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Combinations of what syntactic. Types of syntactic links

Basic units of syntax. Types of syntactic connection. The main methods of subordinating communication: coordination, control and adjacency.

Syntax (Greek - connection, linkage) studies the rules by which individual words in a phrase are linked, individual sentences into complex sentences. Studying the structure of connected speech.

As a science, syntax developed in the second half of the 19th century - at the beginning of the 20th.

The main syntaxists and their works:

1) Fedor Ivanovich Buslaev - "The experience of the historical grammar of the Russian language", 1858 - the classification of secondary members of the sentence, lasted in schools for more than a hundred years.

2) Academician Shakhmatov - "Syntax of the Russian language", 1925

3) A.M. Peshkovsky - "Russian syntax in scientific coverage", 1914, republished in 1956.

4) Alexander Afanasyevich Potebnya - "From Notes on Russian Grammar" - divided thinking into prosaic and poetic types.

In Soviet times, syntactic science developed, and a structural-semantic approach was developed: both the structure of the sentence and its semantics are taken into account.

Basic syntactic units.

Everyone recognizes phrases as the minimum unit of syntax and simple sentence. But even now, the vast majority consider and complex sentences. In addition, starting from the 80s of the 20th century, text analysis began to be developed - when several sentences are needed to express a thought - this unit is called complex syntactic integer, it is - prose line, developing one specific thought in the work. Syntax studies how these sentences relate to each other. word form is also not recognized by everyone, this idea was put forward by G.A. Zolotova in her syntactic dictionary; she believes that the word form performs one or another syntactic function in the language, for example, “I remember the house in the forest” - a definition, “my father works in the forest” - a circumstance. This idea has not found wide application.

The concept of syntactic connection.

There are two types of syntactic connection: coordinating connection and subordinating.

writing connection- independent components are interconnected, all of them are relatively equal. It manifests itself at the level of both simple and complex sentences.

subordination- one component of the proposal is the main one, and the other is subordinate to it.

Is there some more connection- its essence is to break the logical and grammatical connections, and as a result, the intonation of the structure completely changes. Additions are spontaneously added to the finished thought. Eg: "he wrote a very interesting novel" normal sentence -> "he wrote a novel, and a very interesting one".

writing connection– two or more equal components.

There is an open connection and a closed one.

open connection– when there is an enumeration that can always be continued, the number of its components is determined by extralinguistic factors.

closed connection connects only two components, it always has adversative, gradational, explanatory, comparative conjunctions.

subordination connects unequal units: a word and a form dependent on it (“big city”, “table leg”, “read a book”) or a complex structure (“the person they were looking for”).

There is a mandatory connection and an optional one.

Mandatory connection- when the core word is semantically insufficient to fulfill its informative function, for example, "he is in England."

Optional link– semi-coupling verbs can be omitted, eg "he is reading a book".

There is a predictable connection and an unpredictable one.

Predictable connection- when the main word requires only one form, for example, "he admires music" - only Tv.p. is possible.

Unpredictable connection- Variants of dependent word forms are possible, for example, "he stopped on the bridge" - he could stop anywhere.

The main methods of subordinating communication: coordination, control and adjacency.

Coordination- the main word requires from the dependent only one specific form of gender, number and case.

Consent may or may not be complete.

Full agreement- the forms of gender, number and case match

Incomplete agreement- the forms of gender, number and case do not match, for example, “the city of Moscow” - there is no agreement on the gender, “the person they were looking for” - there is no agreement on the number.

There are many ways to coordinate components with each other.

Difficult cases of agreement:

- when a noun of the general gender: “this simpleton is able to confuse everything in the world” or “this simpleton ...”, “uncle is a deep drunkard ...”.

- when a definition must be inserted between the two components of a quantitative and nominal phrase: “two talented novel", "two talented story", "two talented poems." If the noun is masculine, then the definition is put in Gen.p. If the dependent word is feminine, basically, the definition is put in Im.p: Gen.p. unit must equal Im.p. plural When feminine nouns have a change in stress, the attribute becomes Gen.p.

- in the preposition, any definition is put in Im.p .: “ talented two novels, talented two stories, talented two poems.

– in the postposition, these should be separate definitions: “two novels, written behind Last year”, no longer depends on gender, number and case.

- the form of the definition is sometimes influenced by the form of the predicate: “three gold medals were won”, “three gold medals were played” - the genitive case appears in the impersonal sentence.

- when there are two definitions with a noun, the question arises whether to put the noun in the singular or plural: “Catholic and Protestant church”, because the noun in the plural. has another meaning: "old churches". If unit and plural. diverge in meaning, the noun is put in singular.

- the noun is put in the singular if there are adversarial and divisive conjunctions between the definitions: "not a stone, but a wooden bridge."

- nouns are put in the singular when the enumerated varieties are internally connected, for example, “in the right and left hand”, “in Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian”.

- "at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century" - the beginning and end are homogeneous.

- when listing different items, the plural of nouns is used, for example, "turning and milling machines."

- the question arises of a compound name, when two nouns of different genders, and you need to choose a definition. 1) a simple way - there are no options, something indicates belonging to the family and gender: “a female sculptor”; 2) compound words without a connecting vowel, for example, “cloak-tent”, the first word does not change, which means that the main word “tent” and the definition are in the feminine gender; when there is the word “cafe”: “cafe-dining room”, “cafe-snack bar”, it is necessary to agree with the main part, for example, “ opened cafe-dining room", "go to new snack bar"; one component is inclining and the other is not inclining - the definition is based on the first component, for example, “new dress-suit”, “large museum-estate” and “large estate-museum”.

Control- a subordinating connection, in which the main word requires a specific case from the dependent.

Management is strong and weak.

Strong management- when the dependent form is obligatory and predetermined by the properties of the main word, for example, "to admire - what?". A transitive verb almost always means strong control.

Weak management- the presence of a dependent form is absolutely optional.

Management is variable and non-variable.

Variable control- when “I saw it for the first time” and “I saw it for the first time”, outdated forms (“a table with three legs”), colloquial forms (“to do for a month”) and vernacular (“they go mushrooming”) complement this type of management. There are options due to prepositions, for example, “talking about the trip”, “regarding the trip”, “regarding the trip”, “about the trip”.

Non-variable control- when you can't.

Syntax - 1) characteristic of specific languages means and rules for creating speech units; 2) a section of grammar that studies the processes of speech generation: the compatibility and order of words within a sentence, as well as the general properties of a sentence as an autonomous unit of language and an utterance as part of a text.

The object of syntax as a field of linguistics is made up of those mechanisms of language (morphological, phonetic, compositional, and others) that provide a transition from language to speech, ways of forming an infinite set of speech works from a finite number of initial language elements (words, word forms, phrases, sentences). Syntax explores and formulates the rules of speech formation. In accordance with the stages of speech synthesis, each of which creates not only more complex, but also units endowed with a new quality, the syntax is divided into three complex sections. In the first - the syntax of parts of speech - the combinational possibilities of the word, the ways of their implementation (coordination, control, adjoining, etc.) and the relations expressed by them (attributive, complementary, etc.) are studied. The second section of the syntax, sentence syntax, describes the internal structure, communicative types(message, question, motivation), predicativity and modality, semantics and synonymic transformations (for example, the replacement of a subordinate clause with a participial turnover) of a simple and complex sentence, as well as types and ways of expressing relations that form a complex sentence - compositions and subordination. The third section examines the actualization of the sentence, that is, the modifications that it undergoes when entering a dialogic or monologue text - the actual syntax, the syntax of the text.

Types of syntax. connections

1) essay. The compositional connection is characterized by the equality of elements; they are usually homogeneous and / functionally close: me and you, table or chair, strict but fair.

2) submission. With a subordinate relationship, the elements are not equal: one yavl. chief, and the other is subordinate to him, depends on him: the leg of the table, a capricious child, sat down on a bench, plaintively asked.

3) predicative connection. With a predicative connection / connection between the subject and the predicate / the elements are equal and interdependent: the child was crying.

In syntax. in formations of a complicated structure, consisting of more than two full-valued words, syntactic combinations are possible. connections, for example:

/I/ Sequential subordination - a combination of syntactic links, in which the first dependent element belongs to the main one, the second dependent element is subordinate to the first dependent, etc.


about opening

/2/ Heterogeneous subordination - a combination of syntax. connections, in which one main element includes, differently, defining it, several dependent elements, for example:

Move fast

quality/ /direction/

/ 3 / Homogeneous / co / subordination - a combination of subordinating and coordinating connections:

/a/ One main element includes several dependents connected by a coordinating link:

enjoy hockey and singing

travel and adventure book

/b/ The dependent element refers immediately to the two main ones, connected by a coordinating link

our fathers and mothers

the idea was approved and supported

Syntactic links are expressed as a whole complex funds. Significantly different ways of expressing coordinating and subordinating connections.

Sochin. the connection is expressed by coordinating unions / and, but, but, or, etc. / or a special intonation, which is distinguished by the emphasized uniformity of the intonation of the connected elements:

He loved thick groves,

solitude, silence,

And the night, and the stars, and the moon. /Pushkin/

Ways of expressing submission are more heterogeneous. In a complex sentence - these are subordinates. conjunctions / what, if, because, etc. / and allied words/who, which, etc./ In phrases to express subordination, the following methods are used:

/I/ Expression of subordination using gram. word forms, i.e. morphological way:

/A/ agreement- method /reception/ implementation syntax. connection, in which the form of the dependent word expresses the same gram. meanings as the main word: blue dress, carried a large red flag;

/b/ control- the use of a dependent word in the form required by the main word: I am happy with the purchase /Dat.p./, satisfied with the purchase /Tvor.p./, thirst for knowledge "/Rod.p./;

/c/ morphologist. the indicator of connection is used not in the dependent word, as in management, but in the main word, for example: Azerbaijani "at bash" / horse's head / - at"horse" /im.p./ + bash"head" + And/ indicator syntax. communications/.

/2/ Expression of subordination with the help of the so-called. adjoining: combining elements form a syntax. groups without changing morphology. forms, syntax. relations are not formalized, but are based solely on the valence properties of the combined units known to the speaker and listener: very diligent, run fast. The term "adjacency" is not successful, because the juxtaposition of the main and dependent words is not necessary; they can be separated from each other in a sentence by a considerable distance.

/3/ The use of function words, especially prepositions.

/4/ Intonation / intonational connection/. Wed two statements, where the sign "/" denotes a pause: "Eternally frowning mother-in-law / spoiled her mood", where "eternally frowning" is a positional adjunction; "Eternally / frowning mother-in-law / spoiled her mood.", where "always spoiled" - intonational adjunction.

Writing (bread and salt)


· agreement (dependent word takes grammatical x-ki of the main one): on seven winds, a beautiful girl

· control (the main word dictates x-ki to the addict, but not his own): reading books - reading books

· adjacency (the relationship is predominantly semantic, there are no indicators inside the word

3) Coordination(or predicative connection, or mutual subordination):

· some combinations of a numeral with a noun: two tables (the numeral dictates the characteristics of the case and number, and the noun determines the gender), two desks.

· subject and predicate. It is obvious that the subject controls the predicate (dictates to it signs of person, number and gender, or - if the predicate is a noun - only numbers). The influence of the predicate is more difficult to notice. It consists, for example, in the fact that the noun takes the form of the nominative case. In some non-Indo-European languages, there may be a choice between subject cases.

For example, in Georgian there is such a dependence on time and the semantics of predicates. Mama (nominative) uhurebs - The father is watching. Mamam (ergative case) aashena sakli (nominative) - The father built the house (in the past tense).

35. Phrase and sentence: predicative, attributive, objective, relative phrases; syntactic links in phrases.

The greatest recognition in modern linguistics is found by the point of view according to which the subject of syntax is both the phrase and the sentence. It finds its expression in the syntactic teaching of Academician Vinogradov. He drew attention to the fact that the content of the sentence is always updated, correlated with reality, with the act of communication: the sentence necessarily contains one or another modal and temporal characteristic of the reported. It was in the complex of grammatical meanings correlated with the act of speech, based on it and reflecting it, that Vinogradov saw the grammatical essence of the sentence. This complex of grammatical meanings, which always has a formal expression, he called predicativity.

Thus, the difference between a phrase and a sentence can be formulated as a difference between non-predicative and predicative syntactic units. This difference is fundamental, fundamental. All other distinctions are either derived from this one or not universal. So, a derivative of the sign of predicativity / non-predication is the sign of the difference in the functions of the sentence and the phrase, namely: the function of the communicative unit in the sentence and the inability of the phrase to act in this function.

The words in the speech chain do not represent a simple sequence, but are in certain relationships to each other. Each word is not immediately associated with all the words of the sentence, but directly with any one independent word. This is the main idea when highlighting phrases. The combination of words is based on coordinating or subordinating connections between them.

In coordinating phrases, due to the functional unity of their components, the general grammatical categories of the components are the same, i.e. such phrases combine words related to the same part of speech (mother and father, tall but thin; motina ir tėvas, aukštas, bet plonas). Subordinating phrases are more numerous and varied in their structure. They are formed by the spread of a word in accordance with its semantic and grammatical properties of the form of another word. In a subordinating phrase, one of the significant words is the main, the center of the phrase. The system of forms and connections within subordinating phrases depends on the grammatical nature of the main component and on its semantics. There are several types of relationships between members of a phrase.

The main one is predicative. This ratio expresses the dependence of two members with the obligatory connection of time and inclination. Through the category of time, speech is associated with its content, and through the category of inclination - with its target setting. This is the predicative relation. Both external syntagms (The sun is shining, Saulė šviečia) and hidden ones (It's raining, Lyja) can be predicative, but they cannot be internal (house, namukas).

By the nature of the relationship expressed in them, non-predicative syntagmas can be:

· attributive, the defining member of which calls some sign of time and mood defined outside the categories (green grass, žalia žolė);

· objective, the defining member of which names something not contained in the defined itself, but connected with this defined object relation (drank tea, išgėrė arbatos);

· Relative the defining member of which either names some attribute of the defined, or names something not contained in the defined itself, but connected by a certain relationship (runs quickly, greitai bėga).

The expression of the relation of members to each other can be indicated by three possibilities: coordination, management and connection. Coordination- this is the type of connection when the grammatical meanings of the denominator are repeated in the definitive, even if the forms are different (white bread, baltos duonos). Control- this is the type of connection when some grammatical meanings of the denominator evoke in the definitive other, but quite definite grammatical meanings (I see a dog, matau šunį). adjoining- this is a kind of connection when there is neither agreement nor control, but the relationship is expressed either positionally through word order, or intonation, by repeating a melodic tone or by pausing.

36. Phrase: syntactic connection and types of syntactic connections.

phrase - this is a combination of two or more significant words, related in meaning and grammatically, serving for the dismembered designation of a single concept (object, quality, action, etc.).

The phrase is considered as a unit of syntax that performs communicative function(included in speech) only as part of a sentence.

It is generally accepted that phrases include compounds of words based on subordination(relations of the main and dependent members). Some researchers also acknowledge coordinating phrases are combinations of homogeneous members of a sentence.

The relationship between the members of a syntagma is always expressed in some way, which is easiest to establish on syntagmas as part of a simple sentence. The expression of the relationship of members to each other for a simple sentence can be indicated by three possibilities: agreement, control, adjacency (subordination).

Agreement is a type of connection between the defined and the defining, when the grammatical meanings of the defined are repeated in the defining, even if the forms are different. To white bread - masculine agreement in the dative case and the singular in two different members are shown differently: in bread, the dative case and the number are shown by inflection -u, and in white bread by inflection -om. There may be an agreement limited to a certain category, so it plays there is an agreement only in number and person - there is no agreement completely.

Control is that kind of connection between the definitive and the definitive, when some grammatical meanings of the definitive evoke others, but quite definite grammatical meanings in the definitive. Transitivity is grammatical meaning, inherent in the verb-predicate, it causes the accusative case in the direct object-noun, which cannot be a grammatical property of the verb. Management can be direct (I see a dog) and indirect, prepositional (I look at a dog).

Adjacency is a type of connection between the determined and the determining when there is neither agreement nor control, but the relationship is expressed either positionally through word order, or intonation, by repeating a melodic tone or by pausing.

37. Suggestion: structure and types.

Syntax (from the Greek Σύνταξη - construction, order, composition) is a section of linguistics that studies the construction of coherent speech and includes two main parts: the doctrine of the phrase and the doctrine of the sentence.

The syntax deals with the following main questions:

6. combining words into phrases and sentences;

7. consideration of types of syntactic connection;

8. definition of types of phrases and sentences;

9. definition of the meaning of phrases and sentences;

10. connecting simple sentences into complex ones.

Syntax is a part of grammar that deals with units longer than a word - phrases and sentences. A sentence has a more complex hierarchical structure than a word. The sentence has the capacity for unlimited complexity. A syntactic description is a set of rules that characterize the syntactic component of language knowledge. When compiling these rules, a grammatical metalanguage is used. Syntax has two main tasks: descriptive and explanatory. The word "syntax" began to be used by the Stoics to denote the logical structure of statements. Syntactic typology is a scientific direction that studies the similarities and differences in sentence structure in the languages ​​of the world. Syntactic paradigm - variants of the same sentence or phrase.

Offer is one of the units in the study of the syntactic system of languages. Through the sentence, the main function of the language is carried out - communicative.

From the semantic point of view, the sentence is characterized by the relative completeness of the message it conveys and therefore has communicative autonomy. The sentence is a closed system, the elements of which are structurally organized by certain language means.

Each sentence has predicativity, i.e. the relation of the content of the utterance to reality, established at the moment of speech. The main feature that distinguishes a sentence from words and phrases is the presence of predicativity in it. A word or phrase can become a sentence by acquiring this feature. Predicativity is expressed by certain linguistic means. The most common in languages ​​is the verb form, in which particular grammatical categories of person, tense and mood are expressed. A universal way of expressing the semantic completeness, predicativity and modality of a sentence is intonation in its various forms.

Offer is the highest unit grammatical structure, in which all shades of grammatical meanings of lower units are realized. On the one hand, a sentence is a syntactic structure with predicativity, and the grammatical division of the syntactic structure does not depend on the situation, on the content of the message, on intonation, i.e. grammatical articulation is objective and static. On the other hand, a sentence as a communicative unit is a semantic structure that reflects a certain communicative goal that arises in the process of communication. The semantic structure as a communicative unit depends on the situation in which the message is formed, and on the attitude of the speaker to the content of the message.

According to their structural scheme, they distinguish simple and complex offers. The types of simple sentences are characterized by the presence of one predicative stem, the types of complex sentences by the presence of two or more predicative stems.

Simple sentences for the most part fall into two main types according to the composition of the sentence members: one-piece and two-piece. The structural basis of one-part sentences is one member of the sentence, which can be distributed, i.e. be the main component of the phrase. On the material of the Russian language, one-component sentences are represented by three types, distinguished depending on the lexical and grammatical nature of the sentence member:

· Nominal type(Silence. Tyluma).

· verb type can be differentiated into conjugated-verbal (Call. Skambina) and infinitive type (Stand up! Atsikelti!)

· adverbial type(Sad. Liūdna.)

Structural basis two-part sentences form a subject and a predicate. This is the most common type of sentence in languages.

Complex sentences are functionally similar to simple ones, i.e. act as integral communicative units. When characterizing complex sentences, it is essential to contrast the ways of connecting their parts, in accordance with which unionless and allied types of compound sentences. Essentially unionless proposals contain several simple sentences combined intonationally. The function of conjunctions in sentences is to express semantic and syntactic relationships between parts of constructions. The semantic differentiation of unions provides a formal basis for the differentiation of phenomena essays and submissions.

IN compound parts of sentences are independent of each other. Connecting, adversative, dividing, explanatory, gradational and joining coordinating unions are used. complex The proposal has two parts, with one part dependent on the other. The independent part is called the main part, and the dependent part is called the subordinate part. Parts of the NGN are connected using subordinating conjunctions and allied words that are in the subordinate part. Allied words are relative pronouns that can appear in different form, and pronominal adverbs. Unlike unions, allied words not only serve as a means of connecting parts of the NGN, but are also members of the sentence in the subordinate part. The subordinate part can refer to the entire main part as a whole or to a specific word in it (such subordinate clauses are called by-words). The subordinate part can take different positions in relation to the main part: be in preposition, interposition or postposition.

subordinate clauses are divided into the following groups: attributive, explanatory, adverbial and adjunctive.

Syntactic link - connection that occurs between the components of a complex sentence.

The syntactic connection is considered as having a certain form and content. The formal side of the syntactic connection is represented by various means of expressing the syntactic connection, the content side is represented by syntactic relations.

The generally recognized types of syntactic connection is the coordinative connection (composition) and subordination (subordination).

Composition differs from subordination, which is defined as an unequal connection, a one-sided dependence of one component of a connection (word or sentence) on another.

As a result of considering many formal characteristics (features) of a compound sentence, most linguists agree on the defining role in its structure of the union, which is the main means of communication and expression of relations between the connected components.

According to the meaning, the coordinative connection is divided into the following types:

Adversative connection ("a", "yes" (meaning "but"), "but", "but", "however", "however", "still",

Gradational connection ("not only - but also"),

Separating connection ("or", "or, or", "either", "that", "either, or", "not that, not that").

In a simple sentence, the essay appears in a mandatory combination with the category of homogeneity: it connects elements that are in the same relation to any other member of the sentence (father and mother came; the teacher is strict but fair; there are not only adults in the hall, but also children; let's meet today or tomorrow). The composition occupies a peripheral place here and serves the purpose of expanding the sentence, increasing the number of syntactic positions of the same type in it.

Subordination, or subordination- the relation of syntactic inequality between words in a phrase and a sentence, as well as between the predicative parts of a complex sentence.

In such a connection, one of the components (words or sentences) acts as the main one, the other as a dependent one.

To distinguish between coordinating and subordinating connections, A. M. Peshkovsky proposed a criterion of reversibility. Subordination is characterized by an irreversible relationship between parts of the connection: one part cannot be put in place of another without prejudice to the overall content. However, this criterion is not considered decisive.

The essential difference between the subordinating connection (according to S. O. Kartsevsky) is that it is functionally close to the dialogic unity of the informative (question-answer) type, firstly, and mainly has a pronominal character of means of expression, secondly.

Subordinating relationship between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence, it is made using subordinating conjunctions or allied (relative) words. A complex sentence with such a connection is called a complex sentence. The independent part in it is called the main part, and the dependent part is called the subordinate part.

The expression of the relation of members to each other for a simple sentence can be indicated by three possibilities: coordinating, managing, adjoining.

A) Coordination- a type of subordination, in which the dependent word is likened in the expression of grammatical meanings (in gender, number, case) to the dominant word; There is complete and incomplete agreement.

Examples: a little boy, on a summer evening; our doctor, at Lake Baikal.

Sometimes a special type of agreement is distinguished - correlation - such a connection in which the forms of the number and gender of the dependent word are more likely to coincide with the forms of the dominant word, rather than due to them.

Examples: female astronaut, excellent student.

b) Control- a type of subordination in which the dependent word (noun or its equivalent) is put in a certain case form, due to the lexical and grammatical meaning of the dominant word or the meaning of the statement.

Examples: write poetry, faith in victory, satisfied with the answer. Thus, transitivity is a grammatical meaning inherent in the verb-predicate; it causes the accusative case in the direct object-noun, which cannot be a grammatical property of the verb. Management can be direct (I see a dog, I admire a dog, I gave it to a dog etc.) and indirect, prepositional (I look at the dog, I go with the dog, I went to the dog and so on.).

V) adjoining- a type of subordination in which the subordinate word, being an unchangeable part of speech or a word form isolated from the case system, expresses its dependence on the dominant word only by location and meaning (word order, lexically and intonation).

Examples A: listen carefully, quite interesting, too late.

With normal intonation in a sentence. Strongly black chimney sweep shakes the ladder adverb strongly, which cannot agree with or be controlled by its defined, is nevertheless understood as a defining member in the syntagma strongly black in word order (cf. deaf scientists And scientists are deaf).

But if we raise the melodic tone by strongly and on staggers, then, despite the "range of distance", the syntagma is associated wobbles a lot.

Pausing can also play an equally important role for intonational adjacency: Walk for a long time - could not And I couldn't walk for a long time pause before for a long time and after for a long time regards it as defining walk, then to could not.

In a sentence Boys and girls walking there may be a pause before walked Then boys with girls compound subject and a non-extended sentence without an addition, if a pause after boys, then with girls addition to walked and thus - the proposal is widespread.

Introductory words and sentences, as well as plug-in constructions - these are constructions that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence.

Introductory words and combinations are words and combinations of words that express the speaker's attitude to the content of the sentence or to the way of expressing this content, which are not members of the sentence and are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence.

Introductory words and combinations: are not members of the sentence and are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence.

IN oral speech they are distinguished intonation, in writing - punctuation: commas.

Introductory words and remarks are divided into groups according to the meaning they express (Degree of reliability, possibility, confidence, Emotions, feelings, evaluation, Sequence of presentation, coherence of speech, etc.)

introductory sentences in their role they are similar to introductory words, different meanings.


I think he will come tomorrow.

(I think = in my opinion)

Plug-in structures differ from introductory words and sentences by a number of features.

1. They have their own goals of the statement, which may coincide with or differ from the purpose of the statement of the main sentence:

He - no one expected this - called only a year later. (the purpose of the statement of the inserted construction and the sentence containing it are the same: these are messages).

Synth. units. Different approaches to the problem of their selection and differentiation.

From the whole to the part - text (carries information, achievement of a commercial goal - to convince), statement, words, morphemes.

It depends on which function is the main, synth. units of the classifier: nominative. - com. (words, s/s) and communicative-nominal. (P, text) - for Min KSE and max. KSE. MinCSE cases. on P. (autonomous-explicit unit) and centensoid (similar, but not identical to P-u, devoid of auton. explicitness). P. = monopredicative. (simple P), and a polypredicate. (compound P): nuclear (subordinate predicative units) and non-nuclear (compound P.) Love is love, fun is fun.

sentensoid from the type of predicate cases:

1) explicit, but not autonomous. (if the weather is good);

2) partially-explicit. (you see anyone else? - there is a person, but there is no modality and vr.);

3) implicit - formally not expressed., can. be restored (how many people?);

4) reflected. predicativity. (yes, no, sure, mm, well - interspersed in the text, but cannot be restored, they reflect the predicate of the neighboring P-th).

Combinations of what syntactic links between simple sentences are typical for a polynomial complex sentence with various types connections? Give 2 examples of polynomial complex sentences with different types of connection.


subordinating, coordinating

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  • You need to insert the articles in, on, at, or a gap. 1. Jane woke up. It was 12 o'clock. It was (1) ... high afternoon. (2) ... day was bright but rather cold. It was (3) ... unusually cold day for (4) ... summer, as in (5) ... summer the weather is usually hot or warm. “(6) ... autumn is coming nearer,” Jane thought.2. “(1) winter has come!” thought Susan when she came up to the window. It was (2) ... late autumn but the ground was covered with white soft snow. “What (3) ... day!” cried Susan's brother running into the room. “It is (4) ... real winter. I would like to throw snowballs on (5) ... fine day like that. Let's go." But Jane had other things to do at (6) ... noon. She wanted to finish the job she had begun (7) ... day before but never finished.3. It was (1) ... cold winter morning. Andrew was taking his dog Spot out. He usually did it in (2) ... morning about 8 or 9 o'clock. But that (3) ... morning he got up at (4) ... dawn. It was really(5) ... early morning. Andrew understood he could not sleep on(6) ... morning like that and walked out of the house.4. That (1) ... evening at (2) ... dusk I ...