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Lay lines the energy flows of the earth. Energy ley lines by alfred watkins

About cymatics, the ancient Egyptians clearly had incredibly advanced knowledge of nature, science, magnetism, and astronomy (among many other things).

This post may seem like a bit of a history lesson, but I'm laying some really important groundwork here, so rest assured that the purpose behind all this information will become clear as I start to put things together in the next couple of posts

In the meantime, let's return to the pyramids of Giza...

Pyramids and megaliths (continued)

Let's reiterate some key points regarding the Pyramids of Giza mentioned earlier:

1. The Egyptians lifted and cut millions of huge stone blocks (at least a mile) in a way that is not possible with modern machinery.

2. They coded Fi And Pi in their structure as precisely as no modern architecture can.

3. The latitude of the Giza Pyramid exactly corresponds to the speed of light.

4. The pyramid complex is perfectly aligned with Orion's belt. The stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and the afterlife.

5. The resonant frequency of the four chambers of the pyramids coincides with the resonant frequency of DNA.

Another fun fact (as if these 5 facts weren't enough on their own...) is that the four sides of the Great Pyramid are aligned within two seconds of a degree with the four cardinal directions: North, East, South and West. The chambers in the pyramids are also aligned north to south to within 0.05 degrees.

Another manifestation of the incredible craftsmanship of the Giza Pyramid is that its interior shafts are perfectly aligned with certain constellations: Orion (Osiris); Seth; Isis; Kochab, and Thuban/Alpha Draconis(the significance of this will become clearer later in this and subsequent articles):

It is noteworthy that the Giza pyramids are not the only megaliths in the world that use heavy stone blocks (which cannot be lifted modern technology) and demonstrated the exact geometry based on Fi And Pi.

For example, the Pyramid of the Sun ("Temple of the Feathered Serpent") in Teotihuacan, Mexico (pictured below) also encodes advanced mathematics. Teotihuacan was once home to one of the largest populations on Earth (approx. 150,000 people), and the temple was used for sacrifices to the gods.

Geometric calculations show that the pyramid of the Sun is built with minimal deviation (deviation) from Fi And Pi, like the Great Pyramid of Giza. Although it is exactly half the height of the Giza Pyramid, its foundation area differs by only 3% (a difference that can be partially explained by erosion over time).

Below is a comparative geometric analysis of the heights and bases (bases) of the Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan. For a more thorough study, read.

Rectangles formed from the top of each pyramid to 1/2 of their base, taking 1/2 of the base as one:

Great Pyramid: 1.2738853 ...: 1 (0.15% deviation from the value 1.2720196, which is square root Fi)

Pyramid of the Sun: 0.6369339…: 1 (deviation 3.06% from 0.618034 for the reverse value Fi)

Ratio of base perimeter to height:

Great Pyramid: 6.2800001...: 1 (deviation 0.05% from the value 6.2831853 - Pi, multiplied by 2)

Pyramid of the Sun: 12.560171...: 1 (deviation 0.05% from the value 12.566371 - Pi, multiplied by 4)

Ratio of bases to each other:

Great Pyramid/Pyramid of the Sun: 1.0308101…: 1

Pyramid of the Sun / Great Pyramid 0.9701107 ...: 1

Moreover, like the pyramids of Giza, the three pyramids at Teotihuacan are also perfectly aligned with the belt of Orion (i.e. Osiris):

In fact, like the pyramid complex in Xi’an, China...

...And the newly discovered pyramids in Montevecchia (40 km from Milan) are also aligned in a similar way. Moreover, according to this article, the angle of inclination of these Italian pyramids appears to be 42°43', similar to the Bent and Red pyramids at Dashur.

Photo caption: I'm starting to see a pattern here...

If the fact that these pyramids (and many others...) are aligned with Orion is not proof enough that ancients everywhere knew astrology, the Teotihuacan complex also perfectly depicts the procession of the planets in the solar system, as shown below.

It is absolutely incredible that this ancient culture was able to build an accurate scale model solar system, and as shown below, the ancient Egyptians also knew about the zodiac and precession, and that the ancient Chinese were also incredibly advanced in their astronomy (I won't try to explain their zodiac wheels here to keep it brief):

It is obvious that very ancient people in many different traditions attached special meaning precessional numbers, and based their practices and monuments on constellations and precession.

This is very advanced knowledge, much more advanced than we could ever imagine the ancients could have possessed. Precession was discovered relatively recently by modern astronomers, as were Uranus (1787), Neptune (1846) and Pluto (1930), so the discovery that precession and planetary motion were known thousands of years ago is truly astonishing (and makes one wonder - what else did the ancients know that has not yet been “discovered” by traditional science today...)

Another example of an ancient culture that based its architecture on astronomy and ancient knowledge was found at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, pictured below:

The Angkor Wat complex beautifully includes both the constellation Perseus (left) and the constellation Draco (right):

The constellation Draco, in particular, is associated with the dragon, or serpent, and includes the star Alpha Draconis, which was closest to Polaris from the fourth to second millennium BC (from 4BC to 2BC). The traditional name for Alpha Draconis is Thuban, meaning "serpent's head". Note that this is also one of the constellations with which one of the shafts of the Great Pyramid is aligned.

It's also worth noting that the dragon or serpent was (and remains) a key symbol in many other cultures, as exemplified by some of the flags below (from left to right: Bhutan, Wales, China's Qing Dynasty, and Ljubljana, Slovenia).

In addition, in England and Northern Europe, prominent historical figure is Saint George, associated with the dragon, hence the cross of Saint George, which prevails on all northern European flags. There are, for example, numerous statues of St. George slaying the dragon in Stockholm - they are said to symbolize a man conquering evil...

The serpent/dragon was also known in many other temples around the world, ranging from the Mother Temple of Besakih in Bali, Indonesia (left) to the Serpent Staircase, Chichen, Mexico (right):

Note that the Besakih Temple (Indonesia) and the Mayan Crypt (Ossuary) curiously show similar architecture, as do the other cases shown below.

The Great Step Pyramid (Pyramid of Kukulcan, right) has 91 steps on each side, for a total of 364 steps. Including the platform at the top - a total of 365, the number of days in a year. Also, at the spring and autumn equinoxes, the sunlight casts a shadow on the giant kite on the north-facing staircase... Clearly they were very talented astronomers to build such an elaborate structure!

The temple in Cambodia (left) and Guatemala (right) also have some distinctive features:

By now it should be clear that astronomy was of paramount importance to these cultures, and:

1. They built their temples using the same focused on Pi And Fi mathematics;

2. Their structures aesthetically they were very similar;

3. Many of them are perfect aligned with the same constellations: either Orion (which is associated with Osiris) or the Dragon (which is associated with serpents);

4. The serpent had great importance and was revered all over the world, from the Temple of the Serpent in Mexico to the mines at the Pyramid of Giza and the complex at Angkor Wat, which were aligned to the Draco constellation, among many others.

Now, what is the probability that they have the same character traits, if they are in no way related to each other?

I'd say it's quite small...

Photo caption: Yes, indeed...

Still not convinced that there is a connection between many ancient civilizations? Let's move on to the main point I wanted to talk about here...

Ley lines

What do all the historical objects located in the photo below have in common?

Pyramids of Giza(Egypt), Siwa(Egypt), Tassili n'Ajjer(Algeria), Paratoari(Peru), Ollantaytambo(Peru), Machu Picchu(Peru), Nazca(Peru), Easter Island (Pacific Ocean), Aneityum island(Vanuatu), Preah Vihear(Cambodia), Sukhothai(Thailand), Pyi(Pyay) (Myanmar) Khajuraho(India), Mohenjo-daro(Pakistan), Persepolis(Iran), Ur(Iraq), Petra(Jordan), Marajo Island(Brazil) and Angkor Wat(Cambodia).

Before you look at the answer below, remember what you learned: the ancients were wise people who did not build anything without reason or without logic (as examples of advanced mathematics and astronomy show!)...

In the early 20s of the last century, an elderly English businessman and part-time amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins took a walk through the hills of his native Herefordshire. Suddenly the familiar landscape appeared before him in a completely different form. He saw that the entire area in front of him was drawn into squares with straight lines passing through churches, buildings, and ancient monuments.

The gentleman realized that he saw before him a map of ancient Britain - a landscape covered with a grid of perfectly straight roads, most of which corresponded either to the movement of the Sun or to the trajectories of the stars. It was a strange vision.

And, as revelations do, it shaped the rest of Alfred Watkins' life. He called these lines "Ley system". "Ley" means "cleared land" in Old Saxon.

Even before the Romans

Further research confirmed: yes, straight lines tens of kilometers long, running through ancient burial sites and stone observatories such as Stonehenge, which Watkins saw from the hill, are indeed roads. Moreover, they were planned long before the Roman invasion, although they were considered the first road builders in Britain. Now these roads have disappeared, but not without a trace.

And if Watkins saw them by a miraculous intuition, then, walking along the path he indicated, one could see either an ancient slab that had sunk into the ground, or a series of boulders, or some other landmark. But what kind of road is this that completely disregards the local terrain? And doesn’t even try to go around the lake, hills, bogs?

Because, Watkins explained, these roads are laid along power (energy) lines. Just as a dowser feels underground water and finds a source, so the ancient Britons felt these lines and knew how to use them. And the energy of these lines was so strong that the road itself “carried” the skilled traveler, and this compensated for all the inconveniences of off-roading.

At first, Watkins' theory became the butt of jokes among scientists, and not always good-natured ones. But the old businessman Watkins stood his ground and continued his research, which he then published in the book “The Old Straight Road.” The number of supporters of the “Lee system” began to grow.

The St Michael's Ley Line in the UK is one of the most interesting. There are many religious buildings along its route.

The line of St. Michael intersects with the line on which Stonehenge, Old Sarum, Avebury and other stone structures of antiquity are located.

Earth Forces

The research of archaeologist Guy Underwood helped confirm the hypothesis about the “Ley system”. He discovered that at the center of every stone monument (including Stonehenge) and deep under the stone foundations of all the churches he examined there was a certain energy “node”, which he called "blind source"

“Blind”, probably because it does not, as a source should, give rise to “water lines” (the energy of water), but, on the contrary, is located where these “water lines” are drawn together. And this determines the favorable energy of the area. Underwood also discovered two more types of underground power lines. He called one of them “aquastat” and the other “road strip”.

It turned out that, focusing on the “aquastat”, the ancient builders “orientated” religious buildings most favorably relative to the cardinal directions. And the direction of roads and paths was determined by the “road strip”. Underwood believes that all three geodesic lines - stat, road strip and water line - are associated with the numbers 3 and 7, the magical meaning of which has been known since ancient times.

And they are also a manifestation of the forces of the Earth. And belief in these forces was the center of many ancient religions. And it still remains. For example, in China.

A hundred years ago, when bustling industrialized Europe tried to “turn around” in China, it was disappointed. For example, when the Europeans proposed to lay railway, and she had to go through a mountain or hill, then in response they received a polite refusal from the authorities.

Moreover, the motivation for refusal could drive an enlightened European crazy: the mountain, they say, represents an earthly dragon and damage to its tail is fraught with serious trouble. From time immemorial to this day, the Chinese have believed in “dragon streams” - lines of force running along the surface of the earth. And before erecting a building or planting a tree, they consult with an expert geomancer to see if their work will damage the “dragon stream.”

Ley lines in Russia

In the territories Russian Federation as well as in the territories of the former Soviet Union You can also find many places of Power, connected to each other by a network of ley lines. The pursuit of ley lines began in Russia in the 80-90s of the twentieth century. Some patterns were discovered in the location of rows of religious buildings in the Moscow region. For example, one of the Russian researchers of this phenomenon, Stanislav Ermakov, discovered a number of points with similar names in the Moscow region.

“The first results appeared literally on the third day of work on the map of the Moscow region! Titles settlements, which begin with sibilant consonants, as it turns out, are not at all chaotically distributed in the area. Being marked on the map, they form a strip that is about 40 km wide, oriented from northwest to southeast (from Tver to Ryazan). Three lines perpendicular to the main one are clearly visible. Both the main line and the “branches” clearly follow the main strip of outcrops of the Famennian and Upper Famennian stages of the Devonian system, composed mainly of limestones and sandstones. Some similar patterns can be traced when studying the characteristics of the distribution of other similar names of settlements in the area. What is this? Accident? Hardly. Of course, a strip of forty (!) kilometers wide can hardly be called a lei. There are many more of them inside the strip itself. But, I think, in this case too we are dealing with effects that are invisible at first glance and are associated with the power structure of the planet.” (

There is also evidence that researcher Anton Platov found ley lines in the area of ​​the ancient Kulikovo field. They intersect at one of the central monuments of the Field - Gypsy Stone - and go almost perpendicular to each other in the directions already familiar to us from northwest to southeast and from northeast to southwest. Quite clear markers of these lei, in addition to the five Orthodox churches and the Gypsy Stone itself, are a burial mound, the earliest burials of which date back to the Bronze Age, the site of a medieval Russian fortress (Dorozhen-gorod) and another group of sacred stones.

Speaking about sacred stones, one involuntarily recalls ancient dolmens and seids, which are found in abundance in the territories of the Western Caucasus and on the Black Sea coast. Here they are found in such abundance that it becomes difficult to compose and arrange them in any system of ley lines. Judge for yourself: there are thousands of them in the North-West Caucasus. The approximate date of creation of these seids is from 3500 to 1400 BC, i.e. dolmens are from 5500 to 3400 years old.

Among the megalithic buildings of the Caucasus, one can distinguish both free-standing dolmens and various types of seids. A distinctive feature of Caucasian dolmens is their unexpected house-like design with small round holes.

Moreover, an interesting detail is that the builders of megalithic structures in the Caucasus were not alien to such atypical structures for these places as pyramids, similar in proportions to the famous pyramid of Khufu (Cheops). (data see:

Standing apart among the Caucasian megaliths is the unique megalithic complex Psynako-1 (Tuapse district, Pshenakho river valley. About a kilometer up the Pshenakho valley from the village of Anastasievka on the right bank). Psynako-1 is an object that can be equated in significance to such famous structures as Stonehenge or New Grange. (for more details see: M. Kudin “Archaeoastronomy and dolmens”)

In general, Russia is rich in megalithic structures. Large territories allow us to find similar ancient monuments in almost all corners of our homeland.

There is data on Leningrad region, districts of Murmansk, Arkhangelsk. (see: V. Mizin “Seids, megaliths of the Russian Arctic”).

There is a whole avenue of menhirs in Chelyabinsk region(near the village of Cherkassy, ​​2 km to the northwest).

There is also the sacred Horse-Stone in the Tula region (on the Beautiful Sword River).

Large concentrations of seids were discovered in the area of ​​Mount Kivakka (in northwestern Karelia), on the islands of the Body Archipelago and on the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea,

Mount Kuchintundra, north-west of the Murmansk region. There are seids here too...

Mount Ninchurt, Lovozero tundra, Kola Peninsula. Single flagstone seid on the top of the mountain.

The city of Arkaim in the southern Urals is the legendary ancestral home of the Aryans. The city of the Magi, the city is a calendar, the city is a circle. One of the first cities of the ancient, once united race.

Next come mysterious places Perm region, Siberia and, of course, the world-famous sacred peaks of the Altai Mountains. By the way, by connecting some of the peaks of the Altai Mountains, we get a line that is already familiar to us, crossing the meridian at an angle of 45 degrees. If you extend this line a little to the northwest, it passes exactly through the Salair Ridge (also a well-known place of Power) and then straight to Novosibirsk.

Then in our list of places of Power follows Far East, Yakutia and the volcanic belt of Kamchatka. In general, there are many places of Power in Russia, and, accordingly, many ley lines pass through its territories.

Astrologer Alexander Dan

Ley lines, Ley lines, Ley lines. Whatever they are called... Whatever legends and hypotheses are hidden behind this, it cannot be said that it is a well-known concept. Esotericists remain silent. Pseudo-magicians, sorcerers, adherents of ancient and not so cults with important look refer to this mysterious and incomprehensible (including for themselves) word. Basically, these lines are associated with three riddles:

Naturally, these same lines are associated in bright minds with extraterrestrial civilization, UFOs and all that other stuff.

The history of these lines is as follows:

In 1925, Alfred Watkins' book The Old Straight Path was published. Walking around England and being interested in Stonehenge, of course, Watkins noticed that many settlements in the area had the ending Ley in their names. By connecting the dots between these points on the map, Watkins discovered the following:

That is, there is a certain system of lines connecting, moreover, quite well-known and mysterious places, covered in tales and legends. By the way, Watkins then put forward a relatively sober hypothesis - the lines are ancient navigational landmarks, in other words, a kind of geographical map. However, the fact of the existence of legends and stories took this story into a completely different area. Late XIX- The beginning of the 20th century was marked, as is known, by the mass character of movements of a spiritual and mystical nature. This was connected, according to my theory, with the discovery of the Rosetta Stone in Egypt by Napoleon’s troops and the subsequent deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphs by the Frenchman Champollion. For the first time, the world gained access to Ancient sources. Incredible stories of unseen Gods...

But let's get back to the lines. So, after the message about them penetrated into the wide pseudo-scientific ranks, everyone rushed to the place and the wrong place to look for something like this everywhere. A wide variety of options have appeared:

Here are the Ley lines in Czechoslovakia. According to “topographers”, they form the well-known constellation Orion:

And here the Ley lines already cover the entire Western Europe and North Africa:

Again the constellation, now Virgo and already in France:

Global option:

And finally, something cosmic:

What's most interesting is that these lines actually exist. A simple experiment with Google Earth and names populated areas in the area that came to my mind - Bullay - Koblenz Lay - Loreley (the famous rock on the Rhine, which inspired Goethe to write “Lorelei”, although the legend about the mermaid girl is much older) gives exactly the line:

It's obvious. There are, of course, a huge number of settlements where Ley is part of the word. But I have no particular desire to see constellations, secret writings and all that stuff in the resulting lines. As a linguist, I am more interested in what exactly the word Lay means, and why the Chinese, who also know about these lines, call them Dragon Lines...

And here's what we found out:

More or less officially, the scientific world agrees that Lay in the ancient Germanic language, that is, a language that was once common to all the peoples of the Germanic group of languages, means only “Rock”, in particular a rock made of slate, mineral widely distributed in Europe. Then everything is very simple, of course: Lorelei is the rock on which Laura sits.

Then what does the Dragon have to do with it? Yes, we can, of course, assume that medieval dragons lived on rocks, including Chinese ones.

This is one option.

And here is the rune "Laukats":

And now let’s turn to the most ancient writing today - Sumerian writing:

This is the same sound or phoneme "L", the Uruk language dating back to the 4th - 2nd millennium BC. Doesn't remind you of anything? What about this?

This is the so-called Dashkiy stone, found by Alexander Khuvylov in Bashkortostan. The age of the find is 120 million years! The surface of the stone is covered with white porcelain. The official hypothesis is that the rivers of the Southern Urals are depicted on the stone (with such and such an age). In other words, 120 million years ago someone drew a map like this.

So, my virtual reader, these are not rivers or not so much rivers - these are Ley lines.

And there is also the well-known note “la” (La). Few people know where this designation came from. La - means Lacta - Milky Way. This designation of notes originates in the early Middle Ages (do - Dominus - god, re - Regina coeli - Heavenly Goddess, mi - Microcosmos, fa - Fata - fate, salt - Sol - sun, la - Lacta, si - Sider - stars) . Somewhere since the time of Johann Sebastian Bach, the notes received a different name - c, d, e, f, g, a, h. So "la" replaced "a".

La is a tuning fork, which is used to tune orchestral instruments, and indeed all instruments. Why? Maybe because the frequency of this sound is 440 Hz. This is the frequency of the human voice. Frequency giving an ideal sine line:

The same ideal sinus line is given by another sound - from the cosmic region:

This is a recording of sounds made (so to speak) ... by the Sun. And the symbol of the sun on earth is the Lion. Lion again.

And again the Chinese with their dragons seem to be out of work. So what does the word "Dragon" sound like in Chinese?

龙 [ 龍 ]

This is a spelling word. And it is pronounced "Long". This means that for some “Long” is a dragon, for others it is length, a line.

And here is the constellation of the dragon:

It doesn't look much like a dragon. But on the Ley line...

From all this we can draw a huge number of stunningly sensational conclusions - about distant and powerful ancestors, extraterrestrial civilizations, celestial maps and divine messages that we encounter at every step. But these will only be hypotheses.

It seems to me that only one thing is quite probable - the words “lion”, “length”, “metal”, “ley”, “dragon”, “law”, “line” and “path” have much more in common with each other than it seems at first sight. And the sound of the universe is not the famous “Om”, but the inconspicuous “La”.

Our planet is covered with a mysterious invisible network, which is formed from special, completely straight ley lines.

You won’t see these lines with your own eyes, because their name is conventional, but it’s quite easy to realize that they exist if you look at geographical map. Incredible, but true - almost all known ancient buildings and monuments, large prehistoric megaliths and famous burials, mounds and sacred places seem to be located along invisible straight lines. Mysterious ley lines, intersecting with each other, form various geometric shapes that provide answers to some mysteries of the past.

Researchers are still debating how random this “ley-rectilinear” arrangement of cult objects is. Or did our ancestors still know much more than us?

Links of the magic chain

For the first time, the fact that ancient structures were located for a reason, but according to some plan or design, was discovered in 1921 by the Englishman Alfred Watkins, who was fond of archeology and cartography.

While studying a map of his home county of Herefordshire, he one day looked at it with a completely different look and suddenly saw that all the tops of the hills on which the ruins of ancient buildings were now located could easily be connected by one straight line.

This amazed Watkins so much that he began to study a map of all of England, everywhere discovering a fact that amazed him: ancient pagan ruins, and medieval castles, and standing stones, and numerous churches, and sacred wells, and just hilltops - all this was located on straight lines, which formed a very complex system, somewhat similar to a spider’s web. And what’s even stranger is that these lines didn’t fit well with the surrounding terrain and didn’t want to adapt to it at all.

Finally, Watkins stated: “Imagine a magic chain stretched from one mountain peak to another, as far as the eye can see, and then etched so that it touches the “high places” of the earth in a series of ridges, hills and slopes. Then imagine a mound, a round earthwork, or a grove of trees on these peaks, and in the low parts of the valley other mounds, surrounded by water that can be seen even at a great distance. From time to time the path is marked by huge standing stones, and on the high bank leading to the foot of the mountain ridge or down to the river ford there is a deeply incised path that seems to form a guide mark on the horizon line as you climb up.”

In his opinion, lines on which there are only three objects could still be random, but lines on which there were much more than three such objects already proved that there was some kind of design here, and not a game of chance. Alfred Watkins named the mysterious lines that entangled England with the word "ley", which translated from the Old Saxon means "cleared land".

And since then, numerous “lei hunters” have not dried up, discovering these lines all over the world. These enthusiasts also found out that ley lines can stretch for many hundreds of kilometers, sometimes crossing the entire Earth. And in places where many ley lines converge, as a rule, the most famous buildings of antiquity are located - for example, the cities of Mohenjodaro and Teotihuacan, the pyramids at Giza, Stonehenge, and so on.

Entertaining ley geography

Although Watkins is considered the discoverer of these lines, other scientists noticed the same feature much earlier. For example, a member of the British Archaeological Society, William Henry Black, wrote in 1870: “The monumental structures that we all know serve as markings of huge geometric lines running throughout Western Europe, the British Isles, Ireland, the Hebrides, Shetland and Orkney islands up to the Arctic Circle... The same lines exist in China and in all the countries of the East, and everywhere they follow the same pattern.”

Yes, most ancient civilizations built their places of worship according to ley lines. For example, the Sumerians. Thus, their cities stretched out in an orderly line - Nippur, Shurrupak, Larak and Sippar. The ley line intersects them at exactly 45 degrees to the meridian.

Jerusalem is also on the ley line. From there the line rushes and then runs straight into Mount Ararat in Turkey.

By the way, the Sumerian ley line intersects the Jerusalem line at an even angle of 90 degrees in Syria, where the Umbilical Mountain is located, on which the famous Gobekli Tepe complex is located, whose age is estimated at about 12 thousand years! And if Jerusalem is taken as the center of the circle, then the lines will connect it with the Egyptian pyramids in Giza and with the temple ensemble of the city of Baalbek in Lebanon.

Why did Star Trek appear?

But in Europe the so-called “star path” is famous, which is, of course, a completely straight line on which cities are located, in whose names the word “star” must appear either in Latin (“stella”) or French (“stella”). etoile"), or on Spanish(“estrella”). There is also a “star” at the “final” point where the “star path” ends – the city of Santiago de Compostela, the third center of Catholic Christianity after Rome and Jerusalem.

Why “star trek” appeared became clear when the “ley line hunters” drew them all in this rather large area. It turned out that these ley lines form the shape of a star. And now it remains to understand how they knew about this in the old days, giving cities exactly “star” names.

In England itself, where the concept of ley lines came from, the same discoverer Watkinson drew the line of “St. Michael”, on which a great many religious objects are located. This line intersects with the one on which Stonehenge is located.

In Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg are located on ley lines. Capital Kievan Rus– Kyiv is also on the ley line. An even more ancient object is the city of Arkaim, located on the ley line in the southern Urals. These lines cross anomalous and mysterious places in Siberia, the Perm region, the Salair Ridge, Lake Baikal, the Altai Mountains, there are dolmens on them North Caucasus, megalithic structures of Murmansk, Arkhangelsk. And most of the cult stones - from the Gypsy Stone on the Kulikovo Field to the seids on the Solovetsky Islands - are also located on ley lines.

Marina Sitnikova


Read the continuation in No. 6/2018 of the magazine “Miracles and Adventures”

In the early 20s of the last century, an elderly English businessman and part-time amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins took a walk through the hills of his native Herefordshire. Suddenly the familiar landscape appeared before him in a completely different form. He saw that the entire area in front of him was drawn into squares with straight lines passing through churches, buildings, and ancient monuments.

The gentleman realized that he saw before him a map of ancient Britain - a landscape covered with a grid of perfectly straight roads, most of which corresponded either to the movement of the Sun or to the trajectories of the stars. It was a strange vision.

And, as revelations do, it shaped the rest of Alfred Watkins' life. He called these lines "Ley system". "Ley" means "cleared land" in Old Saxon.

Even before the Romans

Further research confirmed: yes, straight lines tens of kilometers long, running through ancient burial sites and stone observatories such as Stonehenge, which Watkins saw from the hill, are indeed roads. Moreover, they were planned long before the Roman invasion, although they were considered the first road builders in Britain. Now these roads have disappeared, but not without a trace.

And if Watkins saw them by a miraculous intuition, then, walking along the path he indicated, one could see either an ancient slab that had sunk into the ground, or a series of boulders, or some other landmark. But what kind of road is this that completely disregards the local terrain? And doesn’t even try to go around the lake, hills, bogs?

Because, Watkins explained, these roads are laid along power (energy) lines. Just as a dowser feels underground water and finds a source, so the ancient Britons felt these lines and knew how to use them. And the energy of these lines was so strong that the road itself “carried” the skilled traveler, and this compensated for all the inconveniences of off-roading.

At first, Watkins' theory became the butt of jokes among scientists, and not always good-natured ones. But the old businessman Watkins stood his ground and continued his research, which he then published in the book “The Old Straight Road.” The number of supporters of the “Lee system” began to grow.

The St Michael's Ley Line in the UK is one of the most interesting. There are many religious buildings along its route.

The line of St. Michael intersects with the line on which Stonehenge, Old Sarum, Avebury and other stone structures of antiquity are located.

Earth Forces

The research of archaeologist Guy Underwood helped confirm the hypothesis about the “Ley system”. He discovered that at the center of every stone monument (including Stonehenge) and deep under the stone foundations of all the churches he examined there was a certain energy “node”, which he called "blind source"

“Blind”, probably because it does not, as a source should, give rise to “water lines” (the energy of water), but, on the contrary, is located where these “water lines” are drawn together. And this determines the favorable energy of the area. Underwood also discovered two more types of underground power lines. He called one of them “aquastat” and the other “road strip”.

It turned out that, focusing on the “aquastat”, the ancient builders “orientated” religious buildings most favorably relative to the cardinal directions. And the direction of roads and paths was determined by the “road strip”. Underwood believes that all three geodesic lines - stat, road strip and water line - are associated with the numbers 3 and 7, the magical meaning of which has been known since ancient times.

And they are also a manifestation of the forces of the Earth. And belief in these forces was the center of many ancient religions. And it still remains. For example, in China.

Don't cut off the dragon's tail

A hundred years ago, when bustling industrialized Europe tried to “turn around” in China, it was disappointed. For example, when the Europeans proposed to build a railway, but it had to go through a mountain or hill, they received a polite refusal from the authorities in response.

Moreover, the motivation for refusal could drive an enlightened European crazy: the mountain, they say, represents an earthly dragon and damage to its tail is fraught with serious trouble. From time immemorial to this day, the Chinese have believed in “dragon streams” - lines of force running along the surface of the earth. And before erecting a building or planting a tree, they consult with an expert geomancer to see if their work will damage the “dragon stream.”

The Frenchman Patrick Burensteinas claims that one of the ley lines runs from the Brussels Grand Place to the Spanish Santiago de Compostela (the so-called Way of St. James). The picture below shows a map of the medieval roads of St. Jacob.

Lung-gom-pa and multi-jump

They know about ley lines in Tibet too. During a trip through this mountainous country, the famous female explorer Alexandra David-Neel saw lung-gom-pa - people who could race for weeks without rest, without slowing down. But the main thing: they always ran in a straight line, even if this line ran through the mountains.

They did not turn aside in front of any obstacles, they only switched to “multi-jumps” - high jumps, and they took off from the ground so easily, as if they were bouncing off it. David-Neel believed that the secret to runners' extraordinary endurance and strength was long, persistent physical activities and spiritual self-improvement.

Maybe. But only partly. The fact that they never fold suggests that in addition to all this, they also know how to use lines of force, which Watkins called the “Lee system.” They even say that the most trained lung-gom-pa could run without touching the ground. In other words, they could fly.

Riding on a rock

There are many legends about the flights that the ancient British made. The sorcerer and sorcerer Bladud flew with the help of stones, but one day he fell from heaven right to where St. Paul's Cathedral now stands in London. Another British magician, Abyris, according to legend, flew all the way to Greece.

Modern researcher John Mitchell believes that these legendary flights were possible thanks to the use of magnetic forces"Lee systems". He also believes that these lines are transmitters of celestial energy. Therefore, many ancient monuments, especially Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge, the purpose of which is still not entirely clear to science, were built precisely to “link” together earthly and heavenly forces. In Kabbalism, these forces are united by the number 1746. So, Mitchell discovered that this same number is embedded in the architectural proportions of these monuments.

So, maybe we can clear out the “Lee system” and become lung-gom-pa? Will not work. For this, a person of modern civilization needs to clear too much within himself. After all, even in Tibet, not everyone can become a lung-gom-pa.