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The most important values ​​in a person's life. Life values

How to understand the difference between spiritual and material values? What are the options for personal development in this regard and what to expect on each path of development? Let's look at these current issues in more detail later in the article.

Human values: general concept

First, it’s worth understanding the concept of “value” in general: what is it in the universal human understanding? The word “value” comes from the word “price”, that is, it is something that has price, significance, significant preference, expressed in various objects of both the material and subtle spiritual world.

The main types of human values ​​are divided into three groups:

  1. Spiritual - something that does not have a clearly expressed physical form, but at the same time significantly affects the quality of life of both an individual and society as a whole. They are usually divided into personal, that is, having importance for a specific individual, group - having weight for a specific group of people (community, caste, nationality), as well as universal, the significance of which is not affected by the level of consciousness or life of a person.
  2. Social is a type of value that is important for a certain circle of people, but there are certain individuals for whom it is absolutely not important, that is, it is not something necessary for a full life. An excellent example is the ascetics in the mountains of Tibet, hermits living alone in the forests or traveling around the world.
  3. Material - this type of value is predominant for more than half of humanity, as it has become the basis for another status - social. The basis of material value is made up not only of personal property, but also of the surrounding world.

All types of values ​​have in themselves the main reason and driving force for the development of a person, group, society or humanity as a whole, which is an indicator of success and progress.

In various life situations, a person is sometimes forced to make a choice between development and nourishment of the material or spiritual world, which determines further development individual, and therefore the prevailing majority of society.

Spiritual values ​​are the litmus test of society's morality

There are several types of spiritual values, and all of them are based on one goal: to make an individual a more developed personality from the point of view of the intangible world.

  • The fundamental values ​​of life are freedom, love, faith, goodness, peace, friendship, nature and life in general. The absence of these factors calls into question the further development of man even at a primitive level.
  • Moral values ​​determine relationships between people from a moral standpoint. This is honor and honesty, conscience, humanity and compassion for all living things, respect for age and experience.
  • Aesthetic - associated with the experience of beauty and harmony, the ability to enjoy the moment, sound, color and form. Music by Beethoven, Vivaldi, paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris and St. Basil's Day are the aesthetic values ​​of humanity outside of time. For an individual person, such an important object can be a figurine donated by a loved one, or a picture drawn by a three-year-old child.

A person who lives by spiritual values ​​will never doubt what to choose: attend a concert of his favorite performer or buy his fifth, but very fashionable boots. For him, his duty to his aging parents is always primary; he will not be able to satisfy his selfishness and send them to a nursing home.

Social or collective values ​​of a person

A person’s social values ​​are twofold: for some they are primary and extremely important (politicians, actors, clergy, world-class scientific researchers), for others, on the contrary, they do not play any role, and a person absolutely does not care what others think about him or what his position is. he ranks on the social ladder.

All types of social values ​​are divided into several types:

Political + level of the social ladder: for some people it is extremely important to stand at the helm of power, to be respected and revered by everyone.

Communicative - it is important for the vast majority of people to belong to some group or cell, be it “Hare Krishna” or a circle of cross-stitch lovers. Communication based on interests gives a feeling of being in demand, and therefore important for the world.

Religious: For many people, belief in divine powers and associated rituals in Everyday life provide a basis for later life.

Natural-economic (environment-oriented): few people want to live in environmentally hazardous areas, places with heavy gas pollution or seismically hazardous areas - this is an indicator of personal natural values. At the same time, the concern of humanity as a whole about environment is also included in this section, as is the conservation of rare animal species.

Material values ​​are the main incentive of the modern world of consumers

All physical objects that make a person’s life as comfortable as possible are material values ​​that supposedly make life happier and more diverse.

Unfortunately, modernity is too preoccupied with caring about the external, material world, and few people actually realize that houses, cool cars and closets full of clothes, as well as iPads, are only temporary and imaginary values ​​that are relevant only to a limited extent. usual life. And if you move a person without his “toys” into a space independent of them, then he might be able to realize that these things, in fact, are worthless and are not primary values.

Personal values ​​of an individual

This type of value is a combination of all the above aspects, but taking into account the individual priorities of a person.

So, one person will have in the first place the desire to achieve a high position in society. This means that its main value is social. Another will have a passionate desire to understand the true meaning of existence - this is an indicator of spiritual value that stands above all else.

A person’s priorities in choosing personal values ​​are an indicator of a highly developed being

All types of values ​​of an individual perfectly show who a person really is and what awaits him in the future, because it is pointless to ignore the previous experience of many thousands of people. If a person has chosen material goods as a priority, believing that they will make him happy for the rest of his life, then he will eventually understand (if not stupid!) that all these “toys” that come and replace each other give a feeling of happiness and satisfaction for a short period of time , and then again you want something else.

But people who have chosen the spiritual path and high values, not only know, but also feel that their life is full, interesting and without capital investments: it doesn’t really matter to them whether they have a popular brand car or an old Moskvich - after all, their happiness does not come from owning things, but lies in love to life or God.

Can all three types of values ​​coexist peacefully in the minds of one person?

This idea is very well illustrated by Krylov’s fable “Swan, Cancer and Pike”: if you rush in all directions at once, then in the end nothing moves anywhere, it remains in place. But a group of like-minded people or a nation, and indeed all of humanity as a whole, is quite capable of such a task: some will be responsible for material values, using them for the benefit of everyone, while others will raise the spiritual level, preventing society from morally decaying.

“What you do will come back to you.”

Winston Churchill

Our actions run like a red thread through our entire life, thereby determining its quality. What are our actions based on, what is their foundation? The answer is very simple: the foundation of any action is our internal qualities, they are also the values ​​of our life. When we perform this or that action, we, first of all, must turn to our inner world, rely on our internal values.

The true values ​​of our life are not material wealth. Not a car, an apartment, clothes, jewelry and many other things. Although for some reason we often value these things more than people. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a loved one, a work colleague, or just a passerby. We forget that by respecting others, you respect yourself. I do not deny at all that an apartment, a car and other attributes are necessary and important, but I ask you to understand that they are not our true values. We are often hostile to other people, while elevating ordinary things to the rank of deity and worshiping them. It seems to me that we are all a little confused in this life, making external goods more important internal qualities. Please remember when you last time did you help the people who exist next to you, who surround you? How often do you do good deeds and show respect to others?

Sometimes it is very useful to answer questions about your inner world. The answer to them can help form an inner core, develop the right principles that you can always rely on, no matter what life situation happens.

One of these supports can be our internal values, which will help us navigate this life. By internal values ​​I mean the qualities that guide us when making a particular decision. These qualities are of the following nature: nobility, virtue, respect, responsibility, honesty, friendliness, mutual understanding and much more that you can find in the depths of your heart.

Of course, these qualities can only have a positive meaning and in no case can they be negative. Why can't they be negative? Can the bad deeds we have committed really make our lives better, more harmonious, happier? Can they really help other people? There is a well-known proverb - “Don’t dig a hole for others, you will fall into it yourself” or “What goes around comes around.”

And this is true, rather even a law that life itself came up with. Going against the laws of life is very unwise. After all, if you jump from a roof, the law of attraction will certainly do its job, of course, unless you are Neo from the movie “The Matrix”. By the way, Neo is the personification of true inner values, a stronghold of goodness and nobility. He saves the world from oblivion, trying to reveal to people the truth of life.

Sometimes saving the world means destruction, which is a fight against something dark inside us. In the same way, we can shed light on the ignorance and darkness that are trying to take root in us, in our entire being. We can break our old patterns of behavior that lead to the destruction of ourselves, relationships with our loved ones, and our entire world as a whole. We can create new principles, for which the beacon will be true values.

How can true values ​​be determined? Imagine that there are many roles in your life that you play. These roles are manifested in various fields life, for example: family, friends, work, hobbies, society in general. Now let's look at some of these roles.

Let's start with family, the closest and most valuable to us. You can be: father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, etc. Let's look at the example of father/mother. Now imagine, or better yet, write down what kind of father/mother you would like to be. What qualities would you like to show in your children? Would you like to be sensitive to them, give love and care, raise them in an atmosphere of respect and mutual understanding, loyalty and honesty? After you write down these qualities, try to monitor yourself in real life. Are your behavior and actions consistent with the qualities you would like to have? If not, think about why and how you can change it.

The next role I would like to consider is the role we play at work. Let's say you are a swimming coach and teach children to swim. In addition to teaching children to swim, you are also an example and guide for them. Learning takes place not only on the water, but also in the children's heads, you teach them moral principles. And the way you behave during classes, the principles on which you act and what values ​​you rely on, shapes, firstly, your behavior, and secondly, the behavior of the child, which he can adopt from you.

It follows from this that our internal values, no matter what role we occupy, must be formed in the same way. And this key should open only those doors behind which our positive qualities are located.

Treat other children the same way you treat your child. Observe your behavior, both in the family and in all areas of life, and always remember true values.

We have the opportunity to go through all the roles of our lives and see those qualities that we know about, but for some reason we do not use them as a guide, we do not use them as a foundation. Our inner values ​​are like the bright light of a beacon that illuminates our path, helps us follow the right path and not get lost in the abyss of passions that envelop us and our lives like fog.

True values ​​should be the basis of our personality, they should serve as a guide and lead us in the right direction, permeating our entire path. I hope your values ​​will be virtue and order, love and compassion, nobility and respect. And, of course, I hope that all of them will illuminate your life, the life of your family and all the people on our planet.

Values ​​in the most in a general sense name things and phenomena that are significant for humans and society. Values ​​have the ability to satisfy certain human needs, meet his interests, or correspond to the traditions of society and those social groups, in which a person is included.

Obviously, the value is not in the item itself. Objects become valuable only in the process of human evaluation of the world. For example, a banknote by its nature is just paper with printing ink applied to it. Its value is given by the appropriate attitude of man and society. Banknotes that are out of use lose their purchasing value, although they do not physically change.

However, value is not contained only in the human mind. Ideas about a banknote and the bill itself are not the same thing. Money in the mind and money in the pocket are different things, and their value is accordingly different: when choosing between them, we will choose real money (even if there is much less of it than “money in the mind”). In the subject, his consciousness, it is not the value itself that can be found, but only the act of evaluation. So, there are no values ​​either in the object or in the subject. Therefore, they exist in the sphere of their interaction (just as electricity does not exist in either the positive or negative pole of a battery, it appears when they are connected). Value arises only at the meeting point between man and the world. Man is surrounded by silent things. To evaluate means to single out something significant from this mass, to feel the ability of some thing to respond, to meet human needs.

Values ​​are so diverse that a complete and exhaustive description of them is impossible. An infinite number of values ​​can be identified:

o primary - food, water, shelter, clothing, safety, protection;

o secondary - belonging, respect, love, recognition, self-expression;

o material - food, water, shelter, clothing, Natural resources, tools, expensive things;

o spiritual - truth, goodness, beauty, creativity, knowledge, justice, holiness;

o universal - life, freedom, goodness, beauty; about personal - all possible.

Values ​​are not isolated or separated from each other, but are in constant motion and close interaction, forming a complex system of mutual intersections, coincidences and influences.

Life is the highest universal value. A person lives life consciously, sets certain goals for himself and strives for them. In other words, he ascribes a special meaning to life. The common meaning of life can be derived from the natural laws of life itself (naturalistic approach) or from absolute values ​​that lie beyond life (authoritarian approach).

According to naturalistic approach, the meaning of life is the pursuit of pleasure, pleasure, and benefit. At first glance, this approach seems correct, but a detailed analysis reveals a number of shortcomings in it. Sometimes, in pursuit of pleasure and profit, a person becomes not a free expresser of his desires, but a slave to them. Fixation on pleasures often leads to destruction of the psyche and body (for example, in the case of drug addiction). The consistent development of all naturalistic goals shows that their consequences can be such negative qualities as selfishness, gluttony, stinginess, and what is truly useful for a person is the ability to limit oneself on the path to pleasure and benefit.

IN authoritarian approach, the meaning of life lies in the pursuit of a great idea (for example, the common good). However, considering a person as a means of achieving higher goals devalues ​​human life: for the sake of absolute ideas, which often turn out to be illusions, people have died and are dying. Usually, logical development authoritarianism leads to blind adherence to an idea - religious or political fanaticism.

There is also subjective the point of view according to which there is no common meaning of life for everyone and each person freely chooses the meaning of his life in each of his actions. Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) indicated three main directions for searching for this meaning. A person must accept the values ​​of creativity (creation and self-realization), experience (the ability to admire beauty, goodness, truth) and attitude (an optimistic perception of the world).

A person is free to choose his own path and is not immune from mistakes and failures. Science can only show him an approximate direction of search. The meaning of life cannot be obtained ready-made - it must be experienced and suffered in order to feel like a human being. Only freedom of choice gives meaning to life.

The concept of freedom is diverse - it can be negative (freedom from something) and positive (freedom for something), internal (freedom of will and choice) and external (freedom of action). Points of view on whether a person has freedom also differ significantly. Some thinkers believe that human actions and decisions are arbitrary (this position is called voluntarism), others believe that all actions are initially predetermined (the position of fatalism).

In the most general sense, freedom is the absence of restrictions and constraints. But in reality, a situation in which all restrictions are absent is impossible. Human actions are limited by nature and society. Natural limitations presented physical laws and objective human capabilities: you cannot go back in time, you cannot run above a certain speed, you cannot live longer than a certain amount biological features body. Social restrictions are associated with the fact that the freedom of one person is limited by the freedom of another. An English proverb puts it this way: “The freedom of my fist ends where the freedom of your nose begins.”

To become truly free, you need to understand these external limitations: to know the objective laws of nature and social life and understand the limits of your capabilities. Only by knowing the nature and essence of the limitations can you overcome them, thereby expanding the range of your actions. How better person understands his capabilities, the more freedom he has. For example, the laws of nature and scientific data say that a person cannot fly like a bird. Understanding the essence of objective restrictions (laws of gravity, aerodynamic features) made it possible to develop such technical means, which helped man rise into the air without violating natural laws. Limitations can be overcome only by understanding them: modern aircraft simultaneously take into account physical limitations and expand human capabilities. Freedom, according to the Dutch philosopher Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677), is a conscious (recognized) necessity. From this follows the philosophical definition of freedom. This - the possibility of the subject expressing his will on the basis of awareness of the laws of development of nature and society. It is the knowledge of the laws that liberates; ignorance only limits freedom.

As a perceived necessity, freedom is closely related to responsibility.

Responsibility - this is an awareness of duty, the demands placed on a person by society. In fact, responsibility is the flip side of freedom: the freer a person is, the more responsible he is. If a person’s behavior was not free, predetermined by someone else’s will or objective circumstances (the lives of his loved ones were threatened or the person was mentally insane), he, as a rule, does not bear criminal or moral responsibility. But for all his actions, committed freely, for each of his personal choices, a person is obliged to answer to society and himself.

In this regard, freedom has moral and legal limitations. External limiters(from the side of society) are expressed in norms, traditions, customs, laws, religious commandments, etc. Internal limiters(on the part of a person) are expressed in beliefs, personal principles, in the voice of conscience. If internal limiters are formed correctly, then external ones are no longer necessary. A person becomes an individual when he acts not on the basis of external coercion, not out of fear of punishment and not out of a desire to be rewarded. A real person acts morally based on his inner convictions, formed in the process of free self-determination.

Freedom is refracted in a special way in different spheres public life. For example, in the economic sphere freedom of the market and freedom of trade stand out. In the sphere of relations between the individual and the state, freedom of speech (the ability to express one’s beliefs), freedom of conscience (the ability to choose religious or atheistic views), freedom of assembly (the ability to gather to discuss various issues), freedom of association (to unite with other people), etc.

Civil values ​​of an individual are formed on the basis of political freedoms. The concept of “citizen” indicates that an individual has a stable connection with a specific state. This connection is expressed primarily in the provision by the state to the citizen of certain rights and freedoms. Since there is no citizen without freedoms, it is the duty of every citizen to protect his freedoms from any infringement. Thus, active citizenship to protect one’s rights and freedoms, even if the rights of a citizen are violated by the state itself, is the primary value of the individual in its correlation with the state.

For every citizen, the continuation of freedoms are obligations to the state. In exchange for their freedoms, a citizen agrees to obey laws, defend the country, pay taxes, etc. Such duties are a fair payment for the rights and freedoms granted to the individual, therefore, her evasion of duties is considered not only illegal, but also morally reprehensible. From this point of view, the values ​​of a citizen are patriotism, a sense of duty, responsibility for the fate of the country, etc.

There are a number of civic qualities that are associated not with the relationship between the individual and the state, but with the relationship between the citizens themselves. Since the freedom of one person in a state is limited by the freedom of another, respect for the interests of others and laws that ensure these interests fall into the category of values. From this point of view, the main civic values ​​are recognized:

ABOUT tolerance-tolerance towards the beliefs of others; O humanism - confession intrinsic value any person;

O legal consciousness- recognition of the supremacy of laws over private interests or beliefs.


  • 1. values in the most general sense, they refer to things and phenomena that are of significant importance for humans and society. Truth, goodness and beauty are recognized as the main spiritual values.
  • 2. Life is considered the highest universal value. Meaning of life It is impossible to receive it ready-made - it must be experienced and suffered. Each person puts meaning into his own life.
  • 3. Liberty there is a possibility for the subject to manifest his will on the basis of awareness of the laws of development of nature and society. The downside of freedom is responsibility- awareness of duty to other people and society as a whole.
  • 4. K civic qualities individuals include an active civic position, patriotism and responsibility for the fate of the country, as well as tolerance, humanism and a developed sense of justice.


  • 1. How do a person’s interests influence his value preferences? Are there differences between values ​​in different cultural traditions?
  • 2. Name the main approaches to determining the meaning of life. How does the degree of individual freedom influence the solution of life's meaningful issues?
  • 3. How do you understand the phrase “Freedom is a perceived necessity”? Why is freedom called reverse side responsibility?
  • 4. What do you understand by civic values? Why in modern life Have civic qualities of an individual acquired special significance?
  • See for more details: Frankl V. Man in Search of Meaning. M., 1990.

Hello, dear friends!

Every person living on the blue planet faces the same list of important things every day. Some of them are familiar, banal and even everyday. Others are subject to completely different laws.

Each new day welcomes with new circumstances and rules of the game, which is able to fray already shaky nerves. When difficulties arise, a person’s life values ​​are of great importance, which safely serve him as a kind of guide in the Universal space of choices and decisions.

The value system helps to qualitatively answer the question: “Am I going there?”, “Have I chosen the right path for my full-scale implementation?”

Understanding the essence of your beliefs and position, it is much easier to overcome the difficulties that arise. People know that the conviction that the intended path is correct will not allow them to leave the route.

When the statements, and most importantly the actions of the individual, are in complete harmony with life values, then all aspects of the manifestations become more massive and much more interesting, and therefore, we are satisfied with ourselves.

But when words and behavior diverge from the truths learned by the subconscious, then at that very moment an uncomfortable and “grinding” feeling arises in the soul, as if irritation and panic will tear apart from the inside in a matter of minutes!

This internal sensation reminds the person that things have gone wrong. Moreover, constantly being in such a depressed state is fraught with huge problems not only with the psyche, but also with health!

Only in the case of unshakable faith in congenial values, a person will be able to maintain the required level of self-esteem, confidence and simple, human happiness. But how to determine the correct source of the axioms?

We decide on the main criteria

The main task of an individual is to identify a list of values ​​as early as possible, which is fundamental. This urgency is due to the fact that by taking such a step, a person begins to more effectively shape not only his character, but also his actions and long-term plans.

It is worth understanding that there are no universal laws applicable to the general public. We are all different, and it is precisely because of this that the significant guidelines of one will always diverge from the truths of another, and the fifth or seventh simply will not consider it important.

And yet, by what criteria should the selection be made? I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most common aspects of choice, which, to one degree or another, has special treatment to yourself.

1. Her Majesty Love

This is perhaps the most well-known truth for women. And the point here is not at all about romance or candlelight dinner. The question does not concern dating, family or the “candy-bouquet” period.

Each of us is capable of experiencing this inspiring feeling. And you can see this in relation to family, friends or work. But now I focus your attention on showing love to other people, to those whom you may never have the opportunity to meet.

Universal love for one’s own kind, and sometimes for the whole race, can instill tolerance, tolerance and compassion in a person. And when we nevertheless come to it, we discover an amazing facet of pure goodness, and not pure negative qualities.

2. Deep understanding

We need to be understood and heard. Think about how many of us can be tormented by malice or anger simply because there is no desire to delve into other people's troubles?

By accepting introductory circumstances and data, reconciling and understanding others, you can not only gain complete control of the situation that has arisen, but also find a special approach to solving it.

3. Respect

This is one of the most important selection criteria. Like most deep values ​​for an individual, this one has its own unique niche. Acting under the auspices of such a respectful motto, you can achieve unrealistic heights.

Perhaps it is respectful to treat many aspects of the life of an ordinary person. It manifests itself in personal relationships, in the work atmosphere and, of course, when communicating with your “I” and needs.

4. Iron discipline

Many people confuse the term with a tedious routine and the banal execution of a mechanical routine. But in fact, discipline closely borders not only on punctuality, but also on respect for other people’s time.

Thus, the habit of bringing things to a logical end, adhering to self-woven rules, an individual characterizes himself as an educated, responsible person.

5. Honesty and fairness

Wanting to be a worthy reason to be proud of his own actions, an individual can make a choice in the direction of this amazing value, which will serve him for many years as faith and support.

The fact is that honest people do not tolerate hypocrisy, rudeness, deception and many negative qualities that persistently strive to flash through their thoughts.

Moreover, the definition of justice as a fundamental leitmotif in life allows us to build others on the same solid foundation.

I can endlessly sort through the layers of human “diamonds” that, with their light, help me walk through the world, receiving support. This list of basic criteria and values ​​can safely include optimism, without which it is difficult to climb up, and patience, which helps to achieve more, and friendship, and forgiveness, and especially gratitude.

All our values ​​are a kind of compass that allows us to navigate the world's oceans of events with an invincible ship. The initial list of such may reach ten. But it is very important to be able to carry out detailed analysis, keeping no more than 6. Do you have problems with your income or relationships?

This happens because the model or picture of the internal world, unfortunately, does not coincide with the external one. Do you find it particularly difficult to make decisions? It's all about the lack of clear guidance and an answer to the question: “What do I really want?”

Only by following the whispered guidelines of life will a person allow himself to live fully and consciously. When you have crystallized attitudes in your head, it is much easier to receive support, regardless of the circumstances outside. So, what can be called the basic values ​​of life?

The main ones among the main ones

A psychologically and physically healthy person can allow himself to form 3 main circles of “truths”, gradually adding “particularly personal” ones to it.

1. Relationships and personal life

Hidden here is the most powerful message of a thrifty, respectful attitude towards loved ones. The desire to start a family, have children and live a happy, family life.

We can say that these are the values ​​of inner joy from a partner, romance, entertainment and a colossal charge of energy through travel.

2. Work, life’s work, purely business

Why do you go to work? What do you get in return? And most importantly, are you happy with it? The desire to become better, earn more and strive to conquer career heights, along with the words “home, life and ideal comfort” are combined here. Such value helps to move towards obtaining new status, power and increasing the level of self-esteem.

That is, hidden here is the desire to work hard in order to get to the top of your Everest! This is a value that is directly related to ideas, plans and indirectly touches on the next point.

3. Comprehensive self-development

The main task is to cognize the inner world and tame the outer one, shouting: “Here I am!” It is impossible to build a good business without certain skills and knowledge. Therefore, the value of this order is aimed at accumulative, invisible wealth that helps a person develop the skill in which he sees himself.

We should not forget about spiritual practices that work with completely different vibrations, carrying with them a powerful charge of energy.

Friends, this is where I will end today’s reflection. Subscribe to updates, and in the comments share your opinion regarding the topic of the material.

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Do you know that 99 of the 100 richest Russians according to Forbes magazine have children?? I'll tell you more about this below.

Are you satisfied with your job, family relationships, health, internal state ? Happens in every person's life various problems, but many difficulties can be avoided if you act in accordance with the correct life values.

Now I will talk about 8 life values ​​and how their satisfaction affects the level of happiness.

8 Life Values

1. Spiritual development. This is your moral state and actions, understanding of life values.

2. Family, loved ones. Your relationship with your significant other, relatives, friends.

3. Health, sports. Your well-being. Regularity in general examinations can also be attributed to this section, since many diseases can be asymptomatic until the very last stage.

4. Financial situation. Satisfaction with financial situation.

5. Career. Career and finances are separated because for many, self-realization in a career is more important than income; for others, it’s the other way around.

6. Rest, emotions.

7. Self-development.

8. Environment. People you interact with frequently, at work and in other social settings.

If you want, you can add your other life values.

Priorities in life values

Maximum efficiency and level of experienced happiness is achieved under 2 conditions:

Your life values ​​are correct;

You are as close as possible to equal satisfaction of all life values.

Now let’s analyze these 2 conditions a little and start with the first: Correct life values. Each life value has its own priority.

The main value in life is spiritual development, i.e. your moral state. The importance is that negative actions have a bad effect on everything spheres of life: health, leisure, finance, etc. The reason is that bad actions create a conflict with yourself, or rather, with your conscience. Remember how you felt after the fight. Irritability, headache, stress, etc. are the result of any negative emotions.

All bad deeds conflict with your conscience, resulting in the production of stress hormones, which lower your immunity, worsen your mood, etc. If, from a moral point of view, you do good deeds, then happiness hormones are produced, which strengthen the body’s strength and improve your mood, which, in turn, affects all other areas of life.

Let's designate the main life value from above.

The second most important value is family. Problems in the family, as well as in the value of “spiritual development,” greatly influence all areas of life, the principle is approximately the same.

3rd most important value: health, which also affects everything else. Priorities for other values ​​may vary depending on your personality type.

Supporting facts from forbes about success

Many may have doubts about the above priorities, so I will present the facts. Everyone knows Forbes magazine, which annually publishes lists of the richest people in the world. In one of the magazines I found the following interesting fact: In the list of the 100 richest Russians according to Forbes, I counted only 9 divorced men, 1 unmarried, the rest are all married. But the most interesting thing is that 99 out of 100 have children, even divorced ones, adopted or their own. At the same time, the average data for all married men in Russia is much lower, you understand this yourself.

It turns out that the most successful men are married and have children. This is a statistical fact.

How do you like this arrangement? It seems like it should be the other way around, logically. modern man, the more you work to achieve success, the less time you have for everything else. Why is it so difficult for single men and women to succeed? Why do they have to work harder and achieve less?

So, according to statistics, in marriage you are more likely to realize your desires. But let’s try to understand why this happens, because family and children require time, care, and effort!

We are designed in such a way that When doing good deeds, joy hormones (dopamine, serotonin, etc.) are released into the blood.. Remember how you felt when you provided invaluable help to another person. You can look at the faces of people who work in charitable foundations, even from photographs it immediately becomes clear that they feel much happier than others.

Caring for others, in particular, for family and children, greatly reduces susceptibility to stress, because our brain cannot think about several situations at once, it works sequentially. What does this mean? And when we want to help someone, positive thoughts of help prevent negative emotions from developing. If there are no thoughts about how to help your neighbor, then the emptiness will be filled by worries and negative emotions.

This is why after a divorce, so often people start drinking and fall into other harmful illnesses, they simply become more susceptible to negativity. A family people, on the contrary, they are less proud, offended, and sick; this happens because when a person takes care of someone, his moral state improves.

That's why family can help not only get the release of happy hormones: endorphins, but also reduce the production of stress hormones by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Success and morale

The foundation of success is your morale. Everyone understands that people avoid cooperation with proud, arrogant, evil people and, on the contrary, are drawn to interact with calm, polite, kind people. Therefore, the most important value is spiritual development, which improves your morale and reduces negative behaviors. As a result, there is less conflict with conscience and fewer negative thoughts that negatively affect through the release of stress hormones.

I’ll share my experience: I go to Orthodox churches, regularly confess and receive communion. This helps improve morale, remove negative thoughts and feel happier.

The family gives a person the opportunity for faster spiritual development, because caring for one’s neighbor makes a person better, his moral state improves, and his actions become correct. Therefore, family and relationships with loved ones are the 2nd most important value in life.

Priorities allow you to make a more accurate analysis and help you better understand what needs to be done to make your life change for the better. For example, satisfaction with your financial situation should not be higher than satisfaction with your spiritual development. Or career satisfaction should not be higher than satisfaction family relations. That is, on the wheel of life you need not only to tighten up your sagging needs, but also to make sure that lower-priority life values ​​do not grow higher than higher-priority ones.

Often people work where they don't like. And every day an unloved job brings more and more disappointments and a spoiled mood. Often the reason is neither a bad job nor even a bad employee, but the fact that they are not a good fit for each other. If you approach your choice of work and lifestyle in accordance with your life values, then you will be more successful in any field.

How to evaluate life values

The criterion for success in life is the level of happiness experienced. Perhaps everyone wants to be happy. The more you satisfy your values ​​in life, the happier you will feel.. But in order to understand where to start, you need to know at what stage of satisfaction your current life values ​​are.

Now is the time to evaluate your values ​​in life. To start, take a piece of paper and draw a circle, then divide it into 8 parts by drawing 4 lines through the center. Place a zero in the center of the circle - this is your starting point. Divide each of the 8 axes into 10 parts, graduated with marks. There will be a zero in the center of the circle, and 10 at the edges where the lines intersect with the circle.

Label each intersection of the line with the circle described above with the 8 life values.

Ask yourself: Are you satisfied with the work you have done to improve your health, relationships with your family, etc. For each item, rate your level of satisfaction on a 10-point scale and mark on each axis.

It is important to add that the question should not be asked related to satisfaction in general, but to how you worked on each area. It is not the final goal that is important, but your desire and movement towards it.

I'll explain why: Life constantly limits us in some way and there are situations when it is impossible to achieve what we want, but we can achieve satisfaction from the work we put in. For example, a person does not have a leg, of course, everyone would like to have full-fledged limbs, but for now this is impossible, so if such a person always points to the health axis as a low result, this will demotivate him, because he wants to, but cannot .

And if you put your movement towards the goal on the wheel of life, for example, a person without a leg trains every day to feel as natural as possible on an artificial leg and indicates high numbers on the health axis, then this will motivate him to further training. Therefore, 10 points on each axis is the value of the maximum result that you, and not someone else, can achieve in a given life situation.

As a result, you should get a figure similar to a circle. If this did not work out, then look at all the sagging areas of life. First of all, it is necessary to satisfy the most lagging values ​​in life, because... it is always easier to saturate the base level than the higher one, i.e. to get a uniform circle. In addition, balance in life is extremely important for a person. Only a balanced life will bring happiness.

Now you know how much your life values ​​coincide with the real state of affairs and what needs to be changed first.

You need to determine your life values ​​regularly; draw the circle of life at least once a month, preferably once a week.

The figure you need to strive for is a circle. When you determine your life values ​​and the degree of their implementation, it will be much easier to prioritize your activities, your life will become more balanced, and you will feel happier.

P.S. If you have difficulties or questions about the article you read, as well as about the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc. ask them to me, I will try to help. Consultation via Skype is also possible.

P.P.S. You can also take the online training “How to get 1 hour of extra time.” Write comments and your additions;)

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