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How to quickly learn English from scratch. How to quickly learn English on your own at home? Immersion in the language environment

Surely, while still a schoolchild, you were tormented by the question “How to quickly learn a lesson about Queen Elizabeth and her endless relatives, so that your mother will fall behind and let you go for a walk?” It’s a pity that back then there weren’t such devices for learning English as there are now.

Today you are an adult, self-sufficient person. The treasured certificates and diplomas have long been received. But, you must admit, it will be a shame if it is not you, but a colleague, who is sent on a business trip that is important for your career, because his level of English is higher. What if potential business partners who own a large international company are planning a visit to you, and your English is somewhere between “London is the capital of Great Britain” and “One cola, two beers, please”?

Situations that will make you tense up and frantically search for an answer to the question: “How? How to learn quickly English language? Maybe mom was right...

I would, of course, like to offer you red and blue pills. Choose the first one - you will wake up the next morning with the Upper-Intermediate level, the second - with the Advanced level. But no. There is no fastest way as such. However, there are accelerated learning methods that may well help in mastering new material or enhancing a couple of existing knowledge cases.

It’s paradoxical, but in order to quickly and easily learn English, you need to know it. Know at a level where there is no need for every second unknown word consult a dictionary or ask the teacher to speak more slowly because you cannot keep up with his speech.

Today there are many schools, courses and language centers that are full of advertisements: “Quick learning English! From beginner to advanced level in 3 months!” or “Are you going on an important business trip abroad? Only in our school you will learn English in the fastest way!” These are standard intensive course promotions. We will definitely talk about them (they are also very useful), but a little later.

How to quickly learn English on your own

Self-education is a good thing. But when you decide that you can handle it on your own, without resorting to the help of teachers, you must clearly understand:

  • you will have to work a lot;
  • no one will come to your aid when some point is unclear (except Google);
  • you should have a heightened sense of responsibility and self-discipline;
  • you must be self-critical and objectively evaluate your successes and “failures.”

So, if all of the above does not stop you, we suggest you pay attention to a few key points that will help you master the language faster.

Setting a goal and making a plan

Just as a teacher prepares for his lesson, you too need to create a clear teaching plan. You should start from the goal you are pursuing:

  • move from one level to another;
  • significantly expand your vocabulary for a specific situation;
  • relieve internal tension that arises when speaking with a native speaker;
  • increase your ranking among candidates for the desired position.

Don't set yourself impossible tasks. 100 new words every day will not give the desired result. A grammar topic that has not been fully worked out will confuse you even more. Your plan must be realistic, that is, one that will not force you to sleep for 3 hours, live on caffeine and end up going on a long-awaited business trip with a nervous breakdown.

Modern methods of learning English

Take advantage of what education offers today. And here we are talking not so much about language courses and numerous textbooks, but about modern methods. They are great for self-education.

Mobile applications. With their help you can significantly increase your level. The main advantages of mobile applications:

  • can be installed on any device;
  • it’s convenient: you can study at any time and anywhere;
  • your lessons in the application will be tailored to you, because first there is always a test to determine your language level;
  • different applications are designed to practice different skills: vocabulary expansion, grammar tests, etc.;
  • There are applications with huge collections of your favorite films and TV series: you can watch them with the original translation (don’t be alarmed, subtitles will come to the rescue).

Among the app reviews, you are sure to find one that you like.

Podcasts for learning English. Podcasts can be compared to a radio show. They do not last long, but in terms of convenience and attractiveness they are on par with mobile applications. The main advantage of the podcast is that you can find absolutely any topic that interests you:

  • innovative technologies and education;
  • politics and history;
  • actual news;
  • health and the environment;
  • art and music.

There are podcasts for beginners, where the speaker’s speech is not quick and understandable, but there are more complex ones for the more advanced.

Choose for your health!

How to quickly learn English at home

You can also successfully study English at home, the main thing is to know which method will lead to progress in business faster. Training on Skype- an excellent alternative to classes with a tutor.

This is definitely an option for you if:

  • no time to keep up with a whole group;
  • you need an individual approach because you are limited in time;
  • you are diligent and can concentrate on one activity for a long time.

Don't rush to laugh, but cartoons They will also help you learn the language on your own. Naturally, we are talking about cartoons in English. The beauty is that the speech in them is very easy to recognize: the people who voice them pronounce the words clearly, are in no hurry and rarely use slang words and dialect. So feel free to choose your favorite cartoon and enjoy.

Attending intensive courses

It’s worth mentioning right away that this type of course is not suitable for everyone. The format of such classes includes the following:

  • voluminous and intensive flow of information;
  • quite large homework assignments;
  • classes in a group where there will be no opportunity to get individual advice (whoever gets up first gets the slippers, as they say).

The main feature of the intensive course is conversational practice and the development of specific vocabulary. Here everything is thought out for you: you will participate in debates and linguistic games, stage plays and watch films in the original, immerse yourself in risk situations in order to be able to react correctly to non-native speech in a foreign country.

Intensive courses are suitable for you if:

  • you have a goal to master a certain topic by a certain date;
  • you are constantly on business trips and in touch with foreign partners;
  • The exam to confirm your level is coming soon, but you don’t have time to prepare 100%.

How to learn spoken English quickly

Of course, you don’t have to teach it, but use it Google translator or a phrasebook. But you must admit, it will look unprofessional. Especially at some serious event such as a meeting with an international delegation or when concluding an agreement to export super expensive and super English equipment.

That's why The best way To show off your fluent English is to practice it endlessly:

  • Conversations with native speakers. If you don’t have a suitable English-speaking friend, use mobile apps, podcasts, and Skype classes.
  • Constant replenishment of vocabulary. And here we are not talking about mindlessly learning 100 new words every day, but about memorizing entire phrases and sentences at once. It’s best if these are just those phrases that are related to your field of activity.
  • Attending intensive conversational English courses, which we talked about just above. A difficult but very effective way to learn to speak fluently on everyday topics.

As you can see, there are enough ways to quickly learn, or, more precisely, ways to speed up the process of learning English. The main thing is your goal, motivation and desire, especially when these methods are so modern, interesting and not boring!

IN Lately to improve your career growth or to continue studying abroad, learning English on your own has become popular. Of course, for many the question arises - where to find a good English tutorial, audio lessons and other materials that will effectively help you master a foreign language in a certain period of time. It's worth saying that self-study Learning English is a long process, but everything is in your hands and you can make this process exciting and enjoyable.
So, you decided not to hire a tutor, not to pay money for courses or book tutorials, but to choose to learn English for free on your own using online lessons. It is worth saying that at first, most people fail to achieve any positive result and, naturally, they simply give up.

Stereotypes are what hinder English learning

These are the components that most people who decide to undergo self-study English course at home and advance at least a little in your knowledge:

  • the majority are confident that learning any foreign language on your own is a very difficult task;
  • many people learn a language but do not achieve the expected results;
  • most people reach a certain level of knowledge, say advanced, but it takes them years to learn;
  • many people think that they are simply not capable of learning a second language;

All of the above can be transformed into one single whole and conclude that learning English from scratch is a long and thorny path. However, there are also quick learning courses, that is, you can master English in just two months. Just give up traditional learning methods that are based on textbooks, cramming dictionaries, basic grammar, as well as boring and monotonous dialogues.
We are all familiar with this approach to learning a foreign language from school – if you are not going to read Shakespeare in the original, why “gnaw” on the grammar stone. User reviews indicate that the method of paid services remains school-based, only the learning process occurs in an accelerated mode, that is, you study English not two hours a week, but seven hours a day.

Correct methods are the key to success

Do you want to start learning English online? Leave books and lessons for later. First, you need to decide on the important aspects of your teaching methodology. That is, you must become your own teacher. The main thing is to put grammar aside in Kamchatka; you won’t need it if you just want to communicate with native speakers, listen to radio and television programs, of course, if you are not going to take an international exam to obtain a certificate. But this is not the main thing - no matter what method you use when mastering the language learning course at home, what is important is your positive mood during classes, and then a positive result will not be long in coming.
So, 3 main principles self-learning English from scratch:

  • motivation – you must really want to learn a foreign language;
  • the right method – try several teaching methods and choose the best one for yourself;
  • learning process - decide why you need knowledge of English - for everyday communication or for subsequent studies at prestigious foreign universities.

And most importantly, don’t “stand” in one place – constantly develop and improve your knowledge. Use the lessons posted on our website for this, because they are offered to you completely free of charge!

It turns out that you can learn a foreign language very quickly and without any effort. And then he switches to the second, then to the third. And you don’t have to spend money on teachers, travel and expensive books and disks. I will share with you for real in effective ways how to become a polyglot and learn languages ​​quickly and for free!

Let's figure out who the presenter is and what he is. Meet this Dmitry Petrov.

Dmitry Yurievich Petrov(born July 16, 1958 in Novomoskovsk, Tula region) - Russian polyglot, simultaneous interpreter, teacher, TV presenter and teacher of the reality show "Polyglot" on the Kultura TV channel.

This is what is written on his personal website.

This course can be watched not only on YouTube.

Why start now?

Unique technique
Convenient structure
Teacher Help
No homework

Well, there are actually homework assignments, but they are enjoyable.

So - 16 lessons per hour. Everything is like at school - students ( famous actors and ordinary citizens of Moscow). Desks and board. The teacher writes with chalk and conducts a dialogue with each student. Gives excellent tables, “chews” everything and explains.

I kept a notebook. Sometimes I watched it once a week, sometimes 2-3. This whole thing dragged on for quite some time, but besides this I did something else, which I will tell you about later.

My level was below average at the beginning of classes.

I forgot English, although I knew it well at school. The university did not give me much in this regard. But with Dmitry, I remembered all the constructions of sentences, tenses, regular and irregular verbs.

What did I get after?

My very first discovery - I began to think in English when communicating! I began to ask questions and answers correctly without thinking. I have increased my vocabulary significantly! My grammar has improved exponentially! Sometimes I write a response to a message in English. For the sake of control, I translate in a translator and sit in shock - EVERYTHING IS CORRECT! And a month ago I couldn’t put two words together... Such miracles can happen if you’re not lazy and set goals.

I recommend this course! To start! But for complete training this is VERY LITTLE!


Did you know that adults learn languages ​​better than children? Everything is in our hands, there is no need to refer to those who claim that everything is easier for children and that it is impossible to learn something over 30. It is not true.

Therefore, the very first thing you need is to throw away ridiculous thoughts and boundaries!

About borders! You don't have to go abroad to learn to speak English well. What did I do?

I'm immersing myself in English. When there is free time I'm listening to the radio. Not ours, but American, British. This helps me catch the pronunciation, the accent (I have problems with this - I pronounce dryly and have a terrible accent). Here is a good application - [link]

Enjoy a large selection of sports, music, talk and news radio stations from around the world.

Views help a lot YouTube videos from other countries. For example, I found out what videos are popular now in America and Germany. Educational and useful

I watch my favorite TV series without translation. It's VERY cool to hear the actual voices of the actors. Often the film is perceived much more vividly, but I often stop to “catch up” with the information. I'm still slow to understand speech.

If I don’t understand something, I use Google translator! At the same time, I have a notebook where I write down new words.

Communication with native speakers (English speaker)

When the initial base is there, I move on to communicating with native speakers of the Language. The first dialogue is simple - you will need everything initial words“How are you”, “Thank you, good”, “My name is” “I’m working”, etc.

My friend “purchased” lessons on this site:[link]

I decided for myself that I would study for FREE! / FREE

1. So, the Duolingo website provides good practice. But here are more basic

5 . Here's a cool site where the word you need is pronounced by a native speaker! [link]

6. What is Mnenomics?

Mnemonics- these are ways to remember information by changing the type of information. Instead of memorizing numbers, memorize words. Instead of words, you can memorize places. Instead of moves in chess there is a poem.

You, too, probably have words that you repeat and repeat and just can’t remember. But it’s easier to remember if you come up with a story about this word or give it an image. But here is a site where there are already stories - [link]

7. I read news and blogs in English. [link] helps me with this.

8. Couchsurfing- You can host a foreigner and talk to him.)) I haven’t practiced it yet, but my friends from Kyiv have already found foreign friends with whom they later went to France. Cool, right?)


For myself, I made the main conclusion - if learning a language you can expect little from yourself, they need to talk! Then success is guaranteed in a short time! At first I was afraid to speak, because I was afraid of mistakes. Now it’s easier for me - if I’m wrong, they correct me, or I correct myself.

Course with 16 lessons from Dmitry Petrov gave me an impetus, helped me remember school curriculum. I'm going to turn my attention to German later! I will definitely share my observations and useful links with you.

Thank you for attention! I hope my advice will be useful

How many languages ​​do you know, and was it easy for you to learn them?

Today it is difficult to find a person who does not need English. But why do only a select few know him at a decent level? The reason, according to those who do not know, lies in the fact that they have “bad memory” or “no ability for languages” at all. Perhaps you, dear reader, consider yourself to be one of those who are “not given.” Of course, innate ability plays a certain role, but it is far from the main factor, and almost anyone can effectively learn a foreign language. We will try to convince you of this, and at the same time we will tell you what needs to be done to make this happen as soon as possible, regardless of your age.

And to make it easier for you to believe this, think about this: the brain and speech organs of all people are structured approximately the same, which means that if we speak, read and write in one language, then we can definitely do this in any other. It turns out that it’s not so much a matter of ability, but a conscious need (or an irresistible desire) to know the language, the right motivation and a suitable methodology. That is, the “inability” to languages ​​can be easily compensated with the help of competent organization of studies and, of course, perseverance and hard work.

Do I need this?

Now let's talk about everything in more detail. First you need to decide whether you need a language in principle. If yes, then forward to the victory of reason over apathy and laziness! And if you have doubts, quit classes or... stop doubting, otherwise there will be no results, you simply won’t get them, because without a clearly defined goal you won’t know where to go.

Ask yourself: “Why do I need language?” If it’s just “just so that it happens” to show off a foreign word at a party, then, most likely, nothing will work out for you, and you’ll stop there. You need to see meaning in your work. If it’s not there, either quit classes or come up with a goal!

Here are some tips for you:

  • Travel or tourist trip.
  • Study at a prestigious foreign university.
  • Friendship, love, creating a family with a foreigner.
  • Playing football, for example, for Manchester United.
  • Work abroad.
  • Work in transnational company or your own international business.
  • Work in a national company that requires knowledge of a foreign language.

Try to write (namely, write on paper) small essay on the topic of: Why do I need English? Having decided, confidently go towards your goal and learn the language at the same time. At the same time, try to enjoy the process, this applies not only to learning languages; Any work or study becomes many times more effective if done with pleasure.

How long does it take to learn English?

Don’t believe promises that they will teach you English perfectly in a month, or even in 2 weeks. If they promise you this, it means that they most likely want to sell you something, or rather, sell you something. Without serious, painstaking work, nothing will happen. Yes, there are many programs that help you learn a language, but the programs do not teach you for you, they only help you learn. And miracles happen so far mainly only in fairy tales (and we all love fairy tales very much, which is why all sorts of 25th, 26th and other “frames” that promise to teach you in your dreams flourish...). Think about it, even a small child who constantly hears his native speech, and whose brain absorbs everything like a sponge, spends 7-10 years confidently mastering the language.

Are you scared? In vain! Adults can learn much faster than children because they are able to do so in a more conscious and organized manner. With this kind of study, after 4-6 months you can speak quite decently, and in a year you can master the language to a level close to a native speaker! Just keep in mind that in this case you will have to work with full dedication.

Letters and words

If you are starting from scratch, start with the alphabet and pronunciation - this is the basis. After all, any language consists of sounds, and sounds are represented by letters, although in English this is all quite conventional :). There is an opinion that the alphabet is for beginners, “...and it got to me at school.” This opinion is erroneous: without knowledge of the alphabet, it is very difficult to dictate your foreign name for writing, read the abbreviation, and it is impossible to fully use the dictionary.

It is important that the letters are followed by words consisting of these letters. When starting to learn a language, be sure to limit yourself in time. The setting might be something like this: I’ll learn in 3 months 2000 new words, and this is only 20-25 words a day. Follow this plan religiously. This applies to any work: if you don’t do it on time, most likely you will never do it. But don't go for the word count; You need not just vocabulary, its quality is important. Each person has his own conversational level in his native language, and do not think that in a foreign language it will be very different from the original one. Read, analyze, find new words in books, the Internet, translate your Russian vocabulary into English. Textbooks and teachers fill your head with words that you may never need, so don’t trust them completely, choose the words yourself, the words you need!

But words alone, as you understand, are not enough for us. And, although sentences consist of words, you still need to know how to construct these sentences. In this regard, I recommend that you look at at least the shortest grammar more often and read aloud as much as possible. The fact that probably everyone knows this well, but very few do it, because it is quite difficult to force yourself to read for a long time. In order to overcome this obstacle, come up with some small reward or encouragement. For example, don't give yourself candy or a cup of coffee until you've read 3 pages out loud. In general, everything is according to Pavlov.

Words live in phrases

Now let me tell you one simple truth, which, unfortunately, is not remembered too often. Words live in phrases; a single word is most often just a set of sounds, but our memory is designed in such a way that we remember only what is meaningful and interesting to us. Therefore, words are learned much faster when they are in the company of other words. This can be a whole sentence or two or three words forming a meaningful phrase. Combinations of a noun with an adjective or a noun with a verb are very good. In Audio Class you can expand your vocabulary using
specially selected phrases and phrases.

But combinations of words are not everything; the most interesting thing begins when they become a little “hello”. For example, something like: A yellow crocodile walked the streets. Introduced? Do you remember? Russians folk tales, many poems and fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky are structured in a similar way:

And the chanterelles
We took matches
Let's go to the blue sea,
The blue sea was lit.

It's completely absurd, but we all know this poem (at least partially). Did you read it as a child? Yes. But, in addition, such seemingly absurd fantasies excite our imagination, and with it activate our memory.

And here is the poem in English:
Ding Dong Bell,
Pussy's in the well.
You don't believe me?
Go have a smell.

The meaning is this: a cat fell into a well, whoever doesn’t believe it, go and smell it... It’s not a very pleasant poem, but it’s memorable!

Having achieved the first results, you will feel that the learning process becomes a habit and that’s great! After all, we not only can, but also must learn throughout our lives. And, perhaps, the main thing that you will get is an indescribable feeling of joy and delight from achieving your goal, and the knowledge you gain will definitely be useful to you in life.

Notebook, flashcards and motor memory

In order to quickly repeat what you have learned and test your knowledge, enter dictionary notebook. Now such notebooks can be bought at any stationery store. Write down the words, phrases and sentences you like in this dictionary. To this we can add that when learning a foreign language, it is advisable to write more by hand, as this also uses motor memory. Covering English words with your left hand (or a piece of paper), read Russian and remember their meaning in English, then vice versa, covering Russian words with your right hand, read in English and remember the translation. Or you can even write it down English words on one side of the page and translation on the back. This method eliminates peeping and forces the memory to work. But here, perhaps, it’s time to remember about our vocabulary trainer, in which you can easily hide any part of the text by unchecking the required box above the table.

You can also use flash cards - these are small cards with a sentence or word in English written on one side, and a translation in Russian or a picture corresponding to it on the other. English word. Perhaps they can be used as temporary tutorial, but they tend to wrinkle and get lost, they are difficult to systematize. However, this is my opinion, so choose what is more convenient for you.


Write the transcription, but don’t write it everywhere, save time - write only where you may doubt the pronunciation, because you are keeping this notebook for yourself! It is advisable to use generally accepted transcription characters, for example, IPA, but you can come up with your own or use Russian letters. But this is a last resort, since you simply cannot convey all the subtleties of English pronunciation in Russian letters.

Think and speak English, don't be afraid to make mistakes!

How to learn to think in English? Start with simple, frequently repeated thoughts that arise in your brilliant brain (or brain?), for example: “I’m hungry - I feel like eating”, “That’s enough for today - Let’s call it a day” or the very prosaic: “What is this?” smells? - What's the smell? your phrases(just pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day and write them down) translate them with a dictionary, or find analogues on the Internet, write them down in a notebook and remember them. Repeat them out loud several times. Next time, force yourself, but no, give yourself pleasure think about it in English. Develop this skill, gradually it will become a habit, and you will be able to think about everyday things in English quite easily. Whenever possible, speak your thoughts out loud. The ideal would be to find a partner who is willing to learn with you. In this case, they will listen to you and answer you, and if you can completely switch to English and give up speaking in Russian, the result will be stunning. At first it seems very difficult, but once you get the hang of it, it will be almost impossible to stop you! Don't be afraid of mistakes, they are inevitable, but completely harmless.

About modern technologies

Modern technologies are wonderful, I am completely in favor. Without a doubt, audio and video recordings, online lessons and seminars are very useful in learning the language. Look films in English, but when watching, be sure to put a notebook, pen and dictionary next to you, maybe an electronic one, for example, on your phone. If necessary, press pause and make a note in your notebook, but don’t try to understand and write down every unfamiliar word, just try to grasp the general meaning of the film. It is equally important to get used to the sounds of the language and even to the facial expressions of the native speakers. To do this, turn off the subtitles and try to catch the sounds by looking at the speaker’s face. This has a double effect: you learn to understand English speech by ear and see how native speakers pronounce words. For the same purposes, we can recommend watching English-language news on BBC, CNN, NBC channels, and watching videos on YouTube. Always choose a topic that interests you. However, you need to understand that just watching and listening is not enough; you also need to actively train your speech apparatus.

It is also useful to use any audio player, but listening to half-understandable English drudgery quickly gets boring, you want to listen to music or something fun. I'll tell you a few secrets. Firstly, find interesting and, for starters, not very difficult topics, and secondly, if you decide to listen to an audio book or story in English, take its text and read it first, or at least skim through it quickly. Thirdly, when reading, it is advisable to have English and Russian versions. Try reading in parallel with listening, but in this case attention is scattered between visual and auditory perception; this option is best used only at the initial stage. The same applies to films with subtitles; subtitles generally distract greatly from watching. Fourth, find the lyrics of your favorite songs and learn them; listening to music will bring you benefit and pleasure. To find the lyrics of a song, in any search engine, type the name of the song in English and the word lyrics.

Overcome difficulties and enjoy success

Let's talk about laziness: it pursues us at every step, lies in wait around every corner, and we weak and weak-willed creatures are always happy to help it and are ready to indulge it! Laziness can be defeated and overcome, despite fatigue and... laziness. Yes, we all work and get tired, but when we come home in the evening, we can still find at least half an hour to study the language. However, the morning hours, according to experts, are more effective for studying, but it depends on who it is. And don’t forget about the right mood, enjoy the process and be happy with the results, then everything will go easier and faster.

Set your priorities

Another important note: if you want to learn English really quickly and are willing to sacrifice other things for this, make it your priority, set aside a few hours a day and work as hard as you can, without forgetting to take breaks. Find native speakers, communicate with them face-to-face or remotely via Skype, Viber or any other messenger. This way you will see noticeable changes within 3-4 weeks.

About age

And once again about age: the ideal age for learning a language is 1 month or a little earlier (children listen native language even before birth), learning languages, like everything else, becomes more difficult over the years, and yet language, like love, is submissive to all ages. And we already know that adults have another important advantage: they know, or at least should know, why they need a language and learn it more meaningfully and purposefully.

To all of the above, we can add an interesting fact: According to statistics, people who speak one or more foreign languages ​​live longer and are much less likely to suffer from senile insanity. The brain, like other parts human body, requires constant training for normal operation.

Which technique should I choose?

There are many approaches to learning a language. Let's name only the most famous. The oldest is a method of learning grammar and vocabulary, without direct connection with the context. Nowadays, it is used extremely rarely, since it is more intended for reading and writing, for example, when studying Latin, but not for live communication. The Direct Method is learning by immersion in a language environment, maximum practice and minimum grammar. The method is good for people who have the opportunity to constantly communicate with native speakers. The third and perhaps the most popular method today is communicative (Communicative Language Teaching or CLT). It is based not on the science of language with its complex formulations, but on the study of language itself as a means of communication and transmission of thought. CLT embodies best features other methods and supplemented them with new approaches. He also does not exclude the study of grammar (without fanaticism) as a means of supporting writing and oral speech. And yet, the most justified can be considered a selective approach (Eclectic Approach), one that takes into account the age, individual abilities, life experience and native language of the student. And when learning a language on your own, you always have the opportunity to choose exactly those techniques and tools that best suit you. And let the information on this page and on our website in general serve as a road map for you to choose the right path. The final decision is always yours.

I wish you success in your studies and interesting interlocutors in different cities and countries!

Konstantin Mikhailov

Everyone has their own reasons for learning English. Some want to move to another country or go on a tourist trip, others want to improve their professional and business skills and build a successful career, while others learn a language for self-development and broadening their horizons. If you are interested in how to learn English on your own from scratch without teachers without leaving home, this article will be useful for you.

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Today, those who want to master a foreign language at one level or another have more and more opportunities. Linguistic studios, courses and private teachers offer their services. It is possible that mastering all the subtleties and complexities of a foreign language is easier with real professionals. But if you do not have the physical or financial ability to study with qualified teachers, you should not despair: you can learn English on your own from scratch at home. Moreover, this method also has unconditional advantages:

Freedom to choose your schedule

You don't have to plan your day around a strict course schedule. You determine the time and duration of your own classes and can vary them depending on your busy schedule.

Individual program

Despite all the advantages, the programs of courses and studios are still somewhat generalized and designed for the average potential and goals of students. By studying separately, you independently determine which language aspects need to be given more attention, and select materials and methods taking into account your personal training and the characteristics of knowledge acquisition.

Reasonable spending

Any language courses require financial investments, the size of which depends both on the prestige of the methods and on the duration of the programs. If you decide to study English at home, the cost of training may be the price of the textbooks and online courses you choose - and even then you will notice the benefit.


Going to a teacher on the other side of town on a rainy autumn evening, going to courses after work, when dreams of a cozy chair and a cup of tea overshadow any ambitious plans - all this can significantly reduce motivation. But if you decide to learn English on your own, you can forget about such difficulties. You don’t waste time traveling, you don’t need to leave home when you’re not in the mood or the weather. You just take a textbook or computer, connect to the Internet and study without leaving your favorite room.

All this is true if you really decide to learn English from scratch on your own, without leaving home. Without courses, studios, tutors and teachers. Textbooks and online courses can become your mentors - and, as practice shows, self-study can be no less effective.

Note: If you decide to study English on your own, be prepared to show willpower, patience and endurance. One of the keys to successful language acquisition is consistency, so make sure you have the internal willingness to practice regularly and can force yourself not to be lazy.

And one more small warning: there is simply no universal recipe for learning English on your own at home from scratch. It all depends on the right ones educational materials, frequency of study, ability to perceive information and your personal linguistic inclinations. But if you are determined to try and are confident that you can master the linguistic nuances you need without intermediaries, feel free to start. By the way, you can watch the animated video in which we tried to convey the main points of the article.

Watch this video and in 3 minutes you will learn how to learn English on your own

Where to start learning English: defining skills

Proficiency in English at any level relies on 4 important language skills. Let's take a closer look at what these skills are and what each of them is responsible for.


The ability to understand what is written, analyze and draw conclusions is especially important now, when there is a huge amount of information around that deserves our attention. Full mastery of the skill means that you can read fiction, journalistic and scientific texts in English, you can quickly highlight the main ideas and theses and even explain them to someone else in your own words.

Letter (Writing)

Successfully mastering the skill of writing in English will allow you not only to actively communicate in in social networks, but also conduct business correspondence, which is especially important if you are learning a language for career purposes. The key aspects in this case are impeccable spelling and grammar, the ability to construct sentences, and in some cases, knowledge of the basics of business etiquette.

Listening or Listening

You can declare that you know a foreign language well only if you are fluent in listening to speech in it. If you decide to learn English from scratch on your own, you need to pay enough attention to this skill. Listening to audio and video materials will also improve your speaking practice. A good level of listening proficiency assumes that you understand at least 65% of what you hear - which means you can communicate freely with native speakers and perceive important information that they are trying to convey to you.


In communication, it is important not only to listen, but also to be able to interact with the interlocutor. Developed speaking skills presuppose that you know how to correctly pronounce certain words, construct sentences, discuss certain topics and, of course, have a sufficient vocabulary. That is, your ability to maintain dialogues is implied.

As in any other language, in English all 4 skills are interdependent, and one cannot develop properly without the other. In this case, the answer to the question of how to easily learn English is clear: when creating a lesson program for every day, be sure to include exercises in reading, speaking, listening and writing.

Note: Not always tasks for 4 skills should be present in equal proportions. If you feel that you lack practice in one of them or you are learning English for strictly specific purposes (travel, business correspondence etc.) you can pay more attention to the desired skill. But you also shouldn’t forget about other aspects: find at least 15 minutes of the total lesson time for them.

How to learn English on your own at home: creating a program

So, you finally decided to study English on your own in your favorite room. All that remains is to decide where to start. If you really start from scratch, then you will have to start with the most basic - the rules of reading and pronunciation. However, do not stay at this stage for too long, and gradually move on to studying other aspects of the language.

How to learn the alphabet

There are 26 letters in the English alphabet - 20 consonants and 6 vowels. When starting to learn English from scratch at home, follow these steps:

  • Start with vowels - Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, Yy. Be sure to clarify their sound in the transcription - today there is such an opportunity online.
  • Go to letters similar in spelling and sound to Russian ones - Bb, Cc, Dd, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp, Ss, Tt. This is the easiest way to learn most of the alphabet - at least you will already know what to rely on when reading.
  • Lastly, learn the letters that are not in the Russian alphabet - Ff, Gg, Hh, Jj, Qq, Rr, Vv, Ww, Xx, Zz.

Write down all the letters (both large and small) along with the transcription in a separate notebook and carefully pronounce each of them when writing. This will help to form faster visual image letters - and therefore learn to read in a shorter time.

How to learn sounds

Most letters in the English language have several pronunciation options - it all depends on the position of the syllable and surrounding letter combinations. You can remember all the reading rules using:

  • Special tables that you can find in a textbook or online.
  • Notebooks where you can write down all the sounds in groups, including diphthongs (complex sounds of two vowel tones) and triphthongs (complex sounds of three vowel tones).
  • Cards that you can make yourself in any convenient format.
Note: Be sure to find programs that allow you to practice pronunciation out loud - only in this case the reading rules will be reinforced in the shortest possible time, and you will be able to boast of correct pronunciation.

How to improve your vocabulary

Experts suggest proceeding from the following values. For everyday communication you will need 1500-2000 words, for a comfortable long stay in a language environment - about 5000 thousand, and if you are planning a professional career, then the minimum level will be 20-25 thousand words. But the latter is for the longer term. In the meantime, use any of these methods:

  • Consistent. Take one topic, highlight subsections in it and make cards with words and expressions for each. Set yourself a task - for example, to memorize 10 words daily. Stick to your chosen plan. Once a topic is mastered, move on to the next one. Thus, in a year you will master at least 20-25 major lexical sections, which will allow you to communicate quite freely.
  • Visual. Hang cards with their names in English on all objects in the apartment - your memory will work involuntarily. If you start to notice that when you see this item, the English equivalent comes to mind, remove the card.
  • For auditory learners. If it's easier for you to memorize by ear, watch movies and TV programs in English (you can turn on subtitles at first), listen to songs and poems, and write down the words and expressions you like. Special audio courses will also come in handy.
  • For book lovers. If you like to read more, then you should immediately start with reading and translating texts. Start with the simplest ones, where a maximum of 5-7 words are of interest to you. Over time, find more complex sources for translation - and you will be surprised how quickly new vocabulary is fixed in memory.
Tip: Try to include at least three verbs in your list of words to learn for the day - they are the basis of the lexical base in English. And don’t forget to look at the dictionary at the slightest interest or doubt: it should become your reference book while you are learning the language.

English grammar: features and secrets of learning

It is impossible to determine how to quickly learn English if you do not have an idea of ​​the grammatical norms and rules of the language. And it’s worth saying a few words about this separately.

The English language belongs to the analytical type - that is, logical connections between words in a sentence are formed not with the help of endings and suffixes, as in Russian, but through prepositions, auxiliary and phrasal verbs. Other features of grammar include:

  • clear and consistent word order in sentences;
  • presence of articles;
  • lack of a grammatical category of gender;
  • special rules for use possessive pronouns;
  • a large number of verb tenses with a focus on completeness, duration and regularity.

In fact, learning English grammar is easier than it seems - just follow three basic rules:

  • Move from simple to complex (for example, from Present Simple to Present Continuous)
  • Try to understand, not memorize.
  • Practice, practice and more practice.

All the basic English grammar rules are presented in various tables, along with exceptions and examples, so that remembering them will not be difficult with frequent practice. Those who master grammar from the very beginning will appreciate the convenience of tables in the process of learning the language. And if you find a good collection of exercises and devote at least 10-15 minutes a day to them, you will successfully bring your knowledge “to automatism.”

How to Learn Spoken English Easily: Helpful Tricks

If you need to speak English as soon as possible, but you don’t know how to start, just start with the most important thing - what we talked about above. In addition, we offer you some very useful ideas.

  • Listen more. Start watching movies in English, don’t miss videos from your favorite English-speaking groups, add their songs to your playlist, follow the news. This way you will not only expand your vocabulary, but also learn expressions characteristic of the spoken language.
  • Reconfigure the interface mobile phone into English - the same goes for a tablet and a computer. Choose English-language sites to search for information.
  • Look up the meaning of words in English-English dictionary- the benefits will become noticeable very quickly.
  • Try adding yourself to English-language chats on social networks - and discover something new for yourself every day.

Perhaps, over time, you will also have your own secret techniques for learning English vocabulary. Be sure to use them - the more comfortable the methods, the better the result.

Reading texts: which books to choose for a particular level

Actually initial stage Short children's fairy tales are also suitable for you - to get used to literary speech and easily grasp the plot. Having moved to a higher level of knowledge, you can begin to read adapted literature. A sample list is below.

Level A-2

  • The Fisherman and His Soul (Oscar Wilde);
  • Dracula (Bram Stocker);
  • Mr. Bean In Town (Richard Curtis).

Level B-1

  • 1984 (George Orwell);
  • Three Men in a Boat (Jerome K. Jerome);
  • Forrest Gump (John Escott).

Level B-2

  • Airport (Arthur Hailey);
  • Four Weddings and a Funeral (Richard Curtis);
  • The Talented Mr. Ripley (Patricia Highsmith).

Level C-1

  • Brave New World (Aldous Huxley);
  • Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte);
  • Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen).

Of course, this list is approximate. You can choose books yourself based on your tastes and level of knowledge. However, do not forget to read them regularly - and if you are familiar with their Russian versions, you will find it even more interesting.

Advice: Don't try to understand the meaning of each word - it is more important to understand the idea. Moreover, in the book you choose, you should be familiar with a maximum of 70% of the vocabulary - so that you have room to grow and what to learn.

So, the alphabet and phonetics, a grammar rule, learning new conversational phrases, a little reading and listening - your lesson should consist of approximately these parts. Distribute your time evenly between them - you can always adjust your plan if necessary.

Self-paced English learning methods

To successfully learn English from scratch at home, you can use various methods, which will be discussed below. However professional teachers It is advised to combine them all - this way you can systematically develop all language skills at once.

Books, textbooks, tutorials

Over the past few years, the following textbooks have most often been included in the lists of the most effective aids for self-study of English:

  • “English step by step” (N.A. Bonk);
  • “16 English lessons” (D. Petrov";
  • English Pronunciation in Use (Johnatan Marks);
  • English Grammar in Use (Raymond Murphy);
  • Speakout (Frances Eales, Steve Oakes).

Each of these benefits has strengths and the benefits that make them key to self-learning English. And yet, whatever comprehensive course you choose, do not forget about additional materials(apps, online seminars, chats, etc.) and exercises.

Audio courses, audio lessons

Audio courses are great for those who perceive information more effectively by ear and want to be able to study English at any time and anywhere. We present to your attention 5 of the most useful and comfortable aids:

  • “English in 6 weeks” (E. Smith);
  • “That's what they say in America” (English USA);
  • BBC Grammar Challenge.

All audio materials are available for download. Before you download them, you may want to read detailed description course and determine how well it matches your goals and level of preparation.

Online training

Learning English at home from scratch is not an easy task, so you can call on the Internet and related online learning to help.

Online English language learning services are becoming increasingly popular - and for good reason:

  • convenience - training is possible at any time of the day or night, all you need is a computer;
  • cost - online courses are much cheaper than regular ones, and if you wish, you can find programs available for free;
  • individual approach - the service selects a program suitable for the student based on the results of the preliminary test;
  • comprehensive coverage - online courses are balanced and cover all aspects of the language, including vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.

One of these popular services is the online tutorial Lim English. A full-fledged learning platform, a simple, intuitive lesson algorithm, progress tracking and an extensive lexical base with “live” conversational units and expressions will allow you to achieve high level knowledge of English in the most exciting form. The service will be useful for anyone starting to learn a foreign language.

English based on films, TV series, songs

If you have already reached a basic level, feel free to include films, songs and TV series in your learning process. foreign language. This will not only pleasantly diversify your classes, but will also allow you to quickly master lively conversational speech.

Another advantage is that the materials can be very different. Educational BBC video lessons and documentaries, favorite soap operas, songs of pop and rock bands familiar from childhood, and even comics - all this will help you immerse yourself even deeper into the language environment.

Tip: Don’t forget to write out and repeat interesting vocabulary - you will definitely need it in live communication.

Immersion in the language environment

By immersion in the language environment, linguists mean being completely surrounded by sources of information in English and active interaction with native speakers. For you, this dive may include:

  • reading the press - newspapers and magazines - in English;
  • watching news, series, TV shows;
  • communication with native speakers live, on social networks and chats such as Skype or other instant messengers;
  • living abroad in English-speaking families;
  • switching all home appliances and gadgets to the English interface.

This method can be slightly stressful - but its effectiveness cannot be overestimated. Be sure to try this immersion for at least a few days, and you will notice how much freer your speech has become.

Note: When communicating in English, do not be embarrassed or afraid of mistakes. Americans and British are extremely friendly to those who want to learn the language and will definitely support you. Even short communication with them easily removes the language barrier.

So, we have looked at the basic methods and rules for constructing programs for self-learning English. In addition, we have prepared a few more recommendations for you - perhaps they will be useful to you and will help you not to lose interest in the language:

  • Clearly define the duration of the lesson- at least 1 hour daily. Whatever happens, try to stick to the chosen time frame - and even study a little longer.
  • Sing! One song in English before the start of classes will relax you and allow you to tune in to the positive - and the result.
  • Type or write something in English. Even a small paragraph will set your thinking correctly and help consolidate your knowledge.
  • Find a like-minded person. Try learning the language with someone else, in a pair or in a group. This is not only more fun, but also more useful - you will be able to test each other, and the spirit of competition will play a role.
  • Make native speaking friends. Visitors to social networks and online chats are willing to make contact and will definitely help you master the nuances of English.
  • Reward yourself. During a week of stable classes, treat yourself to something tasty, a trip to the cinema or other pleasant trifle. Encouragement is never too much.

And, of course, the best incentive is an excellent result. Take small online tests regularly, start reading new book or watch a new movie. When you realize how much your English is improving, you will feel more motivated to improve further.

A little about children: how a child can start learning English

Is it possible to teach English kid or a preschooler at home? As surprising as this may sound, in some respects it is even simpler. The fact is that a child of 5-6 years old begins the so-called sensitive period - when he is especially receptive to learning languages ​​and easily remembers not only words, but also grammatical structures. If you start studying with him right now, further training will go like clockwork.

One of the problems in language learning for children is weak motivation or its complete absence. If adults study English with a specific goal, directing volitional efforts to achieve it, then the child most often vaguely understands why he needs it. And if you decide to educate your children at home, then the key to success for you will be an entertaining, playful form.

Various games and competitions help develop a child’s interest and captivate him. The most popular methods of learning English for children:

  • poems and songs;
  • watching your child’s favorite cartoons (and then films) in the original;
  • online services with games and interesting tasks.
Note: When choosing materials for your child, focus not only on his age, but also on the relevance of the topic - find stories that he likes. And try not to overload your baby: as soon as you feel that he is losing interest, you can end the lesson. Usually 30 minutes a day is enough.

As you can see, anyone can learn English on their own at home from scratch. The most important thing is desire, effort, consistency, system, and, of course, interest. If you are able to find the most suitable and comfortable ways and methods for learning a language, clearly define your goals and do not deviate from your plans - in just a few months you will be pleasantly pleased with the results. Spend just an hour a day learning the language on your own to get closer to your cherished goal. And finally: no bees - no honey, no work - no money! Your perfect English is in your hands. Good luck!