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“An integrated approach to the work of a teacher-speech therapist and teacher-psychologist with children with speech disorders. Specifics of the work of a speech therapist in a kindergarten. A speech therapist’s approach to working with children

Principles speech therapy work- these are the general starting points that determine the activities of the speech therapist and children in the process of correcting speech disorders.

Speech therapy intervention is a pedagogical process in which the tasks of corrective training and education are realized. In the process of organizing remedial training, great importance is attached to general didactic principles: the educational nature of training, scientific nature, systematicity and consistency, accessibility, visibility, awareness and activity, strength, individual approach,

Speech therapy intervention is also based on special principles: etiopathogenetic (taking into account the etiology and mechanisms of speech disorders), systematicity and taking into account the structure of speech disorders, complexity, differentiated approach, phasing, development, ontogenetic, taking into account personal characteristics, activity approach, using a workaround, the formation of speech skills in conditions of natural speech communication.

When eliminating speech disorders, it is necessary to take into account the totality of etiological factors that determine their occurrence. These are external, internal, biological and socio-psychological factors.

Thus, with dyslalia, malocclusion predisposes to distortion of the articulation of sounds and underdevelopment of articulatory motor skills. In this case, speech therapy is combined with orthodontic intervention to normalize the bite.

Dyslalia can also be caused by insufficient attention of others to the child’s speech, i.e., a social factor. In this case, speech therapy work is aimed at normalizing the child’s speech contacts with the social environment, developing speech motor skills, phonemic awareness.

Depending on the nature of the etiological factors, work to eliminate stuttering is structured differently. With a functional nature, the focus is on normalization speech communication stutterers, impact on the social environment, elimination of psychogenic symptoms. When organic in nature, the effect is aimed more at normalizing motor symptoms.

Speech therapy intervention in some cases is combined with different types of medical intervention (medication, psychotherapy, etc.).

Replacement of sounds in dyslalia may be due to inaccuracy of auditory differentiation, inability to distinguish sounds by ear, or replacement of these sounds due to underdevelopment of fine articulatory movements. When eliminating dyslalia, the main thing is to influence the leading disorder - immaturity of auditory differentiation or underdevelopment of articulatory motor skills.

With reading disorders (dyslexia), outwardly similar symptoms may also be observed, due to different mechanisms. Distortions in the structure of a word can be observed in some cases due to the lack of formation sound analysis and synthesis, in others - due to the underdevelopment of morphological analysis and synthesis (distortion of prefixes, suffixes, endings).

The goal of speech therapy work in these cases will be not just stimulation and activation of the speech process, but the formation of normal speech mechanisms.

Principle systematic approach suggests the need to take into account the structure of the defect in speech therapy work, determine the leading disorder, and the relationship between primary and secondary symptoms.

The complexity of the structural and functional organization of the speech system causes a disorder of speech activity as a whole when even its individual links are disrupted. This determines the significance of the impact on all components of speech when eliminating speech disorders.

In dysarthria, the leading disorder is a disorder of the phonetic aspect of speech due to paralysis and paresis of the muscles of the speech apparatus. But with dysarthria, there is a violation not only of the phonetic side, but also of vocabulary, as well as grammatical structure speech. Therefore, in case of dysarthria, speech therapy is aimed not only at correcting phonetic disorders, but also at the development of speech in general.

Many speech disorders manifest themselves in the structure of various mental and neuropsychological disorders. Speech disorders in most cases are a syndrome in the structure of which there are complex and ambiguous connections between speech and non-speech symptoms. This determines the need for a complex (medical-psychological-pedagogical) impact, i.e., impact on the entire syndrome as a whole, taking into account the nature of the interaction between individual speech and non-speech symptoms and groups of symptoms.

For example, alalia occurs as a result of selective organic damage to the brain and is manifested by a whole complex of symptoms, speech and non-speech. Speech symptoms of alalia are expressed in difficulties in mastering language patterns and their incorrect use, in agrammatisms, sound distortions syllable structure words, violation of sound pronunciation, etc. When motor alalia neurological symptoms are observed, features appear cognitive activity and other mental processes, deviations in personality formation. Therefore, when eliminating alalia, a complex effect is necessary.

Stuttering also represents a complex symptom complex of dysontogenesis, in which both motor and mental symptoms are observed. This determines an integrated approach to eliminating stuttering, including therapeutic and recreational work, psychotherapy, work on speech, influence on the social environment, etc.

Complex medical, psychological and pedagogical intervention is very important in eliminating all complex speech disorders, but it is especially significant in eliminating dysarthria, stuttering, alalia, and aphasia.

The system of speech therapy work to eliminate various forms of speech disorders is differentiated, taking into account many factors that determine it. A differentiated approach is carried out based on taking into account the etiology, mechanisms, symptoms of the disorder, the structure of the speech defect, the age and individual characteristics of the child. In the process of correcting speech disorders, general and specific patterns of development of abnormal children are taken into account.

Speech therapy work on the correction of speech disorders in various categories of abnormal children (mentally retarded, delayed mental development, with cerebral palsy, hearing impaired, visually impaired, blind, etc.) has its own specifics, due to the characteristics of their sensorimotor and mental development. In the process of speech therapy, it is necessary to take into account the level of development of speech, cognitive activity, features of the child’s sensory sphere and motor skills.

Speech therapy intervention is a purposeful, complexly organized process in which various stages are distinguished. Each of them is characterized by its own goals, objectives, methods and techniques of correction. The prerequisites for the transition from one stage to another are consistently formed. For example, work to eliminate dyslalia includes the following stages: production, automation, differentiation of sounds.

The speech therapist uses specific methods and techniques to ensure that the child pronounces the sound correctly and automates it. The main task is to consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation in the process of verbal communication. Differentiation of sounds is necessary in cases where sounds are replaced or mixed.

Speech therapy intervention is based on the ontogenetic principle, taking into account the patterns and sequence of formation of various forms and functions of speech.

So, in cases where a child has a large number of disturbed sounds, for example, whistling, hissing, R, the sequence in work is determined by the sequence of their appearance in ontogenesis (whistling, hissing, R). In the process of syntax formation oral speech with alalia, the sequence of appearance of various types of sentences in ontogenesis is taken into account.

The formation of correct speech skills, forms and functions of speech is also carried out in ontogenesis, from simple to complex, from concrete to more abstract, from productive forms to unproductive, from situational speech to contextual, from the assimilation of semantic relations to the assimilation of formal features of speech (language) units .

A large place in speech therapy work is occupied by the correction and education of the personality as a whole; the peculiarities of personality formation in children with disabilities are taken into account. various forms speech disorders, as well as age-related characteristics.

Of particular importance is taking into account personal characteristics when correcting speech disorders associated with brain disorders (alalia, aphasia, stuttering, dysarthria). In this case, the symptoms of the disorder show pronounced features of personality formation, which are both primary in nature, caused by organic damage to the brain, and the nature of secondary layers.

Thus, children who stutter experience disharmonious personality development, uneven development of its individual aspects, and disruption of interpersonal relationships.

The impact on a child with a speech disorder is associated with the normalization of social contacts with surrounding people.

Correction of speech disorders is carried out taking into account leading activities. In children up to school age it is carried out in the process of play activity, which becomes a means of developing analytical-synthetic activity, motor skills, sensory sphere, enriching the vocabulary, mastering language patterns, and shaping the child’s personality.

At school age, the leading activity is educational, which becomes the basis of correctional and speech therapy work in eliminating speech disorders in children of this age.

In the process of overcoming alalia and aphasia, the creation of new functional systems based on preserved links is of great importance.

During the formation of higher mental functions (including speech), various afferentations and analyzers take part in the process of ontogenesis. At the beginning of its formation, the function is multireceptor; it is based on a complex of different types of afferentation. Thus, the process of sound discrimination in early ontogenesis is carried out with the participation of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic afferentation. Later in the process of sound discrimination, the acoustic one becomes the leading one.

In speech therapy work, when auditory differentiation is impaired, reliance is placed on intact links.

For example, the restoration of sound discrimination in sensory aphasia is carried out as if bypassing the affected acoustic component of sound differentiation, relying on visual (oral image of sound) and kinesthetic afferentation (kinesthetic signals received during articulation).

Taking into account the child’s leading activity in the process of speech therapy work, various situations of speech communication are modeled. To consolidate correct speech skills in natural speech communication, it is necessary close connection in the work of a speech therapist, teacher, educator, family. The speech therapist informs teachers and parents about the nature of the child’s speech disorder, about the tasks, methods and techniques of work at this stage of correction, and strives to consolidate correct speech skills not only in the speech therapy room, but also in lessons, during extracurricular hours under the control of teachers and parents.

When eliminating speech disorders, the leading approach is speech therapy, the main forms of which are education, training, correction, compensation, adaptation, rehabilitation.

Speech therapy is carried out using various methods. The teaching method in pedagogy is considered as a way of joint activity between the teacher and children, aimed at children mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, at developing mental abilities, cultivating feelings, behavior and personal qualities.

There are various classifications of teaching methods. In speech therapy work, various methods are used: practical, visual and verbal. The choice and use of a particular method is determined by the nature of the speech disorder, the content, goals and objectives of correctional speech therapy, the stage of work, the age, individual psychological characteristics of the child, etc. At each stage of speech therapy work, the effectiveness of mastering correct speech skills is ensured by the corresponding group of methods . Thus, the stage of sound production is characterized by the predominant use of practical and visual methods; during automation, especially in connected speech, conversation, retelling, story are widely used, i.e. verbal methods.

When eliminating alalia, practical and visual methods are also used to develop the sensory sphere, motor skills, and cognitive activity of the child. At the same time, while establishing the right skills grammatical forms inflection and word formation, along with visual methods, verbal ones are also used.

When eliminating stuttering in preschool age, the effectiveness of speech therapy work is achieved by practical and visual methods. Starting from school age, verbal methods combined with visual ones are predominantly used in eliminating stuttering.

Towards practical methods Speech therapy interventions include game exercises and modeling.

Exercise is the repeated repetition by a child of practical and mental given actions. In speech therapy work, they are effective in eliminating articulatory and voice disorders, since children develop practical speech skills or the prerequisites for their development, and master various methods of practical and mental activity. As a result of systematically performing articulatory exercises, the prerequisites are created for sound production and for its correct pronunciation. At the stage of sound production, the skill of its isolated pronunciation is formed, and at the automation stage, the correct pronunciation of sound in words, phrases, sentences, and coherent speech is achieved.

Mastering correct language skills is a long-term process that requires a variety of systematically used activities.

Exercises are divided into imitative-performing, constructive and creative.

Imitative-performing tasks are performed by children in accordance with the model. In speech therapy work great place exercises of a practical nature (breathing, vocal, articulatory, developing general, manual motor skills). On initial stages for assimilation, a demonstration of actions is used, and during repetitions, as the method of action is mastered, the visual demonstration is increasingly “collapsed” and replaced by a verbal designation. Thus, the implementation of articulatory exercises is initially carried out according to a visual demonstration, based on the visual perception of the tasks performed by the speech therapist; in the future they are only called.

In speech therapy work, various types of construction are used. For example, when eliminating optical dysgraphia, children are taught to construct letters from elements, from one letter to another.

Creative exercises involve the use of learned methods in new conditions, on new speech material. Thus, during the formation of sound analysis and synthesis, the definition of the sequence of sounds is first given with the support of auxiliary means, and then only in speech terms, since the assimilation of the action of sound analysis is transferred to new conditions. Finally, a sound analysis action is considered complete if it can be performed in internally(the child independently comes up with words with a certain sound, number of sounds, selects pictures whose names contain sounds, etc.).

Speech exercises are also used in speech therapy work. An example of this is the repetition of words with added sounds when correcting problems with sound pronunciation.

Usage game exercises(for example, imitation of an action: cutting wood, trees swaying in the wind, imitation of the gait of a bear, a fox) evokes an emotionally positive mood in children and relieves their tension.

Performing any exercises contributes to the formation of practical skills only if the following conditions are met:

the child's awareness of the goal. This depends on the clarity of the task, the use of the correct demonstration of methods of execution, the disaggregation of the demonstration of complex exercises, taking into account the age and mental characteristics of the child; systematicity, which is realized in repeated repetition (in speech therapy classes, outside of them, in class, during extracurricular time using a variety of speech and didactic material and various situations of speech communication); gradual complication of conditions, taking into account the stage of correction of the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child; conscious implementation of practical and verbal actions; independent performance at the final stage of correction (although at the initial stages of correction, exercises can be performed with the help of a speech therapist, with mechanical assistance, etc.); differentiated analysis and assessment of implementation.

The gaming method involves the use of various components of gaming activity in combination with other techniques: demonstration, explanation, instructions, questions. One of the main components of the method is an imaginary situation in expanded form (plot, role, game actions). For example, in the games “Shop”, “Calling a Doctor”, “Nile Edge”, children assign roles, with the help of masks, clothing details, speech and non-speech actions, create images of people or animals, and, in accordance with the role, enter into certain relationships during the game.

In the game method, the leading role belongs to the teacher, who selects the game in accordance with the intended goals and objectives of correction, distributes roles, organizes and activates the activities of children.

Used with preschool children various games: with singing, didactic, active, creative, dramatization. Their use is determined by the tasks and stages of correctional speech therapy work, the nature and structure of the defect, the age and individual mental characteristics of children.

Modeling is the process of creating models and using them to form ideas about the structure of objects, the relationships and connections between the elements of these objects.

The effectiveness of their use depends on the following conditions:

the model must reflect the basic properties of the object and be similar in structure to it;

be accessible to a child of a given age;

should facilitate the process of mastering skills, abilities and knowledge.

Sign-symbolic modeling has become widely used. For example, when forming sound analysis and synthesis, graphic diagrams of the structure of a sentence, the syllabic and sound composition of a word are used.

The use of a model presupposes a certain level of formation of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization).

Visual methods are those forms of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities that are significantly dependent on the visual aids and technical teaching aids used in teaching.

The use of manuals facilitates the assimilation of materials and contributes to the formation of sensory prerequisites for the development of speech skills. Reliance on sensory images makes the acquisition of speech skills more specific, accessible, and conscious, and increases the effectiveness of speech therapy work.

Visual methods include observations, looking at drawings, paintings, models, watching filmstrips, films, listening to records, tape recordings, as well as showing a sample task, a method of action, which in some cases act as independent methods.

Observation involves the use of paintings, drawings, articulation profiles, models, as well as showing sound articulation and exercises.

The use of these benefits helps to clarify and expand children's ideas, develop cognitive activity, and creates a favorable emotional background for speech therapy work.

Visual aids should:

be clearly visible to everyone; selected taking into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child; meet the objectives of speech therapy work at this stage of correction; be accompanied by precise and specific speech; verbal description the object should contribute to the development of analytical-synthetic activity, observation, and speech development.

The use of manuals can pursue various goals: correction of sensory disturbances (ideas about color, shape, size, etc.), development of phonemic perception (in a picture, find objects whose names contain the sound being practiced), development of sound analysis and synthesis (find objects in a story picture, the name of which has 5 sounds), consolidation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, development of vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech (composing a story based on a story picture, a series of story pictures).

Playback of tape recordings and recordings on records is accompanied by a speech therapist’s conversation and retelling. Tape recordings of the speech of the children themselves are used for analysis, to identify the nature of the disorder, to compare speech on various stages corrections to instill confidence in the success of the work.

Filmstrips and films are used to automate speech sounds during a conversation when retelling the content, to develop the skills of continuous, smooth speech when eliminating stuttering, and to develop coherent speech.

Features of use verbal methods in speech therapy work are determined age characteristics children, the structure and nature of the speech defect, goals, objectives, stage of correctional intervention.

When working with preschool children, verbal methods are combined with practical visual ones. When eliminating dyslalia, stuttering and other speech disorders in preschool age, the speech therapist relies on the use of playful and visual methods with the inclusion of verbal ones.

At school age, it is possible to use only verbal methods without supporting them with visual and practical ones. For example, when eliminating stuttering in children of senior school age, conversations about books read, memorization of poems, retelling of what they read, stories from personal experience, and discussions are used.

The main verbal methods are story, conversation, reading.

A story is a form of teaching in which the presentation is descriptive. It is used to create in children an idea of ​​a particular phenomenon, to evoke positive emotions, to create a model of correct expressive speech, to prepare children for subsequent independent work, to enrich the vocabulary, consolidate grammatical forms of speech.

The story involves influencing the child’s thinking, imagination, feelings, and encourages verbal communication, exchange of impressions. It is advisable to accompany the story with a demonstration of a series of plot pictures (especially in preschool age). Before playing the text, you can have a short preliminary conversation that will prepare children for its perception. After the story, a conversation, exchange of impressions, retelling, and dramatization games are held, depending on the tasks of speech therapy work.

In addition to the story, retelling of fairy tales is used, literary works(short, selective, extended, etc.).

Depending on the didactic tasks, preliminary, final, generalizing conversations are organized. During the preliminary conversation, the speech therapist identifies the children’s knowledge and creates an attitude toward mastering new topic. For example, when differentiating sounds ts- during preliminary conversation the sound is highlighted With, then ts, their articulation is clarified based on the children’s experience. Then the sounds are compared and the existing knowledge is generalized. The final conversation is conducted to consolidate and differentiate speech skills.

Based on analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, the essential properties of speech and its elements are isolated.

In the inductive form of conversation, facts are first reproduced, analyzed, compared, and then generalized (from particular to general). In the deductive form, a generalization is first given, and then specific facts are found to confirm it.

The use of conversation in speech therapy work must meet the following conditions:

rely on a sufficient amount of ideas, the level of speech skills, and be in the child’s zone of proximal development;

correspond to the logic of the child’s mental activity, take into account the peculiarities of his thinking;

activate children’s mental activity using a variety of techniques, including leading questions;

questions should be clear, precise, requiring an unambiguous answer;

the nature of the conversation must correspond to the goals and objectives of correctional work.

When conducting a conversation, various tasks are set: developing cognitive activity, consolidating correct pronunciation, clarifying the grammatical structure of sentences, consolidating the skills of smooth continuous speech, etc.

In the process of speech therapy, a variety of verbal techniques: showing a sample, explanation, explanation, pedagogical assessment.

Explanation and explanation are included through visual and practical methods. For example, when producing sound, along with the demonstration, the speech therapist uses an explanation of its correct articulation, pays attention to the position of the tongue and lips, and accompanies the demonstration with explanations.

Great importance in speech therapy work there is a pedagogical assessment of the result of completing a task, the method and progress of its implementation. It helps improve the quality of the correction process, stimulates and activates the child’s activity, and helps the formation of self-control and self-esteem.

When assessing a child’s activity, it is necessary to take into account his age and individual psychological characteristics. Unconfident, shy, and acutely aware of their defects should be more often encouraged to show pedagogical tact when assessing their work.

Speech therapy intervention is carried out in the following forms of training: frontal, subgroup, individual lesson, lesson.

According to the nature of their focus, methods of speech therapy work are divided into methods of “direct influence” (for example, influencing articulatory motor skills when eliminating dyslalia) and methods of “bypass paths” (for example, creating new functional connections bypassing the damaged parts of the speech functional system in aphasia).

Conclusions and problems

An urgent problem in speech therapy work is to find ways to increase its effectiveness. The high plasticity of the central nervous system, the social essence of speech, the choice of the right means, methods and other factors determine the generally favorable prospects for the process of eliminating speech disorders.

The effectiveness of speech therapy is determined by the following factors:

The level of development of speech therapy as a science;

The connection between theory and practice;

The nature of the defect and the severity of the symptoms of the disorder;

The age of the person, his state of health;

The mental characteristics of a person, his activity in the process of eliminating speech disorders;

The timing of the start of speech therapy work and its duration;

Implementation of the basic principles of correctional and speech therapy work, especially the principle of complex influence;

The skill and personal qualities of a speech therapist. Further development of the principles and methods of speech therapy will increase its effectiveness. As speech therapy develops as a science and the system of special institutions develops, the relevance of developing private methods and general principles speech therapy intervention.

Control questions and tasks

1. Expand the content of the special principles of speech therapy work.

2. What factors determine the choice of speech therapy methods?

3. Describe the features of use in speech therapy work practical methods training.

4. Characterize and reveal the features of using visual teaching methods in speech therapy work.

5. Determine verbal forms of teaching and their features in correctional speech therapy work.

6. Being present in a lesson or on speech therapy session, determine what methods were used when working on children’s speech.


1. Becker K.P., Sovak M. Speech therapy. - M., 1981.

2. Pravdiva O.V. Speech therapy. - M., 1973.

3. Khvattsev M. E. Speech therapy. - M., 1959.

4. Reader on speech therapy / Ed. L.S. Volkova, V.I. Seliverstova - M., 1997. - Part I, II.

Sections: Corrective pedagogy

1. Analysis of the situation, shortcomings in the results in the main process in the context of the implementation of the modernization of the regional preschool education system.

The modern content of preschool education orients the teacher towards the implementation of an activity-based approach to the development of a holistic personality, which underlies federal state requirements and standards. In previous work programs (“Program of education and training in kindergarten” by Vasilyeva M.A., “Program of speech therapy work to overcome general underdevelopment of speech in children” by T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina) an activity approach to the development of the child’s personality was declared, but not fully realized, since the child did not act in it as a subject of his own activity.

2. Formulation of a professional problem.

Analysis of children's speech activity in classes, low motivation for speech activity, and insufficient level of development of speech skills forces us to reconsider the approaches used in speech therapy work with children, leading to the search for new effective technologies and their application. The activity approach in relation to the work of a speech therapist presupposes the full speech development of the child in all types of activities. The speech therapist must not only help the child master the speech skills and abilities necessary for him, but also create conditions for their use in all types of his activities (game, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical-artistic, educational). The use of the activity approach entails making changes to the previously established system of speech therapy work. It is necessary to make reasonable adjustments to the content, form and organization of work with children.

3. Characteristics of changes in the educational process.

The activity approach involves making changes to the tasks, content, form, organization of speech therapy work with children, to the interaction of participants in the educational process, to the developmental environment of the speech therapy room.

Changing the tasks and content of correctional work.

Due to the current lack of a list of programs recommended by preschool educational institutions, the tasks and content of correctional education are determined by the local Development Program of a preschool educational institution, which is compiled on the basis of: The main general education program preschool education"From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, “Programs of speech therapy work to overcome general speech underdevelopment in children” T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, “Correctional educational program for children with special needs” Mazanova E.V. Based on the above documents, diagnostic data, the speech therapist should change and draw up work program, long-term and daily planning of nodes.

  1. Promote the development of retelling skills short fairy tale with a change in the plot (o.o. communication).
  2. Practice using simple and complex sentences With homogeneous members(o.o. communication).
  3. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech in the dialogue between the fox and the crane (oo communication).
  4. Develop skills in working on a sheet of paper with templates and pencils (o.o. artistic creativity).
  5. Practice comparing objects by height and thickness (oo cognition).

During this node, children practice creative storytelling, orientation on the plane of a sheet, arranging templates-figurines of heroes in accordance with the plot, and use adjectives in comparative degrees when explaining problematic situation in a fairy tale.

In the content of the nodes, the speech therapist should plan the participation of children in various types activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic. In my work, I have always used various didactic, verbal, and physical games. Often, when conducting games, I assigned myself the main role. For children to actively participate in speech in the game, it is necessary to change the role of the speech therapist in it. The speech therapist must participate in the game on an equal basis, be not above the child, but with him. Considering the older age of the children, the level of speech development, it is necessary to involve children in playing the role of a leader in the game, organize various problem situations, the children themselves are looking for a way out of (selection for gnome and gnome of objects with suffixes with increasing and diminutive meanings, composing a story about winter for the African boy Wally in the game “It happens or not”).

When organizing communicative activities in the classroom, problem No. 1 has always been the low speech activity of children; this was facilitated by the leading role of the teacher and ineffective work methods. There are more than enough ways out of this unfavorable situation, although they are most often unfamiliar, unusual and troublesome for the teacher. The use of interactive teaching methods in work (work in pairs, groups, participation in role-playing games, interactive learning, creative work, research projects). The introduction of interactive teaching methods into work involves quietly involving children in work and obtaining their response. In addition, the speech therapist needs to study and apply activity-oriented technologies (project-based, problem-based learning, information) in their work. The essence of the activity approach is best revealed by the Chinese proverb: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand.” Must be included in lessons productive activity.

Experience in organizing productive activities (building your own room from construction sets, cubes; a durable house for a piglet with the establishment of relative adjectives; drawing a safe path for a kolobok using prepositions with spatial meaning, making letters from different materials, sculpting a favorite animal to compose a descriptive story about it , drawing for Roma a picture of objects with the sound “R”, etc.) indicates an increase in the motivation and speech activity of children. It is necessary to further diversify and apply methods of productive activity in work. So, in a node for the development of coherent speech, you need to use not only demonstration material (a picture, a series of pictures), but also handouts (similar series of pictures, silhouette images of the main characters, flat images of characters and objects that allow you to reveal the plot). For example: when composing a story from the experiment “How I made a snowman,” one child tells the story at the blackboard, the rest of the children listen and make a snowman from flat images on the tables in accordance with what they heard in the story. Or, when composing a story based on a series of paintings “Smart Hedgehog,” the leading child places the series on the board and tells it, while the rest, listening, lay out the plot using flat images on the tables. The use of handouts in these classes includes the child in productive activities and promotes speech development.

Changing the form of organization of activities.

Traditional forms of correctional work of a speech therapist with children were group, subgroup and individual classes in a speech therapy room. Within the framework of FGT, the tasks of children’s speech development are supposed to be solved in the process of joint activity of an adult and a child (in direct educational group and individual activities, during routine moments) and in children’s independent activities. The main venue for direct educational group and individual activities, especially in the initial stages of work, remains the speech therapy room. As children master certain speech skills and abilities, the speech therapist should be included in the joint conduct of nodes together with the teacher in the group and play a supporting role. In addition to conducting and participating in nodes, a speech therapist, in order to avoid consolidating “office” speech skills in children, must participate in conducting routine moments. So, for example, when a teacher organizes observations of living and inanimate nature during a walk, a speech therapist can conduct the same observation with his subgroup of children. The role of the speech therapist, as an active participant in the role-playing game, will also help improve their speech skills.

Changing the interaction of participants in the educational process.

The use of an activity approach requires a change in the interaction of the speech therapist with children, teachers, and parents. It is much simpler and less effective to use the old, authoritarian, edifying style of interaction. Using the previous style is unacceptable; we need to move to a style of mutual cooperation and mutual understanding. It is necessary to change the forms and content of this work. The speech therapist must communicate in an accessible form, avoid using professional vocabulary, and select new, more effective forms of work using new technologies (ICT, TRCM). Reflection of speech work in notebooks - relationships with teachers and in home notebooks also requires qualitative and quantitative changes. Recommendations need to be specified, selected taking into account an individual approach, and contain an activity-based approach. Teachers, and especially parents, must understand why and how to implement one or another recommendation of a speech therapist.

Changing the educational and developmental environment of the speech therapy room and speech therapy group.

The educational environment should be of interest to the child. A properly organized subject-spatial developmental environment of the logogroup and logocabinet creates the opportunity to successfully eliminate a speech defect, overcome developmental delays, allows the child to demonstrate his abilities not only in the classroom, but also in free activity, stimulates the development of creative abilities, and helps to become self-confident. The subject-development space must be organized so that every child has the opportunity to practice the ability to observe, compare, and achieve a goal under the supervision of an adult. First of all, it is necessary to revise the demonstration and handout material, remove old “outdated” manuals, and add new ones in accordance with new phenomena in life. Benefits should arouse personal interest in order to master cognitive activity, develop children’s thinking abilities, and involve the child in productive activities. They must be located in accessible, convenient and safe places for children. Benefits must be multifunctional. It is necessary to have various educational games (mosaics, cubes, plot lotto, construction sets) that contribute to the development of the functions of notation and substitution. You need to correctly place a “wall of creativity” in the room (magnetic board, flannelgraph in combination with various attributes). A creative corner is needed in which the child can engage in one or another activity. The creation of mini-laboratories for speech exercises will allow children to master the technique of word formation, remember the image of a letter, experiment and consolidate the use of relative adjectives denoting material. We need book corners and active speech newspapers.

4. Description of the new educational result formed in a child with ODD.

I assume that the use of an activity-based approach in one’s work will ensure the child’s full speech development in all types of activities and will form an active, independent, creative personality.

Prepared the article
Teacher speech therapist
Erina Marina Alexandrovna

Target - creation of a system of interaction between teachers of a preschool educational institution in the process of correctional and developmental educational activities with children with speech disorders.

  1. Using modern developments to improve the interaction of teachers of a preschool educational institution to create a comprehensive system of correctional and developmental activities.
  2. Creating conditions for systematic correctional work of specialists kindergarten based on a diagnostic, preventive, correctional and developmental approach.
  3. Formation of a mechanism that ensures the continuous increase in speech, intellectual, mental, artistic, aesthetic and physical development children with speech disorders.

Stages of work:

  1. Carrying out comprehensive diagnostics by all specialists of the preschool educational institution;
  2. Creation of a comprehensive system of correctional and developmental activities of specialists.
  3. Development of a mechanism for interaction between pre-school specialists.

Organization of the educational process in accordance with the set goals and objectives.

First stage Comprehensive diagnostics that helps to identify the level of knowledge and skills of children with speech pathology and build a correctional and developmental process taking into account a person-oriented approach. All preschool specialists conduct diagnostics in their area of ​​work. Such diagnostics are carried out in accordance with the standards of professional ethics and help to correct all deviations that the child has based on a comprehensive examination. Thus, within 3-4 weeks we get an idea of ​​each child with speech pathology. Children are tested for phonemic awareness, vocabulary, grammar, prosodic aspects of speech, motor skills (gross and fine), artistic activity (analysis of drawings).

Data from such diagnostics serve as the basis for teachers to choose the most effective ways of corrective work with children with speech disorders.

Second phase - Correctional and developmental activities are an integral system. Its goal is to organize educational activities preschool as a system that includes diagnostic, preventive and correctional-developmental aspects that ensure a high, reliable level of speech, intellectual and mental development of the child.

A speech therapist teacher conducts medical and pedagogical consultations, carries out correctional work to correct speech defects, promotes speech therapy for routine moments and activities, which helps the child’s personal growth, the formation of confident behavior, a sense of dignity, adaptation in the society of peers, and in the future – successful learning at school .

Third stage - The system of correctional and developmental activities provides for:

  • conducting a system of classes (individual, subgroup, frontal);
  • creating a spatial-speech environment in kindergarten that stimulates the child’s speech development;
  • development of the mechanism for the interaction model of teachers (speech therapist, educators, educational psychologist, music director, instructor physical culture, head of the art studio);
  • application effective methods and techniques that activate the speech activity of speech-language pathologist children.

The main direction is the creation of a unified speech space that stimulates the child’s speech development (equipment of speech zones: mirrors for articulatory and facial gymnastics, visually illustrated material on lexical topics, main phonetic groups, plot pictures for working on phrases, toys for improving speech breathing, various development benefits fine motor skills, visual memory and phonemic hearing).

Organization of interaction between a speech therapist and teacher:

The leading role of the speech therapist in pedagogical process explained by the fact that the speech therapist, as a specialist, knows better speech features and the capabilities of children with different speech pathologies, the degree of lag in speech development compared to the age norm, the dynamics of correctional work, as well as the principles, methods and techniques for developing correct speech skills in children with speech pathologies.

At first school year The speech therapist familiarizes educators with the results of the examination of children and draws their attention to the peculiarities of speech development.

Educators should hear children’s speech defects not only phonetically, but also in their grammatical form, and know that children’s mistakes are not an accident, but a symptom of their speech problems.

At the same time, the speech of educators must be extremely literate and phonetically correct, since it serves as a model for children with speech pathology.

Educators must promote the development of all intact analyzers of children, thereby strengthening and expanding the compensatory capabilities of children, carrying out correctional work in various directions.

The speech therapist develops correct speech skills, and the teacher reinforces these skills.

For fruitful work on overcoming speech defects in children, the following can be used when working with educators:

  • maintaining a notebook of interaction between specialists with recommendations and tasks;
  • carrying out work prior to speech therapy classes to accumulate, expand, and activate the vocabulary, providing the necessary cognitive and motivational basis for the formation of speech skills.
  • speech therapy of routine moments and activities;
  • conducting systematic exercises to develop breathing, articulation, fine and gross motor skills;
  • conducting mathematics classes, cognitive development, artistic and creative activities, integrating speech therapy goals.
  • creating conditions in the group that promote the activation of children’s speech;
  • systematic monitoring of children’s speech not only during classes, but also during restricted periods;
  • explanation (if necessary) of the speech therapist’s tasks to parents to consolidate the material covered during homework, which includes replenishment, clarification, activation of the dictionary, consolidation of correct sound pronunciation, development of fine and articulatory motor skills.

The speech therapist monitors and provides the teacher with the necessary assistance.

It is recommended to allocate a place in the group for speech therapy classes, the so-called speech therapy corner, in which there should be printed board games for the formation of correct air jet, for the development of non-speech processes, etc.

Collaboration between a speech therapist and a psychologist:

The tasks of the correctional work of a speech therapist and psychologist are closely interrelated and are solved within the framework of a holistic approach to the formation mental activity child. The training is aimed at general development, and not on training individual processes.

The main direction of the correctional and developmental work of a psychologist is the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, promoting the full mental and personal growth of each child.

Together with a psychologist at the beginning of the school year, an examination and diagnosis are carried out, compensatory possibilities and difficulties in personal development and intellectual and cognitive activity.

It is necessary to combine psychocorrectional work with pedagogical correction. For this purpose, the following techniques are used:

  • Fairytale therapy techniques using works of domestic and foreign authors;
  • Art therapy and music therapy techniques;
  • Techniques of body-oriented psychotherapy.
  • Psychocorrectional games.

Psychocorrectional games can be carried out by a psychologist, educators, and sometimes jointly. Games are selected according to the characteristics of children. Timid, slow children are appointed as drivers, and the main roles are chosen for them. For hyperactive children, calmer games are selected.

Fairy tale therapy involves a psychocorrectional effect on children through reading specially selected literature in order to normalize and optimize their mental state.

When reading works, take into account:

  • The degree of accessibility of the presentation, which depends on the understanding of the text and the level of speech development of children;
  • Similarities between the situations in the book and the situations in which the child finds himself;
  • Lexical topic.

Art therapy and music therapy techniques.

Psychocorrectional work using art therapy has a great therapeutic and correctional effect when working with children with problems in both intellectual and emotional-personal development. To enhance positive internal processes in children, special musical accompaniment can be used to stimulate their speech.

Techniques of body-oriented psychotherapy

In correctional work with children, the emphasis is on analyzing their feelings, emotional state, and behavior at the current moment in time in a given situation, learning to independently make decisions and bear responsibility for them. Children acquire such skills by mastering exercises in the following areas:

  • Practicing communication skills, developing cooperation skills;
  • Release from muscle tension;
  • Development of attention, sensory perception.

The main goals of exercises aimed at developing body plasticity in children with speech disorders:

  • Increasing the range of emotional manifestations;
  • Improving psychomotor skills, developing the ability to freely control your body.

Thus, psychocorrectional work, based on a combination of well-known psychotherapeutic techniques, significantly increases the effectiveness of correctional and pedagogical work with children with speech disorders.

Collaboration between a speech therapist and the head of an art studio

  • Development of artistic and creative abilities.
  • The ability to act according to verbal instructions is developed.
  • Development of fine motor skills.
  • Inventing fairy tales from drawings.
  • Inclusion of proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters and short poems into the lesson.

Collaboration between a speech therapist and a music director

The music director carries out the selection and implementation of daily life child of music therapy works, conducts planned music classes where elements of logorhythmics are used, together with a speech therapist conducts logorhythmic classes.

Logorhythmic classes improve general and fine motor skills (coordination of movements, manual praxis, articulatory muscles), expressiveness of facial expressions, plasticity of movements, breathing, voice, prosodic aspects of speech (tempo, timbre, expressiveness, voice strength).

In music classes - mastering musical, motor and speech materials. In the process of collaboration the following can be used:

  • musical works of various genres;
  • logorhythmic exercises;
  • exercises to develop coordination between movement and words;
  • games and exercises to develop breathing;
  • games and exercises to develop the prosodic side of speech (tempo, voice strength, expressiveness).
  • exercises to develop facial movements.

The relationship between the work of a speech therapist and a physical education instructor.

An examination of children with speech pathology often shows that they have insufficient coordination of complex movements, motor clumsiness, inaccuracy, a lag behind the given pace of movements, a violation of the smoothness and amplitude of the movements performed.

A joint discussion of the diagnostic results will allow us to outline a plan for correctional and educational work in physical education classes.

  • establishing proper breathing (separation of nasal and oral breathing, practicing lower diaphragmatic breathing);
  • development of motor skills: general (coordination of movements) and fine (fingers);
  • expansion and enrichment of vocabulary.

Interaction with family

Teachers build work on interaction between kindergarten and family in the process of personality-oriented communication. The basis of communication is the individual characteristics of the speech development of each child, obtained as a result of an examination at the beginning of the school year.

The goal of interaction is to unite the efforts of adults for the successful speech development of each child with speech pathology; to create in parents a desire to help their child and communicate with him; be able to respond correctly to problems (help overcome them) and achievements (rejoice at success). Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, maintain their confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

Continuous communication with parents is carried out through collective, individual, visual forms of work and includes:

  • questionnaires, polls,
  • parent meetings,
  • individual and group meetings, consultations,
  • class views,
  • open days,
  • homework for children, which is done together with parents,
  • themed evenings “Lessons for Parents”,
  • thematic exhibitions.

Group parent meetings are held 3 times a year. They help unite parents and actively participate in the process of raising children. At the first group parent meeting, parents are explained that they are responsible for creating the child’s motivation to study at home, conducting classes with the child in different forms outside kindergarten, taking additional measures in the presence of violations accompanying the main defect. It is extremely important to explain to parents the need for enhanced, daily work with your child on the instructions of the teachers. Only in this case are the best results possible.

Consultations and group meetings are structured so that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems and develop the spirit of fruitful cooperation. Consultations contain only the specific material parents need.

Sample topics for consultation:

  • Articulation gymnastics;
  • Development of fine motor skills;
  • Doing homework;
  • Development of memory, attention and thinking (together with a psychologist);
  • Speech games at home;
  • Automation of sound at home;
  • How to teach a child to read;
  • Training in practical work techniques.

Individual work allows you to establish closer contact with parents.

Questioning involves a fixed order, content and form of questions, and a clear indication of answer methods. Using a survey, you can find out the composition of the family, the characteristics of family upbringing, the positive experiences of parents, their difficulties, and mistakes. By answering the questionnaire, parents begin to think about the problems of upbringing, about the peculiarities of raising a child. It is considered important to identify the needs of parents in pedagogical knowledge. For example, “on what issues in your child’s education would you like to receive a speech therapist’s recommendation.” Parents report what problems concern them, and these issues are revealed at meetings, group and individual meetings. The peculiarities of family education, the parents' needs for knowledge, can also be identified through conversation, the most important feature of which is bilateral activity. At the beginning of the year, after examining the children. The speech therapist informs parents about the results. The child’s relatives receive advice and recommendations. The conversation is conducted in a tactful manner: its task is to help the family in the speech education of the child. How the first meetings between the speech therapist and parents proceed will determine whether their cooperation will improve in the future.

Individual workshops on teaching parents joint forms of activities with children are correctional in nature (articulation gymnastics, formation of sound pronunciation, development of phonemic hearing, formation of the syllabic structure of words, etc.). Those parents who have difficulties working with their children at home due to a lack of skills in organizing the child’s behavior or low pedagogical literacy are invited to watch individual speech therapy sessions. Adults learn practical techniques for working with a child, which are very important for achieving results in the correctional process.

The main form of interaction with parents for a speech therapist is a homework notebook. Depending on the severity of the speech disorder, tasks in the notebook are given not only on sound pronunciation, but also on the formation of vocabulary, grammatical skills and abilities for the development of attention and memory, etc.

The visual form of the work is also very important. The visibility of the campaign can be ensured by the use of a variety of accompanying illustrations and demonstrations practical work, exhibition material - it stimulates the activity of parents.

It would be advisable to carry out individual work with parents not only orally, but also in writing (a diary of working with parents, a feedback notebook, etc., where each specialist could write down their recommendations). Since addressing only orally takes a lot of time and parents are not always able to retain in memory all the information that they consistently receive from teachers. And, therefore, in order for parents to be able to comprehend the recommendations received and follow them, they must first be convinced of this, offer a certain algorithm of actions and arm them with a reminder that will allow them to carry out these actions consistently and accurately.

Interaction between kindergarten and family - necessary condition full speech development of preschool children.

This interaction system can contribute to effective, qualitative changes in children’s speech development, professional growth of teachers, and increased competence and pedagogical literacy of parents.

Natalia Popova

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Popova Natalya Valerievna, teacher speech therapist, kindergarten No. 40 "Brigantine", city o. Balashikha.

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Dear jury, dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention experience on the topic: « Innovative methods and techniques in the work of a speech therapist teacher».

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Currently, one of the urgent tasks of correctional pedagogy is to increase the efficiency of the correctional educational process in kindergarten.

Innovative methods, without requiring much effort, optimize the process of correcting children’s speech, contribute to the improvement of the whole body, which is confirmed by my pedagogical experience.

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Beautiful, clear speech - the most important condition comprehensive and complete development of preschool children, which is the goal of my work.

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Through use innovative methods and techniques I solve the following problems. A exactly:

developing: linguistic components of speech (phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic) and the ability to apply them in practice;

Articulatory, fine and gross motor skills;

VPF (speech, imagination, thinking, memory);

Activity, independence, creativity;

Mimic and pantomimic skills;

Non-verbal communication skill;

Formation of a positive psycho-emotional state of the child;

Reducing possible fatigue, relieving muscle tension.

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In my practice I use the following innovative methods and techniques:

Creative play therapy (peskoterpiya);

Marbles Pebbles;

Vocal therapy;

Fairytale therapy;

Puppet therapy;

Speech therapy massage;

Rhythmic declamation;


Su-jok therapy;

Information technology of education.

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But today I want to focus on the brighter ones methods and techniques which I use in my practice.

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IN individual lessons every speech therapist classical methodology and techniques for the development of articulatory motor skills. I developed an author's manual"Live" mirror" where method demonstration and explanation is most effective, since the child concentrates his attention on clearly performing the articulation exercise.

Here you are, here I am

Look at me!

This is a mirror

It is your reflection!

Let's play fun

Repeat the exercises!

And in order to arouse interest, the desire to practice, the desire to perform the exercise correctly, I use magic figures as a surprise moment.

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Vocal therapy.

Children love to sing. I believe that when singing pure sayings and nursery rhymes to musical accompaniment, the general psychophysical condition of children improves. The method develops rhythm, expressiveness, stimulates speech functions, normalizes the prosodic side of speech.

Nursery rhyme "Bug" (E. Zheleznova).

Bug, bug, buzz.

Show me how you fly.


- I fly and buzz:


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Rhythmic declamation.

I use rhythm declamation in combination with vocal therapy. IN work With children I use wooden sticks and texts for speech games. I choose simple texts so that they are easy to remember. Most often these are examples of oral folk art - songs, nursery rhymes, lullabies, jokes.

The simplicity of the selected text allows you to devote more time not to memorizing it, but to developing rhythm, diction, clear articulation, and correct sound pronunciation.

Legs, legs, did you walk?

We walked, we walked.

Legs, legs, were you running?

We ran, we ran.

Legs, legs, are you tired?

We are tired... We are tired...

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One of the most effective methods for speech development I use syncwine method.

Sinkwine helps to find the most significant element in a large information material. Draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. It develops speech, thinking, memory, and interest in the world around us.

Cinquain is a small verse of five lines, without rhyme.

Now let's play cinquain.

The time of year is winter. Let's make a cinquain about winter.

1. Let's start with the subject. What? Winter.

2. What kind of winter is it? (Fierce, crackling).

3. What does winter do? (Circles, howls, sweeps).

4. Now let’s draw a conclusion and briefly formulate it in one sentence. (Fluffy snowflakes are falling).

5. The word is an association. (Magic).


1. Winter. 2. Fierce, crackling.

3. Circling, howling, sweeping. 4. Fluffy snowflakes are falling.

5. Magic!

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And to develop coherent speech, I use Marbles pebbles. They help you plunge into the world of games, fairy tales, miracles and magic.

They form the correct grip of a pebble with their fingers, develop mental function, orientation on a plane, in space, and develop imagination.

We talk and relax

We sort through the stones,

Different - different:

Blue, red,

Yellow, green,

Light, heavy.

I use an artistic word on a lexical topic, the children use magic pebbles to lay out the plot of a fairy tale. This helps them construct their story.

I want to demonstrate to you the use of this method in practice.

Story "Bullfinches".

End of winter. The most difficult time has come for birds. All the berries, all the grains in the forest have already been eaten! And the birds fly closer to the person. Kind people. They will take pity on the unfortunate birds and feed them their: some with crumbs, some with grains, and some with lard and butter.

Now the bullfinches have come to you. Beautiful birds bullfinches: there is a black cap on the head and a red chest.

Bullfinches love berries. But there were almost none left on the branches. The bullfinches ask you to help them - fill these branches with berries.

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My practice is not limited to working with children. I include parents in the correctional and developmental process. I act as a partner, mentor, consultant.

Optimism, patience and determination help me establish emotional contact, unite parents into a team, and relieve communication tension. For this I use master classes, consultations, and surveys.

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I am happy to share my professional experience at seminars, methodological associations, round tables.

My articles are published on various Internet resources and magazines.

I strive to ensure that in my communication and interaction with colleagues there is always joy, creativity, a constant desire to change something, to move forward, to look for new approaches to solving difficult problems of teaching practice.

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Innovative methods and techniques which I use in my work efficiently, because I see positive results.

Thank you for your attention. All the best!

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for teachers “The use of non-traditional methods in the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist” Municipal preschool educational institution“Kindergarten No. 176” Consultation for teachers ““Use of non-traditional.

Non-traditional methods and techniques in the work of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution Non-traditional methods and techniques in the work of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution. Non-traditional methods and techniques in the work of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution. Methodological.

Generalized pedagogical experience of a speech therapist teacher Generalized pedagogical experience Theme of the experience: “Development of fine motor skills as one of the areas of prevention work writing V.

Long-term plan for the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist with teachers for 2016–2017 Long-term plan for the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist with teachers for 2016-2017. The goal is to create pedagogical environment, aimed at timely.

Long-term plan for the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist with teachers for the 2016–2017 school year. G. Long-term plan for the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist with teachers for the 2016-2017 school year. d. The goal is to create a pedagogical environment aimed at correction.

Long-term plan for the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist with parents for 2016–2017. The goal is to attract families of pupils to active cooperation in terms of finding common approaches to correcting speech disorders of pupils.

Long-term plan for the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist with parents for the 2016–2017 school year. year Long-term plan for the work of a preschool teacher-speech therapist with parents for the 2016-2017 school year. year The goal of working with parents is to activate parents, to create.

Continuity of activities of a speech therapist and a speech pathologist in working with children with mental retardation The problem of education and training of preschool children with developmental disabilities is one of the most important and current problems correctional.

Report from work experience “Interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher in working with children in a speech therapy group” I work as a teacher at speech therapy group, the work of our group is based on close contact with the teacher - speech therapist. In my work.

Using an activity approach in the work of a speech therapist teacher with the family of preschool children March 30, 2016 was held regional scientific-practical conference "Modern education in the island region: experience, problems and prospects.

Image library:

The main speech therapy diagnosis for students in the “Special Child” groups is general underdevelopment speeches of different levels. There are also non-speaking children. There are children who have problems with pronunciation and lexico-grammatical structure of speech. All students need speech therapy help, and the work of a speech therapist in such groups has certain specifics.

Speech therapy work is based on the following principles:

  • Personal orientation – focus on the child, his psycho-emotional characteristics.
  • Emotional resonance and support – creating an emotionally comfortable environment in the classroom.
  • Interaction with parents, educators and special education teachers.
  • The game context of classes is the formation of positive motivation for learning.

We can highlight the specific features of speech therapy work with “special” children.

1. Constant search for individual approaches to the child.

In work it is impossible to focus on the “average” student. Every child is “special” in the full sense; he has a different type of perception, attention, memory, different character and temperament. All mental manifestations in “special” children are more pronounced and more pronounced than in ordinary children. This makes it impossible to work using standard technology: each child requires a different approach. Some people work better one on one, when nothing interferes with concentration, no noise or other children distract them. With such a child, classes in a speech therapy room will be most productive. And some people open up better in the familiar environment of a group. In this case, the speech therapist comes to the class and joins the work of the defectologist and teacher.

For example, Katya Ch., a severe dysarthric patient, had an almost motionless tongue and drooling. At the beginning of speech therapy work, I was afraid of the mirror and did not allow myself to be touched. It seemed that nothing could teach her articulation exercises. The speech therapist noticed that the girl was very sensitive to praise and any kind words, and began to praise her and even overpraise her. For any little thing, even just for trying to do something in front of the mirror. Katya liked it so much that after each lesson she happily tried to show the defectologist, teacher and grandmother what she had “learned”. Soon Katya began to practice in front of the mirror for 15-20 minutes, doing the entire set of exercises. Her tongue became more mobile and the prerequisites for producing sounds were created. The girl is no longer afraid of the mirror and goes to classes with pleasure.

2. Speech therapy classes in “Special Child” classes are combined and playful in nature.

The lesson includes work on the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, sounds, the development of phonemic hearing and the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. All classes take place in game form. Speech games, bright, interesting toys are used, and for older children - a computer. Play is a necessity, without which positive results are not possible. A combined lesson, conducted in a playful way, allows you to flexibly switch the child’s attention from one type of activity to another, preventing loss of attention and loss of interest.

3. Formation of imitative activity.

The first step of correctional work is the development of voluntary attention. It is important that the child “sees”, “hears”, gets used to listening to speech, and responding to words. Therefore, the speech therapist begins work with the development of the child’s imitative ability, teaches him to imitate actions with objects (ball, cubes, etc.), movements of the arms, legs, and head. This is the basis for the transition to imitation of articulatory movements, sounds, and words.

4. Organization of the lesson context.

It is known that to keep voluntary attention It is extremely difficult for such children.

Every little detail is important here. The location of the equipment, the absence of unnecessary objects in the child’s field of vision, the use of toys that he has access to special treatment and specific interest, speech therapist location.

For example, Valya Zh. - already an adult boy refused to do articulation exercises, was shy, behaved stupidly, all this time the speech therapist was sitting at the table opposite him. He decided to try to change his location and sat down at the desk next to him. It was as if the boy had been replaced. He got into a working mood and did everything he was asked to do. It turned out that he was used to doing this at home and in class, and the initial distanced location of the speech therapist worried him.

It is important to note that “special” children are very rigid. What they get used to affects the success of their classes. Therefore, it is important to know their habits, preferences, and use this in organizing the context of classes.

5. Observation of the child’s internal state.

In the classroom, the dynamics of the child’s attention are important. In order not to bring the child’s attention to exhaustion, it is necessary to “get ahead” of his internal events at least one step. It is important to notice when and how to switch the child’s attention. When the child starts to get distracted, it’s already too late. The atmosphere of the lesson is destroyed, the emotional connection is disrupted.

6. Modeling situations of achievement.

A “special” child gets used to the fact that all adults, from parents to teachers, strive to understand him “at a glance.” On the one hand, this is wonderful, on the other hand, he may lose the motive, the desire to learn (as far as possible for his level of development) to speak correctly. That is why in the classroom it is necessary to create such conditions for the child so that he has the need to speak.

For example, a child cannot independently get the toy he likes and needs help. In this case, you need to pretend that he is not understood when he uses non-verbal signals (gestures, grimaces, sounds, etc.), but only understands words.

The motivation to reach for the toy is so strong that the child begins to pronounce words. True, it will take a lot of time for verbal communication to become habitual and necessary for him.

7. Slow pace of formation of new skills.

It may seem that the work of a speech therapist leads nowhere and is wasted. This can plunge (especially a novice) speech therapist into despair. It is impossible to expect quick results from “special” children. They don't have a quick response. They “absorb” information for a long time, as if “recording” it on their internal tape recorder. Sometimes the result of the work can appear after 2-3 years. This feature of children’s perception and feedback should not frighten teachers.

8. Constant demand for acquired skills.

All speech therapy work would be wasted in the absence of close contact with parents, teachers and defectologists. They are the ones who ensure the demand for those skills that are being worked on in speech therapy classes. The smallest changes in the child’s behavior are discussed together, the speech therapist asks the parents at home, and the teachers in the classroom to provoke the child to use the skills he is practicing. From teachers the speech therapist receives feedback about the child’s condition after classes and, taking this into account, plans a lesson strategy. This is especially important when working with speechless children. If the child speaks, then cooperation with teachers consists of working on the automation of sounds and the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. For “special” children, the process of automating sounds is very difficult and lengthy. If the given sound is not reinforced daily, if the correctness of its pronunciation is not constantly monitored in various activities in which the child is involved at school and at home, the result of speech therapy work will be devalued. What a speech therapist cannot track, teachers and parents can control. And this is also where their great help lies. Speech therapy notebooks should be kept, which parents can use to study with their children at home, reinforcing the material in a different environment. This is the meaning of transferring the experience gained in speech therapy classes home - into real life.