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Topic of work on self-education of a kindergarten teacher. How to carry out self-education work for a preschool teacher from choosing a topic and drawing up a plan to reporting

Self-education program: “Enriching children’s gaming experience”

Long-term plan for self-development for 2016-2017 academic year
Month Areas of work Ways to achieve Analysis of achievements
September Work with documents.
Studying methodological literature Acquaintance and analysis of documentation. I studied methodological literature on the topic “Enriching children’s gaming experience through the implementation of an educational project
October November Selection and exhibition of literature to enrich children’s gaming experience
Studying the literature on the problem and selecting according to the choice
Implementation of the studied literature on all educational fields
Participation of the teacher in events Speech at the pedagogical council “The importance of play in the life of young children preschool age» Design of the exhibition for teachers “Playing with children in plot-role-playing games"
Participation in seminars Selection of material on topics Seminar attendee N.M. Metenova
Preparation for certification:
Selection of literature on the topic of self-education. Working with a personal library, studying regulatory documents Added to the information stand for parents
January Equipping the group room Decorating the group corner Replenishing the subject-spatial development environment with substitute items
Working with children Participation in the creation of an exhibition on the topic: “Educating children’s patriotic feelings through familiarization with the nature of their native land” within the preschool educational institution Organization of an exhibition of children’s creativity
February March Studying the methods and technologies of teachers on the Internet Selection of material in Internet resources Website of educators:
April May Development of a self-education plan for the new academic year. Selection of methodological literature. Received advice from a senior teacher

Month Areas of work Ways to achieve Analysis of achievements

Studying methodological literature Acquaintance and analysis of documentation. I studied methodological literature on the topic: “Enriching the gaming experience of children in the younger group through the implementation of the educational project “My Family”
Planning work with children for the new school year. Studying literature on the problem, creating a work plan, developing a project Drawing up a plan for educational work with children, implementing the project

November Organization of a subject-spatial development environment in the group Selection of role-playing games Replenishing the environment with attributes for role-playing games
Preparation for certification:
studying literature on the topic of self-education.
Replenishment of personal library with methodological literature Studied methodological literature on this topic, selection of lesson notes
December Completion of advanced training courses Selection of material by topic Taker of courses under the program “ Actual problems preschool education in the context of the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education
December Equipping a group room Decorating a group corner Creating a multifunctional screen
January Working with children

Workshop “How our ancestors lived” Creation of a card index of role-playing games
Selection of advisory material for young professionals
February Carrying out round table
Material selection
“How to teach a child to play”
Participation of the teacher in events Speech at the pedagogical council Presentation of power lines beech
April Studying methods and technologies of teachers on the Internet Selection of material in Internet resources Studied material on websites (see appendix)


Month Areas of work Ways to achieve Analysis of achievements
September Work with documentation.
Studying methodological literature Acquaintance and analysis of documentation. I studied methodological literature on the topic: Enriching children's gaming experience through the implementation of an educational project
Planning work with children for the new school year. Studying literature on the problem, creating a work plan. Made a plan for educational work with children
November Preparation for certification:
studying literature on the topic of self-education. Replenishing your personal library with methodological literature Made by “My Family” Lapbook
Working with parents Sharing experience on the problem. Added to the information stand
December Equipping the group room Decorating the group corner Replenishing the subject-spatial development environment with substitute items
Participation in competitions Assistance in preparing students for the “Christmas Tree Toy” and “Bird Feeders” competitions
January Design of the information stand “Family. Family values"
Teacher participation in events Selection of material
Open display " Individual work on securing ATS at the site in winter" Designed an information stand for parents
Presentation of non-traditional equipment
March Development of consultations for parents, conducting seminars
Material selection
"Happy family - happy children"
Participation of a teacher in events Participation in a competition within the preschool educational institution “There is no better dad in the world” Creation of an exhibition of joint creativity
April Studying methods and technologies of teachers in Internet resources Selection of material in Internet resources Familiarized with materials in Internet resources
May Development of a self-education plan for the new school year. Selection of methodological literature.
Preparation of material for conducting a pedagogical survey of children’s knowledge level Compilation correctional work with children with low level knowledge
Topic: “Enriching the gaming experience of children of the younger group through the implementation pedagogical project educational activities"My family".
In every period human life exists certain activity, which is the leading one. Preschool age is the age of play. Children of all times and all nations play, because only in play do spiritual and physical strength child. The game is a complex and interesting phenomenon. It attracts the attention of people of various professions. Makarenko noted that play is important in a child’s life; it has the same meaning as an adult’s activity, work, or service. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of a young leader occurs, first of all, through play. In the very younger age the child mainly plays, his work functions are very insignificant and do not go beyond the simplest self-service: he begins to eat, cover himself with a blanket, and get dressed. But even in this work he brings a lot of play. In a well-organized family, these work functions gradually become more complicated, and the child is assigned more and more complex work. But play is the main activity of the child. Children are very observant and imitative. Looking closely at their surroundings, they reflect in the game what they see, thus the basis of the game is the “what is it” reflex - the desire to know the world and reflect this in the game.
Goal: Improve your professional level on the topic of self-education. Introduce new methods and directions in the upbringing and development of children. Create conditions for enriching children's gaming experience, intellectual, spiritual, moral and aesthetic development of children directly through gaming and everyday activities.
1.Increase the level of knowledge by studying scientific and methodological literature; studying the best practices of teachers working on this topic (including on Internet sites);
2. Planned and systematically improve the methods of the educational process through gaming activities;
3.Analyze your activities, the activities of teachers and students;
4. Educating parents about the importance of play in a child’s life

Literature and Internet resources
1. O.V. Dybina “Game
technology to familiarize preschoolers with the objective world.”
ON THE. Boychenko “Plot role-playing games preschoolers"
D.B. Elkonin “Psychology of the game”
2.Program “Childhood” edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva

Download the Long-term plan for self-development for the 2016-2017 academic year

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 8 in Rostov-on-Don



Mogilina Alena Alexandrovna



(Job title )


"Game activity of preschool children."


Subject : Play activities of preschool children.

Relevance of the topic:

The main activity of preschool children is play. During the game, the child’s spiritual and physical strengths develop: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age.

In the game, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of a preschooler. A game for preschoolers is a way of learning about their surroundings. While playing, he studies colors, shapes, properties of materials, plants, and animals. Through play, a child enters the world of adults, masters spiritual values, and assimilates previous social experience. In the game, the child receives for the first time a lesson in collective thinking.

The purpose of self-education: Increasing pedagogical competence.


through play activities.
play activity.



Work with documents.

Study of the Law “On Education” and other regulatory documents

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation.

Increasing pedagogical competence

Planning work with children for the new school year.

Studying literature on the problem, creating a work plan.

Increase the level of pedagogical knowledge.

Material selection

Publication of material
“Consultation for educators. Development of play activity of preschool children"

Studying literature on the topic.

Material selection

Exchange of experience on the problem.


Development of didactic material from felt for the game

Internet resources

Through play, explore body parts and methods of movement. Who eats what and how they speak. Word formation (call it affectionately, one-many, etc.). Composing phrases, sentences, stories.


O.A. Stepanova “Development of a child’s play activity”

Introduction to literature.

Analysis and consideration of play as a form of organizing the life activities of preschool children

Development of a didactic game on healthy lifestyle
"Be healthy"

Selection of material on the topic.
Internet resources.

Study, develop and enrich children's gaming experience


Making a didactic game “Food”

Internet resources

Development of play activities of preschoolers

Working on the topic
"Classification of theatrical games"

Selection of material on the topic.

Through various shapes theatrical game to improve moral and communicative qualities, creative abilities, mental processes.


Working on creating methodological folders.

Selection of material.

Gaining experience

Game project development role-playing game
"Children's Cafe"

Internet resources

To develop in children the ability to play the role-playing game “Children's Cafe”.


Development of the developmental manual “Seasons: Tree”

Selection of material.
Internet resources.

Familiarizing children with seasonal changes in nature, consolidating counting, number composition, color, development fine motor skills

Card index development
"Games for children's team building"

Material selection

Learn to establish trusting contact with each other, provide mutual assistance, and listen to your partner’s opinion.


Studying methodological literature
“Fun games on the site kindergarten»

Reading literature, selecting material.

To form a system of consciously correct ecological ideas about nature.

Working on a catalog of games based on FEMP

Material selection

Development of intellectual abilities.


Development of a didactic game made from felt “Space”

Internet resources

To consolidate and systematize children’s ideas about space, devices for its exploration and astronauts

Development of card files:
outdoor games;
role-playing games;
finger games;
didactic games.

Material selection

Comprehensive development of the child


Working on a card index didactic games on patriotic education

To form an idea of ​​state symbols, the world around us, and our small homeland.

Developing a self-education plan for the new academic year.

Selection of methodological literature

Report on the topic of self-education.

Topic: Play activities of preschool children.

I decided to take the topic of self-education “Game activities of preschoolers under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.” I started my work on the topic from senior preschool age.

Made a personal long-term plan on self-education.
I studied the regulatory documents:
Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 1995 No. 61/19-12 “On psychological and pedagogical requirements for games and toys in modern conditions"(Text of the document as of July 2011)

Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2004 No. 03-51-46in/14-03 “Approximate requirements for the maintenance of the developmental environment for preschool children raised in a family”

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development” (as amended. Federal Law dated July 28, 2012 No. 139-FZ)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.” Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2013 No. 30384

Resolution of the Chief State sanitary doctor RF dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”

I studied methodological literature on this topic.
O.A. Stepanova “Development of a child’s play activity.”
“Fun games in the kindergarten area.”
V.A. Derkunskaya “Games-experiments with preschoolers.”
V.A. Derkunskaya, A.G. Ryndin “Game techniques and communication games
for children of senior preschool age."
O.A. Skorlupova, L.V. Loginova. Pedagogical guidance of children's games
preschool age.
O.V. Dybina. “Game technologies for introducing preschoolers to
objective world."
N. Lunina. "We play with letters and words."
E. Volkova “Playing Scientists.”

1. game implementation factors:
- establishing a meaningful connection between children’s knowledge about the surrounding reality (the content of the cognitive sphere) and their play;

Inclusion of all types of games in the pedagogical process;

Timely organization of a developing subject-game environment;

Qualified participation of teachers in pedagogical process ensuring the child’s right to play;

Individual approach to education, training, development of children in play activities;

Long-term planning for game development (integrated method);

Usage effective methods and techniques that promote the development of the game

2. conditions for the effectiveness of game development:
- free and voluntary inclusion of children in the game;

Children must understand well the meaning and content of the game, its rules,
the idea of ​​each game role;

The game should have a positive impact on all areas of its participants;

Sufficient time to play and availability of necessary

toys for the implementation of children's plans;

When creating a play environment, the gender differences of children should be taken into account;

Carry out timely changes to the gaming environment, taking into account

enriching life and play experiences of children and in accordance with their

interests, mood

3. targets for the Federal State Educational Standards

The child shows initiative and independence in... play... Is able to choose his own occupation, participants in joint activities, and demonstrates the ability to implement various ideas;

- ...Actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;

The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in different types activities. The child’s ability for fantasy, imagination, and creativity intensively develops and manifests itself in play.

The child owns in different forms and types of games. Able to obey different rules and social norms, to distinguish between conditional and real situations, including gaming and educational situations;

Can fantasize out loud, play with sounds and words.

In my work I used the exchange of experience on this topic with other teachers .
To do this, I registered on the sites :

She took part in the competition “Game activity of preschoolers”.

For the practical part I set the following tasks:
- Determining the role of play in organizing children’s life activities.

Development of intellectual abilities in children through
applications gaming technologies.
- Creating conditions for psychological and physical health
through play activities.
- Creating conditions for emotional well-being through gaming
- Actively influence the comprehensive development of children through
gaming activity.

In order to study and enrich the experience of children, she created didactic manuals:
educational material made of felt for the game “Pets”;
didactic game on healthy lifestyle “Be Healthy”;
didactic game “Food”;
didactic game "Space";
Didactic manual “Road signs”
Development of a developmental manual “Seasons: Tree”;
Development of a game project for a role-playing game “Children's Cafe”.
In order to develop the play activity of preschoolers, I used these manuals in the game.

To gain experience, I worked on creating methodological folders:
outdoor games;
role-playing games;
finger games;
didactic games;
didactic games for patriotic education;
card index of games for FEMP;
games for children's team building;
classification of theatrical games.

Working on this topic of self-education, I made the following conclusions:

Play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age.
The game is designed to solve general educational problems, among which the tasks of developing the moral and social qualities of the child are of primary importance.

Play in older preschool age should be of an amateur nature and increasingly develop in this direction, subject to proper pedagogical guidance.

An important feature of play as a form of life activity for children is its penetration into different kinds activities: work and play, educational activities and play, everyday household activities associated with the implementation of the regime, and play.

Play is the most favorite and natural activity of preschoolers. Our task is to make play the content of children's lives, to reveal to children the diversity of the world of play.

Children's learning is most successfully accomplished through play, which is why play is the main form and content of classes.
But this does not mean that classes should be conducted only in the form of games. Training requires the use of a variety of methods. Play is one of them, and it gives good results only in combination with other methods: observations, conversations, reading, etc.

An interesting game increases the child’s mental activity, and he can solve a more difficult problem than in class.
So the game belongs big role in the life and development of children. Many positive traits the child’s interest and readiness for the upcoming learning, his intellectual abilities develop. The game reflects and develops the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom, and reinforces the rules of behavior that children are taught to follow in life.

Using play as a form of organizing children's lives, we will try to ensure that this life is interesting, meaningful, and easy for the entire children's team. So that it contains situations that encourage children to higher forms of social behavior and feelings. The value of the game lies not only in the fact that it expands the possibilities of knowledge of the spheres of reality, but also prepares the younger generation for life in society

The game itself is a universal stimulator.

The main thing in maintaining gaming interest is the sensitivity and observation of the teacher, the manifestation of a creative approach in organizing the game, and the ability to interest the child in the game plot.

The teacher’s self-education plan is a mandatory part of the teacher’s additional development. The educators themselves have a negative attitude towards such plans, calling them “paperwork, an endless and waste of time, when you just want to work with children.” Despite this, the plan helps to systematize the work of the teacher, reflects the effectiveness of his activities, and allows him to develop the prospect of further communication with children. The plan contains a program of methodological activities for the coming academic year.

Stages of working on a self-education plan

The teacher’s self-education plan can be divided into several parts:

1. You should justify your choice, why this particular topic was chosen for work.

2. How does the chosen topic correlate with the main tasks and goals of the preschool institution?

3. What preliminary work was done before starting self-education?

4. What programs and techniques were studied while working on the topic? Which guidelines were taken into account and taken into account?

5. Practical use theories. What forms of interaction with children were chosen by the teacher: in class, outside class, at joint meetings with parents, etc.

6. Own methodological developments made during work on the topic.

7. The result of work on the topic according to the diagnosis.

8. What are the conclusions? What are the positive dynamics of development in children?

9. Prospects for further work on the topic. How can you improve your work? Plan for future developments.

10. Summing up self-education.


When preparing a self-education plan, a teacher has many questions. The first problem a teacher faces is choosing a topic. “I have a problem choosing a topic for self-education! I don't know what I want! Help!". Such cries for help can often be found on forums for preschool teachers.

The topic is usually given by a methodologist or senior teacher. You can also choose it yourself. Here it is important to decide how you plan to develop and educate yourself in the coming years. Remember, you can always propose your topic, justifying its relevance and practical significance to improve the educational process in the garden.

Young professionals who have little experience working in a kindergarten can check their readiness for self-education using the G.M. card. Kodzhaspirova (see Appendix 1).

Please note that topics can be divided into two categories. Depending on which option you choose, all your further educational activities will be structured:

  • Every year the teacher chooses a new topic.
  • The teacher plans to work on the topic for several years. That is, every subsequent year the teacher refines the old topic, introducing new ideas and developments into it. The period of work on the same topic varies in different gardens - from 3 to 5 years.

If you adhere to the second option, then the work can be built using the project method, more narrowly, according to the age of the children. In this case, the topic in subsequent years will sound like this, for example: “Use of Dienesh blocks in educational process with preschool children" (replenishment of knowledge based on existing experience).

The topic should address current issues in preschool education and be promising.

Sample topics:

  • Environmental education: “Environmental education through cognitive development", "Formation began ecological culture in preschool children."
  • Health-saving technologies: “Methods of developing correct posture and preventing its violation in preschoolers”, “Propaganda healthy image life among parents of pupils”, “Use of health-saving technologies in the classroom”.
  • Patriotic direction: “Patriotic education of preschool children by means visual arts", "Mini-museum " Motherland"is a source of introducing children to the history of their people."
  • The role of the family: “Holidays and entertainment with the involvement of parents, as a means of aesthetic education”, “Formation of humanistic positions in parents towards raising children”, “The role of the family in nurturing the cognitive interests and curiosity of the child.”
  • Creative development: “Children’s orchestra - a form of developing the musical abilities of preschoolers”, “Types of ornaments in decorative wood carvings” and others.

Several educators can be united in working on a topic that is directly related to the annual task of the preschool educational institution. If an internship site operates on the basis of a kindergarten, then the topic may cover its experimental or research activities.

ON A NOTE. Demonstration material for kindergarten at low prices from a specialized store for teachers “Kindergarten”— Also in the store you can buy games and toys, counting material, children's costumes by profession and much more.

What does a teacher’s self-education plan look like?

The self-education work plan, or professional growth plan, is as follows:

Form Individual plan self-education work.

Subject: "____________________"


(Full name of teacher)






(teaching experience)



(refresher courses)


(start date of work on the topic)


(estimated completion date)

Subject: "__________________________________________________________________________________".

Target: "__________________________________________________________________________________".

  • Increase your own level of knowledge by... (studying the necessary literature, visiting the RMO, self-education...);
  • Develop a long-term plan for working with children;
  • Prepare diagnostics for the beginning and end of the school year;
  • Organize the work of the circle, create a working curriculum;
  • Set up an activity center (or mini-center) “________________________________” in the group;
  • Prepare (conduct) a consultation for teachers on the topic: “___________________________”; speech at the pedagogical council No.... on the topic: “_____________________________________________”;
  • Prepare (take part) in the seminar “___________________________________________”;
  • Prepare material (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “__________________________________________________________________________________”;

Practical outputs:

1. Open viewing of educational activities directly. Subject: "_______________________________________________________________________________________";

2. Preparation (participation, holding) of the seminar. Subject: "_______________________________________________________________________________________";

3. Conducting master classes for teachers. Subject: "_______________________________________________________________________________________";

4. Design of a mobile folder. Subject: "_______________________________________________________________________________________";

5. Exhibition of works. Subject: "_________________________________________________________________";

6. Preparation of a collection of consultations for parents. Subject: "_______________________________________________________________________________________";

7. Project. Subject: "_________________________________________________________________________";

8. Report on the work done for the academic year.

Long-term teacher self-education plan:


Forms for presenting the results of self-education:

  • Report at the teachers' council, message at the teachers' council.
  • Consultation, consultation-workshop, seminar-workshop.
  • Open lesson, open viewing.
  • Creative report.
  • Organizing events and entertainment.
  • Visual and illustrative material.
  • Consultation for parents, message at the parent meeting.

It is important to remember that a teacher’s self-education plan is not boring filling out reports and papers, but one of the necessary stages for opening a new, priority direction in working with children.

Annex 1

Rekason No. 220-286-815
Annex 1

Map pedagogical assessment and self-assessment of readiness for self-educational activities (developed by G.M. Kodzhaspirova)

Instructions. Rate yourself on a 9-point scale for each indicator and determine the level of development of your self-education skills and abilities. Invite your work colleagues to rate you. Compare the results. Draw conclusions.

Ι. Motivational component

1. Awareness of personal and public importance continuing education in pedagogical activity.
2. The presence of persistent cognitive interests in the field of pedagogy and psychology.
3. Sense of duty and responsibility.
4. Curiosity.
5. The desire to receive high praise for one’s self-educational activities.
6. Need for PPSO.
7. The need for self-knowledge.
8. PPSO’s ranking among the 9 most significant activities for you.
9. Self-confidence.

ΙΙ. Cognitive component

1. Level of general educational knowledge.
2. Level of general educational skills.
3. Level of pedagogical knowledge and skills.
4. Level of psychological knowledge and skills.
5. Level of methodological knowledge and skills.
6. Level of specialized knowledge.

ΙΙΙ. Moral-volitional component

1. Positive attitude towards the learning process.
2. Criticality.
3. Independence.
4. Determination.
5. Will.
6. Ability to work.
7. The ability to bring the job started to completion.
8. Courage.
9. Self-criticism.

ΙV. Gnostic component

1. The ability to pose and solve cognitive problems.
2. Flexibility and efficiency of thinking.
3. Observation.
4. Ability to pedagogical analysis.
5. Ability to synthesize and generalize.
6. Creativity and its manifestation in teaching activities.
7. Memory and its efficiency.
8. Satisfaction from knowledge.
9. Listening skills.
10. Ability to master different types of reading.
11. The ability to isolate and assimilate certain content.
12. Ability to prove and substantiate judgments.
13. Systematize, classify.
14. The ability to see contradictions and problems.
15. The ability to transfer knowledge and skills to new situations.
17. Independence of judgment.

V. Organizational component

1. Ability to plan time.
2. The ability to plan your work.
3. The ability to rebuild the system of activities.
4. Ability to work in libraries.
5. Ability to navigate the classification of sources.
6. Ability to use office equipment and a bank of computer information.
7. Mastery various techniques fixing what you read.

VΙ. Ability for self-government in teaching activities

1. Self-assessment of the independence of one’s own activities.
2. The ability for introspection and reflection.
3. The ability to self-organize and mobilize.
4. Self-control.
5. Hard work and diligence.

VΙΙ. Communication skills (5-45 points)

1. The ability to accumulate and use the experience of self-educational activities of colleagues.
2. The ability to cooperate and mutual assistance in professional pedagogical self-education.
3. The ability to defend your point of view and convince others during the discussion.
4. The ability to avoid conflicts in the process of joint activities.


  • Kodzhaspirova G.M. Theory and practice of professional pedagogical self-education. M., Enlightenment. 1993

Choosing a topic for self-education for kindergarten teachers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the professional task of every preschool teacher. The rapidly changing world forces educators to constantly move forward and improve themselves.

How to choose a topic for teacher self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

Even a person far from educational activities understands that teachers cannot stand still, because the quality of children’s education depends on them, so they must move forward, develop and improve themselves.

Self-education is becoming an integral component of the professional growth and improvement of teaching staff at all levels of education. To improve their skills and competencies, preschool teachers should familiarize themselves with new research in the field of pedagogy and child psychology, study the experience of colleagues and increase their overall erudition. The main thing is that the person himself wants to learn something new and acquire new competencies.

In self-education, the student is also a teacher, he himself is responsible for the learning process and sets the rules of learning. For self-education to bear fruit, it is necessary to draw up a detailed self-study plan. Still, any learning, including self-learning, must be based on a system so that all knowledge fits into a holistic picture.

Start by analyzing the conditions of your preschool educational institution to determine the resources, methods and technologies that you will use in the process of self-education. Then determine your own level of preparation. Be critical. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses will help you create a plan for self-education.

After this, the educator must determine the goal of self-education and what results he wants to achieve. By clearly visualizing the end result, it will be easier for you to outline the steps to achieve your goal.

SMART technology is perfect here, according to which the goals should be:

  • S(specific)- specific. The clearer you imagine the end result, the easier it is to achieve it.
  • M (measurable)- measurable. Select criteria for achieving the goal, indicators of progress.
  • A (achievable)- achievable. Consider your capabilities and realities modern world. Don't try to jump in over your head.
  • R (realistic)- relevant, corresponding to the realities of the modern world. Ask yourself: why do you need to complete this task? Why is it important?
  • T (Time-related)- limited in time. Specify a specific time period. Take your time and set realistic deadlines.

Then you need to select the necessary training material. Information must be accessible to perception and correspond to the data modern science and time requests. Then, based on the goal, a work plan is drawn up.

Building a self-education plan for a teacher

Making a plan and acting on it means taking full responsibility for learning upon yourself. Proper planning will allow you to optimally allocate time and achieve planned results as quickly as possible.

Plan for the education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution:

  1. Setting goals and defining tasks.
  2. Selecting a topic.
  3. Educational activity - studying methodological literature on the chosen topic.
  4. Practical activities - preparing and conducting classes with students.
  5. Summing up - filling out a report folder with data on progress, organizing an exhibition of children's works, presenting the final report at a teachers' meeting, a methodological seminar or a pedagogical conference.

How to choose a topic for self-education?

Choosing a topic for self-education for kindergarten teachers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the professional task of every preschool teacher. We live in a rapidly changing world, today's children have different needs than previous generations, so education has new challenges. To solve these problems, educators need to get acquainted with new research in the field of preschool pedagogy and child psychology, the best practices of colleagues and improve their skills.

Before choosing a topic, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the legal framework for preschool education and analyze own experience- identify strengths and weak sides in their teaching activities, to realize what should be given more attention.

When choosing a topic, you can rely on the directions of child development according to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

  • social and communicative;
  • educational;
  • speech;
  • artistic and aesthetic;
  • physical.

Sample topics on self-education for teachers in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard

This list of sample topics is based on play - this is the main way a child learns about the world around him. Based on this, topics for self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard may be as follows:

  1. Social and communicative development:
  • Socialization younger preschoolers through role-playing games.
  • Game as a means of communication for preschoolers.
  1. Cognitive development:
  • Enriching the plot of a children's game by getting to know the outside world.
  • Didactic game as a form of teaching children the basics of mathematics.
  • Game as a means of educational activity.
  1. Speech development:
  • Theatrical play in the development of speech in younger preschoolers.
  • The use of didactic games in classes on speech development in middle preschool age.
  1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
  • Didactic game as a means of artistic and aesthetic education.
  • Education of children's artistic and aesthetic taste through folk games.
  1. Physical development:
  • Outdoor play as a means of developing motor skills in preschool children.
  • The role of outdoor games in physical development and strengthening the health of the child.

In addition to topics in a specific area, you can choose a topic about the work of preschool educational organization generally:

  • Organization of network interaction between preschool educational institutions and other organizations.

Having chosen a topic, proceed to the analysis of the material selected on the topic. Material for self-education is not only scientific literature, but also video recordings of webinars, lectures, articles in magazines dedicated to education and pedagogy. When studying the material, highlight key points, ideas and judgments by the author. For example, having chosen the topic “Modeling a developmental environment in a preschool educational institution,” the teacher pays attention to the features of the organization of a developmental subject-spatial environment, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for organization and the role of the environment in the educational process. Then the selected ideas are tested in practice in classes with preschoolers.

Possible problems in self-education and solutions

  1. It is difficult to define and formulate a topic.

Identify a problem that interests you. Use observations of students, analysis of work done and results pedagogical diagnostics. When formulating the topic, pay attention to the Federal State Educational Standard and educational programs.

  1. It is difficult to find the necessary methodological literature.

Clearly define for yourself the range of questions to which you are looking for an answer. Start your search with traditional methods and classical pedagogical works, then move on to review modern technologies and the experience of colleagues. Viewing the table of contents and annotations will help you quickly navigate the contents of the book.

  1. It is difficult to comprehend the material read.

To better assimilate information, use notes, mental maps and flowcharts. Taking notes involves highlighting the main facts, thoughts and concepts - this will help systematize the information.

Mental maps or mind maps are a method of graphically structuring information in which concepts, tasks, facts are depicted as a tree diagram. Block diagrams represent graphic image information in the form of interconnected blocks.

Professional self-education is not limited to formally filling out reports and preparing reports. The purpose of the work on self-education of a preschool teacher is to reveal creativity, increasing the level of skill and developing personal qualities.

More useful information for the development of your kindergarten you will receive International conference “Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families: best Russian practices and foreign experience” , which will take place on August 6–8. Come to the conference and you will learn how to gain the trust of parents and create positive image DOW.


Self-education- this is a form of individualemployee educational activities, motivated by professional needs and interests, and aimed at acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, their continuous improvement, as well asprofessional development significant qualities his personality.

Self-education- this is the teacher’s improvement of his professional knowledge and skills, acquisition of new ones.

The main directions of self-education for educators:

  • familiarization with new regulatory documentation on the conduct of teaching activities in a preschool institution
  • research of new scientific and methodological literature
  • study of current achievements pedagogical science, as well as developmental psychology and physiology
  • familiarization with the latest programs and pedagogical technologies
  • acquaintance with the best practices of preschool institutions
  • improving the overall level of development.

Forms of advanced training for teachers

  1. Teachers' council. This form of activity involves a collective discussion of current issues of pedagogy in a preschool institution. Teachers' councils can be held on a specific topic or include consideration of various issues. It’s good when during the teacher council process you can not only hear the issue and discuss it, but also conduct training, adopt positive teaching experience, and make an analysis.
  2. Training seminar.Can be carried out in kindergarten, in the education department, in specialized departments of higher education. educational institutions. The seminar is aimed primarily at increasing theoretical level teacher training. During the seminar, it is necessary to involve the teachers present, offering them tasks that train their teaching abilities.
  3. Refresher courses.Conducted at a college or institute. After listening to the course of lectures and independent work The teacher must prepare and defend his final thesis.
  4. Consultation. The initiator of this form of advanced training for teachers is the senior kindergarten teacher or methodologist. A senior teaching staff member at a preschool institution can pre-plan consultations at which educators can learn about the latest in methodological literature, regulatory documentation, and modern approaches to teaching and educating preschoolers. In addition to the methodologist, specialists may be involved in consultations: child psychologists, pediatricians, speech therapists.
  5. Open classes. They play an important role in improving the qualifications of teachers, because the one who conducts the lesson strives to demonstrate his achievements, and those who come to watch, adopt positive teaching experience and learn to analyze.
  6. Study of teaching experience . Includes:
  • study and analysis of pedagogical materials (notes, plans, pedagogical diaries and journals, scripts for matinees and other events, samples didactic materials, copies of children's creativity, samples of information materials for parents, etc.). In a good way To collect your teaching experience is to maintain a “Teacher's Methodological Folder.”
  • attending open classes
  • presentation and discussion of teachers’ experience at teachers’ councils and seminars.
  1. Pedagogical training.By involving an experienced teacher or psychologist in cooperation, it is possible to develop the diverse pedagogical abilities of educators, practice skills in working with children, and teach new pedagogical technologies. Pedagogical training is aimed not only at self-development, but also at self-analysis.

"Advice. To begin work on self-education, you need to identify a problem on which you would like to deepen your knowledge and skills, and work hard to solve it.”

Teacher's work plan for self-education- This is an obligatory part of organizing professional development activities. Many people don't likemake plans , considering them empty work. A plan helps organize future activities correctly, systematize them, and outline prospects. The work plan for self-education is a program of methodological activities for the academic year.

When compiling self-education work planThe teacher needs to pay attention to the following:

  1. When choosing a particular topic, you need to justify your choice, guided by relevance.
  2. The relationship of the chosen topic with goals and objectives should be shown modern system preschool education.
  3. It is necessary to highlight the results of the teacher’s preliminary work.
  4. When choosing a topic for self-education, indicate exactly what programs and methods it is based on.
  5. It must be remembered that theory must be applicable in practice.
  6. It is necessary to justify the choice of forms of interaction between the teacher and preschoolers.
  7. Diagnostics should be planned as part of the topic.
  8. In terms of self-education, you need to describe your own methodological developments.
  9. It is necessary to plan an analysis of the results obtained.
  10. Outline prospects for further teaching activities.

The main directions of self-education for educators: familiarization with new regulatory documentation on the conduct of teaching activities in a preschool institution; research of new scientific and methodological literature; studying current achievements of pedagogical science, as well as developmental psychology and physiology; familiarization with the latest programs and pedagogical technologies; acquaintance with the best practices of preschool institutions; improving the overall level of development.

Forms of advanced training for teachers Teachers' council Training seminar Advanced training courses Consultations Open classes Study of teaching experience Pedagogical training

Teacher's work plan for self-education 1l. Title page Teacher’s work plan for self-education for the period _____________