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Higher Military School of Air Defense Radioelectronics. Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics

In 1864, the Vilna Infantry Junker School was created. In 1915, during the First World War, the school was transferred to Poltava and officially ceased to exist on January 2, 1918.
The Vilna Infantry School was formed in Vilnius on the basis of the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR S.K. Timoshenko No. 0191 dated August 17, 1940 on the basis of the Lithuanian Junker School.
The Vilnius Radio Engineering School was created by the directive of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of February 3, 1953 and the directive of the Commander of the Air Defense Forces of February 6, 1953.
In accordance with the order of the USSR Minister of Defense and the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces dated June 9, 1971, the Vilnius Radio Engineering School of Air Defense Forces was transformed into the Vilnius Higher Command School of Air Defense Radio Electronics.

Name Information
NameSt. Petersburg Higher military school radio electronics (military institute) (SPVVURE (VI))
CitySaint Petersburg
Form of education
  • daytime;
  • correspondence
StatusHigher educational institution
Accreditation -
License -
Addresses198324, St. Petersburg, Gorelovo, st. Politruka Pasechnika, 1
Phones -
E-mail -
Date of foundation 1953
Military departmentYes
Deferment from the armyAccording to federal law"On conscription and military service"
Dormitory fee -
Diplomas and certificatesSpecialist, Bachelor, Master
What competition was there last year?
Is it possible to apply for several specialties at the same time?In accordance with the current legislation of Russia
Is it possible to study in two faculties at the same time?In accordance with the current legislation of Russia
How are the results of external testing taken into account?In accordance with the current legislation of Russia
Is there an interviewIn accordance with the current legislation of Russia
Is there a mandatory referral for students upon graduation?No
Is it possible to get a second higher education at a university?Yes
Is it possible to switch from a paid form to a free one while studying?No
How much does a second higher education cost?-
Are there any benefits for whom?System of discounts on tuition fees for excellent students
What foreign languages ​​are studied at the university?English, German.
How much does it cost to study?
Material and technical baseown classrooms, computer classes, Internet access, library, reading room, own printing base.
Teaching staff:Among highly qualified specialists are professors, associate professors, and practitioners. At the invitation of the institute, lectures are given by professors from leading universities in Western Europe.
Faculties:1 General tactics
2 Air defense tactics
5 Military Cybernetics
6 Radars
8 Automated control and information processing systems (ACS)
9 Pedagogy and psychology
11 Natural Sciences
12 Physical training and sports
13 Mathematics and physics
16 Foreign languages

Military School of Air Surveillance, Warning and Communications of the Red Army - Pushkin Higher Order of the Red Star School of Air Defense Electronics named after Air Marshal E.Ya. Savitsky - branch of the Military Space Engineering University -

The Military School of Air Surveillance, Warning and Communications of the Red Army was formed in Leningrad by order People's Commissar Defense of the USSR on May 17, 1941 for the training of military specialists for air surveillance, warning and communications units (VNOS). The basis for its formation was the VNOS battalion of the Leningrad School of Communications of the Red Army.

Colonel G. A. Wagner became the first head of the school. By the end of July 1941, the formation of the school was completed, and the school year began on August 1. However, due to the difficult situation on the Leningrad Front, the danger to the city increasing every day, by August 23, 1941, the school was relocated to the city of Birsk in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The first graduation of VNOS platoon commanders took place on December 27, 1941.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War The school graduated 29 and trained 1,863 officers for the front, 123 of them were girls. Its graduates fought bravely at the front. The school is rightfully proud of its students, who, sparing their strength and lives, fought for victory over fascism. They ensured timely detection and destruction of enemy aircraft by active air defense systems. Their exploits were noted with high government awards.

And only after the war the school moved to its own. In August 1945, the school completely moved to the city of Pushkin and was located in the 6th military town and switched to training cadets according to peacetime curricula.

Its graduate Podzorov recalls the life of the school during this period: “The company of Senior Lieutenant Firsov, in which I served, arrived in Pushkin in the first echelon and immediately began restoration work on the destroyed premises of the town in which the school was supposed to be located. All the company cadets worked with enthusiasm and conscientiously. This period was the most difficult. was missing building materials, there was especially a shortage of glass for the windows of buildings being restored. Therefore, we had to board up the windows with plywood. However, all difficulties were overcome, the barracks and educational building were prepared for classes and normal life. Academic year started on time."

The contribution of graduates to the defense of the air borders of the Motherland during the war and post-war years was highly appreciated by the Soviet people and the country's leadership. For great merits in the training of officers, by resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 23 of February 22, 1968, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

In 1969, the school was transformed into a higher school, and in 1977, the training of officers with higher military-special education in engineering specialties for the missile and space defense forces began.

On the eve of its 50th anniversary, January 19, 1991, the school was named after the famous pilot, twice Hero Soviet Union, Air Marshal E. Ya. Savitsky.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1009 of August 29, 1998, Pushkinskoye higher school Air Defense Radioelectronics was transformed into a branch of the Military Space Engineering University.

During its existence, the school trained over twenty-three thousand officers. Many of its graduates became major military leaders. More than 60 people were awarded the rank of general. Among the graduates are Hero of the Soviet Union Colonel N.M. Kutyntsev, two Heroes of Socialist Labor: Colonel General E.S. Yurasov, Lieutenant General G.V. Kisunko, more than a hundred people are laureates of state prizes. People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, composer Georgy Sviridov served in the university orchestra.

Nikolai Yakovlevich Grebenev, now a well-known public figure, doctor, worked at the school historical sciences, vice-president of the Academy of Military Historical Sciences. On March 1, 2009, he was elected head of the municipality of the city of Pushkin for the third time.

Today the branch trains military specialists in computer technology, software and algorithmic support for weapons systems and power-mechanical equipment. In order to train scientific and pedagogical personnel, the branch operates doctoral studies and postgraduate studies, and a doctoral dissertation council operates.

The university employs 18 academicians, one honored worker of science and technology Russian Federation, 17 doctors and 87 candidates of science. To date, the branch has created and is working fruitfully 5 scientific schools, whose activities are aimed at increasing efficiency educational process, improvement of weapons and military equipment.

It has become a tradition to regularly hold interdepartmental scientific and technical conferences on the basis of the branch on problematic issues of collecting, processing and transmitting information in complex radio systems. Since 1998, on the initiative of the branch’s scientists, the Interregional Academy of Military Historical Sciences has been created and operates, the main task of which is to concentrate the efforts of humanities scholars in the study and promotion of the military history of Russia, and the patriotic education of the population.

Reader-newspaper: Shall we not break traditions?

Graduates of the branch of the Military Space Engineering University (Pushkin) have a tradition: on the last day before graduation, they throw televisions and other radio equipment out of the windows. That is, those things that they bought with their own money while studying at university.
Having learned about such a “barbaric tradition,” the director of the Kommunard boarding school, Ekaterina Viktorovna Tarasova, and her students turned to future officers with a proposal not to destroy the radio equipment, but to donate it to the boarding school (since children from low-income families and orphans study there), and if there is a need throw equipment out the window, then they can offer old equipment that is unusable and can be collected from citizens.
The future officers refused to meet with the director and students of the boarding school. Through the duty officer at the checkpoint, they conveyed that “... mercy has nothing to do with it, we will not break tradition.”
And this is devotion to the traditions of defenders of the Fatherland?

M. I. Ivanova

In 2006 the institute was reorganized


April 10 2006 G.? 473-r Moscow
1. Accept the proposal of the Russian Ministry of Defense, agreed with the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Property Management Agency, on the reorganization of:

  • <Военно-инженерная академия (г. Москва)> <Общевойсковая академия Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации (г. Москва)>
  • state educational institution of higher education vocational education <Костромское высшее военное командно-engineering school radiation, chemical and biological protection(military institute)> and state educational institution of higher professional education<Военная академия радиационной, химической и биологической защиты имени Маршала Советского Союза С.К. Тимошенко (г. Кострома)>by joining the first to the second as a structural unit;
  • <Военный финансово-экономический университет (г. Москва)>, <Московская военная консерватория (военный институт)>And<Военный университет (г. Москва)>by joining the first and second to the third as structural divisions;
  • state educational institutions of higher professional education <Пушкинский военный институт радиоэлектроники Космических войск имени маршала авиации Е.Я. Савицкого >, <Санкт-Петербургский военный топографический институт имени генерала армии А.И. Антонова>And<Военно-космическая академия имени А.Ф. Можайского (г. Санкт-Петербург)>by joining the first and second to the third as structural divisions.

2. The Russian Ministry of Defense shall take the necessary actions to reorganize state educational institutions of higher professional education specified in paragraph 1 of this order, within the limits of the federal budget funds allocated to the Russian Ministry of Defense for these purposes and the staffing level of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

3. Exclude from paragraph 2 of Section I of the list of military educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 4, 2004? 1404-r (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004,? 45, Art. 4469;? 51, Art. 5243; 2006,? 5, Art. 565;? 7, Art. 812), positions:

  • Military Engineering Academy (Moscow);
  • Military Financial and Economic University (Moscow);
  • Kostroma Higher Military Command and Engineering School of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense (military institute);
  • Moscow Military Conservatory (military institute);
  • Pushkin Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces named after Air Marshal E.Ya. Savitsky;
  • St. Petersburg Military Topographical Institute named after Army General A.I. Antonov.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
M. Fradkov.

May 9, 2008 at the parade in honor of the 63rd anniversary of the Victory Soviet people over Nazi Germany, the orchestra of the Moscow garrison on Red Square in Moscow was led by Major General V. M. Khalilov, a former military conductor of the school.

Sources :

  • Historical essay "Pushkin Higher School of Air Defense Electronics named after Air Marshal E.Ya. Savitsky of the Order of the Red Star", published for the 50th anniversary of the school.
  • Opened Internet sites of educational institution graduates

The Cherepovets Higher Military School trains army command specialists. Complete education programs last 5 years, secondary education lasts 2 years and 10 months. During their studies, cadets are on full government pay. Applicants are accepted according to Unified State Exam results and test physical exercises.


The Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics (Cherepovets) was opened on the material and technical base of the disbanded military infantry school (Lepel) in October 1957. Until 1970, cadets received education for three years.

Later, the educational institution was transferred to the status of a higher command school, where professions were taught for 4 years. In 1974, the program became more complex, which was associated with the transfer of the educational process into the mainstream of engineering training of military personnel. Since 1998, the university has been graduating military engineers in the field of radio electronics.


The full course of military training lasts five years; graduates leave the university with the rank of lieutenant. The recruitment takes place in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Over all the years of activity, more than 13 thousand officers graduated from the Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics.


  • Engineering.
  • Command
  • Automated control systems.
  • Radio communications.

Education and training of specialists take place on a modern material and technical base; the state provides cadets with everything necessary for living within the walls of the university. This and much more makes the Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics popular.


The university implements the following programs of higher military education:

  • "Special radio engineering systems."
  • "Special organizational and technical systems."
  • “Automated systems for special purposes, application and operation.”
  • "Information security automated systems».

The duration of training is 5 years, graduates receive the qualification “specialist”, as well as the officer rank of “lieutenant”.

Secondary and additional education

CHVVIURE provides the opportunity to receive military education in the following specialties:

  • “Computer systems, complexes.”
  • “Maintenance and repair of radio-electronic equipment.”

Cadets master science on a full-time basis for 2 years and 10 months. The diploma allows you to qualify as a “technician”; a military rank is not assigned.

The cadet training system is built in such a way that everyone receives additional education. Particular attention is paid to studying foreign languages and professional driving practice.

Areas of additional training:

  • "Translator". While receiving education in their main specialization, cadets master one of the foreign languages. The languages ​​taught are Turkish, Chinese, English, Arabic, Persian, and German.
  • "Vehicle Driver" Upon completion, licenses with open categories “B” and “C” are issued.

Material and technical base

Training future military personnel involves in-depth study chosen specialization, which is impossible without mastering a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

The educational process is implemented on a decent technical and material basis, namely:

  • Military equipment. Cadets get to know in practice modern types weapons on existing models.
  • Laboratories are the basic units of ChVVIURE, where students master the basics of constructing functional units computer technology, radio equipment and electronic equipment. The premises are equipped with the necessary equipment, mock-ups, simulators, etc.
  • Libraries. The book fund contains about 250 thousand units of literature. The list includes periodicals, reference books, textbooks, etc. The main fund is technical and scientific books. The school is working on writing and publishing methodological publications, textbooks for internal use, digitizing the existing printed stock of books, lectures, tests, etc. Today, a program is being implemented to reconstruct fiction books and educational literature.
  • Training base (training, operational complexes, command posts for training purposes, training weapons, military equipment, etc.).
  • Scientific and research work is provided with the necessary arsenal of tools, facilities and equipment for conducting targeted research.
  • Workshops, warehouses, etc.

The educational process is carried out in lecture halls, rooms for group classes, laboratories, computer rooms and diploma design classes.

Many consider it lucky to enter the Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics. Reviews talk about high requirements for candidates and excellent education. There are also indications that the level of education is decent, but admission is a little easier than in capital universities.


Training is impossible without physical training and strengthening the moral and psychological state. Cadets annually take part in citywide events, such as the children’s and youth game “Zarnitsa”, sports camps“Autumn”, “Conscript Day”, formation and military song competitions, events dedicated to the next anniversary of Victory in the War and other events that Cherepovets celebrates.

In order to improve the level of knowledge, the Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics has entered into agreements with city museums, which makes it possible for cadets to visit expositions, exhibitions, cultural events and other events free of charge. CHVVIURE students often come to sponsored institutions - cadet and Suvorov schools, orphanages.


A considerable number of hours of training are devoted to sports training, which develops speed, agility, endurance and cultivates healthy image life. Cadets regularly engage in military sports as part of the educational process and schedule.

Sports sections add variety to hobbies:

  • Power eventing and military all-around.
  • Track and field athletics, hockey, football.
  • Hand-to-hand combat, boxing, basketball, karate.
  • Skiing, chess, volleyball, arm wrestling, etc.

The cadets undergo full military sports training, which is provided by the Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics.

How to proceed

Admission is carried out on a competitive basis. Candidates for participation are persons who meet the following requirements:

  • Male citizens of the Russian Federation who have not previously served in military service, at least 16 years of age and not older than 22 years of age.
  • Military personnel or those who have previously completed military service are no older than 24 years old.
  • Retired or active contract military personnel (except for officers) under the age of 27 years.
  • Individuals under the age of 30 who have a secondary school education are accepted for training in specialized secondary education programs.

Documents for admission:

  • Statement.
  • Birth certificate and document confirming citizenship, identity (copies).
  • Autobiography, characteristics from the place of study, work, service.
  • Document on previously obtained education, qualifications (copy).
  • Three photos measuring 4.5 x 6 cm (certified).
  • Cards of medical examination and psychological selection.
  • Service card (for active military personnel).

The selection of candidates for training is carried out by the admissions committee according to the following criteria:

  • Level of general education (USE).
  • Socio-psychological state.
  • General health status certified by a medical commission.
  • Physical training.

The selection is carried out during the month of July (from the 1st to the 30th). Physical fitness is assessed based on the results of test physical exercises, which include:

  • Pull-ups on the bar (minimum 4 times).
  • Running, 100 meters (minimum value - 15.4 seconds).
  • Cross, 3 km (minimum time - 14 min 50 sec).

The passing score for physical training is at least 120 units.

(updated information)

“Excellent educational institution, excellent location; if you really want to become a naval officer, this is the institution for you! Studying at Popovka, it has an excellent teaching staff, excellent commanders, traditions and customs. Many graduates are the pride of the Navy.”

VMIRE (VVMRE named after A.S. Popov) is located in the city of Petrodvorets, which is a suburb of St. Petersburg (formerly part of the region).

Petrodvorets is widely known throughout the world for its wonderful garden and park complex, fountains - it is not without reason that it is called the second Versailles.

Petrodvorets (Peterhof is also often mentioned - this is component Petrodvorets) 30 kilometers from St. Petersburg.

The educational institution was founded in March 1933 and since then has carried on the glorious traditions of the Navy in the education and training of highly qualified military specialists. In 1998, the Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School of Radio Electronics named after A.S. Popov (VVMURE named after A.S. Popov) was reorganized into the Naval Institute of Radio Electronics (VMIRE).

During its existence, several tens of thousands of professional military engineers emerged from its walls, who showed in practice high level training to work in a wide variety of conditions.

The total number of trainees is more than 2000 people.

Duration of training – 5 years, advanced training courses – 10 months.

Upon graduation from the institute, graduates are awarded a specialist diploma and a master's degree in their specialty.

Training of cadets and students is carried out directly at the departments, including:

  • Department of Social Sciences;
  • Department of Military History and Law;
  • 8 departments of tactical and tactical-special disciplines;
  • 3 departments of naval and general military disciplines;
  • 5 departments of military special and military technical disciplines;
  • 7 departments of general scientific and general special disciplines;
  • Department of Physical Training and Sports.
The educational material and technical base of VMIRE includes:
  • 8 educational buildings;
  • 31 laboratories;
  • 32 streaming audiences;
  • 86 general purpose classes;
  • 134 classrooms, offices, special-purpose laboratories;
  • 4 classes for course and diploma design;
  • 4 training complexes for light diving training and fire and water fighting training;
  • 11 complex simulators, of which 10 are computer-based;
  • 31 specialized simulators for operator training, including those manufactured at the school;
  • 54 training command posts and combat posts;
  • 2 language laboratory classes for learning foreign languages;
  • 2 educational libraries with a book stock of about 350 thousand volumes and two reading rooms with 50 seats; pool.


1. Faculty of Radio Engineering (RTV).
2. Faculty of Automated Control Systems (ACS).
3. Faculty of Combat Information Control Systems (CICS).
4. Hydroacoustic Faculty (GAS).
5. Faculty of Mathematical Support of ACS (MOASU).
6. Faculty of Military Psychology.

Separate distance learning for officers and midshipmen of the Navy;
officer courses for advanced training;
doctoral studies

Faculty of RTV

On April 1, 1948, in accordance with the approved staff of the Higher Naval School of Communications and Radar, officers, cadets and employees were allowed to perform duties in new positions at the Faculty of Radar. Thus, the Faculty of Radiolocation (Radio Engineering Faculty) was created. Currently, under the leadership of the head of the faculty, captain 1st rank Evgeniy Fedorovich Vedrashko, the faculty trains specialists in the radio engineering service of surface ships and submarines, electronic warfare specialists in the departments:
  • radar equipment - head of the department candidate technical sciences captain 1st rank A. N. Sakharov;
  • electronic warfare of the Navy - head of the department, candidate of military sciences, associate professor, captain 2nd rank V. Yu. Osipov;
  • communications - head of the department, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, captain 1st rank R. R. Bikenin;
  • Marine radar and radiophysics - head of the department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Captain 1st Rank Reserve V. A. Kurzenev.
Graduates of the Faculty of Radio Engineering are distinguished by excellent knowledge of the theory and material part of radio engineering equipment.

Faculty of ACS

The faculty includes two departments - the department of automated control systems for fleet forces and the department of computer technology. Currently, specialists for the fleet are trained by experienced, highly qualified teachers. The departments of the faculty employ 2 doctors of military sciences, 9 candidates of technical sciences, 7 associate professors. Veterans of the faculty, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor V.F. Shpak, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor K.K. Loptin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, F.E. Keller, pass on their great knowledge and practical experience to the cadets. Much attention in the departments of the faculty is paid to conducting scientific research. Over the past 10 years, 2 doctoral and more than 20 candidate dissertations have been defended at the departments, and a large number of research works have been completed. The teaching staff of the departments have published dozens of scientific works in publishing houses of a republican scale, works of large international conferences. Over the years of the existence of the faculty, teachers of the departments have written more than 65 textbooks, teaching aids and methodological developments. Faculty scientists stood at the origins of the development of the automated control system for fleets and the Navy as a whole.

Faculty cadets are trained by course leaders who have completed naval service school and have experience leading military teams in all Russian fleets.

But the main criterion, the main indicator of the performance of commanders and teachers of the faculty has always been and remains one - the quality of training of the raised pets. Graduates of the faculty serve on surface ships and submarines, command posts and computer centers of naval formations, and in research institutions. Many of our graduates continue to serve in the border troops, military space forces and other even more exotic duty stations. The greatest pride is that during its existence, more than 50 graduates graduated with a gold medal and more than 300 received diplomas with honors.

Faculty of Combat Information Controlled Systems (CIUS)

Currently, the 3rd Faculty has three departments and five academic companies.

Department information systems Submarines have been headed by Captain 1st Rank G.V. Lyamov since 1996.

Head of the department of information systems of surface ships since 1996. is captain 1st rank V.N. Naumov.

Captain 1st Rank Yu.L.Lesovoy since 1991 Heads the Department of Automation and Electrical Engineering.

At faculty departments long time worked and continues to work large number scientists. At various periods of time, teaching activities were carried out by doctors of science I. A. Chebotarev, G. K. Yakhontov, K. P. Glazunov, V. G. Evgafov, V. E. Kadulin, A. I. Korshunov, V. N. Naumov; Candidates of Science A. A. Chekhalyan, Ya. E. Sindalovsky, A. A. Izdebersky, G. P. Chudinov, E. A. Mikhailov, O. E. Chudakov, A. M. Zubakha, G. V. Lyamov, Yu.I. Lesovoy, L.S. Isakov.

Currently, among the teachers of the departments of the faculty there are 2 doctors of science, 3 professors, 16 candidates of science and associate professors. There is an adjunct program at the faculty.

In addition to the head of the faculty, the day-to-day management of the faculty’s activities is carried out by his deputies, captains of the 1st rank S.V. Dolzhikov and A.V. Limbakov.

In 1997, the faculty began training cadets in a new curriculum. To ensure social security of graduates of the institute, along with military specialty they also receive a civilian specialty, which is an analogue of the military one. At the faculty, two military specialties correspond to one civilian analogue: the specialty "Automated Information Processing and Control Systems", standardized requirements for this specialty developed by the scientific and pedagogical council led to the need for significant changes in the entire teaching system of the faculty.

The general professional and natural science training of cadets has been significantly increased, and the humanitarian focus of their training has been strengthened. A large number of new ones have been introduced academic disciplines. New disciplines transferred to departments for study are mainly focused on the study of new information technology, mathematical methods of modeling and design, for the development of modern information processing tools.

New subject-methodological commissions have been formed at the departments, and work has begun on creating the necessary educational literature. The first experience in studying disciplines according to new educational planning documents showed that the orientation of the future training of cadets of the 3rd faculty towards fundamental knowledge in computer science and computer technology will allow graduates to find application in various fields of the future professional activity: operation, control, design, research of complex automated information processing and management systems.

Hydroacoustic Faculty

In 1980, it was decided to form a separate faculty at the Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics named after A.S. Popov, dedicated to the training of highly qualified hydroacoustics officers.

The educational process at the faculty was established in close cooperation with the departments of hydroacoustic means, which trained specialists for service on surface ships and submarines. Under the guidance of the department's teachers, the military-scientific work of the cadets was carried out, aimed at studying and improving the existing hydroacoustic means. It should be noted that upon appointment to the position of deputy. Head of the faculty for academic work, preference was given to teachers of the department of hydroacoustic means.

During the existence of the Hydroacoustics Faculty, over 1,100 hydroacoustics officers were trained. Despite shortcomings in the training of specialists Navy, inherent in the entire system of military education, graduates of the faculty have relatively high rates in mastering new types of hydroacoustic weapons. Currently, graduates of the faculty occupy a number of positions from the commander of a sonar group to the flagship specialists of the formation.

Faculty of Mathematical Support of Automated Control Systems (MOASU)

The 5th faculty was formed on the basis of the directive of the Civil Code of the Navy dated July 16, 1991 by separating from the 2nd faculty the specialty “Mathematical support of automated control systems” (MOASU).

Captain 1st rank A.I. Romankov, former head of the 2nd faculty, was appointed head of the faculty.

In August 1999, Captain 1st Rank Formazov A.K. was appointed to the position of head of the 5th faculty, and to the position of deputy. Head of the Faculty - Musha V.I. Two departments have been created at the faculty: 51, 52.

Department 51

head of the department:

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Captain 1st Rank V. I. Kuvatov (1991-1997)
Candidate of Technical Sciences Captain 1st Rank Melnikov (since 1998)

Deputy Heads of the Department:

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Captain 1st Rank Melnikov (1991-1997);
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Captain 2nd Rank I. V. Borodin (since 1998).

On January 21, 1992, the department received the first computer of the EC-184110 type. In July 1994, a prototype of the automated training system "ASO-101" (code - LASO "Gvozdika") was received, consisting of eleven IBM-AT-286 PCs and a shared screen. On April 18, 1996, the computing center was put into operation classroom(KVU) "ABACUS-4" consisting of fifteen IBM-486-DX-2 (student workstations and one IBM-486-DX-4 teacher workstation). The KVU is equipped with a licensed system NOVELLNETWARE 3.12 (25 users).

The teaching staff of the department teaches the following disciplines:

Economic and legal foundations of the software market.
Artificial intelligence systems.
Neurocomputer systems.
Operations Research.
Computer graphics.
Interactive graphics systems.

Scientists of the department:

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Captain 1st Rank V. I. Kuvatov;
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department, Captain 1st Rank V.B. Melnikov; Candidate of Technical Sciences, Captain 1st Rank E.Yu. Butyrsky;
Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Captain 2nd Rank I.V. Borodin;
Candidate of Technical Sciences, State Prize laureate Yu. N. Maklakov;
academician International Academy informatization, corresponding member of the Academy of Applied Radioelectronics of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. E. Kadaulin;
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G.A. Velichko.

Department 52, heads of the department:

Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Captain 1st Rank V.A. Ryabov (1991-1992);
Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Captain 1st Rank M.I. Gvozdyk (1992-1995);
Candidate of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Captain 1st Rank Yu.F. Volynets (from 1995 to the present).

Deputy heads of the department:

Associate Professor Captain 1st Rank N.Ya. Kolenteev (1991-1997);
Captain 1st Rank S.I. Besedin (from 1997 to present).

From the moment of its formation, the department had a computer class, which included twenty ES-1841 PCs. In 1992, the first IBM 386 DX arrived - 11 pieces, in 1993 and 1994, one more computer of the same type. In 1995, after the receipt of five more IBM 386 DX and two IBM 486 DX, a local network was organized at the department, equipped with a network licensed system NOVELL NETWARE 3.12 (25 users). In 1997, places were equipped for installing cadets' personal PCs.

The department teaches the following disciplines:

  • Probability-statistical methods.
  • Structures and algorithms for data processing on a computer.
  • Theory of computational processes and structures.
  • Operating systems.
  • Databases. Organization of databases.
  • Object-oriented programming.
  • Programming.
  • Parallel programming.
  • Functional programming.
  • Processing of experimental data on a computer.
  • Logic programming.
  • Computer simulation.
  • Software development technology.
  • Systemic software.
From the first days of the faculty's existence, the efforts of the faculty command, heads of courses and teaching staff were aimed at increasing the professional level of cadets and their high-quality mastery of the specialty. The faculty coped with the task successfully, firmly occupying a leading position in the educational process.

In connection with the reform of the higher education system, since 1997, the Faculty of Mathematical Support of Automated Control Systems switched to training cadets in accordance with the State Standard in the specialty “Computer Software and Automated Systems.”

The departments of the faculty have carried out a lot of work on new information technologies and their implementation in educational process, creative teams were formed that began developing teaching aids that meet all the requirements of modern science and technology.

Special branch

A special department intended for training foreign specialists (under interstate agreements) was established on October 4, 1992.

At a special department of the institute, foreign military personnel are trained for a period of 5 years in the following specialties:

1. Radio equipment of surface ships.
2. Radio equipment of submarines.
3. Hydroacoustic means.
4. Combat information control systems of submarines.
5. Mathematical and software for the functioning of automated control systems and combat information control systems.
In these specialties, advanced training courses have been organized for specialists with a training period of 10 months.

Number of foreign specialists – 2.5% of total number trainees.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have graduated from educational institutions secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education from among:

  • citizens who have not completed military service - aged 16 to 22 years;
  • citizens who have completed military service and military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription - until they reach the age of 24 years;
  • military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (except for officers) - after half the term military service specified in the first contract until they reach the age of 24 years.
The age of applicants to study is determined based on the state at the time of admission to the university.

The institute accepts persons who are fit for study due to health status, level of physical fitness, and professional suitability on the basis of a psychological and psychophysiological examination. Persons from among the citizens who have and have not completed military service, who have expressed a desire to enter the institute, submit an application to the military commissariat of the district at their place of residence before April 20 of the year of admission.

The application shall indicate: last name, first name and patronymic, year and month of birth, address of residence, name of the military educational institution and specialty in which he wishes to study. Military personnel wishing to study at the institute must submit a report to the commander of the military unit before April 1.

Attached to the application (report):

  • A copy of the document on secondary education (students submit a certificate of current academic performance, students of civil universities - an academic certificate).
  • Autobiography.
  • Characteristics from the place of work, study or service.
  • Service card (for military personnel).
  • 3 photo cards (without headdress) size 4.5x6 cm.
  • Photocopy of Russian citizenship.
  • Photocopy of birth certificate.
  • Certificate from RVC on registration of access to military personnel and civilian youth to state secrets.
After passing a medical examination and professional-psychological selection, medical documents and professional selection cards are attached to the application. Documents for candidates from among civilian youth are sent to the institute by military commissars before May 20 of the year of admission, for candidates from among military personnel - before May 15. A passport, a document confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation, a military ID or certificate of registration, a birth certificate and an original document on secondary education are provided by the candidate to the admissions committee of the institute upon arrival. Military personnel, in addition, must have with them a registration and service card, clothing, cash, food certificates and a medical book. Selected in military units and military registration and enlistment offices, candidates arrive at the institute only when called by the admissions committee and within the exact time frame specified in the calls.

Military personnel are sent to the institute by June 3 for professional selection. From June 5 to June 30, training camps are held for them to prepare for entrance exams.

Candidates travel to the institute free of charge using travel documents issued by the military registration and enlistment office at the candidate’s place of residence or by the commander of the military unit. Candidates who arrive at the institute are provided with free dormitory, medical care and food during the professional selection process.

Professional selection of candidates for admission to the institute is carried out admissions committee Institute from July 10 to July 30.

It includes:

  • Determination of a candidate's fitness for health reasons.
  • Determination of professional suitability based on their socio-psychological and psychophysiological examination.
  • Assessing the level of general educational preparedness of the candidate by conducting entrance exams in the following subjects:

    Russian language (written, presentation);
    mathematics (written);
    physics (orally).

  • Assessing the level of physical fitness of candidates by conducting physical fitness exams: pull-ups, 100 m run, 3 km run (cross), swimming.
  • Minimum standards for physical training:

    Pull-ups on the bar - 7 times;
    100 m run - 14.8 s;
    running (cross) 3 km - 13 min. 30 s;
    freestyle swimming (not timed) 50 m.

Candidates who successfully passed professional selection, are included in the competition lists and, based on the results of the competition, are enrolled in the institute. Candidates who receive an unsatisfactory grade in one of the subjects taken for examination are sent to their previous place of service or to the military commissariats at their place of residence.

Outside the competition, candidates who have successfully passed professional selection from among orphans, or children left without parental care, as well as citizens exposed to radiation as a result of a disaster in Chernobyl nuclear power plant who, in accordance with the law, are granted the right to non-competitive admission to higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

Candidates who have shown equal results during the professional selection process have priority rights when enrolling in the institute, from among:

  • citizens awarded state awards of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens who carried out a special task of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • military personnel performing military service under contract or conscription;
  • citizens who have completed military service;
  • children of military personnel performing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more;
  • children of citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching age limit being in military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing events, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more;
  • children of military personnel who died while performing their military service duties or who died as a result of injury or illness received while performing their military service duties;
  • citizens who have been assigned in the prescribed manner first sports category or sports rank in one of the military applied sports;
  • citizens who have undergone appropriate training in military-patriotic youth and children's associations.
Candidates from among the following are exempt from testing knowledge in general education subjects:
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation;
  • graduates of Suvorov and Nakhimov schools;
  • citizens who have completed the first or subsequent courses of civil educational institutions of higher professional education, if the name of the specialty of their training corresponds to the open names of the specialties for training in which they enter the university;
  • persons who graduated with medals from educational institutions of secondary general or primary vocational education, as well as persons who graduated with honors from educational institutions of secondary vocational education, with positive interview results. These persons who did not pass the interview are given the right to take exams in general education subjects on a general basis.
Candidates enrolled in the institute are appointed to military positions as cadets by order of the head of the institute from August 1 of the year of admission to study, and are provided with all types of allowances, including monetary allowances depending on the course of study. Parents of cadets enjoy all the rights and benefits established for military families Russian army. During their studies, cadets are annually given a month's leave with free travel to and from the place of vacation (in summer) and a two-week vacation in winter time given that successful completion semester exams.

: 59°46′37″ n. w. 30°06′47″ E. d. /  59.77694° N. w. 30.11306° east. d. / 59.77694; 30.11306(G) (I) K:Educational institutions founded in 1953

St. Petersburg Higher Military School of Radio Electronics- a higher military educational institution of professional education for training officers of the Radio Engineering Troops of the USSR Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces from 1953 to 2011.


The school is considered the legal successor of the existing Russian Empire from 1864 to 1918 Vilna Military School. Modern history school begins after Lithuania joined the USSR on August 2, 1940.

  • The Vilna Infantry School was formed in Vilnius on the basis of the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR S.K. Timoshenko No. 0191 dated August 17 on the basis of the Lithuanian Junker School.
  • The Vilnius Radio Engineering School was created by the directive of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of February 3, 1953 and the directive of the Commander of the Air Defense Forces of February 6, 1953.
  • In 1966, the personnel of the Stavropol Radio Engineering School, headed by Major General Logvinovsky, were transferred to the school.
  • In accordance with the order of the USSR Minister of Defense and the directive of the General Staff of the Armed Forces dated June 9, 1971, the Vilnius Radio Engineering School of Air Defense Forces was transformed into the Vilnius Higher Command School of Air Defense Radio Electronics.
  • In 1992, by Order of the Commander-in-Chief of the CIS Armed Forces No. 70 dated February 21, 1992, the St. Petersburg Higher School of Air Defense Radioelectronics was created by transferring the Vilnius Higher Command School of Air Defense Radioelectronics to the base of the LVVPU Air Defense named after Yu. A. Andropov, in accordance with this VVKURE Air Defense was withdrawn from the territory of the Republic of Lithuania to St. Petersburg.
  • November 1, 1998 year, according to the reform program, the school was renamed the Branch of the Military University of Air Defense.
  • In 1999, the educational and material unit of the disbanded KVKURE Air Defense and 800 cadets arrived at the school.
  • January 1, 2005 year was renamed the St. Petersburg Higher Military School of Radio Electronics (military institute).

In 2008, an Orthodox Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky was opened on the territory of the school.

Heads of the school

  • Colonel Chuprukov P.M. since 1953
  • Major General Logvinovsky K. G. from 1971 to April 1979
  • Major General Dmitriev A.V. from April 1979 to 1984
  • Major General Grishin P.K. 1984-1992.
  • Major General Trofimov V.S. from 1992 to 2006
  • Major General Tkalenko S.M. from 2006 to 2011.
  • Colonel Kaluga V.M. from 2011 to December 2011. (Acting Chief)

Educational process

Training took place at 3 faculties in the specialty:

On September 8, a very important officer entered the barn to see the prisoners, judging by the respect with which the guards treated him. This officer, probably a staff officer, with a list in his hands, made a roll call of all the Russians, calling Pierre: celui qui n "avoue pas son nom [the one who does not say his name]. And, indifferently and lazily looking at all the prisoners, he ordered the guard the officer should properly dress and clean them up before leading them to the marshal. An hour later, a company of soldiers arrived, and Pierre and the other thirteen were taken to the Maiden's Field. The day was clear, sunny after the rain, and the air was unusually clear. that day when Pierre was taken out of the guardhouse at Zubovsky Val; smoke rose in pillars in the clear air. The fires were nowhere to be seen, but columns of smoke rose from all sides, and all of Moscow, everything that Pierre could see, was one conflagration. On all sides one could see vacant lots with stoves and chimneys and occasionally the burnt walls of stone houses. Pierre looked closely at the fires and did not recognize the familiar quarters of the city. In some places the Kremlin could be seen, undestroyed, white from afar with its towers and Ivan the Great. Nearby, the dome of the Novodevichy Convent glittered merrily, and the bell of the Gospel was especially loudly heard from there. This announcement reminded Pierre that it was Sunday and the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. But it seemed that there was no one to celebrate this holiday: everywhere there was devastation from the fire, and among the Russian people there were only occasionally ragged, frightened people who hid at the sight of the French.
Obviously, the Russian nest was ravaged and destroyed; but behind the destruction of this Russian order of life, Pierre unconsciously felt that over this ruined nest his own, completely different, but firm French order had been established. He felt this from the sight of those soldiers walking cheerfully and cheerfully, in regular rows, who escorted him with other criminals; he felt this from the sight of some important French official in a double carriage, driven by a soldier, driving towards him. He felt it cheerful sounds regimental music coming from the left side of the field, and in particular he felt and understood this from the list that the visiting French officer read this morning, calling out the prisoners. Pierre was taken by some soldiers, taken to one place or another with dozens of other people; it seemed that they could forget about him, mix him up with others. But no: his answers given during the interrogation came back to him in the form of his name: celui qui n "avoue pas son nom. And under this name, which Pierre was afraid of, he was now being led somewhere, with undoubted confidence written on them faces that all the other prisoners and he were the ones who were needed, and that they were being led where they needed to be. Pierre felt like an insignificant sliver caught in the wheels of a machine unknown to him, but functioning correctly.
Pierre and other criminals were brought to the right side Maiden's Field, near the monastery, to the big white house with a huge garden. This was the house of Prince Shcherbatov, in which Pierre had often visited the owner before and in which now, as he learned from the conversation of the soldiers, the marshal, the Duke of Eckmuhl, was stationed.
They were led to the porch and one by one they were led into the house. Pierre was brought in sixth. Through a glass gallery, a vestibule, and an antechamber, familiar to Pierre, he was led into a long, low office, at the door of which stood an adjutant.
Davout sat at the end of the room above the table, glasses on his nose. Pierre came close to him. Davout, without raising his eyes, was apparently coping with some paper lying in front of him. Without raising his eyes, he quietly asked:
– Qui etes vous? [Who are you?]
Pierre was silent because he was unable to utter words. For Pierre, Davout was not just a French general; for Pierre Davout, he was a man known for his cruelty. Looking at the cold face of Davout, who, like a strict teacher, agreed to have patience for the time being and wait for an answer, Pierre felt that every second of delay could cost him his life; but he didn't know what to say. He did not dare say what he said during the first interrogation; revealing one's rank and position was both dangerous and shameful. Pierre was silent. But before Pierre could decide on anything, Davout raised his head, raised his glasses to his forehead, narrowed his eyes and looked intently at Pierre.