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Socio-cultural activity as a branch of pedagogical science. Technological foundations of socio-cultural activities Methods of socio-pedagogical influence on leisure

In solving these problems, the leading place naturally belongs to the basic scientific disciplines of pedagogy and psychology, the purpose of which in this case is the psychological and pedagogical support of both professional and non-professional amateur socio-cultural activities.

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Culture, education, art, and leisure need people who can develop and propose new ideas, take the initiative in promoting innovative projects and programs, communicate with others, and skillfully direct their knowledge and energy. In solving these problems, the leading place, naturally, belongs to the basic scientific disciplines - pedagogy and psychology, the purpose of which in this case is the psychological and pedagogical support of both professional and non-professional (amateur) socio-cultural activities.

Subject course work - Psychological and pedagogical foundations of socio-cultural activities.

The relevance of researchlies in the constant search for new solutions to socio-cultural problems. Culture, education, art, and leisure need people who can develop and propose new ideas, take the initiative in promoting innovative projects and programs, communicate with others, and skillfully direct their knowledge and energy. In solving these problems, the leading place, naturally, belongs to the basic scientific disciplines - pedagogy and psychology, the purpose of which in this case is the psychological and pedagogical support of both professional and non-professional (amateur) socio-cultural activities.

Social significance of the problemis the value of knowledge of the theory of socio-cultural activity, namely the psychological and pedagogical foundations used in the socio-cultural sphere. The reason for this is the desire to master skills and abilities as a leader of the sociocultural process, which is impossible without knowledge of the theory of the sociocultural sphere.

The purpose of the work is the study of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of socio-cultural activities.

Object of studyare the psychological and pedagogical foundations of socio-cultural activities and the analysis of experience in the work of cultural institutions.

Subject of research is typology and implementation of psychological and pedagogical foundations in the process of socio-cultural detail and analysis of experience in the work of cultural institutions

Research objectives:

  • Consider the concept of “psychological and pedagogical foundations” of socio-cultural activities;
  • Study the typology of psychological and pedagogical foundations of socio-cultural activities;
  • To discover the sphere of implementation of psychological and pedagogical foundations in the process of socio-cultural activities;
  • To analyze the experience of implementing the psychological and pedagogical foundations of socio-cultural activities in the activities of cultural institutions.

Research methods:

  • Search for material on this issue;
  • Study of theoretical and practical material on the issue of psychological and pedagogical foundations of the socio-cultural sphere;
  • Analysis of the studied material.

Scientific novelty of the research is enrichment of the theory of social and cultural activity with new results of research into the issue of psychological and pedagogical foundations of the sociocultural sphere.

Practical significance research is the possibility of transferring acquired knowledge about the psychological and pedagogical foundations of socio-cultural activities into practice.

Degree of development of the problemwas fully implemented by specialists in the sociocultural sphere, since the entire system of sociocultural activities is built on these theoretical foundations. Every year more and more literature is published on this issue, including scientific articles. This issue was studied: Ryabkov V. M. , Kiseleva T.G., Krasilnikov Yu.D.,Shiryaev S.I. , Zharkov A. D. and others.

Coursework structure:The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, which reveal the issue of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of socio-cultural activities and an analysis of their implementation, a conclusion and a list of sources used.


In the first chapter, the author will consider the concept of “psychological and pedagogical foundations” of socio-cultural activities, the features of their application, touching on different points of view of specialists in socio-cultural activities, and will also consider the features of application in the process of socio-cultural activities. We worked on these issues:Ariarsky, A.I., Vasilyeva, T.G., Eroshenkov, I.N., Kiseleva, T.G., Krasilnikov Yu.D. and many others.


Socio-cultural activity is a historically developed, pedagogically oriented, socially conditioned process of interaction between people in the creation, use, and dissemination of cultural values. The most important methodological categories characterizing the essence of socio-cultural processes are the principles of socio-cultural activity.

Social and cultural activities social phenomenon, which is characterized as a set of relationships, activities carried out by specific forms, methods, principles and means based on the interests expressed by an individual in cultural life, interaction and communication of people in their free time. It is considered as the experience of social activity accumulated in society, based on a set of material and spiritual values.

A characteristic feature of socio-cultural activity is the organic unity and interaction of goals, objectives, principles, directions, content, means, forms and methods of people’s activities in their free time. That is why it objectively needs a scientifically based interpretation and, above all, reliable, reasoned, psychological and pedagogical support supported by substantiated conclusions and recommendations.

Currently, we are witnessing a consistent turn in the content and organization of socio-cultural activities towards psychologization, since it is psychological factors, conditions, mechanisms that largely determine the effectiveness and efficiency of individual and collective activities of participants in socio-cultural communities. Psychology and, in particular, social Psychology, serves as the science that helps achieve set goals, relying on the creativity, abilities, intelligence, professional knowledge and skills of children and adults.

The role of psychological and pedagogical foundations in organizing the leisure time of the population is no less important. In modern literature, leisure is not presented as an integral object of analysis; the very concept of “leisure” is often interpreted and understood as rest, entertainment, pleasure, play, free time, non-work activities, freedom, recreation, etc.

Leisure is a necessary and integral element of every person’s lifestyle. Therefore, leisure always appears to us in the context of realizing the interests of the individual related to recreation, self-development, self-realization, communication, pleasure, health improvement, etc. This does not mean that leisure is synonymous with freedom, and it would be wrong to say that responsibilities play no role in leisure. Although leisure includes freedom from a certain range of duties, nevertheless, like other social phenomena, he is affected by social forces.

The characteristic features of leisure and free time are its inextricable connections with the content of a person’s work, his family and living conditions, and individual characteristics.

Thus, leisure, leisure (or recreational) time is part of the social time of an individual, group or society as a whole, which is used to preserve, restore and develop physical and spiritual health man, his intellectual improvement. Children and pensioners - a very large category of the population - have the largest amounts of leisure time. This time gives them the opportunity to satisfy the need for communication and hobbies, solving economic and domestic issues, active recreation, etc.


From the point of view of psychology and pedagogy, the starting point for a human-centric approach to the socio-cultural process is the following position. Man is the main value object, without which neither production, nor sale, nor consumption of cultural products and services are possible. This is not an interchangeable part, but a personality with its own character, motivation, inclinations and hobbies. Essentially, a person is the source and bearer of an intellectual resource that is possessed by any, even the most primary socio-cultural community, for example, a family. The result, quality and profit in the sale of products of individual and collective socio-cultural activities ultimately depend on the person, on the ability to help him reveal himself, to maximally support and encourage his initiative and creativity.

Currently, we are witnessing a consistent turn in the content and organization of socio-cultural activities towards psychologization, since it is psychological factors, conditions, mechanisms that largely determine the effectiveness and efficiency of individual and collective activities of participants in socio-cultural communities. Psychology and, in particular, social psychology serves as the science that helps achieve goals, relying on the creativity, abilities, intelligence, professional knowledge and skills of children and adults.

Applied branches of psychology, including developmental and educational psychology, psychodiagnostics, ethnopsychology, labor psychology, management psychology and others are associated with the development and description of specific methods and technologies aimed at transforming the sphere of culture and improving various types of both professional and amateur socio-cultural activities.

There is a wide system of psychological methods - techniques and means with the help of which certain didactic tasks are solved, facts and information are collected and analyzed, used for the further development of socio-cultural theory and practice.

In the practice of socio-cultural activity, the role of such a psychological phenomenon as suggestion is quite noticeable. V.M. drew attention to the versatility and ambiguity of the influence of the mechanism of suggestion - the perception by an object of information without understanding it. Vakhterov, IP. Pavlov, K.I. Platonov and other domestic psychologists. The method of voluntary and involuntary, direct and indirect suggestion is relatively often used for health purposes as a means to achieve the effect of hyperamnesia (supermemorization) in sports, art, and pedagogy. No less well known is the effect of the method of psychological infection, hypertrophied excitement among the masses of people, especially among teenagers and youth, “herd feeling”, complete disconnection from personal relationships with the environment (creating a panic atmosphere or achieving general exalted delight, etc.). At the same time, infection as a socio-cultural phenomenon can take on a variety of forms - from thoughtless imitation in fashion to general, truly wild and insane frenzy. The aggressive nature of modern mass culture, the entire practice of promoting and approving its “stars” and “idols” are involved in the method of psychological infection. Managers, teachers, technologists involved in the socio-cultural sphere are well aware that the absence of proper organization, control and regulation when using infection inevitably leads to the real emergence of unhealthy excitement in the crowd, mass psychological “dislocations” and outbreaks of aggressiveness.

The effectiveness of each psychological method depends on how well it meets a number of requirements, namely: validity - the accuracy of measuring the result obtained, effectiveness and degree of adequacy to the problem under study; reliability - consistency and sustainability of the results obtained; labor intensity, amount of time and level of qualifications required to master this method. In the process of socio-cultural activity, such methods of psychology as the observation method, survey methods, diagnostic methods and the experimental method have become widespread.

Socio-psychological parameters, methods and techniques of sociometry and referentometry make it possible not only to characterize the composition of participants in socio-cultural activities, to make them capable of optimal interaction, to make their efforts effective, and to develop their potential inclinations and abilities. The practical implementation of educational, recreational, rehabilitation and other socio-cultural technologies is impossible without taking into account psychological characteristics audience, the essence and content of its social attitudes and value orientations.

In the methodology for studying and taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of children, adolescents, adults and participants in socio-cultural processes, a special place is occupied by the subsystem of individual family choice and design of forms and ways of spending free time. In particular, it involves individual choice, design and implementation of not only traditional, but also non-traditional, alternative forms of self-organization of one’s own leisure time. With the help of various types of socio-psychological tools, we also get the opportunity to monitor and diagnose processes associated with continuous integration, intersection, and interpenetration of various areas of socio-cultural activity on the scale of a single society - a city, a village, a production, educational, creative, leisure community. The author decided to first turn in more detail to the socio-psychological characteristics of children.

Entering the world of culture, the child carries out orientation, research, creative, project activities, associated with the analysis and synthesis of human objects, their internal relationships and components, experimenting with them, testing possible ways of transforming object situations. In collaboration with adults and other children, the child constantly overcomes the limitations of the specific tasks that cooperation partners set for him and proactively puts forward new goals and problems.

Culture cannot be directly and unambiguously transmitted to a child through the assimilation of socially developed norms and regulations. There are special forms of its fixation and methods of intergenerational transmission.

As a form of spontaneous, independent and proactive problematization by a child of the standards of social experience, such a phenomenon of children's subculture as shifters is considered. K.I. Chukovsky used this term to designate a wide range of special verbal works in which the meaning is, as it were, turned inside out. Changelings are historically rooted in folk culture of laughter (buffoonery, carnival, etc.), they permeate small folklore genres, including for children. In the Eastern and Western European cultural tradition, “inversion” has long been a powerful means of expanding consciousness and developing the creative abilities of adults and children.

The pedagogical value of shifters K.I. Chukovsky associated it with the fact that through them the child learns the true nature and purpose of things, exposes illusions in the name of the triumph of realism, in word game tries to establish himself in a new way in his knowledge of the “norm”, and therefore “abnormality” is often experienced by him as something comical. Thanks to free experiments with the sound shell of a word, leading to the formation of funny words, the child optimally masters the already established, historically established system of language norms.

Moving on from the socio-psychological characteristics of children, the author decided to analyze the characteristics of adults involved in the socio-cultural sphere. To characterize and classify professions in demand and involved in the socio-cultural sphere (in particular, in accordance with the classifier of specialties and specializations of MGUKI), the classification of professions, widely known in practical psychology and pedagogy, developed by E.A. Klimov, is applicable. Following this classification, in an exceptionally broad socio-cultural sphere, the typological basis (criterion) is the object or subject of work of professionals and amateurs as subjects of individual or collective socio-cultural activity.

As you know, one of the urgent tasks in working with participants of socio-cultural communities (studios, training courses, creative workshops, etc.) - determination of the creative potential and creative abilities of a child, teenager, adult. Here, not only the results of a special psychological examination are used, but also information obtained through questionnaires and surveys in the reference environment. The subject of study in this case is the level of creativity - the ability of a student, student, professional specialist for creativity, unusual and unexpected design solutions, receptivity to new creative ideas.

The definition of creativity as the ability to be surprised and the ability to find solutions in non-standard situations, introduced into psychology by P. Torrence, has a fundamentally important meaning for organizers, teachers, and technologists of socio-cultural activities. Another conclusion of P. Torrence is also relevant for them: that the level of creativity extends not only to the purely organizational activities of a specialist (management), but is most closely related to specific achievements in educational and professional creative work.

The success of each specialist in the socio-cultural sphere is determined not only by the acquisition of special subject-related professional knowledge and the formation of appropriate skills and abilities. It is also determined by how psychologically and pedagogically competent the social context of professional behavior and communication of this specialist with colleagues is, how effective his business interactions are, his deep understanding of himself, his mastery of self-regulation techniques in rather complex professional and creative situations.

Pedagogy occupies a place no less important than psychology in socio-cultural activities. Thus, the connection between cultural studies and social pedagogy, as well as the approach to education as the largest and self-sufficient sphere of socio-cultural activity as a whole, provides grounds for highlighting the pedagogical component in it.

It is no coincidence that for socio-cultural activities, a number of authors proposed as alternative definitions such as “pedagogy of the socio-cultural sphere”, “pedagogy of leisure”, “socio-cultural pedagogy” and others. The subject of the pedagogical component in any of the listed options has always been and remains the study of the patterns of teaching and upbringing in the conditions of a specially organized socio-cultural process, identifying the effectiveness of those used for these purposes pedagogical methods and technologies, establishing pedagogically justified and reasonable connections and relationships between participants.

A large number of socially active subjects, constantly contributing to the emergence and development of new leisure interests, hobbies and needs, form the inexhaustible pedagogical potential of socio-cultural activities. The main requirement is to create real conditions for the functioning of this potential within the framework of a specific socio-cultural object (institution, association, organization, studio, etc.), a separate event or action.

By building such a chain, the pedagogical organization of socio-cultural activities presupposes the need, first of all, to highlight the diagnostic and formative stages, to make the fullest use of the socio-pedagogical potential, as well as to overcome the reasons that impede its full and effective use.

To summarize, it can be noted that psychological and pedagogical interaction and mutual influence are most clearly and deeply represented in the field of methods and technologies of socio-cultural activities. It is perhaps difficult to find another area of ​​psychological and pedagogical practice where a rich arsenal of methods and technologies, including teaching and educational, general education and professional, classroom and alternative, academic and club, individual and group, would be so systematically and effectively used etc.


In the second chapter, the author will consider the current state, use and development of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of socio-cultural activities at three levels: world, Russian and regional, touching on different points of view of specialists in socio-cultural activities, and will also consider the features of application in the process of socio-cultural activities.


Abroad, psychological and pedagogical experience is actively used in such areas of the socio-cultural sphere as social work, cultural and leisure activities, and social education. And the tone here is set by the UN, UNESCO, and the Council of Europe. Thus, on a global scale, the Year of the Family, the Year of the Child, the Year and Decade of the Disabled, the Year of the Elderly, the Year and Decade of Culture, etc. were and are being announced. It has become a tradition to announce cultural capitals Europe.

One of the most important provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN in 1948, is: “Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts, to participate in scientific progress and to enjoy its benefits” (Article 27).

Voluntary associations of children and youth and their role in social education

An important role in the social education of the younger generation in the West is played by various types of informal voluntary associations, organized both in educational institutions and outside them.

First of all, we are talking about the scouting movement.

Originated at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. in Great Britain, the scouting movement spread throughout the world. It unites young people from 8 to 18 years old and is divided mainly into two areas: Boy Scouts (boys) and Girl Scouts (girls).

Millions and millions of citizens of the Western world have attended scout education schools. The main task of scout organizations is to educate a young person for the common good, to instill in him the qualities of a leader and the ability to navigate environment, find a way out of difficult life situations. The Scout movement, which today unites several tens of millions of people, is, in all likelihood, going through not the best of times. There is a slight decline in the interest of young people in scouting organizations. This is most likely due to the reluctance of a certain part of modern Western youth to constrain themselves by the strict rules of life of scout associations. IN last years There is a tendency to simplify some aspects of the life of scouts. So, for example, mixed scout troops appear.

Voluntary interest associations, including volunteer-oriented ones, are especially popular among young people in the West. These associations are organized, as a rule, at school and higher educational institutions.

Thus, school cooperatives in France (a fifth of students participate in them) secondary schools) not only create interest clubs, organize visits to museums and theaters, but are also a good school of public education. Cooperatives operate on the basis of self-government. Young cooperators get acquainted with the procedure for elections to government bodies at various levels and take part in discussions.

The experience of club associations of US universities, analyzed by the young researcher Zh.G. Atayants, is interesting. It is club associations, for a number of reasons (a community of peers, an association of interests) that create the most favorable environment for the socialization of students, communication, manifestation of creative activity and, thereby, contribute to the “soft” entry of a young person into society - both university and macro-society.

On average, an American university has approximately 225 student associations. At the federal level, the extracurricular activities of American students are coordinated by such national organizations as the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education in the United States and the National Association of Student Activities.

According to the area of ​​activity, student associations can be classified as follows: academic, religious, national-cultural, political, media, social interest groups, socially oriented associations, sports and recreational, art clubs, etc.

Particular attention in US universities is paid to volunteer, or voluntary, activities of student clubs. At the national level, volunteer activity is considered as one of the real ways of moral development of youth and the education of humanism. At the university level, volunteering is defined as a value-based and viable alternative to other types of extracurricular activities for students.

In the process of volunteer activities, practical cooperation between the university and the local community is carried out in solving social problems. There are several types of this partnership: university - American Red Cross; university - community educational agencies, university - high school; university - community agencies solving problems of specific population groups; university - communities of other areas.

The main areas of volunteer activity are the following: collecting donations; servicing rehabilitation centers, hospitals, homes for the poor, and for the elderly; mentoring in local schools; teaching English to emigrants; cleaning of urban neighborhoods adjacent to the university; assistance to farmers; eradication of illiteracy; helping troubled teenagers.

According to Zh.G. Atayants, volunteer activity should be considered as the highest level of inclusion of students in the socialization process. Unlike other club associations, volunteer associations solve not only the problems of leisure of student youth, but a number of other problems of both the students themselves and society as a whole. This is one of those cases when social work itself merges with cultural and leisure activities and social education.

Best practices in organizing socio-cultural activities in a particular state are available for study by specialists from other states. In many countries of the world, scientific schools have been organized that deal with the problems of comparative economics, comparative pedagogy, comparative leisure studies, etc. Carrying out this kind of research makes it possible to identify both general and specific trends in the development of certain areas of life of the population in different countries and regions. The best technologies from the advanced countries of the world in the field of social work and social education are being introduced into national (including Russian) sociocultural spheres. Both the issues of organizing and financing these activities at the state, regional and local levels, as well as issues of direct work with various categories of the population, be it children or youth, people of the “third” age, people with disabilities or representatives of national minorities, etc. deserve attention.

In accordance with the modern concept of leisure, in the West, leisure is understood as a set of activities that a person can indulge in of his own free will in order to relax, have fun, develop his awareness or education, his voluntary participation in socio-cultural creativity, being free from fulfilling his civil, professional or family responsibilities.

In fact, all Western models of leisure perform the following functions: physiological, psychological, cognitive, aesthetic, communicative, compensatory and creative. In this case, three most important functions are usually distinguished: recreation, entertainment, physical and spiritual development of the individual. At the same time, the leisure model of each country or group of countries has its own characteristics. We are talking about the real weight of a particular function, or their ratio.

Thus, in the American model, attention is drawn to the bias towards the entertainment function. In the European model, there is a more balanced balance of functions and more attention is paid to the spiritual development of the individual. It was in European countries (Switzerland, Germany and France) that the phenomenon of socio-cultural animation arose and developed, the essence of which is to give a pedagogical orientation to leisure activities. The Soviet model of leisure had undoubted advantages. She was characterized by such qualities as the desire for spiritual development of the individual and a pronounced educational aspect. The disadvantages of the Soviet model can be considered the underestimation of recreational and entertainment elements of leisure and its excessive ideologization. The leisure model of modern Russia can be considered as transitional. It has absorbed a lot from both the American and European models, but does not yet have the material and financial capabilities to implement them in practice. Unfortunately, the modern Russian leisure model is inferior to the former Soviet model in a number of ways. For example, the educational and upbringing function has actually been reduced to nothing, and the role of the creative and developmental function has decreased. And the strength of any national-regional leisure model lies, first of all, in the presence of a balance between its functions and in attention to the national-historical characteristics of the country or region.


It should be noted that Russian scientists - teachers and psychologists, physiologists and defectologists, sociologists and cultural scientists respond quickly enough to the challenges of the time, carrying out relevant research.

Thus, teachers study the specifics of teaching (goals, functions, principles, didactic cycle, forms and methods) in the context of an information educational environment.

The Federal State project was created national standard of general education, materials for its methodological support have been prepared. Procedures for diagnosing students' educational achievements have been developed.

The structure of the standard is defined educational and material base general secondary education.

The necessary work has been carried out to study and generalize domestic and foreign pedagogical experience, which made it possible to identify some trends in the development of educational content and begin research on its design for the next generation of standards.

The features of the diagnostic tools of international comparative studies are identified and described, which are advisable to take into account when creating an all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education.

A comparative analysis of international documents in the field of education allowed us to consider different approaches to the interpretation of fundamental concepts educational program, educational level, etc. And the study of strategies for the development of secondary education in different countries has revealed the widespread dominance of an orientation toward social justice, which presupposes equality of opportunity for all citizens.

The development of theoretical and methodological foundations for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of pedagogical products operating on the basis of information and communication technologies is underway. A technology is being created to prevent possible negative psychological, pedagogical, medical and social consequences of using CT in education.

A methodological system for complex, multi-level and multi-disciplinary training of specialists in the field of informatization of education is being developed.

The issues of cultural and speech adaptation of migrant children to the new sociocultural environment are considered, including the basic principles of the methodology for teaching them the Russian language.

The features of the youth education crisis in modern world, the reasons for her social and emotional maladjustment.

The project has been prepared State program development of education and socialization of children in the Russian Federation.

Scientific and methodological support is provided for the development of the social- pedagogical support families.

The typology and specifics of the activities of both prosocial and asocial children's communities are studied.

The principles of creating a system of examination and forecasting of socialization processes are determined.

The problems of the formation of professional interests, inclinations, professional self-determination, their compliance with psychophysiological and personal qualities young man.

Conceptual models are being created that integrate electronic technologies into auditory and visual art education. In particular, a model of productive artistic activity based on computer technology is being developed, which intensifies the various stages of creating works of art. A specially developed music training technology based on electronic digital tools is being introduced into practice, ensuring the creative and general cultural development of a growing person.

In the field of psychological research, a special place is occupied by work on studying the characteristics of modernman and his development. Psychological mechanisms for regulating behavior and patterns of civil and professional development are identified. New psychological- educational technologies organizing the educational environment, assessing the results of the educational process, improving the quality and level of professional training of educational psychologists.

The developed model of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the context of the implementation of general education standards made it possible to determine the program content, technologies and teaching methods that ensure the formation of universal educational actions in students as the basis of the “ability to learn” at the primary, basic and senior levels of general education, to determine criteria and tools for assessing their maturity.

In the research conducted by psychologists: the features of the development of thinking of growing people using information technologies are revealed, including a search for opportunities to overcome clip thinking, when the ability to analyze decreases in adolescents and young adults, and gamer thinking the consequences of computer games, which reduce creativity; the character, structure, content, and dynamics of the relationships in which a growing person functions are determined; new types and forms of activity are identified that allow a child or adolescent to realize and evaluate themselves, gain confidence in their own importance, adequately relating to the assessments of others; a search is underway for solutions to such complex problems as preserving the mental and physical health of children and their possible choice of life path; pa z pa the scientific basis for the formation of new generation textbooks, including the so-called electronic ones, is being discussed; requirements are established for the formation of a system for identifying, supporting and developing gifted children; models of prevention and correction of deviant behavior in adolescence and youth in educational institutions and leisure activities are substantiated; the conditions and mechanisms for ensuring a person’s psychological safety are determined, primarily in extreme conditions and experiencing the consequences emergency situations; Manifestations of anxiety, aggressiveness and frustration in childhood are studied.

Fundamental to understanding patterns individual development growing people and to determine new approaches to their training and education has a study of the physiological systems of the body of children, morphofunctional maturation of the brain and the formation of cognitive activity at different stages age development. On this basis, physiologists are developing models and criteria for assessing the health-preserving activities of educational institutions.


In the author’s opinion, the fact is that it was the pedagogy of additional education that was and is initially a personality-oriented pedagogy. It is in preschool education that freedom of choice is truly exercised. Therefore, the author decided to consider the regional experience of applying psychological and pedagogical principles in SKD, using the example of the Nizhny Tagil Palace of Creativity. The child independently chooses an area of ​​activity that is not correlated either in content, direction or nature with the subject types of educational activities of the school. She constantly puts him in a position of self-determination and decision-making. As a result, the child really sees his impact on the life around him. His position as a consumer is transformed into the position of an active participant, activist, worker. The opportunities for developing children's experience of choice, which the additional education system has, are distinguished not only by a higher degree of freedom of choice, but also by the objects of choice. Our Palace can offer students various types of practical creative activities, within which various levels of achievement are possible (relatively speaking, from Olympic records to the formation of self-service skills).

At the Palace, more than 4,000 children aged 3 to 18 years are engaged in 320 interest groups. Classes are conducted in 56 types of activities. The structure of the institution includes 8 departments and centers, revealing the diversity of forms and types of activities in the field of additional education.

Artistic and aesthetic programs make up the largest percentage at the Palace (39.2%).

Artistic activity is one of the main means of self-expression of a child, which is based on an individual, emotional and imaginative vision, introducing children to national culture. In the process of mastering knowledge in this area of ​​activity, students develop artistic and practical competencies, implying mastery of the means of artistic expression of various types of art and skills of independent artistic activity.

Pupils also have the opportunity to choose the pace of their educational activities (more precisely, the pace of advancement in the chosen type of activity individual educational route), its regime (days, hours of classes) and teachers.

Innovative pedagogical technologies are successfully introduced into the educational process, developing learning models that ensure an active creative position of children in the field of art and an individual approach to the child at all stages of education.

Education at the Palace is based on the principle of voluntary participation in the activities of children's associations and in the events that we hold. From this point of view, this system has more favorable opportunities compared to a school, in which fairly strict regulation of the goals, content and conditions of educational activities is inevitable.

In preschool education, there is a field for children to demonstrate their initiative and their willingness to act independently, despite a lack of experience. Errors and failures are not punished by a grade. They are just a reason for further growth. Thus, children are deprived of punishing moments for failure (unlike school, where a lot has to be done out of necessity, sometimes under pressure).

The pedagogy of additional education has never been a system of dosed actions in relation to the student; it is initially a pedagogy of cooperation. Hence the special position of the adult in relation to the child (according to the results social research held in the city Palace of Children and Youth Creativity this is one of the main reasons why children go to the Palace). Additional education teacher mentor, partner, advocate (who “teaches you to understand life”, “you can tell him everything and not be afraid”, “will not call your parents for not learning a lesson”, etc.). This role is very difficult: the teacher bears personal responsibility for each student. We must work in such a way as not to destroy interest and maintain the child’s high motivation for learning and creativity.

All types of children's associations, regardless of their profile, provide experience in communicating with specialists in various types of practical activities. Such experience always acts as an experience of “contact” between the spiritual worlds of children and teachers, since teachers in the system have the opportunity to be less “functional” compared to school teachers. The atmosphere itself, the accepted style of behavior, and the external environment become factors in introducing children to the values ​​of spiritual culture.

Qualified teachers raise the high bar for the quality of art education. Of the 65 teachers directly involved in work in the artistic and aesthetic field, 14 have the highest and 45 have the first qualification category. 23% of the teaching staff have been working at the Palace for more than 20 years, 20% of teachers are graduates of the Palace.

Among teachers, the winners of All-Russian, regional, city professional skills competitions, regional competitions of software and methodological products, personal exhibitions of teachers’ works are organized in city, regional museums and exhibition halls. The creative team of GDDYuT has been repeatedly awarded the Grand Prix and the 1st degree Diploma of the regional Festival of Creativity of Specialists of the Education System “Faces of Talent”.

High level pedagogical excellence confirm the successful performances of students at international, Russian and regional competitions, performing arts festivals, exhibitions artistic creativity. Children's creative groups of GDDYUT are laureates, prize-winners and diploma winners: In 2006-2009, GDDYT students won 725 awards at the city, 60 regional, 34 federal and 14 international levels.

A special way of life reigns in the Palace, a spirit that is consciously developed and supported by creative teams when a special educational and developing environment is built. The main means of forming a value system is education based on the traditions of the Palace and the traditions of each children's group. Everything taken together shapes the attitude of children and adolescents to certain aspects of reality and creates a situation of success.

Only in additional education is the golden rule of pedagogy implemented: every child participates in the creation of a socially significant product of activity. To do this, everyone is given the opportunity to do what they could not do until now, to help the child create not a game, not an imitation, but a real product that has a price. It could be a tapestry, a painting, a composition of indoor plants, a concert performance, a hand-sewn dress...

The principles of organization and content of additional education can significantly expand the cognitive capabilities of children. The range of problems that are significant for them includes problems of self-knowledge and self-realization of creative potential, including in solving socially significant problems (since the practical activities of children in the field of additional education always have a certain social motivation). Students master new sources of educational information. These include one’s own experience of intellectual and creative activity, communication with competent people, interpersonal communication based on interests in the same type of activity. Educational excursions to museums, inventive activities in technical creativity circles, defense research projects, staging theatrical performances and other forms of additional education are such sources of knowledge about life, about oneself and special areas of science and culture that cannot be replaced either by lessons or other sources of general educational knowledge.

The meaning-forming line of education in the Palace is the sequence: result - achievement - success. In this case, “result” is understood as an objective characteristic of participation/non-participation in an activity. “Achievement” is considered as a personally significant result. “Success” is manifested in actualization, recognition of achievement.

To sum up what has been said, I would like to note that the highest achievements are based on Russian culture a unique system for training creative personnel: musicians, actors, painters, choreographers, directors, conductors, sculptors, designers, filmmakers who began their careers in music and art schools, in institutions of additional education.

It is difficult to count how many graduates the Palace has had over its 70-year history. Over the last 15 years alone, this is about 5 thousand teenagers. Many well-known people in the city in artistic, scientific, technical and social creativity took their first steps in the Palace: among the graduates of GDDYUT there are production leaders, managers in the field of education, business, professional actors, musicians, choreographers, leading engineers and doctors.

All of them acquired early, successful and full-fledged experience of creativity in the teams - the generation and implementation of their own ideas. An experience that is indispensable for the development of self-awareness, a person’s sense of self in the world and which allowed him to become “creative” in any field of activity.


“Socio-cultural activity” relies on data from psychology to provide insight into the motivation and beliefs of the audience; anthropology - to understand the influence of human physical organization and behavior, communication in conditions of socialization; history - in order to draw lessons from the experience of organizing people's leisure time in various stages life of society.

As an item scientific research it organically includes a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of a wide range, related in the direction of sciences, and also presupposes the skill and ability of specialists in effective application them in practice.

Thus, psychological conditions and mechanisms of socio-cultural activity determine the effectiveness and efficiency of individual and collective activities of participants in socio-cultural communities. The role of social psychology serves as the science that helps achieve set goals, relying on the creativity, abilities, intelligence, professional knowledge and skills of children and adults. Socio-psychological parameters, methods and techniques of sociometry and referentometry make it possible not only to characterize the composition of participants in socio-cultural activities, to make them capable of optimal interaction, to make their efforts effective, and to develop their potential inclinations and abilities. In the methodology for studying and taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of children, adolescents, adults and participants in socio-cultural processes, a special place is occupied by the subsystem of individual family choice and design of forms and ways of spending free time.

It can be noted that the subject of the pedagogical component has always been and remains the study of the patterns of teaching and upbringing in the conditions of a specially organized socio-cultural process, identifying the effectiveness of pedagogical methods and technologies used for these purposes, establishing pedagogically justified and justified connections and relationships between participants. Social and cultural activities are, by their very essence, deeply pedagogical. The many social problems that we encounter in the process of this activity, one way or another, invariably acquire the status of pedagogical tasks. Their solution depends on the coordinated interaction of all links in the pedagogical chain. The psychological and pedagogical context makes it possible to trace the relationship between professional requirements and individual psychological characteristics of persons involved in the production and sale of cultural products and services.

Factors influencing the choice of leisure forms are material security, cultural differences, historical national characteristics various layers and groups, local conditions, health status, marital status, etc.

Thus, the psychological and pedagogical components in socio-cultural activities are in constant interaction and interpenetration. The psychological and pedagogical system of this activity can be characterized as an integral set of interconnected, interacting and interdependent components, suggesting a continuous pedagogically appropriate organization of the individual’s leisure at all age stages, in various fields microenvironment and with the participation of all subjects of education. As an important aspect of the general cultural process, as a means of introducing people to the achievements of national and universal culture, socio-cultural activity acquires reliable methodological basis and methodological tools in the pedagogy of cooperation and creativity.


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  12. Kamenets A.V. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of organizing children's creativity: textbook. Manual ed. 2nd M.: Institute for retraining of workers in art, culture and tourism, 1999 30 p.
  13. Kiseleva T.G. Krasilnikov Yu.D. Socio-cultural activities: Textbook MGUKI 2004 539 p.
  14. Kiseleva, T.G., Krasilnikov Yu.D. Social and cultural activities / T.G. Kiseleva, Yu.D. Krasilnikov Moscow: MGUI, 2001. - 136 p.
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Scout movement

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Since socio-cultural activities belong to relatively young, growing industries scientific knowledge, to the extent that its methodological base constantly needs to be replenished and qualitatively enriched. This area, like other areas of pedagogical social practice, in addition to the shortage of the latest modern technological developments in the production of high-quality cultural products and services, also experiences a shortage of fresh scientific ideas, often basic common sense, deficit of modern professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Culture, education, art, and leisure need people who can develop and propose new ideas, take the initiative in promoting innovative projects and programs, communicate with others, and skillfully direct their knowledge and energy. In solving these problems, the leading place, naturally, belongs to the basic scientific disciplines - pedagogy and psychology, the purpose of which in this case is the psychological and pedagogical support of both professional and non-professional (amateur) socio-cultural activities.

The inclusion of sections of the psychological and pedagogical cycle in the course of the fundamentals of socio-cultural activities is natural and logical. The subject of this cycle is psychological and pedagogical factors and phenomena that determine the effectiveness of any type and level of socio-cultural activity.

A characteristic feature of socio-cultural activity is the organic unity and interaction of goals, objectives, principles, directions, content, means, forms and methods of people’s activities in their free time. That is why it objectively needs a scientifically based interpretation and, above all, reliable, reasoned, psychological and pedagogical support supported by substantiated conclusions and recommendations.

The basis of modern concepts of socio-cultural activity is a truly humane, human-centric view of the essence and meaning of decisions and actions taken in this area. It is the personality as highest value is considered by a set of humanitarian disciplines - philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, cultural studies, which form the methodological basis of the theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities.

Currently, we are witnessing a consistent turn in the content and organization of socio-cultural activities towards psychologization, since it is psychological factors, conditions, mechanisms that largely determine the effectiveness and efficiency of individual and collective activities of participants in socio-cultural communities. Psychology and, in particular, social psychology serves as the science that helps achieve goals, relying on the creativity, abilities, intelligence, professional knowledge and skills of children and adults.

Applied branches of psychology, including developmental and educational psychology, psychodiagnostics, ethnopsychology, labor psychology, management psychology and others, are associated with the development and description of specific methods and technologies aimed at transforming the sphere of culture and improving various types of both professional and amateur socio-cultural activities.

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A social worker and leisure organizer is in charge of managing the behavior and activities of an individual in his free time - a specific social, pedagogical, psychological influence on the leisure sphere of a family, a child or an adolescent individually.

The modern middle class situation has brought forward with particular urgency the problems of radical changes in educational activities among children, adolescents, young people, profound transformations in family education, educational activities of labor and educational groups, work in the community - the entire cultural and leisure sphere.

For the full inclusion of adolescents in life, for their effective and creative fulfillment social functions members of society, to prepare the individual for self-development and self-education, an aesthetically and pedagogically organized system of comprehensive social assistance to the younger generation is required. Consequently, there is a need for appropriately trained personnel.

The problem of solving this problem lies in the isolation of existing specialists, their low wages and limited functions in the SCI interaction system.

Life has put forward the task of training a special category of leisure organizerssocial teacher, working in the specific conditions of an open macro-social environment, specializing in issues of providing assistance to families, organizing versatile activities of children and adults in the field of leisure, solving educational problems, correcting behavior and social rehabilitation of certain groups of children, adolescents, and youth, capable of ensuring what is acceptable and appropriate social and pedagogical intervention in the process of socialization of children and adolescents.

The process of increasing the socio-pedagogical role.

A specialist teacher and organizer of SCS is necessary for the creation and functioning of a favorable leisure microenvironment that promotes the socialization of the individual, his development, his “growing into human culture,” overcoming the lack of communication, emotional alienation of adults and adolescents, and establishing their mutual trust.

Psychological and pedagogical systems of SKD.

The SKD system is a system of interconnected, complementary and interacting components, which presupposes the direction of organizing an individual’s leisure time at all age stages in various spheres of the macroenvironment and with the participation of all subjects of education.

SKD is a holistic pedagogical system. It contains educational factors:

Making educational demands on yourself

Space of freedom and independence

The limit of independence

Satisfying socio-pedagogical needs


Exposure to influences from various social institutions


Active character.

SKD has endless pedagogical potential. Under pedagogical potential of SKD is understood as the totality of its social subjects that contribute to the emergence and development of new leisure interests and needs.

Components of pedagogical potential:

System of individual family choice and design of forms and methods of spending free time

Design and implementation of traditional and alternative forms of self-organization of leisure

Creating real opportunities for initiative and initiative.

One of the conditions for building potential is the creation at various levels of real conditions for the regional unification of various SKIs that solve pedagogical problems.

There is a wide system of psychological methods - techniques and means with the help of which certain didactic tasks are solved, facts and knowledge are collected and analyzed, used for the further development of socio-cultural theory and practice. The connection between cultural studies and social pedagogy, as well as the approach to education as the largest and self-sufficient sphere of SCD as a whole, provides grounds for highlighting the pedagogical component in it. SKD by its very essence is deeply pedagogical. Many social problems, one way or another, invariably acquire the status of pedagogical tasks. Psychological and pedagogical interaction and mutual influence are most clearly and deeply represented in the field of methods and technologies of SKD. The role of psychology and pedagogy is extremely important in solving such pressing problems for the sphere of culture and leisure as professional self-determination of future specialists, professional selection and identifying their professional suitability, as well as their self-actualization and implementation of a successful career. The concept of the pedagogical potential of SKD as a broad set of its socially active subjects; others that contribute to the emergence and development of new leisure interests, hobbies and needs. Pedagogical organization of SKD in the region. Its diagnostic and formative stages. The need for the fullest use of socio-pedagogical potential. Overcoming the reasons preventing its full and effective use. Basic requirements for capacity building. Study of leisure interests and needs of the population. Creating a real opportunity for people to show initiative, initiative, and cultural and leisure activities.

Methods of social and pedagogical influence on leisure:

Inheritance (cultivation) method– ideological, moral, aesthetic and other attitude, generally accepted norm, rule.

Suggestion method– the object’s perception of information without comprehending it.

Infestation method, that is, hypertrophied excitement in the mass of people of the “herd feeling”, complete disconnection from personal relationships with the environment (panic, general exalted delight, etc.).

Social and pedagogical method of persuasion- a method of conscious assimilation by an object of the knowledge communicated to him, of inspired feelings.

Example Method– beliefs based on visual examples.

Method of organizing behavior, exercise, training. Its essence is the conscious, purposeful accumulation of personal experience by the object.

Methods of reward and reprimand. Requirements for them: validity, reliance on public opinion, efficiency, publicity, emotional design.

Study of leisure audiences. Methods of socio-pedagogical study of the audience.

Observation– included, not included, systematic, episodic, continuous, selective.

Conversation– as a method of studying an object. "Free" conversation and programming.

Interview. Experimental method . The object is basic and control. Other methods of audience research: content analysis, study of documents, spectators, readers, scientific-practical, reporting and other conferences.

Recreational technologies.

Recreational (restorative) and sports technologies are designed to ensure and preserve human vitality. They are universal in their use in the ACS process.

Modern recreational methods are based on the psychological and pedagogical principles of entertainment and gaming, physical education, health, artistic and entertainment activities. In the process of developing most recreational projects aimed at improving the quality of life and improving the health of everyday life, the main attention of specialists is focused on introducing the latest achievements of biology, physiology, psychology, medicine into the practice of mass and specialized leisure.

Animation SC technologies occupy a special place in recreational techniques.. These technologies came to us from Western countries, primarily from France. Using various types of artistic creativity as methods of “revitalizing” and “spiritualizing” relationships between people, socio-cultural animation is one of the most attractive types of leisure activities based on modern principles. The goal of animation technologies has a pronounced humanitarian orientation - to prevent the alienation of the individual in the culture of society, in the structure of social relations. The main subject of SK animation is personality.

Among professional animators, there are two types: manager-coordinators and specialist teachers who head clubs and studios, teach courses, engage in social cultural activities at the place of residence, providing psychological support in the structure of everyday social relations. The content of animation technologies includes a comprehensive assessment of a crisis situation (“good” - “bad”), assistance in determining and understanding which of the methods of action in a given situation is suitable for effectively achieving a goal, awareness of real possibilities and their choice, awareness of the likely consequences one or another decision (what will happen in the changed situation).

Methods of bioenergy, rebirthing (breathing technique), shaping, art therapy, the possibility of conversational psychotherapy, bibliotherapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc. are used. the organization of recreation and entertainment carries a significant social, educational, psychological, and rehabilitation burden.

When using recreational technologies, it is necessary to rely on the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of different age groups.

The informational, developmental, educational function of leisure activities aims to provide information and organization cognitive activity people, dissemination of a complex of various social and humanitarian knowledge, health education, instilling skills in active recreation and physical education, familiarization with the healing capabilities of health resorts and their most rational use.

The recreational function maximally contributes to the complete rest of people, the restoration of their physical and spiritual strength, the organization of active leisure activities and entertainment, providing a variety of activities, a change of impressions, a positive emotional mood, and the release of tension and fatigue.

In terms of its focus, the content of leisure in health resorts and tourist institutions includes: concert, entertainment and film services, library work, theatrical and sports events, organization of question and answer evenings, oral magazines, theme evenings, discos, gaming competitions, etc.

Approved at a meeting of the Department of Pedagogy

2010, protocol No. ___

Head department _________________ F.V. Kadol

Questions for the discipline exam

“Pedagogical foundations of socio-cultural activities”

for 1st year students of specialty 1

“Social pedagogy. Practical psychology"

academic year

1. Genesis and development of socio-cultural activities as a branch of knowledge.

2. Methodological approaches in socio-cultural activities.

6. Principles and functions of socio-cultural activities.

7. Main components of socio-cultural activities.

8. The concept of socio-cultural activity, the main features of socio-cultural activity.

9. Regularities and pedagogical determinants of socio-cultural activity.

10. Subjects of socio-cultural activities.

11. Features of the functioning of institutions and organizations in the socio-cultural sphere.

12. Leisure as a sphere of socio-cultural activity, the socio-pedagogical essence of leisure.

13. Modern concepts leisure

15. Principles and functions of leisure.

16. Types of leisure, classification of types of leisure activities.

17. Structural components of socio-cultural activities.

18. Infrastructure of culture and leisure.

19. Differentiated approach to organizing recreation and entertainment.

20. Socio-cultural environment and its consideration in socio-cultural activities.

21. Social technologies and techniques in the field of culture and leisure.

22. Family as the original socio-cultural institution, methods of work of a social teacher with a family

23. Family leisure culture.

24. Features of the organization of socio-cultural activities taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the individual.

25. Organization of leisure and recreational activities taking into account the interests and needs of various categories of the population.

26. Rehabilitation opportunities for socio-cultural activities, rehabilitation work among children with disabilities.

27. Cultural and educational work as the most important component of socio-cultural activities, the main directions of cultural and educational work.

28. The concept of technology and methods of cultural and educational activities with children and adolescents.

29. Educational activities as a direction of cultural and educational work with children and adolescents.

30. Educational work with children and adolescents as the most important area of ​​cultural and educational activity.

31. Organization of amateur creativity.

32. Social and pedagogical interaction of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere in organizing meaningful recreation for children and adolescents.

33. Methods of cultural and educational work with children.

34. Methodology of cultural and educational work with teenagers.

35. Cultural and educational activities with difficult teenagers.

36. Methodology of cultural and educational activities at the place of residence.

37. Museums and museum complexes in socio-cultural activities.

38. Library service as a direction of socio-cultural activity.

39. Youth volunteer movement as a type of socio-cultural activity.

40. Theater pedagogy and its role in the organization of socio-cultural activities.

41. Game as a type of socio-cultural activity, concept game program and its typology.

42. Characteristics of forms of cultural and educational work.

43. Planning in socio-cultural activities, functions and principles of planning socio-cultural activities.

44. Planning cultural and educational activities with children and adolescents.

45. Socio-cultural design.

46. ​​The main directions of amateur creativity and their characteristics.

47. Classification, types and genres of club and amateur associations.

48. Methodological basics organization of collective activities.

49. Technology of collective creative activity according to I.P. Ivanov.

50. Methodology for organizing mass socio-cultural activities.

51. Drama and directing of mass leisure activities.

52. Methods of educational work.

53. Basic techniques for activating the audience, criteria for analyzing cultural and leisure events.

54. Stages of preparation of a cultural and leisure event, plan for the preparation and conduct of a cultural and leisure program.

55. Basics of screenwriting.

56. Requirements for the preparation and conduct of information and educational programs, analysis of the preparation and conduct of information and educational programs.

57. Social and pedagogical aspects of the use of information and educational programs in educational and cultural institutions.

58. Technology for preparing and conducting discussion programs.

59. Characteristics of the main forms of discussion activity, methods of activating the audience.

60. Stages of conducting discussion programs, their socio-pedagogical and educational potential.

61. Specifics of the organization of cultural and recreational activities, the socio-psychological essence of recreational activities.

62. Technology for modeling cultural and recreational programs.

63. Innovative integrated forms of organizing recreation and entertainment.

64. Holidays and rituals as specific forms of socio-cultural activity, their classification, educational and socio-pedagogical potential.

65. Characteristics of the forms of celebrations, features of organizing activities with various target groups.

66. Technology for preparing and holding holidays, cultural and leisure programs based on folk traditions and rituals.

67. Socio-cultural potential of folk holidays and rituals.

68. Specifics of the stage embodiment of folklore during holidays.

69. Features of preparing and conducting a thematic concert program using elements of folk art.

70. The main stages of preparing leisure programs with elements of Belarusian folk rituals.

Art. teacher _________________________ I.T. Zaitseva

1. Leaving the scenario plan of the game program

2. Drawing up a scenario plan for a thematic game program

3. Drawing up a scenario plan for a youth disco

4. Drawing up a scenario plan for children’s book week

5. Drawing up a scenario plan for a game program created on the basis of Belarusian folk traditions

6. Drawing up a scenario plan for the competition program

7. Drawing up a scenario plan for a theme evening

8. Drawing up a scenario plan for an entertainment program in a children's health camp

9. Drawing up a plan for the excursion

10. Drawing up a scenario plan for celebrating the New Year in kindergarten

11. Drawing up a scenario plan for celebrating the New Year at a boarding school

12. Drawing up a scenario plan for a music week in a secondary school

13. Drawing up a scenario plan for a meeting with a famous writer

14. Drawing up a scenario plan for a festive thematic program

15. Drawing up a plan for a week of jokes and humor in a secondary school

16. Drawing up a plan for a theme day at a children's health camp

17. Drawing up a scenario plan for celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day in a secondary school

18. Drawing up a scenario plan for celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8 in a secondary school

19. Drawing up a scenario plan for holding Health Day in a secondary school

20. Drawing up a scenario plan for an evening of relaxation and entertainment

21. Drawing up a scenario plan for a children's sports festival

22. Drawing up a scenario plan for a folklore cultural and leisure program

23. Drawing up a scenario plan for the theater living room

24. Drawing up a scenario plan for the music room

25. Drawing up a scenario plan for a dispute

26. Drawing up a scenario plan for a school concert dedicated to Teacher’s Day

27. Drawing up a script plan for a disco talk show program

28. Drawing up a scenario plan for a dance carnival

29. Drawing up a script plan for a competitive show program

30. Drawing up a scenario plan for a reading conference

SKD as a scientific discipline is closely related to pedagogy, and in its field of view there are processes and phenomena that are studied by pedagogy, but are considered in a certain, specific way: the pedagogical process, means, forms, methods and other concepts. The connection with pedagogy is due to the fact that socio-cultural activities are developmental in nature and can have a targeted impact on the individual. This process is carried out on the basis of laws that are largely common to pedagogy.

The deepest pedagogical everything is permeated with meaning - the very act of entry of SKD subjects, the Teacher and his Student, into an infinitely rich storehouse of cultural values, and the very moment of interaction of these subjects, built according to the laws of pedagogy, and the very constant focus of this interaction on the free choice of activities, on the initiation of creative efforts and abilities of subjects. Socio-cultural activity is a pedagogical system associated with other spheres of human activity; it plays an active role in the formation of social practice along with economics, politics, and ideology. SKD as a pedagogical subsystem, expressing the essence and methodology of pedagogy. influence, acts as a connection between subject and object. subject, object, goal, content, means, methods, forms, mathematics and technology. base, financial security. process. Within the framework of this system, ACS is considered. as a pedagogue directed, formative and developing personality.

The system, therefore, consists of the following necessary and sufficient components: Pedagogical aspect of SKD conclusion. in regulating the processes of socialization and individualization of a person, that is, in social. education and development, carried out in forms of leisure activities and aimed at solving the following. cultural and educational tasks:

Purposeful introduction of a person to the riches of culture, the formation of his value orientations and the “elevation” of spiritual needs;

Stimulating social activity, initiative and initiative of a person in the field of leisure, increasing his leisure qualifications, that is, the ability to rationally, meaningfully and variedly organize his free time in order to maintain physical and spiritual health and self-improvement;

Creating conditions for identifying and developing the individual’s abilities, realizing his creative potential and positive self-affirmation.

From the very beginning, this pedagogical paradigm (a set of theories) acquired a universal and systematic character. Firstly, it extends both to the area of ​​leisure itself, free time, and to the vast area of ​​professionally employed, working time spent on activities requiring high qualifications and outside leisure time. Secondly, it defines a clear socio-pedagogical status of a huge group of professional specialists involved on an equal basis with non-professionals in numerous state and non-state institutions and socio-cultural organizations.. As a result, pedagogical. the paradigm becomes, in essence, the dominant, system-forming element of the structure, content, the very essence of the subject of socio-cultural activity.