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Organization of work in distance learning. Ways to organize distance education

Distance learning is relatively young. Such education became possible with the advent of the Internet. The student receives knowledge online and with the help of textbooks, video recordings of lessons and other virtual teaching materials.

Development information technologies has a direct impact on the field of education in general and on distance learning at school in particular. It is generally accepted that “live” student-teacher interaction is very important and much better, but distance learning can be dispensed with in modern world impossible. There are several reasons for this:

  • in some regions of our country, access to school may be limited, for example, by floods or extremely low temperatures. In the Far North, children can miss up to one or two months of school due to frost every year;
  • some schoolchildren would like to be educated at a school or lyceum that is physically difficult to attend;
  • not all children handicapped inclusive education is preferable to health, and even those who attend school may miss a large number of classes due to health.

All this hints that, in a good way, to one degree or another, distance learning should be present in every school, because with the introduction of widespread inclusion, children with disabilities study everywhere. In any school, students can get sick and spend a long time at home, and no one has canceled the closure of the school for quarantine. You will learn more about working with children with disabilities at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Prospects for the Development of a Modern Kindergarten and School in Conditions of Constant Change", which will be held on November 20-23, 2018.

Advantages of distance learning at school

  1. Individual approach and personalization educational process. The distance learning schedule can be adjusted to each student and changed depending on the circumstances. At the same time, the training program can also be adaptive and take into account such features of the student as the speed of information perception, the level of initial training, motivation for learning, predisposition to one or another form of perception of the material.
  2. Improving the quality of education. This point can be called controversial, because there are many dissenting, ardent supporters of traditional forms of teaching. At the same time, hardly anyone will deny that the development of the Internet has simplified access to a huge amount of educational material for anyone. And this is also one of the manifestations of technological progress.
  3. Expanding the boundaries and reducing the cost of the components of the educational process. This is what was discussed above. Some students will be able to save more than an hour of time every day that they would otherwise spend on the road, some could even study at a school that is located in another part of the country. And the mere replacement of printed educational material with electronic already saves a lot of money.
  4. Preservation of pedagogical experience. Unique author's courses, for example, when working with gifted children, will not disappear anywhere if they are recorded and saved.
  5. Reducing the burden on teachers. According to the RANEPA monitoring, the number of teachers who work two rates from 2014 to 1017 has almost doubled - from 7.3% to 13.8%. Add 37.5% of teachers who work one and a half rates, and we conclude that that the load from them somehow needs to be removed. One solution is distance learning.

How to organize distance learning at school

The issue of introduction of distance learning should be considered from three sides.

  • Social. Everything is simple here, schoolchildren today are actively using social networks, forums and chats, so the method of presenting information during DO will be familiar and comfortable for them.
  • Technical. In terms of technical equipment, schools are doing well with this, and there are enough computers and access to the Internet. But not every child has a computer at home. Another problem is that teachers are not always able to independently organize, for example, a video conference. In the regions of the Far North, there are problems with the quality of the Internet; it is impossible to ensure the stability of distance learning there.
  • methodical. The main contradiction is that the use of distance learning makes sense only if it improves the quality of education in general, but this is difficult to do due to the lack of the necessary experience and developments for the majority.

That is, any program for the introduction of distance learning should take into account all these aspects. The process itself can be broken down into five steps.

  1. Creation creative team teachers who will be responsible for distance education at school.
  2. Training of this group at special advanced training courses.
  3. Preparation of a base of training material that will be used by students in the learning process and for self-consolidation of what they have learned.
  4. A comprehensive study of a distance learning system, such as Moodle.
  5. Development of distance courses on their own or the involvement of specialists and teachers from other educational institutions for this.

There are also five requirements that must be taken into account in the process of creating training courses.

  • The student must be motivated to learn, for this it is important that the goal and objectives of learning are clearly formulated. At the same time, what is required from the student should correspond to his level of knowledge.
  • Preparing a child for preschool. This is done with the help of supporting materials, such as specific manuals.
  • The presentation of the material should be easy to understand. To do this, you need to use the principles of readability.
  • There must be an opportunity for feedback, including the individual.
  • It is important to have a system of intermediate assessment of learning so that the student has an idea of ​​​​how well he is doing or not.

When organizing distance learning at school, there are typical problems that are common to all educational institutions. Many teachers, especially those in the humanities, have difficulties in structuring and adapting educational material. Many teachers tend to be conservative, and they will strongly oppose such an innovation as distance learning. They fiercely defend their point of view and defend traditional teaching methods.

There are difficulties in the selection of technical personnel who should deploy a system of distance education and accompany it at all stages. It is important to select competent people for this role.

There are also certain requirements that students must comply with in distance learning. They are required to be polite and correct in communicating with the teacher and with each other. They must learn not only to speak, but also to write. good language, without errors, clearly and concisely formulate your thoughts. It is very important that students do everything on time and do not abuse the time of the teacher and other children. Finally, they need to develop respect for copyright.

Distance Learning Environment Moodle

The most common environment for a distance learning system in a school is Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). Its distinguishing features are open source, richness of functionality, flexibility, reliability and ease of use.

An international team of developers has been working on it for more than 10 years, led by the Moodle Foundation in Australia. It is known all over the world, today there are more than 60 thousand installations in almost all countries. This environment has been translated into more than 10 languages, including Russian.


  • stores all course materials, allows you to organize them using hyperlinks, tags and labels;
  • allows you to use not only text as a learning material, but also any interactive resources, be it an article on Wikipedia or a video on youtube;
  • supports the exchange of files of any format between students and between student and teacher;
  • great opportunities for communication, using forums, private messages, comments, mailing lists, etc.;
  • saves and maintains a portfolio for all students, grades, teacher comments, forum messages;
  • controls attendance.

All this helps the teacher to use his time most effectively, and this is one of the tasks that distance learning at school should solve.

And what will change in the work of schools with the release of the new GEF COO? You can find out the answer to this question at the International Design Seminar-Training "Introduction of GEF SOO" , which will take place July 23-26. Come to our training seminar and you will receive all the necessary tools and recommendations to move to the new standard.

There are various ways to organize distance learning based on new information technologies: based on interactive television, telecommunications, based on CD-ROM technologies, educational radio and television, video recording, etc.

AT last years Four types are becoming more common

distance learning based on:

  • 1. interactive television (two-way TV);
  • 2. computer telecommunication networks (regional and global, Internet) in the mode of exchanging text files;
  • 3. computer telecommunication networks using multimedia information, including in interactive mode, as well as using computer videoconferencing;
  • 4. combination of the first and second.

Education based on interactive television (two-way TV), with all its attractiveness, the possibility of direct visual contact with an audience located at different distances from the teacher, has its drawbacks. The fact is that with such training, the usual lesson is practically replicated, whether it is built according to the traditional method or using modern methods. pedagogical technologies. It is, roughly speaking, about replication with the help of modern technologies method used by the teacher. If traditional methods of the class-lesson system with a predominance of frontal types of work are used, then the effect is lower than usual when the lesson is conducted in one class, because. the audience increases significantly due to remote students, and hence the attention of the teacher to each individual student decreases by the same amount. At the same time, in the system of advanced training of teaching staff, this form of distance learning can hardly be overestimated, since teachers, students, pupils can become not just third-party witnesses, but also active participants in the use of new pedagogical, information technologies, take part in discussions, etc. d. This form of distance learning is inherently interactive and, of course, can be considered very promising, if not in the system of mass education, then in the system of advanced training and student training. However, these are still extremely expensive technologies.

Another way to organize distance learning using modern information technologies, as mentioned above, is computer telecommunications in the form of e-mail, teleconferences, other information resources of local networks, as well as the Internet, but only on the basis of textual information. It must be said that at present for the vast majority of schools and IUs in Russia this is the most accessible way of organizing distance learning. This method does not provide for the exchange of graphic, sound files, and does not provide for the use of multimedia tools. This is the cheapest way to organize distance learning, which, however, has significant opportunities, which will be discussed below.

The third method of organizing distance learning provides for the use of the latest means of telecommunication technologies, including multimedia, all the possibilities of the Internet, including video and audio conferences, as well as the use of CDs. Of course, such an organization of distance learning brings great didactic opportunities both for the system of higher education, school education, and for the system of advanced training, in this case, educators.

It should be borne in mind that distance learning also provides for the autonomous use of courses recorded on video disks, CDs, etc., i.e. outside telecommunications networks. However, all programs/courses recorded on video disks, CDs, video cassettes have one common property - they are autonomous and intended for soma education, i.e. they do not provide for prompt feedback from the teacher. Laser discs and CDs are interactive, which cannot be said about video recordings, radio and television, which is their essential advantage compared to the latter. However, this interactivity, which involves various forms interaction with the system, but not with the teacher, and therefore they are all designed for self-education, but not for learning.

The fourth option of distance learning is a combination of the first two technologies or the first and third options - interactive television and computer global telecommunications in various configurations. Of course, such options (especially the first and third ones) are fraught with great opportunities, since they allow at certain moments, at the discretion of the teacher, to "gather" students in a conditional audience and make visual contact with them, demonstrating something or giving the necessary explanations, controlling knowledge of trainees, etc. A similar system has been developed at a number of US universities, in particular, the Keiretsu model (A Keiretsu-based model for technology utilization). However, a similar effect is achieved when using computer video conferencing, but the possibilities of this latest technology are much wider, since on the screen you can receive not only the image of the respondent and talk with him, but also certain inserts in the form of, for example, a fragment of a database, the opinions of partners discussions, static images, graphics, etc.

In Russia, at present, it is not necessary to speak seriously about the fourth option for organizing distance learning, given the socio-economic, political and cultural situation that has developed as a result of many decades of the totalitarian regime. The socio-economic situation does not allow us to hope that in the coming years the federal government will be able to seriously subsidize this area of ​​education. Regional educational structures, with the help and financial support of business circles interested in the quality education of their children and replenishing their business with qualified, active, independent-thinking workers, can invest material resources in this promising area. Indeed, in this way their children will be able to receive a good education both in the capital's educational institutions of Russia and in foreign schools and universities without leaving their home, which is very tempting for many.

  • 1. Therefore, bearing in mind the various options for organizing distance learning described above, we are inclined to believe that in the near future in our country it is most realistic to organize distance learning based on computer telecommunications, both regional and global (Internet). At the same time, depending on the economic opportunities of the regions, the technological basis for such training can be
  • 2. Exchange of text files;
  • 3. Exchange of text and graphics, sound files,

use of all possibilities and information resources of the Internet;

The use of a variety of traditional educational materials (printed, sound, audiovisual), as well as new information technologies. In essence, this is the integration of computer telecommunications into the education system. Lessons are free, attendance is free! Internet schools are, firstly, free; secondly, they are an additional educational field and they do not seek to replace the real school, like the "Teleschool". The leader among online educational programs for schoolchildren are two projects "Open College" ( and " virtual school Cyril and Methodius "( Classes are held according to the following scheme. The teacher outlines the topic of the lesson and recommends literature for independent study. The student independently studies the proposed topic and checks his knowledge using a computer task compiled by the teacher. If the student could not find the answer to a particular question of the topic, then he can ask the question to the teacher by e-mail.The teacher will either answer the question or recommend literature in which the student can find the answer to his question.At the end of the section, all frequently asked questions are listed with explanations from teachers. At the end of the topic - a knowledge test.Classes in the online school are free, attending lessons is free.

Distance learning (E-learning) is used by almost all the largest companies in the world. Among them Honeywell, Johnson&Johnson, Sony, Adidas, MW Light. However, according to research Brandon Hall Group, 42% of them planned to increase the budget for the implementation and support of distance learning in 2018. The entire global online education market is estimated at $165 billion, and by 2023, according to the forecast of Global Market Insights, it will grow to $240 billion, and this is a conservative forecast.

The undisputed leader in online education is the United States. There, distance learning has been used for several decades. Russian companies have also appreciated the benefits of eLearning. According to " high school economy”, the volume of the corporate segment of online education in our country is already 3 billion rubles.

“Distance learning provides businesses with several benefits. First, it reduces the cost of training. For example, to pay for flights and hotels for coaches. Secondly, it is possible to maintain the knowledge of a large number of employees at the same level, both in the central office and in branches. Thirdly, you can speed up the training of staff on new company products: access to online courses is open at any time, ”says Yuri Uskov, company founder iSpring specializing in products for distance learning.

According to him, banks and trading companies with a developed network of branches and a thousand employees across Russia are most willing to invest in online. One person can manage distance learning in a company, the main thing is to choose the right tools for work.

What tools are needed to start distance learning?

To launch E-learning, you need two tools: an e-course editor and a distance learning system (LMS).

The editor creates educational content: courses, tests, video tutorials, interactive games. “Now there are editors that integrate into PowerPoint. You create a course like a presentation. You don’t have to additionally study the program interface, ”says the head training center Honeywell Igor Gaponov. Already in his company more than a year training online sales managers.

The distance learning system is a virtual classroom where employees can be assigned educational material and monitor their progress in real time with reports. And it does not matter where the students are physically: at work, at home or on vacation.

Here is the minimum set of tasks that LMS helps to solve:

  • Knowledge base. E-courses, tests, video tutorials - all content is in one place. At any time, employees can enter the LMS, study the desired course.
  • Virtual mentor. In a few clicks, you can assign a course to a specific employee, department, or branch. They take an electronic course, as if they are learning from a mentor, only a virtual one.
  • Learning outcomes. In the LMS, you see the results of each employee's training: how many courses they completed, what grade they scored on the test, which questions were answered incorrectly.
  • Exchange of ideas. An internal chat or forum is a place where employees can exchange ideas, write about what material turned out to be useful, what to improve, what topics still need e-learning.

Distance learning systems are divided into two types: boxed and cloud. A boxed LMS is installed on the company's server. The project will require several months for implementation and constant monitoring by IT specialists. The advantage of this solution is that all data is stored in your organization.

Most often, the department of full-time education takes control of the new direction. There is another scenario - to give E-learning autonomy. So, for example, Honeywell did. “There are several benefits. Firstly, the department independently develops the design for the courses, starting from the company's brand book. HR and marketing only correct and guide. Secondly, in financial terms, you do not depend on anyone - you have a separate budget, ”says Igor Gaponov. According to him, this independence gives the eLearning team the opportunity to work with maximum efficiency for the business.

Honeywell and MW-Light say online is not an alternative full-time education, and its complement. “Sometimes we use eLearning to level knowledge, sometimes we use it to immerse ourselves in a topic. For example, we know what kind of training employees have received in person, and we assign several electronic courses to consolidate knowledge. In some cases, we use courses before training: we give basic concepts, theory. At a face-to-face meeting, the coach no longer wastes time on methodology and focuses on practice,” Lana Vinogradova shares her experience.

eLearning helps you accelerate learning and continuously develop your employees so they always perform at their best. After all, business means people. And the more powerful the team, the more successful the company.

Distance learning (hereinafter DL) is a set of information technologies that ensure the delivery of the main volume of the studied material to students, the interactive interaction of students and teachers in the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to work independently to master the material being studied, as well as in the learning process. Distance learning currently claims to be a special form of education (along with full-time, part-time, evening, external studies).







Federal state educational standards focus the attention of the modern school on the comprehensive development of the personality of each student, training and psychological and pedagogical support for categories of children with different educational opportunities and needs. This wording refers to the satisfaction educational needs schoolchildren, which:

  • due to deviations in their development or health, they cannot study according to the usual class-lesson system;
  • cannot attend school for a certain period due to sports competitions;
  • have outstanding abilities in teaching in various subject areas and need an in-depth level of mastering the main educational program.

In practice, schools are often faced with the fact that traditional resources for the effective training of these categories of students are simply not enough. Then there is a natural problem of organizing the education of such children. Distance learning can help solve the problem.

Distance learning (hereinafter DL) is a set of information technologies that ensure the delivery of the main volume of the studied material to students, the interactive interaction of students and teachers in the learning process, providing students with the opportunity to work independently to master the material being studied, as well as in the learning process. Distance learning currently claims to be a special form of education (along with full-time, part-time, evening, external studies).

The education system built on the basis of distance learning technologies is most consistent with the principle of humanism, according to which no one should be deprived of the opportunity to study due to poverty, geographic or temporal isolation, social insecurity and the inability to attend educational institutions for various reasons.

Distance learning is a consequence of the objective process of informatization of society and education and incorporates the best features of other forms and is a promising, synthetic, humanistic, integral form getting an education.

Object of study:Distance learning.

Subject of study:Stages of work on the organization of distance education in the GBOU gymnasium No. 49 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg.

Purpose of the study:Planning for the implementation of DL in Gymnasium No. 49 of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg.

Research objectives:

  • To study the regulatory framework on the topic of the graduation project;
  • To study the existing experience in organizing distance learning in educational institutions of St. Petersburg;
  • Assess the possibilities of implementing DL technologies in Gymnasium No. 49 of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg;
  • Develop a roadmap for the implementation of DL technologies in gymnasium No. 49 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg;
  • Think over an in-house system of advanced training on the topic “Organization of distance learning in educational organization».

Research methods:analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, questioning.

1.1 Features of distance learning

There is no unity of terminology in the field of distance learning technologies. The literature actively uses such terms as distance learning, distance education, online learning, distance learning technologies. These technologies are used to describe the features of distance learning using modern information technology or traditional mail and facsimile.

Employees of the distance learning laboratory of the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education give the following definitions:

Distance learning is the interaction of a teacher and students with each other at a distance, reflecting all the components inherent in the educational process (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) and implemented by specific means of Internet technologies or other means that provide for interactivity.

Distance education - education implemented through distance learning.

The concept of "distance learning technologies" is closely related to the concept of "distance learning". Federal Law No. 110819-3 dated July 1, 2002 "On Amendments and Additions to the Law Russian Federation“On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” give the following definition to this concept:

Distance educational technologies (DOT) are educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of informatization and telecommunication tools, with indirect or incompletely mediated interaction between the student and the teacher.

By "mediated interaction" in this definition is meant interaction at a distance.

It is also necessary to mention some terms that are actively used in foreign literature:

Computer-basedTraining (CBT) - the use of computers in interactive learning and testing;

ElectronicLearning (E-learning) - e-learning or Internet training, i.e. providing access to computer-based training programs through a global network;

DistanceCommunication (distance communication) - the use of communication technologies to implement functions such as organizing meetings, discussion groups, etc., in the conditions of remote location of interlocutors;

Interaction (interactivity) - interaction, exchange of information, ideas, opinions between students and teachers, usually occurring in order to support learning;

Multimedia (multimedia) - systems that support the interactive use of text, audio, video and graphics converted to digital format.

The distance learning system differs from traditional forms of education:

High dynamism associated with the flexibility of students' choice of training courses;

A large amount of independent activity of students;

The use of various forms of educational and methodological support;

The level of motivation of consumers of educational services;

The comfort of the conditions for organizing an in-depth study of specific problems, ensuring alternative ways obtaining information;

The presence of interactive communication.

Distance learning has the following characteristics

Flexibility implies the ability to study at a convenient time, in a convenient place and pace, while the student is given an unregulated period of time to master the discipline;

Modularity provides an opportunity to form a curriculum from a set of independent training modules that meets individual or group needs, to form an individual educational trajectory;

Parallelism means training in parallel with professional activity, i.e. on-the-job training;

Coverage provides simultaneous access to many sources of educational information (electronic libraries, data banks, knowledge bases, etc.) of a large number of students, communication via the Internet with each other and with teachers;

Cost-effectiveness involves the effective use of training areas, technical facilities, vehicles; concentrated and unified presentation of educational information and multi-access to it reduces the cost of training specialists;

Manufacturability means the use in the educational process of the latest achievements of information and telecommunication technologies that contribute to the advancement of a person in the global post-industrial information space, as well as student-oriented pedagogical technologies;

Social equality provides equal opportunities for education, regardless of the place of residence, health status, elitism and material security of the student;

Internationality involves the export and import of world achievements in the market of educational services, the ability to use the world's information resources;

The new role of the teacher, who must organize and coordinate the cognitive process (act as a manager of the educational process), constantly improve the courses he teaches, increase creative activity and qualifications in accordance with innovations and innovations in the field of ICT.

The following abbreviations are used in this thesis project:

ICT - information and communication technologies;

DO - distance learning;

LMS - distance learning systems;

DOT - distance educational technologies;

GOS - state educational standards;

EUMK - electronic educational and methodical complex;

OIS - educational information environment.

1.2 Regulatory support for the organization of distance learning in an educational organization.

The legal framework for the organization of distance learning in an educational organization has the following structure:

Normative acts of the federal level,

Regulatory acts of the regional level

Normative acts of the local level (intra-school documentation).

Legislative framework for organizing distance learning at the federal level:

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (as amended on July 3, 2016, as amended on December 19, 2016) "On Education in the Russian Federation" (as amended and supplemented, effective from January 1, 2017)

Article 16

Federal target program for the development of education for 2016-2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2015 No. 497.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2005 N 137 "On the use of distance learning technologies."

Legislative framework for organizing distance learning at the regional level:

Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 06/04/2014 N 453 (as amended on 03/23/2016) "On state program Petersburg "Development of education in St. Petersburg" for 2015-2020"

Regulatory support for the organization of distance learning at the level of an educational organization:

"Regulations on the implementation of educational programs using distance learning";

Order "On the introduction of distance learning and approval of the roadmap for the introduction of distance learning";

Order "On the appointment of a person responsible for the organization of subsidiaries";

Order “On the Appointment of Distance Learning Teachers”;

Roadmap for implementing distance learning.

Agreement on the development of an educational program in a remote form.

The regulation "On the implementation of educational programs using distance learning technologies" should contain the following sections:

General provisions;

Organization of the educational process with the use of distance learning;

Rights and obligations of participants in the educational process;

Organization of current control and intermediate certification students;

Job description of the person responsible for the DO in the OO;

Job description of a teacher DO.

1.3. Options for organizing distance learning in educational institutions of St. Petersburg

The practical implementation of distance learning in the OO of St. Petersburg is organized by means of a variety of ICT technologies: from the use of regular e-mail and blogs to a complex system such as Moodle. Below are examples of various options for organizing distance learning in OO St. Petersburg, studied during the preparation of this graduation project.

1.3.1. Experience in organizing distance learning in the GBOU gymnasium No. 528 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg.

GBOU Gymnasium No. 528 presented an electronic application to the educational program - an innovative product "Content". This is the author's version of the implementation of distance learning. The platform for remote support of the educational program directly covers academic subjects from grades 1 to 11 and is intended for students of different categories at all levels of education (in primary, basic and high school). Loading curricula comes from AISU "PARAGRAPH" to ensure the integrity of data within the information system of the gymnasium. "Content" has 2 electronic applications: "School GLONASS" (base of competitions and olympiads) and "Test Constructor", with which you can create tests in various subjects, get detailed statistics on mistakes made and the overall rate of mastering the studied material.

The interaction between the student and the teacher takes place using e-mail and the site (page) of the teacher.

The proposed product allows:

To form a single content space of the educational organization and mechanisms for managing it to improve the quality of education;

Provide support for the main educational program of the gymnasium by means of distance learning technologies;

To carry out the transition to the model of continuous education of the basic category of students with high-quality methodological support using electronic educational resources;

Activate independent work students and expand its range during school hours and after hours;

Create comfortable conditions for mastering the material of the program for students of different health groups, students studying at home or missing classes for any reason;

Provide an opportunity for in-depth study of subjects for gifted children in accordance with the principles of developmental education;

To increase the degree of satisfaction of students and parents with the educational process in the educational institution.

"Content" is a powerful, innovative, versatile and highly technological product.

1.3.2. Experience in organizing distance learning in GBOU school No. 683 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg.

In GBOU School No. 683 of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg, the introduction of distance learning has been implemented on the platform of the Moodle system since December 2009.

The main goal of organizing preschool education in school No. 683 is to expand the educational space for children with disabilities.

Many users can work in Moodle at the same time (their number is limited only by the capacity of the server). There is no additional cost to connect a new workplace to Moodle - just connect a new computer to a network (local or Internet).

To date, Moodle is a unique system that is in the full sense of the word a shell for connecting training courses from various manufacturers, the full integration of training courses into the educational process.

1.3.3. Experience in organizing distance learning in GBOU school No. 258 of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg.

GBOU School No. 258 of St. Petersburg since 09/01/2015 is an experimental site in St. Petersburg

For the successful functioning of distance learning, first of all, a certain level of informatization of society is necessary.

With the help of DO, the following can be implemented educational services:

· training courses;

getting an education;

continuation or increase vocational education;

Certified programs

· contract programs on orders.

Potential consumers of the DL system are:

· people living in areas remote from university centers;

Persons wishing to improve their skills, acquire new knowledge or receive a second education;

· Applicants;

persons with disabilities;

military personnel and members of their families;

Persons wishing to receive education in foreign educational institutions;

Individuals seeking to learn educational program within a short period of time, etc.

Consumers act as listeners (when receiving additional education) and students (when studying under specialist training programs). Consumers must have computer and Internet skills.

Educational process at DO provide the following specialists:

· teachers-developers of courses and teachers-consultants (tutors);

administrators-heads of structural subdivisions and system administrators of information resources;

Designers and programmers

technical support staff.

At the same time, it is important to note that many DO specialists also perform their functions remotely.

Specialists must have the appropriate qualifications.

The material basis of DOs is computer and telecommunications equipment and communication channels. The DO software is installed on the servers of the global network. Another name for the software-information complex is the DO shell. The network address of the shell is called the portal (educational portal) - this name has taken root on the Web behind popular and visited web systems.

The educational portal, however, does not involve an idle visit, but authorization and daily work: participation in electronic seminars on a forum or chat, receiving assignments and tutor consultations by e-mail, passing tests, etc.

Educational resources of distance learning can be represented by documents of various formats and purposes. Typical documents are tutorial, recommendations for independent study courses, tests, e-library(reader). The whole set of documents and means of their processing can be called a network educational, methodological and information complex (SUMIC).

The whole complex of software, communication, information, administrative and pedagogical means is called the information and educational environment. This is the virtual educational institution.

1.2 Global trends in the development of open education

The global educational space has accumulated vast experience in the implementation and use of distance learning. At the same time, despite the presence of purely virtual educational institutions, distance learning is recognized as one of the forms of education along with others.

Initially, distance programs differed little from the correspondence form of education known to us: educational material was offered on paper, students contacted the nearest regional representatives of the university (1962, Delhi University, India). However, there was one significant “but” that already distinguished distance education from our correspondence education: the student had a choice of course program, tutor, training schedule, etc.

With the improvement of television broadcasting technologies, DL on a television basis has become possible. One could talk about the use of multimedia in the educational process (60s, China).

The real boom in distance learning began at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, with the spread of personal computers and global networks.

In the United States, where the motivation for innovation is high, by 1999, about 60% of educational institutions used distance learning technologies. There is no national program for the development of DL, while there is a wide variety of approaches to DL: from the partial use of distance learning to the complete virtualization of learning. DO resources are offered both for open access (MIT) and on paid basis. The creation of free DL resources became possible thanks to large-scale government support. Many states now provide financial support to ED both at the national and local levels, understanding the socio-political significance of open education.

The US and UK are on their way to create a worldwide network of leading universities in their countries. Building an open university space and a united Europe. A number of major meetings on DL issues (1998, Sorbonne; 1999, Bologna; 2001, Salamanca and Prague) allow us to talk about the convergence of European DL from the planned nature of DL in Germany, pre-university DL in France, transitional DL in Eastern European countries.

The main resource of distance learning is training courses. Large DL centers offer from a few hundred to several thousand courses.

According to the data, the world's leading DL centers are:

· National Center for Distance Education in France, year of establishment 1993, number of students 400 thousand people;

· Fern-University of Hagen (Germany), 1974, 55 thousand people;

· Open University of Great Britain, 1969, 200 thousand people;

· National University of Spain, 1972, 124 thousand people;

· Anadolu University (Turkey), 1982, 300 thousand people;

· California Virtual University (USA), 1997, 28 thousand people;

· Canadian Open University in Athabasca, 1972, 14 thousand people;