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Elements of educational and material base. Ancient underground shelters How to make an underground shelter

To protect people in the event of infection with dangerous toxic substances or the use of military weapons of mass destruction, special structures are used - shelters. The first shelter appeared in the early 20s of the last century, and it was used to protect against gas attacks.

This term began to be used in pre-war times. It combines all types of various protective shelters, ranging from the simplest (from adverse weather conditions) to modern specially equipped structures in the event of an emergency with mass casualties.

First of all, such structures are equipped big cities, as well as settlements and objects that have one or another danger category. This category can be assigned only by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The purpose and classification of shelters depends on the emerging danger of the damaging source, terrain and population density.

What are they and what can they protect against?

Shelters of modern design are able to protect the population from the destructive effects of:

  1. Light and radiation radiation.
  2. Explosive shock wave, including nuclear.
  3. Chemically - poisonous compounds.
  4. Radioactive cloud fallout.
  5. Biologically hazardous substances.
  6. High temperatures in case of strong, massive fires.
  7. Natural disasters (tornadoes, earthquakes).
  8. Waves of fragments.

Protection is ensured by the presence of particularly durable structures, including room sealing, and anti-explosion devices. Thanks to a special ventilation and filtration system, radioactive particles, light radiation and toxic substances are not able to penetrate into the shelter.

Based on where and how shelters are located, built-in types and free-standing ones are distinguished. The first option is the most common. They are included in the design of the building under construction. As a rule, shelters are built into the basement of the house, which is located below ground level.

Free-standing shelters are unremarkable buildings, without any superstructures. They are built at some distance from large structures: in parks, courtyards, and on the territory of enterprises.

Based on the time it takes to build shelters, they can be divided into capital and advance ones. The latter may contain several floors or have only 1 floor, depending on capacity.

Rules for accommodation in shelters during emergency situations

People entering the shelter occurs quickly, clearly, and in an organized manner, eliminating crowding and panic. Accommodation takes place on benches, and 2-tier bunks are also installed. Large capacity shelters may have separate areas for citizens with children. For those arriving with infants, “mother and child” rooms are organized.

Elderly or injured people, as well as those with chronic diseases, are placed closer to the ventilation grids. Sheltering the population in protective structures of the civil defense is coordinated by a special group of authorized specialists.

After the number of people being sheltered has reached the required number, the shelter is sealed by order of the commander. Doors and emergency exits are closed with protective shutters.

As an exception, it is possible to receive late arrivals through a gateway - vestibule. All arriving citizens are required to have with them the necessary supply of long-lasting products, packed in special insulated packaging. Personal belongings must be in minimum quantity. You should also bring documents and toiletries.

The established rules, which must be strictly observed by everyone present in the shelter, include:

  1. Follow all instructions of the commandant.
  2. Do not use without permission open sources fire (lamp, candles, matches).
  3. No smoking.
  4. Try to maintain a calm and quiet environment.
  5. Do not take with you any strongly odorous or flammable products.
  6. Do not bring pets.
  7. Do not walk or run around the shelter unless necessary.

All information about what is happening outside the shelter can be obtained using an active radio channel. If the stay is prolonged, then rest is organized for those being sheltered one by one. In this case, places for lying down are used.

If a threat arises for the people being sheltered as a result of an emergency, early exit from the shelter is possible. Leaving the shelter occurs at the discretion of the chief staff member. This is indicated by a sound signal.

When evacuating, the following sequence is established:

  1. Several authorized persons to provide assistance.
  2. Injured, disabled or those with health problems.
  3. Aged people.
  4. Children.
  5. Other citizens.

It is prohibited to disrupt or in any way interfere with this sequence.

Types of temporary and simple shelters

Sometimes situations may arise when a person finds himself alone in an area where an emergency has occurred or in nature, having been exposed to adverse weather conditions (blizzard, rain, lightning), then he needs to use temporary protective shelter.

According to the method in which it will be produced, they are distinguished:

  • Natural, created by nature itself. These include caves, grottoes, earthly depressions, and cracks. They save energy and time, but, as a rule, they are only available in certain areas.
  • Man-made are those that a person creates himself from available materials (awning, tent, rope, oilcloth)
  • Combined shelters. The most reliable and best option. Here, a natural element (for example, a tree, a bush) is used as the basis for a hut or shelter.

Types of temporary shelters that can be made independently and in almost any situation include structures made from branches and large intertwined tree roots. For shelter, it is convenient to use slightly broken branches and long ones that reach almost to the ground. However, remember that during a thunderstorm it is prohibited to use trees as shelter. Is it dangerous.

If you have any waterproof, dense fabric (awning, canvas, tarpaulin) and install it at a steep angle, you can build a pretty good temporary shelter from a downpour. To prevent water from seeping into your structure, you should try not to touch the interior surface.

In winter, the simplest shelter from bad weather will be self-made depressions in the snow or snow drifts. However, at very low temperatures, making a hole will be problematic, as the snow freezes and becomes hard.

The most convenient option for temporary shelter is a tent purchased from a specialized store. It comes in different versions depending on your needs and the weather conditions of the area where you are going. It can be easily transported from place to place.

In a situation of explosion or poisonous substances, you can take cover in any open or blocked crack. They have fairly good protective properties. In such an improvised shelter you will protect yourself from shock waves, fragments, flying objects, radiation and light radiation. The likelihood of receiving radiation is reduced by almost 2 times.

In some cases, such slots can be specially prepared in advance in places with an increased risk of infection. For this purpose, select areas that are not subject to flooding or flooding in the event of heavy rains or floods.

The population should find out in advance where shelters are located in their locality. Usually they are located in places with the greatest concentration of people, where the collection radius does not exceed 500 m.

In many regions of the globe there are ancient structures, it is unknown by whom and for what purpose they were created. Given the limited technical capabilities of our ancestors, it is simply impossible to believe that they were built by people of the Stone or Bronze Age.

In Turkey (Cappadocia), a huge complex of underground cities was discovered, located on several tiers and connected by tunnels. Underground shelters were built by an unknown people in ancient times. Eric von Däniken in his book “In the Footsteps of the Almighty” describes these shelters as follows: “...giant underground cities were discovered, designed for many thousands of inhabitants. The most famous of them are located under the modern village of Derinkuyu. Entrances to underworld hidden under houses. Here and there in the area there are ventilation holes leading far into the interior. The dungeon is cut through by tunnels connecting the rooms. The first floor from the village of Derinkuyu covers an area of ​​four square kilometers, and the premises on the fifth floor can accommodate ten thousand people. It is estimated that this underground complex can accommodate three hundred thousand people at a time.

The underground structures of Derinkuyu alone have fifty-two ventilation shafts and fifteen thousand entrances. The largest mine reaches a depth of eighty-five meters. The lower part of the city served as a reservoir for water...

To date, thirty-six underground cities have been discovered in this area. Not all of them are on the scale of Kaymakli or Derinkuyu, but their plans were carefully developed. People who know this area well believe that there are many more underground structures here. All cities known today are connected to each other by tunnels.”

These underground shelters with huge stone gates, warehouses, kitchens and ventilation shafts are on display in documentary film Eric von Däniken's "In the Footsteps of the Almighty." The author of the film suggested that ancient people were hiding in them from some threat coming from heaven.

Sahara Desert. Many kilometers of tunnels are hidden under its surface.

In many regions of our planet there are numerous mysterious underground structures of unknown purpose to us. In the Sahara Desert (Ghat oasis) near the Algerian border (10° west longitude and 25° north latitude), underground there is a whole system of tunnels and underground communications, which are carved into the rock. The height of the main adits is 3 meters, width – 4 meters. In some places the distance between the tunnels is less than 6 meters. The average length of the tunnels is 4.8 kilometers, and their total length (including auxiliary adits) is 1,600 kilometers! The modern English Channel Tunnel looks like child's play compared to these structures. There is an assumption that these underground corridors were intended to supply water to the desert regions of the Sahara. But it would be much easier to dig irrigation canals on the surface of the earth. Moreover, in those distant times, the climate in this region was humid, there was heavy rainfall - and there was no special need for irrigation.

Entrance to one of the tunnels.

To dig these passages underground, it was necessary to extract 20 million cubic meters of rock - this is many times the volume of all the Egyptian pyramids built. The work is truly titanic. It is almost impossible to carry out the construction of underground communications in such a volume using even modern technical means. Scientists attribute these underground communications to the fifth millennium BC. e., that is, to the moment when our ancestors just learned to build primitive huts and use stone tools. Who then built these grandiose tunnels and for what purposes?

In the first half of the 16th century. Francisco Pizarro discovered a cave entrance closed by rock blocks in the Peruvian Andes. It was located at an altitude of 6770 meters above sea level on Mount Huascaran. A speleological expedition organized in 1971, examining a tunnel system consisting of several levels, discovered sealed doors that, despite their massiveness, easily turned to reveal the entrance. The floor of the underground passages is paved with blocks treated in such a way as to prevent slipping (the tunnels leading to the ocean have an inclination of about 14°). By various estimates, the total length of communications ranges from 88 to 105 kilometers. It is assumed that previously the tunnels led to the island of Guanape, but it is quite difficult to test this hypothesis, because the tunnels end in a lake of salty sea water.

In 1965, in Ecuador (Morona-Santiago province), between the cities of Galaquisa, San Antonio and Yopi, the Argentinean Juan Morich discovered a system of tunnels and ventilation shafts with a total length of several hundred kilometers! The entrance to this system looks like a neat cutout in the rock, the size of a barn door. The tunnels have a rectangular cross-section with varying widths and sometimes turn at right angles. The walls of the underground communications are covered with a kind of glaze, as if they were treated with some kind of solvent or exposed to high temperature. Interestingly, no rock dumps from the tunnels were found at the exit. The underground passage successively leads to underground platforms and huge halls located at a depth of 240 meters, with ventilation openings 70 centimeters wide. In the center of one of the halls measuring 110x130 meters there is a table and seven thrones made of an unknown material similar to plastic. A whole gallery of large golden figures depicting animals was also found there: elephants, crocodiles, lions, camels, bison, bears, monkeys, wolves, jaguars, crabs, snails and even dinosaurs. The researchers also found a “library” consisting of several thousand embossed metal plates measuring 45x90 centimeters, covered with incomprehensible signs. The priest Father Carlo Crespi, who carried out archaeological research there with the permission of the Vatican, claims that all the finds taken from the tunnels “belong to the pre-Christian era, and most of the symbols and prehistoric images are older than the time of the Flood.”

In 1972, Eric von Daniken met with Juan Moric and persuaded him to show the ancient tunnels. The researcher agreed, but with one condition - not to photograph the underground labyrinths. In his book, Däniken writes:

“... In order for us to better understand what was happening, our guides made us walk the last 40 km. We are very tired; the tropics have worn us out. Finally we came to a hill that had many entrances into the depths of the Earth.

The entrance we chose was almost invisible due to the vegetation covering it. It was wider in width railway station. We walked through a tunnel that was approximately 40 m wide; its flat ceiling showed no signs of connecting devices.

The entrance to it was located at the foot of the Los Tayos hill, and at least the first 200 m went simply downhill towards the center of the massif. The height of the tunnel was approximately 230 cm, there was a floor partially covered with bird droppings, a layer of approximately 80 cm. Metal and stone figurines were constantly found among the garbage and droppings. The floor was made of processed stone.

We lit our way with carbide lamps. There were no traces of soot in these caves. It was said that, according to legend, their inhabitants lit the way with golden mirrors that reflected sunlight, or a light-collecting system using emeralds. This last solution reminded us of the laser principle.

The walls are also covered with very well-cut stones. The admiration aroused by the buildings of Machu Picchu diminishes when one sees this work. The stone is smoothly polished and has straight edges. The ribs are not rounded. The joints of the stones are barely noticeable. Judging by some of the treated blocks lying on the floor, there was no subsidence, since the surrounding walls are finished and fully finished. What is this - the carelessness of the creators who, having finished their work, left pieces behind them or did they think to continue their work?

The walls are almost completely covered with reliefs of animals - both modern and extinct. Dinosaurs, elephants, jaguars, crocodiles, monkeys, crayfish - all headed towards the center. We found a carved inscription - a square with rounded corners, about 12 cm on a side. Groups geometric shapes varied between two and four units of varying lengths, appearing to be placed in vertical and horizontal shapes. This order was not repeated from one to the other. Is it a number system or computer program? We also remembered about radio circuits.

Just in case, the expedition was equipped with an oxygen supply system, but it was not needed. Even today, the ventilation ducts cut vertically into the hill were well preserved and performed their function. When reaching the surface, some of them are covered with lids. It is difficult to detect them from the outside, only sometimes a bottomless well appears among groups of stones.

The ceiling in the tunnel is low, without relief. Outwardly, it looks like it is made of rough processed stone. However, it feels soft to the touch. Can't be! We touched it again - in fact, the feeling did not deceive us. Suddenly we began to understand that we seemed to be in a different atmosphere. The heat and humidity disappeared, making the journey easier. We reached a wall of dressed stone that divided our path. On either side of the wide tunnel we were descending there was a path leading to a narrower passage. We moved to one of those that went to the left. We later discovered that another passage led in the same direction. We walked about 1200 m through these passages, only to find a stone wall blocking our path. Our guide effortlessly extended his hand to some point, and at the same time two stone doors 35 cm wide opened.

Holding our breath, we stopped at the mouth of a huge cave with dimensions that cannot be determined with the naked eye. One side was about 5 m high. The dimensions of the cave were approximately 110x130 m, although its shape was not rectangular.

The conductor whistled, and various shadows crossed the “living room.” Birds and butterflies were flying, no one knew where. Various tunnels opened up. Our guide said that this Great Room always remains clean. Everywhere on the walls there are animals drawn and squares drawn. Moreover, they all connect to each other.

In the middle of the Living Room there was a table and several chairs. The men sit back, leaning back; but these chairs are for taller people. They are designed for statues, approximately 2 m high. At first glance, the table and chairs are made of simple stone. However, if you touch them, they will turn out to be made of plastic material, almost worn out and completely smooth. The table, measuring approximately 3x6 m, is supported only by a cylindrical base with a diameter of 77 cm. The thickness of the top is about 30 cm. There are five chairs on one side and six or seven on the other.

If you touch the inside of the table top, you can feel the texture and coldness of the stone, making you think that it is covered with an unknown material.

First, considering our visit over, the guide led us to another hidden door. Once again, two sections of stone opened effortlessly, revealing another, but smaller, living space. It had a lot of shelves with volumes, and in the middle there was a passage between them, like in a modern book warehouse. They were also made of some cold material, soft, but with edges that almost cut the skin. Stone, petrified wood, wood or metal? Hard to understand.

Each such volume was 90 cm high and 45 cm and contained about 400 processed gold pages.

These books have metal covers that are 4mm thick and are darker in color than the pages themselves. They are not sewn, but they are fastened in some other way. The carelessness of one of the visitors drew our attention to another detail. He grabbed open volume, taking one of the metal pages, which, despite being only a fraction of a millimeter thick, was strong and smooth. The notebook without a cover fell to the floor and when I tried to pick it up, it wrinkled like paper.

Each page had an engraving, so exquisite that it seemed as if it had been written in ink. Maybe this is the underground storage of some kind of space library?

The pages of these volumes are divided into various squares with rounded corners. Here it is perhaps much easier to understand these hieroglyphs, abstract symbols, as well as stylized human figures - heads with rays, hands with three, four and five fingers. Among these symbols, one is similar to a large carved inscription found in the museum of the Church of Our Lady of Cuenca. It probably belongs to the gold objects believed to have been taken from Los Tayos. It is 52 cm long, 14 cm wide and 4 cm deep, with 56 different characters, which could well be an alphabet. Some people believe that the text of a book in this library should be read in groups of phrases.

A visit to Cuenca turned out to be very important for us, because we could see the objects exhibited by Father Crespi in the Church of Our Lady, and also listen to the legends about the local white gods, blond and blue-eyed, who visited this country from time to time.

In their white tunics, they looked like North American hippies, except for their bearded faces. Their residence is unknown, although it is assumed that they lived in an unknown city near Cuenca. Although the dark-skinned indigenous population believes that they bring happiness, they are afraid of their mental power, as they practice telepathy and are said to be able to levitate objects without contact. Their average height is 185 cm for women and 190 for men. The chairs of the Great Living Room in Los Tayos will definitely suit them..."

Numerous illustrations of amazing underground finds can be seen in von Daniken’s book “The Gold of the Gods.” When Juan Moric reported his discovery, a joint Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition was organized to explore the tunnels. Her honorary advisor, Neil Armstrong, said of the findings: “The signs human life underground were found, and this may turn out to be the main worldwide archaeological discovery of the century." After this interview, there was no more information about the mysterious dungeons, and the area where they are located is now closed to foreigners.

Shelters for protection from the cataclysms that struck the Earth during its approach to the neutron star, as well as from all kinds of disasters that accompanied the wars of the gods, were built on everything globe. Dolmens, which are a kind of stone dugouts covered with a massive slab and with a small round hole for entry, were intended for the same purposes as underground structures, that is, they served as a shelter. These stone structures are found in different parts light - India, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Sicily, England, France, Belgium, Spain, Korea, Siberia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. At the same time, dolmens located in different parts of our planet are surprisingly similar to each other, as if they were made according to a standard design. According to the legends and myths of various peoples, they were built by dwarfs, as well as people, but the latter’s buildings turned out to be more primitive, since they used roughly processed stones.

During the construction of these structures, vibration-damping layers under the foundation were sometimes used to protect dolmens from earthquakes. For example, an ancient structure located in Azerbaijan near the village of Gorikidi has two damping tiers. IN Egyptian pyramids Chambers filled with sand were also discovered, which served for the same purposes.

Dolmen near the village of Kamenny Most.

The precision of the fit of the massive stone slabs of the dolmens is also amazing. Even with the help of modern technical means, it is very difficult to assemble a dolmen from ready-made blocks. This is how A. Formozov describes in the book “Monuments of Primitive Art” an attempt to transport one of the dolmens: “In 1960, it was decided to transport some dolmen from Esheri to Sukhumi - to the courtyard of the Abkhaz museum. We chose the smallest one and brought a crane to it. No matter how they fastened the loops of the steel cable to the cover plate, it did not budge. The second tap was called. Two cranes removed the multi-ton monolith, but they were unable to lift it onto a truck. For exactly a year the roof lay in Esheri, waiting for a more powerful mechanism to arrive in Sukhumi. In 1961, using a new mechanism, all the stones were loaded onto vehicles. But the main thing was ahead: to reassemble the house. The reconstruction was only partially completed. The roof was lowered onto four walls, but they could not turn it so that their edges fit into the grooves on the inner surface of the roof. In ancient times, the slabs were driven so close to each other that a knife blade could not fit between them. Now there is a big gap left here.”

Currently, numerous ancient catacombs have been discovered in various regions of the planet; it is unknown when and by whom they were dug. There is an assumption that these underground multi-tiered galleries were formed during the process of extracting stone for the construction of buildings. But why was it necessary to spend titanic labor, gouging out blocks of the strongest rocks in narrow underground galleries, when there are similar rocks nearby, and located directly on earth's surface?

Ancient catacombs were found near Paris, in Italy (Rome, Naples), Spain, on the islands of Sicily and Malta, in Syracuse, Germany, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Crimea. The Russian Society for Speleological Research (ROSI) has carried out a huge amount of work to compile an inventory of artificial caves and underground architectural structures on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Currently, information has already been collected on 2,500 catacomb-type objects belonging to different eras. The oldest dungeons date back to the 14th millennium BC. e (Kamennaya Mogila tract in the Zaporozhye region).

The Parisian catacombs are a network of winding artificial underground galleries. Their total length is from 187 to 300 kilometers. The most ancient tunnels existed even before the birth of Christ. In the Middle Ages (12th century), limestone and gypsum began to be mined in the catacombs, as a result of which the network of underground galleries was significantly expanded. Later, the dungeons were used to bury the dead. Currently, the remains of about 6 million people rest near Paris.

The dungeons of Rome may be very ancient. More than 40 catacombs, carved into porous volcanic tuff, have been found under the city and its surroundings. The length of the galleries, according to the most conservative estimates, ranges from 100 to 150 kilometers, and possibly exceeds 500 kilometers. During the Roman Empire, the dungeons were used to bury the dead: there are between 600,000 and 800,000 burials in the galleries of the catacombs and numerous individual burial chambers. At the beginning of our era, the catacombs housed churches and chapels of early Christian communities.

In the vicinity of Naples, about 700 catacombs have been discovered, consisting of tunnels, galleries, caves and secret passages. The oldest dungeons date back to 4,500 BC. e. Speleologists discovered underground water pipes, aqueducts and water tanks, rooms where food supplies were previously stored. During World War II, the catacombs were used as bomb shelters.

One of the attractions of ancient Maltese culture is the Hypogeum, an underground catacomb-type shelter that goes several floors deep. Over the centuries, it was chiseled out of solid granite rock using stone tools. Already in our time, on the lower tier of this underground city, researchers have discovered tens of thousands of human skeletons. The purpose of this structure still remains a mystery.

Perhaps the mysterious underground structures were used by people as shelters from various disasters that occurred on Earth more than once. Descriptions of grandiose battles between aliens that took place in the distant past on our planet, preserved in various sources, suggest that the dungeons could serve as bomb shelters or a bunker.

In many regions of the globe there are ancient structures, it is unknown by whom and for what purpose they were created. Considering the limited technical capabilities in ancient times (according to historians...), it is simply impossible to believe that they were built by Stone Age or Bronze Age people.

In Turkey (Cappadocia), a huge complex of underground cities was discovered, located on several tiers and connected by tunnels. Underground shelters were built by an unknown people in ancient times. Eric von Däniken in his book “In the Footsteps of the Almighty” describes these shelters as follows: “...giant underground cities were discovered, designed for many thousands of inhabitants. The most famous of them are located under the modern village of Derinkuyu. Entrances to the underworld are hidden under houses. Here and there in the area there are ventilation holes leading far into the interior. The dungeon is cut through by tunnels connecting the rooms. The first floor from the village of Derinkuyu covers an area of ​​four square kilometers, and the premises on the fifth floor can accommodate ten thousand people. It is estimated that this underground complex can accommodate three hundred thousand people at a time.

The underground structures of Derinkuyu alone have fifty-two ventilation shafts and fifteen thousand entrances. The largest mine reaches a depth of eighty-five meters. The lower part of the city served as a reservoir for water...

To date, thirty-six underground cities have been discovered in this area. Not all of them are on the scale of Kaymakli or Derinkuyu, but their plans were carefully developed. People who know this area well believe that there are many more underground structures here. All cities known today are connected to each other by tunnels.”

These underground shelters with huge stone valves, warehouses, kitchens and ventilation shafts are shown in Eric von Däniken's documentary In the Footsteps of the Almighty. The author of the film suggested that ancient people were hiding in them from some threat coming from heaven.

Sahara Desert. Many kilometers of tunnels are hidden under its surface.

In many regions of our planet there are numerous mysterious underground structures of unknown purpose to us. In the Sahara Desert (Ghat oasis) near the Algerian border (10° west longitude and 25° north latitude), underground there is a whole system of tunnels and underground communications, which are carved into the rock. Height
The main adits are 3 meters, width - 4 meters. In some places the distance between the tunnels is less than 6 meters. The average length of the tunnels is 4.8 kilometers, and their total length (including auxiliary adits) is 1,600 kilometers! The modern English Channel Tunnel looks like child's play compared to these structures.
There is an assumption that these underground corridors were intended to supply water to the desert regions of the Sahara. But it would be much easier to dig irrigation canals on the surface of the earth. In addition, in those distant times, the climate in this region was humid, there was heavy rainfall - and there was no special need for irrigation.

Entrance to one of the tunnels.

To dig these passages underground, it was necessary to extract 20 million cubic meters of rock - this is many times the volume of all the Egyptian pyramids built. The work is truly titanic.
It is almost impossible to carry out the construction of underground communications in such a volume using even modern technical means.
Scientists attribute these underground communications to the fifth millennium BC. e., that is, to the moment when our ancestors just learned to build primitive huts and use stone tools. Who then built these grandiose tunnels and for what purposes?

In the first half of the 16th century. Francisco Pizarro discovered a cave entrance closed by rock blocks in the Peruvian Andes. It was located at an altitude of 6770 meters above sea level on Mount Huascaran. A speleological expedition organized in 1971, examining a tunnel system consisting of several levels, discovered sealed doors that, despite their massiveness, easily turned to reveal the entrance. The floor of the underground passages is paved with blocks treated in such a way as to prevent slipping (the tunnels leading to the ocean have an inclination of about 14°). According to various estimates, the total length of communications ranges from 88 to 105 kilometers. It is assumed that previously the tunnels led to the island of Guanape, but it is quite difficult to test this hypothesis, because the tunnels end in a lake of salty sea water.

In 1965, in Ecuador (Morona-Santiago province), between the cities of Galaquisa, San Antonio and Yopi, the Argentinean Juan Morich discovered a system of tunnels and ventilation shafts with a total length of several hundred kilometers! The entrance to this system looks like a neat cutout in the rock, the size of a barn door. The tunnels have a rectangular cross-section with varying widths and sometimes turn at right angles. The walls of the underground communications are covered with a kind of glaze, as if they were treated with some kind of solvent or exposed to high temperature. Interestingly, no rock dumps from the tunnels were found at the exit. The underground passage successively leads to underground platforms and huge halls located at a depth of 240 meters, with ventilation openings 70 centimeters wide. In the center of one of the halls measuring 110x130 meters there is a table and seven thrones made of an unknown material similar to plastic. A whole gallery of large golden figures depicting animals was also found there: elephants, crocodiles, lions, camels, bison, bears, monkeys, wolves, jaguars, crabs, snails and even dinosaurs. The researchers also found a “library” consisting of several thousand embossed metal plates measuring 45x90 centimeters, covered with incomprehensible signs. The priest Father Carlo Crespi, who carried out archaeological research there with the permission of the Vatican, claims that all the finds taken from the tunnels “belong to the pre-Christian era, and most of the symbols and prehistoric images are older than the time of the Flood.”

In 1972, Eric von Daniken met with Juan Moric and persuaded him to show the ancient tunnels. The researcher agreed, but with one condition - not to photograph the underground labyrinths. In his book, Däniken writes:

“... In order for us to better understand what was happening, our guides made us walk the last 40 km. We are very tired; the tropics have worn us out. Finally we came to a hill that had many entrances into the depths of the Earth.

The entrance we chose was almost invisible due to the vegetation covering it. It was wider than a railway station. We walked through a tunnel that was approximately 40 m wide; its flat ceiling showed no signs of connecting devices.

The entrance to it was located at the foot of the Los Tayos hill, and at least the first 200 m went simply downhill towards the center of the massif. The height of the tunnel was approximately 230 cm, there was a floor partially covered with bird droppings, a layer of approximately 80 cm. Metal and stone figurines were constantly found among the garbage and droppings. The floor was made of processed stone.

We lit our way with carbide lamps. There were no traces of soot in these caves. It was said that, according to legend, their inhabitants lit the way with golden mirrors that reflected sunlight, or a light-collecting system using emeralds. This last solution reminded us of the laser principle.

The walls are also covered with very well-cut stones. The admiration aroused by the buildings of Machu Picchu diminishes when one sees this work. The stone is smoothly polished and has straight edges. The ribs are not rounded. The joints of the stones are barely noticeable. Judging by some of the treated blocks lying on the floor, there was no subsidence, since the surrounding walls are finished and fully finished. What is it - the carelessness of the creators who, having finished their work, left pieces behind them or did they think to continue their work?

The walls are almost completely covered with reliefs of animals - both modern and extinct. Dinosaurs, elephants, jaguars, crocodiles, monkeys, crayfish - all headed towards the center. We found a carved inscription - a square with rounded corners, approximately 12 cm on a side. Groups of geometric shapes varied between two and four units of varying lengths, appearing to be placed in vertical and horizontal shapes. This order was not repeated from one to the other. Is it a number system or a computer program? We also remembered about radio circuits.

Just in case, the expedition was equipped with an oxygen supply system, but it was not needed. Even today, the ventilation ducts cut vertically into the hill were well preserved and performed their function. When reaching the surface, some of them are covered with lids. It is difficult to detect them from the outside, only sometimes a bottomless well appears among groups of stones.

The ceiling in the tunnel is low, without relief. Outwardly, it looks like it is made of rough processed stone. However, it feels soft to the touch. Can't be! We touched it again - in fact, the feeling did not deceive us. Suddenly we began to understand that we seemed to be in a different atmosphere. The heat and humidity disappeared, making the journey easier. We reached a wall of dressed stone that divided our path. On either side of the wide tunnel we were descending there was a path leading to a narrower passage. We moved to one of those that went to the left. We later discovered that another passage led in the same direction. We walked about 1200 m through these passages, only to find a stone wall blocking our path. Our guide effortlessly extended his hand to some point, and at the same time two stone doors 35 cm wide opened.

Holding our breath, we stopped at the mouth of a huge cave with dimensions that cannot be determined with the naked eye. One side was about 5 m high. The dimensions of the cave were approximately 110x130 m, although its shape was not rectangular.

The conductor whistled, and various shadows crossed the “living room.” Birds and butterflies were flying, no one knew where. Various tunnels opened up. Our guide said that this Great Room always remains clean. Everywhere on the walls there are animals drawn and squares drawn. Moreover, they all connect to each other.

In the middle of the Living Room there was a table and several chairs. The men sit back, leaning back; but these chairs are for taller people. They are designed for statues, approximately 2 m high. At first glance, the table and chairs are made of simple stone. However, if you touch them, they will turn out to be made of plastic material, almost worn out and completely smooth. The table, measuring approximately 3x6 m, is supported only by a cylindrical base with a diameter of 77 cm. The thickness of the top is about 30 cm. There are five chairs on one side and six or seven on the other.

If you touch the inside of the table top, you can feel the texture and coldness of the stone, making you think that it is covered with an unknown material.

First, considering our visit over, the guide led us to another hidden door. Once again, two sections of stone opened effortlessly, revealing another, but smaller, living space. It had a lot of shelves with volumes, and in the middle there was a passage between them, like in a modern book warehouse. They were also made of some cold material, soft, but with edges that almost cut the skin. Stone, petrified wood, wood or metal? Hard to understand.

Each such volume was 90 cm high and 45 cm and contained about 400 processed gold pages.

These books have metal covers that are 4mm thick and are darker in color than the pages themselves. They are not sewn, but they are fastened in some other way. The carelessness of one of the visitors drew our attention to another detail. He grabbed the open volume, taking one of the metal pages, which, despite being only a fraction of a millimeter thick, was strong and smooth. The notebook without a cover fell to the floor and when I tried to pick it up, it wrinkled like paper.

Each page had an engraving, so exquisite that it seemed as if it had been written in ink. Maybe this is the underground storage of some kind of space library?

The pages of these volumes are divided into various squares with rounded corners. Here it is perhaps much easier to understand these hieroglyphs, abstract symbols, as well as stylized human figures - heads with rays, hands with three, four and five fingers. Among these symbols, one is similar to a large carved inscription found in the museum of the Church of Our Lady of Cuenca. It probably belongs to the gold objects believed to have been taken from Los Tayos. It is 52 cm long, 14 cm wide and 4 cm deep, with 56 different characters, which could well be an alphabet. Some people believe that the text of a book in this library should be read in groups of phrases.

A visit to Cuenca turned out to be very important for us, because we could see the objects exhibited by Father Crespi in the Church of Our Lady, and also listen to the legends about the local white gods, blond and blue-eyed, who visited this country from time to time.

In their white tunics, they looked like North American hippies, except for their bearded faces. Their residence is unknown, although it is assumed that they lived in an unknown city near Cuenca. Although the dark-skinned indigenous population believes that they bring happiness, they are afraid of their mental power, as they practice telepathy and are said to be able to levitate objects without contact. Their average height is 185 cm for women and 190 for men. The chairs of the Great Living Room in Los Tayos will definitely suit them..."

Numerous illustrations of amazing underground finds can be seen in von Daniken’s book “The Gold of the Gods.” When Juan Moric reported his discovery, a joint Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition was organized to explore the tunnels. Her honorary advisor, Neil Armstrong, said of the findings: “Signs of human life underground have been found in what may be the major worldwide archaeological discovery of the century.” After this interview, there was no more information about the mysterious dungeons, and the area where they are located is now closed to foreigners.

Shelters for protection from the cataclysms that struck the Earth during its approach to the neutron star, as well as from all kinds of disasters that accompanied the wars of the gods, were built all over the globe. Dolmens, which are a kind of stone dugouts covered with a massive slab and with a small round hole for entry, were intended for the same purposes as underground structures, that is, they served as a shelter. These stone structures are found in different parts of the world - India, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Sicily, England, France, Belgium, Spain, Korea, Siberia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. At the same time, dolmens located in different parts of our planet are surprisingly similar to each other, as if they were made according to a standard design. According to the legends and myths of various peoples, they were built by dwarfs, as well as people, but the latter’s buildings turned out to be more primitive, since they used roughly processed stones.

During the construction of these structures, vibration-damping layers under the foundation were sometimes used to protect dolmens from earthquakes. For example, an ancient structure located in Azerbaijan near the village of Gorikidi has two damping tiers. In the Egyptian pyramids, chambers filled with sand were also discovered, which served for the same purposes.

Dolmen near the village of Kamenny Most.

The precision of the fit of the massive stone slabs of the dolmens is also amazing. Even with the help of modern technical means, it is very difficult to assemble a dolmen from ready-made blocks. This is how A. Formozov describes in the book “Monuments of Primitive Art” an attempt to transport one of the dolmens: “In 1960, it was decided to transport some dolmen from Esheri to Sukhumi - to the courtyard of the Abkhaz museum. We chose the smallest one and brought a crane to it. No matter how they fastened the loops of the steel cable to the cover plate, it did not budge. The second tap was called. Two cranes removed the multi-ton monolith, but they were unable to lift it onto a truck. For exactly a year the roof lay in Esheri, waiting for a more powerful mechanism to arrive in Sukhumi. In 1961, using a new mechanism, all the stones were loaded onto vehicles. But the main thing was ahead: to reassemble the house. The reconstruction was only partially completed. The roof was lowered onto four walls, but they could not turn it so that their edges fit into the grooves on the inner surface of the roof. In ancient times, the slabs were driven so close to each other that a knife blade could not fit between them. Now there is a big gap left here.”

Currently, numerous ancient catacombs have been discovered in various regions of the planet; it is unknown when and by whom they were dug. There is an assumption that these underground multi-tiered galleries were formed during the process of extracting stone for the construction of buildings. But why was it necessary to spend titanic labor, gouging out blocks of the strongest rocks in narrow underground galleries, when there are similar rocks nearby, located directly on the earth’s surface?

Ancient catacombs were found near Paris, in Italy (Rome, Naples), Spain, on the islands of Sicily and Malta, in Syracuse, Germany, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Crimea. The Russian Society for Speleological Research (ROSI) has done a lot of work to compile an inventory of artificial caves and underground architectural structures in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Currently, information has already been collected on 2,500 catacomb-type objects belonging to different eras. The oldest dungeons date back to the 14th millennium BC. e (Kamennaya Mogila tract in the Zaporozhye region).

The Parisian catacombs are a network of winding artificial underground galleries. Their total length is from 187 to 300 kilometers. The most ancient tunnels existed even before the birth of Christ. In the Middle Ages (12th century), limestone and gypsum began to be mined in the catacombs, as a result of which the network of underground galleries was significantly expanded. Later, the dungeons were used to bury the dead. Currently, the remains of about 6 million people rest near Paris.

The dungeons of Rome may be very ancient. More than 40 catacombs, carved into porous volcanic tuff, have been found under the city and its surroundings. The length of the galleries, according to the most conservative estimates, ranges from 100 to 150 kilometers, and possibly exceeds 500 kilometers. During the Roman Empire, the dungeons were used to bury the dead: there are between 600,000 and 800,000 burials in the galleries of the catacombs and numerous individual burial chambers. At the beginning of our era, the catacombs housed churches and chapels of early Christian communities.

In the vicinity of Naples, about 700 catacombs have been discovered, consisting of tunnels, galleries, caves and secret passages. The oldest dungeons date back to 4,500 BC. e. Speleologists discovered underground water pipes, aqueducts and water tanks, rooms where food supplies were previously stored. During World War II, the catacombs were used as bomb shelters.

One of the attractions of ancient Maltese culture is the Hypogeum - an underground catacomb-type shelter, going several floors deep. Over the centuries, it was chiseled out of solid granite rock using stone tools. Already in our time, on the lower tier of this underground city, researchers have discovered tens of thousands of human skeletons. The purpose of this structure still remains a mystery.

Perhaps the mysterious underground structures were used by people as shelters from various disasters that occurred on Earth more than once. Descriptions of grandiose battles between aliens that took place in the distant past on our planet, preserved in various sources, suggest that the dungeons could serve as bomb shelters or a bunker.

Ancient underground city in Turkey

In Turkey, in the Goreme Valley in Cappadocia, there is one area whose landscape resembles the lunar one. But that’s not what makes her remarkable. In the 8th-9th centuries AD. the people who lived here began to hollow out their homes in the rock of hardened volcanic ash. None of them even imagined that under these very dwellings there were huge underground cities.

In 1963, one of the residents of the city of Derinkuyu discovered a strange gap in his basement. Fresh air came from it. This is how the first and largest underground city was found, carved out of rock. The galleries of the city were connected to each other by long passages stretching for tens of kilometers. The city goes 8 floors deep. The area of ​​the first floor is four square kilometers.

This city can accommodate 300,000 people at once. This city was named like the upper Derinkuyu, which, by the way, means underground mines. There are 52 mines and 15,000 entrances in the underground Derinkuyu.

The largest mine in area reaches a depth of 85 meters. The ventilation system that supplies the city with oxygen is still working. In the lower part of the city there are water tanks.

In total, 36 underground cities have now been discovered in Turkey. In area they do not reach the scale of Derinkuyu, but they are all carefully planned and designed. All these cities are connected to each other by tunnels.

Unanswered Questions

Who, when and why created these cities still remains a mystery. There are several hypotheses, ideas and facts about these underground cities. Several facts indicate that the existence of these cities was known only to a few. They were used in the 2nd-3rd century AD. as a refuge for some Christians. But they were not the builders.

In the lower layers were found objects belonging to the Hittites, who lived in this area from 1800 to 1300 BC. The Hittites captured Babylon once. The kings of the Hittites were considered godlike, like the pharaohs of Egypt. The official version is that it was they who built these cities.

But for what? If from enemies, then an enemy from the surface could easily starve the inhabitants of underground cities. There are assumptions, quite well founded, that the inhabitants of these underground cities were afraid of airborne opponents.

Underground cities around the world

With the invention of special equipment for studying underground rocks, similar underground cities were discovered all over the world. Research into these cities is currently underway. The most promising thing in Ukraine is near the village of Trypillya. This civilization is much older and more highly developed than Sumer, Ancient Egypt and Babylon. It was this civilization that invented the wheel and the solar calendar. Among the speculations about the end of this civilization was that they went to live underground. Research confirms this, as well as the fact that Trypillian people are very for a long time were active underground.

The Gobi Desert is also currently being explored. These deserts are difficult to explore because they are located in the forbidden territory associated with Shambhala.

Back in the Middle Ages, the Spaniard Francisco Pizarro reported. That they discovered entrances into underground tunnels, which are located on the sacred mountain of Guascaran, which belonged to the Incas. Only in 1991, in that area, speleologists discovered these tunnels that lead to caves in which there was human activity. One of the caves is equipped with a stone slab rotating on balls.

Traces of the Hittites, who were supposed to have built underground cities in Turkey, are lost only after the Middle Ages. It turns out that a highly developed civilization was able to exist secretly for 2000 years, and then disappeared. After this, only one conclusion can be drawn: it is still possible to live underground in secret from surface inhabitants!

Underground labyrinths

Has been preserved to us since ancient times mysterious tunnels, weaving through Europe from Scotland to Turkey. More than 1200 of them were found in Germany and Austria, Bavaria. Clusters have even been found in central France. These tunnels have intriguing parallels to the routes of the Irish and Scottish monks who traveled the continent as missionaries in the 6th century and were known for their inappropriate behavior.

German archaeologist Heinrich Kusch, who took an active part in the expedition, states that tunnels have been discovered in hundreds of Neolithic settlements across the continent. According to him, the fact that these labyrinths were not destroyed for 12,000 years testifies to their enormous original size.

Most of these labyrinths are little wider than large wormholes, he said. That is, the size is quite sufficient for a person to crawl through, but nothing more. True, in some places the narrow passages have small indentations, more like living rooms, or storage rooms, or rooms. Labyrinths do not always and everywhere lead upward, but taken together they form a massive underground network.

The builders of such tunnels used spiral construction, which required preliminary design of a pattern on the ground. Perhaps that is why there are now four types of labyrinths - kidney-shaped, horseshoe-shaped, concentrically circular and circular-spiral. It is known that in the center of each horseshoe-shaped labyrinth there is a stone pyramid.

What names were not given to all the tunnels - vyvilons and maiden dances, the roads of giants and Nineveh, the games of St. Peter and the fall of Jerusalem. People have always wanted to reveal the secret of these mysterious structures and therefore came up with options for their appearance.

Some believed, and still believe, that the network of labyrinths was a way to protect people from the beast, others are highways designed for safe travel away from wars, violence and weather above the earth. Still others say that criminals used to be kept in dungeons. Still others say that the labyrinths were a place where the sick could escape their suffering. However, if this is so, at least some human remains should have been found here. There is none of them.

Or maybe the majority of people who generally associate tunnels with various legends and myths about druids, demons, evil gnomes, kobolds, fairies and other undead are right? However, this version is very real. A sand tablet depicting a goblin with a tail was found on Lake Constance near the city of Lindau. And, if we assume that ancient people only painted what they saw...

In addition, ancient discovered writings testified that these labyrinths should be considered as paths to the underworld, the doors of which open only to people who know special spells and exact time opening of the entrance, or to those who were near the entrance at the moment when the doors opened. Only a daredevil could get into the land of eternal youth, where the gods lived.

But were the inhabitants of the underground labyrinths gods? Or they were simply inhabitants of other worlds, such as gnomes, elves, goblins and others. That is, those who were feared and shunned, communication with whom they avoided at all costs. And who lived separately from people according to their own laws. They also never wanted to be involved in human affairs, just as humans did not want to interfere in theirs.

By the way, there is another version. Scientists searched for various tools in these labyrinths, but in vain - they were empty. There are no remains of bones, no burials, nothing that could help solve their mystery. In the center of the labyrinths there is either an absolutely bare article, untouched pebbles, black stone mounds, boulders placed on edge and dolmen boxes. It seems that nature itself created all these inexplicable passages.

But here there is a small discrepancy. Firstly, remember, at the beginning of the article, they talked about a strange parallel of tunnels on the path of monarchs, and so, if the tunnels were created by nature, this would not have happened. Well, Nature won’t watch over the kings (her children), it’s just some kind of absurdity.

Another mystery of the labyrinths is the presence of their exact location on coins made in ancient Crete. On the one hand, there is nothing special about this, because the word “labyrinth” itself came to us through the ancient Greek myth of the Minotaur. Probably everyone has heard about this creature, to whom the ancient Greeks sacrificed their daughters. Until then, when visiting Theseus did not descend to the monster for his Ariadne and did not defeat him, freeing his country from a shameful tribute.

No one knew what the Cretan labyrinth looked like until A. Evans went on an expedition. Having started excavations in Crete, the archaeologist discovered a huge palace with hundreds of rooms. It was decided that this was the mysterious dwelling of the Minotaur. After all, it really wasn’t worth getting lost in, and everything else is the imagination of poets. But later it turned out that by “labyrinth” the Greeks meant a labyrinth, which means that this building was intended for something else.

Interestingly, the double spiral on the coins of Crete exactly corresponds to the pattern of stone labyrinths painted on the northern rocks. But where did people get this spiral and what did they want to convey with this drawing? After all, there is nothing like this either in Greece or in Crete itself! All attempts by archaeologists to find out anything ended in failure.

The first small step towards discovering the secrets of the northern labyrinths was taken by the archaeologist Vinogradov during his stay in captivity on the Solovetsky Islands. He walked around all the surrounding areas and sketched all the labyrinths, individual stones and tombs he encountered. As it turned out, they are all interconnected. He sorted out one stone pile, but found nothing. Just as another archaeologist, A.Ya., did not find anything. Bryusov.

But still, it was at this time that a bold assumption appeared that the labyrinths were sanctuaries, extraordinary huge altars left by the most ancient unknown people of the world. And they are connected with the other world, where the dead rule. It was along the spirals that they had to pass souls of the dead to get lost among the labyrinths and not come back. That is, the labyrinth opened the way to the Other World for the souls of dead people.

This theory had to be proven by the presence of funerary remains of those people who went on their last journey through the labyrinth. And you know, such remains were unexpectedly found by archaeologist A.A. Kuratov. He found a burnt human bone and, next to it, the remains of quartz in one of the rings of the labyrinth. The archaeologist's discovery confirmed that the piles of stone near the labyrinth are nothing more than ancient burials. This was also confirmed by the location of the tunnels near the sites of ancient people.

It would seem that everything, the riddle of the labyrinths can be considered solved. But it was not there. There were no stone heaps near other tunnels located under Europa, which means there were no burials. It was difficult to call them the entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead, since most of the labyrinths were far from any settlements. One could call these labyrinths altars, but this version is also refuted by the length of the labyrinths. Why did ancient people need such long tunnels, and even located in different places?

A curious fact is that the labyrinths in European countries appeared at the end of the 2nd millennium almost simultaneously. It is also interesting that on many rocks on the shores of the White Sea, ancient people left various rock paintings that illuminate their life and methods of obtaining food. But nowhere... there are images of labyrinths. Maybe they were forbidden to draw? And, if this is so, then why?

Read more -

In many regions of the globe there are ancient structures, it is unknown by whom and for what purpose they were created. Given the limited technical capabilities of our ancestors, it is simply impossible to believe that they were built by people of the Stone or Bronze Age.

In Turkey (Cappadocia), a huge complex of underground cities was discovered, located on several tiers and connected by tunnels. Underground shelters were built by an unknown people in ancient times. Eric von Däniken in his book “In the Footsteps of the Almighty” describes these shelters as follows: “...giant underground cities were discovered, designed for many thousands of inhabitants. The most famous of them are located under the modern village of Derinkuyu. Entrances to the underworld are hidden under houses. Here and there in the area there are ventilation holes leading far into the interior. The dungeon is cut through by tunnels connecting the rooms. The first floor from the village of Derinkuyu covers an area of ​​four square kilometers, and the premises on the fifth floor can accommodate ten thousand people. It is estimated that this underground complex can accommodate three hundred thousand people at a time.

The underground structures of Derinkuyu alone have fifty-two ventilation shafts and fifteen thousand entrances. The largest mine reaches a depth of eighty-five meters. The lower part of the city served as a reservoir for water...

To date, thirty-six underground cities have been discovered in this area. Not all of them are on the scale of Kaymakli or Derinkuyu, but their plans were carefully developed. People who know this area well believe that there are many more underground structures here. All cities known today are connected to each other by tunnels.”

These underground shelters with huge stone valves, warehouses, kitchens and ventilation shafts are shown in Eric von Däniken's documentary In the Footsteps of the Almighty. The author of the film suggested that ancient people were hiding in them from some threat coming from heaven.

Sahara Desert. Many kilometers of tunnels are hidden under its surface.

In many regions of our planet there are numerous mysterious underground structures of unknown purpose to us. In the Sahara Desert (Ghat oasis) near the Algerian border (10° west longitude and 25° north latitude), underground there is a whole system of tunnels and underground communications, which are carved into the rock. The height of the main adits is 3 meters, width – 4 meters. In some places the distance between the tunnels is less than 6 meters. The average length of the tunnels is 4.8 kilometers, and their total length (including auxiliary adits) is 1,600 kilometers! The modern English Channel Tunnel looks like child's play compared to these structures. There is an assumption that these underground corridors were intended to supply water to the desert regions of the Sahara. But it would be much easier to dig irrigation canals on the surface of the earth. Moreover, in those distant times, the climate in this region was humid, there was heavy rainfall - and there was no special need for irrigation.

Entrance to one of the tunnels.

To dig these passages underground, it was necessary to extract 20 million cubic meters of rock - this is many times the volume of all the Egyptian pyramids built. The work is truly titanic. It is almost impossible to carry out the construction of underground communications in such a volume using even modern technical means. Scientists attribute these underground communications to the fifth millennium BC. e., that is, to the moment when our ancestors just learned to build primitive huts and use stone tools. Who then built these grandiose tunnels and for what purposes?

In the first half of the 16th century. Francisco Pizarro discovered a cave entrance closed by rock blocks in the Peruvian Andes. It was located at an altitude of 6770 meters above sea level on Mount Huascaran. A speleological expedition organized in 1971, examining a tunnel system consisting of several levels, discovered sealed doors that, despite their massiveness, easily turned to reveal the entrance. The floor of the underground passages is paved with blocks treated in such a way as to prevent slipping (the tunnels leading to the ocean have an inclination of about 14°). According to various estimates, the total length of communications ranges from 88 to 105 kilometers. It is assumed that previously the tunnels led to the island of Guanape, but it is quite difficult to test this hypothesis, because the tunnels end in a lake of salty sea water.

In 1965, in Ecuador (Morona-Santiago province), between the cities of Galaquisa, San Antonio and Yopi, the Argentinean Juan Morich discovered a system of tunnels and ventilation shafts with a total length of several hundred kilometers! The entrance to this system looks like a neat cutout in the rock, the size of a barn door. The tunnels have a rectangular cross-section with varying widths and sometimes turn at right angles. The walls of the underground communications are covered with a kind of glaze, as if they were treated with some kind of solvent or exposed to high temperature. Interestingly, no rock dumps from the tunnels were found at the exit. The underground passage successively leads to underground platforms and huge halls located at a depth of 240 meters, with ventilation openings 70 centimeters wide. In the center of one of the halls measuring 110x130 meters there is a table and seven thrones made of an unknown material similar to plastic. A whole gallery of large golden figures depicting animals was also found there: elephants, crocodiles, lions, camels, bison, bears, monkeys, wolves, jaguars, crabs, snails and even dinosaurs. The researchers also found a “library” consisting of several thousand embossed metal plates measuring 45x90 centimeters, covered with incomprehensible signs. The priest Father Carlo Crespi, who carried out archaeological research there with the permission of the Vatican, claims that all the finds taken from the tunnels “belong to the pre-Christian era, and most of the symbols and prehistoric images are older than the time of the Flood.”

In 1972, Eric von Daniken met with Juan Moric and persuaded him to show the ancient tunnels. The researcher agreed, but with one condition - not to photograph the underground labyrinths. In his book, Däniken writes:

“... In order for us to better understand what was happening, our guides made us walk the last 40 km. We are very tired; the tropics have worn us out. Finally we came to a hill that had many entrances into the depths of the Earth.

The entrance we chose was almost invisible due to the vegetation covering it. It was wider than a railway station. We walked through a tunnel that was approximately 40 m wide; its flat ceiling showed no signs of connecting devices.

The entrance to it was located at the foot of the Los Tayos hill, and at least the first 200 m went simply downhill towards the center of the massif. The height of the tunnel was approximately 230 cm, there was a floor partially covered with bird droppings, a layer of approximately 80 cm. Metal and stone figurines were constantly found among the garbage and droppings. The floor was made of processed stone.

We lit our way with carbide lamps. There were no traces of soot in these caves. It was said that, according to legend, their inhabitants lit the way with golden mirrors that reflected sunlight, or a light-collecting system using emeralds. This last solution reminded us of the laser principle.

The walls are also covered with very well-cut stones. The admiration aroused by the buildings of Machu Picchu diminishes when one sees this work. The stone is smoothly polished and has straight edges. The ribs are not rounded. The joints of the stones are barely noticeable. Judging by some of the treated blocks lying on the floor, there was no subsidence, since the surrounding walls are finished and fully finished. What is this - the carelessness of the creators who, having finished their work, left pieces behind them or did they think to continue their work?

The walls are almost completely covered with reliefs of animals - both modern and extinct. Dinosaurs, elephants, jaguars, crocodiles, monkeys, crayfish - all headed towards the center. We found a carved inscription - a square with rounded corners, about 12 cm on a side. Groups of geometric shapes varied between two and four units of varying lengths, appearing to be placed in vertical and horizontal shapes. This order was not repeated from one to the other. Is it a number system or a computer program? We also remembered about radio circuits.

Just in case, the expedition was equipped with an oxygen supply system, but it was not needed. Even today, the ventilation ducts cut vertically into the hill were well preserved and performed their function. When reaching the surface, some of them are covered with lids. It is difficult to detect them from the outside, only sometimes a bottomless well appears among groups of stones.

The ceiling in the tunnel is low, without relief. Outwardly, it looks like it is made of rough processed stone. However, it feels soft to the touch. Can't be! We touched it again - in fact, the feeling did not deceive us. Suddenly we began to understand that we seemed to be in a different atmosphere. The heat and humidity disappeared, making the journey easier. We reached a wall of dressed stone that divided our path. On either side of the wide tunnel we were descending there was a path leading to a narrower passage. We moved to one of those that went to the left. We later discovered that another passage led in the same direction. We walked about 1200 m through these passages, only to find a stone wall blocking our path. Our guide effortlessly extended his hand to some point, and at the same time two stone doors 35 cm wide opened.

Holding our breath, we stopped at the mouth of a huge cave with dimensions that cannot be determined with the naked eye. One side was about 5 m high. The dimensions of the cave were approximately 110x130 m, although its shape was not rectangular.

The conductor whistled, and various shadows crossed the “living room.” Birds and butterflies were flying, no one knew where. Various tunnels opened up. Our guide said that this Great Room always remains clean. Everywhere on the walls there are animals drawn and squares drawn. Moreover, they all connect to each other.

In the middle of the Living Room there was a table and several chairs. The men sit back, leaning back; but these chairs are for taller people. They are designed for statues, approximately 2 m high. At first glance, the table and chairs are made of simple stone. However, if you touch them, they will turn out to be made of plastic material, almost worn out and completely smooth. The table, measuring approximately 3x6 m, is supported only by a cylindrical base with a diameter of 77 cm. The thickness of the top is about 30 cm. There are five chairs on one side and six or seven on the other.

If you touch the inside of the table top, you can feel the texture and coldness of the stone, making you think that it is covered with an unknown material.

First, considering our visit over, the guide led us to another hidden door. Once again, two sections of stone opened effortlessly, revealing another, but smaller, living space. It had a lot of shelves with volumes, and in the middle there was a passage between them, like in a modern book warehouse. They were also made of some cold material, soft, but with edges that almost cut the skin. Stone, petrified wood, wood or metal? Hard to understand.

Each such volume was 90 cm high and 45 cm and contained about 400 processed gold pages.

These books have metal covers that are 4mm thick and are darker in color than the pages themselves. They are not sewn, but they are fastened in some other way. The carelessness of one of the visitors drew our attention to another detail. He grabbed the open volume, taking one of the metal pages, which, despite being only a fraction of a millimeter thick, was strong and smooth. The notebook without a cover fell to the floor and when I tried to pick it up, it wrinkled like paper.

Each page had an engraving, so exquisite that it seemed as if it had been written in ink. Maybe this is the underground storage of some kind of space library?

The pages of these volumes are divided into various squares with rounded corners. Here it is perhaps much easier to understand these hieroglyphs, abstract symbols, as well as stylized human figures - heads with rays, hands with three, four and five fingers. Among these symbols, one is similar to a large carved inscription found in the museum of the Church of Our Lady of Cuenca. It probably belongs to the gold objects believed to have been taken from Los Tayos. It is 52 cm long, 14 cm wide and 4 cm deep, with 56 different characters, which could well be an alphabet. Some people believe that the text of a book in this library should be read in groups of phrases.

A visit to Cuenca turned out to be very important for us, because we could see the objects exhibited by Father Crespi in the Church of Our Lady, and also listen to the legends about the local white gods, blond and blue-eyed, who visited this country from time to time.

In their white tunics, they looked like North American hippies, except for their bearded faces. Their residence is unknown, although it is assumed that they lived in an unknown city near Cuenca. Although the dark-skinned indigenous population believes that they bring happiness, they are afraid of their mental power, as they practice telepathy and are said to be able to levitate objects without contact. Their average height is 185 cm for women and 190 for men. The chairs of the Great Living Room in Los Tayos will definitely suit them..."

Numerous illustrations of amazing underground finds can be seen in von Daniken’s book “The Gold of the Gods.” When Juan Moric reported his discovery, a joint Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition was organized to explore the tunnels. Her honorary advisor, Neil Armstrong, said of the findings: “Signs of human life underground have been found in what may be the major worldwide archaeological discovery of the century.” After this interview, there was no more information about the mysterious dungeons, and the area where they are located is now closed to foreigners.

Shelters for protection from the cataclysms that struck the Earth during its approach to the neutron star, as well as from all kinds of disasters that accompanied the wars of the gods, were built all over the globe. Dolmens, which are a kind of stone dugouts covered with a massive slab and with a small round hole for entry, were intended for the same purposes as underground structures, that is, they served as a shelter. These stone structures are found in different parts of the world - India, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Sicily, England, France, Belgium, Spain, Korea, Siberia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. At the same time, dolmens located in different parts of our planet are surprisingly similar to each other, as if they were made according to a standard design. According to the legends and myths of various peoples, they were built by dwarfs, as well as people, but the latter’s buildings turned out to be more primitive, since they used roughly processed stones.

During the construction of these structures, vibration-damping layers under the foundation were sometimes used to protect dolmens from earthquakes. For example, an ancient structure located in Azerbaijan near the village of Gorikidi has two damping tiers. In the Egyptian pyramids, chambers filled with sand were also discovered, which served for the same purposes.

Dolmen near the village of Kamenny Most.

The precision of the fit of the massive stone slabs of the dolmens is also amazing. Even with the help of modern technical means, it is very difficult to assemble a dolmen from ready-made blocks. This is how A. Formozov describes in the book “Monuments of Primitive Art” an attempt to transport one of the dolmens: “In 1960, it was decided to transport some dolmen from Esheri to Sukhumi - to the courtyard of the Abkhaz museum. We chose the smallest one and brought a crane to it. No matter how they fastened the loops of the steel cable to the cover plate, it did not budge. The second tap was called. Two cranes removed the multi-ton monolith, but they were unable to lift it onto a truck. For exactly a year the roof lay in Esheri, waiting for a more powerful mechanism to arrive in Sukhumi. In 1961, using a new mechanism, all the stones were loaded onto vehicles. But the main thing was ahead: to reassemble the house. The reconstruction was only partially completed. The roof was lowered onto four walls, but they could not turn it so that their edges fit into the grooves on the inner surface of the roof. In ancient times, the slabs were driven so close to each other that a knife blade could not fit between them. Now there is a big gap left here.”

Currently, numerous ancient catacombs have been discovered in various regions of the planet; it is unknown when and by whom they were dug. There is an assumption that these underground multi-tiered galleries were formed during the process of extracting stone for the construction of buildings. But why was it necessary to spend titanic labor, gouging out blocks of the strongest rocks in narrow underground galleries, when there are similar rocks nearby, located directly on the earth’s surface?

Ancient catacombs were found near Paris, in Italy (Rome, Naples), Spain, on the islands of Sicily and Malta, in Syracuse, Germany, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, and Crimea. The Russian Society for Speleological Research (ROSI) has done a lot of work to compile an inventory of artificial caves and underground architectural structures in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Currently, information has already been collected on 2,500 catacomb-type objects belonging to different eras. The oldest dungeons date back to the 14th millennium BC. e (Kamennaya Mogila tract in the Zaporozhye region).

The Parisian catacombs are a network of winding artificial underground galleries. Their total length is from 187 to 300 kilometers. The most ancient tunnels existed even before the birth of Christ. In the Middle Ages (12th century), limestone and gypsum began to be mined in the catacombs, as a result of which the network of underground galleries was significantly expanded. Later, the dungeons were used to bury the dead. Currently, the remains of about 6 million people rest near Paris.

The dungeons of Rome may be very ancient. More than 40 catacombs, carved into porous volcanic tuff, have been found under the city and its surroundings. The length of the galleries, according to the most conservative estimates, ranges from 100 to 150 kilometers, and possibly exceeds 500 kilometers. During the Roman Empire, the dungeons were used to bury the dead: there are between 600,000 and 800,000 burials in the galleries of the catacombs and numerous individual burial chambers. At the beginning of our era, the catacombs housed churches and chapels of early Christian communities.

In the vicinity of Naples, about 700 catacombs have been discovered, consisting of tunnels, galleries, caves and secret passages. The oldest dungeons date back to 4,500 BC. e. Speleologists discovered underground water pipes, aqueducts and water tanks, rooms where food supplies were previously stored. During World War II, the catacombs were used as bomb shelters.

One of the attractions of ancient Maltese culture is the Hypogeum, an underground catacomb-type shelter that goes several floors deep. Over the centuries, it was chiseled out of solid granite rock using stone tools. Already in our time, on the lower tier of this underground city, researchers have discovered tens of thousands of human skeletons. The purpose of this structure still remains a mystery.

Perhaps the mysterious underground structures were used by people as shelters from various disasters that occurred on Earth more than once. Descriptions of grandiose battles between aliens that took place in the distant past on our planet, preserved in various sources, suggest that the dungeons could serve as bomb shelters or a bunker.

Just a few weeks ago we could not even think that the Third World War would ever begin. World War, and now political and military analysts are actively discussing its possibility. But there are people and organizations that have been seriously preparing for this kind of confrontation, as well as other global disasters, for many years. And today we will talk about 5 modern shelters in case of nuclear war, melting glaciers, destruction of the ozone layer and other troubles.

Vivos Shelter - an underground city in case of the end of the world

It’s funny to remember now, but millions of people around the world seriously expected the End of the World in December 2012. Vivos, a company that manufactures underground bunkers, has made a fortune from these human fears.

Vivos Shelter is not just an underground shelter, it is an entire town located below the surface of the earth. It has not only many living compartments, but also extensive public spaces, allowing people in the event of the End of the World not only to survive, but also to lead an almost full social life.

The first underground town, Vivos Shelter, appeared in 2012 - the Vivos company sold places in it at a price of 50 thousand dollars. Now she is building several more similar objects for a variety of apocalyptic circumstances, and also creates custom luxury family shelters. To ensure that the space does not sit idle in vain, the manufacturer rents them out as hotels, and also invites people to reserve places there in case of future disasters (one month of idle time costs the customer $99).

floating islands

One popular scenario for the end of the world is the complete melting of the Earth's ice sheet, which will lead to a serious rise in sea levels and the destruction of most of the solid surface on our planet. In this case, Humanity will be able to escape on floating islands, where they can live and work.

One of these projects was developed by architects Aleksandar Joksimovic and Jelena Nikolic. They proposed the idea of ​​​​creating a floating island, on which hundreds or even thousands of people could be saved in the event of a global catastrophe.

The soil that will cover the surface of this floating island will allow organic food to be grown on it. And the wind, sun and ocean currents will provide the facility with electricity. Such islands, as conceived by the authors of the project, could be united into entire cities and even states.

Dome over Houston

One of the films in the Highlander series shows a future world in which the Earth is covered with an electromagnetic shield, replacing the depleted ozone layer. Of course, this cannot be done on the scale of an entire planet, but one single city can be covered.

The first city under the dome may well be Houston, largest metropolis State of Texas. The project, developed in 2010, involves covering the central part of this settlement with a protective structure 550 meters high, created from lightweight plastic similar to that used to build the National Aquatics Center in Beijing.

This dome will protect Houston from excessively high and low temperatures, hurricanes and holes in the Earth's ozone layer. And in case nuclear war it could be a salvation for millions of Texas residents from radioactive dust and air full of chemicals.

Server Shelter

Initially, the network that became the Internet was created as a means of communication in the event of a nuclear war, when all other communication capabilities would be unavailable. Since then, the global network has been a strategic object, and in Sweden they even created a special shelter for the most important servers.

It is located in an old bomb shelter from the times Cold War at a depth of thirty meters near Stockholm. Where previously there was a strategic facility to save the leadership of Sweden, the office of the company Bahnhof AB, which provides Internet hosting, is now set up. This secure location houses the servers of many of the largest private companies and government agencies. So you can be absolutely sure that in the event of a World War, all the most important information on the planet will remain unharmed.

Alternate capital for Japan

The Japanese went the furthest in their apocalyptic paranoia. After all, they are seriously considering the possibility of building a city that could take over the functions of the state capital in case something happens to Tokyo.

The current capital of Japan stands in a very vulnerable place, and therefore could one day be destroyed by a tsunami, earthquake or eruption of Mount Fuji. And therefore, a point 480 kilometers from Tokyo has already been chosen, where construction of a settlement with the working name IRTBBC may eventually begin.

IRTBBC is designed for 50 thousand people to live there and 200 thousand to work there. At the same time, it will have enough space and infrastructure for a quick move to this locality from Tokyo the entire government apparatus, as well as workers in the country’s most important industries (transport, banking, management of the largest corporations).