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Action plan on the topic of a healthy lifestyle. Game forms of work in carrying out events to promote a healthy lifestyle


Registration e: large: the name and epigraph of the event, posters, visual information signs.

Form of conduct: intellectual game with elements of conversation and student performance.




For healthy


Extracurricular activity scenario

on the prevention of smoking, drug addiction and alcoholism.

Bashmakova Asiya Yagfarovna

GPD teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 4

Noginsk, Moscow region.

Purpose of the event:

  1. Promotion of healthy lifestyles


Formation of motivation to healthy image life, conscious renunciation of bad habits and addictions that contribute to the development of various somatic and mental diseases;

Systematization and generalization of schoolchildren’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of an active life position.

Decor: large: the name and epigraph of the event, posters, visual information signs.

Form of conduct: an intellectual game with elements of conversation and student performance.

Progress of the event:

Leading: Hello guys! I'm telling you"Hello" , and this means that I wish you all health! Have you ever thought about why greeting people involves wishing each other health? Health for a person is one of the main values.

And my goal today is to promote a healthy lifestyle, to awaken in you sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle, so that after this event you consciously give up bad habits, if you have them.

I will start the event with the words of Heinrich Heine: “The only beauty I know is health.” Yes, I agree with this statement and add thathealth is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

(Sign on the board). (Explanation from myself).

Spiritual and physical health are 2 integral parts of human health. They must be in harmony. Physical health affects spiritual life. Spiritual health is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with family, friends and society.

Today we will try together to answer the question of what a healthy lifestyle is. To make it more interesting, we will hold our meeting in the form of a game in 3 stages. Thanks to the correct answers to the questions asked, we learn a lot useful information. Questions can be answered from the seat, but shouting will not be accepted as an answer. This is not a team game. Everyone can earn a token with their correct answer. 2-3 players who have scored greatest number tokens. The respected jury will record who answers and receives tokens.

And so, let's start the game!

Stage 1.

1. Anyone who starts every morning with this action needs half as much time to get ready and get into a working mood. What is this action? (Morning work-out).

2. Science about cleanliness of the body (Hygiene).

3. Training the body with cold (hardening).

4. What gives a person energy? (Food).

5. These “brave warriors” in the human body boldly rush into “battle” with pathogenic bacteria(Antibodies).

6. Which great Russian writer, who lived to be 82 years old, adhered to a very strict daily routine all his life? (L.N. Tolstoy).

7. This activity is a natural massage, increases muscle tone, improves heart function (Swimming).

8. You can’t buy it for any money (Health).

9. What fruits, vegetables, and plants are used to treat colds? (Raspberry, lemon, garlic, linden, chamomile, sage).

10. Why can’t you exchange clothes, shoes, or take other people’s hats? (You can get infected with skin diseases, infectious diseases, lice, fungal diseases).

11. The smallest organism that carries an infection. (Bacterium).

12. What was grown in “pharmaceutical gardens” in Russia in the 18th century? (Medicinal plants).

13. People spend a third of their lives in this state. IN Ancient China one of the worst tortures was the deprivation of a person of this state. What is this condition? (Dream).

14. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence of sunlight. (Vitamin D).

15. In order to become a truly outstanding specialist in your profession, you need curiosity, hard work, dedication, perseverance, self-confidence and... What else? (Good health).

Leading: Stage 1 of the game is completed. From your answers guys, we can conclude that good health is achieved through physical activity, balanced nutrition, hardening of the body, general hygiene, and a rational combination of mental and physical labor.

I ask the jury to check the number of tokens earned by the guys for correct answers. (Participants in the game stand up one by one, announce their names and the number of tokens they have).

Guys, of course, you have been to our school’s medical office more than once. The school paramedic helps you stay healthy and not succumb to any illnesses. You undergo regular medical examinations in this office.

And here's what funny incident happened in one school. We present to your attention a short humorous scene from school life. The scene is called “Medical Examination”.

Body check.

The school doctor asked Grisha:

Do you have any complaints about your nose and ears?

Eat. Ears and nose get in the way

Wear a sweater with a fleece.

The school doctor asked Dima:

Is everything okay in your head?

The radiologist took a picture

Didn't find anything there.

The school doctor asked Misha: -

Are there any hearing difficulties?

If only you knew how bad my hearing is

I give clues with my left ear!

The school doctor asked Fedya:

Do you want to be cured right away?

Copy less from your neighbors

And you won't be cross-eyed.

Are there any hearing difficulties? -

The school doctor asked Leva.

Eat. One ear flies into

Flies out of another.

The school doctor asked Petya:

How do you sleep at night, boy?

Petya answered the doctor:

Without shoes and in pajamas.

The school doctor asked Lyosha:

Any complaints?

Don't count!

Both mom and dad

And there’s one for grandfather too!

Stage 2.

Leading: You and I understand that in order to maintain health, and for it to be enough for a long and active life, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, which also involves giving up bad habits - giving up the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Information block.

(Students' speech)


Smoking is the voluntary poisoning of your body with nicotine and other harmful substances. All organs of the human body are affected by tobacco. Smokers have poor memory, poor physical health, an unstable psyche, and they think slowly. Smokers' skin withers faster, their voice becomes hoarse, and their teeth turn yellow. Tobacco smoke causes great harm to non-smokers.

There are several ways to quit smoking. The main thing is that you need to truly want to free yourself from a bad habit and show your will.


Alcohol is the most common drug that kills a huge number of people every year. It's the poison that destroys internal organs person. A drunk man who has lost his human appearance is an unpleasant, repulsive sight. Many crimes are committed due to drunkenness, families are destroyed, loved ones suffer: mothers, wives, children.


Drugs are an even more serious poison; having gotten used to them, a person cannot live without them, and pays a lot of money to die faster. He becomes a drug addict the first time. With its poisons, the drug acts strongly and quickly. A person who uses drugs does not belong to himself; he will commit any crime for the sake of drugs. Drug addicts have three options: prison, mental hospital, death.

Leading: The questions of the 2nd stage of the game will most fully reveal this topic; we will talk about how these addictions have a detrimental effect on a person.

(Tickets with questions are laid out on the table. Players choose a ticket and answer the question without preparation).

1. This mixture consists of 200 harmful substances, among which carbon monoxide, soot, formic acid, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetylene, radioactive elements and others. Name the mixture. ( Tobacco smoke. )

2. How does alcohol affect a teenager’s body? (Delays his mental, mental and physical development.)

3. What disease is most often associated with smoking?(Lungs' cancer.)

4. With this disease due to alcoholism, visual deception, hearing, and hallucinations occur. What disease is this? (Acute alcoholic psychosis – delirium tremens.)

5. How long does the average person live after becoming a drug addict?

10 years.

5 years.

12 years old.

6. Why do doctors say that a drug addict is dooming himself to slow suffocation?(The activity of the respiratory center decreases and then inhibits.)

7. Drug dealers reason like this: “drug-addicted rednecks will get away with it anyway,” and add drugs to increase profits...



- washing powder.

8. What effect does drug use have on offspring?(Children born to parents who are drug addicts are mentally and physically handicapped.)

9. At what concentration of alcohol in the blood can death occur?(0,6 – 0,7 %)

10. What toxic substances that destroy the body does tobacco smoke contain?(Hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzopyrene, arsenic, etc.)

Leading : All questions of the 2nd stage were answered. Let's count the tokens.

Guys, pay attention to the posters and visual information signs. Let's find out with you what it consists of:

Healthy lifestyle.

This social behavior - i.e. refusal of health destroyers. What can be considered health destroyers? (bad habits, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.)

This is personal hygiene, which includes skin care, oral care, and clothing hygiene.

This is a healthy diet. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Nutrition should be complete and include vitamins and minerals.

Motor mode. This includes morning exercises, a swimming pool, sports sections, and hardening. It’s not for nothing that they say that movement is life.

Speaking in numbers, human health depends on:

15% - medicine;

15% - heredity;

15% - ecology;

50% is lifestyle. Please pay close attention to this figure. Your health, both physical and spiritual, depends on what lifestyle you choose for yourself in the future.

Stage 3.

(Students who have collected the maximum number of tokens participate in the 3rd stage).

Leading: I invite you to The final stage students who have collected the maximum number of tokens. It will be short. A total of three questions will be asked to the players to determine the winner of the game.

So , "Questions out of a hat."

1. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 kilograms of this substance per day. What kind of substance is in the hat? (Water).

2. In the hat - substances that a person needs in quantities of only a few milligrams per day. But without them, a person gets sick and gets tired quickly. It’s not for nothing that their name is derived from the Latin word “life”. (Vitamins, vita-life).

3. Name the personal hygiene item that is in the hat. It should be used at least 2 times a day. (Toothbrush.)

4. Such water in its composition is a complex complex of salts, macro- and microelements, it is not for nothing that it is called “living water”. What's in the hat? (Mineral water).

5. The hat contains a vegetable that is useful in preventing diseases such as the flu. (Garlic).

6. The hat contains a vegetable that slows down the aging process of the human body. (Carrot).

Leading : The game has come to an end and while the jury is summing up the results, we present to your attention a fairy tale - a hint, which is called “Turnip”.


A fairy tale is a hint.

An oak tree was cut down near Lukomorye

And the chain was taken to the landfill,

The cat was placed in the shelter,

The mermaid was salted in a barrel...

Why are your mouths open here?

This is a saying, I guess -

The fairy tale will be ahead.

In short, there lived a grandfather

At lunchtime he is a hundred years old,

And he decided to plant a garden,

I decided to plant a turnip.

Grandfather planted a turnip.

The turnip grew and grew

And she grew big, very big.

Grandfather goes to the garden,

He takes the turnip by the top,

Pulls - pulls,

But he can’t pull it out.

Where there! All life

Smoked and drank

It would be better to be friends with sports.

Grandfather called grandma.

Grandma for grandfather

Grandfather - for the turnip,

Pull - pull,

But they can’t pull it out.

Granny earlier

I wasn’t good with sports

And I got myself so many pains!

The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Granddaughter - for grandmother,

Grandma - for grandfather,

Grandfather - for the turnip,

Pull - pull,

But they can’t pull it out.

But where can I help my granddaughter?

He rides a Harley day and night.

I'd rather go to the gym

I would have accumulated strength.

They called Zhuchka.

The bug barely crawled.

Still would! Look how fat she is!

He sleeps all day and “Chappie” eats -

That's where the fat comes out of it!

Bug - for my granddaughter,

Granddaughter - for grandmother,

Grandma - for grandfather,

Grandfather - for the turnip,

Pull - pull,

But they can’t pull it out.

They didn't get the turnip again.

With nowhere to go, the cat was called.

Where can you help a cat?

She's on diets day and night -

I no longer have any strength from these diets.

They sit and cry

They don’t know what to do.

Having abandoned all business,

A mouse came running.

It was not in vain that I came running:

She brought a bunch of sports equipment.

Dumbbells for grandfather

So that your hands don't hurt;

Grandma - a jump rope,

For the sake of health, you don’t regret anything;

Granddaughter and Bug - ball -

The solution to all failures.

Cat - hoop:

Lose weight, day or night.

They worked all week

Then they took up the turnip again.

And they pulled it out!

This is how it happens:

Sport always helps!

Conclusion. Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of every person. We all have an inherent desire to be healthy and strong, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. I hope that today’s event was not in vain for you, you understood a lot and can unanimously say:

"We are for a healthy lifestyle".


Presentation of prizes to the winners and members of the propaganda team.

Used Books:

"Encyclopedia of a healthy lifestyle." Author G.A. Kapetskaya. Publishing house "Teacher", Volgograd, 2007

“Healthy lifestyle.” - M.: ZAO “AiF” - 2004 - No. 1




All-Russian open lesson

“Healthy children - in a healthy family”


Quiz “The ABC of Health”


Health lessons “We want it to become fashionable to be healthy and free!”



Health Day “Journey to the world of nature.”



Interactive game “Learning to be healthy in body and soul”


Publishing leaflets on personal prevention measures for ARVI and influenza.



Conversations with parents about the need for vaccination against influenza, personal and public prevention measures, the need to timely seek medical help and the dangers of self-medication for their children.


City sports and fitness competition “Dad, Mom, Me – a Sports Family”


Thematic period

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"



All-Russian campaign “We choose sport as an alternative to addictions”


Health and safety lessons. “If you are in danger!”



Conducting raids " School uniform must be in "shape"

during a year

Health and safety lessons. Cool watch “Pyrotechnics - from fun to disaster!”


Volleyball and Pioneerball competitions for the prize of Santa Claus.



Month of defense and sports work “The sacred duty is to defend the Fatherland” (according to a separate plan)



World Health Day.

KTD “School is a territory of health”

(according to a separate plan).

Unified health lessons.



Lessons on law, health and safety “Be healthy - serve your homeland!”



Parents' meeting "The role of parents in the prevention of crime and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children."


Hiking and excursions« Summer is a plus."


May June


carrying out preventive surgery "Health"

in MOBU secondary school No. 8 from 10.10 to 10.11.2013.




Cool watch “Drugs: between life and death”

8 - 11

Class teachers

Dance breaks “Do as we do, do with us, do better than us!”

5 -11

Deputy Director of VR

Physical education teachers

Exhibition. Rainbow of Joy with “health butterflies”


Class teachers

Speech by the propaganda team

"Health Lessons from Uncle Knowing School"

1 – 4

Class teachers

Competition program “It’s great to be healthy!”

5 - 7

Class teachers

Targeted excursions to the forest “Health from nature itself”

1 -11

Class teachers

Promotion “Healthy lifestyle is fashionable!” Electronic presentation competition

7- 11

Class teachers

Design of the “Healthy Lifestyle” stand

Responsible for the Health program

Book exhibition “It’s great to be healthy!”



holding sports competitions as part of the promotion

“Sport is an alternative to bad habits!”




From school records to Olympic heights



Fun starts



Pioneerball tournament

5th, 6th


Presidential competition



Sports all-around (individual championship)

4th, 5th, 6th


Sports relay race



Heroic fun



Fun starts “We are Olympians”



Darts competition “The most accurate”



Mini-football tournament

5th, 6th


Basketball tournament



Fun relay race



Obstacle course "Home"



School-wide exercise




on holding the school stage of the All-Russian action

“Sport is an alternative to bad habits”

IN MOBU secondary school No. 8

During the period from 01.11 to 30.11. In 2013, as part of the “Sport - an alternative to addictions” campaign, the school held 12 sports competitions between students in grades 1-11, in which 467 people took part. A friendly meeting was held between the boys' volleyball teams of school No. 2 and school No. 8. Our team became the winner of this game.

Results of the competition.

Team competitions.

“Fun Relay Race” 1st grades: 1st place 1st grade

“We are Olympians” 3rd grade: 1st place 3a grade

“Fun Starts” 4th grade: 1st place – 4b grade.

“Sports relay” 2nd grade: 1st place – 2a grade

Pioneerball tournament for grades 5-6. Boys: 1st place - 5a grade;

girls: 1st place – 6b grade.

Basketball competitions between 6th grades: 1st place – 6b grade.

“From school records to Olympic heights” 7th grade: 1st place – 7b grade.

“Presidential competition” 8-9th grades: 1st place – 8th grade.

Personal results.

Darts competition between 4th grade students: 1st place - Danil Svishchev (4a grade), 2nd place - Denis Savitsky (4a grade), 3rd place - Alina Gavrilova (4b grade).

Presidential competition. Boys: 1st place Dima Kazakov (9a grade), 2nd place Pasha Gerasimov (9b grade), 3rd place - Vladimir Obrazhey (8th grade).

Girls: 1st place Kristina Lugovskaya (96th grade), 2nd place - Nastya Gryaznova (8th grade), 3rd place - Nastya Nosatova (8th grade).

Pioneerball tournament with volleyball elements - the best player Irina Usenko (7a grade).

In a friendly meeting between the volleyball teams of schools No. 2 and No. 8, Alexey Ulyanov (10th grade) was recognized as the best player.

“Heroic fun” between boys of 10-11 grades: 1st place - Evgeniy Kolchenko (11th grade), 2nd place - Alexander Ermolaev (11th grade), 3rd place - Vitaly Kushnarenko (11th grade).

A friendly meeting was held between the boys' volleyball teams of school No. 2 and school No. 8. Our team became the winner of this game.

According to established tradition, exercises took place on November 27, in which not only students, but also teachers took part.

As part of the campaign, 21 Olympic lessons were held. The lecture group held 16 conversations with presentations “History of the Olympic Games”, 11 quizzes “Olympic Records”, in which 175 children took part. The winners of the quiz were students 1a, 2b.

All classes took an active part in creative competitions. The school organized an exhibition of student works. The winners of the school stage were:

  • competition of literary works: Petr Dobrev (1a), Iuliania Bogolyub (4a), Kristina Roshchina (4a), Kristina Osipova (4b), Elena Timoshenko (9b).
  • drawing competition: Ulyana Bychkovskaya (1a), Vitalina Shorokhova (1b), Stepan Parfenov (1b), Sofia Dyabdenko (1b), Roman Railyan (4b), Ruslan Efremenko (4a), Kristina Osipova (4b), Saveliy Shvets (4a) .
  • booklet competition: Antonina Kolesnikova (3c), Juliania Bogolyub (4a), Anastasia Nosatova (8).
  • leaflet competition: Alexey Shurshikov (4a), group work of class 2a.
  • poster competition: Irina Golovina, Tatyana Ochkalova (9a).

The winning works of the school stage were sent to participate in the municipal competition.

Pupils of the 3rd grade spoke to the children of the elementary school with the “Healthy People” propaganda team, urging everyone to play sports and follow the school routine.

The 8th grade volunteer team “Throw” held a number of events as part of the campaign: a performance by the propaganda team “Again and again we will tell the people: “Addiction can steal freedom!”; distribution of leaflets “Only healthy habits”, survey “Your attitude towards drugs”.

Sent to the city competition research Nosatova Anastasia “NO to bad habits! Let’s say YES to sports!”

In the school library there is an exhibition of literature under the motto “Being healthy is fashionable.”

In the school’s recreation area there is a stand “Health as a Lifestyle.”

All information about the events held as part of the “Sports – an alternative to addictions” campaign is posted on the school website, and the “Faster, Higher, Stronger” stand.


Game program "The smoker is his own gravedigger"


Campaign “Tell me where they sell death”


Release of booklets “Vacations – the territory of health”


Week “Only healthy habits”


Interactive event “Healthy healthy person a country"


Promotion “Week of Kindness”


Campaign "Forward, rescuers!" - cleaning the area around the school


Promotion “Summer is a time for finds, not losses!”


Participation in city events on a healthy lifestyle.

during a year

Useful materials in this section will be useful to you for preparing and conducting events about healthy lifestyle at school. Whether it be extracurricular and extracurricular activities, “health lessons” or cool watch dedicated to a healthy lifestyle...

To organize any of these events, there are ready-made notes, scripts, plans, programs, and explanatory notes. A large number of publications presented on these pages are devoted to the prevention of bad habits among schoolchildren - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. Please also pay attention to the materials dedicated to World Health Day on April 7 at school.

Healthy lifestyle: lesson notes, extracurricular activities

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 316.
All sections | Healthy lifestyle: health lessons, classroom hours and extracurricular activities

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Publication “Summary of extracurricular activities for boarding school children...” Goals: To form children’s idea of ​​health as one of the human values. Raising a person who knows how to take care of his health. Development of memory and attention. PROGRESS OF THE LESSON 1. Org. moment (greeting. When we meet the dawn We say hello to him. With a smile...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Work to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent bad habits in adolescent children A healthy lifestyle of the younger generation is the key to the health of the nation as a whole. What does it mean to be healthy for a child? This means developing your physical and spiritual strengths in harmony, having endurance and balance, being able to withstand actions like...

Class hour on a healthy lifestyle “Steps to health” MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "SPECIALIZED SCHOOL WITH IN-DEPTH STUDY OF SUBJECTS OF NATURAL AND MATHEMATICAL CYCLE No. 135 OF THE CITY OF DONETSK" Class hour on a healthy lifestyle “Steps to health” Teacher 4 – B class Ivashinenko Natalya Anatolyevna Donetsk...

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7 “A” class Topic “Bad habits” Objectives: - to cultivate a negative attitude towards bad habits; - form ideas about habits, their significance in a person’s life; - promote the development of students’ need for a healthy lifestyle; - develop communication skills and...

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Health must be protected from a young age. A well-known saying goes about this. In this article I would like to talk about what activities you can prepare for a healthy lifestyle.

What it is?

At the very beginning, you need to understand such a concept as a healthy lifestyle. What is it? It must be said that this is a whole concept of the life activity of an individual person. Its main goals are:

  1. Disease prevention.
  2. Maintaining and maintaining health.

For this you can use the most different ways, the main ones of which are: healthy eating, physical activity on the body, refusal and the right moral attitude.


So, I would like to separately consider all kinds of healthy lifestyle activities. In what ways can you try to convey the truth to citizens? of different ages? First of all, this can be done through conversations on a given topic. This is most often used in schools. Thus, not only teachers, but also various specialists in the medical and sports industry tell children and adolescents about why they need to try to adhere to certain rules and what the consequences of violating them are. In this case, you can use a variety of auxiliary materials: real stories from life, video and photographic materials, posters, sketches. Similar events can be held in adult groups.


What other activities are there? So, if we are talking about schoolchildren, you can organize a small quiz. In this case, you will first have to prepare a script and select one that will relate to the given topic. And to make it more interesting for children, everything needs to be organized in the form of a small competition with a winner determined and small prizes. In this case, the children will be more attentive and, in this game form, will learn the material offered by the teachers much better.

Children's Health Day

What kind of healthy activities can there be? primary school? In this case, you can organize a Health Day. But for this you will have to involve your parents. Thus, children are invited to spend the day according to pre-agreed rules (exercise, healthy breakfast, school activities, a walk in the fresh air, playing sports, etc.). That is, the child can be given the task of doing as many healthy things as possible in a day. As evidence, you can ask kids to film or photograph certain activities. Children will love this, since they will need to use modern gadgets (which even the smallest children can easily master). To illustrate a healthy lifestyle, you can take a video of how the young winner spent his day. And, of course, the child will need to be rewarded. For example, this could be an element of sports equipment.

Health Day (city level)

Considering events on a healthy lifestyle, I would like to say separately that you can also hold Health Day at the city level. To do this, you can involve social services and other city institutions that should deal with such issues. So, the plan for the event can be completely different. The day can begin with a collective run of citizens along the main street of the city. Then you can hold all kinds of competitions: football, basketball, volleyball, etc. A good idea is to organize relay races and bicycle races. And in order to attract young people, we will have to remember modern and non-classical sports. So, you can open breakdancing competitions, organize a tournament for skateboarding or rollerblading fans. In fact, there are many options. The point is to involve as many citizens of different age groups as possible in the action.

Poster competition

Why not organize a competition for the best “Healthy Lifestyle” poster? So, this can be done at the class or school level. You can even organize an interschool tournament. To do this, groups of children must make the most informative and creative “Healthy Lifestyle” poster. As a gift to the winner, this creation can be placed on billboards in the city or region.


Everyone knows that a healthy lifestyle is great. After all, a person is trying not only to maintain, but even to improve his health. And in this matter, a method such as training helps a lot. What it is? During the training, children play out certain situations, based on the results of which they must draw the right conclusions. That is, the training itself is not aimed at showing how to do (live, act) correctly. Its goal: for the child to understand what is “correct” using a simple example. Such classes can be conducted in a variety of age groups. Undoubtedly, all children of different ages will enjoy participating in such events.


Prevention of a healthy lifestyle is a very important action that concerns not only children, but also adults. And in order to have better and better conversations on a specific topic, it is best to organize meetings with various specialists. So, this will not just be a lecture from a healthcare professional or a qualified athlete. During such meetings, listeners can ask questions, ask what exactly interests them on a particular issue. The interest is that a specialist in a given field is better versed in certain concepts and categories than, for example, a simple school teacher. Thus, the doctor will be able to more clearly explain why smoking is harmful and how exactly it affects the patient’s health. And an athlete with a category will tell you more clearly how to conduct training correctly in order to improve your health, and not harm it.


Various public organizations They like to do all sorts of promotions on a given topic. Why not hold a similar event called “A healthy lifestyle is great!”? In this case, all sorts of booklets, brochures, calendars with slogans, etc. are used. You can also make a small presentation with short skits that relate to a healthy lifestyle. To attract the attention of passers-by, you can use all sorts of methods. Even briefly informing citizens about the rules of a healthy lifestyle is of great importance and action.

Sport competitions

An excellent way to improve health is sports. It is simply impossible to organize a healthy lifestyle without it. Therefore, it is possible to instill a love of physical activity in children through various competitions. So, the guys really love to find out who is better. Therefore, a wide variety of sports competitions can be organized. All of them should end with the selection of winners and their awarding. This is a great motivation for children of different ages.

Round tables

Prevention of a healthy lifestyle can also be discussed at a round table. So, this event is more relaxed in its scenario. In this case, the participants sit down at the so-called negotiating table and discuss a given topic. What's the advantage here? During conversations, disputes may arise, which, as we know, give rise to truth. In addition, often round tables Various ideas arise that can then be successfully implemented.

Information stands

A very important stage is called “forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle in a child.” So, all means are good for this. In addition to active activities (contests, competitions, promotions, meetings), various information stands are also very useful. Similar ones are often placed in schools and other educational institutions. So, they should not only be as informative as possible, but also bright. That is, such that they attract attention. The stand should be interesting, not boring. The child needs to want to read it or at least view it.

Living for health

All parents should know how to form correctly. So, to do this, it’s enough to organize your day yourself so that it is as healthy as possible. After all, everyone knows that a child learns from the example of his parents. If mom and dad smoke and don’t play sports at all, there is no need to demand the opposite from the baby. However, if the baby sees every day how mom prepares a healthy, balanced breakfast and dad does exercises, the baby will learn that this is normal and the way it should be. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to create a healthy lifestyle for parents, and then demand the same from their heirs - children.