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Creation of effective pedagogical conditions in preschool educational institutions for the social and personal development of pupils. The concept of pedagogical conditions and means of child development The concept of pedagogical conditions in pedagogy


3 Organization of a child’s life. Development conditions.

4 Play as a means of comprehensive development of a preschool child.




Development of a person - the process of formation of his personality under the influence of external and internal, controllable and uncontrollable factors. Development is mental and physical.

Upbringing– special purposeful creation of conditions (material, spiritual, organizational) for human development.

Education– a purposeful process of interaction between a teacher and a student, as a result of which a person’s education is carried out.

Preschool childhood: age period, including younger preschool age (3-5), senior (5-7) Patterns of development are determined by the leading type of activity, the social situation of development, depends on the content and motives of the activity, is determined by the measure of one’s own activity, the interaction of development factors (heredity , environment, upbringing), internal contradictions and psychophysical characteristics. During the transition from early to preschool age the social situation of development changes: the child goes beyond the boundaries of his family circle, establishes communication with other people, wants to be like an adult, he needs to resolve the contradictions between desires and capabilities, helps role-playing game(lead activity). The problem of play was studied by Vygotsky. Zaporozhets, Elkonin, Usova and others. Elkonin identified 4 main lines of influence of the game on the psychological development of the child

1. development of the motivational-need sphere. There is a change in the psychological forms of motives from emotionally charged to conscious.

2.overcoming the child’s cognitive egocentrism(taking roles in the game),

3. creating an ideal plan. Actions in the mind form the basis of an ideal plan, revealing the path to the development of visual-figurative thinking, higher forms of perceptual actions, and imagination.

4. development of voluntary action The game requires the child to obey the rules. The game enriches one's horizons, a picture of the world is formed, and accumulates social awareness. experience, a culture of communication is formed. strong-willed qualities, speech develops, etc. Psycho ped. development conditions playful and productive activities: the formation of a picture of the world in children, getting to know the environment, organizing a subject-development environment, active communication between the teacher and the child.

The concept of pedagogical conditions and means of child development.

Integrity of educational DOW process achieved through a variety of technologies preschool education, maintenance and integration of conditions and means for the development of preschool children.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program include requirements for the psychological, pedagogical, personnel, material, technical and financial conditions for the implementation of the Program, as well as for the developing subject-spatial environment.

The conditions for the implementation of the Program must ensure the full development of the personality of children in all basic educational fields, namely: in the spheres of social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic and physical development the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being and positive attitude towards the world, towards themselves and towards other people.

Pedagogical means- these are material objects and objects of spiritual culture intended for organizing the educational process and performing the functions of children's development; substantive support for the educational process, as well as a variety of activities in which students are involved.

Conditions - These are subjective and objective requirements and prerequisites, by implementing which the teacher achieves the goal in his work with the most rational use of forces and means.

3. Organization of a child's life. Development conditions.

The upbringing, education and development of a child are determined by the conditions of his life in kindergarten and family. The main forms of organizing this life in kindergarten are: play and related forms of activity, classes, and subject-based practical activities.

A game. The main type of independent activity of a preschooler is story game, the specificity of which lies in the conditional nature of the actions. The game allows the child, in an imaginary situation, to carry out any actions that attract him, role functions, and get involved in a variety of events. Play is an activity in its own right for a preschooler, providing him with a sense of freedom, control over things, actions, relationships, allowing him to realize himself most fully “here and now”, achieve a state of emotional comfort, and become involved in a children's society built on free communication of equals.

The game has great importance and for the development of the child. It develops the ability to imagine, voluntarily regulate actions and feelings, and acquire experience of interaction and mutual understanding. It is the combination of the subjective value of play for a child and its objective developmental value that makes play the most suitable form of organizing children’s lives, especially in social conditions. preschool education.

In modern kindergarten, play is used as an “add-on” to the didactic process of acquiring knowledge determined by program requirements. The teacher usually conducts the game in the same way as classes - he determines the topic, assigns a role and place to each participant, prescribes and regulates actions, and evaluates their correctness. As a result, play in kindergarten takes on a deformed appearance, resembling a frontal activity or imposed activity.

In order for a game to become a genuine means of creative self-realization for a child and to fully fulfill its developmental functions, it must be free from themes and regulation of actions imposed by adults “from above.” The child must have the opportunity to master the increasingly complex “language” of the game - the general ways of its implementation (conditional action, role-playing interaction, creative plot construction), increasing the freedom of creative realization of his own plans.

All this is feasible by abandoning the currently prevailing stereotypical idea of ​​the game as a regulated process of “collective development of knowledge” and changing the position of the teacher when leading the game. The teacher, by engaging in free children's activities and taking the position of a playing partner, creates a zone of proximal development for children's independent play.

Play in kindergarten should be organized, firstly, as a joint game between the teacher and the children, where the adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a carrier of the specific “language” of the game. The natural emotional behavior of the teacher, who accepts any children’s plans, guarantees freedom and ease, the child’s enjoyment of the game, and contributes to the desire in children to master the methods of play themselves. Secondly, at all age stages, play should be preserved as a free independent activity of children, where they use all the play tools available to them, freely unite and interact with each other, where the world of childhood is ensured to a certain extent, independent of adults.

Along with play, free play occupies a significant place in a child’s life. productive activity children (constructive, visual, etc.) Just like in the game, the child’s development opportunities are enriched here.

Classes. A significant place in the life of a kindergarten belongs to classes. They are aimed at the teacher transferring knowledge, skills and abilities to the child. It is usually assumed that this leads to the enrichment of the child’s physical and spiritual culture, contributes to the formation of independence, the ability for joint coordinated activity, and curiosity. However, the prevailing practice is that the content of knowledge transmitted in the classroom adapts the child primarily to the tasks of learning at school. The dominant way of conducting classes - direct influence of the teacher on the child, question-and-answer form of communication, disciplinary forms of influence - is combined with formal assessments. The child's achievements are assessed based on group standards.

In these conditions, learning comes down to the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to children, which turns into an end in itself. Most of the knowledge is not related to the living conditions of children in kindergarten and their immediate environment and should be learned “for future use.” At the same time, mastering knowledge acts as a mandatory program requirement and is accompanied by strict forms of control; intuitive knowledge acquired by children in everyday life, which could become a source of cognitive interests, is ignored and replaced by ersatz knowledge presented in a ready-made form. In this case, the natural curiosity of children is suppressed, and the developmental effect of training turns out to be insignificant and unaccounted for.

Direct instruction should not be the predominant form of classroom organization. Learning takes place in context play activity. One of the most effective ways for children to learn in the classroom is didactic play. The rules of the game include pedagogical tasks, V didactic material contains playful methods of action that the child learns. Thus, obeying the need to follow the rule, the child masters the voluntary regulation of behavior, masters communicative abilities, and learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of his partners. In the process of operating with play material, the child develops cognitive abilities: ability to use diagrams and models, cognitive self-regulation - attention, memory, imagination - through actions to correlate objects and signs, actions with substitute objects. It is necessary to build the most complete system possible didactic games, its implementation missing links through flexible modification of existing games and creation of new ones. Thus, the game, in combination with the necessary explanations in the form of direct influence from an adult, forms a specific form of education for preschoolers - a kind of synthesis of game and activity, thereby removing the traditional opposition of these two forms of education.

The program that determines the content of classes should be focused on children’s assimilation of concepts, means and methods of activity necessary for the formation of the basis of personal culture.

Subject-based practical activity. Traditionally refers to the area labor education. At the same time, the child’s own interests are often ignored in favor of developing responsibility, perseverance, and discipline. As a result, interest in the activities of adults is either not formed or fades away, and the essence of a valuable attitude towards work and towards working people is emasculated. The child is introduced not to free, creative labor as a universal human value, but to forced labor, necessary only to gain approval and avoid punishment. Hence, there is little justification for treating the baby as “hardworking” or “lazy” already in the fourth year of his life; the formation in the child, on the basis of these labels, of emotional distress and a negative attitude towards work tasks.

It is necessary to overcome the narrow everyday orientation in organizing children's practical activities, to radically change the methods of involving children in these activities and the forms of familiarizing them with the work of adults. Expand the range of practical affairs by including the child in the sphere of real, and not artificially invented concerns for him about others. Develop children's natural need to imitate the actions of adults; stimulate independent forms manifestations of children's activity. It is not specifically labor skills and abilities that constitute the content of labor education and training in kindergarten, but the development of the ability to use things and tools of one’s own free will in substantive practical activities.

For teaching practice typical detailing and an increase in the volume of knowledge about production (technology, labor operations, raw materials, etc.), in which the working person “drowns.” Instead, children need to be introduced to his goals, difficulties, decisions, successes, defeats and victories, and the experiences that are caused by these aspects of an adult's life. The path to these ideas is joint practical activities between children and adults, role-playing games, and art.

In modern practice of public preschool education, a superficially understood age-based approach prevails. Correct in its entirety, this orientation boils down only to the idea of ​​recruiting groups according to age and strict age-specific targeting of program and methodological documentation. All this orients the teacher not to age characteristics a specific child, but to some abstract unified standard, closing the way to any manifestations of an individual approach. A child lives as if in an aquarium - all moments of life take place surrounded by adults or peers. The teacher has to artificially limit the children’s time for even the most basic needs. The regime is turning into an end in itself. The social environment of children is significantly impoverished. The child is always “put in a corner” - “play corner”, “nature corner”. The equipment of children's institutions is at an extremely low level.

The position of personality-oriented pedagogy assumes that a child is considered in the totality of all his individual manifestations, including age-related ones. Thus, an alternative to the existing situation is the need to shift the emphasis to an individual approach. There is a need for a sharp change in the orientation of the educator, who must see in each child the traits that are inherent specifically to him, and not those that he has (or lacks) like the generalized “five-year-old”, “six-year-old”, etc.

Enrichment social experience children It helps not only to communicate with different children, but also with different adults. The active participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten is necessary not only during the absence of children (parent-teacher meetings, washing windows, etc.). It forms a full-fledged social environment, contributes to the establishment of unity between the family and the kindergarten. Parents in kindergarten are not strangers! The times at which parents can bring and pick up their children are not strictly regulated.

Personal time. The rules of children's lives must provide space for diverse and free manifestations of the interests of the child himself. These are not only holidays, but also the time when he can do his favorite thing, knowing that no other activities will be imposed on him. Have free time and being able to fill it is no less important for a child than participating in collective actions.

The organization of the subject environment in kindergarten should be subordinated to the goal of the child’s psychological well-being. The creation of the interior of premises, the production of children's furniture, games and toys, physical education equipment and sports equipment should be based on scientific principles - a kind of “ergonomics of childhood”. High interior culture in relation to a child is not a luxury, but a condition building a “developmental environment”. Enriching a child's life in kindergarten requires more flexible and variable use of space. An alternative to the rigid functional confinement of zones and corners inside rooms and areas is their adaptability to meeting the needs and interests of the child himself, when he gets the opportunity to constantly feel like a full owner of toys, move freely around the kindergarten, and enjoy the life of the children and adults around him.

The culture of a technocratic society has led humanity to a crisis. But we also turn to it in the hope of changing the situation. Nowadays, humanity is constantly faced with the dire consequences of an unreasonable attitude towards nature. This is due, first of all, to the fact that people have a predominant consumer approach to nature. In conditions of environmental crisis, it is necessary to create a new concept of interaction between society and nature. This task is not only social, environmental and technical, but also moral in nature, since it is dictated by the need to form among people an ecological culture based on an awareness of the inextricable connection between man and the environment, a responsible attitude towards nature, and an understanding of the need to preserve it for future generations. This study is only a step in the search for more modern system formation of ecological culture in children of primary school age.






The environmental situation in Russia and around the world, global in nature environmental problems and their unique manifestation in each region of the planet urgently require a speedy restructuring of the thinking of humanity, individual nations and each individual person.

The culture of a technocratic society has led humanity to a crisis. But we also turn to it in the hope of changing the situation. Nowadays, humanity is constantly faced with the dire consequences of an unreasonable attitude towards nature. This is due, first of all, to the fact that people have a predominant consumer approach to nature. In conditions of environmental crisis, it is necessary to create a new concept of interaction between society and nature. This task is not only social, environmental and technical, but also moral in nature, since it is dictated by the need to form among people an ecological culture based on an awareness of the inextricable connection between man and the environment, a responsible attitude towards nature, and an understanding of the need to preserve it for future generations.

One of the reasons for this situation is the environmental illiteracy of the majority of the population and the inability to foresee the consequences of human intervention in nature. In this regard, environmental education as a continuous process becomes a new priority area pedagogical theory and practice.

Experience Analysis environmental education in Russia allows us to state that the formation of environmental culture, as an integral part of it, in educational process more is declared than is effectively included in school practice. At present, the theoretical basis of environmental education is quite well developed, but there is no systematicity or sequence in the formation of its individual components, in particular the environmental culture of schoolchildren.

In the developing system of continuous environmental education, Primary School. The foundations for the formation of an ecological culture must be laid with early age. This is due, first of all, to the fact that initial stage School education lays the foundation of the individual and his multifaceted relationships with nature and society. This is also facilitated by natural prerequisites: a cognitive focus on studying the surrounding world, primarily the natural one, as well as the active assimilation of universal human values ​​and standards of behavior. Schoolchildren of this age begin to show interest in the world human relations and find their places in the system of these relations, their activities acquire a personal nature and begin to be assessed from the position of laws adopted in society. The formation of an ecological culture in a junior schoolchild is of particular relevance, since this stage is characterized by a special intensity of development of an emotional-value attitude towards the environment, the intensity of the accumulation of personal experience of interaction with the outside world.

Due to nature itself social purpose childhood - the child’s adaptation to nature and society, capable of taking responsibility for his actions before people, plants and animals.

Consequently, primary school age is the most favorable period for the formation of an ecological culture, since during this period of the child’s development the properties and qualities of the individual are intensively formed, which determine its essence in the future.

The formation of an ecological culture is considered by scientists as a complex, integrated process. In our opinion, the most complete and meaningful essence of the concept"ecological culture"revealed by I. D. Zverev. He notes that this concept “concerns all spheres of the material and spiritual life of our society, every person and is expressed in such types of scientific and practical activities that ensure the preservation and enrichment of the environment, create favorable conditions for human life, his comprehensive development and improvement” .

Hence, ecological culture– this is the interaction of a person with the environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle, sustainable socio-economic development and environmental safety of the state and the individual. And, most importantly, human ecological culture is determined by a real contribution to overcoming negative impacts on nature, suppression of actions that cause damage to nature.

The study took place at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 67 in Yekaterinburg in grade 2 “A”.

To determine the initial level of formation of environmental culture junior schoolchildren We conducted a confirmatory experiment, which showed that 88% of children consider nature only from pragmatic and aesthetic-pragmatic positions, satisfying their aesthetics, need positions, i.e. as a source of joy and pleasure. This suggests that the formation of an environmental culture is currently occurring incompletely.

For more successful formation of ecological culture among junior schoolchildren, we have identified and theoretically substantiated pedagogical conditions. When determining pedagogical conditions, we relied on the interpretation of the concept of “pedagogical conditions” by A.S. Frisch, who considers them as a set of objective and subjective factors necessary to ensure the effective functioning of all components of the educational system. In our case pedagogical conditions– this is a purposefully created situation (environment), in which a set of psychological and pedagogical factors are presented in close interaction, allowing the teacher to effectively carry out activities aimed at developing the ecological culture of junior schoolchildren.

Thus, an analysis of the literature and dissertation research allowed us to identify the following pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of an environmental culture in junior schoolchildren, which, as we assume, should have a significant impact on increasing the level of environmental culture, namely:

Strengthening the value-normative and activity-practical aspects of the content of natural science education on the basis of the developed and implementedtechnologies for the formation of ecological culture of junior schoolchildren;

Creation of an appropriate environment conducive to the effective formation of an environmental culture, i.e.greening the environment.

Each of these conditions must interact productively with each other. In our case, the introduction of technology must necessarily be accompanied by greening pedagogical environment.

Talking about technologies for the formation of ecological culture, we mean such a combination of psychological and pedagogical techniques and methods that will allow the student to advance in personal development and reach a new level of quality of life. The driving force of development is the eco-cultural imbalance in the relationship of the individual with the environment, towards the elimination of which educational technologies should be aimed.

This technology is a system of classes that includes various organizational forms of teaching (science lessons, game lessons, travel lessons, KVN lessons, quizzes, environmental holidays, excursions) using the most effective methods and techniques (conversation, modeling, observation, game method), and aimed at the consistent, systematic formation of both individual components of environmental education and environmental culture as a whole. The consistency and systematic nature of the technology we have developed is reflected in the following stages presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Purpose of the stage

identification of historical aspects of the environmental problem and ways to resolve it at different stages of social development; identification of value properties and qualities of environmental components, the crisis state of which is alarming; definition of an environmental problem as an expression of a real contradiction in the interaction of society and nature.

defining an environmental problem as an expression of a real contradiction in the interaction between society and nature; putting forward scientific, moral, economic, technological and logical ideas, optimizing the interaction between society and nature; involving theoretical concepts of social science, natural science, art and technology in order to ensure environmentally safe human existence.

consolidation of the gained experience in practice; practical activities of students to assess the state of the environment in their area, solve local environmental problems, master the norms and rules of a responsible attitude towards nature.

Organiz. forms of education

lessons, travel lessons, game lessons.

quizzes, environmental holidays, KVNs.



and techniques

conversation, game-based communication,

visual method, modeling.

conversation, explanation, modeling,

game method, visual method.

conversation, dialogue,

game method,

observation method.

Sample lesson topics

"Ecosystem" "Station Ecological",

“Flowers of our Motherland”, “Protection of forest animals”, “Journey through the pages of the Red Book”, “Ecology. Transformation of water. Invisible threads in nature”, “The house in which we live”, “The fate of nature is our destiny”, “The forest is a natural community”.

“Festival of Magic Water”, “Ecological Alert”, “Ecological KVN”, “Save nature - save life”, “Journey to a flower meadow”, “Red Book”.

“Autumn changes in living and inanimate nature”, “Forest-natural community”, “Forest floors”.

We know that a person cannot grow and develop without interacting with the natural environment. This interaction becomes more and more relevant as the child’s independence grows and the scope of his activities expands. Contacts with nature, systematic communication with it are the most important means and condition for the formation of a responsive and responsible attitude of younger schoolchildren towards its objects and phenomena. Without exaggeration, one can say about the unique charm that opens up to a junior schoolchild. Only direct communication with nature and its perception contribute to the development of environmental responsibility in children. That is why it is so important that the process of forming an ecological culture is accompanied by a specially created environment that would surround the child not only outside the walls of the school, but also directly while he is in the classroom. This is where the teacher comes to the rescue"greening the environment", i.e. creating an appropriate classroom atmosphere, namely “the inclusion in this environment of natural objects and their complexes, which determine the constant impact on schoolchildren of the entire set of psychological releasers: natural, creates opportunities for coming into contact with natural objects and, therefore, the possibility of obtaining “answers” ​​to them."Therefore, before introducing the technology we developed for the formation of an environmental culture, we assessed the greening of the existing teaching environment both in the classroom and in the school area. We can say that, in general, a good environment has been created that contributes to the formation of an ecologically cultural personality. So in the classroom there is a sufficient number of indoor plants, which are placed in different places (on the walls, on the floor, separately in compositions). Thematic folders with materials used by the teacher in lessons about the surrounding world are placed in the cabinets. A squad called “Ecologists” has been created, which monitors the cleanliness and watering of indoor plants throughout the week. On the school grounds there are flower beds, which are planted with various flowering plants at the end of spring. I would like to note that there are many trees growing on the school grounds. This will subsequently give us the opportunity to conduct excursions directly at the school site. Despite this, we decided to complement the environment with other ecological spaces and thereby diversify it. With the help of parents in the class, the range of indoor plants was expanded, a micro-landscape garden was created for a round aquarium, a corner of wildlife was organized, namely an aquarium with decorative fish, and photo wallpapers with a forest landscape were pasted. Through our joint efforts with the children, precipitation gauges (containers for determining precipitation levels) were installed on the playground (school grounds), located in open and less open (under a tree) spaces. Now we can conclude that the greening of the teaching environment suits us well and contributes to the successful implementation of our technology.

A control experiment helped us check the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions. The results of repeated diagnostics after the formative stage of work made it possible to identify some changes that occurred in the level of formation of ecological culture among younger schoolchildren. Almost 30% of students in this class showed a high level of development of environmental culture. In children who had low scores at the beginning of the experiment, by the end of the experiment these scores increased noticeably.

It should be noted that students’ knowledge of natural science has improved, and most importantly, their attitude towards the natural environment has changed. This gives grounds to talk about the effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions we have identified.

Based on the results of the experimental research work, we can conclude that the pedagogical conditions we have identified contribute to the formation of the ecological culture of junior schoolchildren during and after school hours, which in turn plays an important role. Teachers need to pay unflagging attention to this process, thereby raising a harmoniously developed personality. Of course, the use of this educational technology in practice should be carried out in appropriate environment, contributing to the effectiveness of the process of forming an environmental culture.

At the same time this study is only a stage in the search for a more modern system for the formation of environmental culture in children of primary school age.


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Tatiana Kislova
Creation of effective pedagogical conditions in preschool educational institutions for the social and personal development of pupils.

Pedagogical the system can function successfully and develop only subject to certain conditions. A specific feature of the concept « pedagogical conditions» is that it includes elements of all components of the learning process and education: goals, content, methods, forms, means. V.I. Andreev believes that pedagogical conditions are“circumstances of the learning process that are the result of purposeful selection, design and application of content elements, methods, as well as organizational forms of learning to achieve certain didactic goals.”

Pedagogical conditions are a process, affecting personal development, which is a combination of external factors (circumstances, situation) with the unity of internal essences and phenomena.

1. One of the tasks of preschool educational institutionchild socialization, i.e. assimilation pupil and further development of socio-cultural experience necessary for its inclusion in the system public relations, which consists from: labor skills; knowledge; norms, values, traditions, rules; social qualities personalities that allow a person to feel comfortable and effectively exist in the company of other people. Our kindergarten team is working on creating favorable conditions for children to master initial concepts social character and inclusion of children in the system social relations. The solution to the above problem is carried out, in particular, through development children's play activities. During the game, the ability to engage in communication and cooperation with each other and with adults is formed. Children’s communication abilities increase, serving as one of the high-level parameters social competence.

2. The kindergarten teachers created and are developing game subject environment, which is a means of training human relationships, allowing you to copy them. During play, children develop a playing position that corresponds to socially accepted norms, rules, and ways of behavior of people in various situations. Fulfilling a role puts the child in front of the need to act differently from the way he wants, attacks as prescribed by the role, obeying social norms and rules of conduct. Reveals during the game social the benefits of the chosen role. The child gains an understanding of diversity social roles performed by adults.

3. Teachers strive to support the communicative initiative of children, teach them to negotiate with each other when distributing activities, toys, benefits. In group games, rules are successfully followed because peers monitor how partners follow them. The need to play together with peers, which grows with age, confronts the child with the need to choose a plot, assign roles, and control the role behavior of the partner, which leads to development communication skills.

4. In games, not only game relationships are formed, but also real ones, consolidating good habits into the norms of behavior of children in different conditions and outside the game. Educator affects all aspects of the personality baby: on his consciousness, feelings, will, behavior. The basis of a humane attitude towards people - the ability to empathize, to sympathize - manifests itself in a variety of life situations. How in Everyday life, and in specially organized classes and conversations we work on development attention and involvement to the partner. We teach you to understand the different emotional states of a peer by facial expressions, gestures, and posture. We educate emotional responsiveness, ability to empathize, sympathize.

5. When perception works fiction, visual and musical arts teachers they try to evoke in children a feeling of compassion for those characters who need help or experience anxiety, excitement, physical pain, grief, or resentment; form ideas about good and evil. Using the material of fairy tales, short stories or dramatizations, children learn to evaluate the characters of the characters, their actions, to understand “what is good and what is bad.

6. In kindergarten conditions have been created to form the moral basis of patriotic feelings.

In directly educational activities With educators children receive initial ideas about the country in which they live; about the name of the state, about its symbols, about its territory and location; about its multinational population, about the fact that the state language of Russia is Russian, about the capital of Russia – Moscow. We we educate children in a spirit of respect and interest in different cultures.

7. In our group we also use a system of moral patriotism education. Which promotes humanistic behavior pupils. Based on the material literary works, historical facts, biographical data, understandable life situations, we introduce children to the actions of people who defended and upheld the values ​​of life, family, friendship, love and fidelity, creativity and work. This form of work as a family project allows you to develop patriotic feelings in children based on acquaintance with the participation of relatives in the Great Patriotic War, their exploits; bring up love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland based on specific historical facts that are accessible to children and evoke emotional experiences in them.

8. Family projects help the child gain an understanding of the ancestry of his family, learn the traditions of the family, allow him to support the love of the child as family and friends, his home, bring up interest in your family history. Being a non-traditional form of communication and joint activity between parents and children, they enrich intra-family connections.

9. We pay great attention to organizing joint labor activity children with peers and with adults. This contributes to the formation of our pupils of such important social skills, as the ability to determine the general plan, distribute roles, coordinate one’s actions with the actions of partners, evaluate the result and the nature of the relationship.

Main pedagogical condition V preparatory group is preparation for school. As L. S. Vygotsky noted, the complexity of the transition period from preschool to school childhood lies in the fact that the child already has the basic prerequisites for learning - arbitrariness, methods cognitive activity, motivation, communication skills, etc. However, he is, in essence, “still a preschooler who, crossing the threshold of school, “carries with him ideas about a bright, interesting world.”

In our group we use the following methods of interaction with children:

1. Focused conversations about school.

2. Excursion to school, excursion to class.

3. Examination of the painting “At School”, illustrations and postcards depicting teachers, schoolchildren, class, drawings made former graduates kindergarten on this topic.

4. Reading fiction (S. Baruzdin’s story “Who is the teacher today?”, A. Barto “Girlfriends go to school”, etc.).

5. A series of role-playing and director's games "School" with the aim of developing a positive attitude towards school, as well as the formation of motives associated with educational activities.

At the beginning of working with future kindergarten graduates, we conduct a series of focused conversations that talk about the school and the existing procedures in it, about the relationship between the teacher and students. This is necessary in order to broaden the horizons of children, clarify children’s ideas about the work of a teacher, and the interaction between a teacher and students.

Conversations with children about school may include the following questions: (you can use some of them for the first time, some for the second).

1. When do classes start at school?

2. What day is it and what is it called?

3. How can you guess that you are near a school building?

4. What will they call you when you go to school?

5. What facilities are there in the school and why are they needed?

6. What is the name of the profession of a person who teaches children?

7. How do you imagine a teacher?

8. How does the teacher evaluate the children’s answers?

9. What do students need for school? How can this be called in one word? What are they needed for?

10. Why do you need to study? Do you want to study? Why?

The conversation takes place immediately with the entire group of children in the form of a dialogue.

Publications on the topic:

Creating pedagogical conditions and psychological comfort for the mathematical development of preschool children Prepared by the teacher-educator: Borisova Anna Trofimovna Kindergarten “Filippok” The development of children depends on the creation of pedagogical ones by the teacher.

Creating conditions for the physical development of children in preschool educational institutions“Creating conditions for the physical development of children in preschool educational institutions” 1 slide Goal physical education in a preschool educational institution –.

An indispensable condition for building a developmental environment in kindergarten is reliance on a person-oriented model of interaction between.

Early age is a period of rapid formation of all psychophysiological processes characteristic of humans. Modernly started and correct.

In modern pedagogical research related to the problems of improving the functioning of pedagogical systems and increasing the efficiency of the educational process, one of the aspects of greatest interest is the identification, justification and verification of pedagogical conditions that ensure the quality of the activities carried out. Solving this problem often causes difficulties for researchers, which may be due to the following reasons: the researcher’s one-sided understanding of the phenomenon of the key concept of “condition”; selection of pedagogical conditions belonging to different classification groups; unclear understanding of the direction of the identified conditions (what the identified conditions are aimed at within the framework of a particular study); poor justification for choosing these particular conditions, etc.

In reference literature, “condition” is understood as: a circumstance on which something depends; rules established in some area of ​​life or activity; the setting in which something happens. teacher training elective student

In psychology, the concept under study is usually presented in the context of mental development and is revealed through the fusion of internal and external causes that determine a person’s psychological development, accelerate or slow it down, and influence the development process, its dynamics and final results.

Teachers, along with psychologists, are similar in this position and consider the condition as a set of variables natural, social, external and internal influences affecting the physical, moral, mental development a person, his behavior, education and training, personality formation.

Thus, the concept of “condition” is general scientific, and its essence in the pedagogical aspect can be characterized by several provisions:

1. a condition is a set of reasons, circumstances, any objects, etc.;

2. the designated set influences the development, education and training of a person;

3. the influence of conditions can accelerate or slow down the processes of development, training and education, as well as affect their dynamics and final results.

IN modern research the concept of “condition” is used quite widely when characterizing the pedagogical system. At the same time, scientists, based on different signs, identify different groups of conditions. According to the sphere of influence, he distinguishes two groups of conditions for the functioning of the pedagogical system: external and internal.

Based on the nature of the impact, subjective and objective conditions are distinguished. The objective conditions that ensure the functioning of the pedagogical system include the regulatory framework of the education sector, the media, and act as one of the reasons that encourages participants in education to adequately express themselves in it. These conditions are subject to change. Subjective conditions influencing the functioning and development of the pedagogical system reflect the potentials of the subjects pedagogical activity, the level of coordination of their actions, the degree personal significance target priorities and leading educational goals for students, etc.

The problem of conditions takes on a “pedagogical” connotation in the research of V.I. Andreeva, A.Ya. Naina, N.M. Yakovleva, N.V. Ippolitova, M.V. Zverevoy, etc., which is reflected in numerous interpretations of the term “pedagogical conditions”.

Scientists adhere to several positions when considering this concept:

The first position is held by scientists for whom pedagogical conditions are a set of any measures of pedagogical influence and the possibilities of the material-spatial environment (V.I. Andreev, A.Ya. Nain, N.M. Yakovleva):

A set of measures, content, methods (techniques) and organizational forms of training and education (V.I. Andreev);

A set of objective possibilities of content, forms, methods, means and material-spatial environment aimed at solving assigned problems (A.Ya. Nain);

Set of measures (objective possibilities) pedagogical process(N.M. Yakovleva).

The second position is occupied by researchers who connect pedagogical conditions with the design of a pedagogical system, in which they act as one of the components (N.V. Ippolitova, M.V. Zvereva, etc.):

A component of the pedagogical system, reflecting a set of internal (ensuring the development of the personal aspect of the subjects of the educational process) and external (promoting the implementation of the procedural aspect of the system) elements that ensure its effective functioning and further development;

For scientists occupying the third position, pedagogical conditions are systematic work to clarify patterns as stable connections of the educational process, ensuring the possibility of scientifically verifiable results - pedagogical research. At the same time, scientists in this group point to the need for consistency of pedagogical conditions tested within the framework of the hypothesis of one study.

An analysis of the positions of various researchers regarding the definition of the concept of “pedagogical conditions” allows us to highlight a number of provisions:

1) conditions act as an integral element of the pedagogical system (including the holistic pedagogical process);

2) pedagogical conditions reflect the totality of educational (purposefully designed measures of influence and interaction of educational subjects: content, methods, techniques and forms of training and education, software and methodological equipment of the educational process) and material-spatial (educational and technical equipment, natural-spatial environment educational institution, etc.) environment that positively or negatively affects its functioning;

Thus, we consider pedagogical conditions as one of the components of the pedagogical system, reflecting the totality of the possibilities of the educational and material-spatial environment, affecting the personal and procedural aspects of this system and ensuring its effective functioning and development.

My article is devoted to the issue of creating pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competencies of secondary school students vocational education including our college.



“Implementation at the training session of conditions for the formation of professional and general competencies among students

secondary vocational education".

My article is devoted to the issue of creating pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competencies of students of secondary vocational education, including our college.

Before I speak, I have to say this:

  1. Firstly, unfortunately, I don’t have that much experience. pedagogical work how are you.
  2. Secondly, I did not work at a time when the previous federal educational standards existed and my view on some issues is purely personal and subjective. You may disagree with my opinion and very easily refute it; I agree in advance with all your criticism.

As you all perfectly understand, the pedagogical process is a holistic phenomenon, all its components are closely interconnected, and their implementation affects the final result: the training of highly professional specialists for sea and river transport enterprises.

With the entry into force of the new “Law on Education in Russian Federation» Federal Law-273 and new federal state educational standards, the pedagogical process in the vocational education system, which is based on a competency-based approach, is undergoing serious changes and transformations.

To develop professional competencies for students studying in a qualitatively new high level it is necessary to decide what pedagogical conditions need to be created in an educational organization in order to provide professional training for cadets that meets the requirements of federal state standards and, more importantly, the employers themselves.

And here the most important thing is the early (and precisely early) “creation of the conditions necessary for the development of appropriate qualities, despite the fact that they are not yet “ripe” for many cadets to function independently.”

Thus, the conditions act as factors or circumstances on which the receipt of quality results and the effectiveness of the functioning of the entire pedagogical system depends.

In the modern educational process (and our college is no exception), conditions act as a set of factors and components of the pedagogical process that shape the success of learning. And the pedagogical process as a whole is a set of consistent and interconnected actions of teachers, masters and cadets, and during their practical training and employers, aimed at students’ conscious mastery of a system of knowledge, skills and the formation of their practical experience.

The basis for the effective formation of professional competence of a specific specialist in sea and river transport is a whole complex of pedagogical conditions.

The existing experience of practical activities in the implementation of federal state educational standards of the third generation makes it possible to identify optimal pedagogical conditions aimed at developing professional competencies in future specialists. These include:

  1. Condition. When determining the content of education related to the variable component, it is necessary to give priority to the interests of employers;
  2. Condition. It is necessary to increase the level of motivation of cadets for the future professional activity, to form in them stable motivation for constant self-improvement through the implementation of expanded, especially additional professional competencies;
  3. Condition. Maybe this condition should come first?Good material, educational and methodological support for the educational program, taking into account the requirements of employers;
  4. Condition. Modeling of future professional activities of graduates, providing that the content vocational training must be improved and adapted taking into account innovations in technology, technology and labor organization;
  5. Condition. Formation of general competencies among cadets of vocational education, mastering by them exactly those skills and practical abilities that will provide them with psychological stability in a poor professional team, formation of career planning and development skills, activity in searching for a job, readiness to compete for a job.

The first pedagogical condition – the content of education – is the most important component of the pedagogical process. The content of education is fixed in the federal state educational standard and educational program. Through the content of education, the goals defined by the customers of the vocational education system - the state, employers and society - are realized.

Determining the content of basic professional educational programs presupposes the presence of a constant feedback program developers with employers, analysis of employers' requirements for the labor functions of modern workers. Information about these requirements may

be obtained by analyzing two components: the labor market as a whole and the needs of specific companies for the missing competencies of their employees. Such an analysis is the basis for determining the variable component of the program. Thus, the quality of the content of educational programs depends on how closely the educational

the institution cooperates with the labor market ( give an example ).

Here, in a good way, it would be necessary to give many examples of how closely teachers work with employers and the labor market as a whole, that there is close interaction between them and there is feedback... But unfortunately, I can only give one example. The only time when I, as a teacher, worked closely with the employer was the period of final state certification during the defense of diploma projects by cadets of group 367 in June 2014. Then between the employer in the person of Victoria Aleksandrovna Zinchenko - director of personnel management of OJSC Sea port St. Petersburg" and the teachers actually held an active discussion on many issues related to the training of cadets and the training of specialists to work in transport. I cannot give another example of close cooperation.

A modular-competency-based approach to constructing the content of education allows you to optimize the theoretical and practical components of vocational training.

At the same time, the place and role of theoretical knowledge in the process of mastering professional competencies is rethought, which ultimately leads to increased interest in learning and provides the second pedagogical condition -increasing the level of motivation of cadets for professional activities with an emphasis on creating motivation for professional growth.

The principle of modular construction underlies the third necessary pedagogical condition -material, educational and methodological support of the educational program.

A module is understood as a set of theoretical and practical requirements, expressed in the form of knowledge, skills, and practical experience, which students must master upon completion of training. But when developing modules, some difficulties arise and let me dwell on this in a little more detail:

  1. Firstly, there must be a correct proportional relationship between the disciplines included in the module. For example, module PM-03 includes the discipline “Transportation of goods under special conditions”, with a volume of 92 hours. In the KVVT, only 1 article is devoted to this issue - 83, consisting of three points. Based on the regulatory framework, it is problematic to create a 92-hour work program in which exactly half is practical training.
  2. I don’t know how it was before, but the relationship between theory and practice in work program 50% to 50% requires good classroom equipment.

The module is significant for the world of work, as it corresponds to a certain type of work activity.

The implementation of module-based competency-based training in the process of designing an educational program involves the development of:

  1. The structure of the modular program, reflecting the basic requirements of the educational standard for the disciplines of the curriculum and at the same time the planned professional activity in the specialty, determined by the employer;
  2. Educational and teaching materials for cadets, teachers and industrial training masters based on the structure of the module and the expected level of competence;
  3. Systems of internal and external control for assessing the quality of modular training applied taking into account the relevant principles and mechanisms (There is still no close relationship between the teacher and the employer).

As a result of such design of the educational program in the structure of the module, it is easy to identify the stages of mastering professional competence and plan the assessment of learning outcomes. Training session At the same time, it should be of a practical nature, which will allow modeling the professional activities of future specialists in accordance with the characteristics of their future specialty. This meets another pedagogical condition -modeling the professional activities of graduates.

It is also important that the creation of designated pedagogical conditions contributes to the development of independence, expressed in the ability

carry out self-assessment and self-regulation. This in turn provides

implementation of one more above-mentioned pedagogical condition –formation of general competencies among students of secondary vocational education.

Training within the framework of a modular approach, aimed at developing competencies, differs significantly from the traditional education system, which is based on reproductive techniques, for which knowledge is a valuable component. Programs developed on the basis of modular competency-based training technology imply significant changes in teaching methods and general approaches to organization educational process in an educational organization.

Firstly , a clear distribution of responsibility for all those involved in the educational process for the implementation of modular programs of interdisciplinary courses and types of practice - educational and industrial - becomes important. The principle of integrity of this approach to teaching requires building a strict strategy for implementing the educational program.

Secondly , orientation towards the final result sets the teacher and industrial training master the task of stimulating the active position of the student. Independence and responsibility for the results of their work become important elements of learning for the students themselves and for teachers, whose active position is to change teaching methods. The teacher currently must act as an organizer of the educational process, who works on the basis of a problem-based approach, acting more as a leader or assistant than as a source of ready-made knowledge for the cadet. Knowledge must be “acquired” by the student himself.

And in conclusion, as a conclusion, I will say - only taking into account all the conditions that influence the formation of professional competencies of students, it is possible to create optimal model organizational and pedagogical support of the learning process, which will ensure the quality of professional training of future specialists that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and employers.

Thank you for your attention.

Teacher of special disciplines

A.V. Prokopenko