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Habits that will make your life better. Health: Nutrition and Fitness

“Habit is second nature,” says folk wisdom. Many business coaches, speaking about time management, advise elevating certain actions aimed at achieving a goal to the rank of habits. After all, the more “automated” life is, the simpler it is.

Famous entrepreneur, speaker and blogger Jonathan Fields largely agrees with this statement. He is the author of the acclaimed (Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt into Fuel for Brilliance, 2011). In it, Fields views habits not only as a means to simplify life, but also as “anchors of confidence,” that is, a way to believe in yourself.

By looking under the cat, you will find out which habits can change your life, giving you self-confidence.

But first a few practical advice How to develop this or that habit:

  • Focus on learning one new habit every month;
  • do not set time limits (to get used to learning 10 English words, and it may take varying amounts of time to get into the habit of running in the morning);
  • be responsible and persistent;
  • forgive yourself for “breakdowns” (if one day you were lazy and, for example, did not do your morning exercises, you should not reproach yourself too much, otherwise this may lead to you completely abandoning this habit);
  • celebrate milestones (don't forget to praise yourself for each week, month, six months, etc. that you follow this or that habit);
  • go to "implementation" new habit when you notice that you are performing an action automatically, without thinking about it at all.

And now 9 habits that, according to Jonathan Fields, will change your life.

1. Visualization

Is this a familiar picture? As you know, before going to bed, thousands of thoughts swarm in your head, 90% of which are absolutely useless.

Instead of thinking about all this nonsense, think, or better yet, imagine what you will do tomorrow. Where you will go, who you will meet, how the meeting will go - draw a detailed and, most importantly, positive picture of tomorrow in your head, and you will be surprised how much more successful it will be.

According to Fields, it's the same planning, only much more fun.

2. Prioritization

Jonathan Fields notes that lack of self-confidence is often the result of excessive multitasking. A person tries to do everything and everywhere, but in the end he does nothing 100%.

Define your main goal and discard everything that goes against it. Make it a rule to “scan” things for priority: will this or that task help you achieve your goal? No? Forget about her!

3. Get up early

Jonathan Fields also thinks getting up early is great. After all, the sooner your alarm clock rings, the more you will have time to do before the end of the day. And the more productive you are, the better you feel.

4. Morning ritual

I woke up, put the kettle on, went to brush my teeth, the kettle boiled, stopped washing, turned off the kettle, ate a sandwich, took a shower, the phone rang, put on socks, checked the mail, put on a shirt, talked on the phone again, drank cold coffee, tied a tie... The morning of many people resemble chaos. The lack of a sequence of actions leads to the fact that within 1-2 hours in the morning a person is already experiencing stress, which unsettles him for the rest of the day.

Fields advises developing your own daily personal morning ritual. Clearly think through the order of your actions - from getting up to leaving the house - and strictly follow it.

5. Water

A glass of water in the morning helps get rid of toxins accumulated by the body overnight. In addition, water improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates metabolism.

Fields says drinking a glass of water in the morning is a good habit for your health.

6. Single-tasking

Only 2% of people on Earth can live according to the principle of Julius Caesar, that is, do several things at the same time and still feel great. For the remaining 98%, this is given with great difficulty and leads them to self-doubt.

Once you take on this or that task, bring it to the end without being distracted by other tasks. This will increase your productivity several times and add points to your “I”.

7. Asceticism

People are overwhelmed with unnecessary things. There are hundreds of things in our homes that we could easily live without.

8. Internet filter

The Internet is a swamp. The Internet is an indispensable business tool. The Internet is a “time killer”. The Internet is an invaluable source of information.

All these judgments are correct. The only question is how you will build your relationship with the global web and what the network will become for you.

Fields, like many other business coaches, advises choosing a specific time during the day to check email, socialize in social networks etc. For example, get into the habit of sitting in Kontaktik for half an hour after dinner, not earlier, not later, and not a minute more.

9. Evening ritual

Developing your evening ritual is just as important as your morning ritual. This will help you prepare for bed without stress.

Jonathan Fields recommends finding a nightly relaxation routine (such as a warm salt bath) that signals your body that it's time to sleep.

Which of these habits do you have? How do they affect your life?

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In order for global positive changes to occur in our lives, sometimes it is enough just to reconsider our lifestyle. We do many things automatically throughout the day, so why not turn them into healthy habits? It is not always difficult and boring.

website I have collected for you 10 simple healthy habits that will change your life for the better.

1. Start your day with a glass of lemon water

Make it a habit to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper every day. This ritual will kick-start your metabolism by the time you eat breakfast. Lemon juice contains vitamin C, it will increase your microbicidal immunity, and cayenne pepper will speed up your already running metabolism. In addition, thanks to this simple action, after some time the condition of the skin improves significantly. The action is simple, the benefits are enormous.

2. Wipe your face with ice cubes from chamomile infusion

Another useful morning habit is to wipe your face with ice from chamomile infusion. This will help you forget about facial wrinkles and stimulate metabolic processes in the skin. Immediately after the procedure, instead of morning swelling, a fresh blush will appear on the face, and the skin will become velvety.

3. Carry snacks with you

Harmful snacks are the enemy of a healthy lifestyle. It would seem that there is nothing difficult about not eating unhealthy bars and cookies, but statistics say otherwise. To reduce the temptation to snack on junk food between meals, carry a few healthy snacks with you. Your healthy snack can be fruits, grain breads, yoghurts. The habit of snacking on snacks that do not consist of fast carbohydrates will have a noticeable effect on your weight within a month.

4. Floss

The condition of teeth is closely related to the health of the body; scientists have even proven the connection between teeth and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is imperative to include the use of dental floss in your oral care. It allows you to clean the space between your teeth from large food debris and remove plaque in hard-to-reach places.

5. Eat an apple after meals

It is advisable to brush your teeth every time after eating, but, of course, this is not always possible. There is a very simple and tasty solution. After eating, eat an apple. This way you will cleanse the oral cavity of food debris, improve blood circulation in the gums and normalize the acidity in the mouth. Love fresh vegetables and fruits, and you will never have to suffer from periodontal disease.

6. Take a contrast shower every day

Just a few minutes of this beneficial procedure daily will bring enormous health benefits. Thanks to the contrast shower, we strengthen the nervous system and blood vessels. In addition, a contrast shower is indispensable in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.

7. Place a bottle of water on your desk

Most people don't even notice that they are dehydrated. If you decide that you need to lead healthy image life, then the first thing you should do is drink more clean water. Tea, coffee, carbonated drinks do not count. Carry a bottle of water with you and place the same one on your desk. This way you will drink more without making much effort. For greater effect, set yourself a reminder on your phone to drink at least a couple of sips every hour.

8. Eat nuts

Eat at least 50 grams of nuts daily. Any that you like. Thanks to omega-3 fatty acids, they strengthen the cardiovascular system, hair and nails. Nuts also contain selenium, antioxidants, vitamin E, plant sterols (substances that lower bad cholesterol), potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc. In short, it is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

Here are the most interesting and useful tips- how to change your life for the better.

Habits that will help you become more organized

1. Start in a place that feels natural to you. Some people find it easier to start projects with some simple task. The same principle can be used when you are going to clean up a place that is not being used for its intended purpose. Instead of starting with the garage or attic, first sort out the things you see and use every day.

2. Keep everything important in your “productivity triangle.” Anything that needs your attention should be in your email, calendar, or task list. There you need to include absolutely all the things you need to do. In your mailbox, keep those letters that need a response. Use the calendar for scheduled events. A list of tasks - for specific tasks. If the email contains information about a meeting, move it to your calendar and delete the email.

3. Use the three-goal rule to start your day. Instead of making a long list of tasks, start your day by planning three important goals that you want to achieve today. Ask yourself, “What three things do I want to do before the end of the day?” Write them down. Most likely, you won't be able to complete all three planned tasks right away, but over time you will find the right balance of time, attention and energy that you need to do it.

4. Plan a “preventative day.” To achieve maximum productivity, collect all your low-impact tasks and complete them in one day. By not putting them off and stretching them out over weeks, you'll save energy to work on more important things.

5. Realize whether the disorder is a consequence of internal experiences. Sometimes clutter is a way to hide your inner fears. Maybe your desk cluttered with papers is an excuse for not working on a new project? Clutter can make you feel safe, so ask yourself if your emotions are tied to things, especially when you feel stuck.

Habits that will help you shine at work

6. Finally get some sleep. All productive people understand how important it is to get enough sleep. And it would be nice to learn how to get up without an alarm clock.

7. Become an idea generator. Eureka moments are not magic, they happen to people who try to follow the habit of constantly making changes in their lives. To start, pay closer attention to an area that is not related to the one in which you work.

8. Cross off all completed tasks on your to-do list every day. There are few things as satisfying as crossing items off your to-do list at the end of the day. But most of us can hardly boast that we cross off every item on our list. This useful habit will help you learn to accomplish everything you planned. It's important to understand what types of work you do best at different times of the day and organize your task list accordingly.

9. Be the person everyone admires. A person with a good reputation, who is unanimously supported by everyone, has a much easier time getting promoted. But status does not appear overnight or by chance. The first step to this is to keep your promises.

10. Achieve your goals. People with healthy ambitions do not harm others when achieving their goals. Therefore, to realize your ambitions and achieve your goals, avoid comparing yourself to others. Measure your success by comparing it to what you yourself could achieve.

11. Say no to meetings lasting an hour or more. Nobody likes them. And most often such meetings and gatherings are useless. Try to finish in 30 minutes what you planned for an hour. The 30 minute limit will force you to be brief and focus on what's most important.

12. Walk like Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs held some of his most important meetings during the walk. It's helpful to develop the same habit for several reasons. Firstly, a person may feel uncomfortable at a meeting in a conference room. Secondly, such an unusual meeting format helps people look at familiar things from a new perspective. Finally, physical activity will help you think more clearly. So open the door, breathe in the fresh air and go for a walk.

13. Listen before you speak. Seek understanding first. How can you make a point if you haven't taken the time to delve into it? We have two ears and one mouth, and there's a reason for that.

14. Celebrate progress. The road to your goal may be long. So be sure to take time along the way to celebrate your accomplishments. Eat something tasty. High five your teammates. Hit the gong. Shout from the rooftop. Success is worth celebrating.

15. Identify your strengths and work on them. Perhaps in some areas you are naturally talented or have had enough practice in something. Focus all your energy on developing this strengths instead of remaining average in everything. It's better to be an expert at one thing than a mediocre jack of all trades.

16. Don't burn bridges. Yes, some of us have to deal with idiots at work. So what? Just ignore it. There is no need to get angry or say anything bad about them. Laugh at the situation and move on. There are many more important things to focus on.

17. Reduce the time it takes to travel. Many people spend more than three hours a day getting to and from work. As a result, they come to the office exhausted, tired and pretty bruised. It's absolutely not worth it. Look for a job close to home, preferably within walking distance. Just imagine, you will be able to spend these three hours doing something that gives you pleasure, and not being stuck in traffic jams.

18. Make decisions based on facts. When in doubt, take another look at the data. What are they telling you?

19. Trust your intuition. Making a decision based on facts when there is little or no data is not a good idea. In this case, follow your intuition.

20. Use the 20/80 rule. 20% of your customers usually generate 80% of your profits, and vice versa. Focus your energy on work that matters.

21. Take the ten year test. Sometimes, when faced with a problem, you are sure that it is a disaster. Don't lose your composure. Use the ten-year test instead. Ask yourself, will this problem matter in 10 days? In 10 months? And in 10 years? Most likely no. And if it doesn't, don't worry. It's not worth it.

22. Do what you love. Life is short. Do you really want to spend 30% of your time working at a job you hate? Hardly. Therefore, devote yourself to what you love.

23. Think about the consequences. Don't make decisions just because someone told you to do so. Think about the consequences. And if you think that the business will not bring the desired return, say so. Do meaningful work.

24. Become a leader. With or without an official position. You don't have to have a senior position to bring change to a company. You can take initiatives, implement great ideas, help colleagues and share experiences with them.

25. Stay humble. You may be very good at what you do, but chances are you're not the only one in the world. And even if you're the best, there are still a million other things you're not that good at. So stay humble. Doubt it. Be hungry for knowledge. And keep learning from others.

26. Accept mistakes and learn from them. Failures happen in life. They can be large, for example, like dismissal. Or not so much, for example, when you forgot to pick up groceries after work. Everything is relative. It is important to understand: no matter whether the failure is big or small, the process of working on them is the same. Admit that it happened. Deal with what happened. Draw conclusions. Work on yourself. Move on. JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, has gone from being a single mother living on the dole to becoming the best-selling author of all time. Failures happen. But the only thing that matters is how you deal with them.

27. Accept those who support you. Along your path, you will meet people who will sincerely believe in you and what you do. Accept them. Even if only your mother supports you.

28. Accept those who criticize you. On this same path, you will meet people who will doubt your every step. Accept them too. Only in this case, use their doubts as a source of motivation. Prove them wrong.

29. Understand the importance of transparency in relationships. People are more sensitive when they understand the reasons for what is happening. When they are left in the dark, it is difficult for them to trust you.

Habits that will help you in everyday life

30. Freeze fruits and vegetables. Do you want to eat healthy, but fruits and vegetables spoil quickly? So, the obvious advice is to try freezing them before they go moldy. Such preparations are perfect for soups, stews and compotes.

31. Ditch cable and get Netflix. This is not only great entertainment, but also significant savings.

32. Do general cleaning once a month. Cleaning up your home will help you get rid of the clutter in your head. Here's a simple question to help you decide whether to keep or throw away an item: "Did I use it last year?" If not, break up mercilessly.

33. Host events. When all is said and done, only relationships matter. Organize meetings for your friends and family, this will give you the opportunity to have a great time together. Not enough budget? Arrange for everyone to bring something with them, or fold. Do you want to improve your working relationship? Great. Believe me, your colleagues are also not averse to having fun outside the office. They may not always remember what you do at work, but they definitely won't forget your joint parties.

34. Buy a comfortable mattress. You spend about 30% of your life sleeping. So why are you saving on a mattress? Help yourself get a good night's sleep.

35. Iron T-shirts without an iron. Don't have an iron? Then this life hack is for you: hang T-shirts in the bathroom while you take a hot shower, and then blow dry them.

36. Arrive at the airport at least two hours in advance. Especially on international flights.

37. Buy an extra battery. Let's face it: we use our phones almost all the time. With their help, we plan a route, look for places to eat, communicate and have fun. When the battery dies, we are left without hands. Life without a smartphone really gets harder, so buy a battery in reserve.

38. Don't eat processed foods. The more whole, natural foods you eat, such as fruits and vegetables, the better you will feel.

39. Avoid caffeine. You don't need it. You can stay focused and alert naturally. There are several ways: exercise, meditation, drinking enough fluids, working on something that really interests you.

40. Color code your keys. If you're constantly fiddling with your keys, try color-coding them. For example, the key to the garage is yellow, green is to the entrance, red is to the front door. You can buy special lids or use nail polish or paint. Color coding actually works.

41. Place a small trash can in your car. Do you constantly find junk in your car? Admit it, sometimes you throw unnecessary things in the backseat. Do not do it this way. Carry a small trash container with you and the problem is solved.

42. Stuff your shoes with newspaper at night. It will help remove moisture and get rid of unpleasant odors.

Practical advice for every day

43. Learn something new every day. It could be a word from another language, interesting scientific fact, life hack - what interests you.

44. Remember people's names. If you address others by name, they, in turn, will respond with more enthusiasm and passion, scientists assure. Saying someone's name shows that you care. That you highlight this person and acknowledge him.

45. Focus on the present. Stop regretting the past. If you read one chapter over and over again, you will never finish the book. Stop worrying about the future. Think about the present. Focus on the “now.”

46. ​​Listen to your body. When you feel like you have no strength left, don’t torture yourself. Rest or sleep longer. Are you stressed at work? Take a day off. Do you feel heaviness in your body after eating 10 donuts? Maybe you shouldn't do this? Listen to your body's signals and respond to them correctly.

47. Read before bed. Read something interesting before going to bed, it doesn’t matter whether it’s an article on the Internet or a book. If you're reading from a computer or tablet, install an app like F.lux, which will adapt the screen backlight depending on the time of day. This way, bright displays will stop irritating your eyes at night. Or just buy a real paper book. When you learn something new before going to bed, you remember this information better.

48. Say no. You can't do everything for others. Learn to say no. Focus on a few things and achieve results in them.

49. Explore the world. Travel. This is a great way to open up new perspectives in life. Howard Schultz traveled to Europe and literally fell in love with local coffee shops. Do you know what happened next? He opened Starbucks.

50. Build your own value system. You can start by imitating the people you admire, and one day you will be able to make your own judgments. Decide what is valuable to you personally, write it down on a piece of paper and attach it to the mirror. It is the foundation of who you are.

51. Love change. Sooner or later you will have to get used to this idea: the only thing that is constant in this world is change. Instead of being afraid, love them.

52. Don't always try to fill a pause with words. Sometimes it's good to just sit in silence.

53. When in doubt, answer “I need to think.” Let's face it: we don't always have the right answers to all the questions. So instead of giving a flippant and/or incorrect quick answer, tell the other person that you need time to think about it carefully.

54. Start your most important task in the morning. At this moment you have the most strength and energy. In the morning we usually do most of the work for the day.

55. Tell yourself “we’ll see.” Even when it seems like something terrible is about to happen, there is always at least a small possibility that it will lead to something good in the future. Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions about the future, just tell yourself “we’ll see.”

56. Realize that most people don't care about you. Sorry, but people's lives do not revolve only around your universe. So stop worrying about what people think of you. They won't think. It's better to focus on yourself and try to become better.

57. There are a few people who truly care and care about you. Stay close to such people. They are what make your life amazing. They are the ones who will be with you both in sorrow and in joy.

58. Say something nice to yourself every day. Positive attitudes will lift your spirits even in the most difficult times. Treat yourself kindly.

59. Happiness is a state of mind, not a destination. Many people think that they will suddenly become happy when they can get their hands on something. But happiness doesn't work that way. It's in your head, it's a state of mind. Therefore it cannot be found anywhere else. Happiness is here, right in front of you, wherever you look.

60. Promise only what you can deliver. Trust always goes a long way. How many people first promise mountains of gold, and then do nothing. Don't become one of them.

61. Get married or marry your best friend. Everyone needs someone who will walk with you through the bad and the tough. Good times. Someone with whom you can chat all night long and not feel awkward in the silence. Someone who will love you for who you are.

62. Think about how you can help other people. At the end of your life, the only things that will matter are the people you loved, the people who loved you, and how much you did and helped others.

63. Time is your most valuable asset. Life is unpredictable. You can save and save every ruble, and then all your savings can depreciate in one moment. Yes, money has value. But time is much more valuable. Time with those you love. Time with friends. Time with your spouse. Time with children. There are 525,600 minutes in a year. Are you using this time wisely?

64. Smile at people. You yourself will become happier. A smile is contagious. This reduces stress and anxiety. Helps you gain confidence. And that's great.

65. Don't compare yourself to others. Focus on personal development.

66. Love yourself. Before you get into a relationship with someone else, learn to love yourself. Accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. The more comfortable you are with yourself, the better you will be able to show love to someone else.

Tips for those who want to get in shape

67. Include protein in every meal.

68. Include vegetables in every meal.

69. Eat carbohydrates in moderation (more if you exercise, less if you are sedentary).

70. Eat healthy fats in small amounts at most meals.

71. Strive for consistency, not perfection. Choose a diet that you can maintain.

72. Cook as much as possible yourself.

73. Keep plenty of healthy food at home.

74. Don’t leave food in plain sight to save yourself from unnecessary temptations.

76. Drink mostly non-caloric drinks (water, tea, coffee).

77. Take your pulse several times a week.

78. Move and try regularly different types loads.
Tips for successful communication with others

79. Stop thanking people when you yourself do something for them. People who reflexively say thank you come across as insincere and flattering. Train yourself to thank only when there is really something for it.

80. Don't be too formal. Good manners are always important, but too much formality makes you look like a child. Try to have a casual conversation at least once a day about something funny and not necessarily decent.

81. Use a minimum of words. The better you understand something yourself, the easier it is for you to explain something to someone else. Every time you write an email, think about how you can reduce this letter to 25% of the current volume without losing its meaning.

Habits for self-development and relaxation

83. Read. And not just social networks. Look for and read what really interests you, and not what is given out from the TV screen and media pages. If you are an active person and find it difficult to sit in one place for a long time, load an audiobook or podcast into your player and listen while you run or do an exercise. This also counts as reading.

84. Make your bed as soon as you wake up. You might be surprised that the habit of making your bed first thing in the morning made it into this section. But what we are really interested in is its side effect: this way you will start your day with a small but achieved goal, thereby setting yourself up for the successful achievement of others.

85. Recognize negative thinking and get rid of it.
Negative thoughts drag you down. Learn to recognize them and try to replace them with more pleasant ones.

86. Meditate. Take courses or just find 5 minutes a day to sit quietly, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and breathe deeply. Believe me, this will seriously affect your life.

87. Get some sleep during the day. A good addition to meditation when you need a little relaxation in the afternoon. To gain strength and feel refreshed, take a 20-minute nap.

88. Sleep at least 7–9 hours at night. It is important to sleep as much as you need so as not to feel drowsy or tired. On days when you exercise or have other physical activity (say, you went hiking), sleep a little longer: you need to replenish your energy, so you need more sleep. On regular days, try to stick to the same amount of sleep.

89. Relieve stress. To do this, you can create a special evening ritual. For example, take a shower, do some stretching exercises, read a little, and write down notes about your day. This will help rid the brain of unnecessary thoughts, improve the quality of sleep, and improve attentiveness. Daily notes help you come up with new ideas, and reading inspires you to write interesting notes.

90. Find time to meet with family and friends every week. Meet for lunch over a cup of coffee, have family dinners. New ideas don't come without talking to other people. Such meetings will inspire you to new achievements.

91. Make time for your loved one every day. Say “I love you” often. Hug and kiss often. Travel together. Talk. Go for walks and on dates. It's good when there is someone who will distract you from work and fill your life with new emotions and impressions.

92. Meet at least one new person per week. New people fill your life with new ideas and take you out of your comfort zone for a little while.

93. Write every day. This could be a diary with personal notes or a blog dedicated to your hobby or professional activity. This is great advice for those who want to develop their Creative skills and put your thoughts in order.

94. Make music an integral part of your life. If you play an instrument, be sure to devote time to it once a week. If you don’t know how yet, but have a desire, learn. Or just listen to more music, look for new directions. Try to associate different music with specific events in your life. For example, listen to jazz or classical music while cooking, or rock and roll while cleaning.

Habits that will help you achieve your goals

95. Don't worry about money, worry about opportunity. Chasing money, especially at the beginning of your career, is not the best choice. Pursue knowledge and develop your skills. Think long term and it will bring you both money and happiness in the end.

96. Take risks while you are young. You can grow faster and earn more if you take a risky step. No, we are not talking about stupid extravagant actions, but about thoughtful and justified risks. You shouldn't panic if something suddenly doesn't go as planned.

97. Focus on the reward. The ability to focus on one thing is useful both in business and in life. You will become much more productive by focusing on a specific result. Conversely, you will quickly lose strength if you try to do many things at once.

98. Don't live someone else's life. Don't let your parents, friends, anyone tell you how to live. Listen to their advice, but do what you think is right.

99. Admit when you are wrong. Everyone makes mistakes.

Know how to recognize them. Apologize, learn from what happened and move on.

100. Don't give up. Never, never quit halfway. But don’t just blindly move forward, not paying attention to feedback. Continue working on the problem, analyze feedback. And then nothing can stop you on the way to your goal.

Remember, like Pushkin: “Habit has been given to us from above, it is a substitute for happiness!” great poet he was right - you can get used to almost anything, it’s incredibly difficult for us to part with our habits, even if they cause us harm, cause discomfort to others or take us to the margins of life.

A habit is a skill deeply rooted in the mind; it is a behavioral pattern that we have once learned well and repeat at a certain time and under certain conditions. But life shows that, often, it is bad habits that control us. “Don’t hunch your back!”, “Don’t read while eating!”, “Don’t throw your clothes around!” – we have heard since childhood. With age, we learn that habits are not only bad, but even those that “won’t lead to good.”

Typically, bad habits take root in the mind much faster, but getting rid of them is incredibly difficult. We easily fall asleep after midnight, but forcing ourselves to go to bed at 10 pm is almost impossible. We get used to eating junk food, but we are in no hurry to please ourselves with vegetables and fruits. What can we say about smoking and other harmful addictions?

At the same time, we don’t even think about how destructive bad habits affect our lives. They spoil health, creating preconditions for the emergence of diseases and seriously shortening life. They alienate those around us, because, you see, who would like to be next to a person who is not used to taking care of himself, who constantly bites his nails, waves his arms or pulls his ear? Because of such ridiculous habits, a person can lose Good work, friends, or even relationships.

How to deal with bad habits

One thing is clear - bad habits really ruin our lives and prevent us from developing, which means we need to get rid of them. But how to do this? According to psychologists, fighting bad habits is a thankless and unpromising task! Wanting to get rid of this scourge, we only concentrate on it, begin to control and restrain ourselves. All this leads to only one thing - we are drawn to the bad habit even more. As a result, as soon as our strength runs out, we give up and surrender to our passion with even greater ecstasy! So is it really impossible to fight bad habits?

Of course this is not true. First of all, you need to stop fighting your unhealthy addictions, and find motivation that would automatically eradicate the bad habit. As one of the great people said, there are only two motivations in life - the desire to gain and the fear of losing. We will build on this.

For example, we have a bad habit of overeating at night, which causes enormous harm to our figure. We seem to want to lose weight, but we still can’t resist the desire to look into the refrigerator at night. Here you need to ask yourself: why do I need a beautiful figure? I want to look attractive! I dream of catching the admiring glances of people of the opposite sex! I want to fit into the clothes I wore a few years ago! Only strong enough motivation develops in us the desire to develop a healthy habit of eating right in order to lose weight. And then, automatically, we give up the bad habit of eating too much before bed.

According to psychologists, it takes 3 to 6 weeks for a habit to take hold. And if in the first couple of weeks we have to make some efforts so that the necessary habit takes root in our minds, then after a month we will need less and less effort. And so that motivation does not disappear halfway, constantly praise yourself for your achievements and regularly reward yourself with something pleasant and desirable, for example, buying beautiful clothes, going to the cinema or going on vacation.

Below are a few useful habits that will have a beneficial effect on your physical and mental health, and will also contribute to personal growth and self-development.

20 healthy habits that will change your life

Healthy Habits to Improve Physical and Mental Health

1. Don't eat before bed

We have already discussed this habit in the example above. By refusing to eat after 19:00, you will not just become slimmer and more attractive in the eyes of others. You will protect yourself from obesity, which means you will avoid serious health problems in the future, and extend your life by at least 7-10 years!

2. Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.

Everyone knows that for physical and mental health, the average person needs to sleep at least 7 hours a day. If you go to bed after midnight, you will be plagued by lack of sleep, which can cause many problems. In addition, according to the analysis of scientists, 90% of great people got up every day at 4-6 in the morning. That is why train yourself to go to bed no later than 22:00 in order to follow the natural rhythm of the Universe.

3. Drink more water

We are used to starting our day with coffee, supporting ourselves with energy drinks during the day, and delighting our souls with aromatic tea in the evening. In fact, for good health of the body, plain water is necessary (at least 1.5 liters per day), and all the drinks listed are not a replacement for it. Make it a rule to drink a glass of water before every meal. By doing this you will maintain the water-salt balance in the body, and also teach yourself not to overeat.

4. Play sports

Start going to the gym or swimming pool, and if this is not possible, try running or exercising at home 3 times a week, using the means at hand. Regular exercise will not only give you an extra boost of energy and create a good mood, but will also be the key to good health. With such valuable luggage, you will delay the onset of old age as much as possible and avoid serious illnesses.

5. Don't get angry or slander

Try to monitor your thoughts and spoken words. When you want to lash out and be rude in response, take a deep breath and count to 10. Remember, the law of attraction works in the world, according to which the more negativity comes from you, the more of it comes back.

6. Have a morning ritual

To streamline your life, start your morning every day with a healthy ritual. Immediately after getting up, brush your teeth, brush your tongue, then drink a glass of warm water with 1 tsp. lemon juice and take a contrast shower. Make the transition from hot to cold water gradually so as not to feel discomfort, and after finishing the procedure, rub your body with a terry towel. This ritual will allow you to start the day in good tone and in a great mood, which means you will have a great time the whole day.

7. Do morning exercises

Make it a rule to devote at least 10 minutes to gymnastic exercises in the morning. Let these be simple warm-up elements that will increase the flexibility of the spine and limbs, and also help improve blood flow throughout the body. Remember morning exercises, this is not only a boost of energy for the whole day, but also a guarantee of health, for which the body will definitely thank you in the future.

8. Practice relaxation

This is a very important habit on which mental health depends. After your morning exercises, turn on quiet, pleasant music, sit in the “lotus” position on the carpet and preferably rest your back on a hard surface (otherwise it will be very difficult to relax). If you wish, you can simply lie on your back on a thick carpet. Close your eyes, try to relax as much as possible, concentrating on your breathing. Spend the next 5 minutes in a state of complete relaxation. When you finish relaxing, massage the corners of your eyes and rotate your eyeballs 8 times clockwise and back.

9. Drink rose hip decoction

Try to replace the usual, but absolutely useless carbonated drinks and store-bought juices with a healthy rosehip decoction. Instead of the usual coffee and tea, it is better to drink herbal tea with honey. This healthy habit will make up for the lack of valuable vitamins and minerals in the body, which will perfectly strengthen the immune system.

10. Walk more often

Remembering that movement is life, make it a goal to walk more often. In this regard, avoid traveling to work by car. Choose public transport for this, going a couple of stops to your place of work and walking the rest of the way. In addition, make it a rule to take walks at lunch or in the evening before bed, walking at least a couple of kilometers.

Useful habits for personal growth and self-development

To develop these habits, it is best to use a smartphone, which is actually an ideal tool for self-development.

11. Learn foreign languages

Set aside at least 20 minutes a day to study foreign language, for example, English. This could be while you are on the subway or during your lunch break at work. Learn at least 2-3 words each time, not forgetting to practice your grammar. In addition to the practical benefits of knowing a foreign language, you will develop your brain and train your memory, protecting yourself from senile dementia in old age.

12. Take notes

Keep a personal diary in which you regularly write down the sayings of great people you like and just useful information, which may be useful to you in the future. In addition, write down all your positive thoughts and pleasant experiences in a notebook. From now on, opening notebook, you will be able to relive again and again those pleasant moments, the impressions of which you still keep to yourself.

13. Listen to audiobooks

Modern man has practically forgotten how to read books, which means he has lost the most valuable source of knowledge and spiritual development. But you can fix it. Download audiobooks to your smartphone and listen to them at any time convenient for you. Now classic or scientific literature will always be with you on the way to work, while walking around the city or in a cozy bed before bed.

Give up the gangster series that have long set your teeth on edge and spend this time on a truly useful scientific film, for example, about psychology, self-development, history, politics or culture. By watching literally 2-3 movies a week, you will very soon become extremely developed person, with whom it is pleasant to communicate and discuss.

15. Plan your day

To avoid emergency situations during the day and to avoid stress, get into the healthy habit of making a plan for the next day in the evening. You will see, even those around you will soon notice how easily things get done for you, and how you manage to be on time everywhere.

16. Don’t put it off until tomorrow...

Follow this well-known proverb religiously, especially if the task you have in front of you requires very little time. Tomorrow you may have a lot of things to do and the tasks postponed today will take a lot of energy and time.

17. Set goals for yourself

A person should not live his life aimlessly, and therefore think about what exactly you are striving for and what you want to achieve. Write down your goals, both big and small, in a notebook and regularly check off what you've done to achieve them.

18. Track useful news

By spending hours scrolling through social media feeds, you are simply “killing” your time without bringing any benefit to yourself. But this time can be spent much more usefully if you remove everything unnecessary and useless from your feed and subscribe to groups that disseminate interesting and very useful information. Now, by hanging out on social networks every day, you will become spiritually enriched and gain new knowledge.

19. Keep records of income and expenses

“Money does not tolerate negligence” - it burns successful people. Indeed, if you want to maintain and even increase your own well-being, it is not at all necessary to look for a more profitable job. First of all, start counting your own expenses and think about where you could save without harming yourself and how you could optimize expenses. For many people, such a useful habit becomes a very pleasant and exciting activity.

20. Make time for your family and friends

Finally, in order to feel harmony with the world around you, love must constantly live in your heart. And in order not to lose her, never forget about your family and friends who care, sincerely love you and who really need you. Give them as much time as possible, call them more often, visit them and give gifts with all your heart!

These healthy habits will definitely change your life for the better. Just try to instill some of them in yourself, and soon you will be surprised to discover how the world around you is changing for the better!

These 8 steps, according to entrepreneur and blogger John Rampton, will bring mindfulness into every day and help you become happier, more productive and more successful.

1. Reprogram yourself to be positive.

Thoughts and actions depend on emotions more than it seems. It’s enough to be upset about a bad trip or a block at work, and now you don’t want to do anything. Negativity easily enters life: any nonsense can ruin your mood, and then the whole day will go down the drain. How to deal with this? Program yourself to think positively. Catch and filter negative thoughts. 5 techniques will help with this.

  • Start a Gratitude Journal. At the end of the day, write down what good things happened to you during the day. You will definitely sleep better at night.
  • Come up with and repeat positive mantras - statements that will help you move faster towards your goal.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Good emotions, like bad ones, are contagious.
  • Just don't allow negative thoughts. Don't let them take over your mind.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Physical activity stimulates the synthesis of endorphins, and unnecessary thoughts creep into your head from idleness.

2. Get up earlier

Successful people get up early. Therefore, set your alarm tomorrow and wake up half an hour earlier than usual. And then again. Gradually win back sleep for half an hour. Morning is the most productive period. You can prepare a healthy breakfast, meditate, work out, read books, devote time to hobbies, work and plan your day wisely. Getting up early will save you from haste, turmoil and delays. Time management is the key to self-improvement.

3. Clean up after yourself

How long will it take you to make your bed or wash the dishes in the morning? Three minutes or five? Small household chores don't take up much time. But if you put them off until later, they accumulate and spoil your mood. One plate and cup after breakfast will quickly turn into a mountain of dishes. And a messy home will cause a messy mind.

Research shows that people who wash their dishes immediately after eating and make their bed in the morning tend to be happier and more successful. A tidy home gives you a sense of control and comfort.

4. Set realistic goals

You don't need to promise yourself to run a marathon in a month. Better sign up for the 5K. Don't plan to achieve a huge goal in a short period. Be realistic: set yourself a modest goal and complete it successfully. The feeling of satisfaction from a victory, no matter how small, will inspire you to greater achievements. Act progressively, and then you will achieve even more than you expected.

5. Allow yourself a little spontaneity

Nobody argues: it is reasonable to live according to a schedule, have dinner in the same cafe, buy groceries on Saturdays in the same store. But your life will soon turn into a boring routine. Allow yourself to act spontaneously. Get out of your comfort zone. Try Thai cuisine, go snowboarding, visit a new department store. Any new experience means new emotions. They make us happier, change our outlook on life, help us discover new abilities and attachments, and most importantly, teach us to react more calmly to changes.

6. Stop complaining

Even in the darkest times, there are still good moments in life. Be grateful instead of complaining all the time. There is no need to use friends and others as a vest to cry on. Constantly thinking about problems, missed opportunities and world injustice, you focus on the negative. And day after day you accustom yourself to the role of a victim. And when something good happens, you simply won’t be able to appreciate it.

7. Try not to compare yourself to others

Can't sleep because a colleague got a promotion or a friend bought a huge house? There will always be someone who has a better career, personal life, or financial situation than you. What now - not sleeping at all because of envy? If a loved one has achieved something, be happy for him and think about what helped him in this. Surely, it’s not just a matter of luck or coincidence.

Also, think about what success means to you. Do you want a corporate career, or will you be happier working as a freelancer? Do you dream of a big car and an apartment, or are these “dreams” imposed by society? All people are different, and everyone’s understanding of happiness is also different. Decide what is important to you and move towards that goal.

8. Don't put it off until tomorrow

Do you also put off small things all the time? Call the insurance company, replace the battery in your car alarm, renew your apartment rental, pick up a package at the post office? All this takes minutes. But as a result, tasks pile up, and now you need to spend a whole day off to sort everything out. That’s why it’s so important to plan every day and every week, distributing tasks evenly. It is equally important to leave days off in your schedule, free from work and obligations.