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Implementation of the project method in teaching technical mechanics. Modern problems of science and education

Lyutaya L.F.,

teacher of general professional disciplines GBPOU "Bryukhovets Agrarian College", Art. Bryukhovetskaya Krasnodar Territory


The development of technology and the introduction of new technologies in modern production involves an increase in the educational level, professional skills and mobility of modern specialists. Modern society needs a person who is able to independently and creatively acquire, assimilate and apply knowledge in changing production conditions. An analysis of the modern lesson system of teaching allows us to detect a number of shortcomings and contradictions. assimilation academic discipline with such an organization, learning is stretched for a long time, it is not the ability to see patterns that is introduced into the absolute, but the knowledge of specific rules, individual formulas, the educational material studied in the lessons is very diverse: a kaleidoscope of new concepts, laws, rules, principles, dates, phenomena falls upon students in almost every class. “The result of such a “meaningful vinaigrette” is the dispersion of students' attention on a number of subjects. The constant change of subjects, classrooms, teachers does not allow students to completely immerse themselves in any of them, does not give the opportunity to dwell on something, to think deeper about the issue or subject that interested them. The resolution of this contradiction requires a transition to a different organization of learning, which would bring the learning process as close as possible to the natural psychological characteristics of human perception, assimilation and memorization of information. This task is answered by concentrated training. “The goal of concentrated learning is to eliminate the multi-subject nature of the school day, the kaleidoscopicity of sensations and impressions in the formation of knowledge, the fragmentation of the cognition process. Efficiency educational process with concentrated learning, it is achieved due to the real integration of all components of the learning process: target, content, control and evaluation. Concentrated learning is in the spirit of the demo

cratization and humanization of education, unites all the components pedagogical process, meets the needs of a modern secondary vocational school ".

The discipline "Technical Mechanics" plays an important role in the formation of technical engineering thinking of the future mechanical technician, contributes to the formation of skills to navigate independently in the rapid flow of scientific and technical information. The ever-increasing amount of information, the use of new methods of designing structures require the selection of the necessary information for the training of specialists of a certain profile. The extensive way of simply increasing the amount of study time has been exhausted. Achievement in the study of "Technical Mechanics" of such goals as integrity, consistency of the process of cognition, interest in learning, variety of educational activities within the class-lesson system with its multi-subject and dispersed process of studying the discipline does not give the desired pedagogical effect. To achieve these goals, the teacher needs to: systematize the educational material; highlight the main, the main thing; structure it using the uniformity of the structure of formulas and the similarity of laws, phenomena; establish the unity of calculation methods in the discipline "Technical Mechanics" and their practical orientation; organize independent work of students. “Russian universities have accumulated a positive experience of concentrated teaching of individual disciplines: pedagogy (V.S. Bezrukova, Yekaterinburg Engineering and Pedagogical Institute]); special subjects (V.M. Gareev et al., Ufimsky aviation institute; A.T. Popov, T.V. Davydov, Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute]" . The educational technology of concentrated learning is considered as one of the approaches to organizing learning, which makes it possible to remove difficulties that are not always possible to overcome within the framework of the traditional class-lesson system of organizing learning.

"Concentrated learning is a technology for organizing learning, in which, for a short or long period, the energy and working time of students is concentrated on the study of one or more disciplines" . The purpose of concentrated learning is to increase

improving the quality of education and upbringing of students (achieving a systematic knowledge, their mobility, etc.) by creating an optimal organizational structure of the educational process. The purpose of concentrated learning is also to eliminate the multi-subject nature of the school day, the kaleidoscopicity of sensations and impressions in the formation of knowledge, and the fragmentation of the cognition process. Didactic and methodological support of the process of concentrated teaching of the discipline "Technical Mechanics" includes: designing the content of the discipline "Technical Mechanics" in conditions of concentrated learning, methodological support for concentrated teaching of the discipline, teacher training as a condition for the implementation of concentrated learning. Implementation in the pedagogical process educational technology concentrated training in the discipline "Technical Mechanics" requires adequate structuring of the content of educational information. The educational process of teaching the discipline is designed to be modular in content and concentrated in form. The didactic conditions for the implementation of concentrated teaching of the discipline are to prepare the content of the discipline for the conditions of concentrated teaching according to the following algorithm: analysis of the content of the subject for the need and possibility of systematization and structuring, allocation of common objects of study; nodal, core issues; preparation of the content of the subject to the conditions of concentration (building a structural diagram of the subject, the formation of modules (blocks] of content); designing the work program of the subject (designing modules for presenting and understanding educational material and developing the temporal aspect of concentrated learning); in developing didactic and methodological support for the process of concentrated learning. The main teaching aids are a block-modular program of the discipline, a schedule of immersion in the discipline, didactic and methodological support for each block.The modular program for studying the discipline "Technical Mechanics" reflects the content component of the learning process (content of educational information), the procedural component (forms and methods of teaching], as well as the requirements for the skills and abilities of the student in the subject and the time aspect.Studying the content of the module is built in accordance with the block diagram of the module.

Block diagram of the content of the training module of section 2 "Strength of materials"

The educational material is structured on the basis of the principles of integrity and consistency. The “core” of knowledge (postulates, laws, regularities) is singled out, around which a “shell” is formed - material of an applied nature. The content of the discipline structured in this way requires appropriate means for visual representation and formation of systemic knowledge among students. For this purpose, reference signals are widely used and summaries, structural and logical diagrams, tables, educational presentations.Concentrated learning allows you to diversify the forms and methods of studying educational material to the greatest extent, ensure the integrity of its assimilation.The main educational and organizational unit in concentrated learning is not a lesson, but a training block that includes various forms organization of training. The modules are divided into blocks. Block - temporary educational unit

a section containing a relatively independent part of the educational material. In the context of a fundamental change in the educational process, structured educational blocks consist of theoretical training (lectures), independent work of students on educational material in various forms, practical exercises, laboratory work, tests, tests, test tasks. A necessary condition for the implementation of concentrated learning is the preparation of a teacher. Changing the form of education and the structure of the entire educational process required a change in the content of the teacher's teaching activity, which, in turn, implied not only the restructuring of educational material into enlarged didactic units, but also a variety of activities and forms of educational interaction with students in the learning process. An indispensable condition for success is the rethinking by each teacher of his place and role in the pedagogical process. In the new conditions, each teacher should be ready to conduct not just one lesson a day, but to “work out” a whole topic, to act not just as a carrier of educational information and controller, but to be an organizer of educational cognitive activity students in various forms, use a wide range of methods and techniques in their professional activities. Concentrated learning allows saving study time (a large volume is studied in a shorter time], ensures the integration of theory and practice; contributes to the implementation of a holistic process of cognition, knowledge and skills are formed in unity; creates favorable conditions for cooperation and communication between teachers and students, creates a favorable microclimate ; increases the level of assimilation of the material; activates cognitive interest; forms the motive of learning.

List of used literature

1. Bilbas A.N. Subject-group form of organization of classes // National Education. 1993. No. 2. S. 20-21.

2. Ibragimov G.I., Kolesnikov V.G. Concentrated training in secondary vocational school. Kazan, 1998, p. 103.

3. Concentrated education in the system of secondary vocational education // Secondary professional education. 1996. No. 3. S. 83-89.

4. Klyueva G.A. Concentrated Learning theoretical foundations professions in primary vocational school. Kazan, 2000. 13 p.

5. Lukyanova V.S., Ostapenko A.A. School of self-expression. Azov experimental and pedagogical complex: three years of travel // Pedagogical Bulletin of the Kuban. Krasnodar. 1998. No. 1. S. 20-25.

6. Ostapenko A.A. Lessons-“immersions” in physics // Physics at school. 1988. No. 4. S. 25-28.

7. Ostapenko A.A. Concentrated learning: models of educational technology. Krasnodar: Department of Education and Science, 1998, 56 p.

8. Prokhorova Ya.G. Concentrated teaching of the Russian language in basic school. Azovskaya: AESPK, 1997. 32 p.

Tasks, easy or difficult, good or not very good, requiring solutions, haunt any living biological being constantly. Often in conversations, in disputes, in reflections, I recall the following situation from childhood: a cat found a kitten that had fallen behind a box by the plaintive meow. The distances were no more than 70 mm between the box and the wall from two sides, between the box and the base, the rest of the sides are free. Thinking instantly, the cat spread out, crawled under the box, grabbing the loser cub with one paw, and pulled out the kitten. Then she lay down on her side, put the kitten on her paws, and beat the naughty one with her upper paws, to which the punished one, meowing, asked for forgiveness (it’s a pity that the paper does not represent a sound). I have given an example to prove that life itself makes any biological creature think creatively (creatively), because it is necessary live and survive not only the biological (social) unit, but also its offspring (the state).

Human activity has always required creative thinking. Analyzing its environment, mankind has studied a colossal number of systems, found many connections between the system and its supersystem, supersupersystem, subsystem, subsubsystem, etc. and invented many methods for solving complex and good problems, which are currently united in a unified theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ). Its development and distribution are associated with the name of the engineer-inventor, science fiction writer G. S. Altshuller

TRIZ develops a systematic and dialectical way of thinking applicable to any life situations. TRIZ is the science of creativity. The main theoretical position of TRIZ is the assertion that technical systems develop according to objective, cognizable laws, which are revealed by studying large arrays of scientific and technical information and the history of technology.

The main features of TRIZ are: the use of regularities in the development of systems; identification and resolution of contradictions that arise during the development of systems; systematization various kinds psychological inertia; the use of methods for overcoming it, the development of a multi-screen (system) style of thinking, the use of special system operators, the method of searching for resources (material, energy, information, etc.), structuring information about problem situation, special information and methodological support.

The article describes an example of the use of TRIZ methods by G. S. Altshuller in teaching students about technical mechanics. Training as an intensive training with a practical focus was chosen as the technology for conducting the lesson. The structure of the training includes blocks that realize the goals of the lesson, adequate to the goals of creative education in general.

Block 1. Motivation. Three young applicants who received the same number of high scores came to the engineer of a plant that produces mini-tractors, after passing the standard test tasks for professional suitability, for an interview. Fortunately or unfortunately, it turned out that the three young people were familiar with each other. Referring to the call of the manager for one hour, the engineer asked applicants (optional) to help solve one problem, the result of which will affect the acceptance of one of the applicants for a very high paying job. The problem was as follows: in front of the entrance to the high-rise building, where the administrative block of the enterprise was located, it was required to install a model of a mini-tractor. The weight of the mini-tractor is 1200 kg. Any technical solution to this problem is accepted.

Show at least one person (even len-n-n-nivogo) who does not want to work with a high salary?

There is a problem - there is a problem and each student (applicant) in the class is looking for his own algorithm for solving the problem, using his level of creative thinking. Let's start doing miracles. We think and we create, we create and we think. Systems thinking, strictly taking into account all provisions systems approach- comprehensiveness, interdependence, integrity, multidimensionality, taking into account the influence of all systems and connections of undivided, syncretic thinking that are significant for this consideration. From the point of view of the system approach, the objects included in this system, should be considered both on their own and in connection with many objects and phenomena. It suffices to highlight only the most stable connections that directly and significantly affect the solution of the problem and are amenable to real assessment.

The task of the teacher is to support and develop creative thinking, to overcome the psychological barriers of students, to skillfully apply the methods of scientific creativity. I formulate unobtrusively questions - hints: "Designate in the problem being solved a supersystem - a system - a subsystem"; “What are the functions of the supersystem - system - subsystem?”; "What needs to be changed to solve the problem: supersystem - system - subsystem and how to do it?" etc. The result of this block should be students' ideas for solving the problem in any form: making sketches, identifying and resolving contradictions that arise during the development of the system. I observe, help without advertising, I give the opportunity for an unspoken hint by continuing the lesson.

Block 2. Content 1. The base for installing a mini-tractor model, for example, was approved with super-effect: it was decided to put employee bicycles in the base space (smart hint). During the design, a variant was adopted where the load-bearing elements worked in compression.

Compression is a type of loading in which only one internal force factor arises in the beam section - the longitudinal force, denoted by the letter N, the dimension in newtons, N. Normal stress is the longitudinal force per unit area, denoted by the letter σ (sigma), the dimension in newtons per square millimeter, N / mm 2.

Compressive strength condition:

σ = N/А ≤ | σ|;

where σ is the design stress, N/mm 2 ;

N - compressive longitudinal force, N;

A - cross-sectional area, mm 2;

| σ | - allowable stress of the material, N / mm 2.

The essence of compression or tension: acting on the beam along the longitudinal axis passing through the center of gravity of the cross section of the beam, the external force - the action causes a reaction - an internal force factor, called the longitudinal force N. This means that the internal force factor is a force that occurs in the material itself only from the action of an external force. The diversity of materials in nature is confirmed by their internal structure, various forces of attraction and repulsion of the molecules of matter.

A very small starting point for creative thinking when calculating compression: determining the cross-sectional area and selecting the material of the part.

The above theoretical material is dominated by the inertia of familiar, specialized terms.

From the strength condition, we find the required cross-sectional area by equating the design stress to the allowable stress of the material:

A tr = N/ | σ|;

Let's say A tr \u003d 18 cm 2.

It is required to determine a rack from standard metal profiles: a channel, an I-beam and an equal-shelf angle.

According to GOST 8240-89 "Channels" we select channel No. 16 with a cross-sectional area equal to A \u003d 18.1 cm 2, which is more than A tr \u003d 18 cm 2.

According to GOST 8239-89 “I-beams”, we select an I-beam No. 16 with a cross-sectional area equal to A \u003d 20.2 cm 2, which is more than A tr \u003d 18 cm 2.

According to GOST 8509-89 “Rolled steel, equal-shelf corners” we select an equal-shelf corner No. 10 with a cross-sectional area equal to A \u003d 19.24 cm 2, which is more than A tr \u003d 18 cm 2.

Which option is the most economical? Why? (An economical option would be the option of a rack from channel No. 16).

Block 3. Intellectual warm-up.
1. After reading the poem, determine the season

Silence flowed

The passions are gone,

And the sun didn't shine

And the bitter smell of herbs,

Oblivion has come. (Autumn).
2. “She went - she was eaten” - what or who is it? (Chess pawn).
3. Let's get a job. An engineer has come and is ready to listen carefully to your solutions to the problem. The conditions are as follows: explain with gestures and speak with lips curled inside the mouth. We try to explain to each other.

Block 4. Content 2. The base for the installation of the mini-tractor model was approved with super-effect: it was decided to design a kiosk for the sale of periodicals in the base space. In the course of design, a variant was adopted where the bearing elements worked for longitudinal bending (compression with bending).

The essence of longitudinal bending is as follows: acting on the rod along the longitudinal axis passing through the center of gravity of the cross section of the rod, an external force simultaneously compresses and bends the rod. The stability condition is reduced to the definition of the critical force:

where F is the compressive force, N;

Fcr - critical force, N;

|s| - allowable safety factor

The greatest value of the compressive force at which the rectilinear shape of the rod remains stable is called the critical force.

The technique for solving stability problems for highly flexible rods was proposed by the mathematician L. Euler in 1744. Additions were made by F. O. Yasinsky for the calculation of rods of medium flexibility.

The above theoretical material is also dominated by the inertia of familiar, specialized terms.

Block 5. Puzzle. Each group of 6-10 students, having previously analyzed and simulated the system, proposes a general model through the main modeling steps:

a) understand the problem;

b) understand the operation of the system and determine the parts (subsystems) involved in the implementation of the Main Function;

c) determine the connections between these parts.

To adopt the model, we use brainstorming - a method of activating creative thinking based on:

a) on the group presentation of alternative ideas with their evaluation and development of the possibilities hidden in them;

b) on the assumption that under normal conditions of discussion and problem solving, the emergence of creative ideas is hindered by the control mechanisms of consciousness, which fetter the flow of ideas under the pressure of various types of psychological inertia.

When conducting a brainstorming session, the leader - I follow the rules of the preparatory and, especially, the generating stage:

a) a ban on criticism;

b) prohibition of substantiation of put forward ideas;

c) encouragement of all ideas, even unrealistic and fantastic ones.

When conducting a brainstorming session, I use special methods of activating thinking: lists of leading questions, dismemberment, simple presentation, unexpected associations, exemption from terminology.

Block 6. Computer intellectual warm-up. After a collective discussion of the task, I ask you to go to the computers and transfer the accepted version personally to the computer (the presence of the Internet is required).

Block 7. Summary. Let's continue the collective proposal: "The engineer of the plant will hire such an employee who ...". We discuss the most creative options chosen by voting and options for self-nominated candidates.

Whoever liked the lesson, he raises a card with a smiling face, they counted. Let's summarize.

In the course of our experimental work, the positive impact of the proposed adapted methods of scientific creativity on the professional competencies of students, in part on the development of creativity, was revealed. This allows us to talk about the need for further work on adapting the methods of scientific creativity for teaching. technical mechanics.

  1. Zinovkina M. M., Utemov V. V. The structure of a creative lesson on the development of the creative personality of students in the pedagogical system of SFTM-TRIZ // Modern Scientific research. Issue 1. - Concept. - 2013. - ART 53572. - URL: - State. reg. El No. FS 77-49965. - ISSN 2304-120X.
  2. Utemov V. V. Adapted methods of scientific creativity in teaching mathematics // Concept: scientific and methodological electronic journal. - 2012. - No. 7 (July). - ART 12095. - 0.5 p. l. - URL: - State. reg. El No. FS 77-49965. - ISSN 2304-120X

Musina Maira Saitovna,

[email protected]

Adapted methods of scientific work in the training of technical mechanics.

Abstract. The article considers the training of creative thinking in the training of technical mechanics. The author describes the methods of scientific creativity theory of inventive problem solving is given block description of one of the sessions of the training.

key words: theory of inventive problem solving, systems thinking, creativity, mental inertia, brainstorming.

Application of active learning methods

in the course of technical mechanics.

Teaching methods are the methods of the teacher's teaching work and the organization of the educational and cognitive activity of students in solving various didactic tasks aimed at mastering the material being studied.

(I.F. Kharlamov).

Purpose of activity : to consider the use of active teaching methods in the process of studying the discipline "Technical Mechanics" in college.


1. Determine the psychological and pedagogical foundations of active teaching methods.

2. Develop lectures and practical exercises using active teaching methods for the discipline "Technical Mechanics".

3. Test lectures and practical classes using active teaching methods in the discipline "Technical Mechanics"


To provide conditions for personal development, to make the process smooth and manageable, to form thinking subjects. Try to combine the scientific nature of teaching with accessibility, vivid visibility with the game, to ensure that all students work with enthusiasm

Modern methods and forms of education (active learning methods):

Method is a combination of methods and forms of learning aimed at achieving a specific learning goal. Thus, the method contains the method and nature of the organization of students' cognitive activity.

Form of study It is an organized interaction between a teacher and a student. Forms of training can be: daytime, part-time, evening, independent work of students (under the supervision of a teacher and without), individual, frontal, etc.

Education - this is a purposeful, pre-designed communication, during which certain aspects of the experience of mankind, the experience of activity and cognition are carried out. Education is the most important means of personality formation and, first of all, mental development and general education. The learning process is aimed at the formation of knowledge, skills, experience of creative activity.

The activity of trainees is their intensive activity and practical training in the learning process and the application of knowledge, formed skills and abilities. Activity in learning is a condition for the conscious assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Cognitive activity is the desire to think independently, find your own approach to solving a problem (problem), the desire to independently acquire knowledge, form a critical approach to the judgment of others and the independence of your own judgments. The activity of students disappears if there are no necessary conditions for this.

Thus, the direct involvement of students in active educational and cognitive activity in the course of the educational process is associated with the use of techniques and methods that have received the generalized name of active teaching methods.

Active teaching methods are ways to enhance the educational and cognitive activity of students, which encourage them to active mental and practical activities in the process of mastering the material, when not only the teacher is active, but students are also active.

Active teaching methods involve the use of such a system of methods, which is mainly aimed not at the presentation of ready-made knowledge by the teacher and their reproduction, but at the independent mastery of knowledge by students in the process of active cognitive activity.

Thus, active learning methods are learning by doing.

According to the nature of educational and cognitive activity, active learning methods are divided into: simulation methods based on the simulation of professional activities, and non-imitation ones. Imitation, in turn, is divided into game and non-game.

The most common AMOs are trainings, group discussions, discussions, business and role-playing games, ideas generation methods and others.

At the same time, the analysis of specific situations (ACS) is referred to non-game methods. Game methods are divided into:

business games,

didactic or educational games,

game situations

・Gaming tricks

Active trainings

At the same time, the means of implementing individual, single principles are referred to as gaming techniques. First of all, various forms of activating lectures and other traditional forms of education, games pedagogical techniques, separate means of activation. For example, a lecture using the method of case analysis in the form of an illustration carried out by a teacher, a lecture with planned errors, a problematic lecture, a press conference lecture, a lecture-discussion, a lecture-conversation - the principle of dialogue communication.

Continuing the theme of the last lesson, we would like to introduce you to those teaching methods that have appeared relatively recently and whose active introduction into the pedagogical process is just beginning to be carried out. If we talk about the traditional educational system, then in the institutions corresponding to it, modern teaching methods can be found extremely rarely, but as for private schools, training centers and other similar organizations, new methods appear more and more often in their activities. On why these methods are credited with greater efficiency than traditional methods, you will learn in this tutorial. But in addition to the advantages, we will also mention the main disadvantages. innovative methods to which attention should be given.

To begin with, we note that modern teaching methods, unlike traditional ones, are characterized by slightly different features, namely:

  • Modern teaching methods already in the process of development are adapted to a special pedagogical plan. The development is based on a specific methodological and philosophical view of the author
  • The technological sequence of actions, operations and interactions is based on target settings, which are a clear expected result
  • The implementation of the methods involves the associated activities of teachers and students, which have a contractual basis and which take into account the principles of differentiation and individualization, as well as the optimal use of human and technical potential. Mandatory components should be communication and dialogues
  • Pedagogical methods are planned in stages and implemented sequentially. In addition, they should be feasible for any teacher, but guarantee each student
  • An indispensable component of the methods are diagnostic procedures, which contain the tools, indicators and criteria necessary for measuring student performance.

Modern teaching methods in many cases may not have a psychological and pedagogical justification, which is why it is quite difficult to classify them in some unified way. But this does not prevent not only their application in educational activities, but also does not have any significant impact on the success of this application.

Modern teaching methods

Among the most popular modern teaching methods today are:


A lecture is an oral form of information transmission, during which visual aids are used.

The advantages of the lecture are that students are guided in large amounts of information, there are usually a large number of students in the classroom, and the teacher can easily control the content and sequence of his presentation.

The disadvantages of the lecture include the fact that there is no feedback from students, there is no way to take into account their initial level of knowledge and skills, and classes are strictly dependent on schedules and schedules.


The seminar is a joint discussion between the teacher and students of the issues being studied and the search for ways to solve certain problems.

The advantages of the seminar are the ability to take into account and control the level of knowledge and skills of students by the teacher, to establish a connection between the topic of the seminar and the experience of students.

The disadvantages of the seminar are the small number of students in the class and the requirement for the presence of a teacher.


Training is such a teaching method, the basis of which is the practical side of the pedagogical process, and the theoretical aspect is only of secondary importance.

The advantages of the training are the ability to study the problem from different points of view and catch its subtleties and nuances, prepare students for action in life situations, as well as improve them and create a positive emotional climate.

The main and main disadvantage of the training is that at the end of the training, students must be accompanied and supported, otherwise the acquired skills and abilities will be lost.

Modular learning

Modular learning is a breakdown of educational information into several relatively independent parts, called modules. Each of the modules has its own goals and methods of presenting information.

The positive characteristics of the modular learning method are its selectivity, flexibility and the possibility of rearranging its components - modules.

The negative aspects are that the educational material can be learned in a piecemeal manner and become incomplete. Also, the logical connection of information modules may be lost, as a result of which knowledge will be fragmented.

Distance learning

Under distance learning refers to the use of telecommunications in the pedagogical process, allowing the teacher to teach students, being at a great distance from them.

The positive characteristics of the method are the possibility of involving a large number students, the possibility of learning at home, the ability of students to choose the most suitable for classes and the ability to transfer the results of the learning process to various electronic media.

The disadvantages here are the high requirements for the technical equipment of the pedagogical process, the lack of visual contact between the teacher and the student and, as a result, reduced motivation on the part of the latter.

Value Orientation

The value orientation method serves to instill values ​​in students and familiarize them with social and cultural traditions and rules. Usually, in the process of work, tools are also used that reflect these rules and traditions.

The positive characteristics of value orientation are its assistance in the adaptation of students to the conditions real life and the requirements of the society or activity.

The weak point of the method is expressed in the fact that the student, if the teacher has embellished any points, may be disappointed in the information received when he encounters the actual state of things.

case study

Analysis of "blockages"

The method of analysis of "blockages" is to simulate situations that often occur in real life and are characterized by a large amount of work, as well as to develop the most effective ways solving problems arising from such situations.

On the positive side, the presented method is distinguished by the high motivation of students, their active participation in the process of solving problems and the impact that develops analytical skills and systematic thinking.

The disadvantage is that students must have at least basic skills and abilities to solve the tasks.

Work in pairs

Based on the requirements of the pair work method, one student is paired with another, thereby guaranteeing feedback and assessment from the outside in the development process new activity. As a rule, both parties have equal rights.

Working in pairs is good because it allows the student to get an objective assessment of their activities and come to an understanding of their shortcomings. In addition, communication skills are developed.

The disadvantage lies in the possibility of difficulties due to the personal incompatibility of partners.

reflection method

The reflection method involves the creation of the necessary conditions for students to independently comprehend the material and develop their ability to enter into an active research position in relation to the material being studied. The pedagogical process is carried out by students performing tasks with a systematic check of the results of their activities, during which errors, difficulties and the most successful solutions are noted.

The advantages of the reflective method are that students develop the skill of independent decision-making and independent work, they hone and increase the sense of responsibility for their actions.

But there are also disadvantages: the field of activity of students, which is the problematic of the topic or discipline they are studying, is limited, and the acquisition and honing occurs exclusively by experience, i.e. through .

Rotation method

The rotation method consists in assigning different roles to students in the course of a lesson or lesson, so that they can get a variety of experiences.

The advantages of the method are that it favorably affects the motivation of students, helps to overcome the negative effects of routine activities and expand their horizons and social circle.

Of the minuses, one can name the increased tension of students in cases where new and unfamiliar requirements are presented to them.

Leader-Follower Method

According to this method, one student (or group) joins a more experienced student (or group) in order to master unfamiliar skills and abilities.

The advantages of the method are its simplicity, faster adaptation of students to new activities and honing their communication skills.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the student is not always able to understand the underlying psychological reasons for making decisions by his more experienced partner.

Fly method

Such an uncomplicated word is a method in which relevant this moment time, questions about the topic or problem being studied are resolved through the exchange of information and opinions, as a result of which there is an opportunity to improve the skills of students.

The advantages of the method under consideration lie in its linkage to real situations in the learning process, as well as in providing students with the opportunity to use an emotional-volitional and content-problem approach when making decisions.

The disadvantages are that the teacher or discussion leader needs to be able to focus on important details and make competent generalizations that he will offer students. In addition, there is a high probability of abstract discussions, including those that have a negative emotional connotation.


The method of mythologems involves the search for unusual ways to solve problems that arise in real conditions. Such a search is carried out on the basis of metaphors, in other words, a non-existent scenario is developed that is similar to the existing one.

The positive characteristics of the method are the formation in students of a setting for a creative search for solutions to problems, and a decrease in the level of anxiety of students when they encounter new tasks and problems.

The negative aspects include reduced attention to rational and calculated actions in real conditions.

Experience exchange

The experience exchange method involves a short-term transfer of a student to another place of study (including other countries) and a subsequent return.

The presented experience contributes to the cohesion of the team, improving the quality of communication and broadening one's horizons.

The disadvantage of the method lies in the likelihood of stressful situations due to personal and technical difficulties in a new place.


Involves collaborative work in small groups, main goal which is the search for a solution to a given problem or task. Ideas proposed at the beginning of the assault are collected together, initially without any criticism, and at subsequent stages are discussed, and one of the most productive is selected from them.

Brainstorming is effective in that it allows even students with a minimum level of knowledge and a set of competencies to participate, does not require thorough preparation, develops in students the ability to think quickly and engage in group work, has a minimal stressful effect, cultivates a culture of communication and develops the skill participation in discussions.

But this method is not very effective for solving complex problems, does not allow to determine clear indicators of the effectiveness of solutions, complicates the process of determining the author of the best idea, and is also characterized by spontaneity that can lead students away from the topic.

Thematic discussions

The method of thematic discussions is to solve certain problems and tasks in a particular area of ​​any discipline. This method is similar to brainstorming, but differs from it in that the discussion process is limited to a specific framework, and any decisions and ideas that initially seem unpromising are immediately discarded.

The advantages of the method can be called the fact that the information base of students regarding the subject under discussion is expanding and the skill of solving specific problems is formed.

The disadvantage is the difficulty of finding a solution to the problem due to the fact that this goal can only be achieved if the teacher or discussion leader has the skill of accurately and comprehensively conveying information to less informed participants.


Consulting or, as the method is also called, counseling boils down to the fact that the student seeks information or practical help from a more experienced person on issues related to a particular topic or area of ​​research.

A positive feature of this method is that the student receives targeted support and increases his experience, both in the field of study and in interpersonal interaction.

The negative side is that the method is not always applicable, which depends on the specifics pedagogical activity, and in some cases requires material costs for the implementation.

Participation in official events

Participation in official events involves attending exhibitions, conferences, etc. by students. The bottom line is to evaluate the event and draw up a brief report, followed by its presentation to the teacher. It also implies the preliminary preparation and research of thematic issues and problems related to the theme of the event.

The positive aspects of the method are the mobilization of the student to search for information relevant to the subject of the event, the development of business communication skills, and the improvement of analytical skills.

The disadvantages include the fact that the emotions and impressions received after attending the event can distort the real objective assessment.

Use of information and computer technologies

The essence of the presented method is clear from the name - modern high-tech means of information transfer, such as computers, laptops, digital projectors, etc. are used in the pedagogical process. The information mastered by students is presented in combination with visual-figurative data (video materials, graphs, etc.), and the studied object, phenomenon or process itself can be shown in dynamics.

The advantage of the method is that the demonstration of educational material can be dynamic, individual elements of the material or all of it can be repeated at any time, the teacher can provide students with copies of the materials, which means that for subsequent study there is no need for special conditions, for example, in the classroom or class.

The disadvantages are that in most cases there is no interactive connection, in the process of using the method, the individual characteristics of students are not taken into account, and the teacher does not have the opportunity to have a stimulating effect on his students.

And separately, as an independent method, it should be said about special educational simulators.

Educational simulators

In the process of creating simulators, certain pedagogical tasks or discipline-related situations. This is carried out by means of special equipment, which is located in the premises intended for this.

Students master complex skills, problem-solving algorithms, psychomotor actions and mental operations for making decisions regarding the most serious situations and issues within any discipline.

There are a number of requirements for effective simulators:

  • Simulators should be developed taking into account the psychological characteristics of a particular discipline, because learning tasks should correspond to the tasks that will be encountered in real life, in terms of their functional and subject content
  • Learning tasks performed on the simulator should be aimed at providing students with operational feedback, on the basis of which it will be possible to judge the quality of the actions performed by students
  • The simulator should be designed for repeated repetition of tasks by students, because it is necessary to achieve automatic correctness of actions. The correctness of actions, in turn, can be indicated by the comments of teachers, as well as the feelings of students received by them through the senses and experiences.
  • Training tasks that are performed using the simulator must be selected so that the complexity of the implementation increases. This allows the student not only to properly master the practice, but also not to lose

Any teaching method that is planned to be used in the pedagogical process can give the maximum result if it is found that it is really suitable for use. This can be established only by analyzing the characteristics and characteristics of students and the area in which they receive knowledge, skills and abilities.

It is also possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular teaching method by analyzing the content of the learning tasks and methods that are offered to students, based on whether they correspond to topical issues and situations.

The productivity of the pedagogical process during the development by students of new knowledge and the acquisition of new skills requires teachers to develop an orientation system in each discipline being studied. Creating the optimal content of educational programs allows students to form systemic thinking, which will be the guarantor of their successful learning and development, the presence of cognitive interest, motivation for further learning and the development of any knowledge, skills, subjects and disciplines.

But in pedagogical activity there is not and, perhaps, there cannot be any universal method or system of methods. It is important to be able to apply A complex approach, which means that teachers should give preference in their work not only to modern or traditional teaching methods, but to apply each of them both individually and together, setting themselves the task of developing the most optimal and effective educational program.

In this lesson, we talked about modern methods training and indicated their main advantages and disadvantages. Of course, we did not disclose absolutely all of their features (we did not actually set ourselves such a goal), however, the information already available should be enough to help you decide which method appeals to you to a greater extent, what you wanted to understand in more detail and what to apply later in their pedagogical activities.

As for the next lesson, in it we will touch on an equally serious topic regarding the direct interaction between the teacher and students - we will talk about methods of pedagogical influence on the personality of students.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

For about ten years I have been using a rating system for controlling the quality of knowledge in teaching students the discipline "Technical Mechanics". Control points have been worked out, tasks and their rating have been optimally thought out. Students are involved in the process of constant work, from lesson to lesson. Only timely completed tasks bring the maximum result and bring everyone closer to the successful completion of the study of the discipline. Satisfied students, happy teacher.



Successful development modern society implies a close relationship between socio-economic progress and continuous improvement of the education system. The second year of SVE continues the transition to training based on the new federal state standards of the third generation (FSES), a distinctive feature of which is the focus on learning outcomes, on the requirements of the labor market. A trained young specialist without any problems should be included in the production and social processes, productively using the qualifications, experience and competencies gained during the training. The education system should not only ensure that students learn a certain content of education, but - and this is the main thing - create conditions for launching the mechanisms of self-education, self-development, and responsibility for their activities. “The student should be given back the right to study,” says V.A. Carson, and one cannot but agree with him.

The success of training largely depends on the proper organization of control of educational activities. Checking and evaluating the "quality of education" - necessary condition optimization of the learning process.

Considerable attention has always been paid to the issues of learning control. This is reflected in the works of psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontieva, V.V. Davydova and others. Methods and forms of knowledge control are considered in the works of domestic (Yu.K. Babanensky, M.I. Zaretsky, V.M. Polonetsky, Z.A. Reshetova, etc.) and foreign (A. Anastazi, N. Kronlund, A. Hughes and others) teachers. At a new stage in the development of education, the assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates is carried out in two main directions: assessment of the level of mastering disciplines (MDK, professional modules) and assessment of students' competencies.

The task of each teacher is to study and use the accumulated experience, develop and apply their own methods and forms of knowledge quality control. For many years I have been using a rating system for assessing the quality of knowledge in teaching the discipline of technical mechanics. This is one of the most popular modern control technologies, which allows an integrated assessment of all types of students' activities, to quantify the quality of specialist training. The correctness of my choice is confirmed by the positive dynamics of growth in academic performance and the quality of knowledge in a technical discipline that is traditionally difficult for students. Experience in this system, accumulated didactic and methodical material, I use when creating a fund of evaluation tools for this discipline.

Rating system, in contrast to the 5-point one, is characterized by the integral nature of the assessment. This allows me to consider the learning process in dynamics, compare the rating indicators of different students (groups) with each other at different points in time, on different modules, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of certain innovations, rebuild and predict future results.

The rating system is open and transparent. This is manifested in the fact that the working conditions and the assessment of the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities are brought to the attention of students in advance. Which also meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education “to assess the quality of mastering the main professional educational program” is that “specific forms and procedures for the current control of knowledge, intermediate certification for each discipline and professional module is developed educational institution independently and brought to the attention of students within the first two months from the start of training. I introduce the group to the system of assessing the quality of knowledge at the first lesson in the discipline. Detailed information about the program of work, the list of mandatory milestones (activities) and the time of their implementation, the principle of rating (minimum and maximum score) for these milestones, module, final result, ways to get additional points, etc. are issued in the form of an Information sheet (Memo). This is given to each student and posted on the information stand. From the first lessons I make it clear that the success of the final result depends on the conscientious, responsible, regular fulfillment of all the requirements of the teacher. Each student gets the opportunity to clearly plan their achievements. Participating in the work on the organization of control of all types: phased, milestone, final, to see their shortcomings. Everyone can take measures to improve their rating, for example, performing independent work of a more difficult level, solving tasks of increased complexity. The teacher has the opportunity to stimulate the work of each student, his independent extra work to expand and deepen knowledge on the subject. Moreover, a significant amount of time is allotted for independent work of a student in a discipline (in the third generation of the Federal State Educational Standards). I assign additional points for early completion of tasks. All these agreements additional terms may change, be adjusted depending on the level of preparation of the group, changes in working conditions during the semester, etc.

The rating system has advantages over the traditional five-point system from the psychological point of view. There is no negative moment when everyone is divided into "successful" and "unsuccessful". An experienced teacher knows that the number of "twos" often does not stimulate, but, on the contrary, generates indifference. Rating-result (even small) at the end of each topic section encourages any progress! There are no "bad" marks here, even a small answer brings its own score, which goes to the general piggy bank.

The rating system for controlling the quality of knowledge makes it possible to create conditions under which both sides of the educational process receive satisfaction from work and study. And the inspiring power of success will immediately bring its positive results!

The use of a rating system for assessing the quality of knowledge does not require a change in the structure of the educational process and is best combined with a block-modular learning system. The division of the content of the academic discipline into sections and topics is already contained in work program. It is necessary to begin the development of rating indicators with an analysis of the available methodological materials for ensuring control and determining the main control points.

Simplicity, accessibility, obviousness (primarily for the student) and logic - should be taken into account when choosing one or another system of rating indicators. The list of checkpoints necessarily includes a test, an exam, a report on practical work, control and independent work, homework and other activities.

The development of a rating indicator for each control point is the most responsible and time-consuming process for a teacher. It is necessary to take into account, first of all, the level of significance of each control point in terms of its contribution to the study of the topic, section and discipline as a whole. The choice of a multi-point system can be any and depends on the personality of the teacher. It is recommended not to greatly increase the range of estimates and use the so-called "significance factor" (from 2 to 10 - for the current control and up to 25 - for the final one), i.e. all events are ranked. To determine the lower bounds of the assessment indicators ( minimum score) it is recommended to use a "coefficient of assimilation", in most cases - 0.7, although from 0.4 to 1.0 is used.

The student's oral answer, work at the blackboard, technical dictation or the performance of an individual test task is estimated from 3 to 5 points;

Independent work (small test tasks during the lesson) are estimated from 5 to 10 points;

Hometasks ( written works) - from 7 to 11 points;

Settlement and graphic tasks (by options) - from 18 to 30 points;

Practical work - from 12 to 20 points;

Control work - from 15 to 25 points.

In addition to the main control points, points are given for checking notebooks (6-10 points): I take into account keeping a notebook and regularly completing all homework. Final certification - exam - from 20 to 30 points.

The rating system allows you to activate extracurricular (independent) work of students: preparing reports and abstracts, design and research work, presentations, compiling and solving crossword puzzles, tasks of increased complexity, making manuals, etc. - is assessed by the corresponding points. Points for independent work can be up to 40% of the number of points for this module, which is a good motivation for this activity and allows you to better evaluate the formed competencies.

If the student missed the checkpoint for a good reason, then this work is done in extra time and is evaluated by the same number of points. Missing a control event without a valid reason is penalized by the fact that the work performed in extra time is evaluated at a minimum. If the control measure is not fulfilled (even by the minimum score), the work can be repeated, but it is evaluated only by the lower limit.

For each module (discipline section), a rating indicator card is compiled, which indicates the total number of points (from and to), all control points and their corresponding points. At the end of the semester, the results of all cards are entered into common card by discipline (summary of modules), summed up (corresponding column), then comes the column of the final certification (exam, test) and the final rating. The point system allows the student to score such a total that he can be exempted from the exam (if he meets the mark "excellent") or can improve his result if he meets the mark "good".

In the multi-point rating scale, as in the five-point scale, there should be three characteristic areas: the area of ​​​​unsatisfactory ratings, which should occupy up to 60% of the entire scale, the area of ​​​​transitional ratings - approximately 10% and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bgood and excellent ratings - 30%. Depending on the type of learning activity, module structure, etc. the maximum score may vary, but the percentage of the above areas must be maintained.

The rating system developed and used by me (its visual manifestation is the charts of accounting for rating indicators) allows you to easily and quickly (with some experience) summarize the achievements of each student, analyze the performance of the entire group and each individual, identify shortcomings, take timely measures to change adverse situations . Even at the initial stage of applying this knowledge control system, it becomes obvious that students increase their motivation for learning activities, the desire to study regularly becomes natural, and there is a conscious interest in the results of their work.

The use of a rating system for controlling the quality of knowledge opens up new opportunities for the teacher to improve the forms and content of control measures. The rating will make it possible to fully implement the methodological function of control: improving the work of the teacher himself. Allows each of us to evaluate teaching methods, see our weaknesses and strengths, choose the best options for learning activities.

The use of the rating system creates a significant additional burden for the teacher. This is the definition of the "cost" of rating indicators, the selection and compilation of a list of control points, the need to constantly certify students and regularly summarize the results, and, above all, methodological support for control in all sections and topics.

Current control provides regular management of educational activities, its correction, stimulates the constancy of interest in cognitive activity. This determines the forms and content of control activities: a frontal survey, individual oral answers are supplemented by homework (in writing), independent work(in writing, for 10 minutes), test tasks. In order to have a reliable idea of ​​the level of learned material, tasks should be multivariate and multi-level (realizing a student-centered approach). Of course, this is an additional methodical work and work load.

Milestone control allows you to determine the quality of students' study of educational material in sections and topics and the ability to apply the acquired skills and abilities in the performance of practical tasks. I organize this kind of control by applying test papers intermediate (up to 15 points) and advanced (up to 25 points). It is impossible not to say about the educational significance of this moment: students learn to realistically assess their capabilities, make responsible decisions, develop self-criticism, and draw the right conclusions for the future.

The final control aimed at checking the final learning outcomes is an exam, which consists of a test and a practical part (also of different levels). All of the listed methods, and forms of control, and the corresponding methodological support is reflected in the CBS for this discipline.

The rating system of knowledge quality control is a “live” system that can be changed. This forces the teacher to be constantly on the lookout, improve the forms and methods of control measures, adjust the methodological material (increasing options, introducing tasks of varying complexity, developing additional tasks, tasks of increased complexity, etc.), sometimes review the teaching methodology itself, study the accumulated experience colleagues. This stimulates the creative activity of the teacher, contributes to his professional growth and has a positive effect on the learning process as a whole.

The use of a rating system for assessing the quality of knowledge makes it possible to more objectively judge the real achievements of each student. Rating - an individual integrated numerical indicator makes everyone work for the final result. Starting with low scores for the oral answer, for the work in the lesson, the student is gradually drawn into systematic, conscientious work from lesson to lesson. Didn't score today (or didn't score high score), you can correct the situation in subsequent lessons. Reflection makes it possible to get a better result: choose a more difficult task, prepare more carefully for a checkpoint, etc.

Quality control of knowledge with the help of rating allows you to take into account the individual psychological characteristics of the student as a person.

  • stimulate the systematic work of the student;
  • the student himself to predict stage-by-stage assessments of his work and see the state of his affairs at any time;
  • to cultivate responsibility, conscientiousness and discipline;
  • objectively and flexibly evaluate knowledge;
  • make timely adjustments;
  • improve the comprehensive educational and methodological support of the subject.


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