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Film 300 years on guard of health. As part of the campaign "300 years of guarding order!" Tomsk children congratulated state traffic inspectors on the Day of Internal Affairs Officers

On December 22, 2018, from 14:00 to 20:00, a hotline for medical issues will operate on the Moscow 24 TV channel.

Telephone: (multi-line).

We will forward your questions during the live broadcast of the “Pulse of the City” event to a council of doctors consisting of leading experts in such fields as cardiology, dietetics, infectious diseases, and general therapy.

At the same time, traditionally, city residents will be able to check their health for free at specially installed diagnostic points. General practitioners from 12:00 to 20:00 will conduct an initial examination, give recommendations and refer for further examinations, if necessary, at seven mobile diagnostic points.


  1. Zaryadye Park (Dome Pavilion)
  2. Olympic Village (mother and child room, medical center)
  3. Gorky Park (medical station near the skating rink)
  4. Kuzminki Park (pavilion)
  5. Bauman Garden (children's club premises)
  6. Fili Park (art studio pavilion)
  7. VDNH (chess club)
"Pulse of the City" started in September 2017, mobile points were deployed in the parks of the capital. Second phase unique project, in October, the Moscow 24 TV channel held in the lobbies of seven stations Moscow Central Circle (MCC). In December, the event took place at city skating rinks, and in February and June 2018 – in the capital’s parks.

During the existence of “Pulse of the City,” doctors have consulted several thousand people. All of them underwent a primary medical examination and were assured of their health.

Surveys have confirmed that the main ailments of modern metropolitan residents are cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, headaches and neurological pain. Moreover, as a rule, Muscovites turn to doctors only in the most acute, extreme cases.

Anniversary of the Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after. N. N. Burdenko. 80 years of health protection

Greatest scientific achievements, thanks to which neurosurgeons save people's lives.

1. Endoscopic removal of a skull base tumor

A tumor at the base of the skull is dangerous because it compresses vital structures

Previously, to remove such a tumor, neurosurgeons had to open
cranium. The disadvantage of such an operation was that healthy people suffered
brain tissue. Therefore, a person saved from a tumor after the operation became
disabled for life.

Today, tumors at the base of the skull are removed endoscopically. Through the nose, mouth
or ear (depending on the location of the tumor), neurosurgeons insert an endoscope
- and with its help, without damaging healthy brain tissue, the tumor is removed.

2. Removal of intervertebral disc herniation using cold plasma

Depending on the level of location of the herniated disc, pain
may occur:

  • in the back and to the leg;
  • in the neck and combined with pain in the arm.

Previously, in order to save a patient from an intervertebral disc herniation, neurosurgeons
underwent quite complex traumatic operations, during which they had to
remove several vertebral arches.

Today, intervertebral disc herniation can be removed using low-traumatic
and very efficient operations.

One of these operations is the removal of intervertebral disc herniation during
using cold plasma.

Neurosurgeons apply an electrode to the herniated intervertebral disc, at the end
which produces so-called cold plasma. This plasma evaporates
soft tissues of the disc, it decreases in size, stops squeezing the nerve
ending - and the pain goes away.

Removal of intervertebral disc herniation using cold plasma is used
only at the initial stage of development of the disease, when there is no rupture of the fibrous

3. Removing a Brain Tumor Using a Cyber ​​Knife

Just 20 years ago, neurosurgeons had to
make a burr hole in the skull, insert instruments into the brain and
remove the tumor. The disadvantage of such an operation was that healthy people suffered
brain tissue. Therefore, a man saved from a brain tumor after surgery
became disabled.

Today, neurosurgeons remove brain tumors using a cyberknife.

A cyber knife is not a knife in the usual sense of the word. None
There is no surgical intervention during treatment with this device.
Medical manipulation takes place without craniotomy. Knife are
100-200 beams of radiation that focus on the tumor and destroy it.

Separated from each other, radiation beams do not pose any danger.
Passing through the brain, they do not damage healthy tissue. But when all the bunches
radiation converges at one point, it turns into a deadly weapon against
tumor cells.

For many years, traffic police inspectors have been patronizing the pupils of the Moryakovskaya boarding school, organizing and conducting exciting and educational events for them. As a sign of gratitude and friendship, the children invited their mentors to visit them to congratulate them on their upcoming professional holiday.

Especially for this day, children with disabilities health, prepared video congratulations, learned poems, made crafts and drew cards for their mentors.

During the meeting, traffic police inspectors gave their charges a lesson on safe behavior on the street. They noted that during the change of seasons and cold weather, not only motor skills change, but also the attention of young participants traffic. This could lead to dangerous driving situations. In this regard, when weather conditions worsen, it is necessary to remember safety rules, be extremely attentive and careful, and in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility, be sure to wear reflective elements on outer clothing.

At the end of the meeting, the children presented the police with a letter of gratitude and took a commemorative photograph with them.

tags: traffic police

Employees of the Penza State Traffic Inspectorate congratulated the traffic police veteran on the Day of Internal Affairs Officer

09.11.2017 - Traffic police

On the eve of the Day of Internal Affairs Officer, representatives of the regional State Traffic Inspectorate congratulated the veteran of the Great Patriotic War and veteran of the State Traffic Inspectorate N.I. Belousova on her professional holiday.

The leadership of the regional State Traffic Inspectorate regularly visits N.I. Belousova. Thanking the veteran for his many years of work for the benefit of road safety, the traffic police officers wished the veteran good health and longevity.

Nikolai Ilyich was very glad to see the guests and remembered the days of service in the traffic police and those distant days of the war that left a mark on his fate. During his time at the State Traffic Inspectorate, he worked his way up from a traffic controller to a senior state traffic inspector. In addition to military awards, Nikolai Ilyich Belousov was also awarded medals of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The police congratulated the veteran on Internal Affairs Officer's Day and presented him with a memorable gift. They noted that to this day they remember his conscientious service in the internal affairs bodies.

tags: traffic police

The head of the Tomsk State Traffic Inspectorate congratulated employees and veterans of the service on the Day of Internal Affairs Officer

10.11.2017 - Traffic police

Today, the head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Vyacheslav Treshchev, held a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the Day of Internal Affairs Officer. Vyacheslav Gennadievich congratulated his colleagues on their professional holiday, thanked them for their work and expressed best wishes employees and veterans of the service, as well as members of their families.

On this holiday, the head of the regional State Traffic Inspectorate presented certificates Thanksgiving letters and the next titles. Warm words were addressed to both current employees and veterans of the service. Some veterans accepted congratulations at home. Vyacheslav Gennadievich sincerely wished them health, happiness and prosperity. He expressed gratitude to them for their many years of dedicated work for the benefit of the safety of citizens and noted that their positive traits, such as professionalism, integrity and responsibility, will always serve as an example for current and future traffic police officers.

tags: traffic police

Russia’s refusal of the Mantoux test, tested and recommended by WHO, and its replacement with the genetically engineered Diaskintest produced by the Generium company is pushing the country towards a tuberculosis epidemic. Subsequently, additional millions of rubles from the state pocket will be required to treat the sick. But before that time, the creators and manufacturers of Diaskintest, as well as the government officials who cover them, will have time to make money for the health of our children.

Tuberculosis is a dangerous socially significant disease that infects billions of people. The most vulnerable group due to their not yet formed immunity are children. For many decades, the best assistant for doctors was the Mantoux test. It allows you to capture the very beginning of the process, when tuberculosis lesions are not yet visible on an x-ray. A drug containing killed mycobacteria is injected under the skin, and based on the intensity of the allergic reaction, the phthisiatrician determines whether there is an infection in the body and how active the process is.

Scientists for a long time looking for cheaper ones simple ways diagnosis of tuberculosis. The principles for creating a new drug were laid down back in 1991 by Professor Peter L. Andersen (now executive vice president of the vaccine research center at the SSI Serum Institute, Denmark). A drug containing genetically engineered proteins that are identical to those of the bacterial wall of the tuberculosis bacterium is injected under the skin. The direction is considered promising, but research into its effectiveness and safety is still ongoing around the world. In 2015, the Journal of the European Respiratory Society published the article “C-Tb sensitivity: a new RD-1-specific skin test for the diagnosis of tuberculosis infection.” One of the authors is precisely the “father” of the new method, Peter L. Andersen. Scientists have concluded that the Mantoux test cannot yet be replaced by a new drug.

Experiment on children

But in Russia they seized on this method, seeing a “gold mine” in it. Back in 2009, the Generium company introduced Diaskintest to the market - a complete analogue of the RD-1-specific skin test. And already in 2014, this drug began to be intensively introduced into public medicine. Despite the fact that pilot projects have shown that it is not able to detect up to a third of acute forms of tuberculosis!

Diaskintest leaves 5–8% of cases of active tuberculosis hidden. That is, instead of it, children will be treated for chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases

Last year, by order of the Ministry of Health, the Mantoux test was replaced by Diaskintest for mass examination of children from 7 to 17 years old. As a result, TB specialists froze in anticipation of a disaster. And these are not words: main Researcher Department of Organization of Anti-TB Care Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology PMGMU named after. THEM. Sechenova, Professor Margarita Shilova proved: according to official statistics, in 2015, due to the use of Diaskintest, there was an increase in the incidence of children and adolescents in 64 of 85 regions of Russia. Isn't this an argument? According to her data, the abandonment of the Mantoux test in the Yaroslavl region, where the first pilot project with Diaskintest was carried out, led to a 3-fold drop in the detection of acute forms of tuberculosis. According to Professor Konstantin Puchkov (in 2014–2016 he was deputy chief physician for pediatrics at the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Combating Tuberculosis), a test with Diaskintest does not reveal the early stage of development of tuberculosis, as intended by its creators, but the blooming stage of the disease. This is proven by the results of a study conducted by Puchkov in Moscow in 2009–2015. A firm position on the issue of the effectiveness of Diaskintest cost Professor Puchkov his scientific career: he was fired from the Tuberculosis Research Institute - probably not without the efforts of Diaskintest supporters. Currently a famous scientist, author of more than 100 scientific works, including chapters in the national manual on tuberculosis, holds the post of chief physician of the regional tuberculosis hospital in the city of Vyborg.

On this topic

Representatives of the Georgian opposition threatened the country's President Salome Zurabishvili with impeachment for refusing to deploy on Georgian territory military base USA. The head of state previously stated that the construction of the base could be perceived as a provocation.

However, scientific truth tends to come to the surface. New research by Irina Mikheeva, head of the immunoprophylaxis laboratory of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, showed that Diaskintest leaves 5–8% of cases of active tuberculosis hidden. That is, instead of it, children will be treated for chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases, in the meantime they will lose health and may die. How many peers can they infect during this time, not to mention family members?

Yes, and Diaskintest’s safety is not all right. Adverse reactions to it seem to occur much more often than to the Mantoux test. This is proven by research by the head of the department of phthisiology at St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Professor Vladimir Krivokhizh, who describes nonspecific reactions to Diaskintest in children: a sharp increase in temperature to 39 ° C, swelling of the arm into which the drug was injected, redness and pain.

Strange decision of the Ministry of Health

It turns out that those who should be guarding the health of our children turn out to be their executioners? Some involuntarily, out of ignorance, and some quite deliberately, guided by personal interests... The hasty decision of the Ministry of Health to replace the Mantoux test with a test with Diaskintest is quite understandable, if we keep in mind the people directly or indirectly involved in this. The media claim that the sharp rise of Diaskintest began after Andrey Dementyev and Andrey Reus each received 12.5% ​​shares in Generium, on whose instructions this drug was created. Both of them worked in the government under the leadership of former Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko. And on top of that, they are all neighbors and golf partners. It is not surprising that companies associated with both Andreys seem to be a priority when receiving government orders, including from the Ministry of Health, which was previously headed by Khristenko’s wife Tatyana Golikova. Diaskintest is also produced by the Lekko company, part of the Pharmstandard group, whose main owner is businessman Viktor Kharitonin, close to the Khristenko family.

After Golikova’s departure, Diaskintest remained with very influential lobbyists in the Ministry of Health. Among them are probably the chief phthisiatrist Irina Vasilyeva and the chief children's phthisiatrist Valentina Aksyonova. It was Aksyonova who became the locomotive that literally pushed through the refusal of the Mantoux test on a national scale. This is not at all surprising: apparently, it was she who participated in the creation of Diaskintest on the instructions of Generium, and therefore, by declaring that she had nothing to do with the development of this drug, she is clearly disingenuous. According to, on the website of Perm State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov in 2014, a message was published that “Valentina Aksyonova, as part of a group of researchers commissioned by the Generium company, took part in the development of the biotechnological product Diaskintest.”

Presumably, this had a very positive impact on Ms. Aksenova’s financial situation: according to the 2NDFL certificate, in 2014 she had seven sources of income, which brought her 1,682,000 rubles for the year. And in 2015, the income was already 4,322,000 rubles. In 2016, it increased to 5,328,000 rubles. Moreover, Ms. Aksyonova received the money through the Regional Public Institution “Human Health” (TIN 7709214478). This is a charitable organization that, according to its charter, provides assistance to adults and children with disabilities, their families, veterans and people in difficult situations. Maybe Valentina Aksyonova received charitable help? Hardly. But then I wonder what services worth more than 5 million rubles could she provide to the Regional Public Institution “Human Health”? Indeed, in 2015, ROOI paid her 2,282,000 rubles, in 2016 – already 3,013,000 rubles. The amounts, as we see, grow in proportion to Generium’s income from Diaskintest. What does "Generium" have to do with it? But here's what it has to do with it. "Generium" made a donation to the ROO "Human Health" on January 12, 2015 - for the organization of the "School of Health" (for patients with multiple sclerosis) 2,300,000 rubles. For the same purposes, on July 1, Generium transferred 2,660,250 rubles, on March 2 – 1,000,000 rubles, on May 13 – 4,500,000 rubles. The reports can be seen on the website of the Regional Public Institution “Human Health”. The chain is clear: Generium most likely transfers money to a charitable organization to organize a good and useful cause, and the organization probably pays part of the funds to Ms. Aksyonova.

Five million - of course, these are not the billions that Generium receives after Diaskintest entered the government procurement list. But both Aksyonova’s millions and Generium’s billions, apparently, were obtained at the cost of the health of our children today and, moreover, the health of the nation in the near future. The longer Diaskintest is used in our clinics, the more likely tuberculosis outbreaks will occur, which will ultimately lead to a real disaster.

Based on media materials

11.10.2017 (18:57)

The premiere screening of the film “300 Years of Guarding Health” took place in St. Petersburg

A medical conference was held in St. Petersburg with the participation of eminent academicians and professors of medical sciences, during which the premiere screening of the film “300 Years of Guarding Health,” dedicated to the anniversary of the Kronstadt Naval Hospital, was shown.

The film “300 Years of Guarding Health” tells viewers about the origins of Russian naval medicine through the history of the Kronstadt Naval Hospital. The film shows the life and everyday life of naval doctors, from the times of Peter the Great to the present. Veterans and home front workers of the Great Patriotic War, residents besieged Leningrad, hospital staff.

The hospital was founded in 1717 - only 13 years later than the walled city itself. It was here, as the head of the 35th Naval Hospital, Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service Mikhail Roskostov, said that a hospital school was created in 1773, which marked the beginning of medical education in Russia and the training of domestic military medical personnel for the fleet. Later, this and a similar school of the St. Petersburg Hospital in 1799 were transformed into the Medical-Surgical Academy - the current Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirov.

Real masters of Russian medicine worked at the Kronstadt Naval Hospital. Among them are the outstanding 18th-century surgeon Ivan Bush, the founder of obstetrics and gynecology in Russia Nestor Maksimovich-Ambodik, the creator of the national school of neurosurgery Andrei Polenov, one of the creators of evolutionary physiology, academician Leon Orbeli, and many others. Among the many unique achievements is the world's first anti-plague vaccine, obtained by hospital doctors in 1901.

Severe trials befell doctors and all medical staff during the Great Patriotic War. Carrying out their duty in the most difficult conditions of the blockade under bombing and shelling, during the war years they managed to return about 40 thousand wounded and sick to duty.