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What is required for admission to the cadet school. Admission to the cadet school

The path to the highest echelons of power begins with the first step, and many take this step by enrolling in a cadet school. From the cadet school the road is open to any military school or higher educational institution of public service.

The quality of education, discipline and a good level of physical fitness make cadet school graduates in demand in any university. Consider, how to get into cadet school what documents will be required for this and what set of qualities the candidate should have.

How to choose a cadet school for admission

The conditions for admission are different for each cadet corps, but the general procedure for admission to cadet corps is unified and regulated by Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012. "On education in Russian Federation"(part 4 of article 86).

When choosing a cadet corps for admission, we recommend paying attention to the following features:

1. Address of the selected cadet corps.

Admission procedure approved by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 515 dated July 21, 2014. "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in federal state general educational organizations ... ”in paragraph 20 indicates that the lists of candidates are sent to the selection committees of the cadet corps by the central selection committee for conducting entrance exams after the candidates have received admission to the tests. Lists are formed taking into account the place of residence of candidates.

2. On the age of the candidate. In the cadet corps they take children with a completed primary education after 3rd grade. But admission to the cadet corps is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, so there may be changes every year.

3. The deadline for submitting documents for admission established by law (clause 16 of Order No. 515): for all initial military educational institutions There is a single deadline for submitting applications: from April 15 to June 1. Moreover, on June 1, documents are no longer accepted. If the last day of receipt of documents, May 30, falls on a day off, then the last day of receipt is postponed to the first Monday after May 30. Applications sent by mail will only be accepted if the date on the postmark is no later than May 30th.

4. There are certain requirements for applicants: requirements for the state of health, for the level of education and for age. These requirements are published in documents such as p.p. 1, 2 p. 2 of Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 1346n dated 21.12. December 2012 and paragraph 13 of Procedure No. 515. Thus, in terms of health, the candidate must correspond to group I or II, and in terms of education, correspond to his class of study.

Some categories of citizens may enjoy privileges and the preferential right to enter primary military educational institutions. According to clause 14 of the Procedure, these categories include:

  • Children of Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia and full holders of the Order of Glory;
  • Orphans;
  • Children of citizens who have retired from service in the Armed Forces due to staff reductions;
  • Children of privates and foremen;
  • Children of military personnel, prosecutors and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who died in the service or died from a disease received in the service;
  • Children of civil servants of federal ministries and departments, if military service is provided for by federal law.

As you can see, the list of beneficiaries is quite extensive, which explains the high competition for training in the cadet corps.

What documents are needed for admission to the cadet corps

In Procedure No. 515, paragraph 16, a clear explanation is given, how to get into the cadet corps- A personal file of the candidate is required. The following documents must be included in the personal file:

  1. Application of the candidate, written in his own hand in the name of the head of the school;
  2. Application from the parents of the child or from his legal representatives addressed to the head of the school;
  3. Candidate's CV;
  4. Copy of medical insurance policy;
  5. Four photos 3x4 cm with a corner (place for printing in the lower right corner);
  6. A copy of the candidate's birth certificate, certified by a notary. For candidates over 14 years old - a copy of the second, third and fifth pages of the passport, certified by a notary. (Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries No. 4462-1, approved by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on February 11, 1993);
  7. A copy of the candidate's medical record. A copy of a medical certificate or a copy of a medical professional advisory opinion, if the candidate is going to enter the military music school. Copies must be certified by the seal of the school;
  8. An extract from the report card for the first three quarters, together with current grades for the fourth quarter, certified by the seal of the school, a copy of the candidate's personal file, psychological and pedagogical characteristic candidate, certified by the seal of the educational institution;
  9. Original extract from the child's developmental history and a copy of the child's developmental history;
  10. A copy of the vaccination certificate;
  11. Extract from the house book about
  12. The conclusion of the medical organization about the medical group to which the candidate belongs;
  13. Certificate from the psychological and narcological dispensary stating that the candidate is not registered;
  14. Certificate from the place of work of parents or representatives;
  15. If there is a right to preferential admission - documents confirming this right.

There is a category of orphans among the children enjoying the priority right at admission. For them, according to paragraphs. and paragraph 16 of Order No. 515, upon admission, you must submit copies of the death certificate of the parents, certified by a notary, you also need a copy of the court decision on the establishment of guardianship, a copy of the guardian's certificate, as well as a recommendation for admission from the commission on minors and from the guardianship authority of the subject of the Russian Federation where the child lives.

Applicants with the right of priority admission, unless they belong to the category of orphans and children without parental care, must submit additional documents, in accordance with subparagraph b pu16 of Order No. 515.

It is advisable to attach to the personal file all available documents that confirm all the achievements of the child in the sports, creative and public spheres: copies of diplomas, certificates of merit, diplomas, certificates of competitions, festivals, sports competitions and other documents.

How to apply for admission to the cadet corps and pass the competition

Documents are accepted in admission committee cadet corps either by mail or by personal visit.

All documents are accepted in the form of notarized copies. The original documents must be carried with you and submitted to the admissions office at the entrance exams. The original documents that must be kept in medical and educational institutions at the place of residence of the candidate, as well as the passport, are not handed over. The above documents are accompanied by a report card with the seal of the school.

Consideration of documents by the admission committee of the cadet corps

Answering the question how to enter the cadet corps, you must first pass the competition of documents and be admitted to the exams, and only then pass entrance exams. The selection committee checks documents from the personal files of candidates. Those who have passed the competition are invited to the entrance exams in accordance with clause 19 of Order No. 515.

By June 10, lists of those who have passed the preliminary selection and are eligible for entrance exams are being formed. Parents of children who did not pass according to the documents are sent refusals.

Within 10 days after the refusal, you can appeal it either to the chairman of the selection committee, or to the central selection committee of Russia (clause 19 of Procedure No. 515).

Clause 20 of Order No. 515: a notice of the time and place of the entrance examinations is sent to the candidates who have passed the selection before June 25.

Entrance tests for admission to the cadet corps

Entrance tests to the cadet corps consist of tests in mathematics, Russian and foreign language.

If we consider the military music school, there are four entrance tests: in the Russian language, solfeggio in writing, solfeggio orally and solo performance. At the same time, if the candidate has excellent marks in the document on general and musical education, he only submits a solo performance. This procedure is enshrined in paragraphs. 15 and 22 of Order No. 515.

All entrance examinations in accordance with clause 21 of Order No. 515 are held on one day, selected from July 1 to July 15, and for candidates of military music schools - from August 1 to August 14.

Obtaining test results and enrolling a candidate for study in the cadet corps

The selection committee considers not only the test results, but to complete the picture, it takes into account the conclusions about the physical, psychological and psychophysiological state of the candidate, as well as his results of his achievements from the personal file. (Order No. 515, paragraph 23).

Since interest in this form of education is growing every year, and the competition reaches 5-6 people per place, in order to have a chance of admission, you need to know about the various nuances that determine whether your child will wear cadet shoulder straps or not.

What medical certificates are needed for admission to the Cossack Cadet Corps

One of the most important factors of candidates is the state of health. This also applies to those who enter after the sixth and after the ninth grade.

The state of health is assessed by the selection committee on the basis of the provided certificate of medical examination. Parents will have to thoroughly run to the doctors. The main document is the child's medical record in the form 026 / y-2000. You can submit either the original or a certified copy to the commission. medical institution. Please note that the medical examination must be completed no earlier than the year in which you decided to enter the corps. It sometimes happens that parents who have planned everything in advance forget about the expiration dates of medical documents. Your child will need to see the following doctors:

  • pediatrician;
  • surgeon
  • orthopedist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • neurologist;
  • dermatologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • dentist
  • phthisiatrician (with data on Mantoux);
  • urologist.
In addition, undergo an electrocardiogram, ultrasound, pass general blood, urine and feces tests, plus an analysis for HIV and markers of hepatitis B and C.

As you can see, collecting medical documents is a rather troublesome business.

In addition to medical documents, the child will have to undergo an examination by so-called external specialists - doctors of hospitals and clinics in the city or village where the cadet corps are located.

It is possible that in the Kropotkin Cadet Corps the selection of candidates for medical reasons this year will be stricter than usual.

In addition to medical documents and a bunch of certificates, you must also provide a history of the development of the child (form 112 / y) or an original extract from it. It should indicate whether the child is under dispensary observation, specific diseases, indicating the diagnosis and date of registration, as well as information about the absence or presence of allergic reactions, including those that prevent preventive vaccinations, antibiotic treatment. Since food in the cadet corps is "from a common boiler", the extract from form 112 / y should contain information about food allergies. To this list it is worth adding a copy of the certificate of preventive vaccinations.

If you have doubts about the state of health of the child, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​the cadet corps, since the loads there are very serious.

List of documents for admission to the Cossack Cadet Corps

First, a copy of the candidate's birth certificate or passport. Parents or legal representatives of orphans are required to present their national passports. You also need a certificate from the place of residence indicating the composition of the family (an extract from the house book).

Secondly, you need to attach to the package of documents a copy of the child's personal card with annual marks for grades 1-6. If you submit documents before the end school year, then an extract from the report card for the first three quarters and current grades for the fourth quarter will do. After the end of the school year, you need to copy the final grades. Naturally, all documents must be certified by the seal of the school. Do not try to cheat by negotiating overestimations. The truth will surely come out.

You will also have to visit the juvenile department to get a certificate whether your child is registered or not.

A complete list of documents will be given to you in the cadet corps or it can be found on the website of any of the six Cossack educational institutions. There you can also get acquainted with the topics for an interview in the Russian language and mathematics.

What can improve your son's chances of admission? Certificates, diplomas, commendations and other documents about his achievements in public affairs, creativity and sports. Collect any documents about participation in school olympiads, competitions, and so on. This is the case when you can’t spoil porridge with oil.

Another important document is the petition or recommendation of the primary Cossack society, approved by the ataman of the department or district. Where can I get this document? If the father of a schoolboy is in a farm, village or city Cossack society, then there will be no problems with obtaining the necessary paper. If there are no registered Cossacks in your family, look for ways to get a recommendation. You will not find - in principle, it's okay. But only if your son copes with questions in the Russian language and mathematics. This is the most important indicator.

How to prepare for an interview at the Cossack Cadet Corps

Since sixth-graders have not yet had to take exams, psychological breakdowns are not ruled out. The child may become confused from excitement.

1. Simulate an interview situation

To avoid this, it would be a good idea to coach the kids before the interview. Assume that your offspring will be asked oral questions in the Russian language. No tests, but only answers to the questions posed. Commission - three or four people unfamiliar to the student. Try to simulate such a situation by gathering people you know, but unfamiliar to your son. Believe me, your efforts will pay off handsomely.

2. Study the history of the Kuban Cossacks

Another block of questions concerns the history of the Kuban Cossacks. In essence, the knowledge gained in the study of Cuban studies should be enough. However, I advise you to take a textbook and make a list of questions. This is exactly what I did when my godson was preparing to enter the Novorossiysk Cossack Cadet Corps.

The child may be asked questions about modern history Kuban troops, ask about commemorations. If your son studied at a Cossack school or class, then most likely he will be able to answer them, but he will not be superfluous. Dive into the World Wide Web. A storehouse of information is contained on the website of the Kuban Cossack Army.

At the interview, they will probably ask the question: what is the name of the chieftain who signed the recommendation. If the child does not respond, then it will not look good. By the way, one of the members of the commission will definitely ask if your son knows the last name, first name, patronymic and rank of ataman of the Kuban army. So do not be too lazy to find out about the above yourself, and train your child.

Be sure to take your child to the Felitsin Museum on the eve of admission, where an exposition of regalia and relics of the Kuban Cossack army is deployed. Let him see with his own eyes the Charter of Catherine II, and a replacement, and weapons. It's better to see once than hear a hundred times.

3. Take your child to the temple

And further. At the interview, they may ask if the cadet candidate knows Orthodox prayers, whether he goes to church, whether he wears a pectoral cross. Our church is separated from the state, but since the corps is called the Cossack Cadet Corps, these questions are quite appropriate, because, as they say, a Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. I advise you to go with your son on the eve of the interview and pray in the temple. The patrons of the Cossacks are the Most Holy Theotokos, the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, St. George the Victorious. Place candles in front of these images and sincerely pray. Believe me, these are not empty words ...

4. Make sure your child wants to become a cadet

And finally the most important thing. Make sure that the decision to enter the Cossack Cadet Corps is made not only by you, but also by your children. After all, 13-year-old youths will have to live in a boarding school, in a completely unusual environment, where there are neither parents nor grandmothers nearby. Here everything is unusual, sometimes frightening with its novelty: military discipline, drill, army hand-to-hand combat, full self-service in terms of washing clothes, filing collars, shoulder straps. So at least teach your kids how to hold a sewing needle.

You can take a cadet on leave only for two incomplete days, and then take him back to the corps. Moreover, if your son was guilty, received bad grades, then he may not be allowed to go home. And so on until release. Think about whether your child can withstand such a radical change in life? Do not try to break their psyche in an effort to sell children to the state money.

If there is even a shred of doubt, contact psychologists, Cossacks you know and get to the bottom of the true motives of the child. Without appropriate motivation, he is unlikely to withstand the difficult conditions of a new life.

Sergey Kaprelov,

especially for VK Press.

On April 15, the acceptance of applications to cadet corps and schools, to Nakhimov and Suvorov schools. In them, teenagers get the most modern education and preparation for the military profession, always in demand in Russia.

On April 15, the acceptance of applications to the cadet corps and schools, to the Nakhimov and Suvorov schools begins. In them, teenagers receive the most modern education and training for the military profession, which is always in demand in Russia.


The word "cadet" in French means "junior".
The meaning of this incomprehensible term is deciphered as follows: "my - younger - brother - who - is preparing - to become - an officer."

In France and in Russia, the nobles from childhood chose to serve the Fatherland.

Cadet corps were created for military training and education of future officers, who were 7 years old at the time of admission.

“I command the establishment of schools,” said the Decree of Empress Anna Ioannovna of 1731, “so that ... youths from seven to fifteen years old learn military affairs and various sciences: reading and writing, the law of God, arithmetic and geometry, geography and history, on galloping horses, dancing, foreign languages ​​and other crafts useful for the Fatherland.


Many parents are concerned that most of the current professions will disappear in a decade.

According to some pessimistic forecasts, soon only two professions will remain in Russia - an IT specialist and a trolley bus driver.

In fact, the military profession will always be in demand in Russia.

Service in the Armed Forces, a highly paid job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a prestigious civil service - all these roads are open to graduates of military universities.

And cadet corps and schools are preparing to enter them.

The main goal of cadet education, as emphasized by school leaders and teachers, is to instill patriotism in children and adolescents and raise them in an effort to serve the Fatherland.

The First Moscow Cadet Corps gives a generalized portrait of its graduate: “This is a young man who freely and beautifully communicates in mother tongue, socially and physically developed, able to competently assess the surrounding reality, draw reasonable conclusions, take optimal solutions and act in accordance with the set life goals in the interests of their own, their family and their Fatherland.


No. Today, military subjects are included in the programs of cadet schools and corps only at the level of programs additional education.

Cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense, for example, are required to study the history of the military branches to which the school or corps belongs.

But in the first place for them is education in modern forms that meet the challenges of the time.

For example, cadets of the Yekaterinburg Suvorov School (Yekaterinburg) in addition to English and German study Chinese.
In the structure of the Ministry of Defense there is a Cadet School of IT Technologies of the Military Academy of Communications. Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny.

Many parents have heard about the Moscow Military Music School named after Lieutenant General V.M. Khalilov, in which it is necessary to withstand a big competition.

In the 2010s, Presidential Cadet Schools (PCS) were established in the country, equipped with the latest technology (see list below).

Some of them are equipped with 3D centers, robotics and software laboratories.

In the PCU of Vladivostok and Sevastopol, emphasis is placed on the study of foreign languages, technical disciplines and natural Sciences. In the Krasnodar Presidential Cadet School, the priority is the physical and mathematical direction of training, linguistics and sports.

Cadets of the Orenburg Presidential School can study in the design bureau, robotics section, photo and video studios, specialized classes-laboratories of physics, chemistry, and biology.

The forms of employment of modern cadets are also diverse: lectures, scientific seminars, intellectual games.

By the way, in all PCUs, teenagers are given a personal laptop for the duration of their studies.

Presidential Cadet Schools (PKU) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Cadet schools of the Ministry of Defense of the PF

Suvorov schools:

Nakhimov schools:

And its branches in Vladivostok, Sevastopol, Murmansk

For those who want to become a military musician:

Girls only:

Each of these educational institutions is supervised by the heads of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

For example, the Moscow Military Music School and the Cadet School of IT Technologies of the Military Academy of Communications are subordinate to the head General Staff armed forces of the Russian Federation and the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the Presidential Military Schools are supervised by the Secretary of State, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.


On the contrary, there are much fewer of them than in a regular school. Submit your difficult teenager for re-education in the cadet corps - the cherished dream of many parents. But often this dream turns out to be impossible: candidates with behavioral anomalies are simply weeded out during admission.

To enter a cadet educational institution of the Ministry of Defense, it is necessary to collect a lot of certificates from doctors, teachers and psychologists (see below about this). The check is carried out seriously, and if a teenager has problems, it becomes clear upon admission.

The discipline of the cadets is strict, the daily routine is rigid. And - no hazing.

All cadet schools and corps of the Ministry of Defense operate in boarding school mode. They have the following agenda:

  • 6.30 - rise;
  • 6.30 - 6.45 morning toilet;
  • 6.45 - 7.00 - check and morning exercises;
  • 7.00 - 7.30 - room cleaning;
  • 7.30 - 8.00 - breakfast;
  • 8.00 - 8.30 - preparation for classes;
  • 8.30 - 11.40 - classes in classes;
  • 11.40 - 12.20 - lunch;
  • 12.20 - 14.00 - classes in classes;
  • 14.00 - 14.30 - free time;
  • 14.30 - 16.30 - self-study (sports, additional disciplines);
  • 16.30 - 17.00 - afternoon tea;
  • 17.00 - 19.30 - self-study;
  • 19.30 - 20.10 - dinner;
  • 20.10 - 20.40 - walk;
  • 20.40 - 21.00 - free time;
  • 21.00 - 21.30 - self-training;
  • 21.30 - 22.00 - evening check and lights out.

Children and adolescents who live in boarding schools of cadet schools and corps are allowed to go home on Saturday and Sunday.

For a leave of absence, a cadet should not have problems with academic performance. Otherwise, he will stay in the boarding school and study all weekend.

However, once every three weeks, the cadets are still supposed to meet with their families, even with poor grades.


The competition for cadet educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense is several people per place. Education in them is prestigious, and they accept students from all over the country. For example, among the 780 students of the Stavropol Presidential Cadet School there are teenagers from Astrakhan, Voronezh, Moscow, Rostov, Ulyanovsk regions, Kamchatka, Krasnodar, Primorsky, Khabarovsk territories.

However, in Russia, cadet educational institutions are not only in the structure of the Ministry of Defense. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations have them.

The top cadet schools in Moscow include the federal state state educational institution “Moscow Presidential Cadet School named after M.A. Sholokhov of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. It prepares for military service in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.


For parents, the main thing is that there are cadet schools and classes in the structure of the Departments of Education.

They are more accessible to any family both at the place of residence and according to the requirements for the health of children and adolescents.

Such classes are formed within the framework of specialized training based on general education schools. The rules for them are set by three parties: the school itself, its founder (regional or municipal Department of Education) and the law enforcement agency or university with which the school and the Department enter into a cooperation agreement.

Within the framework of the “school-university”, “school-law enforcement agency” partnership, specialized cadet education programs are being created, and military sports events are being organized.

They pay special attention to military history Russia, sports and the formation of an active citizenship.

At the same time, the cadets are engaged in dancing and psychology, mastering foreign languages.

They study full time: in the morning they have school lessons, in the afternoon - military training, extra classes, sports competitions. Teenagers don't even have a free moment to surf the Internet, let alone meet their friends on the street.

In the case of successful studies, more than half of the graduates of the cadet classes enter the selected military or civilian universities. Some, thanks to the “school-university” interaction, can get a specialty right at school.

Usually, only large and strong schools solve the problem of creating specialized cadet classes. In Moscow, they are given a condition: to have at least three ordinary classes in one parallel.

In order to work on a cadet profile, a school or an educational complex must have well-equipped sports, fitness and dance halls, an obstacle course, a shooting gallery, a life safety room, etc.

Comprehensive cadet schools accumulate their own traditions over the years. For them, the awareness of continuity is very important. Some consider themselves the successors and heirs of the historical cadet corps.

For example, the cadets of the state treasury educational institution city ​​of Moscow "Cadet Boarding School No. 1" First Moscow Cadet Corps " position themselves as heirs to the traditions of the First Moscow Empress Catherine the Great Cadet Corps (1778 - 1919).


In general, almost nothing. The programs of the cadet corps and schools of the Ministry of Defense, the Nakhimov and Suvorov schools provide primary knowledge and skills of military affairs, but they are based on the Federal State Educational Standards and the programs of the general education school.

Cadets - with the exception of students of the Moscow Military Music School - do not go through secondary vocational education programs.

Education in the cadet class of the general education school of the Departments of Education makes it possible to successfully master the program of pre-university military training. In Moscow, 10th grade students of the Cadet Corps of the Department of Education take a profile exam on the basics of military service.

The highlight of any cadet school or class is the integration school lessons with programs of additional education, with sports, with military sports and patriotic events, with the creation of a special school way of life.

There are two fundamental differences between schools with cadet classes and the buildings and schools of the Ministry of Defense.

First, only boys study at the pre-university institutions of the Ministry of Defense (with the exception of the Presidential Cadet School in Kyzyl (Republic of Tuva).

And in the cadet classes of general education schools, boys and girls study together.

Often these classes are dominated by girls. By the way, according to teachers, the physical training of girls from the cadet classes is noticeably better than that of boys.

It should be noted that the principle of separate education in cadet corps and schools (which has always been followed by the Ministry of Defense) is becoming more and more attractive to the parents of students and to the Departments of Education. In their system, cadet corps appear only for boys and educational institutions are created on the model of the boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

For example, in the structure of the Moscow Department of Education there is Cadet Corps No. 9, which accepts only girls.

The second difference is that all the cadets who entered the schools and corps of the Ministry of Defense live in boarding schools.

In general education cadet schools, the principle of education is different: cadets go to study at their place of residence (sometimes they go to another district of the city), but they never leave their families.

However, the cadets have such a busy day that some schools of the Departments of Education took the example of the Ministry of Defense and also opened boarding houses for them.

The schedule of living in such boarding schools, of course, is less rigid than in Suvorov or Nakhimov schools.

However, more and more parents prefer a cadet school with a boarding house, where their child will be supervised all day long.


Not at all. In cadet educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense and law enforcement agencies, the state pays for everything: military uniform, education, food, housing, sports.

In Moscow, the cadet corps of the Department of Education are state-owned (that is, 100% state-funded) institutions. Therefore, in them, students receive everything for free - including uniforms and additional classes. However, this is not the case everywhere.

In cadet schools and classes in some regions of Russia, parents will have to pay for the uniform and for certain additional classes for their child.

Treat this with understanding: by sending a child to a cadet class of a general education school, you assume a number of obligations.

One of them is the purchase or tailoring of a beautiful (and sometimes expensive) military uniform.

However, many cadet schools have strong sponsors who bear these costs.


The schools and cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense are geared towards a specific military profile.

For example, Suvorov schools prepare schoolchildren for admission to the higher command schools of the ground forces. Nakhimovsky - to a marine career.

Thus, when choosing a cadet school of the Ministry of Defense, the parents of an 11-year-old child already determine a specialized military university for him.

In the Cadet Corps, which is part of the Moscow Department of Education, cadets can get a military profession at school through network partners.

Graduates of general education cadet schools enter both military and civilian universities. For example, 60% of the pupils of the First Cadet Corps of Moscow study in military universities and academies, 40% in civilian ones.

It is important to remember that a certificate of completion of the cadet class is a plus for the admissions committee of any university.

With equal USE scores such an applicant will be more likely to be enrolled: the cadets have good physical fitness, they are disciplined, stress-resistant and able to work in a team.


The cadet educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense study for seven years. Therefore, they enroll those who graduated primary school and successfully entered the fifth grade.

In the military music school. Khalilov, the Cadet School of IT Technologies of the Military Academy of Communications and the Cadet Sports School of the Military Institute of Physical Culture are accepted after the 9th grade.

Be sure to look at the website of the Ministry of Defense for detailed information on the deadlines for admission to each school.

The list of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense for schoolchildren is, and links to their Internet pages are.

By the way, at this address you can also study the pages of military universities, to which the school or corps of your choice is “attached”.

Municipal schools owned by the Departments of Education form cadet classes in the 5th or 7th grade, less often in the 10th grade.

A list of schools of the relevant profile is located on the website of the Department or Ministry of Education in your region.

If the educational organizations you need are not highlighted in a separate group (“cadet schools”), look at the general list of schools in your city, municipality, district.

Look for the description of the profile you need: “the school has cadet classes”, “the profile is military-patriotic education”, etc.

In some regions of Russia, you can find general education schools that accept even kindergarten graduates into cadet classes.

However, this is more the exception than the rule.


Yes it is possible. Some parents do this in 6th or 8th or 9th grade.

Please note that this transfer is subject to availability.

In addition, a teenager must meet the requirements for health, educational and physical training of a cadet.

Do not delay your decision: not all schools are ready to accept tenth graders as cadets, and in the 11th grade, transfer is no longer possible.

The fact is that a graduate does not have time to master the program of specialized cadet education in one year.


Additional education programs for cadet schools and classes include many sports and military sports activities. All of them require high level physical training.

Therefore, you will be asked for a certificate of compliance of your child with the 1st or 2nd health group.

Group 1 is awarded to children without obvious physical disabilities, rarely sick, with stable neuropsychic development. The 2nd group includes healthy children, often (3-4 times a year) ill, having a slight overweight or underweight and deviations in the state of the cardiovascular system.

To determine a particular health group, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

In general education schools with cadet classes, health requirements are not as strict as in cadet corps or schools of the Ministry of Defense.

However, you will need to collect all the necessary medical certificates, and your child will have to pass tests for physical development upon admission.


Most often, candidates are expected: an introductory dictation in the Russian language and a test in mathematics. Some cadet schools introduce a foreign language exam. Check this in advance on the official website of the selected school.

Sometimes entrance examinations for 11-year-old cadets are replaced by preliminary summer camps: then it becomes clear which of them is able to withstand the load and who is not.

The physical fitness exam is based on norms for one's age.

In some cases, admissions committees only consider physical education grades and diplomas for victories in sports competitions.

Sometimes schools even arrange full-fledged competitions for future cadets: 1000 m cross, 100 m run, pull-ups.

Here is an approximate set of documents for a candidate who is sent to enter the cadet class of a comprehensive school:

Passport or birth certificate, compulsory health insurance, a medical book (outpatient card), an extract on the results of the end of the previous academic year, certified by the seal of the school (or the results of independent testing in specific subjects), a portfolio (diplomas, diplomas, sports achievements), original documents confirming enrollment benefits (if any ), a certificate from a pediatrician on admission to the delivery of standards for physical education, stationery, sportswear.

Anyone who wants to become a cadet after grade 9 must attach the results of the OGE to the package of documents.

Those who enter Moscow cadet schools after grades 7 or 8 can confirm their academic achievements through an independent diagnostic of school results at the Moscow Center for Educational Quality (MCQE) of the Moscow Department of Education.

MCCS offers special testing for applicants to cadet classes.


Reception of documents in the cadet institutions of the Ministry of Defense begins on April 15 and ends on June 10.

First of all, you need to collect a large package of documents.

It must contain: a statement from the parents (legal representatives) written in the name of the head of the school (the deadline for submission is from April 15 to June 1), a certified copy of the birth certificate (for those over 14 years old - a certified copy of 2, 3, 5 pages of passport).

In addition, your child should write an autobiography himself, talking about his achievements () and what he expects from his studies. This document is drawn up in the name of the head of the cadet school, school or corps.

Then they select documents about their studies: a portfolio with diplomas, diplomas, awards and any achievements, a copy of a personal file with a school seal, an extract with marks for the first three quarters and current grades for the fourth quarter of the academic year, certified by the seal of the school, general characteristics signed by the class teacher and principal of the school.

The package of documents ends with a characteristic with a rationale for the advisability of entering a cadet school, signed by a teacher-psychologist and the director of the school.

Next, you need to collect documents from doctors: a copy of the medical insurance policy, a copy of the medical record with a medical history certified by the seal of the clinic, a doctor’s conclusion that there are no restrictions on physical education, a conclusion about the health group, a copy of the child’s development history and the original extract from it, information from the psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries (not registered) for applicants after grade 9, a copy of the certificate of preventive vaccinations.

Plus, an extract from the house book from the place of residence (registration), a certificate from the place of your work or service, or another document characterizing your work activity.

And yet - a report on the anthropometric data of your child (height, clothing size, chest circumference, hip circumference, shoe and headgear size).

And at the end - four photographs 3x4 cm in size with a place for a print imprint in the lower right corner.

Can anyone put it all together in a few days?

Therefore, parents devote the entire last quarter before entering the cadet school of the Ministry of Defense to collecting certificates and preparing their child's portfolio.


Many benefits are provided for those entering cadet educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense.

I will list just a few of them.

Among the beneficiaries: orphans, children of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract, children of military personnel who have served 20 years or more, children of military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies and prosecutors who died in the line of duty, children of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory.

Each benefit must be confirmed by a package of documents.

If you present it, your child will not be exempted from the entrance examinations, but he will pass through the competition with lower scores.

Now, note that cadet schools and Departments of Education classrooms don't have all of these benefits!

The administration of comprehensive schools can meet you halfway only as an exception.

To do this, you need to select several cadet schools in advance, contact their administration and discuss the issue of benefits for your child's admission and study.

In Moscow, this is easy to do in writing. Go to the website of the selected school and use the online form "Ask the Principal a Question".

When documents are being accepted for cadet classes, representatives of the school administration promptly answer all parental questions.

However, the best start for a cadet is not to seek benefits, but to boldly go to the entrance examinations and demonstrate worthy results on them.

Good luck!

Photo: http://vvko.rf,,,, Cadet School 1785 "Tagansky Cadet Corps"

to the "Red Army Cadet Boarding School"


Boys from 1st to 11th grade (subject to availability of training and sleeping places) who have successfully completed the “Young Fighter Course” (hereinafter referred to as “KKSHI”) are admitted to the “Krasnoarmeysk Cadet Boarding School” of ANOO “NOP CENTER” (hereinafter referred to as “KKSHI”). "KMB"), test psychological selection, interview with parents and fit for health in the following order (stages):

1. Familiarize yourself with the fundamental documents, local acts of ANEO "NOP CENTER":

The internal regulations of students (cadets) of ANEO "NOP CENTER", and s;

Agreement on education for programs of primary, basic, secondary general education;

If you did not find the answers in the materials presented above, then you can call the secretary of the selection committee Nadezhda Anatolyevna Musalimova at 8-905-514-45-45 from 9.00 to 18.00 Moscow time on weekdays or send questions by e-mail [email protected]. It is necessary to agree on a convenient time for the parties to visit ANOO "NOP CENTER".

If you are satisfied with all the conditions of study, living in the boarding school of ANOOO "NOP CENTER", then you can proceed to the next stage of the admission procedure.

2. Passage of the "Course of a young fighter" (KMB), (June of this year).

2.1. Familiarize yourself with the purpose, tasks, conditions and program of the KMB.

2.2. Fill out and send by email. mail [email protected]. form statement.

2.3. Get confirmation from the Secretary of the Admissions Committee on the admission of the child to the KMB.

2.4. Print, fill out and sign by the parents an agreement on the provision of paid educational services according to the form and bring it on the day of arrival at the KMB.

After successful completion and a positive conclusion of the admissions committee, you should proceed to the 3rd stage of the procedure for admission to the ANEO "NOP CENTER".

3. Paperwork until 06/29/2018, necessary for enrolling a student to study at the "KKSHI" ANEO "NOP CENTER":

3.1. Fill out an application for enrollment in the "KKSHI" ANOO "NOP CENTER" in the form;

3.2. Fill in 2 copies and sign the contract with the General Director in the form with annexes:

Additional agreement to the contract;

Questionnaire of parents for a psychologist;

Application form of the applicant;

Questionnaire of the student about the state of health;

Questionnaire of IC "Assistance";

Card of medical examination of the child.

3.3. Submit the following documents:

Personal file (original) of the student from the previous school;

A copy of the student's birth certificate or passport;

A copy of the passports of the student's parents;

A copy of the health insurance policy;

Prof. card vaccination according to the form No. 063;

A certificate from the polyclinic (SES) about the absence of contact with infectious patients for 21 days (not earlier) before September 1st.

3.4. With the consent of the parties, an agreement on a charitable contribution is concluded in the form.

Upon admission, an input diagnosis of children is made in order to determine entry level knowledge in the main subjects for the subsequent (if necessary) development of an individual educational trajectory and selection teaching materials to fulfill the academic plan of the Federal State Educational Standards.

Applicants who have not passed the KMB can be admitted to the "KKSHI" ANEO "NOP CENTER" if there are vacancies and a positive interview with a probationary period prescribed in the supplementary agreement to the contract.

Students come to study on Sunday from 18.00 to 21.00, and go home for the weekend on Friday from 17.00 to 18.00 . Students can be picked up later or left for weekends (holidays) at the request of their parents in accordance with the regulations on the boarding school and for an additional fee, according to the price list.

The teaching staff and educators of ANEO "NOP CENTER" do not provide services for remedial education and correction of the behavior of children and adolescents. In addition to the disciplines of the Federal State Educational Standard, students also master the disciplines of specialized cadet education according to the daily routine from 7-00 to 22-00 hours. So free time remedial classes not with students. In the created learning conditions and in the presence of a special educational material and technical base for the successful development of basic and additional programs of specialized cadet education, students must have good basic knowledge, health, desire to learn and the necessary level of socialization.

For grades 10-11, students undergo individual training for admission to a professional educational institution of a civil or military profile chosen by parents and students. ANEO "NOP CENTER" at the request of parents and cadets can conduct individual training for admission to the branch of the federal state state military educational institution higher education"Military educational and scientific center Navy“Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov" in Kaliningrad on the basis of an agreement concluded on 01.11.2016 between ANEO "NOP CENTER" and this "Naval Academy".

Upon graduation from school with successful development curricula of federal state educational standards, students of a cadet boarding school after the 9th grade take state final exams (OGE), and after the 11th grade, a single State exam(USE).

Students who have successfully passed the exams are issued a state-recognized certificate of the appropriate level of education and a certificate of cadet education indicating the list and volume of studied disciplines of the cadet component in the form of ANEO "NOP CENTER". The certificate is recognized upon admission to higher educational institutions of a civil and military profile, and a certificate of cadet education may provide an additional advantage.

Children from any regions of the Russian Federation are accepted to the "KKSHI" ANOO "NOP CENTER".

"KKSI" ANOO "NOP CENTER" operates around the clock (including weekends and holidays) from September 1 to June 30.

Additional information can be obtained from the director of "KKSHI" ANOO "NOP CENTER" - Sviridova Svetlana Vladimirovna, by calling 8-905-514-45-45 from 9.00 to 18.00 Moscow time on working days or send questions by e-mail

The cadet corps is one of the general educational organizations created to prepare children for military or other public service(part 2 of article 86 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).

For the admission of a child to the cadet corps, we recommend that you adhere to the following algorithm.

Step 1. Choose a cadet corps for admission

There are several types of cadet corps: cadet (sea cadet) military corps, cadet (sea cadet) corps and Cossack cadet corps. The first of them is created only at the federal level, the other two - both at the federal and regional levels. At the same time, admission, for example, to the federal corps is carried out in the manner established by the federal state bodies in whose jurisdiction it is, in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science (parts 3, 4 of article 86 of Law N 273-FZ; clause 1 of the Regulation, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.06.2013 N 466; clause 2 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the FSB of Russia of 03.02.2017 N 72; Instruction, approved by Order of the FSB of Russia of 05.20.2014 N 277).

When choosing a cadet corps, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the age, level of education and health of the child. So, he can be admitted to admission if, according to the results of a medical examination, he is assigned to groups I or II of the state of health. We also recommend that you study the categories of persons who have the preferential right to enroll in training. These include, in particular, orphans and children left without parental care (part 6 of article 86 of Law N 273-FZ; clause 13 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 07.21.2014 N 515 ).

Step 2. Prepare documents for admission to the cadet corps

For a child to enter the cadet corps, as a rule, the following documents are required (clause 16 of Order N 515):

1) application of parents (legal representatives) for admission to study;

2) personal statement of the child;

3) a notarized copy of the birth certificate (for children over 14 years old - also a certified copy of pages 2, 3 and 5 of the passport);

4) the child's autobiography;

5) documents on progress for the past periods of study, certified by the seal of the general educational organization(copy of a personal file, an extract from the report card, pedagogical and psychological characteristics);

6) photographs of the appropriate format;

7) a copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy and medical card;

8) a medical report on the child's belonging to a certain group for physical education;

9) an extract from the house book from the place of residence (registration);

10) certificate from the place of service (work) of parents (legal representatives);

11) documents confirming the pre-emptive right to accept the candidate (in particular, certified copies of the death certificate of the only or both parents).

Additionally, you can attach documents confirming the achievements of the child, for example, copies of letters, diplomas, certificates of participation in various creative competitions, festivals, sports competitions and other documents characterizing his social, creative and sports achievements (clause 16 of Order N 515).

Step 3. Submit documents to the cadet corps and wait for their consideration

Depending on the departmental affiliation of the cadet corps, the terms and procedure for submitting documents for admission may differ. So, for educational institutions subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Defense, a period has been set from April 15 to June 1. Documents can be submitted to the cadet corps both in person and by mail (clause 16 of Order N 515).

By general rule the admissions committee of the cadet corps considers applications with the attached documents, forms personal lists of candidates admitted to the entrance examinations, and sends a notice to parents (legal representatives) within the prescribed period indicating the date and place of the entrance examinations.

Parents (legal representatives) of candidates who are denied admission to entrance examinations are also sent a notice signed by the chairman of the selection committee indicating the reasons for the refusal. In case of disagreement with the refusal, parents (legal representatives) can appeal (clause 19, Order N 515).

Admission to the Cadet Corps is based on the results of entrance examinations. Most often these are exams in Russian, mathematics and a foreign language. Also defined psychological readiness the child to study in the cadet corps, the level of his physical fitness, as well as social, creative and sports achievements are evaluated (clause 15 of Order N 515).

The criteria for making a decision on enrollment or refusal to enroll in training are established by the admission rules of a particular educational organization. For example, in cadet corps under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense, candidates are given a single score, which is entered on the list of entrance examinations and on the competitive list. Candidates with a priority right to admission, if the points scored with others are equal, are included in the competitive list in the first place (clause 24, Order N 515).

Competitive lists of candidates before July 25 are sent to the central selection committee, which prepares a draft order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the enrollment of candidates and submits it for signature to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. This order is posted on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. A notice of the candidate's enrollment is sent to his parents (legal representatives) indicating the date of arrival in the cadet corps (clause 27 of Order N 515).