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How many days are spring break in the year? Holidays in quarters

Vacations are periods of rest from studying for schoolchildren.

In Moscow, the vacation schedule is set by the city Department of Education. It is the same for all schools.

Autumn vacation

The period of autumn school holidays depends on the educational system adopted at the school.

Students have a quarterly break in the fall once: at the end of October - beginning of November. The holidays last one week.

Students have two trimester holidays in the fall: in October and November. Each holiday lasts one week.

Autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in quarters (Moscow and regions of the Russian Federation)

For students in quarters in Moscow and other regions of Russia, the autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will be held from Monday October 30 to Monday November 6, 2017 inclusive. In fact, the rest will begin on Saturday October 28 (with a five-day training system). Schoolchildren will return to classes on Tuesday, November 7.

November 6th will be an additional day off for the holiday week. This is due to the fact that Saturday, November 4, is National Unity Day. According to Labor Code In the Russian Federation, weekends in honor of public holidays that fall on Saturday or Sunday are transferred to the next working day. In 2017 it is Monday 6 November.

Autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying by trimester (Moscow)

For students by trimester in Moscow, the autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday October 2 to Sunday October 8, 2017 (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday September 30 - with a five-day training system);
  • from Monday November 6 to Sunday November 12, 2017 (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday November 4).

Autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying by trimester (regions of the Russian Federation)

For students by trimester in the regions of Russia (all except Moscow), the autumn holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday October 9 to Sunday October 15, 2017 (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday October 7 - with a five-day training system);
  • from Monday November 20 to Sunday November 26, 2017 (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday November 18 - with a five-day training system).

Cancellation of holidays

Administration educational institution may cancel the fall holidays if the school has already been closed for quarantine this fall.

Several times a year, busy school days are replaced by time for relaxation and entertainment. Primary and high school students spend this time having fun and interestingly. Educational trips, meeting with friends, reading interesting books and favorite hobbies fill free days. Autumn holidays at school in 2017, no matter what date they start and how many days they last, are a wonderful opportunity for students to relax and take a break from daily lessons.


In all educational institutions in the Russian Federation, days of long-awaited rest are determined depending on the form of education.

The system of classes in quarters involves rest after the end of this period, summing up and grading.

In autumn, the vacation period always begins the same way: from the last Saturday in October to the first Sunday in November.

In 2017, the national holiday National Unity Day falls on a Saturday, so November 6 will be a day off.

At the end of the first quarter, schoolchildren will have a rest from October 28 to November 6. The week of classes will begin on Tuesday, after ten vacation days.

For educational institutions that have a trimester form of education, a different schedule is provided. One of the features of the trimester system is frequent weekly breaks, which allow students to take a break from the intense workload.

Schoolchildren studying in trimesters are given a vacation week after five weeks of classes, so in the fall they will be able to go on vacation twice. Parents will have to organize their child’s leisure time from October 9 to October 15. This is the first break, which will allow students to recuperate, then students will have a break from studying from November 20 to 26.

Approved schedule

The Ministry of Education is responsible for annual planning of the training schedule. Taking into account weekends, as well as dates of public holidays, the schedule for the year, the start and end dates of the holiday are determined.

The deadlines proposed by the Ministry of Education can be adjusted in each specific school, as they are advisory in nature.

The administration of the educational institution independently determines from what date the autumn holidays at school will begin in 2017, depending on the program and form of education. The number of vacation days is also decided on an individual basis.

The only important limitation is that the recommended dates cannot be moved forward by more than two weeks.

Change of dates in 2017

In some cases, school administrators may deviate significantly from the dates recommended by ministry officials. This is due to emergency circumstances and failure to complete the annual program. In some regions, the learning process may be affected by weather conditions.

Due to severe frosts in winter and spring floods, classes may be canceled for a long time. In this case, the vacation days earned by students may be shortened or postponed to another time.

Lessons may be canceled for quite a long period, which will significantly affect the future training schedule.

Not only the administration of an educational institution, but also the parent committee can influence the autumn holidays in schools. From what date the carefree period for students will begin is determined by a joint decision, provided there are justified reasons for postponing the recommended dates.

The importance of proper rest

The first fall break from school after a fun summer is very important for a child’s future academic performance. Teachers and child psychologists advise spending this time actively, devoting time to sports and walks in the fresh air.

In autumn, the heating season and epidemics of viral diseases begin, so it is recommended to devote time free from study to strengthening the immune system. The child needs to be distracted from computer games and modern gadgets.

Interesting trips and communication with nature will allow the student to take a break from intense workloads and prepare for the next period of classes.

The ability of educational institutions to independently adjust the schedule educational process a convenient tool that allows the administration to quickly respond to changes.

However, the set dates do not always coincide with breaks in additional educational institutions, so students are unable to fully escape from their daily activities. There are also disadvantages to organizing large-scale children's events, rallies, and Olympics.

Difficulties may arise with organizing a trip or additional courses abroad. Therefore, it is important for students and parents to know in advance when the autumn holidays at school begin in 2017 and from what date it will be possible to plan the student’s leisure time.

Holidays, regardless of the time of year, the most favorite time for all students. Both first grade students and school graduates are waiting for them. The 2017-2018 school year St. Petersburg holidays, which all young St. Petersburg residents dream of, are no exception.

During the holidays, you can play a variety of exciting games with your peers, go out of town and enjoy nature, and also visit loved ones living in another city.

When do school holidays start?

Every year, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation draws up a schedule of school holidays, which is advisory in nature. Educational institutions develop their vacation schedules, taking into account the recommendations of a higher authority.

The question arises: why is this procedure repeated every year? The answer to this question is very simple. Weekends and holidays change every year, which requires constant adjustment of the educational process. Agree that it is not logical to set the start of the holidays on some holiday or day off.

At the beginning of each school period, the developed schedules are approved by the administration of educational institutions and brought to the attention of all students and their parents.

In different educational organizations Vacation dates may differ, despite the fact that teaching is conducted according to the same program. This applies to both the city of St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.

The vacation schedule for 2017-2018 has not yet been approved by the Ministry of Education. This procedure takes place six months before the start of the educational process.

At the same time, this does not prevent you from independently calculating the beginning and end of the holidays, taking into account recent experience. In this process, it is important to take into account the dates of holidays and weekends, as well as the form of education at school.

Currently, two forms of education are common in schools in the Russian Federation:

  • by quarters;
  • by trimester.

Training by trimesters

If the old system has already been tested and is known to everyone, then the new form of training in trimesters is just beginning to operate in the Russian Federation. Let's try to figure out what its specifics are.

This training system was developed by Russian specialists involved in hygiene and training students in the Russian Federation. Scientists from a special research institute noticed that after five weeks of the educational process, students’ assimilation sharply decreases. This was the reason for the development new system training. At present, it is impossible to clearly assess the effectiveness new form. So far there are interim research results on this matter. Time will tell whether the choice of the trimester system was correct.

Vacation schedule for schools teaching in quarters

First in the academic year 2017-2018. there will be autumn holidays. They will begin at the end of October and last until the beginning of November. The end of the holidays during this period will be affected by National Unity Day, which will be celebrated on Saturday 11/04/17. According to existing legislation, the day off must be moved to 11/06/17, so the autumn holidays will last from 10/28/17 to 11/06/17 inclusive.

Winter holidays in St. Petersburg will begin, as in all educational institutions in Russia, at the end of December and will last until 01/10/18. Usually this is the first working day after the long January holidays. Thus, taking into account the experience of past years, winter holidays for schoolchildren will be within the range: 12/25/17 – 01/10/18.

Children entering 1st grade will be able to take advantage of additional days off. This was done so that the fragile children’s body could fully recover and be ready to receive new knowledge by January 10, 2018. As a result, the winter holidays for first-graders will begin six days earlier - 12/19/17 and end on 01/09/18.

Spring break will traditionally begin at the end of March and last until the beginning of April 2018. There will be no holidays in the country during this period, so these holidays will depend only on weekends. Based on the experience of past years, spring break will take place from 03/26/18 to 04/01/18.

Summer holidays, as a rule, take a full three months. This is the most fertile time for all schoolchildren in Russia. You can forget about textbooks for a while and completely devote yourself to relaxation.

In fact, summer weekends are approved in different educational organizations in different ways. There are educational institutions where vacations last 2-3 months. In addition there is educational organizations, in which certain tasks are given for the summer period. We must not forget that there are always students who lag behind the existing curriculum, so they are forced to improve their knowledge before the start of the next educational process.

Summer holidays should be spent meaningfully and profitably. If necessary, you can help your parents with household chores or start learning something new. You need to skillfully plan your free time to not only gain strength, but also to do something useful.

Holidays in schools with training in trimesters

In such educational institutions, calculating vacation dates is much easier than in standard schools. Here training is conducted according to the 5+1 formula. Five weeks go by educational process, after which a week-long vacation begins. That is, every 35 days alternate with a week-long vacation. The exception is winter holidays. Here they completely coincide with schools in which training takes place in quarters.

The following table gives an idea of ​​what holidays look like in a trimester school:

Holidays Term
Autumn 09.10.17 – 15.10.17 and 20.11.17-26.11.17
Winter 12/25/17 – 01/08/18 and 02/19/18 – 02/25/18
Spring 09.04.18 – 15.04.18
Summer 01.06.18 – 31.08.18

Possible deviations in the vacation schedule

IN Lately, schoolchildren from different cities of Russia noticed that their vacation dates did not coincide. This may be due to many reasons, including the fact that in many schools in the Russian Federation the educational process proceeds at different speeds. That is, some educational institutions conduct training according to the schedule, others proceed ahead of schedule, and still others lag behind the established pace of the educational process. The latter may be due to various force majeure circumstances. It can be:

  • severe frosts, which were observed more than once in Siberia;
  • floods are not uncommon in Far East;
  • epidemics of influenza and other diseases affecting last years Ural and Central regions of Russia.

Missing classes for the above reasons can significantly disrupt the educational schedule and cause not only a postponement of the start of the holidays, but even a reduction in them. For any changes to the vacation schedule, the opinions of teachers and, if necessary, the parent committee of the educational institution are taken into account.

The next school year is just beginning, but many schoolchildren and their parents are already interested in the first holidays in 2017. Some people are planning their fall vacation abroad or in Russia, while others find it difficult to get back into the educational process after a summer vacation and want to relax again. Be that as it may, it is really worth reminding when students have a break from school this fall. When will the autumn holidays be in the 2017-2018 school year, from what date does school holidays begin? various shapes organization of the educational process.

What date do autumn holidays at school begin in 2017?

Start date of autumn holidays 2017-2018 school year depends on the form in which the educational process is organized in a particular school. In recent years, two different modes of education have been used in our country. In addition to the traditional four quarters, so-called trimesters have become widespread in Russia, when four weeks of study are followed by one week of rest.

Thus, in schools with a modular teaching mode (the same terms) autumn holidays will pass from 1 to 8 October And from 5 to 12 November.

Where it is used traditional teaching mode , the autumn holidays of the new school year will be held from October 29 to November 6.

It should be noted that in those schools where quarters, which are familiar to all of us since Soviet times, are used, the vacation dates may be different.

The fact is that above are only the recommended dates for the autumn holidays. They can shift for a couple of weeks in one direction or another. Russian schools, in principle, are not required to adhere to any single rest schedule. Everything is left to the discretion of school directors, who must only adhere to some general rules.

The scope of the vacation may be adjusted, for example, in connection with the previously introduced quarantine and the days lost because of this (although this, of course, is more relevant for winter holidays), as well as at the insistence of parents, if they present logical, well-founded arguments to the director, etc.

In practice, of course, students from all schools are on holiday more or less at the same time, so the autumn holidays would have to take place in the first week of November, give or take one week. The exact dates should be clarified with a specific educational institution, especially if the interest is related to some plans for the fall, family trips, etc.

Please also note that the 2017 autumn holidays are on Monday, November 6th.

The fact is that November 6 will be an official day off in Russia; the day off in connection with National Unity Day will be moved to this date. This public holiday falls this time on Saturday.

P.S. Finally, do not forget that quite often a special vacation schedule is used in primary school, especially for first-graders. Additional weeks of rest are usually introduced for them, since children at this age find it quite difficult to study on a schedule that is the norm for middle-aged and older students.

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The first month of the next school year is coming to an end in Russian schools. Schoolchildren have managed to get involved in the educational process after the summer holidays, but many of them, of course, are counting the days until the next holidays. Let's find out when the autumn holidays will be in the 2017-2018 school year, can we call exact dates when the autumn holidays begin, what features are there in establishing a school holiday period.

Autumn holidays at school in 2017: what date does it start from?

Most Russian schools use the same system of organizing the school year that existed in Soviet education. Four quarters: two before the new year and two after it, which are separated by autumn, winter and spring holidays. In such schools, accordingly, there are only autumn holidays.

Schoolchildren who study in educational institutions that use a different system, the trimester system, have a rest period twice in the autumn. The trimester divides the school year not into four parts, but into three, but at the same time, schoolchildren have no fewer vacations, but on the contrary, more. A week of rest divides the trimester in half, and another week completes the trimester.

As for what date the autumn holidays begin in Russian schools in 2017, then, accordingly, the date depends on what system of organizing the educational process is used by a particular school.

Trimesters in schools are still rather an exception; there are relatively many such schools except in Moscow. For most Russian schools, traditional autumn holidays after the first quarter are more relevant.

As you can see, the dates are quite approximate, which is due to the fact that Russian legislation has not set the dates for school holidays for a long time. Usually everything is decided at the level of the region, city, and sometimes even a specific school. For example, the Moscow Department of Education, by its order, established autumn holidays in schools for the period from October 29 to November 6, 2017. In St. Petersburg, the local education committee has set dates from October 30 to November 7.

Formally, the difference is not so great, but in fact, since October 29 is a Sunday, St. Petersburg schoolchildren will have a longer vacation.

Autumn holidays will take place on approximately the same dates in other Russian schools; the discrepancy is unlikely to be significant. As you can see, school holidays overlap with three-day mini-vacations in November for adults in connection with the 4th November holiday. Both adults and children will have a rest from November 4 to 6. Parents will go to work on November 7, schoolchildren in some cases on the same day, in others a little later.

As for schools that use trimesters, as we noted just above, they will have autumn holidays twice.

The dates of autumn holidays for the 2017-2018 academic year in such schools are as follows:

  • from October 1 to October 8,
  • from November 5 to 12.

Thus, in schools where the educational process is organized on the basis of a trimester system, the second autumn holidays also fall on the November holidays.

For those parents or schoolchildren for whom the exact dates when school holidays begin and end at a particular school are important (for example, if you are planning a family vacation, adjusting your own vacation to your child’s vacation, etc.), it is best to contact your school’s website for more accurate information. If the school website does not contain such information, then you should contact the secretary, class teacher or other people who have official information on this matter. We can only give general information.