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What does tsundere mean? Types of characters in the anime Tsundere meaning.

Well, hello, if you see me in the feed, you need to quickly go in, because there will be something that you have not heard about! Often, when we watch a lot of films, deja vu arises when one or another hero appears, and therefore even poorly written characters that stand out for one character trait come to many. In the anime, everything is a little different, there are mandatory types of characters. And a little lower I will describe them, I will give places by popularity in anime, that is, from the most popular dere to the rarest, I will also give examples of girls and genres in which one or another type of dere appears most often.This is the top 10 types of dere!

Anime Toradora.

10th place - Tsundere.
So, you must have seen / and this type of character in anime, usually tsunderki are rude, sharp, boorish, they can hit for nothing. They are the most popular, but there is a logical explanation for this - increased emotions. Yes, that’s exactly it, because when there is such a contrast as: “I hate you, get away from me, garbage,” then some kind of hostility develops, but when it comes to understanding that this was all the tsundere said because she hid her true self and was afraid to open up, then it becomes closer to the viewer. Most shonen anime have at least one tsundere throughout the series, for some it is in the foreground like in Toradora, and somewhere in the background. There is no point in talking a lot about tsundere, because everyone knows them, so let's move on.
Genre: Senen, romance, school, magic, everyday life.
Example of a tsundere:

Anime Toradora.

9th place - Deredere.
These dere are active, cheerful, loving, live life to the fullest. This type of character is the one I dislike the most. The only good thing about heroes like this is that they are not shown much, because one appearance is enough for you to start disliking this hyperactive dere. I can imagine a tsundere in reality, but a deredere is not able to live in our world, or I have never met such. And they often fall in love, but unsuccessfully, I wonder WHY, YES?
Genre: Romance, school, magic, everyday life.
Deredere example:

"Angel rythms".

8th place - Kudere.
Here they can be easily represented in real life. Couderés are unemotional, chillingly cold and often loners. They say little, but what they say is right on target. When they say something that an ordinary person would say emotionally, they can keep a completely calm face, even their voice will not waver. This is one of the few types that I personally like, because it is these people who bring notes of common sense to anime.
Genre: Romance, school, everyday life, adventure.
Kudere example: Kanade Tachibana.

7th place - Kamidere.
This type of dere usually wants attention, everyone should admire him and his skills, only him! Probably, you are now thinking that this is a rather rare type of dere, but this is not at all the case, the same Yagami Light, IN SOME WAY, is a kamidere. Even in some romantic anime there is a similar person, she cannot be called outstanding, but we are talking about the frequency of appearance in the series, and the kamidere is a frequent guest of many titles.
Genre: Everyday life, magic, school, drama.
Kamidere example: Yagami Light.

6th place - Dandere.
Why are there so few characters like this? Modest, calm, innocent soul, in general, ideal. They won’t beat you because you said you like her, they won’t make hysterical and thoughtless decisions. This type is very rare in anime, but very common in reality, maybe that's why he gets so little attention? Like, in reality, there are so many of them, why give them time in the title. Maybe there's something I don't know? Maybe I'm watching some strange anime, but it doesn't matter.
Genre: Adventure, school, shoujo, yuri.
Dandere example:
Erina Nakiri.

Hello everyone, I want to tell you about all types of trees, there are only 18 of them. I’m sure that most of them didn’t even suspect that there were so many of them. I immediately say almost all the terms in the list are universal, some of them simply don’t fit the type of male because they are not often found, but the fact remains fact.

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2.Popular types

Deredere - Literally translated as madly in love, they seem to love and share it with others. They are cute, friendly and usually smile all the time.

Tsundere- it seems to me that everyone knows how it is translated; they hide their feelings with disgusting behavior to The saying "beats means loves" fits this type.

Kuudere - at first glance, indifferent, cold-blooded and behave with restraint, although inside they are very caring. Can open a feeling for a loved one

Dandere-similar to ordinary silent ones. He wants to be more camouflage, but they are just afraid, but they can open up to a person who likes

Yandere are insane and for the sake of the object of their adoration they can kill an opponent and this is a common thing for them, although they seem ordinary

Unpopular Species

Boodere - they are very similar to tsundere but they are ashamed of their tsundere seizures, so to speak

Darudere- very similar to kuudere but they won't open even to l. no, they are not depressed, they just want to be like that

Hajidere - they are practically unable to open and in such situations with l. h. just run away as long as possible or pass out

Utsudere- they are usually very beaten by fate, they suffer from chronic depression from school or some other bullying and are closed in on themselves but can be open to others. h

Hinedere - usually see the world from a negative perspective and are also critical and Socratic towards others. But they can change for

Sadodere - likes to psychologically manipulate to manipulate the person or those who can interfere with their relationship

Kanedere - Kane translates to gold and I think it's worth it in the same way they plan their lives in advance and in terms of love they are only interested in those who have proven their worth

Himedere - This type only refers to the female gender and they want their loved ones to treat them like princesses, but they themselves may not be from the royal family.

Oujidere-ojui translated as prince is the male version of the previous type.

They just grab their heads, trying to somehow classify anime characters by personality type. However, this occupation is difficult, and in some places even ungrateful. Therefore, on our favorite site, the site, we decided to make a selection of the most frequently encountered characters. Do not forget to bookmark us, because we will have a lot more sensible information. Today we will talk about another character, which is called Deredere which means you will read below.
However, before you continue, I would like to advise you to read a couple of other news on the subject of anime slang. For example, what does Yuri mean, how to understand the word Moe, what is the difference between Sam, Sam, Kun and Chan, what is Kamikoros, etc.
So let's continue what does deredere mean?

Dendera- this is a sweet, kind character, moderately optimistic and modest.

Deredere is a hero who is completely kind, happy and energetic. Regardless of what happened, they are able to return to their cheerful self very quickly.

In other words, a character who is Deredere, a very sweet and energetic person whose archetype is centered around their love for one character. This distinguishes them from other archetypes such as Tsundere or Yandere. When they are truly in love with someone, they are still able to develop their personality characteristics apart from their adoration, and direct their activities in a different direction. For example, a Yandere character will still be able to perform actions that are completely selfish in nature. In their love, they are able to do something that can harm anyone who comes close to their loved one, or even kidnap him so that only they get it.

Similar heroes are a dime a dozen in any in any anime. In addition, this type of personality is quite common in male characters. Although, you still need to be careful about the classification, or otherwise, you may be in for a rather unpleasant surprise in the form of Yandere or Tsundere.

However, do not worry too much, because for now Dendera will be happy, he will not raise "kipish" around him. In the end, this hero becomes a "vanilla" option, which, by the way, is not so bad. After all, there is nothing better than a sweet girl in love who tries her best to be close to her loved one. And most importantly, it is also pleasant for the viewer to realize that she will not suddenly turn into a cold-blooded killer who will cut everyone to pieces. As a result, direct and honest relationships remain, colored with a veil of romantic emotions and feelings.

By the way, this is the only type that does not have a prefix to the base root " Dere".
There are other archetypes that follow the same naming convention like Dandere, Yandere, or Kudere. They are well known to anyone who has watched anime for a while. The type we are studying today is less well known and is called Deredere. The term is so odd that it looks more like a spelling mistake than a word used to describe a character. After all, the logic behind the name Tsundere or Kudere is that it thus identifies the character with a romantic component. Therefore, Kudere will mean a character who is in love with the protagonist, but at the same time can do bold and risky things.

By reading this article, you have learned what does deredere mean anime, and you will no longer get into trouble if you stumble upon this word again.

!Some characters combine several types of character at once.

The type of character is not always immediately clear.

Contrary to popular belief, the classification of character types does not apply only to female characters. Yes, there are MOEs for boys too!

Main character types:

1. Tsundere (ツンデレ). The word comes from tsuntsun (ツンツン), which means disgust, and deredere (デレデレ), which means falling in love. One of the most beloved otaku type of characters, often moei (more on that below). These characters are often harmful and narcissistic at first, sometimes even unpleasant personalities (more than half of the girls with rich parents, for example), but in the process of plot development it always turns out that a lot is hidden under harmfulness. good qualities. Most often they appear when the character is in love. At the same time, the very object of their love is rejected by them, but in the end they have to admit their feelings.
There are also several subspecies of the tsundere:

Tsunaho (ツンアホ), alternatively called tsunbaka (ツンばか) or more neutrally tsundoji (ツンドジ)
These characters really want to appear bad, but because of clumsiness, and often narrow-mindedness, they always confuse everything, drop things, fall themselves and generally behave comically.

Tsuntere (ツン照れ) is a more open (and moe-like) tsundere. "Tereru", tereru (照れる) means "shy". That is, a tsundere who tries to appear cold and unapproachable, but due to his own shyness (and moe) sometimes gives out real feelings. Thus, it becomes clear that the character is actually a deredere.

Tsundora (ツンドラ) literally means "tundra". This is the most reserved and gloomy type.
character, ice. It is very difficult to force such a character to show his "deredere-I".

Tsungire (ツン切れ) is the most dangerous type of tsundere, named after "kireru" (kireru, 切れる) - short circuit. If you make this character angry, then ... better not. At first glance, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a tsungire from a yandere, but a flash of rage and madness are still different things.

2. Kuudere (くーデレ), comes from English cool and Japanese deredere, a word called cold-blooded and indifferent characters. Often they sit somewhere far away from the rest with a book and do not communicate with anyone. Often they can be distinguished by blue hair, but not always. So, the couderes are silent, but only because they do not want to talk to anyone, because of their arrogance.

3. Dandere (ダンデレ) - abbreviated danmari deredere (だんまりデレデレ), which means "shy/th deredere". Danmari (だんまり) means "silence", but the dandere is silent not because he (or she) wants to, but because he is terribly shy. These are real sociophobes, closed and distrustful. Most often, the "deredere-ya" is revealed upon contact with the object of love.

4. Yandere (ヤンデレ) - short for yanderu deredere (病んでるデレデレ), "yandere" (病んでる) means "sick". In short, this is a crazy "deredere". Yandere characters are as popular with otaku as tsundere.
Yandere are attached to the object of their love very strongly, to the point of idolatry. These are typical fans (and fangirls). In their normal state, yanderes are indistinguishable from derederes, but when they fall in love, they turn into psychos, and you should not get in their way at this moment, because they often pick up sharp objects.

5. Yangire (ヤン切れ) - A subspecies of the yandere, they are both insane and short-tempered. Such a character, in order to become a maniac, usually does not need a special reason in the form of love. Often they have some dark, unpleasant secret from the past hiding in their closet.

6. Genki (元気) - optimistic, always happy and hyperactive
characters. Such a character is the "soul" of the company.
There are two types of genks - smart and not so smart. Smart genks think as fast as they act. Characters of the second type are also energetic, but at the same time they often do comical follies.

Oh yes, MOE!

The word "moe" (萌え) means "sprout", meaning a fragile girl who needs (and wants to!) take care of.
The word in culture means a fetish of appearance/behavior. All the character stereotypes described above also refer to the concept of "moe". Long time it was believed (and is still often considered) that only girls can be moei. But! Moe can be a guy, although much less often. Isn't Italy-kun from Hetalia an example of this?
Moekko (萌え娘) is a girl with moei features. Moekko are again of several types.
Meganekko (メガネっ娘) is a girl with glasses.
Bokukko (ぼく娘) is an energetic tomboy.
Pettanko (ぺったんこ) is a child girl with a flat chest, which she usually suffers a lot from. Well, or not suffer.
Bakunyu (爆乳) - a girl with large breasts, the object of pettanko envy.
Dojikko (ドジ娘) is a clumsy girl.

You probably noticed a huge variety of different characters in the main characters. This is done in order to satisfy the maximum number of viewers, and get more views. Each archetype has its own special designation, and today we will talk about one of them, this tsundere which means you can read a little below. In order not to get lost when watching another Japanese animation, it is better to study in advance all kinds of terms and jargon that these cartoons are so rich in. Therefore, be sure to add our site site to your bookmarks so as not to miss useful information.
However, before you continue, I would like to recommend you a couple of news on the subject of anime slang. For example, what does Kodomo mean, how to understand the word Guro, what is Paizuri, what does Maho-shojo mean, etc.
So let's continue what does tsundere mean? This term is borrowed from Japanese ツンデレ ( tsundere), which in turn comes from the word ツンツン ( tsuntsun), which can be translated as "sharp", "indifferent", "closed".

tsundere- this term in anime refers to a heroine who rushes between two moods - deredere ( yearning for love) and tsuntsun ( irritable and aloof)

What does yandere mean?

This concept was originally used to describe characters who at first revealed themselves with a dark side, but over time showed their soft and vulnerable nature. Over the years, this archetype has generally been associated with a hero who is between two emotional states. The first is usually called Classic tsundere, and second - Modern Tsundere.
The reasons for Tsundere's behavior vary widely, but usually come down to a conflict between their feelings of affection and their reactions to those feelings. The Tsundera archetype is very popular among romance anime creators because the conflicts between two personalities can easily be used to create both drama and comedy.

tsundere(ツンデレ) is a term in otaku-moe anime/manga culture. it characteristic, inherent in those who express alternating feelings of hatred and love for a particular character. However, the use of the archetype tsundere expanded beyond its literal definition. Now it generally describes any character whose behavior and character in ordinary life referred to as " tsuntsun", and after a while suddenly changes to " deredere A characteristic feature for them is that they stutter and stutter, and often blush in embarrassment when they challenge their feelings.

Tsundere can be divided into two main categories, depending on their mood:

(or cun): These characters have a Tsundere by default, and it will take some effort for someone to specifically summon a hidden character - a deredere. The intensity of a tsuntsun can range from simple blunt pessimism (Kagami from Lucky Star) to "I have to look and make my way through life" (Louise from Familiar Zero). It is about how much of a single personality is presented to the public, and what character is hidden inside. If Tsundere is the Rival, then she will most likely be stern and tough.
Tsundere tend to react to actions chosen people or bad scenario. soft side" deredere" usually only manifests when someone has acted in such a way as to summon her. In other cases, people see this character using the side " tsuntsun".

Sweet(or Dere): These Tsundere have dederare as their default mood. They are sweet, kind and generous, but they also have a hidden aggressive side.

This concept first appeared in 2002. The archetype was made popular by a computer adaptation of an adventure game video " Kimi ga Nozomu Eien"(Restless Hearts). Since then, a large number of concepts have become popular in anime culture that display traits, attitudes, behaviors or actions that illustrate or are somewhat similar to a character tsundere.
Because it slang term, there is no clear definition of its value. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately identify characters that fall under the definition of a Tsundere. Usually, the meaning of this term, each author will determine in his own way, which introduces additional confusion and confusion.

However, despite some difficulties, this archetype, and certain details associated with it, continue their victorious march around the world. For example, in Japan, in Akihabara ( quarter in Chiyoda, a special district of Tokyo), the first tsundere cafe opened, and other themed foods are also popular.

After reading this article, you finally figured out what is tsundere, and now you can explain this rather vague term to your friends and family.