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Facts in the history of the modern Russian Federation. Interesting facts about Russia - the largest country in the world

Russia... Huge, immense, wonderful country. So huge that many people living on its territory do not know even a small fraction of everything that its endless expanses conceal.

  1. Russia is the largest country in the world. However, this is no secret to anyone.
  2. Russia is the only country in the world washed by a dozen seas.
  3. The deepest lake on earth, Baikal, is located in Russia.
  4. The most ancient mountains on the planet, the Ural Mountains are also a Russian heritage.
  5. There are more than eight hundred glaciers in Altai.
  6. The Russian and US borders in the north are separated by a distance of 4 kilometers.
  7. The world's deepest metro is located in St. Petersburg, its depth is more than a hundred meters.
  8. The world's largest active volcano is Klyuchevskaya Sopka, almost five kilometers high. It has been erupting for over seven thousand years.
  9. St. Petersburg has three times as many bridges as Venice.
  10. The largest medieval fortress in the world is the Moscow Kremlin.
  11. St. Petersburg is the world's northernmost metropolis with a population of more than a million people.
  12. The area of ​​Siberia is about nine percent of the entire land area of ​​the Earth.
  13. Russia borders on 16 countries.
  14. In Russia, women received the right to vote in elections earlier than in the United States.
  15. There are almost ten thousand trains in the Moscow metro.
  16. The most vast plain on the planet - West Siberian.
  17. The Hermitage contains about three million works of art.
  18. The most visited McDonald's in the world is located in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square.
  19. Sushi is more popular in Russia than in Japan.
  20. The highest university in the world is Moscow State University.
  21. Before the revolution firearms sold freely in Russia.
  22. Ostankino TV Tower was the tallest building in Europe for a long time. But in last years skyscrapers appeared that surpassed it in height.
  23. The coat of arms of Chelyabinsk depicts a camel.
  24. About four percent of Russia's territory is occupied by protected reserves.
  25. The world's largest tram network is located in St. Petersburg.
  26. The Siberian taiga is the largest forest in the world.
  27. Russia and Japan never signed a peace treaty after the end of World War II. Still.
  28. In the area of ​​the city of Magnitogorsk there is Mount Magnitnaya, almost entirely consisting of iron.
  29. The oldest city in Russia is Derbent, located in Dagestan.
  30. Russia ranks second in the world (after China) in terms of the number of military personnel.
  31. The metal for the frame of the American Statue of Liberty would have been smelted in Russia.
  32. The longest continuous land border in the world is the border between Russia and Kazakhstan.
  33. About 45 percent of Russia's territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle.
    The geographical center of Russia is Lake Vivi.
  34. The most remote settlement on earth from Moscow is the city of Dunedin, New Zealand.
  35. The large Vasyugan swamp with an area of ​​about 56 thousand square meters. kilometers - the largest swamp in the world.

Russia is home to the world's largest active volcano, Klyuchevskaya Sopka. Its height is 4 kilometers 850 meters. It throws columns of ash eight kilometers up. With each eruption it gets higher. The Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano has been erupting for the last 7 thousand years.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 3

The St. Petersburg metro station “Admiralteyskaya” is the deepest in Russia. Its depth is 102 meters. It is also one of the three deepest metro stations in the world.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 4

The oldest Christian temple in Russia is considered to be the ancient temple of Thaba-Erdy, located in the Republic of Ingushetia, in the Dzheirakhsky district, between the villages of Khairakh and Pui. It was built in the 8th-9th centuries. The three oldest currently operating temples are located in the village of Nizhny Arkhyz in Karachay-Cherkessia. They were built in the 10th century.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 5

The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest Railway in the world. The Great Siberian Way, connecting Moscow with Vladivostok, is 9298 kilometers long, crosses 7 time zones, passes through 87 cities and settlements and crosses 16 rivers, including the Volga. In addition, it has a throughput capacity of 100,000,000 tons of cargo per year.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 6

Siberian Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and the largest spring fresh water on the planet. Baikal has more than 23,615 cubic kilometers of water. All the world's largest rivers - the Volga, Don, Dnieper, Yenisei, Ural, Ob, Ganges, Orinoco, Amazon, Thames, Seine and Oder - must flow for almost a year to fill a basin equal in volume to Lake Baikal.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 7

Russia is the only state whose territory is washed by 12 seas.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 8

Russia is separated from America by 4 kilometers. This is the distance between Ratmanov Island (Russia) and Krusenstern Island (USA) in the Bering Strait.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 9

Interesting fact about Russia No. 10
In the cultural capital of Russia, St. Petersburg, there are 2000 libraries, 221 museums, 100 concert organizations, more than 70 theaters, 80 clubs and cultural centers, 62 cinemas, 45 art galleries.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 11

The Urals are the oldest mountains in the world. Located in the Kusinsky district near the village of Aleksandrovka, Mount Karandash arose 4.2 billion years ago. Historical names of the Ural Mountains - Big Stone, Siberian Stone, Earth Belt, Belt Stone. Once upon a time the Ural Mountains were very high, but now only the foundations remain of the former mountains.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 12

There are 7 absolutely identical high-rise buildings in Moscow: 2 hotels, 2 administrative buildings, 2 residential buildings and a university. In English this ensemble is called the Seven Sisters, and in Russian simply Stalin's skyscrapers. The style in which the high-rise buildings are built is called Stalinist Gothic.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 13

Interesting fact about Russia No. 15

In Moscow there is a large fountain from which it gushes drinking water. The fountain is part of the architectural group “Alexander and Natalie” with a sculptural composition of Pushkin and Goncharova in an elegant rotunda.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 20

Russia proclaimed equal rights for men and women earlier than the United States. In Russia, women's suffrage was granted in 1918, in the United States - in 1920.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 21

Russia has never known slavery. The period of the most fully expressed form of feudal dependence, serfdom, in Russia was shorter than, for example, in England and most European countries. Serfdom in Russia had softer forms. Russia canceled serfdom in 1861, the US abolished slavery in 1865.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 22

On January 16, 1820, the Russian expedition of Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev discovered Antarctica.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 23

The most famous computer game, Tetris, was created by Russian programmer Alexei Pajitnov in 1985. This game became popular in the Soviet Union, and then, in 1986, in the West.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 24

Ivan the Terrible was not a tyrant; he ruled with a gentleness unprecedented for his time. Given the same size of Europe and Russia at that time, Ivan the Terrible executed 100 times during his reign. less people than its European colleagues for the same period - 3-4 thousand people versus 300-400 thousand people.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 25

Trains in the Moscow metro run more frequently than in any other metro in the world. During rush hours, the interval between trains is 90 seconds. Among them there are “personalized” trains, such as the “Watercolor” train, which is a traveling exhibition of paintings.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 27

The lowest air temperature was recorded in the Russian village of Oymyakon. The cold record was set in 1924 and was –71.2 °C.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 28

Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first person to go into space.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 29

During World War II, the metro stations were used as bomb shelters. During the air raids, 150 people were born in this completely safe shelter.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 30

Russia has many wonderful excursion and tourist routes. The most famous so-called “families of tourist routes” are Golden ring Russia, Silver Ring of Russia and Great Ural Ring.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 31

The total length of 12 lines of the Moscow metro is 310 km. Almost 10,000 trains run between 182 stations. Average duration The passenger's travel distance is 13 kilometers. In addition, the Moscow metro is the second busiest in the world.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 32

In the 19th century, Russia was the 3rd largest empire in human history, spanning from European Poland to North American Alaska.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 33

West Siberian Plain- the largest plain on Earth.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 34

The Hermitage is one of the largest and oldest museums in the world. It contains three million works of art from the Stone Age to modern times. If you devote one minute to each of these works, you will need to go to the Hermitage for more than 25 years, like going to work, and viewing the exhibits for 8 hours a day to see them all.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 35

Russia occupies a seventh of the earth's landmass.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 36

On the day of the opening of the 700-seat McDonalds restaurant in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square, by 5 am there was a queue of 5,000 people in front of it. During the first day, the restaurant served 3,000 customers. To this day, it remains the most visited McDonald's in the world.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 37

250-300 swans and 1.5-2 thousand wild ducks fly to Swan Lake in the Altai Territory every year. They arrive in the fall to spend the winter.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 39

A new sport has appeared in Russia - helicopter golf. Two helicopters equipped with 4-meter sticks play with two balls with a diameter of a meter.

Each team has five people. One pilots the helicopter, the second hits the ball, the third coordinates the actions of the first two, and two more are in reserve. They replace the one with the stick when he runs out of steam.

The largest bell ever cast is the Russian Tsar Bell, made by masters Ivan Fedorovich Motorin and his son Mikhail. The weight of the Tsar Bell is 12,327 poods and 19 pounds, that is, 201 tons 924 kilograms. Its height is 6 meters 14 centimeters.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 42

The city of Suzdal occupies only 15 square kilometers and has a population of just over 10,000 people. At the same time, there are 53 churches in Suzdal.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 43

Myth about a myth: Russians think Americans think bears walk the streets in Moscow. In fact, bears don’t walk around Russian cities that often, and Americans don’t have a stereotype about wild Russia.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 44

Interesting fact about Russia No. 45

  1. Light bulb
  2. TV
  3. Electron microscope
  4. Helicopter
  5. Bomber
  6. Video recorder
  7. Crawler
  8. Color photography
  9. Artificial heart model
  10. Gas engine
  11. grain harvester
  12. Machine
  13. Electric welding
  14. Synthetic rubber
  15. Coal gas mask
  16. Radio
  17. Turbodrill
  18. Spotlight
  19. Automatic telephone exchange
  20. Periodic table of chemical elements
  21. Electric submarine
  22. Heat engine
  23. Synthetic detergents
  24. Coal harvester
  25. Heart-lung machine
  26. Mortar
  27. Electric motor
  28. Backpack parachute
  29. and many more useful things.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 46

Over the past 50 years, at the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the SB RAS, domestic foxes have been bred that are affectionate, friendly and loyal, like dogs, and independent, like cats.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 47

Interesting fact about Russia No. 48

In the 1930s, in the Tikhaya Sosna River near Belgorod, Russian fishermen caught a sturgeon that contained 245 kilograms of black caviar.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 49

In 1980, the Swedish Navy detected strange sounds coming from the water column, the source of which they declared to be Soviet submarines. When a diplomatic conflict between the USSR and Sweden was about to break out, scientists discovered that the sounds were made by farting fish. For this discovery, scientists were awarded a mock Ig Nobel Prize.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 50

Dacha is a purely Russian phenomenon; in many European languages ​​it is called dacha. Dachas appeared during the time of Peter the Great, who gave his subjects suburban plots so that they would not hesitate to experiment in architecture. This thing given by the king was called a dacha.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 51

Russian Emperor Nicholas II first proposed to the world the idea of ​​general disarmament. He put forward such a proposal at the conference of European heads of state on arms limitation that he convened in The Hague in 1898. He called for forces and capital wasted on excessive weapons to be used for education and development of the well-being of the people. Europe admired the generosity of the Russian Sovereign, but accepted the idea itself very restrainedly.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 52

Before the 1917 revolution, the Russian family was one of the largest in the world. In Russia it was believed that 8 children in a family was sadly few. It was normal to have 12-14 children.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 53

Each monarch of the Romanov dynasty left his heir a larger country than he received from his father.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 54

Under Ivan the Terrible in Russia, the alcohol content in various intoxicating drinks ranged from 1 to 6%. Wine, according to Greek custom, was diluted with water. On holidays they drank no more than twice a month.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 55
Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev set a record for staying in space for 803 days. In addition, this versatile person is a world champion in glider aerobatics, a candidate master of sports in all-around and the founder of the genre of space photography.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 57

The gardening area in Moscow is much larger than in Western megacities. Founded in 1931, Izmailovsky Park is one of the largest city parks in the world. With an area of ​​15.34 square kilometers, it is six times larger than New York's Central Park.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 1

Russia is the largest country in the world, its area is 17,075,400 square kilometers. It is 1.8 times larger than the USA. The area of ​​Russia is approximately equal to the surface area of ​​the planet Pluto.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 2

Russia is home to the world's largest active volcano, Klyuchevskaya Sopka. Its height is 4 kilometers 850 meters. It throws columns of ash eight kilometers up. With each eruption it gets higher. The Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano has been erupting for the last 7 thousand years.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 3

The St. Petersburg metro is the deepest in the world. Its average depth is 100 meters.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 4

There are three times more bridges in St. Petersburg than in Venice. Based on the number of canals and bridges, it would be more appropriate to call St. Petersburg not Northern Venice, but Venice - Southern Petersburg.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 5

The oldest Christian temple in Russia is considered to be the ancient temple of Thaba-Erdy, located in Ingushetia, in the Dzheirakh region, between the villages of Khairakh and Pui. It was built in the 8th-9th centuries. The three oldest currently operating temples are located in the village of Nizhny Arkhyz in Karachay-Cherkessia. They were built in the 10th century.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 6

The Trans-Siberian Railway is the longest railway in the world. The Great Siberian Way, connecting Moscow with Vladivostok, is 9,298 kilometers long, crosses 8 time zones, passes through 87 cities and towns and crosses 16 rivers, including the Volga.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 7

Siberian Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and the largest source of fresh water on the planet. Baikal has 23 cubic kilometers of water. All the world's largest rivers - the Volga, Don, Dnieper, Yenisei, Ural, Ob, Ganges, Orinoco, Amazon, Thames, Seine and Oder - must flow for almost a year to fill a basin equal in volume to Lake Baikal.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 8

Russia is the only state whose territory is washed by twelve seas.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 9

Russia is separated from America by 4 kilometers. This is the distance between Ratmanov Island (Russia) and Krusenstern Island (USA) in the Bering Strait.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 10

From Moscow to Chicago is closer than from Chicago to Rio de Janeiro.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 11

In the cultural capital of Russia, St. Petersburg, there are 2000 libraries, 221 museums, 100 concert organizations, more than 80 theaters, 80 clubs and houses of culture, 62 cinemas, 45 art galleries.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 12

The Urals are the oldest mountains in the world. Located in the Kusinsky district near the village of Aleksandrovka, Mount Karandash arose 4.2 billion years ago. The historical names of the Ural Mountains are Big Stone, Siberian Stone, Earth Belt, Poyasnoy Stone. Once upon a time the Ural Mountains were very high, but now only the foundations remain of the former mountains.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 13

There are 7 absolutely identical high-rise buildings in Moscow: 2 hotels, 2 administrative buildings, 2 residential buildings and a university. In English this ensemble is called the Seven Sisters, and in Russian simply Stalin's skyscrapers. The style in which the high-rise buildings are built is called Stalinist Gothic.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 14

The Moscow Kremlin is the world's largest medieval fortress.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 15

The total length of the Kremlin walls is 2235 meters.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 16

In Moscow there is a large fountain from which drinking water gushes. The fountain is part of the architectural group “Alexander and Natalie” with a sculptural composition of Pushkin and Goncharova in an elegant rotunda.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 17

St. Petersburg is the northernmost city in the world with a population of more than a million people.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 18

The area of ​​Siberia is 9 million 734.3 thousand square kilometers, which is 9% of the earth's land.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 19

Russia has borders with 16 countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the USA. Russia also borders two unrecognized states: South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 20

There are more Kalashnikov assault rifles in the world than assault rifles of all other designs combined.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 21

Russia proclaimed equal rights for men and women earlier than the United States. In Russia, women were given the right to vote in 1918, in the United States - in 1920.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 22

Russia has never known slavery. The period of the most fully expressed form of feudal dependence, serfdom, in Russia was shorter than, for example, in England and most European countries. Serfdom in Russia had softer forms. Russia abolished serfdom in 1861, the United States abolished slavery in 1865.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 23

On January 16, 1820, the Russian expedition of Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev discovered Antarctica.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 24

The most famous computer game, Tetris, was created by Russian programmer Alexei Pajitnov in 1985. This game became popular in the Soviet Union, and then, in 1986, in the West.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 25

Ivan the Terrible was not a tyrant; he ruled with a gentleness unprecedented for his time. Given the same size of Europe and Russia at that time, Grozny executed 100 times fewer people during his reign than his European colleagues during the same period - 3-4 thousand people versus 300-400 thousand people.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 26

Ivan the Terrible warms his dog after learning the weather forecast for the next three days. Ivan the Terrible did not kill his son.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 27

Trains in the Moscow metro run more frequently than in any other metro in the world. During rush hours, the interval between trains is 90 seconds. Among them there are “personalized” trains, such as the “Watercolor” train, which is a traveling exhibition of paintings.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 28

In Peterhof near St. Petersburg there are 176 fountains, of which 40 are giant, and 5 cascades.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 29

A samovar is an ancient version of an electric kettle. The samovar ran on coal, but performed the same function, boiling water.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 30

IN Russian city Oymyakon recorded the lowest air temperature. The cold record was set in 1924 and was -71.2 °C.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 31

Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first person to travel into space.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 32

During World War II, the metro stations were used as bomb shelters. During the air raids, 150 people were born in this completely safe shelter.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 33

Russia has many wonderful excursion and tourist routes. The most famous so-called “families of tourist routes” are the Golden Ring of Russia, the Silver Ring of Russia and the Great Ural Ring.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 34

The total length of 12 lines of the Moscow metro is 310 km. Almost 10,000 trains run between 182 stations. The average travel time for a passenger is 13 kilometers.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 35

In the 18th century, Russia was the 3rd largest empire in human history, spanning from European Poland to North American Alaska.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 36

The West Siberian Plain is the largest plain on Earth.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 37

The Hermitage is one of the largest and oldest museums in the world. It contains three million works of art from the Stone Age to modern times. If you devote one minute to each of these works, you will need to go to the Hermitage for more than 25 years, like going to work, and viewing the exhibits for 8 hours a day to see them all.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 38

Russia occupies a seventh of the earth's landmass.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 39

Some time ago, Moscow had more billionaires than any other city in the world. Now there are fewer billionaires in Moscow, but there is more clarity on the question of how to spend a billion.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 40

The Russian Public Library is the largest in Europe and the second in the world after the US Library of Congress. It is located in Moscow and was founded in 1862.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 41

On the day of the opening of the 700-seat McDonalds restaurant in Moscow on Pushkinskaya Square, by 5 am there was a queue of 5,000 people in front of it. During the first day, the restaurant served 3,000 customers. To this day, it remains the most visited McDonald's in the world.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 42

250-300 swans and 1.5-2 thousand wild ducks fly to Swan Lake in the Altai Territory every year. They arrive in the fall to spend the winter.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 43

There are more than 820 glaciers in Altai, totaling an area of ​​600 square kilometers.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 44

A new sport has appeared in Russia - helicopter golf. Two helicopters equipped with 4-meter sticks play with two balls with a diameter of a meter. Each team has five people. One pilots the helicopter, the second hits the ball, the third coordinates the actions of the first two, and two more are in reserve. They replace the one with the stick when he runs out of steam.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 45

Russia regularly ranks first in various rankings of the least friendly countries in the world, but this is simply a misunderstanding due to differences in cultural codes. In Russia, schools teach children not to smile for no reason, considering smiling a sign of a frivolous mood. In fact, Russians are friendly and always ready to help a foreigner.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 46

Interesting fact about Russia No. 47

The largest bell ever cast is the Russian Tsar Bell, made by masters Ivan Fedorovich Motorin and his son Mikhail. The weight of the Tsar Bell is 12,327 poods and 19 pounds, that is, 201 tons 924 kilograms. Its height is 6 meters 14 centimeters.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 48

The city of Suzdal occupies only 15 square kilometers and has a population of just over 10,000 people. At the same time, there are 53 churches in Suzdal.

Interesting fact about Russia No. 49

The Russian Federation consists of 8 federal districts, which are divided into 83 regions-subjects of the Federation, including 21 national republics. The republics, each of which is assigned by the constitution to a titular ethnic group, occupy 28.6% of the territory of Russia, 16.9% of the population lives in them. Approximately 83% of the population of Russia are ethnic Russians, but the Constitution of the Russian Federation contains references to Russian

Interesting facts about Russia– this is a great opportunity to learn about our Motherland as much information as possible in a minimum of text. Here you will learn a lot of new things about how mysterious, extraordinary and in many ways unique the country is Russia - the birthplace of, and.

In recent years, interest in To the Russian state significantly worsened due to the fact that... however, we’ll talk about politics another time.

Many people know that Russia is the largest state in the world. Its area is 17,125,191 km², which is approximately equal to the area of. To verify this, open any geographical map and shudder soberly when you see the vast expanses of the Russian land.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka or Klyuchevskoy volcano is the largest active volcano in Eurasia, which is more than 7,000 years old. The height of this is almost 5 kilometers. The last eruption was on August 15, 2013. Since then, the height of the volcano has been 4835 meters.

An interesting fact is that some people think that St. Petersburg has the deepest metro in terms of a specific station. However, the primacy of this metro is determined by the average depth of the stations.

St. Petersburg is called the Venice of the North because there are 342 bridges in this metropolis. In general, if we count all the rivers and canals, adjacent to St. Petersburg, then there will be about 800 bridges. Confusion arises here, since some citizens believe that there are more bridges in St. Petersburg than in Venice.

What do you think is the distance from Russia to America? Wrong! There are only 4 kilometers between the Russian Ratmanov Island and the American Krusenstern Island! So a Russian person, if desired, can get to America by boat.

Everyone knows that St. Petersburg is called cultural capital Russia. However Interesting Facts Not everyone knows about this intellectual city. So, in St. Petersburg there are 2000 libraries, 221 museums, more than 80 theaters and 45 art galleries.

The Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK), invented by Russian designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, is a unique, most common small arms in the world. According to some estimates, a fifth of all firearms on earth are directly related to Kalashnikov (see), that is, if you take into account all unlicensed copies and developments built exclusively on the AK.

Over sixty years, more than 70 million different modifications of the Kalashnikov assault rifle have been produced, which have been in service for more than 50 years. The closest competitor to the AK is the American M16 automatic rifle.

However, she is significantly inferior to her older brother. Over the years of its existence, about 8 million M16s were produced, which are used by 27 foreign armies.

Mikhail Kalashnikov with his unique invention

Interestingly, Russia equalized the rights of women and men in 1918, while the United States did so in 1920.

On the same topic. Russia abolished serfdom in 1861, and in the USA slavery was abolished in 1865. Here we must add the interesting fact that serfdom itself in Russia was much softer and more humane than in most European countries, where slaves were considered simply a thing, the property of the owner.

Yuri Gagarin

If you not only like to read interesting facts about Russia, but also want to see some of them with your own eyes, take advantage of the unique tourist routes. Three such excursion “paths” are known all over the world: the Silver Ring of Russia, the Great Ural Ring.

On foreground library sculpture

And this interesting fact about Russia breathes with its natural freshness. Every year in Altai region 400-450 whooper swans and 1.5-2 thousand ducks fly to Swan Lake. They winter in this unusually beautiful place.

Swan Lake in Altai

Russia has the largest reserves of natural gas. Russia's share of reserves is almost a quarter (24.6%) of all world reserves.

Russia, with varying degrees of success, ranks first in the world in oil production. The constant top three production leaders include Russia, the USA and.

St. Petersburg has the longest tram network, almost 700 kilometers. This record is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The world's largest forest is located in Russia. This is East Siberian, with an area of ​​3,900,000 km².

East Siberian taiga

Although diplomatic relations are in good order, a formal peace treaty has not yet been signed as of 2016. It happens!

Back in 1990 in Soviet Russia A record was set for the number of copies of a paper newspaper. " TVNZ"was printed in 22 million copies.

In Russia, in the Republic of Dagestan, there is one of the oldest cities in the world - Derbent. The first settlements here appeared at the end of the 4th millennium BC. e. The modern city was founded in 438 AD as a Persian fortress.

The longest land border in the world runs between Russia and Kazakhstan, amounting to 7,512.8 km.

Chistye Ponds in Moscow, until 1703, were called Nasty Swamps. However!

Chistye Prudy

The artificial heart was first invented in Russia by a scientist named Vladimir Demikhov. An interesting fact is that the young genius had to spend money sent by his parents to buy a suit for the motor. The invention was tested on animals in 1936.

The Russian state flag under Peter the Great had a clear designation of each stripe.

  • Red line below - physical world people with all their worries, sufferings and passions.
  • The blue line is the angelic, heavenly world.
  • The white, highest stripe is the divine world of Faith, Hope and Love.

To date, there is no official interpretation of the tricolor.

Peter was the first to “reward” drunkenness with a special medal weighing 7 kg. And this does not take into account the chain. Interesting pedagogy!

Russian statehood began in 862. As of 2016, the country's population is 146 million people. The Russian Federation includes 85 subjects, 46 of which are called regions, 22 are republics, 9 are territories, 3 are cities of federal significance, 4 are autonomous okrugs and 1 – autonomous region.

In total, we collected 57 facts. If we list all the interesting facts about Russia, then probably an entire website would not be enough to describe the more or less significant features of this huge country.

note that various interesting facts about Russia and Russian people on many sites contain unverified information. When preparing this material, the number of erroneous statements left the author downright confused!

All of the above facts have been verified and are completely true. If you find a controversial statement in your opinion, write about it in the comments.

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Interesting facts about Russia. Russia is big and great country and thanks to this and not only there is a great variety of interesting facts from various industries. Interesting and great people, places and events that are interesting in themselves. The history of this country can be just as surprising. In general, we read everything interesting facts about Russia further…

Geographical Interesting Facts

1. Russia is the largest country in the world, its area is 17.1 million square kilometers. This is approximately 1/8 of the entire landmass.

2. Forests occupy about 60% of the country's territory. 10% of the area is occupied by swamps, but inland waters very unevenly distributed. There are 35 national parks and 84 nature reserves in Russia.

3. Russia is considered a European country, but 2/3 of the country is in Asia.

4. Due to the large distance from West to East, the country has 10 time zones.

5. The length of the closest territory between Russia and America, which separates the 2 continents, is 4 km.

7. Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, is home to about 11 million people; in terms of population, Moscow is among the 20 largest cities in the world.

8. About 20% of the Russian population lives in 13 million-plus cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Omsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Volgograd, Perm.

9. Russia ranks seventh in the world in terms of population, with about 146 million people living in the country. 79% of the population are Russian. Of the remaining 21%, the following are distinguished: Tatars (20%), Ukrainians (10%), Bashkirs (6%), Chuvash (6%), Chechens (5%), Armenians (4%, Mordovians (3%).

10. In Russia, there are 1,147 women per 1,000 men. The predominance of the number of women over the number of men is observed starting from the age of 33.

11. The population of working age (men 16-59 years old, women 16-54 years old) amounted to 89.0 million people (or 61%), under working age - 26.3 million people (or 18%) and older working age - 29.8 million people (or 21%).

12. Like most European countries, Russia is characterized by an aging population. Compared to the 1989 census average age of the country's population increased by 3 years and amounted to 37.7 years, men - 35.2 years, women - 40.0 years (according to the 1989 population census, the average age of the population was 34.7 years, men - 31.9 years , women - 37.2 years).

13. Russia is the only country in the world washed by 12 seas.

14. Lake Baikal in Siberia is the deepest lake on Earth. To fill the basin of Lake Baikal with the waters of world famous rivers (Volga, Don, Dnieper and Yenisei, Ural and Ob, Ganges and Orinoco, Amazon and Thames, Seine and Oder) 1 g is needed.

15. Ladoga lake- the largest in Europe. Its area reaches 400 sq.m.

16. The Khibiny Mountains are the most high mountains located beyond the Arctic Circle of Russia.

17. The Ural Mountains, which divide Russia into European and Asian parts, are the most ancient mountains in the world.

18. About 600 sq. km. Altai is covered with more than 800 glaciers.

19. The famous Russian ski resort Dombay is known for its mountain routes with a length of about 20 km.

20. Russia has the only hot spring rich in beneficial properties mineral waters in Essentuki and famous for its hydrosulfide baths.

21. The legendary Trans-Siberian route passes through 8 temporary zones he's in Russia, starting in Moscow and ending at the arrival point in Beijing, China. The length of the route is more than 9000 km

Historical interesting facts about Russia

1. In the USSR, since November 1941, there was a tax on childlessness, which amounted to 6% of wages. It was paid by childless men from 20 to 50 years old and childless married women from 20 to 45 years old.

7. Interesting facts were published by Forbes magazine: in 2000, there were no dollar billionaires not a single Russian whereas in 2006 there were 33 of them (3/4 of which made their fortune from the sale of oil, gas and metals).

9. According to Goskomstat data, in Russia 30 percent of the population are poor and 35 percent are poor, that is, two thirds of the Russian population live either in poverty or on the verge of it.

10. According to unofficial data, more than 85% of the population of Russia do not produce anything and exist at the expense of the budget and the solvent part of the population.

11. In Russia total number civil servants number 1 million 53 thousand people. Since 1992 it has almost doubled.

12. Russia is in the top three countries in terms of murders per capita (together with Colombia and South Africa).

13. In terms of the rate of spread of AIDS, Russia has taken first place in the world.

14. Russia comes out on top in the world in terms of the number of suicides.

15. Russia came out on top in the world in the slave trade.

16. Russia has taken first place in the world in the number of prisoners per 100 thousand inhabitants.

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