The basics of digital and video technology are outlined.
Volume 2. 288 pp. 4.4 MB. The second volume examines the principles of constructing microprocessor systems, transmitting information in analog and digital forms, and the basics of electrical measurements. Included are chapters on communication lines, filters, basic types of directional antennas, and microwave transmission lines. Information on thick film technology and fiber-optic systems is provided.

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Crecraft D., Jerjli S. Analog electronics. Circuits, systems, signal processing. 2005 year. 360 pp. djvu. 7.7 MB.
A textbook for the general reader - a reference book for radio amateurs with a wide coverage of the topic. The book is structured by both applications and implementations of analog electronics. Separate chapters are devoted to medical equipment, Hi-Fi, power supplies, and radio communications. At the same time, there was room for an intelligible presentation spectral analysis, feedback, quantization, filter synthesis.

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Korolev. Electronic automation devices. Study guide. 2nd ed. added 1991 256 pp. DJVU. 1.7 MB.
The book provides the theoretical foundations, principles of operation and calculations of various electronic devices used in automation. The main element base is semiconductor integrated circuits and transistors.

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Kuchis E.V. Alvano-magnetic effects and methods for their study. 1990 264 pp. djvu. 13.4 MB.
Issues of the theory of magnetic effects in the EMF and Hall current modes, including in quantizing magnetic fields and in materials with mixed conductivity, are discussed. Their features in inhomogeneous and disordered semiconductors and layered structures are considered. A methodology for interpreting normal and abnormal measurement results is given. The requirements for the samples under study are given, and interfering phenomena are analyzed. Methods for measuring the mobility profile and concentration of carriers, as well as contact and non-contact methods for measuring alvano-magnetic effects are considered.
The good thing about the book is that it explains in detail the physics of the phenomena under consideration.
For scientific workers, engaged in semiconductor research and development of semiconductor devices.

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Lachin V.I., Savelov N.S. Electronics. Tutorial. 2007 704 pp. djvu. 11.6 MB.
The tutorial covers all the basics, including power, semiconductor devices and the most widely used analog, digital and power electronics devices. Descriptions of the characteristics and parameters of devices are preceded by the necessary information on physical phenomena taken into account when mathematical modeling. The material studied is focused on practical application.
Intended for students of higher technical educational institutions.

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Lenk J. Electronic circuits. Practical guide. 1985 344 pp. djvu. 3.0 MB.
The book by the famous American author continues the series of books on technical creativity. It covers over 270 electronic circuits widely used in amplifiers, detectors, oscillators, filters, stabilizers, and voltage converters.

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Litovchenko V.G., Gorban P.K. Fundamentals of physics of microelectronic systems metal - dielectric - semiconductor. 1978 320 pp. djvu. 3.8 MB.
The monograph discusses methods for producing layered structures of the dielectric - semiconductor, metal - dielectric - semiconductor type, methods of various active influences on them physical properties and instrument characteristics. Much attention is paid to the presentation of physical concepts about the mechanisms of nonequilibrium phenomena in semiconductors and dielectrics.
Designed for scientific, engineering and technical workers specializing in the field of semiconductor integrated electronics.

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Manaev E.I. Basics of radio electronics. Educational materials for colleges. 1990 512 pp. djvu. 8.1 MB.
The basics of radio electronics are outlined. The elements of electronic circuits are described. Basic electronic devices are considered: amplifiers, oscillators, modulators, detectors, etc.; methods of transmitting and receiving signals; influence of noise and interference. Compared to the second edition (1985), the issues of using integrated circuits, field-effect transistors, and operational amplifiers are more fully reflected. Introduced new chapter, dedicated to microprocessors.
For a wide range of specialists working in various fields of radio engineering; may be useful for university students of radio engineering and radiophysics specialties.

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Marchenko A.L. Basics of Electronics. Tutorial. 2008 296 pp. pdf. 5.3 MB.
The book is a textbook on the basics of electronics, the material of which is structured in accordance with the State Standard and the program for the general professional discipline for universities "electrical engineering and electronics". The book's material is divided into two parts. The first part examines the element base, as well as the basics of analog, pulse and digital electronics.
The second part is devoted to testing electronic devices simulated in the NI Multisim 10 software environment. Circuits of electronic devices designed in the NI Multisim 10 environment and discussed in the book are posted on the website of the publisher and the author
The publication is intended for students of higher educational institutions, and may also be useful to engineers and other scientific and technical specialists.

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E.A. Moskatov. Electronic equipment. 2004 120 pp. pdf. 1.9 MB.
A book for students and teachers of technical schools, technical colleges and universities, for people who want to learn the processes occurring in radio equipment and in the electrical parts that make it up. How does the book differ from many others written on this topic? Most books contain detailed descriptions of the processes occurring in the elements and assemblies of equipment, usually presented in such a complex and incomprehensible way that only its author or a major specialist in electronics can understand this literature. Other books, entitled "Electronics", "Electronic Engineering" or the like, often contain material that is completely inconsistent with the programs of educational institutions and the plans of the Ministry of Education. Often they write not what is the basis of the course, but what they know. The book that is now in front of you is devoid of such shortcomings. Its author tried, in the most concise form accessible to students, to talk about the most important processes in electrical elements and hardware components, which are the basis for the successful completion of many other special disciplines. This textbook is essentially the basis for lectures, so it will most likely be of interest to teachers of the relevant subject.

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Morozov. Electrical engineering, electronics and pulse technology. Tutorial. 448 pp. 5.3 MB. djvu.
The book rather relates to an initial introduction to this topic, so the explanation begins from the very basics. The author believes that students do not know physics. 448 pp. 5.3 MB. djvu.

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Medvedev A.M. Printed circuit boards. Designs and materials. 2005 year. 300 pp. DJVU. 5.2 MB.
The book by the famous Russian specialist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.M. Medvedev describes process diagrams, alignment systems, and technologies for forming a topological pattern.

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Malakhov. Circuitry of analog devices. year 2000. 210 pp. PDF. 3.1 MB.
The circuit design of cascades of amplifiers for various purposes, made on the basis of bipolar and field-effect transistors and integrated operational amplifiers, is considered.

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Meleshin. Transistor converter technology. 2005 year. 635 pp. DJVU. 12.7 MB.
The principles of electrical energy conversion performed by pulsed transistor devices and the technical solutions used are outlined.

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V.V. Maslennikov. Passive RC circuits. Textbook for the course “Analog integrated circuits in measuring equipment.” MEPhI. 2006 djvu. 263 KB.
Passive RC circuits. Basic information from the theory of electrical circuits. Transient processes in RC circuits. Integrating RC circuits. Differentiating RC circuits. RC circuit with two capacitors. Electrical circuits with a sinusoidal signal.
Below is the continuation of the tutorial.

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V.V. Maslennikov. Collection of problems for the course “General Electrical Engineering and Electronics”. MEPhI textbook. 2006 djvu. 680 KB.
Contents: 1. Passive RC circuits. 2. Transistor amplifier stages (calculation based on direct current). 3. Transistor amplifier stages (calculation based on alternating current). 4. Amplifier circuits based on integrated operational amplifiers. 5. Errors in op-amp amplifiers. 6. Selective amplifiers and sinusoidal voltage generators. 7. Pulse devices based on op-amp microcircuits. 8. Integral logic elements. 9. Rectangular pulse generators based on integrated logic elements.

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IN AND. Margolin, V.A. Zhabrev, V.A. Tupik. Physical foundations of microelectronics. Uch. allowance. 2008 400 pp. djvu. 4.0 MB.
Basics laid out quantum mechanics, fractal geometry and fractal physics, nonlinear dynamics. Considered physical basis basic technological processes of micro- and nanoelectronics: production of thin-film structures, creation and transfer of lithographic images, methods for modifying surface and volumetric structures, fundamentals and methods of control and metrology.
For university students

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Meerovich, Vatin, Zaitsev, Kandykin. Magnetic pulse generators. 1968 477 pp. djvu. in one archive 8.6 MB.
The book, which is based on the work of the authors, outlines the issues of constructing generator circuits for various purposes, their theory and development methods. Along with those previously published, circuit designs with frequency multiplication and division are considered, which significantly expand the capabilities of generators powered by alternating voltage. They make it possible to obtain pulses whose repetition frequency is an integer or fractional number of times greater or less than the frequency of the power source.

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E.A. Moskatov. Electronic equipment. Start. 3rd ed. reworked add. 2010 204 pp. djvu. 1.8 MB.
The author tried, in the most concise form accessible to students, to talk about the most important processes in electrical elements and hardware components, which are the basis for the successful completion of many other special disciplines. This textbook is essentially the basis for lectures, so the book will also be of interest to teachers of the relevant subject.

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Uwe Naundorf. Analog electronics. Fundamentals, calculation, modeling. year 2009. 470 pp. djvu. 5.9 MB.
Knowledge of the basics of analog circuitry is the basis of almost any technical specialty. The book discusses in detail the basic electronic elements and basic circuits on them. Particular attention is paid to nonlinear elements, they are analyzed through an appropriate approximation, then their characteristics are simulated on a computer for practical assimilation of the material.
A large number of exercises, the ability to check calculations through computer modeling, and clarity make the book excellent modern textbook, especially useful for first-year students studying electronics at technical universities.
The book is also intended for practicing engineers, technicians and anyone interested in electronics and circuitry.

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V. Nemudrov, G. Martin. Systems-on-chip. Design and development. 2004 216 pp. djvu. 3.6 MB.
The book examines various aspects of the design and development of a new class of promising electronic components - “system-on-chip” (abbreviated as SOC). On specific example SOC in the applied field of third generation wireless communications; the features of algorithmically-oriented SOC design methods are considered. Methods for “platform” SOC design are also considered. The characteristic features of SOC design are described (reuse of IP blocks in the design process, introduction of a “system” level to CAD, spiral model of the design route, etc.). The new global infrastructure for the design and production of SOCs that emerged in the world in the early 2000s is analyzed.
A new design methodology based on the reuse of IP blocks (Intellectual Property blocks) is described. A complete SOC design methodology is outlined, including the system, functional, logical and physical levels of SOC design. The features and advantages of using the System C language in the SOC design process at the system level are described.
For specialists, students and teachers in the field of modern electronics.

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Nikolaenko. Self-instruction manual on radio electronics. 2006 224 pp. DJVU. 3.7 MB.
The book is a collection of practical recommendations and advice on the design, manufacture and commissioning of analog and digital electronic devices for various purposes. Each reader, in accordance with his or her level of training, will be able to find in this book recommendations on the selection and use of standard and specialized radio-electronic components, the development and use of electrical circuits, and tips on the manufacture and installation of printed circuit boards. The book describes the basic principles of design and assembly techniques for radio-electronic devices, the procedure for testing components, taking measurements in electrical circuits and repairing devices. The book is intended for a reader with a technical mindset who has already assembled electronic devices, and is addressed to a wide range of radio amateurs, both professionals and beginners.

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Novikov Yu.V. Fundamentals of digital circuitry. year 2001. 380 pp. djvu. 2.8 MB.
The book is a textbook on the basics of digital circuitry. The basics of circuit design of digital devices are considered, which every professional developer of digital equipment should be fluent and actively use. The functioning and interaction of all major types of digital chips are discussed, from the simplest to the most complex. models and levels of representation of digital microcircuits used in the design of digital electronic systems are written, as well as methods for optimally constructing highly efficient digital systems of varying degrees of complexity.

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Opadchiy Yu.F., Gludkin O.P., Gurov A.I. Analog and digital electronics. Textbook. year 2000. 768 pp. PDF. 16.5 MB.
The element base of semiconductor electronics devices, diodes, transistors, thyristors, charge-coupled devices is considered: classification is given, volt-ampere and frequency characteristics, basic switching circuits and features of the use of specific devices in various operating modes. The principles of constructing typical analog, pulse and digital devices are outlined. Methods for mathematical description of their operation are presented, as well as the basics of analysis and targeted synthesis of devices with given technical characteristics.
For students studying in the specialty “Design and technology of radio-electronic equipment”.

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Oppenheim A., Shafer R. Digital signal processing. 2006 856 pp. djvu. 12.5 MB.
The book we bring to your attention is the second revised edition of the world-famous classic textbook “Digital Signal Processing,” published in 1975. It was based on an extensive course on discrete signal processing taught for a number of years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The textbook is devoted to mathematical algorithms implemented in discrete systems. It omits complex proofs of mathematical statements, but all techniques and methods are illustrated with numerous examples and problems.
The book will be useful both to students mastering the subject and to development engineers and systems engineers.

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A. J. Peyton, W. Walsh. Analog electronics using operational amplifiers. 1994 352 pp. djvu. 4.8 MB.
The book presents a selection of analog circuits using operational amplifiers with detailed technical descriptions and practical recommendations that will help you quickly select the right circuit, manufacture and configure the necessary device.

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Pease A. Robert. Practical electronics of analog devices. Troubleshooting and testing of designed circuits. 2001..320 pp. djvu. 11.0 MB.
The book, written by American engineer Robert Pease, is devoted to troubleshooting in analog circuits, but the proposed technical solutions can also be useful when working with digital devices. The author approaches the problem of finding and eliminating various defects from the position of a design engineer, illustrating theoretical principles with examples from personal experience.
The first chapter of the book discusses methods for troubleshooting and testing circuits and their components. The second chapter focuses on diagnostic equipment; The following sections contain a detailed analysis of problems associated with passive and active elements and devices: resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, reference voltage sources, stabilizers, etc. Information on printed circuit boards and cables is also provided.
Additional information about the causes of malfunctions is provided in numerous appendices. The principles of using technical documentation are especially considered.

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Presnukhin L.N., Vorobyov N.V., Shishkevich A.A. Calculation of elements of digital devices. 1982 385 pp. djvu. 5.2 MB.
The textbook examines, using a unified methodology, modern microelectronic logical, auxiliary, storage and special elements, their static and dynamic parameters, issues of synthesis of arbitrary trigger devices and the use of modern universal triggers; information is given on the prospects for the development of the element base of digital devices, machine calculations and machine optimization of element parameters, practical recommendations are given on the use of integrated systems of elements and ensuring noise immunity of digital devices on integrated circuits. For university students studying in the specialties "Electronic computing machines", "ACS", "Design and production of electronic computing equipment". May be useful for graduate students and engineers involved in the calculation of elements of digital devices.

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Pryanishnikov V.A. Electronics. Full course of lectures 1998. 401 pp. djvu. 9.0 MB.
The course of lectures on electronics corresponds to the programs of the disciplines “Electronics”, “Electrical engineering and fundamentals of electronics”, “Electronic engineering”, “Power supply of electronic devices”. The author taught the proposed course for a number of years in St. Petersburg state institute precision mechanics and optics (Technical University). The course consists of 35 lectures and is designed to study the discipline over one or two semesters. The lectures contain carefully selected illustrations that can be used as visual aids, as well as reference tables that give the characteristics of the most advanced modern electronic components and devices.

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Rozanov Yu.K. Industrial electronics. 1992 296 pp. djvu. 2.8 MB.
The book outlines the principles of electrical energy conversion: rectification, inversion, frequency conversion. The basic circuits of converting devices, methods of controlling them and regulating basic parameters are described, and areas of rational use of various types of converters are shown. Features of design and operation are considered.
The book is intended for engineers and technicians who develop and operate electrical systems containing converter devices, as well as those involved in testing and servicing converter equipment.

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Routledge D. Encyclopedia of Practical Electronics. 2002 522 pp. djvu. 5.8 MB.
This publication is an introduction to analog electronics. Here, using the example of assembly and detailed analysis The design of an amateur radio transceiver device covers all the basics of analog electronics - from Kirchhoff's laws to antenna theory.
The book describes in detail the basic radio-electronic elements and simple circuits, as well as filters, amplifiers, generators, frequency converters and antennas. In practical classes, the reader will be able to independently design, assemble and test the functionality of an amateur HF radio station NorCal40A. The book can serve as a reference guide for professionals and beginning radio amateurs, as well as students of technical universities and colleges.

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Rovdo A.A. Semiconductor diodes and circuits with diodes. year 2000. 290 pp. djvu. 8.6 MB.
The book is entirely devoted to a comprehensive description of diodes and the features of their use in various circuits. Presented detailed information on the physical basis of the operation of semiconductor diodes, background information is provided on all the main types of semiconductor diodes, descriptions of all the main parameters for each type of diode are given, fairly detailed tabular data on diodes of the corresponding type are given, drawings of all cases are available in the appendix.

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Rauscher K., Janssen F., Minihold R. Fundamentals of spectral analysis. 2006 224 pp. djvu. 16.4 MB.
The fundamentals of the theory and practice of analyzing signal spectra used in radio electronics and communications are outlined. The material has been prepared on the basis of many years of experience of the Rohde & Schwarz company, which specializes in the field of modern measuring technology and, in particular, in the development and production of spectrum analyzers. The introductory information, the main characteristics of the analyzers are briefly presented, and using the example of one of the latest models, the structural diagram of the device, the intricacies of working with it and the features of determining the main parameters of the signal are examined in detail.
For specialists in the field of radio electronics and communications, senior students, graduate students. It will be useful to a wide range of readers interested in modern measuring technology.

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Reichlin. Fundamentals of digital circuitry. Tutorial for fuses. Kazakh State University 2002 350 pp. PDF. 20.2 MB.

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Revich Yu. V. Entertaining electronics. 2005..672 pp. djvu. 7.0 MB.
Practical examples show how to design, debug and manufacture electronic devices at home. From the physical foundations of electronics, descriptions of the design and operating principles of various radio-electronic components, tips on equipping a home laboratory, the author moves on to specific analog and digital circuits, including devices based on microcontrollers. Basic information on metrology and theoretical foundations of electronics is provided. Many practical recommendations are given: from the principles of proper organization of power supply to obtaining information about devices and purchasing components in relation to Russian conditions. The book can be used as a reference book on some typical components of electronic equipment.
For a wide range of radio amateurs

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Revich Yu.V. Interesting microelectronics. 2007 594 pp. djvu. 13.7 MB.
The book uses practical examples to show how to design, debug and manufacture modern electronic devices at home. Theoretical basis, physical principles the operation of electronic circuits and various types of radio-electronic components is illustrated with practical examples in the form of completed amateur radio designs and supplemented with advice on the technology of manufacturing amateur equipment.
The theoretical foundations of digital technology - mathematical logic and various number systems - are presented at an accessible level.
The second part of the book is entirely devoted to programming microcontrollers as the basis of modern electronics. Particular attention is paid to the exchange of data from microelectronic devices with a personal computer; examples of Delphi programs are provided.

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Rosado. Physical electronics and microelectronics. The book examines at a high physical and mathematical level the physics of semiconductor materials and devices, the physical foundations of the production technology of integrated circuits. The advantage of the book is the large number of problems on all topics. Most of them have solutions brought to a numerical answer (in the SI system). 351 pp. 4.9 MB. djvu,

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Suker K. Power electronics. Developer's Guide. 2008 252 pp. djvu. 1.6 MB.
For a specialist in the field of electronic technology, the term “power electronics” is associated primarily with power supplies, control circuits for various actuating mechanisms with a power not exceeding several kilowatts. This book examines the features of equipment with capacities measured in megawatts! This book is essentially short encyclopedia modern power electronics.
This book will be useful to engineers and technicians, developers and designers working in the field of power electronics, as well as students studying various aspects of power electronics.

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B.Yu. Semenov. Power electronics for amateurs and professionals. year 2001. 333 pp. djvu. 2.7 MB.
Power electronics is a rapidly developing area of ​​technology, the goal of which is to reduce the weight and dimensions of power supply devices. Today it is no longer possible to imagine a computer, VCR, or TV without an easy and reliable switching power supply. Talk about the unreliability of pulse technology is also subsiding. This book is intended to some extent fill the lack of information on this topic. Here, in an accessible language, the basics of designing switching power supply devices are described, about the promising element base, its features and optimal choice, and a lot of practical advice is given. The “pitfalls” of circuit design are described in detail, some typical designs are analyzed, and non-traditional issues are touched upon, such as the creation of electronic ballasts to significantly extend the service life of fluorescent lamps. The book will be useful not only for radio amateurs, but also for young development specialists.

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Semenov B.Yu. Power electronics: from simple to complex. 2005 year. 416 pp. djvu. 8.2 MB.
Power electronics is a rapidly developing area of ​​technology, the goal of which is to reduce the weight and dimensions of power devices for electronic equipment and electric motors. Today it is no longer possible to imagine a computer, video camera, DVD player, or TV without a compact and reliable pulse source. Unfortunately, in last years There has been an acute shortage of literature on this topic. The second edition of the book has been largely revised and expanded. In an accessible language, the basics of designing switching power supply devices are described, the promising element base, features of its application and optimal choice are presented, and practical designs are given. The "difficult questions" and "pitfalls" of circuit design are described in detail. Non-traditional areas are also covered, such as the creation of high-frequency ballasts for fluorescent lamps and electronic power factor correctors. The book will be useful to power equipment developers, university students, repair specialists and radio amateurs.

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I.P. Stepanenko. Fundamentals of microelectronics. year 2001. 488 pp. djvu. 2.5 MB.
The main aspects of microelectronics are considered: physical, technological and circuitry. An idea is given of the level of modern microelectronics, its methods, means, problems and prospects. Types of integrated circuits and circuit design of digital and analog ICs are discussed. The 2nd edition reflects new fundamental advances in the field of microelectronics, currently used in practice.
Intended for students of radio engineering and radiophysics specialties at universities. May be useful to a wide range of specialists involved in the creation and operation.

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Soklof. Analog electronic circuits. 1988 580 pp. djvu. Size 5.0 MB.

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B.Yu. Semenov, I.P. Shelestov. A guide to the world of electronics. Book 2. 2004. 340 pp. DJVU. 8.8 MB.

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Titze U., Schenk K. Semiconductor circuitry. 12th ed. 2008
Volume 1. 832 pp. djvu. 5.9 MB. Volume 2.942 pages PDF. 65.1 MB. My program refused to convert the second volume to djvu. If anyone can, send it, I will replace the file (it should be about 8 MB).
"Semiconductor Circuit Engineering" is a translation of the 12th edition of the well-known book by Ulrich Tietze and Christoph Schenk (in 1982, the publishing house "Mir" published a translation of the 5th edition of this book). This is a fundamental work that combines the principles of the design of semiconductor elements (diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors, integrated circuits) and the basics of creating from these elements various functional units of analog technology (amplifiers, modulators, filters, radio receivers) and digital (trigger circuits, counters, registers, encryptors and decryptors, memory devices, etc.). The book is divided into two volumes: the first is devoted to the basics of circuit design, the second to the applications of functional units in creating more complex devices.
When presenting the material, equivalent circuits are widely used, both semiconductor elements and functional units, corresponding to operation in the field of direct current and low/high frequencies. Particular attention is also paid to the transient processes of digital circuits. The description of each element or circuit is accompanied by the necessary number of fairly elementary formulas used for their engineering calculation.
Encyclopedic completeness, an abundance of various schemes and accessible mathematical justification make the book useful to a wide range of readers: radio amateurs, repair shop technicians, radio and electronics engineers and scientists. Students specializing in the field of “Informatics and Computer Science”, teachers of relevant disciplines, practitioners involved in the development of information information systems for various purposes.

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E. F. Turuta. 5000 modern ULF microcircuits and their analogues. 2008 560 pp. djvu. 20.5 MB.
The best reference book on ULF in Europe, according to the tradition of the publishing house, was simultaneously published in Russia and Germany. It summarizes and systematizes information about most ULF ICs - low-frequency power amplifiers in integrated design, produced by the world's leading manufacturers: ECG-Philips, Matsushita (Panasonic), National Semiconductors, NTE, Philips, RCA, Sanyo, Siemens, SGS-Thomson, Telefunken, Toshiba, etc.
When working, you should first refer to the table “Alphabetical summary table of ULF parameters”, which shows the most important characteristics of the microcircuits. Other sections present: housing types, pinout, appearance, analogues, manufacturers, functionality. The following are ULF connection circuits: world circuits that have the same electrical connection circuit are combined into single blocks to optimize the volume of the reference book.
The directory is intended for a wide range of radio amateurs, as well as for radio-electronic equipment repairmen.

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E. Ugryumov. Digital circuitry. Educational allowance 2004 528 pp. djvu. 5.3 MB.
The book discusses a wide range of issues related to the study, design and application of digital elements, components and devices, the microcircuits of which are the basis for the implementation various means information processing - computers, digital automation systems, telecommunications, measurements, etc. General problems of circuit implementation of digital devices, their typical functional units, structures and circuitry of storage devices, simple microprocessors, interface circuits and programmable logic circuits are considered. Compared to the first edition, sections devoted to microcontrollers, programmable logic, storage devices, problems of high-speed data transfer, etc. have been supplemented and expanded. The methodology of both “manual” and automated methods for designing digital components and devices is outlined.
For students of technical universities and technical schools, as well as specialists working in the field of creating digital equipment.

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Ugryumov. Digital circuitry. From logic element to LSI/VLSI with programmable structures. 530 pp. 7.5 MB. djvu.

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Whitson. 500 practical IC circuits. 375 pp. djvu. 6.6 MB.

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D. Wackerly. Design of digital devices. In 2 volumes. 2002 DJVU. 1 Volume 544 p. 48.2 Chapter 1-5. 2 Volume 536 pp. 24.5 MB. Ch. 6-11.
A fundamental textbook that covers all areas of modern digital electronics. The main attention is paid to programmable logic circuits (FPGAs).
For students, graduate students, university teachers and hardware developers.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download T. 1. . . . . . . . . .Download T. 2

J.E. Fisher, H.B. Gotland. Electronics - from theory to practice. 1980 400 pp. djvu. 3.3 MB.
In a popular form, concisely, in style close to reference literature, basic information about the parameters and characteristics of typical devices is provided, and simple calculation relationships are given that allow one to find the values ​​of the nominal values ​​of the main elements of the circuits. Numerical examples of the calculation of a large number of circuits used in modern applied electronics are given. Most likely, the book can be classified as a “recipe” reference book on circuit design.

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K. Fricke. Introductory course digital electronics. Uch. allowance. This is the first time I have seen a translated book being given the status of an academic book. benefits. 2003 425 pp. djvu. 4.6 MB.
The book provides a science-based introduction to digital technology, covering the full basics, right down to design and programming. The reader gains knowledge that makes it possible to understand most digital technical circuits. The synthesis of logic circuits is considered in particular detail. The most commonly used standard circuits - multiplexers and code converters - are discussed using examples. The fundamentals of fixed-point arithmetic and the hardware implementation of arithmetic units are analyzed in detail. Typical timing diagrams are provided for various memory blocks. Software-controlled drivers are presented as an introduction to computer structure design. The elemental base of digital devices is described in detail and the key problems of their energy are considered. A clear introduction to microprocessor technology is given.
The tutorial will be useful to practicing engineers who actively use the elemental base of digital technology, programming microcontrollers and FPGAs.

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Hablovski I., Skulimowski V. Electronics in questions and answers. .1984 304 pp. djvu. 4.0 MB.
The book popularly explains in the form of questions and answers the physical foundations of electronics, electronic components and circuits, and the features of their application. The breadth of topics from discrete semiconductor devices to integrated circuits is successfully combined with simplicity and clarity of presentation of the material.
For a wide range of readers.

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Kharchenko V.M. Basics of Electronics. Tutorial. 1983 353 pp. djvu. 3.9 MB.
This book corresponds to the second part of the new course program "General Electrical Engineering with Fundamentals of Electronics". It outlines the structure and operating principle of electric vacuum, gas-discharge, semiconductor and photoelectronic elements, discusses electronic rectifiers, amplifiers, generators and measuring instruments, provides basic information about electronic automation elements, computers and automatic systems. For students of technical schools of non-electrical specialties.

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Mark E. Herniter. 10 Fascinating Analog Electronics Projects. 2008 169 pp. DjVu. 2.7 MB.
This book examines several cases and examples of project development, selected with one clear purpose - to demonstrate to readers some of the useful stylish "things" that can be created using analog technology. Examples like these encourage further exploration of analog electronics, and also demonstrate in which areas of technology analog electronics still retains its considerable potential. As examples of circuit solutions, the following were chosen: a control circuit for a fan designed to blow out a candle flame, using a semiconductor diode as a temperature sensor, a sensor for the presence of blood-sucking flying insects, using an IR diode and a phototransistor, an electric shock that develops a voltage at the output electrodes of about 1000 V when the circuit is powered by 18 V batteries, a voltage multiplier circuit, as well as a DC motor speed control circuit.

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Horowitz, Hill. The art of circuit design. Volume 1. 600 pp. djvu. Size 8.7 MB.

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Horowitz, Hill. The art of circuit design. Volume 2. 590 pp. djvu. Size 9.4 MB.

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Horowitz, Hill. The art of circuit design. 5 revised ed. 1998 17 djvu files in a 16 MB RAR archive. 700 pages. Size 5.2 MB, djvu.

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F. Chaki et al. Power electronics. Examples and calculations. .1982 384 pp. djvu. 3.9 MB.
The book examines the main characteristics of various groups of power electronics circuits and provides nomograms and curves for calculations. Numerous examples are used to examine the operation of various power electronics circuits - network switching rectifiers, AC and DC current breakers, self-exciting inverse converters, and protection of powerful rectifiers. At the end of each chapter there are problems for you to solve on your own.
For electrical engineers, technicians, designers and operators.

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Chizhma S.N. Basics of circuit design. 2008 420 pp. PDF. 34.6 MB.
The principles of constructing modern devices are outlined electronic systems, intended for the formation, generation and processing of information signals. The manual reflects the latest advances in the element base. Particular attention is paid to analog-to-digital conversion devices - ADCs and DACs, as well as the latest advances in the field of semiconductor memory and programmable logic integrated circuits.

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Shchuka A.A. Electronics. Uch. allowance. 2005 year. 800 pp. djvu. 12.5 MB.
The book covers sections of electronics: vacuum and plasma electronics, semiconductor electronics and microelectronics, optical and quantum electronics, functional electronics. The content of each part includes historical information about the stages of formation and development of this area of ​​electronics. Each section contains Control questions and problems with solutions, some of them performed using standard computer programs.
For students of electronic, radio engineering and radiophysical specialties of universities, graduate students and engineers of relevant specialties

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35. EARL D. GATES. Introduction to Electronics. Practical approach. 1995 638 pp. DJVU. 4.7 MB.
The book by a famous American specialist introduces the basics of modern electronics in a simple and accessible form. Its main goal is to theoretically prepare future specialists - electricians and electronics engineers - for practical work, therefore, in addition to a detailed presentation of the principles of operation of measuring and semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, general issues in the physics of dielectrics and semiconductors are considered. A very clear book. I recommend it if this science is difficult for you.

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You can download all books and manuals absolutely free of charge and without registration.


NEW. D. Johnson, J. Johnson. G. Moore. Handbook of active filters. 1983 125 pp. djvu. 1.6 MB.
The basic methods for calculating active filters on operational amplifiers are outlined. The main attention is paid to the issues of calculation and implementation of second-order links. All necessary characteristics of prototype filters are given in the appendices, and the calculation formulas are simplified as much as possible. Link setup information included. A special feature of the reference book is that the material in individual chapters can be used completely independently.
For engineering and technical workers in the field of automation, measuring equipment, radio electronics, electrical engineering.


NEW. Grishanov, Kondyukova, Redkin. Integrating digital voltmeters. 1981 124 pp. djvu. 2.4 MB.
The development trends and ways to improve digital voltmeters are examined, and the principles of constructing integrating digital voltmeters, including high-precision voltmeters, are outlined. Describes methods for suppressing interference used in digital voltmeters. Much attention is paid to the issue of using integrated circuits in integrating digital voltmeters.
Designed for engineering and technical workers involved in the operation and development of digital measuring instruments.

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Authors' team. All domestic microcircuits. Directory. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional 2004 400 pages djvu 19.9 MB.
The directory establishes a connection between the type of domestic microcircuit, its foreign analogue, functional purpose and manufacturer. It lists all microcircuits ever developed and produced in the CIS - about 8,000 types in total. Compared to the first edition, the list of devices has been significantly expanded, analogues of many microcircuits have been clarified, and information on the state of production of devices has been added. In addition, a table of the functional purpose of microcircuits and a table of all standard ratings recommended for the use of devices have been added. The table with addresses of domestic chip manufacturers has been completely updated. The main purpose of the publication is to facilitate the transition to a new element base for domestic developers. The directory is addressed to developers of electronic equipment and logistics workers, but will also be useful to university students of relevant specialties and radio amateurs.

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Authors' team. Integrated Circuits: Microcircuits for analog-to-digital conversion and multimedia. Issue 1. 1996. 385 pp.PDF. 18.6 MB.
This volume is a continuation of the Integrated Circuits reference series and the first volume dedicated to analog-to-digital conversion and multimedia circuits. Detailed technical information is provided about devices produced in the CIS and their foreign analogues, microcircuits produced by leading companies in the world, trademarks and addresses of manufacturers and trading organizations.
For specialists in the field of design, operation and repair of multimedia, radio electronics, metrology and measuring equipment, as well as a wide range of radio amateurs and students of technical universities.

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V.P. Borovsky et al. Handbook of circuit design for radio amateurs. 1987 430 pp. DJVU. 7.5 MB.
Practical diagrams of electronic machines, security devices, remote control circuits and many other designs that are useful in everyday life have been published. Most of them have printed circuit boards and the setup method is described in detail. Due to the use of modern element base, all devices turned out to be quite simple and you should not have problems when repeating them. Since many of the designs published here use optoelectronic components, the last section of the book contains the most necessary background information about photodiodes, IR-emitting diodes, elementary optocouplers and optocoupler microcircuits.
A book for radio amateurs with various levels of training and everyone who is not lazy to think and experiment.


K. Brindley. Electronic Engineer's Pocket Guide. 2002 237 pp. djvu. 4.4 MB.
The reference book contains information about the basics of modern electronic technology. The element base is presented quite fully, the basics of constructing almost all possible units that form electronic circuits are considered, and data on the functional meanings and pinout of integrated circuits of popular series is provided.
The basics of optoelectronics, light and photoelectric devices, lasers and optical waveguides are not ignored. A considerable part of the book is occupied by a variety of reference material - physical quantities, their units and conversion factors of these units from one system to another, abbreviations of terms used in electronics, data on radio cables and connectors produced by industry, and much other useful information. The book contains explanatory and English-Russian dictionaries, containing about 1400 terms used in electronics.

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Bukin M. Secrets of cell phones. 2005 year. 205 pages djvu 4.8 MB.
Unlike most similar publications, “Secrets of Cell Phones” is a book that talks about mobile communications and telephones not from the point of view of a professional, but from the point of view of a consumer. That is why the author does not get hung up on the characteristics and descriptions of various phone models. He pays much more attention to practical methods of using a mobile phone, including non-traditional or exotic ones: from the intricacies of the mobile business and the possibilities of tracking subscribers to games and SMS casinos.

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Grabowski B. Quick reference book on electronics. 2007 418 pp. djvu. 6.6 MB.
The book contains information on the most important sections of electronics: both theory (description of radio circuits and signals, presentation of the theory of the electromagnetic field, list of basic SI units of measurement, etc.) and practical information (description of amplifiers, generators, combinational circuits, counters, converters, programmable logic, MP and microcontrollers with typical examples of execution). This publication includes sections on analog and digital electronics, including information about microprocessors and microcontrollers. Visual material, including tables, pictures and formulas, allows you to quickly make the necessary calculations.
The book can serve as a reference guide for professionals and beginning radio amateurs, as well as students of technical universities and colleges.

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Zubchuk. Handbook of digital circuitry. 450 pp. 5.2 MB. djvu.

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Koris R., Schmidt-Walter H. Handbook of a circuit engineer. 2008 611 pages djvu 8.1 MB.
A convenient, compact and fairly complete source of information on electrical engineering and electronics, the basics of calculating DC and AC circuits, the laws of electric and magnetic fields, the principles of measuring basic electrical quantities, analog and digital circuitry, and power electrical components. A large number of illustrations make it easy to find the necessary information.
The book is addressed to students, engineers, developers of electronic equipment and measuring systems. The directory has been translated into several languages ​​and has been reprinted six times in Germany. Without a doubt, it will be popular in Russia too.

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E.A. Moskatov. Handbook of Semiconductor Devices. A very good reference book. The book describes the characteristics and markings of transistors, diodes and other semiconductor devices. It also describes some common microcircuits. (Attention! 7z archive - to unpack you need winrar version no lower than 3.51 or a 7z archiver). 2003 220 pp. PDF. 1.9 MB.

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Yu.A. Ball. 150 analog microcircuits. Directory. 1993 152 pages djvu 1.2 MB.
Electrical parameters and recommendations for the use of domestic analog microcircuits of wide application are given: amplifiers, stabilizers, comparators, timers, ADCs and DACs. The types of housings, pin assignments, and the closest analogue are indicated. Typical switching circuits and device diagrams with their use are given.

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Directory. Integrated circuits. year 2001. 610 pp. DJVU. 17.7 MB.
This book is a revised and expanded edition of the reference book “Microcircuits for switching power supplies and their applications” from the “Integrated Circuits” series. The sections devoted to domestic microcircuits and their analogues have been significantly enlarged due to the latest developments of Russian manufacturing plants. The directory covers almost all registered domestic semiconductor microcircuits for switching power supplies.

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E. Ed. Reference book on high-frequency circuitry. In three parts in one archive of 3.4 MB. djvu.

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YES. Sadchenkov. Marking of radio components, domestic and foreign. Reference manual. year 2001. In 2 parts. 241+224 pages djvu in one archive 11.7 MB.
Most existing reference books provide information on individual types of radio components (transistors, diodes, etc.). However, it is not enough, and this book is a necessary addition to such reference books. reference guide according to labeling. The book on marking electronic components presented to readers contains, in contrast to previously published similar publications, a larger volume of information.
The reference book provides data on the letter, color and code marking of components, on the code marking of foreign semiconductor devices for surface mount (SMD), provides data on the marking of some previously unexplained types of foreign components, logos and letter abbreviations when marking microcircuits from leading foreign manufacturers, data recommendations for using and checking the serviceability of electronic components.
This book is devoted to the marking of microcircuits, thyristors, indicating devices, sound signaling, switching and protection of electrical circuits. In addition to information on marking, typical connection diagrams, installation dimensions, logos and letter abbreviations for marking microcircuits from leading foreign manufacturers are given. Presented helpful information, which generally will help determine the type and purpose of the element, and select a replacement for it, taking into account the area determined for it on the board. The book is intended for specialists in the repair of radio-electronic equipment, as well as a wide range of radio amateurs

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Trumpert V. Measurement, control and regulation using AVR microcontrollers. 2006 208 pp. djvu. 4.4 MB.
The book describes the features of using AVR microcontrollers in measurement, control and regulation technology. In this case, the main emphasis is on voltage measurement, output and display of measurement results, as well as on regulation of analog voltages. The presented material makes it possible to follow the entire process of device development step by step, understand why the software and hardware are arranged in this particular way and not in any other way, and be able to carry out independent development if necessary.

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Dx. Friden. Modern sensors. Directory. 2006 587 pp. djvu. 7.8 MB.
The Handbook of Modern Sensors can be called a reference book for researchers in any field of natural science, since it outlines the physical principles, development methods and options practical use a wide range of sensors for a wide variety of applications. The book was published on English language for the third time, and this is no coincidence, since any modern system measurements cannot be done without the use of sensors, which are “translators” of the surrounding analogue nature into the language of digital technology, i.e. we can say that sensors are the “eyes, ears and noses” of silicon crystals. The book is divided into chapters in accordance with the purpose of a particular group of sensors: names such as temperature sensors, pressure sensors, etc. speak for themselves. This organization of the reference book makes it very easy to read. Last third the publication is supplemented with a description of sensors implemented according to the most modern technologies. We are talking about electromechanical microsensors (MEMS) and electro-optomechanical microsystems (MEOMS), without which such dramatic progress in the fields of wireless telecommunication systems and certain areas of medicine and technology, observed in recent years, would not have been possible.

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Y. D. Shirman, editor. Radio-electronic systems: Fundamentals of construction and theory. Directory. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional 2007 512 pages djvu 19.9 MB.
The fundamentals of construction, general optimization issues and the theory of radio-electronic systems for location, navigation, information transmission, control, electronic warfare, as well as issues of wave propagation and elements of general systems engineering are considered. Compared to the first edition, the reference book has been significantly revised and supplemented taking into account the latest world scientific achievements.
For engineers, teachers and university students specializing in the field of location and navigation systems engineering, general radio engineering and radio physics.


Great Radio Amateur Guide

Publisher: Compact disk
Country Russia
Year of manufacture: 2002
Full CD version with a convenient menu without loss of information for those who know how to count their money. It was possible to fit seven disks onto one using the latest advances in data compression and visualization. Contains information about domestic and foreign elements manufactured over the entire century.

In this publication you can find full specifications devices, connection diagrams, truth tables, overall dimensions, description of work, as well as translation and explanation of specific technical terms:
1 Microcontrollers.
2 Semiconductors 1
3 Semiconductors 2
4 Analog chips
5 Microcircuits for television and video equipment
6 Digital logic chips 1
7 Digital logic chips 2
Quality: eBook (originally computer)


Encyclopedia of a beginner radio amateur (Nikulin S. A., Povny A. V.)

ISBN: 978-5-94387-849-7

Author: Nikulin S. A., Povny A. V.
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Technical literature
Publisher: Science and Technology
Russian language
Number of pages: 384
Description: The book was created specifically for beginner radio amateurs, or, as we also like to say, “dummies.” She talks about the basics of electronics and electrical engineering necessary for a radio amateur. Theoretical questions are presented in a very accessible form and to the extent necessary for practical work. The book teaches you how to solder correctly, take measurements, and analyze circuits. But, rather, this is a book...


Radio amateur library

Author: Team of authors
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Educational literature Language: Russian
Format: DjVu, PDF, scanned pages
Number of books: 55
Description: This is a collection of various books related to electronics and radio engineering. These books will be useful for both beginning radio amateurs and professionals. There are 55 books in total. Everything is in Russian. List of books Audio.Hi.Fi.pdf LCD.Monitor.djvu Antennas.for.communication.djvu Antennas.satellite.djvu Caller ID.djvu equipment .pdf Home.electrician.djvu Grounding...


Encyclopedia of amateur radio. Modern element base (Shmakov S.B.)

ISBN: 978-5-94387-859-6
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Shmakov S.B.
Year of manufacture: 2012

Publisher: Science and Technology
Russian language
Number of pages: 384
Description: The directory summarizes information on modern element base, which is used by radio amateurs in their creativity or when repairing household equipment. Electronic components are discussed in systematic sections: characteristics, principle of operation, color and code markings, designations in diagrams, recommended analogues. The large colored insert is very clear. ...


ISBN: 978-5-94074-941-7
Format: DjVu, OCR without errors
Author: Andrey Kashkarov
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias
Publisher: DMK Press
Russian language
Number of pages: 184
Description: Repair and maintenance of switching power supplies is impossible without knowledge of the principles of their operation and methods for diagnosing faults. The book discusses the issues of calculating switching power supplies, describes in detail their circuit design and operating principles, various methods of stabilizing output voltages, methods of protecting power supplies from overloads in secondary circuits, types...


School for the beginning radio amateur taking into account modern electronics (2nd edition) (Vladimir Drigalkin aka LENIN INC)

Year of manufacture: 2011

Genre: Electronics Tutorial
Russian language

Version: 2.6 (build dated September 22, 2011)
Number of pages: 73
Description: How to learn electronics? How to learn to solder? How to learn to read diagrams? These and many other questions on electronics will be answered by the self-instruction manual 2011 - School for the beginning radio amateur taking into account modern electronics (2nd edition) The new edition of the electronic textbook will introduce the reader in detail to radio components, both obsolete and modern. This book pays great attention...


School for the Beginner Radio Amateur with Modern Electronics (2nd Edition) (LENIN INC)

Author: Vladimir Drigalkin aka LENIN INC
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Self-teacher
Russian language
Number of pages: 80 (HTML)
Format: eBook (HTML in software interface)
File size: ~12Mb
System requirements: Windows 9X/2K/XP/Vista/7, Internet Explorer 5.0 and higher
Description: If you have a great desire to be friends with electronics, if you want to create your own homemade products, but don’t know where to start, use the self-instruction manual School for Beginner Radio Amateurs, taking into account modern electronics. New edition of e...


Year of manufacture:2008
Description: The program contains ALL the information about cars from the WHOLE world. A large number of videos, the opportunity to feel inside or around the car. A huge number of specifications, comparison tables, information about awards. Over 300 reviews, first looks at cars and over 100 concept models. It is possible to view data about the engine, its components, etc....
Add. Information: "Auto catalog 2008" is attached.


Blacksmith's Handbook (A. Matveev, V. Kochetkov)

ISBN: 978-5-94275-579-9
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: A. Matveev, V. Kochetkov
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Professions and crafts
Publisher: Mechanical Engineering
Russian language
Number of pages: 357
Illustrations: Black and white
Description: Information is presented on the materials used in aircraft engine construction, brief data on the physical essence of plastic deformation, the main equipment of forging and stamping workshops, the equipment used, heating devices and modes of forging and stamping, as well as temperature control when heating metal. The role of processing is shown...


Directory "Armored vehicles" (MediaHouse)

Format: HTML
Year of manufacture: 2005
Genre: Reference
Publisher: MediaHouse
Russian language
Description: Information about armored vehicles and weapons that were and are in service in Russia and Soviet Union. It talks about tanks, self-propelled guns, armored vehicles and combat vehicles. Data on tank engines and armored weapons is offered. The directory has easy navigation, several types of classification (by type of equipment, by purpose, by weight, etc.).
Add. information: The directory opens with the file index.html The distribution is not constant (I don’t have the technical capability 24 hours a day...


Thermist's Handbook (Dovgalevsky Ya.M.)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Dovgalevsky Ya.M.
Year of manufacture: 1962
Genre: Technical literature
Publisher: Saratov Book Publishing House
Russian language
Number of pages: 414
Description: The reference book provides data on the composition, properties and heat treatment of steel, cast iron and alloys based on non-ferrous metals. Brief information is provided on testing methods and thermal control, as well as on equipment and safety precautions in thermal shops.


Batteries. Directory (Andrey Kashkarov)

ISBN: 978-5-93037-261-8
Format: DjVu, OCR without errors
Author: Andrey Kashkarov
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Technical literature
Publisher: RadioSoft
Russian language
Number of pages: 192
Description: The book discusses modern batteries for household electronic equipment, their electrical and technical characteristics. The full range of reference information includes ultra-thin batteries for portable (compact) radio equipment, water-activated energy storage devices, as well as powerful batteries for automotive and special equipment, and power plants. The refrain runs through the theme of ways and...


Cyclist's Handbook (V.I. Pustovalov, V.M. Mayboroda, V.V. Kameristy)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Authors: V.I. Pustovalov, V.M. Mayboroda, V.V. Kameristy
Year of manufacture: 1976
Genre: Technical literature
Publisher: Prapor
Russian language
Number of pages: 156
Description: The directory describes the designs of the main models of domestic bicycles of all types. The rules for their operation are outlined and recommendations are given for repairs that can be performed by the cyclist himself. The book is intended for a wide range of cyclists, as well as workers in bicycle workshops and factories.


Paramedic Directory (Lazareva G.Yu.)

ISBN: 978-5-386-01052-2
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: medicine and health
Publisher: Ripol Classic
Russian language
Number of pages: 453
Description: This reference book contains the necessary information on the main sections of clinical medicine, without which the work of a paramedic cannot be organized at high level. It describes various diseases, methods of their diagnosis, treatment and prevention. The book is written in simple and accessible language, so it can be addressed not only to those who have a medical education, but also to those who are concerned about their own health and...


The newest veterinarian reference book (Larina O.V.)

ISBN: 978-5-91503-223-0
Format: PDF, DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Larina O.V.
Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: Veterinary
Publisher: House of Slavic Books
Russian language
Number of pages: 800
Description: The veterinarian's directory contains basic information regarding the maintenance of various domestic and farm animals, indoor and yard birds, aquarium fish, and exotic animals. The publication contains information about the feeding habits of animals, fish and birds, the most common breeds, and also describes the symptoms of various diseases and their treatment. The book is supplemented with brief stat...

MISRA is the Motor Industry Software Reliability Association, a group that has developed the C language standard for mission-critical embedded systems. For such as automotive or aviation equipment, various hazardous industries. Where the cost of a software error can be very high. This is a set of stricter rules for the C language. There is a version for C++, but that’s not the point. The beauty is that MISRA C is supported by some compilers, and if you add the appropriate switches, they will also check the code for compliance with MISRA C, for example IAR. There are also separate code analyzers for compliance with the standard.

Well, the very essence of the standard is to complicate the lives of various redneck coders and those who like to have fun in the code :) There, for example, it is forbidden to shove it in the title for everything except standard cycle life support options. Standard types like char or int which depend on the architecture. Only strictly defined types like uint8_t. Prohibited switch without default, A case And if/else without enclosing the contents in ( ) blocks. Demonstrative arithmetic and stuff like that are prohibited. There are about two hundred such rules there. A real concentration camp for a coder, where nothing is allowed :) But it becomes more difficult to make a stupid mistake.

One of my old online friends, with whom I have been communicating for probably more than ten years, since the days of LiveJournal, recently produced a most intelligent book on electrical materials. Solders, plastics, electrical tapes, various tubes, textolites, metals and alloys... This is all sorted into shelves and categories, often with theoretical calculations and so on. I strongly recommend reading it at least diagonally.

I think I won’t be mistaken if I call the book Electronics step by step the best guide for beginners when studying electronics from those that can be read in Russian. Yes, it will push only to the mid-70s, to microcircuits, no further. But it will push you so that you can fly for a long time and successfully. Excellent illustrations, excellent explanation of the basics of theory and practice. And now a group of comrades have found Rudolf Anatolyevich, he lives in the USA, and is trying to organize a reprint of the book. We are currently assessing demand and collecting pre-orders.

My opinion is that you should take it.

I just draw your attention to this wonderful work. The book is really smart, it starts from scratch, with what a zero and a one are, and ends with pipeline processors. Moreover, everything is parsed in HDL, starting with the simplest blocks. There are tasks and questions for self-test. In general, if you read it carefully and complete all the tasks, then creating your own microcontroller in the depths of the FPGA will be a completely feasible task.

Discrete logic and its synthesis are well understood. Basic mathematical operations with integers and floating point numbers. A quick introduction to VDHL and Verilog is given, and then comes the assembly on HDL of various adders, counters, ALUs and other parts of the processor.

Andrew Tanenbaum
Name: OS. Development and implementation
Publisher: Peter
It's been a while since I posted useful books. We need to improve.
So, since I started talking about the topic of programming, I can’t forget such an author as Andrew Tanenbaum.
Programmers already know about him - after all, he is one of the classic authors, and his works describe in detail the principles of construction operating systems. Moreover, all this is described literally on the fingers, using simplified analogies. However, there are also plenty of examples in C. It’s a bit boring in places and a lot of things don’t apply to our area, but for general development It won't hurt at all. A must-read book.

I recently found a wonderful work on power electronics here. The calculation and design of switching power supplies is described very well. Boost, buck, invert. The calculation of cores, chokes, the choice of diodes and switches is thoroughly analyzed. The features of the operation of bipolar, field-effect and IGBT transistors are described. Examples of serial products are analyzed.

Moreover, what is incredibly pleasing is that the book is written not in the form of a dry reference book, but in the form of a living human language. With examples from life, explanations on the fingers in especially muddy places. Lots of pictures and graphs. All of the above is confirmed immediately by calculation formulas. All sorts of rakes and troubles that can await you when calculating power circuits are explained in detail. Overall, the book is simply excellent. I haven't seen anything like this for a long time.

The second edition of this book, expanded and supplemented, has long been published. You can take it, a worthy purchase.

Author: Perebaskin A.V. Bakhmetyev A.A. Title: Labeling of electronic components Publisher: Dodeka

A good color guide to marking modern components. It will be especially useful for beginners, since the beginning is coming A detailed educational program on basic codes for resistors and capacitors. All these color stripes and codes. There is also a reference book on SMD codes with a detailed description of the part. However, the SMD code does not give an unambiguous answer; you can only sharply narrow the circle of “suspects”, and then, after reconnaissance of the board, figure out exactly what part it is. Also in the directory there are overall dimensions of different cases, mainly loose powder - all sorts of SOT, DO and other small fry.

Author: M. Damke Title: Microcomputer operating systems Publisher: Finance and Statistics

An old-timer on the site and one of the most active and intelligent commentators, comrade SWG did a wonderful thing - he scanned and downloaded a book on writing operating systems for microcomputers into DejaVu.

I haven’t really gotten into it yet, I scrolled diagonally - rulez! There is no special sinker, everything is in the form of algorithms and concepts. Everything is written in simple and understandable language. In particular, everything is analyzed using the example of the Z80 and i8080. In general, a wonderful book. As SWG said somewhere in the comments: “Read this book and the invention of bicycles will go wherever more fun":)

There is such a wonderful science. More precisely, it is not so much a science as a technique - TRIZ. Which stands for Inventive Problem Solving Theory. Let's say we have to come up with a solution to some problem. Eat different ways way out of this situation. You can sit and be dumb, in the hope that someday insight will come. You can randomly go through options, even crazy ones. Perhaps a solution to the problem will come. And TRIZ provides a powerful tool for analyzing the reasons why our problem is not being solved, as well as how to resolve these reasons. Developed by Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller in the USSR in the 40s, it was actively implemented and, perhaps, this is why our designers manage, out of shit and sticks, for mere pennies, on their knees, to whip up something that their Western colleagues are breaking their heads over and spending millions. Of course, the technique itself does not provide revelations, but it helps to set the brain in the right mood and dig in the right direction.

A simple example from the book:
It is necessary to test the liquid analyzer, and there must be a lot of liquid, that is, at least a liter per second must flow through the sensor, otherwise nothing can be measured. But in a laboratory setting, on a table, it is impossible to carry out such an experiment - where can you get so much of the substance under study? Yes, and to run it in liters - that’s what the size of the installation will be.

A TRIZ contradiction arises: “There should be a lot of liquid - There should be little liquid.”
How to make a lot out of little? Copy small many times.

As a result, a thin tube was pierced through the sensor several times and a glass of liquid was passed through it. The volume is small, but it scrolls through many turns at the same time and creates the effect of a large volume flowing through the cross section of the sensor.

And there are a lot of such jokes in the book. True, there is little in relation specifically to electronics, more about industrial technologies for manufacturing microcircuits and boards, but still, it’s a damn fascinating read. In general, it’s nice to look at beautiful engineering solutions, and even to understand why they were invented this way and not otherwise... But what am I telling you - read and get inspired.

Author: M.B Lebedev Title: CodeVision AVR guide for beginners Publisher: Dodeka

On the Internet there was another book on C for AVR, this time the compiler is thoroughly described CodeVision AVR (CVAVR). To be honest, I don't like CodeVision. Yes, of course, there is a wonderful project wizard and a beginner will get a working program in just a few minutes. Everything is very simple and clear... but when I once looked at the code, at the generated assembly listing... BEEEEEE I didn’t even do such a mess GCC at minimum optimization settings. It's also worth the money. In short, I tore it down. If only I could find a properly cracked IAR... it generates truly masterpiece code. You can use it to learn assembly techniques. And here... In general, this compiler did not impress me. But I’m posting the book. Because a lot of people use it. I haven’t read the book, I’m posting it as it is. The book is thick and weighs so much because it is a high-quality scan and there are so many pages - almost 600. Solid work.

Author: Shpak Yu.A. Title: Programming in C for AVR and PIC microcontrollers Publisher: MK-Press

Here's what I dug up. Actually, I have never seen any other books on GCC. At one time there was a cool manual in the form of a chm file, but then it disappeared somewhere and I never saw it again. So download what you have :) Here, first, the C language itself is considered, worse of course than , but in a smaller volume. And then there is a description of the C language with an emphasis on microcontrollers. Quite briefly, but there are examples, and this is the main thing. The CCS-PICC compiler is described for PIC, and GCC WinAVR is disassembled for AVR.
I was especially pleased with the reference book at the end of the book, which briefly describes all the functions of the standard delivery of CCS-PICC and GCC WinAVR with examples. In general, you have no choice, since you are too lazy to write in assembler, you will have to figure it out using this book :)

Author: Yuri Revich Title: Practical programming of AVR microcontrollers in assembly language Publisher: Bhv

Great book. From the tabletop series. The author explains in a very accessible, detailed manner, without being boring or abstruse, how to use all the richness that the Atmel developers have crammed into their controller, and the book is recent, which means the controllers there are already modern. All peripheral devices are disassembled, and specific practical examples clearly show how to reproduce sounds via PWM, how to write and read on MMC flash drives, how to use comparators, ADCs, SPI, TWI. There is a whole section dedicated to mathematics on microcontrollers. Addition, division, multiplication of integers and fractional numbers. Both with and without a sign. In combination with a datasheet or book, it provides almost complete information for working with the AVR. There is also a chapter dedicated to the connection between the MK and the computer. There is an example of a Delphi program for working with a COM port. In general, I highly recommend having it, it won’t hurt.

Author: R. Tokheim Title: Fundamentals of Digital Electronics Publisher: Mir

They recommended this book to me as good material on digital electronics. I looked. Really, excellent presentation of material. Everything is very simple, but without slipping into primitivism. Both elementary logic and more complex structures, such as flip-flops, counters, and registers, are analyzed. Various ALUs and other adders. There is an analysis of complex moments, such as the race of states, when, due to the finite speed of operation of the elements, the real circuit does not work as its mathematical description. And, of course, methods to combat this scourge. Of course, from a practical point of view, this book is already outdated. Since now only an inveterate retrograde would develop a circuit using discrete components, microcontrollers and FPGAs have long ago crushed this niche for themselves, surpassing discrete ones both in speed and in price. But for understanding the theory of operation of digital electronics and the principles of constructing logic circuits, this book is perfect.
Haven't they canceled electronics in universities yet? ;)))) Here! This book is the perfect way to prepare for an exam on some deployment systems.

Author: Gordon McComb Title: Radioelectronics for dummies Publisher: Dialectics

What is this book about? Yes, about everything that begins immediately outside the microcontroller case. It is difficult to find such a gadget that can be connected to a microcontroller and that would not be in this book. ADCs, DACs, external memory, interfaces, buttons, LEDs, relays. Various sensors and bus connections. Encoders and motors, solenoids, digital potentiometers, and who knows what else. Where does interference come from and how to deal with it, errors, methods for measuring different quantities. Ready-made circuit solutions and general concept of work.

Moreover, everything is written out literally on the fingers; mathematics, of course, is there. But it fits within the school curriculum. As the author himself says: “I don’t want to write a book about theoretical calculations, and I don’t think you would read it. This book is about real embedded microprocessor systems, so I want to focus on practical examples. »

And for the section on Automatic Control, the author can safely erect a monument. Everything that they unsuccessfully tried to instill in us for almost two years at the university, Stuart literally chewed on his fingers, so much so that it becomes clear instantly, within a dozen pages. If I had come across his work in the third year, I wouldn’t have failed the TAU exam at one time :) How I passed the TAU later is a different story, and my phrase “What, you’re a fool to give an excellent grade to your colleague in the shop?” became a cathedral slaughterhouse :) What am I telling you here, here, study it and, having finely hammered it into the joint, smoke it in one fell swoop. Many questions will disappear at once :)

Microcircuits for switching power supplies. Directory.
Publisher: Dodeka.

A very good reference book. It is remarkable because it is... the most common translation of datasheets. One to one, picture to picture.
There are tons of translated datasheets; the four-column list alone takes up a dozen pages. I found all the pulse chips I knew there! What’s especially pleasing is that there is documentation for the domestic kit. Which is always a problem. If you don’t find an analogue and don’t pull the paper on it, it’s a lost cause.