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The story of a Chinese courtesan who became the most dangerous pirate in history. The most famous pirates in history The largest pirate fleet

Zheng Shi, a famous Chinese courtesan, managed to become the terror of the seas, leading a fleet of 1,800 ships and 80,000 people. She led the largest pirate organization in history, winning confrontations with great powers. In a matter of years, this woman achieved power and married her son.

In 1801, the Chinese prostitute “Madame Jing” became the wife of Zheng Yi, a formidable pirate who operated in the South China Sea.
The story goes that he took such a bride because of her reputation as a shrewd businessman. Zheng Shi, taking advantage of the privileges of her profession, received valuable information, with the help of which she had control over wealthy clients and politicians. The financial and business savvy of the young Chinese woman certainly became a great help in her future pirate career.

With the help of his wife, the formidable Zheng Yi united many pirates under his control and kept the entire Chinese coast at bay. About 400 junk ships obeyed his orders. And his wife and adopted son took a direct part in the “business”.

After six years of marriage, Zheng Yi died at sea. His death left his widow, Zheng Shi, in a difficult situation. However, she managed to increase her powers even further. A few years later she commanded a fleet of 1,800 pirate ships and approximately 80,000 men. For comparison, the famous pirate Edward Teach, nicknamed Blackbeard, commanded 4 ships and 300 pirates.
As a result, Zheng Shi is known as the most successful pirate in history.

Keeping such a number of wayward people in check was not easy. Zheng Shi consolidated her vast fleet of pirates through a code of laws. The laws were strict. Any pirate who did not comply with the order was beheaded on the spot. The rules regarding female prisoners were especially unusual. If a pirate raped a captive, he was executed. If sex between them was consensual, both were executed.

Zheng Yi and Zheng Shi had no children in their marriage and adopted a 15-year-old boy. For the head of the family, he became not only a son, but also a lover. After the death of Zheng Yi, the former prostitute cohabited with her adopted son and then married him. For China in those years, this was considered the norm.

Pirates' control of the sea coast, robberies of passing merchant ships, and the collection of tribute from settlements forced the Chinese government to react decisively. All attempts to defeat the pirates both on their own and with the help of the Portuguese fleet and the East India Company ended unsuccessfully.

But the pirate fleet under the command of Zheng Shi was invincible. After three years of dominion over the high seas, Zheng Shi finally retired in 1810, accepting the Chinese government's offer of amnesty for herself and all pirates.
This decision was caused by brewing conflicts between pirate leaders. Perhaps Zheng Shi realized that it was time to give up piracy.

Little is known about Zheng Shi's life after retirement. It is known that she ran her own hotel with a gambling house and brothel and died at the ripe old age of 69, leaving behind her mark on history and popular culture. The character of the influential Lady Jing, one of the nine pirate lords in the film Pirates of the Caribbean, was created in her honor.

Besides Zheng Shi, history knows only a few female pirates, the most famous being the mistresses Anne Bonny and.

Pirates! Gentlemen of the sea. For many centuries, their names inspired fear in people. Captain Flint, Jack Sparrow, John Silver, James Hook... The list of their names goes on for a long time! The menace of the Royal Navy, cunning and treacherous, “people without honor and conscience,” tireless adventurers. Read below about these undaunted sea creatures.

1 Jethrow Flint (1680-1718)

Our selection today begins with the famous Captain Flint. Despite the fact that this is the name of a fictional character created by the thought of the Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson, his mention is worthy of this collection. Flint was a merciless man. Confirmation of this is the famous pirate song, which contains the words - “Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.” It was fifteen people who became unwitting witnesses to the place where Flint buried his treasures. And with this they signed their own death warrant.

2 Henry Morgan (1635-1688)

We know the name of this pirate from the film “Hearts of Three,” based on the novel of the same name by Jack London.
However, unlike the previous participant in our selection, Henry Morgan really existed. He was not only a pirate, but also a man who helped England gain control of the entire Caribbean region. For this he received the rank of governor of Jamaica. However, the sea could not part with its favorite, and as a result of the earthquake, the cemetery where the old pirate was buried went under water. The cause of Morgan's death was liver disease caused by the indefatigable consumption of rum, the favorite drink of pirates.

3 Francis Drake (1540-1596)

Despite the fact that Francis was born into the family of a priest, he was not an exemplary Christian. This was facilitated by the blessing of the Queen of England, who was ready to do anything so that the Spaniards would not be the leading power in the world. At age 18, Drake becomes the captain of a pirate ship that plunders and destroys property in Spain. In 1572, he participated in the capture of the Spanish "Silver Caravan", thanks to which he brought the treasury 30,000 kg of silver. In addition, with a desire to visit unknown countries, Drake was a participant. Thanks to her, the treasury of England received an income that was three times the size of its annual budget. In addition, the British became acquainted with a then exotic vegetable - potatoes. For this, Drake was knighted and received the rank of admiral.

4 William Kidd (1645-1701)

His fate became a reminder to all pirates of inevitable punishment. According to the court's verdict, he was executed, and his body was displayed in a metal cage in London for more than 23 years. The reason for this was the pirate antics of Kidd, who was a real disaster not only for the French, but also for the British.

5 Grace O'Male (1530-1603)

This name is forever included in the annals of piracy. The life of this girl is a continuous series of love and adventurous adventures. At first, she pirates with her father. Then, after the death of her father, she herself becomes the leader of the Owen clan. With a saber in her hands and her hair flowing, she made her enemies tremble. However, this did not stop her from loving and being loved. The mother of four children, even at an advanced age, continued to carry out raids. At the same time, she rejected the offer of the Queen of England to enter the service of Her Royal Majesty.

6 Olivier (François) le Vasseur (1690-1730)

One of the most famous pirates, whose homeland was France. Without taking direct part in pirate raids directed against the British and Spaniards, Vasser meanwhile received the lion's share of all the booty. The reason for this was the island of Tortuga (present-day Haiti), which this talented engineer turned into an impregnable fortress and became a refuge for pirate elements. Legend has it that over the years he managed the island, he accumulated more than £235 million. But his character, which deteriorated over time, played a cruel joke on him, as a result of which he became food for sharks. The gold, which has not yet been found, remains hidden somewhere on the islands in the middle of the world's oceans.

7 William Dampier (1651-1715)

Despite the fact that William Damir's main occupation was piracy, he is also considered the father of modern oceanography. This is explained by the fact that he not only pirated, but also described all his travels and what was connected with them. The result of this was a book called “A New Journey Around the World.”

8 Zheng Shi (1785-1844)

“Night Butterfly”, who first became the wife and then the widow of the famous pirate Zheng Yi., after the death of her husband, she inherited more than 400 ships that were a threat to the Chinese merchant fleet. The strictest discipline was introduced on the ships, putting an end to such pirate liberties as robbery of allies and violence against prisoners. In addition, Zheng Shi is known in history as the owner of brothels and the patroness of gambling.

9 Arouge Barbarossa (1473-1518)

Son of a potter. His homeland was the island of Lesvos. Probably because he did not find his great love on it, or perhaps because of the capture of the island by the Turks, Barbarossa became a pirate at the age of 16. After 4 years, he enters into an agreement with the Tunisian authorities, according to which he can create his own base on one of the islands, and in return, he shares a percentage of the profits. Soon he becomes the Sultan of Algeria. However, as a result of a clash with the Spaniards, he was killed. His successor was his younger brother, known as Barbaross the Second.

10 Edward Teach (1680–1718)

It was not without reason that this name frightened the English and French governments. Thanks to his courage and cruelty, Teach soon became one of the most feared pirates operating in the Jamaica area. By 1718, more than 300 men were fighting under his leadership. The enemies were horrified by Teach's face, almost completely covered by a black beard, in which the wicks woven into it smoked. In November 1718, Teach was overtaken by the English lieutenant Maynardt and, after a short trial, was strung up on a yardarm. It was he who became the prototype of the legendary Jethrow Flint from Treasure Island.

Piracy appeared as soon as people began to use watercraft to transport goods. IN different countries and in different eras, pirates were called filibusters, ushkuiniki, corsairs, privateers.

The most famous pirates in history left behind a significant mark: they inspired fear in life, and in death their adventures continue to attract undiminished interest. Piracy has had a great influence on culture: sea robbers have become central figures in many famous literary works, modern films and TV series.

10 Jack Rackham

One of the most famous pirates in history is Jack Rackham, who lived in the 18th century. He is interesting because there were two women on his team. His love for Indian calico shirts in bright colors earned him the nickname Calico Jack. In the navy he found himself in early age out of need. For a long time he served as senior helmsman under the command of the famous pirate Charles Vane. After the latter tried to refuse a fight with a French warship pursuing a pirate ship, Rackham rebelled and was elected as the new captain according to the order of the pirate code. Calico Jack differed from other sea robbers in his gentle treatment of his victims, which, however, did not save him from the gallows. The pirate was executed on November 17, 1720 in Port Royal, and his body was hung as a warning to other robbers at the entrance to the harbor.

9 William Kidd

The story of one of the most famous pirates in history, William Kidd, is still controversial among scholars of his life. Some historians are sure that he was not a pirate and acted strictly within the framework of the marque patent. Nevertheless, he was found guilty of attacking 5 ships and murder. Despite the fact that he tried to get his release in exchange for information about the location where the valuables were hidden, Kidd was sentenced to hang. After the execution, the body of the pirate and his accomplices was hung for public display over the Thames, where it hung for 3 years.

The legend of Kidd's hidden treasure has long intrigued people's minds. The belief that the treasure really exists was maintained literary works, which mentioned pirate treasure. Kidd's hidden wealth was searched on many islands, but to no avail. The fact that the treasure is not a myth is evidenced by the fact that in 2015, British divers found the wreckage of a pirate ship off the coast of Madagascar and underneath it a 50-kilogram ingot, which, according to experts, belonged to Captain Kidd.

8 Madame Shi

Madame Shi, or Madam Zheng, is one of the world's most famous female pirates. After the death of her husband, she inherited his pirate flotilla and put sea robbery on a grand scale. Under her command were two thousand ships and seventy thousand people. The strictest discipline helped her command an entire army. For example, for unauthorized absence from a ship, the offender lost an ear. Not all of Madame Shi's subordinates were happy with this state of affairs, and one of the captains once rebelled and went over to the side of the authorities. After Madame Shi's power was weakened, she agreed to a truce with the emperor and subsequently lived to an old age in freedom, running a brothel.

7 Francis Drake

Francis Drake is one of the most famous pirates in the world. Actually, he was not a pirate, but a corsair who acted on the seas and oceans against enemy ships with the special permission of Queen Elizabeth. Devastating the coasts of Central and South America, he became immensely rich. Drake accomplished many great deeds: he opened a strait, which he named in his honor, and under his command the British fleet defeated the Great Armada. Since then, one of the ships of the English navy has been named after the famous navigator and corsair Francis Drake.

6 Henry Morgan

The list of the most famous pirates would be incomplete without the name of Henry Morgan. Despite the fact that he was born into a wealthy family of an English landowner, from his youth Morgan connected his life with the sea. He was hired as a cabin boy on one of the ships and was soon sold into slavery in Barbados. He managed to move to Jamaica, where Morgan joined a gang of pirates. Several successful trips allowed him and his comrades to purchase a ship. Morgan was chosen as captain, and it was a good decision. A few years later there were 35 ships under his command. With such a fleet, he managed to capture Panama in a day and burn the entire city. Since Morgan acted mainly against Spanish ships and pursued an active English colonial policy, after his arrest the pirate was not executed. On the contrary, for the services rendered to Britain in the fight against Spain, Henry Morgan received the post of lieutenant governor of Jamaica. The famous corsair died at the age of 53 from cirrhosis of the liver.

5 Bartholomew Roberts

Bartholomew Roberts, aka Black Bart, is one of the most colorful pirates in history, although he is not as famous as Blackbeard or Henry Morgan. Black Bart became the most successful filibuster in the history of piracy. During his short pirate career (3 years), he captured 456 ships. Its production is estimated at 50 million pounds sterling. It is believed that he created the famous "Pirate Code". He was killed in action with a British warship. The pirate's body, according to his will, was thrown into the water, and the remains of one of the greatest pirates were never found.

4 Edward Teach

Edward Teach, or Blackbeard, is one of the most famous pirates in the world. Almost everyone has heard his name. Teach lived and was engaged in sea robbery at the very height of the golden age of piracy. Having enlisted at the age of 12, he gained valuable experience, which would then be useful to him in the future. According to historians, Teach took part in the War of the Spanish Succession, and after its end he deliberately decided to become a pirate. The fame of a ruthless filibuster helped Blackbeard seize ships without the use of weapons - upon seeing his flag, the victim surrendered without a fight. The cheerful life of a pirate did not last long - Teach died during a boarding battle with a British warship pursuing him.

3 Henry Avery

One of the most famous pirates in history is Henry Avery, nicknamed Long Ben. The father of the future famous buccaneer was a captain in the British fleet. Since childhood, Avery dreamed of sea voyages. He began his career in the navy as a cabin boy. Avery then received an appointment as first mate on a corsair frigate. The ship's crew soon rebelled, and the first mate was proclaimed captain of the pirate ship. So Avery took the path of piracy. He became famous for capturing the ships of Indian pilgrims heading to Mecca. The pirates' booty was unheard of at that time: 600 thousand pounds and the daughter of the Great Mogul, whom Avery later officially married. How the life of the famous filibuster ended is unknown.

2 Amaro Pargo

Amaro Pargo is one of the most famous freebooters of the golden age of piracy. Pargo transported slaves and made a fortune from it. Wealth allowed him to engage in charity work. He lived to a ripe old age.

1 Samuel Bellamy

Among the most famous sea robbers is Samuel Bellamy, known as Black Sam. He joined the pirates to marry Maria Hallett. Bellamy desperately lacked funds to provide for his future family, and he joined Benjamin Hornigold's crew of pirates. A year later, he became captain of the bandits, allowing Hornigold to leave peacefully. Thanks to a whole network of informants and spies, Bellamy was able to capture one of the fastest ships of the time, the frigate Whyda. Bellamy died while swimming to his beloved. The Whyda was caught in a storm, the ship was driven aground and the crew, including Black Sam, died. Bellamy's career as a pirate lasted only a year.

1680 - 1718

The most famous pirate in the world is Edward Teach, or he is also called “Blackbeard”. He was known to the world for his cruelty, desperation, strength, and indomitable passion for rum and women. His name made the entire Caribbean Sea and the English possessions of North America tremble. He was tall and strong, had a thick black beard braided, wore a wide-brimmed hat and a black cloak, and always had seven loaded pistols. The opponents surrendered in horror without resistance, considering him an incarnation of hell. In 1718, during the next battle, the pirate Blackbeard continued to fight to the last, wounded by 25 shots, and died from a blow from a saber.

1635 - 1688

This pirate was known as the Cruel or Pirate Admiral. One of the authors of the Pirate Code. An incredible man who excelled in the pirate craft and was a respected lieutenant governor, commander-in-chief navy Jamaica. The pirate admiral was considered a talented military leader and a wise politician. His life was full of bright, major victories. Sir Henry Morgan died in 1688 and was buried with honors in St. Catherine's Church, Port Royal. After a while, due to a strong earthquake, his grave was swallowed up by the sea.

1645 - 1701

The most bloodthirsty pirate legend. He had amazing endurance, special cruelty, sadistic sophistication and skillful talent for piracy. William Kidd was an excellent expert in navigation. He had unconditional authority among pirates. His battles were considered the fiercest in the history of piracy. He robbed both at sea and on land. Legends about his victories and countless treasures live to this day. The search for the looted treasure of William Kidd continues to this day, but so far without success.


A successful English navigator and talented pirate during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The second, after Maggelan, Francis Drake circumnavigated the world. They discovered the widest strait of the World Ocean. During his career, Captain Francis Drake made many discoveries of lands unknown to mankind. For his numerous achievements and rich spoils, he received generous recognition from Queen Elizabeth I.

1682 - 1722

His real name is John Roberts, nicknamed Black Bart. The richest and most incredible pirate. He always loved to dress with taste, adhered to generally accepted manners in society, did not drink alcohol, wore a cross and read the Bible. He knew how to convince, subdue and confidently lead his minions to the intended goal. He fought many successful battles and mined a huge amount of gold (approximately 300 tons). He was shot dead on his own ship during a raid. The trial of the captured Black Bart pirates was the largest trial in history.

1689 - 1717

Black Sam - received this nickname due to his fundamental refusal to wear a combed wig, preferring not to hide his unruly dark hair tied in a knot. Black Sam was led to the path of piracy by love. He was a noble, purposeful man, a wise captain and a successful pirate. Captain Sam Bellamy had both white and black pirates on board, which was considered unthinkable at the time. He had smugglers and spies under his command. He won many victories and won incredible treasures. Black Sam died during a storm that overtook him on the way to his beloved.

1473 - 1518

Famous powerful pirate from Turkey. He was characterized by cruelty, ruthlessness, and a love of mockery and execution. He was involved in the pirate business together with his brother Khair. The Barbarossa Pirates were a threat to the entire Mediterranean. So, in 1515, the entire Azir coast was under the rule of Arouj Barbarossa. The battles under his command were sophisticated, bloody and victorious. Arouj Barbarossa died during the battle, surrounded by enemy troops in Tlemcen.

1651 - 1715

A sailor from England. By vocation he was a researcher and discoverer. Completed 3 round the world travel. Became a pirate in order to have the means to pursue his research activities- studying the direction of winds and currents in the ocean. William Dampier is the author of such books as “Travel and Descriptions”, “A New Journey Around the World”, “The Direction of the Winds”. An archipelago in the North-West coast of Australia, as well as a strait between the western coast of New Guinea and the island of Waigeo, are named after him.

1530 - 1603

Female pirate, legendary captain, lady of fortune. Her life was full of colorful adventures. Grace had heroic courage, unprecedented determination and high talent as a pirate. For her enemies she was a nightmare, for her followers an object of admiration. Despite the fact that she had three children from her first marriage and 1 child from her second, Grace O'Mail continued her favorite business. Her work was so successful that Queen Elizabeth I herself invited Grace to serve her, to which she received a decisive refusal.

1785 - 1844

Zheng Shi closes the list of the most famous pirates in the world. She etched her name in history as one of the most successful female pirates. Under the command of this small, fragile Chinese robber there were 70,000 pirates. Zheng Shi started the pirate business together with her husband, but after his death, she boldly took over the reigns. Zheng Shi was an excellent, strict and wise captain; she formed a disciplined and strong army from a chaotic bunch of pirates. This ensured successful offensive operations and enchanting victories. Zheng Shi lived out her years in peace, as the owner of a hotel within the walls of which there was a brothel and a gambling house.

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