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Syntax as a section of grammar is the central unit of syntax. Syntax

Syntax(gr. syntaxis - composition). - a section of grammar that studies the structure of coherent speech and includes two main parts: the doctrine of word formation and the doctrine of sentences. The main syntactic units are: word form (i.e. a word in a certain form), phrase, sentence, complex syntactic whole.

Subject syntax are the word in its relationships and connections with other words in speech, the rules for the formation of larger units from words that provide verbal communication. As a result of combining word forms, using words in certain forms, syntactic units are built: phrases, sentences. So in a sentence: Somewhere on the western outskirts a hand grenade went off loudly(Sh.) phrases used on the western outskirts, a hand grenade went off loudly. In Russian, a sentence can be constructed from one significant word in a certain form: Morning; It's getting light; Here is the lake; Get up! etc. However, such sentences, as a rule, allow expansion with the help of explanatory words: Summer morning; It's getting light quickly; Here is a forest lake; Get up immediately!

Sentence and phrase- syntactic units for different purposes, each of them may have its own essential features. Offer forms the statement; it is the main unit of syntax. Collocation- one of the components of a sentence, it represents an auxiliary unit. In syntax, the rules of grammatical formatting of sentences and phrases are studied.

In speech, sentences are connected to each other. A group of sentences connected in a certain way in a relatively complete segment of text, united thematically and logically, forms the so-called complex syntactic whole. In a syntactically complex whole - a single thematic content - sentences are connected using lexical units, verbal forms of tense and aspect. The patterns of construction of a complex syntactic whole are the subject of the study of text syntax.

Syntactic means in the Russian language, with the help of which sentences and phrases are constructed, are varied. The main ones are the forms of words in their interaction and function words. By means of inflectional indicators and function words, the syntactic connection of words in phrases and sentences is carried out. For example, in the sentence Through the cloud the unheated sun looked at the earth(Sh.) words are connected by generic endings ( the sun was shining, the sun was not warming), as well as case endings in combination with prepositions ( looked at the ground, looked through the cloud).

When constructing a sentence, intonation and word order are also used. Intonation(messages, questions, motives) is not only a means of grammatical organization of a sentence, but also an indicator of the completeness of an utterance. Word order- their relative position in the composition of phrases and sentences. In the Russian language there are certain rules for the relative arrangement of words in different types of combinations. Thus, the grammatical form is the placement of the predicate after the subject; the agreed definition is usually placed before the word being defined, and the inconsistent one - after it. Deviations from this rule are used for stylistic purposes.

Syntactic units are connected with units of other levels of the language system: they are built from words, or more precisely from word forms. Syntax is thus based on vocabulary and morphology. Syntax and morphology are especially closely related as two aspects grammatical structure language.

Morphological units, morphological indicators are realized in speech through phrases and sentences. Morphological categories of parts of speech are the support of syntactic relations ( western outskirts - defining relations "subject - attribute"), as well as syntactic categories ( a grenade went off - past tense, real modality).


1. Syntax is a branch of linguistics, the subject of study of which is the syntactic structure of the language, i.e. its syntactic units and connections and relationships between them.

2. Syntax is a section of grammar that studies the structure of coherent speech. The main units that syntax studies are: phrases and sentences.


A sentence is the basic unit of syntax, which is a grammatically designed and intonationally complete combination of words.

The doctrine of phrases

The study of phrases is closely related to the study of parts of speech. Phrases are classified according to the main word as nominal, verbal, etc., and depending on belonging to one or another category, they perform different functions as part of a sentence and are included in complex phrases in different ways. Although concepts such as coordination, control, etc., relate to both phrases and sentences, they have completely different scope and character in relation to these categories. The same applies to rhythmic-intonation means.

Similarities and differences between words, phrases and sentences

The concept of a phrase naturally correlates with the concept of a word and the concept of a sentence.

The features that unite the concepts of words and phrases are:

1) are not communicative units of language, they are included in speech only as part of a sentence;

2) do not have predicative meanings or intonation of the message;

3) act as nominative means of language, naming objects, their characteristics, actions;

4) have a paradigm change.

Signs of difference appear in structure and meaning: 1)word - lexical a unit consisting of morphemes,

phrase - a syntactic unit consisting of 2 or more significant words united by a subordinate connection.

2) The word names objects and phenomena of reality in an undifferentiated form. It can have a large set of potential semes, which determines the number of possible word combinations where potential semes are specified and revealed (cf.: write a letter, write beautifully, write with a pen, write on the board, write to a friend; sleep on the sofa, sleep soundly, sleep for two hours and so on.).

Phrases name objects and phenomena of reality in a dismembered form, that is, they have a specific, detailed name that does not require further clarification. This feature deprives this unit of the opportunity to have potential semes (cf.: dining table, desk, dietary table, passport office, etc.).

3) In relation to the concepts of words supply and supply, the main feature distinguishing them is the presence predicativity, modality, syntactic tense and intonation completeness of the sentence and the absence of these features in the phrase.

We can also say that a phrase and a sentence are concepts of different semantic series and different stylistic planes. They correspond to different forms of thinking.

A sentence is not at all a type of phrase, since there are also words-sentences. But even in its inner essence, in its constructive features, it cannot be directly derived from the phrase.


Collocation syntax

Collocation syntax manifests the syntactic properties of individual words and establishes rules for their compatibility with other words, and these rules are determined by the grammatical features of the word as a certain part of speech.

Thus, the possibility of phrases like the red banner is determined by the grammatical properties of the combined names: a noun as a part of speech has the property of grammatically subordinating an adjective, and an adjective, as the most consistent part of speech, is able to take a form determined by the form of the noun, which is externally revealed in its inflection;

phrases like write a letter also rely on the grammatical properties of the combining words: it is interesting that in this case even the grammatical property of the verb itself (transitivity) is associated with the need to be combined with a certain form of the name; transitive verbs are not only capable of subordinating names, but also need it to expressions of their own semantics

The syntax of a phrase in the general language system is a transitional step from the lexical-morphological level to the actual syntactic level. This transitivity is due to the duality of the nature of the phrase, which is as follows. A phrase is constructed from individual lexical units, i.e., like a sentence, it is structurally formed

The concept of a phrase

1. A phrase is a combination of two or more significant words that are connected in meaning and grammatically, serving to express a single, but dismembered concept or idea.

The phrase is like and. the word serves as building material for the sentence. For example, in the sentence Snowflakes fall to the ground, you can select the word snowflakes, which is the subject, and the phrase fall to the ground, which is the predicate group.

Subject and predicate, homogeneous members of a sentence, a word with a preposition do not form phrases, for example: it is raining; shines, but does not warm; by the sea, near the sea.

2. A phrase is a minimal syntactic unit

Syntactic units are constructions in which their elements (components) are united by syntactic connections and relationships.

As part of syntactic units, inflected words are used in one of their forms (word forms), which together form the morphological paradigm of the word.

However, word forms are studied in both morphology and syntax, but they look different.


A phrase and a sentence are distinguished as syntactic units of different levels: a phrase is a pre-communicative level, a sentence is a communicative level, and a phrase is included in the system of communicative means only through a sentence

Differential features of a phrase

For a phrase as a unit of the lowest level of a syntactic system, it is advisable to identify the following distinctive (differential) features and take them into account when analyzing the phrase:

1) grammatical - non-predicative unit;

2) functional - a unit of the nominative plan, expressing a single, but dismembered concept of objects, characteristics, actions;

3) structural - a construction consisting of at least two significant words connected by a subordinate relationship of coordination, control, adjacency;

4) semantic - a construction in which certain syntactic relationships between words are expressed;

5) paradigmatic - a unit represented by a system of forms based on the forms of the main, core word

2 types of syntactic connection in a phrase

A syntactic connection is an expression of the relationship of elements in a syntactic unit, that is, it serves to express syntactic relationships between words, secondly, it creates the syntactic structure of sentences and phrases, and thirdly, it creates conditions for the realization of the lexical meaning of a word.

The main types (types) of syntactic connection - composition and subordination

Composition and subordination are structural, actually linguistic relations, designed to structurally formalize objective relations.

1. Subordination is a combination of two words, in which one word is the main word and the second is dependent.

2. An essay is a combination of words in which all words act as equal in relation to each other.

2 types of coordinating connection

Coordinating communication is divided into open and closed.

1. An open connection is a connection in which the coordinating series is potentially not limited, but the same semantic relationships are verbally infused between each such component. Most often, enumerative relations exist between the components of an open relationship. Between the components, most often, there are connecting unions. The formal indicator is the presence of a disjunctive conjunction, repeated conjunctions, absence of a conjunction, intonation connection.

2. closed connection is a binary connection in which only 2 components of the coordinating series are connected by the same coordinating relations. They do not allow replenishment of the row while maintaining the same relationships.

Example: He joked 1, and I was angry 2 and continued to be offended 3 at him.

1 and 2, 1 and 3 – comparative relations; formal indicators - comparative conjunctions (a, same (=a), yes (=a)), adversative conjunctions (but, but, yes (=but)), explanatory conjunctions (a, namely), gradational conjunctions (not so )

Coordinating connection is a type of connection that characterizes different types of syntactic units.

obligatory/optional appearance of the dependent component. Some words are autosemantic, i.e. they do not need words to support meaning (e.g. house, pulpit). Semantic words are dependent, i.e. unable to convey clear information (e.g. reputed; He is reputed to be a smart guy - obligatory connection). I read, and I am reading a book - these are semantic and self-sufficient words, but they cannot convey information in detail (noun + definition). When the dependent word is predetermined by the grammatical meaning of the main word, this is an obligatory connection. E.g. transitive v.+n. V, R.p.

predictable / unpredictable - whether the main word with its semantic structure predicts one or another form of the dependent word. E.g. entrance to the house. With the main word may appear different shape dependent words, which practically do not differ from each other in their semantics (variability). E.g. Tell me about what? - Tell me about what? (predictable relationship). Quit smoking/smoking.

Three types of subordinating connections between words in a phrase

In a phrase, one word is the main word, and the other is dependent (you can ask a question about it from the main word). There are three types of connections between words in a phrase:

1. Coordination is a type of connection in which the dependent word is similar in form to the main word, i.e. stands with the main thing in the same gender, number and case. For example: a beautiful hat, about an interesting story;

Agreement can be complete (green grass, a literate person, hot summer) or incomplete (when the form of the rh. ch. or p. of the dependent word changes) (our doctor, on Lake Baikal, on the seven winds).

2. Control - a type of connection in which the dependent word is used in a certain form depending on the lexical and grammatical meaning of the main word, for example: hatred of the enemy, read a book;

Management can be strong and weak.

1) With strong control, the main word, with its lexical and grammatical properties, predetermines the obligatory appearance of the controlled case form with it, that is, the connection is necessary. Strong control is found regularly when transitive verbs, can be found with nouns and adjectives of certain lexical semantics, for example: send a letter, listen to the radio, a lot of time, a lot of things to do, faithful to duty, devoted to a friend, etc.

2) With weak governance, the spread of the dominant word is optional.

3. Adjunction is a type of connection in which the dependence of a word is expressed lexically, by word order and intonation, without the use of function words or morphological changes): sing beautifully, lie trembling.

Based on the main types of communication in the linguistic literature, the following are distinguished: 1) explanatory communication; 2) bidirectional communication; 3) determinant connection. They are characteristic of the proposal


The term "syntax" is used primarily to refer to syntactic structure of the language, which together with morphological structure amounts to language grammar. At the same time, “syntax” as a term is also applicable to the doctrine of syntactic structure, in which case syntax is a branch of linguistics,subject the study of which is the syntactic structure of the language, i.e. its syntactic units and connections and relationships between them.

The division of grammar into morphology and syntax is determined by the very essence of the objects being studied.

Morphology studies the meanings and forms of words as elements of intraverbal opposition; values same verbal forms, arising in combination with other verbal forms, the meanings determined by the laws of word compatibility and sentence construction are subject syntax. Therefore, in the broad sense of the word syntax (gr. syntaxis - composition) is a section of grammar that studies the structure of coherent speech.

If morphology studies words in the totality of all possible forms, then syntax studies the functioning of a separate form of a word in various syntactic associations. Minimum unit of communication is a proposal. However, the syntactic properties of words are manifested not only in a sentence, the structure of which is entirely subordinated to the tasks of communication. The syntactic properties of words are also found at a lower level of the language system - in phrases, which are semantic and grammatical combinations of words. Hence, syntax studies sentence- its structure, grammatical properties and types, as well as phrase- minimal grammatically related combination of words. In this sense, we can talk about sentence syntax And syntax of the phrase.

Collocation syntax manifests the syntactic properties of individual words and establishes rules for their compatibility with other words, and these rules are determined by the grammatical features of the word as a certain part of speech. (So, the possibility of phrases like Red flag is determined by the grammatical properties of combining names: a noun as a part of speech has the property of grammatically subordinating an adjective, and an adjective, as the most consistent part of speech, is capable of taking a form determined by the form of the noun, which is externally revealed in its inflection.) The syntax of a phrase in the general language system is transitional a step from the lexical-morphological level to the actual syntactic level. This transitivity is due to the duality of the nature of the phrase, which is as follows: the phrase is built from individual lexical units, i.e., like a sentence, it is structurally formed, but the functional significance of these units is different - it does not rise above the significance of the lexical units.

Sentence syntax- a qualitatively new stage in the general language system, defining the linguistic essence, communicative and functional significance language. The syntax of a sentence is based on the study of units of the communicative plan. Connections and relationships between word forms and phrases as part of a sentence are subject to the goals of communication, therefore they are different from connections and relationships between the components of a phrase. However, even at this linguistic level, the general linguistic systematicity manifests itself quite clearly. For example, many even complex syntactic units are structurally based on morphological-syntactic relations, in particular complex sentences with conditional dependence, and the presence of attributive clauses is dictated by the grammatical properties of the name. The same is true in sentences with a verb dependency: the subordinate clause that extends the verb is determined by the lexico-grammatical properties of the verb.

The general linguistic systematicity is emphasized by the presence of interconnectedness and interpenetration of phenomena at different linguistic levels. This is the foundation on which the building of the general language system rests firmly and which does not allow its individual links to crumble.

So, the phrase and the sentence are distinguished as syntactic units of different levels: phrase- level pre-communicative, offer- level communicative, and phrase into the system of communication means included only through offer. However, the identification of these syntactic units turns out to be insufficient to judge the ultimate unit of syntactic division. Thus, it is impossible, for example, to recognize a phrase as a minimal syntactic unit. The very concept of a phrase contradicts this, since it presupposes some kind of unification of components. The word as such, as an element of the lexical composition of the language, cannot be recognized as a minimal syntactic unit, since when combined in syntactic units, it is not words in general, in the totality of their morphological forms, that are combined, but certain forms of words necessary to express a given content (naturally, when shaping possibilities). Hence, primary syntactic unit can be recognized word form or syntactic form of the word. This also applies to those combining components when the words are deprived of the sign of formation, for example: very fruitful, very pleasant.

Word form- this is, first of all, phrase element. However, its role and purpose are not limited to this. The syntactic form of a word can act as a “building element” not only as part of a phrase, but also as part of a sentence, when it extends the sentence itself or participates in the construction of its basis. It follows from this that the syntactic form of a word is involved in the construction of a sentence either directly or through a phrase. The existence of a word form as a syntactic unit is confirmed by the extreme case of its functioning, when the syntactic form of a word is transformed into a sentence, i.e. into a unit of a different syntactic level. The syntactic form of a word and phrase, on the one hand, and a sentence, on the other, are syntactic units of different functional significance and different syntactic levels, but the units are interconnected and interdependent, units of the general syntactic system of the language. However, even a sentence, being a unit of communication, is significant in language only as a small particular link, which is structurally, semantically, and accentologically subordinate to the general tasks of communication, i.e. acquires its specificity only in connection with other links (proposals). This is how it arises complex integer syntax, syntax of connected speech, text syntax, which studies units larger than a single sentence, units that have their own rules and laws of construction.

Defining a set of syntactic units is by no means sufficient to describe the syntactic system of a language, since a system is not only a set of elements, but also their connections and relationships. So, syntactic connection serves to express the dependence and interdependence of the elements of a phrase and sentence and forms syntactic relationships, i.e. those types of syntactic correspondence that are regularly identified in syntactic units, regardless of their level.

Predicative relations arise as a result of the syntactic connection of the main members of the sentence. At the level of a complex sentence there are different types of syntactic connection:




also form syntactic relations:

    cause and effect,


  • comparative-adversative,

    enumerative, etc.

Means, syntax studies the syntactic units of language in their connections and relationships.

    on the one hand, it reflects real world phenomena, where it derives its information content (the relationship between an object and its attribute, action and object, etc.);

    on the other hand, it is based on the interaction of the components of the actual syntactic units (dependence, for example, of the controlled form of a word on the controlling one, the coordinated one on the one that determines this coordination, etc.), i.e. relies on syntactic connection.

This two-dimensionality of the content of syntactic relations is the essence of syntactic semantics in general and the semantics of syntactic units in particular. Syntactic semantics(or syntactic meaning) is inherent in any syntactic unit and represents its content side; semantic structure Naturally, they can only have units that can be decomposed into components (word combinations, sentences).

If we turn to the main syntactic unit - the sentence, then, based on what has been said, we can find in it content side(reflection of real objects, actions and signs) and formal organization(grammatical structure). However, neither one nor the other reveals another side of the proposal - its communicative significance, its purpose.

Syntactic science knows all three aspects of the study of a sentence, as a result of which an opinion has been formed about the need to distinguish accordingly

sentence in language(taking into account its syntactic semantics and formal organization)

And sentence in speech, i.e. a sentence implemented in context, in a specific speech situation (taking into account its communicative orientation). The latter is usually called statement, although they often use the same term - sentence, meaning its speech content.

Set of syntactic units, isolated in the language, forms it syntactic means. Like any other, syntactic means have their own specific purpose, i.e. do not exist on their own, but for the sake of certain functions. Private functions syntactic units determined by the general communicative function of syntax. If the communicative function is performed by a sentence (utterance) as a syntactic unit, then the function of any syntactic unit of the pre-communicative level (syntactic form of a word, phrase) can be recognized as the role of this unit in the construction of a sentence (as a component of a phrase or a member of a sentence).

To designate syntactic units divided into components, there is also the term "syntactic construction", which is used both in relation to an abstract language model and in relation to a specific language unit built according to this model.

In the general language system syntactic side occupies a special place - this higher order phenomenon, because only selection is not enough to express thoughts lexical material, it is necessary to correctly and clearly establish the connection between words and groups of words. No matter how rich the vocabulary of a language is, in the end it always lends itself to inventory. But “The language is inexhaustible in combining words”. It is in the structure of the language, i.e. in its grammar (and primarily in its syntax), the basis of its national specificity is laid. It is known that many words in the Russian language are of foreign origin, but they easily coexist with native Russian words. Time has made completely Russian such words as beets, bed, money, etc., and precisely because they obeyed the rules of compatibility of words of the Russian language. In the grammatical design of a word, the syntactic aspect always comes first: thus, many morphological properties of a word appear as a result of the specifics of its functioning in a sentence.

The syntactic structure of the Russian language is enriched and improved. As a result of the constant interaction of individual elements in the general syntactic system of the language, parallel syntactic constructions appear to express the same content. Structural variability leads, in turn, to stylistic differentiation.

The stylistic possibilities of modern Russian syntax are quite noticeable and quite wide. The presence of options in the ways of expressing thoughts and, consequently, in the syntactic organization of speech makes it possible to develop a whole system of syntactic means adapted to function in different types of communication, in different speech situations (in different functional styles of speech).

The study of syntactic units and their stylistic properties creates the opportunity for a targeted selection of expressive means of language and their conscious use in different speech contexts. The choice of syntactic units that correspond to specific goals of speech communication is always associated with the search for the optimal option. Moreover, this optimal option must satisfy the requirements of not only the desired meaning, but also the desired emotional sound. And this purely emotional side of the utterance is very often created by means of syntax. In particular, expressive syntax constructs have not only information function, but also impact function. From this it is clear how important the targeted study of the syntactic system of a language is.

SYNTAX(from the Greek “structure, order”) is a section of grammar that characterizes the rules for creating sentences and phrases. The syntactic structure together with the morphological structure is the grammar of the language. The essence of grammar and morphology contributes to their distribution into sections of grammar.

Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies the syntactic structure of language, namely phrases, sentences, text, ways of combining phrases into sentences, sentences into text, constructing simple sentences and combining them into complex ones.

It is very difficult to separate syntax and morphology. Morphology studies the forms and meanings of words, and syntax studies the compatibility of words and the construction of sentences.

What is the role of syntax in modern language? Literally from the Greek word " syntax" means "order" and indicates that it is necessary to organize individual units of language - words. The presence of syntax in human life is associated with the need of people to communicate, the desire to construct their speech in such a way as to more clearly convey information and their emotions. In one word, a person cannot convey everything his thoughts and emotions, but uses more complex speech elements in his speech - this is a phrase, sentence, text.

A phrase is a group of words that are connected grammatically and meaningfully. Very often in speech there are errors in the structure of phrases, both grammatical and semantic, for example, terrible beauty, beautiful girl. The transitional element from lexico-morphological to syntactic is the syntax of phrases. By using syntax individual words are structurally formed into sentences.

A sentence is a set of words that are related in meaning and have a grammatical basis. If there is one grammatical basis, then the sentence is simple, if there is more, then it is complex. The sentence has a complete meaning and intonation completeness.

The phrase itself defines a phenomenon, action, object, and the sentence already reproduces emotions, thoughts, desires. Syntax is a universal tool that helps correct construction human speech. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand the speech of a small child or a foreigner who does not know the basic rules syntax.

A sentence is the minimum unit of communication. The syntactic properties of words are manifested not only in sentences, as an element of communication, but also in phrases, as semantic and grammatical combinations of words. Syntax studies the structure of sentences, their grammatical properties and types, and a phrase as the smallest combination of words connected grammatically. Thus, we can distinguish between the syntax of a sentence and the syntax of a phrase.

Syntax this is a reflection of the creative component of language. After all, in the process of communication, new sentences are constantly being built, new phrases arise. Syntax is an area of ​​grammar that studies the emergence of a huge number of phrases and sentences from a finite set of words.

Every language, including Russian, contains a large number of words. But these linguistic units mean nothing without proper formatting. And this is where syntax comes to the rescue. The basic units of syntax are responsible for the grammatical connection of words into sentences, which make up human speech, written and oral. Knowledge of this important branch of the science of language will help you formulate your thoughts correctly and competently. The syntax is broken down into basic syntax units and discussed below.

Syntax is a special branch of linguistic science

The structure of syntactic units, their meaning and interaction is studied by the section of grammar called “syntax”. It is a word of Greek origin meaning “composition” or “construction.” The section studies exactly how to construct the basic units of syntax from the entire set of words - phrases and sentences. If this section of grammar is mastered at the proper level, speech will be coherent, logical and varied.

Punctuation is inextricably linked with syntax. This is a system of rules governing the placement of punctuation marks. They help to divide the text into sentences, as well as logically arrange the syntactic units themselves.

Basic units

The basic units of syntax are the phrase and the clause. Each of them has its own characteristics and purpose. Units of syntax also include text and a complex syntactic whole.

Let's figure out what the basic units of syntax are. The table will help with this.



It has no communicative function; it serves for the grammatical and semantic connection of words with each other.

The minimum communicative unit serves to formalize oral and writing. Has predicative properties.

One grammatical basis

Two grammatical bases

Catch with a net, wooden table, slow down, jump high.

The forest today is extremely beautiful.

He felt very sad.

I came to pay my respects.

Nature comes to life: in some places you can already hear the singing of arriving birds.

Subordinating connection

So, we said what syntax is, the basic units of syntax. Syntactic connections they determine how the relations between the latter are realized. There are two types of connections that can connect words in a phrase that make up the elements of a sentence: coordinating and subordinating.

When we talk about the latter, this implies that it is possible to identify the main part and the one that will depend on it. In other words, the main one is from which the question must be asked, the dependent one is to which it is posed.

Let's look at examples: know (what?) exact time. In this phrase, “know” will be the main word, “time” will be the dependent word.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring me. Here we already have a complex sentence with a subordinating relationship between the parts. From the first - “I know” - we ask a question to the subordinate clause (what?) “what will tomorrow bring me.”

Methods of submission

The subordinate relationship is implemented in several ways. This is most noticeable within a phrase.

  1. Coordination: when an entire syntactic unit changes, the word forms included in it also change. Wicker basket; wicker basket, about wicker basket. Dependent words in this case can be participles, adjectives, ordinal numbers and adjective pronouns.
  2. Control: the dependent word remains unchanged, while the main word can change grammatical form. Describes the landscape - described the landscape - describes the landscape - described the landscape. Dependent words: nouns, verbs, adjectives and cardinal numbers.
  3. Contiguity: connection only in meaning. They walked staggering, very handsome, he went to work. Here everyone will be dependent

Coordinating connection

Unlike subordination, a coordinating connection connects absolutely equal parts. These can be either special combinations of words: flowers and herbs, he walked and rejoiced, or components of a complex sentence: “The street soon became quiet, but anxiety grew in the house.”

Here we do not highlight the main and dependent words; this connection is formalized intonationally or with the help of coordinating conjunctions. Let's compare: “He walked, cried, did not notice anyone. - He walked and cried.” In the first case, only intonation is used, in the second - the conjunction and (coordinating connective).

Phrase. Types of phrases

So, it was described above what the basic units of syntax are. The phrase is the most minimal of them. It represents two or more words connected in meaning, intonation or grammatically. Phrases are isolated from sentences because they are integral part. This is done as follows: It is drizzling outside.

  1. First, the grammatical basis is determined. It is not a phrase. The rain is drizzling.
  2. Next, we ask questions from the subject: light rain (what kind?).
  3. After this, from the predicate: it’s drizzling (where?) on the street.

According to what part of speech the main word belongs to, all phrases are divided into nominal ones (oak table, each of the guests is capable of learning); verbal (walked stumbling, speak clearly) and adverbial (very fun, to the right of the road, somewhere in the store).

Also, phrases are divided into simple and complex.

In the first, only one question is possible: the sun (which one?) is bright and radiant. Complex ones are more common. Let's compare: read (what?) a magazine (simple) and read (what) a popular science magazine. In the last example, the word magazine also asks a question about the word popular science, so the phrase is complex.

Free and integral phrases are distinguished. The first ones are distinguished by the fact that each word from their composition is a full-fledged member of the sentence. Second words in a sentence are not divided into component parts. Only two students passed the session with flying colors. “Two students” is essentially a phrase, but in the sentence it acts as the subject, so it can be characterized as integral.

Is not a phrase

It should be remembered that phrases are never:

  1. Subject and predicate.
  2. Homogeneous members of the sentence.
  3. Phraseologisms (they should not be confused with whole phrases that are one member of a sentence: three sisters, a boy and a girl, etc.).
  4. Combinations of a function word and an independent part of speech: during the day (preposition and noun), so does he (conjunction and pronoun), what an ignoramus (particle and noun).
  5. Complex forms: I will read (future tense), the highest one is calmer (comparative degree), let him go (imperative mood).

Proposal and its signs

We already know that the basic units of syntax are phrases and sentences, but it is the latter that is the most important. After all, our speech consists precisely of sentences: with them we think and talk, composing a coherent text.

What characterizes a sentence as the basic unit of syntax? The grammatical basis is the indicator that distinguishes it from a phrase or a simple set of words. This feature is also called predicativeness, because it is the predicate that carries within itself an indicator of the reality or unreality of what is happening. It is expressed through the mood of the verb.

Also, the sentence as the basic unit of syntax is characterized by logical and intonational completeness. This is a short statement, the formalization of a certain thought about the subject of conversation. It cannot be confused with a phrase, because in the latter there is no logical completeness - it is simply a grammatically related set of words.

Grammar basis

Every sentence has a grammatical basis. This is an indicator of its structure - the most important characteristic.

The predicative basis can be represented by both the subject and the predicate, or each of them separately.

For example, the sentence: “We saw the long-awaited land.” There are both main members here. A sentence of this type is another matter: “The long-awaited land has become visible.” Here, from the basis, only the predicate has become visible.

It is by the number of predicative bases that the most important characteristic is given: whether the sentence before us is simple or complex.

Let us briefly examine each main term. The subject shows us the subject of speech, indicates what is being said in the sentence. The predicate denotes what the subject does, what it is, who or what it is. There are three types of this main member in structure and meaning: simple and compound, verbal and nominal.

What are the offers?

It is sentences that mostly study syntax. The basic units of syntax are characterized by many parameters.

Regardless of the number of predicative stems, sentences are distinguished by:

  1. Purposes of the statement. When communicating with each other, people can communicate certain facts (declarative sentences), ask (interrogative) or appeal to some action (motivating). At the end of such syntactic units, a period, question mark or exclamation mark is placed, respectively.
  2. Emotional coloring. There are exclamatory and non-exclamatory sentences. It should be noted that the former may not necessarily be exclusively incentive. For example, the sentence: What a ridiculous situation! We will characterize it as narrative, but exclamatory. It’s all because of what, expressing admiration.

Characteristics of simple sentences

Simple sentences are the basic units of syntax. Let us briefly examine their most important characteristics.

  1. One-piece or two-piece. The grammatical basis will indicate this. If it is represented by one of the members, the proposal will be one-part. Otherwise two-part. If a sentence has only a subject or predicate, it is necessary to indicate its type (definite or indefinite-personal, denominative or impersonal).
  2. Common or not. The secondary members are responsible for this characteristic. If there is at least one of them, the offer is widespread.
  3. Complete or incomplete. The latter are typical for oral speech: they are missing some member. Thus, it is impossible to build a logical chain without neighboring sentences. For example: "Are you reading a book?" - “No, a magazine.” The answer to the question posed is an incomplete sentence.
  4. A simple sentence can be complicated. This is also one of its characteristics. Complicating elements are isolated and secondary members, both common and not, as well as homogeneous constructions, introductory words, and addresses.

Simple and complex sentences

Russian syntax is very diverse. The basic syntactic units are simple and Let's figure out what the difference between them is.

If a syntactic unit has one grammatical basis, then it will be a simple sentence. The wind is very noisy today. The characteristics of such a proposal will follow the plan presented above.

There are cases when a syntactic unit consists of several simple ones. Then it will be a complex proposal.

The most difficult thing is to distinguish a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates from a complex one. Here you need to look carefully at the subject. If it is one object that performs various actions, then the sentence will be simple. Let's look at examples:

"They walked the streets of the city and enjoyed their newfound freedom." “They walked the streets of the city, and their newfound freedom gave them strength.” The first sentence is simple. There is only one predicative basis, complicated by homogeneous predicates: they were walking, enjoying. The second sentence will be difficult because grammar basics two: they walked, freedom gave.

Types of connections in complex sentences

As written above, the basic units of syntax are sentences. If we talk about complex structures, their most important characteristic will be the type of connection between the parts. Syntax also deals with these phenomena. The basic units of syntax, complex sentences, can include parts connected by subordinating and coordinating connections. Depending on this, there is a gradation into complex and complex sentences.

Let's look at each type in more detail. The components of complex sentences are equal. This equality gives them a special, creative connection. It is expressed in the use of coordinating conjunctions in the construction of sentences. So a question from one simple sentence to another is impossible.

Example: “I want to get everything back, but something always gets in my way.” This sentence is complex, the parts are connected by the adversative conjunction but.

Also, intonation plays an important role in the formation of a complex sentence: at the end of each simple sentence it goes down - this characterizes logical completeness.

Complex syntactic whole

What other elements does Russian syntax include? The basic units of syntax are also complex sentences. They consist of elements where one depends on the other. That is, between the simple parts of such a sentence, you can always pose the question: “The clearing (what?) that we came to was hidden from prying eyes.”

This connection is realized through subordinating conjunctions and intonation falling towards the end of each simple sentence.

We should not forget that there is a non-union connection. It implies the absence of formal elements between parts, only intonation completeness: The river was noisy and seething; the ships sailing along it feared for their safety.

We have looked at what Russian syntax includes. The basic syntactic units, the sentence and the phrase, form other structures called the complex syntactic whole. And it, in turn, already forms the text. Within it, just like in any other element of syntax, there are connections, both grammatical and semantic, and even formal (for example, conjunctions with which the subsequent sentence begins).

What is a complex syntactic whole? This is a group of sentences, simple and complex, logically interconnected by one main idea. In other words, the syntactic whole is a micro-theme that contains an intermediate meaning. As a rule, it is limited to paragraph division.

There are often cases when the text is a syntactic whole. Typically this is short stories with one short storyline.