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Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich Crimean War. Great Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov died

Nakhimov in the Crimean War

June 1855 brought the defenders of Sevastopol not only the joy of victory, but also two misfortunes. Shell-shocked on the day of the assault, Totleben was ill and did not want to go to bed. Two days later, on June 8 (20), while inspecting the Gervais battery, he was very seriously wounded and was taken away from Sevastopol.

They were afraid of Totleben's death. But fate preserved him for new brilliant achievements, for the capture of Plevna in 1877, and for the black year in his biography, about which one can only repeat the words of V.G. Korolenko: “In 1879-80, the famous military engineer and strategist Totleben was governor-general in Odessa. Evil Russian fate wished that this general end his brilliant reputation as a warrior with far from brilliant administrative activities. The famous general was ruled by the notorious Panyutin, at whose suggestion, although under the moral responsibility of the general himself, a memorable orgy of administrative exile began in Odessa. It was too late, just leaving Odessa, Totleben realized in whose hands he was a tool, and with despair and rage he publicly attacked the vile man who had disgraced his gray hair...”

But in June 1855, when the seriously wounded Totleben was taken away from Sevastopol, his young glory was still bright and untarnished, and the sorrow of the defenders of the fortress was great. An even more crushing blow awaited them that same month.

Russia and simply a legendary man. Several coins and a battle medal were established in honor of the great naval commander. Squares and streets in cities, modern ships and vessels (including the famous cruiser Admiral Nakhimov) are named after him.

Strong in spirit, he managed to carry this character trait throughout his life, setting an example of devotion to the Motherland and dedication to young soldiers.

Admiral Nakhimov: biography

A native of Nakhimov was born on July 5, 1802 in a poor large family with noble roots. Having entered the Naval Cadet Corps of the city of St. Petersburg in 1815, of which one of his brothers later became the director, Pavel brilliantly proved himself to be the best of the midshipmen educational institution. For excellent studies, at the age of 15 he received the rank of midshipman and assignment to the brig Phoenix, on which he sailed to the shores of Denmark and Sweden in 1817. This was followed by difficult service in the Baltic Fleet.

It was the sea, military affairs and service to the Motherland, the love for which was laid during his years of study, that were the meaning of Nakhimov’s life. Pavel Stepanovich no longer saw himself in any other industry, refusing to even acknowledge the possibility of existence without the sea.

In love with the sea, he married into military service and was always faithful to his homeland, thus finding his place in life.

The first years of military service

Upon completion of the Marine cadet corps P.S. Nakhimov was assigned to serve in the port of St. Petersburg, and subsequently transferred to the Baltic Fleet.

At the invitation of M.P. Lazarev, his mentor, admiral, Russian naval commander and navigator, from 1822 to 1825 he went to serve on the frigate “Cruiser”, on which he completed trip around the world. It lasted 1084 days and served as an invaluable experience of navigation in the vastness of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, on the shores of Alaska and Latin America. Upon his return, being at that time already with the rank of lieutenant, he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree. After three years of sailing on a frigate, Nakhimov, still under the same command of his beloved mentor Lazarev, moved to the ship "Azov", on which in 1826 he took his first battle against the Turkish fleet. It was “Azov” that mercilessly crushed the Turks, being the first among the rest to get as close as possible to the enemy. In this battle, where there were many dead on both sides, Nakhimov received a combat wound.

In 1827, Pavel Stepanovich was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree, and promoted to the rank of lieutenant commander. In 1828, he became the commander of a recaptured Turkish ship, renamed Navarin. He took a direct part in the cordon of the Russian fleet in 1828-1829 in the Russian-Turkish War.

The courage of a leader is an example for the team

The promising sailor turned 29 years old with the rank of commander of the new frigate "Pallada", a few years later he became the commander of the "Silistria" and was promoted to captain of the 1st rank. The Silistria, which plied the expanses of the Black Sea, was a demonstration vessel and during 9 years of sailing under the leadership of Nakhimov, it completed a number of difficult heroic tasks.

History has preserved such a case. During the exercises, the ship of the Black Sea squadron “Adrianople” came close to the “Silistria”, making an unsuccessful maneuver, which led to an inevitable collision between the ships. Nakhimov was left alone on the poop, sending the sailors to a safe place. By luck, such a dangerous moment occurred without dire consequences, only the captain was showered with shrapnel. His action P.S. Nakhimov justified that such cases are rarely provided by fate and provide an opportunity to show the presence of mind in the boss, demonstrating it to the team. This exemplary example of courage can be of great benefit in the future, in the event of a possible battle.

The year 1845 was marked for Nakhimov by his elevation to rear admiral and taking command of the 1st brigade of the 4th naval division of the Black Sea Fleet. This time the collection of well-deserved awards was supplemented by the Order of St. Anne, 1st degree - for success in the naval and military fields.

Nakhimov: the image of an ideal leader

The moral impact on the entire Black Sea Fleet was so enormous that it was equal to the influence of Admiral Lazarev himself.

Pavel Stepanovich, devoting his days and nights to service, never felt sorry for himself and demanded the same from the sailors. Having no other passion in life than military service, Nakhimov believed that naval officers cannot be interested in others life values.

Everyone on the ship must be busy; a person cannot sit without work, folding his arms: work and only work. Not a single comrade reproached him for his desire to curry favor; everyone believed in his calling and commitment to military service.

His subordinates always saw that he worked harder than others, thereby setting a shining example of service to the Motherland. You must always strive forward, work on yourself, improve, so as not to be broken in the future. He was revered and respected like a father, and absolutely everyone was afraid of reprimands and comments. For Nakhimov, money did not have the value that society was accustomed to. Generosity, along with an understanding of the difficulties of ordinary people, is what Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov is famous for. Reserving for himself the necessary part to pay for the apartment and modest food, he gave the rest to the sailors and their families. Very often he was greeted by crowds of people. Nakhimov listened to them carefully. The admiral tried to fulfill everyone's request. If there was no opportunity to help due to empty pockets, Pavel Stepanovich borrowed money from other officers towards future salaries and immediately distributed it to those in need.

The sailor is the main force of the navy

He always considered sailors to be the leading force of the navy and treated everyone with due respect. It is these guys, on whom the outcome of battles depends, that need to be taught, elevated, awakened in them courage, the desire to work and perform feats for the sake of the Motherland.

An ordinary sailor is the main engine on a ship, the command staff are just springs acting on him. Therefore, you should not consider these hard workers who control the sails, aim weapons at the enemy, and rush to board, serfs. Humanity and justice are the main principles of communication with subordinates, and not the use of them by officers as a means of their own aggrandizement. Like his mentor, Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev, Nakhimov demanded moral discipline from the command staff. Corporal punishment was prohibited on his ship, and instead of honoring the command staff, love for the Motherland was fostered. It was Admiral Nakhimov, whose biography serves as the clearest example of instilling respect for one’s neighbor and complete dedication in serving the interests of the Motherland, who was the ideal image of a warship commander.

The role of the admiral in the defense of Sevastopol

During the difficult years for Sevastopol (1854-1855), Nakhimov was appointed military governor of the city and port commander, and in March of the same year he was promoted to admiral.

Under his competent leadership, the city selflessly repelled Allied attacks for 9 months. It was Nakhimov, an admiral from God, who contributed to the activation of the defense with his energy.

He coordinated forays, waged a mine and smuggling war, built new fortifications, organized the local population to defend the city, personally touring forward positions and raising the morale of the troops.

It was here that Nakhimov was mortally wounded. The admiral received an enemy bullet in the temple and died on July 12, 1855 without regaining consciousness. Day and night, sailors stood watch at the coffin of their beloved commander, kissing his hands and returning as soon as they managed to change at the bastion. During the funeral, the numerous enemy fleet, which had previously shaken the earth with countless shots, remained silent; in honor of the great admiral, enemy ships lowered their flags.

The cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" as a symbol of the power and strength of the Russian fleet

As a symbol of courage and strength, in honor of the great man, what NATO calls the “aircraft carrier killer” was created. It is designed to defeat large surface targets. This is the heavy nuclear cruiser Admiral Nakhimov, equipped with structural protection against the use of missile weapons.

The warship has the following technical characteristics:

Displacement - 26,190 tons.

Length - 252 meters.

Width - 28.5 meters.

Speed ​​- 32 knots (or 59 km/hour).

Crew - 727 people (including 98 officers).

Since 1999, the ship has been idle awaiting modernization; a powerful expansion of the Kalibr and Onyx missile systems is planned.

The modernization plan provides for the cruiser to return to service in the navy in 2018.

Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov (born June 23 (July 5), 1802 - death June 30 (July 12, 1855) - Russian admiral, hero of the defense of Sevastopol in 1854–1855, among the remarkable Russian naval commanders he occupies an exceptional place as one of the most prominent representatives of the school of Russian military art.

Origin. Studies. Start of service

Pavel was born in 1802 in the village of Volochek, Vyazemsky district, Smolensk province (now the village of Nakhimovskoye, Andreevsky district, Smolensk region). He was the seventh child of 11 children of a poor landowner, Second Major Stepan Mikhailovich Nakhimov and Feodosia Ivanovna Nakhimova.

At the end of the Naval Cadet Corps on January 20, 1818, among others, midshipman Pavel Nakhimov successfully passed the exams, becoming 6th on the list of 15 best students. On February 9 he was promoted to midshipman. In 1818 - 1819 Nakhimov remained on the shore, with the crew. 1820 - from May 23 to October 15, the midshipman on the tender "Janus" was sailing to Krasnaya Gorka. On next year was assigned to the 23rd naval crew and sent overland to Arkhangelsk. 1822 - the sailor returned to the capital by shore and was assigned to a circumnavigation of the world on the frigate "Cruiser" under the command of captain 2nd rank M.P. Lazarev. In the Pacific Ocean, Pavel Stepanovich distinguished himself while attempting to rescue a sailor who had fallen overboard. 1823, March 22 - he was promoted to lieutenant. For this voyage, on September 1, 1825, the sailor was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree, and double pay.

On the ship "Azov"

Upon return, the candidacy of a lieutenant was planned for the Guards crew. However, Nakhimov sought to serve at sea. At Lazarev's request, he was assigned to the ship "Azov". The future admiral took part in the completion of the ship and moved on it from Arkhangelsk to Kronstadt, where the crew continued work and made the Azov a model ship.

1827, summer - he went to the Mediterranean Sea and took part in the Battle of Navarino. "Azov" acted in the thick of the battle. The lieutenant commanded the battery on the forecastle. Of his 34 subordinates, 6 were killed and 17 were wounded. Pavel Stepanovich, by a lucky chance, was not injured. For his participation in the battle on December 14, Nakhimov was promoted to captain-lieutenant, and on December 16 he was awarded the Order of St. George, 4th degree.

Commander of the corvette "Navarin"

1828, August 15 - he accepted a captured corvette, renamed Navarin, and also made it an exemplary one. On it, the sailor took part in the blockade of the Dardanelles and on March 13, 1829 with the squadron of M.P. Lazarev returned to Kronstadt and was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 2nd degree. 1830, May - when the squadron returned to Kronstadt, Rear Admiral Lazarev wrote in the certification of the commander of the Navarin: “An excellent and completely knowledgeable sea captain.”

On the frigate "Pallada"

1831, December 31 - Nakhimov was appointed commander of the frigate Pallada. He supervised the construction, making improvements until the frigate, which entered service in May 1833, became a showpiece. On August 17, in poor visibility, the sailor noticed the Daguerrort lighthouse, gave a signal that the squadron was in danger, and saved most of the ships from destruction.

In the Black Sea Fleet. Commander of Silistria

1834 - Admiral Lazarev became the Chief Commander of the Black Sea Fleet and ports. He called to himself those sailors with whom he had been on voyages and battles. Pavel Nakhimov also became a Chernomorian. 1834, January 24 - the future admiral was appointed commander of the construction site battleship"Silistria" and transferred to the 41st crew of the Black Sea Fleet; On August 30, the captain-lieutenant was promoted to captain of the 2nd rank for distinguished service. 1834–1836 — he was engaged in the construction of “Silistria”. The ship soon became an example for others. 1837, December 6 - the commander of the ship "Silistria" was promoted to captain of the 1st rank. On September 22, for excellent zeal and zealous service, he was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 2nd degree, decorated with the imperial crown.

Diligent service affected health, March 23, 1838 P.S. Nakhimov was sent on leave abroad for treatment. He spent several months in Germany, but the doctors did not help. 1839, summer - on the advice of Lazarev, he returned to Sevastopol and felt worse than before leaving. Nevertheless, Nakhimov continued to serve at sea. He took part in the landings at Tuapse and Psezuap, in 1840–1841. cruised at sea and supervised the setting of dead anchors in Tsemes Bay. 1842, April 18 - for the excellent and diligent service of P.S. Nakhimov was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd degree.

Rear Admiral

1845, September 13 - for distinguished service, Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was awarded the rank of rear admiral and appointed commander of the 1st brigade of the 4th naval division. One year he was at the head of a detachment of ships cruising off the coast of the Caucasus, the next he acted as first a junior and then a senior flagship of a practical squadron that went to sea to train teams. The experienced sailor sought to improve the maritime skills of the crews and encouraged initiative. 1849–1852 — he made his comments on the “Rules adopted at the exemplary artillery ship“Excellent” for training lower ranks of artillery”, to the code of maritime signals published in 1849 and to the new “Naval Regulations”.

Vice Admiral

1852, March 30 - P. S. Nakhimov is appointed commander of the 5th naval division. On April 25, he was assigned to command a practical squadron. During the campaign, the squadron made several voyages to transport troops. On October 2, he was promoted to vice admiral with the approval of the division chief.

In September, in order to eliminate the threat from the south, where Turkish troops had accumulated near the Russian borders, Nakhimov transported the 13th Infantry Division from Crimea to the Caucasus, after which he was sent to cruise off the coast of Anatolia. Here he met the beginning of the war, and on November 18 he defeated the Turkish squadron in.

Having discovered 7 frigates, 2 corvettes, sloops and 2 steamships in Sinop Bay on November 11 under the cover of six coastal batteries, Nakhimov blocked it with his three ships and sent it to Sevastopol for help. When reinforcements arrived, the vice admiral decided to attack with 6 battleships and 2 frigates, without waiting for the steamers.

For Sinop, the vice admiral was awarded the Order of St. George, 2nd degree. Other participants in the battle received awards, and the victory was widely celebrated throughout Russia. But Nakhimov was not happy with the reward: he was worried about the fact that he was becoming the culprit of the coming war. And his fears were well founded. Having received a pretext for intervention and support for the excited public opinion, the governments of England and France gave orders, and on December 23, the Anglo-French squadron entered the Black Sea.

Since December 1853, the admiral commanded ships in the roadstead and in the bays of Sevastopol. Expecting an attack, he almost did not go ashore. Meanwhile, England and France concluded a military treaty with Turkey on March 12 and declared war on Russia on March 15.

P.S. Nakhimov during the Battle of Sinop

Defense of Sevastopol

The landing of the Allies, the battle on Alma and the withdrawal of the army created a critical situation in Sevastopol. Only the delay in the movement of enemy troops made it possible to protect the city from land with guns and sailors who occupied hastily built fortifications. To block the enemy’s path to the bay, on September 11, five old ships and two frigates were sunk between the Konstantinovskaya and Aleksandrovskaya batteries. On the same day, Menshikov entrusted Vice Admiral Kornilov with the defense of the Northern side, and Nakhimov with the defense of the Southern side. Began heroic defense Sevastopol, in which the vice admiral first commanded the squadron, and then became the soul of the defense, its de facto leader after the death of V.A. in the first bombardment of Sevastopol on October 5, 1854. Kornilov. He took measures to strengthen the land bastions, but did not forget about the fleet, in every possible way seeking active and skillful actions from the commanders of the steamships, which became the only combat-ready force of the fleet.

Only on February 25, 1855, Nakhimov was officially appointed commander of the Sevastopol port and military governor of Sevastopol. On March 27, he was promoted to admiral for his distinction in the defense of Sevastopol. Having received permission to surrender the squadron, he focused his attention on land defense.

Death of Admiral Nakhimov

Wound. Death

The flagship cared about the people and tried, as soon as possible under those conditions, to save the army from unnecessary losses. Pavel Stepanovich himself continued to appear in the most dangerous places in a frock coat with clearly visible epaulettes. On June 28, as always, in the morning Nakhimov toured the positions. When the admiral was watching the enemy from Malakhov Kurgan, leaning out from behind cover, he was mortally wounded in the head by a bullet. 1855, June 30 - Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov died. The naval commander was buried in Vladimir Cathedral with other outstanding admirals.

The death of the admiral put the last point in the defense of Sevastopol. When the Allies, as a result of another assault, managed to break into the Malakhov Kurgan, the Russian regiments left the South Side, blowing up warehouses, fortifications and destroying the last ships.

During the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945, when life forced us to turn to the military traditions of the past, the Nakhimov Order and Medal were established to reward worthy sailors.

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich(1802-1855), Russian naval commander, admiral, hero of the Sevastopol defense and simply a man who is strong in spirit, a legend.

Born June 23 (July 5), 1802 in the village. The town (modern village of Nakhimovskoye) of the Vyazemsky district of the Smolensk province in a poor and large noble family (eleven children). His father was an officer and, under Catherine, retired with the modest rank of second major. Childhood had not yet left Nakhimov when he was enrolled in the Naval Cadet Corps. He studied diligently and brilliantly, was a role model, and at the age of fifteen he received the rank of midshipman and assignment to the brig Phoenix, which was setting sail in the Baltic Sea.

And already here a curious feature of Nakhimov’s nature was revealed, which arose in him since childhood. Immediately attracting the attention of his comrades, and then colleagues and subordinates. This trait, noticed by those around him already in the fifteen-year-old midshipman, remained dominant in the graying admiral until the moment when a French bullet pierced his head. This trait, one might say, determined his fate, his life and all the events in it. This trait can be characterized as follows: naval service was not the most important matter of life for Nakhimov, as it was, for example, for his teacher Lazarev or for his comrades Kornilov and Istomin, but the only thing, in other words: he had no life outside of naval service. he knew and didn’t want to know, he simply refused to admit to himself the possibility of existing not on a warship or in a military port. Due to lack of leisure and being too preoccupied with maritime interests, he forgot to fall in love, forgot to get married, forgot a part of himself, devoting it to an important matter. He was a naval fanatic, according to the unanimous opinion of eyewitnesses and observers. This is how one could characterize Nakhimov: he found himself in life, his business, his place in the sea.

In 1817, among the best midshipmen on the brig Phoenix, he sailed to the shores of Sweden and Denmark. Having graduated from the Corps in January 1818, sixth on the list of graduates, in February he received the rank of midshipman and was assigned to the 2nd naval crew of the St. Petersburg port. In 1821 transferred to the 23rd naval crew Baltic Fleet. Diligence and zeal, a certain fanaticism and love for his work... and so he enthusiastically accepted the invitation of M.P. Lazarev in 1822-1825 to serve on his frigate, called the then new name “Cruiser”. Upon his return, he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree. Years fly by, first he sailed as a midshipman, and from March 22, 1822 as a lieutenant. Here he became one of Lazarev’s favorite students and followers, good student from a good teacher.

After a three-year circumnavigation of the world from the frigate “Cruiser”, Nakhimov transferred (all under the command of Lazarev) in 1826 to the ship “Azov”, on which he took an outstanding part in the Navarin naval battle in 1827 against the Turkish fleet. Of the entire united squadron of England, France and Russia, Azov came closest to the enemy, and in the fleet they said that Azov crushed the Turks from a distance not of a cannon shot, but of a pistol shot. Courage, nothing less. Nakhimov was wounded. There were more killed and wounded on the Azov on Navarino day than on any other ship of the three squadrons, but the Azov also caused more harm to the enemy than the best frigates of the English Admiral Codrington, who commanded the united squadron. This is how Nakhimov began his combat career, his first battle, his career as a warrior and defender. Only the great ones strong people can do something more for this world in their lives, something important and meaningful. In December 1827 he received the Order of St. George, 4th degree and the rank of captain-lieutenant. In August 1828 he became the commander of a captured Turkish corvette, renamed Navarin. During the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829, he took part in the blockade of the Dardanelles by the Russian fleet.

Years passed, he was 29 years old and he became the commander of the then newly built (in 1832) frigate “Pallada”, and in 1836 the commander of “Silistria” and, a few months later, was promoted to captain of the 1st rank. “Silistria” sailed in the Black Sea, and the ship completed a number of difficult, complex, heroic and responsible assignments during the nine years of its voyage under Nakhimov’s flag. And he coped brilliantly throughout.

Trust is sometimes limitless, as Lazarev trusted his student. In September 1845, Nakhimov was promoted to rear admiral, and Lazarev made him commander of the 1st brigade of the 4th naval division of the Black Sea Fleet. For success in combat training of crews, he was awarded the Order of St. Anna, 1st degree. His moral influence on the entire Black Sea Fleet was so enormous during these years that it could be compared with the influence of Lazarev himself. The student has grown to become a teacher. He devoted his days and nights to service. He looked at service in peacetime only as preparation for war, for the moment when a person must fully demonstrate all his strength, skills, and all his endurance. All life is like a battle, like a struggle for justice, for peace in the whole world.

He always believed that sailors - main military force fleet. These are the people, in his opinion, who need to be elevated, taught, to arouse in them courage, heroism, the desire to work, the desire to perform feats for the sake of the Motherland. Nakhimov simply refused to understand that a naval officer could have any other interest other than service, because he himself lived only for the sake of business. He said that it is necessary for sailors and officers to be constantly busy, that idleness on the ship is not allowed, that if work on the ship is going well, then new ones must be invented... Officers must also be constantly busy. We must always move forward, work on ourselves, so as not to break down in the future. Eternal improvement for the opportunity to be.

The year 1853 arrived. Forever memorable and formidable events in world history are approaching. February 25 (March 9), 1855 appointed commander of the Sevastopol port and temporary military governor of the city; in March he was promoted to admiral. Under his leadership, Sevastopol heroically repelled Allied attacks for nine months. Thanks to his energy, the defense acquired an active character: he organized sorties, waged counter-battery and mine warfare, erected new fortifications, mobilized the civilian population to defend the city, and personally toured forward positions, inspiring the troops. Awarded the Order of the White Eagle.

On June 28 (July 10), 1855, he was mortally wounded by a bullet in the temple on the Kornilovsky bastion of the Malakhov Kurgan. He died on June 30 (July 12) without regaining consciousness. The death of P.S. Nakhimov predetermined the imminent fall of Sevastopol. He was buried in the admiral's tomb of the Naval Cathedral of St. Vladimir in Sevastopol next to V.A. Kornilov and V.I. Istomin, next to great people.

P.S. Nakhimov possessed those traits that are almost, one might say, rare, very rare. He was distinguished by courage, courage, intelligence, courage, originality and the ability to get out of any difficult and doomed situations. Life did not remain in his debt. During the Great Patriotic War, on March 3, 1944, they were approved, making Nakhimov a legend, an important and significant person in history.

Pavel Nakhimov photography

Among the remarkable Russian naval commanders of the past, P.S. occupies an exceptional place. Nakhimov, whose name is associated with the heroic struggle of Russian soldiers and sailors against the Turkish and Anglo-French invaders. Nakhimov was a vivid embodiment of the national military genius, a representative of the combat school of Russian military art.

Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was born on July 6 (June 23) in the village of Gorodok, Vyazemsky district, Smolensk province (now the village of Nakhimovskoye, Andreevsky district, Smolensk region). After graduating from the Naval Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg (1818), he served in the Baltic Fleet. In 1822-1825. circumnavigated the world as a watch officer on the frigate "Cruiser".

In 1827 he took part in the naval battle of Navarino, commanding a battery on the battleship Azov. In this battle, along with Lieutenant P.S. Future naval commanders Midshipman V.A. acted skillfully and bravely with Nakhimov. Kornilov and midshipman V.I. Istomin. The defeat of the Turkish fleet in the naval battle of Navarino significantly weakened the naval forces of Turkey, contributed to the national liberation struggle of the Greek people, and the victory of Russia in the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. During this war, Nakhimov then commanded the corvette Navarin and participated in the blockade of the Dardanelles. In 1829, after returning to Kronstadt, Nakhimov took charge of the frigate Pallada. In 1834, he was again transferred to the Black Sea Fleet and appointed commander of the battleship "Silistria", which, in terms of the organization of service, combat training and maneuvering, was recognized as the best ship of the Black Sea Fleet. The fleet commander, Admiral M.P. Lazarev, often flew his flag on the Silistria and set the ship as an example to the entire fleet.

Subsequently P.S. Nakhimov commanded a brigade (since 1845), a division (since 1852), a squadron of ships (since 1854), which carried out military service off the coast of the Caucasus, suppressing attempts by the Turks and the British behind them to undermine Russia’s positions in the Caucasus and the Black Sea. sea.

With particular strength, the military talent and naval art of P.S. Nakhimov manifested themselves in their entirety in the Crimean War of 1853-1856. Commanding a squadron of the Black Sea Fleet, Nakhimov discovered and blocked the main forces of the Turkish fleet in Sinop, and on December 1 (November 18), 1853, defeated them in the Sinop naval battle.

During the Sevastopol defense of 1854-1855. P.S. Nakhimov correctly assessed strategic importance Sevastopol and used all the forces and means at his disposal to strengthen the defense of the city. Occupying the position of squadron commander, and since February 1855, commander of the Sevastopol port and military governor, Nakhimov, in fact, from the very beginning of the defense of Sevastopol, led the heroic garrison of the fortress defenders, and showed outstanding abilities in organizing the defense of the main base of the Black Sea Fleet from the sea and from land.

Under the leadership of Nakhimov, several wooden sailing ships, which blocked access to the enemy fleet. This significantly strengthened the city's defense from the sea. Nakhimov supervised the construction of defensive structures and the installation of additional coastal batteries, which were the backbone of the ground defense, and the creation and training of reserves. He directly and skillfully controlled troops during combat operations. The defense of Sevastopol under the leadership of Nakhimov was highly active. Forays by detachments of soldiers and sailors, counter-battery and mine warfare were widely used. Targeted fire from coastal batteries and ships delivered sensitive blows to the enemy. Under the leadership of Nakhimov, Russian sailors and soldiers turned the city, previously poorly defended from land, into a formidable fortress, which successfully defended itself for 11 months, repelling several enemy assaults.

Best of the day

An excellent sailor who saw service in the navy as the only meaning and purpose of his life, P. S. Nakhimov, along with the original talent of a naval commander, had the rare gift of attracting the hearts of his subordinates. The officers and especially the sailors loved P.S. Nakhimov for his genuine passion, for his genuine selfless heroism, for his deep affection for the sailors with whom he shared labors and dangers, joys and sorrows. Personal example The admiral inspired all Sevastopol residents to heroic deeds in the fight against the enemy. At critical moments, he appeared in the most dangerous places of defense and directly led the battle. During one of the detours of the forward fortifications on July 11 (June 28), 1855, P.S. Nakhimov was mortally wounded by a bullet in the head on Malakhov Kurgan.

Nakhimov is a shining example of service to the Motherland, an example of devotion to duty and honor of the Russian fleet. The name of Admiral Nakhimov is near and dear to the citizens of Russia.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 3, 1944, the Order of Nakhimov, 1st and 2nd degree, and the Nakhimov Medal were established. Nakhimov naval schools were created. The name Nakhimov was assigned to one of the Soviet cruisers Navy. In the city of Russian glory Sevastopol P.S. A monument to Nakhimov was erected in 1959.

The military order of Nakhimov has been preserved in the system of state awards of the Russian Federation.