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On the issue of the relationship between the concepts of “professional guidance” and “professional self-determination. The problem of choosing a profession



annotation scientific article on educational sciences, author of the scientific work - Ermakov Dmitry Sergeevich

Introduction. As follows from the requirements of federal state educational standards, one of the most important results of general secondary education is an informed choice future profession. However, making this choice is quite difficult. Methodology. The study was carried out on the basis of an analysis of the literature and a generalization of practical experience presented within the framework of the special project “Career Guidance” at the Moscow International Education Fair 2017. Results. In psychological and pedagogical science, ideas about factors, incentives, driving forces and mechanisms for making informed choices are very diverse. Abroad, the concepts of free personal development, space of opportunity, informed choice, and random choice take place. The concept is currently accepted in domestic science and practice. The modern understanding of a career is not only success in the profession, but also success throughout life. The most important means of support professional self-determination schoolchildren is vocational guidance. The system that developed in our country in the 1960-70s (the corresponding directions and forms of work are characterized in the historical and pedagogical aspect) needs to be modernized, since it does not correspond modern requirements post-industrial society. Conclusion. It is shown that career guidance should be understood not as the choice of a particular specialty, but as a supra-subject skill, one of the key competencies that ensures navigation, adaptation and demand in the labor market throughout a person’s life (not only at school). Both traditional and innovative means, methods and forms of work are intended to help with this.

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Introduction. As it follows from the requirements of federal state educational standards, a conscious choice of future profession is one of the most important outcomes of secondary education. However, this choice is very difficult. Materials and methods. This study is based on the methods of literature analysis and generalization of practical experience, which was presented in the framework of the special project "Vocational guidance" of the Moscow international education fair 2017. Results. In psycho-pedagogical science, understanding of factors, motives, driving forces and mechanisms of this decision are very diverse. The concepts of "free development of personality", "space of opportunity" and "informed choice", "random selection" are widely accepted in the world. The concept of professional self-determination is currently common in Russian science and practice. The modern understanding of a career suggests not only success in the professional career, but also the success in life. The most important means of support of professional self-determination of schoolchildren is career guidance. According to the opinion of the Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation O. Yu. Vasilyeva, "we need to return orientation to profession to the school." Conclusions. It is shown that we should consider career guidance not only as a choice of certain profession, but as a universal skill, as one of the key competences, which provides an adaptation and employability for the human person through the lifetime. Both traditional and innovative tools, methods and forms of work will help us to achieve this aim.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Professional self-determination and vocational guidance of schoolchildren: historical and pedagogical aspects, modern view”

12. About the Strategy of the national security of the Russian Federation until year 2020: decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 537 approved on 06/12/2009. Russian gazette. 2009. May 19. (In Russian).

13. The report about the activity of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in year 2015. Available at: (accessed 08/29/2017). (in Russian).

14. Putin V. V. To be strong: the guarantees of national security for Russia. Russian gazette. 2012. February 17. (In Russian).

15. Saenko L. A., Bitaev A. C. The positive relations on military service as a socio-pedagogical problem. The world of science, culture and education. 2015. No. 6 (65). P. 218-220. (In Russian).

16. Sanina A. G. The Patriotism and patriotic upbringing in modern Russia. Sociological researches. 2016. No. 5. P. 44-53 (In Russian).

17. The personnel participation in the military service. Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation. Available at: (accessed 08/29/2017). (In Russian).

18. Smirnov A. V. Attitudes on the military service of the youth (on the materials of Ivanovo Region). Vestnik of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod. Series: Social Sciences. 2011. No. 4 (24). P. 60-67. (In Russian).

19. Sorokin P. A. Man. Civilization. Society. A. I_l. Sogomonov, editor. Moscow, 1992. 430 p. (In Russian).

20. Does Russians want to bear arms? . Available at: (accessed 08/29/2017). (In Russian).

21. Shiharev P. N. Modern social psychology. Moscow, 1999. 448 p. (In Russian).

22. Yanitskii M. S. Value orientations of the person as a dynamic system. Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2000. 152 p. (In Russian).

23. SIPRI Military Expenditure Database. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Available at: (accessed 08/29/2017). (Translated from English).



Introduction. As follows from the requirements of federal state educational standards, one of the most important results of general secondary education is the conscious choice of a future profession. However, making this choice is quite difficult.

Methodology. The study was carried out on the basis of an analysis of the literature and a generalization of practical work experience presented within the framework of the special project “Career Guidance” at the Moscow International Education Fair - 2017.

Results. In psychological and pedagogical science, ideas about factors, incentives, driving forces and mechanisms for making informed choices are very diverse. Abroad, the concepts of free personal development, space of opportunity, informed choice, and random choice take place. In domestic science and practice, the concept of professional self-determination has currently been adopted. The modern understanding of a career is not only success in the profession, but also success throughout life. The most important means of supporting the professional self-determination of schoolchildren is vocational guidance. The system that developed in our country in the 1960-70s (the corresponding directions and forms of work are characterized in the historical and pedagogical aspect) needs to be modernized, since it does not meet the modern requirements of a post-industrial society.

UDC/uDC 37.048.45

D. S. Ermakov

Conclusion. It is shown that career guidance should be understood not as the choice of a particular specialty, but as a supra-subject skill, one of the key competencies that ensures navigation, adaptation and demand in the labor market throughout a person’s life (not only at school). Both traditional and innovative means, methods and forms of work are intended to help with this.

Introduction. As it follows from the requirements of federal state educational standards, a conscious choice of future profession is one of the most important outcomes of secondary education. However, this choice is very difficult.

Materials and methods. This study is based on the methods of literature analysis and generalization of practical experience, which was presented in the framework of the special project "Vocational guidance" of the Moscow international education fair - 2017.

Results. In psycho-pedagogical science, understanding of factors, motives, driving forces and mechanisms of this decision are very diverse. The concepts of "free development of personality", "space of opportunity" and "informed choice", "random selection" are widely accepted in the world. The concept of professional self-determination is currently common in Russian science and practice. The modern understanding of a career suggests not only success in the professional career, but also the success in life. The most important means of support of professional self-determination of schoolchildren is career guidance. According to the opinion of the Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation O. Yu. Vasilyeva, "we need to return orientation to profession to the school."

Conclusions. It is shown that we should consider career guidance not only as a choice of certain profession, but as a universal skill, as one of the key competences, which provides an adaptation and employability for the human person through the lifetime. Both traditional and innovative tools, methods and forms of work will help us to achieve this aim.

Key words: professional self-determination, vocational guidance, schoolchildren.

Keywords: professional self-identification, career guidance, pupils.


As follows from the requirements of the federal state educational standards of general education, already in primary school it is necessary to ensure the receipt of initial ideas about the creative and moral significance of work in human life and society, the world of professions and the importance of choosing the right profession. A graduate of a basic school must not only navigate the world of professions, but also understand the importance of professional activity for a person in the interests of sustainable development of society and nature. One of the most important results of general secondary education is the conscious choice of a future profession. However, making such a choice is very difficult. In psychological and pedagogical science, ideas about factors, incentives, driving forces and mechanisms for making such a decision are very diverse.


The research is carried out on the basis of methods: literature analysis and generalization of practical experience. Abroad, there are concepts of free personal development, according to which social factors influence a person throughout his life, so choosing a profession is only a moment in professional development. The development of professional interests is associated with the affirmation of one’s own “I” (D. Super). E. Ginsberg considers professional self-determination as a system of individual decisions at each stage life path, which are based on the search for a compromise between the interests, needs and capabilities of the individual and the social environment. The process of professional self-determination is irreversible, since each such decision requires significant effort, time, and resources.

In the concepts of opportunity space (D. Pritchard) and informed choice (S.N. Feingold), special attention is paid to the needs of the employer, explaining to students the existing opportunities of the labor market, and the criteria for choosing a particular profession. Concept

random choice (T. Kaplow, R. Ricci, M. Scott) is based on those specific life circumstances that developed at the time of choosing a profession. According to J.D. Krumboltz, these can be genetic, macro- and microenvironmental factors, previous life experience, and existing professional skills.

Currently, in domestic science and school practice, the concept of professional self-determination (in a specific job function/operation, specialty, at a specific job position) associated with self-actualization, self-improvement, and self-realization of the individual has been accepted (A. G. Asmolov, B. M. Bim-Bad , L. I. Bozhovich, L. P. Bueva, A. E. Golomshtok, E. A. Klimov, I. S. Kon, S. L. Rubinshtein, S. N. Chistyakova, P. G. Shchedrovitsky and others. ). Professional self-determination- independent, conscious and voluntary construction, adjustment and implementation of professional prospects, involving the choice of profession, obtaining vocational education and improvement in this professional activity. It is closely connected with other types of self-determination of the subject - life (which, in addition to professional activities, includes education, unemployment, etc.), personal (finding and constant development of an original image of “I”, when a person manages to become a true creator of his own life and himself) and cultural (continuation of oneself in other people, the desire for the possibility of social immortality). Thus, professional self-determination is a personal characteristic, process and result of creative professional activity. In the modern understanding, a career is not only success in a profession, but also success throughout life.


The philosophical and psychological theory of self-determination in the pedagogical aspect is implemented in three main directions. The first - diagnostic - is based on three “pillars” (“I want” - “I can” - “I need”): knowledge and consideration of one’s own professional capabilities and abilities; knowledge of the profession’s requirements for a person and prospects for professional growth; the ability to correctly correlate these factors. Within the framework of the second (educational) direction, the formation of a person’s professional self-determination was considered in accordance with systematic external influences. In the context of this concept, representatives of psychological and pedagogical sciences studied various aspects of preparing schoolchildren for professional self-determination. IN last years These directions have been criticized, and professional self-determination is considered from the standpoint of the individual’s self-concept, which reflects her understanding of experiences and intentions, attitude towards objective actions in professional activities in specific conditions.

Of course, the most important means of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional self-determination of schoolchildren is career guidance work. A systematic system of career guidance developed in our country in the 1960s and 70s. (decrees of the USSR Ministry of Education, State Committee on vocational and technical education of the USSR, Central Committee of the Komsomol “On the professional guidance of students” - 1969; Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the organization of interschool educational and production centers for labor training and vocational guidance of students” - 1974; Central Committee of the CPSU, Council of Ministers of the USSR “On further improvement of teaching and education of students” secondary schools and preparing them for work" - 1977).

At that time the following work was carried out (with additions):

In interschool training and production plants;

Schools (career guidance offices) - through the organization of stands, applicant corners, debates “Who should I be?”, evenings “Hello, profession”; speeches by managers, production leaders, labor veterans at rallies and meetings of school graduates; weeks of labor glory; career guidance months; visits to clubs and lectures in cinemas; car rallies; parent meetings “Your child’s future profession”;

Vocational schools (vocational schools) and universities - through visits of pupils and students to schools, sports competitions with schoolchildren, open days, excursions, exhibitions technical creativity, conferences, concerts of amateur art groups, performances by propaganda teams, technical creativity circles for schoolchildren, schools for young... engineers, journalists, chemists, etc. under the guidance of teachers and production masters

training, labor classes for schoolchildren; workshops of labor teachers on the basis of workshops of vocational schools, joint meetings of pedagogical councils, participation of teachers and vocational training masters in school parent meetings on the topic “Roads that our children choose”, visits to families of high school students; patronage of vocational school educational groups over the senior classes of schools: joint classes in amateur art clubs, tourist trips, quizzes, cultural trips to the cinema and concerts, military training, labor and recreation camps, Komsomol vouchers for admission to vocational schools for school graduates;

At enterprises - through extended meetings with managers government agencies, advice on career guidance, discussion of issues career guidance work at meetings of workers, meetings of shop and factory committees; activities of career guidance specialists from among the leading production workers, excursions to enterprises, providing a base for industrial training for schoolchildren, school student production teams, workshops, forestries, children's railways and other things, employment of students during the holidays in working positions;

In local media.

At the same time, a number of shortcomings in career guidance work have emerged, some of which have not yet been overcome: the predominance of information and awareness-raising forms, spontaneity, campaignism, lack of sufficient coordination between various interested organizations, and separation from the real needs of the regional economy.

In 2016, the Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation O. Yu. Vasilyeva stated that “it is necessary to return the focus on the profession to schools, this is necessary.” However, the existing system does not meet the modern requirements of post-industrial society, because:

Formed public opinion about the prestige/non-prestige of various levels of vocational education; there remains an imbalance in the number of graduates of higher, secondary and primary vocational education programs;

In schools and in society as a whole, the orientation towards orientation and preparation of graduates for entry into higher education institutions dominates;

The level of readiness of teaching staff to organize career guidance work with schoolchildren and young people is insufficient; there is no system for training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in the field of career guidance: career guidance specialists, career consultants, professional diagnosticians;

There is an underestimation of the role of the school’s partnership with modern labor markets, technologies, and qualifications;

There is no coordinated management system or unified information system in the field of career guidance work.

It is obvious that today the tasks, content and methods of the existing system aimed at preparing a young person to choose a profession must change significantly. In this regard, it seems appropriate to present materials from the special project “Career Guidance” from the Moscow International Education Fair - 2017 (MIEF), held on April 12-15, 2017 in Moscow under the patronage of UNESCO.

The salon brought together more than a thousand events, divided into clusters: preschool, secondary, secondary vocational, higher, additional, inclusive, continuing education, public policy. Within each cluster there were four main work tools: a business program, an exhibition, special projects and communication scenarios. The focus of the special project “Career Guidance,” organized for students (both individually and as part of school groups) with the participation of career guidance companies, psychological centers, and consulting organizations, is the connection between the education system and the labor market. This is a guide to education and career, giving you the opportunity to ask current questions in the field of education and labor markets, see different opportunities and scenarios, understand how modern professions are developing, and what skills are important for modern graduates to have.

Is it possible to create a future career project? The answer to this question is yes, but it is not that simple. To do this, you need to form your own personal route in the profession and understand what and how you need to study and master. There is no doubt that it is much more difficult for modern teenagers than 20 years ago, since the world around us (not only in the professional sphere) is very

has changed and continues to change. A career today is not about climbing a mountain, but about traveling through the nodes of the “crystal lattice” of industries and skills/competencies.

Choosing a profession is a difficult life task, and you need to prepare for it in advance. Adolescence is a time of such choice, which gives rise to many questions and problems. What conditions influence choice? How to determine the factors that are important for yourself and not make mistakes? How does education influence your career path? What educational trajectory should you bet on now in order for your future career to be successful?

You can simply turn to a psychologist-vocational consultant for help. He will give advice, but this choice will be “foreign”, because the person must make the decision himself. The difficulty of choice is also due to the psychological characteristics of adolescence. In this regard, already at school it is important to become familiar with the basic tools of career guidance, as well as learn about typical mistakes when choosing a profession and design your own strategy for professional self-determination. A teacher-tutor can help with this. But the main thing is that the goal must be formulated by the student himself. Goal setting, correct goal setting, turning dreams into specific tasks, and steps to achieve what you want also need to be learned. Goal setting is not the only key skill of the 21st century. Employers also include communication, self-organization, and teamwork among them. Unfortunately, this is not always taught well in school.

However, it is the supra-professional skills (metacompetences/universal competencies) that are in demand today in the labor market and are becoming key to a successful career and business - regardless of the chosen profession, industry, or career trajectory. This is the opinion of experts from the World Economic Forum. MMSO speakers also spoke about this.

What qualities are needed to achieve success? How to evaluate your strengths? How to identify key competencies/skills of the 21st century and how to develop them? One example presented was the key skill of making informed choices. As uncertainty increases in all aspects of life, it is important to learn to make informed choices, take responsibility, and deal with the consequences of your decisions. Self-organization skills, as another example, help teenagers become successful in life and cope with academic workloads. Reserves for increasing the level of self-organization are a properly equipped workplace in the room, convenient, personally customized means of recording and analyzing plans and tasks (using planning screens). It is even more important to master the tools that help you follow your plans.

Actually, professional guidance itself, navigation and successful adaptation to labor market conditions are also a key competency. Today, the understanding of career guidance as a set of one-time tests, trainings, and professional tests is no longer just not relevant, but incorrect. Moreover, these mistakes cannot always be corrected in adulthood. Career guidance is a skill that will always be needed to ensure demand in the labor market depending on changes in the external environment.

The salon presented a wide range of forms of career guidance work - from traditional meetings with representatives of Moscow and other universities to neuropsychological approaches that take into account the results of psychophysiological diagnostics of brain function, and in some cases, genetic analysis. Among the traditional methods are conversations about preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam, tactics for entering a university, presentations of foreign universities and programs international education, meetings with representatives of leading Russian and international companies, career trajectory algorithm, career consultations. Among the innovative methods are career guidance on the Internet using computer technology; career guidance online games, quests, vacation career guidance programs and summer camps, internships.

A number of developments were presented by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives: “Atlas of New Professions”; Board games“Compass of new professions”, “Supraprofessional skills of the future”, “Disappearing professions” (“Retired professions”); model lesson “Professions of the future.” Along with well-known professions - astronaut, counselor, teacher - much attention was paid to the professions of the future, presented in the “Atlas of New Professions”. The prospects for the development of individual industries were also considered - agriculture, e-sports, aircraft manufacturing; robotization in agriculture, medicine, energy, urban planning; economics, biotechnology and bioengineering, education, information technologies, art and museums, medicine and health.

It was, of course, about the development of talent, giftedness, abilities as a prerequisite for professional self-determination, as well as the gift of visionaryness - to find new ideas, to open the most seemingly unimaginable doors to the future.


Thus, the work of the Moscow International Education Fair - 2017 confirmed the importance of career guidance work - for schoolchildren, parents, teachers, educational and consulting organizations, and employers. At the same time, career guidance should be understood not as the choice of a particular specialty, but as a supra-subject skill, one of the key competencies that provides a person with navigation, adaptation and demand in the labor market throughout his life (not only at school). Both traditional and innovative means, methods and forms of work are intended to help with this.


1. Baldin S.S. Current problems of career guidance for schoolchildren. 60-80s of the XX century. // Russia and the Asia-Pacific region. 2004. No. 3. P. 25-31.

2. Budagov G.P. Formation of high school students’ readiness for professional self-determination as a psychological and pedagogical problem // Vector of Science of Tomsk State University. 2012. No. 2. P. 50-52.

3. Golomshtok A.E. Choice of profession and education of a schoolchild’s personality. M.: Education, 1979. 203 p.

4. Dorozhkin E. M., Zeer E. F. Scientific and applied foundations of career guidance: theory and practice // Siberian psychological journal. 2014. No. 52. pp. 67-78.

5. Klimov E. A. Psychology of professional self-determination. Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 1996. 512 p.

6. The concept of organizational and pedagogical support of professional self-determination of students in the conditions of continuous education / V. I. Blinov, I. S. Sergeev, E. V. Zachesova, etc. M.: Pero, 2014. 38 p.

7. Moscow International Salon of Education [Electronic resource]. URL:

8. Smirnov I. P. System of professional guidance: change or develop? // Professional education in Russia and abroad. 2017. No. 1 (25). pp. 18-21.

9. Federal state educational standards of general education [Electronic resource]. URL: http:// Ministry of Education and Science.rf/documents/543.

10. Khasanova I. I., Kotova S. S. The problem of using innovative technologies in the professional self-determination of youth //European journal of education and applied psychology. 2015. No. 3. P. 19-23.

11. Chistyakova S. N., Kholodnaya M. A., Shalavina T. I. Your professional career. M., 2005. 248 p.

12. The future of jobs and skills. URL:

1. Baldin S. S. Contemporary problems of vocational guidance of schoolchildren. 60-80-ies of the XX century. Russia and Pacific. 2004. No. 3. P. 25-31. (In Russian).

2. Budagov G. P. Formation of readiness of senior pupils to professional self-determination as a psychological and pedagogical problem // Vector of science of Tomsk state University. 2012. No. 2. P. 50-52. (In Russian).

3. Golomshtok A. E. Choice of profession and education of the student's personality. Moscow: Prosveshhenie, 1979. 203 p. (In Russian).

4. Dorozhkin E. M., Zeer E. F. Scientific and foundation practicals of career counseling: theory and practice //Siberian Journal of Psychology. 2014. No. 52. P. 67-78. (In Russian).

5. Klimov E. A. Psychology of professional self-determination. Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 1996. 512 p. (In Russian).

6. Blinov V. I., Sergeev I. S., Zachesova E. V. etc. The concept of organizational-pedagogical support of professional self-determination of students in conditions of continuous education. Moscow: Pero, 2014. 38 p. (In Russian).

7. Moscow international education fair. Available at: (In Russian).

8. Smirnov I. P. The system of career guidance: to change or develop? Professional education in Russia and abroad. 2017. No. 1 (25). P. 18-21. (In Russian).

9. Federal state educational standards of general education. Available at: http://minobrnauki.rf/dokumenty/543. (In Russian).

10. Khasanova I. I., Kotova S. S. The problem of using innovative technologies in professional self-determination of youth. European journal of education and applied psychology. 2015. No. 3. P. 19-23. (In Russian).

11. Chistyakova S. N., Kholodnaya, M. A., Salavina T. I. Your professional career. Moscow, 2005. 248 p. (In Russian).

12. The future of jobs and skills. Available at: (Translated from English).

  • Career guidance is a system of work to support a person’s professional self-determination. The central point of professional self-determination is choice, or more precisely, a consistent series of professionally significant choices in various situations throughout life.
  • A person’s professional self-determination occurs in unity with his personal and social self-determination. Therefore, career guidance work should be based on personally significant values ​​and meanings that guide a person when choosing a profession.
  • Conditions for the effectiveness of career guidance work: practice-oriented (method of professional trials); direct participation of representatives of the professional sphere; targeting not only the students themselves, but also their parents.

Professional orientation and professional self-determination.

Professional guidance - This is a system of work that helps a person competently solve one of the most important tasks in life - building your professional perspective. In other words, career guidance is a system of support work professional self-determination person.

Professional self-determination- the process of a person acquiring his or her attitude to the professional and labor sphere based on the coordination of internal capabilities and needs with external requirements.

This process includes a person’s search and discovery of the meaning of his professional activity, the discovery and realization of his “I” as a professional. The central point of self-determination is choice, more precisely, a consistent series of choices in various situations throughout life (the primary division of all areas of professional activity into “interesting” and “not interesting”, choosing a study profile, determining the place to continue post-school education, choosing a specialty and specialization, employment, career growth, change place of work, etc.).

Professional self-determination, if it is realized consciously and purposefully, can also be considered as a special type of student activity. The corresponding “supporting” or “complementary” activity of the teacher is support for professional self-determination. Professional self-determination of a schoolchild or student relates to his support in much the same way as learning relates to teaching.

Supporting professional self-determination is the activity of a teacher (psychologist), aimed at creating conditions for the formation of a student’s set of competencies necessary for successful professional self-determination, and general internal readiness to resolve the problems of professional life.

Support for professional self-determination includes, in one way or another:

  • education child and teenager to independently plan their life path and design individual educational trajectory, formation of his readiness for professional and educational choice and implementation of the decisions made;
  • support self-determination, which is the readiness to adequately respond to the psychological discomfort of a child/adolescent in the process of self-determination, assistance in overcoming emerging problem situations that are recognized as difficulties, questions, contradictions, obstacles, barriers, or are not recognized at all;
  • working with parents children and adolescents who have to make a professional choice.

Let us note that the role of parents in the process of professional self-determination of children and adolescents is extremely large. Parents can either effectively help or, unfortunately, just as effectively hinder the independent, conscious and responsible professional choice of their child. The task of career guidance work with parents is to make sure that they help as much as possible and hinder as little as possible.

The purpose of career guidance work is preparing a person for his professional choice, assistance in choosing and in building a personal vocational educational project, and then in its implementation.

The end result accompanying professional self-determination is a “person in his place” - working effectively, actively developing, receiving satisfaction from his professional activities and from “himself at work”.

This result is prevented from being achieved “the main contradiction of career guidance” - contradiction between the interests of the individual and the interests of the economic sphere. Its essence lies in the fact that vocational guidance can be understood in two ways: from the point of view of the individual - as support for a person’s own professional choice, from the point of view of enterprises in the economic sphere - as “orientation of students to in-demand professions.” In this case, career guidance work is not aimed at preparing a person for a conscious, independent choice of profession, but at “anchoring” him to one of the in-demand professions. This second approach involves, to one degree or another, manipulating the consciousness of students (and their parents) using advertising and marketing means and is ultimately aimed at limiting the freedom of their professional and educational choice.

The indicated contradiction is a complex problem that cannot be solved by answering the question: “What is correct?” Any “simple” answer to this question, regardless of what it is - “man for the economy” or “economy for the person” - is not a solution to the problem. A solution that suits both parties must be sought through organizing social dialogue with the participation of all interested parties, including employees of educational organizations.

In order to successfully overcome the “main contradiction of career guidance,” support for professional self-determination must be carried out based on certain principles.

The most important among them is the principle of unity of professional and social-personal self-determination. This principle is based on a regularity: a person’s professional self-determination occurs on the basis of mastering socially developed ideas about the ideals and norms of professional work activity. When choosing a particular profession, a person is inevitably guided by a certain set of ideals and values ​​- peculiar to him, but at the same time formed under the inevitable influence of the entire system of socially approved rules and norms.

Why do today's schoolchildren and their parents prefer to choose a very limited set of office professions (economist, lawyer, manager)? A common answer: “Because these professions are prestigious.” But the main thing is not even this. A modern schoolchild chooses not so much a profession as a desired lifestyle - an image of a wealthy, “sedentary” job that does not require physical activity, offers opportunities for confident career growth and is associated with the “elite” (“white collar”). Social and personal self-determination that has taken place in a certain way strictly dictates its own rules to professional self-determination.

But the opposite situation is also possible: in a consumer society, in a world of aggressive social standards, where the “measure of all things” becomes external signs material security and social prestige, professional self-determination becomes a person’s struggle not just for the realization of his professional calling, but also for the originality of his personality.

The principle of unity of professional and social-personal self-determination requires the construction of career guidance work with the values ​​and meanings of a self-determining person. There are many pitfalls along this path. Living in accordance with internal values ​​is not at all what society teaches us. These values ​​and the goals based on them arise from within. They need to be “extracted” and “tested” using tools such as social and professional tests (see below for professional tests). The purpose of such tests is not so much “tasting the profession” as “tasting oneself in the profession.”

The second most important principle is gradualism and continuity of support for professional self-determination. This requires the abandonment of all kinds of “career guidance events” and other similar “quick”, one-time and episodic forms of career guidance work. The subject of support for professional self-determination is a long process that begins with preschool age and continues throughout life.

Tasks of supporting professional self-determination students of different ages are:

  • - for preschoolers - the formation of interest in the world of professional work, positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;
  • - students in grades 1-7 - the formation of a set of competencies that ensure the success of professional self-determination (readiness to navigate the world of professional information, assess the degree of success in passing professional tests, make an informed choice based on a search of alternatives, make a decision and implement it, overcoming possible difficulties and etc.); self-knowledge to determine one’s professional inclinations, abilities and personal qualities;
  • - students in grades 8-9 - comprehensive support for professional and educational choice, ending with the determination of the profile of study in high school or profession/specialty of secondary vocational education;
  • - students in grades 10-11 - comprehensive support for professional and educational choice, ending with the determination of the specialty/direction of training in professional educational organization or university;
  • - students of technical schools, colleges, universities - clarification of the correctness of the perfect professional and educational choice; strengthening, deepening and developing professional motivation; if necessary, repeated self-determination associated with a change in one’s professional choice; and also - clarification of specialization and choice of a specific place of work; determination of ways and means of professional self-improvement and self-development.

The principle of practice-oriented process of supporting professional self-determination requires the mandatory use of practice-oriented formats in career guidance activities: career guidance projects, business games, industrial expeditions, gaming championships, professional tests, etc. The greatest effect is achieved by those that help immerse a teenager in a real professional context and therefore, as a rule, cannot be implemented directly in schools. That is why the organization of career guidance work requires the establishment of a close social partnership between schools and the “external contour of career guidance” - organizations additional education, professional educational organizations, universities, enterprises in the economic and social sphere.

A natural consequence of the previous one is principle of openness and social partnership, which requires the active inclusion in the career guidance process of all interested parties - students and their parents, educational organizations of all types and levels, employers, representatives of public organizations, the media, municipal authorities - and the organization of their dialogue and interaction at the local, municipal, regional levels. Social partnership and social dialogue of all parties interested in the course and results of career guidance work are the only guarantee that situations of either authoritarian pressure on a student’s professional choice from anyone or manipulation of his consciousness in order to achieve a certain decision will be excluded.

The principle of subject activity presupposes the active position of a child and adolescent in the process of their professional choice and, accordingly, the priority of active forms and methods of career guidance work.

The principle of positivity requires the use of a creative approach and bright, attractive forms when organizing career guidance activities, especially mass and group forms of work. When demonstrating samples of professional activities, professional equipment, etc. to students and their parents. it is necessary to demonstrate the best examples and best practices. Positive emotional coloring, combined with a creative approach, contributes to the fact that professional choice takes on the character not of a “choice between two evils”, but of a “choice between good and best.” All this allows us to implement another important task of career guidance work - to form among children, adolescents and young people an interest in professional work, ideas about its beauty and expediency, about its positive impact on personal development and the spiritual appearance of a person.

The forms and methods of career guidance work are varied. All of them can be divided into three main groups: information, self-determination training and practice.

Forms and methods of the group " informing» are united by a common goal - to provide recipients with the information necessary for an informed professional choice, conscious self-determination and competent construction of a personal professional plan.

  • 1. Information session- a form of professional information, limited in time, topic and designed for a specific target group. Possible options:
    • - Announcement - short-term information session lasting 5-30 minutes;
    • - lecture/lecture-conversation - a session of professional education for parents, high school students or students lasting 45 minutes - 1.5 hours;
    • - conference - a long information session with the invitation of several specialists of various profiles and (or) representatives of various organizations; includes information messages from specialists and a “question-and-answer” part;
    • - reference and information consultation - an individual or microgroup information session, which is conducted at the request of students or their parents;
    • - career guidance event/propaganda team - a professional information event, carried out, as a rule, by students or high school students using bright, emotionally charged forms of presenting information. Its goal is to attract the attention of the general public (or certain categories of the population) to career guidance issues, for example, to the topic of demand/unavailability of certain professions.

The content may include relevant information: about the ways and means of building a professional career, the conditions for its success; about the main labor roles in modern society; about the characteristics of various professions (about working conditions, about the requirements imposed by the profession on the employee, as well as about medical indications and contraindications); about the state and prospects for the development of the local labor market, including the availability of vacancies in certain professions at certain enterprises; about the regional and local market of vocational educational services, about the opportunities and ways to obtain certain professions and specialties, about the conditions for admission and admission, about the features of training in various VET and higher education programs, etc.

Information sessions conducted with small groups of students of a certain age and (or) their parents can also be devoted to the individual professionally significant characteristics of specific students (abilities, level of general and academic preparedness, limitations and contraindications).

Information sessions addressed to parents of students, as a rule, are devoted to their psychological and pedagogical education about the goals, objectives, forms and methods of supporting the professional self-determination of children and adolescents.

2. Meeting with a professional- a method of professional information that provides first-hand information by organizing direct communication between students and (or) their parents with a representative of the professional field (skilled worker, specialist, manager, expert). Parents of students, as well as graduates of the school or neighboring schools, including young professionals, can be professionals invited to talk. In these cases, the emotional impact of the meeting is stronger, since the barriers of perception are reduced or absent (the professional is “an insider” with whom those present more easily establish contact and identify themselves).

Typical stages of a meeting with a professional:

  • 1) preparation - a preliminary story about the professional to the meeting participants;
  • 2) a story from a professional;
  • 3) the professional’s answers to the participants’ questions (informal conversation);
  • 4) aftereffect - discussion of personally significant results of the meeting in a group of participants.

Varieties of such an event: conversation; conference (with the simultaneous participation of professionals - representatives of different specialties/different enterprises); an interview with a professional (including in the workplace), which can be carried out during a career guidance project or a production expedition; lesson from a professional.

Professional diagnostics- a method of obtaining objective information about the potential compliance of a particular person’s capabilities with the requirements of a particular profession. Methods of professional diagnostics: conversation or open-ended interview; closed-type interviews on predetermined questions; survey; questionnaires of various types (for diagnosing professional motivation, professional abilities, individual personality characteristics); psychological career guidance tests; psychophysiological and medical examinations; hardware method.

As a rule, professional diagnostics are carried out as part of professional counseling by specially trained psychologists or vocational consultants, however, a vocational education teacher can also use some simple techniques in his work, for example:

  • - J. Holland's technique (Holland) - allows you to identify one of six types of professional orientation of an individual (nature of abilities, style of thinking and activity, leading needs and orientation towards certain human values);
  • - "Professional associations" - career guidance test based on associative method. The subject gives associations to the profession. The professional orientation of the individual is assessed;
  • - "Career Anchors"- diagnostic technique value orientations in a career (E. Shein, translation and adaptation by V. A. Chiker, V. E. Vinokurova). This test is designed to determine the severity of career orientation.

In addition, almost all formats of career guidance work can be used as a means of professional diagnostics, since they make it possible to observe self-determined children and adolescents in various types of activities and situations - work, play, conflict, etc. In these situations, the individual characteristics of students that are significant for their professional self-determination - abilities, inclinations, personal qualities, level of development of certain skills and competencies.

3. Professional presentation (vocational and educational) context - demonstration to students and (or) their parents of visual and practical information reflecting the current state of professional and vocational and educational environment of the region, as well as local professional and vocational-educational practices and contexts. At the same time, students and their parents remain in the role of observers and are not included in the demonstrated practices.

The subject of the demonstration can be (in various combinations):

  • - professional context of the enterprise (technological process, equipment and principles of its operation, professional activities of employees, working conditions, corporate training system, work with young specialists, etc.);
  • - professional and educational context of a college, technical school, university (auditoriums, laboratories, features student life etc.);
  • - generalized information (data about vacancies of the enterprise, information about a professional educational organization, an overview of professional educational organizations in the region, etc.).

Among the types of presentations are the following:

  • - Master Class- a time-limited demonstration by a highly qualified specialist of his own skills, the author’s style of professional activity. The purpose of the master class is to demonstrate the professional competencies and skills of a professional, as well as his “inner kitchen” and “know-how”. The master class does not involve the direct involvement of other participants in the practical activities, who remain in the role of “actively observing”;
  • - exhibition (career guidance)- demonstration of professional and vocational educational contexts of enterprises and educational organizations of the city, region, cluster, industry through specially designed stands (expositions);
  • - "Open Day"- demonstration of the vocational educational context by an educational organization implementing vocational and (or) higher education programs. Similar events can be organized by enterprises (“Open turnstiles day”);
  • - professional tour- a way to get acquainted with the professional context by visiting a specific enterprise (for the conditions for the effectiveness of excursions, see Chapter 2). The role of a guide can be performed by a specially trained employee of the enterprise, as well as a teaching employee of a partner educational organization - a children's creativity center, college, technical school, university;
  • - virtual tour- familiarization with the enterprise, technological process, profession through information and telecommunication technologies (video recording, webcams, Skype, computer modeling, etc.). Effective for familiarizing students with sensitive enterprises, hazardous industries, as well as in working with students living in remote and hard-to-reach areas;
  • - job fairs- periodic mediation-type events organized by the local employment service for different categories of the population (graduates of vocational and higher education organizations; the unemployed; people planning to change jobs, etc.). As part of a job fair, direct contact between employers and potential employees is organized on one site.

To the group "training for self-determination" include the following educational technologies:

  • 1. Case solving career guidance.
  • 2. Career guidance games(role-playing, business).

We discussed these pedagogical technologies in paragraph 4.3. A number of career guidance games were developed by Professor N. S. Pryazhnikov and presented in his books.

3. Social-psychological training, which we met in Chap. 2.

  • See: Pryazhnikov II. S. Activating professional consultation: theory, methods, programs: method, manual. M., 2014.
  • See also: Tyushev 10. V. Choosing a profession: training for teenagers. St. Petersburg, 2009.


1 Higher professional education BACHELOR N. S. PRYAZHNIKOV, L. S. RUMYANTSEVA SELF-DETERMINATION AND PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION OF STUDENTS Textbook for students of institutions of higher professional education

2 UDC (075.8) BBK 88.4ya73 P858 Reviewers: doctor psychological sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov A. I. Podolsky; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty distance learning MGPPU B. B. Aismontas P858 Pryazhnikov N.S. Self-determination and professional guidance of students: a textbook for students. institutions of higher education prof. education / N.S.Pryazhnikov, L.S.Rumyantseva. M: Publishing center "Academy", p. (Ser. Baccalaureate). ISBN The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of training Psychological and pedagogical education (qualification “bachelor”). Vocational guidance in the textbook is presented as a systematic and comprehensive assistance to self-determining schoolchildren not only in their professional choice, but also as assistance in finding their place in society. The relationship between career guidance and professional self-determination is characterized, goals and objectives, criteria for the effectiveness of career guidance are clarified, and various “spaces” of self-determination and methods of practical career guidance for school students are considered. For students of higher education institutions. May be useful to all participants in the career guidance system. UDC (075.8) BBK 88.4я73 The original layout of this publication is the property of the Publishing Center "Academy", and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited ISBN Pryazhnikov N. S., Rumyantseva L. S., 2013 Educational and Publishing Center "Academy" , 2013 Design. Publishing center "Academy", 2013

3 INTRODUCTION The modern era is characterized by increasing attention to vocational guidance, labor training and education. Awareness of the relevance and importance of career guidance, paradoxically, is more pronounced in management (in personnel policy, personnel management, human resource management, etc.) than in other areas. This is probably due to the fact that organizations have to solve specific issues, organize effective work, orient staff towards a career and improvement in their work. In modern management, it is “human resource” that is considered as most important factor highly efficient production. And the main qualitative characteristics of a person as an employee are education, health and work motivation. In fact, many areas of work with personnel in organizations are career guidance, although they have a different name (vocational selection and selection, certification, professional adaptation, work with reserves, advanced training, personnel rotation, assistance in career planning, personnel audit, etc.). If we consider society as a large organization with specific tasks of socio-economic development, with its own industries, spheres of production, etc., then, logically, it is career guidance that should be the basis of all personnel policy and human resource management. And it is especially important to begin career guidance work from the preschool and school periods of a child’s development, forming him as a future full-fledged citizen of his country, capable of doing something useful for society through professional work. Unfortunately, awareness of the need for career guidance work with children, schoolchildren and youth is still insufficient. Therefore, the training of future career guidance specialists (proconsultants, educational psychologists, etc.) should presuppose, in addition to the formation of a theoretical and methodological base, a motivational readiness to work “enthusiastically” in this direction and captivate other specialists with their enthusiasm, organizing effective work with them. interaction. 3

4 This textbook is intended for the preparation of bachelors in the field of “Psychological and Pedagogical Education”, who will become familiar with the basics of career guidance work. Here we proceed from the fact that, unlike masters, focused on more in-depth study of this subject, bachelors need to be given a general idea of ​​professional self-determination and familiarized with the minimum set of methodological tools necessary for practical activities. Further specialization on issues of vocational guidance for schoolchildren involves other courses and special courses and in-depth acquaintance with vocational consulting techniques within the framework of special workshops, practical classes, methodological seminars, etc. The textbook includes five chapters. The first chapter examines self-determination as highest level career guidance work, when a student develops a willingness to independently and consciously solve his or her career issues and make responsible life choices. This level is conventionally contrasted with the work of a professional consultant in the mode of diagnostic-recommendation scheme, when the student is simply given justified (by a psychologist) recommendations based on a preliminary psychodiagnostic examination. Naturally, one cannot deny the diagnostic and recommendation scheme of work, but one can also name more interesting options for professional counseling assistance that bring the student to the level of self-determination. The second chapter clarifies the subject, goals and objectives of vocational guidance, as well as the criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of vocational guidance work. The peculiarity of our approach is that as a subject we consider not only the self-determining schoolchild (“optant” according to E.A. Klimov), but also the entire system of interaction (productive dialogue) of the career consultant and other specialists participating in career guidance work with the self-determining student. And this interaction itself is realized through special means (methods, psychological and pedagogical technologies), which also become the subject of special consideration. The third chapter examines various “spaces” of self-determination, which allow one to better navigate possible objects and make more informed life and professional choices. In this textbook, in addition to traditional “spaces” based on typologies of professions, value-semantic “spaces” are highlighted based on the choice of life position, “life options” (according to V.N. Druzhinin), “key alternatives for self-determination” (oriented by 4

5 essential values ​​of the individual), etc. Options for planning life and professional prospects are also highlighted, ranging from templates (choice of scenarios, stereotypes) to creative options based on readiness for risks and reasonable compromise on the path to success. The fourth chapter provides an overview of psychological and pedagogical methods of vocational guidance for schoolchildren. An overview of the methods is given in accordance with the main career guidance tasks and areas of work (information and reference, professional diagnostic, moral and emotional support for the student, assistance in specific elections and decision-making, as well as assistance in planning life and professional development prospects). At the same time, we understand specific methods only as a means of achieving certain goals and solving specific problems of career counseling. An important emphasis is placed on the willingness of the educational psychologist (vocational consultant) to use these methods in their work. A general scheme for independent design and modification of psychological and pedagogical tools by a professional consultant is also proposed. The fifth chapter discusses the basics of interaction between a school professional consultant (teacher-psychologist) and related specialists both within the school itself (administration, teaching staff, fellow psychologists, social educators), and with specialists representing various social institutions, ready to cooperate within the framework of systemic career guidance work. Significant attention is paid to the interaction of the school career consultant with the parents of students. The skills of organizing interaction presuppose certain managerial abilities of the educational psychologist (professional consultant), which, unfortunately, are not specifically developed for them, in particular, in training programs for teachers and school psychologists, the disciplines of management and management are either completely absent or presented rather modestly. Therefore, in this textbook we paid special attention to this aspect of career guidance work. At the end of each chapter there are tasks and questions that can be used both for independent preparation of students and for discussion in specially organized seminars. At the same time, some of the techniques presented in the appendices can be used as special tasks. The methods are intended to form general ideas about career counseling practice and to develop students’ initial skills in using similar methods in working with schoolchildren.

6 Chapter 1 SELF-DETERMINATION AS THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF CAREER GUIDANCE Correlation between the concepts of “career guidance”, “career counseling”, “career psychology”, “professional choice” Career guidance is a comprehensive, systematic assistance in choosing a profession and planning professional development (in building a career). Comprehensiveness is ensured by the following traditional areas of work: vocational information, vocational guidance, vocational education, vocational diagnostics (including long-term tracking of the main lines of development, as well as relatively time-consuming vocational selection and selection), moral and emotional support for the client, assistance to the client in choosing and planning a career (which is usually done individually, in professional consultations). Career guidance is a very comprehensive concept, for example, we can say that modern Western society is essentially career guidance, since from birth it orients the child towards success in life, towards a successful career. Career guidance involves a broad set of measures, going beyond pedagogy and psychology, to assist in choosing a profession, which also includes career counseling as individually oriented assistance in professional self-determination. Traditionally, there is a distinction between individual and group professional consultations, which are nevertheless united by the principle “Reach everyone!” At the same time, group career counseling allows working with a group, provided that the issues discussed are relevant for each participant in the interaction. The systematic nature of career guidance is ensured by the real interaction of various social institutions, one way or another involved in solving personnel issues at the country level (school, family, professional educational institutions, organizations and enterprises, medical institutions, media, authorities, etc.). Career guidance is the science of career guidance and career counseling. Before the appearance of the term “career guidance”, it was mentioned

7 the concepts of “career guidance theory”, “professional self-determination theory”, “career theory” were required. Both career guidance and career counseling are the “orientation” of a school student (optant), while professional self-determination is more correlated with the “self-orientation” of a student acting as a subject of self-determination (Klimov, S). Professional and personal self-determination have a lot in common, and in their highest manifestations they almost merge. If we try to separate them, we can distinguish two fundamental differences. Professional self-determination is a more specific concept, it is easier to formalize it (get a diploma, etc.); personal self-determination is a more complex concept (at least mentally healthy people are not given a diploma in “personality”). Professional self-determination depends more on external (favorable) conditions, and personal self-determination depends on the person himself; moreover, it is often bad conditions that allow someone to truly express themselves (heroes appear at turning points). True, even in prosperous eras, full of temptations and so-called “happiness” with frozen smiles, there are still people who are looking for meaning for themselves in solving some special problems that are incomprehensible to the average person, for whom the worst thing is joy “champing with happiness” masses. For such people, a prosperous era turns into the most terrible torture, and they themselves create additional difficulties for themselves, that is, conditions for truly personal self-development. At the same time, such people (true heroes) have the opportunity to pose complex problems in relatively wealthy “rear areas”, when they do not have to think about survival, about basic food, etc., therefore, personal self-determination in prosperous eras, on the one hand , is still preferable, but, on the other hand, much more difficult than in difficult, “heroic” periods of social development, since in an era of relative prosperity, genuine personal self-determination often dooms a person to real loneliness, misunderstanding and even condemnation from others . That is why to call upon or somehow “formalize” psychological assistance in personal self-determination is undesirable. It is better to carry it out carefully against the background of career guidance (professional self-determination) that is more familiar and understandable to most people. The concept of “career” is widespread in the West (for example, in the USA, career guidance is often generally called “psi-7

8 career chology"). Russia has its own tradition of using the word “career”; this is success in any activity, but with some negative connotations (“careerism”). In the American tradition, a career (according to J. Super) is a certain sequence and combination of roles that a person performs during his life (child, student, vacationer, employee, citizen, spouse, owner of the house, parent). This understanding is close to life self-determination in the Russian tradition. True, in the Western tradition, the concept of “career” is increasingly associated with irony and condemnation. For example, V. Berg in the book “Career-Super Game” writes: “A successful career is not a happy accident. Try not to fall for the wolves of economics and politics who have managed to make a brilliant career, but learn to howl and hunt with them. Why don't you start bullying the colleagues around you yourself? Become a killer before you become a victim. But you should always remember that this will slightly spoil your conscience. However, your enemies, your competitors, your envious colleagues, they do exactly the same thing. Bullying, intrigue, envy no longer cause feelings of shame” (Berg, P. 6). Professional choice, in contrast to professional self-determination (according to E.I. Golovakha), is a decision that affects only the student’s immediate life prospects, which can be made both with or without taking into account the long-term consequences of the decision and, in the latter case, the choice of profession as a sufficiently specific life plan will not be mediated by distant life goals. J. Super believes that during his life (career) a person is forced to make many choices (the career itself is considered as “alternating choices”) (Mikhailov, 1975) Activity and activation in vocational guidance By and large, the main goal of career guidance comes down to the formation of a professional subject self-determination. If the student is in a passive position, the professional consultant only offers him ready-made solutions, and in this case the work is structured according to the scheme of subject-object relations. Here there is no need to talk about activity or activation: the student acts as a driven object. Here we can rather talk, following E. A. Klimov, about traditional career guidance, when the client is simply guided. But professional self-determination

9 involves a transition to subsequent levels of solving professional consulting problems. But it is possible to organize work in the mode of real dialogue, interaction between the psychologist and the client in solving career guidance problems, when they jointly reflect on complex issues. In this case, the scheme of subject-subject relations is implemented, and we can already talk about the activation of the client through specially organized interaction and cooperation. This can be called joint activity. Finally, we can strive to gradually develop in the student a willingness to independently solve his various career guidance problems. Here we can already talk about the formation of internal activity in the client, when he actually learns to solve his problems without the help of a psychologist. At the same time, the scheme of the relationship between the psychologist and the client can be designated as object-subject, when the professional consultant gradually cedes his initiative to the client, that is, turns from a subject into a more passive observer and adviser (almost into an object). And the client himself, from an object of psychological and pedagogical assistance, is increasingly turning not just into an activated subject, but into a subject with formed internal activity, who can do without the help of a psychologist. Of course, all this correlates with an almost ideal situation, but, having an ideal in front of him, the career consultant at least knows what to strive for in his work. If the client nevertheless shows the desire to become a real subject of building his professional destiny, then the question arises: how to help him take an active position? But then it’s important to figure it out for yourself: what is an active position? what methods can be considered activating? Many answers to these questions are reflected in the special manual “Active methods of professional self-determination”, so we can answer them only in the most general view. The active position of a self-determining person presupposes: readiness to see the problem of self-determination; attempts to solve it independently; willingness to seek help from a professional consultant; willingness to fulfill certain requirements for interaction with a career consultant; willingness to independently perform certain actions outside of professional consultation (on the recommendation of a psychologist); 9

10 willingness to look at your life situation (as well as the situation in society) somewhat differently, which requires a certain courage; willingness to make certain internal compromises both when working with a professional consultant (for example, limiting oneself in time), and when independently achieving specific professional goals (for example, refusing to satisfy some immediate desires in order to achieve more important goals), etc. Unfortunately , not all clients are ready for such a position, and then there is a need to activate them. The general scheme of such activation: 1. Establishing an emotional and trusting contact with the client (it is important not to turn this into “charming” the client with your methods, your authority or charm). 2. Joint clarification of the client’s problem: here the psychologist could use methods for assessing the situation of self-determination that will not only be understandable to the client, but will also help him assess his own situation. 3. Joint solution to the client’s problem: here the psychological and professional consultant can use such means that will allow the client to see how the problem is being solved, and, if possible, to join in its joint solution. 4. Joint summing up of the work, for which it is also desirable to use methods that are understandable and accessible to the client. 5. Timely reduction of the activity of the professional consultant himself in order to give the client the opportunity to solve his problems, so as not to “overwhelm” him with his authority. The essence of activation is not so much to “charm” or interest the client, but also to equip the client with the means to independently solve their problems. At the same time, at first, the professional consultant acts more as an initiator of activity. He seems to demonstrate in the presence of the client a way to solve a problem (or discusses complex topics), but precisely in order to immediately suggest that the client himself use this tool. Thus, the client gradually becomes involved in solving his problems. The activity is, as it were, transferred to the client. The result is a diagram: the initial activity of the professional consultant, the activation of the client in joint activities with the psychologist, the activity of the client himself (with a somewhat weakening initiative of the professional consultant). Thus, activation involves: turning a passive client into an active one, provoking his interest (motivation), thoughts, 10

11 experiences and even expectations about the future life; organization of the client’s activity, when from chaotic and not purposeful his career actions turn into conscious and purposeful ones, and even better based on forecasting the labor market and planning his own situation of self-determination The essence of professional self-determination: self-determination as a result and as a process The concept of “self-determination” is fully consistent with such currently fashionable concepts such as “self-actualization”, “self-realization”, “self-realization”, “self-transcendence”, “self-awareness”. At the same time, many thinkers connect self-realization, self-actualization, etc. specifically with labor activity, with work. For example, A. Maslow believes that self-actualization manifests itself “through passion meaningful work"; K. Jaspers connects self-realization with the “main work of life” that a person does. I. S. Kon believes that self-realization is manifested through labor, work and communication; P.G. Shchedrovitsky notes that the meaning of self-determination is in a person’s ability to build himself, his individual history, in the ability to constantly rethink his own essence. E.A. Klimov identifies two levels of professional self-determination: 1) gnostic (restructuring of consciousness and self-awareness); 2) practical (real changes social status person) (Klimov, S). Self-determination presupposes not only self-realization, but also the expansion of one’s original capabilities, self-transcendence (according to V. Frankl): “fullness human life is determined through its transcendence, i.e. the ability to go beyond oneself, and most importantly in a person’s ability to find new meanings in a specific matter and in his entire life.” Thus, it is the meaning that determines the essence of self-determination, self-realization and self-transcendence. The famous philosopher N.A. Berdyaev in his work “Self-Knowledge” noted that even “on the threshold of adolescence and youth, I was once shocked by the thought: Even though I do not know the meaning of life, the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life, and I will devote my life to this search for meaning.” (Berdyaev, S. 74). eleven

12 All this allows us to define the essence of professional self-determination as the search and finding of personal meaning in the chosen, mastered and already performed work activity, as well as finding meaning in the process of self-determination itself. At the same time, the paradox of self-determination is immediately revealed (as well as the paradox of happiness): the found meaning as something already achieved, decided, as a certain result of the search, immediately devalues ​​life, and a kind of “emptiness” is formed when it is not clear what to live for next, what to strive for . At best, one remains to strive for the identified goals (to realize the meanings found), turning rather into a performer. Therefore, the process of searching for meaning is no less important, where individual, already found meanings are only intermediate stages of the process. The process itself becomes the main meaning; this is life, life as a process, and not as some kind of “achievement”. True, according to V. Frankl (Frankl, 1990), it turns out that meaning cannot be built anew, it can only be found. But there is an element of predetermination in this, which somewhat limits the true creativity of professional and personal self-determination. With a more creative approach to one’s life, the meaning itself is created anew by a person. It is in this case that a person turns into a true subject of self-determination, and does not simply act as a conductor of some “higher” meanings. The scheme for constructing personal professional prospects (PPP) as a model of self-determination. This scheme is an attempt to specify the concept of “professional self-determination”, to move from general reasoning to an option that could be used both in practical work and when creating new methods of career guidance. This LPP scheme (Table 1) is based on the scheme proposed by E. A. Klimov (Klimov, 1983; 1990, etc.), significantly supplemented with value-semantic components. The left side of the table lists the components of the LPP construction scheme, and the right side contains the relevant questions for working with clients. If the work is carried out with a class, then everyone takes a regular notebook sheet, signs it, puts down the number of the next question and immediately writes down the answer. It usually takes about

13 Table 1. Scheme for constructing a personal professional perspective (PPP) Components of the PPP 1. Awareness of the value of honest work (the value-moral basis of self-determination). 2. Awareness of the need for vocational education after school. 3. General orientation in the socio-economic situation in the country and forecasting its changes. 4. Knowledge of the world of professional work (macroinformational basis of self-determination). 5. Identification of a long-term professional goal (dream) and its coordination with other important life goals. 6. Identification of immediate and proximal professional goals as stages and paths to a distant goal. 7. Knowledge of specific chosen goals: professions, educational institutions, places of work (microinformation basis of choice). 8. An idea of ​​your capabilities and shortcomings that may influence the achievement of your goals. 9. An idea of ​​ways to overcome one’s shortcomings and ways to optimally use one’s capabilities. Questionnaire for constructing a LPP 1. Is it worth working honestly in our time? Why? 2. Is it worth studying after school, since you can get a good job anyway? 3. When will life get better in Russia? 4. A question in the form of a task: given three letters (M, N, S), in 3 minutes you need to write the names of professions starting with these letters (a good result for more than 17 professions) 5. What would you like to become (by profession) in years to come? 6. Highlight the main 5 7 stages on the path to your dream. 7. Question in the form of a task: write down the three most unpleasant moments associated with working in your chosen profession, and three associated with studying at a university or college. 8. What in yourself can hinder you on the path to your goals? (You can’t write more specifically about “laziness.”) 9. How are you going to work on your shortcomings and prepare for a profession (for further education)? 13

14 End of table. 1 Components of LPP 10. Idea of ​​external obstacles on the way to goals. 11. Knowledge of ways to overcome external obstacles. 12. Availability of a system of backup options in case of failure of the main option. 13. Idea about the meaning of your future professional work. 14. Beginning of practical implementation of LPP. Questionnaire on the scheme for constructing the LPP 10. Who and what can prevent you from achieving your goals? 11. How are you going to overcome these obstacles? 12. Do you have backup options? 13. What do you generally see as the meaning of your professional life? Why do you want to acquire a profession and work? 14. What are you already doing to implement your plans? (You can’t write about how well you study; you should note what you do beyond that.) min. After this, the results are processed (see below). If the professional consultation is individual, then the consulting psychologist can insert questions about the scheme for constructing the LPP into the conversation with the client. Please note that it is better to focus on the components themselves, which, firstly, are more complete in their content and, secondly, take into account the positive characteristics of the client’s situation to a greater extent. For example, in question 8 on the right, questions are asked about shortcomings, and in component 8 on the left, the emphasis is on the client’s capabilities and strengths, since experience using the questionnaire has shown that when working with a class, questions should be slightly simplified (see example, only questions about shortcomings are asked), and in an individual consultation, both disadvantages and opportunities could be discussed. Naturally, both in a questionnaire for working with a class and in an individual conversation-professional consultation, the wording of questions can be modified while maintaining their main meaning. There are different options for processing the results. First option. The sheets are collected, and the psychologist himself evaluates the quality of the answers. Indicative assessment criteria for each question: 1 point refusal to answer this question; 14

15 2 points clearly erroneous answer or honest admission of no answer; 3 points minimally specific answer (for example, I’m going to go to college, but it’s not clear which one); 4 points specific answer with an attempt to substantiate; 5 points specific and well-founded answer that does not contradict other answers. Second option. First, students themselves evaluate their answers (first, 1 2 anonymous papers are analyzed together, and students master the evaluation system using other people’s examples), then the psychologist collects the sheets, evaluates them and compares them with the students’ self-assessments. It is also possible to use a more differentiated scale (for example, 7-point or 9-point), where each point would have to be described. But experience shows that a 5-point scale is also good for assessing the quality of adolescents’ answers in general (teachers know well that when checking a large number written works Against the general background, the skill of identifying and evaluating higher and lower quality answers is quite quickly developed). Let us also note that this questionnaire does not at all pretend to be highly accurate and rather serves for general acquaintance with this group of adolescents, as well as for updating. If you look carefully at this diagram of LPP, then almost all of psychology is represented in it in one way or another. This means that real career guidance is a very complex and time-consuming work. If career guidance assistance is provided within minutes, then it will not be possible to consider all the problems for each component in such a short time. Previously, such “sudden” career guidance was called “profanation.” Typical mistakes, prejudices and “myths” of career guidance E. A. Klimov identifies the following main difficulties and mistakes when choosing a profession (Klimov, S). 1. Treating the choice of profession as the choice of a permanent island in the world of professions. This gives rise to a feeling of fatality of choice, and a bad choice can ruin your whole life. In fact, all life is constantly alternating elections (according to D. Super). Even K. Marx spoke out against “vocation”, which assigns a person to a certain labor function, and called for a person to constantly master 15

16 more and more new types of activities; This is what ensures its harmonious development. K. Marx even wrote that “the nature of large-scale industry requires a constant movement of labor,” when “every five years a worker will be forced to change his profession,” which is associated with the constant change and development of production itself. K. Marx's predictions were partially confirmed, and in modern enterprises, successful careers are more likely to develop for those who master at least related professions. 2. Prejudices of honor, when some professions are considered “shameful”, intended for “second-class” people. This problem is complex, but we must understand that every work is important for society. It is not for nothing that in the civilized West, such non-prestigious professions as “garbage collector” are increasingly paid quite highly, and, conversely, workers in prestigious creative professions do not always receive high salaries. One explanation: herself creative work is already a high reward, and, besides, if everyone wants to be “creators,” then who will clean up the garbage? 3. The choice of profession may be under the direct or indirect influence of comrades. On the one hand, you should listen to the opinions of friends who know each other well and sometimes give honest and informed advice. But often, focusing on the opinions of his comrades, a teenager makes the same professional choice as they do; this is called choosing “for company.” And if the comrade himself even justified his choice for himself, this does not mean that his friends should follow him. Each person should have his own choice, his own happiness. 4. Transfer of attitude from a person representing a particular profession to the profession itself. For example, a teenager knows a wonderful adult who is involved in science, and then the teenager begins to think that all scientists are wonderful people. Although it is known that people with very difficult characters often work in creative professions, which often gives rise to difficult relationships in work teams (envy, squabbles, outright bullying of the most creative workers, etc.), and communicating with such people is quite difficult. Therefore, there may be great disappointment in the future. We must remember that the profession itself does not always gather the best people into its ranks. And there are smart and decent people in every profession. 5. Passion for the external or any private side of the profession. For example, in the profession of “geologist,” a schoolchild may be attracted by the opportunity to travel, but it is not taken into account that a geologist has a lot of painstaking and even routine work related to

17 filled with subtle observations, chemical analyzes, recording and processing of results. Therefore, all the various characteristics of the future profession should be taken into account. 6. Identification school subject with the profession (or poor differentiation of these realities). Of course, ideally, educational subjects should also fulfill a career guidance role, i.e. to guide schoolchildren in relevant professional activities. But in reality, many academic subjects are taught too academically and are actually divorced from practice. For example, a story like academic subject does not always correspond to the work of a real historian, who literally “suffers” (meaning “creative torment,” which is a natural and even happy state for a seeking person) from the inability to understand the specifics of the era in which he himself lives. Education itself is usually more conservative and even dogmatic in nature, when pupils and students are more familiar with the conservative part of a given science or a given field of production, while real practice is more focused on solving specific problems, and solving these problems involves special difficulties in professional communication with colleagues, managers, customers, clients and other people, which is clearly not talked about enough in school. 7. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production. E.A. Klimov meant that many technical professions previously included a significant element of manual and routine labor, and were also associated with not very favorable conditions (increased pollution, noise, risk of injury, etc.). In many modern enterprises, workers work in much more comfortable (ergonomic) conditions, and it is not for nothing that the term “blue collar” even appeared, when you can work, if not in white shirts, but quite decently dressed. Indeed, in modern production, more and more technological processes are automated and do not require, as before, large physical and psychophysiological costs. 8. Inability or lack of habit to understand one’s personal qualities (inclinations, abilities, preparedness). Of course, this is not an easy matter, notes E.A. Klimov. But a clear disregard for one’s inclinations and one’s readiness often leads to the fact that the intended goals are not achieved or one has to pay for achievements with one’s health and nerves, which does not fit in with a successful choice that brings satisfaction and happiness to a person. 9. Ignorance or underestimation of one’s physical capabilities and shortcomings, which are significant when choosing a profession. There are also 17 here

18 there may be difficulties in achieving the intended goals and difficulties in the professional activity itself. For example, a job that requires excellent health, endurance, and stress resistance can cause not only nervous breakdowns and mental illness, but also lead to accidents and disasters, which can have very serious consequences for others. 10. Ignorance of basic actions, operations and the order of their implementation when solving or thinking about the problem of choosing a profession. Then situations arise when a person wants to choose the right profession, but acts more chaotically than energetically, and with the outward appearance of activity, the result may be unsuccessful. And here not only individual advice and consultations from specialists can help, but ideally systematic career guidance work. And on the part of a self-determining person, it is important to be active in finding those specialists who could competently help in making the right professional and life choices. To the typical mistakes identified by E.A. Klimov, we can add other erroneous actions of many self-determining people. 11. When looking for consultants and advisors, they often turn to commercial psychological centers, where clients (schoolchildren and their parents) are charged fairly high fees. But large fees do not always correspond to the quality of assistance. 12. Excessive trust in psychologists and professional consultants, who, although they try to provide effective assistance, do not always do it successfully either. For example, in paid consulting, in order to somehow justify high fees, the consultant builds his relationship with the client on outright manipulation (“charms” him and imposes his choice or “chatters him” with beautiful conversations, or even simply trivially tests him using exotic foreign tests and issues scientifically sound, but poorly substantiated recommendations). Of course, we do not advise you to be wary of professional consultants (including private practitioners), but if possible, you should sometimes double-check their recommendations, and most importantly understand that responsibility for the choice lies with the self-determining person himself. 13. Inability and unwillingness to think about the prospects for the development of society (and production). Often the choice is made with an orientation towards today, when some professions are in demand, but in the future these professions may turn out to be redundant (according to the laws of the market, when there is too much of something, it loses its value and “ market price") or there will be a need - 18

19 ness in other professions. The complexity of such forecasts of social and economic development of society is often associated with the fear of taking a realistic look at the situation in the country. Therefore, full self-determination often means overcoming the feeling of fear to think about the problems of the society in which a person is going to find his place. QUESTIONS AND TASKS 1. If a student himself came to a career consultant for help, can we say that he is self-determining? 2. Is it worth activating a student if he takes a passive position and categorically refuses to think about his fate on his own (according to the principle “you are experts, so you think for me”)? 3. Try the questionnaire on yourself according to the scheme for constructing the LPP and evaluate the quality of each of your answers on a conditional 5-point scale according to the criteria of specificity and validity. 4. Try the questionnaire according to the scheme for constructing the LPP on a teenager you know. Rate his answers, ask him to also rate his answers, and then compare these ratings and try to figure out whose ratings are more fair. 5. Can a situation be considered a mistake in choosing a profession when a schoolchild (10th grade student) is in no hurry to think about his future, declaring that everything will be decided for him by his parents, who have everything well thought out and have connections with influential people who “promised to help” ?

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Career guidance involves a broad set of measures, going beyond pedagogy and psychology, to assist in choosing a profession, which also includes career counseling as individually oriented assistance in professional self-determination. The first career guidance laboratories appeared in 1903 in Strasbourg (France) and in 1908 in Boston (USA): rapid growth of industry, migration of people from rural areas to cities, the problem of finding a job, the problem of selecting the most “suitable” people from outside employers, but all these reasons are rather socio-economic.

The main psychological reason for the emergence of career guidance is that it was during this period and precisely in these countries that a significant number of people faced the problem of freedom of choice, which did not exist before or was characteristic only of individual people who did not want to live according to a pre-established, patriarchal order . Over time, career guidance partially covered commercial structures in the form of “vocational selection of personnel.”

By and large, the main goal of career guidance comes down to the formation of a subject of professional self-determination with a passive position of the student. The career consultant only offers him ready-made solutions, and in this case we should rather talk about traditional career guidance.

Or you can organize work in real dialogue, interaction between a psychologist and a client in solving career guidance problems, when they jointly reflect on complex issues - this can be called joint activity.

Finally, we can strive to gradually develop in the student a willingness to independently solve his various career guidance problems. Here the client already develops internal activity, when he actually learns to solve his problems without the help of a psychologist.

If the client nevertheless shows the desire to become a real subject of building his professional destiny, then the question arises: how to help him take an active position? But then it’s important to figure it out for yourself: what is an active position? what methods can be considered activating? Many answers to these questions are reflected in our course.

Course Summary

1. Theoretical foundations of professional self-determination

1.1. Theory and practice of professional self-determination

1.2. Psychological characteristics of subjects of professional self-determination

2. Fundamentals of building a management system for professional self-determination

2.1. Basics of organizing and planning career guidance work

2.2. Methods of career guidance

3. Career guidance and professional consultation for students

3.1. Professional basics of career counseling

3.2. Active methods of professional self-determination

The basic course is designed for 72 academic hours of independent study of course materials in the distance learning system. Additionally, face-to-face or online teacher consultations are provided, with the duration and cost of the course depending on their number.