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Sechenov. Mgmu is the first Moscow State Medical University named after

  • Rules for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Russian Ministry of Health for the 2018/19 academic year (PDF)
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Attention! In Article 71 of the Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation" amendments have been made (Federal Law dated June 27, 2018 N 162-FZ).

Persons who have a secondary general education, confirmed upon admission to bachelor's and specialty programs by a document on secondary general education or a document on secondary vocational education, or a document on higher education and qualifications, are allowed to study bachelor's degree programs or specialty programs.

Admission to training is carried out for the first year.

Admission to studies is carried out within the framework of the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and under educational agreements concluded upon admission to study at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities. Within the framework of the target figures, the following are allocated: a quota for admission to bachelor's degree programs, specialist programs at the expense of budgetary allocations for disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during the period of military service, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, and military veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of 12 January 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans” (hereinafter referred to as the special quota). A special quota is established by the organization higher education in the amount of no less than 10% of the total volume of control figures allocated to the University for the next year, for each set of conditions for admission to study in undergraduate and specialty programs; target admission quota for training.

Admission to training at the expense of budgetary allocations is carried out on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided Federal law No. 273-FZ. Admission to study places with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities is carried out on the conditions determined by local regulations of the University in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The conditions for admission to study in basic professional educational programs guarantee respect for the right to education and enrollment from among applicants who have the appropriate level of education, the most capable and prepared to master educational program persons of the appropriate level and orientation.

Admission to training is carried out according to bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs (with the exception of admission of persons entitled to admission to study without entrance examinations): on the basis of secondary general education– based on the results of a single assessment assessed on a 100-point scale state exam, which are recognized as the results of entrance examinations, and (or) based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently in cases established by the Procedure and Rules for Admission; on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education (hereinafter referred to as vocational education) - based on the results of entrance tests, the form and list of which are determined by the University.

Number of seats

  • The number of places for admission to study at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Russian Ministry of Health in 2018
  • The number of places within the target figures for admission to study at the expense of budgetary allocations for various conditions of admission
  • Targeted admission quota for higher education in specialist and bachelor's programs at the expense of federal budget allocations for 2018 (PDF)

Target figures for enrollment in training at the expense of budgetary allocations

Places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for citizens of the Russian Federation

Places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for foreign citizens


Places within the admission target numbers (according to the general competition)

Places within a special quota

Places within target quota

Social work


General Medicine



Medical biochemistry

Medical biophysics

Medical cybernetics


Clinical psychology


Direction of training (specialty)

Places within the admission target numbers (according to the general competition)

Places within a special quota

Places within target quota

Full-time education


Social work



General Medicine



Medical biochemistry

Medical biophysics

Medical cybernetics


Clinical psychology


Entrance tests

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  • Information about the possibility of passing entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently, in the language of the republic of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the organization is located, in a foreign language; information about the language in which entrance examinations are taken for admission to master's programs with foreign language education (PDF)
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Direction of training (specialty)

Entrance tests (in order of priority)

Minimum number of Unified State Exam points

Form of entrance examinations

Form for conducting entrance tests conducted by the organization independently

Higher education - bachelor's degree

« Csocial work"

Social science
Russian language



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


Higher education - specialty


Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Medical biochemistry"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Medical Biophysics"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Medical cybernetics"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants



Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


"Clinical psychology"

Russian language

Unified State Exam or written test exam for certain categories of applicants


Special rights and benefits, taking into account individual achievements

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Federal Law No. 93-FZ dated 01.05.2017 excludes the requirement that a disabled person have a conclusion federal institution medical and social examination on the absence of contraindications for studying in relevant educational organizations.

The following have the right to admission without entrance examinations:

  • (PDF)

Paid educational services

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  • Attention! Didn't get into the budget places for your specialty? But yours Unified State Examination points high enough? Have you applied for the specialty “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”? You can get a DISCOUNT!

    Specialty / tuition fee per year You have not reached the Unified State Examination points passing score for budget places Discount, rubles Tuition fee per year including discount
    General Medicine /
    RUB 330,000.00
    From 1 to 20 -60 000,00 RUB 270,000.00
    From 21 to 40 -30 000,00 RUB 300,000.00
    Pediatrics /
    RUB 290,000.00
    From 1 to 20 -30 000,00 RUB 260,000.00
    From 21 to 40 -15 000,00 RUB 275,000.00
    Dentistry /
    RUB 380,000.00
    From 1 to 20 -60 000,00 RUB 320,000.00
    From 21 to 40 -30 000,00 RUB 350,000.00
    You can submit an application for a discount to the Admissions Committee. The discount is valid for a year. If you study without C grades and without academic debt, you can qualify for an extension of the discount.

  • (PDF)

Information on the possibility of submitting documents for admission to study in electronic form, places for receiving documents, postal addresses for sending documents

In 2018, upon admission to study at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia, documents required for admission are submitted to the Admissions Committee in one of the following ways:
a) are provided by the applicant personally or his authorized representative at the address: 117997, Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, house 1.
b) through public postal operators at the address:
Where: 117997, Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, house 1.
To whom: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, selection committee.

In the case of sending documents required for admission through public postal operators, these documents are accepted if they are received by the organization no later than the deadline for accepting documents for the current year.

In 2018, the opportunity to submit documents for admission to study at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia in electronic form not provided.

Information about additional admission:

Additional admission is not provided

Information on the number of places in the dormitory for non-resident applicants

Code Total Number of applications submitted
In-person Correspondence Part-time
06.03.01 Biology 531 531 0 0
39.03.02 Social work 37 37 0 0
30.05.01 Medical biochemistry 1648 1648 0 0
30.05.02 Medical biophysics 103 103 0 0
30.05.03 Medical cybernetics 563 563 0 0
31.05.01 General Medicine 7507 7507 0 0
31.05.02 Pediatrics 5155 5155 0 0
31.05.03 Dentistry 2530 2530 0 0
33.05.01 Pharmacy 2215 2215 0 0
37.05.01 Clinical psychology 690 690 0 0

Acceptance of documents in all Russian universities started on the same day - June 20. But it ends differently. If an applicant is admitted only based on Unified State Exam scores, then he has more than a month to choose a university. The last day for submitting documents in this case is July 26.

On June 20, admissions committees of Russian universities began accepting documents from applicants. For 2019/2020 academic year Almost 390 thousand budget places have been allocated for undergraduate and specialist programs. The rules are the same: submit an application and your Unified State Exam results You can go to five different universities with three directions in each.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the 2019 Unified State Exam passing scores for Moscow medical universities have already been published on the official websites of universities. However, let's go through some of them.

RNRMU named after Pirogov

Russian National Research Medical University named after. Pirogov has been preparing future doctors, pharmacists, pharmacists, psychologists and social workers for a long time. The university offers preparatory courses to prepare for the Unified State Exam, which become a plus during admission. Every year, more than 10 thousand students successfully begin their studies at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University.

Russian National Research Medical University named after Pirogov is considered one of the best in the Russian Federation and Europe. During their studies, students are completely immersed in the atmosphere of their chosen profession, modern equipment helps them learn all the delights of medicine, and experienced teachers share knowledge that will be useful in work and life.

Number of budget places: 1362

Average score per budget: 249

For reference: The USE 2019 passing scores for medical universities in the Russian capital on a budget are significantly higher than in other universities. This is due to the fact that studying at these universities is quite difficult, requires a lot of effort and strong desire. However, Moscow medical universities will guarantee a bright future and a prestigious profession.


Moscow State Medical and Dental University is included in the list of the best medical universities in the country. Over its 90-year history, thousands of graduates of this higher educational institution have achieved great success in medicine.

Reviews about the university make it clear that you can enroll in this university on a budget thanks to high scores Unified State Exam. The knowledge gained really helps in further work. Almost no one regrets their chosen specialty and university.

Number of budget places: 645

Average score per budget: 230

PMGMU named after Sechenov

The First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov is considered one of the oldest in the country. The university trains doctors in various specialties, including very rare ones. The university’s teachers do not stand still and are constantly developing, giving students fresh material that is valued in medicine all over the world.

Number of budget places: 1443

Average score per budget: 249

The Russian Student Union intends to appeal to Rospotrebnadzor with a request to check the lists of applicants to Sechenov Moscow State Medical University. There are suspicions that First Honey recommended for admission applicants with inflated Unified State Exam scores. The university itself denies all accusations. Radio correspondent Anastasia Borisova provides details.

The list of those recommended for enrollment in most universities consists of several columns. The first one contains the applicant's last name, the next three or four indicate the Unified State Exam scores he scored for each of the subjects. The last column is the total score. On its basis, in fact, enrollment is made. The Russian Student Union added up the Unified State Exam scores of some First Med applicants and discovered inconsistencies, said the chairman of the union Artyom Khromov:

“The fact is that the lists for admission include young people whose final score exceeds the total number of points scored based on the results of state exams. Applicants told us that these peers with inflated scores were found on the list for admission in several specialties. What is most interesting ", they did not submit the original documents for admission. In this case, we do not believe that First Honey should be blamed, of course, but we consider it necessary for the supervisory authorities to conduct an inspection."

As an example, you can take the scores of one of those entering the Faculty of General Medicine. Their total is 292, 83 of which are in the core subject of chemistry. There are only 3 exams, and it turns out that either in biology or in Russian the applicant managed to score 109 out of 100 possible points. The fact of fraud in "First Honey" is denied. These “suspicious applicants” actually have diplomas from winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad, the secretary explains admissions committee Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov, professor Victor Fomin:

"At the moment, all applicants applying for the Unified State Exam are tested through the federal information Unified State Exam system, and accordingly we take the points from there. If in our lists, lists of surnames, applicants have a score greater than the amount of points they have in this federal information system, which means that these applicants provided documents confirming that they are winners or prize-winners of the Olympiad, giving them so-called second-order benefits. A second-order benefit means that we change the score in the corresponding discipline that they have to 100 points.”

A logical question arises: why not immediately include these 100 points in the list of those recommended for enrollment. According to the university itself, there are about 10 percent of the applicants who want to get into the Sechenov Moscow State Medical University this year. The lists of those admitted, it must be admitted, are really not very well compiled. And the resulting confusion, of course, could be attributed to them. If only it were not memorable to many. 2 years ago, about 75 percent of applicants recommended for admission were not listed in the database as having taken the Unified State Exam. Based on the results of the audit, the rector of the university was fired.


26.02.2020, 12:07

There's too much freedom

SERGEY MIKHEEV: “We are raising a generation of people: a) who consider themselves the navel of the earth; b) in fact, they have never seen anything bad, and therefore believe that they feel very bad; c) convinced that someone should do good to them, and at the same time, everyone d) considers themselves to have the right to do whatever they want! And they shouldn’t have anything! And this is kind of like freedom.”

28.02.2020, 14:08

Why turn teachers into “socially vulnerable”?

EFIM RACHEVSKY: “Find another profession where 2 months of summer are vacation, plus another half-vacation during winter, autumn and spring break, plus a social pension for long service, plus work with such a blessed social group, as children. They smile, they are all good - this is happiness!”

28.02.2020, 17:07

We should not prohibit people from going abroad, but learn to create conditions

ANATOLY ALEXANDROV: “The conditions are not only a salary, it’s not just an apartment, it’s, first of all, an interesting and responsible job, when the guys themselves, with their intellectual work, can earn themselves an apartment, a car, and support for their family.” "

Broadcasts on the topic: Education

Quarantine is not a vacation! How schools are switching to online learning

Schoolchildren have been learning remotely since Monday. Classes are conducted online. The format of communication between teachers and students will change. But the quality of education must be maintained, the Ministry of Education assures. For this purpose, the department has developed step by step instructions, which will help you master new materials while observing epidemiological safety measures.

Enroll as brothers: children from the same family will be given priority when enrolling in school

The youngest children in the family will be enrolled in those schools where their older brothers or sisters are already studying. This advantage is already enshrined in law. But only those families who live in the same living space will be able to use it, explains the Ministry of Education.

Information about the university

Entering college is a fundamental event for every graduate. After all, the choice of place to receive higher education determines your future profession, and as a result, life in general. Of course, you can graduate from both 2 and 3 universities, but you can lose such precious time, so it is advisable to initially make the right choice of university. So, if you decide to study in Russia, and want to connect your future life with medicine, then the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. will be an excellent option for studying. Sechenov.

This educational institution is the leading one in Russia, which trains the best medical workers, and its origins are associated with the 18th century. (1758). The history of the University is known for many transformations and reorganizations, starting from the structural division of the modern Moscow State University (which the University was at its creation) and ending with the formation of an independent university, although with frequent changes of names (the modern name was received in 2010 and became the fifth in the history of the university establishments).

The university's motto is the Latin phrase "Primus inter pares" ("First among equals"). MSMU justifies this slogan, since it ranks 30th (out of 1542) among Russian universities, 13th (out of 225) among Moscow universities and 3rd place (out of 83) among higher educational institutions of health care and sports. This rating makes the university one of the best in Russia.

On modern stage The university is the largest educational and scientific complex, which not only trains new specialists, but also improves the qualifications of certified medical workers and pharmacists.

To implement the educational objectives, MSMU has a branched structure, which includes faculties focused on educating the best medical workers in various fields:

  1. Medical and preventive (faculty, which arose in 1930 and trains epidemiologists and hygienists in various fields).
  2. Pediatric (trains specialists for the treatment of children in the areas of allergology and clinical immunology, pediatric surgery, endocrinology and diabetology, pediatrics, propaedeutics of childhood diseases, hygiene of children and adolescents, pediatric rheumatology).
  3. Medical (one of the first faculties, formed back in 1758 and one of the most prestigious among those currently existing. After completing a 6-year education, its graduates are in demand surgeons, obstetricians, gynecologists, anesthesiologists, neurologists, ophthalmologists, venereologists, pathologists and other medical employees).
  4. Dental (as a separate faculty was formed in 2001, but many of its departments operated earlier in other faculties. The duration of training is 5 years. This faculty trains specialists in orthopedic, surgical, therapeutic dentistry, maxillofacial surgery and other areas).
  5. Pharmaceutical (officially created in 1936. It prepares certified specialists in the areas of “Pharmacy”, “Bioengineering, Bioinformatics” and “Biotechnology”).
  6. Health Management and Economics (is a faculty of additional vocational education and is focused on in-depth study of such subjects as: organization of healthcare, organization and management in the field of circulation of medicines, drug management, basics of healthcare legislation and others).
  7. Higher nursing education and psychological and social work. (trains junior medical staff who can help doctors carry out certain procedures, as well as find an approach to each patient to ensure his speedy recovery).
  8. Institute of Professional Education (divided into two faculties - the Faculty of Postgraduate Professional Education of Doctors and the Medical and Preventive Faculty of Postgraduate Professional Education. It includes departments similar to other structural divisions of the University, but the main activity is the retraining and advanced training of already certified specialists).
  9. Pre-university education (formed in 2010 and operates on the basis of an agreement with 11 Moscow secondary schools. The purpose of the faculty is to deepen the knowledge of applicants in specialized subjects, through training in specialized classes based on schools, and also to prepare them for successful completion Unified State Exam, with the help of preparatory courses in Russian, biology and chemistry).

The university can boast of well-established internship, postgraduate, and clinical residency programs in each specialty. MSMU graduates successfully defend their candidate and doctoral dissertations, receiving academic degrees.

Duration of study at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov is 4-6 years, and postgraduate education at the university can be obtained in 72 - 1500 hours.

In addition to regular lectures and seminars, practice helps students obtain the highest level of training. Students can obtain the necessary practical knowledge by studying at the Clinical Center (consisting of 7 hospitals with laboratories, diagnostic units and modern equipment). To develop and deepen the knowledge of students studying at the university, a first-class Scientific Research Center, as well as a Scientific Medical Library, have been created.

The management of MSMU cares not only about high-quality and fruitful education for students, but also about healthy leisure time, since the university can boast of its own botanical garden, health camp, museum of the history of medicine, as well as other institutions aimed at training and recreation for students. The university also has three of its own dormitories for non-resident students, however, since they can only accommodate 1,669 students, MSMU has entered into agreements with other Moscow universities to accommodate their students in their dormitories.

Thus, at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov not only trains first-class and sought-after specialists, it is a place where, after spending 5-6 years, you will be able to enjoy studying with the best teaching staff, participate in various events and programs conducted by the university, and also gain excellent practical knowledge!

First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (Sechenov University)- the largest medical university in Russia, which opened its doors to its students in 1758. The ancestor of the educational institution was the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University, which was opened in 1755 thanks to the efforts of the chemist M.V. Lomonosov. In 1955, the university began to bear the name of the Russian physiologist I.M. Sechenov, who is its graduate and teacher. The university consistently ranks among the top medical universities in Russia. In 2015, the Expert RA agency awarded the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov rating class “B”, marking high level student training.

Advantages of studying at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov

Sechenov University has always been famous for its surgical department, as it became the alma mater for many Russian surgeons. In addition, the First University also made its own adjustments to the development of the university. World War, during which the university began to rapidly graduate field surgeons, orderlies, traumatologists and junior medical personnel to treat wounded soldiers at the front.
Today Sechenov University is the largest educational and scientific complex for training specialists in the fields of dentistry, surgery, neurology, pharmacy and biomedicine. It is noteworthy that the university assigns a special role to the field of biomedicine, since within the framework of the international program “5-100” the university opened a Scientific and Technological Park, which combines several divisions: the Institute of Molecular Medicine, the Institute of Personalized Medicine, the Institute of Translational Medicine and Biotechnology, as well as Institute of Regenerative Medicine.
The main objective of the scientific and technological park is the development of diagnostic test systems, pharmacological drugs and biomedical cell products for rapid implementation in practical medicine. At this stage, the university is conducting research in the fields of neurology, oncology, pulmonology and rheumatology. In 2018, the university opened another direction - the Institute of Bionic Technologies and Engineering, the key task of which is the development of artificial organs and the creation of bionic prostheses, implants and tissues.
At this stage, the institute is busy working on the creation of an artificial kidney, heart, nanomaterials for the restoration of osteochondral tissue, as well as an antibacterial coating for artificial organs and prostheses. Sechenov University relies on the development of new generation medical technologies thanks to close connection science, education, practice and business.

Requirements for admission to the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

To enter Sechenov University for a bachelor's or specialist's degree, an applicant must have a school certificate of secondary education and a transcript with grades. Foreign candidates must provide the admissions committee with a document of their education equivalent to the Russian one, along with a translation into Russian and certification by a notary (in some cases, the diploma must be nostrified). The package of documents also includes the results of the Unified State Exam. Foreign applicants who have not taken the Unified State Exam will pass entrance tests directly at the university.

Foreign candidates for studying at Sechenov University in Russian must speak it at least at the intermediate level - B1. For those who do not know the language at all, the university offers to enroll in the preparatory department, after successful completion of which foreigners are enrolled in the first year of their chosen specialty. If an applicant does not score the required number of points on the final exam, he is expelled. First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov offers courses of varying duration and intensity, for example, 5-month courses for those who already have a medical education and basic knowledge of the Russian language. They are suitable for applicants entering residency or graduate school. Beginners can enroll in a one-year or two-year program, in which foreigners not only study the Russian language, but also several basic disciplines - mathematics, biology and chemistry. The university also implements programs on English language and does not require foreign applicants to confirm their knowledge of the language. Russian applicants and candidates from neighboring countries take the Russian language exam as part of the Unified State Exam.

The admission campaign for admission to Sechenov University for undergraduate and specialist programs starts on June 20. Acceptance of applications ends on July 9 for applicants entering the specialty programs “General Medicine” and “Dentistry”, July 17 for those who passed the entrance examinations conducted by the university. For foreign citizens, the university sets other deadlines for submitting documents. The admissions campaign starts on June 20 and ends on August 27, if the applicant wishes to start studying on September 1. For those who plan to start the academic year on November 1, applications for admission begin on October 19 and end on October 25.

Important: Sechenov University does not accept documents for admission in electronic form.

Tuition fees at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

Despite the fact that Sechenov University is financed from the state budget, education there is mostly paid. The university allocates a certain number of preferential and budget places for Russian students and foreigners, but there are not enough of them to cover everyone who wants it. The cost of studying at Sechenov University for undergraduate programs for citizens of the Russian Federation ranges from 100 thousand - 295 thousand rubles per year. Specialist programs are priced more expensive - from 211 thousand to 431 thousand rubles per year. It is worth noting that the most expensive specialty is dentistry. For residency training you will have to pay from 178 thousand to 400 thousand rubles per year. Residency will cost the most for future plastic surgeons.
As for foreign citizens, the cost of bachelor's programs ranges from 110 thousand to 295 thousand rubles per year, for training in a specialty you will have to pay from 211 thousand to 520 thousand rubles per year. To gain experience in residency, you will have to pay at least 287 thousand rubles per year. The university also has a preparatory department for foreigners; the cost of training for such courses varies from 115 thousand to 321 thousand rubles per year, depending on entry level the applicant’s knowledge and duration of the program.
ProgramRequirementsDurationPriceAdmission campaign
Preparatory departmentRussian A0–A1
  • 5 months
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • RUB 115,500
  • RUB 231,000
  • RUB 231,000
  • -
    Bachelor's degree
    • test or USE results
    • passing score - from 214
    4-5 years110,000 - 295,000 rub.June 20 - Aug 27
    Oct 19 - 25 Oct.
    • test or USE results
    • passing score - from 272
    5-7 years211,000 - 530,000 rub.June 20-Aug 29
    19 Oct-29 Oct
    Master's degreecomp. test 40/100 points2 years100,000 -275,000 rub.June 20-Jul 27
    Residencycomp. test 70/100 points2 years286,000-400,000 rub.Jul 2-Aug 10
    Jul 2-Aug 17
    Postgraduate studiescomp. test, 40 points/subject3-5 years200,000-416,000 rub.June 20-Jul 27
    Doctoral studies
    • PhD degree
    • scientific experience 5+ years
    • 1+ year work experience
    • dissertation plan
    • patents, achievements, publications
    3 years184,000-260,000 rub.-

    Scholarships at the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

    However, you should not be upset in advance because of the limited number of budget places, since even contract students can apply for various scholarships that are paid by the state and non-governmental organizations, including private foundations. Cash incentives are provided for students of various courses and specialties, including young residents.
    The amount of academic scholarship paid by the state for public sector employees depends on the student’s level of academic performance. For example, good students receive 1,340 rubles per month, and excellent students can apply for an increased scholarship in the amount of 5 thousand - 7 thousand rubles per month.
    Graduate students can count on state aid in the amount of 2637 rubles per month, the amount increased scholarship varies from 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles per month. Academic achievement alone is not enough to receive financial aid; the student must be an active participant in various university circles. Scholarships for residents start from 6,717 rubles per month, and for doctoral students - from 10 thousand rubles.
    It is noteworthy that Sechenov University has its own system of rewarding talented students. Foreign students can also apply for a personalized university grant. Required condition to receive an incentive is the presence of published scientific articles in collaboration with employees of Sechenov University or affiliated educational institutions in scientific publications indexed in the Web of Science and/or Scopus databases.

    Arrangement of Sechenov University

    Sechenov University is one of the largest medical universities Russia, where more than 15 thousand students study. Sechenov University includes a clinical center and a research center. The clinical center united 17 multidisciplinary clinics with 11 laboratories, a clinical diagnostic laboratory and a radiation diagnostics department. In addition, the clinical center has its own clinic for its staff and students, a large library and a botanical garden.
    The Research Center (SRC) of Sechenov University united all scientific departments leading research work. The Research Center includes 2 research institutes, 6 development institutes, 25 research and educational centers, 33 medical laboratories and more than 80 scientific clubs for university students. The university has created the Mentor Medicus Training Virtual Clinic, which allows students to practice practical skills on various simulators and training equipment. Future doctors practice on robot patients; real situations from the medical practice of doctors of various specializations (surgeons, obstetricians, therapists, etc.) are recreated in the laboratory.
    It is worth noting that Sechenov University also cares about the cultural development of its students. Students can fully reveal their talents within the walls of the New Art Cultural Center, which includes a circle of theatrical art, choreography, classical music, choral singing, as well as a modeling studio.
    The university has 4 dormitories to accommodate out-of-town and foreign students. Some residences are adapted for students with disabilities. Accommodation is possible in 1-2-3 and 4-bed rooms or in small apartments. This option is most often available to foreigners and graduate students. The cost of living in Sechenov University dormitories for state employees is about 800-1000 rubles per month, for contract employees - from 2000 to 8000 rubles per month, depending on the level of comfort of the rooms.

    Famous teachers and graduates of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

  • Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov is a Russian biologist, physician, one of the founders of psychology, professor at Moscow University. He studied the work of the human nervous system and is the author of a work on “Physiology of Nerve Centers,” in which he described in detail the influence of metabolic processes on the processes of excitation of the nervous system.
  • Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov - Russian scientist, surgeon, professor and teacher, is the founder of the Russian school of anesthesia, devoted most of his works to the study of human anatomy and the search for optimal surgical methods, which later allowed doctors to inflict minimal injuries on the patient during surgery. Pirogov published his work “Topographic Anatomy,” which became a real manual for field surgeons.
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky - author of more than 70 works on medicine, honored Russian professor, surgeon, published a number of works on military field surgery, participated in several military campaigns, where he gained experience working as a consultant surgeon in dressing stations, and subsequently became the leading surgeon of the Russian army. In 1923, in memory of the professor’s merits, the Scientific Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky.
  • Interesting facts about the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

    • Sechenov University has the largest land area among medical universities in Russia, which is divided between 50 educational and clinical buildings, they are scattered throughout Moscow, but most of the campuses are based in the Khamovniki district;
    • In the first academic year, immediately after the opening of the university in 1758, only 6-8 students attended classes, and most of the teachers were foreigners.

    Photos of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov