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Examples of arguments for social studies essays. Material for preparing for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in social studies (grade 11) on the topic: example of an essay in social studies

We continue to analyze the results of the 2016 Unified State Exam in Social Studies, and in this section we will turn to one of the social studies essays written by graduates. We have the opportunity to study how experts rated it and discuss it together.

An essay on the Unified State Exam in social studies is THREE criteria and 5 points!

A little about the essay on the Unified State Exam

As always, the problems raised in these quotes look classic:

  • character and assessment
  • social significance ways to increase its effectiveness;
  • and its stages;
  • participation in
  • relationship and role of laws in life

And questions related to such a complex concept as we completely understood

According to the compilers of the texts of the Unified State Exam assignments in social studies, from our favorite one, a graduate can spend approximately 45 minutes:

We hope that this is without the time that the graduate will spend rewriting the answer in answer form number 2.

Essay on the Unified State Exam 2016

Now let's look at the real essay completed by the graduate at the Unified State Exam 2016 and its expert assessment. Here is the breakdown of assignments that a graduate who turned to us for help in preparing an appeal for evaluation of the written part of the exam received:

Long answer part: (0(2)2(2)0(3)2(3)1(3)2(3)2(3)0(3)1(1)0(2)1(2))

In this case, we are interested in the last three assessments - for three criteria. Let us recall them:

That is, 1 point was received for the first key criterion, which made it possible to qualify for points for the remaining two criteria. Recall that if for the first criterion set to 0, no further points can be earned. The theory received 0, and practical examples 1 point out of two possible.

Now let's turn to this real essay written by a graduate of the Unified State Exam in social studies:

Let's analyze this essay:

Your essay, in my subjective opinion, has been adequately checked.

For Criterion 2(theoretical argumentation) there really is nothing to bet. The quote is from the field of “Economics,” but you don’t say a word about the factors influencing the level of his qualifications, or the usefulness of the (skilled) worker referred to in the quote.

For Criterion 3(actual examples) I wouldn't put anything at all. You write that Chatsky is an example of importance and skills, and you don’t give any reasons for this statement? He further applies them to you, where the importance is not at all visible... What you call an example from life is not one at all. It sounds very vague that the highest (what?) will allow you to receive causal benefits. There are a million examples of the opposite in the world, and a million when people with absolutely no education became millionaires. But the quote is not about this, but about the quality of the employee, about why he needs to improve his skills...

Unfortunately, you have none of this. You do not indicate or even see the problem with the quotation, and this, of course, first of all, will not be a reason to increase your score on the appeal!

And now a look at your essay through the FIPI recommendations for experts:

Reasons for a higher score:

  1. When revealing the meaning of the statement, several interrelated aspects are highlighted (No).
    2. Theoretical provisions are developed into a system of justification (No).
    3. The examples given are taken from various areas of social life (No).
    4. Examples from personal social experience are used appropriately and correctly (No).
    5. Examples from other educational courses are used - history, geography, literature (Yes).

Reasons for a lower score:

  1. Among the given theoretical provisions there are erroneous judgments and inaccuracies (no).
    2. Contains a lot of “information noise” - provisions that are not directly related to the topic, repetitions of the same thought presented in a different verbal expression (Yes).
    3. The examples used are loosely related to the theoretical justification (Yes).

And indeed, the essay did not receive an increase in points on appeal, 2 out of 5 possible so they were left!

And for you homework once again this quote, practice using real examples from the Unified State Exam in social studies: “The more knowledge and skills the staff have, the wider and deeper the range of these skills, the more opportunities for action the staff will have, the better the improvements and customer service will be.”(R. Hannam).

Try writing an essay on it in the comments to this analysis or in our group topic

“The market, which is the pinnacle of economic freedom, is also the strictest taskmaster.”

The author believes that although the manufacturer has economic freedom, deciding for whom and what goods to produce, the market exists according to its own rules, economic laws, acting as a supervisor. The main law of the market is the law of supply and demand. Market price fluctuates between their values. To adapt to it, the seller has to reduce costs, increase productivity or improve technology. Thus, the market regulates pricing through supply and demand.

I agree with the author’s opinion, the market is characterized as a system based on freedom of choice and competition, entrepreneurship, but if you do not follow its rules, you can fall out of the system. One of the mechanisms of the economy is the principle of the invisible hand, which coordinates all decisions of buyers and sellers. Its essence lies in the combination of different producers who effectively realize the interests of the entire society. Profit ensures competent and harmonious distribution of all resources, that is, it balances supply and demand.

Let me remind you that an economic system is organizational methods, mechanisms for distributing economic resources for people’s needs. Depending on how the main issues of the economy are solved, an economic system can be defined. A market economy is characterized by the presence of market legislation, competition, and freedom of choice in decision-making. The market is an overseer, as it performs the most important functions: regulatory, that is, it coordinates economic activity without the state, intermediary, between supply and demand, pricing, stimulating. It is especially worth noting the role of the sanitizing function, when unnecessary products and companies leave the market, this is possible due to competition.

For example, SONY was forced to sell its share due to the low competitiveness of its products. The market frees itself from producers who do not follow the rules.

It is also important to remember the rational behavior of the manufacturer. Consider a situation where an entrepreneur opens a Gucci store in an area where the population is predominantly low level income. The store will not be able to sell goods, because in order to sell them it is necessary to reduce the price. This will lead to ruin. It is necessary to know the operation of market mechanisms for a business to prosper and generate income.

In the epic about Sadko, the merchant decided to buy all the goods in Novgorod. He sent his men to do this, but each time the market became full again. Sadko himself created demand and indirectly influenced the increase in supply. This situation could lead to a shortage of goods, therefore, it is important that the laws of supply and demand exist, which contribute to the successful functioning of the market.

Thus, the market is the overseer, without which the economic system would not be able to fully function.

Jan 19


“Planned Economy takes into account everything in its plans except the economy”

The author believes that in addition to the advantages, the command economy also has a number of disadvantages. The state plan determines how to produce goods; professional specialists, “planners,” decide what to produce. Because everything economic resources are owned by the state, it controls production and the price level.

I agree with the author’s opinion; a planned economy has significant disadvantages, and besides, it is not interested in economic life. All production is carried out according to state plans, in which inaccuracies are inevitable. For example, as a result of planning, a specialist may make an error in calculations, which will lead to a surplus or shortage of a certain product. Also, in the absence of competition and protectionist policies, domestic production stood still, without introducing innovation.

In the USSR, in the absence of choice, there was always a demand for goods, therefore, technology lagged behind advanced countries, workers were not interested in improving the quality of production.

We all know that a planned economy is an economic system in which material resources are publicly owned and distributed centrally, which obliges us to act in accordance with the plan. The state controls the production and distribution of goods, that is, a state monopoly of the economy dominates. After all, it uses administrative methods of management, orders, and establishes state pricing. When engaged in planning, she does not take into account the most important thing, the law of supply and demand. It turns out that the state does not take into account the needs of the population, does not think about the economic development of the country, focusing on the implementation of plans.

Another disadvantage is the lack of motivation for employees who do not see the point in hard work, on which their self-realization and position do not depend.

In Orwell's story "Animal Farm", a planned economy was established, the animals were assigned responsibilities, which they performed according to the plan. But one of the heroes of the story performed his duties poorly, without an incentive to work, for which there is already a pre-established reward. The result is stagnation of economic life.

IN modern times A planned economy does not exist in its pure form, because it does not give freedom to creativity and entrepreneurial activity. For example, China periodically loosens control over the economy to give impetus to growth in economic performance. In China on at the moment A number of concessions are allowed in relation to businessmen and private owners.

Thus, a planned economy, which is based on planning, does not always take into account the most important thing - the economy. While immersed in making plans, he does not pay due attention to economic life

Dec 18


The author wanted to convey to us the idea that taxes, as obligatory payments, perform certain functions (roles) in our lives and the functioning of the state. Taxes are necessary in order to live a full life as a citizen and be provided with the benefits of civilization that the state can give us. This is, first of all, social support, healthcare, transportation, utilities, military and education.

Let us define the essence of the term “tax” as a key concept in this statement. A tax is a mandatory payment levied by the state (central and local authorities) from individuals and legal entities to state and local budgets. The author uses the word “price” in his statement when talking about tax. Price is a form of expression of the value of goods, manifested in the process of their exchange. The form of expression of value can be not only monetary, but also in kind. A civilized society is a society based on the ideas of freedom, justice, reason, and law.

The state, designed to provide the best conditions for effective economic growth, needs resources to fulfill this mission. Such resources cannot be formed exclusively from the state’s own sources and income from state-owned enterprises. And the state, in order to generate its cash income, is forced to withdraw part of the income of the private sector.

When income is transferred to the state, there is a change of ownership. Resources are withdrawn free of charge. Such an unequal form of relations between the state, on the one hand, and private enterprises and individual citizens, on the other hand, indicates an unconditional form of monetary relations in which the parties are not equal partners.

The state forces the private sector to submit to macroeconomic and national interests.

The government pays pensions, social benefits, finances institutions, and ensures the security of the country. If citizens did not pay taxes, the state would not be able to provide for their lives; there are not enough resources.

The state pursues tax policy. Tax policy is a system of state measures in the field of taxation, which is built taking into account a compromise between the interests of the state and taxpayers. As part of the general economic policy of the state, it is determined by the goals of society. These goals formulate requirements for the tax base, the severity of taxation and methods of withdrawing income.

Thus, in the work we have done, we have proven the theory and I agree with it.

Dec 18


“In business, no chance is lost: if you ruin it, your competitor will find it” A. Marshall

The meaning of this statement is that in a modern market economy there is no need to lose a single chance. You need to try, take risks, otherwise others will take advantage of it.
Entrepreneurship is an economic activity characterized by the transformation of the surrounding world and aimed at making a profit. In a market economy, along with state property, there is private property - a form of ownership in which an individual has the right to own, use, and dispose of it. Certain conditions are necessary for the development of a market economy. One of them is competition - rivalry between participants in the market economy for the best conditions of production and purchase and sale. In the production of goods—products of labor produced for sale—producers use factors of production such as land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability. The manufacturer who is able to use these factors wisely will remain in the black. And in a competitive environment, it is especially important to analyze all opportunities and use them to the maximum if you want to succeed in business and make maximum profit.
Let us give examples to support this. The author of the Harry Potter novels, JK Kathleen Rowling, was refused several times by different publishers to publish her books. But one of them agreed to publish a series of her novels. Thus, those publishing houses that refused to cooperate with Joan missed the opportunity to make huge profits, because this work became very popular.
Another example would be historical fact. Christopher Columbus asked the Portuguese monarch for help to open the route to India, but he refused. Then Columbus was supported by Spain, which saw the benefit in this matter in time. As a result, America was discovered under the Spanish flag, and the country itself achieved the status of a world power.
Based on all this, we can conclude that A. Marshall’s expression can be useful for beginning entrepreneurs. Indeed, in a competitive environment, it is important to think through all options, use all opportunities and not be afraid to take risks. And only then will the business be doomed to success.

Nastya Sadovnikova. Yu-11

Dec 18


“The economic problem: how to take away from everyone in order to give to everyone more”

This statement reveals the problem of justice in the distribution of social benefits. This problem is relevant in a modern market economy.
The meaning of this statement is that in a modern society there is material inequality among people. And the main one economic problem– how to collect money from people and distribute it evenly among everyone. In my opinion, the author clearly reflected one of the problems of our time.
Let's turn to terminology. Modern society is characterized by social stratification - stratification. The reason for this was the different incomes of the population. Income, as we know, is money received as a result of activities. Regardless of income, every person must pay taxes - mandatory payments to the state treasury. Using these funds, the state produces public goods - benefits provided by the state to the entire society free of charge. That is, the state collects taxes from everyone and then distributes them in the form of production goods.
To support this statement, we can give an example from history. Communism is a socio-economic system characteristic of Soviet Russia, was based on social equality and public ownership of the means of production. That is, the state “took away” private property from everyone, but everyone was given the same amount of needs. We can say that we can consider the ideas of communism as an attempt to solve this economic problem.
Also good example The current tax system in the Russian Federation will serve. The state collects taxes from everyone in order to later transform them into public goods: free education, medicine and much more. That is, the state is taking steps to solve this economic problem.
Summing up common feature, I would like to note that by collecting taxes, the state performs the important function of producing public goods and ensuring equal access of people to them. And, perhaps, this economic problem is important and relevant for modern society.

Dec 18


“To remain healthy, a modern economy periodically needs a crisis” (V. Shwebel)

In my opinion, the author’s main idea is that economic crises improve the country’s economy and contribute to its modernization. In the author’s words, we are talking about the sanitizing function of the market, that is, in a competitive environment, ineffective firms go bankrupt and are removed from the market.
V. Shwebel discusses the modern market economy. On the one hand, it is a mixed economy, and on the other hand, it is an economy post-industrial society. The post-industrial type of society is characterized by certain features. Firstly, the importance of the service sector is growing. Secondly, the number of people employed in the field of material production is decreasing. Thirdly, there is an individualization of production. Fourthly, science has become a direct productive force, that is, the achievements of science are necessarily used in production. And information technologies are also actively used. A market economy is characterized by such features as a variety of forms of private property, competition, free pricing, economic freedom of economic entities, where the entrepreneur himself answers the three main questions of the economy, namely, what to produce?, how to produce?, for whom to produce? and chooses the form of entrepreneurship, and the consumer chooses what and from whom to buy that product or service, and is the “king of the market.” In other words, the consumer makes a demand, and if the manufacturer wants to make a profit, then he must produce the product for which there will be demand.
The cyclical nature of production is one of the failures of the market, as the economic recession hits the population hard. Economic cycle- This is a repeating change of economic downturns and upswings. The negative roles of economic downturns include: the ruin of firms, entrepreneurs suffer losses, unemployment increases, household incomes decrease and pessimism prevails in society. But the author draws attention to the positive role of economic downturns: weak firms that cannot work effectively go bankrupt, weak firms are removed from the market, the threat of ruin motivates entrepreneurs to improve their products, the crisis encourages them to modernize the country’s economy as a whole. In an economics lesson, the teacher told us about the situation that developed in 2014 in our country. The fact is that after 2014, an import substitution program began to develop in Russia. The government began to focus on the development of high-tech production. V.V. Putin set the task of reorienting the Russian economy, that is, to stop relying on the sale of oil and gas. Also, my dad told me how the crisis affected his farmer friend. Before Russia began to pay attention to its own products, the farmer was not particularly rich or useful. But after that, many shops and supermarkets began to purchase products from this farmer, namely meat, butter, sour cream, eggs. The farmer's income increased significantly and he opened his own factory for the production of dairy products.
Thus, the crisis helps to make the country's economy better by removing small and unnecessary firms from the market, and also helps to improve the economy as a whole.

Dec 18


I agree with N's opinion. Askeron, that the freedom of a market economy should be regulated by the authorities. Market economy is an economy based on the principles of free entrepreneurship, diversity of forms of ownership of the means of production, market pricing, contractual relations between economic entities, limited government intervention in the economic activities of entities. This is an economy organized on the basis of market self-regulation, in which the coordination of the actions of participants is carried out by the state, namely legislative and the judiciary directly. All entrepreneurs in a market economic system must conduct their activities without violating laws. A law is a normative legal act that is adopted in a special manner by a body legislative authorities or a referendum, has the highest legal force and regulates the most important social relations. Types of punishment can include fines, reprimands and even imprisonment.
An example of non-compliance with the law could be Norilsk Mining - metallurgical plant named after A. P. Zavenyagina. Pollutants are constantly being released into the atmosphere. This plant shows violation of environmental law.
All entrepreneurs must conduct their activities within the framework antimonopoly law Violation of this law will lead to insufficiently efficient distribution of resources, limitation of production, and inexplicable rise in prices.
That's why entrepreneurs A free market economic system, having demand, competition and supply, must operate within the bounds of the law.

Dec 18


Inflation is when your pockets are bursting with money, but you still don’t have enough to buy a new jacket. M.M. Mamich

In this statement, the author raises the topic of the influence of inflation on the life of society. M.M. Mamich points out that during inflation there is a sharp increase in the money supply, but in this case it has low purchasing power.

To clarify the proposed topic, let us recall a number of terms. Inflation is the depreciation of money, manifested in rising prices for goods and services that are not associated with an improvement in their quality. It is customary to distinguish three types of inflation: moderate, galloping and hyperinflation. Note that in everyday life It's normal to see moderate inflation. At this time, there is only an imperceptible increase in prices. However, this statement indicates the most dangerous type of inflation - hyperinflation. The reasons behind its emergence may be an increase in government spending, a reduction in real production, a monopoly of trade unions, or a monopoly of large firms. Whatever the reason, it is obvious that the consequences of inflation are negative. Since the economy is connected with each of the spheres of public life, inflation also affects the political, social, and spiritual spheres of society. There is a general decline in employment, which leads to unemployment and the emergence of social tension, depreciation of the savings fund, the emergence of speculation, depreciation of loans, etc. During hyperinflation, the state is forced to increase the issue of money, but their value is lost at an even faster rate, which leads to the fact that the population simply does not have time to satisfy their needs due to constantly rising prices. This can lead to marginalization and lumpenization of society as a whole. In such cases, the state is forced to take urgent measures to prevent hyperinflation.

An example of how inflation affects the population can be the plot famous work E.M. Remarque “Black Obelisk”. We see how hyperinflation unfolded after World War I in Germany. There were many factors that led to hyperinflation. For example, after the war, the country incurs huge government expenses, especially due to the payment of indemnities. It is difficult to track how quickly the value of stamps changes. Prices changed every day, so it was almost impossible to predict what they would be tomorrow. It is noteworthy that in the novel there is actually an episode when the main character tries to buy a new jacket, but despite the wads of money, it is difficult for him to do this, since this amount was not enough. Subsequently, all this led to a strong stratification of society into speculators, stockbrokers and ordinary employees and workers.

The strongest hyperinflation is observed in Venezuela, where interest rates exceed 13,000. One of the sites posted photographs of a resident sitting next to a large stack of national currency, but in reality they have a value of 3 US dollars. Due to hyperinflation, the population is unable to purchase necessary food and clothing. In general, the country is experiencing devastation, hunger, and food shortages.

Thus, due to the rapid rate of inflation, it is difficult to purchase the necessary goods and services. Hyperinflation negatively affects all areas of public life.

Dec 18


A smart state does not prevent its citizens from earning money, it only watches this, receiving profits in the form of taxes,” argued the American economist J. Feilan.

The author of this statement believes that the state does not need to interfere in the economic life of its country, and also that the state should not interfere with the desire of citizens to earn money, because in this way the state will receive taxes and develop its economic power. According to the author, a good, developed state will not interfere with limiting its citizens in earning money for the benefit of the state, giving it away in the form of taxes. By influencing economic growth and pursuing the right economic policy, maintaining a stable price level, monitoring the level of employment of the population, the state helps citizens by giving them confidence in what will happen tomorrow, and without interfering with their earning money, thereby collecting income for themselves. form of taxes.

I agree with J. Feilan that a good state will not constrain its citizens in earning money both for themselves and for the state. A normal state does not need to prevent citizens from earning money, because what more people earn, the more tax the state will receive. And with increasing profits, the economic growth of the country increases.

Tax is the basis for expanding the state budget. A mandatory payment that is collected by the authorities from any organizations or any individuals in order to ensure the finances of the country. Taxes go to the needs of the state, and also provide financing for the needs of people, for example: healthcare, education. Due to the fact that the tax is a mandatory and gratuitous payment, there are people who do not want to pay it. People hide from taxes for personal enrichment, but destroy the financing of our country and our social projects. And because of this, public benefits are reduced. That is why taxes are so important in our lives and for our lives, as well as in the economic life of the state, because our well-being depends on them.

I agree with J. Feilan's statement, but not completely. State management of the economy can indeed have a bad effect on the situation in the country. And a good example was the economy of the USSR. The state prohibited the work of private enterprise, therefore the state did not satisfy the needs of its people. The high point of the USSR's bad influence on the economy was the birth of the “shadow economy.” The fact that the state for many years was not able to solve problems became one of the reasons for the emergence of the “shadow economy”, the massive flight of capital abroad, the lack of full-scale foreign investment in the Russian economy, which hindered economic growth and the strengthening of statehood. The functioning of the tax system in the 90s showed many problems and contradictions, which prompted a government response to further reform the tax system.

I would like to believe that our state will become even smarter and more competent in its economic policy, because this will lead our country to economic growth and development, which we now really need. Taxes - necessary condition for state policy regarding the economy. Because it is taxes that ensure the well-being of people living in the territory of a given state.

Dec 18


Savings constitute the richest income. I. Stobey

How to learn to properly monitor your savings spending? Is it true that savings constitute the richest income? I will try to answer the question posed to you based on the statement of the Byzantine writer-compiler of the 5th century I. Stobaeus.

I believe that I. Stobey poses such a problem as the problem of the right choice. But why does it still arise? And each of us already knows that we are consumers. And our goal, the goal of the consumer, is to obtain all possible benefits from the consumption of goods and services purchased with our money. It is on this path to the goal that the consumer faces well-known issues such as limited funds, prices, and the like. In other words, we are limited in our ability to purchase, and this forces the manufacturer to resolve such issues as the cost of the product and its cheap production. From all this we can say that everyone must have a rational approach to spending savings and must have certain knowledge and skills . Then how can we learn to rationally save our income? After all, every resident of the country has income from different areas.

As you know, income is always divided into parts: the first is needed for the purchase of goods and services, the second is used to save our money. It all depends on the wages that earthlings receive. The more we receive, the lower our spending on needs will be, and therefore the more savings we will have.

In my opinion, I am confident that the standard of living of a citizen of any country on Earth mainly depends on both the size of his salary and the funds that he was able to accumulate over a certain period of time, but also on how skillfully he spends money on services and goods he needs. You shouldn’t forget that you can insure your money in certain things: in bonds, in real estate, in stocks - all this will help to preserve the funds you earn.

Saving a budget constitutes the greatest income, because if we spend our part of the savings correctly and also have additional income, then we will be able to buy ourselves more expensive services and things that we need. Since our savings are required for various cases in difficult life situations. So let’s say for a rainy day, for a time when there is no work, and so on. But we should not forget that if we spend our salary wisely and correctly, this allows us to increase our savings by a large amount, but if we started spending crazy, then this would not lead us to great things.

So, we can say that I. Stobey is right in calling savings the best income.

“Science is merciless. She shamelessly refutes favorite and habitual misconceptions” (N.V. Karlov)

We can quite agree with this statement. After all main goal scientific knowledge– the desire for objectivity, i.e. to study the world as it exists outside and independently of man. The result obtained should not depend on private opinions, preferences, or authorities. On the path to searching for objective truth, a person passes through relative truths and errors. There are many examples of this. Once upon a time, people were absolutely sure that the Earth was disk-shaped. But centuries passed, and the journey of Fernando Magellan refuted this misconception. People learned that the Earth is spherical. It was also a misconception geocentric system, which has existed for millennia. The discovery of Copernicus debunked this myth. The heliocentric system he created explained to people that all the planets in our system revolve around the Sun. The Catholic Church forbade the recognition of this truth for more than two hundred years, but in this case, science really turned out to be merciless to people’s misconceptions. Thus, on the way to absolute truth, which is final and will not change over time, science passes through the stage of relative truths. At first, these relative truths seem final to people, but time passes and with the emergence of new opportunities for a person to study a particular area, absolute truth appears. It refutes previously acquired knowledge, forcing people to reconsider their previous views and discoveries.

“Revolution is the transition from untruth to truth, from lies to truth, from oppression to justice, from deception and suffering to straightforward honesty and happiness.”

(Robert Owen)

A revolution is often called a social explosion, which is why, in my opinion, a revolution does not completely solve the problems that have arisen in life.

In Russia's historical past, the most significant revolution was the October 1917 revolution. Its most important result was the beginning of the construction of communism, which meant a radical change in the life of the entire country. And if this is the same truth, justice and honesty that Owen speaks of, then why is Russia now trying with all its might to join the Western model of development and doing everything to become a capitalist country in the full sense of the word? And this despite the fact that in Soviet era Russia has achieved a lot: it became a superpower, was the first to achieve human space flight, and won World War II. It turns out that the revolution did not lead our country to the truth. Moreover, by the end of 1991, Russia found itself on the brink of economic disaster and famine.

Is it necessary to talk about social revolutions, even if during the scientific and technological revolution in modern world many questions arise. Among them environmental problems, and rising unemployment, and terrorism.

On the one hand, during the scientific and technological revolution, healthcare is improved, the most hopeless patients are saved from death by the efforts of doctors, and on the other hand, weapons of mass destruction, including bacteriological ones, are produced. Means mass media Every day they cover millions of events taking place in all corners of the planet, informing and educating people, but at the same time, the media act as a manipulator of human consciousness, will, and reason.

Many more examples of revolutions can be cited, but the conclusion remains clear: a revolution is a multilateral and contradictory process, during which the problems being solved are replaced by others, often even more complex and confusing.

Religion is wisdom justified by reason

I completely agree with this statement and want to prove the truth of this saying using the example of famous BOOKS that contain such wisdom that humanity will always turn to.

New Testament. It is already 2 thousand years old. With his birth, he created an unprecedented, unprecedented excitement in hearts and minds, which has not calmed down to this day. And all this because it contains wisdom that teaches humanity kindness, humanism, and morality. This book, written simply and without any embellishment, captures the greatest mystery - the mystery of human salvation. People can only fulfill these Great Wisdoms: do not kill, do not steal, do not offend your neighbor, honor your parents. Is this bad wisdom? And when people forget to implement these wisdoms, misfortune awaits them. In our country, during the years of Soviet power, people were excommunicated from this book. All this led to the destruction of the spirituality of society, and therefore to lack of will. And even the communists, when drawing up their law - the Moral Code of the Communist, took as a basis the moral principles contained in the Bible. They just exposed them in a different form. This proves that the wisdom of this book is eternal.

Koran. This is the main book of Muslims. What is she calling for? Particular attention is paid to nobility, which, in turn, implies respect for parents. The Koran teaches Muslims to be firm in word and obligatory in deeds and actions. It condemns such base human qualities as lies, hypocrisy, cruelty, and pride. Is this bad wisdom? They are reasonable.

The given examples prove the correctness of the above statement. All world religions contain such wisdom that instructs people only to do good deeds. Showing people the way at the end of the tunnel.

Political strength is strong if and only if it is based on moral strength.

Of course, this statement is correct. Indeed, a politician must act based on moral laws. But for some reason, many people associate the word “power” with the opposite opinion. There are many supporting examples of this in history, ranging from ancient Roman tyrants (for example, Nero) to Hitler and Stalin. And modern rulers do not shine with examples of morality.

What's the matter? Why do deeply moral norms, such as honesty, conscience, commitment, truthfulness, in no way fit into political power?

Apparently, a lot has to do with the nature of power itself. When a person strives for power, he promises people to improve their lives, restore order, and establish fair laws. But as soon as he finds himself at the helm of power, the situation changes dramatically. Many promises are gradually forgotten. And the politician himself becomes different. He already lives by different standards, he has new views. Those to whom he promised are increasingly moving away from him. And others appear nearby who are always ready to be at the right moment: to advise, to suggest. But they no longer act in the interests of society, but in their own selfish interests. As people say, power spoils a person. Perhaps this is true. Or maybe there are other reasons? Coming to power, a politician understands that he is unable to cope with the burden of problems that the state faces: corruption, the shadow economy, organized crime. In such difficult conditions there is a retreat from moral principles. We have to act tough. It seems to me that it is better to rephrase this statement as follows: “A political fortress is strong if and only if it is based on the force of law.” For politics, this makes the most sense. Only the laws must also be moral...

“Knowledge of self-image accumulates already in early childhood... Another thing is self-awareness, awareness of one’s “I”. It is the result, the product of the formation of a person as an individual” (A. N. Leontyev)

Soviet philosopher, psychologist, teacher in his statement raises the problem of self-control as the relationship of one’s behavior with the norms of society. the need to understand one’s place in society was relevant in the 20th century and is still topical in the 21st. in youth, when choosing a path, a person tries to realize his purpose, to know himself. and only in adulthood does a person become aware of himself through the prism of the surrounding society, bearing responsibility not only for his actions.

One cannot but agree with the author that self-knowledge is the point of connection between the past and the future. man outside public relations"either an angel or a beast." A.I. Herzen wrote “Take away the social from a person and you get an orangutan.” self-knowledge begins with the fact that a person forms his spiritual world. The criteria for self-knowledge become the social role that a growing and then adult person will play in society, and the position that he will occupy.

An example is such a historical fact as the fact that Napoleon tried to enter the Russian service, but he was not accepted. subsequently, in the awareness of his “I2”, he simply needed to defeat Kutuzov’s army. Another example is V. Rasputin’s story “Fire”. The name itself is symbolic - it is a fire in the souls of people, the search for one’s “I”. One of the characters in this work says the following words: “We will live... it’s a hard thing... - .. to live in the world, but we still have to live...” faith in the triumph of reason, in the fact that everyone must understand how to live, how “ put out the fire that saves souls.

  • Philosophy,
  • Economy,
  • Political science,
  • Jurisprudence.

  • historical facts;
  • personal experience and observations;

3. Theoretical part

4. Factual part

5. Conclusion

Remember that

remember the terminology

write straight away

If you are “floating” in the topic

Essay similar to an essay, usually has a free composition and a small size. Although the task should seem easy, for some reason it frightens the students and takes them by surprise.

You will need

  • - educational literature;
  • - computer.


Think over a rough work plan. As a rule, an essay consists of a short introduction, which reveals the essence of the topic; the main part, which sets out the opinions of scientists on the subject of the story; the attitude of the author of the work to these opinions, as well as the conclusion, which provides brief conclusions about the research done. The last page of the essay indicates the sources used.

Select the required material. Write down the various points of view of scientists on the chosen topic on paper and note the order in which statements are used in your work.

Video on the topic

Please note

Check that all literature used is up to date. Textbooks should be no older than 8-10 years, periodicals - no older than 3-5 years.

To avoid being branded as a plagiarist, provide all citations with links indicating the author, title of the publication, and imprint.

Useful advice

When writing an essay, you should not use a lot of literature so that the work does not turn out to be too long and overloaded with unnecessary information.

When working with literature, it is not necessary to copy notes onto paper; you can immediately take them on the computer. This makes it easier to edit text.

When writing an essay, be careful and try not to make mistakes. After finishing the work, read it and correct any mistakes.

Essay By statement This short essay, in which you can demonstrate your knowledge not only in a specific discipline, but also information from related scientific subjects.


Choose one statement from those proposed as topics for the examination paper on which you will write an essay. It is important that it is clear and close to you. Remember that in order to justify your position regarding these words, you will need to make clear statements, and not just appeal to the fact that “it is immoral” or “in modern life it doesn't make sense." Think about what areas of knowledge you have in order to justify this information.

Reveal the meaning of the statement. To do this, simply describe what exactly the author wanted to say with these lines, as you see it. For each person, the same things mean different things, so your version cannot be correct or incorrect, any adequate thought has to exist. precisely in the context given by the scientific subject on which the essay is written. For example, you should not disclose value added tax in the sense if in the statement it is mentioned exclusively in the economic aspect.

Give reasons for your opinion. To do this, use the knowledge gained in the process of other sciences, but do not “get hung up” on this information. Additional justification is good if it only emphasizes your rightness. For example, when writing an essay on the statements of political figures, be sure to remember what historical events could influence his beliefs.

Formulate your own point of view regarding the statement. If you partially or completely disagree, suggest your own version of the phrase. Be sure to give reasons for exactly what you disagree with and why your position is more appropriate. Rely on own experience, on the facts of social life.

Related article


  • how to make an aphorism

Writing an essay is the last task in the Unified State Exam in social studies. And when preparing for an exam, it is this that raises the most questions. What are the requirements for the job, how is it assessed, and how to get maximum score for an essay on social studies?

What is a task

A mini-essay on the Unified State Exam in social studies is an alternative task. This means that the exam participant can choose from several proposed options the one that is closer and more interesting to him.

Essay topics are short quotes - aphorisms related to five blocks training course, one for each. Thematic areas the following statements:

  • Philosophy,
  • Economy,
  • Sociology, social psychology,
  • Political science,
  • Jurisprudence.

Of the five statements, you need to choose only one (the closest or most understandable) and write a mini-essay that reveals the meaning of the chosen aphorism and contains illustrative examples.

The “weight” of the social studies essay in the final points is quite small: about 8% of the total points. A perfectly written paper can earn only 5 primary points out of 62 possible, about 8%. Therefore, you should not approach the work as fundamentally as when writing an essay on the Russian language or essays on literature.

The compilers of the Unified State Examination themselves suggest taking 36-45 minutes to write an essay on social studies (this is exactly the time period indicated in the specification). For comparison: an essay on the Russian language takes 110 minutes, and a full-length essay on literature takes 115.

All this suggests that the approach to social science should be different: there is no need to create a “masterpiece”, there are no mandatory requirements for presentation style (or even literacy), and even the volume of work is not regulated. Here it is not necessary to write 150-350 words of text: after all, the task is positioned as a “mini-essay” and if you manage to reveal the idea briefly and succinctly, this will be welcome.

It is enough to simply demonstrate knowledge of the subject and the ability to find suitable examples to support your point of view - and express your thoughts coherently and convincingly on the exam form.

Criteria for assessing essays in social studies on the Unified State Exam

The essay is scored based on three criteria in total. To earn the maximum five points, you must meet the following "required minimum":

Reveal the meaning of the original statement, or at least demonstrate that you correctly understood what its author meant (1 point). This is a key point: if you did not understand the quote and received 0 points on the first criterion, the work will not be assessed further.

Demonstrate knowledge of theory(2 points). Here, to get a high grade, it is necessary to analyze the meaning of the statement, using the knowledge acquired during the study of the school social studies course, remember the main points of the theory, and use the terminology correctly. Incomplete compliance with the requirements, deviation from the original topic or semantic errors will result in the loss of one point.

Ability to find relevant examples(2 points). To receive the highest mark on this criterion, you must illustrate the problem with two (at least) examples - facts that confirm the main idea of ​​the essay. Moreover, they must be from sources different types. The sources can be

  • examples from fiction, feature films and documentaries;
  • examples from popular science literature, the history of various branches of science;
  • historical facts;
  • facts gleaned while studying other school subjects;
  • personal experience and observations;
  • media reports.

If only personal experience is used as examples or examples of the same type are given (for example, both from fiction), the score is reduced by a point. A zero for this criterion is given if the examples do not correspond to the topic or if there is no information at all.

Social studies essay writing plan

There are no strict requirements for the structure of the essay - the main thing is to reveal the meaning of the statement, demonstrate knowledge of the theory and support it with facts. However, given that there is not much time to think, you can stick to a standard essay plan that includes all the necessary elements.

1. The optional part is the introduction. General statement of the problem (one or two sentences). In an essay on social studies, this point of the plan can be omitted and go straight to the interpretation of the proposed aphorism, but schoolchildren often find it difficult to deviate from the usual compositional scheme, when the “gist of the matter” is preceded by general reasoning. Therefore, if you are used to starting with an introduction, write it, if this is not important for you, you can omit this point, the points will not be reduced for this.

2. Revealing the meaning of the original statement– 2-3 sentences. There is no need to quote in full; it is enough to refer to its author and state the meaning of the phrase in your own words. It must be remembered that, unlike an essay in Russian, where it is necessary to isolate a problem, an essay in social science can be devoted to a phenomenon, a process, or simply a statement of fact. To reveal the meaning of a statement, you can use templates like “In the proposed statement, N.N (a famous philosopher, economist, famous writer) considers (describes, talks about ...) such a phenomenon (process, problem) as ..., interpreting it as ... " or “The meaning of the statement ( expressions, aphorisms) N. N is that...”

3. Theoretical part(3-4 sentences). Here it is necessary to confirm or refute the author’s point of view, relying on the knowledge gained in class and using special terminology. If you agree with the author’s point of view, then, by and large, this part is a detailed translation of the original phrase into “textbook language.” For example, if the author called children’s games in the yard a “school of life”, you will write about what institutions of socialization are and the role they play in the process of an individual’s assimilation of social norms. Here you can also quote quotes from other philosophers, economists, etc., confirming main idea text - however, this is not a mandatory requirement.

4. Factual part(4-6 sentences). Here it is necessary to give at least two examples confirming the theses put forward in the previous paragraph. In this part it is better to avoid " common words” and talk about specifics. And do not forget to indicate sources of information. For example, “experiments devoted to” have been repeatedly described in popular science literature; “as we know from the school physics course...”, “ writer N,N. in his novel “Untitled” he describes the situation…”, “on the shelves of the supermarket opposite my school you can see...”.

5. Conclusion(1-2 sentences). Since an essay on social studies on the Unified State Exam is, by and large, evidence of a certain theoretical position- you can complete the essay by summing up what has been said. For example: “Thus, both real-life examples and reading experience suggest that...”, followed by a restatement of the main thesis.

Remember that the main thing is to correctly reveal the meaning of the statement. Therefore, when choosing from the proposed options, take a quote whose interpretation is beyond your doubts.

Before you start writing the text, remember the terminology on the topic. Write them down on a draft form so you can use them later in your work.

Choose the most suitable examples on the topic. Remember that examples from literature may not be limited to works school curriculum– on the social studies exam you can use any arguments as arguments. literary works. We should not forget that relying on reading experience in the case of social studies is not a priority: remember cases from life; news heard on the radio; topics discussed in society and so on. Also write down the selected examples on the draft form.

Since literacy, style and composition of the text are not graded, if you are confident enough to express your thoughts in writing, it is better not to waste time writing a full draft. Limit yourself to drawing up a thesis plan and write straight away- this will help save time.

Start the essay after you have answered all other questions.– otherwise you may not fit in on time and lose more points than you gain. For example, the first four tasks with detailed answers (based on the text read) can give a total of 10 primary points (twice as much as an essay), and formulating answers to them usually takes much less time than writing a mini-essay.

If you are “floating” in the topic and you feel that you cannot write an essay with maximum points - do this task anyway. Every point is important - and even if you only manage to correctly formulate the topic and give at least one example “from life” - you will receive two primary points for your social studies essay on the Unified State Exam, which is much better than zero.