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Inguinal hernia psychosomatics Louise Hay. Psychosomatics: Louise Hay explains how to get rid of the disease once and for all


Louise Hay, a famous psychologist, is one of the most popular authors of self-development books, many of which have sold thousands and thousands of copies throughout the world. The table of Louise’s diseases is the result of many years of observation of the condition physical body and the state of mind of people, and, above all, Louise Hay herself. The psychological trauma she experienced in her youth, later, in her opinion, became the cause of the appearance of a cancerous tumor in Louise’s body. The terrible diagnosis forced her to reconsider her views on life and herself, and become convinced that the reason for the appearance of this disease, which frightens many people, lies in the resentment and anger that persists in her soul.


She was convinced that it was the resentment rooted in her soul that gave life to this disease, and that getting rid of the tumor through surgery would not get rid of the causes of its appearance, so she needed to work on herself before deciding to have surgery. And her work on herself bore fruit, some time after getting rid of past grievances with the help of affirmations for illnesses compiled by Louise Hay, the tumor miraculously disappeared, and subsequent tests showed that there was no trace left of this tumor and there was no more surgery it made sense. Self-love, in her opinion, became the cause of healing, and Louise Hay’s table of affirmations, which she published in her book “Heal Yourself,” was just a tool that helps get rid of emotional problems that give rise to various diseases in people’s bodies.

If you want to get rid of any illness using Louise Hay's affirmation chart, you can find the corresponding illness in the table and determine what emotional causes may be the source of your illness, and what affirmation you can use to eliminate these causes. Work with the affirmations presented for as long as necessary until the emotional problem no longer exists, then allow the Universe to do its work in eliminating your illness. Of course, the table of diseases will not necessarily help you determine the exact cause of your illness, but, nevertheless, you should try to apply the affirmations presented, and then, perhaps, healing will not be long in coming.

Louise Hay's table of diseases, affirmations for healing head ailments and psychological disorders:

Pituitary gland problems.Imbalance.
Affirmation for problems of the pituitary gland: Harmony occurs between all systems, organs and cells of my body.
Amnesia.Fear. Escape from life. Inability to stand up for yourself.
Amnesia Affirmation: Intelligence, courage and self-esteem are always present in me. It's safe to be alive.
Dizziness.Frivolity, absent-mindedness, refusal to look at the essence of problems.
Affirmation for dizziness: I am completely focused and at peace. It is completely safe for me to be alive and enjoy life.
Apathy.Resistance to feelings. "Burying" yourself alive. Fear.
Affirmation for apathy: It is safe to experience feelings. I open myself to life. I'm totally ready to experience life.
Headache.Self-criticism. Reluctance to accept what is really happening.
Affirmation for headaches: I love and approve of myself. I look at myself and what I do with love. I'm safe.
Depression.Anger. Hopelessness.
Affirmation for Depression: Right now I am moving beyond my fears and limitations. I create my own life.
Anxiety, nervousness.Distrust of the natural process of life.
Affirmations for anxiety, nervousness: I love and approve of myself, I trust the natural process of life. I'm safe.
Vivacity of mind and insanity.Striving for a safe childhood. Requires care and attention.
Affirmation for mental alertness and insanity: I am protected and live in peace. The infinite wisdom of the universe operates on all levels of my being.
Hyperactivity.Feeling of pressure and frenzy.
Affirmation for hyperactivity: I am safe. All pressure dissolves. I'm good enough.
Stuttering.Insecurity. Lack of expressiveness. Holding back tears.
Affirmation for stuttering: I can speak for myself freely. It's completely safe to be expressive, and I'm safe. I communicate with everyone with love.
Migraine.Sexual fears, fear of intimacy, or fear of letting someone get too close. Feelings of lust or pressure.
Affirmation for migraines: I easily enter into the flow of life and allow life to provide me with everything I need in the most convenient way. I love life.
Seizure.Escape from yourself, family or life.
Affirmation for seizures: I have found my home in the universe, I am home. I am safe, protected and understood.
Cramps.Tension, fear, internal pressures, the desire to stay in place.
Affirmation for cramps: I am relaxed, I allow my mind to be calm.
Coma.Fear. Trying to escape from someone or something.
Affirmation for coma: We surround you with protection and love. We create space for you to heal. You are loved.
Stroke.Uncertainty, lack of self-expression. Holding back tears.
Affirmation for stroke: Life changes, and I easily adapt to changes. I accept life with all its past, present and future.
Paralysis.Fear, horror. Rescue from a situation or person. Resistance.
Affirmation for paralysis: I am one with all life. I am safe, I am absolutely adequate in any situation.
Seasickness.Fear. Fear of death. Lack of self-control.
Seasickness Affirmation: I am absolutely protected in the Universe. I am at peace everywhere. I trust life.
Travel intolerance.Fear. Addiction. Feeling of being trapped.
Affirmation for Travel Intolerance: I move through time and space with ease, and only love surrounds me.
Parkinson's disease.Fear and a strong desire to control everything and everyone.
Affirmation for Parkinson's disease: I relax knowing that I am safe. Life is for me and I trust the process of life.
Bed-wetting.Fear towards parents, usually towards the father.
Bedwetting Affirmation: My child is surrounded by love, compassion and understanding. Everything is fine.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for eye diseases:

Conjunctivitis.Anger and disappointment are what you are looking for in life.
Affirmation for conjunctivitis: With my own eyes I see love. There is a better solution for everything and I am making it now.
Astigmatism.Fear of seeing your real self.
Affirmation for astigmatism: I am completely ready to meet my own beauty and splendor.
Cataract.Inability to see, to look forward with joy. The future looks dark.
Affirmation for cataracts: Life is beautiful and filled with joy. I look to my future with hope, joy and courage.
Eye problems in children.Reluctance to see what is happening in the family.
Affirmation for eye problems in children: Harmony, joy, beauty and safety surround my child.
Farsightedness.Fear of the present.
Affirmation for farsightedness: Here and now I am safe. I see it clearly.
Myopia.Fear of the future.
Affirmation for myopia: I accept life, I am always safe.
Eye stye.A look at life through evil eyes. Angry at someone.
Affirmation for stye eyes: My choice is to look at everyone and everything with joy and love.

Table of Louise Hay's diseases, affirmations for ENT diseases:

Tonsil inflammation.Fear. Suppression of emotions. Suppression of creativity.
Affirmation for inflammation of the tonsils: My goodness flows freely. Divine ideas are expressed through me. I am at peace.
Ear problems.Reluctance to hear. Anger or extreme confusion.
Affirmation for ear problems: I can hear, and I hear with love.
Noise in ears.Refusal to listen. Inability to hear your inner voice. Stubbornness.
Affirmation for Tinnitus: I trust my higher self. I listen to my inner voice. I let go of everything other than love.
Throat pain.Holding back angry words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
Affirmation for sore throat: I let go of all restrictions. I have the freedom to be myself.
Throat problems:Inability to speak for oneself. Swallowed anger. Suppression of creativity. Refusal to change.
Affirmation for throat problems: It is okay to say what you want and be heard. I express myself freely and joyfully. I speak for myself with ease. I let my creativity shine through. I'm ready for change.
Angina.Firm belief in lack of ability to speak up for oneself and ask for one's needs.
Affirmation for a sore throat: It is my birthright to have my needs met. I ask for what I need with love and ease.
Laryngitis.Fear to speak out.
Affirmation for laryngitis: I am flexible and fluid.
Snore.Stubborn refusal to let go of outdated patterns of behavior and thoughts.
Affirmation for snoring: I let go of everything other than love and joy from my mind. I am moving from the past to a new, wonderful future.
Respiratory diseases.Fear of the possibility of completely trusting life.
Affirmation for respiratory illness: I am safe. I love my life.
Postnasal drip.Internal crying. Children's tears. Victim.
Affirmation for post-nasal syndrome: I acknowledge and accept that I am a creative force in my world. My choice is to enjoy life.
Sinus problems.Irritation with someone, usually those who are nearby.
Affirmation for sinus problems: I declare peace and harmony with all people around me. I surround myself with love and goodwill.

Louise Hay's disease table, affirmations for eating disorders:

Excessive appetite.Fear. Need for protection. Judging yourself for your emotions.
Affirmation for excess appetite: I am safe. It is completely safe to experience emotions. What I feel is completely normal.
The problem of excess weight.Fear, feeling a deep need for emotional protection, avoidance of feelings, uncertainty. Excessive sensitivity.
Weight Loss Affirmation: I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe wherever I am. I create my own security. I love and accept myself.
Indigestion.Fear and anxiety about a recent or upcoming event.
Affirmation for indigestion: I easily receive all new experiences, I accept them with peace and joy.
Loss of appetite.Fear. Protecting yourself. Lack of trust in life.
Affirmation for loss of appetite: I love and approve of myself. I'm safe. Life is safe and joyful.
Anorexia.Denial of self and life. Extreme fear of rejection.
Affirmation for anorexia: This is safe for me. I am beautiful just because I am. I choose joy and accept myself.
Bulimia.The horror of hopelessness. Self-hatred.
Affirmation for bulimia. Life surrounds me with love, care and support. It is completely safe to be alive.
Nausea.Fear, rejection of ideas or experiences.
Affirmation for nausea: I am safe. I trust the process of life to provide me with all my blessings.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for healing ailments of the digestive system:

Teeth problems.Indecision, inability to cope with ideas in order to analyze and take action.
Affirmation for Dental Problems: I make decisions based on the principles of truth. I allow myself to relax with the knowledge that only the right actions take place in my life.
Pyorrhea.Anger due to inability to make decisions. Inexpressiveness.
Affirmation for pyorrhea: I approve of myself. My solutions are perfect for me.
Impacted wisdom tooth.Lack of mental space to create a solid foundation.
Affirmation for impacted wisdom teeth: I open my creation to expand my life. There is plenty of room for me to change and grow.
Gum problems.Inability to make a decision.
Affirmation for gum problems: I am a determined person. I keep moving and support myself with love.
Stomatitis.Bad words are suppressed by the lips. Censure.
Affirmation for stomatitis: I create only joyful experiences in my loving world.
Belching.Fear, the desire to embrace all aspects of life at once.
Burping Affirmation: There is a time and a place for everything I need to do. I am at peace.
Heartburn.Constrained by fear. Lack of trust in the process of life.
Affirmation for heartburn: I breathe freely and fully. I'm safe. I trust the process of life.
Stomach problems.Fear, fear of something new.
Affirmation for stomach problems: I am in agreement with life. I easily learn everything new at any moment in my life. Everything is fine. I am relaxed and I allow my mind to be calm.
Pancreatitis.Rejection. Anger and disappointment from the loss of the sweetness of life.
Affirmation for pancreatitis: I love and approve of myself, and I myself create the sweetness of my life.
Peptic ulcer.Fear. The belief that you are not good enough. Eager to please.
Affirmation for peptic ulcers: I love and approve of myself. I am at peace with myself. I'm a wonderful person.
Liver problems, hepatitis.Resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. The liver is the seat of anger and rage.
Affirmation for liver problems, hepatitis: My mind is clean and free. I leave the past and move forward to a new future. Everything is fine.
Intestinal problems.The source of problems is in the past. Fear of letting go of the past.
Affirmation for intestinal problems: I easily and freely let go of everything old and joyfully welcome everything new.
Chain.A persistent belief that you are a victim. Helplessness in shaping other people's attitudes.
Affirmation for tapeworms: Other people reflect everything that is good in me. I love and approve of all that I am.
Colic.Mental irritation. Irritation with the environment.
Colic Affirmation: This baby responds only to love and loving thoughts.
Colitis.Excessive demands on parents. Feeling oppressed and defeated. Great need for affection.
Affirmation for colitis: I love and approve of myself. I create my own joy. My choice is to be a winner in life.
Flatulence.Unlearned ideas or problems.
Affirmation for flatulence: I am relaxed, I allow life to flow through me with ease.
Abdominal colic.Fear. Life has come to a standstill.
Affirmation for abdominal colic: I trust the process of life. I'm safe.
Appendicitis.Fear. Fear of life. Independent creation of barriers to all the good things that life gives.
Affirmation for appendicitis: I am safe, I am relaxed. I allow all good things to flow into my life.
Diarrhea.Fear and rejection. Trying to escape from someone or something.
Affirmation for Diarrhea: My body's absorption, absorption, and elimination processes are working perfectly. I am at peace with life.
Constipation.Reluctance to free yourself from old ideas.
Affirmation for Constipation: I let go of the past, and open myself to something new, fresh, and full of life. I let life flow through me.
Anorectal bleeding.Anger and frustration.
Affirmation for anorectal bleeding: I trust the process of life. Only right and good deeds have a place in my life.
Anal problems.An accumulated load of problems, grievances and negative memories.
Affirmation for anal problems: I easily and freely let go of everything bad from my life.
Haemorrhoids.Fear of deadlines. Fear of letting go and moving on.
Affirmation for hemorrhoids: I let go of everything that is against love. There is always time and space for everything I want to do.
Anal abscess.Anger towards what you are trying to hold on to.
Affirmation for anal abscess: It is completely safe for me to let go of everything I am trying to hold on to. And I'm letting it go.
Anal fistula.The influence of the remnants of the past. Reluctance to part with the remnants of the past.
Affirmation for Anal Fistula: I lovingly let go of my past. I am free. I'm full of love.
Anal itching.Feeling guilty about the past. Feeling of remorse.
Affirmation for Anal Itching: I lovingly forgive myself. I am free.
Anal pain.Guilt. The desire to be punished. Feelings of inferiority.
Affirmation for anal pain: The past is past, I am worthy of forgiveness. I choose love and accept the real me.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for healing ailments of the respiratory system:

Breathing problems.Fear or refusal of responsibility for your life. The feeling that you are not good enough to take your place in life.
Affirmation for breathing problems: It is my birthright to live a free and full life. I am worthy of love. My choice to live life to the fullest.
Bronchitis.Irritation with family environment. Arguments and screams. Silence.
Affirmation for bronchitis: I am in peace and harmony with everything that is inside and around me. Everything is fine.
Bad breath.Thoughts of anger and revenge. Periodic return to the past.
Affirmation for bad breath: I let go of the past with love. My choice is to express love.
Choking attacks.Fear. Lack of trust in life. When you get stuck in childhood.
Affirmation for choking attacks: It is safe to be an adult. The world is a safe place. I'm safe.
Asthma.Unresolved guilt. Suppression by love. Inability to breathe for yourself alone. Feeling depressed. Suppressed crying.
Asthma Affirmation: It is completely safe for me to take responsibility for my own life. I choose freedom.
Childhood asthma.Fear of life. Reluctance to be here and now.
Affirmation for a child with asthma: My child is safe and surrounded by love. I am always glad to see my child and lovingly surround him with care.
Hyperventilation.Resistance to change. Inability to accept change.
Affirmation for hyperventilation: I am safe everywhere in the universe. I love myself and trust the process of life.
Lung problems.Depression, sadness or fear of life. Lack of dignity.
Affirmation for lung problems: I have the potential to create the fullness of life. I live life to the fullest with love.
Pneumonia.Despair. Tired of life. Unhealed emotional wounds.
Affirmation for pneumonia: I freely accept Divine ideas filled with the breath and intelligence of life. This is a new life.

Louise Hay's table of diseases, affirmations for healing ailments of the human skeleton and muscles:

Bone problems:Violation of the structure of the internal universe.
Affirmation for bone problems: My body, mind and soul are in complete harmony.
Osteoporosis.Feeling of lack of support in life.
Affirmation for Osteoporosis: I can stand up for myself, and life supports me in the most pleasant, loving ways.
Bone fragility.Rebellion against authority.
Affirmation for Brittle Bones: I am my only authority in my world, and I am the only source of my own thoughts.
Bone deformation.Mental pressure and tension. Loss of muscle flexibility. Loss of mental flexibility.
Affirmation for bone deformation: I breathe freely and fully. I am relaxed, I trust the flow and process of life.
Intervertebral hernia.Feeling unsupported in life.
Affirmation for herniated disc: Life supports me in every way. I love and accept myself, and everything is fine.
Spinal curvature.Inability to trust the flow of life. Fear of new ideas. Distrust of life. Lack of integrity. Inability to defend one's beliefs.
Affirmation for spinal curvature: I let go of all fears. I trust the process of life. I know what life is for me. I stand straight and tall.
Neck problems.Refusal to see other people's positions. Stubbornness.
Affirmation for Neck Problems: I am flexible in the way I view the world.
Back problems.Lack of support in life.
Affirmation for back problems: I know that life always supports me.
Slouch.The need to endure the hardships of life. Helplessness and hopelessness.
Affirmation for slouching: I stand straight and free. I love and approve of myself. My life is getting better every day.
Upper spine problems.Lack of emotional support.
Affirmation for upper spine problems: I love and accept myself. Life supports and loves me.
Mid-spine problems.Guilt. Having a life of things that pull you back.
Affirmation for upper spine problems: I am letting go of the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart.
Lower spine problems.Financial problems and anxiety. Fear around money. Lack of financial support.
Affirmation for lower spine problems: I trust the process of life. I am provided with everything I need. I'm safe.
Sciatica.Hypocrisy. Fear of money, fear of the future.
Affirmation for sciatica: I am moving towards my greatest good. My blessings are everywhere, I am safe, I am protected.
Stiffness of muscles and joints.Fixed, rigid thinking.
Affirmation for stiff muscles and joints: I am safe and I can allow my mind to be flexible.
Stiff neck.Inflexibility.
Affirmation for Stiff Neck: It is completely safe to see other vantage points.
Ankle problems.Rigidity and guilt. Inability to enjoy the process of achieving a goal.
Affirmations for ankle problems: I deserve the joys of life. I accept all the pleasures that life gives. I move forward in life easily.
Hand problems.A strong desire to hold on to something. Inability to see good side of things.
Affirmation for hand problems: My choice is to accept any experience with ease, joy and love.
Shoulder problems.The weight of the whole world on your shoulders. Feeling that life is becoming a burden.
Affirmation for shoulder problems: I choose only joyful and loving experiences.
Hand problems.Express the ability to accumulate and preserve life experience.
Affirmation for hand problems: With love and pleasure, I acquire and accumulate life experience.
Elbow problems.Lack of flexibility, inability to change direction or accept new experiences.
Affirmation for elbow problems: I easily enter the flow of life and gain new experiences, choose a direction and accept new changes.
Wrist problems.Difficulties in moving through life.
Affirmation for Wrist Problems: I receive all my experiences with wisdom, love and ease.
Carpal tunnel disease.Anger and frustration at the perceived injustice of life.
Carpal Tunnel Disease Affirmation: My choice is to create a fulfilling life of abundance. I'm at ease.
Finger problems.Excessive concern about the details of the future.
Affirmation for finger problems: I let the details take care of themselves.
Thumb problems.Anxiety, constant thinking, being submissive.
Affirmation for problems thumb: My mind is at peace.
Index finger problems.Fear of power. Selfishness, abuse of one's own authority.
Affirmation for index finger problems: I am safe.
Arthritis.Feeling unloved, criticized, resentful and bitter. The feeling that you are not good enough.
Arthritis Affirmation: I am full of love. My choice is acceptance and self-love. I look at other people with love.
Arthritis of the fingers.Desire for punishment. Accusation. Feeling like a victim.
Affirmation for arthritis of fingers: I look at everything with understanding and love. I hold all my experiences in the light of love.
Rheumatism.Feeling like a victim. Lack of love. Chronic bitterness. Resentment.
Affirmation for rheumatism: I create my own experience. I love and approve of myself and others. And they get better and better.
Rheumatoid arthritis.Deep criticism of power. Feeling burdened.
Affirmation for rheumatoid arthritis: I love and approve of life. Life is Beautiful.
Right side of the body problems.Waste of male energy.
Affirmation for problems on the right side of the body: I ​​balance my masculine energy with ease.
Problems on the left side of the body:Women's side. Expresses receptivity and acceptance.
Affirmation for problems on the left side of the body: My feminine energy is perfectly balanced.
Leg problems.Fear of the future. Inability to think things through.
Affirmation for foot problems: I move forward with confidence and joy, and know that everything is great in my future.
Buttock problems.Problems applying force, weak buttock muscles, loss of strength.
Affirmation for Butt Problems: I use my power wisely. I have a strong body. I feel safe. Everything is fine.
Hip problems.Fears of moving forward, following major decisions.
Affirmation for hip problems: I am in complete harmony with myself and the world around me. I move forward in life with ease and joy at any age.
Knee problems.Stubborn ego and pride. Inflexibility. Inability to make concessions.
Affirmation for knee problems: Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I easily give in to the flow of life.
Bursitis.Suppressed anger. The desire to hit someone.
Affirmation for bursitis: Love dissolves and releases everything unnecessary in me.

Louise Hay's table of diseases, affirmations for healing ailments of the genitourinary system:

Bladder problems.Anxiety. The habit of holding on to outdated ideas. Fear of letting go of something. Angry about something.
Affirmation for bladder problems: I feel comfortable and free, letting go of everything old from my life and inviting everything new into my life. I'm safe.
Kidney problems.Criticism, disappointment, failure. Shame. The habit of reacting like a child.
Affirmation for Kidney Problems: I benefit from every experience. It's completely safe to grow.
Kidney stones.Retaining anger from the past.
Affirmation for kidney stones: I easily dissolve all past problems.
Bright's disease.The feeling of being a child, unable to do anything right or good enough. Errors. Losses.
Affirmation for Bright's disease: I love and approve of myself. I can take care of myself. I am absolutely adequate at any time.
Problems with urination.Anger, usually towards the opposite sex or a lover.
Affirmation for urinary problems: I release the patterns of behavior and thoughts from my mind that create these conditions. I'm ready for change. I love and approve of myself.
Infertility.Fear and resistance to the process of life. Not having to go through the experience of raising children.
Affirmation for infertility: I trust the process of life I am always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. I love and accept myself.

Louise Hay's table of diseases, affirmations for healing women's ailments:

Women's problems.Denial of oneself and, in particular, the woman within oneself.
Affirmations for women's problems: I am glad that I am a woman. I love being a woman and I love my body.
Breast problems.Violation of harmony between mother and child.
Affirmation for breast problems: I receive and give nutrition in perfect balance.
Left breast problems.Feeling of lack of love, refusal to take care of yourself. Putting others first in your life at the expense of yourself.
Affirmation for left breast problems: I love and receive nourishment from all around me.
Right breast problems.Excessive concern for security, bossiness, difficulty giving love.
Affirmation for right breast problems: I have complete trust in life, knowing that I am protected and loved. My choice is to love and be loved.
Breast cyst, swelling, soreness.Excessive concentration on maternal feelings, excessive care, domineering attitude, cessation of nutrition.
Affirmation for cyst, tumor, breast tenderness: I have the freedom to be myself and I allow others to be who they are. Growing up is safe for each of us.
Fibroid.Accepting pain from a partner, a blow to your female ego.
Affirmations for Fibroid: I release the pattern that attracts this experience. I create only what is good for my life.
Vaginitis.Anger at your spouse. Sexual guilt. Self-punishment.
Affirmation for Vaginitis: Other people reflect the love and contentment I radiate. I enjoy my sexuality.
Thrush (vaginal infections).Feeling your sexuality as a burden, exploitation. Feelings of guilt, shame, suppression of sexual feelings, intimacy with the wrong person.
Affirmation for thrush (vaginal infections): I am letting go of the past, I am free, I feel great. I'm doing the right things in the present moment.
Menopause.Fear of being unwanted.
Menopause Affirmation: I am in harmony and at peace with all the changes in my body, I know that I am loved.
Menstrual imbalance.Giving up your femininity. Feeling guilty, feeling unworthy of love.
Affirmation for menstrual imbalance: The processes in my body are a natural part of life. I love and accept myself.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS).When confusion and external circumstances take over. Denial of women's processes.
Affirmation for Premenstrual Syndrome: I take responsibility for my mind and my life. I am a strong woman. Every organ in my body works perfectly. I love me.

Louise Hay's table of diseases, affirmations for healing male ailments:

Prostate problems.Mental fears. Weakening of masculinity. Sexual pressure and feelings of guilt or inferiority.
Affirmation for prostate problems: I accept and enjoy my masculinity. I accept my power. I embrace life and feel young at heart. I love and approve of myself.
Impotence.Sexual feelings of guilt or pressure, feelings of anger towards the previous partner.
Affirmation for Impotence: I allow my sexual energy to fully flow through me with ease.
Testicle problems.Not accepting masculine principles or masculinity within oneself.
Affirmation for testicular problems: I allow the man inside me to open up completely. I accept my masculine nature and allow life to guide me in the ways of a man.

Louise Hay's table of diseases, affirmations for healing skin diseases:

Skin problems.Anxiety, fear, feeling of danger. Grievances of the past.
Affirmation for skin problems: With love, I protect myself with thoughts of joy and peace. The past is forgiven and forgotten. I am free.
Flabbiness of facial skin.Flabbiness of thoughts in the head. Dissatisfaction with life.
Affirmation for sagging facial skin: I express the joy of life and allow myself to enjoy every moment of every day. I'm young again.
Acne.Rejection or dislike of oneself.
Acne Affirmation: I am the Divine manifestation of life. I love and accept myself where I am.
Pimples.Feeling like an outcast, unloved.
Acne Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I love and are loved.
Ringworm.Allowing others to get under your skin. Lack of dignity.
Affirmation for ringworm: I love and approve of myself. I am alone and only I have power over myself. I am free.
Scabies.Contagious thinking. Allowing others to flatter you under your skin.
Scabies Affirmation: I am full of a vibrant, loving and joyful expression of life. I am a person.
Skin rash.Irritation from procrastination. Childish ways to get attention.
Affirmation for skin rash: I love and approve of myself. I am at peace with the processes of life.
Hives.Small, hidden fears. Transforming a fly into an elephant.
Affirmation for Hives: I bring peace into every corner of my life.
Psoriasis.Fear of pain. Muffling feelings and sensations. Refusal to take responsibility for one's own feelings.
Affirmation for psoriasis: I am alive for the joy of life. I deserve and accept the best things in life. I love and approve of myself.
Athlete's foot.Frustration from not accepting oneself. Inability to move forward with ease.
Affirmation for athlete's foot: I love and accept myself. I allow myself to move forward. It's safe to keep moving.
Plantar warts.Anger. Disappointment about the future.
Affirmation for plantar warts: I move forward with confidence and ease. I trust the flow and process of life.
Blisters.Resistance. Lack of emotional protection.
Affirmation for Blisters: I trust the flow of life and embrace each new experience. Everything is fine.
Carbuncle.Anger regarding personal injustice.
Affirmation for Carbuncles: I let go of the past and allow love to heal every area of ​​my life.
Body odor.Fear. self-dislike. Fear of others.
Body odor affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I'm safe.
Boils.Anger. Internal boiling.
Affirmation for boils: I express love and joy. I am at peace.
Calluses.Stagnation of ideas and concepts. Strengthening fear.
Affirmation for Calluses: It is completely safe to see and experience new ideas and new ways. I am open and receptive to all good things.
Vitiligo.Detachment from everything. The feeling of being outside of things. Reluctance to belong to any group.
Affirmation for vitiligo: I am at the center of life, I am in complete unity with all that exists.
Warts.Minor expressions of hatred. Belief in ugliness.
Affirmation for warts: I am a complete expression of the love and beauty of life.

Louise Hay's disease table, affirmations for healing the endocrine system, metabolic disorders:

Adrenal problems.Defeatism. Lack of self-care. Anxiety.
Affirmation for adrenal problems: I love and accept myself. It's safe for me to take care of myself.
Addison's disease.Severe lack of emotion. Anger at yourself.
Affirmation for Addison's disease: I take loving care of my body, mind, and emotions.
Cushing's disease.Mental imbalance. Excess of scattered ideas. Feeling of excess energy.
Affirmation for Cushing's disease: I lovingly create harmony between my mind and body. I choose thoughts that make me feel good.
Thyroid problems.Humiliation. Feeling of restraint, suppression. The feeling that you will never be able to do what you want to do.
Affirmation for Thyroid Problems: I move beyond old limitations and allow myself to express myself freely and creatively.
Rickets.Lack of emotions. Lack of love and security.
Affirmation for rickets: I am safe, I am nourished by the love of the Universe itself.
Diabetes.Longing for what could have been. The feeling that everything that made me happy in life has passed.
Diabetes Affirmation: Every moment now is filled with joy. Today I choose to experience the joy of life.

Louise Hay's table of diseases, affirmations for healing the circulatory system:

Heart attack.Depriving yourself of the joy of life in favor of money or status.
Heart Attack Affirmation: I bring joy back to the center of my heart. I express love for everything.
Heart problems.Lack of joy, resolving issues with anger rather than love.
Affirmations for heart problems: My heart beats to the rhythm of love.
Circulation problems.Lack of joy or stagnation of ideas.
Affirmation for circulation problems: New joyful ideas circulate freely within me.
Anemia.Doubts. Lack of joy. Fear of life. The feeling that you are not good enough.
Anemia Affirmation: It is safe for me to experience joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
Phlebitis.Anger and disappointment. Blaming others for sadness and lack of joy in life.
Affirmation for Phlebitis: Joy flows freely within me. I am at peace with life.
Arteriosclerosis.Resistance, tension. Narrow-mindedness. Reluctance to see the good.
Affirmation for arteriosclerosis: I am completely open to life and joy. My choice is to look at everything with love.
Cholesterol is high.Clogged channels of joy.
Affirmation for high cholesterol: My choice is to love life. My channels of joy are wide open. Acceptance is completely safe for me.
Coronary thrombosis.Feelings of loneliness and fear. The feeling that you are not good enough and will never improve.
Affirmation for Coronary Thrombosis: I am one with all life. The universe has my full support. Everything is fine.
Artery problems.Burdened by the joys of life.
Affirmation for artery problems: I am full of joy. It flows through me with every heartbeat.
Blood problems.Lack of joy. Stagnation in thoughts.
Affirmation for blood problems: I am an expression of the joy of life. Thoughts filled with joy circulate freely in my body.
Blood clotting.Closing the flow of joy.
Affirmation for bleeding problems: I awaken the life within me. I'm getting into the flow.
High blood pressure (hypertension).Long-term emotional problems that remain unsolved.
Affirmation for hypertension (high blood pressure): I happily let go of the past. I am at peace.
Blood pressure is low.Lack of love in childhood. Defeatism. An attitude in which a person does not believe that his actions can improve the situation.
Low Blood Pressure Affirmation: I choose to live joyfully in the present. My life is filled with joy.
Phlebeurysm.Staying in a hateful situation. Feeling overwhelmed and burdened.
Affirmation for varicose veins: I follow my inner truth, I live and move forward with joy. I love life, and life guides me in the best way for me.
Spleen problem.Obsession. Obsession with things.
Affirmation for spleen problems: I love and approve of myself. I trust the process of life to carry me towards my infinite good. I'm safe. Everything is fine.

Louise Hay's disease table, affirmations for combating infectious diseases and immune system disorders:

Infections.Irritation, anger, or frustration about a recent situation.
Affirmation for infection: I choose to be in peace and harmony with myself and the world around me.
Fever and infections.Anger, hot temper.
Affirmation for Fever and Infections: I am a cool, calm expression of love and peace.
Venereal diseases.Sexual guilt. Thirst for punishment. Conviction of sinfulness and contamination of one's sexual nature.
Affirmation for sexually transmitted diseases: I accept my sexuality with love and joy.
Allergy, allergic rhinitis.Rejection of other people or rejection of oneself. Disappointment with life.
Affirmation for allergies: The world around us is friendly and safe. I'm safe. I am at peace with life.
Shingles.Anticipation of an undesirable event that seems inevitable. Fear and tension. Excessive sensitivity.
Shingles Affirmation: I am relaxed, I am at peace, I trust the process of life. Everything is fine in my world.
Polio.Paralyzing envy. The desire to stop someone.
Polio Affirmation: There is enough for everyone. I create my goodness and my freedom with loving thoughts.
Rabies.Anger. The belief that the only answer to violence is violence.
Affirmation for rabies: I live surrounded by peace and prosperity.
AIDS.Feelings of insecurity and hopelessness. The persistent belief that you are not good enough. Denial of the true inner being, sexual guilt.
AIDS Affirmation: I am a divine, magnificent expression of life. I'm happy with my sexuality. I rejoice in everything that I am. I love me.
Herpes.The emergence of angry thoughts and the fear of expressing these thoughts.
Herpes Affirmation: I create a peaceful experience because I love myself. Everything is fine.
Tuberculosis.Exhaustion from selfishness. Tough thoughts. Revenge.
Affirmation for tuberculosis: I love and approve of myself, I create a livable world full of joy and peace.
Lupus.Accepting defeat. The feeling that it is easier to die than to stand up for yourself. Anger and punishment.
Lupus Affirmation: I speak for myself easily and freely. I assert my strength. I love and approve of myself. I'm safe, I'm free.
Flu.A response to mass negativity. Excessive faith in statistics.
Flu Affirmation: I am beyond common beliefs and opinions. I am free from overload and influence.
Tetanus.Angry thoughts that poison the mind for a long time.
Tetanus Affirmation: I will allow the love from my heart to cleanse me and heal my emotions and every cell of my body.

Louise Hay's table of diseases, affirmations for various ailments:

Abscess.Focusing thoughts on pain, resentment and revenge.
Abscess Affirmation: I allow my thoughts to flow freely. The past is over. I am at peace.
Pain.Longing for love. Continuing sadness.
Affirmation for common pain: I love and accept myself. I am a loving and attractive person.
Balance violation.Scattered thinking. Absent-mindedness.
Affirmation for imbalances: I give my life a safe direction. I accept the perfection of my life. Everything is fine.
Birth defects.Karma. It is your choice to be born this way. We choose our parents ourselves.
Affirmation for Birth Defects: Every experience is ideal for our growth process. I am at peace with where I am and who I am.
Cancer.Something that eats you up from the inside. Deep pain, mystery or grief. A hidden feeling of resentment.
Affirmation for Cancer: I lovingly forgive and let go of the past. My choice is to fill my life with joy. I love and approve of myself.
Tumors.Taking care of old grievances and turmoil. Emphasis on repentance.
Affirmation for tumors: I lovingly let go of the past and turn my attention to each new day.
Ulcers.Fear, the strong belief that you are not good enough, is what eats away at you.
Affirmation for ulcers: I love and approve of myself. I am at peace. I am calm.
Cysts.Return to painful old memories, grievances. False development.
Affirmation for cysts: The movies of my mind are beautiful because I choose only positive memories. I love me.
Diseases of children.Belief in calendars, social concepts, false laws. Childish behavior in adults.
Affirmation for illnesses of children: My child is divinely protected and surrounded by love.
Chills.Mental pressure. Detachment. The desire to retreat.
Affirmation for chills: I am safe and protected at all times. Love surrounds me and protects me. Everything is fine.
Chronic diseases.Refusal to change. Fear of the future. Lack of feeling of security.
Affirmation for Chronic Illness: I am ready for change and growth. I am creating a secure new future.
Cold.Excess of events. Mental confusion and disorder.
Affirmation for a cold: I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony reside within and around me.
Cough.A desperate desire to draw the world's attention to oneself.
Cough Affirmation: I am noticed and appreciated in the most positive ways. I am loved.
Sickle cell anemia.The conviction of one’s inferiority, which destroys the very joy of life.
Sickle Disease Affirmation: My child lives and breathes the joy of life and is nourished by love. God works miracles every day.
Solar plexus problems.Ignoring your gut feeling, intuition.
Affirmation for solar plexus problems: I trust my inner voice. I am strong, wise and powerful.
Swelling.Feeling stuck in thinking. Weedy, painful ideas.
Affirmation for swelling: My thoughts flow freely and easily. I move from idea to idea with ease.
Cystic fibrosis.A persistent belief that life is working against you. Self-pity.
Affirmation for cystic fibrosis: I love life and life loves me. I choose to live fully and freely.
Hernia.Breakdown of relationships, feeling burdened.
Hernia Affirmation: My mind is cleared and freed. I let go of the past and allow myself to move towards something new. Everything is fine.
Baldness.Fear, tension. The desire to control everything, lack of trust in life.
Affirmation for hair loss: I am safe. I love and accept myself. I trust life.
Grey hair.Stress. Feeling of pressure and tension.
Affirmation for gray hair: I am a strong and capable person. I am at peace and comfortable in all areas of my life.

Table of diseases of Louise Hay, affirmations for troubles in life:

Misfortune.Inability to speak oneself. Rebellion against authority. Belief in cruelty.
Affirmation for adversity: I release what is in me that creates this. I am at peace. I'm worth a lot.
Bleeding.Passing joy. Anger without reason.
Bleeding Affirmation: The joy of life comes in certain rhythms, and I trust those rhythms.
Affirmation for Bruises: I love and take care of myself. I am kind and gentle to myself. Everything is fine.
Stretching.Anger and resistance. Reluctance to move in a certain direction in life.
Stretch Affirmation: I trust the process of life to carry me to my highest good. I am at peace.
Burns.Anger, burning from within.
Affirmation for burns: I create peace and harmony within myself and in my environment. I deserve to feel good.
Cry.Tears are like a river of life; they flow just as easily in joy, in sadness and when we are scared.
Crying Affirmation: I am at peace with my emotions. I love and approve of myself.
Cuts.Punishment for violating your own rules.
Affirmation for cutting: I create a life full of rewards.
Abrasions.Feeling that life is depriving you.
Affirmation for abrasions: I am grateful for the greatest generosity that life shows me. I'm blessed.
Fainting.Fear, a feeling of powerlessness over anything, giving dark tones to what is actually happening.
Affirmation for fainting: I have strength and power, I have the knowledge and ability to cope with everything that I encounter in my life.

Louise Hay's table of illnesses, affirmations, miscellaneous:

Addictions.Escape from yourself. Avoiding facing fear face to face. Not knowing how to treat yourself with love.
Affirmation for painful addictions: Now it becomes clear to me how beautiful I am. My choice is to love and enjoy myself.
Aging problems.Social beliefs. Outdated thinking. Fear of being alone with yourself. Giving up the moment now.
Affirmation for accepting old age: I love and accept myself at any age. Every moment of life is beautiful.
Alcoholism, addictions.Aimlessness, guilt, feelings of inferiority, self-rejection.
Affirmation for alcoholism: I live in the present. Every moment of life is unique. My choice is to see the value of my life. I love and accept myself.

By the way, in the book “Heal Your Body” there is another version of Louise Hay’s table, different from the one that Louise Hay gave in the book “Heal Yourself”. “Heal Your Body” provides a table of spinal problems, which in turn can be the cause of problems in various organs of our body, depending on the location of the problem in a particular part of the spine. Almost every vertebra is responsible for its own organ and related ailments. I think this table of Louise Hay's diseases will also be of interest to you.

Since childhood, a person has felt internal, constant and total loneliness. He's always lonely no matter who I'm with.

At some point, he has very close relationships (person, organization, idea), he identifies with them, merges, and on the other hand, it’s too good to be true. The feeling that all good things will end. It's too good to last forever.

The relationship is broken.

Since this object had the meaning of life, a person does not see the further meaning of existence, if this is not there, then I don’t need everything else. And the person chooses to die.

Theme of betrayal.

* Any “deadly disease,” in particular cancer, is a message from our inner self (soul, if you like, self, unconscious, God, Universe): “You will not live the way you were. The old personality inevitably dies. You can die psychologically as an old person and be reborn as a new person. Or die along with your principles and old life.”

Key points about the mechanism of the onset of the disease:

1. A person who has felt since childhood inner loneliness(constant and total). "I'm always lonely no matter who I'm with."

2. At some point, he has very close relationships (person, organization, idea), he identifies with them, to the level of merger, they become the meaning of his life. On the other hand, he is gnawed by the thought - “this is too good to be true.” The feeling that all good things will end. "It's too good to last forever."

3. Relationships are broken.

4. Since this object contained the meaning of life, the person does not see the further meaning of existence - “if this is not there, then I don’t need everything else.” And internally, on an unconscious level, a person makes the decision to die.

5. The theme of betrayal is always present. Or the feeling that he was betrayed. Or in the case of loss (of an idea, person, organization), the main idea is “to live on means to betray this bright past/relationship. The loss is not always physical, often it is a psychological loss, a subjective feeling.

The self-destruction mechanism starts quite quickly. Cases of late diagnosis are common. Since these people are used to being alone - they are from the series of “strong and persistent”, very heroic people, they never ask for help and do not share their experiences. It seems to them that being strong always adds bonuses to their lives, because they are valued that way. They "don't want to burden anyone." They ignore their experiences - they endure and remain silent. Servants. The mortality lies in the fact that a person cannot overcome this “loss”. To live, he needs to become different, change his beliefs, start believing in something else.

The more a person follows “his own rightness, his super-valuable ideas, ideals, principles,” the faster the tumor grows and he dies. Clear dynamics. This happens when an idea is more valuable than life.

1. It is extremely important for a sick person to find out that he is terminally ill. But everyone pretends that everything is fine. This is very harmful. The very “mortality” of the disease is the door to recovery. The sooner a person finds out, the greater the chance of staying alive.

2. The diagnosis itself is therapeutic - it gives the right to change the rules of the game, the rules become less important.

3. Old principles inevitably eat up (metastasis). If a person chooses to live, everything can be fine. Sometimes “imaginary funerals” help with the symbolic beginning of a new life.

Features of therapy:

1. Changing beliefs (working with values).

2. Separately study the topic of the future, what he should live for, setting goals. Goal setting (the meaning of life) for which you want to live. A goal in which he wants to invest entirely.

3. Working with the fear of death. Increasing the psychological resistance of the body. So that fear activates energy, not weakens it.

4. Legitimizing emotional needs. Make it clear that despite “coolness,” they, like all people, may need both support and intimacy - it is important to learn to ask for and receive it.

Causes of the disease

2. BARLEY– (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Emotional blockage

Mental block

3. BARLEY– (Valery Sinelnikov)

Description of the reason

4. BARLEY ON THE EYE– (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Look at life through eyes full of anger. Anger at someone.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I look at life and people with eyes full of understanding, forgiveness and love.

The eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, for a person they are a window into a huge, bright world. Through vision, information enters the brain about what is happening around. Distortion of the quality of visibility has a bad effect on well-being and quality of life. Inflammation of the eyes and eyelids – common occurrence Nowadays. And they arise not only because of eye strain during work. Impact of a computer monitor placed closely and so on. Ophthalmologists increasingly recommend looking for the cause of inflammation of the eyelids and styes in psychosomatics. The psychological causes of the development of conjunctivitis, myopia, farsightedness, stye and dryness have been studied for a long time.

Important! Psychologists have concluded that negative emotions are one of the most important causes of inflammation on the eyelids.

Psychosomatics is part of applied psychology. Her theories view the eyes not only as part of the brain, but also as a channel connecting our perception of the world with the surrounding reality. When figuring out the cause of inflammation of the eyelids, we must remember that, according to psychosomatic conclusions, any violation of harmony between the world and a person affects well-being, causes imbalance, and is the cause of inflammation and other diseases. Joy or anger is reflected on the eyelids.

The appearance of inflammation and stye on the eye was attributed to witchcraft spells, causing damage to a person. Therefore, inflammation was treated more with prayer, spells and magical rituals. People with poor health and mental health suffered from barley. They had an unprotected aura, a biofield. The sorcerers themselves often fell ill from inflammation of the eyelids.

Psychosomatics of the occurrence of barley

The moral and psychological state of a person directly affects his health. Needs to be supported positive attitude, then there will be no reason for the appearance of barley.

Eyes are an information channel that connects us with outside world. They need to be protected, eye inflammations and styes should be treated in a timely manner.

The organ of vision sometimes says more about a person than all the questionnaires and resumes. Women highlight their eyes and eyelids with cosmetics to attract the attention of others; when meeting and in conversation, people carefully look into the eyes of their interlocutor in order to read his true thoughts. An open look inspires confidence in a person. If they look from under their brows, their owner is “on his own mind.”

The release of negative and positive tension is often expressed in tears. After them, salty moisture remains on the cornea and inner eyelid.

Interesting! Those who cry often and a lot, or who do not cry at all, suffer more from eye diseases and inflammation. This is an observation by ophthalmologists.

The psychosomatics of barley lies in human hatred. This is the direct cause of the ripening of barley; inflammation on the eyelid can appear very soon.

Psychomatic factors causing the appearance of stye:

  1. Anger poisons a person’s life and well-being, giving rise to rage and irritability, which spill out on others. These emotions are the basis of inflammation on the eyelid. Speaking about the cause of inflammation of the eyelids, we must remember that anger undermines the immune system and opens the way for bacteria and microbes to enter the body. Emotional protection weakens, the level of positive charge and vitality decreases.
  2. Anger is another cause of inflammation of the eyelids. It is easier to be nervous and irritable than to be friendly. By throwing out his anger, a person does not relieve his soul; on the contrary, he cultivates and builds up a black feeling. Weak people around get infected bad mood, pass it on to others through a chain reaction. A constant critical attitude towards life accumulates in the subconscious. A person spends his energy not on good deeds, but on anger. Luck turns away from such a clot of negative energy, and the abscess on the eyelid will definitely come off.
  3. Fear is an important reason for the appearance of stye on the eyelid. In a state of nervous tension, a person is indecisive, he is afraid of changes in life, new ideas at work, his brain is shackled with fear. People with a weak psyche and lack of self-confidence are susceptible to this feeling. They suffer from inflammation and styes. If there is no element of creativity and adventurism in their life, it becomes dull. Groundhog Day is coming. Monotonous actions and events capture a person in their circle, and he is afraid to change his life. Weakness and fear are important causes of stye on the eye and inflammation on the eyelid.
  4. Exalted individuals are no less susceptible to the disease than phlegmatic people. They are characterized by categoricalness in defending their position and the manifestation of violent emotions. This heightened emotional background leads to the development of many nervous and physical diseases, including hordeolum. Inflammation and abscess are the way out emotional stress, accumulated in the nerve cells of the body.

Inflammation on the eyelid from a psychosomatic point of view is explained simply - the eye reacts negatively to what it does not want to see, what makes a person nervous and angry. Physically, nervous irritation is expressed in skin irritation in the form of inflammation and itching.

An example from one patient. She came to work in a women's team, where an atmosphere of gossip and hypocrisy flourished. All this caused a feeling of indignation, which accumulated month after month. The woman could not quit her job, but the situation in the office was very depressing for her. Soon, she learned what inflammation of the eyelids and styes were. There seemed to be no reason.

When another stye broke out on the eyelid, temporary psychological relief came. In the end, the patient left work and was lucky enough to get into a female, but very friendly team. She enjoyed going to work and felt great. The eyelid problems disappeared on their own.

For eyes to be healthy, they must see more often what a person likes. Styes and inflammation of the eyelids are the body’s protective reaction to negativity. The same thing happens when people often appear before our eyes to whom we do not wish well. They awaken irritation and anger in the soul. We must try to avoid unnerving factors. If it is not possible to do this, then you need to abstract yourself from them, erase them from your life, and not pay attention.

The causes of inflammation of the eyelids and the appearance of stye have been studied for a long time at the psychosomatic level by many scientists. The doctor begins the examination of the patient's eyelids with a conversation. From it he extracts information about the psychological state of a person. If it is unstable, then this can cause inflammation in the eye.

At a doctor’s appointment, the patient tells him what worries him, what hurts. A doctor who delves into the study of the patient’s psychosomatic state will quickly achieve the desired result in the treatment of barley. In addition to barley, it will protect a person from many other dangerous health conditions. If it is possible to achieve a balanced positive state of the patient, eyelid treatment is more effective and the disease does not return.

A few tips that will protect you from stye and eye inflammation:

  1. Be tolerant of the opinions of others, even if you cannot accept your opponent’s position. Every person has the right to his own opinion, to his own principles in life. If all people thought alike, she would lose her emotional colors. Differences in worldview, characters, and tastes provide the opportunity to develop. Learn to accept people as they are. You can’t mold everyone to your ideal. There will be no inflammation on the eyelids, the styes will recede.
  2. Don’t try to control everything – it takes a lot of effort. Don't insert yourself into the lives of strangers, focus on yourself. A person is forced to react to everything he encounters. Save your nervous system from unnecessary emotions. You will protect yourself from inflammation. Invest in yourself - in your education, pleasure, development of talents. Don’t lecture, don’t advise unless asked, don’t judge others.
  3. Try to treat people friendly and understanding. Try for yourself to find an explanation for their unseemly actions. This will help you understand and forgive, and therefore not become embittered.
  4. Live with hope in your soul. Look forward to each day with joy. Try to turn difficult situations into positive ones. If you emanate bright energy, people will be friendlier towards you. Styes and inflammation will disappear from your eyelids. There is a way out of every difficult situation. The disease is curable, lack of money is temporary, loneliness is fixable. All in your hands. Live in a good mood, it gives you strength. And illnesses more often overtake a weak person.

Sometimes barley goes away on its own in 3-4 days. If the head is small, it breaks through quickly and the wound heals.

Causes and symptoms of stye on the eye

Doctors and scientists agree that all diseases enter a progressive phase during a period when a person is in a loss of strength and a depressed psychological state.

Every person suffers from styes from time to time. The disease got its name because of its resemblance to a ripened barley grain. In medicine, this disease is called “hordeolum”.

Why does barley “jump off” in such an inconvenient place? It occurs near the follicle of a healthy eyelash and involves the sebaceous gland or hair follicle. At first, the area around it becomes slightly red and swollen, then inflammation, pain and severe itching appear. A large abscess takes 3-4 days to mature. Then it breaks through, the contents come out, and the pain gradually subsides. The abscess may be located on the outside of the eyelid. In this case, staphylococcus settles in the eyelash bulb. If the sebaceous gland becomes inflamed, a tubercle grows on the inside of the eyelid.

The cause of inflammation in the eye was considered to be only a cold. But this list can be continued with other factors:

  • germs from a dirty towel;
  • wiping your eyes with unwashed hands;
  • aggressive or expired cosmetics;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • weak immunity;
  • complication after a cold;
  • penetration of infection into the body;
  • diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • skin diseases;
  • emotional tension, stress;
  • neglect of the basics of personal hygiene.

These reasons have been studied and confirmed by scientists, therefore, at the first signs of stye, you should find the cause and get examined so as not to start a painful process, the signal for which was inflammation in the eyelid.

It would seem that there is no point in devoting an entire article to a small pimple. A stye appeared, broke through, the pain stopped, and that’s it, the patient forgot about the sore. If treatment is carried out incorrectly, complications arise:

  • the temperature rises;
  • pus spreads to areas of the eyelid adjacent to the localization;
  • the eye swells and cannot open.

These symptoms indicate serious inflammatory processes that require medical intervention. Otherwise, pathologies may develop leading to vision loss.

It has been observed that in densely populated cities more people suffer from visual impairment. The lack of perspective blocks the flight of sight. Constantly bumping into obstacles in the form of stone walls, monitors, and other people's faces, your eyes get tired of the diversity and enclosed space. They get used to looking at objects that are close. After all, one of the ways to correct myopia is to exercise - look into the distance, especially at the blue sea.

Failure to comply with hygiene standards

The eye shell is thin and sensitive, so microbes often penetrate through it. In a humid environment, they multiply intensively, which leads to inflammation.

Lenses can be a common cause of styes. Their use requires careful care and careful application. Lenses have an expiration date, after which their use becomes more dangerous than the disease itself. Many people neglect their daily care. The eyes get tired from the daily presence of a foreign body. In the evening, after washing your face, be sure to instill moisturizing drops with vitamins for your eyes.

If a speck gets into the eye under the eyelid, it must be carefully removed. It may have sharp edges. You need to take warm water into your palm and lower your eye into it. Try to “blink” with an open eye. If you cannot get rid of the foreign object, you need to remove it with the edge of a clean napkin. Many mothers try to “lick” the speck out of their child’s eye. This cannot be done; there can be more germs on the tongue than on a tiny speck of dust.

In women, stye most often appears on the upper eyelid. Particles of decorative cosmetics (mascara or eye shadow) get under the upper eyelid.

A cold itself does not cause inflammation on the eyelid. But during a cold, immunity decreases and the body weakens. Then the bacteria attack without encountering resistance. Barley “jumps off” after suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, or tonsillitis. This is also due to the weakening of protective forces.

The eye diseases blepharitis and demodectic mange coexist with styes. Blepharitis is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids, its cause is the presence of staphylococci in the body. It is characterized by the appearance of dry crusts on the eyelids, loss of eyelashes, and redness.

Demodectic mange is caused by the proliferation of mites in the eyelash bulbs, which secrete toxic substances. They may be the cause of stye. The disease is contagious. The patient must follow the rules - use individual personal hygiene products, wash hands more often, have your own bedding.

What is the reason for decreased immunity?

There are periods in a person's life when health weakens. This happens for various reasons - hard work, poor living conditions, nervous tension. In this state, the body cannot cope with all microbes and viruses. At this point, inflammation and stye may appear.

The body's strength is depleted in the case of:

  1. Poor nutrition, which lacks “live” foods, vitamins, and proteins. Each organ has its own set of microelements and nutrients for stable functioning. For example, vitamins A and B, which are found in fish oil and carrots, are beneficial for the eyes.
  2. The development of chronic diseases in which the formation of pathogenic bacteria progresses. These are caries, dysbacteriosis, anemia.
  3. Disturbances in sleep and wakefulness. Inadequate rest is deposited in the subconscious, chronic fatigue accumulates, weakening the body.
  4. Frequent overwork and nervous tension. Stressful situations reduce protection.
  5. The use of antibiotics and hormone-containing drugs, radiation and chemotherapy in the treatment of oncology.
  6. Polluted air, drinking water containing harmful impurities, vegetables and fruits grown in unfavorable conditions.

The appearance of stye is influenced by physical and psychological reasons. Compliance with personal hygiene standards, taking care of the health of the whole body, and a positive outlook on life will help protect yourself not only from inflammation of the eyelid, but also from many other ailments.

Spiritual and energetic cause – Stye on the eye

1. BARLEY– (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

You look at life with evil eyes. Anger at someone.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

Now I look at everything with love and joy.

2. BARLEY– (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Barley is an acute, very painful purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle of the eyelid margin. Barley tends to recur, especially in people suffering from digestive disorders.

Emotional blockage

Barley occurs in very emotional person, who finds it difficult to digest what he sees around him. What he sees leaves him dumbfounded. Such a person wants to see only what relates to his activities. He seeks to control what is happening. He feels anger and irritation when it turns out that other people see things differently.

Mental block

Barley tells you that you should be more tolerant of what you see around you. Even if you don't like what you see, understand that you can't control everything in life. At best, you can only control yourself. At the same time, you can relax and learn to look at people with your heart - this will help you love them and come to terms with the fact that they see things differently.

3. BARLEY– (Valery Sinelnikov)

Description of the reason

The appearance of stye means that you are looking at life with evil eyes. You have anger at someone. Reconsider your attitude towards this person. People say about one person: “He has evil eyes,” and about another they say “kind.” The condition of our eyes depends on what thoughts we have.


Louise Hay


My some thoughts:

1. We take 100% responsibility for all our actions.

2. Our every thought creates our future.

3. The starting point of strength is always in the present moment.

4. Everyone, without exception, suffers from feelings of guilt and self-hatred.

5. Everyone thinks about themselves: “I’m not good enough.”

6. Everything is in thought, and thought can be changed.

7. Hidden resentment, anger, criticism of others and oneself, guilt are the most harmful emotions for health.

8. Complete release from accumulated resentment or anger cures cancer.

9. When we truly love ourselves, our life is wonderful.

10. We must free ourselves from the past and forgive everyone without exception (including ourselves).

11. We must learn to live in the present moment.

12.Accepting ourselves and approving our actions is the key to lasting change.

13. We and only we ourselves create the so-called “disease” in our body.

What I believe

Life is very simple. What we give is what we receive.

I believe that everyone, including me, is 100% responsible for all events in our lives, both the good and the worst. Our every thought literally creates our future. Everyone creates events in life with the help of thoughts and feelings. The thoughts we think literally create everything we experience in life.

We ourselves cause this or that situation in life, and then we waste our energy scolding another person for our worries and failures. We ourselves are the source of our own experiences, the surrounding reality and everything else in it. On the other hand, having established harmony and balance in our minds, we begin to find the same in life.

Which sentence best describes you?

“People in this world are trying to hurt me.”

“Everyone is trying to help me solve my problems.”

What we believe becomes our reality. We choose our thoughts and what we believe. Our subconscious mind perceives everything that we take for granted. And you have millions of choices about what to think. When we realize this, it makes sense to start thinking: “Everyone is trying to help me” instead of “People are hurting me.” The forces of the Universe never judge or criticize us. They accept us as we are. And then they reflect our beliefs automatically. If you prefer to think that you are almost alone and that no one loves you, then this is exactly what you will get in your life.

However, if you prefer to think that “Love is everywhere in the world, and I love and am loved,” and repeat this phrase as often as possible, then this is exactly what you will experience. Many wonderful people will unexpectedly come into your life, and those who already love you will love you even more.

At a young age, we learn about life from the reactions of adults.

If you had to live with people who were not very happy, angry or felt guilty, then you learned to perceive yourself and the world around you negatively. “I never do anything right”, “It’s my fault”, “If I’m angry, then I bad person" - these are some of your constant thoughts. And such thoughts create a life of disappointments.

As we grow up, we tend to recreate the emotional environment of our childhood.

This is neither bad nor good, neither right nor wrong, we just know what the words “like home” mean. In our personal relationships, we often recreate the relationship we had with our mother or father. Think about how often you have had a lover or boss who is exactly like your father or mother. We treat ourselves the same way our parents treated us. We scold and punish ourselves the same way our parents scolded and punished us. We can almost hear the words they used on such occasions. If we were loved when we were children, then as adults we love ourselves too and in the same way.

"You can never do anything right." "It's your fault." How often do you say these words to yourself?

"You are beautiful". "I love you". How often do you say such words to yourself?

However, I don't blame my parents for this.

We are all victims of victims, and our parents could not teach us what they themselves did not know. If your mother did not know how to love herself, or your father did not know how to love himself, then it was naturally impossible for them to teach you how to love yourself. If you have a desire to understand your parents better, ask them about their childhood, and if you listen with compassion, you will understand the origin of their fear and their attitude towards life.

The people who “made you suffer” were just as scared as you are now.

I believe that we choose our own parents.

Each person decides whether to be born again on this planet at one time or another and in one place or another. We chose to be born here again in order to go through a certain lesson in life, which in turn ensures our further spiritual development on the evolutionary path. We choose our gender, the color of our skin, the country in which we are born, and then we choose the parents who, in our opinion, most reflect the problem we are going to work on. Then, as we grow up, we tend to point and whine at them; "You are to blame." In fact, we chose them for ourselves because they were ideal for us in our attempt to overcome what we were going to overcome in this life.

We form our beliefs as children and then move through life recreating situations that fit our beliefs. Look back at what you've passed life path and you will see that you are creating the same situation again and again. I am convinced that you create it because it reflects exactly what you believe. In this case, it does not matter how long you feel the presence of this problem, its size or the danger that it contains.

The starting point of strength is always in the present moment

Without exception, all the events in your life up to now were created only by you, with the help of your beliefs based on past experiences. They were created by you with the help of thoughts and words that you used yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago, depending on your age.

However, everything is in the past. What matters is your choice of what to think and believe now. Always remember that these thoughts and words will create your future. Your strength is in the present moment. The present moment creates the events of tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc.

Notice what you are thinking right now as you read these lines. Are these thoughts positive or negative? Do you want these thoughts of yours to influence your future?

The only thing you have to work with is your thought, and the thought

can be consciously changed

No matter what the nature of your problem is, it is only a reflection of your train of thought. For example, the thought flashed through your mind: “I am a bad person.” A thought entails a feeling to which you give in. If you didn't have such a thought, the feeling would be absent. And thoughts can be consciously changed. Change a sad thought and the sad feeling will disappear. It doesn't matter how much time in your life you thought negatively. Strength is always in the present moment, not in the past. So let's free ourselves, right now!

Whether you believe it or not, we choose our thoughts.

We tend to think the same thing over and over again, and therefore it seems to us that we do not choose our thoughts, And yet, the original choice is ours. We refuse to think about anything specific. Remember how often we refuse to think positively about ourselves. Well, now let's learn not to think negatively about ourselves. It seems to me that everyone on this planet, everyone I know and work with, suffers to some degree from self-hatred and guilt. The more hatred we have for ourselves, the less luck we have.

Our common internal belief: “I’m not good enough”

And we often add to this: “And I haven’t achieved enough in this life” or “I don’t deserve it.” Does this sound like you? Do you often think or say, “Am I not good enough?” But for whom? And by what standards? If you have such a strong belief, then how can you create a joyful one. a prosperous, fulfilling life? It turns out that your subconscious belief (“I’m not good enough”) constantly guides your actions and therefore constantly manifests itself in your life.

I am convinced that anger, criticism, others, guilt and fear create all our problems

These feelings arise in those people who blame others for their own problems. You see, if we ourselves are 100% responsible for everything that happens to us, then it turns out that there is no one to scold. Everything that happens to you in your life is a reflection of your own inner thoughts. I'm not trying to defend the bad behavior of some people, but what we need to understand is that our beliefs attract those who treat us that way.

If you say or think: “Everyone criticizes me, never does anything for me, wipes the floor with me,” then this is your way of thinking. Somewhere deep inside you there is a thought that will attract just such people to you throughout your entire life. If you refuse it, then such people will automatically disappear from your life. They will find another person to treat this way. You won't attract people like that anymore.

Below I present the results of this way of thinking, which manifests itself on the physical level:

1. Anger, dissatisfaction and resentment, accumulated over time, literally begins to eat the body and becomes a disease called CANCER.

2. Constant criticism of others certainly leads to rheumatism.

Guilt always seeks punishment, and punishment always creates pain. The fear and tension it generates creates ulcers, sore legs, baldness. I discovered from my own experience that forgiveness and release from resentment and anger even dissolves CANCER. At first glance, such a statement may seem simplistic, but I myself have seen and experienced it.

We have the power to change our attitude towards the past

The past is gone forever. This is a fact and there is nothing to be done about it. However, it is possible to change our thoughts about the past. How stupid, however, to punish yourself at the present moment just because someone offended you a long time ago. I often tell my clients who have strong feelings of resentment: “Please start letting go of your resentment now, when it is relatively easy. Don't wait until the surgeon's knife hangs over you or when you find yourself on your deathbed. Then you have to deal with panic. In a state of panic, it is very difficult to concentrate on the thought of recovery. We need to dissolve our fears first.”

If we hold the belief that we are helpless victims and everything in our life is hopeless, then the Universe will support us in our belief and our life will be a dump. It is very important for us to understand that these are all stupid negative thoughts that do no good to anyone. Even about God we should think that He is for us, and not against us.

In order to free ourselves from the past, we must be willing to forgive.

We must make the choice to free ourselves from the past and forgive everyone without exception, especially ourselves. Even if we don’t know how to forgive, we have to really want it.

The very fact that we want to forgive contributes to the process


“I forgive you for not being what I wanted you to be. I forgive you and set you free completely." Such a statement frees both the one you forgive and the one who forgives. It is important not only to repeat the statement to yourself all the time (both silently and out loud), but also to write it, preferably on a typewriter - it’s faster, 70 times a day, 7 days in a row. If you want to forgive a specific person, then you need to mention the name of the forgiven and the one who forgives. For example, I, Natasha, forgive you, Sasha.

Every disease comes from unforgiveness

As soon as a person becomes ill, he should look in his heart for someone to forgive. If you find a person who is very difficult to forgive, then you need to forgive him. Forgiveness means liberation. You don't necessarily need to know how to forgive. All that is required is the desire to forgive. And then the Universe will come to your aid. We understand our pain perfectly. However, it is difficult for us to understand that those whom we need to forgive have also experienced pain. We need to understand that at this moment they could not have acted differently.

When people come to me for consultation, I am completely indifferent to the origin of their problem, whether it is poor health, lack of money, bad relationships or underdeveloped talents - I immediately begin to work on just one thing:

Developing self-love

I have come to the conclusion that when we love ourselves, approve of our actions and remain ourselves, our lives become so beautiful that words cannot express them. Small miracles are everywhere. Health improves, money flows into our hands, our relationships with others blossom, and we begin to express our personality in a creative way. And all this happens without the slightest effort on our part. When we love and respect ourselves from the bottom of our hearts and approve of our actions, we create a certain organization of the mind. Hence the wonderful relationships with others, new job, we even lose weight and reach our ideal weight.

Self-approval and self-acceptance are the key to positive change in our life

Such self-love begins with the awareness of the fact that you should never, under any circumstances, criticize yourself. Criticism of our personality closes the way of thinking that we are trying to get rid of. Understanding ourselves helps us break out of this vicious circle.

Remember that you have been criticizing yourself for years and nothing good has come of it. Try to love yourself and see what happens

Speaking about love, the author in no way implies selfish love or what is commonly called “selfishness.” Loving yourself means celebrating the very fact of the existence of your personality and being grateful to God for the gift of life.

Loving yourself means, first of all, respecting your personality. I feel love for: the very process of life; joy from being alive; the beauty that I see; to another person; to knowledge;

to the thinking process;

to our body and its structure;

to animals, birds and all living things;


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Louise Hay is the creator of a table of diseases on psychosomatics, curator of the self-help movement, public figure, volunteer, author of more than 35 thematic books with a psychological bias.

This is a woman whose philosophy was forged from a turbulent and unhappy childhood: poverty, hunger, beatings and sexual abuse by her stepfather, promiscuity and childhood trauma associated with rape by an alcoholic neighbor at age 5.

A dysfunctional childhood was followed by another misfortune - uterine cancer. Louise healed her “incurable” disease on her own, radically changing her thinking. This is where the journey began great woman- She began researching diseases and their etiology. She then compiled a table known throughout the world as the Louise Hay Table of Diseases.

Louise managed to recover from cancer in 3 months, thanks to her negative emotions, fears and prejudices ingrained in her mind, which could have undermined her health.

She was sure that illness is given to a person to rethink his life.

The conclusion was this: illnesses come to a person due to the inability to let go of the past and grievances. During her treatment, Louise developed affirmations (healing beliefs). By repeating them every day, Louise was able to overcome oncology, which became proof of her theory about the relationship between the soul and the body.

What does the table show?

Treatment consists of awareness of your psycho-emotional problem, elimination bad thoughts, prejudices. Louise Hay, whose table of diseases will be presented below, believes that self-criticism, indignation, feelings of guilt, fear, and resentment are the causes of most problems. The list shows physical illnesses and their psychological causes.

According to the woman, the disease appears so that a person understands its psychological origin. The table of diseases was developed to help people find the cause of suffering and eradicate it.

Where to begin

Table of diseases

Each part of the body is responsible for certain sensations and emotions. For each negative emotion, depressing feelings is its own affirmation. Affirmation is a short belief that becomes stronger in the mind. The opposite of negative thinking.

The left side of the body is feminine. Symbolizes intuition and receptivity. The role of mother and woman. Affirmation – I feel the feminine energy balance within me. The right side is the beginning of a man. Symbolizes analytics and determination. The role of father and man. Right side affirmation: “I easily control masculine energy.”

Part of the body Means Affirmation
FaceWhat is visible to others.I have no fear of others, I am not shy.
EyesThe ability to observe oneself from the outside.I am filled with love, I look at my life from the outside and am happy about it.
BrainControl center.I am full of love, which helps me manage my life.
NoseRecognition of your identity.I understand the value of my personality.
MouthAwareness of ideas and words.My main ideas are love, harmony, happiness. I speak with love, build harmony around me and rejoice in it.
LanguageThe opportunity to taste the “fruit” of life.I enjoy life, it protects me, I am not afraid of being poisoned, I am glad of the generous gifts of fate.
EarsThe ability to hear.I listen carefully, hear what is happening around me.
TeethSolutions.I make choices easily and never regret my decisions.
ThroatSymbolizes creativity.My heart is ready for something new. This is my song that conveys joyful and warm feelings.
BreastsMaternal care. Feeding and gestation.There is a balance between what I give and what I receive.
Breathing, lungsThe ability to let in energy.I breathe deeply, without fear of suffocating, I love life, and she loves me, I feel it in my lungs.
HandsThe ability to express your life experiences.I easily perceive events in my life, enjoy any experience and extract only positive emotions from it.
FingersSmall troubles and little things in life.I accept all circumstances with their little things and perceive them with calm.
ThumbMind and anxiety.Harmony flourishes in me. I am calm, my mind is clear.
ForefingerFear. "Ego" of a person.I have nothing to fear, I can handle any situation. Reliability is the main principle of my life.
Middle fingerAnger, libido.I am confident in my sexuality. Intimate life suits me.
Ring fingerFriendship and love. Sadness about relationships.I allow myself to love serenely.
Little fingerFamily symbol.My family is my support. I love her and care about her.
ToesA symbol of unimportant details from the future.Everything will be decided, I am confident in the future.
ShouldersThe ability to cope with difficulties.Life is not a burden. The whole experience brings joy and love to her.
WristDenotes movement and lightness.I act easily, wisely, with love.
WristSymbolizes a person’s dealings with the past.I turn to my past with peace.
ElbowPerception of changes in life.I am not afraid to gain new experience; I easily discover new directions.
MusclesThe ability to move towards life. Resistance to change.I enjoy my life and am not afraid to move forward. I'm on my way with the wind of change.
HeartA center of love and protection.The heart is safe, it protects me. The heartbeat contains a song of love.
LiverCenter of anger.I am in harmony, love, joy.
KidneysCenter of fear.I have nothing to worry about, life gives me only the best.
StomachA place to digest thoughts. Awareness of life.I learn life easily. Thoughts pass through me unhindered.
SpleenObsession with something. Obsessions.There is a place for me in the universe. I have faith in myself.
PancreasTaste of life.My life is without salt, it is sweet and pleasant to the taste.
IntestinesGetting rid of garbage. Cleansing the body and soul.I have no problem parting with the past and happily embrace the present. I'm not afraid to throw out internal garbage, I take care of myself.
LeatherSymbolizes feelings. Protection of individuality.I remain myself and love myself, always calm.
SpineSymbolizes the support of life.Life gives me support and care.
NeckSymbol of flexibility. Having “eyes in the back of the head.”I see what is happening behind my back, I control everything that happens in peace, I am happy, because I have a good relationship with life.
BonesFoundation of the human body.I respect my body, it is beautiful and loved. I am strong and healthy.
Bone marrowA symbol of self-care, those beliefs that directly concern a person.Care, love, support are the goals of my life. I take care of myself, love myself, keep myself safe.
KneesFeeling proud of yourself.I am a flexible person and respect other people.
LegsForward movement.I live, move forward, leaving the past behind.
ButtocksThe power of man.My strength is always with me. I spend it wisely. I have no fears.
FeetUnderstanding what is happening around you.I see, understand myself and others, I transform with the changes of time. There are no fears.
BloodThe joy that flows through the body.I feel joy in my veins, I enjoy life because I love my life.
ThyroidParanoia. Feeling threatened by life. Fear of getting sick.My positive attitude heals me. I am immune protected, healthy and I love my body.
pubic boneProtection of intimate life, genitourinary system.Nothing threatens my sex life. I'm sexy and healthy.
UterusTemple of femininity. Creative beginning.My body is my temple. I am in it, feeling at home.
OvariesCreation.My creative center is in harmony.
TesticlesMasculinity.Being a man is dignified and safe.
ProstatePrinciples of a man.I am courageous, I accept myself as a man.
NervesCommunication with people.I willingly enter into conversation and do not create conflicts. I feel at ease around others.

The table contains reasons that are closely related to a person’s mental problems. The root of the disease is in the head in the form of negative experiences. It is possible to eradicate the disease by replacing negative attitudes with healing affirmations (positive attitudes). Louise Hay claims that any disease can be overcome if you set yourself up to think positively.

Problem Provoking factor Installation
TonsillitisLack of ability to express oneself. Understatement. Holding back harsh words.There are no restrictions for me. I'm free to be myself.
GlandsSituations that are impossible to influence or participate in.I am the creator of my world.
InsomniaFears. Feeling guilty. Distrust of everything that happens.I lie down in bed, falling into a restful sleep. I'm sure the next day will welcome me with open arms.
Alzheimer's diseaseFeeling hopeless. Helplessness. Bitterness. Refusal to accept reality.I say goodbye to the past. Life can be enjoyed differently. I easily find a way out of a negative situation and am happy.
AmnesiaFear. Inability to self-defense. Escape from problems.I am brave, reasonable, a valuable person, I am not afraid to live. I am filled with a feeling of calm and protection.
Gum diseasesIndecisiveness. Irresponsibility.I'm goal-oriented. Every step towards the goal is endowed with love. I am not afraid to solve problems, I am proud of responsibility.
Mouth diseasesBias and ignoring new ideas and thoughts.I accept new thoughts and assimilate them without problems.
AstigmatismSelf-loathing. Fear of watching yourself from the outside.I don't mind watching myself in real life. I feel beauty, greatness.
MyopiaFear of the future.I feel safe. I'm lucky.
GlaucomaUnwillingness to forgive. Pressure of resentment.In my eyes there is love for everything. I give everyone a gentle look.
Farsightedness.A feeling of detachment from the universe.I'm safe right here. The world doesn't threaten me. I see my own peace with clarity.
CataractThe unknown of the future. Pessimism.Life is endless. Life is full of joys.
StrabismusReluctance to see what is hidden from view. Actions contrary.I am calm. I'm not afraid to see, I feel safe.
Deafness.Not accepting something. Stubbornness. Insulation.I am a piece of the world. I understand my own and the importance of others. I harmonize with others, listen to them.
DizzinessAn unconnected stream of thought. Reluctance to see clearly.I am calm. I'm purposeful. I can live. I can enjoy life.
CephalgiaSelf-criticism. Fears. Little self-esteem.I love myself, I accept everything about myself, I feel safe wherever I am.
CoughThe desire to be heard. Lack of attention.They see me. I am appreciated. I am noticed and loved.
ARVIFear of letting life in.I feel safe. I'm not in any danger. I love my life and breathe it in deeply.
AsthmaHolding back tears. Depression. The person doesn't take care of himself.I am free. My life is in my hands. It's light and pleasant. I love my life and will take care of it from now on.
Pulmonary diseasesDepression. Sadness. Fear of accepting life. Little self-esteem.I can live with self-love. I deserve to breathe deeply and not be afraid of life.
GastritisUncertainty in life.

Feeling hopeless.

I feel safe. I approve of the path I have chosen.
FlatulenceFears and tightness. Ideas that never saw the light of day.I'm relaxed, calm. I allow life to flow through me freely, easily.
AppendicitisFear of life. Denial of positive emotions.Nothing worries me. I'm completely safe. I let life flow within me.
Heartburn, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcerFear of change. Inability to “digest” new situations.Life is going smoothly. Nobody harms me. I happily accept change and easily learn from the experience.
ConstipationReluctance to say goodbye to the past. Acuteness. Old thoughts that clog your head.Life flows. I say goodbye to the past without any problems. I feel like the universe loves me and sends me fresh thoughts.
DiarrheaEscape from problems. Fear.I live in the world. There are no barriers between me and life.
Intestinal pathologiesFear of parting with the past or outdated thoughts.I easily say goodbye to the past without effort, I am open to new achievements, and I am able to accept change.
ColicLack of patience. Dissatisfaction with people. Irritability.I only hear love. I'm strong enough to wait. I respect others and love people.
Decreased appetiteFear, attempts to defend. Distrust of the world.I am glad that I live, I feel loved.
Excessive appetiteCondemnation and denial of one's own emotions. Fears. Need for protection.My feelings are not in danger, I am full of strength.
AcneThe desire to hide the face. Thoughts about your unattractiveness.I'm beautiful, men like me.
Dermatological problemsAnxiety. Fear. Danger.Life protects me. I feed her with love, forgive the past, let it go. I'm freer than ever.
Pathologies of the circulatory systemFrozen thoughts. Unhappy lifeJoy circulates inside me, filling my entire body.
HypertensionPsycho-emotional problems that await solutions.I am no longer attached to past events. There is complete harmony inside my consciousness.
HypotensionThere is not enough love in childhood. Pessimistic.I live, I'm glad about it.
Heart diseasesCallousness and lack of happiness. Stress. Voltage.I let healing happiness pass through my heart, full of love, free.
Myocardial infarctionSacrificing happiness for financial stability.The main value is happiness. Joy constantly fills the heart.
Liver pathologiesComplaints, dissatisfaction with your life. Self-deception. Pickiness. Justifications for your pessimism.Now I am open and cheerful. I live with love and see it everywhere.
JaundiceBias and one-sidedness.I have enough patience, I know how to sympathize. I respect others and myself.
Kidney diseaseFear of criticism. Disappointments. Shame. Infantility.I'm not afraid to be an adult. I am responsible for my life. I accept my failures with joy, gaining valuable experience.
Adrenal diseasesOwn detachment. Anxiety. The feeling of losing.I'm not afraid to worry about myself. My every action is endowed with love, I approve of every step I take.
Stones in the kidneysAnger unable to find a way out.I no longer hold on to the past. I feel at ease.
Infectious pathologies of the genitourinary tractIrritation, anger towards the partner. Self-deception. A feeling of guilt placed by a person on the environment.I respect my partner. I feel responsible for my life. I'm ready for change.
IncontinenceEmotional outbursts that a person has been holding back for years.I calmly withstand any feelings. I don't feel panicked.
Problems with menstruation (amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea)Denial of femininity. Fear. Body shame. Guilt. Misconceptions related to the “uncleanness” of the genitals and their sinfulness.I am a full-fledged woman. I love myself and accept myself. The processes occurring in my body are natural.
Menopause problemsFear of losing female attractiveness. Self-dislike and aging.I give my body love, no matter what it is. There is harmony inside me.
Foot diseasesInability to move forward due to fear of the future.I'm confident in my future. I am not afraid to go towards the unknown, because only good things await me.
Fluid retentionSymbolizes a person's fear of losing something.I'm not afraid to let go. I gladly part with what is meant to go.
RachiocampsisTrying to stay in the past. Distrust of the environment. Personality destruction. Lack of courage.I'm not scared anymore. I believe in myself and my strength. Living is my calling. My posture becomes straight and I walk along the road of life with joy.
ObesitySelf-defense. Negation own feelings. Fear. Depression. Unrealized ideas.I feel protected. Feeling is safe. I can defend myself. I am filled with joy and love.
CystGrievances that a person cannot let go of. Developmental disorder.My life is calm and peaceful. I love myself and let go of the burden of the past. I forgive myself and others.
FaintingFear. Memory loss. Inability to cope with the situation.I'm smart and strong. I can keep everything under control.
NumbnessSuppression of feelings and love. Rotting emotions that a person had been holding back.I feel love in every person. I myself am full of love.
CancerIntense hatred. Resentment that eats from the inside. Deep psychological trauma.I forgive my past and let it go. From this moment I am full of joy and love.
WeaknessLack of rest.I allow myself to rest. Nothing worries me.
FatigueThe boredom of life. A person forces himself to do something he doesn’t like.I am curious and energetic. I'm full of joy. I like life.
AIDSLow self-esteem. Dissatisfaction with sex life. Feeling of hopelessness.Life loves me, life appreciates me. I have strength. I love me. I value myself.
ConvulsionsThe desire to grab hold of life. Chasing the world. Voltage.I'm relaxed. There is harmony inside me. I am in control of my life.
Tics or convulsionsParanoia. Fears.I'm completely safe. Life accepts me.
RashVulnerability.I am strong and protected. Everything's under control.
Bad breathGossip and insults.I speak about others with love. I radiate only joy.
"Incurable" diseasesTo cure what cannot be healed externally, it is healed from the inside.I get rid of internal junk. I heal myself with love and care.
ImpotenceAnger at your partner. Mother's fear. Feelings of guilt and pressure.I allow my sexuality to express itself. I'm full of energy.
DepressionAnger that was not released. Hopelessness.I'm breaking boundaries. I am in control of my life. My life is full of colors.

How to work with Louise Hay's disease table

Louise Hay, whose table of diseases cannot give a person an exact answer about the origin of his disease, says that in order to find the source of the disease, you need to remember its first manifestations and the events that could have caused it. This could be deep psychological trauma, phobia, depression or negative thoughts.

After analyzing, a person must say to himself: “I remember everything and am ready to let it go,” then find the disease on the list and use affirmations.

The affirmation should be repeated every day, preferably 3 times, so that the thought becomes stronger in the mind.

Affirmations for prosperity and success


  • I go through life easily, and success accompanies me.
  • I am thriving and moving forward towards my goals.
  • I can achieve my goals.
  • Whatever I do, success awaits me.
  • I'm successful and smart.
  • I am worthy of my success.
  • Luck is my life's companion.
  • Every day I grow spiritually and prosper.

Affirmations for dissolving grievances


  • I live without a burden of grievances. My soul is pure.
  • There is no place for grudges in my heart.
  • I don’t hold any grudges, only joy and love flow through me.
  • I am worthy of happiness, so I let go of all grievances.
  • I don't let insults destroy me.
  • I act wisely when I let go of oppressive resentment.
  • There is no place for bitterness of resentment in my world.
  • I inhale happiness and exhale resentment.

Affirmations for finances and self-love


  • My body is full of love, my face shines with happiness.
  • I approve of myself and love.
  • I love myself at any time of the day.
  • I love myself in any mood.
  • I never stop loving myself even in difficult times.
  • Even though I do stupid things and make mistakes, I still love myself.
  • My body is my temple, I am happiness.
  • I am important and loved.
  • I'm a money magnet.
  • My cash flow is open.
  • I receive gifts of fate in double size.
  • Every day my income is growing.
  • I am solvent and independent.
  • I have the right to be rich, I deserve it.
  • The money comes to me on its own.
  • I am successful, rich and happy.

Affirmations for forgiveness


101 thoughts that carry power


  1. My healing has already begun.
  2. I trust my inner voice.
  3. I forgive myself and others.
  4. I enjoy what I do.
  5. I trust life.
  6. I'm happy with my home.
  7. I am free from the past.
  8. The force is with me right now.
  9. I am calm under any changes.
  10. I can change.
  11. I control my thoughts by rejecting negativity.
  12. Thoughts build my future.
  13. No self-criticism, only love.
  14. I don't expect anything from life. I know that only luck awaits me.
  15. I have a clear understanding of the world.
  16. I am calm. Life supports and makes me happy.
  17. I sow love and joy everywhere. The people around me are a reflection of me.
  18. I have a perfect balance of feminine and masculine.
  19. I have the right to freedom.
  20. I am not afraid and I do not doubt.
  21. The Universe guides me and I am calm about my destiny.
  22. I love my life.
  23. I love my body.
  24. Every problem has solutions.
  25. I am patient with others and myself. Harmony in me and around me.
  26. I am open to change and new ideas.
  27. I create love around me. My happiness has no boundaries. I stand above people's fears.
  28. I deserve to be loved.
  29. I am the creator of my life. The thought is material.
  30. I'm sexy and I admit it.
  31. My age is my value. I live in harmony with my years.
  32. I live in the present. The past will never return.
  33. I give people what I want to receive in return. No criticism.
  34. I don't hold people back, they are as free as I am.
  35. I chose my parents myself. They gave me enough knowledge. I give them love and forgiveness. They are free from me, and I am free from them.
  36. I feel good and safe in my home.
  37. Life gives me what I desire when my thoughts are clear of negativity.
  38. Life gives me and others prosperity. All wishes will be fulfilled. All needs are satisfied.
  39. Harmony always reigns in my world.
  40. I love my job.
  41. Life gives me support and care.
  42. Love and joy lead me forward. My future is bright.
  43. I'm happy with what I have. There is a new experience ahead, which I greet with joy.
  44. My reality is created by my forces. My world is filled with love and understanding.
  45. I can use my talents for my dream job.
  46. Success surrounds me everywhere.
  47. There are many ways of income open to me. I'm ready to accept them.
  48. I deserve to be better. I have the right to happiness and well-being.
  49. I live easy.
  50. I am protected from any negativity. I am at peace with the Universe.
  51. I hear body signals. I care about my health.
  52. I'm talented and I'm not afraid to express it.
  53. I change every day only for the better.
  54. I am unique and I accept that.
  55. I communicate with other people without problems.
  56. I am my true self. There is love and joy inside me.
  57. Love surrounds me everywhere. I can love and I can be loved.
  58. I love others as much as I love myself. I accept people and give them joy.
  59. I am beatiful. People love me and I love them.
  60. I love myself the way I am.
  61. I'm determined. I hear my inner voice.
  62. When I travel, the Universe takes care of me. I'm safe.
  63. Every day I rise higher above delusions. I understand this world.
  64. I accept my partner. Our relationship is full of love and understanding.
  65. I live in a safe world. I trust the world.
  66. The world is healing with me. Positive thoughts make the world a better place.
  67. I love my motherland. Every person in our country is full of love and kindness.
  68. I care for and love my family. There is harmony in my family.
  69. The Universe protects my children. They are happy and protected from any negative influences.
  70. I love all living beings and do not cause them pain.
  71. Childbirth is a natural process. I'm not scared, I only feel love.
  72. My child is my miracle. I love and protect him.
  73. I move easily. My body is quite flexible. I feel like an absolutely healthy person.
  74. I am expanding my knowledge about life. I get to know my body and soul. I am responsible for myself.
  75. I am energetic and young. Sport helps me keep my strength.
  76. The universe has given me prosperity. I accept it and live with joy and love.
  77. I am connected to the Universe. Higher powers take care of me and guide me on the right path.
  78. I live in the present.
  79. I maintain a healthy weight without effort. My body and my mind live in harmony.
  80. I eat right and nourish my body with vitamins. I'm in good shape.
  81. I love my pets. They are healthy and happy.
  82. I love nature, it is the source of my strength. I am in harmony with the environment.
  83. I heal myself and others every day. My thoughts are powerful medicine.
  84. I treat older people with respect and love.
  85. I'm not afraid of my car. I feel safe behind the wheel.
  86. Music gives me strength, lifts my spirits and inspires me.
  87. I'm not afraid of loneliness. I live at peace with myself. I deserve to rest and get my thoughts in order.
  88. I take care of myself. I wear what I like. My appearance reflects my love for myself.
  89. I have enough time for every task. I live in the present. I am a strong person.
  90. I'm taking a break from work.

  91. Children love me. When I'm around they're safe.
  92. Dreams are my helpers. Dreams help me find answers to life's questions.
  93. My environment consists of positive people.
  94. I solve financial problems with love.
  95. I don't kill the child inside me. I cherish and love it.
  96. I am not afraid to ask for help and am willing to help others.
  97. I celebrate holidays with family and close friends.
  98. I am kind and polite to all people.
  99. I am a good friend. I am always supportive and will help in difficult times.
  100. I care about the planet I live on. I save the environment.
  101. I do not lose touch with the Universe and always listen to the clues of fate. Life is a miracle and I love it.

Meditation “Healing Light”

“Healing Light” meditation is designed to restore vitality and help cope with energy exhaustion and nervous diseases. You should meditate in a calm and quiet place. It is recommended to plug your ears with earplugs and blindfold your eyes with a dark bandage.

Healing practice is best done early in the morning or late in the evening. At this time, channels open and cosmic energy becomes most accessible. You can meditate 1-2 times a day for 15-25 minutes.

Performing the Healing Light Meditation:

Become happy in 21 days

The course is based on working with the mirror and affirmations. The book “Become Happy in 21 Days” teaches self-confidence, reveals talents, helps overcome resistance to change, increases self-esteem, develops love and compassion, and relieves stress, fear and anger. Each day of the course is dedicated to specific exercises.

Louise Hay is known for her books and techniques. Her table of diseases is most popular.

When taking the course, you can use Louise Hay's disease table if you have health problems:

Lessons distributed by day

Week 1 teaches self-love.1. Acceptance and manifestation of self-love.

2. Make friends with your reflection in the mirror.

3. Talk to yourself.

4. Let go of your past.

5. Increased self-esteem.

6. Liberation from the inner critic.

7. Summing up the first week.

Week 2 is dedicated to feelings, namely: pain, fear, anger.1-2. Reconciling with your inner child

3. Love for your body, healing pain.

4. Releasing anger.

5. Victory over fears.

6. How to start your day with love.

7. Summing up the second week.

Week 3 is the final stage of the course, dedicated to relationships, prosperity and gratitude.1. How to forgive yourself and others.

2. Healing relationships.

3. Relief from stress.

4. Prosperity.

5. Gratitude for life.

6. Teaching children exercises with a mirror.

7. Full acceptance of self-love.

Louise Hay on self-love

Love begins with cultivating a sense of self-worth and completely refusing to criticize yourself:

  • Fears prevent you from moving forward. You need to stop intimidating yourself.
  • You should cultivate gentleness, kindness and patience towards others and yourself.
  • Hatred is a rotten feeling that needs to be gotten rid of. Self-love and positive thoughts create a person.
  • Praising yourself is not a bad thing. A person needs approval from himself.
  • The support of life is love. Every person should love himself, love gives strength.
  • You need to love your flaws.
  • The body is a person’s home and it needs care and proper care.
  • Working with the mirror and talking to yourself is important. You need to be able to hear your inner voice.
  • Do not put off love until tomorrow, but love yourself right here and now! You can't live in the past.

Louise Hay about self-perception, self-criticism

It is impossible to be perfect; criticizing yourself is useless and dangerous. Louise Hay believes that the root of many mental and physical health problems lies in self-perception. A person destroys himself with negative beliefs acquired through unsuccessful life experiences.

Life is built from thoughts and words, so it is advisable to tune in to positive thinking in order to avoid failures. Having learned to think positively about oneself, a person destroys internal pressures and fears, gaining freedom.

Types of resistance to change

The fear that prevents you from moving forward towards success and prosperity is the fear of change.

There are 3 common behavior patterns:

  • Frequent lateness and indifference to anything.
  • Restlessness (urge to go to the toilet, smoke, fidget in a chair) and changing the topic of conversation.
  • Distraction and lack of concentration.

Each person resists in his own way, but the same feelings are present everywhere: fear of the future, depression and weakness.

Wrong beliefs that prevent change

Stereotypes prevent you from living and changing.

Persistent negative beliefs about ourselves that prevent us from accepting change:

  • I can not.
  • I can't do this.
  • It seems to me that this is not mine.
  • I'm lazy.
  • Too much time is wasted on this.
  • I don't believe in my strength.
  • I wasn't raised that way.
  • I'm not good enough for this.

A person who catches himself thinking such thoughts should immediately utter the opposite beliefs:

Transferring responsibility to others for one's own actions and failures

Not everyone can admit blame for their failures. Fear of change forces a person to put his destiny in the hands of other people.

Thoughts when transferring responsibility to others:

  • My parents are against this.
  • I can't figure it out on my own.
  • Others think I can't.
  • Nobody understands me.
  • This goes against my principles and philosophy.
  • My religion is against this.
  • Now is not the time for change.
  • I can't change until everything around me changes.

Acknowledging guilt and taking responsibility for your life is the first step towards change. No one can control a person's destiny except the person himself. The opinions of others will not always be favorable due to their own fears and failures, which they project onto others.

If family, friends or acquaintances are against a person’s changes, he should think about changing his environment and environment. In life you need to surround yourself with kind and sympathetic people who are ready to provide support.

Negative attitudes are replaced by positive thinking:

  • I want and will do this.
  • I can do this on my own.
  • I don't follow the lead of evil people.
  • I am understood and appreciated.
  • I'm ready to start changing the world with myself.

Resistance to change due to fear of the unknown

A person is afraid of the unknown, seeing danger and disappointment in it.

Questions that indicate resistance to change due to fear of an uncertain future:

Life will change as soon as a person's thoughts change. It is better to replace destructive thoughts with affirmations that can bring good luck and peace of mind.

Louise Hay's 3 principles for embracing change:

  1. Craving for change.
  2. Control of thoughts and words.
  3. The ability to forgive.

Thoughts of fear of the unknown are replaced with confidence and determination:

  • I'm not afraid of other people's opinions.
  • My friends will accept me.
  • My family will support me.
  • I only do better by changing my life.
  • The future will not bring me suffering.
  • I believe in myself!

An exercise to dissolve grievances

This exercise will help you let go of situations, people or memories that are stuck in your mind in the form of resentment and anger:

Exercise “Mental Imagination”

An exercise to make friends with your “inner” child, calm anxiety about the past, accept and forgive yourself and your loved ones:

  • In front of the man is a small child. You need to look into his sad eyes. Ask him what he is sad about and he will answer that he misses the person doing the exercise. You need to feel his sadness. Hug a child. Talk about loving him and how wonderful and smart he is. Promise to help him. When hugged, the baby will shrink to the size of a pea. You need to put it in your heart. Now they will always be close.
  • Another child appears in front of you. This is your mother as a child. She wants love. Her eyes are full of sadness. Hug her and say, “I won’t let you down. You're safe." Hold her in your arms until she feels safe. Gradually it will begin to shrink to the size of a pea. Place it in your heart.
  • Another child appears in front of you - your father. He is also lost and sad. Hold him close to you just as you hold yourself and your mother. Let him come to his senses. Repeat to him: “I will always be there. You are protected." He, like the others, will shrink and end up in your heart.
  • Place your hand on your heart. Feel its knocking, and in this knocking there are 3 small children. Love everyone. Love for little children is sacred.

There is enough love in your heart to heal the whole world, so start by changing yourself. From this moment on, life will begin to change.

Exercise for negative statements

For this exercise you will need a pen and a piece of paper. You should remember your parents' negative beliefs about money, love and relationships. Write this down. Take another sheet. Remember who else you heard negative statements from (this could be the government, teachers, society).

What is written are negative thoughts stuck in the memory that interfere with life. It is urgent to get rid of them.

Exercise with a mirror

In the mirror you need to look into your own eyes. Repeat your name several times. Tell yourself: “I love and approve of you in any way.”

Repeat this every morning until you feel true self-love.

Lesson: “Deciding to Change”

When faced with feelings of helplessness, hopelessness or hopelessness, people refuse to live and cannot imagine life any other way. Everything that a person gives to the world comes back like a boomerang. Change does not start with others, but with yourself. Change must happen from the inside out.

Principles of life change:

  • Give the world what you want in return.
  • Learning to think positively. A person consists of his own thoughts.
  • They are not afraid to free themselves from outdated beliefs that interfere with life.
  • Be patient with yourself and others.

"I want to change"

An exercise to help you accept yourself and start changing your life. It is recommended to do it every day. Lightly touch your throat. It accumulates energy that will help to master the changes. Repeat: “I want to change. I'm ready to change." The universe will help and support. We must not forget to praise ourselves for our successes.

Affirmation to attract financial stability

For financial well-being, you need to create a suitable mental attitude and consolidate it in your mind. A person needs to focus on success and money. Affirmation: “My cash flow is open, I am worthy of all blessings. I receive money easily and manage it wisely.”

"Ocean of Abundance"

Cash flow is regulated by a person’s consciousness and his spiritual prosperity. By thinking about and striving for more, the Universe helps you achieve your goal.

Performing the exercise “Ocean of Abundance”:

"Getting rid of any disease"

Without emotional and spiritual healing, it is impossible to get rid of the disease forever. Everything related to physical healing is superficial; problems are in a person’s head in the form of negative emotions. For effective recovery, it is necessary to maintain a balance between healing the soul and body.

"Letting go of health problems"

A negative belief, a deep wound in the soul and negative emotions can affect the physical state. The first thing a sick person needs to do is to understand exactly what thought or emotion affected his health. The second is to use affirmation. You need to tell yourself every day, looking in the mirror: “I am letting go of this thought/emotion/situation. I'm ready to get better."

"The role of illness in human life"

Any disease is sent by the Universe to rethink life and changes in a person’s inner world. It is important to determine the role of illness in life.

The following questions help to find the cause of the disease:

  • How did I make myself sick?
  • What was I trying to avoid with illness?
  • What do I want when I'm sick?
  • What did my father and my mother do when I was sick?
  • What am I afraid of when I am sick?
  • Did I have any major shocks before I got sick?

The occurrence of the disease is explained in more detail by the following:

Louise Hay, whose table of diseases provides diseases based on negative experiences, assures that you can choose the right affirmations for any case.

Scenario for working through ill health

First, thoughts and consciousness are treated, and then the body itself. Healing Affirmation: “I deserve to be healthy. Being healthy is natural. I let go of negative statements that can affect my health.

I accept myself and my body as anyone. I care about my health. My body is a temple in which there is always comfort and harmony. Strength fills me. I feel connected to the Universe. My world is full of love."

Getting rid of bad habits

Addictions arise from a lack of happiness, self-confidence and motivation to live. A person with bad habits needs protection, which he cannot receive, and he does not have the strength to give it to himself. Getting rid of addiction is a long and difficult process that requires patience and a desire to change from the patient.

In order to prevent possible breakdowns before addiction, it is necessary to set a clear goal, write it on a piece of paper and hang it in a visible place so that the person does not forget about it.

Louise Hay, whose table of diseases is useful in the fight against addiction, says that bad habits cause not only mental problems, but also physical ones. It is recommended to use affirmations against depression and weakness.

The first exercise to get rid of bad habits:

  • Look at yourself in the mirror.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
  • Think about addiction. Imagine how they throw her away. Tell yourself: “From now on I am not dependent. I am free from this."
  • It is better to repeat the affirmation in the morning and during meditation.

The second exercise to get rid of bad habits:

This phrase should become a motto. It will help you accept yourself and let go of self-hatred, which helps you get rid of bad habits.

The best programs to improve the quality of life according to people's reviews

"Heal your life." The book contains methods of healing from diseases using the power of thought. Each chapter contains useful and effective affirmations. After reading, the author promises a change in thinking through meditation and exercises. This is the first book by Louise Hay, which has been a bestseller for several years in a row.

"Become happy in 21 days." A course that teaches life again. In 21 days, the book changes people's lives, teaches them to think positively and achieve success. The validity of this method is evidenced by grateful reviews and a good rating.

“Heal yourself.” The program teaches you to direct thoughts to heal the soul and body according to the table of diseases. According to Louise Hay, most pathologies arise from negative thoughts. Unique affirmations and healing techniques are collected in one publication.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about Louise Hay's disease table

What our illnesses say: