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Definition of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Armed forces of the Russian Federation

Branches of the Armed Forces are their component parts, distinguished by special weapons and designed to perform assigned tasks, as a rule, in any environment (on land, in water, in the air). These are the Ground Forces, the Aerospace Forces, and the Navy. Each Branch of the RF Armed Forces is distinguished by the types of troops (forces) and their weapons, quantitative composition, acquisition of military equipment, supply, training and service of personnel.

Ground troops

The Ground Forces are the largest, most diverse branch of the Russian Armed Forces in terms of weapons and methods of conducting combat operations. They are designed to provide national security and protecting our state from external aggressors on land.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is Colonel General Salyukov Oleg Leonidovich, born in 1955

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces in May 2014. Participant in hostilities. Awarded nine medals and four orders. In 2003 he was awarded a diploma and badge of the Supreme Council of the Forum “Public Recognition”.

Composition of the Russian Ground Forces

  • Motorized rifle troops are the largest branch of the military, forming the basis of the Ground Forces.
  • Tank troops are the main striking force of the Ground Forces. They are used primarily with motorized rifle troops in the main directions.
  • Missile forces and artillery are a branch of the Ground Forces that are the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy during combined arms operations.
  • The Air Defense Forces are a branch of the Ground Forces whose task is to repel enemy air strikes and protect troops and rear equipment from air strikes.
  • Reconnaissance units and military units are classified as special forces. Their task is to collect information about the enemy, the state of the terrain and weather in order to make a decision on the operation, as well as to prevent sudden enemy actions.
  • Engineer troops are special troops that use engineering weapons with the aim of inflicting losses on the enemy through the use of engineer ammunition.
  • Radiation, chemical and biological defense troops (RCBZ) are special troops designed to carry out complex activities in conditions of radiation, chemical and biological contamination.
  • Signal troops are special troops designed to deploy communications systems and ensure control of formations and units of the Ground Forces in peacetime and war time.

Aerospace Forces

Aerospace forces are a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that is designed to conduct reconnaissance of the aerospace situation, as well as detect the beginning of an enemy air and missile (aerospace) attack and notify control authorities about it.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation is Colonel General Viktor Nikolaevich Bondarev, born in 1959.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2012, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation. For the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2000, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Composition of the Russian Aerospace Forces

On August 1, 2015, the Air Force and the Aerospace Defense Forces merged into a new branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Russian Aerospace Forces

  • Air Force - designed to repel aggression in the air and protect air strikes from high-level command posts, as well as defeat enemy troops using conventional and nuclear weapons.
  • Space Force - the main tasks are surveillance space objects and identifying threats to Russia in and from space. Launching spacecraft into orbit.
  • Air and missile defense troops solve the problem of repelling aggression in the aerospace sphere and protecting against enemy strikes, as well as defeating the warheads of ballistic missiles of a potential enemy attacking important government facilities.


The Navy is intended for the armed defense of Russian interests and the conduct of combat operations in the sea and ocean theaters of war, capable of delivering nuclear strikes on enemy ground targets, as well as destroying the enemy at sea and bases.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy is Admiral Vladimir Ivanovich Korolev, born in 1955.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in April 2016, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.

Awarded the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” 3rd degree, honorary polar explorer 2015 and other medals.

The operational and strategic formations of the Navy are:

  1. Baltic Fleet, headquarters Kaliningrad
  2. Northern Fleet, headquarters Severomorsk
  3. Black Sea Fleet, headquarters Sevastopol
  4. Caspian Flotilla, headquarters Astrakhan
  5. Pacific Fleet, headquarters Vladivostok

Navy structure

The Navy includes the following forces:

  • Surface forces
  • Submarine forces
  • Naval aviation: (coastal, deck, strategic, tactical)
  • Coastal Fleet Forces: (Marines, Coastal Defense Forces)

Branch of the military

A branch of the armed forces is understood as a part of a branch of the Armed Forces, distinguished by its main weapons, technical equipment, organizational structure, nature of training and ability to perform specific combat missions. In addition, there are independent branches of the military. In the Russian Armed Forces these are the Missile Forces strategic purpose and Airborne Forces.

The general leadership of the RF Armed Forces is carried out by President of the Russian Federation , being the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Minister of Defense carries out day-to-day management of the Armed Forces through the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Ministry of Defence Russian Federation (Russian Ministry of Defense) - a federal executive body (federal ministry) that pursues state policy and carries out public administration in the field of defense, as well as coordinating the activities of federal ministries and executive bodies on defense issues.

In the system of military command and control bodies of the state, the Russian Ministry of Defense is the central governing body of the Russian armed forces.

General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, General Staff, General Staff) - the central body of military command and the main body of operational control of the Russian Armed Forces.

Russian Armed Forces have a three-type structure that meets today's requirements and allows them to be used effectively.

Currently, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation structurally include:

    types of armed forces - Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy;

    three branches of the Armed Forces - Strategic Missile Forces, Aerospace Defense Forces, Airborne Forces;

    rear of the Armed Forces;

    organizations and military units for the construction and quartering of troops.

Ground troops the most numerous branch of the Armed Forces in terms of combat strength. Ground forces are designed to conduct an offensive in order to defeat enemy groups, seize and hold territories, areas and lines, deliver fire strikes to great depths, and repel enemy incursions and large airborne assault forces.

Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces a governing body that combines full responsibility for the state of the branch of the Armed Forces, its construction, development, training and use.

The Ground Forces include:

    types of troops - motorized rifle, tank, missile troops and artillery, military air defense;

    special troops (formations and units - reconnaissance, communications, electronic warfare, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, technical support, automotive and rear security);

    military units and logistics institutions.

Motorized rifle troops ( MSV ) - the largest branch of the Ground Forces, it represents formations, units and subunits which, among other weapons, are armed with infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers. Motorized rifle formations include motorized rifle, tank, missile, artillery and other units.

Tank forces ( TV ) - the main striking force of the Ground Forces, maneuverable, highly mobile and resistant to nuclear weapons troops armed with, among other weapons, tanks. Tank formations include tank, motorized rifle, artillery and other units.

Rocket Forces and Artillery (RV&A) - designed for fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy. They are armed with missile systems, cannon and rocket artillery. They consist of formations, units and subunits of howitzer, rocket, anti-tank artillery, mortars, as well as artillery reconnaissance and others.

Military air defense (air defense) - designed to protect the Ground Forces from enemy air attacks, to defeat them, as well as to interdict aerial reconnaissance. Military air defense is armed with mobile, anti-aircraft missile, anti-aircraft gun and anti-aircraft systems.

Special troops - a set of ground forces intended to carry out highly specialized operations to support the combat and daily activities of the armed forces.

Reconnaissance troops designed to obtain information about the enemy and the area, and perform special tasks.

Signal Corps designed to ensure command and control of troops in all types of combat activities.

Electronic warfare troops designed: to carry out tasks to disrupt the command and control of the enemy's troops and weapons by electronic suppression (defeat) of his communications, radar, radio navigation, radio control and optical-electronic means; enemy electronic reconnaissance; countering its technical means of reconnaissance and implementing comprehensive technical control.

Corps of Engineers designed to perform engineering support tasks, as well as to inflict losses on the enemy using engineering ammunition.

Radiation, chemical and biological defense troops designed to perform radiation, chemical and biological protection tasks, as well as inflicting losses on the enemy using flamethrower and incendiary weapons.

Technical support troops are designed to solve the problems of supporting combat operations by carrying out measures to maintain troops in combat-ready condition.

Automotive troops are intended for the transportation of various material resources necessary for conducting combat operations, as well as for the evacuation of the wounded, sick and equipment.

Rear Security Troops carry out protection of command and control bodies, facilities, units and units of the rear of the Ground Forces.

Air Force (AF) intended for:

repelling aggression in the air and protecting command posts of the highest echelons of state and military administration, administrative and political centers, industrial and economic regions, the most important economic and infrastructure facilities of the country and groupings of troops (forces) from air strikes;

defeating enemy targets and troops using both conventional and nuclear weapons;

aviation support for combat operations of troops (forces) of other types and branches of troops.

Part Air Force includes the following types of troops:

    aviation (types of aviation - bomber, attack, air defense fighter, reconnaissance, transport and special);

    anti-aircraft missile forces;

    radio technical troops;

    special troops;

    units and institutions of the rear.

Navy (VMF) - designed for armed defense of Russian interests, conducting combat operations in sea and ocean theaters of military operations. The Navy is capable of delivering nuclear strikes on enemy ground targets, destroying enemy fleet groups at sea and at bases, disrupting the enemy’s ocean and sea communications and protecting its maritime transportation, assisting the Ground Forces in operations in continental theaters of war, landing amphibious assault forces, and participating in repelling enemy landing forces. and perform other tasks.

The Navy consists of branches of the forces: submarine, surface, naval aviation, marines and coastal defense forces. It also includes ships and vessels, special purpose units, and logistics units.

Rocket strategic troops destination (Strategic Missile Forces) - designed for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction by nuclear missile strikes of strategic objects located in one or several strategic aerospace directions and forming the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential.

Aerospace Defense Troops (VKO) - a fundamentally new branch of the military, which is designed to ensure the security of the Russian Federation in the space sector.

VKO solve a wide range of problems, the main of which are:

Providing senior levels of management with reliable information about the detection of ballistic missile launches and warning of missile attacks;

Defeat the warheads of a potential enemy's ballistic missiles attacking important government facilities;

Protection of control points (CP) of the highest echelons of state and military command, groupings of troops (forces), the most important industrial and economic centers and other objects from attacks by enemy aerospace attack weapons (ASCA) within the affected zones;

Monitoring space objects and identifying threats to Russia in and from space, and, if necessary, countering such threats;

Launching spacecraft into orbit, controlling military and dual-purpose (military and civil) satellite systems in flight and using individual of them in the interests of providing the troops (forces) of the Russian Federation with the necessary information;

Maintaining the established composition and readiness for use of military and dual-use satellite systems, means of launching and controlling them, and a number of other tasks.

Airborne troops (VDV) - a highly mobile troop unit of the Armed Forces, designed to reach the enemy by air and carry out tasks in his rear to disrupt enemy command and control, capture and destroy ground elements of his precision weapons, disrupt the advance and deployment of reserves, disrupt the rear and communications, as well as provide cover ( defense) of individual directions, areas, open flanks, blocking and destruction of landing troops and performing other tasks. The Russian Airborne Forces are a means of the Supreme High Command and can form the basis of mobile forces. They report directly to the Airborne Forces commander and consist of airborne divisions, brigades, individual units and institutions.

Territorially the Armed Forces are divided between 4 military districts (military administrative division of the Russian Federation):

Western Military District - headquarters in St. Petersburg;

Southern Military District - headquarters in Rostov-on-Don;

Central Military District - headquarters in Yekaterinburg;

Eastern Military District - headquarters in Khabarovsk.

The armed forces in any state are a key element in ensuring the country's defense capability. Their proper management depends on their proper organization. The structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ensures the rapid and correct performance of the functions assigned by law to the state military organization of the country.

Structure of the RF Armed Forces

The Armed Forces are a military organization of the Russian Federation, the main function of which is to repel military aggression in order to ensure territorial integrity, as well as perform tasks in accordance with Russia’s international obligations. The RF Armed Forces were created on May 7, 1992. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief is the President of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Presidential Decree of 2008, the strength of the Russian Armed Forces is set at 2,019,629 people, of which 1.3 million are military personnel.

Organizationally, the Armed Forces consist of three services, three separate branches of the military, the Logistics Service, as well as the Quartering Service, which is not a branch of the Armed Forces. In addition, the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was created on a territorial principle: the territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 4 military districts.

Territorial structure

Today in the Russian Federation there are four military districts, which are assumed by the territorial structure of the Armed Forces:

  1. Western Military District. The command and headquarters are located in St. Petersburg.
  2. Eastern Military District. The command and headquarters are located in Khabarovsk.
  3. Central Military District. The command and headquarters are located in Yekaterinburg.
  4. Southern Military District. The command and headquarters are located in Rostov-on-Don.

The structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation in the diagram:

Types of aircraft

The main element of the Armed Forces are the types of armed forces. In the Russian military department, the law establishes the presence of three types of armed forces: the Air Force, the Ground Forces and the Navy.

Today, the Ground Forces are the largest branch of the Russian armed forces. Their main function is to conduct offensive actions, the purpose of which is to defeat the enemy, seize and retain his territory, individual areas and borders, repulse the invasion of the enemy’s country and his large landings, and deliver artillery and missile strikes to great depths. In turn, the Ground Forces are organizationally composed of military branches. These types of troops can perform tasks independently or jointly.

Motorized Rifle Troops (MSV)- the most numerous branch of troops in the Ground Forces. They are also the most numerous branch of the military. Today, the motorized rifle troops are armed with armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, which should ensure the mobility of the infantry. MRFs are organizationally composed of motorized rifle subunits, units and formations.

Motorized rifle, tank, artillery and other units and units may be part of the MRF.

Tank troops (TV)- the main striking force, characterized by high mobility, maneuverability and resistance to weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear ones. The main tasks, based on the technical equipment of TV: achieving a breakthrough, developing operational success. Artillery, motorized rifle, missile, and tank units and subunits can operate as part of a TV.

Missile Forces and Artillery (RF&A): nuclear and fire destruction of the enemy is the main task. It is armed with rocket and cannon artillery. The MFA includes subunits, units and formations of howitzer, rocket, cannon, anti-tank artillery, as well as structural elements of support, command and control, mortars and artillery reconnaissance.

Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces (Air Defense Forces)- this branch of the military must ensure protection of the Ground Forces from air strikes, as well as countering enemy aerial reconnaissance. Towed, mobile, man-portable anti-aircraft gun systems and anti-aircraft missile systems are in service with the Air Defense Forces.

Also organizational structure The Armed Forces presupposes the presence in the Armed Forces of special troops and services that perform highly specialized tasks in order to ensure the daily and combat activities of the ground forces.

  • Signal Corps,
  • Electronic warfare troops,
  • Corps of Engineers,
  • Automobile troops,
  • Railway troops etc.

are special troops.

Air Force

Air Force similarly, the Ground Forces consist of branches of aviation that ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Air Force.

Long-Range Aviation designed to strike and defeat enemy military groups in the strategic and operational depths, their economically and strategically important areas, including with the help of nuclear weapons.

Frontline aviation operates at operational depth. It can perform tasks both independently and during joint operations on land and at sea.

Army aviation provides support to ground forces by destroying enemy armored and mobile targets. Also, Army Aviation forces provide mobility for the Ground Forces.

Military transport aviation carries out the transportation of cargo, troops and equipment, and is also involved in military air operations. In peacetime, the main function is to ensure the functioning of the Armed Forces, and in wartime, the mobility of the armed forces.

The structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation assumes the presence of Air Force Special Aviation, Anti-aircraft missile forces And Radio technical troops, which significantly expand the range of tasks assigned to the Air Force.


Navy- the main force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to protect the interests of Russia in the Exclusive Maritime (Economic) Zone, conduct search and rescue operations, as well as conduct combat operations at sea.

The Navy includes:

  • Submarine Forces,
  • Surface Forces,
  • Coastal troops,
  • Naval aviation,
  • parts and connections for special purposes.

The Navy is also organizationally divided into:

  • Baltic Fleet,
  • Black Sea Fleet,
  • Northern Fleet,
  • Pacific Fleet,
  • Caspian flotilla.

Independent branches of the military

Some tasks require special equipment and trained personnel. The structure of the Armed Forces assumes the presence independent childbirth troops:

  1. Airborne troops;
  2. Strategic Missile Forces;
  3. Aerospace Defense Forces.

Aerospace Defense Forces

The youngest branch of the military. Although our country began space exploration back in the 1960s, it was only in the 21st century that the Aerospace Defense Forces were separated into a separate branch of the military from the Strategic Missile Forces.

The most important tasks are:

  • detection of a missile strike;
  • control of a constellation of spacecraft;
  • missile defense of the Russian capital.

Strategic Missile Forces

Today they are the main ground component of Russia's nuclear forces. The main function is considered to be deterrence of possible aggression. But if necessary, they can deliver a preemptive strike on important economic and military targets of the enemy, as well as the destruction of his military groups.

Airborne troops

They were created back in the 1930s. Today, they are entrusted with the function of conducting landing operations and conducting combat operations behind enemy lines.

Page content

Tactical training. Topic 1.

1. Purpose, organization and structure of the Armed ForcesRussian Federation

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian Armed Forces)- a state military organization of the Russian Federation, designed to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation - Russia, for the armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of its territory, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties of Russia.
The Russian Armed Forces were created by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 7, 1992. They form the basis of the state's defense. In addition, the Russian Border Troops are involved in the defense, internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Railway Troops of the Russian Federation, troops Federal agency government communications and information under the President of the Russian Federation, troops civil defense.
Along with external functions in peacetime and wartime, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can be involved in maintaining order in emergency situations, eliminating major accidents and disasters, and solving certain national economic problems.
The overall leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is exercised by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. According to the Constitution and the Law “On Defense”, this is the President of Russia.
Direct leadership of the Russian Armed Forces is exercised by the Minister of Defense through the Ministry of Defense. The main body for operational control of troops and fleet forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is General base.
The Russian Armed Forces have a three-service structure according to their areas of application - land,

air, sea, which better meets today's requirements and makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of combat use.
The armed forces are structurally composed of three types:
- Ground troops;
- Air Force;
- Navy;
three separate branches of the military:
- Strategic Missile Forces;
- Aerospace Defense troops;
- Airborne troops;
as well as troops not included in the branches of the Armed Forces: Armed Forces Logistics, organizations and military
ski units for the construction and quartering of troops.

2. Purpose, organization and structure of the Ground Forces

Ground forces (ground forces) are one of the main types of armed forces, which play a decisive role in the final defeat of the enemy in the continental theater of operations (theater of operations) and the capture of important land areas.
According to their combat capabilities, they are capable, in cooperation with other types of armed forces, of conducting an offensive with the aim of defeating enemy troop groups and taking control of its territory, delivering fire strikes to great depths, repelling an invasion of the enemy, his large air and sea landings, and firmly holding occupied territories and areas. and boundaries.
At all stages of the existence of our state, the Russian ground forces played a vital and often decisive role in achieving victory over the enemy and protecting national interests.

The history of the creation of SV goes back centuries. On October 1, 1550, a historically turning point occurred in the construction and development of the regular Russian army. On this day, the Tsar of All Rus' Ivan Vasilyevich IV (the Terrible) issued a Verdict (Decree) “On the placement in Moscow and surrounding districts of a selected thousand service people,” which, in fact, laid the foundations of the first standing army, which had the characteristics of a regular army. In accordance with the decree, rifle regiments (“fire infantry”) and a permanent guard service were created, and the artillery “detail” was allocated as an independent branch of the military. The archers were armed with improved artillery, mine-explosive weapons, firearms. In addition, the acquisition system was streamlined and military service in the local army, centralized control of the army and its supply was organized, permanent service was established in peacetime and wartime.

The ground forces are armed with tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), armored personnel carriers, artillery of various capacities and purposes, anti-tank missile systems, anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM), controls, and automatic small arms.
With the outbreak of war, the main burden falls on the Army to repel enemy aggression with peacetime combat-ready groups of troops, ensure the strategic deployment of the Armed Forces, and conduct operations to defeat the aggressor in cooperation with other branches of the Russian Armed Forces.
The ground forces include: motorized rifle, tank troops, missile troops and artillery, air defense (air defense) troops and special troops, as well as military educational institutions, military units and institutions.

Motorized rifle troops- the most numerous branch of the military, forming the basis of the Army, the core of their combat formations. They are equipped with powerful weapons to destroy ground and air targets, missile systems, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-2, BMP-3), armored personnel carriers (BTR-80, BTR-90), artillery and mortars, anti-tank guided missiles, anti-aircraft missiles complexes and installations, effective reconnaissance and control means.

Motorized rifle troops are designed to conduct combat operations independently and jointly with other branches of the military and special forces. They are capable of operating in conditions of the use of both conventional weapons and nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons). Possessing powerful fire, high mobility, maneuverability and resistance to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), motorized rifle troops can break through the prepared and hastily occupied enemy defenses, develop an offensive at a high pace and to great depth, together with other branches of the military, destroy the enemy, consolidate and hold captured area. Motorized rifle formations and units have the ability to quickly march over long distances and conduct maneuverable fighting at any time of the year and day, in any weather and on different terrain, independently cross water obstacles, capture important lines and objects, and also create a stable defense in a short time. They can be used as air and sea landing forces.
Together with tank forces, they perform the following main tasks:
- in defense, hold occupied areas, lines and positions, repel enemy attacks and defeat his advancing groups;
- in an offensive (counter-offensive) they break through the enemy’s defenses, destroy groupings of his troops, capture important areas, lines and objects, force water obstacles, and pursue the retreating enemy;
- conduct oncoming battles and battles, act as part of naval and tactical airborne assault forces.
Units are organized organizationally in such a way as to ensure high mobility on the battlefield and speed of deployment into battle formation, ease of control, the ability to conduct persistent and prolonged combat in any situation, the ability to independently conduct combat operations and deliver powerful fire strikes from long and short ranges. Units of motorized rifle troops include squad, platoon, company and battalion.

Tank forces constitute the main striking force of the Army, a powerful means of armed struggle, designed to solve the most important tasks in various types military operations, to conduct combat operations independently and in cooperation with other branches of the military and special forces.

They are used primarily in the main directions to deliver powerful and deep blows to the enemy. Possessing great firepower, reliable protection, high mobility and maneuverability, tank forces are able to make full use of the results of nuclear and fire strikes and achieve the final goals of a battle and operation in a short time.

In an offensive, tank troops resolutely attack the enemy, destroying his tanks, manpower, firepower and military equipment. They rapidly develop an offensive into the depth of the defense, hold captured lines and objects, repel counterattacks, force water obstacles, pursue a retreating enemy, conduct reconnaissance, and also perform a number of other tasks.

In defense, tanks destroy advancing enemy tanks and infantry with accurate fire from the spot and sudden counterattacks, and firmly hold their positions. The great firepower of tanks, their maneuverability and ability to withstand attacks from missiles, artillery and aircraft make it possible to create a stable and active defense.
For the convenience of conducting combat operations, tanks are organized into platoons, companies and battalions. The primary unit is the tank.

Missile Forces and Artillery (RF&A)
- the main firepower and the most important operational means of the ground forces in solving combat missions to defeat enemy groups. They are designed to inflict effective fire damage on the enemy.
During combat operations, missile forces and forces can perform a wide variety of fire missions: suppress or destroy manpower, fire weapons, artillery, missile launchers, tanks, self-propelled artillery installations and other types of enemy military equipment; destroy various defensive structures; prohibit the enemy from maneuvering and conducting defensive work.
The primary fire units in the Russian Military Army are a gun, a mortar, a rocket artillery combat vehicle, and a launcher, capable of performing individual fire missions.

Air defense troops SV (air defense SV)- a branch of the ground forces, intended to cover troops and objects from the actions of enemy air attacks when combined arms formations and formations conduct operations (combat operations), perform regroupings (march) and are positioned on the spot. They are responsible for the following main tasks:
- carrying out combat duty in air defense;
- conducting reconnaissance of enemy air and alerting covered troops;
- destruction of enemy air attack weapons in flight;
- participation in the conduct of missile defense in the theater of operations.
Organizationally, the Air Defense Forces of the Army consist of military command and control units, air defense command posts, anti-aircraft missile (rocket and artillery) and radio technical formations, military units and divisions. They are capable of destroying enemy air attack weapons in the entire range of altitudes (extremely low - up to 200 m, low - from 200 to 1,000 m, medium - from 1,000 to 4,000 m, high - from 4,000 to 12,000 m and in the stratosphere – more than 12,000 m) and flight speeds.

Formations, military units and air defense units of the Army are equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft gun-missile systems (systems) and man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) that vary in reach, channel and methods of missile guidance. Depending on the range of destruction of air targets, they are divided into short-range systems - up to 10 km, short-range - up to 30 km, medium-range - up to 100 km and long-range - more than 100 km.
Further development of the Air Defense Forces is carried out by increasing mobility, survivability, secrecy of operation, degree of automation, fire performance, expanding the parameters of the affected area, reducing reaction time and weight and size characteristics of anti-aircraft missile (missile and artillery) systems.

Intelligence units units are designed to provide commanders with data about the enemy, terrain and weather conditions, which is necessary for preparing and successfully conducting combat, as well as for destroying and disabling important enemy targets.
The most important task of reconnaissance units in modern combat is the timely detection of enemy nuclear weapons, battle formations, troop concentration areas, command posts, artillery positions, air defense systems and anti-tank weapons.

Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops (RKhBZ) designed for chemical supply of aircraft. In modern combined arms combat, they are responsible for conducting radiation, chemical and nonspecific bacteriological reconnaissance; decontamination, degassing and disinfection of weapons, uniforms and other materiel and terrain; ensuring control of contamination of personnel, weapons and equipment with radioactive and toxic substances, monitoring changes in the degree of contamination of the area, camouflaging troops with smoke and aerosols, timely provision of units and units with protective equipment, as well as defeating the enemy with flamethrowers.

Corps of Engineers designed to support combat operations of all types of armed forces and branches of the military. Engineering troops must ensure a high rate of attack, including the destruction of strong enemy strongholds covered by mine-explosive barriers (EMDs), create insurmountable defensive lines in a short time, and help protect people and equipment from all types of destruction.

Signal Corps– special troops designed to deploy a communications system and provide command and control of formations, formations and units of the Ground Forces in peacetime and wartime. They are also tasked with operating systems and automation equipment at control points.
Signal troops include nodal and linear formations and units, units and units of technical support for communications and automated systems
management, communications security service, courier and postal services, etc.

Modern communications troops are equipped with mobile, highly reliable radio relay, tropospheric, space stations, high-frequency telephony equipment, voice-frequency telegraphy, television and photographic equipment, switching equipment and special message classification equipment.

3. Purpose, organization and structure of the Air ForceArmed Forces of the Russian Federation

Air Force (AF)- the most mobile and maneuverable branch of the RF Armed Forces, designed to ensure the security and protection of Russia’s interests at the country’s air borders, striking at enemy aviation, land and naval groups, and its administrative, political and military-economic centers. He is entrusted with national importance strategic objective reliable protection of administrative-political, military-industrial centers, communications centers, forces and means of higher military and government administration, facilities of the Unified Energy System and other important elements of the national economic infrastructure of Russia from attacks by an aggressor from aerospace.

The role of the Air Force in ensuring the country's national security in the military sphere is constantly increasing. Versatility, speed, range, high maneuverability are the distinctive operational and strategic properties of the Air Force. They are manifested in the ability to conduct effective combat operations day and night, in simple and difficult weather conditions, in various physical spheres: on land, at sea and in aerospace; in readiness to strike with the use of high-precision weapons from short, medium and long ranges against various ground and sea surface objects (targets); use conventional and nuclear weapons; conduct aerial reconnaissance in the interests of all types of aircraft; carry out landings, transport troops and military equipment, and solve a number of other tasks throughout the entire depth of the operational formation of enemy troops in the deep rear. No other type of aircraft has such operational properties.
In a conventional large-scale war, the Air Force is capable of solving a complex of operational and strategic tasks. In particular, this could be the defeat of enemy aviation, anti-aircraft and nuclear missile groups; air support for ground forces; weakening the enemy’s military-economic potential; defeat of its operational and strategic reserves in the areas of their concentration and on the routes of advance.
Structurally, the Air Force consists of aviation, anti-aircraft missile forces (ZRV), radio technical troops (RTV), special troops (units and units of electronic warfare (EW); RCBZ; communications and radio technical support; topographic and geodetic; engineering and airfield; meteorological, etc. ), military units and logistics institutions, other military units, institutions, enterprises and organizations.

Air Force Aviation (AVVS) according to its purpose and tasks, it is divided into long-range, military transport, operational-tactical and army aviation, which includes bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance, transport and special aviation.
Organizationally, the Air Force consists of air bases that are part of Air Force formations, as well as other units and organizations directly subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

Long-Range Aviation (YES) is a means of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces and is intended to solve strategic (operational-strategic) and operational tasks in the theater of operations (strategic directions).
The DA formations and units are armed with strategic and long-range bombers, tanker aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft. Operating primarily in strategic depth, DA formations and units perform the following main tasks: defeating air bases at airfields), ground-based missile systems, aircraft carriers and other surface ships, targets from enemy reserves, military-industrial facilities, administrative and political centers, energy facilities and hydraulic structures, naval bases and ports, command posts of armed forces and air defense operational control centers in the theater of operations, land communications facilities, landing detachments and convoys; mining from the air. Some of the DA forces may be involved in conducting aerial reconnaissance and performing special tasks. YES is a component of strategic nuclear forces.
The basis of the aircraft fleet is the Tu-160 and Tu-95MS strategic missile carriers, Tu-22M3 long-range missile carrier-bombers, Il-78 tanker aircraft and Tu-22MR reconnaissance aircraft.
The main armament of the aircraft: long-range aircraft cruise missiles and operational-tactical missiles in nuclear and conventional configuration, as well as aircraft bombs of various purposes and calibers.
A practical demonstration of the spatial indicators of the combat capabilities of long-range aviation is air patrol flights
Tu-95MS and Tu-160 aircraft to the area of ​​the island of Iceland and the Norwegian Sea; to the North Pole and to the Aleutian Islands; along the east coast of South America.
Analysis of modern views on the purpose of YES assigned to it
tasks and the predicted conditions for their implementation show that, at present and in the future, the DA continues to be the main strike force of the Air Force.

Military transport aviation (MTA) is a means of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces and is intended to solve strategic (operational-strategic), operational and operational-tactical tasks in the theater of operations (strategic directions).
The military transport aircraft Il-76MD, An-26, An-22, An-124, An-12PP, and Mi-8MTV transport helicopters are in service with the formations and units of the Military Aviation Administration. The main tasks of military aviation formations and units are: landing of units (units) of the Airborne Forces from operational (operational-tactical) airborne assault forces; delivery of weapons, ammunition and materiel to troops operating behind enemy lines; ensuring maneuver of aviation formations and units; transportation of troops, weapons, ammunition and materiel; evacuation of the wounded and sick, participation in peacekeeping operations. The VTA includes air bases, units and units of special forces.
The main directions of military aviation development: maintaining and increasing the capabilities to ensure the deployment of aircraft on various theaters of operations, airborne landings, transportation of troops and materiel by air through the purchase of new Il-76MD-90A and An-70, Il-112V aircraft and modernization of aircraft Il-76 MD and An-124.

Operational-tactical aviation designed to solve operational (operational-tactical) and tactical tasks in operations (combat actions) of groupings of troops (forces) in theaters of operations (strategic directions).

Army Aviation (AA) designed to solve operational-tactical and tactical tasks during army operations (combat operations).

Bomber Aviation (BA), armed with strategic, long-range and operational-tactical bombers, is the main strike weapon of the Air Force and is designed to destroy enemy troop groups, aviation, naval forces, destroy its important military, military-industrial, energy facilities, communications centers, conduct air reconnaissance and mining from the air, mainly in strategic and operational depth.

Assault Aviation (AS), armed with attack aircraft, is a means of air support for troops (forces) and is intended to destroy troops, ground (sea) objects, as well as enemy aircraft (helicopters) at home airfields (sites), conduct aerial reconnaissance and mine mining from the air primarily at the forefront, in tactical and operational-tactical depth.

Fighter Aviation (IA), armed with fighter aircraft, is designed to destroy enemy aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles in the air and ground (sea) targets.

Reconnaissance aviation (RzA), armed with reconnaissance aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles, is designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance of objects, the enemy, terrain, weather, air and ground radiation and chemical conditions.

Transport aviation (TrA), armed with transport aircraft, is intended for airborne landings, transportation of troops, weapons, military and special equipment and other materiel by air, ensuring maneuver and combat operations of troops (forces), and performing special tasks.
Formations, units, subdivisions of bomber, attack, fighter, reconnaissance and transport aviation may also be involved in solving other problems.

Special Aviation (SPA), Having airplanes and helicopters in service, it is designed to perform special tasks (Fig. 1.20). Units and divisions of the SpA are directly or operationally subordinate to the commander of the Air Force formation and are involved in solving the following tasks: conducting radar reconnaissance and targeting aircraft to air and ground (sea) targets; installation of electronic interference and aerosol curtains; search and rescue of flight crews and passengers; in-flight refueling of aircraft; evacuation of the wounded and sick; providing control and communications; conducting aerial radiation, chemical, biological, engineering reconnaissance, etc.

Anti-aircraft missile forces are a branch of the Air Force; Armed with air defense systems and anti-aircraft missile systems (AAMS), they constitute the main fire force in the air defense system (VKO - aerospace defense) and are intended to protect control points (CP) of the highest echelons of state and military command, groupings of troops (forces), the most important industrial and economic centers and other objects from attacks by enemy aerospace attack weapons (ASOA) within the affected zones.
The air defense missile forces consist of anti-aircraft missile brigades (ZRBR), which are organizationally part of the Air Force association, the aerospace defense brigade, as well as units and organizations directly subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force (VVS Civil Command).
Modern Russian anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, S-400, and the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun system (ZRPK) are capable of destroying various air targets, including hitting ballistic missile warheads.
The main directions for the development of air defense systems of the Air Force: improving air defense groups and increasing their capabilities through the adoption of new medium-range and long-range air defense systems S-400, long-range S-500, short-range air defense systems "Pantsir-S (SM)" and modernization of existing air defense systems medium range S-300PM to the level of S-300PM2.

Radio technical troops are a branch of the Air Force. Armed with radio equipment and automation systems, they are designed to conduct radar reconnaissance of enemy air and provide radar information about the air situation within the radar field to air force control bodies and other types and
branches of the Armed Forces, at control stations using combat means of aviation, air defense and electronic warfare (EW) when they solve peacetime and wartime tasks.
RTV consists of radio technical brigades (RTBR), which are organizationally part of the Air Force association, the Aerospace Defense brigade, as well as other units and organizations directly subordinate to the Air Force Civil Command.
In peacetime, all deployed units and command posts
(KP) formations and units of the RTV are on combat duty, performing tasks to protect the state border in the airspace.

Air Force Special Forces designed to support the combat activities of formations, formations and units. Organizationally, units and units of special forces are part of formations, formations and units of the Air Force.
The special troops include: units and subunits of reconnaissance, communications, radio technical support and automated control systems, electronic warfare, engineering, radiological and biological protection, topographic geodetic, search and rescue, meteorological, aeronautical, moral and psychological, logistical and medical support, support and security units military command bodies.

4. Purpose, organization and structure of the NavyArmed Forces of the Russian Federation

Navy (Navy) – the main component and basis of the maritime potential of the Russian state. It is designed to maintain strategic stability, ensure Russia's national interests in the World Ocean and the country's reliable security in maritime and ocean areas.

The list of tasks of the Navy is quite long. For example, its forces, in peacetime, perform tasks such as combat patrols and duty on strategic missile submarines; ensuring the reliability and safety of the operation of naval strategic nuclear forces (NSNF); performing combat service in operationally important areas of the seas and oceans; maintaining a favorable operational regime in adjacent and inland seas; protection of the state border in the underwater environment, assistance to the naval units of the border troops in solving the tasks assigned to them to protect the state border and maritime economic regions of the Russian Federation, etc.
The most important combat missions of the Navy are: strategic nuclear deterrence (by creating a threat to destroy administrative, economic and military targets on enemy territory); ensuring combat stability of strategic missile submarines (SSBN); assistance to troops of fronts (armies) in conducting operations and combat operations in coastal areas; defeat of enemy naval groups; creating and maintaining a favorable operational regime, gaining and maintaining dominance in the adjacent seas and operationally important areas (zones) of the ocean; violation of the enemy’s sea and ocean military and economic transportation, etc.
The modern Navy includes strategic nuclear forces and general-purpose naval forces. The Navy's branches include submarine and surface forces, naval aviation and coastal forces, marines and special forces.
The structure of the Navy is determined geographical location The Russian Federation consists of four fleets (Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea) and the Caspian flotilla, where they are combined into corresponding associations and formations - flotillas, squadrons, naval bases, divisions, brigades and regiments.
Currently, all fleets, existing combat and support forces and means are able to solve assigned tasks, including not only in the near maritime zone adjacent seas, but also in remote areas of the World Ocean.

Submarine Force (Submarine Force) are divided: according to the main armament - into missiles and torpedoes, and according to the main power plant - into nuclear and diesel (Fig. 1.25). The submarines are armed with underwater-launched cruise and ballistic missiles and torpedoes. Missiles and torpedoes can be nuclear or conventional. Modern submarines are capable of hitting enemy ground targets, searching for and destroying enemy submarines, and delivering powerful strikes against groups of surface ships, including aircraft carriers, landing forces and convoys, both independently and in cooperation with other naval forces.

Surface Forces (NS) designed to search for and destroy submarines, combat surface ships, land amphibious assault forces on enemy coasts, detect and neutralize sea mines, and perform a number of other tasks. The combat stability of surface ship groups depends on the effectiveness of their air defense and anti-submarine defense. Surface ships and boats, depending on their purpose, are divided into classes: missile, anti-submarine, artillery-torpedo, mine action, landing, etc. Rocket ships(boats) are armed with cruise missiles and are capable of destroying enemy surface ships and transports at sea. Anti-submarine ships are designed to search for and destroy enemy submarines in coastal and remote areas of the sea. They are armed with anti-submarine helicopters, missiles and torpedoes, and depth charges. Artillery and torpedo ships (cruisers, destroyers, etc.) are used mainly as security forces as part of convoys and landing detachments, as well as to cover the latter during sea crossings, to provide fire support for landing forces when landing on the shore, and to perform other tasks.
Mine countermeasures ships are used to detect and neutralize enemy mines in the navigation areas of friendly submarines, surface ships and transports. They are equipped with electronic equipment capable of detecting bottom and anchor mines, and various trawls for mine clearance. Landing ships are used for transporting by sea and landing on the coast occupied by the enemy, units and units of the Marine Corps and Ground Forces operating as amphibious assault forces.

5. Purpose, organization and structure of individual branches of the militaryArmed Forces of the Russian Federation

Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN)- troops of constant readiness. Their purpose is to deter a potential aggressor from starting a war against Russia and its allies, as well as to defeat nuclear war(in the event of its unleashing) the most important enemy targets, large groupings of armed forces, the destruction of its strategic and other means of nuclear attack, disruption of state and military control, disorganization of rear activities.
IN modern conditions The Strategic Missile Forces are called upon to solve three interrelated tasks: first, the destruction of strategic targets that form the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential by nuclear missile strikes; secondly, warning the Supreme High Command about a missile and space attack, implementing continuous control over outer space, defeating enemy ballistic missiles; Thirdly, Information Support space means of operations and combat operations of armed forces groups.
The troops carry out their tasks by delivering nuclear missile strikes both in cooperation with strategic nuclear weapons of other types of armed forces, and independently.

Aerospace Defense Troops (VKO)- a fundamentally new branch of the military, which is designed to ensure Russia’s security in the aerospace sector.
Aerospace Defense troops solve a wide range of tasks, the main of which are:
- providing higher levels of management with reliable information about the detection of ballistic missile launches and warning about a missile attack;
- defeating the warheads of ballistic missiles of a potential enemy attacking important government facilities;
- protection of command posts of the highest echelons of state and military administration, groupings of troops (forces), the most important industrial and economic centers and other objects from attacks by enemy airborne missile systems within the affected zones;
- monitoring space objects and identifying threats to Russia in space and from space, and, if necessary, countering such threats;
- launching spacecraft into orbit, controlling military and dual-purpose (military and civil) satellite systems in flight and using some of them in the interests of providing the troops (forces) of the Russian Federation with the necessary information;
- maintaining the established composition and readiness for use of military and dual-use satellite systems, means of launching and controlling them, and a number of other tasks.

The assigned tasks of the Voyskb VKO are carried out as part of the space
command, including forces and means of space control systems, missile attack warning, orbital control
grouping, air defense and missile defense command consisting of
air defense brigades and missile defense formations, as well as the Plesetsk cosmodrome.
Airborne troops (VDV) designed for combat
behind enemy lines. The main combat properties of the Airborne Forces: the ability to quickly reach remote areas of the theater of operations, deliver surprise attacks on the enemy, and successfully conduct combined arms combat. The airborne forces can quickly capture and hold important areas deep behind enemy lines, disrupt its state and military control, take possession of islands, sections of the sea coast, naval and air bases, assist the advancing troops in crossing large water obstacles on the move and quickly overcoming mountainous areas, destroy important enemy targets. The Airborne Forces carry out their tasks in cooperation with formations and units of various types of armed forces and branches of the military. Basic military formations Airborne airborne divisions, brigades and individual units.

Armed Forces Rear designed to provide logistics to troops and naval forces with everything necessary in the interests of their effective functioning. Moreover, even in peacetime, the Armed Forces Logistics Service does not have training tasks, since not a single missile or aircraft can be conditionally refueled, nor can a soldier be conditionally equipped and conditionally fed. Both in war and in peacetime, real and complete support is expected from the Armed Forces Home Front.
The tasks of the Logistics of the RF Armed Forces are related to ensuring the constant and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces and the fulfillment of their functional purpose. This includes the procurement and delivery of food, clothing, ammunition, fuel, and the organization of medical, commercial, household, transport, and technical support. Briefly, the main task of the Armed Forces Logistics can be characterized as follows: every serviceman must be fed, shod, clothed on time, and have everything necessary for combat operations.
Thus, the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation discussed above makes it possible to fulfill any tasks assigned to them to protect and defend the country, protect its citizens and defend their interests. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Annex 1


Appointment of the RF Armed Forces.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are a state military organization that forms the basis of the country's defense.

They are intended to repel aggression against the state, armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation to carry out peacekeeping activities, both independently and as part of international organizations.

Changed foreign policy situation recent years, new priorities

National security standards have set tasks for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that can be structured in four main areas:

1) containment of military and military-political threats to the security or interests of the Russian Federation;

2) ensuring the economic and political interests of Russia;

3) carrying out peacetime power operations;

4) the use of military force to ensure the security of the Russian Federation.

The peculiarities of the development of the military-political situation in the world determine the possibility of the implementation of one task developing into another, since the most problematic military-political situations from the point of view of the security of the Russian Federation are complex and multifaceted in nature.

Today, one of the priority tasks in the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation remains the preservation of the potential of the strategic deterrent forces. The main goal The policy of the Russian Federation in this area is to prevent any type of forceful pressure and aggression against Russia or its allies, and in the event of its unleashing - guaranteed protection of its sovereignty, territorial integrity and other vital national interests of the state. This policy of the Russian Federation in the field of strategic deterrence is the core of the country’s entire national security system and is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and current Russian legislation.

In accordance with the basic provisions of the Russian military doctrine, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can also be used to counter internal sources of military threats and to provide assistance to the country's population in eliminating the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

Composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The military organization of the state serves the purpose of ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation. Military organization state includes the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, constituting its core, and other troops, military formations and bodies intended to carry out military security tasks by military methods, as well as their control bodies.

The leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is exercised by the President of the Russian Federation - the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are controlled by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

Currently, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist of three types: the Ground Forces (Land Forces), the Air Force (Air Force), the Navy (Navy) - and three independent branches of the military: the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces), the Airborne Forces troops (Airborne Forces), Space Forces (KV). The Armed Forces also include central bodies of military command, associations, formations, military units and organizations that are included in the branches and branches of the Armed Forces, in the rear of the Armed Forces and special troops that do not belong to the branches and branches of the armed forces.

Type of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation- this is part of the Armed Forces of the state, distinguished by special weapons and intended to conduct military operations in a certain area (on land, sea, in air and outer space).

Each branch usually consists of branches, special forces and logistics.

Type of army- this is an integral part of the branch of the Armed Forces (except for three independent branches), including military formations that have the main types of weapons peculiar only to them and military equipment, as well as those who know the methods of their combat use.

Special troops are intended to support the combat activities of types and branches of troops and assist them in carrying out combat missions.

Special troops include formations, units, institutions and organizations of intelligence, communications troops, electronic warfare (EW), psychological operations, engineering troops, radiation, chemical and bacteriological protection troops (RKhBZ), nuclear technical, technical support, aeronautical units, automobile, road and pipeline troops, engineering and airfield and aviation technical units, formations, units and units of the search and rescue service, metrological, topographic and geodetic, hydrographic, hydrometeorological (meteorological) units, organizations and military units for the construction and quartering of troops.

Military district The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the main military-administrative unit of the Russian Federation, a combined arms operational-strategic territorial formation of the RF Armed Forces and is intended to implement measures to prepare for armed defense and for the armed defense of the Russian Federation, the integrity and inviolability of its territory within the established boundaries of responsibility.

In military-administrative terms, the territory of Russia is divided into six military districts: Leningrad, Moscow, North Caucasus, Volga-Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern.

Each military district includes military command and control bodies, associations, formations, military units, organizations of the Armed Forces and military commissariats located on its territory.

The leadership of military districts is carried out by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The operational management of the military district is carried out by the General Staff, which ensures control over the implementation of the decisions of the Minister of Defense.

Direct control of a separate military district is exercised by the commander of the military district; he is the direct commander of all personnel of the military district.

The fleet is the operational-strategic formation of the Navy. The Russian Navy consists of four fleets: the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific and Caspian flotilla.

Fleets are designed to carry out strategic, operational-strategic and operational tasks in their assigned operational zones of the oceanic (sea) theater of military operations (TVD) independently and in cooperation with formations and formations of other types of armed forces. The fleets consist of:

Ø submarine, surface forces,

Ø naval aviation,

Ø coastal troops, united in associations and formations (units).

In addition, each fleet includes units of special troops, units and logistics institutions.

To manage and comprehensively support the combat and daily activities of the forces, the fleet has control, basing and support systems. The fleet is led by a commander.

Associations- these are military formations that include several smaller formations or associations, as well as units and institutions. Associations include the army, flotilla, as well as a military district-territorial combined arms association and a fleet-naval association.

Connections are military formations consisting of several units or formations of a smaller composition, usually various branches of troops (forces), special troops (services), as well as support and service units (units). Formations include corps, divisions, brigades and other military formations equivalent to them.

Military Unit- an organizationally independent combat and administrative-economic unit in all branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Military units include all regiments, ships of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks, individual battalions (divisions, squadrons), as well as individual companies that are not part of battalions and regiments. Regiments, individual battalions, divisions and squadrons are awarded the Battle Banner, and Navy ships are awarded the Naval Flag.

To the institutions of the Ministry of Defense These include such structures supporting the life of the Armed Forces as military medical institutions, Officers' Houses, military museums, editorial offices of military publications, sanatoriums, rest homes, tourist centers, etc.

To military educational institutions include military academies, military universities, military institutes and their branches, Suvorov schools, Nakhimov Naval School, Moscow Military Music School and cadet corps.

Part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may be part of the joint Armed Forces or be under unified command in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation (for example, as part of UN peacekeeping forces or collective

CIS peacekeeping forces in zones of local military conflicts).

Types of the Armed Forces.

Ground Forces (SV)- the most numerous branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to conduct combat operations primarily on land. According to their combat capabilities, the ground forces are capable, independently or in cooperation with other branches of the Armed Forces, of repelling an invasion of the enemy, his air and sea landings, firmly holding occupied territories, regions and lines, conducting an offensive in order to defeat groupings of enemy troops, and delivering fire strikes to great depths. The Ground Forces include various types of troops, special troops and services. Organizationally, the Ground Forces consist of formations, formations, military units and subunits.

The Ground Forces are also the most ancient branch of the Russian Armed Forces. They trace their history back to the princely squads of Kievan Rus.

Today the Ground Forces include:

Ø type of troops - motorized rifle, tank, missile troops and artillery, air defense troops;

Ø special troops - reconnaissance, communications, electronic warfare, engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, nuclear technical, technical support, automotive and rear security.

Motorized rifle troops designed to conduct combat operations independently and jointly with other branches of the military and special forces. They are capable of operating both in conditions of the use of conventional weapons and nuclear weapons.

Motorized rifle troops can break through the enemy’s prepared defenses, develop an offensive in high tempo and to great depths, together with other branches of the military, to destroy the enemy and hold the captured territory.

Tank forces- the main strike force of the ground forces and a powerful means of armed warfare, designed to solve the most important tasks in various types of combat operations.

They are resistant to the damaging effects of nuclear weapons and are used primarily in the main directions of defense and offense. Tank troops are able to make full use of the results of fire strikes and achieve the final goals of combat and operations in a short time.

Rocket Forces and Artillery are the main means of nuclear and fire destruction of the enemy in front-line, army (corps) operations and combined arms combat.

The missile forces of the Ground Forces include formations and units of operational-tactical missiles of front-line and army subordination and tactical missiles of army and divisional subordination.

Artillery consists of formations and units of howitzer, cannon, rocket, anti-tank artillery, mortars, anti-tank guided missiles and artillery reconnaissance.

Air defense troops are one of the main means of destroying enemy air. They consist of anti-aircraft missile, anti-aircraft artillery and radio-technical units and subunits and are designed to cover ground forces' combat formations from enemy air forces.

Air Force (AF)- the most mobile and maneuverable branch of the Armed Forces, designed to ensure military security and protect Russia’s interests at the country’s air borders; to protect administrative, industrial and economic centers and regions of the country, troop groups, important military and government facilities from air and space strikes; ensuring combat operations of the Ground Forces and Navy, other branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and performing special tasks; to carry out air strikes against enemy aviation, land and naval groups, their administrative, political and military-economic centers, and to destroy enemy targets and troops.

The Air Force is armed with combat, combat training, transport, special aircraft and helicopters, anti-aircraft missiles, weapons and military equipment of special forces and logistics.

As a branch, the Air Force consists of associations, formations and units of aviation and air defense (air defense), units and units of special forces and logistics.

Organizationally, the Russian Air Force consists of a district, armies (corps), divisions, brigades and regiments and includes the following types of forces:

Ø ■ long-range aviation;

Ø ■ military transport aviation;

Ø ■ front-line aviation (bomber, attack, fighter and reconnaissance);

Ø ■ army aviation.

Types of air defense troops included in the Air Force:

Ø ■ anti-aircraft missile forces;

Ø ■ radio engineering troops.

Long-range aviation- the main strike force of the Air Force, capable of effectively hitting important targets of aviation groups, carrier ships of sea-based cruise missiles, energy facilities and facilities of higher military and government administration, nodes of railway, road and sea communications.

Military transport aviation- the main means of landing troops and military equipment in the interests of operations in continental and ocean theaters of war, it is the most mobile means of delivering materiel, military equipment, food, units and units to given areas different types Armed forces and military branches.

Front-line bomber and attack aircraft designed to provide air support to the Ground Forces in all types of military operations (defense, offensive, counter-offensive).

Frontline fighter aviation Designed to destroy enemy air attack weapons when solving problems of covering Armed Forces groups, economic regions, administrative and political centers, military and other facilities.

Frontline reconnaissance aircraft designed to conduct aerial reconnaissance in the interests of all branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces.

Army aviation is intended to provide fire support to the Ground Forces; it is also tasked with combat and logistics support.

Anti-aircraft missile forces are designed to cover troops and objects from enemy air attacks.

Radio technical troops are designed to detect enemy air attack weapons in the air, identify them, escort them, notify the command, troops and civil defense authorities about them, and to monitor the flights of their aircraft.

Navy (Navy) belongs to the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is intended to ensure the security and protection of the interests of the Russian Federation in peacetime and wartime on the ocean and sea borders.

The Navy is capable of delivering nuclear strikes on enemy ground targets, destroying enemy fleet groups at sea and in bases, disrupting the enemy’s ocean and sea communications and protecting its maritime transportation, assisting the Ground Forces in operations on continental theaters of operations, landing amphibious assault forces, and participating in repelling enemy landing forces. and perform other tasks. The Navy consists of naval strategic nuclear forces and general purpose forces.

The structure of the Navy is determined by the geographical location of the Russian Federation and consists of four fleets: the Northern, Pacific, Black Sea, Baltic and Caspian Flotilla and includes the following types of forces:

Ø ■ submarine forces,

Ø ■ surface forces,

Ø ■ naval aviation,

Ø ■ coastal troops (marines and coastal missile and artillery troops),

Ø ■ support and maintenance units and subdivisions.

Submarine forces designed to destroy enemy ground targets, search for and destroy enemy submarines, and strike groups of surface ships, including aircraft carriers, landing forces and convoys, both independently and in cooperation with other naval forces.

Surface forces designed to search for and destroy submarines, combat surface ships, land amphibious assault forces on enemy coasts, detect and clear mines, and a number of other tasks.

Naval aviation designed to destroy enemy ship groups, convoys, and landing forces at sea and in bases; to search and destroy enemy submarines, disrupt surveillance and control systems in naval theaters; to cover groupings of their ships, conduct reconnaissance and issue target designations in the interests of the use of weapons by naval forces.

Coastal troops designed to defend the country's coast and important facilities (front) on the coast, as well as coastal communications from attacks by the enemy fleet.

Support and maintenance units and units designed to support the basing and combat activities of submarine and surface naval forces.

Branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) are an independent branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and are designed to solve the problems of nuclear deterrence of external attacks in the interests of the Russian Federation and our allies, ensuring strategic stability in the world.

Organizationally, the Strategic Missile Forces consist of associations and formations. They are armed with silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, dual-launched missiles (mine and rail), as well as missiles with mobile launchers. The Strategic Missile Forces are distinguished by their enormous destructive power, high combat readiness and precision in delivering nuclear missile strikes against enemy targets; practically unlimited range; the ability to strike simultaneously at many strategic targets and successfully overcome air and missile defenses; independence of combat use from weather conditions, time of year and day. The basis of the Strategic Missile Forces' weapons are stationary and mobile missile systems.

During the reorganization process, the Strategic Missile Forces retained their combat capabilities and ability to carry out nuclear deterrence missions.

The construction and development plan of the RF Armed Forces provides for the qualitative development of the Strategic Missile Forces by re-equipping them with new Topol-M missile systems, which have more advanced combat and technical characteristics. This complex will in the future form the basis of the Strategic Missile Forces grouping. They have no analogues in the world.

Airborne troops (VDV)) is a highly mobile independent branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They are designed to cover the enemy by air and conduct combat operations in his rear. Being a means of the Supreme High Command, they are capable of independently or as part of groupings of the Ground Forces to solve their inherent operational and tactical combat missions both in a large-scale war and in local wars and armed conflicts. In addition, airborne forces can independently or jointly with multinational forces conduct peace and stability operations under a UN mandate (CIS) and perform various special tasks.

Airborne troops consist of combat formations and military units, special troops, military command support units, military educational institutions and training units.

Currently, the Airborne Forces have four airborne divisions, one separate airborne brigade, The educational center, Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces, support and maintenance parts.

Space Force (KB)- an independent branch of the military, designed to cover important state and military installations from enemy nuclear missile attacks, support combat operations of other branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and perform special tasks.

Space forces consist of missile and space defense associations, military units for launching and controlling spacecraft. The Space Forces are armed with anti-missile systems, space systems and complexes for various purposes.

The Space Forces prepare and launch all launch vehicles, control the vast majority of spacecraft in orbit, and develop and order space complexes and systems. The Space Forces monitor compliance with international obligations on restrictions on strategic offensive weapons and ensure space communications and global navigation.

The development of branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces is closely connected with the economy of our state, with the ability to create new, more advanced models of military equipment and weapons. Therefore, the currently ongoing military reform must ensure the creation of such an organizational and staffing structure of the Armed Forces that would be in maximum compliance with the military doctrine adopted in the state, and would also make it possible to make maximum use of the combat capabilities of military equipment and weapons with minimal costs.