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Military Institute of Physical Culture. Military Institute of Physical Culture (VIFK) The procedure for the preliminary selection of candidates entering for training as cadets in programs with full and secondary military special training

The Military Institute of Physical Culture (VIFK) is a unique educational institution of higher professional education of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The main direction of the university is the training and retraining of qualified specialists in the field of army sports and physical culture for the Armed Forces Russian Federation. In addition, the institute trains qualified personnel for various military departments of foreign countries.

Military Institute of Physical Culture (founded October 1, 1909)

History of the Institute

The Military Institute of Physical Culture is also one of the first educational institutions Armed Forces in the history of the USSR. The educational institution began its history back in the days Russian Empire. By decree of the Emperor, on May 17, 1909, the Main Gymnastics and Fencing School was organized in St. Petersburg. She reported directly to the Commander-in-Chief of the Guard and the Military District of St. Petersburg.

The school brought together the best teachers in the field of army sports. In those years, the teaching staff included such eminent athletes as Eimelus, Vihra, Raevsky and many others. Athletes trained at the school were members of national teams in various types sports From the day the institute was founded, the traditions and glory of the educational institution in sports victories were laid.

After the Great October revolution The school was reorganized, becoming the Soviet Military Main Gymnastics and Fencing School in Petrograd. A significant period in the history of the institute was 1932, when the Red Banner Military Faculty was formed in Moscow at the Central State Institute physical culture. This period became key because the educational program of universities was introduced.

After the start of the Great Patriotic War The institute was stationed in Moscow, and the life of the educational institution switched to martial law. Most of the teachers and students were at the front in active units of the Red Army. The duration of study in the main program was reduced to one year, and in the additional department to three months. In addition to qualified specialists in the field of physical education, the school trained command staff for rifle, reconnaissance, airborne, ski and other combat units.

Teachers and graduates of the Red Banner Faculty fulfilled their military duty with honor. The valor and courage of nine of them (A.S. Zheltov, S.A. Savushkin, B.E. Kovalenko, L.V. Kudakovsky, N.V. Kopylov, D.A. Balakhanov, V.B. Mironov, F I. Perkhorovich, N. S. Ugryumov) were awarded the Gold Star medal and the honorary title Hero Soviet Union.

After the war, it was decided to reorganize the faculty into an independent higher education institution with a permanent location in Leningrad. The institute was formed in a building belonging to the Life Guards of the Moscow Regiment. The educational institution is still located here today.

The Military Institute of Physical Culture (VIFK) was visited by the outstanding wrestler Alexander Karelin

In the first few years after the war, a huge amount of work was carried out to restore destroyed buildings, organize training, everyday life, and sports for cadets and students. In the post-war years, both the institute's national teams and individual athletes set records and won USSR championships.

The history of Olympic victories of university graduates began in the early 50s; today the list of Olympic Games champions consists of 50 names. Among them are such sports legends as Vyacheslav Fetisov, Nikolai Puchkov, Vladimir Belousov and others.

More than a century of experience in training qualified personnel in military applied and various sports fields to solve the problem of sports readiness of military personnel for combat training in various military units demonstrates the importance of the educational institution and significant potential in military policy.

Since 2015, a sports school for children demonstrating high achievements in sports and physical training (Cadet Corps) has been created on the basis of the Military Institute of Physical Culture.

University structure

The institute has 12 departments with different specializations:

  1. Overcoming obstacles and hand-to-hand combat.
  2. Tactics and combined arms disciplines.
  3. Accelerated movement and ski training.
  4. Russian language.
  5. Foreign languages.
  6. Theory and organization of service-applied physical training, physical culture and sports.
  7. Psychological-pedagogical and legal basis service-applied physical training.
  8. Natural science disciplines and medical support for service-applied physical training.
  9. Mountain training, survival and orienteering.
  10. Gymnastics, athletic training and sports games.
  11. Military special training.
  12. Military applied swimming and light diving training.


During its existence, the institute was twice awarded high awards:

  1. In 1921, the institute was awarded the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner.
  2. In 1943, the educational institution was awarded the Order of the Red Banner (for the heroism of its graduates and significant contribution to the preparation of recruits for the Red Army).
The Military Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner (1943)

Admission conditions

Persons with secondary general education and meeting the following criteria can apply to study at the institute under the full program of military-special training:

  1. Didn't pass military service.
  2. Age from 16 to 20 years.
  3. Those who have completed military service or military personnel undergoing compulsory military service under the age of 24.
  4. Military personnel undergoing contract service (with the exception of officers) up to 27 years of age.

The secondary military special training program considers candidates who have completed general secondary education before the age of 30. All citizens who wish to become VIFK cadets must have a sports category of at least 2 in one of the sports or have the title of master of sports.

Applicants to the university must have sports titles or sports ranks of at least second in one of the sports

Preliminary selection of cadets is carried out at military commissariats at the place of registration of citizens. For future cadets, the following requirements are imposed for the possibility of being sent to a university for entrance examinations:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • appropriate age and level of education;
  • health compliance;
  • compliance with physical requirements preparation.

Citizens who have not served in the military or who have served conscript service in the Armed Forces submit an application to the military commissariat at their place of residence before April 20 (students in secondary educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense submit an application addressed to the head).

Military personnel submit a report addressed to the unit commander before April 1 of the year of admission to the institute. Attached to the application or report:

  • copy of birth certificate and passport;
  • autobiography;
  • characteristics (from place of study, service, work);
  • a copy of documents on existing education;
  • military service card;
  • a copy of the document on the assignment of a sports title or category;
  • photographs of the established sample.

If a candidate is a member of the national team in any sport, he must also present copies of documents confirming membership in the sports organization.

The solemn ceremony of taking the Military oath at the VIFK

After passing the preliminary selection, the above documents are sent to the institute by May 20, including data from a medical examination, psychological selection and personal files (for contract military personnel). Based on the documents received, the admission committee of the institute selects candidates for professional selection. The decision is sent to the military commissariat at the place of registration and personally to the candidate before June 20 of the year of admission. Citizens admitted to professional selection must come to the institute with all documents.

Professional selection is carried out by the selection committee and includes the following activities:

  • determination of suitability for admission for health reasons;
  • determining the category of professional suitability based on psychological and physical research;
  • assessment of the level of training in general education disciplines;
  • grade vocational training based on additional tests;
  • physical fitness assessment.

Based on the results of professional selection, candidates are divided into 4 categories:

  1. Recommended first.
  2. Recommended.
  3. Conditionally recommended.
  4. Not recommended.

Candidates who receive the “not recommended” category are considered unsuccessful. All candidates undergo a general physical test consisting of a 100 meter run, a 3000 meter run and a 100 meter swim. Depending on the department chosen for admission, candidates are subject to additional tests.

Military hand-to-hand combat training at the Military Institute of Physical Culture

Department of Overcoming Obstacles and Hand-to-Hand Combat:

  • army hand-to-hand combat;
  • boxing;
  • wrestling (freestyle, Greco-Roman, judo, sambo).

Department of Gymnastics, Athletic Training and Sports Games:

  • gymnastics;
  • weight-lifting;
  • volleyball;
  • hockey.

Department of Accelerated Movement and Ski Training:

  • biathlon;
  • ski race;
  • Athletics;
  • polyathlon (winter, summer).

Department of military applied swimming and light diving training:

  • sport swimming.

Department of Military Special Training:

  • shooting and shooting sports.

Department of Mountain Training, Survival and Orienteering:

  • orienteering;
  • rock climbing.

Candidates who enter other sports are tested in pentathlon:

  1. 60m run.
  2. 1000m run.
  3. Throwing a grenade.
  4. 50m freestyle swimming.
  5. Pull-up on the bar.

For more detailed information For information on the procedure for preparatory and professional selection, additional tests and conditions for enrollment in the institute, it is recommended to visit the official website of the educational institution.

VIFK is located in the city of St. Petersburg, not far from the Vyborgskaya metro station. This is the only institute that provides professional education for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

This institution trains real officers - specialists in physical training and sports. Graduates have an excellent opportunity to serve both on ships, in military units, and in other departments and structures. Those who graduate from VIFK subsequently train navy and army soldiers, as well as personnel of other structures, teach physical, moral - combat, psychological qualities, and also achieve the most high levels their development. Olympic champion V. Bykov, coach of the Russian national hockey team, was one of the VIFK students. He believes that it was thanks to his training at this institution that he led our team to victory in the World Championship.

In order to get into this institute the most an important condition is a sports category of at least 2nd.

Since physical training is part of training, the main standards are considered:

The Military Institute of Physical Culture is the only Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Russia, providing training and retraining for Armed Forces qualified specialists with higher and secondary vocational education in physical education and sports, as well as providing additional linguistic training in the course “Translator in the field of professional communication”.

Duration of study at the institute: according to programs higher education - 5 years; by program secondary education- 2 years 10 months.

Graduates of the institute with higher professional education are awarded military rank "lieutenant" and a state diploma of higher professional education with the qualification “specialist in service-applied physical training” is issued. They are appointed to the following positions: commander of a platoon of physical training instructors of a military unit; assistant commander of a military unit for physical training - head of physical training of a military unit; teacher of physical education, physical training at a military educational institution.

Main directions professional activity a graduate of the institute with higher education are: maintaining high combat readiness of military personnel and military units using methods of service-applied physical training; organizing and managing the process of physical training of military units, improving and comprehensively ensuring the physical readiness of military personnel, as well as planning and conducting various sports events with military personnel, members of their families and civilian personnel of the RF Armed Forces.

Graduates of the institute with secondary vocational education are issued a state diploma of secondary vocational education with the qualification “specialist in physical culture and sports”, and they are appointed to the positions of physical training instructors. The training of instructors is carried out in accordance with the profile of their official activities and taking into account the following sports specialization: athletic training; accelerated movement (ski training) and orientation; hand-to-hand combat; mountain training and overcoming obstacles; military applied swimming and light diving training; practical shooting and grenade throwing; survival.

The main areas of professional activity of a graduate of the institute with secondary education are the improvement and comprehensive provision of physical readiness of military personnel in the profile of their sports specialization. During their service, they are given the opportunity to constantly improve their personal sports skills, as well as skills in coaching and refereeing. The purpose of a graduate of the institute with a secondary education with the profile “survival instructor” is related to the implementation job responsibilities in complex extreme conditions, which will require him to acquire an increased level of special, sports and general physical fitness in the process of studying at VIFK.

Cadets are trained in curriculum, which includes more than 50 disciplines (military, special, theoretical, etc.): gymnastics and athletic training, athletics and ski (alpine skiing) training, obstacle course overcoming, mountain training, hand-to-hand combat, swimming, light diving training, tactics, shooting, theory and organization of service-applied physical training in the military, survival in various conditions, anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, psychology and psychotraining, military and sports pedagogy, management of physical culture and sports, foreign languages, driving motor vehicles and small boats, etc.

During the training period, cadets are provided with accommodation in a dormitory on the territory of the institute, clothing, including sports equipment, food, and monetary allowance.


Address 194044, St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky Prospekt, 63 Telephone

Federal state government military educational
institution of higher education "Military Institute of Physical Culture" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) is the only institution of higher education in Russia that provides training and retraining for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of qualified specialists with higher and secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports, physical training, service-applied physical training.

1.1. Full-time training at the Institute.

1.2. Training period:

1.2.1. According to the program with full military special training (higher education) - 5 years.

Graduates of the Institute with higher education are awarded the military rank of “lieutenant” and are issued a diploma of higher education.

They are appointed to the following positions:

  • teacher of the department of physical training of universities of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and teacher of a separate discipline (physical culture) of pre-university educational institutions Russian Ministry of Defense;
  • assistant commander of a military unit for physical training - head of physical training of a military unit;
  • commander of a platoon of physical training instructors of a military unit.

Appointments are made to positions in military units of all branches and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as other federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by law.

The main areas of professional activity of a graduate of the Institute with higher education are:

  • organization, provision and conduct of service-applied physical training;
  • management and administrative and economic activities in the field of physical culture and sports;
  • physical education, education, research activities;
  • sport, motor recreation, rehabilitation, propaganda healthy image life.

1.2.2. According to the program with secondary military special training (secondary vocational education) - 2 years 10 months.

Graduates of the Institute who successfully complete the secondary military training program are issued a diploma of secondary vocational education with the qualification “Teacher in Physical Culture and Sports”, and they are appointed to the positions of physical training instructors in military units of all branches of the armed forces and branches of the Armed Forces Russian Federation.

The main areas of professional activity of a graduate of the Institute with secondary vocational education are:

  • organization, provision and conduct of physical and special training in units and divisions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • physical education, motor recreation, rehabilitation and promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the interests of military service.

1.3. In accordance with paragraph 7 of Art. 35 Federal Law dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On military duty and military service” (as amended by Federal Law dated October 5, 2015 No. 274-FZ) citizens expelled from military educational institutions of higher education for indiscipline, poor performance or unwillingness to study or those who refuse to enter into contracts for military service, are reimbursed for federal budget funds spent on their military or special training. The procedure for calculating refundable funds is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

1.4. These Admission Rules have been developed taking into account the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, on the basis of Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 185 dated April 7, 2015 “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for admission to educational organizations higher education, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation,” Art. 70, 71 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Requirements for candidates applying

2.1. Citizens with secondary general education are considered as candidates for admission to the Institute to study as cadets in programs with full military-special training:

  • citizens aged 16 to 22 years who have not served in the military;
  • citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription - until they reach the age of 24 years;
  • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (except for officers) entering the Institute for training under programs with full military special training - until they reach the age of 27 years.

2.2. Citizens with secondary general education until they reach the age of 30 are considered as candidates for admission to the Institute to study as cadets in programs with secondary military-special training.

2.4. Candidates for admission to the Institute to study as cadets must meet the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for citizens entering military service under a contract.

2.5. Citizens specified in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of paragraph 5 of Article 34 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, as well as those who do not meet the requirements defined in the fourth paragraph of paragraph 1 of Art. 35 of the said law.

2.6. Candidates entering the Institute must have sports titles or sports ranks of at least first in one of the sports.

3. Pre-selection procedurecandidates entering to study as cadetsaccording to programs with full and secondary military special training

3.1. The preliminary selection of candidates from among citizens who have and have not served in military service is carried out by military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Pre-selection activities are carried out in order to send candidates who meet the requirements to entrance examinations, and include determining the suitability of candidates to study at the Institute in:

  • having citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • level of education;
  • age;
  • health status;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • categories of professional suitability.

Citizens who have and have not undergone military service, who have expressed a desire to enroll in the Institute, submit applications to the department of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (municipal) at their place of residence (graduates of pre-university educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense submit an application addressed to the head of the institution in which they are studying) before April 20 of the year of admission to the university.

Citizens living in military units stationed outside the Russian Federation submit applications to the head of the Institute before May 20 of the year of admission to the Institute.

3.2. Military personnel who have expressed a desire to enroll in military educational institutions submit a report addressed to the commander of the military unit before April 1 of the year of admission to the Institute.

3.3. The candidates' application shall indicate:

  • Full Name,
  • Date of Birth,
  • education,
  • residence address,
  • name of the military educational institution,
  • level of professional education,
  • specialty in which they wish to study.

In the report of candidates from among the military personnel, in addition to the above, the military rank and position held are indicated, and instead of the address of residence, the name of the military unit.

The application (report) is accompanied by: photocopies of a birth certificate and a document proving identity and citizenship, an autobiography, a reference from a place of work, study or service in the prescribed form, a photocopy of a state-issued document on the appropriate level of education, three certified photographs measuring 4.5 x 6 cm, a military service card, a photocopy of a document confirming the assignment (presence) of a sports rank (category), certified in the established manner by the executive authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or their authorized bodies (organizations) in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as a copy of the order ( extracts from the order) on the assignment of a sports title (category).

A candidate who is a member of the national team of the country in a sport also submits documents confirming his membership in the national team, certified in accordance with the established procedure by the executive authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or by bodies (organizations) authorized by them in the field of physical culture and sports.

3.4. A passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, an original state-issued document on the appropriate level of education, as well as original documents granting special rights when entering a university, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are presented by the candidate to the military admissions committee. educational institution upon arrival, but no later than one day before the meeting admissions committee to make a decision on admitting a candidate to the Institute.

3.5. The decision to send candidates from among citizens who have not served in military service to military educational institutions for professional selection is made by draft commissions, documented in a protocol and announced to the candidates (for candidates from among graduates of pre-university educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the decision is made by the heads of these educational institutions and approved head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), and for citizens who have completed military service - military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The documents for the specified candidates listed above, medical examination cards and professional psychological selection cards are sent by military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (heads of pre-university educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense) to the Institute until May 20 of the year of admission.

3.6. The decision to send military candidates for professional selection to universities is made by formation commanders ( military units).

The documents of candidates from among the military personnel listed above, medical examination cards, professional psychological selection cards, and for candidates from among military personnel serving under contract, and personal files are sent by the commanders of military units for consideration to the headquarters of the formations before May 1 of the year of admission to the Institute .

Approved lists of candidates from among military personnel who have passed the preliminary selection, with the specified documents, are sent to the Institute by May 20 of the year of admission, and candidates are sent by the commander of the formation to the Institute for professional selection: applicants for training in programs with full military special training - by June 1 , and those entering programs with secondary military special training - by June 10.

Documents of candidates from among the military personnel who did not pass the preliminary selection are sent by the commander of the formation to the commander of the military unit, indicating the reasons for the refusal.

3.7. Based on the examination of the received documents of the candidates, the Institute’s selection committee determines the compliance of the selected candidates with the requirements and makes a decision on their admission to professional selection.

The decision is documented in a protocol, approved by its chairman and communicated to the departments of the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal) at the place of residence of the candidates, pre-university educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense and personally to the candidates before June 20 of the year of admission to the university, indicating the time and place of professional selection or the reason for refusal .

Citizens of the Russian Federation living outside the Russian Federation, where there are no military units of the Russian Federation, no later than July 25 of the year of admission to the Institute must arrive with a state-issued document on the appropriate level of education and documents proving identity and citizenship, for consideration by the admissions committee as candidates for admission to the Institute with registration necessary documents and admission to professional selection.

3.8. With candidates from among the military personnel entering the Institute for training in programs with full military-special training, 25-day training camps are held from June 1 of the year of admission to universities, and for training in programs with secondary military-special training from June 10 of the year of admission 15-day training camps are held to prepare military personnel for professional selection.

4. The procedure for professional selection candidates entering to study as cadets in programs with full and secondary military special training

4.1. Professional selection of candidates entering cadet training in programs with full and secondary military special training is carried out by the admissions committee in order to determine the candidates’ ability to master educational programs at the appropriate level.

4.2. Professional selection of candidates entering for training as cadets in programs with full and secondary military special training includes:

  • determining the suitability of candidates for admission to a university for health reasons;
  • determining the category of professional suitability of candidates based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination;
  • entrance examinations consisting of:
  1. assessing the level of general educational preparedness of candidates;
  2. assessing the level of professional preparedness of candidates based on the results of additional entrance tests;
  3. assessing the level of physical fitness of candidates.

4.4. To conduct professional selection, examination groups of 25-30 people are formed from candidates.

Examination groups are formed separately from candidates who have expressed a desire to enter the Institute to study under a program with full military special training, and from candidates who have expressed a desire to enter the Institute to study under a program with secondary military special training.

In some cases, it is allowed to make changes to the professional selection schedule in accordance with the established procedure.

4.5. The results of the medical examination of candidates are announced no later than one day after the military medical commission issues an opinion on the candidate’s state of health. Determination of the suitability of candidates for health reasons is carried out medical commission Institute in accordance with the requirements of military service and the specifics of the university.

Based on the results of the medical examination, a conclusion is given: “pass” or “not fit.” If a candidate is declared unfit for health reasons to enter the Institute, he has the right to receive explanations and recommendations from a medical specialist.

4.6. The level of general educational preparedness of candidates entering educational programs with full military special training is determined based on the results of the Unified state exam(hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination) obtained in general education subjects: Russian language and biology (major subject).

Unified State Examination results are valid for four years following the year in which such results were obtained.

4.7. The level of general educational preparedness of candidates who have passed the state final certification in secondary educational programs general education not in the form of the Unified State Examination, is also determined by the results of entrance tests conducted by the university independently (Russian language, biology) and assessed on a 100-point scale.

4.8. Categories of candidates who can, at their discretion, take all general education entrance tests conducted by the university independently, or take one or more of these entrance tests along with the presentation of the Unified State Examination results as the results of other general education entrance tests, are determined in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

4.9. The minimum number of points for all forms of general education entrance examinations is minimal amount Unified State Examination points approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (Russian language - 36 points, biology - 36 points).

4.10. Results of assessing the level of general educational preparedness of candidates for Unified State Exam results are announced to candidates no later than one day after the verification of the accuracy of information about the candidate’s participation in the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam results is completed.

The results of the entrance test conducted by the university independently - no later than the second day after the entrance test.

4.11. When assessing the level of general educational preparedness of candidates entering educational programs with secondary military-special training, the results of their mastery of educational program secondary general education indicated in the submitted educational documents ( GPA education document).

4.12. An opinion on the category of professional suitability of candidates based on their socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination is made no later than one day before the end of the professional selection of candidates.

Assessment of social activity, military-professional orientation, individual moral and psychological qualities is carried out in the process of professional psychological examination, which is carried out in accordance with the “Guidelines for professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2000 No. 50, through an interview, analysis of characteristics and personal files, questioning and testing of candidates, systematic monitoring of them until the end of all tests.

Professional psychological selection consists of group testing and individual interviews. They take 4-6 hours to complete.

Based on the results of the examination, the category of professional suitability is determined.

Based on the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions is made about the professional suitability of the candidate:

  • “recommended first” - first category;
  • “recommended” - second category;
  • “conditionally recommended” - third category;
  • “not recommended” is the fourth category.

A candidate assigned to the fourth category of professional suitability based on the results of professional psychological selection is considered to have failed the professional selection.

4.14. Candidates classified in the fourth category of professional suitability are informed about the decision made individually. If necessary, individual psychological counseling is carried out with these candidates, during which explanations and recommendations are given.

4.15. The assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates is determined by the results of performing four physical exercises. The list of exercises and minimum indicators in physical fitness standards for candidates entering programs with full and secondary military special training is approved based on the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute in the prescribed manner (Appendix 1).

All exercises are usually taken on the same day. One attempt is given to complete the exercise. In some cases (in case of a breakdown, fall, etc.), by decision of the chairman of the subcommittee, the exercise can be performed again. Repeated performance of the exercise in order to increase the score is not allowed.

4.16. The results of assessing the level of physical fitness are communicated to candidates in the established manner, but no later than one day after the entrance test.

Candidates recognized as fit for admission to the Institute for health reasons are allowed to take the entrance test to assess the level of physical fitness.

4.17. Physical exercises are performed by all candidates in the examination group in the following sequence:

  • pull-ups on the bar, 100 m run, 3 km run - before lunch;
  • 100m swimming - in the afternoon.

In some cases, the sequence of exercises may be changed.

4.18. Description and order of exercises:

4.18.1. Exercises are performed in sportswear.

4.18.2. Pull-up on the bar. Starting position: hanging on straight arms, with an overhand grip, the hanging position is fixed. Bending your arms, pull yourself up (chin above the bar), straightening your arms, lower yourself into a hanging position. The hanging position on straight arms is fixed for at least 1 second. Slight bending or spreading of the legs is allowed. It is prohibited to perform jerking or swinging movements.

The exercise can be performed by several candidates at the same time. The count (number of times) is announced to the candidate when he assumes a hanging position on the bar. In case of violation of the conditions for performing the exercise, the errors made are indicated, for example: “Do not count, chin is below the crossbar.”

4.18.3. The 100 m race is performed from a high start on a stadium treadmill or a flat surface with any surface in sports shoes with the simultaneous participation of no more than two candidates.

4.18.4. The 3 km run is carried out on any terrain, including at the stadium, from a general start in sports shoes. The start is carried out simultaneously for a group of no more than 25 people.

4.18.5. Swimming. The swimming test is carried out at a water temperature not lower than plus 18 °C.

100m freestyle swimming - starts from the starting block. When swimming, any method is used. The rotation is performed with the obligatory touching of the wall with any part of the body.

Swimming 100m breaststroke - starts from the starting block. After the start and turn, you are allowed to perform one swimming movement with your arms and legs underwater. The rotation is performed with the obligatory touching of the wall with both hands.

4.19. The assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates entering for training in programs with full and secondary military special training is based on point system. To determine the assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates, a table is used to assign points for performing physical fitness exercises on a 100-point scale in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

4.20. A candidate who has not completed at least one of the exercises the minimum acceptable indicators specified in these rules (Appendix No. 1), and (or) has not completed the assigned physical exercise without a good reason, and (or) has not arrived for the entrance test without a good reason, assessed as “unsatisfactory” and considered to have failed the professional selection process.

4.21. If a candidate is unable to complete the exercise(s) for good reason on the day of the admissions test, in accordance with the established procedure, a decision may be made to postpone the execution of the exercise(s) to another day, but no later than the reserve day specified in the schedule of professional selection events for this type of admissions test.

4.22. Assessment of the level of professional preparedness of candidates based on the results of additional entrance tests includes an interview and a professional test (testing special physical preparedness in the chosen sport).

4.23. Additional entrance tests are conducted at the departments of practical disciplines in sports that are core for the institute:

  • Department of overcoming obstacles and hand-to-hand combat (army hand-to-hand combat, boxing, wrestling - freestyle, Greco-Roman, judo, sambo);
  • Department of Gymnastics and Athletic Training (gymnastics, kettlebell lifting);
  • department of sports and outdoor games (volleyball, ice hockey, football, handball);
  • Department of accelerated movement and ski training (biathlon, cross-country skiing, athletics, polyathlon - winter, summer);
  • Department of Military Applied Swimming and Light Diving Training (Sport Swimming),
  • Department of Military Special Training (shooting and shooting sports);
  • Department of mountain and special training (orienteering, rock climbing).

4.24. Candidates entering in other sports not included in the list fulfill the regulatory requirements of polyathlon according to the pentathlon program, including: 60 m run, 1 km run, 700 g grenade throw, 50 m freestyle swimming, pull-ups on the bar, in accordance with Appendix No. 2. At the same time, compliance with the standards corresponds to: MS - the rating “excellent”, KMS - the rating “good”, 1st category - the rating “satisfactory”.

4.25. The results of assessing the level of professional preparedness of candidates based on the results of additional entrance tests are communicated to candidates only after their approval in the established manner, but no later than one day after the entrance test.

4.26. Assessment of the level of professional preparedness of candidates based on the results of additional entrance examinations is carried out in two stages.

The first stage is an interview (determining compliance with sports qualifications in the chosen sport), the second stage is testing of special physical preparedness in the chosen sport.

4.27. Additional entrance tests are conducted by expert commissions for sports.

The chairman of the expert commission for the sport is the head of the major department, who is part of the selection committee.

The most competent teachers of departments and employees of the institute, who are part of the selection committee, are invited to work as experts - members of the commission for sports.

4.28. An interview (determining compliance with sports qualifications in the chosen sport) is conducted individually with each candidate.

During the interview process, candidates provide athlete documents (qualification books, certificates, extracts from documents of authorized organizations on the assignment of a sports title or category, copies of competition protocols).

The procedure for awarding points for compliance with the declared sports qualifications is presented in Appendix No. 3.

The points received for the interview are entered into the protocol for assessing the level of professional preparedness of candidates based on the results of additional entrance tests of the candidate.

4.29. Professional test (testing the special physical preparedness of candidates).

During the second stage, a professional test is carried out in the form of performing a competitive exercise (athletics, swimming, shooting and shooting sports), several competitive exercises according to the all-around program (polyathlon, winter polyathlon, polyathlon for non-core sports) and/or special physical fitness exercises in accordance with the proposed exercises and standards presented in Appendix No. 2.

4.30. The number of attempts to complete an exercise (exercises, elements, actions, complexes, combinations) is determined in accordance with the rules of competitions for the sport.

The points received for testing special physical fitness in the chosen sport are entered into the protocol for assessing the level of professional preparedness of candidates based on the results of additional entrance tests.

4.31. A candidate who does not complete the assigned exercise (exercises, element, action, complex, combination) without a good reason and (or) does not arrive at the entrance test without a good reason is assessed as “unsatisfactory” and is considered to have failed the professional selection.

4.32. If it is impossible for a candidate to complete an exercise (exercises, elements, actions, complexes, combinations) for a good reason on the day of the entrance test, in accordance with the established procedure, a decision may be made to postpone the execution of the exercise (exercises) to another day, but no later than determined by the schedule of events of the professional selection of a reserve day for this type of entrance examination.

4.33. The results of assessing the level of professional preparedness of candidates based on the results of additional entrance tests are communicated to candidates in the established manner, but no later than one day after the entrance test.

4.34. The sum of points for the interview and professional test (maximum 100 points) is entered into the competitive list for assessing the level of professional preparedness of candidates based on the results of additional entrance examinations.

5. Procedure for enrolling candidatesfor training by cadets according to programswith full and secondary military special training

5.1. Candidates who have passed the professional selection are included in the competitive lists for enrollment of candidates as cadets at the Institute (hereinafter referred to as the competitive lists).

Competitive lists are compiled in accordance with recruitment calculations and approved by the decision of the Institute’s admissions committee, which is documented in the minutes of the admissions committee’s meeting on admission to the Institute.

5.2. Competitive lists are compiled separately for candidates entering training in programs with full military special training and for candidates in programs with secondary military special training.

5.3. Candidates enrolling in programs with full military special training are placed on the competitive lists in descending order of their score, which determines:

  • results of general education preparedness (scores for each general education subject of entrance examinations are summed up);
  • results of assessing the level of professional preparedness of candidates based on the results of additional entrance tests;
  • results of individual achievements (in accordance with Appendix No. 11 to these Rules).

Candidates entering programs with secondary military special training are placed on competitive lists depending on the amount of points that determines:

  • results of general educational preparedness (average score in the submitted educational documents);
  • physical fitness results;
  • results of assessing the level of professional preparedness of candidates based on the results of additional entrance tests.

5.4. At the same time, candidates entering training in programs with full and secondary military special training, assigned to the third category of professional suitability based on the results of professional psychological selection, are placed on the competitive list after candidates assigned to the first and second categories of professional suitability, regardless of the amount received points.

5.5. Candidates who score an equal number of points are included in the competition list in the following sequence:

  • first of all, candidates entering programs with full and secondary military special training, who enjoy preferential rights when entering the Institute;
  • in the second place - candidates entering programs with full military-special training, who have received more than high score in a specialized general education subject - biology (candidates entering programs with secondary military special training - who received a higher score when assessing the level of their physical fitness).

5.6. Candidates who did not pass the professional selection, who did not appear for the entrance examination without a valid reason, who refused to enter the Institute after the start of the professional selection, as well as candidates who were denied further professional selection due to violation of discipline, are excluded from the competition and are not admitted to the Institute. are credited.

Candidates who do not arrive at the site of professional selection at the Institute at the established time for a valid reason are allowed to participate in the professional selection until the completion of its events in accordance with the schedule.

Repeated professional selection events with a candidate are not allowed.

5.7. Candidates from among citizens who have and have not undergone military service, who are not enrolled in the Institute as cadets, are subject to referral to the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at their place of residence.

Candidates from among the military personnel who were not enrolled as cadets at the Institute are subject to assignment to the military units in which they served.

Candidates who are not enrolled as cadets at the Institute are given personal files against signature. Refusal to enroll in training, indicating the reasons, is reported to military units and military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the candidates’ place of residence no later than 10 days after the end of professional selection.

5.8. Candidates decisions made admission committee for training at the Institute, are enrolled in the Institute by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for personnel and are appointed to military positions as cadets by order of the head of the Institute from August 1 of the year of admission to study.