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Lifting messages for young professionals and teachers. How to receive payments to a young professional teacher

Government Russian Federation and local municipal authorities are interested in ensuring that graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions are employed. To achieve this goal, introduced benefits for young professionals both from the state and from the authorities of local city and village administrations.

In this article we will look at what benefits are provided for young professionals, what is needed to obtain them and how to obtain the status of a young specialist to receive benefits.

Who is considered a young specialist according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Article 70 introduces a ban on employers establishing probationary periods for graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, which they graduated less than a year ago. This is the only benefit for young specialists established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, federal-level legislation does not in any way regulate benefits for young specialists, and even the very definition of “young specialist” status is not spelled out either in the Labor Code or in other federal-level laws.

However, in regional legislation, benefits for young professionals are presented more widely, and the main criteria for receiving such benefits are highlighted there. The criteria, that is, for determining the status of a young specialist, include the following:

  1. The age of a specialist is up to 35 years in most regions and up to 30 years in some;
  2. Compulsory education completed in educational institution with state accreditation for the full-time education system. To receive benefits, specialists with primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher education, that is, lyceums, vocational schools, technical schools, institutes and universities, are allowed. In addition, some regions have adopted an additional condition for receiving benefits - training at budgetary basis;
  3. Employment is required immediately after receiving a diploma in public sector enterprises.

Since benefits for young specialists are left to the regional authorities, the benefits themselves, one-time payments and other measures social support at state enterprises are mainly determined by intradepartmental industry agreements. In the non-state sphere, support for young specialists is carried out independently by enterprises on the basis of internal regulations.

Thus, in many cases, support for specialists is provided at enterprises independently, so it is better to find out all the information about support measures when applying for employment; in particular, this information should be published in the collective labor agreement of the enterprise. There is also often a document such as the “Regulations on the status of a young specialist”, which specifies the conditions for graduates to receive benefits, their working conditions, the amount of payments and the conditions for receiving them.

Age limit for young specialist status

Depending on the region of employment age limit, under which the employee still has the right to enjoy benefits as a young specialist, is established until 30 or 35 years of age. The status of a young specialist is assigned once and is valid for up to 3 years from the date of assignment.

However, there are exceptions in which the status of a young specialist is extended to 6 years. It could be:

  • When studying in graduate school or postgraduate study on a full-time basis;
  • While in
  • While on compulsory military service.

Social support for young professionals

Mostly measures to support young professionals are established by regional authorities by internal legislative acts. If you look at it, all social support comes down to providing young professionals with the following guarantees:

  • Guaranteed lump sum payment upon initial employment after graduation educational institution;
  • Compensation for using public transport;
  • Providing young professionals with corporate housing or providing subsidies for the purchase of an apartment (as an option, providing a loan for the purchase of an apartment or house on preferential terms);
  • Reimbursement of expenses for maintaining children in kindergartens (in whole or in part);
  • Providing an interest-free loan for starting a business.

The highest percentage of benefits received are among young professionals employed in the public sector of healthcare and education.

Thus, in the Decree of the Moscow Government “On measures to provide teaching staff to educational institutions in Moscow” No. 172-PP dated March 23, 2004. criteria have been established according to which the status of a young specialist and, accordingly, priority in receiving benefits is given to specialists who meet the following conditions:

  1. Availability of higher pedagogical or secondary vocational education;
  2. Age not older than 35 years;
  3. Start of professional pedagogical activity no later than 3 months after graduation.

At the same time, the main thing here is age and work in pedagogy. For example, a school teacher under the age of 35 has every reason to be considered a young specialist and enjoy all provided benefits, regardless of the fact that his diploma may have nothing to do with pedagogy.

It is interesting that for St. Petersburg, the age limit established by the Law of St. Petersburg “On measures of social support for employees of state educational institutions” No. 107-27 of April 3, 2007, is only 30 years. The same age limit is established for young specialists in Saratov, according to the law Saratov region No. 96-ZSO “On social support for young specialists of public sector institutions in the Saratov region” dated August 3, 2011.

As we can see, measures for social support for teachers are published in the form of city or regional laws. Therefore, the situation with support for young specialists in a particular region can be clarified by the education department of your region of work.

For young healthcare professionals, the situation is not so encouraging: benefits for young doctors are provided by the state only when they move to work in rural areas. Then, according to Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 “On Mandatory health insurance in the Russian Federation" young specialist doctors are entitled to benefits if they meet the following criteria:

  • Employment and living in rural areas;
  • Age up to 35 years;
  • An employment contract concluded for a period of 5 years.

Benefits and payments for young specialists in the field of education and pedagogy

As we have already mentioned, for specialists in the field of education, the status and benefits for university graduates starting their careers are established not by federal, but by regional legislation. For Moscow and St. Petersburg this process goes like this:

Benefits and payments to young specialists in pedagogy and education in Moscow:

A young specialist in education in Moscow receives a one-time cash payment, and in addition to it, a salary increase in the amount of 40% of his rate. Graduates receive a 50% bonus, also for three years from the date of first employment.

Muscovites also receive compensation for 50% of the cost of travel on public transport in the amount of 15% of the rate.

However, the additional burden is not taken into account in calculating additional payments. When working one and a half or two times, the teacher will receive additional payments only for one.

Benefits and payments to young specialists in pedagogy and education in St. Petersburg:

In St. Petersburg, the situation is different: salary supplements are not provided in the northern capital, however, upon employment, specialists have the right to one-time payments in the amount of:

  • 6 basic rate units for all specialists who have graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions with a state diploma;
  • 8 basic rate units for excellent students who graduated with honors.

Transport costs are reimbursed at the rate of 50% for any public transport, except taxis, for all young professionals under 30 years of age during the first three years of work.

To receive the required payment, you must submit an application to the Department of Education of St. Petersburg or to the authority social protection.

Social support for young healthcare professionals

Social support for young doctors is established at the federal level, but only for doctors working in rural areas. Federal Law No. 326-FZ determines payments for doctors who moved to work in rural areas in the amount of up to 1 million rubles under the all-Russian social program “Zemsky Doctor”. To receive payment, a necessary condition is to conclude an agreement with the local administration at the place of work in a rural area.

A necessary condition To obtain a lifting allowance, you must have a higher medical education and work in your specialty in rural areas for at least 5 years. If the contract is terminated before the expiration of 5 years, part of the amount received is returned. To support young doctors, the state also undertakes to provide them with housing, either by providing an apartment or house for living, or by providing land plot for the construction of a house, or by compensating part of the loan or loan amount for the purchase of an apartment (house).

A million lifting rubles are not taxed, since they are earmarked specifically for this purpose. This money can be spent either on reimbursing part of the loan from the state for the purchase of housing or on repaying a mortgage loan with funds under the Zemsky Doctor program.

Regional initiatives for social protection of medical workers

To attract specialists to work in rural areas, regional authorities are establishing additional measures. For example, in the Pskov region, measures to support not only doctors with higher education, but also specialists with secondary education are legislatively enshrined. For them, additional lump-sum payments are established in the amount of:

Young professionals– employees who have completed a full training course in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. It should be added to this definition that a representative of this category first entered a paid position in his specialty. This status is valid only for a certain period - a year after receiving the diploma.

Legally, belonging to this category provides special guarantees and obligations in relation to other employees. But in practice, not every organization is ready to provide young specialists with a full social package. Many graduates are deprived of the opportunity to obtain the status in question because they prefer to find a job on their own.

Status validity period

Federal legislation, including the Labor Code, does not establish a definition of the concept of “young specialist”.

Regional regulations indicate that this status can be assigned up to 35 years, and in some areas – 30 years.

The status is valid for 3 years (starting date is the conclusion of an employment contract); it is not assigned again.

In some cases, this period can be extended to 6 years:

  • completion of urgent military (alternative) service;
  • full-time postgraduate studies (postgraduate studies);
  • stay on maternity leave by a pregnant woman caring for a child.

Conditions for obtaining status

In order for a graduate of the above-mentioned institutions to be recognized as a young specialist, he must study exclusively full-time. Other required condition– funds for his education are allocated from the regional/federal budget.

To obtain this status, a graduate must, after passing through the final certification, receive a state diploma. Finally, he must have a direction to occupy a position according to distribution. If even one condition is not met, the graduate will not receive the status of a young specialist.

The relationship between a young specialist and the head of an organization is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, Art. 70 of this legislative act prohibits the employer from assigning a probationary period to such a person.

The Labor Code allows the dismissal of such workers only in certain cases (liquidation of an enterprise, temporary disability, health condition that prevents the performance of work).

Measures to support this category of citizens

There are currently no nationwide measures to support this social category; assistance is provided only at the regional level. The following guarantees are generally provided:

  • one-time payments upon employment;
  • compensation for transportation costs;
  • preferential loans, subsidies for the purchase (construction) of housing or the provision of corporate housing;
  • interest-free loan for renovation;
  • reimbursement (partial or full) of expenses for preschool institutions for children.

The priority areas in this direction are education and healthcare.

Information on social support for beginning teachers in a certain region is provided by the territorial division of the Department of Education.

If there is a lack of funds in the local budget, the person applying for payments has no right to refuse for this reason.

Lifting for young professionals

In 2012, government decree number 821, dated June 22, was issued. His idea is to draft a bill in support of a person taking his first steps in his profession. According to this legal act, compensation payment must be made in the first month following the signing of the employment contract. This money is called lift money. The size of the payment is affected by the specialty and place of work. It does not take into account how many days of rest the employee was able to take advantage of. A month has passed since the resolution was issued, and the corresponding law was adopted by the lower house of parliament. The main goal of this project is to encourage young specialists to start working in their specialty.

In case of relocation, payment is not provided. If a graduate is a participant in a targeted distribution program, his permanent place of residence is determined by the city/village where he lived while still a student.

List of documents

To apply for an allowance, a young specialist, when applying for a job, writes a corresponding application. The employer draws up an order for payments and notifies the employee about it. The latter familiarizes himself with the document and signs it.

The following registration procedure is provided: the employer attaches to the employee’s application a copy of his diploma + a certified copy of the work book. This confirms the time from which the employee was hired by this organization. The list of these documents allows you to process payments to beginning specialists, as provided by law.

Payments to young professionals

A young specialist can count on a one-time payment. Thus, a teacher (teacher) is usually entitled to a monthly salary increase for 3 years.

Russian legislation provides for another option for making social payments: upon expiration of the term of the employment contract.

Lifting allowances began to be provided in 2012 to young people who received a specialist diploma in the previous (2011) and subsequent years.

Financial support for getting a job is provided at a time. This amount ranges from 20,000-100,000 rubles. Moscow teachers are entitled to the largest allowance – approximately 100,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg the amount is set at 50,592 rubles.

Return of payments to the state

An important point: if a specialist leaves due to at will, he will have to return to the organization the allowances previously received from its budget.

A young specialist who has entered into an employment contract must work as assigned for at least 2 years. Otherwise, he will have to reimburse the state for the money spent on his preparation.

The state may also require the employer to reimburse the funds allocated for specialist training. For example, if the boss, before the expiration of a two-year period, dismisses an employee with the mentioned status or transfers him to a job that is not related to the specialty received.

State and regional support

A newly-trained teacher has the right to claim payments, which are issued in accordance with the requirements of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The money is issued directly by the employer who provides the graduate with a job. The state allowance for young professionals, designed to support new personnel, is not subject to taxation.

Participation in this program has a condition: the teaching employee must work in the acquired specialty for the next 5 years after receiving the payment. Such payments are also provided for doctors living in the village.

Social programs of this kind are also being implemented by local authorities. A priority for them is also to support young professionals planning to work in the village. The source of funding is district, city, regional budgets.

Housing benefits

An additional preference provided for young professionals is a special program for the purchase of housing. The right to take advantage of this is given to a university graduate by having five years of experience in a particular organization. Improving living conditions for such an employee should be an urgent need. It is even easier to implement such a program for rural residents who want to have housing in the village. After working for 5 years, they can visit the social protection authority and submit to an employee of this authority a statement of intention to permanently reside in the village.

Procedure for obtaining housing

The first step in obtaining subsidized housing is submitting documents. The collected copies must be accompanied by papers confirming the lack of living space in the possession or the need to improve the housing issue. The disadvantage of this program is the high down payment. Its amount reaches 30% of the total cost of the provided property. This could be a room, an apartment, a house. However, the employer has the right to make this contribution. Refunds will be made by deducting part of the debt from the employee’s salary or in another agreed and documented way.

Help for aspiring healthcare workers

Young doctors who moved to work in rural areas must be paid compensation in the amount of 1 million rubles. This is how the all-Russian social program"Zemstvo Doctor"

The procedure for obtaining such assistance involves concluding a contract at the place of employment. One party is the employee, the other is the local government. This body is usually the administration of the district center.

Lifting benefits are only available to citizens with a higher medical education who have gotten a job in their field. A young doctor must also complete an internship in order to begin independent work.

The main condition for providing financial assistance is that the young doctor has five years of experience in the village. If he resigns early, part of the amount paid will have to be returned.

Providing housing for doctors

Along with paying money, the state must provide such citizens with housing, providing premises for living or land for construction. Part of the credit (loan) for the purchase of this property by a qualified physician can also be compensated.

The one-time payment to young specialists is targeted: a million rubles is intended exclusively for improving living conditions. Thus, if the state partially reimburses the loan for the purchase of housing, it is assumed that the remaining part will be repaid from the money paid under the above-mentioned program.

Who is considered a young specialist?

according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

The status of a young specialist and the provision of corresponding benefits at the federal level are practically not regulated today. The only legal act containing such a provision is Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibits the employer from establishing probationary periods when hiring for citizens who graduated from secondary vocational and higher educational institutions less than a year ago. A young specialist has no other benefits under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Even the very concept of “young specialist” as such is not established either in the Labor Code or in any other federal law. Only based on the content of regional regulations can one identify the main criteria for obtaining this status:

age up to 35 years (although in some regions the age is limited to 30 years);

availability of primary (vocational school or lyceum), secondary vocational or higher education, obtained through a full-time education system in an educational institution that has state accreditation (a number of regions establish this as additional condition training on a budget basis);

initial employment at a public sector enterprise after receiving a diploma.

The provision of benefits, one-time payments and other measures of social support for young professionals are established by industry agreements of the relevant departments. As for non-state structures, such support is provided on the basis of local regulations of specific enterprises.

In other words, in order to obtain reliable information about the benefits due, during employment or immediately after it, you need to familiarize yourself with the collective agreement of the enterprise. In addition, many organizations have provisions on the status of a young specialist - these documents clearly state the working conditions of yesterday's students, the mechanism for providing them with benefits, the number and amount of payments, etc.

Until what age is the status of a young specialist valid?

The age limit for a young specialist to receive appropriate benefits is 30–35 years, depending on the region of employment. The status is valid for 3 years from the date of conclusion of the employment contract and is not re-assigned.

In some cases, the status of a young specialist can be extended up to 6 years:

when undergoing urgent military or alternative service;

full-time postgraduate studies (postgraduate studies);

while on maternity leave, as well as child care leave.

Measures to support young professionals.

Payments to young professionals.

There are currently no nationwide measures for social support for young professionals - they are regulated only by regional legislation. As a rule, assistance is expressed in the provision of the following guarantees:

one-time payments upon employment;

compensation payments to reimburse transportation costs;

preferential loans or subsidies for the purchase (construction) of housing or the provision of corporate housing;

interest-free loan for improvement;

partial or full reimbursement of expenses for the maintenance of children in preschool institutions etc.

Two budget areas have priority in this direction: education and health care.

Important: the lack of special education does not deprive a young teacher of his status if he works in the specified field. For example, a school teacher who has not reached 35 years of age and has a diploma in any profession not related to teaching can also apply for the title of young specialist.

For teachers from the northern capital, the upper age threshold is lower - young specialists in this field, in accordance with the law of St. Petersburg No. 107-27 “On measures of social support for employees of state educational institutions” dated 04/03/2007 (as amended in 2011) , teachers under the age of 30 are considered.

Information about social support for young teachers in a particular region can be obtained from the territorial unit of the Department of Education at the place of residence and work.

Young specialist in education. Benefits and payments.

As well as the status itself, payments and benefits to young specialists of state and municipal educational institutions are established at the regional level. For example, in St. Petersburg it looks like this.

For young school teachers in the northern capital, salary increases are not provided, but they have the right to receive one-time payments in the amount of:

6 basic units - for specialists who have received a higher and secondary diploma vocational education state standard;

8 basic units - for specialists who have received a diploma of the same level with honors.

As of January 1, 2016, the size of one basic unit is 8,896 rubles.

In addition, during the first 3 years of work, teachers in St. Petersburg who have not reached 30 years of age must be reimbursed monthly for travel expenses by any type of passenger transport, with the exception of taxis, up to half the cost.

You can receive a one-time payment by submitting a corresponding application to the relevant department of education or social security authority of St. Petersburg.

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In order to stimulate specialized employment of graduates of pedagogical universities, many regions produce payments to young specialist teachers. Unfortunately, the salaries of young specialists are low, so young people prefer to get a job outside their specialty after graduation. To attract young teachers to schools, regional ministries of education pay one-time or periodic benefits designed to support specialists.

Types of payments to young professionals

Support for young teachers can be provided in the following forms:

  • a one-time payment upon employment (the so-called lift) - the amount of such payment varies depending on the region - from 20 to 100 thousand, and payments can be made from both the regional and local budgets;
  • payment for housing – can be paid to young teachers in rural schools;
  • additional payments to the monthly salary until it reaches the average level;
  • payment for professional development - intended for teachers with experience from 3 to 5 years;
  • preferential mortgage - the regional budget either pays part of the loan or interest on the mortgage loan.

Each region has its own forms of social support for young professional teachers.

Conditions for providing benefits and payments

Benefits and payments to young teachers are provided subject to certain conditions:

  • age up to 35 years;
  • employment in your specialty immediately after graduation (some regions, for example, set a three-month period for receiving a lump sum payment);
  • conclusion of an employment contract for a period of at least three years;
  • certain experience in the teaching profession - for a preferential mortgage.

Each region sets its own conditions for providing social support to young professionals.

Young specialist in education up to what age

The law on support for young professionals lists such conditions. A young specialist is considered to be a teacher who has worked for up to three years. This status is set once. The period of service is extended in the following cases:

  • leave to care for an infant up to 3 years of age;
  • call for urgent military service;
  • full-time postgraduate studies;
  • internships or additional training with a break from work.

That is, if a teacher received the status of a young specialist, worked for some time at school, then left work for the above activities, and then returned to school, then he will continue to be considered a young specialist.

The government of the Ulyanovsk region decrees:

1. Designate the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Ulyanovsk Region as the executive body state power Ulyanovsk region, authorized to provide incentive payments to young specialists working in their specialty in state institutions of social services for the population of the Ulyanovsk region.

2. Approve:

2.1. The procedure for providing incentive payments to young specialists working in their specialty in government social service institutions of the Ulyanovsk region (Appendix No. 1).

2.2. Rules for the provision of funds from the regional budget of the Ulyanovsk region for incentive payments to young specialists working in their specialty in state social service institutions of the Ulyanovsk region (Appendix No. 2).

2.3. List of positions, the occupation of which gives the right to receive incentive payments to young specialists working in their specialty in state institutions of social services for the population of the Ulyanovsk region (Appendix No. 3).

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region
Silkina A.N.

Governor – Chairman
Regional Governments

to the Government resolution
Ulyanovsk region


providing incentive payments to young specialists working in their specialty in government agencies

1. This Procedure determines the rules for providing incentive payments to young professionals working in their specialty in government social service institutions of the Ulyanovsk region (hereinafter referred to as incentive payments).

2. The right to incentive payments is given to young specialists whose age does not exceed 30 years, who have completed their studies at a state-accredited educational institution of higher vocational education or secondary vocational education on the territory of the Russian Federation and who have received a state-issued document, respectively, on higher vocational or secondary vocational education, who entered work at a state institution of social services for the population of the Ulyanovsk region no later than two months from the date of completion of their full-time education, for which this
the institution is the place of main work and who are provided with work in their specialty in an amount not less than the wage rate
(hereinafter referred to as young specialists).

3. Incentive payments are made for each calendar year worked: for the first year - in the amount of 20,000 rubles, for the second year - 40,000 rubles, for the third year - 60,000 rubles.

4. If, within two months after completion of training or during the period of work in state institutions of social services for the population of the Ulyanovsk region, young specialists are called up for compulsory military service or military service by conscription of alternative civil service and are subsequently employed in their specialty within two months after graduation services to state institutions of social services for the population of the Ulyanovsk region, they have the right to incentive payments in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Procedure.

5. The right to incentive payments is retained when a young specialist is transferred from one state institution of social services for the population of the Ulyanovsk region to another state institution of social services for the population of the Ulyanovsk region.

6. Time spent by a young specialist on maternity leave
child is not counted towards the period of work for which the benefits are provided
incentive payments.

Incentive payments to young specialists are provided within a month from the date of the calendar year worked in the amounts specified in paragraph 3 of this Procedure, and are issued by order of the head of the state institution of social services for the population of Ulyanovsk

to the Government resolution
Ulyanovsk region


provision of funds from the regional budget of the Ulyanovsk region
for incentive payments to young professionals working
by specialty in government social institutions
services to the population of the Ulyanovsk region

1. These Rules determine the procedure for providing funds from the regional budget of the Ulyanovsk region for incentive payments to young professionals working in their specialty in state social service institutions of the Ulyanovsk region (hereinafter referred to as incentive payments).

2. Financing of expenses for incentive payments is carried out in accordance with the consolidated budget list of the regional budget of the Ulyanovsk region for the corresponding financial year within the limits of budget obligations provided for these purposes to the main manager of the regional budget of the Ulyanovsk region - the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Ulyanovsk Region (hereinafter - Ministry).

Until what age am I a young specialist?

Financing of expenses for incentive payments is carried out by the Ministry by transferring funds to state institutions of social services for the population of the Ulyanovsk region, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry, to personal accounts opened with the Ministry of Finance of the Ulyanovsk region, on the basis of a monthly cash plan.

4. Funds for incentive payments to young professionals working in state autonomous institutions of social services for the population of the Ulyanovsk region are provided in the form of subsidies from the regional budget of the Ulyanovsk region allocated to state autonomous institutions of social services for the population of the Ulyanovsk region.

5. Subsidies are transferred by the Ministry to accounts opened with credit institutions, on the basis of monthly cash plans for the provision of subsidies from the regional budget to state autonomous social service institutions of the Ulyanovsk region.

6. Control in terms of ensuring the legal, targeted, effective use of funds from the regional budget of the Ulyanovsk region, allocated to finance the expenses provided for by these Rules, is carried out by the Ministry.

to the Government resolution
Ulyanovsk region


positions the occupation of which gives the right to receive
incentive payments to young professionals working in
specialties in government social institutions
services to the population of the Ulyanovsk region

1. Accompanist

2. Librarian

3. Accountant

4. Educator

5. Medical specialist

6. Engineer of all titles and specialties

7. Instructor (in labor, in occupational therapy, in physical therapy, in physical education)

8. Instructor-methodologist for physical therapy

9. Cultural organizer

10. Laboratory assistant (paramedic-laboratory assistant)

11. Speech therapist

12. Master of industrial training

13. Nurse of all titles

14. Methodist (including senior)

15. Mechanic

16. Musical director

17. Head of physical education

18. Teacher-organizer

19. Educational psychologist

20. Psychologist

21. Programmer

22. Social teacher

23. Social work specialist

24. Sign language interpreter

25. Technician

26. Speech therapist teacher

27. Teacher-speech pathologist

28. Pharmacist

29. Paramedic

30. Economist of all types

31. Legal adviser.



Letter of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus dated March 18, 2011 No. 05-1/1321 “On additional payments to specialists”

Text of the document with changes and additions as of November 2013

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Agriculture Committees
and food supply of regional executive committees

Republican associations,
organizations and institutions

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus in connection with numerous requests regarding additional payments to the salaries of managers and specialists in accordance with paragraph 1 of Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated August 31, 2000 N 1359 “On measures to improve the provision of specialist personnel to agricultural organizations” (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution) explains the following.

Paragraph 1 of the Resolution establishes the following additional payments to wages:

1) young specialists with higher and secondary specialized education during the first two years of work - in the amount of one tariff rate of the first category established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus for employees of budgetary organizations and other organizations receiving subsidies, whose employees are equal in wages to employees of budgetary organizations , with the attribution of these costs to the cost of products, works and services;

2) managers (including heads of agricultural organizations) and specialists with higher and secondary specialized education, after two years from the date of concluding an employment contract with them, who continue to work in agricultural organizations, over the next three years - at three times the tariff rate of the first category established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus for employees of budgetary organizations and other organizations receiving subsidies, whose employees are equal in wages to employees of budgetary organizations, at the expense of the republican budget funds allocated for the development of agricultural production, fish farming and processing of agricultural products, unless otherwise provided by the President The Republic of Belarus.

From the above provisions it follows that monthly additional payments to the wages of these employees of agricultural organizations in total can be made for a period of five years, subject to the conditions specified in the Resolution.

It should be borne in mind that persons dismissed from one agricultural organization and hired by another agricultural organization, the right to additional payments to wages in the amount of one tariff rate arose from January 31, 2010 in connection with the entry into force of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic Belarus dated January 8, 2010 N 16 "On amendments to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated August 31, 2000 N 1359".

The right to additional payments to wages in the amount of three times the tariff rate arose on July 19, 2010 in connection with the entry into force of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 9, 2010.

Employment contract, labor legislation and labor relations: guarantees and benefits

N 1041 "On amendments to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 31, 2000 N 1359".

At the same time, we clarify that monthly additional payments to wages are paid in proportion to the time worked, but not higher than the amounts specified in paragraphs 2, 3 of clause 1 of the Resolution.

Additional payments to wages in accordance with paragraph 3 of paragraph 1 of the Resolution can be made to managers and specialists with higher and secondary specialized education of agricultural organizations, provided that they:

— arrived to work in agricultural organizations in the areas of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions;

- continue to work in agricultural organizations after two years from the date of concluding an employment contract with them.

However, the right to additional payments to wages is retained in the following cases:

— redistribution of a young specialist to another agricultural organization in the manner prescribed by law during the first two years of distribution;

— employment of a specialist (manager) in another agricultural organization (including by way of transfer to another employer) within 1 month from the date of dismissal (after the expiration of the assignment);

— employment of a young specialist (specialist) within three months after completion of service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. In this case, we believe it is advisable to be guided by the norms of Article 342 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Please note that the following are counted towards the term of work for the placement of a young specialist:

period of conscription service, service in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Belarus;

the period of being on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years.

In the event that a young specialist called up for conscription into the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Belarus, upon completion of service did not find employment at the place of work indicated in the certificate of assignment to work or in the order of redistribution, but received a certificate of self-employment, the right to receive the specified additional payments to wages is not retained.

Committees on agriculture and food of regional executive committees to bring this information to the attention of the departments of agriculture and food of the district executive committees, ensure control over the monthly implementation of these additional payments, the correctness and uniform practice of applying the provisions of paragraph 1 of the Resolution.

First Deputy Minister N.N. Kotkovets

dokumenty archiwalne Papyaredni | offensive

These days, teachers are provided with various benefits. In this article we will look at what payments teachers can count on from the budget.

Normative base

Regulation of the field of education is carried out within the framework of labor, constitutional (the right to study) and administrative legislation.

The main regulations governing the receipt of benefits by teaching staff:

Benefits for education workers

Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation” The following social guarantees have been established:

  1. Early retirement based on length of service (work experience of at least 25 years).
  2. Long vacation in the summer months - 42-56 calendar days.
  3. No restrictions on part-time work, i.e. one teacher can teach several disciplines.
  4. Abbreviated work week- 18 hours a week.
  5. The right to leave for up to 12 months with retention of position, if the teacher has a continuous work experience of at least 10 years.
  6. Providing housing to those in need who are registered, from the service fund or on the terms of social rent.
  7. Training under improvement programs every three years.

Benefits for beginning teachers

In Moscow, a young specialist:

– must not be older than 35 years;

– work in the specialty indicated in the diploma;

– must get a job in school in the year of graduation from a higher or secondary educational institution (no later than November 30);

– must work a full-time teaching or training load;

– the form of education does not matter.

To attract young teachers (recent graduates of specialized universities) to work in schools (preferably in rural ones), the government has established a number of additional privileges:

1. Lifting (one-time benefit), the amount of which is established by local authorities.

Subject to the following requirements:

– the employment contract is concluded for more than 3 years;

– upon presentation of a “red” diploma (increased salary if there was no break between completing education and starting work as a teacher);

– employment in a school within three months after graduation from a higher educational institution.

  1. Increased salary for the first three years of teaching.
  2. Payment of bonuses based on performance during the first three years.
  3. Free travel on public transport.

In addition to the one-time payment a beginner specialist in Moscow has the right to receive an allowance for three years.

The amount of the lump sum payment depends on the diploma of the young specialist:

Young professionals can receive financial support in the form of:

Benefits for teachers on utility bills

This benefit is provided to retired teachers.

Teachers are reimbursed for:

- for rent,

– for hot and cold water,

– electricity (according to consumption standards established by regions),

– central heating or gas (as per standard or according to meter readings);

– solid fuel – coal, firewood (according to consumption standards).

Since 2013, utility bills have been compensated according to average indicators, and the cash payment is 1,200 rubles.

Housing benefits for teachers

It is not possible for education workers with their salaries to purchase housing or take out a mortgage loan; therefore, the government has approved a program to provide housing loans on preferential terms.

In accordance with the program, education workers in rural schools have the right to take out a mortgage at a rate of 8.5%.

To receive this benefit you must:

  • submit an application for participation in the program to territorial local governments,
  • have your own money to make a down payment,
  • stand in line to improve your living conditions.

Benefits for teachers' remuneration

Wage teachers consists of base part(which depends on qualifications and workload) and stimulating part.

The incentive part includes:

– bonus for additional workload in specialized classes and groups,

– additional payment for harmfulness (chemistry teachers),

– bonus for class (class teachers),

– additional payment for special work hours,

– bonus for checking student notebooks,

- financial assistance.

As an incentive, the state guarantees payments to young teachers and teachers. These privileges are granted to persons with higher education who are ready to begin work in their profession immediately after graduation. The authorities are forced to resort to such measures to increase the popularity and attractiveness of the low-paid and difficult teaching profession.

Particularly many difficulties arise with the employment of specialists in rural areas. Many former students of pedagogical universities prefer to stay in the city at an office job rather than go to the outback to work in their specialty. But knowing how to receive the payments that are due to a young specialist, it is easier for them to change their place of residence. Another advantage of such employment is the opportunity to get housing in the future.

General provisions

Young specialist, who is this? The thing is that the law does not give a clear interpretation of this term. The article of the Labor Code only defines the criteria that the applicant must meet.

In Art. 7 of the Labor Code it is determined that a young specialist is an applicant with a higher diploma teacher education, who was employed in his specialty within a year after graduating from a university/secondary institution.

Requirements for a young specialist who is entitled to benefits:

  • age criterion – no more than 35 years;
  • employment in your specialty within one year after graduation;
  • budget form of education;
  • inpatient training;
  • employment under an employment contract for a long term, at least three years;
  • enrollment in public educational institutions.

On a note! The status of a young specialist gives the future teacher an additional bonus - the possibility of employment without a probationary period at the first place of work. This rule is regulated by the Labor Code.


The total validity period of the status is three years. It can be appointed one-time and only within a year after graduation. But, a person can extend the period in a number of cases:

  • maternity leave;
  • Military service;
  • internship;
  • training;
  • additional training, for example, a specialist must complete an internship.

Important! Lifting benefits are paid only for the first official place of work in the specialty. If during the year when the status is established, the applicant changed jobs (even before receiving assistance), then he can say goodbye to receiving a lump sum payment.

What do teachers get paid?

Young professionals receive certain types of benefits. Let's see what advantages future teachers have over students of other specializations. So, teachers who are employed as teachers or teachers on a permanent basis in a state institution are entitled to the following concessions:

  1. Raising money. This is a one-time payment, which is paid immediately after employment and is indicated to stabilize the teacher at work. The amount is determined at the regional level and depends on the employee’s specialization.

A comment! In some cases, the amount of lifting funds may be paid over several years in installments. The frequency and form of payment must be discussed directly with the manager, since the specifics of providing assistance differ depending on the policy of the institution and the region.

  1. Supplements to the rate. The amount of the bonus depends on the salary. Up to 40% bonus is awarded in the standard case. And an applicant with a honors diploma can receive 50% of the bonus.

On a note! As a young specialist, the applicant receives an allowance for the entire period of validity of the status; it is paid monthly to teachers and teachers of government institutions.

  1. Preferential mortgage. The program to support young professionals stipulates that 30% of the cost of housing, which is paid by the applicant for a housing loan, is repaid by the municipality. Applicants are entitled to the following benefits:
  • reduced rate, this is about 8.5%;
  • increased payment period;
  • compensation for the first payment.

Important! The applicant must be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions. And partly state aid in rural areas, village councils began to allocate building plots. Consequently, the applicant can receive land and a loan on preferential terms to build a house on it.

  1. Other types of benefits. If, for example, you get a job in your specialty and work in a rural school, you can get a building plot, but in the city they offer free travel. When moving to another area, the applicant is entitled to:
  • compensation for transportation of things;
  • travel allowances for all days en route;
  • funds for personal relocation.

On a note! Regional regulations of individual subjects of the Federation provide for the right to receive a subsidy if the applicant has a diploma of higher education and the status of an employed person.

  1. Other bonuses in the form of:
  • vacation from 42 to 56 days;
  • working week, lasting no more than 36 hours;
  • monthly allowance for the purchase of specialized literature;
  • early retirement.

On a note! A teacher can retire after 25 years in a position and in an institution that is included in the legal list. The age of the applicant does not matter.

Teacher lift sizes

The average one-time assistance paid to beginning teachers in the Russian Federation ranges from 10-20 thousand rubles. The amount may increase depending on the region. For example, in the northern capital, applicants with honors are given about 67 thousand, and teachers without distinction are paid about 50 thousand. But in Irkutsk in 2018, the rate for young specialists was raised from 10 to 50 thousand.

The support program for young specialists stipulates that in the first year of work, new teachers receive a bonus for work in their specialty. This is 40% in the standard case and 50% if you have a diploma with honors. The list and features of providing other benefits should be found out locally, in the authorized bodies.

On a note! In the Irkutsk region, the bonus to salary in the first year of work was increased to 60% . The second year of work brings young teachers a 36% bonus, and by the third year the coefficient drops to 24%.

What is needed to process payments to a teacher?

If all criteria are met and the above conditions are met, the specialist must initiate payment. This can be done by submitting an application written in the form.

List of required documents:

Attention! To receive allowance payments, a specialist must work in the institution that accrues them for at least 3 years. Otherwise, you will have to return the money for the unfulfilled period.

Reader questions

  • Question one: A young specialist is assigned for 3 years. My son and daughter went to work at school right after college, but 10 months later she went on maternity leave. Will she be able to receive a salary increase after returning to work?
    Answer: The total period for which the status is assigned is three years. A decree is a good reason for suspending the grace period. That is, after returning to work, your daughter will be able to resume all her privileges, including the bonus.
  • Question two: If I get a job in my specialty within a year, but in a private school, does the state guarantee me any benefits?
    Answer: You need to find out from your employer about the availability of benefits and the procedure for providing benefits to young professionals. The state does not provide any benefits in this case. Allowance and allowances are an incentive for employment in government agencies.
  • Question three: If I go to work in a rural area under the young specialist program, are there any privileges for obtaining housing?
    Answer: You, as a young professional, can take part in a housing program where housing is provided regardless of the general waiting list. The conditions for obtaining official housing must be clarified with the village council.