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Diagnostic techniques for identifying learning difficulties. Identification and analysis of problems Causes of school difficulties in children with disabilities

Having developed and examined the practical part of this topic, we can conclude that in order to prevent academic failure, it is necessary to know the cause of academic failure; for this, diagnostic techniques can be used.

1. Questionnaire to study learning motivation and child adaptation at school.

The level of school motivation can be assessed using a special questionnaire, the answers to 10 questions in which are scored from 0 to 3 points (negative answer - 0, neutral - 1, positive answer - 3 points).

Survey questions:

1. Do you like school or not so much?

2. When you wake up in the morning, are you always happy to go to school or do you want to stay at home?

3. If the teacher said that all students did not have to come to school tomorrow, would you go to school or stay at home?

4. Do you like it when some of your classes are cancelled?

5. Would you like no homework?

6. Would you like the school to remain the same subjects?

7. Do you often tell your parents about school?

8. Would you like to have a less strict teacher?

9. Do you have many friends in your class?

10. Do you like your classmates?

Rating scale:

Students who score 25-30 points are characterized high level school adaptation.

20-24 points are typical for the average norm.

Scores of 15-19 indicate extrinsic motivation.

10-14 points indicate low school motivation.

Below 10 points indicates a negative attitude towards school.

2. Diagnostics “Funny pictures” (study of involuntary memory). The student is shown simultaneously twenty pictures with images of objects, which he had to group into four or five pictures so that they can be called in one word. Then the pictures are removed, and the student is asked to name the pictures that he remembers. For each correctly reproduced word, the student received one point.

3. Diagnostics “Labyrinth” (identifying the degree of development of analytical and synthetic activity). A student with his eyes closed traces with his finger the outline of a figure of a rather complex geometric configuration cut out in cardboard. The task is to imagine this figure and then draw it on a sheet of paper. Assessment of the quality of the completed drawing depends on the number of reproduced parts and its overall configuration.

4. Diagnostics “Sticks” (identification of features of self-regulation of intellectual activity). On a sheet of lined paper, the student needs to write a system of sticks and dashes between them (I-II-III-I-II-III). When completing tasks, the student must follow the given sequence of sticks, when transferring, do not break the group of sticks, and write sticks across a line. The best result is scored 10 points.

5. Diagnostics “Snake” (studying the characteristics of visual-motor coordination). On a sheet of paper there is a drawing of a winding path 5 mm wide. The child must draw a line inside this path with a pencil as quickly as possible, without touching its walls. The quality of the task is assessed by the number of touches. The best result is scored 0 points, 1 point is awarded for each touch. To determine short-term memory, a 10-word technique is used - table, viburnum, chalk, elephant, park, legs, hand, gate, window, tank (normal level is 5-6 words). To determine semantic memory, we suggest remembering pairs of words (5 pairs): noise-water, table-dinner, bridge-river, ruble-kopeck, forest-bear (the first word is called - the child remembers the second).

You can use the test from the Research Institute of Defectology (to identify the level of verbal and logical thinking). I subject. Awareness. "Choose the right word and finish the sentence."

1. A boot always has... - lace, buckle, sole, straps, buttons.

2. In warm regions lives... - a bear, a deer, a wolf, a camel, a penguin.

3. In a year... - 24 months, 3 months, 12 months, 4 months, 7 months..

4. The month of winter... - September, October, February, November, March.

5. In our country there are no... - nightingale, stork, tit, ostrich, starling.

6. A father is older than his son... - often, always, never, rarely, sometimes.

7. Time of day... - year, month, week, day, Monday.

8. A tree always has... - flowers, fruits, roots, leaves, shadow.

9. Time of year... - August, autumn, Saturday, morning, holidays.

10. Passenger transport... - combine, dump truck, bus, excavator, diesel locomotive.

6. Diagnosis of attention development.

The technique is designed to assess attention switching. The subjects must find red and black numbers from 1 to 12 in a random combination on the table offered to them, eliminating logical memorization. The child is asked to show black numbers from 1 to 12 on the table in ascending order (the execution time T^ is fixed). Then you need to show the red numbers in descending order from 12 to 1 (the execution time Td is fixed). Then the student is asked to show alternately black numbers in ascending order, and red numbers in descending order (the time for completing the task is fixed). An indicator of attention switching is the difference between the time in the third task and the sum of time in the first and second tasks: Tz - (T^+Tg).

Traits of pedagogical neglect may appear clearly, but they may also be hidden behind apparently good behavior. A pedagogically neglected child is mentally normal and physically healthy, but does not have the knowledge and skills necessary for normal life activities.

Children with pedagogical neglect are characterized by:

· deviations from the norm in behavior and learning, due to the fact that the individual experience (everyday and other skills, knowledge and abilities and their application) of these children is inferior, distorted, contradictory.

· lag in the development of memory, thinking, imagination, emotional-volitional, moral properties, personality traits and qualities. On top of these delays are some age-related characteristics, including heightened self-esteem, instability of mood, fatigue, and conflict.

· deviations, distortions and contradictions in the relationships of pedagogically neglected children to themselves and their capabilities, peers, teachers, parents, and surrounding phenomena. All this significantly complicates and distorts their educational activities and behavior.

The reason for the unformed elements and skills educational activities are the individual characteristics of the child’s intellectual development. The consequence is poor performance in all subjects, insufficient memory development, inattention, uncertainty, silence in class, “Fs” for written work, fear of answers, anxiety, low self-esteem, passivity, pessimism, disappointment in school, absenteeism. The reason for the lack of formation of learning motivation and focus on other non-school (inappropriate for age) activities is the infantilism of education, overprotection, and unfavorable factors that destroyed positive motivation ( interpersonal relationships, inadequate assessment of educational activities). And as a consequence - poor academic performance and behavior against the background of a sufficient level of cognitive capabilities. Children are slow, disorganized, tired, uncommunicative, aggressive, and deceitful. Thus, the forms of expression of pedagogical neglect are different. This may be a lack of educational motivation, unformed elements of educational activity, or a lack of voluntary regulation. cognitive processes. By the end of primary school, all three forms lead to poor mastery of the school curriculum and gaps in knowledge. Pedagogical neglect junior schoolchildren is characterized by psychological and moral unpreparedness for learning, difficulties in learning activities, the presence of gaps in knowledge, underdeveloped cognitive interests, lack of formation of socially significant motives for learning, and violations in the sphere of communication. Children with pedagogical neglect at school age achieve better results in music, physical education, and natural history lessons, and less so in mathematics and drawing. During Russian language lessons, children speak little, their active vocabulary is limited, and their speech is poor in content and vocabulary. They cannot construct a sentence correctly and almost never use figurative expressions in their speech. In mathematics lessons, such children, as a rule, are passive, because they do not know how to think logically, get tired quickly, and cannot concentrate. Thus, pedagogically neglected children are characterized by poor learning ability: they do not perceive the teacher’s instructions, listen inattentively and forget tasks, perform them mechanically without taking into account the requirements.

Causes of school difficulties in children with disabilities

The reasons causing difficulties in mastering the general education program are very diverse and are determined by the structure of the defect of children with disabilities. When choosing a method of helping a child, we must first of all identify the problem and its causes, otherwise our help will be ineffective. The problem of school failure is very relevant today. Many children fall into the category of underachievers from the very beginning of their education and carry the label of laggards for many school years. Difficulties in children’s assimilation of program material have negative consequences that affect the formation of the child’s personality:

    reduce his self-esteem, make him passive, indifferent to learning, or negatively disposed to any learning.

Every parent wants their child to grow up prosperous and successful, happy man. The foundation of such well-being is laid precisely in school years. Therefore, it is very important to understand the reasons for a child’s underachievement and do everything possible to ensure that the school, with its strict requirements, does not lay pitfalls in his future adult life.

There are two main reasons leading to the immaturity of the child’s psyche:

· unfavourable conditions life: negative environmental influences, complex family relationships, poor living conditions, pedagogical neglect;

· specifics of child brain maturation, which consists in the uneven development of individual areas of the brain, the presence of deviations in their work.

This may be due to the unfavorable course of the intrauterine period of the child's development and pathological childbirth. Subsequently, difficulties arise with certain mental functions - memory, attention, thinking, speech and related writing and reading.

Most of the underachieving schoolchildren have minor disabilities, which are designated as minimal brain dysfunction (MCD). Due to their partiality, these deviations do not manifest themselves in any way in preschool childhood, but reveal themselves with the beginning of schooling. Large intellectual loads, high tempo training and strict control of results place an enormous burden on the yet undeveloped brain structures that ensure the state of the psyche. There must be a correspondence between the pedagogical requirements for the child and his capabilities, including mental and nervous system. This inconsistency leads to learning difficulties. Mental function is never completely disrupted; many components of the child’s psyche always remain intact.
The affected components of the mental function can be compensated for by fully functioning links within this function and other healthy mental processes.

Main types of difficulties and their causes

We invite you to analyze the list of the main types of difficulties that arise in the process of teaching children, their causes and recommended methods for examination. A description of these techniques can be found in the appendices.

Learning difficulties in younger schoolchildren and possible causes

Types of difficulties

Possible psychological causes

1. In written work, omits (inserts) letters, syllables, words

(adapted version of the method)

1. Study syllable structure words:

Jump rope Tankman

Cosmonaut Policeman

Frying Pan Cinema

Flip Shipwreck

Scuba Diver Thermometer

2. Phonemic awareness:

Pa-ba-pa Cha-cha-cha

You-you-you Ru-lu-lu

Go-ko-go Za-zha-za

Sa-sha-sa So-so-sho

Right now Sho-jo-sho

3. Study of word formation skills:

· formation of nouns in a suffixal way:

at the goat cubs- in a dog -

at the wolf - at the pig -

at the duck - at the horse -

at the fox - at the cow -

the lion - the sheep -

· formation of relative adjectives:

straw hat - cranberry jelly -

ice slide - carrot salad -

cherry jam - mushroom soup -

apple jam - plum jam -

oak leaf - spruce cone -

· formation of qualitative adjectives:

they call a wolf for greed -

they call a hare for cowardice -

bear for strength-

if the sun shines during the day, then day-

if it’s frosty during the day, then the day-

· formation of possessive adjectives:

bear's paw

wolf's tail

lion's body

hare's paws-

eagle's nest

4. Study grammatical structure speeches:

· Making sentences from words in initial form:

Boy, open the door

Draw, pencil, girl

Misha, give, dog, bone, big

Vitya, mow, rabbits, for, grass

· Verification of proposals:

The house is drawn by a boy.

The boy washes his face.

Nina has a big apple.

There was a deep hole above the large tree.

The bear sleeps well in the snow.

· Complementing a sentence with prepositions:

Lena pours tea...cups.

The buds have blossomed... on the trees.

The boat is floating...on the lake.

The chick fell out...the nest.

The dog is sitting... in a kennel.

· Completing sentences:

Igor got his feet wet because...

Masha is frozen, although.....

Games “One-many”, “Many things”

Abdullaev Mirguly Mirkerimovich
Job title: Physical education teacher
Educational institution: FGKOU "Secondary comprehensive school № 13"
Locality: n.p. Borzoi, Chechen Republic
Name of material: article
Subject:"Methods of identifying and psychological correction learning difficulties"
Publication date: 25.03.2016
Chapter: secondary education

ABDULLAYEV MIRGULY MIRKERIMOVICH physical education teacher Federal State Government Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 13” (Borzoy settlement, Chechen Republic)
Methods of identification and psychological correction

learning difficulties

Psychological causes of school failure and ways to eliminate them as the subject of the course. The study of internal and external factors that determine the occurrence of various kinds of difficulties in learning, and the formation of an alloy of psychological knowledge and the ability to use it in practice are two interrelated objectives of the course. Psychodiagnostics of learning difficulties as a scientific and practical activity of a school psychologist. The role of fundamental theoretical and psychological knowledge in ensuring the effectiveness of the work of a practical psychologist. Semiotic, technical and causal-logical components of psychodiagnostic activities to identify psychological causes of school failure. School failure and learning difficulties have long been a serious concern for practicing teachers. This problem has become especially acute in recent years, as the number of children with learning difficulties and disabilities has been steadily growing. The peculiarities of education in a modern school are the increasing volume of information, the constant complication of educational programs, which places the highest demands on the child’s body. Nowadays, the school must ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed in learning. Currently, the public education system is faced with the problem of an increase in the number of difficulties in teaching schoolchildren. According to
2 different sources Today, from 15 to 40% of primary school students in secondary schools experience learning difficulties for one reason or another. The main directions of modernization of education in Russia for the period up to 2010 are characterized by updating and qualitative changes in the content, methods, means, diagnostics, correction and forms of organizing the learning process, new approaches to its design and practical implementation. Learning difficulties are described in many works of domestic and foreign psychologists. According to the findings of scientists (L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, A.R. Luria, N.P. Laskalova, L.S. Tsvetkova, M.S. Neimark, L.S. Slavina, A.I. Zakharov, etc.), they note a complex of difficulties in educational activities, acquiring stability, destabilizing the personality and its inner world, giving rise to intrapersonal contradictions between desires and capabilities, the demands of society and one’s own aspirations. In this regard, the teacher’s activities should be focused not only on the transmission of information, but also on the development of higher mental functions of schoolchildren, and early diagnosis and correction of learning difficulties will solve these problems.
Methods for identifying and psychologically correcting learning difficulties
The reasons causing difficulties in mastering the general education program are very diverse and are determined by the structure of the defect of children with disabilities. When choosing a method of helping a child, we must first of all identify the problem and its causes, otherwise our help will be ineffective. The problem of school failure is very relevant today. Many children fall into the category of underachievers from the very beginning of their education and carry the label of laggards for many school years. Difficulties in children’s assimilation of program material have negative consequences that affect the formation of the child’s personality:
3 - reduce his self-esteem; - make him passive, indifferent to learning or negatively disposed towards any learning. Every parent wants their child to grow up to be a prosperous, successful, happy person. The foundation of such well-being is laid precisely during the school years. Therefore, it is very important to understand the reasons for a child’s underachievement and do everything possible to ensure that the school, with its strict requirements, does not lay pitfalls in his future adult life. It is possible to distinguish two main reasons leading to the immaturity of the child’s psyche: - unfavorable living conditions: negative environmental influences, difficult family relationships, poor living conditions, pedagogical neglect; - the specificity of the maturation of the child’s brain, which consists in the uneven development of individual areas of the brain, the presence of deviations in their work. This may be due to the unfavorable course of the intrauterine period of the child's development and pathological childbirth. Subsequently, difficulties arise with certain mental functions - memory, attention, thinking, speech and related writing and reading. The majority of underperforming schoolchildren have minor impairments, which are referred to as minimal brain dysfunction. Due to their partiality, these deviations do not manifest themselves in any way in preschool childhood, but reveal themselves with the beginning of schooling. Large intellectual loads, a high pace of learning and strict control of results place an enormous burden on the yet undeveloped brain structures that ensure the state of the psyche. There must be a correspondence between the pedagogical requirements for the child and his capabilities, including the capabilities of the psyche and nervous system.
4 Inconsistency leads to learning difficulties. Mental function is never completely disrupted; many components of the child’s psyche always remain intact. The affected components of the mental function can be compensated by fully functioning links within this function and other healthy mental processes. Nemov R.S. identifies a general scheme for classifying methods:  Methods of psychodiagnostics based on observation;  Questionnaire psychodiagnostic methods;  Objective psychodiagnostic methods, including recording and analysis of a person’s behavioral reactions and the products of his activity;  Experimental methods of psychodiagnostics. The means available to diagnostics can be divided according to their quality into two groups: - strictly formalized methods, - poorly formalized methods. Strictly formalized methods include: tests; - questionnaires;  methods of projective technique; - psychophysiological techniques. They are characterized by a certain regulation, strict adherence to instructions, and standardization. Tests are standardized, brief and time-limited tests designed to establish quantitative and qualitative individual psychological differences between people. Their distinctive feature is that they consist of tasks to which the subject needs to obtain the correct answer. Questionnaires are a group of psychodiagnostic techniques in which tasks are presented in the form of questions and statements. They are intended
5 to obtain data from the words of the subject. Unlike tests, questionnaires cannot have “right” or “wrong” answers. They only reflect a person’s attitude to certain statements, the extent of his agreement or disagreement. Projective technique techniques are a group of techniques designed to diagnose personality. They are characterized by a more global approach to assessing personality rather than identifying individual traits. The purpose of projective techniques is relatively disguised, which reduces the ability of the subject to give answers that allow him to make the desired impression about himself. Psychophysiological techniques are a special class of psychodiagnostic methods that diagnose the natural characteristics of a person, determined by the basic properties of his nervous system. Less formalized methods include: - observation; - conversations and interviews;  analysis of activity products. These techniques provide valuable information about the subject, especially when the subject of study is mental processes and phenomena that are difficult to objectify. Observation is the purposeful perception of facts, processes or phenomena, which can be direct, carried out using the senses, or indirect, based on information received from various instruments and means of observation, as well as other persons who conducted direct observation. Conversation, interview is a method of collecting primary data based on verbal communication. One of the most common types of conversation is an interview. An interview is a conversation conducted according to a specific plan, which involves direct contact between the interviewer and the respondent.
6 Analysis of products of activity is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of documentary and material sources, which allows us to study the products of human activity. A full-fledged diagnostic examination requires a harmonious combination of these and other techniques. One of the main forms of pedagogical diagnosis of the causes of school difficulties in learning with disabilities in primary school is the analysis of students’ written work. The identified violations of written speech may indicate the state of the general mental and motor development of children. Neuropsychological methods are currently successfully used to diagnose and correct learning difficulties. These methods allow, firstly, to identify the psychophysiological characteristics underlying difficulties, and secondly, to isolate a system of primarily preserved links mental activity children, thirdly, to determine the optimal ways of an individualized approach to them in the learning process. These methods can be productive in working with children with special needs and mental retardation. The picture of disorders in such children is heterogeneous and is not limited to speech symptoms. Most of them have unformed other higher mental functions. A comprehensive neuropsychological examination, covering both speech and non-speech abilities of the child, allows for high-quality functional diagnostics and development of an effective assistance strategy. The technique is of a test nature, the procedure for its implementation and the assessment system are standardized, which makes it possible to visually present the picture of a speech defect and determine the severity of the violation of different aspects of speech, and is also convenient for tracking the dynamics of the child’s speech development and the effectiveness of correctional interventions.
7 The basic principles of a specialist within the humanistic direction are: A meeting of a specialist is a meeting of two equal people; The resolution of the client’s problem occurs “by itself” if the specialist creates a situation of unconditional acceptance that promotes the client’s awareness, expression and self-acceptance of his true feelings; The client is responsible for choosing his own way of thinking and behavior in life. The basic concepts of the humanistic direction are individuation, self-actualization, self-actualizing personality. In a psychological sense, individuation is thought of as a process of a person’s search for spiritual harmony, integration, integrity, and meaningfulness. Awareness of these moments of existence is important for the individual evolution of man. It is assumed that it is through the process of individuation that a person realizes himself as a unique indivisible whole. In A. Adler’s individual psychology, individuation, one of its main facets, comes into contact with the idea he proposes of a person’s unconscious striving for perfection. In humanistic psychology, this desire finds particular embodiment in a person’s desire for the possible identification and development of his personal capabilities, characterized in different subjects by varying degrees of awareness and defined in this direction by the term self-actualization. In his work “self-actualization,” A. Maslow identified eight modes of behavior leading to self-actualization, which include: Full living and selfless experience with full concentration and absorption; Presentation of life as a process of constant choice;
8 The presence of an “I” that can self-actualize; Be honest, take responsibility; Be a nonconformist; Realize your potential; Be open to higher experiences; Expose your own psychopathology. The object of influence in this direction is the formation of personality. The cause of the problem is understood as a blocked intrapersonal resources. The main task of a consultant is to help in self-awareness and personal growth, integration of the holistic “I” and expansion of the space of being. One of the effective methods in this direction is existential analysis, the scheme of which is the study of what a person knows, feels, desires, and the main goal is the affirmation of human freedom. Thus, based on the analyzed material, we can conclude that psychological correction is an activity aimed at correcting those features of psychological development that, according to the accepted system of criteria, do not correspond to the optimal model. In addition, psychocorrection can be used in situations of overcoming various kinds of difficulties, ultimately ensuring the full functioning of the individual. Psychocorrection classes are closely related to the concept of “norm,” which denotes the main goal of psychocorrection as “returning” or “pulling up” the client to the proper level based on his age and individual characteristics. Psychocorrection is planned and carried out by the psychologist himself. Depending on the form of organization of psychological correction, the following types are distinguished: individual, microgroup, group and mixed.
9 The development and construction of psychocorrection programs is based on the following principles: The principle of unity of diagnosis and correction. Diagnostics not only precedes psychological impact, but also serves as a means of monitoring changes in personality, emotional states, behavior, cognitive functions in the process of correctional work, as well as a tool for its assessment. The principle of “Normativity” requires taking into account the basic patterns of mental development, the sequence of successive age stages. Based on this principle, the age norm is taken into account and a prototype of the child’s future development is built. The “top-down” correction principle formulated by L.S. Vygotsky, is determined by the leading role of education for the psychological development of the child. Psychological research into the personality traits and interpersonal relationships of a teenager with developmental disabilities should take into account both the specific characteristics adolescence, and the nature of developmental disorders. The main provisions of the psychodynamic direction: Instinctive impulses, their expression, transformation, suppression are of primary importance in the occurrence of problems; The development of the problem is due to the struggle between internal impulses and defense mechanisms. The main provisions of the cognitive-behavioral direction are presented as follows: Most behavioral problems are a consequence of problems in training and education; Behavioral reactions are the body’s response to environmental influences and, therefore, are the result of the “organism-environment” interaction;
10 Behavior modeling is an educational and psychotherapeutic process in which cognitive aspect is decisive. The basic principles of a specialist within the framework of the humanistic direction are: A meeting of a specialist is a meeting of two equal people; The resolution of the client’s problem occurs “by itself” if the specialist creates a situation of unconditional acceptance that promotes the client’s awareness, expression and self-acceptance of his true feelings; Psychological correction is an activity aimed at correcting those features of psychological development that, according to the accepted system of criteria, do not correspond to the optimal model. In addition, psychocorrection can be used in situations of overcoming various kinds of difficulties, ultimately ensuring the full functioning of the individual. Psychocorrection classes are closely related to the concept of “norm,” which denotes the main goal of psychocorrection as “returning” or “pulling up” the client to the proper level based on his age and individual characteristics. The stages of psychocorrectional work include: - conversation; - psychodiagnostics;  formulation of a forecast;  drawing up a correction plan;  evaluation of the program’s effectiveness. Correction methods depend on which school the specialist belongs to, so they can be fairly “conditionally” divided into existing areas in psychology, which will be described in detail below. Psychocorrection is planned and carried out by the psychologist himself. Depending on the form of organization of psychological correction, there are
11 its following types: individual, microgroup, group and mixed. Individual psychocorrection involves working with a client one-on-one in the absence of strangers, in which case confidentiality, intimacy of relationships, and deeper and more effective work are ensured. The microgroup form of correction involves working in groups of 2 people, who, as a rule, have similar developmental problems. The group form of psychocorrection consists in the targeted use of group dynamics, the entire set of relationships and interactions that arise between group members. When solving some problems, for example those arising in the field of communication and interpersonal interactions, participation in psychocorrectional groups is more effective than individual work. The mixed form combines the advantages of individual and group correction and allows for an integrated approach to solving problems. The psychological correction program is drawn up on the basis of psychological recommendations in collaboration between a psychologist and teachers, educators, class teachers or parents, depending on who will further care for the child. Another form of correctional and developmental work is the actual psychological impact, which includes psychocorrection, advisory work and socio-psychological training. The development and construction of psychocorrection programs is based on the following principles: The principle of unity of diagnosis and correction. Diagnostics not only precedes psychological impact, but also serves as a means of monitoring changes in personality, emotional states, behavior,
12 cognitive functions in the process of correctional work, as well as a tool for its assessment. The principle of “Normativity” requires taking into account the basic patterns of mental development, the sequence of successive age stages. Based on this principle, the age norm is taken into account and a prototype of the child’s future development is built. The “top-down” correction principle formulated by L.S. Vygotsky, is determined by the leading role of education for the psychological development of the child. According to this principle, the main content of psychocorrectional work is the creation of a zone of proximal development of the child’s personality and activity, with the aim of actively shaping what should be achieved by the child in the near future in accordance with the requirements of society. The principle of taking into account the individual and personal characteristics of the child determines the need for an individual approach when choosing goals, objectives, methods and programs of psychocorrectional work. The uniqueness of each individual makes it impossible to apply a single template of psychocorrection to all children. The principle of systematicity, first of all, requires taking into account the complex systemic nature of psychological development in ontogenesis, heterochronicity, different times of maturation of various mental functions with accelerated development of some in relation to others. Operating principle. Reliance on leading activity and variation of various types of activity: procedural, productive, educational, labor, joint, communication as a specific form of activity - makes the process of psychocorrection productive and effective, arousing interest in the child, and determines the motivational aspect of psychocorrection.
13 Methods for diagnosing psychological and pedagogical deviations of a child include: observation method, experimental research, experimental psychological techniques.
The means of psychodiagnostic description of the object of psychodiagnostics, which are represented by: 1) classifications of typical deviations at the phenomenological level and classifications of the most probable causes of these deviations, help the school psychologist to connect together the elements of the phenomenological level and the level of causal grounds; 2) schemes of psychological determination of typical deviations and their causes; 3) psychodiagnostic tables. The first two forms of describing the object of psychodiagnostics have been known for quite a long time. They have been developed by specialists since about the 60s. However, each of them has its own shortcomings: the first, describing the behavioral signs of typical shortcomings and deviations in educational activities and behavior, does not fully reflect all the relationships between the elements of the phenomenological level and the level of causal grounds; the other, reflecting the relationships as much as possible, is cumbersome, confusing and immobile when used in the practice of a school psychologist. The third form of describing the object of psychodiagnostics - psychodiagnostic tables - synthesizes the first two forms. They tie together almost all elements of the diagnostic process - from the request to the issuance of recommendations. In this sense, they act as a guiding basis in the activities of a practical psychologist. The availability of psychodiagnostic tables makes them indispensable assistants in the work of teachers primary classes. Currently, various researchers have already begun the development of psychodiagnostic tables as an effective means of working
14 school psychologist. Thus, N.P. Lokalova developed psychodiagnostic tables based on an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and conversations with primary school teachers. The principle of constructing the table was to highlight learning difficulties in writing, reading and mathematics. S.V. Vakhrushev compiled his psychodiagnostic tables based on learning difficulties identified and systematized by L.A. Wenger. The main tasks of this direction are the philosophical ideas of existentialism (M. Heidegger, P. Sartre, A. Camus) and phenomenology (E. Hussel, P. Ricoeur). Accordingly, the main emphasis is placed on studying the problem of time, life and death; problems of freedom, responsibility and choice, problems of communication, love and loneliness, searching for the meaning of existence. The specificity of the outlined range of problems is the uniqueness of the personal experience of a particular person, which is not reducible to general patterns, and its center is the solution to the problem of restoring the authenticity of the individual, that is, the correspondence of his existence in the world to his inner nature. Individualism is seen as an integrative whole. In psychology, the direction is represented by such names as K. Rogers, A. Maslow, G. Allport, V. Frankl.
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A.V. Korzun ANALYSIS OF CREATIVE TASKS IN THE PROCESS OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF TEACHERS Elements of TRIZ and RTV are used in vocational training educators in teacher training colleges and universities for several years now. An analysis of materials describing the experience of this work and available in the press, the Internet and other sources leads to the conclusion: in most cases, future teachers are taught methods of using TRIZ and RTV elements in working with children. At the same time, the tasks are set to develop skills in preschoolers creative activity or implementation of the content of educational programs for preschool education. There is practically no targeted work on training teachers to identify and solve pedagogical problems in the programs of electives and special courses in TRIZ and RTV. And as a result, we get a situation that has been voiced more than once by colleagues: we are trying to prepare a teacher who teaches TRIZ (in our case to preschoolers), but does not have the skills to solve real problems. In the activities of a kindergarten teacher, there are many pedagogical tasks, most of which do not have a control answer. The classic model of preschool teacher training offers a system of standard solutions. These solutions are most often focused on certain age-related characteristics of children described by psychologists. But more often - for mass experience. At the same time, the decision is sometimes not illustrated by scientific justification (for example, psychological) and is presented in a rather abstract form. “If a two-year-old child is stubborn, you need to distract him, interest him...” What? Why is this so? In this regard, one of the main tasks vocational training We see students developing skills in working with creative tasks, which are the majority of teaching situations that arise in the process of interaction with children. Any problem arises when a person’s individual needs (let’s call them subjective needs) come into conflict with objective laws and phenomena that do not depend on a person’s knowledge, ideas, and desires. The contradiction lies in the fact that in order to satisfy a subjective need it is necessary, at first glance, to violate some objective laws, but this is impossible. What should I do? In fact, with a deeper analysis of the objective laws operating in a given situation, they are not violated, but used. And resolving the contradiction means:
  • identify those elements that do not allow obtaining the desired result due to the fact that they are subject to opposing requirements from objective laws and subjective desires of a person;
  • understand the essence of these requirements and find a way to combine them, relying on the operation of laws.
A pedagogical problem is a special case, one of the types of problems. It is characterized by the same signs as any situation that we define as problematic, requiring analysis and solution. Therefore, in solving a pedagogical problem it is also necessary to be guided by objective laws (social, biological, psychological, etc.), take into account the specific objective and subjective circumstances in which it arose, and formulate the problem in the form of pedagogical contradictions that must be resolved. Because most pedagogical contradictions are a contradiction between the objective laws of child development or pedagogical systems and the subjective (set by specific people when assessing a specific situation) requirements of the teacher or social environment. An attempt to determine the main types of creative pedagogical tasks led to the conclusion: there is only one type of task - the task itself, as a specific problematic situation. The formulation of the question in this problem depends on what aspect of the situation we are considering:
  • research into the causes of the problem (research task),
  • constructing a forecast for the further development of the system (forecast task),
  • searching for a solution, a way out of a difficult situation in specific conditions (inventive task)
This division is due to the peculiarities of the educational process: students analyze the problems that they were able to identify as a result of observations in practice. And episodic observation does not always allow one to imagine a complex picture of the problem. When a question is formulated differently (research, forecast, decision), slightly different mechanisms for analyzing the situation are used. And to master them, students need to reflect on their reasoning. This is easier to do with simple tasks. In addition, the classroom-lesson system imposes its own restrictions on the time that can be used to analyze problems. In a real situation, all three approaches are used in one problem: to solve a complex problem of an inventive plan, it is necessary to investigate the causes of the problem. And vice versa, the conclusions obtained about the causes of a particular phenomenon encourage us to pose and solve problems that arise. The construction of the forecast is based on a study of the previous history of development and an analysis of the laws and contradictions that governed this process. And at the same time, relying on the technology for solving the inventive problem, it is possible to build a forecast for improving the system, at least through the representation of the IFR (ideal final result) to which it strives in its development. And also to predict up to what point our solution will be operational, and what consequences its implementation will cause. A comprehensive solution is always more ideal. That. Almost always we are dealing with a complex problem that includes all three components: research, solution, forecast. And to solve it, an algorithm for working with a pedagogical problem is used, which is based on G.S. Altshuller’s ARIZ-85V. Below are examples of analysis of three problems of different types according to the steps of the algorithm. 1. “Task” Description of the situation with access to a problematic issue and formulation of a specific task Example 1. Problem: traditional approaches to the development of speech in preschool children do not give the desired result. It is generally accepted that the technique is outdated. Why did this happen? “How will the system develop further? What will happen if everything is left unchanged? What problems will arise in the future if subjective circumstances change? Etc. ( forecast problem) Example 2. Problem: most attempts to reform modern school system sooner or later faces the need to expand the content of educational programs. Modern school curricula today include material previously studied in universities of a specific profile. This causes students to be overloaded and school hours to increase. What ways of further development of the situation can be envisaged? ( research problem with transition to forecasting) Example 3. Problem: A two-year-old child is showing signs of unreasonable stubbornness. How can you force him to do what he refuses without scandal? ( inventive problem) * * * If we are dealing with a learning task, then to analyze it it will be necessary to introduce some restrictions. Because the situation that is analyzed in class remains relatively abstract. We do not know a specific child, we do not see his reaction to the demands of an adult. Therefore, we speculate on “concreteness”. If a specific problem is being solved, then additional circumstances are clarified using research methods: observation, surveys, etc. For example, when asked by an adult to dress for a walk, the child invariably repeats, “I don’t want to!” After useless bickering, he has to be dressed by force. This is accompanied by crying. Why is this happening? 2. “Conflict” Analysis of the history of the development of the problem along the time line of a multi-screen diagram of strong thinking. Identification of the conflict between objective circumstances (laws, facts on which the problem is based) and subjective needs (teacher, child, social environment). In the first example, we will make a detailed analysis of three “floors” of the time line of system development, and in subsequent examples we will limit ourselves to the results of the reasoning. Example 1. Let's consider the level of development of a child's speech skills as a system within the framework of the time axis of a multi-screen diagram ("PAST - PRESENT").
Supersystem - factors influencing the level of development of speech skills: Communication: with adults and children, at home, in kindergarten, in the yard, in everyday life. Communication is active. Parents read books to their children, grandmothers tell fairy tales. The child spends a lot of time outside with friends, both peers and older ones. Their speech serves as a standard for him to follow. Collective games are based on texts spoken in chorus. The leading type of activity is a role-playing game, where children reflect the social relationships between adults observed in the surrounding life. Developmental environment (toys, play aids). Designed for team games, board and printed games actively involve speech, for example, various lotto games. MASS MEDIA. Mostly radio. Television has not yet become widespread. Cinema is like occasional entertainment. Fiction. Mainly through listening on the radio or reading to parents. Supersystem - factors influencing the level of development of speech skills: Communication: with adults and children, at home, in kindergarten, in the yard, in everyday life. Communication is low-active. Parents provide children with the opportunity to use modern technology(video, tape recorder), grandmothers are often far from the family. The child spends little time outside with friends and more often sits at home. Group games are rare. Role-playing games children prefer educational electronic games, or story-based games based on watched videos. The speech is replete with interjections and onomatopoeia. Developmental environment (toys, play aids). Designed for individual games, the correctness of the task is monitored through self-control. MASS MEDIA. Mainly television, video, computer. Radio and audio are in the background. Fiction. Mainly through video and television as cartoons.
The analyzed system is the level of development of speech skills
Subsystems - indicators:
  • Imagery,
  • Variety of vocabulary,
  • Connected speech
  • Spoken grammar
  • sound culture,
  • Mastering literacy.
Subsystems - indicators:
  • Imagery,
  • Variety of vocabulary,
  • Connected speech
  • Creative writing skills,
  • Spoken grammar
  • sound culture,
  • Mastering literacy.

It is obvious that in the 70s of the twentieth century, when the method called traditional was introduced on a massive scale, the main channel for the perception of information in a child was the auditory canal, which in a certain way also involves the speech centers. Today, children more often “read” information with their eyesight. This allows you to quickly grasp the meaning, but on a non-verbal level.

Conclusion: Children of the 70s were more verbal than children today. Consequently, the technique, which is considered traditional today, was created for working with verbalized children.

Physiological mechanisms of mental processes, formed in a specific information space, conflict with the subjective desire of a practicing teacher to use the traditions of a methodology created in a different situation.

Actually, already here we received an answer to the question posed, we found the reason for the “failure” of traditional approaches in the modern situation. The research problem has been partially solved. If you work with the problem further, you need to find out what exactly is not working, what speech skills are not being developed. And after identifying the “problem areas”, solve the inventive problem with the question: “How to do it in such a way as to get the effect that we need?”:

  • How can we make traditional methods work for modern children?
  • How to achieve solutions to pedagogical problems of speech development (how to create a working methodology)?
  • How can you make the teacher want to learn new techniques?
  • How can a teacher navigate the variety of alternative methods and choose the most appropriate one for his group of children?

Let's stop in this task at this stage, and continue further with the description of the work with examples No. 2 and No. 3.

Example 2.

The content of the educational program determines the necessary set of knowledge, skills and abilities that must be acquired by an individual for use in solving his own professional or any other problems. The entire history of reforming the school system confirms: the higher the level of civilization, the more information underlying certain phenomena and processes, the wider the program becomes. Modern world tends to constantly accelerate. Consequently, the information field is rapidly expanding. The volume of school programs is also growing rapidly. As new knowledge emerges, previous content becomes obsolete.

A person’s subjective desire to invest the maximum new information V school curriculum for better training of modern specialists, it conflicts with the objective psychophysiological capabilities of children (meaning their age-related performance capacity, characteristics of memory, attention, etc.), as well as with the objective process of rapid obsolescence of knowledge.

The choice of one or another type of forecast again depends on our goals:

  • What consequences can a constant information overload of schoolchildren lead to?
  • How long is it possible to expand the content? training courses?
  • What will happen to educational programs when their information content reaches a critical point?
  • What should the content of educational programs be based on the law of the desire for ideality and the concept of an ideal system?

Example 3.

The child initially showed no signs of unreasonable stubbornness. They appeared closer to the age of two. His reaction is the same to the proposals of any adult. A mini survey of parents whose children attend nurseries at this age showed that such behavior is common. Parents of older children in most cases say that this happened, but then everything returned to normal. Consequently, unreasonable stubbornness is based on some objective psychological or physiological laws of personality development. In the literature on preschool psychology, this phenomenon is described as children's negativism.

Now we need to correctly formulate the problem. Understand what exactly doesn’t suit us in the situation, what positive result we expect from the decision:

  • How can I make sure that the child fulfills the adult’s request (for example, gets dressed or allows himself to be dressed and goes for a walk)?
  • How to prevent a child’s stubbornness from developing into a habitual form of behavior?
  • How to make a child learn to obey an adult’s demands from the first word?

Choosing a task is a difficult moment. After all, the situation is the same, but the tasks can be formulated differently. This happens because different people In this situation there are different subjective requirements. This is especially evident in the classroom, when a large group of “solvers” takes part in the discussion of the problem.
By choosing this or that task, we introduce additional restrictions. They also relate to the reasons that we identified in the second step.
In the situation that we have imagined, the first task is the first priority. And the reason is children's negativism.

Further work with the task depends on the question initially posed.

In "Example 2" you need to make a forecast. Therefore, further we will work with the laws of development. Let's see what qualitative personal changes a further increase in the flow of information or intellectual overload can lead to. These changes can be considered at the physiological level (overload and inhibition of mental processes of memory and attention as a defensive reaction). Changes are possible in the sphere of motives for cognitive activity (“what exactly and in what volume do I need”), and hence problems of interaction between school teachers and children and new contradictions that lead to inventive-type problems.

In "Example 3" the work will be based on the technology of working with an inventive problem - an adapted algorithm based on ARIZ.

3. "Controversy"

Sections: Primary School


Relevance. In the last decade, the state of children's health has caused great concern among specialists. The concept of "school maladaptation" has begun to be used in recent years to describe various problems and difficulties encountered by children of different ages in connection with schooling.

Currently, only 16% of schoolchildren can be considered completely mentally healthy. (S.N. Enikolopov)

The problem of mental health of the population, primarily children, is one of the most pressing problems of modern Russia. This is due to the fact that mental health disorders have a significant impact on a wide range of indicators of well-being, both for individual citizens and for the entire country.

How to keep your child healthy? How to form a free, proactive personality, whose position is developed independently, without the excessive influence of external assessments? These questions are very relevant for me, a primary school teacher.

Recruiting the next set of first-graders, involuntarily comparing them, I can say that in Lately There are more slow, infantile children.

The problem of school failure with an increase in the number of children who cannot cope with the program and already at the beginning of their education fall into the category of underachievers is very, very relevant today. Its solution requires development and practical application new approaches to diagnosing the level of mental development of a child, to analyzing the causes of difficulties in educational activities, to correctional and developmental activities.

Every teacher, in the course of his teaching activities, encounters many students who experience difficulties in mastering educational material. And in most cases, to work with low-performing students, the teacher uses the traditional method: he conducts additional classes with them, consisting mainly of repetition and additional explanation of educational material. But as the experience of many teachers shows, these activities, to which students have a negative attitude and which require a lot of time and effort from both the teacher and the children, do not always give the desired result. At best, they can only lead to temporary positive changes in learning and do not eliminate the real causes of schoolchildren’s difficulties.

Since in a significant number of cases the causes of these difficulties are psychological in nature, effective assistance to students can only be provided in the following ways: psychological approach to analyze and eliminate the difficulties they encountered during the learning process.

Thus, the teacher’s work with schoolchildren who are lagging behind in their studies must be fundamentally changed.

Based on the above, the following hypothesis is put forward:

Hypothesis. The learning process for low-performing children will be more successful if the following conditions are taken into account:

Taking into account the age and individual characteristics of younger schoolchildren.

Collaboration between teachers and parents.

If, in additional classes, low-performing children are offered special tasks with a diagnostic and correctional-developmental focus using the method of kinesiological correction, rather than an educational nature, then it is possible to ensure positive dynamics in the development of these children.

Goal of the work: updating the content of additional classes for low-performing children in the class.


  • Study scientific and methodological literature on additional classes with low-performing children and determine methods for diagnosing correction and development of children.
  • Approximate design of the content of additional classes using the kinesiological correction method.
  • Providing methodological assistance to teachers in developing a program of additional classes.

Research methods. During the study, the following research methods were used:

  • studying psychological literature on the research problem;
  • observation of extracurricular activities in the lower grades;
  • processing the results of psychological and pedagogical research.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that practical methods and techniques can be used by primary school teachers in educational work.

Novelty. School teaching methods train and develop mainly the left hemisphere, ignoring half of the student’s mental capabilities, and do not take into account the peculiarities of the sexual lateralization of the hemispheres, remaining asexual and widespread. To overcome existing disorders in children, prevent pathological conditions, and strengthen mental health, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive psychocorrectional work.

One of the components of such work should be kinesiological exercises. Since they improve attention and memory, form spatial concepts, improve fine and gross motor skills, increase the ability of voluntary control and performance, activate intellectual and cognitive processes, and harmonize the functioning of the brain.

The work is intended for primary school teachers, school psychologists, and students of pedagogical universities. It can also be useful for parents.

Chapter 1. Diagnosis and correction of difficulties in teaching primary schoolchildren.

1.1. Knowledge of the basics of intelligence is a condition for successful learning.

Every teacher, in the course of his teaching activities, encounters many students who experience difficulties in mastering educational material. Without identifying the causes of these difficulties, which in a significant number of cases are psychological in nature, effective work to overcome them and, ultimately, improve school performance is impossible.

According to many studies, the success of children's learning depends on the timely development of interhemispheric interaction and the selection of individual methods that take into account the individual profile of functional asymmetry of the hemispheres and gender dichotomies.

By developing hand motor skills, we create the prerequisites for the formation of many

mental processes. The works of V. M. Bekhterev, A. N. Leontyev, A. R. Luria, N. S. Leites, P. N. Anokhin, I. M. Sechenov proved the influence of hand manipulations on the functions of higher nervous activity and speech development. Consequently, developmental work should be directed from movement to thinking, and not vice versa.

Younger schoolchildren quickly remember concepts related to movements, underlining, and palpating. For example,

  • mental counting by touching objects with fingers
  • underlining the members of a sentence without voicing the name;
  • learning multiplication tables by touching the knuckles;
  • memorization vocabulary words with a figurative pattern;

To understand the impact of kinesiological exercises on the human brain, it is necessary to understand the concepts of functional asymmetry of the hemispheres and interhemispheric interaction.

The unity of the brain is determined by a combination of two fundamental properties: interhemispheric specialization and interhemispheric interaction, which is due to the stability of the transfer of information from one hemisphere to the other and dynamic interhemispheric interference inhibition.

Functional asymmetry of the hemispheres is a property of the brain that reflects the difference in the distribution of neuropsychic functions between its right and left hemispheres. The formation and development of this distribution occurs at an early age under the influence of a complex of biological and sociocultural factors. Functional asymmetry of the hemispheres is one of the reasons for the existence of a certain mental structure in humans. Thus, the phenomenon of bilaterality (right and left hemispheres) is associated with a number of such psychological oppositions as concrete-figurative and abstract-logical thinking, convergent and divergent thinking, first and second signaling systems, syntheticity and analyticity, field dependence and field independence, flexibility and rigidity , extroversion and introversion, etc.

Different degrees of expression of these mental properties shape the tendency of different people to preferentially rely on the so-called “left-hemisphere” and “right-hemisphere” thinking with their characteristic abilities, emotional and personal characteristics, and typical features of adaptation processes. There is a hypothesis of effective bilateral interaction as the physiological basis of general talent (“equal-hemisphere” thinking).

Psychophysiologists identify 32 types of functional organization of the brain. Simplifying the diagram of the individual profile of functional asymmetry of the hemispheres, three main types of brain organization are distinguished:

Left hemisphere type - dominance of the left hemisphere determines the tendency to abstraction and generalization, the verbal and logical nature of cognitive processes. The left hemisphere operates with words, conventional signs and symbols; responsible for writing, counting, analytical ability, abstract, conceptual, two-dimensional thinking. In this case, information received in the left hemisphere is processed sequentially, linearly and slowly. The perception of left-hemisphere people is discrete, auditory, intelligence is verbal, theoretical, memory is voluntary. Introverts.

For successful educational activities it is necessary to comply following conditions: abstract linear style of presenting information, analysis of details, repeated repetition of material, silence in class, working alone, timeless tasks, closed-ended questions. They are characterized by a high need for mental activity. For left-hemisphere students, the most significant is the right hemisphere, the combination of colors on the board: dark background and light chalk, classic seating at desks.

Right-hemisphere type - dominance of the right hemisphere determines the tendency to creativity, the concrete-figurative nature of cognitive processes. The right hemisphere of the brain operates with images of real objects, is responsible for orientation in space and easily perceives spatial relationships. It is believed to be responsible for the synthetic activity of the brain. Its functioning determines visual-figurative, three-dimensional thinking, which is associated with a holistic representation of situations and the changes in them that a person wants to obtain as a result of his activities. Right-brain people are distinguished by visual perception, non-verbal, practical intelligence; fast processing of information; involuntary memory. Extroverts. In addition, the ability to draw and perceive the harmony of shapes and colors, an ear for music, artistry, and success in sports are associated with the functioning of the right hemisphere. Conditions necessary for successful learning activities: gestalt, creative contextual tasks, experiments, musical background in the lesson, speech rhythm, group work, questions open type, synthesis of new material, social significance of the activity, prestige of the position in the team. For better perception of information from the chalkboard, the color combination should be as follows; light board - dark chalk. To organize nonverbal communication of right-hemisphere students in the classroom, they need to be seated in a semicircle.

Equihemispheric type - the absence of pronounced dominance of one of the hemispheres implies their synchronous activity in the choice of thinking strategies. In addition, there is a hypothesis of effective interaction between the right and left hemispheres as the physiological basis of general talent.

However, innate prerequisites are only initial conditions, and the asymmetry itself is formed in the process individual development, under the influence of social contacts, especially family ones.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of children with various developmental disorders, learning difficulties, and adaptation difficulties. Traditional methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on a child do not bring sustainable positive results, since they do not eliminate the root cause of the violations. In contrast, the kinesiological correction method is aimed at the mechanism of occurrence of psychophysiological deviations in development, which allows not only to relieve an individual symptom, but also to improve functioning and increase the productivity of mental processes.

The use of this method makes it possible to improve a child’s memory, attention, speech, spatial concepts, fine and gross motor skills, reduce fatigue, and increase the ability of voluntary control.

Classes should be conducted in a friendly environment, since the most effective is emotionally pleasing activity for the child. Classes taking place in a stressful situation do not have an integrated impact. The effectiveness of classes depends on systematic and painstaking work. Every day classes can become more complicated, the volume of tasks can increase, and the pace of completing tasks can increase. There is an expansion of the child’s zone of proximal development and its transition to the zone of actual development.

1.2. Diagnosis of learning difficulties.

It is quite obvious that effective assistance to students can only be provided through a psychological approach to analyzing and eliminating the difficulties they encounter during the learning process.

The development of various methods for identifying the psychological causes of difficulties in learning should contribute to a fundamental change in the content of additional teacher work with students who are lagging behind in their learning. In additional classes, children should be offered special tasks that are not of an educational nature, but have a diagnostic focus at the first stage in order to identify the psychological reasons that cause certain specific difficulties for schoolchildren. At the second stage, based on the principles of unity of diagnosis and correction, these same tasks can be used as a means of psychological correction of identified deficiencies in the psychological development of students.

To carry out such psychodiagnostic activities, the teacher must have a fairly detailed, systematic description of the difficulties that students encounter during the learning process, listing possible reasons, including psychological ones, underlying the difficulties, and indicating ways psychological diagnostics and eliminating identified deficiencies.

The teacher faces the need to optimize his psychodiagnostic activities as much as possible in order to quickly and effectively help as many schoolchildren as possible. The majority of specialists solve this problem through the use of psychological diagnostic tools in their practice, which include:

  • means of measuring and assessing the condition of elements;
  • means of describing the object of psychodiagnostics;
  • means of describing the psychodiagnostic process (Anufriev A.F. Psychological diagnosis).

The means of measuring and assessing, as well as changing (correcting) the state of the elements of the object of psychodiagnostics are the most developed among all the means of psychological diagnostics. Indeed, a lot of psychological literature has recently been published, which contains specific psychodiagnostic techniques designed for working with children of different ages.

Now educational psychologists can choose for their work any tests and methods, both foreign and domestic, applicable to some specific elements of a child’s mental development or simultaneously exploring a complex of interrelated elements of the object of psychodiagnostics, involving an individual or frontal examination. In addition, it was released a large number of manuals containing correctional and developmental exercises aimed at overcoming developmental disorders in children that lead to learning difficulties. These are tasks for the development of intellectual functions, the personal sphere, and overcoming anxiety and other negative states.

Meanwhile, the multivariance of cause-and-effect relationships quite often leads to the fact that, when figuring out the cause of difficulties in learning, the educational psychologist experiences difficulties in determining the range of possible psychological disorders (causes) and selecting the necessary ones. this moment adequate psychodiagnostic techniques and effective corrective exercises. The means of psychodiagnostic description of the object of psychodiagnostics, which are presented, help the school psychologist to connect together elements of the phenomenological level and the level of causal grounds:

  • classifications of typical deviations at the phenomenological level and classifications of the most probable causes of these deviations;
  • schemes of psychological determination of typical deviations and their causes;
  • psychodiagnostic tables.

The first two forms of describing the object of psychodiagnostics have been known for a long time. They were developed by specialists starting from about the 60s (Zabrodin Yu. M. Problems of developing practical psychology // Psychological Journal, 1980, vol. 1, no. 2). However, each of them has its own shortcomings: the first, describing the behavioral signs of typical shortcomings and deviations in educational activities and behavior, does not fully reflect all the relationships between the elements of the phenomenological level and the level of causal grounds; the other, reflecting the relationships as much as possible, is cumbersome, confusing and immobile when used in practice.

The third form of description of the object of psychodiagnostics - psychodiagnostic tables - synthesizes the first two forms. They tie together almost all elements of the diagnostic process - from the request to the issuance of recommendations. In this sense, they act as an indicative basis in the activities of an educational psychologist.

The accessibility of constructing psychodiagnostic tables makes them indispensable assistants in the work of primary school teachers.

Currently, various researchers have already developed psychodiagnostic tables as effective tools for the work of a school psychologist. So, N. P. Lokalova psychodiagnostic tables were developed based on an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and conversations with primary school teachers (N. P. Lokalova, How to help a low-performing student. - 3rd edition, revised and supplemented - M., 2001). The principle of constructing the table was to highlight learning difficulties in writing (Russian), reading and mathematics. S. V. Vakhrushev compiled psychodiagnostic tables based on learning difficulties identified and systematized by L. A. Wenger (Vakhrushev S. V. Psychodiagnostics of learning difficulties by primary school teachers / Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences. - M., 1995 ).

Research conducted by the above authors, using these psychodiagnostic tables when making a psychological diagnosis by a psychologist or teacher, showed that:

  • this is one of the most effective forms of psychodiagnostics for describing an object;
  • Establishing a psychological diagnosis using diagnostic tables significantly reduces the complexity of making a diagnosis;

In this regard, it is absolutely clear that the development and equipping of a psychologist or teacher with psychodiagnostic tables is a promising direction for improving the quality of diagnostic activities.

1.3. Educational games and exercises as a method of diagnosis and correction.

The orientation of the modern school towards the humanization of the educational process and the diversified development of the child’s personality presupposes, in particular, the need for a harmonious combination of educational activities themselves, within the framework of which basic knowledge, skills and abilities are formed, with creative activities related to the development of individual inclinations of students, their cognitive activity, ability to decide independently non-standard tasks etc. Active introduction into the traditional educational process of various developmental activities specifically aimed at the development of the child’s personal-motivational and analytical-synthetic spheres, memory, attention, spatial imagination and a number of other important mental functions, is in this regard one of the most important tasks teachers.

One of the main motives for using developmental exercises is to increase the creative and search activity of children, which is equally important both for students whose development corresponds to the age norm or is ahead of it, and for schoolchildren with reduced academic performance. In most cases, they are associated precisely with the insufficient development of basic mental functions.

Activities specifically aimed at developing the basic mental functions of children acquire special significance in educational process junior school. The reason for this is the psychophysiological characteristics of younger schoolchildren, namely the fact that at the age of 6-10 years, characterized by increased sensitivity, the physiological maturation of the main brain structures proceeds most intensively and is essentially completed. Thus, it is at this stage that the most effective impact on the intellectual and personal spheres of the child is possible, which can, in particular, compensate to a certain extent for mental development delays that are of an inorganic nature.

Another important reason that encourages more active implementation of specific developmental exercises is the possibility of carrying out effective diagnostics of intellectual and personal development children, which is the basis for targeted planning of individual work with them. The possibility of such continuous monitoring is due to the fact that educational games and exercises are mostly based on various psychodiagnostic techniques, and, thus, indicators of students’ performance of certain tasks provide direct information about the current level of their development.

And finally, educational games and exercises reduce the stress factor of testing the level of development and allow children with increased anxiety to more fully demonstrate their true capabilities.

As a basis for constructing developmental tasks, you can use the well-known diagnostic and developmental methods of D.B. Elkonin, A.Z. Zak, L.A. Wenger, etc. In Appendix 3, see the classification of educational games and exercises according to the purposes of their influence, developed by N. V. Babkina (Babkina N.V. Educational games with elements of logic. - M, 1998).

1.4. The use of fairy tale therapy in the psychological and pedagogical correction of children.

The position of an underachiever is, first of all, low social status in class. A teacher who gives low grades and makes comments to a student, in the eyes of other children, has a low assessment of him as a person as a whole. Children fully accept the assessment. They consider underachievers not only stupid, but also endowed with other negative qualities, even ugly.

In addition to the fact that a child who is lagging behind in his studies finds himself at a disadvantage at school, he, as a rule, also loses his usual attitude at home. In his family low ratings become a source of parental irritation, punishment, and increased demands.

And if the child does not receive the help he needs and does not achieve success in learning, albeit relative, his subjective perception of the situation will gradually change. He will begin to realize his inadequacy compared to his well-performing classmates. By the end of primary school, a feeling of inferiority, and even hopelessness, will arise. And as a result - low self-esteem.

Ideas about one’s low learning abilities and the expectation of further failures lead to the child losing the desire to act, to change something, and his own efforts lose meaning for him.

Thus, targeted work is required to develop an attitude to overcome school difficulties and the ability to receive satisfaction from the learning process. Therefore, in additional classes it is necessary to pay serious attention to ways of developing such an attitude in forms that are close and accessible to children - primarily in the form of fairy tales.

Fairytale therapy has recently become a new technology in the psychological and pedagogical correction of children with intellectual disabilities. But at the same time, fairy tale therapy is the most ancient psychological and pedagogical method.

From time immemorial, knowledge about the world, about the philosophy of life, was passed on from mouth to mouth and rewritten; each new generation reread and absorbed it. Today, the term “fairytale therapy” is associated with this phenomenon, meaning by it methods of transmitting knowledge about the spiritual path of the soul and the social realization of a person. That is why fairy tale therapy is called an educational system consistent with the spiritual nature of a person.

Research shows that the fairy tale metaphor directly affects the unconscious. Moreover, the impact of metaphors turns out to be profound and surprisingly stable. Metaphorical, fairy-tale influence activates personal resources and leads the child on the path of independent discovery.

Through fairy-tale images, children gain the opportunity to understand their own difficulties, their causes and find ways to overcome them. The situations in which the heroes of fairy tales find themselves are projected onto real school problems, the child gets the opportunity to look at them from the outside and at the same time identify the hero’s problems with his own.

In the appendix, see therapeutic fairy tales (Khukhlaeva O.V. Path to your Self: a program for developing psychological health in primary schoolchildren. - M., 2001).

Listening to a fairy tale and drawing.

One day a small cloud appeared. They named him Little Cloud. Baby lived without knowing adult worries and worries, and carefreely rejoiced at the Hot Sun, the Cheerful Wind, the Laughing Brook, the Talking Forest.

However, despite the fact that everyone loved Little Cloud, he had no real friends, since he was considered still very small and therefore was not taken seriously.

The kid often walked alone in the sky and thought that he was already big and independent, and not small and stupid, as many people think. Moreover, Little Cloud was already helping his Father Cloud with all the housework. Unfortunately, other older Clouds refused to believe this.

One day, Little Cloud, as usual, was walking across the Blue Sky, dreaming of growing up quickly. Other clouds ran past merrily and, laughing merrily, rushed further, towards the Talking Forest darkening in the distance.

“Hey, Baby!” suddenly it was heard very close, “come fly with us! Today all the birds are celebrating a housewarming in the Talking Forest. Let’s have a lot of fun! Don’t lag behind!”

Little Cloud was so confused by surprise that he could not utter a word and froze in place. When he woke up, there was already no trace of the passing clouds. Hanging his head, the Kid trudged home: “Again, I missed the most interesting thing! So I’ll never grow up!”

But suddenly he noticed that there was some strange silence around. Baby

I looked around and saw that some kind of darkness was creeping from the west. A strange hum was approaching with her. The baby froze.

The darkness was approaching, and a terrible tornado was rushing behind it. They were heading straight for the Talking Forest! The kid remembered that there was a holiday going on there now. This means that many people were in danger. The little cloud became scared, and then he heard a Voice inside him: “Are you really a small, stupid cloud? You really wanted to grow up! You have a kind heart, you love to help everyone. You can help now! YOU CAN HELP !"

And the Kid picked up: “Yes, they need my help! AND I WILL HELP THEM!”

He rushed towards the Talking Forest to warn all its inhabitants about the impending disaster and help them escape.

... Meanwhile, turmoil arose in the Talking Forest. Nobody knew what to do, which way to run. Seeing Little Cloud in the sky, everyone shouted: “Baby,” Run home, otherwise you’ll die!”

“No,” answered the Kid calmly. “I see where the Tornado is moving from, and I know where there is a safe place. Everyone can hide there!”

"Then take us there!" - shouted the Wisest Cloud, blocking the roar of the approaching Storm. And everyone flew after the Kid to the high Rock. All the clouds and birds took refuge in her spacious warm cave. The tornado flew past without harming anyone.

In the evening everyone returned to the Talking Forest, and the celebration continued. And now the hero of the holiday was Little Cloud, who from that time began to be called Fearless Cloud. And, of course, he has many friends, and no one considers him small and stupid anymore.

Issues for discussion

  • Why did the adult clouds stop calling the cloud a baby?
  • What voice do you think said to Little Cloud “you can help”?
  • Have you ever had a situation where you said to yourself “I can”?
  • How did you manage to prove to yourself that you really can?

Chapter 2. Additional classes as a holistic personality correction and development of the cognitive and emotional spheres of low-performing children.


For underachieving children, the emotional side of organizing the correctional and developmental process is an important condition. The teacher, through his behavior and emotional mood, should evoke a positive attitude towards classes in students. The goodwill of an adult is necessary, thanks to which children have a desire to act together and achieve positive results.

The psychological and pedagogical impact is constructed by creating tasks that are dosed in content, volume, complexity, physical, emotional and mental stress.

Materials offered to children should gradually become more complex, taking into account the children's experience. First of all, the following didactic principles are observed here: accessibility, repetition, gradual completion of the task.


Classes are designed for children of primary school age.

Duration of classes is 40-45 minutes.

Classes are held once a week.

Structure of classes.

The structure of the classes is flexible, it includes kinesiological exercises, material that develops the cognitive sphere and therapeutic fairy tales.

The mood of children, their psychological state at specific moments can cause variations in methods, techniques and structure of classes.

The lessons are structured approximately as follows:

I. Warm-up: psychological mood for the lesson, greeting (3 min.)

P. Kinesiological exercises (5 min.)

Correctional and developmental block: tasks for the development of thinking, memory, attention, etc. (15 minutes)

Motor warm-up (physical minute) (5 min.)

Therapeutic tales (15 minutes)

Parting, homework(2 minutes.)

The goal of such classes should be to provide effective, efficient assistance to students with learning difficulties.

  • expanding the boundaries of students' brain activity;
  • development of children's mental abilities;
  • activating the strength of the children themselves, setting them up to overcome life’s difficulties.

Lesson outline.

I. Greetings.

Standing or sitting in a circle, everyone is invited to learn a greeting that needs to be sung rather than spoken:

Good morning, Sasha (smile and nod),

Good morning, Masha... (the names of the children are called in a circle), Good morning, Irina Mikhailovna,

Good morning, sun (everyone raises their hands, then lowers them)

Good morning, sky (similar hand movements),

Good morning to all of us (everyone spreads their arms to the sides, then lowers them)!

1. Exercises for the development of interhemispheric interaction. Complex No. 1. "Ring"

Thanks everyone. Please take your seats.

Now, guys, we will learn exercises for our hands, which develop our mind, memory, and attention. You will have to do them every day for 5 minutes.

So, the first exercise “Ring”...

K-2 "Ladder", K-3 "Eight", K-4 "Patting - stroking", K-5 "Palms fist edge"

2. Corrective and developmental block.

1. “Graphic dictation” to develop attention, self-control, accuracy, and graphic skills.

You did great. Now open your notebooks.

Now we will draw patterns.

Let's start drawing the first pattern.

Place the pencil at the highest point. Draw a line: one cell down. Don't lift your pencil from the paper, now one cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell up. Then continue to draw the same pattern yourself."

- "Now place your pencil on the next point. Get ready! Attention! One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell to the right. One cell up. One to the right. And now continue to draw the same pattern yourself."

- "Three cells up. One cell to the right. Two cells down. One cell to the right. Two cells up. One to the right. Three cells down. One cell to the right. Now continue drawing this pattern yourself."

2. “Blind Fly” for the development of attention, self-control, memory, spatial imagination.

Guys, now we will play the game “Blind Fly”. Look at the board, there is a 3x3 playing field lined up: - And this is the “fly”. Before the start of the game, the “fly” is always on the central square of the field (attached to the board).

Now I will tell the path of movement of the “fly”, but without moving it. Your task is to guess which cell it will be on by the end (from 4 to 15 moves). For example: up - right - down - left - down. So where should the "fly" be? (in the lower central cell).

The following commands can be suggested:

Down - left - up - right - up - right (top right cell).

Up - left - down - right - down - left - up - right (on the original cell).

You can invite the children to give commands to the “fly” themselves, while preventing it from flying out of the playing field.

3. “Complete the ninth” to develop attention and logical thinking. - Guys, look at this drawing. One figure is missing here. Draw it in your notebooks. (Choose one below).

Motor warm-up.

4. "Shake it off."

One of the most difficult obstacles to success in life is the memory of our failures and defeats. Therefore, a simple and very pleasant procedure is proposed, during which children can imagine how they are shaking off everything negative, unnecessary and disturbing.

I want to show you how you can easily and simply put yourself in order and get rid of unpleasant feelings. Sometimes we carry large and small burdens within us, which takes a lot of our strength. For example, one of you may have the thought: “I didn’t succeed in drinking. I don’t know how to draw and I’ll never learn how to do it.” Someone else might think: “In the last dictation I made a bunch of mistakes. In the next dictation I will make no less of them again.” And someone might say to themselves: “I’m not very likable. Why would anyone suddenly like me?” Another may think: “Anyway, I’m not as smart as others. Why should I try in vain?”

Surely each of you has seen how a wet dog shakes itself off. She shakes her back and head so hard that all the water splashes to the sides. You can do much the same. Stand so that there is enough space around you. And start brushing off your palms, elbows and shoulders. At the same time, imagine how everything unpleasant - bad feelings, heavy worries and bad thoughts about yourself - flies off you like water from a dog. Then dust off your feet from your toes to your thighs. And then shake your head. It will be even more useful if you make some sounds while doing this... Now shake off your face and listen to how funny your voice changes when your mouth shakes. Imagine that all the unpleasant burden falls off from you, and you become more cheerful and cheerful, as if you were born again. (Only 30-60 seconds).

Work results:

Many years of experience working with low-achieving children shows good results. If previously we only conducted additional classes with children with delayed development, now at the beginning of classes we conduct motor exercises, exercises for the development of interhemispheric connections, learn tables and vocabulary words, terms and grammatical analyzes with motor manipulations and visual basics.

Thus, with constant training with low-achieving children, you can achieve good results in mental development and an average level of learning.


Jr school age is a stage of significant changes in mental development. Full life for a child of this age period is possible only with the determining and active role of adults (teachers, parents, psychologists), whose main task is to create optimal conditions for the disclosure and realization of the potential capabilities of younger schoolchildren, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child.

Failure to perform well at school often causes children to have a negative attitude toward school and any activity, and creates difficulties in communicating with others, with successful children, and with teachers. All this contributes to the formation of antisocial behavior, especially in adolescence. Therefore, timely prevention and assistance are required at the primary level, which must be fundamentally changed in connection with the orientation of the modern school towards the humanization of the educational process and the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

Based on the works of famous scientists, psychologists, psychophysiologists, psychotherapists, such as V. M. Bekhterev, A. N. Leontiev, A. R. Luria, I. M. Sechenov, N. V. Babkina, A. L. Sirotyuk, A. F. Anufriev, T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, O. V. Khukhlaeva, etc., came to the following conclusion:

Taking into account the knowledge of kinesiology (the science of the development of mental abilities and physical health through certain motor exercises), based on the psychodiagnostic and correctional and developmental activities of the teacher, it is possible to update the content of additional classes with low-performing children. The above methods and methods of work can be effective in eliminating learning difficulties and obtaining positive results from working with low-performing children.

When conducting correctional and developmental classes, it is worth listening to the opinion of the English psychologist and psychotherapist R. Burns:

"The care of teachers and parents for children should be reasonable. It would be wrong to support schoolchildren who do not show great academic abilities with the idea that the highest value and the main factor in any personal assessment is only excellent academic performance. Each child has his own strengths sides, their positive traits, on which a sensitive adult should help him build a solid foundation of positive self-esteem" (Berne R., 1986, p. 260).

Full name 1st grade 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 3rd grade

23. 01. 07 14. 05. 07. 24. 10. 09 07. 05. 10. 09. 10. 08

Andreev Sasha (H) 12
Buzikov Yura (H) 13 (P) 18 (H) 9 (H) 12 (H) 13
Gavrilyeva Alena (B) 25 (B) 27 (X) 24 (B) 28 (X) 22
Gadzhieva Yulia (B) 25 (B) 27 (B) 25 (B) 30 (X) 24
Dyakonov Arthur (H) 12
Kutukova Yulia (X) 20 (X) 22 (P) 18 (P) 18 (X) 20
Nikiforova Luda (X) 22
Nikonov Alyosha (B) 26 (X) 22 (P) 15
Pelinkeeva Milena (P) 15 (X) 20 (B) 25 (B) 30 (B) 30
Petukhov Tolya (H) 12 (H) 12 (P) 16 (P) 16 (H) 12
Strekalovsky Stepa (B) 28 (B) 30 (B) 26 (X) 24 (B) 26
Struchkov Nyurgun (H) 7 (P) 18 (H) 14 (H) 12 (H) 12
Ushnitsky Andrey (H) 10 (H) 13 (X) 20 (B) 25 (B) 30
Shakhmatova Nastya (P) 18 (P) 15 (X) 24 (B) 25 (P) 18
Everestov Vanya (P) 18 (B) 30 (P) 18
Yadrikhinsky Vitaly (P) 17 (X) 24 (X) 20

Motivation Research


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