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Medical encyclopedia of disease symptoms. Medical dictionaries

Most medical reference books are designed for a narrow circle of specialists: doctors, pharmacists, medical students educational institutions. It is quite difficult for an ordinary person who does not know medical terminology to understand the information contained in them. The book you are holding in your hands is intended for a wide range of readers who are not related to medicine by profession. It outlines in the simplest and most accessible form the most characteristic signs of common diseases and conditions of the body, and describes in detail the symptoms and possible manifestations of diseases that any person can independently detect in themselves. All this can help you timely identify pathology in the early stages, describe your condition in more detail when visiting a doctor, and therefore contribute to the early diagnosis and, accordingly, effective treatment.

A separate section of the book is devoted to medications. Here is given general characteristics medications are described possible ways administration and elimination of drugs, their metamorphosis in the body, dosing features, individual sensitivity, etc. Particular attention is paid to the rules for choosing a drug.

However, it should be remembered that neither this reference book nor any other medical book will ever replace a doctor. It will only help you navigate the variety of pathologies and determine which specialist is best to contact first: a therapist, an infectious disease specialist, a surgeon, a traumatologist, or someone else.

Be healthy!

Chapter 1

Abdominal pain

The causes of abdominal pain can be various diseases:

Gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, enteritis);

Liver and gallbladder (hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis);

Kidney (urolithiasis);

Genital organs (ectopic pregnancy, adnexitis);

Spine (osteochondrosis);

Nervous system (sciatica);

Abdominal wall muscles (myositis);

And even the chest organs (pleurisy).

Pain varies depending on location:

In the right upper abdomen (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis);

In the left upper abdomen (gastritis, peptic ulcer, hiatal hernia);

In the middle part of the abdomen (esophagitis, hiatal hernia);

In the right lower abdomen (appendicitis, adnexitis);

In the lower left part of the abdomen (sigmoiditis, adnexitis).

In addition, the pain varies: in nature (burning indicates irritation, pressure indicates overstretching, spasm indicates strong contractions); time of appearance (relationship with food intake, frequency); frequency (single, rare, frequent).

A comparative description of diseases in which abdominal pain is one of the leading symptoms is presented in Table.

Table 1.1. Abdominal pain

Survey. General analysis urine and blood, biochemical blood test, stool examination, X-ray and ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, examination of accessible parts of the intestine with an optical flexible probe.

In no case should you use painkillers until the cause of abdominal pain is finally identified! This can hide the picture of a serious “accident” in the abdominal cavity and thereby delay the provision of immediate medical care, which in mandatory will lead to serious complications, sometimes fatal.

Muscle pain

The appearance of muscle pain is a symptom that reflects damage to muscle tissue.

This symptom most often occurs in inflammatory muscle diseases (myositis). Pain in such diseases increases sharply with movements, contractions and palpation. Characteristic is the presence of muscle swelling and protective tension. Movements in the corresponding part of the body are limited.

Quite often, muscle pain without signs of inflammation (myalgia) also occurs, developing after excessive and unusual physical activity, with electrolyte disturbances in the body and malnutrition of muscle tissue. The appearance of this type of pain can be caused by acute infectious diseases, hypothermia, diseases internal organs, psycho-emotional effects. Pain occurs spontaneously in the muscles upon palpation and can be either localized or widespread.

In turn, the pain is accompanied by hemorrhages, bruises, and muscle tears.

In addition, there are a number of diseases in which, along with muscle pain, there is a symptom of muscle weakness. Sometimes it even prevails over the pain. Such diseases are:

Myopathy – it is characterized by muscle weakness, fatigue, atrophy, and decreased tone of the affected muscles. This condition may be the outcome of chronic myositis;

Myasthenia gravis – develops as a result of disruption of the transmission of neuromuscular excitation. With this disease, the symptom of muscle weakness is the most pronounced; it occupies a leading place in the picture of the disease;

Myotonia is a severe difficulty in relaxing muscles after a strong contraction. After several repeated attempts, muscle relaxation does occur.

A comparative description of diseases in which muscle pain is one of the leading symptoms is presented in Table. 1.2.

Table 1.2. Muscle pain

Survey. A general blood and urine test, a biochemical blood test, a study of the functional state of the muscle (electromyography), radiography of the affected area, and, if necessary, a study of a piece of muscle tissue (biopsy).


Chest pain

Chest pain can have a variety of origins. For example, their cause may be pathology of the spine, ribs, muscles, intercostal nerves or internal organs. Pain in the heart area is discussed in the next section, “Pain in the heart area.”

Superficial pain in the chest area (thoracalgia) occurs due to damage to:

Skin (dermatitis, herpes zoster, erysipelas);

Muscles (myositis);

Breast (mastitis, mastopathy, tumor);

Ribs (periostitis, osteomyelitis, neoplasms);

Intercostal nerves (neuropathy);

Spine (osteoarthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis).

This pain is aching or stabbing, sometimes quite intense and long-lasting, and intensifies with sudden movements of the body, on the painful side in a lying position. Superficial pain can also occur as a result of secondary reflex damage to the structures of the chest due to diseases of nearby internal organs (pleura, lungs, heart, esophagus, stomach, gall bladder, liver). The location can be anterior (sternal, clavicular, sectoral, etc.) or posterior (in the area of ​​the scapula - scapalgia or scapulalgia, in the area of ​​the thoracic spine - dorsalgia).

Deep pain in the chest area is caused by damage to internal organs:

Pleura (pleurisy);

Lungs (lobar pneumonia, abscess, tuberculosis);

Trachea (tracheitis);

Thoracic aorta (aortitis, aortic aneurysm, thromboembolism);

Mediastinum (mediastinal emphysema, neoplasms).

Superficial pain in the chest area is quite easy to identify. Pain resulting from skin lesions is accompanied by elements of a rash.

The cause of deep chest pain is more difficult to determine. Without additional examination methods this is almost impossible. But some characteristic signs can suggest the presence of one or another pathology.

Quite often, one person may experience chest pain simultaneously due to not one, but several causes, which makes diagnosis much more difficult.

A comparative description of diseases in which one of the leading symptoms is pain in the chest area is presented in Table. 1.3.

Table 1.3. Chest pain

Survey necessarily includes general and biochemical blood tests, x-rays.

Treatment. Symptomatic treatment aimed at relieving pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with a good analgesic effect are mainly used - aspirin, paracetamol, naproxen, diclofenac, analgin, Nise, ketorol, nurofen, xefocam, piroxicam, meloxicam, movalis, celebrex, nimesil. Further treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease is prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis has been established.

Pain in the heart area

This is the most common reason for visiting a doctor. Such pain can occur due to:

Disturbances in the nutrition of the heart muscle (anginal pain);

Functional diseases of the cardiovascular system (cardialgia);

Diseases of the heart and its membranes, large vessels;

Other diseases (musculoskeletal framework of the chest, mediastinal organs, abdominal cavity, etc.).

In identifying the cause of anxiety in the heart area, a key role is played by finding out the characteristics of this pain:

What kind of pain is it - pressing, shooting, stabbing, paroxysmal, growing or pulsating;

When pain occurs - is it associated with physical activity, changes in body position (flexion, extension, rotation, head rotation, etc.), eating;

What is the duration of pain - short-term, long-term or constant;

Where pain occurs - in the middle of the chest, in the area of ​​the left nipple, in the left half of the chest, etc.;

When and under what conditions does the pain disappear - during rest or in a certain body position;

The effectiveness of taking nitroglycerin - pain disappears, decreases or has no effect;

Sensations when pressing on the area of ​​the intercostal spaces, chest muscles, spine - pain occurs in certain points or there is no sensation.

It is important to find out concomitant conditions and the presence of chronic diseases.

A comparative description of diseases in which one of the leading symptoms is pain in the heart area is presented in Table. 1.4.

Table 1.4. Pain in the heart area

Survey. Electrocardiography, general and biochemical blood tests, chest radiography, ultrasound examination of the heart.

Treatment. If you experience pain in the heart area, first of all you need to:

Ensure physical and psychological rest (stop all types of stress, take a comfortable body position);

Provide a sufficient amount of fresh air in the room, access to it should be free (open the window, remove everyone present from the room if possible, unbutton the collar, remove the tie, clothing that restricts the chest);

Take validol or nitroglycerin, sedatives (tincture of valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, heart drops, Corvalol);

If you are sure that the pain is not associated with pathology of the heart and blood vessels, but is a consequence of damage to the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, radiculitis of the thoracic spine), then it is more advisable to immediately take painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, Nise, Nimesil, Movalis ).

In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor for medical help, since, for example, against the background of banal rajulitis, coronary heart disease can occur and untimely treatment will lead to serious complications.

Spinal pain

This is one of the main symptoms reflecting pathological changes in the axial skeleton.

Most often, pain occurs due to degenerative changes in the vertebral bodies, intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments (spondylosis deformans, intervertebral osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis). Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine of varying severity are detected in almost every elderly person by X-ray examination. However, diseases include cases when these changes are accompanied by clinical manifestations.

One of the most common causes of pain in the spine is also its inflammatory lesions (spondyloarthritis). Most often they represent one of the manifestations of systemic diseases of the musculoskeletal system or an infectious process in the body.

Limited pain can occur when the vertebral bodies are destroyed by tumors (benign, malignant, metastatic) or trauma.

Widespread pain may be caused by disorders of bone mineralization (osteoporosis).

In addition, pain in the spine can spread from other internal organs. As a rule, pain of this kind occurs during an exacerbation of the underlying disease.

A comparative description of diseases in which pain in the spine is one of the leading symptoms is presented in Table. 1.5.

Table 1.5. Spinal pain

Survey. X-ray of the spine in two projections, tomography.

Treatment. Until the diagnosis is clarified and targeted treatment is prescribed, it is possible to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as painkillers, both internally and in the form of ointments externally (diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, Nise, ketorol, nurofen, xefocam, piroxicam, meloxicam, movalis, celebrex, nimesil) .

Joint pain

This is one of the main symptoms reflecting damage to the musculoskeletal system. The most common pain appears:

For arthrosis (osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis) – degenerative lesions (up to 80% of all joint diseases);

Arthritis – inflammatory lesions of the joints (rheumatic, rheumatoid, infectious).

However, pain of this nature can also occur with diseases of other organs and systems (systemic lesions of connective tissue, metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, etc.). Pathology of the joints due to non-rheumatic diseases of other organs is usually called arthropathy.

Joint pain varies:

By localization:

– one or more joints;

– small or large joints;

– unilateral or symmetrical lesion;

Character – intensity, constancy, frequency, duration, rhythm during the day, presence of pain-free intervals, feeling of stiffness, limitation of movements;

The conditions for the occurrence of pain are related to load, movement, walking up and down stairs, nutrition, weather.

Changes in the area of ​​the affected joints are as follows: signs:

Redness of the skin in the joint area;

Increased skin temperature in the joint area compared to surrounding and symmetrical areas;

Limitation of mobility in the joint;

Deformation (swelling, puffiness);

Defiguration (bone growths) of the joint.

A comparative description of conditions in which joint pain is one of the leading symptoms is presented in Table. 1.6.

Table 1.6. Joint pain

Survey. General blood and urine analysis, biochemical blood test, electrocardiogram, radiography of affected and symmetrical joints, diagnostic puncture of the joint followed by examination of the joint (synovial) fluid.

Treatment. Until the diagnosis is clarified and targeted treatment is prescribed, it is possible to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as painkillers, both internally and in the form of ointments, gels, creams externally (diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, nise, ketorol, nurofen, xefocam, piroxicam, meloxicam, movalis, Celebrex, Nimesil).


Headaches are one of the most common reasons for visiting doctors of various specialties. Almost every person has experienced a headache at least once in their life.

The main ones are identified types of headaches.


– migraine;

– tension headache;

– cluster headache;

various shapes headaches not associated with structural damage.


– associated with head trauma;

– vascular disorders;

– non-vascular intracranial disorders;

– use of certain substances or refusal to take them;

– infection;

– metabolic disorders, pathology of the skull, neck, eyes, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or other cranial or facial structures.

Cranial neuralgia.

Unclassifiable headache.

In addition, depending on the cause, there are six types of headaches.

Due to increased intracranial pressure - dull, constant, covering the forehead and temples.

Due to inflammation, the neck, head and muscles usually hurt.

Vascular - acute pain, may be accompanied by fainting and loss of consciousness.

Reflex (phantom) – reproduced from a person’s memory as a result of long-standing injuries.

Due to insufficient nutrition of the brain (vascular-ischemic), attacks of pain are very diverse in frequency, intensity, localization, duration; memory, attention, and self-control deteriorate over time.

Due to compression of nerve endings (neuro-ischemic), pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness and signs of damage to one or another part of the brain.

Danger signals for headaches, the appearance of which requires immediate medical examination and qualified treatment:

The appearance of headache for the first time after the age of 50 years;

Waking up at night due to headache;

Sudden onset of severe headache;

Increased headache over time;

Increased headache with coughing, physical stress, straining;

Feeling of a rush to the head;

Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hiccups in the morning.

A comparative description of the most common diseases in which headaches are the leading symptom is presented in Table. 1.7.

Table 1.7. Headache

Survey. It is necessary to measure blood pressure, preferably at the height of the attack, consult a neurologist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist, perform an EEG (electroencephalogram) and radiography of the skull. If necessary, angiography, computed tomography.

Treatment. For headaches, the following therapeutic measures are possible:

Cold compresses on the painful area;

Symptomatic therapy - the use of painkillers (aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen or combination drugs - baralgin, tempalgin, iralgesic, benalgin, maxigan, spasmalgon, etc.);

Treatment with herbs (rosemary, feverfew);

Reducing stress, proper rest and sleep, walks in the fresh air;

Manual therapy – acupressure, classical massage;


However, the doctor can prescribe treatment aimed directly at the cause of the headache only after examination.


Constipation means a long delay in bowel movement (more than 48 hours) or difficult, systematically infrequent and insufficient bowel movement.

Constipation manifests itself as follows: symptoms:

Difficulty in defecation;

Small amounts of stool (less than 100 g per day);

Increased hardness of feces;

Feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

Factors factors that contribute to constipation are:

Nature of nutrition (dry eating, insufficient amount of fiber in the diet);

Lifestyle (reduced physical activity);

Habits (inability to perform an act of defecation in an unusual place);

Intestinal infection;


Action of chemicals;


Abdominal injuries;

Changes in the central nervous system.

Highlight spicy(they are temporary and disappear after eliminating the causes of constipation) and chronic constipation.

Depending on the cause, the following types of constipation are distinguished.

Constipation resulting from errors in diet ( nutritional). Most common. It develops when eating food depleted in fiber, calcium salts, vitamins, as well as in violation of the diet, dry eating and insufficient fluid intake. Excessive consumption of black coffee, strong tea, cocoa, strong wines and chocolate contributes to this type of constipation.

Neurogenic constipation. It also occurs very often. It usually begins in childhood, when at school the child suppresses the urge to defecate, embarrassed to leave the classroom during class. Subsequently, many people are unable to have a bowel movement anywhere other than at home. However, in such a situation, poor living conditions and the morning rush sometimes force one to temporarily refrain from this natural need. The stool of such people is hard, in the shape of small round balls, reminiscent of sheep.

Reflex constipation. Accompanies diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, appendicitis) and genitourinary tract (pyelonephritis, pelvic diseases in women). Constipation appears and worsens during the period of exacerbation of the disease. In the stage of disease stabilization (remission), stool normalization occurs.

Constipation that occurs with a sedentary lifestyle ( hypodynamic). It is most common in people who have been on bed rest for a long time, exhausted, weakened and elderly people, and in women who have given birth many times.

Inflammatory constipation. Occurs due to inflammatory bowel diseases. Accompanied by an admixture of mucus, pus and blood in the stool, pain from gas colic, increased body temperature, bloating, and weakness.

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Medical reference book of diseases

Grace and beauty cannot be separated from health.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

The Medical Directory of Diseases that you see in front of you is an electronic encyclopedia containing the most complete updated information about various human diseases.

Medical Directory of Diseases includes detailed description more than 4000 nosological units. It reflects both the most “popular”, common diseases, and those about which systematic information is not presented in almost any online publication.

The structure of the medical reference book is built in such a way that you can find the disease of interest in the alphabetical rubricator, the corresponding section, or through the search bar. A description of each disease contains short definition, classification, information about the causes and mechanisms of development, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention and prognosis. Such a clear unification of articles, according to the authors of the online publication, will allow the reader of a medical reference book of diseases to receive the most comprehensive information, on the one hand, and not “get lost in the wilds of medical labyrinths”, on the other.

Today, the content of the medical directory of diseases consists of 30 independent sections, two of which (“Aesthetic problems” and “Cosmetic problems”) are related to the field of Beauty, and the rest represent Medicine itself. This close symbiosis of aesthetics and health gave the name to the entire site - “Beauty and Medicine”.

On the pages of the medical directory of diseases you can get comprehensive information about women's, nervous, children's, skin, venereal, infectious, urological, systemic, endocrine, cardiovascular, ophthalmic, dental, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and ENT diseases. Each section of the medical directory of diseases corresponds to a specific clinical area (for example, Women's diseases - Gynecology, Children's diseases - Pediatrics, Dental diseases - Dentistry, Aesthetic problems - Plastic surgery, Cosmetic problems - Cosmetology, etc.), which allows the user to move from the description diseases to information about diagnostic and treatment procedures.

Articles published in the medical directory of diseases are written by practicing medical specialists and undergo thorough preliminary testing before publication. All reviews are written in accessible popular science language that does not distort reliable information, but also does not allow one to descend to the level of populism. The Medical Directory of Diseases is added and updated daily, so you can be sure that you are receiving the most reliable and up-to-date information from the world of medicine.

The universality of the medical directory of diseases lies in the fact that it will be useful to a wide range of Internet users who are faced with a particular health problem. A medical reference book of diseases is a doctor who is always at your fingertips! At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that the information presented here is for informational purposes only, does not replace an in-person consultation with a specialist doctor and cannot be used for self-diagnosis and independent treatment.

“Praemonitus praemunitus” - “Forewarned is forearmed,” the ancients said. Today this winged Latin saying could not be more relevant: everyone needs to take care of themselves and their health. Health is the only lasting fashion and the greatest luxury, which is incommensurable with any earthly blessings. To be healthy means to be successful, to experience the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood, and to live a long and active life.

Health and beauty are inseparable; Moreover, beauty is a reflection of the healthy state of the body. After all, in order to have perfect skin, a slim figure, and luxurious hair, first of all, you need to take care of your physical and mental health.

We hope that the medical reference book of diseases will become for you a reliable and understandable guide to to the vast world medicine.

Health to you and your loved ones!
Best regards, K team

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Section Contents

Description of the “Medicine” section

In this section you can download for free and without registration Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books on medicine. Medical dictionary is a collection of words used in medicine. On English language There are three main medical dictionaries: Stedman, Tabers and Dorland. Many dictionaries have several versions and target readers: for doctors, students and popular ones.

In this section you can find and read all the explanations of medical terms that were unclear to you until today. First of all, download the book “Popular Medical Encyclopedia”. It outlines almost all medical terms and concepts, diseases and methods of combating them, as well as all medications and their descriptions.

The Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases is very interesting. Infection - from the Latin words: infectio - pollution, infection and inficio - I pollute - is a broad general biological concept that characterizes the penetration of a pathogenic agent (virus, bacteria and others) into another more highly organized plant or animal organism and their subsequent antagonistic relationship.

The book by the American pediatrician “Help Your Child”, author Einzig M., should teach parents to provide first aid to a child in a critical situation: in the event of an acute allergic reaction, an asthmatic attack, a convulsive attack, a fracture, a dislocation, a burn, acute pain in the ear and etc. The book is structured like an atlas: each topic is revealed in illustrations, accompanied by clear, concise, strictly verified text. The text itself is presented according to a single scheme - characteristic signs of damage, what needs to be done immediately, what cannot be done. This accessible and clear guide is intended for any family with children.

For women, the “Encyclopedia of Women's Health” by the authors Foley D., Necas E. will be very useful. This encyclopedia is intended for general educational purposes. It eliminates blind spots in our knowledge and contains rich factual material. Hundreds of female doctors give advice on how you can improve your body, your emotions and your life, talk about exciting problems of physical and spiritual health that a modern woman may encounter throughout her life. While remaining strictly scientific, the book is not reduced to a dry presentation of facts. This is a lively story about problems and possibilities for solving them, a wide panorama of the health status of modern women.

Also download the “Popular Medical Encyclopedia - Definitions of Terms and Concepts,” which contains more than 800 widely used medical terms and definitions. The encyclopedia is designed for a wide range of people who are interested in medicine, as well as for those who are looking for an understanding of the terms and diagnoses that doctors write to us in our cards and which we do not all understand.

For those who don’t like doctors and prefer to be treated themselves, the book “ Big reference book traditional medicine - 2000 recipes." The book presents painstakingly collected recipes of traditional medicine, already published in various publications, but preference was given to those based on the most common medicinal plants available for collection or purchase at the pharmacy. Some of them are newer, others come from antiquity, but all of them have been successfully tested by various schools of traditional medicine. Large reference book of traditional medicine: 2000 recipes.