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How to write magic words for magic. Spells and magic words for beginner magicians

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Every path, if only it leads to our dreams, is a magical path

My beloved readers, thank you for visiting my blog and reading me! For several days now, I have been practicing magic words and trying to use them in my life as often as possible! I want to say that they make it much easier and contribute to the implementation of my plans. How does this happen and what magic words to make wishes come true work best– read on.

What to say

Many articles have been written about why it is necessary to voice your desires. The main idea is this: any sound human language throughout history, charged with collective energy and endowed with meaning. Therefore, it now has its own energy-informational structure and sphere of influence. That is, first man created the word, now the word creates man.

Knowing which words carry what energy, you can naturally influence reality by using them in different situations. For example, to make a dream come true, you need to say magic words to fulfill wishes. They must necessarily carry the energy of creation and creation, since bad energy only destroys and destroys your dreams:

I would like to emphasize that You need to voice your desire as specifically as possible. But not a fantasy, but a real event or matter that can happen in your life, but when, under what conditions, is unknown.

How to speak

One of the rules of magical speech: speak according to the principle “ here and now" Because we live in the present moment, and not in the past or future. Therefore, when you say a wish, you need to feel how this is happening to you right now and how you like it.

Second important point: magic is only possible if you say magic words in its resource state, that is, in pleasure and happiness from achieving the goal. Then you will unconsciously begin to act correctly towards your dream.

For example, let's talk about money

Often no money when you urgently need it, because money is perceived as something bad. It is not for nothing that it is customary to say that money is evil (which is fundamentally wrong and untrue). Therefore, do not think or speak badly about money, that it is evil. Evil is when money is spent on bad things.

You need money for good things, so visualize the required amount and talk about them as something good and pleasant, like you have a lot of them. And not about how they are always in short supply, how huge the prices are and how to live on such small salaries.

To consolidate a positive attitude towards money, use the technique of self-hypnosis. Say the following each time:

  • “I am physically healthy. I'm confident. I'm open to information. I'm talented. I'm solvent. I'm happy about money. I give joy to others."

When you have formed a reflexive-conditional connection “ money is joy“, start wanting money, but with the obligatory clarification of what you need it for. Read more about other techniques in the article “How to materialize a desire.”

When to speak

Another significant point. You can say a lot of magic words, but if inside you are melancholy, apathy and fear of the future, then your outer space will change little. That's why take care of your inner mood on the result. Start every morning by setting:

There is light in my eyes. In my mind there is abundance. I am the love. I am the power. I am power. I am success. My life is a holiday. My heart is love.

Repeat these words when you wake up and greet a new day. Charges with positive energy for a long time. Checked! Take these words into service in all life situations. Whatever happens to you, remember and repeat to yourself that you are light, abundance, love and success!

That's probably all. Fight your inner dragons and wish only for what you really need! Be the wizards of your life! I will be glad if you share your favorite magic words, write!

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See you soon!

The world consists of energy waves of different strengths and frequencies. And each wave affects space in its own way. Therefore, being an energy wave, the word can have a great influence on the course of life, as well as direct actions and deeds. And if thought is a speculative idea, and action is a direct act of changing space, then the magic of the word is the trigger mechanism that launches the implementation of what was said.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

At the metaphysical level, the spoken word is an impulse that provokes the restructuring of event scenarios in accordance with what was planned. Therefore, if you voice it, do it immediately, otherwise the starting impulse will dissipate and the energy will be wasted. Surely you have noticed: those who talk a lot and promise a lot rarely implement their plans. While an idea is just an idea, it is more rational to remain silent about it, at least until the moment of taking the first steps towards the goal.


The magic of the word has been used in occult practices from ancient times to this day. Healers know how to put the power of their intention into special verbal formulas and thus create conspiracies to attract good luck, protection from negativity and healing.

Just as water goes into the ground without leaving a trace, so my illness leaves me. Just as everything burns up in a flame without a trace, so my ailments dissolve irrevocably.

Words or objects are often spoken with magic. outside world to achieve a certain goal. A frequent assistant in this is water as the most effective means for recording and transmitting energy information.

Water-water, help me heal, fill my body with indestructible strength, indestructible health and blooming youth. As I drink this cup to the bottom, my body will be completely filled with the good energy of life and prosperity, the will for good deeds, divine healing light and all-pervading love. Let it be so!

The phrase “so be it” has a special meaning in the magic of words. This link is always placed at the end of a magic spell, as a statement of will, thus expressing the fact of radiation of intention into the outside world. These words indicate the start of the magical formula coming into effect. From the moment they are uttered, the restructuring of the cause-and-effect relationships of reality and, as a consequence, the life scenarios of the objects of such influence begins.


Verbal repetition of certain attitudes also refers to the magic of words. But if in conspiracies they often resort to the help of objects of the external world, then affirmations are work purely with one’s own perception of reality. These verbal formulas help you enter the desired state and thus correct the scenarios of your life through your own inner world. Affirmations are used as settings that set the tone for the coming day, create self-confidence, and form the desired emotional background.

I am full of strength and energy. I am calm and confident. A wonderful day awaits me today. It will bring me success and prosperity, joy and emotional satisfaction. Everything I have planned is being realized. Everything unwanted will pass me by. Luck favors me. I am harmony and love.

Affirmations, like conspiracies, can have a wide variety of forms and purposes, depending on the specific task. It is worth saying that in the principles of word magic, such formulas will have great power if they are invented independently. The principle of non-disclosure also applies here: what more people knows the spell, the less effective it is. Formulas contained in secret have the greatest power. Therefore, real magicians and wizards rarely talk about their secret spells and pass them on only to selected and trusted students who have been awarded such a gift.

The magic of words is verbal method influencing reality in order to change it and realize intention. This type of influence is the most common, accessible and oldest. Do not think that this type of magic is the exclusive right of priests, esotericists, sorcerers and shamans. Although it is difficult to disagree that in combination with ritual and ceremonial actions, the power of the word increases many times over.


The magic of the word is inherent in absolutely every person with a developed will or energy. Very often, when communicating and interacting with other people, we forget that human speech is not only a way of expressing thoughts, but also a sound energy “charge” that has different effects, influence and direction, both positive and negative. This has long been proven experimentally many times over. Having accepted and realized this fact, it becomes especially important to maintain the “hygiene” of thought and speech in Everyday life primarily for your own good.

Below I will outline a number of the most famous trends, ancient and modern, where the magical power of the word has manifested itself and proven itself in the best possible way.

1. Prayers, hymns, praises and appeals to the Gods

Veles. Painting by Igor Evgenievich Ozhiganov

Prayers are an obligatory and integral attribute of the religious life of a believer. They are various types- laudatory, grateful, petitionary, repentant and serve to establish a connection with the Gods. The prayers are canonical Conservative texts that can be said aloud or silently. As a rule, the reading of a prayer is accompanied by various ritual cult actions. They can take place both collectively in places of worship with the direct assistance of a minister (priest), and individually.

Prayers to the Gods are a powerful verbal tool, tested and strengthened by time. For prayer to work, a good connection with the Gods is necessary, which is achieved by ritual entry into the religious space of the egregor, initiation into the egregor, fulfillment of instructions, compliance with the rules of one’s confession, sincere faith and a special energetic state. No wonder they say that the most strong prayer it is the one that comes from the heart.


The strength and effectiveness of conspiracies lies in their time-tested nature, in the special construction of phrases that create an energetic sound pattern, rhythm and order. This is part of the mentality and ancestral memory, where the magic of the word includes the power, knowledge and experience of many generations, which make it possible to realize in practice the magical power of the spell word.

3. Life-changing mantras of the East

Mantras are sacred sacred phrases or sounds pronounced in Sanskrit, some sources call mantras prayers. They appeared and became widespread as a result of the popularization of Eastern religious and philosophical teachings and practices related to the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It is in the practice of mantras that the magic of words and sound is considered an important and logical postulate, where much attention is paid to correct, impeccable pronunciation and sound with a certain sequence and cyclicity.

Mantras, like prayers and spells, have different functions and scope of application (protective, cleansing, for well-being, for love, etc.). However, in view of the peculiarities of philosophy, psychology, and the culture of the East, mantras, which have enormous energy potential, are mostly aimed at the internal work of a person with his physical body, consciousness and subconscious, promoting personal spiritual improvement and growth.

Quite often, the reading of mantras is accompanied by musical accompaniment, burning incense, and contemplation of mandalas and yantras.


Affirmations are short positive life-affirming phrases-slogans that are widespread and used in various modern psychological techniques, practices, trainings aimed at personal growth, discovery and development of one’s abilities, internal potential for solving life’s problems and goals.

By repeatedly repeating affirmations out loud or silently, work is done with the subconscious, where old attitudes, images, programs are replaced with new ones, qualitatively transforming both the person himself and, accordingly, his life. Subject to certain simple rules, this type of “verbal magic” is effective, simple, and accessible to everyone.

Today there is a wide selection of ready-made affirmations that you can borrow and apply. But still, the best affirmation is one made independently. This should be a phrase that corresponds to your true, purely personal, and not imposed goals, causing an energetic, joyful response, inspiration, and fullness. The phrase should be personal “I”, “me”, in the present tense, concise, succinct in an affirmative form, without particles “not”.

Examples of correctly composed affirmations.

  • “I am full of strength, energy, and in excellent health.”
  • "I'm always lucky".
  • "I'm delighted with myself."

5. Sytin’s healing moods

Sytin's healing moods are bright, lively, dynamic and very imaginative texts aimed at improving the health and treatment of a person. The phrases in the texts are formulated in such a way that when listening or reading them, there is a targeted positive effect on the subconscious, the internal reserves of the body are activated, aimed at healing and improving the physical and mental state. Sytin’s method is unique, scientifically substantiated, recognized and proven through the example of the life and work of the author himself, his followers and the many people who used it.

NLP is a non-standard special direction of modern practical psychology and includes many sections and techniques from various disciplines. NLP makes it possible to optimally influence oneself and others, and thereby increase personal effectiveness, achieve a resourceful state, personal goals, improve and build the necessary communication connections.

As the name suggests, some neurolinguistic programming techniques also include working with speech patterns and techniques. Quite often, NLP is criticized and causes ambiguous attitudes, however, even the simplest, uncomplicated techniques available to everyone have already proven the functionality and effectiveness of this system.

The key to the subconscious. Three magic words - the secret of secrets Anderson Ewell

The power of a word

The power of a word

By talking about marks hidden in the subconscious, we are getting closer to understanding the colossal impact they have on our lives. Any evil - illness, poverty, failure, lack of love, kindness, warmth - all the negativity that appears in our lives due to hidden marks is a thousand times more dangerous and stronger than any mistake we made in the search for truth.

Your subconscious may be filled with labels that make you sick, poor, lonely or unlucky. You must control these marks or they will control you. Through conscious meditation, using the Universal laws of the spirit, you must develop a kind of conditioned reflex - accustom your subconscious to see good and broadcast it, and good will automatically displace all negative marks. You must do this, and then a life filled with light and energy will begin for you. And evil will not come to those who do not do evil.

By practicing meditation, you will see that speaking words activates a certain force that creates favorable circumstances for you. Since the beginning of time, a word carrying a thought is the first step for development, creation and fulfillment of desires. Nothing compares to the power of a word or a thought invested in it if it is filled with your conviction.

The subconscious is an amazing mechanism that operates on the principle of deduction, that is, movement from the general to the specific. There is plenty of evidence that the subconscious is fluent in the deductive method of thinking. Give yourself the attitude “I will make money,” and it will immediately develop a logically flawless sequence of steps to fulfill this intention. For example, one person under deep hypnosis was told that he was talking with Plato, after which he burst into such profound philosophical tirades that could only be heard from the most skillful thinker. His statements revealed a level of intelligence that this man clearly did not possess, and it sometimes even seemed to those who witnessed the scene that he had “come into contact” with Plato himself.

People are accustomed to attributing phenomena they do not understand to the other world of spirits, ghosts and various invisible entities. But we know for sure: the subconscious has such resources that contain all wisdom and all knowledge, and all occultism is nothing more than the use of that boundless consciousness in which we all exist and live our earthly lives.


When you think about good and evil, you may find that the struggle between them requires incredible effort. Understanding how good and evil manifest themselves in our lives, you may think that you must take on a huge burden of responsibility and forever stand guard over your consciousness, not allowing negative thinking to enter it. And since we are all human and sometimes we make mistakes, you may be overwhelmed by the fear that you will not cope, and then you will be constrained by your indecision and give up.

Let's get this out of the way once and for all. First you need to understand that not only you are involved in everything that happens to you. Even your smallest action is not caused by you alone. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to walk down the street, talk to friends, or exist at all. You didn't create all this! You can not on their own create something. The power of creation is possessed only by that powerful energy substance into which your thoughts fall. It is she who creates all forms and circumstances, although at the same time it correlates with your way of thinking.

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There is a strong psychological technique that is equivalent to magic. You can influence the reality in which you exist, you just need to choose the right attitude. Everything is incredibly simple...

Magic words

Two secret words, which you will learn about, can be used daily. We often do this without realizing it, but if we approach the issue meaningfully, the result will be completely different.
Start practicing this exercise and after 2 weeks, see what changes have happened to you. Speak “I allow it!” if you think about positive events, and “I cancel!” if you are worried about unpleasant thoughts.
Say what you dream about out loud, and at the end add “I allow!” This technique will help you take care of yourself, be more conscious about life, and take small steps closer to your cherished goal every day.
By adding the sentence: “I cancel all obstacles,” you will further enhance the effect of what was said. Self-hypnosis is a powerful practice, and people who do it in their daily lives achieve great things. The ability to pay attention to your actions and words leads to awareness of what is happening and training of willpower.
Try this interesting practice; it will be especially useful for people who lack self-confidence. Only you are responsible for your life, be attentive to what you do and think about the good! This will inevitably lead you to happiness...