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City of Kerch population. History of Kerch

It is very difficult to retell the history of the city of Kerch briefly. This is the oldest city in Russia and one of the most ancient in the world. At different periods, he interacted with a variety of civilizations - traded, fought, and even became part of them. Numerous historical sights of the city remind us of this, some of which cannot be seen anywhere else.

Brief history of Kerch

Judging by the excavations, people, these were Neanderthals, have lived here since the Middle Paleolithic. They were engaged in gathering, fishing, hunting, including mammoth. It’s hard to believe, but mammoths lived in Crimea back then. Then, in the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras, they were supplanted by the Cro-Magnons, who actually led the same lifestyle. They were replaced by people of the Bronze Age, who left behind many mounds, remains of settlements and burial grounds.

Royal Kurgan

The photo shows the most famous of the Kerch Peninsula mounds, but it was built much later, during the Bosporan Kingdom.

Greek colonists from Miletus settled in these areas at the end of the 7th century BC. e. They founded Panticapaeum on this site, placing its acropolis at the highest point in the area - current grief Mithridates. Quite quickly the colony grew and other Greek settlements began to be built. The ruins of many of them can be viewed while relaxing in Kerch and its environs, these are Tiritaka, Nymphaeum, Mirmekiy, etc.

Ruins of Nymphaeum

Gradually, Panticapaeum became the capital of the Bosporan state, which was very influential in the region, which gradually annexed vast territories on both sides of the Kerch Strait. Dynasties changed, the city grew and became richer. He conducted an extensive trade, being at the crossroads of trade routes from Europe to China, and exported wheat, salted fish, fish sauce and wine (judging by the reviews of contemporaries, not very high quality). Gradually the city turned into a major political, trade and craft center of the region. They even minted their own coins, including gold ones.

Ruins of Panticopaeum on the slope of Mithridates

King Mithridates VI Eupator was unable to preserve the independence of the country and the Bosporan kingdom in the 60s BC. e. passed to the Tiberius Julius dynasty, that is, under the hand of the Roman Empire. Then the country survived the invasion of the Huns, and in the 6th century it became part of Byzantine Empire. Emperor Justinian I ordered the construction of the Bosporus fortress here. But less than a hundred years passed before Crimea completely ceded to the Turkic Kaganate. In the 8th century, the Khazar Khaganate ruled here, in the 10th century - the Slavs, who called the city Korchevo. Korchev was part of the Russian Tmutarakan principality and was a sea gate Kievan Rus and more than once suffered from Polovtsian raids. In the 12th century, it again came under the protectorate of Byzantium. In XIII it became one of the Genoese colonies and was ruled by Circassian princes.

In 1475 these territories went to Ottoman Empire and became its rather poor backyard. True, the Turks, who feared Russia, built an impressive building here, but it did not help to retain Crimea.

Turkish fortress Yeni-Kale

In 1774, according to the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Treaty, a monument to which stands in the center of Kerch, the city and most of it were ceded Russian Empire.

Two historical document- Crimea is ours!

The further history of the city is connected with Russia. These are the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, industrialization, post-war restoration, post-perestroika decline and 25 strange years as part of Ukraine. In 2014, Kerch returned home to Russia, as is now recalled by the second inscription on the monument to the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Treaty.

The hero city of Kerch is one of the very first settlements to be attacked by Nazi troops back in 1941. It was through it that the front line passed four times. And it was he who was occupied by enemy troops twice. 15 thousand civilians died, 14,000 were taken to Germany. The hero city of Kerch has truly experienced a lot. However, few people know about this.

Legendary city

Kerch is one of the oldest cities in the world. It arose only a year later than Rome. In 2000, in September, Kerch celebrated its 2600th anniversary - a significant date. During all this time, the city changed several names. It was called Panticapaeum, Bosporus, Korchev, Cherchio - but these names did not stick to it, unlike the modern one. While Kerch was Panticapaeum, the Greeks lived here. For 900 years the city was the capital of the Bosporan kingdom. By the way, it is in the 1st century AD. e. became dependent on the Roman Empire. Relatively for a long time By the way, about 200 years. In the 3rd century, the Bosporan kingdom suffered a decline - devastating wars began, and Kerch was destroyed. But the city was restored, and in the 6th century it turned into a Byzantine fortress. In the 10th century, Kerch, then called Korchev, became part of the city, but not for long - in the 14th-15th centuries it was renamed Cherchio, and it began to belong to the Genoese.

The beginning of the story

Wartime in the 40s of the 20th century was the most tragic and significant period for the peninsula. The small, secluded, cozy hero city of Kerch, located on the outskirts of Crimea, was captured in October 1941. These were fierce military actions, as a result of which the Nazis still managed to capture it. The city was completely liberated from the invaders only on the penultimate day of December of the same year. Thanks to the 51st Army, as well as the joint forces Black Sea Fleet and the Azov military flotilla managed to return Kerch to peacetime.

But during these month and a half, the hero city of Kerch suffered an enormous amount of suffering and suffered incredible losses. There is one place there - it’s called Bagerovo ditch. It was there that more than 7,000 civilian city residents were shot.

But the peacetime ended quickly. In 1942, in May, fascist troops returned to the hero city of Kerch. History says that they were courageously resisted by local detachments of partisans and underground fighters who were hiding in the caves of the Adzhimushkay and Starokarantinsky quarries.


After Hitler's troops were defeated in the Caucasus, battles began for the liberation of the Crimean Peninsula. In 1943, an operation called “Defense of Tierra del Fuego” began. Bloody battles raged for 36 long days in a row - nothing but a chilling fire tornado could be seen. The paratroopers showed incredible courage and bravery. It was a truly unequal battle, in which we still managed to survive.

In 1944, the hero city of Kerch had to be liberated again. This can be briefly described as follows: on April 11, an active assault on the joint forces of the Azov military flotilla, the Black Sea Fleet, as well as the Separate Primorsky Army. They also helped fight air force Fourth Air Force. It was another long battle.

The hero city called Kerch bravely went through all the troubles of the war. More than 85% of buildings and structures were simply destroyed. The handsome city was not like itself. The number of inhabitants was reduced from one hundred thousand to 30. They and their loved ones made incredible resistance efforts to defend their home harbor. This is military history hero city. Kerch will long remember this terrible event, which claimed tens of thousands of lives.


Many people choose hero cities as holiday destinations. Kerch is no exception. Indeed, some people like to go on vacation to places of former glory, to be proud, to look at historical military monuments. And Kerch is also a resort city.
Its attractions are very diverse, and each of them represents a specific era. The most famous ones are located right in the city center - these are the Great Mithridatic Staircase and the Obelisk of Glory. Lenin Square, eternal flames, the Church of John the Baptist, made in traditional European style, is just a small list of places that you should visit when you come to Kerch on vacation.

The hero city, the project of which was actively developed and implemented after the war (as mentioned above, locality was almost completely destroyed, so it had to be practically rebuilt), is really attractive for tourists. In addition, today this city is the largest industrial center.

Tourist and excursion center

So far, Kerch is only gaining popularity. For many, this city remains a mystery - an uncharted land. However, due to what happened over last year events of a political nature, a lot has been said about the hero city of Kerch. In particular, due to the fact that it is here that the crossing is located that connects the Crimean peninsula with the Russian mainland. Hundreds of people come to Kerch every day to take the ferry to and from the city. Due to this, the name of the city began to appear more often in the news, newspapers and magazines. Many new facts began to be learned about Kerch. And the city began to gain popularity. For the summer of 2015, for example, more than half of the hotels, inns, apartments and guest houses have already been booked. The number of Kerch connoisseurs and admirers is increasing - with such success, perhaps this city will become even more popular than Yalta.

Industrial center

The territory of the city is 108 square meters. km, Kerch stretches for almost fifty kilometers along the famous strait. If we count the Crimea, then only Sevastopol can compete with such significant indicators, which, as everyone knows, is also included in the list called “Hero Cities”. Kerch is an excellent recreation area. It has numerous boarding houses located right on the sandy shore. A comfortable recreation area with beaches has also been formed in the northeastern part of the city. He settled down nearby

But the center of Kerch is the most attractive part for tourists. He's getting better every day. The embankment also cannot help but attract attention - a lot of restaurants, bars, attractions, cozy parks, secluded streets, beautiful modern buildings, shops, shopping centers. In general, tourism in Kerch is developing actively - and this has a positive effect on the ranking of Crimea among the most visited resorts in Russia and Europe.


The hero city of Kerch occupies a significant place in history. The coin created in his honor is not only a souvenir, but also a valuable reminder of his heroic past. True, the circulation was produced 20 years ago - under Ukraine. This is a coin with a face value of 200 thousand karbovanets, made of cupronickel. It was issued in a circulation of 50 thousand copies - quite a lot, by the way, for a commemorative coin. Many collectors have it in their collection. By the way, this is a great gift for a true patriot. These banknotes became especially popular in lately- after the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

Assignment of honorary status

On September 14, 1973, Kerch began to be officially called a hero city. This date has gone down in history. Why is Kerch a hero city? Many people who don't know history ask this question. Of course, Kerch is not such a famous place of former glory as Sevastopol, Minsk, Brest or Murmansk. However, it is also worthy of this title.

In April 1974, Kerch shone: crowded squares, sunny weather, hospitable atmosphere, elegantly decorated streets. The city received its liberators. But this was only preparation for the holiday. But the 11th was truly a day of remembrance - the veterans and workers of Kerch proudly laid flowers on Mithridates at the obelisk, planted an alley of trees in the Youth Park and then went to admire the warships of the Black Sea Red Banner Fleet, which greeted the sunny city with waving flags. This was the first holiday that Kerch celebrated in its new status as a hero city.

Future plans

Kerch will improve and develop - that’s for sure. Since this is now (previously this was the name of the inconspicuous town of Dzhankoy, when the peninsula was still part of Ukraine), then the city must be of an appropriate level. Although it is already quite well developed, it needs to be made even better.
For example, plans are already in development to build a highway to Sevastopol. It is very important to actually modernize the transport complex, reconstruct existing roads and build new ones. These works will cost about 445 billion rubles. This information was announced by the head of the Crimean Republic - True, this amount will go not only to Kerch, but to the entire peninsula.

Bridge over the Kerch Strait

Also now everyone is concerned about the construction of a bridge or tunnel across the Kerch Strait. The crossing, of course, works conscientiously, but due to regularly changing weather conditions (fog, rain, storm), it often stops its work. This slows down the movement of ferries, and, accordingly, trucks with food, household chemicals, furniture and cars are delayed. So the construction of the bridge today is one of the main tasks for the Crimean government. It is no secret that these plans have existed for decades. However, today this issue is especially acute - due to the fact that it is through Kerch that Crimea is connected to Russia. So the problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

History of Kerch

Panticapaeum (Greek Παντικαπαίον) from Iranian Panti-Kapa meaning. fish way; Wed : "Cappadocia" - Iran. "country of horses") founded on the site of modern Kerch by immigrants from Miletus at the end of the 7th century BC. e., in its heyday it occupied about 100 hectares. The Acropolis was located on a mountain called today Mithridates. The main patron deity of Panticapaeum from the founding of the settlement was Apollo, and it was to him that the main temple of the acropolis was dedicated. The construction of the oldest and most grandiose building, by the standards of the Northern Black Sea region, of the Temple of Apollo Ietra was completed by the end of the 6th century. BC e.. In addition, later, next to the palace of the Spartokids, there was a temple in honor of Aphrodite and Dionysus.

Over time, the entire city was surrounded by a powerful system of stone fortifications, superior to that of Athens. In the vicinity of the city there was a necropolis, which differed from the necropolises of other Hellenic cities. In addition to the usual ground burials for Hellenes at that time, the necropolis of Panticapaeum consisted of long chains of mounds stretching along the roads from the city to the steppe. On the southern side, the city is bordered by the most significant ridge of mounds, today called Yuz-Oba - a hundred hills. Buried under their mounds were representatives of the barbarian nobility - the Scythian leaders who exercised military-political protectorate over the city. The mounds still constitute one of the most striking attractions in the vicinity of Kerch. The most popular of them are Kul-Oba, Melek-Chesmensky, Zolotoy and especially the famous Tsarsky.

The territory where modern Kerch is located was already inhabited in the 17th-15th centuries BC. e., as evidenced by archaeological excavations carried out in the area of ​​​​the village of Mayak. However, the history of Kerch as a city began at the end of the 7th century BC. e., when on the shores of the Cimmerian Bosporus (Kerch Strait) ancient Greek colonists founded a number of independent city-states (polises) that formed in the 40s. 6th century BC e. military confederation. The goal of the intercity union was to confront the indigenous population - the Scythians. Panticapaeum was the largest, most powerful and probably the first. This is indicated by the fact that already from the late 40s. VI century BC e. Panticapaeum minted its own silver coin, and from the last third of the 70s. IV century BC e. - and gold.

By the mid-80s. IV century BC e. the cities on both sides of the strait lose their independence and enter the Bosporan state of the Spartokids with the capital Panticapaeum.

Thanks to his geographical location the city was for a long time at the crossroads of trade routes between Europe, Central Asia, China and the Mediterranean. The main export products of Panticapaeum were grain and salted fish. Winemaking became widespread.

Capital of the Bosporan Kingdom. Dynasties: Archeanactids, Spartokids

A representative of the noble Milesian family Archeanakt, became an archon (elected magistrate) for the democratic union of the majority Greek cities in the Bosporus from 479 BC. e. with its capital at Panticapaeum. Over the next 42 years, the Bosporan Confederation was presided over by the Archeanactids, whom Diodorus, modernizing the past, mistakenly called “reigning” (for Diodorus, all Bosporan rulers were kings). Under the Spartokids, who replaced the Archaeanactids in 438 BC. e. and those ruling the Bosporus until 109 BC. e., without exception, all the cities of the former confederation were subordinate to Panticapaeum - the political, trade, craft and cultural center. As a result of active foreign policy Spartokids - whose tyrannical power grew into royal power - the Bosporan kingdom in the middle of the 4th century. BC e. included eastern Taurica and the Taman Peninsula.

The heyday of the Bosporan kingdom dates back to the reign of Leukon I from 389 to 349. BC e., his sons and ends with his grandson Eumelus (309-304 BC), whose plans included making the Pontus Euxine (Black Sea) the inland sea of ​​his kingdom. The last of the Spartokids - Perisad V - was unable to resist the claims of the barbarians (Sarmatians?) to hegemony over the Bosporus and was forced to abdicate the throne in favor of the Pontic king Mithridates Eupator. However, in 107 BC. e. During negotiations with Diophantus on the transfer of power to the Pontic king, the uprising of Savmak broke out in Panticapaeum, and the last of the Spartocid family was killed by Savmak.


The rebel leader Scythian Savmak became the ruler of the Bosporus. The system established during the reign of Savmak, which lasted about a year, is unknown. After lengthy preparation, Mithridates VI sent a large punitive expedition Diophanta. In Crimea, Chersonese detachments were included in it. Diophantus's troops took Feodosia, crossed the Kerch Peninsula and captured Panticapaeum. Savmak was captured, and the Bosporan kingdom came under the rule of Mithridates VI.

Mithridates VI Eupator

Having suppressed the uprising, Mithridates began to rule the Bosporan kingdom, which became part of the Pontic kingdom.

During the three Mithridatic wars, Panticapaeum and the entire Bosporan kingdom worked for the Pontic king, who was at war with the Roman Republic.

In 65 BC. e. The defeated Mithridates takes refuge in Panticapaeum and, recognizing in 63 BC. e. about the betrayal of the son of Pharnaces II, is stabbed to death at his request by the head of his bodyguard detachment, when he is surrounded in the Panticapaean citadel by troops rebelling against him and incited by his son.

Roman colony. Tiberia Julia. Sarmatian King Aspurg

Pompey recognized Pharnaces as the Bosporan king, who proved his loyalty to Rome by rebelling against his father. After the assassination of Eupator I (Scribonius) in 14 BC. e. The Bosporan kingdom became a vassal kingdom of the Roman Empire for three hundred years. In 14 AD e Tiberius assigns the title of king to a Sarmatian named Aspurgus, who, relying on the great potential of the nomadic army, conducts a series of victorious wars with the Scythians, strengthens the Bosporus, and expands the borders of his kingdom. Receives the title of φιλοκαισαρ - “friend of Caesar” and Roman citizenship with the right to transfer it by inheritance. He is called the great king who reigns over the entire Bosporus, Theodosia, Sindians, Maeotians, Torets, Psessians, Tarpeti and Tanaitians. From the 1st century AD e. local kings take a new dynastic name and become Tiberius Julia.

After the death of Aspurgus, Caligula confirmed the candidacy of Mithridates VIII on the throne in Panticapaeum, who, however, began to implement a course of independence. At the first stage of the Bosporan War of 45 - 49, he was overthrown by the Romans and fled to the Asian part of the Bosporus. In Rome in 68, after an unsuccessful attempt to plot against Emperor Galba, he was executed.

End of the Bosporan Kingdom

In the first centuries of our era, Panticapaeum, like the entire Bosporan kingdom, was attacked by the Ostrogoths.

Panticapaeum as the capital of the state finally ceased to exist in the 370s AD. e. during the Hun invasion. Vast areas of the capital were reduced to ruins. However, the city continued to live, and, soon revived, turned into a large trade and craft center of the Northern Black Sea region.

Middle Ages

Kerch missorium, 4th century silver. Photo from Ludwig von Siebel's book Christliche Antike, vol. 2, Marburg, 1909.

Byzantine part of the Church of John the Baptist in Kerch (VII-XIX centuries)

In the 6th century the city was under the rule of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire. By decision of Emperor Justinian I, a garrison was sent here and construction of a fortress began, called Bosporus. The city becomes the center of the diocese, and the culture of the local population develops under the influence of Greek Orthodoxy.

In the 8th century, Crimea fell into the sphere of influence of the Khazar Kaganate. Bosporus receives the Turkic name Karsha, or Charsha, which translated from Turkic means market.

By the 9th-10th centuries, the Slavs became the masters of the Northern Black Sea region. With the formation of the Tmutarakan principality, the city, named Korchev, played an important role as the sea gate of Kievan Rus. In the 12th century, Old Russian Korchev was subjected to Polovtsian raids and destruction, and soon returned to the sphere of influence of Byzantium, but the Slavic population continued to live in the city later, until Mongol invasion. In the 13th century, Crimea, including Korchev, was taken over by multi-tribal hordes of nomads (later collectively known as “Tatars”), led by the Mongols.

In 1318, the city became part of the Genoese colonies in the Northern Black Sea region, the center of which was Caffa. Under Genoese rule, the city, which they called Cerchio and Vosporo, was a large seaport. The population was engaged in salt and fishing, power belonged to the consul, who was subordinate to the government in Caffa.

In 1475 the city passed to the Ottoman Empire. Under the Ottomans, Kerch fell into decay and was repeatedly raided by the Zaporozhye Cossacks. At the beginning of the 18th century, in response to the strengthening of Russian military power in the Sea of ​​​​Azov, the Turks built the Yeni-Kale fortress on the Kerch Strait.

New time

Yeni-Kale fortress. XVII century

After the Russian-Turkish War, according to the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Treaty of 1774, Kerch and the Yeni-Kale fortress were transferred to Russia.

Kerch became part of the Tauride province in 1783. The population of the city consisted of Greeks, Russians, Ukrainians, Italians and Armenians. In 1790, a battle took place in the Kerch Strait, in which the Russian fleet under the command of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov defeated the Turks.

According to the statements of the Novorossiysk Treasury Chamber, compiled in 1802, there were only 249 inhabitants in the Kerch-Yenikalsky Posad and the fortress.

In 1821, Kerch and Yeni-Kale were allocated as a special administrative unit- Kerch-Yenikalsk city administration. From that time on, the city began to be improved - a highway with sidewalks was built, connecting the city with Yeni-Kale, the main streets were illuminated with lanterns, the state museum antiquities and a district school that trained accountants and clerks. By 1830, there were 24 fishing enterprises in Kerch, and the importance of the Kerch port increased. In 1846, on the basis of a large deposit iron ore, discovered on the Kerch Peninsula, an iron smelter began operating. By the middle of the 19th century, the population of Kerch was 13.6 thousand inhabitants.

In the early 80s XVIII Russian traveler Vasily Fedorovich Zuev discovered iron ore deposits on the Kerch Peninsula. According to engineers Guryev and Voskoboynikov, who conducted research on the deposit in the 30s of the 19th century, this deposit “is the richest in all of Southern Russia.” In 1846, an iron smelter began operating on the basis of an iron ore deposit. By the middle of the 19th century, the population of Kerch was 13.6 thousand inhabitants.

In 1855, during the Crimean War, British troops destroyed and plundered the city. The blast furnace was blown up, and the iron smelter equipment was loaded onto a ship and taken to England.

In the second half of the 19th century, mechanical and cement factories were built in Kerch, the Peters and Zhukovsky canning factory (1873) and the Mesaksudi tobacco factory (1867) were opened, and work was carried out to deepen and expand the fairway of the Kerch Strait. In 1900, the metallurgical plant began producing products; railway. In 1913, a seaport began operating in Kerch.

According to the census of the Russian Empire in 1897, there were 31,383 inhabitants in Kerch (for comparison, in St. Petersburg 1264.9; in Moscow 1038.6; in Odessa - 403.8; in Kyiv - 247.7 thousand inhabitants).

Distribution of residents of the cities of the Tauride province by native language, according to the same census:

Russian - 49.1%;

Electricity appeared in some houses in the city in 1910.

In 1855, during the Crimean War, British troops destroyed and plundered the city. In the second half of the 19th century, mechanical and cement factories were built in Kerch, a cannery and a tobacco factory were opened, and work was carried out to deepen and expand the fairway of the Kerch Strait. In 1900, the metallurgical plant began to produce products, a railway was built to Kerch, the population of the city was more than 33 thousand people.

After the decline caused by the First World War and Civil wars, the city resumed its growth. By 1939, the city's population reached 104,500 people.

Kerch during the Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, Kerch became the scene of fierce battles between Soviet and German troops. The front line passed through Kerch four times. After fierce fighting in November 1941, the Germans captured the city. The city was liberated for the first time on December 30, 1941 during the Kerch-Feodosia landing operation. After the retreat of Soviet troops in May 1942, part Soviet soldiers took refuge in the Adzhimushkai quarries. After the war, a museum was opened in Adzhimushkay. During the war, the city's population decreased from 70 thousand to 6.5 thousand people.

October 31, 1943 Soviet troops began crossing the Kerch Strait during the Kerch-Eltigen landing operation. The Kerch bridgehead was occupied near the city, the front line ran along its outskirts. In January 1944, boats of the Azov military flotilla landed troops in the Kerch port), during which part of the city was liberated, but due to the failure of the offensive on the bridgehead, the positions occupied by the landing force had to be abandoned. On April 11, 1944, Kerch was finally liberated. The severity and fierceness of the battles during the defense and liberation of Kerch is evidenced by the fact that for these battles 146 people were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and 21 military unit and the formation were awarded the honorary title “Kerch”.

The Obelisk of Glory on Mount Mithridates was opened on August 8, 1944. This is the first monumental monument dedicated to events The Great Patriotic War on the territory of the USSR.


Excavations of the ancient polis Panticapaeum on Mount Mithridates

Systematic excavations in Kerch began in the 30s of the 19th century. In 1872, during excavations in the area of ​​the Yeni-Kale fortress, a lead seal of Ratibor, the viceroy of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Vsevolod in Tmutarakan, was found, and during excavations in 1912, the seal of Feofania Muzalon, a Byzantine patrician, wife of Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich, was discovered.

Within the city there are several mounds - burial structures under a high artificial embankment. Archaeological work is regularly carried out on Mount Mithridates, on the top of which in the 5th century BC. e. - III century AD e. The acropolis of Panticapaeum was located. The ancient settlements of Tiritaka, Nymphea, Kitea and Porthmia are also subject to systematic excavations. Several ancient cities of the Bosporan Kingdom period were discovered on the Azov coast of the Kerch Peninsula, but to date they have not been sufficiently studied.

Kerch is included in the international UNESCO Silk Road program

Name exact date the appearance of the first settlers on the territory of modern Kerch is quite difficult. However, excavations that archaeologists carried out not far from the village of Podmayachny made it possible to establish for certain that already in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC, the lands on which present-day Kerch is located were inhabited by people.

However, the history of modern Kerch begins much later. Namely, from the moment the Greeks founded such a powerful city at one time as Panticapaeum. The founding date is considered to be the 7th century BC. Translated into Russian, the name of the city sounds like “Fish Route”. Time passes, the city develops and subsequently becomes one of the largest on the entire Crimean peninsula. By the way, it should be noted that this was the first Greek trading city located on the lands of the peninsula.

The founding of Panticapaeum marked the beginning of the Hellenic colonization of Crimea. Over time, other cities appeared around it, from the eastern part of the peninsula, albeit less significant ones: Nymphaeum, Myrmekiy and others.

When the Greek Panticapaeum reached its dawn, its area reached 100 hectares. This city, like many others in those days, had an acropolis, which was located right on Mount Mithridates. For protection purposes, powerful walls were erected around the territory of the acropolis.

By 480 BC, the number of Greek colonies established around Panticapaeum was so large that they were united into a single kingdom of the Bosporans. The creation of this union had one very specific goal: to resist the Scythians, whose tribes at that time were the most significant external enemy. The Bosporan kingdom extended from the southwest to the present-day city of Novorossiysk, and from the north to the mouth of the Don River.

Already at the beginning of the 2nd century BC, the Bosporan kingdom lost its strength and power, becoming dependent on the Pontic kingdom. At that time, Mithridates VI Eupator ascended the throne. He used the conquered kingdom as a springboard during military clashes with soldiers of the Roman Empire. The war lasted for more than a century, but the Pontic kingdom ultimately lost it. This happened in 63 BC. And from that time on, Panticapaeum came under the influence of the Romans, who became the rightful masters here. Their power lasted over three centuries. But it turned out to not last forever. In the 4th century AD, the territory of the Roman Empire was attacked by the Huns. The invasion was so rapid that Panticapaeum was almost immediately destroyed. However, the surrounding cities of the once mighty Bosporan kingdom suffered the same fate.

Life in the city began to revive almost 200 years later - in the 6th century. And the first steps to revive the city were taken by Justinian I, who ruled Byzantium at that time. It was on his order that a fortress was built on the site of Panticapaeum, called Bosporus. Subsequently, it became one of the largest centers in the northern part of the Black Sea region, which had commercial and industrial significance.

In the 8th century, the Khazars came to power in the city. The reason for this was the capture of the entire peninsula. And the Bosporus acquired a new name. From now on it began to be called Karsha, in other words “Market”. From the 10th to the 12th centuries, the Tmutarakan principality paved its sea route through the city of Korchev (as the Slavs called Kerch). At that time it was part of Kievan Rus. But in the 12th century, Cuman tribes began to actively raid the lands of Korchev. And after some time, she again fell under the influence of Byzantium.

In the 13th century, the entire Crimean peninsula, including the city of Korchev, was captured by the Mongols. The period known in history as Tatar-Mongol yoke. And again the city changed its name. This time they began to call him Cerchio. At that time it was one of the largest seaports on the Crimean Peninsula.

1475 The government is changing again. The city, among many others, falls under the influence of the Turks and Ottomans. However, the new rulers of the city were not interested in its development and prosperity. Thus, Korchev fell into decay. With the advent of the Ottomans in power, the city was increasingly raided by Cossacks from the Zaporozhye Sich.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Russia increased its military power in its part of the Sea of ​​Azov. In response to her actions, the Turks, who continued to dominate Kerch at that time, erected a military fortress on the very shore of the strait, which received the name Yeni-Kale.

The city began to slowly emerge from its state of decline only after the Crimean Peninsula was annexed to Russia. Already in the 19th century, active work was carried out to improve the city. In particular, roads were created, one of which led directly to Yeni-Kala; gas lamps installed; a school and a museum were built.

In the second half of the 19th century there was Crimean War, during which Kerch fell under the rule of the British. Already in the post-war years, an iron ore deposit was discovered in Kerch, which contributed to the establishment of the city as one of the largest industrial centers.

The subsequent development of Kerch began to be carried out by the Bolsheviks, who came to power in 1917. In 1939, before the outbreak of World War II, the city's population was over 100,00 people. After the German invasion, Kerch was under the rule of the Nazis for a very long time; they were driven out only in April 1944.

In 1973, Kerch received the title “Hero City”.

Keriç, Kerich). More early titles- (Italian) Bosphoro Cimmerio, Vospro, Cerchio, Cherz, other Russian Karchev, other Greek Παντικάπαιον listen)) is a city in Crimea (Autonomous Republic of Crimea) on the Kerch Peninsula, on the shore of the Kerch Strait. Kerch is one of the oldest cities in the world; currently on its territory there are many historical and architectural monuments dating back to various eras and cultures. Great Patriotic War.


Prehistoric period

The current territory of the city of Kerch was inhabited in prehistoric times. The first finds of the Middle Paleolithic were discovered by archaeologist N.D. Praslov in 1966 at the base of Cape Kara-Burun, on which the ancient settlement of Nymphaeum is located, and near Lake Tobechiki. In 2000, local historian B.I. Babich found a flake of Levallois appearance in the Kezy tract. A.I. Melnik in 2009 identified the Kamysh-Burun site with finds from the Mousterian period. Mammoth teeth were found on Esplanadnaya Street in Kerch. The age of the finds is 100-40 thousand years. These finds together are material evidence of the habitation of Neanderthals on the Kerch Peninsula.

More numerous sites, sites and points of the Mesolithic (8000-5000 years BC) and Neolithic (5000-4000 years BC) on the Kerch Peninsula. They were discovered by A. D. Arkhangelsky, S. I. Zabnin, P. N. Zabolotsky, A. A. Shchepinsky, Yu. G. Kolosov, L. G. Matskeva, S. A. Shestakov. Currently, 60 monuments of this time have been identified in Eastern Crimea. Residents were engaged in hunting and fishing. On the territory of Kerch there are points Mithridat I, Cape Karantiny, Kerchav-Ilgasy, Aleksandrovka, Geroevskoe I, Eltigen I, Eltigen II.

From the Bronze Age (3rd-1st millennium BC) on the Kerch Peninsula there were burial mounds with Yamnaya, Kemi-Obinskaya, catacomb and srubnaya burials archaeological cultures and settlements of pastoralists and farmers. These monuments were discovered and explored by V.V. Veselov, I.T. Kruglikova, A.M. Leskov, V.G. Zbenovich, V.D. Rybalova, S.S. Bessonova, A.E. Kisly. On the lands of the city of Kerch there are settlements of the Kamensk culture: the eponymous settlement Kamenka, Gleiki, Mayak I, Mayak II.

The Early Iron Age is represented by the Kizil-Koba culture (X-V centuries BC), whose population met the Greek colonization of the Northern Black Sea region. The mound of this culture was studied by S.S. Bessonova, ceramics are found in many ancient settlements.

Antique period


In total, in the battles for Kerch, 146 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On September 14, 1973, Kerch was awarded the title of Hero City with the presentation of the highest awards of the USSR - the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. In honor of the liberation of the city, the Obelisk of Glory and the Eternal Flame were erected on the top of Mount Mithridates.


Systematic excavations in Kerch began in the 30s of the 19th century. In 1830, the famous Kul-Oba mound (Hill of Ashes) was excavated, in which it was found large number Scythian gold jewelry. Excavations were carried out under the direction of Paul Dubrux.


Kerch. Main street. September

Location and terrain

The city of Kerch is located on the eastern coast of the Kerch Peninsula. Mount Mithridates rises in the center of the city. The terrain is large and small hilly, the territory is dissected by many gullies and ravines. Hills with a height of 40 to 100 m (Mount Mithridates - 91.4 m).

The city stretches along the coast of the Kerch Strait for 42 km. The total territory of the city is 10,763 hectares. or 108 km. sq. The small rivers Melek-Chesme (Primorskaya), Kerchav-Ilgasy, Bulganak, Dzharzhava, Moskovskaya, and Baksu flow through the territory of Kerch. . In the vicinity of Kerch there are mud volcanoes and salt lakes.

On the territory of the city there is the easternmost point of Crimea - Cape Lantern.


The climate of Kerch is moderate continental, close to subtropical. With mild winters and warm (often sultry) summers.

Kerch is located between the Crimea and the Caucasus, and therefore the climate of Kerch represents a struggle between the atmospheric influences of these regions and the influences of the Black and Azov Seas. In severe winters, the Kerch Bay completely freezes, which greatly affects the nature of the winter - for example, the average annual temperature of Kerch is one degree less than Feodosia.

Summer in Kerch, unlike the rest of Crimea, is characterized by much higher humidity, and temperatures exceeding 35 °C in the shade are extremely rare, but the average daily temperature is higher, unlike the steppe regions, where there are large temperature differences and lower average daily temperatures . There are heavy downpours; in Kerch they are caused by incoming rains from the eastern direction (Caucasus), reaching the Kerch Peninsula. The presence of large volumes of water (the Black and Azov Seas) prevents sudden changes in temperatures on the Kerch Peninsula.

Climate of Kerch
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 15,6 17,5 23,4 26,8 30,6 34,9 37,4 37,2 33,2 30,9 22,7 19,4 37,4
Average maximum, °C 3,5 3,8 7,8 14,3 20,2 25,0 28,1 27,8 22,6 16,3 9,8 5,3 15,4
Average temperature, °C 0,6 0,4 3,8 9,8 15,4 20,3 23,4 23,1 17,9 12,2 6,2 2,4 11,3
Average minimum, °C −2,1 −2,6 0,5 5,8 10,8 15,5 18,6 18,4 13,3 8,3 3,2 −0,3 7,5
Absolute minimum, °C −23,7 −23,1 −15,6 −6,5 −0,6 3,4 9,9 7,5 1,0 −5,4 −11,8 −17,6 −23,7
Precipitation rate, mm 33 32 33 31 30 55 35 50 37 29 44 43 452
Water temperature, °C 3 0 3 8 16 22 24 24 20 15 9 5 12
Source: Weather and climate Travel portal

The average number of days with snow cover in the city is 26. At the same time, the average depth of snow cover is 5 cm.


The steppe type of vegetation predominates on the territory of Kerch. It is dominated by typical, petrophytic and semi-desert steppes. The meadow type of vegetation is less common. Among the trees, introduced species are widely represented: plane tree, poplar, acacia, Crimean sophora, maklyura, thuja, silver elk, fir, walnut, as well as a large number of fruit species. In summer cottages, heat-loving plants such as pomegranate, figs, quince, persimmon, and grapes are grown.

In the steppe near Kerch the following grasses are found: feather grass, feather grass, fescue, wheatgrass, rhizomatous grasses and sedges. A subordinate role is played by sage, clover, adonis, etc. In drier areas, subshrubs (Crimean wormwood, prutnyak, some types of thyme) are common. Wild rose hips, thorns and hawthorn bushes are widespread.

There are 16 parks and squares in the city, which amounts to 236 hectares (together with intra-block landscaping). Square green spaces makes up about 28% of the total area of ​​the city.

Animal world

Kerch. Swans wintering

In the vicinity of Kerch fauna quite poor, mammals are represented mainly by rodents (small gopher, common vole, common hamster, gray hamster, steppe mouse). Common reptiles include the Crimean lizard, grass snake, and steppe viper. Occasionally there is a yellow-bellied lizard - a snake-like legless lizard. Squirrels meet in city parks.

The world of birds, especially waterfowl, is quite rich. On the outskirts of the city, seagulls nest along the shore. In winter, many people gather on the city embankment to admire the swans (mute swan, whooper swan), which arrive for molting and wintering. From birds of prey the steppe eagle and kestrel are present. In the steppes, larks are often found - large steppe, small, and field larks.
The steppe around Kerch is home to some arthropods that are dangerous to humans. These are scolopendra, tarantula and karakurt, as well as encephalitis tick.


Landslide processes on the coast

The soils are represented mainly by southern chernozems, solonetzic, and in some places saline. Chestnut and dark chestnut soils are also widespread. General composition The soils of the Kerch Peninsula have a complex structure.

Brown solonetsic loams dominate in the central part of the city. .

Administrative structure

Kerch. Obelisk of Glory on top of Mount Mithridates.

Until 1988, Kerch was divided into three districts, each of which had its own self-government bodies (including party ones):

  • Kirovsky (- Center)
  • Leninsky (- Voikov plant)
  • Ordzhonikidzevsky (- Arshintsevo)

To others large enterprise is the Zaliv shipyard, founded in 1938. IN Soviet years The plant was engaged in the production of Crimea and Panamax tankers, military frigates and oil platforms. In 1988, the world's first icebreaking transport vessel with a nuclear power plant was commissioned at the Zaliv shipyard - the lighter-container carrier "Sevmorput".

Also located in the city are a building materials plant, a glass container plant, and a number of food industry enterprises.

Throughout the history of the city, fishing has played an important role in its life, and currently a significant part of the population of Kerch is employed in fishing enterprises.

New economic projects

Kerch. Grain terminal.

Over the past few years, a number of economic projects have been implemented or are under implementation in the city.

Grain transshipment terminals have been built in the sea and commercial ports. (2004)
The Altzem company is implementing a construction project cement plant with a capacity of up to 4 million tons of clinker per year. It is planned to use the Kamysh-Burun port for cement transshipment. (Deadline for commissioning the first line is 2013)
In the sea fishing port, Kazakh investors (“AE Gas Terminal”) completed the construction of a terminal for transshipment of up to 1 million tons of liquefied gas per year. (Deadline: September 2012)

Together with Russian investors, a ferry crossing for the transportation of freight railway cars was reconstructed. A marine terminal was built at the Crimea-Caucasus crossing. (December 2010)

A ferry service was opened between Kerch and Poti (Georgia). (since 2009)

Trade and catering

The arrival of large chain retailers in Kerch in the second half of the 2000s was of great importance for the development of the city’s infrastructure. Currently (2012) the city has supermarkets of such chains as: Furshet (2 stores), Silpo (3 stores), ATB (4 stores), Fresh (2 stores), - food products; Foxtrot (3 stores), Tair (1 store), House of Technology (2 stores), - electronics; Nova Ploscha (1 store) - household goods; Visa (3 stores) - household chemicals and perfumes; Clean house (shops) - household chemicals; Bulkin - bakery products; pharmacy chains "Vista", "Med-service", "Genesis" and others.

On the central street of the city there is a shopping and entertainment center "MEGA".

In addition, the city also has a large number of smaller stores (the city chain of plumbing and building materials stores "Prestige" and others).

Important role plays the Central City Food and Clothing Market, located in the area of ​​the city bus station.

Public catering in the city is represented by a large number of bars, cafes (Inki, Winter Garden, Cleopatra, Comfort, Cherchio, Fishka, Blue Bay, Grand Veranda, Onyx, Anchor, Captain Nemo, Seventh Heaven, Count's Marina, etc.), restaurants (Kerch , Griffin, On Dvoryanskaya, Bonzai, etc.), pizzerias (Zhar pizza, Pizza Italia, Metro, etc.). The Penguin brewery is open. In the spring and summer, cafes and discos are additionally opened on the city embankment and city beach.


Banking organizations are quite widely represented in the city. There are branches of the following banks: Sberbank of Russia, VTB, Privatbank, Raffisen Bank, Oschadbank, Piraeus bank, Prominvestbank, FUIB, Finance and Credit Bank, Pivdenny Bank, Alfa Bank, ChBRR, Nadra Bank, Morskoy Bank, UkrGazbank, Express Bank, Ukrsibbank ( BNP Paribas group), VAB bank, Ukrsotsbank (UniCredit bank), Pravex bank (Intesa Sanpaolo), OTR bank and others.


Intercity and international transportation of Kerch is served by the Kerch Sea Trade Port, railway station, bus station and small airport. The Kerch ferry service carries passengers, cars and freight trains across the Kerch Strait, connecting the transport systems of Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory.
14 km northwest of Kerch there was a military airfield "Bagerovo", located at training ground N ° 71 (Kerch - 16, Moscow - 400). Since 1996, the airfield has not been in operation. Previously, this airfield was known for one of the three best runways in the USSR. In 2012, the airfield was sold to the Kerch company Lama LLC, specializing in trade building materials, which immediately after purchasing the airfield began dismantling it.

Crossing the Kerch Strait

The idea of ​​building a bridge across the Kerch Strait was expressed by Albert Speer, Minister of Armaments and War Industry of the Third Reich, at the beginning of 1943. The Nazis did not have time to build the bridge, but during their retreat they left behind material for the construction of the bridge: elements of spans and pile supports. The construction of the bridge has already been completed Soviet Union in 1944, on the 27th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. In winter, a northeast wind from the Sea of ​​Azov blew ice into the strait, which destroyed 32 supports on February 18, 1945, since the bridge did not have ice cutters. By February 20, 42 supports had been damaged. 73 supports, an overpass and an earthen dam have been preserved. A few days before the destruction, the train of the Soviet delegation was returning across the bridge from the Yalta Conference, which ended on February 11. They did not restore the bridge. The remains of the pillars impeded shipping for many years. Back in 1968, the liquidation of the remaining remains of supports in the area of ​​the Kerch-Yenikalsky shipping canal continued.

View of the Kerch trade port from Mount Mithridates

In place of the destroyed bridge, the Kerch ferry crossing was built in the early 1950s. Four railway ferries transported freight and passenger trains, and later three car ferries joined the crossing. At the end of the 1980s, rail traffic through the Kerch Strait was discontinued due to the aging of railway ferries and port equipment. Financial and economic problems, which followed the collapse of the USSR, interfered with projects to create new ferries. For more than 10 years, the crossing was only engaged in the transportation of passengers and cars, but in 2004, after the arrival of new ships and the reconstruction of port facilities, freight rail transportation through the Kerch Strait resumed.

The traffic interval of car ferries does not exceed three hours, and in the summer, due to an increase in the number of flights, it is reduced to two hours.

It is assumed that in the future a bridge will be rebuilt across the Kerch Strait, which will connect Crimea and Krasnodar region. In the spring of 2010, the Kharkov Agreements were signed between the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, according to which this bridge should be built by 2014 (the agreement requires ratification by the parliaments of both countries).

City transport

Minibus taxis are used primarily as public transport in the city. Several commercial taxi companies operate.


The grand opening of the tram service in Kerch took place on November 7, 1935. The first tram line, 5.9 km long, connected fish cannery And plant named after Voikova.

Melek-Chesme mound (IV century BC);

Mirmekiy(Greek Μυρμήκιον ) - an ancient city founded by the Ionian Greeks in the middle of the 6th century BC. e. ;

Tiritaka- an ancient settlement, located 11 km. from Panticapaeum;

Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist(10th century); - one of the oldest Christian churches in the CIS..

Yeni-Kale Fortress(XVIII century);

Great Mithridatic Staircase- built in 1840 according to the design of the Italian architect A. Digby. The staircase leads to the top of Mount Mithridates and consists of 432 steps;

Museum of the history of defense of the Adzhimushkay quarries|Museum complex in the Adzhimushkay quarries;

Nymphaeum- archaeological excavations in the village of Geroevskoye (Eltigen);

Kerch Fortress(XIX century). (Fort Totleben)

Crypt of Demeter- a world-famous ancient monument of Bosporan painting of the first half of the 1st century, located in the central part of the city, dug in natural soil.

Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum.

Golden Pantry.

Museum of the History of the Eltigen Landing.

Bulganak mud hill field(Valley of Volcanoes). - Located north of the village. Bondarenkovo, 5 km from Kerch.

Lapidarium- in terms of the number of Greek inscriptions, it ranks 12th among the repositories of classical epigraphic monuments in the world. The Kerch Lapidarium contains Bosporus ancient Greek inscriptions, sculpture and architectural details, as well as Hebraic and Turkic tombstones.

Chokrak- a salt lake on the shore of the Azov Sea not far from Kerch, with healing mud and hydrogen sulfide springs.

Museum marine flora and fauna at the YUGNIRO Research Institute.

Holidays and memorial days

  • Liberation Day of Kerch, April 11 (since 1944)
  • Fisherman's Day, second Sunday in July (since 1988)
  • City Day, second Saturday in September (since 1998)
  • Torchlight procession on the city of Mithridates in memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War(May 8)
  • Victory Day in the Second World War (May 9)
  • May 1 is International Workers' Day.
  • January 1 - New Year.

Festivals, competitions, regattas

  • Youth Festival "Neighboring World".
  • International KVN Festival "Kerch - the city of dreams"- takes place on the initiative of the Zaporozhye Institute of Economics and Information Technologies.
  • International Festival of Ancient Art "Bosporan Agons".
  • International Choreographic Festival » Dance Streams «.
  • Powerlifting Tournament » Vosporo Cup «
  • Windsurfing competition "Strait Cup"

Tourism and recreation

Due to its location on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas, Kerch attracts vacationers from the countries of the former USSR in the summer. In the vicinity of the city there are a number of boarding houses and recreation centers. The city has great tourism potential.

Average temperature sea ​​water in Kerch from May to September (for five months) is 21,2 degrees Celsius. (May - 16, June - 22, July - 24, August - 24, September - 20). The swimming season usually lasts from the end of May to the second half of September.

The average annual number of sunny days is 300.

Sunshine, hours per month, 1960-1990.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Sunshine, h 71.3 87.6 145.7 189 272.8 306 334.8 306.9 252 182.9 90 55.8 2294.8

The distance from Kerch to Simferopol airport is 220 km.

The distance from Kerch to Anapa airport is about 127 km.

The distance from Kerch to Krasnodar airport is about 240 km.

The distance from Kerch to Moscow along the highway is 1569 km.

The distance from Kerch to Kyiv by railway is 1020 km. , along the highway 950 km.

Kerch has direct railway connections with the cities: Moscow, Tula, Orel, Kursk, Kyiv, Belgorod, Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev, Dzhankoy, Simferopol, Kherson, Melitopol, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Alexandria, Pavlograd. Since 2012 in the summer from St. Petersburg.

Bus service is provided with the cities of Crimea and Krasnodar region.Chervs Kerch motorway passes E 97 with which the road connects edit] Resort establishments