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Comparative analysis of the systems of primary general education in Russia and Finland. What is the educational environment of a school and how to identify it? Specifics of the educational environment of basic secondary education




The school in our country has always been an organization with strictly defined tasks and means of solving them. But even within this framework, schools differed significantly from one another in the ways they organized their activities. Thus, parents' choice of school for their child has always been a difficult problem. On the one hand, all schools are different, each has its own way of building the educational environment in which children live throughout all years of study, and on the other hand, it was almost impossible for an “outside person” (for example, a parent) to obtain any reliable information about what What a specific school is like, what requirements it places on children, and how the child feels in it.

IN recent years situation in school education has changed radically. Schools acquired significantly greater freedom and independence, many different types of schools appeared, and the number of specific internal tasks that each specific school was able to set and solve increased.

Currently, experimentation in the field of secondary education is represented by a wide variety of areas: original programs, level content of education, innovative pedagogical technologies and forms of organizing the learning process, borrowing pedagogical technologies that have become classics abroad (for example, Waldorf, etc.).

Thus, the uncertainty of the psychological situation in schools has increased even more, and the problem of research and description educational environment, specific to a particular school, has become almost even more relevant.

Therefore, the problem of assessing the educational environment of a school has now become one of the central ones in educational psychology. Moreover, although this concept itself is widely used by authors, its content is far from unambiguous.

In most foreign studies, the educational environment is assessed in terms of “school effectiveness” as social system emotional climate, personal well-being, microcultural characteristics, educational quality educational process, . It is stated that there is no predetermined combination

indicators that would define an “effective school”, since each school is unique and at the same time is a “slice of society”. From the point of view of American researchers, a more significant factor in school effectiveness is the organizational one, which ensures the solidarity of teachers’ ideas about their professional duty, their ability to link personal pedagogical philosophies both with each other and with students, and support for the autonomous initiative of teachers by the school administration.

The most theoretically developed in domestic psychology The approach of V.I. Slobodchikov is presented, which, on the one hand, fits the educational environment into the mechanisms of child development, thereby determining its purpose and functional purpose, and on the other hand, highlights its origins in the objectivity of the culture of society. “These two poles of the objectivity of culture and the inner world, the essential forces of man in their mutual position in the educational process precisely set the boundaries of the content of the educational environment and its composition.” V. P. Lebedeva, V. A. Orlov and V. I. Panov, also linking the assessment of the educational environment with its developmental effect, fix their attention on the technological level of its implementation and evaluation. At the same time, as fundamental scientific prerequisites for the development and evaluation of developing educational environments, they use the algorithm of “significant indicators” identified by V.V. Davydov:

Each age corresponds to certain psychological new formations;

training is organized on the basis of leading activities;

relationships with other activities are thought out and implemented;

in the methodological support of the educational process there is a system of developments that guarantee the achievement necessary development psychological neoplasms and allowing diagnostics of the process level.

Consolidating the theoretical and technological approaches presented above, we focused our attention precisely on solving the last task: diagnosing the educational environment of the school. Moreover, based on these premises, it is obvious that the educational environment of a school cannot be assessed by purely quantitative indicators or reconstructed normatively. The same educational environment can be optimal for development at one age stage or with the same individual characteristics of a child and prevent effective development at a different age or with other individual characteristics of students. Therefore, it seems to us that the most adequate task is to qualitatively describe the educational environment of a school so that the school itself can better reflect on its goals and evaluate the efforts to achieve them, and the students themselves and their parents receive meaningful guidelines for assessing the educational environment of a particular school when choosing educational institution. At the same time, we have chosen the criterion as an integral resulting characteristic of the educational environment mental development in its intellectual, social and personal components.

An essential premise of our research was the idea that with all the variety of educational environments implemented in specific schools, they can be categorized in a certain way based on their internal goals for the functioning of the school as an organization. It would seem that the most in a simple way identifying the characteristics of the school’s educational environment is direct interviewing of those participants who, in fact, provide educational impacts: teachers and school administration. However, the analysis of questionnaires

showed that the administration and teaching staff are not always aware of what goals their school’s efforts are actually aimed at achieving. The director can quite sincerely assure that all the efforts of the school are aimed at the development of children, but at the same time, the limited material resources available to the school are spent on decorating his office or mosaics in the lobby, while in the classrooms there are broken desks and chairs, and in the gym there are no necessary details. At pedagogical councils there may be calls to improve the quality of education, and before test work teachers are recommended to give hints in a personal conversation weak students and give the highest possible ratings. At methodological meetings, the discussion may be about developing children's creativity, but in class the same teacher will demand silence because the children give him a headache.

The huge number of such discrepancies has set us the task of developing new tools that could allow us to identify both declared and real internal goals and objectives of its functioning that are characteristic of a particular school, defining the specific educational environment within which pedagogical, educational and other influences on students, to varying degrees providing conditions for their full mental development.


In accordance with the objectives, the developed diagnostic package includes three blocks of techniques.

The first is aimed at qualitative and age-appropriate psychological characteristics diagnostics of the results of the influence of the educational environment, such as the intellectual abilities of children, their social and individual characteristics, characteristics of the motivational sphere associated with their involvement in the educational process.

The second block allows us to identify the specific features of the means by which a particular school achieves its developmental effect. These include organizational analysis educational process and methods of interaction in the “teacher-student” system, research into the socio-psychological structure of classes and identification of significant criteria for the formation interpersonal relationships between students, a description of the essential characteristics of the psychological climate of the school.

The third procedure is for identifying internal targets that determine the specifics and effectiveness of the impact of the school educational environment on all aspects of students’ mental development.

To assess the intellectual abilities of children, data from two types of tests were compared: the first allows us to identify basic intellectual abilities, which, as is commonly believed in psychological science, minimally depend on the content of training and the type of organization of the educational process; the second is associated with those mental actions that develop precisely in the learning process and can be indicators of the organization’s effectiveness educational activities. Comparing the results of both types of methods allows us to identify and evaluate the influence of the specifics of the educational institution itself in the development of children’s intellectual abilities.

To determine basic intellectual abilities (general intellectual development), we used the Cattell method for children CFT2. It makes it possible to assess the test subject’s ability in a new situation to solve mental problems (establish connections, identify rules, etc.) using non-verbal graphic material of varying complexity.

The characteristics measured by this test can be considered the child’s “own” intellectual abilities with which he enters the educational environment. For brevity, we will call them natural intelligence.

To qualitatively assess the development of thought processes associated with the specific features of children’s inclusion in the educational process, we used two diagnostic techniques.

Students are offered 14 tasks, organized in a special way. The solution of problems 16 indicates the presence of the rudiments of theoretical analysis necessary to identify a general way of constructing these problems. Solving problems 710 indicates awareness of the principle underlying the construction of problems of the methodology, and solving problems 1114 indicates an understanding of the commonality of a single basis for constructing the entire system of problems (i.e., meaningful reflection associated with clarifying the essential, generalized grounds for the decisions being made).

In the “Inference” method (author A.Z. Zak), the tasks are selected in such a way that one can judge the type of mental activity of schoolchildren by the criterion of the level of development of holistic solution planning. The method includes 20 tasks in which, for a specified number of mental transformations (from 1 to 5), it is necessary to bring the initial combination of geometric elements to the final one, specified in the form of a sample. By total number and the quality of solved problems, the level of formation of holistic planning, characterized by an empirical or theoretical method of action, the depth and quality of the analysis, as well as meaningful reflection, are assessed.

The assessment of individual personality characteristics was carried out on the basis of diagnostic procedures for self-esteem and the level of aspirations of children, identifying the hierarchy of motives, determining the level of anxiety, structure and intensity psychological contacts with peers, positions in the informal structure of relationships in the classroom.

The study of self-esteem and the level of aspirations of schoolchildren allows us to directly assess the basic characteristics personal development and indirectly (through the selection of appropriate criteria for self-assessment, as well as through comparison of self-assessments according to different criteria) the type of school motivation and general personal orientation children.

To identify the content of predominant school motivation, a content analysis of students’ essays on the topic “My school” was carried out.

Sociometry makes it possible to judge the adaptability of each student in systems of business and informal interpersonal relationships, as well as the predominant motivational orientation of the class towards educational, cognitive, creative activity, communication or other areas of group activity.

In general, to collect data in the first direction, each of the examined children took part in work on the psychotherapy package. diagnostic techniques and tests, consisting of six procedures. The average work time for each child is 5.5 hours.

To identify the specific means by which the educational environment of a particular school realizes its developmental influences, we have developed original diagnostic procedures.

To analyze the organization of the educational process and methods of interaction in the “teacher-student” system, a special lesson analysis scheme is used. It includes three aspects of the implementation of the educational process: subject (content), organizational and interpersonal.

The subject aspect characterizes the development of educational content: the process of posing a problem, transmitting educational information at different levels of generalization, types of questions and answers (problematic, specific, their number and place in the process of transferring and assimilating knowledge), the use of various didactic techniques (working with models, discussion, exercise).

The organizational aspect characterizes the ways a specific teacher solves problems at the subject level and includes answers to students’ questions, instructions on organizing work, conducting a group discussion, inclusion of model and schematic means in the process of knowledge transfer, organization of group forms of student work, practical actions, analysis of results, knowledge control, etc.

The interpersonal aspect characterizes ways of stimulating and motivating students, forms of assessment, reward and punishment, and the teacher’s personal reaction to children’s behavior in the classroom.

Analysis of observation results allows us to identify the specifics of the organization of the educational process in a particular school. The procedure involves observing the same class with different teachers, as well as observing the same teacher in different classes.

For research in the second direction, we carried out a psychological analysis of the main lessons (Russian language, literature, mathematics, foreign language, history, natural history) in each of the surveyed classes.

To clarify the subjective structure of relationships in the “teacher-student” system, we used, on the one hand, teachers’ answers to questionnaire questions related to their assessment of students’ intellectual abilities, and on the other, the type of students’ preferences identified through content analysis of essays when choosing their favorite and least favorite teachers .

Another means of influencing the educational environment on the individual characteristics of a child’s development is the formation of a specific system of relationships in the classroom, highlighting significant criteria for interpersonal relationships between students. To study the structure of preferences, a classical sociometric procedure was used, in which, along with the general criterion for choice, business (educational) and emotional criteria were also set, and the sociometric positions of students were identified.

An important, although least amenable to formalization, means of influencing the educational environment of a school on the development of children is the psychological climate of the school. To assess the objective manifestations of the psychological climate of the school, we developed a special observation map. It recorded external manifestations that characterize the democratic nature of school life, informal, extracurricular contacts between students and teachers, the place of children’s creativity in school life, taking into account the interests of children in the organization extracurricular work schools, etc.

The data obtained from such external observation were compared with the results of a survey of teaching staff and school administrations (the subjective position of the “creators” of the educational environment), as well as with the results of an analysis of students’ essays on the topic “My School” (the subjective position of the “consumers” of the educational environment).

To identify the prevailing internal goals in the work of the school, a special questionnaire was developed in which each teacher had to answer the same questions regarding different aspects of school life from the position of the school administration, his colleagues, and also express his own point of view. All students filled out the same questionnaire, answering from the teachers’ and their own positions. A comparison of these answers made it possible to distinguish between the declared and actually operating internal goals in the work of the school, to identify their hierarchy, the degree of solidarity, as well as the adequacy of the goals of the school’s work to the expectations of students.


The package of diagnostic techniques and procedures described above was tested in three schools in Nefteyugansk and three schools in Moscow (about 600 schoolchildren in total). The results obtained were subjected to careful qualitative analysis and quantitative processing. For this purpose, collected in an experimental survey

the data was placed in a matrix of indicators. Statistical data processing was carried out using the SPSS computer package. When analyzing the data we used modern methods multivariate statistics, including correlation, regression, variance and factor analysis. For each indicator, the values ​​of the main statistics were calculated (mean, mode, skewness, kurtosis, standard errors, range, minimum and maximum values, dispersion, standard deviation, etc.). In addition, for each indicator value, its frequency was calculated. These calculations were carried out separately for each class, for parallels of each school, separately for schools, separately for all students in each surveyed parallel, and for the entire sample.

The results confirmed that the complex of data obtained using the described package of methods, as a whole, makes it possible to fairly comprehensively and completely characterize an individual school as an integral education from the point of view of the specificity of its educational environment (see,).

Comparison of the specifics of educational environments in different schools, taking into account the dynamics of changes in diagnosed psychological parameters from primary school to secondary school, allows us to describe individual portraits of the surveyed schools, in each of which the components of the educational environment have their own, different from others, procedural and qualitative manifestations and quantitative expression. By comparing the expression of the same parameters in the educational environments of different schools, one can not only judge the effectiveness of their influence on the development of students, but also predict the further dynamics of this development.

Let's give one example.

A comparison of the results of the impact of the educational environment in Nefteyugansk schools showed that, with statistically insignificant differences in basic intellectual characteristics, students in the three schools were clearly divided according to the studied indicators of the development of theoretical thinking, which are determined by the type of organization of the pedagogical process. One school demonstrated the high effectiveness of educational interventions in developing the thinking of schoolchildren, the other was average, and the third was ineffective. This division was confirmed by other individual psychological characteristics, such as the severity of educational and cognitive motives and differentiated self-esteem.

By comparing these data with such conditions for the functioning of the educational environment as the organization of educational interactions and the psychological climate of the school, we were able to clearly distinguish three types of environments and classify the first school as an educational environment of a developmental type, the second as an intermediate type with developmental external goals and insufficiently adequate means of realizing these goals in the educational process and the third to the traditional educational environment, which uses monological methods of organizing the educational process and is strictly directive in the management of school life.

The division of schools in terms of the effectiveness of their impact on the mental development of students was confirmed in the characteristics of their psychological climate. At the first school, he is assessed positively by both teachers and students. Moreover, as criteria for such an assessment, both of them appeal to the type and methods of interaction between teachers and children, as well as to the organization of the learning process and the results pedagogical activity. In the second school, the psychological climate is also generally assessed positively by both children and teachers, but the criteria for this assessment are vague, and the answers are not entirely frank. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the teaching staff is dominated by the focus on forms of professional work and development, and not on children and relationships with them. The third school shows a clear negative trend

in children's assessment of the psychological climate of their school. From the teachers' point of view, the assessment is predominantly positive, but it is based on informal relationships with colleagues and administration. Content aspects professional activity are not included in the assessment of the psychological climate.

A comparative analysis of the results of the examination of Moscow schools also demonstrated significant differences in the effectiveness of the influence of their educational environments on the mental development of students, however, the mechanisms of this differentiated impact turned out to be related to other internal goals and guidelines of the school, and therefore were realized in qualitatively different conditions for organizing educational activities and the characteristics of the psychological climate .

Statistical analysis of the package psychological techniques as an integral diagnostic complex, it showed its high sensitivity to distinguishing the substantive features of the educational environment and its impact on various aspects of the mental development of schoolchildren.

1. Lebedeva V.P., Orlov V.A., Panov V.I. Psychodidactic aspects of developmental education // Pedagogy. 1996. No. 6. P. 25-30.

2. McLaughlin K. Study of the system of pedagogical assistance and support in schools in England and Wales // New values ​​of education: care - support - consultation. Vol. 6. Innovator. M., 1996. pp. 99-105.

3. Pilipovsky V. Ya. Effective school: components of success in the mirror of American pedagogy // Pedagogy. 1997. No. 1. P. 104-111.

4. Rubtsov V.V., Polivanova N.I., Ermakova I.V. Educational environment of the school and intellectual development of children // Experimental sites in Moscow education. Vol. 2. MIPCRO. 1998.

5. Rubtsov V.V., Ulanovskaya I.M., Yarkina O.V. Psychological climate as a characteristic of the educational environment of a school // Experimental sites in Moscow education. Vol. 2. MIPCRO. 1998.

6. Slobodchikov V.I. Educational environment: implementation of educational goals in the space of culture // New values ​​of education: cultural models of schools. Vol. 7. InnovatorBennet college. M., 1997. pp. 177-184.

7. Reid K., Hopkins D. et al. Towards the effective school: The problems and solutions. Oxford, 1987.

Received by the editors on November 5, 1997.

This line of work was supported by the Research Support Scheme of the OSI/HESP, grant No. 621/1997.

source unknown


1 -1

Features of the educational environment of modern specialized school

Vaniya: textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2001. - 208 p.

2. Innovation processes in education. II. Integration of Russian and Western European experience: collection of articles / ed. G. A. Bor-

Dovsky. - SPb.: RGPU im. A.I. Herzen, 1997. -285 p.

3. Klinberg L. Problems of learning theory: Transl. with him. - M.: Pedagogy, 1984. - 256 p.

4. Okon V. Introduction to general didactics. -M.: “ graduate School", 1990. - 382 p.


The article analyzes the reasons for the lack of effectiveness of specialized training. The author sees a solution to this problem in the creation of a special pedagogical environment, which includes personal mechanisms of learning, education and development that contribute to the socialization of students and preparation for mastering vocational education programs.

Various ways of organizing the educational environment and ways to optimize its impact on the student’s personality are a pressing pedagogical problem today.

The most significant influence on the child, of course, is exerted by the social environment (both the immediate and distant environment), which includes such characteristics as the social system, the system of social and industrial relations, material living conditions, the nature of social processes, etc. Not least in this regard is the environment of educational institutions.

Profile training, considered as a type of person-centered training, as a means of differentiation and individualization of training, is aimed at revealing and realizing the potential of each student. The practice of its implementation at the senior level of basic education encourages teachers to reconsider traditional ideas about educational processes as linear trajectories along which the student must normatively move. There is an objective need to determine how

internal processes of formation and development of a growing person, and ways of his interaction with the educational environment.

Today, the task of creating a holistic, effective model of the educational environment of a high school that meets the interests of the state and the individual, adequate to the characteristics of adolescence and global trends in the field of education, remains unresolved.

Often, the school’s choice of areas of specialization is not based on taking into account real educational needs students, and due to established traditions, professional competence of teachers, opportunities to establish partnerships with nearby vocational educational institutions. This cannot but affect students’ attitudes towards specialized education. According to the results of various studies conducted in schools providing specialized training, from 18 to 43% of graduates of specialized classes enter vocational educational institutions of a different profile; from 13 to 27% unsatisfactory

© I.A. Pogodina, 2009


Today, most teachers who address this issue agree that systemic innovations associated with the construction of a specialized school make it possible to consider specialized education as the leading condition for the upbringing of a young person. In this regard, a specialized school cannot be considered only from the perspective of the opportunities presented. in-depth study individual items. Its organization should include educational targets that can be realized under the influence of a special pedagogical environment, including personal mechanisms of learning, education and development that contribute to the socialization of students and preparation for mastering vocational education programs.

The educational environment (V.I. Panov, V.A. Yasvin, etc.) is understood as a system of pedagogical and psychological conditions and influences that create the opportunity for the disclosure of both not yet manifested and for the development of already manifested interests and abilities of students in accordance with the natural inclinations and requirements of age-related socialization inherent in each individual. All this fully applies to the educational environment of a specialized school, which, in accordance with the characteristics of the modern situation of social development, is becoming an increasingly open social system that is developing in the direction of humanitarization of the content of education, informatization of all aspects of the educational process, development of self-government and democratization of relations between subjects educational activities.

The idea of ​​the educational environment as a factor and condition for the formation of personality allows us to consider, under the educational environment of a modern specialized school, a system of ordered interaction of social, spatial-subject and psychodidactic components, as a result of which conditions and means of specialized training, professional education and personal development of students are created that correspond to modern sociocultural situations of social development.

Thus, designing the educational environment of a specialized school involves:

Creation of an educational space that provides students and teachers with the opportunity to choose various educational technologies, forms of activity and other conditions that ensure the satisfaction of the individual needs of students in specialized training, professional education and socialization;

Creation of various communities between students and teachers and between the students themselves based on their inclusion in various types of educational, communicative, research, project, artistic, sports and other types of activities necessary for the socialization of students and their professional self-determination;

Creating interaction situations in which students, teachers and other subjects of the educational process meet with the educational environment as “material” for creating their own individual educational space;

Transformation educational material into a means of creating problem-developing career guidance situations, and the student into a subject of activity to resolve them.

Taking into account the specifics of the tasks solved by a modern specialized school, when designing its educational environment, it is necessary to rely on the use of such educational technologies that, on the one hand, correspond to individual and social characteristics and patterns of student development, and, on the other hand, activate the student’s subjective position in the construction of an individual educational space.

The implementation of these technologies provides the following opportunities:

Involving teachers from other educational institutions;

Network interaction, distance learning, training on the basis of vocational education institutions;

Interaction with institutions and organizations of the immediate sociocultural environment;

Carrying out excursions to enterprises, institutions and educational institutions of the city;

Bulletin of KSU named after. N.A. Nekrasova ♦ 2009, volume 15

Information culture as a reflection of the cultural and moral content of the individual...

Organization of professional tests, social practices.

It is necessary to ensure that parents and students are aware of the educational program at the specialized level of education, providing various shapes and methods for carrying out this activity, including using information technology.

An important condition The effectiveness of this model, from our point of view, is its focus on ensuring the activity of participants in the educational process:

The activities of teachers in expanding opportunities for the implementation of specialized student education,

Student activities in expanding the individual educational space,

Activities of parents in interaction with the school to solve problems of specialized education of students.

Taking into account the characteristics of the educational environment of a specialized school when designing it will make it possible to humanize specialized education and implement pedagogical influence indirectly through the organization of an individual educational space in which the student’s development occurs.


1. School educational system: design, organization, development / ed. V.A. -Yasvin and V.A. Karpova. - M.: “Sense”, 2002.

2. Panov V.I. Ecological psychology: Experience in constructing a methodology. - M.: Nauka, 2004.

3. Yasvin V.A. Examination of the school educational environment. - M., “September”, 2000.

4. Yasvin V.A. Educational environment: from modeling to design. - M., “Meaning”,



The 21st century has just begun, but it has already been called the century of information technology. Leading figures in science, culture and education both in Russia and abroad unanimously define the role of information telecommunications in the formation of a new worldview. This phenomenon, in terms of its impact on the consciousness of mankind, can only be compared with the advent of printing. The Internet makes it possible to access communicative level With outside world, peace new information and people who live and work anywhere globe. Man of the 21st century is already completely different in his

In fact, he is very different from a person who lives only in the real world. Practicing email, getting to know the Internet - all this and more information Technology have a significant impact on the psychological and ideological qualities of not only the student and applicant, but also modern student. For a freshman, for example, a difficult period of adaptation coincides with the period of transition from adolescence to adolescence, so computer games remain of interest for some time. Thus, of 100% of the first-year students we surveyed (35 people), 83% used

Report "Educational Environment"

In the context of the transition from industrial to information civilization, the information and communication sphere becomes a system-forming factor in the development of society, actively influencing the political, economic, social aspects activities of the state.

Today, not only the state of the economy, but also the standard of living of the population and the role of the state in the world community depend on information technology development and its pace. Modernization of education involves the implementation of such educational policy which contributes to the development modern system continuous professional education, improving the quality of education and ensuring its accessibility, increasing the investment attractiveness of the education sector.

External environment in beginning of XXI century is becoming more and more competitive, and competition is becoming more global. Today it is impossible to ensure con- the competitiveness of the national economy without the inclusion of enterprises in the educational process.

Global competition is increasingly taking over the spheres of vocational education. This means that the quality of educational services and smart products our universities, technical schools, and colleges can no longer be assessed within national and regional educational systems, and in order to achieve success, educational institutions must not only improve the level of education, but ensure international comparability of its conditions and results, and create a favorable educational environment. Otherwise, the entire educational system is doomed to progressive lag.

The formation and development of personality occurs in certain environmental conditions, and under the influence of human activity, the environment changes, as does the person himself. The influence of the educational process on the individual, the interaction of the individual with the educational environment appears as the creation of a humanitarian educational space.

The educational environment is not a material condition for activity, like a regular environment. In the context of the pedagogical process of developing professional competence, the educational environment acts as: a) subjective experience of perception of reality; b) transformation of experience and one’s own identity into educational practice; c) existing educational interaction of the social environment. The educational environment arises where there is a communicative interaction between two subjects, where each of the participants is able to change their own position and create a new project of activity based on this experience. Of course, such a change is possible only in conditions of the general humanitarian orientation of the educational space. The educational environment should be aimed at the internal mechanisms of self-organization of future specialists.

The educational environment creates a certain atmosphere, a spirit, comfort to which a person strives, wants to immerse himself again, build it in a new place, as a kind of model, and encourages the student to the process of its translation. On the one hand, this is the process of student self-determination in the world of learning and educating another person, on the other hand, this is professional development, the process of forming professional competencies.

The educational environment consists of such components as: internal orientation, or the specificity of goals, values ​​and objectives; selected educational technologies and their psychological organization; the means by which it solves its problems in a general cultural context; psychological climate; differentiated ideas of teachers about their students; socio-psychological structure of the teaching staff; psychological organization of knowledge transfer; psychological characteristics teachers and students.

By purposefully and systematically forming each of the above components in students and teachers, the professional competence of future specialists is formed.

The formation of a person as a professional occurs in the holistic educational environment of a particular educational institution. The efforts of professional education are aimed at creating conditions conducive to the formation of a versatile, socially active, independent, creative, competent personality of a professional. The educational environment is a decisive factor in the development of the individual; the student, through his actions and deeds, activates the elements of the environment and thereby creates it for himself. In psychology, philosophy, pedagogy, the problem of creating and using educational opportunities of the environment in the formation of personality is considered, various types of environment are distinguished: social, cultural, educational, developmental, humanitarian, pedagogical, environmental, technogenic, life and others.

However, in pedagogical theory and practice the essential characteristics are not sufficiently substantiated professional development future specialists in the educational environment of vocational education, there is no corresponding model, the implementation of which will provide the opportunity to improve the quality of training of specialists in various industries. The creation of a practice-oriented educational environment of an educational institution, the study of its influence on the formation, implementation, disclosure, and self-improvement of the individual remains actual problem pedagogy.

Taking into account the requirements of the modern labor market, vocational education should focus on a qualitatively new level of graduate equipment, both knowledge and practical skills. The practice of employing graduates in recent years shows that potential employers in personnel selection express interest in personnel who already have work experience in addition to special education. In other words, we understand that practical knowledge of your profession is required.

Kurganova Irina Viktorovna, GBOU SPO MO Dmitrov State Polytechnic College Educational program Municipal educational institution Pychasskaya average secondary school developed on the basis of government educational standards and exemplary educational curricula(Model Regulations on educational institution, paragraph 36). The teaching staff is guided by the requirements of regulations that define the mandatory standard minimum content and requirements for the level of training of students.

The educational program of the municipal educational institution Pychasskaya secondary school is a regulatory and management document that characterizes two aspects of its activities: the specifics of the content of training, education and development of students and the features of the organization, personnel and methodological support of the pedagogical process and innovative transformations of the pedagogical (didactic and educational) system. The school has created a promising educational program. Article 9 of the Law “On Education” established the need for such a document and gave its definition:

« An educational program is a regulatory and management document that, on the one hand, definesthe provision of education corresponding to the levels of orientation, and on the other hand, characterizing the specifics of the content of education and the features of the educational process and the management of a given educational institution.”

The Educational Program project is a long-term project of a social and educational type.

The school's pedagogical system is designed as an open system.

The school is part of the entire social system, and its functioning is largely determined by influences coming from the wider environment. The school can, through its activities, actively influence its environment, that is, to act as an adaptive and at the same time adaptive system.

Formation of the educational environment

Section 1.

Purpose of the school. The main means of realizing the purpose of the OS.

Pychasskaya secondary school, being a municipal comprehensive educational institution, is focused on the training, education and development of students, taking into account their individual (age, physiological, psychological, intellectual and other) characteristics, educational needs and capabilities, and personal inclinations. This is achieved by creating an adaptive pedagogical system and favorable conditions for mental, moral, emotional and physical development every schoolchild. The pedagogical system is based on early identification of children's inclinations, interests, and natural inclinations. The leading directions of training, education and development are the aesthetic, moral and physical improvement of students.

School management is carried out on the basis of democracy, transparency, and co-management. Direct control pedagogical process implemented by the school director and his deputies for educational, educational and economic work.

Educational program schools are a holistic system of measures for humanization and humanization, differentiation and individualization of education and upbringing of schoolchildren, taking into account the needs of students, their parents, the public and society.

The school is located on the territory of the Pychasskoe municipal district, twenty kilometers from the regional center of the city of Mozhgi. In the microdistrict there are schools preschool institutions"Spikelet" - kindergarten No. 1 and “Squirrel” - kindergarten No. 2; House of Children's Creativity; Children's Art School; hospital; village library. Parents of students work in agriculture, in the social sphere, at enterprises located in the territory of the village and the city of Mozhgi. Many work in the city of Izhevsk and travel outside the territory of the Udmurt Republic (work on a rotational basis).

Most families live in separate comfortable apartments, creating conditions for the successful education of the child.

8. Orientation in the values ​​of domestic and world culture.

Natural science

1. Scientific explanation natural phenomena observed in everyday life, the formation of an initial worldview about the world and the environment.

2. Chemical literacy.

3. Environmental literacy.

4. The ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena.


1. The ability to distinguish works of art from works of pseudo-art.

2. Orientation in the main historical and cultural monuments of the countries of the languages ​​being studied.

3. Orientation in the values ​​of domestic and world culture.

4. Free orientation in monuments and cultural centers of the habitat.

Physical culture

1.Valeological literacy (compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, the ability to provide first aid to oneself and others, knowledge and compliance with norms healthy image life).

3. Regulating your physical and psychological state with the help of special exercises.


1. Technical literacy (use of household appliances).

2. The ability to use a personal computer as a means of obtaining the necessary information.

"Content of competence"

Educational area

General cultural competence and elements of pre-professional and metoedological competence


1. Ability to conduct dialogue on English in standard life situations

2. The ability to analyze a work of art taking into account its genre specificity; be aware of the personality of the author and the work in the context of culture and the modern era.

3. Finding necessary and sufficient conceptual grounds for comparison works of art at the level of intra- and interdisciplinary connections.

4. Use dictionaries and reference books at various levels, including the Internet.


1. Free orientation in basic mathematical concepts.

2. The ability to predict the answer to a task and evaluate the result obtained.

3. Knowledge of the place of mathematics as a science in the history of human development.

4. Ability to apply decision techniques mathematical problems when solving problems in various fields of knowledge.

5. Having ideas about information, its types, properties, measurement and information processes.

6. Mastery of processing technology various types information.

Social science

1. Mastery scientific knowledge about a person and the ability to operate with them for the purpose of self-knowledge and self-improvement.

2. Awareness of the role of man in transformative activities and awareness possible consequences human activity against oneself.

3. Mastering a system of knowledge about universal humanistic values, perceiving them as the most important life criteria.

4. Knowledge of the laws of micro- and macroeconomics, orientation in the world of consumer values.

5. Ability to work with periodicals and scientific publications.

6. Active citizenship.

7. Compliance with the rules, norms of behavior and laws of society.

8. Orientation in the world of professions, knowledge of one’s professional capabilities.

Natural science

1. Application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities to understand compliance with the rules of environmental behavior.

2. Using generalized and systematized knowledge to transfer it to a new life situation, to solve new life problems.

3. The ability to plan and conduct observations and experiments, predict their results, systematize data on various grounds (tables, graphs, diagrams), and formulate theoretical conclusions.

4. The ability to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life (choice of vitamin-mineral complexes and medications, food products, handling chemicals, choice of cosmetics, etc.)


1. The ability to interpret types of art taking into account their artistic language.

2. Interpretation of works of art based on their holistic perception.

Physical culture

1. The ability to take responsibility for your health and the health of others.

2. Aesthetic culture of the body.

3. Self-regulation of your physical condition.


1. Knowledge of the modern information society.

2. Knowledge of technology for processing various types of information using a computer.

Integration of areas

1. Tolerant attitude towards reality (in judgments, behavior, assessment of events).

2. ability to self-esteem.

3. Ability to work in computer networks and master Internet technologies.

4. The ability to choose an adequate model of your behavior.