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Theses of general principles of organization. What is a thesis

What is "from scratch"? “From scratch” does not mean registering a new company or getting a job new job. This is to change the formula of your business activity, since everything has been reset to zero. This is not visible to the naked eye, but we can already say with confidence that the world has gone to zero.

First, one question.

What do you think is the difference between advertising, for example, of Mercedes-Benz and the passport of this car, which describes its tactical and technical data? It is approximately in the context of this question that this post was written. Just some tactical and technical data.

Why this particular topic?

I gave a forecast of what awaits us in the very near future. Based on this, a relatively realistic action on events that will arise in the very near future is “your own business.” But first I would like to give a few theses on the topic of what “good business” is.

Thesis No. 1. What does “your own business” mean (in terms of content)? Is it a way of making money, producing vanity, benefiting society, something else?

Answer: content, everyone puts in their own. This is the aspect of personal meaning (the factor of creating your own business). What is meant? This means that meanings may or may not be realized. Everyone has their own meaning, but not everyone realizes it. But the success of a business is precisely the awareness of its meaning. This theme is the subtle aspects of the world. But do you really think that events are not formed in heaven? In general, for now you can just remember (you don’t need to believe). Meanings determine the success of life, including its aspect - business activity. If a person has not outlined his meanings, everything will be very sad. And then there’s this year 2013, in which the letter “R” appeared.

Thesis No. 2. Your own business (in form), is it a store, a restaurant, a factory or a workshop?

Answer. Having your own business is not only the above. Our business is what we promote, that is, if you like, we impose on other people.

Your own business is a machine for producing a product. This is some kind of value that someone needs. The surgeon is not an entrepreneur, but his “business” is to treat people. A wife can have her own business, promoting the rear for her men, or promoting love for her husband, giving him strength. A task is something that we recognize as a BUSINESS, and do not do something automatically.

Thesis No. 3. There is only one thesis that makes sense to promote in this matter (how to open your own business, that is, have it as a protective tool for the next 3 to 5 years).

“Business and life are an aspect of the psyche, not experience and industry competencies, and especially not money and connections.”

Experience and industry knowledge are simply a set of data that is stored in our computer (mind). But there is something that begins to use this data - the psyche. Psyche is a complex concept. The most superficial overview of what the psyche is can be limited to four parameters: body, mind, soul (somo) and will (spirit).

It is the psyche (composed of 4 elements) that is responsible for the results. And the quality of these results, that is, the time and effort spent to achieve the result, depends on how it is configured. Things like experience, knowledge, connections, money, applause, recognition - all this is the result of the work of the psyche.

Hence the method of producing success in business and life (in relation to these forecasts): working on yourself (body, mind, soul and spirit). Each element has its own system. So, to maintain a business for the period 2013–2014, you need to manage not a client, an employee, a spouse or an official. You need to manage your psyche. You won't be able to survive in the usual, banal way. We need to get around the “system” from the other side. Here, a number of not stupid businessmen began to form a niche for large businesses like Gazprom, others turned their gaze towards the mass market, and still others - towards budget money. I would like to warn this part of reasonable people. The formation of the future is not in physical reality, but in the psyche, as part of its 4 elements (no matter how esoteric it may seem). If a business person doesn’t do this now, a failure will occur at any of these 4 levels, you can be sure (I’m not talking about all, but the majority). So my advice is, find any system, but find it. For obvious reasons, I am ready to provide mine. But believe me, this is not my advertisement. I can only reach a limited number of people. In addition, I am ready to advise my colleagues whom I know well. In any case, my task is to convey to you without any hint: start working with yourself. Otherwise, it will be practically impossible to influence external processes.

Thesis No. 4. Success.

The word “success” that I mentioned here is a rather overused one. Let's talk a little about this. A correct idea of ​​something facilitates its occurrence. Success is a phenomenon that has one interesting property: success can be achieved, but it disappears almost as soon as it is achieved. Success is not a material thing, but a subjective experience. We can buy a long-awaited car, but “success” will not appear on its registration certificate.

Also, success is when someone agrees to your goal. Then, the obstacle to your action disappears. Therefore, the ability to negotiate is not just like going for a walk. This is a factor of success. You can, of course, take the car away from the boy in the yard, but he does not agree with this! Success is when he is glad that he gave you his toy. But what is the system of this approach?

This leads to another conclusion: success is when someone agreed with what you did or are going to do. Success is usefulness! So, if you strive for success, then the first question should be: what am I going to provide that will be useful. This was mentioned in the previous post. And only then does the aspect of the psyche arise: to see what others do not see, to know how much you can give and how much you can no longer give, with whom you can fight and with whom you need to wait, etc. What do you think is responsible for the rapid adoption of such decisions precisely in conditions of arbitrariness ()? The answer is a properly functioning psyche.

And yet, success is always subjective! So it turns out that the problem of the question of success is the very method of “how to produce” success constantly (as a state), and not just as an achieved material goal. The subjective experience called “success” is the result of the work of one’s psyche. This is a rather complex topic. The psyche, because you can’t touch it with your hands, you can’t see it with your eyes. And yet, we know what anxiety, fear, anger, despondency or blockage are. And we know that in these states, it is more difficult for us to achieve success.

How to create success, and not just witness its accidental occurrence?

There are tons of papers written about how to achieve success. In essence, success is just the result of a properly functioning psyche (body, soul and spirit). You need to understand the structure of the psyche and you need to learn how to control it. The key is there! The psyche is software, and if a person has problems with something (family, employees, money, career, meaning), this means that the failure occurred in his psyche. She needs to be dealt with, not with a spouse, employee or authority.

Thesis No. 5. To control your psyche, there is (usually) only one method: communication with a sparring partner. The argument is as follows. It is impossible not to control the psycho, just as it is impossible not to control the software on the computer (it gets clogged and starts to glitch). But we cannot control our psyche ourselves! This is how the psyche works. And if we do this, this is already a sign for contacting a psychotherapist or a very high indicator of personal ability. I hope that you do not classify yourself as the latter. In general, you need a sparring partner! This could be your good friend, your spouse, or even your child. This may be a specialist specially trained for this, but the main thing is that you must have such a sparring partner and you must have a special system. This is precisely the essence of managing your business in the coming period of life. The Sherlock system is one of them. Take a closer look at her. It is easy to use, although it requires a certain level of intelligence to understand it. In any case, the usual time that a person spends to understand it (I base it on the practice of working with my clientele) takes from one to three months. Then, you can use it yourself.

I would also talk about humor and the ability to treat yourself with irony. This is such a good self-control tool, especially for difficult periods. But this is, perhaps, a special ability that can only be prayed for.

In all other circumstances (no one knows exactly how events will develop), I want to draw attention to one main point.

The motive that created meaning for the vast majority of people was material accumulation. At the beginning of this century, we all somehow relaxed and felt the possibilities. Someone built a house, someone did a big business, someone bought an apartment in Bulgaria and a third car. That's not the point. The fact is that we were all in a state of confidence that this was possible! Even those who didn't make it. One thing is clear now. You can't take more than you have. There are two reasons for this. One is that the injection of several tens of trillions of dollars into world economy destroyed the idea of ​​business capitalization in principle. This is the payment for the crisis that arose in 2008. Another reason is that the redistribution of property (as a factor in its increase) in the post-Soviet space has almost been completed. The overall pie has become very small. Hence the message: what is the meaning or just the motive for business activity in these parameters (lack of prospects for material accumulation)? My answer: in search of new meanings. Everyone has their own, but they need to be found; adjust and follow exactly them. In my opinion (specifically today), our future is determined by formulated meanings, and not by material conditions.

Business trainer. CEO of Sherlock Solutions. Born in Odessa in 1964. Graduated Odessa University them. Mechnikov, studied at the Faculty of Law, specializing in administrative law. Long time worked as a negotiator and crisis specialist in various commercial and political projects. He is a specialist in the field of restructuring and building organizations, a negotiation trainer, the author of a number of business trainings and seminars for business founders, and the author of the “MYOR” system - a methodology for developing psychological abilities for business people. Founder of the law firm "Meta-Inform" (Odessa, 1991 - 2005). Legal expert at the London Arbitration Court (1995) Consultant to the Governor of the Odessa region on legal issues (1999–2004). Director of the Legal Department of the Odessa City Council, Advisor to the Mayor of Odessa (2010 - 2011). Head of the project “Lawyer of the Year” (Odessa 2000 - 2003). Author of the books "Get Off the Couch...", "Anatomy of Victory".
Mission: training business people to manage complex and non-standard situations as the basic basis for the accumulation of personal power; training of special abilities and transfer of knowledge as the basis for managing oneself, people and situations in the current conditions in the world (instability and aggressiveness of the environment).
Main product. Personal consultations, group master classes and consulting in the segment of development and use of special abilities as the basis of such activities.
Format: Education and training takes place based on real, life situations, and not in the classroom. Contact with the trainer is daily, but short (up to 15 minutes) and relevant (to a specific situation). The start of work is preceded by a special two-day module.
Area of ​​competence (period: 1993 - 2013).

Development of the organization's structure.
Analysis of bottlenecks (hidden sources of company development).
Design of work scheme legal department(security structure).
Strategic and psychological support for start-ups.
Setting up a team (training, training, coaching).
Conducting a brainstorming session with employees on real situations.
Setting up business processes of the department.
Setting up a work plan for the sales department for specific tasks.
Psychological support checks, negotiations, conflicts.
Legal support for concluding long-term contracts.
Organizational and psychological support for business reorganization (purchase, spin-off, division).
Psychological support of negotiations (high cost or value of the transaction).
Trainings (communication development; working with objections; team building).
Express diagnosis of the problem; identification of hidden sources.
Training founders in methods of maintaining power (in relationships with partners, top managers, competitors; politics).
Consultations on the selection of top managers considered for a specific position in the business.

Common cause
(working title)

General principles of organization

(Information for thought and discussion)

  1. Reasons for creation

In the 90s, under the banner of creating a new society with a more efficient economy and more democratic social institutions, an anti-people semi-criminal state was created
.It is now obvious that it was created under the direct leadership and control of our enemies
not for the development of the country and the prosperity of the people living in it, but for the gradual elimination of a great country from the historical stage for the sake of its civilizational competitors (opponents), dismantling all social structures and eliminating the foundations of life support and preservation Russian people, in which includes all indigenous peoples of Russia

It's clear now the main objective“reforms” are the “utilization” of the country - the transfer of territory, created wealth and population under the direct control of international monopolies through the open betrayal of the interests of their people by the ruling elite

I use outright lies, economic, legal and other levers to prevent public protest, the current government is leading society to guaranteed destruction during the impending global socio-economic hurricane, prepares the country for the bloodless transfer of its territory to its Western masters

The bulk of people are at a loss, fooled by massive propaganda, tortured by the struggle for survival, does not see real ways out of the impasse and simply weak-willedly, obediently goes where the newly-minted “masters of life” push her

In such a situation, all decent people who are aware of the danger of the final destruction of the country, regardless of their ideological, national religious and other differences must jointly take measures to preserve the integrity of the territory, fight for the real political and economic sovereignty of the state.

There is an urgent need to create organization that would:

Gathered the scattered forces of supporters of the creation of a new Russia, identified strong-willed people who are not broken 20-year degradation of society.,
-coordinated their activities.
- was engaged in propaganda among “ordinary” people about a “bright future” and a real opportunity to achieve everything, organizing and uniting them,
-supported existing ones and created the embryos of a new country.,

  • engaged in ideological and economic struggle with henchmen West
    -prepared people for the coming global crisis, the collapse of world capitalism, creating the necessary organizational structures.
  • in the future, accepted participation in recovery countries

2.What to do

The liberal idea that gripped the consciousness of the majority of the population of the USSR, which seemed to him a way out of the social and economic stagnation has shown its complete failure

But at the same time, a return to the original state of society is no longer possible.

The country is in an extremely dangerous situation

To survive and not remain only in the memory of History, you need:

  1. Stopping further degradation of the economy and society
  2. Economic and political independence of the country
  3. Creation of a new state of the Russian people
  4. Creation of a self-sufficient economic zone, including primarily the republics former USSR, Slavic states of Europe.
  5. Recreation of highly efficient industry and agriculture on new principles in accordance with the requirements of the new technological structure

3.Win condition

Only millions of people united as one, with a vision of the prospects for the development of society and with the necessary technologies to achieve it, will be able to achieve mega-goals and protect the achieved results. - the so-called. subject of action (development)

Unfortunately, in Russia there is no such progressive force and it may not appear spontaneously.
Therefore, there is only one real way to achieve the successful implementation of set goals in existing conditions - this is the preventive creation of a subject of action (movement, development.) It is possible to create it from a mass of confused individualists only by ensuring the following:
1unification of people, their unity into a monolith, one whole, a team, an army, etc.
2 Structuring masses of people into a flexible but durable system that can actively resist negative external influences. develop and compete fiercely for a place in the sun with civilizational opponents, primarily in the field of ideology, economics and sociology.
3 Providing people with the necessary objective knowledge, promoting advanced ideas.

  1. “Common Cause” is an organization that forms the subject of development in Russia and its part

The “Common Cause” organization will participate in the work to achieve mega-goals and create a subject of action (development) to the best of its ability

The organization “Common Cause” is an association of intellectuals, i.e. socially active people with independent thinking and creative potential from all social strata of the country's population

An organization to create from a scattered mass of people purposeful, active acting force, uses the most powerful unifying factor in Russia - common cause

In Russia, everything was always done together. In Russia, people were united by a common cause, a common goal.
Only a common common cause can really unite the most different people
Only participation in joint actions, selfless cooperation can really restore people’s trust in each other and hope for success,
Only common success and victory can restore faith in the possibility of achieving a happy future through joint efforts.
Only participation in grandiose affairs creates a sense of meaning in life
Only by doing difficult things that require the utmost effort do people feel like the creators of their destiny, and not its obedient slaves
Only after plowing the field and mowing the harvest does a person feel like God,
5. Areas of activity

Within the framework of the set strategic goals, a creative association of intellectuals and upscale specialists work in the following areas:

A. Creation, operational testing and introduction into widespread practice of the most modern methods of effective competition with civilizational opponents: organizational information and technological

B. Performing the function of a kind of “switchboard”, combining in its major projects separate, already existing groups with different ideological views

B. Supporting existing and creating new shoots of the future in all areas.

All these areas of activity are implemented through the implementation of promising projects in which members of the organization participate.

  1. Characteristics of the organization

The organization is

  1. open
    Any person can join the organization:
    a) aware of the need to save the country, restore its international status, the creation in the country of a fair state of the Russian people, which includes all the indigenous peoples of Russia.
  2. agrees with the goals and objectives of the organization
  3. having the necessary life and professional experience
  4. non-political,
    -its goal is not to come to power; it does not represent the interests of any individual classes, social groups, or layers of society.
    3 non-profit
    -the purpose of its activities is not to make a profit for the founders. All income received by her is fully used for implementation your goals...
    -Organization as a whole not registered in government bodies
    All structural divisions are not legally part of the organization and can independently register as an independent non-profit organization Individual commercial and production structures created by the organization register independently and cooperate with the organization under an agreement
    The main governing bodies consist of constantly changing people.
    All structural units of the same level cooperate with each other on a contractual basis; all units of the same level have equal rights; no one can interfere in the internal affairs of another unit. Units independently choose the tactics of their actions and plan their activities. All units included in more complex structures interact with other similar units only through their coordinators.
    . 5. multi-level. (hierarchical)
    The entire organization is built on the systemic principle of self-similarity. The team of any department at any level has a specific goal, action plan and specific deadlines, personal responsibility of managers
    The increasing complexity of projects and an increase in the number of employees involved in the work leads to the creation of a new structural level in the organization to increase the efficiency and coordination of joint actions with the fixation of a new, more complex goal, a plan of joint actions and the selection (appointment) of a new level department head personally responsible for the success
    A high-level manager interacts only with managers divisions of the previous level, coordinating only their activities and without interfering with the current activities of employees their units and more divisions low level.
    7.Organization structure
    The basic structural unit of an organization is a working group (team,........) of like-minded people, created to implement one project, perform a certain type of work, the initiator of which can be any employee of the organization who has the capabilities for its successful implementation.
    All members of the organization enter it as managers of the base unit, or ordinary employees in working groups.
    The working group is formed around the project initiator. Employees are accepted into the group by the decision of its leader upon the application of an employee of the organization who wishes to work in this group. The number of employees in the group is from 3 to 10.
    To implement complex projects, or coordinate the activities of several groups engaged in the implementation of identical projects, groups unite and achieve success together.
    Leaders of primary groups select a coordinator from among the organization's members, who, in addition to supervision, represents the community that has chosen him at a higher level.
    The complex group (,......) includes from 3 to 10 working groups and thus the number of members of a complex group (department) can be from 15 to 100 people
    When several complex groups of departments appear in an organization, for successful activities they also create a body coordinating their activities. A complex department is created, (……..), the head of which is also tasked with representing the complex groups included in it.
    Such a unit includes from 3 to 10 departments
    Creating the next organizational level is similar
    If it is necessary to create a new division to solve emerging problems, the decision of the organization's management appoints the heads of such organizations. structures that shape them from top to bottom.
    8. Governing bodies of the organization
    Supreme body The organization is a coordinating council consisting of 30 heads of departments at the highest levels, formed in such a way that each area of ​​the organization’s activities is represented by the same number of representatives.
    For the operational management of the organization, a working (organizational) committee is created, consisting of 12 people, led chairman, changing every month
    The highest executive body is the administration (executive committee, directorate, etc.) headed by a leader appointed by the organizing committee, working in this position under a separate agreement (contract)
    The highest supervisory body in the organization is the Control Council, of 3 (...) people elected by all members of the organization. for an indefinite term. The Control Board ensures the compliance of all decisions of all organs of the organization and focus implemented projects to the basic principles and goals of the organization.
    For objective decision-making by the Constitutional Court, the OC, and the administration, a “voice of the people” is created -automatic system collecting and analyzing the opinions of all employees of the organization on all key issues of the organization’s activities and the surrounding reality. (public opinion)
    9.Members of the organization
    A member of the organization can be any person at least 20 years old who has a desire to participate in the activities of the organization and supports its goals and tasks, agree with the principles of the organization’s activities set out in its basic documents, having the necessary education and level of professional training,
    All members of the organization have the status of either a permanent employee or an associate member
    All permanent employees are divided into 3 categories:
    1.project managers, working groups
    3. project participants, working group employees.
    Project managers are highly qualified specialists who have sufficient professional and life experience and are creators and initiators and responsible executors of a social or technical project Project managers lead working groups, in which includes ordinary performers (project participants)
    Experts are highly qualified specialists with proven increased experience in certain areas of scientific, social, and industrial activities. Experts make forecasts in areas and evaluate programs, projects and their results.
    Working group employees are qualified specialists working under the guidance of project managers and experts on approved plans.
    The activities of permanent members of the organization are regulated by regulatory documents organizations in which their rights and obligations are indicated. They strictly obey the decisions of the coordinating council and administration, participate in the activities of the organization for at least 1 hour per day, pay entrance and current contributions to the organization's budget.
    Associate members participate in the activities of the organization under individual agreements. Their rights and obligations are agreed upon (established) individually
  5. Admission to the organization
    Admission of people to the organization is carried out by submitting a written application.
    Upon admission to the organization, all employees provide their real last names, middle names, age, level of education, diploma specialty, work experience, place of residence (city, town), telephone number for communication, email for communication, address on Skype, or a mail agent for voice communication. through the Internet
    The project manager provides brief description project, the prospect of its implementation to achieve the goals of the organization. deadlines for execution, the number of resources required for execution, the number of employees required. at the initial stage.
    When joining the organization, a project participant informs the direction of activity in which he would like to participate, the characteristics of his level of qualifications
    All applicants for participation in the organization as a project manager are enrolled in the organization by decision of K.S. in the status of associate members for a period of 3 months. if they have a recommendation (guarantee) from a permanent employee of at least the rank of project manager (group leader) and for a period of 6 months, if they do not have such a recommendation.
    Then, based on the results of their activities, by a simple majority of votes, the CS are enrolled in the permanent composition of the organization
    All applicants for participation in the activities of the organization as a project participant are enrolled in the organization in the status of an associate member for a period of 3 months if they have a recommendation (guarantee) of any permanent employee and for a period of 6 months if they do not have such a recommendation.
    Then, at the request of the project manager in which he is employed employee, he is the decision administration, based on the results of the vote, is included in the permanent staff.
    An individual agreement is concluded with an employee who wishes to have the status of an associate member. His admission to the organization is carried out by the head of the department in which he will work.
  6. Expulsion from the organization
    Employees who wish to leave the organization submit an oral or written application to the head of the department in which they work.
    After consideration of the application, permanent employees who have the category of an ordinary employee are expelled by the decision of the head of the working group; those who have the category of an expert or the head of a department are expelled by the decision of a higher-level manager
    Associate members are expelled after the completion of the contract, unless they wish to acquire the status of a permanent member of the organization, or extend the contract.
    Employees who do not accept without good reason to participate in the activities of the organization for 3 months. are deducted automatically 10 days after one warning from the administration.
    Employees who violated the basic principles of the organization’s activities or caused damage to the organization are dismissed by decision of the Constitutional Court
    12.Budget of the organization
    The organization's budget is formed from the introductory contributions, current employee contributions and income received from the activities of the organization’s commercial divisions
    The entire budget is directed for implementation goals of the organization's functioning
    The distribution of budget funds is carried out on the basis of the budget plan approved by the supreme body

13.Internal democracy
All permanent employees of the organization are its equal members.
Any member of the organization can become the manager of a project initiated by him
Any project manager can be selected as the head of a department at any higher structural level
Any department head who has worked in the organization for more than a year can be appointed to senior positions in the administration.
Any leader top level may be elected to the highest governing bodies of the organization
All members of the organization have the right to express their opinions on all issues during regular surveys and make suggestions during working discussions in their departments
Senior management and executive organs of the organization make their decisions taking into account the results of surveys ( public opinion).
All members of the organization who have participated in its activities for more than a year have the right to choose and be elected to the Control Council
The organization initiates free discussion when solving all problems. All discussions have a strict hierarchy according to goals, complexity of the tasks being solved, and the number of employees involved. The purpose of the discussion is to find the optimal solution to the problem that has arisen.
All working discussions are carried out within the relevant department.
When solving complex problems affecting the entire organization, an organization-wide discussion is announced.
14. Internal discipline.
An organization is a socio-economic structure that exists and operates in unfavorable external conditions, therefore, strict performance discipline is created and operates within it.
All ordinary employees actively participate in the work of their department and bear personal responsibility for the success of the assigned work.
All department heads at all levels are personally responsible for the successful activities of their department
After a decision is made based on the results of the discussion, all its participants, including those who disagree with such a decision, actively participate in its implementation.
All heads of the executive branch of the organization act strictly in the direction of quick and accurate execution of decisions of the coordinating council.
All employees of the organization are subject to the decisions of the control board with the right to appeal this decision in a working manner.
Violators of discipline are subject to sanctions, including expulsion from the organization.
15.Interaction with other organizations
Many organizations have been created and are constantly being created in the country, operating within the framework (toward) the implementation of the megaprojects indicated above.
“Common Cause” actively interacts with such organizations, coordinates its activities, and participates in joint events and projects.
“Common Cause” is waging an irreconcilable struggle with organizations engaged in destructive activities.

the philosophical teaching of N. Fedorov, subordinated to the idea of ​​​​the resurrection of ancestors, fathers, which implied the recreation of all living generations, their transformation and return to God by regulating the blind forces of nature by means of science and technology and space exploration, which should lead to the formation of a universal education of brotherhood and kinship. This goal is the common cause of humanity.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


name stuck to philosophical teaching N. F. Fedorova (1829 - 1903). The terms “supramoralism” and “patrification” are used as synonyms (all definitions are conditional, since N.F. Fedorov himself preferred an oral presentation of his ideas, and their systematization was undertaken posthumously by his students V.A. Kozhevnikov and N.P. Peterson in an extensive compilation work entitled "Philosophy of the Common Cause", the first volume of which was published in 1906, the 2nd in 1913. The edition of "Works" by Dorov, published in 1982, includes fragments from the unpublished 3rd volume). In general, Fedorov’s teaching is in the general mainstream of Russian cosmism of the 19th - 20th centuries, representing an original synthesis of its religious and scientistic versions. In the main provisions and style of philosophizing of Fedorov, the character of a prophetic revelation is clearly present (which is facilitated by the rather developed mythology of the philosopher’s personality, and his asceticism, disinterestedness, phenomenal mental abilities), designed to change the entire system of life-value orientations of modern society. According to the philosopher himself, O.D. is to direct the three foundations of human life (morality, scientific and technical complex and social organization) for a total reorganization of the world and a rational change in itself human nature. Highest goal Such a change is achieved by the achievement of universal immortality, mastery of cosmic forces and space and, finally, the “resurrection of ancestors” or “patrification” itself - the main moral duty of man. Although the O.D. project is based on a “subtle feeling for natural life”, an affirmation of the universality of natural evolutionary development, Fedorov paradoxically perceives the spontaneous course of evolution and history as almost unnatural, perverted. Only the active intervention of humanity (see “Active Evolution”) returns cosmobiosocial processes to their proper course. In general, the methodology for synthesizing odism is an understanding from the position of what should be, due to which utopian motives, projective pathos, and uncompromising judgments about reality are extremely significant in it. First of all, the implementation of O.D. presupposes an understanding of the true nature of man. On the one hand, it is defined as generic, fundamentally collectivist. Collectivism consists not only in the individual’s recognition of the supremacy of tribal goals and values, the blood “brotherhood” of all people, but also in a special feeling of an organic, all-pervasive connection with the general “current of life” in nature, in an understanding of one’s place in the evolutionary relationship of matter and beings. On the other hand, the essence of a person is determined by two driving impulses, the instinctive foundations of the psyche and individual motivation. This is the “sense of mortality” and the “fear of birth”. Identification of these main incentives for individual and sociocultural activity should turn humanity’s attention away from solving immediate socio-economic, political and egoistic problems. The possibility of transferring the attention of humanity to genuine problems, i.e., to O.D., is realized through the formulation and resolution of “Easter questions” (Fedorov also called his teaching “New Easter”). They are posed as a rigid opposition between the “real” and “ought” qualities of sociocultural reality: private property - socialization, individualism - "community", national-state isolation - internationalism, sexual differentiation - complete equality of the sexes, utilitarianism - the moral rigorism of the "Easter consciousness", submission to the laws of nature - mastery of natural forces, the use of technology for mutual killing - using it for increasing life support, etc. In the most general view all these oppositions come down to one thing: “the devouring of the fathers by the sons” - the resurrection of the fathers. “Easter questions” are resolved by simply preferring the second quality and establishing it as a pan-human measure of activity and a criterion of morality. From here arises criticism of traditional Christianity, which, according to Fedorov, is the foundation of modern culture and society; Consequently, in the very doctrine, in the functioning of the church, there are prerequisites for the false path along which the formation of humanity has taken. At the same time, the implementation of O.D. does not imply the complete elimination of Christianity, but only its transformation. First of all, two sides of the Christian worldview are criticized: the idea of ​​partial salvation and mystical-eschatological quietism. O.D. has such a name because it calls for general, universal salvation - that is, deliverance from death. The outcome of world history for Fedorov is not a cosmic tragedy and a uniquely predetermined event: it must be actively created by the combined efforts of mankind.Among other things, O.D. means the union of all the creative and transformative abilities of mankind, and Christianity in its established form is aimed mainly at a one-sided spiritual principle and is very disdainful of the achievements of scientific and technical civilization. These aspects of Christian culture, according to the philosophy of O.D., must be overcome. The cultural synthesis that should arise as a result is called “active Christianity” by Fedorov.

O.D.'s teaching at one time caused very controversial assessments in intellectual circles. Official Orthodoxy, of course, reacted negatively to it - as well as to any attempt to revise the archetypal foundations of faith and worldview in general. Among those who connected sociocultural problems with the prospects of “renewing Christianity”, its reorientation towards solving pressing issues, the teachings of O.D. also did not find many supporters. Characteristic are Fedorov's relationships with such leaders of unorthodox religious thought as V.S. Solovyov, ?. ?. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy. The first and last initially reacted to O.D.’s projects with interest and sympathy, but then changed their attitude towards rather harsh criticism and almost complete rejection. ?. ?. Dostoevsky actually remained silent in response to the proposal addressed to him to publish Fedorov’s works under his own name (Fedorov himself had an extremely negative attitude towards any property, including thoughts). In general, in the domestic philosophical tradition, a strange attitude towards the philosophy of O.D. has developed: both the “left” (scientism and materialism) and the “right” (idealism, religious movements) camps did not express unambiguous positions in this regard, preferring silence or recognition of the high moral and personal qualities of its author (but not the concepts themselves). Apparently, the former saw in O.D. unacceptable motives of “techno-mysticism” and “unscientific fiction,” while the latter could not accept the obvious “naturalization” and “down-to-earthness” of Christian ideals. Fedorov’s reluctance to present philosophical concepts in the traditional language of theoretical philosophy, and his commitment to the linguistic synthesis of typically Christian (mainly homiletical) rhetoric with a fairly “common”, “popular” language also played a role. Contemporaries, on the whole, superficially accepted the ideas of O.D., and their criticism, accordingly, was predominantly evaluative and ideological in nature. Thanks to this, those motives of this teaching that closely linked and sometimes even anticipated the most promising, key problems at the intersection of natural science and social and humanitarian knowledge were left out of any attention. Here, first of all, we need to pay attention to a holistic assessment of social processes in European civilization: the author of O.D. considers this issue not as self-sufficient, but as one of the aspects related to cosmosociobiological interaction. The entire modern social system is perceived by Fedorov as a severance of blood-kinship and direct-spiritual ties, giving rise to the total alienation of people, their hidden and obvious confrontation. Whereas the ideal is “brotherhood,” excluding any elitism, inequality, or suppression. This is a kind of conciliar communism, based not only on the “common property”, but also on the collective awareness of the unity of goals and objectives. The transformation of society, in turn, is not a self-sufficient process, but only a necessary basis for consolidating all forces and means to fulfill the sacred duty of children to their fathers and, ultimately, to the entire universe. Communal-communist interaction must direct all the power of the intellect, the collective scientific mind and all available technical means to a comprehensive knowledge of the laws of nature and ways of using them for the well-being of humanity. From this view. The real history of the evolution of life and its special human form appears within the framework of historical education as a “universal cemetery,” a hopeless process of successive “devouring” of previous generations by those who inherit. Every person is at least vaguely aware of his involvement in this universal cannibalism. This gives rise to both a “sense of mortality” (fear of inevitably being devoured by one’s children) and “shame of birth” (a premonition of the need to live and eat at the expense of one’s parents). Current culture suppresses these feelings by creating myths about the “terrible dead” or justifying the idea of ​​progress (“new means better”). The point is to develop on their basis an awareness of duty and the desire to fulfill it. When humanity is imbued with these feelings and ideas, a turning point in history occurs: this is the apotheosis of the “natural” evolution of matter, which has found its full disclosure in man, and the fulfillment of the Gospel prophecies about the completion of the perfect world by man himself, the revelation of the providential plan in the free will of the “newly arrived creator” . This is how the anthropocosmic meaning of evolution is formulated: “Nature in us begins not only to realize itself, but also to control itself.” The axis of this movement is overcoming “non-kinship” and creating “kinship” ties connecting the cosmos, life and the pan-human community. The technical power of man provides, on the one hand, the basis for directed evolution, but, on the other hand, it also represents a hindrance: a one-sided technical impact on nature is the same cannibalism, the destruction of one’s own external body. Firstly, a universal synthesis of sciences must be achieved, overcoming their isolation and inertia; secondly, science in a new quality should be aimed not at constructing “artificial appendages” of the organism, but at restructuring the organism itself. The task of “active Christianity” and O.D. is to develop theoretical, moral and practical foundations for “mastering natural miracles—tissue creation.” It will allow us to push the boundaries of physicality, develop hitherto unprecedented human abilities (for example, unlimited movement in space) and gradually eliminate death itself. Ultimately, the primary balance of living matter will be restored: a person will be able to restore himself from the original physiobiological material, transform the body as needed, etc. Since the “immanent resurrection” of all the dead raises the question of the limited life resources of the planet, the next task is the exploration of outer space. The new, unified and evolved humanity will be able to solve this problem and go beyond any existing limitations. This, according to Fedorov, is the decoding of the Christian symbols of “paradise”, “hell” (death) and “purgatory” (temporary earthly existence). The utopianism of the presented picture of the development of O.D. does not deprive it of remarkable anticipations, confirmed, for example, by the development of genetics, information technologies, the formation of ecological and noospheric thinking. In general, the philosophy of O. d.?. ?. Fedorov is, of course, one of the most unique options emerging in the 20th century. anthropocosmic type of understanding of nature, society and man.

What is common cause? I think the common cause is the work done by a team that strives for a good result. If this work is carried out in a coordinated and friendly manner, then such a result will certainly be ensured.

Let us give an example from the text that will serve as an argument confirming my definition. The guys in the story wanted something new, and they decided to set up their own theater in an abandoned dining room: they agreed on this with the building manager, assembled a team and began building a stage for the theater. They worked hard and met short deadlines because their work was friendly and coordinated. This is a common cause, because everyone worked as one - no one argued or acted as the main one - but these are the main factors leading to the failure of the common work.

Let us give one more argument proving that a common cause leads to a brilliant result if carried out jointly.

During the USSR we won the second world war, although this victory was not easy for us and cost us very heavy losses. We fought for freedom and independence, so that the sun would always shine above our heads, and the people around us would live in peace and harmony. And we achieved this thanks to friendly work and a common goal. Is this not the greatest common cause we have ever undertaken?

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that a common cause leads to the desired result only when the team works harmoniously and amicably.

Updated: 2017-05-15

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Useful material on the topic

  • What is beauty? True, not always, people have different tastes, different ideas about “what is good and what is bad” (Yuri Nagibin, Unified State Examination 2016)

The existing parties, as a rule, place the category of success at the forefront of their programs. They promise social and personal benefits to their voters. But no one talks about the responsibility of man and society, without which these benefits are impossible.

We believe that, first of all, what matters is the moral position - such as the rejection of evil at the state, party, public and personal levels. Then economic success will follow. The pursuit of success while forgetting the need to maintain moral purity can only turn into new disasters.

How to ensure the necessary minimum of morality in politics?

Current political spectrum

Rights: the state is a necessary evil. It fetters private initiative and limits personal freedoms. Therefore, the influence of the state on the individual must be extremely limited. It should neither hinder her nor help her. Then those who can be successful will be successful, and those who cannot will leave the race, which is fair. In this system, the state for people is hired managers, people for the state are the electorate.

Left: The state must show paternal care to its citizens. Those who are guilty should be punished, the weak should be supported, and some should not be allowed to rise too high above others. In this system, the state is an unquestioned authority for a person, people for the state are the population, a faceless mass.

Center: a mixture of right and left views.

The essence of the project

The state is a common cause. We cannot trust the state, because the state cannot be adequate without us. We cannot remove the state from our lives, because life itself requires our participation in common concerns.

A civic position is a position of initiative.

Initiative is not a value in itself. What matters is what it is aimed at. Also general activities- not self-worth. The jackal of assessments exists besides us, and on this scale there is absolute evil and absolute good. It is the correlation with this external scale that fills our activities with content.

So we get spiritual basis. We get the value of life. Life turns out to be valuable not in itself, but because it serves good.

Russia is a country primarily Christian and Muslim. Both Christianity and Islam recognize at the everyday level that justice is a non-economic category. It is fair to return good for good, it is fair to protect the offended, and to help those in distress. This is enough for the basis of joint activities, without going into interfaith differences. A person’s faith is the result of his internal choice; it is valuable for society that a person has faith and that he believes in Good. Such faith is the basis for a creative life.


1. Return of spiritual guidelines.

Pragmatism and the philosophy of success must be replaced by true values. To do this, we must have faith in the Supreme Justice, which will certainly be realized, if not in this life, then at the end of it. Our faith must be sincere. We should not be afraid to confess it openly in front of people. People must see that the values ​​that everyday life can offer them are transitory. Neither money, nor career, nor fame can pacify a person’s spirit, put him to rest. Everything that everyday life can give requires fuss and ever-increasing work to maintain the existing order of things. One has only to stumble and everything that has been achieved will go to waste. Moreover, old age and weakening strength are ahead. And then death.

A person needs to open his eyes to the fact that only what you do not for yourself, but for another, has true value.

2. Support of moral behavior.

Behavioral models compete with each other. It is much easier to adjust your behavior to an already existing model than to go against established views. To defend one's independence from public consciousness is pure heroism (and which of us is fit to be a hero?). Moreover, striving for independence for the sake of independence as such is stupid, because it is fruitless, in the end it will turn out to be a struggle for the right to emptiness. At the same time, accepting a behavioral model without reasoning is dangerous; you can lose your own individuality and not only that.

Currently, the public consciousness is dominated by a model of immoral behavior. This is what the media is promoting. It is she who is presented as progressive, advanced, and therefore the best. It comes to the point that people begin to feel embarrassed about moral behavior, afraid to admit it, because they perceive it as inertia and retrograde.

It must be clearly stated that immoral behavior is an evil that corrupts society at a deep, archetypal level. We must declare moral behavior as the norm; to detect, pronounce and denounce immorality in any form. Take initiatives aimed at stopping the propaganda of immorality.

The state position should be this: it is necessary to establish moral (not political!) censorship, as well as administrative prosecution of any manifestations of immorality - primarily in advertising and the media.

3. Fight against swearing.

We are losing our national identity along with our language. The economic hole in which Russia finds itself has led to economic, and as a consequence, communicative dependence on the West, where English is common as a means of communication. As a result, the Russian elite turned out to be Anglo-oriented. The Russian language is receding more and more into the background, remaining in everyday life. At the same time, the everyday version of the language, as a rule, is terribly primitive and riddled with obscenities. Mat is the gravedigger of language. It should also be noted that swearing has a mystical nature and this nature is dark. Using mat as language norm swearing is perpetuated, moreover, desecration of the spiritual foundation of society. Thus, swearing is an implanted mechanism for the self-destruction of culture, society, and nation. A foul-mouthed army is incapable of standing up for a just cause. Swearing builders will not build anything that will rest the eye. A foul-mouthed government will not provide the people with a decent life.

The mat must be put back in place. By definition, he is profanity, and his place is among those who have long forgotten that they have a soul. We are obliged to protest against the appearance of obscenities in the press. Our behavior should be such that swearers feel the stupidity of their bravado, their inability to use language. They should be made uncomfortable; this is the first step towards curbing the tongue.

4. Anti-alcohol propaganda

Russia is drinking itself to death. We have already drunk away our gene pool, and the country, one might say. They gave it away for a couple of bottles. They drink not because of a bad life and not because of a good life (a bad life is largely a consequence of drunkenness), but because of the inability to live. Drinking is a way to escape from reality, from responsibility for one’s actions or lack thereof. It is not clear why to live, hence the craving for the bottle.

If society puts spirituality at the forefront, this will be the best motivation to eradicate drunkenness. You cannot change a drunkard by force, from the outside. Therefore, prohibitive measures regarding wine drinking should not affect people. Advertising of alcohol and the drinking process can and should be prevented. This is where the moral censorship discussed above comes in handy. All unlicensed producers must be prosecuted, discovered and punished - from moonshiners to clandestine distilleries - the desire to quickly profit from someone else's misfortune is a serious crime. A difficult decision must be made at the state level - there should be no state participation in the production of alcoholic products. You cannot get money out of trouble, citing a lack of budget funds. Social assistance organized through the exploitation of vices is mystically absurd and unfair.

5. Social work.

Any state assistance, with the exception of assistance to the disabled, should not be provided free of charge. We must overcome the expectation that someone else will decide everything and arrange our lives, and we will come ready and enjoy the fruits of his labor. Currently, people are accustomed to believing that the state is obliged to provide them with a means of subsistence; on the other hand, there is a developed reluctance to work with high dedication. We’ll work hard, make a mistake, get something, and that’s okay. As a result, both the citizen and society find themselves on the verge of poverty.

In some cases, social labor must be forced - as a disciplinary measure, punishment for minor offenses, in others - by civil law. A person must know that he will not starve - simply because if he cannot sell his labor power on the labor market, society will always provide him with acceptable work for which they will pay.

6. Economic policy

There is a psychological law of development: if a person stops exercising and improving, he will degrade. The simplest example is to stop speaking and reading English, and you will forget this language. Violinist on for a long time Those who leave the violin will be forced to develop their technique again. Society is formed by people, and the same law applies in society. If there is no development, society rots. If we want to have an efficient economy, we need to have sound economic policies. A situation is unacceptable when society acts only because something has already happened and it needs to react to it. Politics presupposes the presence of two components: strategy and tactics, while tactics are determined by strategy.

What should it be economic strategy civil society? First of all, goals must be outlined to achieve which the economic activity of the state should serve. These goals cannot lie within the economy itself, otherwise such activity becomes meaningless. Stabilization of inflation, strengthening of the currency, positive balance of payments, restructuring of the economy, change of ownership, doubling of GDP, etc. cannot be considered as final goals. The real goals that inspire the economy should be:

1) ensuring population reproduction, creating conditions for the survival of the nation

2) ensuring the conditions for military, political and economic security of the civil community of the Russian people, that is, the Russian state

3)improving the well-being of citizens.

The order specified by numbering is essentially a ranking of goals, another necessary component of an economic strategy.