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Labile type. Energy of temperament: strengths and weaknesses Reactive nature

Reactive character traits can be divided into avoidance (phobic attitudes) and opposition (reactive formations). All of them are produced in one or more ways: ordinary fatigue or general lethargy caused by economic impoverishment, rigidity, breakthroughs of impulses in action.

events and dreams. However, all reactive traits limit the flexibility of the individual, since he loses the ability to both complete satisfaction and sublimation. Habitual defensive attitudes can again be subdivided: for some they appear only in certain situations, for others they are relatively constant, as if

instinctive temptation is permanent. For defensive purposes, such individuals are constantly rude or polite, experience affective emptiness, or are always ready to blame others. Their settings are non-specific and apply to everyone. Such relationships can be designated as “characteristic defenses” in a narrower sense. In psycho

In analysis, it is extremely important that the personality first overcomes the rigidity of these relationships, since they bind energy in a pathogenic way. Even when there is evidence of a struggle between instinct and defense in other aspects, it is very important that the analyst directs attention to rigid defenses. If psychoanalysis successfully mobilizes old conflicts, infantile instincts do not appear immediately.

First, the patient experiences anxiety, and only the analysis of this anxiety brings instinctual impulses to the surface. Between the initial impulse and the final attitude there is a “layer” of anxiety. In fact, many pathological behavior patterns have developed as a defense against anxiety; in infancy, anxiety is

teria is often overcome by reactive behavior. In the psychoanalysis of reactive character traits, as in the psychoanalysis of compulsive symptoms, various autonomic and hormonal somatic disorders often arise. Further analysis reveals that these symptoms are equivalents of anxiety, interpolated between the initial impulse and the final attitude. A character that is predominantly reactive nature, unproductive. The behavioral patterns of such individuals express an obstructive countercathexis, but these patterns are often mixed with features of rejected impulses that break through again. We can assume that individuals of the described type have a “reactive character” (1013). Character is constituted not only by reactive formations against initial needs, but also by reactive formations against reactive formations. An extreme example of reactive characters are ascetics; they spend their entire lives struggling with instinctual needs. There are individuals who almost do not allow themselves to be drawn into any activity, because any activity has an instinctive meaning for them. Some eccentrics devote their lives to the fight against a special evil, which on an unconscious level represents their own instinctual needs. Other types in this category have already been described in the chapters on behavioral inhibition (p. 675). The rigidity of reactive traits is clearly manifested in

so-called hard workers, for whom it is extremely important to constantly work in order to get rid of the feeling of unbearable internal tension. One of Reich's patients aptly named himself

robot (1272). It is clear why work under these conditions is not very effective. In this regard, mention should be made of “Sunday neuroses” (484). Patients become neurotic on Sundays because on weekdays they avoid neurosis through reactive labor. Such people do not seek salvation in fantasy from some

temptations and punishments of the objective world, rather, escaping from instinctive fantasies, they interact with reality in a reactive manner. Despite all the rigidity of reactive traits, a breakthrough of the original motives continues to pose a danger.

If a fireman sets fires to put out a fire, he shows that his interest in fighting fire is not at all of a sublimative type. The same can be said of a committed vegetarian, at the forefront of the vegetarian movement for many years, who, when circumstances changed, changed his profession and became a butcher.

Reactive behavior is found not only in attitudes directed against instinctual impulses, but also in conflicts over self-esteem. Many arrogant people actually struggle with feelings of inferiority. Others who despise themselves for their insignificance carefully conceal a deep-rooted arrogance (1263). Many ambitions express the need to confront feelings of inferiority; Excessive activity may mask a desire to be inactive. At the same time, quite often such attempts fail, and deep-level aspirations emerge. Often there is a compromise between the external desire for non-

dependence and deep-seated passivity is expressed in the idea that temporary passivity is necessary to achieve independence in the future. Such people, in their fantasies about the future, can enjoy independence and at the same time in reality be content with passivity. This simultaneity is one of the emotional benefits of childhood; the boy submits to a courageous father with the goal of becoming courageous in the future. The tendency to maintain such a happy compromise is one

one of the reasons why neurotics are unconsciously interested in remaining children or adolescents. Two basic types of reactive nature can be distinguished: “frigid” and “hyper-emotional”. With a frigid character, a “phobia of feelings” arises and an avoidance of feelings in general; instead, a cold intellect develops. With a hyper-emotional character against frightening emotions, counter-emotions arise as a reactive formation, which produce a false and theatrical impression.

chatting. But, as a rule, counter-emotions contain more genuine emotions than the patient realizes. The intensity of the suppression of genuine emotions is such that

an energy dam emerges from the personality, and as a result, even rational activity acquires emotional coloring. If persons with the first type of character resist psychoanalysis by intellectualizing it, then persons with the second type of character produce a lot of emotional material, but they lack detachment and relaxation in order to treat this material objectively.

Reich compared reactive character traits to armor put on the ego to protect against both instincts and external dangers.. The armored character is formed when in the external environment for a long time there are obstacles to satisfying instinctive needs, and “draws its strength and right to exist from current conflicts.” To allow communication, the shell should be presented as perforated. In the reactive nature there are very few perforations and the material around them is not elastic. Because ambivalence is a prerequisite

formations, the fewer of them, the greater the sexual maturity of the individual. However, reactive characters basically coincide with “pregenital characters,” which will be discussed below. The primacy of the genitals brings another advantage to the formation of character, independent of the overcoming of ambivalence. The ability to achieve orgasm is a prerequisite for overcoming an energy dam. This ability allows you to economically regulate the energy of instincts (1270, 1272).

It is important to emphasize here that classification is inevitably an abstract procedure. In fact, every personality has both types of character traits. The ideal, “post-ambivalent” character without reactive formations is a purely theoretical construction (25). The section on homosexuality discussed overcoming aggressive urges through identification and subsequent love (p. 439). This overcoming must be of a sublimative type. More often, however,

traces of the original cruelty prove that the rejected inclinations at the unconscious level still persist, that is, a reactive change of attitudes takes place. The original cruelty is partially “canalized” into identification, partially preserved and suppressed by counter-cathexis. According to Freud, group members are identified

with each other and, as the original aggressive cathexis is absorbed by this identification, hostility in the group ceases (606). In reality, the cessation of hostility is often conditional; aggressive tendencies are very easily revived. To determine psychological structure groups, the sublimation ratio is extremely important

tive and aggressive components when rejecting aggressive impulses. This relationship is critical in assessing whether stabilization deserves

trust or limiting aggressiveness is just a mask that is difficult to maintain. Sometimes it is pointed out that analysts are simplifying their task when they resort to the assumption that in the patient’s words and actions one should look for content that is the opposite of what is declared. Reactive attitudes do hide opposing tendencies, which makes them different from other attitudes. Whether a hidden meaning should be seen in a patient’s behavior is determined by clinical criteria, since the validity of interpretations is also not judged by the patient’s agreement or disagreement with them (pp. 52-54). In this diagnosis, clinical symptoms (general exhaustion, rigidity, gap in defense) and the dynamics of the patient’s reactions to interpretations play a decisive role.

E. Determine which of the five character types associated with any stage of psychosexual development (anal, oral, urethral, ​​phallic, genital) the following descriptions correspond to:

a) ambitious, competitive, bashful; URETHRAL

b) clean, tidy, prone to hoarding; ANAL

c) self-confident, demanding attention, or vindictive, demanding; ORAL

d) capable of love, pleasure, creative; GENITAL

e) desperate, determined, vain, sensitive. PHALLIC

G. What, according to A. Adler, is the main difference between the life goals of a neurotic and a healthy person?

Repressive character - complaining

The 55th Shadow of Victimization has two main forms of expression. The repressive nature manifests itself in complaints. Complaining is an unconscious mental attitude in which a person makes himself the main victim of his own drama. By complaining externally or internally, we effectively deprive ourselves of strength every time. A person with a repressive character tends to complain internally, choosing a pessimistic outlook on life, while a reactive character tends to find a specific external goal of blame. When caught on the frequency of a complaint, a person becomes entangled in the network of life’s drama - “Maya”. The very energy of discontent strengthens the illusion of the severity of life. Thus, constant complaints not only support themselves, but also lead to premature aging of the physical body. We gain freedom only when we see the essence of this energy through unconscious patterns.

Reactive nature– accusing

Another common form of the 55th Shadow is accusation. The reactive nature externalizes its dissatisfaction by blaming something or someone else. The arrows of our accusation seem to absolve us of responsibility for our situation. In this sense, we "invest" our own components into other people, thereby depriving ourselves of true power and presence. Blame is an expression of outwardly projected anger, but this anger is not “pure” anger. Pure anger is the release of the primary energy of fear, which can be caused by an external cause, even if it is not directed at that cause. By blaming someone else, you immediately become a victim of your own drama. It is impossible to blame a person for his failures, and at the same time understand that he is just an actor in a play. Looking at life through the lens of importance releases blaming energy. Reactive character becomes true freedom when the arrows of accusation stop halfway to their target.


Gift and Siddhi of the 55th Key – Freedom

Spirit of the coming era

Studying the 55th Gift inevitably makes us think about the future of humanity and the entire planet. In the following pages we will see what is happening to humanity now and what will happen during the coming Great Change. To understand the codes contained in the 64 Gene Keys, the details of the development of this Change are not very important. Any delving into details leads to speculation and assumptions. However, due to the deep resonance with the natural frequency of this work on the Gene Keys, it becomes possible to capture the spirit of the coming era. It can be assumed that the echoes of this mutation will affect life in all corners of our planet.

The rate at which changes occur must be taken into account. In the framework of evolution, this will happen quickly, but on the human time scale, changes will occur slowly and almost imperceptibly. We are talking about a genetic mutation gradually sweeping our species. In other words, old people will literally be excluded from humanity. This means that very soon children will begin to be born carrying the full mutation and spreading it through the gene pool. These children will be different from us. They will not emotionally connect with us on a victim level, but will maintain a high frequency that will transform their families over time. At the end of the description of this Gene Key we will look more fully at their role.

Unlocking the Code of Higher Consciousness

Over the centuries, much has been written and said about the nature of higher consciousness. With the advent of a new era, everything more people will begin to gain direct access to higher consciousness and truly experience it. Ultimately, what will happen during the 21st century will spread to all of humanity and accelerate the advent of a time that even now we can only dream of. Until recently, the process of awakening was considered (except in very rare cases) only on an individual level. Teachers, sages and gurus conveyed their truth in a form that people could understand. Almost always the emphasis was on a single question: How can I wake up?

The two main components of this issue are now quickly losing their importance for the present moment. The first component is the question “how?”. We will see that the 55th Gene Key will answer this question. Secondly, the coming changes will gradually eliminate the personal element of “I”. Humanity is entering the era of “We”. Once humans fully embrace the truth of the one, universal “We” of humanity, a final paradox will be revealed to us as we once again become the deeply mystical, collective “I.” A widespread and impactful change is approaching in the form of genetic cell mutation. This mutation is caused by the 55th Gene Key and its associated amino acid histidine. On a chemical level, your own body is preparing for this mutation even now as you read these words. This process is also carried out at the collective level and not a single person can escape it. On its highest plane, the 55th Gene Key is the code for the revelation of higher consciousness. This process unfolds in a certain sequence and will lead to significant consequences. As we delve deeper into this Gene Key, we will try to anticipate the changes we will face and how they may affect the individual and society as a whole.

Turn of understanding

In the Spectrum of Consciousness, the linguistic matrix of Gene Keys, the 55th Key occupies a special place. His Gift and siddhis are called the same - Freedom. This is the only case in the Spectrum and it is very important. The 55th Gift is the core around which a new ability of human perception unfolds - the ability to penetrate physical space. The development of this ability will change the entire world as we know it. Perception will become free, and what we consider higher consciousness will be our ordinary state. Therefore siddhi and gift are denoted by the same word. It is from here that the Spectrum of Consciousness itself will be opened and one by one, each of the Gifts will be freed from its Shadow and merge with the highest potential of the siddhi. Just as the energy of the Shadow increases towards the Gift, so the energy of the siddhi descends into the Gift. It’s as if the genetic wheel of fortune, having reached a certain protrusion in its rotation, turns on another gear. This ledge is the 55th Gift. From now on new power will enter the world, with new laws and far-reaching consequences for all of us.

Until now, perception has been limited to the individual human form. We perceive by moving, feeling, thinking. Without achieving a higher or siddhiic state, it is impossible to gain access to out-of-body perception. However, there have been times throughout history when expanded perception suddenly blossomed, allowing us to gain insight into our future. In the state of siddhi, perception is the connective tissue between organisms - this is the area of ​​​​interaction between consciousness and the material world. Form is the peel, perception is the fruit, and the seed is consciousness. Simply put, perception is the key that opens the door between what we call God and man.

Celestial hydraulics

You can understand the true nature of the upcoming awakening using a beautiful figurative comparison with the life cycle of a dragonfly. These insects spend the first part of their lives under water. The dragonfly larva or nymph, unlike most freshwater insects, does not need to rise to the surface to take a breath of air. Underwater, the nymph is a highly successful predator, eating everything from fallen leaves to small fish. During its life, it goes through a series of “molts,” or stages of maturity, during which it sheds its shell but still remains a nymph. This period of an insect’s life can last several years, and all this time it has no idea what the future awaits it. A series of “hidden” mutations occur. And one day, a certain dormant gene suddenly turns on, and the nymph does something completely uncharacteristic for her - she finds a plant stem sticking out of the water and climbs onto it. For the first time in her life, she feels air and direct sunlight.

As soon as the nymph leaves the safety of the underwater world, its final molt begins under the influence of sunlight. It is truly magical when a more perfect being hidden in the nymph breaks open the shell of the larva. Within a few hours, four crumpled wings appear, and the characteristic slender chest begins to straighten. At this stage, the element of water has great metaphorical importance. As the dragonfly leaves the water and prepares to be reborn into a new life in the element of air, the water still in its body becomes the key to the transformation. This water is pumped into the emerging wings and thorax, causing them to open and unfold for the first time. In other words, the dragonfly takes on an aerodynamic shape thanks to the water from its previous life. Water transforms the nymph into a dragonfly. Having used up all the water, the dragonfly turns around completely. She takes off and begins her new life.

The life cycle of the dragonfly serves as a wonderful metaphor for the awakening of the 55th Gift and siddhi. The immature energy of emotions becomes the engine that unfolds the new consciousness, and as soon as it is born, you remain forever living on the higher planes. This metaphor also shows that we, as a species, must delve deep into the emotional realm and go through a series of mutations about which we know absolutely nothing. Existing in the world of emotions, we receive only faint hints about the life ahead of us. When the 55th Shadow finally mutates completely, a true collective awakening will begin.

Early Stages of the Awakening Sequence

The specific timing and sequence of awakening will be explored at the end of this section. Using the metaphor of a dragonfly, we are currently climbing up a stem from the water into the sunlight. The world's genetics are undergoing the climax of this drama, and so our times may be very uncertain. You may already have some idea or premonition of what is to come as your body and psyche become the battleground for this mutational process. Especially if the 55th is one of your major Gifts, you may be subject to sudden changes in your normal rhythms, energetic states and emotions. This deep process of integration will continue for a considerable time, but will gradually become more smooth.

The early stages of awakening (up until 2012) will be the most unstable phase of the process. It is at this time that our emotional system will literally begin to break down. Two Gene Keys are closely related to the 55th Gift - its program partner, the 59th Gift of Intimacy and the 39th Gift of Dynamism. They are also very active in the awakening process. The 39th Gift and the 39th Siddhi of Liberation will touch every facet of our emotional nature. You can see the relationship here higher properties Freedom and Liberation. The 39th Siddhi truly leads to ultimate Freedom. Liberation is a dynamic process, while Freedom is a state. Equally powerful is the 59th siddhi of Transparency, which awakens simultaneously with the 55th. One can see the hidden purpose of the awakening process in this siddhi - people are forced to become transparent, like the wings of a dragonfly. The 59th Gift of Intimacy is the first step on this path. We must allow life to open our hearts in our relationships.

We already know about the romantic essence of the 55th Gene Key, so the awakening of the 55th Gift is associated with personal relationships. After this awakening, a person will cease to exist as a separate person. Our consciousness will act collectively. Initially, your sense of separateness will be undermined by your intimate relationships. From now on, the more you try to hide from others, the more suffering you bring to yourself. All secret plans must be revealed and destroyed. The mind that obsessively clings to separateness must let go of its grip. This is the end of the era of selfishness. There must be many who will resist this mutation. They will not be part of the new humanity, but they must be respected. Thanks to these people, the old energy will leave our world. There’s nothing you can do about it – it’s a matter of group selection of suitable genetic material for the future person.

Evaporation of the victim's consciousness

As we have seen, the roots of the 55th Shadow lie in the concept that a person is a victim, primarily a victim of his own or others' emotions. Once the 55th Gift is awakened, the idea of ​​emotionally "belonging" to someone will become absurd. Emotions operate on a specific wavelength, but at the collective level there is only one wave left that connects us all together. Purely mechanically, some people can generate this wave, while others can receive it. As with the dragonfly, new perception lifts us above the dark waters of the victim's consciousness, but it will not be simple superiority. We will not become less human. In reality, this process can only be brought about by an immersion in human vulnerability so deep that it becomes a catalyst for our transcendence.

The process of awakening has been known to mankind since ancient times. It is most accurately described in the esoteric science of alchemy. In traditional Taoist alchemy there is a secret formula "Kan and Li". Kan is water and Li is fire. In this alchemical formula, the solar plexus is viewed as a cauldron filled with water of emotional energy. The fire under the cauldron is awareness (also called “qi”), and this awareness is said to “cook” emotional energy (“jing”). In the process of evaporation, the third force of transcendence is born. The Chinese call this force "shen", which means "spirit". Western alchemy uses similar archetypes, but in its own cultural tradition. We view the two forces as male and female, the male and female archetypes of man. Their intercourse in a mystical union gives birth to a magical child, often symbolized by mercury.

In the language of the Gene Keys, the Shadow is the raw material of the final transcendence. Without diving deep into the Shadow and uprooting it from our consciousness, we will never experience the delight of evaporating the victim’s consciousness. Only on these happy couples can we rise from the emotional depths and ride the collective wave.

Increasing the Gifts of Humanity

There are two main phases of awakening brought about by the 55th Gift. The first phase represents a massive rise above the shadow level of the victim's consciousness. When this happens, we will see that the world we know well begins to gradually change shape. Until now, only a small part of people have managed to emerge from the Shadow and show their Gifts to the world. Only very, very few have reached the level of siddhi consciousness. This is exactly how it should be. The frequency range of each person depends on the ranges of the people around him. In other words, the more people who step beyond the Shadow, the more likely it is that someone with a high frequency will make the leap to the level of siddhi. It may take 100,000 living their Gift to push one to take such a leap. In the same way, one person at the siddhi level supports the cumulative frequency of thousands of people, allowing them to emerge from the Shadow and find their Gift.

Freed from the influence of the Shadow, a person becomes a conductor of the creativity of life itself. He also begins to fulfill his true purpose within the whole. The final destiny of the whole is represented by the 50th siddhi of Harmony and the 6th - of Peace. This means that a person, doing his favorite thing, participates in the creation of these conditions in physical reality. This process can take hundreds or even thousands of years to complete. When this happens, our entire planet, like a dragonfly, will move to another stage of development, in a different reality, represented by the 28th siddhi of Immortality.

The word “freedom” is a truly immeasurable word. As we begin to emerge from the influence of the Shadow, miracles happen more and more often in our lives. Freedom is the spirit of the 55th Gift, it is the spirit of humanity. With the expansion of perception, the spirit of freedom will sweep away barriers in your life. “Fractal lines” will open up new opportunities, and previously suppressed energy will suddenly create unexpected favorable circumstances. All aspects of life are closely interconnected, so a breakthrough to the source of your being will affect even those areas whose existence you no longer remember.

Triple awakening sequence

In the first part of this Gene Key, we looked at the triple pattern inherent in all universal rhythms and mapped it into the evolutionary phases of the Three Ages and our current subphase known as 333, which is the main genetic sequence for the completion of the Ages. In the last 20 years or so, the world has indeed undergone extensive changes in its internal structure. As we move through the incredible door known as 333, we can identify three dates or markers that set the trajectory of planetary awakening and confluence. These markers are shift points recorded in the frequency score of our development. These are 1987 - Harmonic Convergence, 2012 - Melodic Resonance and 2027 - Rhythmic Symphony. The three phases of Harmony, Melody and Rhythm form the imprinting field for the complete restructuring of all vibrating life on our planet.

1987 – Harmonic convergence

Much has been said about harmonic convergence. It represents a turning point in consciousness, marked by an unprecedented event. Caused by a supernova explosion in a nearby galaxy in 1987, it witnessed the beginning of the Synthesis period. A series of unprecedented astronomical alignments led to changes in chemistry human brain, which allowed us to finally comprehend the unifying Truth of all great teachings. It is important to understand that such turning points are not random, but are part of a continuous development process. Harmonic convergence still occurs today on many levels as vast, previously separate areas of human activity come together. Now we are witnessing the beginning of a synthesis of science and art, the left and right hemispheres of the brain, male and female, East and West. According to the ancient Greek sage Heraclitus, hidden harmony is better than obvious, but now it is becoming more and more visible.

2012 – Melodic resonance

Since 2012 has been the most talked about date in recent memory, there isn't much left unsaid about it. Let us consider it in the context of the triple sequence of awakening. In metaphorical language, 1987 was the period of pregnancy, 2012 was the period of birth, and 2027 was the embodiment of the new order. The real meaning of the melody is based on the understanding of romanticism. Melody is the quality of music that captures the emotional breath and makes people dream. The year 2012 celebrates the coherence of humanity as one organism through the breath and the newly awakened consciousness of the solar plexus center. Even if you are not a daydreamer, from now on, deepest dreams and desires will be sown and strengthened in your soul as each of us resonates with the heart of humanity through the awakening of Atlantean/Edenic perception.

The year 2012 also marks a dividing line in human development. If by this time you do not resonate with the dream coming true, then your DNA will be erased from history. In fact, this is a completely natural phenomenon. Most of today's human DNA must be switched off in order for it to arise. new form. Therefore, over the course of several generations we will observe how big number old patterns are disappearing from our world. This means that for some time two different realities can simultaneously exist - those who remained to live in the old system and those who build new order.

2027 – Rhythmic Symphony

Many mystics and various ancient calendar systems have long predicted a great turning point in human development, now approaching its highest point. The Human Design System, one of the great systems behind the Gene Key work, uses the 64 ancient I Ching codes as a genetic clock to determine when human DNA will begin to mutate. This clock suggests that starting in 2027, a colossal genetic mutation will begin to break through the solar plexus system of humanity. It is difficult to describe in words the meaning of 2027. The coming change of consciousness will be an implosion of extremely high siddhic frequency. There is no doubt that after this date nothing will remain the same.

From 2027, our planet will gradually begin to subside in reverent silence. Between 2012 and 2027, humanity's major awakening fractal will give rise to a new world that will change life on Earth from the inside. The old system will collapse successfully giving birth to a new order. This time will be the beginning of the reconstruction of Eden, which has always remained on our planet in the form of an energetic image. From harmony and melody the divine universal rhythm will be synthesized. For the first time, humanity will not only hear the great symphony of the spheres, but will also be a virtuoso soloist in it. One day in the future, after 2027, we will finally discover the wonder of simple existence. Humanity will only have to enjoy the earthly paradise, which it has never done before.


Marriage of the sacred couple

Earlier, we already mentioned that the upcoming shift will bring closer the end of the era of the individual “I” and the beginning of the era of the collective “We”. In the first stage of this multi-stage process, major changes occur in the frequency of human relationships. The awakening will bring many new phenomena, one of which we have always dreamed of, but never achieved - the ideal of sacred marriage. The modern institution of marriage is an attempt to embody this ideal on the material plane. However, until now, marriages and relationships, even the purest and brightest, could not reach their highest potential - when two people make up a single aura.

In order for the ideal of a sacred couple to exist on the physical plane, first of all, a merger of consciousnesses is necessary. This is the “mystical unity” or “conjunctio” that the alchemists spoke of. Enlightenment or awareness has always flourished as an individual quality, and there is no historical evidence of an enlightened couple in the true sense of the word. We may have seen symbolic examples, and of course some couples have experienced this state briefly. However, the first stage of breaking down the barriers between the sexes will be to heal the yin-yang split between man and woman. The eternal tension between them is so great that to this day it prevents true merging.

When people in relationships experience general enlightenment for the first time, we will realize that we have been healed of the deepest wound, the one symbolized by the separation and fall of Adam and Eve. An incredible energy field will form around these sacred unions, so they will become the core of entirely new communities. Such events will herald the end of sexuality as we know it today, because the same genetic force is responsible for sexual division and mating. In other words, human sexuality will gradually be sublimated into creativity and higher consciousness. This means that after some time the population of our planet will begin to decline steadily and steadily.

The ancient symbol of the 55th Gene Key is the cup of abundance, or sacred cup. At the Shadow level of consciousness, this cup is never filled - one side is always reaching out and the other is pushing away, one is in need and the other is rejecting. Because of the human tendency to blame, a relationship dynamic is created where partners drain each other.

In the future human relations the cup is never half empty or half full. A single perception of two people will always fill it to the brim. We will no longer “fall into love,” but we will begin to rise to love. Great love between yin and yang will shatter the illusion of our separateness and release an inexhaustible source of energy from the core of creation itself. Ultimately, it is through ancestral families and communities based on sacred unions that new perceptions will spread.

Music of change

Many scientists have discovered similarities between the structure of DNA and music. Sections of DNA and protein sequences are often repeated with very minor changes. This imperfect repetition can be compared to the compositional structure of music, especially classical or oriental music. The idea of ​​the human body being “musical” is not so far-fetched. We are a fragile shell of melodies and rhythms. Brain waves, blood circulation, heartbeat, endocrine cycles and the very fluid of our cells all pulsate in a very steady rhythm. At an even deeper, subatomic level, the molecules of cells and their constituent atoms also vibrate at very high frequencies and are built on a basis of universal geometry. From this point of view, a person is nothing more than a symphony of rhythms, tempos and sounds.

The 55th Gift is closely related to sound and how our body and emotions respond to sound. This Gene Key contains the eternal connection between the human emotional spectrum and music. Perhaps the closest similarity between DNA structure and music is in the triplet. DNA is formed from triplets, which are in turn made up of combinations of base pairs. The triplet is a key structural link in the genetic double helix. In music, the three represents something simply exceptional - it represents the pure aspiration of life itself. The musical trio is always trying to find a different sound, and in this sense it is similar to the human heart frozen for a moment. It is this desire that is expressed through the 55th Gift - the desire for constant creation. Unlike duality, trinity is not linear, it is not at rest, but repeats, always free and always new.

With the coming of a great change, our ancient fear will disappear and we will hear new music. We will vibrate at a higher frequency, chemically lifting us above old genetic fears. We will become one with the music of life and experience the full range of emotions, from light to dark, without fear and without shame. This is the new music of humanity - we no longer need other people's ways and we no longer need systems or structures that provide security. This is how the world gets rid of the old order. The new man will not suppress his pure desire for life. We will cease to be afraid of true freedom, because our perception will begin to operate beyond the mind, with its anxiety about the future. The ultimate freedom does not depend on life circumstances, it is the freedom to allow your Self to dissolve in the waves of the ocean. It is born from absolute trust in life.

Poetic genetics

The highest expression of human language is poetry. True poetry has hidden meaning, which cannot be expressed in words. The secret lies in rhythm, modulation and tonal frequency. To become a poet, one must free the imagination from the structure of language. Likewise, the true nature of humanity cannot be squeezed into a logical box or homogenized. But it is the violence of our true nature that frightens people so much. Once you decide that life is in your hands, it immediately changes. Nowadays people have started to come out of the game in which they were trying to mentally understand life. The ancient Indian sages called this world “Maya” - illusion. Our problem has always been that we have tried to understand the Maya through a medium (the mind) that is bound by laws that prevent true understanding. You cannot understand Maya through Maya itself.

The new perception will put an end to many phenomena. For example, we will witness the resolution of the question “how?” Humanity will get rid of the obsession to understand everything intellectually. This also means stopping spiritual quests. We will no longer fix our perception on structures and systems. We will no longer experience hunger on any level. Like a poet or musician, we will penetrate into the mystery itself. Humanity is already in the early stages of transcending its genetics. As our consciousness begins to rise to the pure perception of the emotional system, we can finally look beyond the veil that has held us captive for so long. Having thus freed ourselves from the influence of our mind, we can truly create great poetry own life. We are entering an era of beauty, a superior era where creativity will reign and life itself will be perceived as art.

Possibility and likely consequences of future genetic mutation

As we move into the next phase, especially after 2027, a lot will change in the world. The nature of mutations is such that they occur as a sudden quantum leap after a long period of integration. Changes at the social level take time, and some of these phases can last hundreds of years.

Physical changes

The secret of the 55th Gift at the physiological level lies in a single substance - salt. Salt has long been known for its cleansing properties, as well as its ability to remove toxins from the body. Every cell in your body contains salt, so water-salt balance is one of the main conditions for health. Everything related to the 55th Gift is literally and metaphorically based on its relationship with water. Thanks to the 32nd Gene Key, we learned that water has memory. When emotions become too strong, you release the memories along with the salt in your tears and/or sweat. The chemical liberation of humanity from ancient memory has already begun, and this process will only increase. Enhanced emotional perception will gradually remove toxic genetic memories from the human body. On a physical level, this will happen through sweat, tears and urine.

As well as sea ​​water evaporates and leaves behind salt, people undergo evaporation and distillation. We begin to change on a chemical level. A new solar plexus neural network replaces the reptilian, fear-based ancient brain. As the 59th Siddhi shows, the human body will become increasingly transparent as it comes out of the influence of fear and ceases to produce certain chemical substances. With the cessation of chemical processes associated with the back of the brain, the body's needs will completely change. Without the toxins produced by fear, it will need much less salt and will become less dense.

With decreasing need human body in salt, our digestive system will begin to change. This will end in a mutation of the solar plexus. The body will not only stop craving salty foods, but will actually reject them completely. This means that people will gradually stop eating meat, and, of course, will be unable to tolerate the enormous amount of salt found in modern cooked foods. Children who inherit these DNA changes may be born with physiological allergies to salty foods and meat. All these changes will be the result of mutation and will happen in due time. But in the current transition period, people actually require more salt than usual to fully clear the toxicity of the past. This is the hidden reason behind the food processing revolution taking place in the world. Nature knows exactly what it is doing and that should inspire us.

Digestion is based on minerals, how the body absorbs and uses trace elements from food and water. In the future, we will be able to extract and combine elements from food in completely new and more efficient ways. Mechanically, it will happen at our whims. In other words, our body, with its mood, will tell you exactly what and when we should eat. One of the most likely results of the mutation will be a much less frequent feeling of hunger and, accordingly, less need for food. In addition to this, our body will find other ways to absorb high frequencies from the air and sunlight. Ultimately, in the distant future, when the final part of the cosmic chess game begins, there will be a universal flowering of the 6th siddhi, which will make our skin completely transparent and allow us to live simply by light

Emotions and decisions - calm the wave

Some of humanity's most radical changes will affect the emotional system itself. Nowadays people suffer from the variability of their emotions. They make decisions that are contrary to their true nature, and thereby create a universal energy field of chaos. Once the mutation takes hold, what we now call emotions will play a completely different role. It will not feel like an emotion at all, but will become a way of interaction. Those who undergo this mutation will be released from the emotional drama of life. These people will also deeply feel all the nuances of their surroundings, but their perception will glide along the tops of emotional waves without falling into the abyss. Therefore, they will be in complete serenity and can be easily recognized by the calmness in their eyes.

Each person carrying the mutation will be very effective in calming the tide of his environment. As more and more people are born with this perception, their common presence will slowly attune the rest of humanity to another dimension - a dimension of infinite clarity and peace. This will also greatly influence the way decisions are made. Decisions will no longer be influenced by changing patterns of emotional attitudes. They will begin to come instantly and clearly as everyone's relationships on the planet become calmer. Decisions will no longer be made by individuals, but will arise directly from our overall harmonious connection.

Calming the tide will ultimately lead to an era of world peace. Metaphorically, this process can be described as an orchestra playing before a concert - a cacophony of sounds produced by various instruments can be heard. That's how it is current state humanity. When a mutation occurs, the conductor waves his baton on his podium and waits until all sounds have died down. Only in silence can we hear the hidden harmony of the true nature of humanity.


Today, many people are extremely concerned about the state of the environment and the enormous harm caused to our planet by the colossal pressure of globalization. In the future, good news awaits us, but before we receive it, it is important to understand why humanity currently seems to be causing this harm to itself. To do this, you need to see the big picture. The planet is our large body, and just like physical body human, and like all life, undergoes a genetic mutation. Life is like a network woven from thin threads. A significant mutation in one species necessarily affects all other species. The current generation is a sacrificial generation. Our collective body cleanses humanity of accumulated toxins. We have seen that the modern, especially Western diet, with its excessive salt intake, leads to obesity in a very large part of the population. Fat becomes the fuel of mutation, and this mutation washes away the collective Shadows of humanity. Stress is another sign of increased solar plexus activity. Mutation puts enormous pressure on the physical shell of a person. At all levels of society, the long-standing ulcers of humanity are beginning to appear - in the business sphere, in management and in the very environment. This is the true meaning of the flood myth. The coming flood will separate the consciousness of the Gift from the consciousness of the victim.

The problem of character in personality psychology is a relatively little-studied area. The term character was introduced into science by the ancient Greek scientist Theophastus (4th century BC). In Greek, character is a trait, a sign, a sign, a feature. Before Theophastos, Aristotle used the word “ethos” to denote the active side of personality - which means character, custom. The history of the doctrine of character shows diversity even in the starting positions when determining this side of the personality.

The concept of character can be represented in two meanings: general (broad) and more specific.

In a broad sense character- these are individual, pronounced and qualitatively unique psychological traits of a person that influence his behavior and actions.

A. Kovalev and V. Myasishchev define character as an individually unique combination of essential personality traits. K. Platonov refers to character as a set of the most pronounced and relatively stable personality traits that are typical for a given person and constantly manifest themselves in his actions and actions. K. Kornilov character is the main individual psychological feature of a person, expressing his basic life attitudes: worldview, interests, moral beliefs, ideals - and receiving their realization in the uniqueness of human activity.

In a narrower sense, character is defined as the mental makeup of a person’s personality, expressed in its orientation and.

B. Teplov believes that character is manifested both in the goals that a person sets and in the means or ways in which he achieves these goals. Character is determined by a person’s attitude towards the world, towards other people, towards himself. character refers to those personality properties that reflect the main orientation and are manifested in a way of action that is unique to the individual.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of personality traits and character when they are close and sometimes coincide. Character is the psychological uniqueness of a person, the integral of all his properties. Basically, character is the unity of relationships and the ways of their implementation in a person’s experiences and actions.

Character is a psychological formation that contains a person’s fixed emotional relationships to typical life situations and stereotypes of cognitive and behavioral “patterns” of response to these situations that are in a certain way associated with it. Character, as a system of certain stereotypes of emotional, cognitive, behavioral response to typical life situations, is formed under the strong influence of a person’s worldview and orientation, but does not overlap. It determines reactive rather than proactive human behavior.

The task of studying character structure is to isolate and systematize character traits and establish their relationship.

Character traits are understood as being sufficiently indicative of a person and allowing one to predict his behavior in a particular case with a certain probability.

While every personality trait is a personality trait, not every personality trait is a personality trait. In order to have grounds to be called a character trait, the personality trait must be sufficiently expressed, sufficiently interconnected with other character traits into one whole, so that it systematically manifests itself in necessarily various types of activities. It should be noted that every whole is not equal only to the sum of its elements, and character as a whole is something more than just the sum of individual character traits. Character represents that part of the personality structure, which includes only personality traits that are sufficiently expressed and sufficiently connected with each other as a whole to constantly manifest themselves in various types of activities.

Notes that character and temperament are often used as synonyms and are identified with the concept of personality. He pointed out that each of them is different from his own personality. The word “character” evokes an association with a certain moral standard or value system in accordance with which a person acts. For example, when we hear that a person “ good character”, then we are talking about the fact that personal qualities are socially or ethically desirable. From Allport's point of view, character is an evaluative concept and an evaluated personality, but personality is not of an evaluative nature.

Temperament, according to Allport, on the contrary, is the “primary material” (along with intellect and constitution) from which personality is built. Representing one of the aspects of genetic given, temperament limits development. According to Allport, “you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.”

People can be divided in different ways, but there is one principle of division that distinguishes them by their actions. The division of people into proactive and reactive types is based on their different attitudes towards different issues; it is this difference that determines their radically different behavior in different situations. And this, in turn, becomes the reason for more or less success for these people.

There are many differences in the views and attitudes of proactive and reactive people, but we have tried to highlight the most significant ones, those that most determine the distinctive actions of people and, therefore, in our opinion, most help or hinder a person from achieving the intended goal, the desired success.

The biggest difference between proactive and reactive people is their different attitudes toward success. For proactive people, success is expressed not in money, property and authority, but in the sense of social benefit created with their help. They feel, see, appreciate the benefits that are created as a result of their work, and this is what gives them a feeling of special success. Everything else that follows this success is less important to them.

This is where their different attitudes to life come from. For the proactive person main goal life is to have time to create maximum benefit. They try to act in such a way, think in such a way, and work in such a way as to create maximum benefit throughout their lives. They know perfectly well that what and how much you get in return depends on how much you do and how useful it is. And the greater the public benefit you create, the more freely you can choose the form of return. Get it in the form of money, respect, or any combination of them.

This is where their different attitudes towards time begin. For proactive people, time is the main, most valuable resource. They perfectly understand that those who are better able to use this most important resource will have more time. They plan and change their plans, but never go with the flow, they set themselves clear goals in time, and always try to achieve them. They fall asleep earlier and get up earlier in order to accomplish more and better things planned for that day. Every day for them is another step towards their intended goal, even when they devote this day to rest. Because they know that they rest in order to work better later, and not vice versa - to work in order to rest well later.

The attitude of proactive people towards their work differs. They believe that what they do is a tool for self-expression, creativity, and creating more. They are constantly trying to improve the methods, approaches and means used in order to do more and better in time. For them, excellence in business is the main condition for achieving the goal. They try not to waste time on things that they can’t do well, they can’t, and don’t give them pleasure, because they know that perfection can only be achieved in the work that you like, it turns out, where you use the maximum of your abilities and properties, where you feel like fish in water. It is by finding such a thing, doing a lot, and doing better and better, that they try to achieve the goal of life - to do the maximum that they can. This is why proactive people, as soon as they see that they are doing something they don’t like, quit their jobs, but when they understand that they are doing the right thing, they fight to the end in order to create best conditions work. In contrast to reactive people, who also feel that they are wasting time, but get used to such work, they themselves do nothing to improve their working conditions, and try to dispel the discomfort caused by the feeling of wasted time, mainly by complaining to loved ones about managers, employees, work, however without result.

Different attitudes to business also come from different attitudes of proactive and reactive people to the environment. Business for proactive people is an opportunity to take care of the environment, loved ones, colleagues, and society as a whole. Any business they do is imbued with concern for others. Since proactive people know very well that caring is the most important motive and desire that drives a person to do special, worthwhile things. Caring helps a person find both the strength and the idea to better care for those he loves and who are important to him. Whereas for reactive people it is much more important that others take care of them, take into account their interests and mood, otherwise they feel in an unfair environment. They do things more in order to prove to themselves and others their advantage, abilities, capabilities, and to earn respect for this, rather than to bring any benefit to anyone.

The difference in attitude determines the different attitudes of proactive and reactive people towards learning. If reactive people study in order to get a title, diploma, or the right to do something, after which they believe that books and studies are just a waste of time for them, and now it’s time to enjoy what they suffered during their studies, for For proactive people, learning is a constant, continuous process, which is the main opportunity to achieve excellence in what they do. To do more and better, which gives them the opportunity to achieve their life's purpose. Accordingly, proactive people never stop learning, every day they try to devote at least half an hour to reading a book that interests them, listening to a lecture, or thinking for themselves, working on a question that will make it possible to find something new, interesting, and worthwhile.
It is precisely the attitude towards learning that is one of the main things that determines the different attitudes of proactive and reactive people towards other people. Proactive people know that everyone around them is better in some way. They look for the best in them, value and respect them because of this difference, and try to learn and adopt this best from others. Whereas, reactive people, on the contrary, look for the worst in people in order to feel superior and enjoy it. Accordingly, their attitude towards people is more arrogant, more secretive and mocking. As a result, relationships with reactive people are more difficult and stressful, while relationships with proactive people are pleasant and interesting.

The attitudes of proactive and reactive people towards their subordinates are extremely different. Reactive people perceive subordinates as low-ranking employees in relation to themselves, who are mainly used to perform menial tasks. They try not to entrust them with anything that will help them express themselves and that will cause them to increase their self-esteem. Because they think, or subconsciously believe, that in this case they may have a competitor who will have a claim to their place. Accordingly, they block the best ideas coming from employees, or, having slightly altered them, attribute them to themselves. They always try to present to managers that their subordinate employees are mostly ignoramuses, slackers, unmotivated, and they have to do everything themselves. This makes them feel more secure.

Whereas for proactive people, subordinates are first and foremost full members of their team. They know well that if they want to do and accomplish more, this can only be achieved by the right team, where the more will be done, the more the creative abilities of each person are included, where people will open up to the end, try very hard, ideas will appear, and they will fight to put your ideas into practice. Proactive people know that creating such a team environment is a prerequisite for getting things done the most and the fastest, which is why they try to create conditions for employees where they will give their best, increase self-esteem, learn and receive more, and will create more value. Because the main benefit of a team leader is not in the authorship or execution of any specific idea, but in leading a team that produces and executes the best ideas, and this helps them both in achieving their own life goals and in receiving better evaluation from managers and others.

And finally, the biggest difference between proactive and reactive people is still in their attitude towards their own successes or failures. Proactive people believe that the main reason for their success is luck, their employees, friends, family members, to which fortunate circumstances were added, and in the end all this led to success. Whereas, during a failure, they believe that they missed huge chances, misjudged the situation, made the wrong decisions, and did not give people the opportunity to help in a timely and correct manner. This approach helps proactive people extract more lessons From any failure, it is good to analyze what changes need to be made in your behavior and attitude in order to avoid making similar mistakes. And success causes less complacency. As a result, proactive people are never satisfied with their successes. They always strive to achieve more, and openly express gratitude to everyone around them for helping them achieve this, and this helps them achieve even greater success.

Then, as reactive people believe that success is the result of their special abilities and diligence, accordingly, they themselves deserve fame and greatness from this success, and failure is due to the situation and people around them, and they always look outside themselves for the culprit for unachieved goals, unsolved tasks, incorrect steps. This attitude creates in them less motivation to seek opportunities for their own improvement, makes it easier for them to be satisfied with what they have achieved, makes it difficult and stressful for others to work with them, and daily relationships with them, which becomes the reason for even greater failure.
* * *
Proactive and reactive people are distinguished only by their attitude to different issues, however, it is these attitudes that determine their different behavior in specific situations, which, in turn, also often causes different results. We are not saying that proactive people are better than reactive people, but they tend to achieve more in life, and this is precisely the result of such relationships. Being proactive is not at all difficult, the main thing is to understand the difference and make the appropriate choice.
"Strategy and Organization"

Along with individual traits and qualities of character, we can highlight the general way of adapting an individual to the social environment is the type of person’s character. When determining the type of character, we highlight what is essential and similar in the characters of individual people, which determines the general style of their life.

On this basis we distinguish following types characters:

1. Harmonically integral type – It is distinguished by the stability of relationships and at the same time high adaptability to the environment. A person with this type of character does not have internal conflicts, his desires coincide with what he does. He is a sociable, strong-willed, principled person. People with a harmoniously integral character retain their system of values ​​in all difficult circumstances of life. This is a type of strong-willed fighter for his ideals and principles. Not opportunism, but changing reality in accordance with their ideals - this is the way these people adapt

2. The type is internally conflicting, but externally harmoniously consistent with the environment– characterized by inconsistency between internal motivations and external behavior, which, in accordance with the requirements of the environment, is carried out with great tension.

A person with this type of character is prone to impulsive actions, but they are constantly restrained by volitional efforts. The system of his relationships is stable, but his communicative properties are not sufficiently developed.

People of this type have a complex system of correlating their value orientation with the conditions of reality.

Discord with outside world these people overcome through internal tactical restructuring, psychological defense, devaluing current events that do not fit into their value system, preserving the basic values ​​of the individual, but not actively trying to change external circumstances. This is a type of wise contemplator detached from everyday struggle.

3. Conflict type with reduced adaptation – characterized by conflict between emotional impulses and social responsibilities, impulsiveness, predominance negative emotions, underdeveloped communicative properties, insufficient structure of self-awareness. Individual connections with the world in people of this type are not included in any general behavioral system. The life of such people follows a simplified scheme: their changing needs should, in their own opinion, be immediately satisfied without much effort.

The psyche of such individuals is not burdened with much experience; they are not concerned about the future. They are not seasoned in the struggle for existence. In childhood, they, as a rule, were subjected to overprotection and were surrounded by excessive care of the people around them. They are characterized by immaturity and inability to overcome life's difficulties. The main mechanism of their life is pleasure (hedonism). People of this type perceive all difficult situations as acute conflict situations and resort to unconscious psychological pseudo-defense distorted reflection of reality (whims, stubbornness, retreat into the world of dreams and fruitless dreams)

4. Variable type character - outwardly adapting to the environment as a result of instability of positions, unprincipledness, indicates a low level of personality development, the absence of a stable general way of behavior.

Lack of character and constant opportunism are a surrogate for plasticity of behavior; it should not be confused with genuine plasticity of behavior, with the ability to take into account circumstances to achieve basic goals, without deviating from social norms and requirements.

People of this type are characterized by a simplified inner world; their struggle for existence is straightforward. They do not show doubts or hesitations in achieving utilitarian goals and do not have any special internal restrictions. They know only one type of obstacle - external. Reality puzzles them only with questions of a “technical” nature - how to achieve, how to achieve the greatest possible number of momentary benefits. This is the type of “realists”: such people try to satisfy their needs as fully as possible within the limits of realistically existing possibilities. Adaptation, adjusting, adjusting the inner world to external circumstances - this is the general way of adaptation of these people.

Typological characterology can be based on leading orientation of the personality. Thus, the famous German philosopher and psychologist Eduard Spranger (1882–1963) distinguishes the following personality types according to their leading orientation*.

* Spranger E. Lebensformen V., 1922.

1. Scientific person. In its pure form, he knows only one passion, passion for a problem, for a question, which leads to explanation, establishment of connections, theorizing. His experiences are divorced from real life: he may despair over the impossibility of knowing, or rejoice over a purely theoretical discovery. He exhausts himself as a psychological being in order to generate a purely ideal world of regular connections. For him, only the purity of methods of cognition is valuable - truth at any cost. The world for him is an endless production of entities and a system of relationships of dependence... In its most natural and pure form, this form of life is embodied in professional scientists who, as a rule, come to the formulation of their life tasks as a result of free interest. But the preliminary stages of this kind of spiritual organization are found regardless of professional affiliation, and, perhaps, they appear much more clearly structural features type than that of great scientists, who are often very complex people.

2. Economic man. This is not necessarily a person associated with production. The most important thing is that the main motive that determines the most various areas personality and the nature of its existence is the motive of utility.

“In the most general terms, an economic person is one who puts utility in first place in all life connections. Everything for him becomes a means of maintaining life, the struggle for existence and the best arrangement of his life. He saves material, effort, time - just to extract from This is the maximum benefit. It would be more accurate to call him a practical person, since the entire field of technology is connected with the concept of economics. The meaning of his actions is not in the activity itself, but in its beneficial effect...

3. Aesthetic person. Purely aesthetic behavior is not characterized by lust. Direct contact with the world is always painful and associated with the struggle for existence. But there is a second world where pain is as sweet as joy, suffering is as spiritual as joy: this is the world of fantasy. We know that there are people who surround themselves with such fantasies, through which they perceive reality.

When considering the aesthetic type, we mean not so much artists who create material works, but people who create themselves, possessing the internal structure of the aesthetic type...

4. Social person. A special life form, which is called social, arises when this need for self-denial for the sake of another becomes a leading life need.

Social orientation in its highest manifestation is love. It can be a fundamental feeling for all of life. But it can also be directed at a separate object or a circle of objects and at the same time not lose the character of a leading need that determines all individual existence. The individual becomes the object of love as the center of values. You can love another person because the value of truth, or beauty, or holiness is discovered in him. Akin to such love is a passionate desire to acquire the values ​​of life that are already known to us. But the essence of love itself is even deeper: it remains something in itself, turned to another life for the sake of the values ​​contained in this life. Conceptually defining what ultimately cannot be formulated, we can say that love reveals in another person - in one, several or many - potential carriers certain values ​​and finds the meaning of his own life in devotion to these people.

5. Political person. A special case when power in itself becomes the main thing for a person.

Here we have the totality of the worldview: self-affirmation, achievement of success, vitality, energy of being...

They aim high social status and only then, as leaders, in the rays of glory, do they feel in their place.

6. Religious person. A religious person is one whose spiritual structure is constantly and entirely aimed at achieving the highest meaning of life, postulated by religion.

The behavior of religious people is dominated by an altruistic orientation. Supreme meaning They see their existence in noble, free service to people - in helping the injured, wounded, maimed, infirm, humiliated and lonely. The behavior of such people significantly exceeds norm of social responsibility.

Religious dogmas are firmly embedded in the sphere of superconsciousness of a religious person, covered by the complex intuitive mechanism of the human psyche - the mechanism of faith. The behavior of a religious person is modified - ideas of goodness and love for man begin to dominate in his psyche. It is characterized by a desire for sinlessness, and its possible guilty behavior is reorganized through deep repentance and atonement for guilt through good deeds.

All the main religious confessions of the world affirm spirituality, morality, the highest ideals of human existence, mobilize a person to walk his earthly path with dignity, and postulate unshakable laws of human life among people.

End of work -

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A new idea is always a new look at the relationships and interdependencies of phenomena. Often a new idea arises from a new “concatenation” of previously known information. (So, A. Einstein, like

Human intelligence
Intelligence (from Latin intellectus - mind, reason, reason) - a stable structure of an individual’s mental abilities, the level of his cognitive capabilities

Neurophysiological basis of imagination
The neurophysiological basis of imagination is the formation of temporary nerve connections in the sphere of the first and second signal systems, their dissociation (breakdown into separate elements

Types of imagination
Imagination is divided into voluntary and involuntary, reconstructive (recreating) and creative. The simplest type of imagination is non-produced

Memory is an integrated mental reflection of a person’s past interaction with reality, the information fund of his life activity
The ability to store information and selectively update it and use it to regulate behavior is the main property of the brain that ensures the interaction of the individual with the environment. Memory integrated

Neurophysiological basis of memory
Physiological mechanisms memory – formation, consolidation, excitation and inhibition of nerve connections. These physiological processes correspond to memory processes: imprinting

Patterns of memory
Patterns of memory (conditions for successful memorization and reproduction) are associated with forms of memory. The conditions for successful involuntary memorization are:

Memory disorders
Severe memory impairments - amnesia (from a - negative particle and Greek mnēmē - memory, recollection) - occur in two forms: retrograde

Concept of emotions
Emotions (from the French émotion - feeling) are a mental process of impulsive regulation of behavior, based on the sensory reflection of the need significance of external influences.

Emotional personality traits
In the process of life, based on environmental and genetic prerequisites, a person develops stable emotional qualities - emotional characteristics and properties.

Physiological basis of emotions and feelings
Emotions and feelings are associated with various functional states of the brain, excitation of its certain subcortical areas and with changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Properties and types of emotions
Emotions and feelings vary depending on their quality (positive and negative), depth, intensity and duration, impact on activity

Higher emotions - feelings
Feelings are an emotional form of reflection of socially significant phenomena. They are caused by the correspondence or deviation of certain circumstances from the parameters of life

General patterns of emotions and feelings
The emergence and extinction of emotions and feelings are subject to all the laws of the formation of a conditioned reflex. Feelings developed for one object are transferred in a certain

The concept of will
Will – conscious self-regulation behavior, deliberate mobilization of behavioral activity to achieve goals perceived by the subject as a necessity and opportunity

Neurophysiological basis of will
I. P. Pavlov noted that volitional actions are the result of the total work of the entire brain. Physiological mechanisms of volitional regulation of activity are not localized in any

The structure of volitional regulation of activity
Activity is carried out by a system of actions. Action is a structural unit of activity. Perceptual, mental, mnemonic and practical actions are distinguished

Complex volitional actions
The actions discussed above have simple structure. They are usually performed in a stereotypical manner. Complex volitional actions have a more developed structure. The structure is complex

Awareness of the possibilities of satisfying actualized needs, struggle of motives (predecision stage)
Each need allows for different possibilities for its satisfaction. The process of choosing one of these possibilities is the process of forming the goal of an action. In difficult behavioral conditions, this choice

Decision making is the choice from a number of possible goals of one that is assessed as the most optimal in given conditions for a given individual.
Decision making is the choice of behavior in a situation of uncertainty. The choice of behavior can be transitive - justified, optimal, taking into account the conditions of the environment.

Conditionality of volitional mental states by structural stages of complex volitional action
STAGES OF ACTIVITY VOLITIONAL STATES 1. Awareness of a number of goals that can satisfy the emerging need

Volitional personality traits
A person’s lifestyle and style of life strengthen certain psychoregulatory qualities in him, which are usually called volitional personality traits.

General functional states of mental activity
The most common basic mental state – the state of vigor – is a state of optimal clarity of consciousness, the individual’s ability to

State of mental tension in dangerous situations. Adaptive behavior in extreme situations
A state of mental stress is a complex of intellectual, emotional and volitional manifestations in difficult operating conditions. When an individual adapts to difficult external situations

Adaptive behavior during arrest
Anticipating an arrest, you need to find a lawyer and agree with him on joint actions and a system of symbols for further communication, consult with him about your rights in various cases

How to survive in prison?
1) talk less, don’t trust anyone; 2) do not get involved in someone else's conversation; don't quarrel with anyone, don't use obscene words, do not insult anyone, do not lie, to the question: “Why

Personal crisis states
For many people, individual everyday and work conflicts result in unbearable mental trauma and acute, persistent mental pain. Individual mental vulnerability

Borderline mental states of the individual. general characteristics
Mental states adjacent to normal and pathological are called borderline states. These states include: reactive states; neuroses; psychopath

All borderline states are abnormal (deviating), they are associated with a violation of any significant aspect of mental self-regulation
The process of mental self-regulation is carried out in the unity of content-semantic, genetic and neurodynamic processes. And here both multi-level variations of the norm and different

The biologically inherited qualities of a person must be understood as a subsystem of the development of certain mental qualities
Some mental anomalies are associated with genetic abnormalities - Klinefelter syndrome (extra X chromosome - 47/XXY syndrome or extra Y chromosome - 47/XYY syndrome). Extra X-hr

Reactive states
Reactive states are acute affective reactions, shock mental disorders as a result of mental trauma. Reactive states arise both as a result of

Neuroses are breakdowns of neuropsychic activity: hysterical neurosis, neurasthenia and obsessive states
1) Hysterical neurosis occurs in psychotraumatic circumstances, mainly in persons with pathological character traits, with an artistic type of higher nervous activity. P

Mental retardation
Terms " mental retardation" and "mental retardation" are synonyms. And since mental processes are inextricably linked with all mental processes

Aggressive state
Mental abnormalities include increased aggressiveness. Aggression is a persistent desire of an individual to inflict physical or psychological harm on another person.

Self-regulation of mental states
A person’s ability to suggest is widely used in mental self-regulation: through self-suggestion and meditation, a person is able to significantly change his mental and physiological state.

A person as a subject of social relations, a bearer of socially significant qualities is a person
Along with the concept of personality, we also use such terms as person, individual and individuality. All these concepts have specifics, but they are all interconnected. The most general

The relationship between biological and social factors in the mental development of the individual
A person is born with certain hereditary inclinations. Most of them are multi-valued: on their basis, various personality traits can be formed. In this case, the decisive role

Personal behavior is the implementation of its mental regulatory qualities in a socially significant sphere of life.
Human behavioral acts are interconnected and systemic. Activities and behavior arise on the basis of needs, their implementation begins with motivational motives. At the same time, consciousness is directed to

Types of temperament and the corresponding mental properties of a person
A melancholic person is characterized by increased vulnerability, a tendency to

Temperament as an innate type of mental self-regulation
The four types of temperament discussed above are usually not presented in their “pure form.” People tend to have mixed temperaments, but one or another type of temperament

The concept of personality orientation
The orientation of the individual is the value-orientation system of the individual, the hierarchy of his basic needs, values ​​and sustainable motives of behavior, the main system formation

Personal needs
The prerequisite for this or that action, the source of human activity, is need. People exercise different kinds activities, not inventing them, but needing their results

All needs have direction, intensity, and cyclicality.
From a neurophysiological point of view, a need represents the formation of a dominant - a stable excitation of certain brain mechanisms that organize and regulate the needs

Motivation of personality behavior
Motivation is the excitation of certain nervous structures (functional systems) caused by an actualized need, causing directed activity of the body.

Character is a system of stable motives and modes of behavior that form a behavioral type of personality
Formed in social conditions, experiencing the influence of the requirements of the social environment, character in its dynamic manifestations is associated with genetic characteristics individual, the type of his higher nervous system

Character accentuations
Accentuation is an extreme variant of the norm, in which individual character traits are exaggerated and manifest themselves in the form of “weak points” in the individual’s psyche – its selective

Types of character accentuations
Type of character accentuation Behavioral manifestations Factors contributing to character accentuation

Gender-role differences in character
Some features of people's characters are determined by their gender. Sexual mental characteristics are associated not only with biological factors, but also with historical

National psychological character traits
A nation, people, ethnic group is a stable group of people historically formed in a certain territory, possessing common features culture and mental makeup, consciousness

Age-related character traits. Human life strategy
The happiness of the first years of a person’s life lies in the predominance of contemplation over solving life’s problems. A child's brain, which reaches full volume by the age of seven, provides him with intense

The concept of social community, society and society
Social community is a collection of individuals that acquires integrity as a subject of a certain social action - social, political, industrial, cult

Society - society as a specific social system, as an integral social entity with an economic and social structure
The composition of society is divided into group and mass communities. Group communities are distinguished by homogeneity (homogeneity) of composition, structural-differential organization, activity

Socio-psychological organization of a small social group
The reorganization of the original diffuse social community into an association of interacting and interdependent individuals is called group formation. The emergence of social

Communication as a social connection. Means and techniques of communication
Communication is social interaction between people through sign systems for the purpose of broadcasting (transferring) social experience, cultural heritage and organizing joint

Communication is the semantic side of communication. Actions focused on their semantic perception by other people are called communicative
In communicative acts, informative, phatic (contact) and managerial tasks of communication are realized. By exchanging information, people influence each other. In the process of communication they

Paralinguistic means of communication
An essential communicative factor of communication is the use of paralinguistic means of communication (from the Greek par - “about” and “linguistics”) -

Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships
Interpersonal relationships– subjectively experienced relationships and mutual influence of people. The psychology of interpersonal interaction is determined by social positions about

"Secret" test for men to use
If you want to find out the truth about your loved one, ask her to answer “yes” or “no” to each set of questions. 1. Do you consider yourself beautiful?

Can you cheat on your loved one?
5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you believe in love at all? Do you admit a lack of intelligence in men? You can date a man who is not for you

Forms of interpersonal mental interaction
In the process of communication, people constantly interact mentally with each other. This interaction can be purposeful and spontaneous, conscious and subconscious.

Tense and conflicting mental interaction in communication
Psychologists note that ordinary overwork of people at work at the end of the shift leads to the emergence of a psychological phenomenon of low stress, to “staff burnout.”

Human interaction can be cooperative, competitive and conflictual.
Cooperation is the main form of organizing interpersonal interaction, consisting in the constructive unification of human efforts. Cooperative activity is characterized by high

Psychology of conflict
Conflicts can be interpersonal and intergroup. Acute unconstructive conflicts are often accompanied by morally condemned methods of struggle, the desire for psychological

Psychology of business communication
Popular wisdom says that stupid people quarrel, but smart people come to an agreement. In conditions of market relations, negotiations between people become a special area of ​​their daily life.

Rules that help people like you
Be genuinely interested in other people. Smile. Remember that a person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound for him. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

Test your communication skills
Test for self-analysis of communicative qualities The proposed questions should be answered: “yes”, “sometimes”, “no”. "Answer price" ("d

Marketing Psychology
Marketing (from the English marketing - market) is an economic management system focused on the laws of market relations, adaptation of production

Psychology of Management
Management (from the English manage - to manage) is a modern psychologized doctrine of managing enterprises and institutions, based on the laws of effective social

Qualities of a leader (manager) high low
1. Competence 7 3 2. Communication skills 7 2 3. Emotional stability, tolerance 6.5 2.5 4. Courage 6 2 5. Persistence 6.5 2 6.

Democratic leadership style ensures personal self-realization of employees
However, in some cases, preference may be given to an authoritarian leadership style (organizing work in extreme situations and so on.). The authoritarian leadership style also occurs in early

Large social groups and psychological mechanisms of their self-regulation
A large social group is a quantitatively unlimited social community that has stable values, norms of behavior and social-regulatory mechanisms (Part

Socio-psychological phenomena of large social communities
All microsocial processes are determined to one degree or another by macrosocial processes. General social norms, values, needs and attitudes are formed on the macrosocial

Psychology of mass communication
Social communication, carried out in an organized manner throughout society, is called mass communication (from the Latin communicatio - communicating with

Psychology of social management
Social management is the systemic activity of social institutions and organizations aimed at regulating social processes. Social management of society

Civil society and the psychology of civic consciousness
The idea of ​​civil society, which initially arose as a philosophical concept, has turned into a real basis for life modern society. Creation of civil society

In civil society, the individual is separated from the masses, the possibilities for his self-realization are not limited in any way.
Civil society controls the power structures and socio-economic life of the country. The social structure of society is determined by citizens (general free elections, referendums), and not politically

Spirituality is a person’s stable orientation towards sociocultural values, the subordination of human behavior to a higher, human duty.
The mysterious power of a person’s spirituality is his ability to distance himself from himself, the ability to submit himself to the court of a higher authority - his conscience and honor. The loss of spirituality is the fall of a person

Law as a factor of social regulation
Law, legal regulation is the main form of social regulation. Regulation of social processes is the direction of behavior of social communities and individuals

In the 18th century psychology developed under the influence of the emergence of new worldviews
A powerful movement of scientific consciousness against the theological worldview, called "enlightenment", gravitated towards determinism - the root cause explanation of physical and spiritual phenomena.

In the structure of personality, he identified three spheres: unconscious, preconscious and conscious.
Personality structures, according to Freud, are located in these three layers. The entire unconscious sphere of personality, inaccessible to self-consciousness, is located in the structure of the id (it). This structure is energy

The fundamental theory of the origin and development of human higher mental functions was developed by L. S. Vygotsky (1896–1934)
Based on the ideas of comparative psychology, L. S. Vygotsky began his research where comparative psychology stopped at questions that were insoluble for it: it could not explain the phenomenon

Terminological dictionary
PERSONAL AUTONOMY is the isolation of the individual, his ability to self-determinate his positions. As a universal principle of human behavior, personal autonomy has been

General and social psychology
Textbook for universities License No. 064250 dated October 6, 1995. License No. 070824 dated January 21, 1993. Signed for publication on July 13, 1999. Format 69x90/16. Condition